Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 12, 1894, Image 1
THE OONBTITDTION-THE UNION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OP THE LAWB. BdiUkr suad B. F. BOH WEI EK, MIFFLINTOWN. JUNIATA COUNTY. PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1894. NO. 3D. VOL. XLVIJI MI DP. TAUIACR T11K BKOoKUY MVlXK'i DAY KKHMON. SIX- 'fiun'T : "lv.r!:istiiig Life." Tixt : Ar1w t anl lparr, for this 1 net yonr rent." Mioah II., 10. Thl was th dram bt of a prophut who wnntM to aronn" hl p"il from thrir otv pram! and sin'nl eontltlon, bat it may Juat as propf-rlv he utter! now as thn. Bell by lone xpoor. anl mn'h rlnirlnir lo thJr clmrnom o' ton. hut thin routing bell of the miiol s'rikos In ni cloar s tone of when It first rani; on the air. Asfarnslcm e yonr crrAit want an mine I rr. Fro-n the time we enter life irrat many vexation an l aanoyanee take after ns. We may have our holMayi and onr season of recreation anl quiet, but where Is the man eo"ne to mllllfe who has fonnl entire rt? The faet is that Ood dM not make this worM to rest In. A ship mlht as well ro down off Oaoe H.itteras to find smooth watr ns a man in this world to fln-1 quiet. Fro-n the way that Oo l has strewn the thorns anl hnns the clou Is and shirp enel the ruiks, from the eo' U that distress tis, an i the hea's that s uite us. ami the pleurisies that srahn'. nn 1 the fevers that consume ns, I know that He did not make this worll as a place to loiter in. Ool do everything successfully, anl this world wonld be a very different world If it ware In tended for ns to lounpo In. It do- rlcht well for a few honrs. Inleed It Is raairnlSy cent I Nothing but Infinite wislo-n anl (rooiness eould have mixe 1 this bverae of water, or hnnir no those brsebeta of stars, or trained these voices of rill ani hird and ocean, so that Go1 has but to lift His hand, nd the whole world breaks forth Into or chestra. Bat. ater all. It Is only the solen Sors of a kinc's htirhway. over which we are to march on to eternal conquests. You and I have seen men who Ttiei TO rest hen-. They t.ulldel thenslvM reat itores. They (fathered around them the pat ronaee of merchant princes. The voice of their bid shook the money markets. They had stock in the most suce-ssfal railroad and in "safety deposits" eraf rolls of Gov ernment secnritres. They ha 1 emblamned carriages, hich m-ttlei steels, tootmen, plate that confounded lorls an 1 senators who sat at their tables, tap-try on which floated the richest d-lirns of foreign loo-ns, splendor of canvas on the walls, eTiisite ness of tnnsic rising araon? pedestals I bronre and dropping, soft as lis'at, on snow of sculpture. Here let ihe-n rest. Pat baclc the embroidered curtain ani shake up the pillow of down. Tarn ont the lights. It Is II o'clock at nicht. Let slumher drop upon the eyelids and the air float thronih the naif opened lattice drowsy with midsummer per fume. Stand back, all care, anxiety and trouble. But, no. they will not stand back. 1 n-y raiiie trie iruuce. iney w uun mi canopy. With roush touch they startle his pii'sras. They cry out at 12 o'oloelc at nifht i 'Awake, man ! How can vou sleep when tbin-rs are so uncertain? Want about those stock? H.ark to the tap of that firebell! It is your district ! How If vou should die soon? Awake, man! Think of it! Viio will set yonr property when yon are pone? What will they do with it? Wake npl Blohes sometimes take wiDRs I How If you should ?et poor? W'.ake upl" Kisin;; oa one el bow, the man of fortune looks oat Into the dar.nss of the room and wipes lie damp ness from his forehead an l says, "Alas, for all this s;ene ol wealth ani masalflcence no rest I" I passed down a street of a dry with i merchant. He knew all the finest houses on the street. He said "There Is something the matter In all these houses. In that one It is conjugal infelicity in that one, a dissi pated son ; In that, a dissolute father j in that, an Idiot child f In that, the respect of bankruptcy." This world's wealth can (five jo permanent satisfaction Tots is not your test. Yon and I have seen men try In another lirection. Atnansnys "If I could only rise to such and such a place of renown ; if I ;onld gain thnt ofllce-if I could only (jet the stand an l have my sentiments met with one pood round of hani cli.ppinsr applause; If I could only write a book that would live, or make a speech tbat would thrill, or do an lotion that would resound T' The tide turns In his favor. His name is on 10,000 lips. He is bowed to and soucht after and advanced. Men drink his health at (rreat dinners. At his fiery words the multitudes huzza, Fr-n