Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 12, 1894, Image 2

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scire a ad raoraiiToa.
of Bellefente.
of I'lttshnrg.
- of Lancaster JConnty.
of 1'biladelpbia.
ot Gltnwood.
of Greenwood.
Thad II. 5I-.horj.
H. Latimer Wilson.
Anson B. Will.
James H. Groningnr.
Lewis Desert.
Gr.s. D. II. Hastings,
For Governor.
The busines- ( the country is try
ing Jo g;t oa iis fc.'t lesfit.e the dem
ocratic tariff reform.
When Ilia democralic tariff reform
business wreckers succe3d in con
vinuing tlia Anerisan people that the
way to in-jv.-y? ths wlit'on of peo
pie is to rtl;Uij c ituiiis of cftpita!
autl wasres they will bo al!a t prove
to tbe satisfaction f the psople that
yvtor n itur : IT v l-.ns n ) h:.ll.
At tie late Coi.vfciitioii of scien
tists in York Statr, a geologist said
that thousands of years ago, the wa
ters f the- Hiisqiv-hmna and its trib
utaries ran in tbe opiMisito direction
from what tiiey do vow. At that
time if he is correct the Juniata ran j
in the direction of A'tooiia instead cf
in the dinctiou of Drcnc.innon He
further said the waters of tbe upper
lakes rar. across Iiliaois to the Misa
issii pi Valli-y, and that if a dam 23
feef, be constrtic'ed at liuffilo.N. Y.,
the vstTs cat' t turned into
the .Vissis.-.ippi river 1 way of Chi
cago. We had bfcttt r accept what he
says as true thau haul proof to dis
prove it.
ITon. Walter Lyn,
For Lieut '.taut Governor. '
Hoa. Th -d M. Mabou v.'as rrnomi
nated for Congress last Friday by
the )istiictCnffriiic3 atLewistown.
He was tbe only cmdidata. The
district is lirgoly repu'o!icai and his
election is assured.
There arts a c'd many Pittsburg
toby cigars smoked in town these
times. Some of tlx; smokers have
taken to the pipo Others have quit
smoking. If the democratic bard
times continue, most of the people
will have to quit smoking. Cheap
cigars, cheap pipes but no money to
buy with Such is democratic re
form times.
Hon. Amos H. Mylin,
For Auditor tiencral.
Furst on Thistles-
Judge Furst of Centre county, re
cently cited ail the constables to ap
pear before him, and instructed them
to issue their orders upon the super
visors of their respective townships
to have owners of land upon which
Canada tbistles are prowinsr to see
that thav are externa inated."
General Hastings the next
Republican Governor will be
in Mifflintown on Monday, Sep
tember 24, continuing during
tne atternoon. Everybody
come to town on that day, and
snake hands with the next Got
ernor. Further particulars of
ine meeting next weeK.
President Cleveland in his Catch
tog letter, plainly tells the country
tbat the tariff bill that the democrat
ic Congress passed settled nothincr.
The tariff question is to be ken oren
for a farther drag in the direction of
free tr de.
Democratic orators and writers say
tbe times are getting better. Every
one iiopes mat wnat tuey say may
be true, lint it will be quite awhile
before times can be as good as when
they tore tbe good times to pieces.
The country would be happy and
prosperous now, if time3 were half as
good as when the democracy elected
Cleveland and a democratic Congress
Government is instituted and per-
rnutea among men lor tbe purpose
of securing the rights of people in
their person and property. When
government fails to do that it is'of no
use. With that primary principal in
view the Commissioners of Juniata
county, ore offering a roward for the
arrest and conviction of unlawful men,
who in so many places in this coun
ty have terrorized people by house
breaking and personal violence.
Gen. James W. Latta,
For Sec'y of Internal Affairs.
Hon. Galusha A. Grow,
For Concirrgs at-Lirge.
Hon. Geo F iIuff,
For Congre8-man at Large.
The annual basket picnic " of the
Friendship Fire Company No. 1 of
Patterson, Pa., will b held at Schmit
tie's Park, on Siturday, Sp'ember
15.1894. Tbe train will leave Mif
flin station at 7.50 A. 31., and return
at 6 47 P. M. The excursion rates
are G4 cents for the round trip. Our
tbaoks are tendered to the friendship
Fire Company for an invitation, and
we will try and be present.
To be Sold at Private Sale
The undersiffned offer at priv itf
sale a tract nf fifteen acres of land in
Fermanagh township, bounded by
lands of Wm. Hawk, Dr Lucian
Banks, JWoyer's heirs and Joseph 0;
erholtzer. Tbis land i- we'l et with
youn- CheRtnut n R ck Oak and
is rapidly gro-vnr in v dn-'.
