StfNTLNLL c iiEFUiiLiUAN VT?FLINTOWN. WEPStSDAt. SEP. 19, 1894. b. f. snnwEi ER BDITOB AMD rBOPBISTOB. REPUBLIC 4J STATE TICK.. ET. FOR GOVEBNOR. OEN. DANIEL H- HASTINGS, of Bellefento. FOR LIKl'TKSAVT GOVEHNOR. WALTER LYON, ofl' ittsbnrg;. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, AMOS JHTLIN, of Lancaster JConofy. FOR 8ECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, GEN JAMES W. LATTA, of Philadelphia. FOR CONGRESS AT-LAROE. HON. GALCSHA A. GROW, of Gltnwood. HON. GEORGE F. HUFF, of Greenwood. FOR COSrtRESS, Thad M. Mihon. FOR ASSEMBLY, H. Latimer Wilson. FOR REGIST3B AND RECORDER, Anson B. Will. FOR gHF.BlTP. James H. Groningtr. FOR jrRY COMMISSIONER. Lowis Regea. Thomas O- Lawler of H ick field, Illinois, was t-Iecltd Cnmruacder-in-Cbief of the Grand Army of the Re public last week at l'ittsurvr. If Yt nnsvlvariia vots in propor tion to M.iine wb:it will the RepuMi can majority be? There will be noth ing left of the democratic reformers. President Cleveland in his letter to Congressman Cachings Bays, the tariQ question is not settled. The' President want.-i to fret nearer to free ; tride than the present bill places the , country. j j The free trader wants to make the ' world ail one market, and level prices ! to the priees of the ch-ap m tri-ets in j the world. England is ut the head: of the free traders and has fur com ; pany in the Uuitod Slates, all th-j foreign jobbers and importern, and a ! large percentage of ih.) democTHiic, party England wants to level prices j to prices in India and other Etstern ! countries. Reader, you are not will. ing to go with England and the dem ocratic party into such a scheme. Comrade Loiis Treaster of Mi Clure, Snyder county, cropped d ul on the top floor of Grant fctre-tsch -o , Pittsburg, when the La.vist-iwn G A. R. Post filed into tde sell ml linnst to quarter there during the Giuu l Army Encampment in the Nni-kv Citylast wefk. Cmradu Ti raster bad gone to Pittsburg as a gut si f the Post, ami just as he ren tn il th. topmost landing of the plaei. vl- r the Post whs to quarter, he fell t.. the floor and died instantly. He was , 54 years of age, a widower and lean s two sons aud a daughter ut M.iCiur. He was a member of C;mpauy 1. 184 Pennsylvania Regiment. He wn snbject to heart disease and it a that that took bis life. Pollard BreCkisridoe whs dfeat ed for CongvesMuDa) re-noro,ii.Mtiori, in the Ashland. Ky., Dis ricf, u Saturday, which sterns to prove thar there is a larir. percent Hje of people even in Kentucky who don't believe as Breckinridge and his lawyers, who at his trial in Washington tri-d to make it appear, that from the davs of Abraham it has been the practice of most men to have a pluraliiy of women wunin or without ti.e pale of htimin law. The sanctity of the marriage vjws were not of much account in the South. Only a generation ago a cou ple would be married one dav, aud the next day, if it suited better, 1 sold away from each other as people of the northern States tell cat tie and hos, and it whs a common practice to secure a healthy negro man and send him around on the plantations among both single and married women. How was it possi ble for a people to be chaste who made such practices part of their every day business life. If the Pol lard and Breckinridge issue was the real issue against Breckinridge, tnen has the South started in the road to a more chaste living. This is the Time This is the time for the best en deavorsof patriotism If it sh.ili grasp the great opportunity u w presented the Republican par y ! enter upou a new if nt ora. 1 career in the redemption .f H from material and industrial mi-.-ysis, from the lack of c.-utidVii-. , which is the father of pa..i,-, fn. that commercial frenzy which d.iv. bolvency to the wall, and fr m t. unscrupulous demagogy which s- ek to array cUss against class, capita against labor, and section ftpaii.s section .From speech of Gen Hast ings at League of Cubs Convention HOW IS IT. The well intentioned citizen . has not yet decided how to v .te i the coming election mav well c n-id er h-.s ground. I hope he will f qnire of himself how he lik-s tht conditions since the Republics par ty has gone out of power. How i.H it been with him individual? H s he had steady employment? Is -paid the old Republican ra- Does he find the cost of living ci.ea er aud the ability to meet that est better Is his business prosperous? Is he as contented and confident of the future as before. When h ha answered to himself tiiee vital qus tions let him, on his way to th p li pase i the silent mill, the cold furnace the broken bank, the deserted forge; Jet hun pass by poverty and whi.i, business paralyzed aud cot fi 1W--vanished, and then record hi judg ment of the responsibility for Hies conditions an3 bis hop f..r tb- fn ture in th hallut which he pi m the box Prom speech of Ge rai Hastings at the League of Cm-soou-vention. THE CAMPAIGN OPEN. The Issue Plainly Defined by General Hastings. AT TEE BIO CLUB OOBTEHTIO. la the riMmt at the Ta( Man t Mm Party at Harrlahara- Caere! BaetlBce Dwflaes tha Imb at tha Present Caaa palga, aaa Invitee All Thonghtral Cltl seas r every Party ta Olva Taeaa Caa alderatloa A Coaviaelna; Argument far Rapabllcaa Tata. The Pennsylvania campaign of 1894 was formally opened at Harristrarg last week when the Leagne of Republican club of the state met in annual convention. It was an occasion never to be forgotten by tha enthusiastic members of the party who participated in it, and if the zeal there manifested by the young men is contin ued throughout the campaign there is no room to doubt that the verdict of Penn sylvania in November will be entirely sat isfactory to the friends of the policy of protection and most demoralizing to tha few remaining advocates of free trade. The great interest naturally centered in the speech of General Hastings, which was delivered at the Opera House on Wed nesday evening in the presence of a crowd of enthusiastic Republican workers that filled every inch of space in the larga building. General Hastings was escorted from bis hotel by a delegation of clubs from risburg and Stcelton, and it was fully fif teen minutes after he appeared on the stage before there was quiet sufficient for him to proceed with bis address. Such an ovation has seldom been accorded any man in Pennsylvania. On being intro duced General Hastings spoke as follows: Mr. President and (imtlemen of the Con vention of the Pennsylvania Republican Club League: It was h peil that before the campaitcn in Pennsylvania opened the lurifT issue would be settled and that the lonn and wcRry contro versy would be ended, at least for the pres ent. This would have been a great relief to the country. However much the people