itallcries of beauty they throw garlands. From housetops, as he passes in Ion:? pro session, t hoy shake out the national stand srds. Here let him rest. It is 11 o'clock at night. On pillow stutl'd with a nation's Draise let him lio down. Hush all dlsturbant voices I In bis drcum let there be hoisted a throne, and across It a coronation. Hash, bnsh I Wake up," snvs a rough voice. "Political sentimont is chanim. How If fou should lose this place of honor? Wake lp. The mornin? papers are to be full of ienunciation. Hearken to the exocretions jt tboee who once caressed you. By to morrow night there will Lie multitudes sneer tntr at the words waica last nijf.it you ex ported would be universally admire!. How an you sleep when everything depends apon the next turn of the great tragedy! Op, man. OCT this pillow." The man, with bead yet hot from his last oration, starts op suddenly, looks out upon the night, but pees nothing except the flowers that lie on his stand, or the scroll from which he read bis speech, or the books from which be guoted his authorities, and goes to his desk to finish his neglected correspondence, or to oea an lndiirnant line to soaie reporter, o ketch the plan for a public defense, against the assaults of the people. Happy when he got his flrst lawyer's brier, exultant w'.via be triumphed over his tirt political riv.il, ret, sitting on the very top of all that this world offers of praise, he exclaims, "No rest, no rest." Tlie very world that now applauls wil icon hiss. That world sai i of the great Wel.ster: "What a state-tin in! What won derful exposition of the constitution! A men for auy position." Tint same world fcaid after awhile : "Down with him! He is an offlce seeker. He is a sot I He is a liber tine. Away wi;h him!" Anl there is no peace for the man nntil he lavs down his broken heart in the grave nt JIarshfleld. Jeffrey ihouj rht that if he could only be judge that would be the making of him ; got to bo judge and cursed the day in whicii he was born. Alexander wanted to submerge the world with his greatness ; submerged it an t then drank himself to death because heeould not stand the trouble. Burns thought he would give everything if he could win the favor of courts and princes ; won it, and smtd the shouts of a great entertainment When poets and orators and duchesses were idoring bis genius wished that he could weep back into the obscurity in waich he dwelt when he wrote of the Vmittj, -, modest, crlm.-ion tippet n-Ter. Napoleon wanted to make all Earopa treu.tle at his power; made it trembie, then dieJ, his entire military achieve ments dwindling down to a pair of mili tary boo: which, bo iusisted on hav ing on bis feet when dying At Versailles I saw a picture o' NanoVin in i"'s tr-n r went Into another room an t saw a bnsf ol Napo'eon as he apoare 1 at St. Heleni t bnt, oh. what grief and anguish In the face of th latter! The flrst wis Xapoleon in triumph the last was Xapoleon with his heart broken. How thev laughed an 1 cried when silvei tongued Sheridan In the mid lav of pros perity harangued the peop'e of Britain, ana how they howle 1 at an 1 exjjnted him. when, outsi le of the rooni w:ien his corpse lay, his creditors triei to gat his miserable bones n 1 sell them. This world for rest? "Aha!" cry th waters, "no rest her.I We plunge to the a." "Aha P crv the mountains, "no rest here I We cra nHle to the plain." "Aha!" erv the towers. no rest here. We follow Biibvlon Bn 1 Thebes an 1 Nineveh Into thf aust," No rest for the flowers ; tuoy fade. No rest for the stars ; thy die. Xo rest for man ; he must work, toi'. suTir and slave. Now, for what hav I said all this? Just to prepare you for the text, "Arise ys and "parr, ror tu:s is not your rast. 1 am go ing to make you a gran 1 ofT-sr. Some of yo remember that when gold Wis discovered in California lar-s companies were made up nd started off to get their fortune. To-daj i want to make up a party for tua land ol gold. I hold in my hand a deed from ttu Proprietor of the estate. In whleh he oen w ll who will Join the oom.Danr l0.00l haras of In Unit. vaJm fa aMy rtun trents are wold, whose htrpa are wold, whoa, crowns are wold. Toil hsve r a I f th. eras ten how that many thon an la of tne-n went oft to conquer tba aoly sepoloher. I ask yon to Join a gran ier srusade, not for the purposo of oonwuertna the sepulcherof a dead Christ, bat tat Mrs farpose of reaching th. throne of a Uvtnq eaus. When an arm is to be made up, th eoruitlng offljar examlnw the vol inteers. He teatstnetr ev..