Atkinson & Pennell
Tired, We k, Xerroas,
mca"S imoure b u d, mil vrfnr
or foo mnci str-iin on brain and body.
Th' only way to cure is t feed th
nerves n puie blood. Tlionsa 'dsof
pcopis certify thu' th" b t
imriti . tli ! r--v t '
..t ...
Hood,$ Pills cnr- constipation by
restoring peristaltic action of the ali
mentary canal.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to tbe
great South American Nervine. I
bad been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up ad
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved me so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles oar
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in the world- - I can
not recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks k Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly.
Court convened at 10 o'clock A. Jtf.
on Monday. September 3rd, 1894,
with President JudgeLyons and As
sociates Wickersham and Barton on
the bench.
The constables made their returns.
Ooe bistard child was reported as
being born in Mifflintown borough
and in Tuscarora township by tbe
constables from those districts.
The Grand Jury was sworn and
charged by the court.
Alias subpoena in divorce was
granted in the case of Anna Liura
Hudson vs. Louis L. Hudson.
Subpoena in divorce granted in the
case of Job F. Haldeman vs. Louisa
R Haldeman. X
Alias Sub ceoa in divorce war
granted in the case of Kate L. Codes
vs. Cambridge Coder.
In the divorce proceedings, Tobias
W. Auker vs. Mary A. Auker, peti
tion asking for alimony and counsel
fees file 1.
In the estate ef William Holder,
deceased, sale of real estate to Wm.
C. Shearer for $2,500. Confirmed.
In the estate of Abram Whitman,
deceased, leave was granted to mort
gage real estate to pay debts
In the estate of Catherine Kurtz,
deceased. Sales of real estate to
Jacob Brnbaker for $3,200 to W. H.
Slaughterbach for $850, and to Si
mon Lyder for $02 wa9 confirmed.
Ia the estate of Wm. Hart, deed,
order for 6ale of rel estate granted.
In the estate of Joseph E. Long
acre, deceased, order of sale of re d
estate granted and widow's appraise
ment confirmed.
In the es'ftte of John Hnzzard,
deceased, refunding bonds filed bv
the beirs.
W. L. Hoopes. Eq., filed his re
port as Auditor in the estate of J. C.
Okeson, deceased
J. N. Kelu-r, Esq , filed his report
as Auditor in the assigned estate of
Henry S. Hurt.
C. B. Crawford, Esq., filed bis re
port in tne estate of Fianna Stevens.
The hotel license of the Jacob.?
House, Mifflintown, was transferred
by W. S. Arbogst to Robert Nixon.
In tbe matter of tbe appropriation
of the moneys realize 1 by the sheriff
from the sale of the Obherholtzer
property: Ju ney ruled into court,
nd September IS, 1894, the court
will make appropriation of the same.
I be report of viewers to assess
damages for laying out cemeteiy al
ley la the borough of Mifflintown,
In the matter of the proposed
change in the road in Fermanagh
and Walker Twps , running between
Van Wert and Mifflintown. rule was
erranted on original petitioners to
show cmse why exceptions to views
and review should not be filed nunce
pro tunc and answer of original peti- j
tioners was filed to former rule t
Taniel Auker ws appointed guard .
ian of the minor children of William 1
W. Sulouff. deceased.
H. H. Hartman was appointed
truardian of the minor children of
Henry McClnre, deceased.
Commotiwealth vs. Philip Hine
baugb, Wilson Dressier, Frank
Iechupp, Harvey Frou'z, -Wart Mark
ley and Isasc R Bostwick. Disturb
ing a religious meeting in St. James
church, Susquehanna township. W.
Scott Switzer. proseentor. The de
fendants are boys and young me",
and on the 29th of July disturbed a
Christian Eodeavor meeting in St.
James Church hy loud talking,
langhing and by slamming opn the
doors of the church. They made a
vigorous dwfense, but wer found
cuilty. Sentence was suspended un
til December Term.
Cornmonweal'h vs .Nines Sheets
Fornication and bastardy Ida M
Berry, prosecutrix Wh-n ease
was called th" def-ndnnt dd nor no
pear. His bail was forfeited, and b
was tried in his absence Fr ni '
evidenre it appeared the sau' of
limitations interfered with his con
nection and the court instructed- the
'.ijury to find a verdict of not guilty,
fwriinri Ihcv rlisl ltnf i m tncc rl
v uavu i u y aiU vuv saj trwv- tu
costs upon the defendant.
Commonwealth vs. Adam Dannen.