may have entertained this desire, the country is notified by the prrsideirf himself in his letter to Representative tatchinKS that the agita tion will be ri-tmmed in let-ember. at least as to one of its most important features, that of free raw materials. I think it is not too much to say that the Immediate dnnfeers inci dent to this agitation maybe avoided if the verdict of the people at the November elec tions throughout the country will sustain tha desire of the senate to stop the controversy over the tnriiT. and it is that sentiment more than all other issues in this campaign which the Republican party is called upon to direct. The icoplc rarely determine more than one isrue at any given time, and the overshadow ing question now before us is that of Ameri can protection. Nothing has transpired since the defeat of 1S92 that ought to change a Republican vote in 1W4. The Republican who then voted fur a change appear to le ready to help bring about another change, and the signs of the times indicate that the peo;le generally are In favor of a return to Republican supremacy. luring the past two years we have followed our banners in defeat as loyalty as when they led the wav to victory, and it is a matter of pride and abiding sal : -.fact ion that in the cam paign before us there is not an achievement of Republicanism for which an aistlogy is here or elsewhere required. We have not aban doned a principle hitherto espoused, and will not. Our party's record illuminates every page of our country's history since lstw. and there is not a sentence tr a syllable we would eradicate if we hail the power. Today the young Republicans of Pennsyl vania corue together todo their part for No vembcr's conquest. The enthusiasm of this convention is but another evidence that our party is united in every section with a single ness of puriH)se never before known in the his tory of the state. With unshaken confidence and unbroken ranks we will again seek the public judgment after thorough discussion. PEOPLE NOT SATISFIED. The people are anxious to vote. They are desirous of recording their Judgment and en tering their protest against existing condi tions. In February last the opportunity was presented, and the people of Pennsylvania by an unparalleled majority notltied the country that they were not satisfied with the ruling conditions at Washington. Time has only in tensified the desire to enter another and a more emphatic protest. Pennsylvania, with her great population, her growing cities, her diversity of industries, her native wealth, her intellectual advance ment and unfaltering patriotism, has never, when fluty required, failed to blaze the way for the other states to follow. In this crisis Pennsylvania will be looked to to lead the way. Nature has blessed no other state with such wealth and lioundless resources. The found ers of our country made her the Keystone of the federal arch. and her native wealth, united with the industry, thrift and intelligence of her people, hare made her equally the Key stone of American protection. Kvery indus try within her borders, with its teeming en ergy and cheery music, contented and happy workman and prosperous employer, was a monument erected to the protective policy. Today they are the forceful but silent protests against free trade. She stands, by virtue of her imperial position, at the head of the col umn of protective states. She has long set the standard for tiie nation, anil every principle of self preservation and patriotism should le incentive to hold her advanced position in the roTuing struggle. Pennsylvania stands for the fair and rational protect ion of her o n material interests and Ler own people, hut demands nothing for them which she does not accord to every other state in the I'nion. 1 hi. vean shilling faith that the great majority of lc r people are confident in the lcllcf that fu' progress, indepen dence, thrift and conn men: are largely de pendent ii)Hn tile sure and intelligent enforce ment of the protective iolicy. They will so ieclare in tittmi.-takahle toins at the first op portunity. If P shall l-e asserted that national issues haa n'i place in tin- state campaign, we rcply that there is no citizen, no business, no inter est, no occupation in the commonwealth that is not conrcrnid in these questions, and there is uu Mate in all the union so vitally inter ested as Pennsylvania. The well intentioned citizen who has not yet derided how to vote at the coming elec tion may well consider his ground. 1 hope he will Inquire of himself how he likes the con ditions since the Republican party has gone out of power. lio.v has it been with him In dividually? Has he had steady employment? Is he paid the old Republican wage rate? Does he find the cost of living cheajier. and the ability to meet that cost better? Is bis busi ness prosperous? Is he as contented and confident of the future as lefore? When be has answered to himself these vital ques tions, let him. on Ills way to the polls, pass the silent milt, the cold furnace, the broken bank, the deserted forge, let him pass by poverty and want, business paralyzed and confidence vanished, and then record his judgment of the responsibility for these conditions and his hope for the future in the ballot which ha places in the box. ALL VITALLY IXTKHESTED. Let him consider w hat would be left. If it sere possible tostrikeout of the country's bis ory that which had been accomplished hrough the agency of the Republican party vpndiatiou of the public faith, discordant etatea. human slavery, civil war. a dishonored flag, and the taunts of other nations that the American form of government was a failure. This is the time for the best endeavors of patriotism. If it shall grasp the great oppor tunity now presented, tiie Republican party will enter niion a new. if not a grander career In the redemption of the land from material and industrial paralysis, from the lack of con fidence which the father of panics, from that commercial frenzy which drives solvency to the wall and from that unscrupulous quality of demagogy which seeks to array class gainst class, capital against labor, and sec tion against section. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Tha student of oar times has been urged to believe that the responsibility for the present aondltlon of the country should not be laid at the door of the party in power. He is advised that these depressions in business, by soma law not understood or ezplained.come period ically and irresistibly, and that the responsi bility therefor cannot be located. But it is a remarkable coincidence that almost every In dustry halted, business received a stroke of paralysis, and confidence, in almost every avenue of trade and commerce, stood still tha moment the returns revealed the fact that Harrison was no longer president and that his successor was reinforced by partisan ma jorities la branches of the national legisla ture. Another argument still more specious is ad vanced that the cans of the panic must be traced to the general effect of the McKlnley tariff law upon the commercial and Industrial conditions of tha country. The history of the times has proven that law to be a most wise and intelligent readjustment of rates and schedules made necessary by the Increasing j developments and demands of the country. I It etoaed no industrial establishment. It injured no individual industry. It reduced no man's wages. Neither the McKlnley law nor the Republican party left to Pres ident Cleveland or bis party a legacy of hard times, idle industries, unproductive enter prises, or unemployed labor. President Cleve land came into power with a country blessed with unprecedented activity in every branch of human employment. He found labor la active demand, and found it better paid than ever before in the world's history. He as- : snnied charge of a government with un par allel! credit and unimpeachable honor. Dun's Trade Review" declared that "the year isat has been the tuost prosperous ever known in business. f In the face of these conditions, its oppo- nents declared "Republican protection to be a fraud and a robbery;" that it was "nnoon- ; stilutlnnal:" that it was "the culminating , atrocity or class legislation. LEAPS ALL THE XATIONS. I care not what epithets may be applied; you know and I know that after thirty years of protection, up to the advent of the present administration, this country was never more happy and prosperous. I'nder protection we took the first rank i a all lines of industrial . and material development. Measured by any ' standard America led the world nndera pol- j Ut of American protection, and notwith standing the dark cloud that now rests over it. aud which we hope will soon be happily j dispelled, is and n ill continue to be the great est, most prosperous and grandest of all the nations of the earth. The fucts are plain and the record marvel ous. After lif teen years of tariff for revenue. President Lincoln found not a dollar in the treasury and the national credit gone. After selling the bonds of the government at 11 per cent, below par. Huchanan's secretary of the treasury, when he found the bidders ex hausted but t he bond not sold, advised con gress to ask for an indorser and suggested that if the stutes would go security for tha nation the auction might continue and more bonds he sold. This was the condition when Lincoln, the Republican party, the civil war and a new protective taritf began to make his tory. Lincoln lived only to see the successf nl issue of arms. Those who came after him struggled with a war debt of appaling propor tions and sought to reconstruct a land de pleted of men and money, laid desolate by carnage. A third cm a century later the marks of strife upon the battlefields were no more nearly effaced than the war debt, and today the story of both is told in enduring monu mentsand the nation's pension roll. Where doesbistory record a parallel for such a strug gle and such a glorious issuer And through these years istpnlations in creased, intellectual nnd moral development was everywhere stimulated, cities and towns. workshops and factories, mills and furnaces, linked together by railroads and rivers, were filled with happy, prosperous and contented people. The broken bank, the assignee and the receiver were as much a curiosity as the idle workshop. Labor was never so well paid in any country or in any time, and it was never in greater demand and never paid in better money. Whatever the future may have in store for our country ami her Industries and her commerce, the record of the past thirty years will stand forth as a monument to the wisdom and sagacity of the statesman ship that continued from Lincoln to Harrison. WHAT TltE ItEAL 1KSLE IS. This campaign should not be lost or won upon mistaken issues. There should be no rtsnu for passion or prcjudice.norfor thedem agoguc or professional calamity shouter. The real issues are largely questions of business and govern Uicnt. My ersonal respect and regard for the distinguished leader of the e raocrucy and his associates on the ticket are an additional reason with mo that there should be no cloud upon the true issue, lis has been for many years the leader of free trade thought in this state. His great news paper for many years has teen the fearless and iersisteiit advocate of fne trade. I knov. of n single time In the Inst decade when his newspaper has swerved from the line marked out by its owner to instill into every house hold where his paper went those principles of free trade so clearly Bet forth in the Chicago platform, and so persistently inculcated by ITesidcnt Cleveland and his party. Heretofore we have never contended that the differences between the parties were nearly so great as are now demonstrated by the events of the Inst year and a half. The people of this country are determined to better their condi tion, if Intelligent votinz will do the work. This determination comes from the grave ne cessities of the hour necessities sadly shown to be far more important and powerful than prejudice or fealty to political parties. The American iMple are progressive, ag gressive, restless and ambitious; they are al ways seeking to better their condition. Their ingenuMy and activity in politics have been little short of the same qualities exhibited iu their inventions and enterprise as applied to our industrial and material conditions. In the latter regard they have eclipsed every other land .and every other people. These qualities, prevailing to a lesser decree in Eng land, directed the tendency in the United Kingdoiu. because of its limited territory and overflowing population, toward ultimate free trade. THE PEOPLE WEHE MISLED. The English Influence, so persistently Incul cated in the American mind, ton large degree led many of our people to a belief that free trade wunht be a step in advance and a bene fit to our country. We had lived through a generation of protection and our prosperity and development w-ere regarded as a cunstant factor attached to all lines of industry and trade which it was thought no legislation could affect. So persistently had the free trade doctrine been dis-emiimted that many well Intentioned people all over the country begun to liok upon protct tion r i positive in jury and the creature of weaun to increase wealth at the expense of those who were less fortunate. At all events the party which de clared Republican protection tobe "fraud and robbery" elected their typical representative president of the United States aud placed a majority of his own party in both brunches of congress to assist him in carrying out his well declared intentions. His induction into office was coincident with the beginning of a steady drain of gold to other countries, a return of American securi ties to our own shores, where they found a disordered market, which went from bad to worse until the currency of the country was largely withdrawn from circulation, tbebusi ncss interests paralyzed, labor without em ployment, and the American labor market re duced toward a par with the cheaper market of the world. Banks were compelled to close their doors, financial Institutions were driven to the wall, and the business of the country lay prostrate. The president arrived early at the conclu sion that the repeal of the purchasing clauses of the Sherman silver law would relieve the country. Good men In both parties took op posite views on the subject, but the general consensus of public judgment seemed to be that a prompt repeal of the Sherman law w ould at least give a measure of relief. The bitter debates and contentions which f "Mowed the introduction of the measure in congress and the long and needless delay in its consid eration found p-.e country, when the measnre reached the piVsident for his signature, in a condition where almost every institu'iin and industry that was not destined to survive every possible condition of embarrassment had gone down in the general crash. TAItirr LEGISLATION. At the same time the Wilson bill, prepare! by the leading free traders In congress, bear ing the stamp of the president's approval, was Introduced and found a speedy passaga through the lower house of congress. There were many Democrats of that body who real ized that the final passage of the measure would sound the tocsin of their own political death, as well as financial ruin to many of their constituents. The influences, however, which made the bill and backed its passage were stronger than any the objecting Demo crats could bring, and between the Scylla of protectltin of borne industries and the t'haryb dis of free trade at the White House the measure found an easy voyage to the senate. There trouble began in earnest. Strong, In dependent and patriotic men were brave enough to encounter presidential disfavor and party censure rather than acquiesce in a measure that would surely prove disastrous and bring ruin among the people whom they had been chosen to represent. To save them selves, perhaps more than to succor the coun try, they began adding protective amend ments for the benefit of their respective con stituencies. Republican senators were power less to mould: they could but back by threats of delay the demands of Democrats for pro tection. The people of the country who came to lay their petitions and appeals before the committee were ignored. The star chamber councils of the senatorial committee were closed against all the country and their rep resentatives, even the Republican mem bers of the commiteee being excluded. The south alone secured a bearing. It dominated both committees, alike in numbers and in fluence. Most of its demands were for free trade, because the plantation system fosters a policy which means poorly paid labor; hut where the south needed protection it got it. Sectionalism did all it could and was only prevented from doing more by the attitude of a handful of northern Iemocratlc senators, who met its demands with outspoken protest, as brave as the protests of Pennsylvania's patriotic Samuel J. Randall in his successful battle against the Mills bill. A TARtTV nf SPOTS. It is safe to say that no protective amend ment would have found a lodgment upon the riglnal bill if a sufficient number of senators could have been found in the body to pass it Concessions had tobamadeinordertoobtaina majority. The Democratic demand for a tariff in spots, m the face of the declared purpose of the party and its chosen chieftain, resulted in mors than six hundred amendments six hun- tarad spots on the free trad sua I Tor asms thSB a year the unhappy Democrats wimagled, while the more unhappy people mi tha coun try struggled for bread and buttar. Whan the measure was presented to tha senate, so changed and mutilated was ita conditloa that Its parents declined to recognise It and viewed it with horror. The president himself Invoked very Influence and prerogative of his great office to force his own notions upon the senate, and declared that those of his party who would not bow to his decree were guilty.among other crimes, of "party perfidy and dishonor. The people's interests were lost sight of In the angry contentions between the president ana the opposing faction of bis own party foe supremacy. In that contest the victory was against the president and on the side of the spotted bill. Indeed, the earnest and growing opixmition compelled him to lower his colors, while his majority in the house made a speedy surrender, firing a few popguns by way of protest. The product of the year's work on tariff re form has resulted in placing on the statute books a measure which satisfies neither po litical party. A distinguished Democratie senator publicly declared before the senate that he doubted if it gave satisfaction to a thousand people in all the land. Twelve months' work for free trade is ended. The people In patience and actual suffering have waited for a new dispensation, which was to bring prosperity, happiness, comfort and con tentment to all the land, and all of the people thereof. ALL RATI BrFPERED We read In the history of earlier times that there long prevailed a common thought cur rent through many eras that In the business of acquiring money or proiierty.what one mai gained another lost. No other theory of tho exchange of wealth was more popular than this. Among the commercial nations dealings through barter, rather than manufacture or materal development, appeared to justify the theory. Such a comparison of values extended in the earlier days to this country, and won somewhat of general acceptance, but more re cent experiences have proved its fallacy. This controlling thought must have been in the mind of Mr. Lincoln when he declared in his homely way that the simplest explanation of American protection was embodied in the suggestion that if an American purchased S3U worth of goods in a foreign country America had the goods ana the foreign country bad the money.but that if the Americ an purchased the gocsls in America, America would have both the goods and the money. Since the events of the past eighteen months have called a halt upon development every man and woman in the land has become