-li(ht, ha Bounds ;beir luncs, be measures their stntare. They nast be Just right or they are rejeoted. Bit ;hre shall be no partiality la ra akin? up :hls army of Carlit. Whatever your moral r pbsatoalswature, whuevtr your dissipv Jons, wbttever your vutam, X havs a sommlssion from the Lir 1 Almighty to masts jp this regiment of relesmsi souls, and I rv. "Arise ya and depart, for this Is not four rest." Uaay of yon hare lately joined this eon aany. and mv desire Is that you m IV all join it. Why not? You know In your own hearts' ixpeneac-e that waat I have sail about this world is true tbat It Is no plaoe to rest in. Ibere are hundreds Uere weary oh, bow sary weary with sin, weary with trouble, weary with bereaviment. Some of yoa bar. Been pleroa-1 through and through. Yoa sarry the soars of a thousand ooaaiots, la which voa bare bled at every pore, anl yo igh, "Ob. that I ha 1 the wings of a dove, that I might fly away and be at rest I You Save taken the cup of this world's pleasures ind drunk it to the dregs, and still thethirit laws at your tongue, and the fever strikss ioyour brata. Yoa have chase 1 pleasure through every ralley, by every streaai, ami 1 jvery brightness an 1 under every s'indow, Dot just at the mom int when you were ready to put your band upon the rosy, laughing sylph of the woo 1 she turned upon you with tb. glare of aflenianltha eye of a satyr, her looks adders and her breath the chill tamp of a grave. Out of Jesus Christ no rest. No oioe to silence the storm. No light to kindle tho darkness. No dry dooi a repair the split bulwark. Thank Go t, I can tell yoa something bet ter. It there is no rest on earth, there is rest in heaven. OS, ye who are worn out with work, your bands calloused, your backs bent, your eyes half put out, your Angers worn with the needle that In this world yotl may never lay down, ye discouraged ones h hara been waning a hand dght for bread, ye to whom the night brings little rest and the morning more drudgery oh, ye of the weary hand, and of the weary side, and tho weary loot, bear me talk about test ' Look at that eo-npany of enthroned one. Look at their hands; look at their feet, look at their eyes. It eannot ta that those bright ones ever tolled? Yes, yes! Tneaa Bsroked the Chinese teaboxes, and through missionary Instruction es raped into glory. Tnese sweltered on Soutaern plantationa and one night after the cotton picking wen cp as white as If they ha 1 never besa black. Those died of overtoil la the Lowell carpet factories, anl these in Manchester mills. Those helped, build tho pyramids, and these broke away from work on the day Christ wss hounded out of Jerusalem. No mors towers to build ; heaven is done. No rnort tr rments to weave ; the robes are finished. No more harvests to raise j the garners an full. Oh, sons and daughters of toil, ariat ye and depart, for that is your rest I Seovili McCaliam. a boy of my Sunday achool, avnile dying said to his mother Don't cry, but sing, sing - rbftre l rest tor the weary. There . rest for the weary." Then, putting his wasted hand ovar hta heart, said, "There is rest for me." Oh, ye whoso looks are wet with the dewt of the night of grief ; yo whose hearts are heavy because those well known footsteps sound no more at the doorway, yonder U your rest I There is Dvii triumphant, bui onoe he bemoaned Absalom. There is Abra. bam enthroned, but once he wept for Siratt. There Is Paul exultant, but he once sat with his feet in the stocics. Taere Is Pavson radiant with Immortal beiltb. but on earth he was always siok. No toil, no tears, no partings, no strife, no agonizing cough to night. No storm to rufflii the crystal sea. No alarm to strike from the cathedral towers. No dirge throbbing from s -raphli harps. No tremor la the everlasting song but rest perfect rest uuen ling rest. Into that rest how many of our loved ones have gone I The little children had been gathered up Into the bosom of Christ. One of them went oat of the arms of a widowel mother, following Its father, who died a few weeks before. Iu its last monent it s?emej to see the departed father, for it sai 1, look ing upward with brigntened countenance 'Papa, take me up !" Otiiere put down the wori of mid Hie, reel ing they could hardly be spare 1 fro m the ot floe or store or shop for a day, but are to bt spared from it forever. Your mother went Having lived a lire of Christian consistency here, ever busy with kin laess for her chi dren, her heart full of that meek and quiel spirit that Is in the sight of Qo 1 greit price, suddenly her countenance was transagitre 1, .n,i iha mtn was onened. and she took her place amid that great clou I of w.tnesses that aover about the throne. Glorious consolation ! They are not deal Tba oannot make me believe t iey are dead. Tbey have only moved on. With more lova than that with which they grit us on earth. they watch us from th-ir ht-rli place, and their voices cneer us in our s:ru rg;es forth, sky. Hail, spirits blessed, now that ye fcav. passed the flood and won tho crown! WitH wearv feet we press up the shining way. un til in" everlasting reunion w- suail meet again. On. won't it be gr.au I wm n, our conflicts done and our pnnin.'s over, we shall clasp bunia and cry out, "ruis is heaven 1" JOHN BULL. IN AFRICA. Th. Crafty Old Gentleman Now Own About 1,400,000 Square allies. The latost acquisition ot African territory gives Great Britain an un broken line across the length of Africa from the Mediterranean and the Jule t j the extreme point or the continent, says the Omaha Bee. la all, this territory, held in various iways, from Cape Colony up to the 'occupation" of Egypt, is in extent about 1.400,000 square miles, and has a population of i,iUO,000. In the Mile v alley it includes incomparably the best of North Africa. In I panda It holds the key to the lakes of Cen tral Africa, nearly as large as our own lake system. The new treaty gives it the high land west of Luke Tanganyika, considerably higher and healthier than the Eastern, In Ger man bands. The new conquests of the ilrltish South Africa Company, add the great table lands of the in terior of subtropical Africa, in much of which white men live. Lastly, there ia Cape Colony, the only vital European settlement in all Africa. As it stands, this great highway holds two-thirds of all Africa in which Europeans can live and cany on efficient administration. It has the most fertile tract in the conti nent in Egypt, its healthiest in Cape Town, its greatest gold mines and the only region from which tropical Africa can be controlled. Still more important is its relation t ) African water courses. A steamer can start at Alexandria and iun, when the mahdi's successor is cleared away, to a point on Albert Edward Nyanza, 12." miles from Lake Tanganyika. This runs to within seventy miles of Lake Nyassa. 1-rom this lake the Shire Kiver, broken at Murchison Falls, descends to the Zambesi and the Indian ocean iTom a navigaoie point uu the Congo it Is less than 100 miles to Lake Tanganyika. The Aruwlni runs as near the N'iie. It is possible to start at the mouth or the Zambesi and reach the mouth of the Congo or Kile with less than 200 miles of land traTeL and the key and center to this great system is now in English bands. Indigo k one of the leading pro ttacts of San Salvador. OnCONTINr. Tbs hnmwnaw tfcrtoujh a stormy street, I And shades of night; was going; Cha ground was paved with shifting slssfe Tba wintry wind waa blowing, toaaTsn pity grant; and help,'' said ba, ffb those who Urs upon the sea V rha sailor entihi trembling mast, Kid mountains round him flawing, Rllte through tba dsrhnaja, thick and fast. The wintry winds wore blowing; Haaven save tha lajadaaun, now," ha said, "With chimneys topalin; round his bead! flut hen tho world grew mild ones mar?. This tar, dsspoadasit growing. Said, "If I could bat walk the shore. Though all tha winds were blowing f The landsman though 'Though stormr there be, I would that I could sail the seal1 Will Carleton, in Harper's Basin The Colonel's Komanca- O cne who saw Colonel Alured Turner stepping jauntily down St. James street on a tummer morning could fail to observe tbat the little gentleman waa on very good terms with him self. And, in deed, the Col onel had every. 1 thing tbat makes lite worth livinp;. He was just fifty; his liver and his digestion were in good condition; he hadacharai ing set of rooms in Piccadilly overlook ing the Green Park; bis soldier servant was absolutely irreproachable. On this morning, the Colonel on turn ing over his letters came upon an oblon j pink envelope adorned with a gilt mono gram, and addressed in a nervous femi nine hand. As no presentiment warned him of the terrible consequences about to spring from that innocent looking note, he smiled, for he rtcognizoJ his sister-in-law's band writing, and guessed that she was making some bewiidred ap peal to his knowledge of the wcrld. He upened the pink envelope with the handle of a fork, as was his wont, and read an impassioned summons to call on the writer that afternoon (doubly under lined), and remained his very affection ate Sclina Turner. About balf-past four the Colonel, hav ing enjoyed his after luncheon cigar anl doze, strolled, a rotund and trimly groomed figure, toward his sister-in-law's bouse. "Oh, Alured," she exclaimed, as soon as she had ascertained that the servant had quite shut the door, "I am ia such distress! Tbat wretched boy of mincl" 'Weil, well, Selina," said the Colonel, 'what has be done? Dont give way. "On, but how dreadful it is I OnV think, Alured, he's going to be mar ried." What I" said the Colonel, taking hu gold-rimmed eyeglass out of his eye io magisterial fashion. "The young dog Why, he's not twenty-one yet!" "No; and that makes it all the worst. Ob, I'm sure he's been caught by one ol those designing actresses who are always on the lookout for very young men." 