The indictment was for entering the
dwelling bouse of John Porter in
Milford township, and stealing a ra
zor to which defendant pleaded guil
ty.. Sentenced to the county jail for
the period of 30 days.
Commonwealth vs. Calvin D Wag
ner. Assault and battery. M. A.
Huffman, prosecutor. Not a true
bill and county for costs.
Commonwealth vs. Edward Lath
er Larceny. Thomas P. Hurley,
prosecutor. Not a trne bill and vs.
Thomas H Hurley, larceny. Not a
true bill.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. C. Brown,
statutory rape. Simon M. Logan,
prosecutor. A true bill and against
same defendant, fornication and bas
tardy. Rose Bell Logan, prosecutrix.
A true bill, both continued. Com
monwealth vs. Hiram Smith, assault,
and battery, H. D. Thompson, pros
ecutor. Settled.
Conimonwf alfh vs Charles Sartz
assault and battery. John Muldoon,
prosecntor From the evidence, it
appeared, Swartz strnck Mn'doon
over the head with a clubon the 10 h
of Mav, 1894, tbe blow knock-ne Mul
doon into a state of insensibility in
wiich he remained for several honrs,
arid from the eff ct of the blow, he
was confined to his b- d for nearly
two mon t s. Swartz's defn
th Mol l., n hd a fork- d him 'th
hi, I'll tbe jtr evi.te ir) t-k
no s nek in i-ii il- fmse hh thev f"t)iid
turn guilty, nr-d he was sentenced to
the Western penitentary for the per
iod of one year.
Commonwealth vs Ira Fry, Frank
Zechman and Harry Focht. Assault
with intent to rob. Assault with in
tent to kill and carrying concealed
deadly weapons. Jacob Ludwig,
From the evidence it appears tbe
defendants plotted to rob and kill
the prosecutor on the 6th of April,
1894, but for some reason failed to
carry out their plot. Their inten
tions became known to Jacob Lud
wig and his neighbors, and when he
was assaulted on the morning of the
30th of April in his barn where the
defendants were concealed. His h d
with htm a revolver and while lying
on tbe ground with his face down
and the defendants on top of him,
fired off bis revolver twice. One of
tie shots striking Ira Fry in the arm !
Te robber, wrenched the tristol out
of Ladwig-s band and ran. The
whole community pursued them and
overtook tbem in SaisanebannaTwo!
where they were captured. Thuy
denied that they bad gone there to
rob and kill Ludwig, but said they
were sleeping in bis barn when be at-
tacked them and commenced shoot-
at them. The lurv. however, found
them guilty of assault with intent to
roo, ana x rj ana JTocnt were sen
tenced to tbe penitentiary for the
period of two years, and Zechman
was sentenced to imprisonment in
the Huntingdon Reformatory.
Adam K. Jtfarkle vs. T. V. Irwin,
No. 65, September term, 1894.
Feigned issue. Verdict for the de
fendant. S. G. Wellbrier vs. J. Fox & Son.
No. 136; April T., 1993 Appeal for
Judgment of Justice of the Peace.
Verdiot for the defendant in the sum
of $11.35.
Harriet R. Kepner and Geo. F.
Kepner, administrators of Philip M.
Kepner, deceased, vs. A. H. Spangler.
Nicholas S. Arnold Jr., vs. Samuel
Lapp and Jas. S. Woodburn. - No
142; Sept T-, 1893. Tresspass. Ve
diet for the plaintiff in the sum of
J. R. Van Horn vs. 8amuel Lapp
and Gwge W. Watte. No. 12; Dec
T , 1893. Trespass. Settled.
John B. Bardell vs. G C. Runkle
m y "'onioger. IN . 85; Dec.
T , 1893. Appeal. Verdict, for the
Samuel Strayer vs. Jacob B. Lauv
er, administrator of Thomas Stewart,
deceased. No. '86; Dec. T., 1893.
Verdict for the plaintiff in the sum cf
$12.97. ;
Michael Sourer vs. Jesse W. Bry
ner. No. 51. Feb'y T.. 1893. Con-
i ued.
S. R. Dncker & Son vs. Henry Nip
p No 64, Sept T., 1894. Ver
dict for the plaintiff in tbe sum of
$10 77.
John Trego vs Ju. H Varnes. No.
66, Sept. T . 1894. VerdW for the
plaintiff in tbe sum of $17.94.
In the matter of the sale of the
real estate of Theodore Bnrris by
Sheriff's Sale. Rule on Sheriff to
pny over money made.