poorer than before. The mechanic has had lo trench upon the snvingsof his previous pros perous years to enable his family to live. So, too, has it hvcu in greater or less degree with the capitalist, the uierator. the miner and the farmer. No ratling has been exempt from the universal fall, and all have suffered a loss of substance, the suffering being largely measured by the ability to bear it. It is sadly easy to realize this truth so uni versal throughout the country. It is now seen and known of all men and women and it strikes from under it the very foundation of free trade, which looks only to free exchanges of goisls in tho marts of the world. The United Suites desires and demands more than that. It is the richest in resources of all lands given to tiie use of man. It bus untold stores of every class of material wealth, needing only the handiwork of man to niake it con tribute to the usesof civilization. These at tract to them both population and capital ; hence our great towns aud cities distant from every other avenue of commerce than is af forded by great railways and internal water ways. The highway of the sea is not the only thoroughfare leading to profitable markets. Here we seek within our own borders a mar ket which should be our own, a market af forded by 7o.tMi.OuO of people who when pros perous are the best buyers and the most ex tensive consumers known to trade. With manufactures and all other lines of industry closed by adverse legislation, the home labor tuarkct falls to the level of the cheapest mar kets. The power of leglslat ion over, nay, the threat of legislation upon the question will never again le mistaken by the people. They see it now as they had never seen it before. Et rEtTK OF AGITATION. With the belief that the question might be settled in some form and the agitation al layed, and with the earnest desire to adjust ail lincss of industry lo the conditions im posed by the new law, it was hoped that busi ness generally wonld try to resume; but with tiie distinct notice from the official head of the party In power that the agitation will be re sumed when congress convenes in December next, it is to be feared thut the beat we may expect will be to see poverty not so intense, comfort modified by careful economies, pro gress upon lines shaded to suit difficult sur roundings, development modified to lessened needs, and all too sadly, cheaper men and women tluau we were wont to see under a round generation of Republican legislation. Painful as is this reflection, it is but the darker cloud which Invites the dawn The peo ple hae been awakened as never before. If the November elections shall restores Repub lican house of representatives at Washington, the initial step will have been accomplished, and if the popular verdict shall be decisive not only in Pennsylvania, but in every other section, it will surely pave the way to a re newed ascendency in "(Ki. and the elect ion of a Republican president will crown the efforts made necessary by the vicissitudes of 'W and W. Congress is adjourned. Its house members are returning to face criticism from theiroon stitueuts, whi:e the Democratic majority in the senate Is divided into free trade and semi protective factions. Thr president, after ten days' consideration, declared that he was so much chagrined and di-giiste-l that he could not even dignify the measure : y atlachin'j bis signature thereto, and in th . a-i;e breath hegavethe country notice that :it the next session of congress in Dccemlcr the tariff agi tation would be renewed antl I lie warfare again waged until protection is blotted out as to all raw materials. This is the lamentable product of the work of the past year. The mighty energies of the country lie dormant after a year's waiting for the outcome of a crusade whose results h:'.ve disgusted even its creators. Let the thoughtful men of the state and the country who have in view the great problems and perilous perhsls which were so bravely met and mastered by the Republican party during the past thirty years, consider the va cillating end disastrous efforts of the party Dow in power to cope with the public ques tions of the last eighteen months, and answer whether the Democratic party has proved its capacity for safe independent action in this or any other serious period in our country's re cent history, and whether their proisr place In government Is not that of an objecting mi nority. Do not all men see that they have shown themselves incapable of formulating or carry ing out any consistent policy of constructive legislation? Is it not true that since the party was placed in control of the government in 1HB2 there has been scarcely a question of ad ministrative policy, foreign or domestic, in which it has not gone counter to the sober Judgment of the great body of the American people ? The. people will endeavor to adjust them selves to the new c. editions, and it is my earnest hope that far as possible a read justment will offer r industries un oppor tunity to resume business. If the people are satisfied witli the year's work at Washington they will vote for a con tinuation of that kind of governmental policy. If they are not. as I believe they are not, they will abide the time until they can make an ef fective appeal to the freemen's tribunal, the American ballot box. In its infancy the Republican party was strong enough, with the aid of the patriotic citizens of all other parties, to restore the Union; in its youth it was wise enough to give our nation and its p.-ople unprecedented pros perity; in its manhood it is great enough to bring bock a prosperity lost through misun derstanding and misrepresentation. TtrE AMERICAS PUBPOSE. The present conditions invite the profound est thought and the highest patriotism. They invoke a deeper reverence for law and order. They demand an American standard compre hending every American interest and individ ual. Let English statesmanship provide for tireat Britain; let France and Oermany and Russia and the other nations provide for them of their own bou-hold. They have proven through ages to be able to take care of them selves. Let American charity begin in the American home.which is the unit of American stability and glory. Let us raise the stan dard of American citizenship and teach ourselves to appreciate more deeply the blessings that God has showered upon onr land and all of ita inhabitants. Let us be more patriotically jealous of our indi vidual and national privileges and preroga tives, antl more careful whom we permit to hare them with us. Lot us bold fast to the great fact that each one of us is an integral and responsible part of our common country; that we are relatively responsible for its up building or its decline; that the emblems upon these walls are onr colors bequeathed to us by other Americans whose example should be as a torch to our future progress; that this is our country and these our institutions, nnd that every battlefield and patriot's grave Is a monument erected to insure their prosperity. The fathers guaranteed to us both civil and religious liberty, which, as in the past, so in the future, must ever run in paraUel Unes,and you well know that parallel lines never come together. The same power guaranteed to us a lee simple title in all American institutions. Therefore, the American market is our mar ket; the American home is our home; the American free schools are our schools; the American Sabbath is our Sabbath; the Ameri can fields and farms, mines and mills, fac tories and workshops are ours, to be defended and protected by tha aea and women of America. Speeches war alao made hy General Latta, and Congressman Stone, and after three cheers tor the ticket the maetiim adjourned. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, rncL, says: "I owe my life to the Treat Sooth American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from j the effect of an exhausted Stomach, i Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Sold bv L. Banks ft Co., Druggist, Mif -flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly. .To be Sold at Private Sale. The undersigned offer at private sale a tract ef fifteen acres of land in Fermsjuagh township, bounded by lands of Wm. Hawk, Dr Lucian Banks, Jfoyer's heirs and Joseph Ob erholtzer. This land is well set with young? Chestnut and Rock Oak and is rapidly growing in valnes. Atkinson & Penneix. UT. H'm, A. Booth Indiana, Pa. Saved "My Life 86 Worth of Hood's Sarsa pari Ha Severe Case ef Nicotine Poisoning. C. I. Hood tt Co., Lowell, Mass. : " Gentlemen : I write these line to certify that Hood's sarsaparilla has cured me of a most painful disease from which I have suffered the past four years. It appeared In the form of eruptions on my neck and face, spreading over my body, so painful that I could not sleep at night, and could not work In the day time, and when I did lay down and get Into a little doze. If I would move just a little. It would start that terrible sensation, and Blood Would Start from the eruptions on my legs and body. I had to wear bandages all the time. My eyes were badly swollen, my back lit terrible condition. One physician said It was weed poison, another eczema, and the last told tno it was Nicotine Poisoning, and that I would have to go to a physician who made a speciality of my disease. (I omitted te say thut I am a cigar maker by trade.) Bat Hood's Sarsaparilla had been recommended, and 1 thought I would try It. and I am heartily thankful thut I did. I can truly say that Hood's Darsaparuia nas enecieu A Perfect Cure. I am free from sores, have a good appetite, no dull feelings, and that continual sick headache Is gone. This wonderful cure has only cost me Dve dollars. This small amount of money baa Hdod'sCurcs rid me of ail my sufferings. I am till taking nood's Sarsaparllla, my faithful friend which baa saved aay life. I cannot praise it enough.' Vj. A. LooTH, Indiana, Pennsylvania. , Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigesUon. LEGAL. PROCLAMATION. W bike as information has been received that certain parties have constructed and placed in the Juniata river nnd its trthti taries in my bailiwick fish baskets si.d eel wc us. nets, winf -walls snd fish dams for the purpose of tsking fish contrary to law; therelor notice is hereby given lo sll parties Interested, that all such nsh baskets snd eel weirs existing in the said Juniata river snd tributaries within the limits of Jnniata county are hereby declared a common nui sance and the owners or manager- thereof are hereby ordered to dismantle the same aiihin fen days from tbe date hereof, o as to render them no longer capable of tsking or injuring tbe fishes of tbe said strxam of hatever kind; and il after the expiration if tbe said ten davs this notice shall not bsvo been complied with, then the asme shall be destroyed or dismantled in accord snce with the Act of Assembly, in ucb case made snd provided. SAMUEL LAPP. SneriJJ. Sheriff's Office. Afifiiintown, September 8tb, 1894. o KPUANS'COURT SALB. Tbe undersigned Administrator of Will lam Hart, late of Tuscarora township, Jun iata county, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Juniata County, will sell at fnblie vendue or Outcry, Saturday. October 6th, 1894, at 10 o'clock A- M.,on the premises, the following described Keal Estate; A Tract of Land situate in Tuscarora township, Juniata County, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of James Stewart; on the east by lands of Leonard Woodward; on tbe south by lands of Will iam Butler, Jonathan B. Okeaon's heirs and Joseph Bennett, and un the west by lands ot James I atterson, contjimog 150 ACHES, more or less, ana nsving tnereon erected a part Log and Part Fnme House, Log Barn, and other out-buiidings. There are two Apple Orchards on the place, one of which it in ita prime. 70 Acres in cultivation. Balance well set with timber. This Isrm ia situate about I miles north, east of McCoy sville and will make a g od cheap home for an enterprising farmer. Terms or Sale of Keal Estate. 10 per cent, of purchase money in cash en day ol Sale; 45 per cent, when sale is confirmed b tbe court; GO per cent, on April 1st, 1895, when deed will be delivered ard pos sess ion given; balance on April 1, 1896, to be secured by judgment on mortgage. At tbe same time and place tbe following Personal Property of aaid Decedent, will also be sold; 1 two year old Gelding, 1 Colt, 1 Milk Cow,, 1 two horse wagon and box, 1 aleigb, 1 mower, I hay race, 1 corn planter, plow, side hill plow, spike tooth barrow, oiling screen, a pair of hay ladders, grind-stone and other articles too numer ous to mention. JAMES St. HA ET, Administrator of Win. Hart,dec'd. I will alao aell at the same time and place tbe following Personal Property: 8 milch Cos 6 yearling steers, 2 two year old heifers, 1 bull and a span ot millet, Lot of rye atraw. T1LLIB BART. gjADIES' 18 but skin deep. TheTearetheuaandaortadK' who hare regular features and would be ue corded tbe palm of beauty were it not for a root complexion. To all such We recommend DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM as poarain; tbea. qualities that quickly change the most sallow and florid complexion to one of natural healtl and unblemished beauty. It cures Oily Skin Freckles, Slack Heads, Blotches, 8 unborn. Tan, Pimples, and all lBrperfeetiona of the skin. It if. not a cosmetic but a cure, yet is bet ter for thn toilet table than powder. Sold by UruggiaU, or sent port paid upon receipt of Mte. O. C tYnSRCO.. TeMa, o riGBtlI SBOOTIHO. VCw. oswtramon ATI flffCTAil IH at Dlfif A: 10 Dvimvvu to ? " -.