W. H. Groninger, Samuel A.
Thomas and J. Clarence Hower, were
appointed viewers to report on the
vacation of a public road in Milford
township, leading from the borough
of Patterson up Licking Creek Val
ley. Th same persons were report ed
viewers to report on the vacation of
a road iu Milford township, which
road beginning at a point where it
intersects the public road leading
from Patterson up he Licking Creek
Valley at the Lntheran church and
endiog at a point in the public road
near James Tabb's residence.
Report of Commissioners appoint
ed to apcertain the boundaries ot the
borousrh of Thompeonown, filed and
confirmed by the Court.
Report of viewers of road in
Black Log Valley, Lack Twp., con
firmed, nisi, and width of road fixed
at 30 feet.
Report of viewers on road in Mil
ford township, confirmed absolutely.
Report of viewers on road in Beale
and Spruce H-'ll township, confirmed,
Flannels, Underwear, Blankets,
Ladies and Children's Coatesand Capes,
Ciotb and Serges.
All -hi Goods will be sold at spec
ial v Reduced Prices.
Ladies Brnd Oloth Fur Ooatea and
Dresses at 75n; worth $1.00
Hill. 1 vard wide bleaobed muslin,
at 6o; worth lOo.
Cantnn Flannels for 5o: worth 8o
Indian Blue Calioes and Fancy
Da-k Beat Caliones at 5o; worth 7io.
Serges and H -oriel Us, Navy Slue.
and all Fall Shades, 40 inobes wide, at
49 oents; worth 60 cents.
Drcsn Cloth, 54 inches wide at 44c;
worth 75o.
Lancaster Ginghams at 4io; worth
9 cents..
Ladies Blaok and Colored Stockings
at 6 cents; worth 10c.
Ladies Coats and Capes at $2.50,
$3, $4 and upwards
I'arpets at 25o, 30o, 38c and 45 5.
You save 35 cents on the dollar.
Muslin. 1 yard wide, unbleached,
for 10 yards, for 39 cents and better
quality, 21 yards for $1.
Blankets at 75o, $1, $1.50, $2, $3
and up.
$4000 worth of Men's, Lidies and
Children's Shoes at speoially raduoed
Now is the time to buy your Fall
and VVinter Goods.
Don,t ming a (rood opportunity next Mon
day, September 17; Tnesday, September 18;
Wednesday. September 19.
Hatbing Strange
Intelligent people, who realize the
important part, the blood holds in
keeping the body in a normal condi
tion, find nothing strange in the
number of diseases Hood's Sarsapar
illi is able to cure. So many trou
bles result from impure blood, the
'- wav to treat them is through
he blo. l Hood's SirsapariUa vit
al zs the blood.
Hood's Pill are the best after din
ner pills, assist digestion, prevent
.Maine bas gone Republican by tho
largest majority ever given the ticket
in the State. Of the 151 Assembly
men only 24 are democrats. The
Congressmen axe all Republicans.
During tbe month of August, dogs
in Perry county, killed $154 worth
of sheep. Ti the dogs keep that up
every month of the year they will
cost Perry County between 18 and 19
hundred dollars.
Auction on Thursday and Friday
evenings, and on Saturday afternoon
and evening at Heck's.
A tbief stole $20 and a gold bre vst
D "V. P1,.0 railrc . UCJ
pin and a return railroad ticket to
" Tin tb R a T
cm, n- Hfe
lPoweU m P" w day. ago.
I On tbe 5th inst., Ada Macley, eged
about; lb years, who lived with Rach
el Jones at the aquednct below New-
port, wnue m tne act of taking a
bucket of water out of the canal, fell
in and was drowned.
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century t
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
Mickey ud Con.
A book minded scion of the Verdant
Isle was seeking intellectual food at
tbe public library and coald not quite
make np bis mind as to the particular
literary repast be wished to make. In
case wuere the freshest volumes of the
. l;,nrv'a trr are diKnlaved for the
stimulation of mental appetite. Her
be saw a book whose title satisfied him
tbat he had found just tbe thing he
wanted. It wos"Micab Clarke, by
Dr. A. Conan Doyle.
Approaching the attendant, he said:
"Please gimme 'Mickey Clarke,' by
Con Doyle, oat of that cupboard."
He got tbe book, hut the expression
on his face when be came back with it
i io minutes later proved that he had
mistaken tbe nationality of his hero.
Boston Herald,
That cheerfulness can be cnltivated
is well illustrated by the story of a lady
and gentleman who were in a timber
yard, situated by a dirty, foul smelling
Tbe lady said, "How good tho pine
boards bid ell I"
"Pine boards'." exclaimed the gentle
man. "Just smell tbis fonl river!"
"No, thank yon," the lady replied.
'I prefer to smell the pine boards."
Rain's Horn.
Stacked Acalnt Him.
Traveler Say, my friend, there's no
meat in this sandwich.
Waitress No?
Traveler Hadn't yon better give
that pack another shuttle and let me
draw again? Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mr, James K. lioiul
riiilaJolphls, Fa.
Muscular Rheumatism
Sciatica and the Piles Adds to
the Sufferer's Misery
Four Bottle, of Hood'. Sarsaparllla
Effects a Wonderful Cure.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: As a result ot tho memorable
blizzard ot March, iocs, I contracted muscular
rheumatism; at that time I was engaged on a
Job ot stoanifltUng iu riainOeld, N. J.. and tt
was necessary lor me to wade through tbe snow
to the building, a new resilience, in which w
were working. For eighteen months after
wards I was laid up with muscular rheumatism
and sciatica. I then joined my son-in-law la
Denver, CoL, where I was engaged In tteam
Bttlng and engineering, and where I commenced
to take Hood's Sarsaparllla for my rheumatism.
It cured me not only of the rheumatism and
aciatica, but also of outward piles, from which,
for thirty-three years I had suffered
A Thousand Deaths. '
Previous to going to Denver I visited the
University of Pennsylvania to be operated upon.
The doctor pronounced my case elongation ot
the bowels and the worst he ever saw. He re
fused to perform an operation, saying that after
having suffered so many years it was not worth
while that I should die at that late day from th
fleets of the knife, and die 1 would If he used it.
No Man Can Conceive
what I suffered for thirty-three years. I tried
all sorts of remedies and treatments, often
without the slightest relief. Four bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparllla not only relieved, but
cured, both tho piles and rheumatism. The
only trace of rheumatism which I feel now Is a
little stiffness when the weather changes, and
as I will be 73 years oM In August that Is but
Incidental to my age. This is a simple state
ment of facts." Jamfs R. Bosi, 269 West
Norrls Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, taundice. sick headache. Indigestion.
W BKiEAS information has been received
tbat certain parties have constructed and
placed in the Juniata river and its tribn.
taries in my bailiwick fish baskets and eel
weirs, nets, wing-walls and fish darns for
the purpose ot taking Bsh contrary to law;
tberelor notice is hereby given to all parties
interested, that all such fash basketa and
eel weirs existing in tho said Juniata river
and tributaries within tbe limits of Juniata
county are hereby declared a common nui
sance and the owners or managers thereof
are hereby ordered to dismantle the aame
within ten days from tbe date hereof, so as
to render them no longer capable of talcing
or injuring the fishes of the said stream or
whatever kind; and it after tbe expiration
of tbe aaid ten days this notice shall not
bave been complied with, then tbe same
shall be destroyed or dismantled in accord
ance with the Act of Assembly, ia such
case made nd provided.
Sheriff's Office. AfiRtintown,
September tb, 1894.
Llr!.! Agents. $73
iEclsvw writawy. Tks)
r feaulv 1b om aaiBttt
its.. ruiac tlM aMosla. To
pWh l baittsM, tMBSJ0UsB4M
tbe rr. Brfjkt. pushed ajiatws,
toe) tasirfUl wit. 3f scsJossj
fiaf.awsoilssi fcajkdWetoUitmc.
4ur abto.vamotwd. CiralsuvtrM.
W. P. n A awBIaWs 4 OSk, CM 1W. I flslsMrtsM,
IS but skin deep. Thereaietbsaaandsofladi'.s
who nave regular features aud would be :c
corded the palm of beauty were it not for a tvoor
cotnTiexiou. To ail such we recommend OR.
HtBRA'S VIOLA CREAM as possessing these
qualities tbat quickly change the meet sallow
and florid complexion to one of natural health
and unblemished beauty. It cores Oily Bkin,
Freckle, Black Deeds, Btotchea, Sunburn,
Tan, Pimples, and all Imperfections of the
skin. It it. not acosmeUc but a cure, yet is bet
ter for tlit toilet table than powder. Bold by
DreggirL:, or wnt jwl mi.l upon receipt of 50c
. C. 31 TTNCR CO.. Tetode. O.
Ca J -
J 3
Notice is hereby given that tbe partner
ship lately snbsiatlog betweea Jons i. Pa
tcbsobt, Je., and Wilbbbjobcs ScmraYza,
in Mifflintown, in the State of Pennsylvania,
under the Arm nam of Patterson tt
chweyer, haa been dissolved this day by
mutual consent. Dated Jnlv 17tb, 1894.
Estate of tbe Catherine Lanver.
Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Catherine Lauver, deceased, lata of Monroe
tewnsbip, having been granted to tbe un
dersigned. All persona indebted to aaid
estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those bavins; claims to pre
sent tbe same witbont delay
E vend ale, Juniata County, Penna.