--a Uox ema.!. ATI thtfl DaaS6 Mil BUU DUWWilg inwwvas was ground at this place on Saturday. Two of the sportsmen we rr ;oi,e, nn tmm Tjewistown and B. J. Cleve eud Jeeepb Gums of this place. Each man baa ao pigeons w shoot at. One of the Harrisburg mpn shot 22 of his 25 pigeons. The 2nd Harrisburg man shot 21. Th" . . a A-AfT atl .le,A Liwistown man snot za. wiev 18. Gums shot 24, He mies d oe pigeou. The shootit g was witness ed by a good many peopie- twiu number of young men with snot guns from town, stationed themselves about the field and when a bird was missed by a sportsman, they took a shot at it when it bad winged its way beyond the prescribed shooting limits of the sportsmen. Cempartaaeat Care mm the Peaasvlvaala Uoaltea. The American people of to-day are the best travellers in tha world. They require the best accommoda tions, and it is the aim of th rail roads and the sleeping car lines to .nniit iliMTi Mativ neoDle desire pp J J esclu8iveness in their accommoda tions which has heretofore been pro- vldcrd in the drawing ana Butte The demand for the draw- ing-rooms is increasing, and in order to meet it the Pennsylvania Railroad nnnui has atMed to the already comprehensive and complete equip ment of tne fennsyivania ajiiuimju -fntrmnrtmAnt car. This car. finished in the usually luxurious style of the Limited Cars, co i tains to large draw ing rooms and seven State-rooms. Tha draw in t rooms contain a section and one lower berth, the State-rooms one section. Both have complete ana individual lavatory arrangements. In this car one'may enjoy all the privacy ot a Hotel room, ana travel ni most as much secluded as f n a pri vat A Mr The Pennsylvania Limited, leaving New Jtoi k every clay at iu.uu a. Philadelphia 12.20 noon, Washing i 10 30 A. M Baltimore 11.40 A. M , and arriving at Chicago 9 A. M., nevf. rlnvr in thn nnlv nerfectlv BD pointed Limited Express running be tween iuastern cities ana iuicago. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partner- s'jip lately subsisting between Jobs J. Pat .bsom, Ja., and Wilbesfobce Schwbteb, In MiillTtown, in the State of Pennsylvsnia, UDder 'he firm name of Patterson Sc. hweyer, has beun dissolved this day by mutual consent. Dated Julv 17th, 1894. JOHN J. PATTERSON, JR., W1LBEKF0RCE SCHWETER. JXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Etitnto of the Cstberine Lauvtr. Letters Testamentary on the eststo of Catherine Lanver, deceased, late ot Monroe ewnsbip, having been granted to tbe un. derMgmd All persons iodebtbd to aaid e-itutt are requested to m ike immediate nymrnt, and those hiving claims to pre. sent the same without delay REUBEN LAUVER, JOHN H. MOYER, Evendale, Juniata County, Penna. Pennsylvania CoUege, Gettysburg-, Pa. Founded ut 1832. Large Faculty. Two full enures of study Classical ard Scientific Special courxes in all departments. Observatory, Lab-a- tories and new Oymnnsium. Six lare buildings. Steam best. Librariea ?2,(XK) volumes. Expenses low. Department ot Hygiene and Physical Culture iu charge of an experienced pbysxun. Accessible by trequent railroad trains. Location on the BATTLEFIELD ot Ge tysbu'g. most pleas ant and healthy. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT in separate buildings, for bovs and young men preparing lor business or College, un der special care of the Principal and three OfS'stants. residing with students in the building. Full term opens September 6tb, Ib'J. For Catalogue, address H. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., LL. D.. President, or REV O. G. KLINGEK, A. M., Principal. Gettysburg. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersign d persons have formed an Association tor tho protection of tbeir re anective nrnnertina All tvr.ona im h..u. by notiikd not to trespass on tbe lands of cue unutTKigDcu ior luepurpose oi nuntmg, gathering nuts, chtping timber or throwing down lencca or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot the above no tice w ill be dealt with according to law. John Micro?!, William Pnffeobcrger, (iideoa Sieber, Beasbor At Zook, alary A. Brubaker, Joseph Ro'brock, John Byler, P annuel Bell. September 5, 1A95. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold Mtrisrht. m rnL mo warmitr. AdkotaBti to City. Villi or Country. NdMl In mrmrr nouM, uop, tMre ini otocn. ienoa and bat Ml lr cm ttamrth. AftMli MMaiw ft sit a B per 4m. Om ia Midamc bmbi a ) to ail tb MgnDora. t in iBtwnuDtmut, no toy, worn anywboro, any dltrtanc. Oomploto, ready for a bn hipped. Can few pat ap by any tmm, M?r ont of order, no nfiMirlnc. last a life timet. VarrantMi. A mMeV mavkaw. Writ W. P. Hjwriat. 4 Co., Ctark M, Coiunbtjt, a We sett I Dlbl h L to sdsxs&svi imvn -sr O v taillfV tut.e. Ours at hi BklB Tmm 1 fMCere i .7." . woou-nme, x ids same as any BM&wneel. 12n:vi('..ti,t. l.7 S55.2S AGUE ROADSTER $55 Guaranteed some as agents sell for ITS to 1100. ACME ROAD RACER, 25 lbs. fin WOOD-RIMS.' OOUl Perfect tines, perfect stearin, perfect adjustment. Guaranteed same as scents sell for (126 and $ua. Written warranty with every machine. Every time too buva bicycle throoah an agent you parfttl to S50 raore than onr wholesale price for eaaaVaejalitV. It costs about as much to sell tticjrcles tbronsti wents and dealers as it does to make tbem. Eel pruuenes sou ecoaomr muotert the better war and h uinm a. wnoiecaie prices lltnatratad Catalogue free. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. MD RUPTURE! Pa. at- -nc. lin ntee oyDr., .1 mm m. 5?!-. iS-" no J operatioB or bnsineT de'ay. rr.onsHr.os of enrea. n- aaJTSSfJ T7. "l nQ. Reading. Pa..ind'swtnrday S achmcnu. to tor circulars, -sice lrce S3 fctarat . .am SBTHtMAlT'S VAL -Bwrw ---7- Tim. table oll in on Header, September 11.1898. . STATIONS. West- East ward, ward. j r P A If A at FBI 6 66 10 I 8 10 4 Of 8 OR 10 08 8 07 8 57 6 12 10 07 8 '8 8 S3 6 15 10 10 8 00 8 60 6 25 1" 17 7 66 8 46 6 22!l0 21 7 51 8 41 6 81110 26 7 48 8 88 6 89!10 84 7 40 8 82 6 61 10 46 7 25 8 16 6 64 10 40 7 20 8 10 7 16 II 00 7 14 8 04 7 12 1107 7 06 2 56 7 17 11 12 6 69 2 49 7 28 11 18 6 66 2 45 7 27 11 22 6 60 2 40 7 85 11 80 6 43 2 88 7 41 11 86 6 84 2 24 7 45 11 40 6 80 2 20 Newport Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... Wahneta ......... Svlvan ...... .... Wat-r Ping Bloomtield Jonct'o. Taller Road Elliottaburg Green Park Loysvllle Fort Robeson ..... Center ........... China's Ran Andersonburg ..... Blaia .. . ........ Uount Pleasant . .. New Germant'n ... w. sieniflM no Brent. 'T tele- phone connection. u, uniitui i i.i..vU. ... w C. K. Miller, General Agent. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRY COUNTY KA1 KERRY COUNT I RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Mov. 19, 1893, aod the traina will be run aa fbllowi.- a. m 9 15 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 81 9 36 9 89 941 9 44 Leave Arrive Duncannon King's Hill Sulphur Springs Corman Siding Uontebello Park Weaver Roddy Hoffman Royer Alahaooy Bloomtield Long's Koad Mellson Dam's Green Pvk Montour June. Landisburg Arrivo Leave p. m 4 80 4 86 4 89 3 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 56 a. m p. m 8 40 8 50 8 34 8 44 8 31 8 41 8 29 3 39 8 26 3 86 8 24 8 34 819 8 29 8 16 3 26 8 14 8 24 8 11 8 21 8 05 3 16 7 52 2 45 4 59 6 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 5 22 10 13 5 ih 10 16 5 28 10 19 6 24 10 2 6 86 10 27 6 41 10 82 6 09 11 20 p. m a. m 7 46 2 39 7 43 2 36 7 40 2 33 7 84 2 27 7 82 2 25 7 27 2 20 6 65 1 60 a. m p m Train leaves BIootuHolil at 6.10 a. m. a. m and arrives at LandishurK at 6.4 Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bloomtield at 6. 60 p. ra. Traina leave Lovsvillo for Duncannon at 7. 220 a. in . and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m.. ad 4.66 p. ra. Between Landisburg nod Loy sville trains run aa follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys ville 6 55 a. ra , and 1 50 p ra., Loysville (or Landisburg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m All stations marked (') are flag stations, at which trains will coma to a full atop on signs'. CARTER'S J Ijjrf8 CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Xausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain iu the Side, tc. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Littije Liter Pill are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also corrvct all disorders of tbe stomach, stimulate the lirer and regnil&le tha bowels. Even if they only cured IX E A ID) Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing' complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Bat after all sick head ACHE fat the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our (rreat boast. Our pills cure it while others clo not. Csrtcb's Livtlb LrvBB Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or t"o pills make a dose. Thay are strictly veichle and do not (rripe or purge, hut by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents: Ave for SI . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail CASIXX HZSiemX CO., Sre Tort. UF2L U In, Soal Price, sad aH other cereals can be greatly Increased In srowta and va) le by tiie use of 20 Phosphate u It makes the poorest soil rich and pro-i I ductlve. Sold direct to farmers. Kol snie. ana aor fnca use. YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, 1UBS, FA. o a TO O O SO CO Ot lO M rl Oi O) cs o OIQO IOrt toooeo o o ia -)i n oi eo cm. ta co cm i eo-H o 3 iia -1:1 . a ie 2 3 5 Q. I S3 tr. TS o oo CM rt e5 OCCffin ' eo en co eo eo I CO g- OS05SC500000flrte"HHHtS o etioH eo OlDOcOr jj OtOIQHCO J ? iH 00 - e 1- Loots B. Atbibsob. r. m. m. rsaacu. atkihsom , PEIIHEIX,, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. M1FFL1NTOWN, PA. QT-Colleoting aad Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrriOB On Main street, ta place of real. ot Lonia S. Atkinson, Bsq., aontb of Bridge street. I zo 10a- fTlLBERFORCE SCIIWEYER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFF1CK IN COURT HOUSE. a.D.HXBAWrOBDt DS. DABWIB w.CRAWfORB JK. D. V. CRAWFORD & SON, r a . Mrtnarehin for the Dractice nave icriuw i r of Medicine and their collatteral bronchos. OBIce at old stand, corner oi tuiru aou or- ...t. mfflintown. Pa. One or both of tbem will be found at their office at all times, unless otnerwise proiessiocauy eu- April 1st. low. B. F. ACKLEY, PuvH.riAV and Accoucheur. nrtii n.,..,!- alao as a specialty tbe treat ment of diseases of the throat aad cigcs tive system, Acute and Chronic. Dr. A'a methods are in fall accor.l with advanced tbonght, and are confidently rec commended for the tieatraent of degener ative conditiona of elderly and aged persons. April 19, 1893. vji'fce Repair fjeisop oi HioA Human sysicsn ;d an the & rrit fa Kent ActiveX. IS? NOT DISEASE. A ft" w 4.-? mj m m a n m ta sm t nr j CCUSLS IptTEWT 'Ceres SAtcv T:-?K Throng!) iho IJCr; cr.,i the Natssrr.J e.:i..ri3t, aU lnipKpeiiii.'i. PER BOTTLE. s; TH? IVGR1.3 OVER. WfiBT ItlE MAMKiCRS S.RSAFAfl!J. CI W RINGHAMTOM. M .V. 9V .ev -A AS. .tXA A HENCH&DROMGOLD'S A won:lerful Improvement In Friction Feed em, CicS'Kuck. liuck motion of" Carrion crf Metie rs fast as any other In the murk. FrWun. ; I jtrh Fred, cnufinlf all tbe IWM gparinc to fnn r;II1 while harlilnce; arent mvin- in Miwr ajwr wear. Write for circulars and prices; ftir-HrM-Tree upon applteutlon. Alao SprlilB Tooth Trvf. i-owa, linv itnltes, fulllviitorf.. Corn Pkuatp era. t-heilera, etc Mention tll pair. HEfsCH h 2H0M80LD, Mar.f&. YOS, fk 83,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that itleaaut and profitable, end as your address iimiifdiately. We tear 1 1 tuen and women how to earn from SJS.OO pT day to S3.000 per year without having had previous esieriei.ce,aud furnish tlieciiiplovmeni tit which they can make that amount. INfrtaaiuie difficult to lcaru or that requires much time. The work is easy, healthy, and honorable, nd ran be done dur ing davtime or evening., right In your own I' -cal-tty. whcreTer yon live. The rrault of a fw honra work often equal week's wage. Wc have taught thounutls of both sexes ami nil ajres, aud many have laid foundations thrtt will stirelv bring them riches. Some of the s w.irte-t men in this country owe their success in life to the start iVren them while in our employ y. nr ugo. You, reader, may do as well; try it. You cannot fail. No capital nectsarr. n fit you out with something that is new, aolid, and dure. A boAk brimfnl of advice i free to all. Help ymir rlf by writing for it to-day not to-iuorrow. Delays are costly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., BOX 420, AUCUSTA, MAINE. Garfiold Tea JorasSiek HculaesM.Keti3twCVmplrZioD.! riillav fretu OftRVULA Iu Co.. 31 W bad Cures Constipation It never falls to cure MANNERS don -extract BARSAPABIIXA. BOc even - to IN 05 c i; o f-l HCCfftOW 1-1 CJ -5 CC CI t CO CO 00 00 00 O-ttSOl-HCC eioiMeoffio Xr-t-O03- b if to-aioioiaioiaio-cii-i-iOTWcicNeN MiacoNHHcioioicioHCOHOri 0100M00ct-t.t-tt-OtOiail310H 'A CO to o OO US tt riooa HH-H cTio- Jo ui os os to to oo eo oo hiso es ih co w ih w cs os oo oo r-1-1- J . . . n a o " a 2 a 5 e K "S -5 -S O .3 2 CO ' x-z r M r CO CO 00 OC OO I!? CD CO CN CO CO -H t to us o co r- 1 F-l eo IH co CO ft CM "cf IH e t-ii-i eNeoeoeooo CS CO 10 oo eo eo n t eo (Ot-r-r-H . Tatoea ajher. M