Pennsylvania GoUege,
Gettysbarg-, Pa-
Founded in 1832.
Large Faculty. Two full courea of stndy
Classical and Scientific Special courses
in all departments. Observatory, La ora
torios and new Gymnasium. Six large
bnildlngs, Steam beat. Libraries 82,000
volumes. Sinenses low. Depannent ot
Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of
an experienced physician. Accessmie oy
freanent railroad trains. Location on tbe
BATTLEFIELD ot Ge tysburg, most pleas
ant and healthy.
in separate bnildings, for boys and young
men preparing for business or College, un
der special carool the Principal and three
ossistants. residing with students in the
bnilding. Fntl terra opens September Gtb,
1804. For Catalogue, address
11. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., LL. D.,
or REV O. G. KLINGEK, A. M.,
Dr. Hasnphrm SperttaatesetentiatallyaDa'
earcrally prepared KemedM, aaea lor yean
BrlraU practice and for rtw thirty imb by tba
people with entire auooeas. Everysinsto Specific
a special cure for tbe dteeaee named.
They cure wit heat dragging, purging or ndarlns
the stem, and are intact aud uea tbe ewvcrcia
Remedies af tbe Worl.
in er mim ccscs.
1 Fevers, Cnngeetlo:is, Inflammations.
3 Warms. Wirm Fever, Worm Colie...
S Teething; Colic, l'r ing, Wakerulneta
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults
5 Uyseatery, Griping, Bilious Colic....
Chelera Merbnn, Vomltlug
y C'eavas. c;4ds. I-ronchitis.
S Nearalgla. Toothache. Facesche....
B Headaches. Kirk Headache. Vertigo.
10- Uyapepaia. EilionsneM. ( onstlpatloa
11 Snpvreaeed or Painfal Periods.
1 2 Whites, Too Profile rermis
13- Traap. L.arynclia. Iloenw-nem....
1 1 ralt ltheuio, .rvflpUi3, truijltom.
15 K h en ma t Urn . or Rheumatic Pains. .
1SJ Malaria. C'hllb. ft-rer ami Ague
1 Piles, Blind orBleedicg
IS Oahthalmr. Sore cr Weak Fr.
19 Catarrh. luflnenra. Cold in the Head
Whnopina; CaHgh
31 Asthma, Opines-ied Precthlnp
2- Ear Rieeharcea. ln:rired licarlrg
23 Scrofula. Eiitented U.mLs Smelling
44-Geaeral UebilUv. I tT,ical Weafcueas
il.i lroar and Scanty ijeeretions
36 rirn-K-kness, Sickness from Rid leg
4 Kiduey tiseaaea
39 Sore Jieatli, orCanket
50 Lriaory W cakaesa, WettlneBed..
31-Paint'ul Prrieda
5 1 Diphtheria, Ulcerated fsireThrbat..
33 Chrouic C'ongestlens ft niptiotis.
9fi Vei-vnn lir-hllitv. Seminal WeaB-
"mt,jr Iuvolimtiirjr lltseharKes 1
S3 IlisraHcaof the Heart, Palpitation 1
33 Epilepny, iamH, fct. Vitus' Dance... 1
IjT lmu:zlt., or pnt po.t-tMi.1 OB K-Wi-I of price.
PS. llrMPMBKT,' ll&XVAI. (144 pV3 MA1LKD m&
TariWKTS' :. I'O.. 1 i I a I IS MllUaa SI.. How Vara.
For Piles F sternal or Internal. Blind or Blredlngj
riKtuia in auo: lu-mng or Kitreuiug or ine itcctum.
Tbe relief is immediate tbe cure etrtaiu.
Sold by Droecut or mbi poot-oid m rccclt of price.
DSrHBKts' axs. co.. 1 1 1 a i s wsutaai St.. nw leas
Tbe undersign! d persons have formed an
Association for tho protection of their re.
speclive properties. All persons are here
by notiOed not to trespass on the lands of
the undersigned for the purpose of hunting,
gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing
down fences or firing t robrr in any way
whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no
tice w ill be dealt with according to law.
John Micha-I,
William Puflenberger,
Oidcon Sieber,
Beash or &t Zook.
Mary A. Brnbaker,
Joseph Rothrock,
John Brier,
Samuel Bell.
September 5, lS'Ji.
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease.
Good for Moulting JTena.
ttisabsorately Bare. Highly ajuteutrated. In quasi
tltycxistetenthofacentaday. No other one-fourth aa
titrona;. Strictly a medicine. M One large can a&Ted
10 ; vend six to prerent Houp, emya ooe cuexoawr.
If yow csat set It Bend to as.
WeinailonepaFkaSe. FiTel A a t-4 lb. can S1.SS. Bis
cans. Sfi 00. exprem paid. Ftomttrg Raimima Guide, pries
cento, free with Sl-0O order, or more. Wflmrin cony
ofTaa BcsTPBCLrav P,mml(ra.
L 8. JOUMSDM -A.. t Cuetoas Uoum Sk, Boston, Mam
nU.uc at Whole
lire. a.t.ltrr
laitstlosi trmwn
fkira sat: stlA Msnsa
V01?15 1,011 l3T$7,cun at$T& came asatteniitel!
"saiwa eva m.f isaj CaW tAJ fTJU.
Guaranteed sansa as agenta sen for 175 to nop.
WtfV"2 wmrr,n.lT.w',n ;er machine. Ft, ry time
you boy a bicycle through an agent you pay Mo to 50
mora than oar wholesale price for uaccaalltr.
-J'"1 S "f s much to sell bicycles through
arenta and dealers as It does to make tberaTJLet
prudeaee andeeonomy suKgeit tho better y and
whj Mi.ua tu, uirec at wuoietuc pneea.
Illustrated Catalogue free.
Acme Cycle Company,
i tee
S-. S. .. ,-'oper
Hotel Pern., Keamng. FalT?efnrt iSSEI te
achmouir' fceut. to7cubnl!!,l?T0
-vnai ares
fSaaWe Extraat
ta n k n
ley Railroad Compaay. Time table
of paasenrer trains, hi effect oa Stonaay,
September 11.1898.
ward. East
ward. r
a at
p at
4 00
8 67
8 68
8 60
8 46
8 41
8 88
8 82
8 16
8 10
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 88
2 24
2 20
BaBalo Bridge
Juniata Furnace ...
Wat-r Ping
Bloomtleld Jnnct'n.
Valley Road
Elliot tsburg
Green Park
Fert Robeson .....
Cisna's Rnn .......
Andersonburg .....
Blain .. .
Mount Pleasant ...
New Germant'n ...
6 08
6 12
6 16
6 25
6 81
6 89
10 00
8 10
10 08
10 07
8 07
8 08
10 10
8 00
10 17
7 66
10 20
10 26
7 51
7 48
10 84
7 40
7 25
7 20
6 61
6 64
7 16
7 12
7 17
7 28
7 27
7 85
7 41
7 45
10 46
10 49
II 00
7 14
11 07
7 06
6 69
6 65
6 60
6 43
II 12
11 18
11 22
II 80
11 86
6 84
6 80
Nora Signifies no agent, T tele
phone connection.
O. GRING, President and Manager.
C. K. Ktuti, General Agent.
Tbe following ached ule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as
p. m a. ra Leave Arrive a. m p. ra
4 30 15 Duncannon 8 40 8 60
4 36 9 21 King's Mill 8 34 8 44
4 89 9 24 'Sulphur Springs 8 31 8 41
8 41 9 26 Gorman Siding 9 29 8 89
4 45 9 29 Montebello Park 8 26 3 36
4 46 9 31 Weaver 8 24 8 84
4 61 9 36 "Roddy 8 19 8 29
4 64 9 89 flofliuan' 8 16 8 26
4 56 9 41 Royer 8 14 3 24
4 59 9 44 Xabanoy 8 11 8 21
6 10 10 00 Bloomfleld 8 05 3 15
6 17 10 07 'Long's Road 7 52 2 45
5 22 10 13 Nellson 7 46 2 89
6 25 10 16 'Dum's 7 43 2 86
6 28 10 19 Klllo tsburg 7 40 2 83
5 24 10 25 Bernbeisl's 7 84 2 27
6 86 10 27 'Green Pvk 7 82 2 25
6 41 10 82 Montnnr Jnnc. 7 27 2 20
6 091120 Landisburg 6 55 1 60
p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m
Train leaves Bloomlljlri at 6.10 a. m.
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.4" a. m.
Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6. 50 p. m.
Trains leave Loysville for Duncannon at
7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning,
arrive at 10 87 a. m., and 4.6C p. m.
Between Landisburg and Loysville trains
ruu as follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys
ville 6 65 a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville
for Landisburg 11 10 a. ra., and 5 09 p. m.
All ststions marked () are flag stations,
at which trains will come to a full stop on
Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating;. Pain in the Side, Ac. While their most
remarkable success has been sho-rn in curing
Headache, yet Cartcb's I.ittl Liter Pills
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and proveatiux tui anuoylng complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the atomach.
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer front this distressing complaint',
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valnalile in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
fa the bane of so mint lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
Carter's Littlb Ijvxa Piixa are very small
and very easv to take. One or to pills make
a dose. They are strictly Tenable and do
not gripe or parf-e, but by their gentle action
8 lease all who use tbem. In vials at 25 cents;
ve for Si . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail,
CAKTX8 lOBlCnX CO., s?w Tat,
UflL Ufltce. Sid Rice.
grow best when Dlanust with
Boste Das. A fertilizer that al
ways Brings a crop, always Ini- 3
proves the soil. Sold direct to far- 3
inera 27.00 per ton. No agents. H
Samples free. 3
York Chemical Works. York. Pa. 1
ooitaciH oit-cio-mow-ioo-io
OjS OitOOQO w Ct to o (jo. (SUtCt-O
H -1 -3 OS
Ol Ct
to l-
CO o
- to o to
O CO OS 00
00 CO CO CM tO t-o h- to
OjSCOOl So to to
OrSS S S f? S f 0 0
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-t. . : :
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rotoisococoiwoicnoioioioi ct en e -a .
I--C5C1CS 1qO0O0
00 00 00
hW en Cn
tO C5
nv to ta to o Z iZ
Loots B. ATKiasoa. t. at. H. Ftiiau"
HyColletig and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrroa On Main street, to place of real.
deace of Lonis S. Atkinson, Esq., sonth of
Bridge street. fOct26,1892.
District Attorney.
PR.o.a-.caAWTORD, pm. dab wis M.caA wroao
have formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine and their collatteral branches.
Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both
of them will be found at their office at ali
times, unless otherwise professionally en
April 1st, tow.
Phtsician and Accoucheur.
Will pursue also as a specialty the treat
ment of diseases of the throat and ciges
tive system. Acute and Chronic.
Dr. A's methods are in tnll accord with
advanced thought, and are confidently rec
commended for the treatment of degener
ative conditiona of elderly and aged persons.
April 19, 1893.
.The Repair Iiop ol IhOi
32u man Sytiem
9 the
iTU is Kent Aetire'
InEAIiTtl will result
I nnilHlr" EXTRACT V
retires laisOk' Tt-oaSitf
Through the ?o-e..i. &
.the Katural t,ar.?CJ,
r'asitl not thvo5a5i itji9r
SkiM. thsis t!riii;
.alllminritic9: ,
acfTS Er The mannCRS sssAu..a.ua co. S
if liv,ti-vi.t iu... .....
A wonderful Improvement In Friction FaeAt ami
:;i(t-ltnrk. Back motion ofCarriUKC rlr Mmcx
as f.wt as any o:hrr la the market. t-tcr;t.
t'l jt.-li Feed, cautJim all the feed gearing to SibCO
sii'l while backirs: airrnt sptiag in fwwer sts
wear. Write lor cixvulitrs and prices; fjmtsil
.'rtupon app'iea'lon. Also Spring Tooth Br-
Iowa, Hay Rnken, CeJtrvntor, C orn Flaw
era. sucili-ra, etc niim t.1it fxwer.
KENCH & seSMSCLD. Manfi!., YCHS. fi
$3,000. 00
If you want wot k that Is pleasant and proHtable,
eend us your addrrs iiu mediately. We teach men
aud womeo iiuw to caru from S5.00 w-r Jay 10
S3 .OOO per year without liuving hud prcviuui
exeriencetaud furuisii the cuiplovmeut t w hi-.h
they can make that amount. NotUiug difficult tn
learn or that require much time. The work is
easv, healthy, and honorable, nd can be done dur
ingdavtime or veniiips, ripht in your own hc:il
ity, whererer yon live. The result of a few
hour' work often equal a week' wage..
W'v have taught thousands of both sexes and :iil
iipe, and many have laid foundations that will
siirelv hrinp them richer. Some of the nmorte.-t
men in thu country owe tlieir success in life to
the Mart jiivcn tho'm while in our employ yp;ira
aco. You, reader, mav ilo o wll: try it. Vow
cannot fail. No capital necessary. We tit rnn out
with Romptliiiiir thtit is new, fulid, and an re. A
book brimful of advice is free to all. Help vour
pelf by writing for it to-day uot to-morrow.
Delays are costly.
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box 420,
1 aaa mm bbbb
Riirtinln 1 oa a?
1 faal MB W a U M baa
JarasSick Heiche.Koir'OTplt'iioii.Saejlhjr
Sill, fl.mnl.fn. I. IRU Tu (Jo.. SIS W. Mh 9W,
Cures Constipation
j It never fall, to rare MANNERS doable
I extract 8AKOAPARII.I.A. He everywhere
2! ;
'i j
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en to
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