'And where is this precious scape 'ce of yoursl" At Bognor. He went there for a fe days last mcnth, and has stayed then ever since. I wondered what was th attraction, and now I know. It's ven hard." "It is," assented the Colonel ruefully. or he saw that this meant a journey tc Bognor for him, and the desertion o London at its best. "And so ht-'r going to be married I" "So he says." "And who is she!" 'I don't know; except that I.e de tlarea she is the most beautiful woman in the world, ani that he loves her. 1 think she must be older than he is." "That, my dear Selina, goes without laying. Boys of twenty never have violent passions for s woman undet thirty. She is older than he is and cleverer. And where Is the young rascal quartered?" "Uere is his letter, Alured. You had better take it. Heaven knows there if nothing private in it." The Cjlonel had got his marching orders; so he rose to go, but with a heavy heart, for London in the season was the breath of life to him, while Bognor and a lovesick nephew in June were by no means to his liking. He was a simple, straightforward sou., with a great affection for his late brother's widow and her only son, and never thought of hesitating or delaying when his services were needed on their behalf; but for all that, be felt very like a schoolboy whose holidays are drawing to a close. He told the incomparable Wilks while dressing for dinner that they must start for Bognor the first tbing the following morning, and then, resigned all responsibility. By the time, his master returned from the club to bed, Wilks bad made every preparation, had chosen the train and hotel, and arranges for the forwarding of all the letters. Personally conducted by Wilkj, Colo-, ael Turner arrived at the hotel selected for him in time for a late lunch, and then strolled out along the Chichester road to concoct a method of approaching the enemy, while Wilks went out to re connoitre. After dinner he established himself ot a deck-cbair in the veranda, and, rev erently lighting a TricUinopoly, abol ished all thoughts of his nephew, snd gave himself up to a lazy contemplation of the effect of the moonlight on the sea. But be was little more than hall way through with his first cigar when Wilks marcued up, saluted, and came to attention. The Colonel was a little short of breath, especially after dinner, so he merely nodded bis head and said: 'Well?" "Mr. Charles is at the Porpoise, sir." "Anybody with him?' "No, sir." Didn't see you. did hc2" "No, sir.- The Colonel paused to think over thi jews. His TricUinopoly was three, quarters gme; so be hurled the stump into the darkness and watched it turn over and over on the grave!, emitting a shower of sparks like a srjui. Then he carefully lit another cigar, and, with a deep sigh for he loved bis ease said : Call me at 8 to-morrow, Wilks. Good night." "Good night, sir." Next morning Colonel Turner put hu poor little plan into action. Soon after t.raakfBStthrTtfflrfitft nqyama nn tha laraaekwlth bis patent leather boots and gold-rimtncd eyeglass flashing ia the morning sun, and took up bis position on seat which commsaded, but not too ostentatiously, the main entrance to the Porpoise. He had not long to wait. U soon became aware that his nephew was in the hall of the Porpoise, giving or ders to the porter; and so he rose and strolled gently toward the pier, rightly judging that Charles would not turn to the left and go toward the outskirts of the town, at any rate, so early in the day. In a few moments the Colonel turned short around and retraced his steps, and then uncle and nephew met face to face. 1 "Hullo, uncle!" - "Hullo, Charles! What are you do-. tig down here!" "Oh, I'm Well, I'm staying here, don't yon know!" 'Ises. Like me, I suppose; taking t whiff of sea air in the middle of the season. And yet I baven'tseea much of you in town, have It" ' "Why er no not much," he stanv nered. "The fact is come and have a drink," he blurted out with tha sudden satisfaction of one inspired. The Colonel was a moderate man, but Je knew tbat wine warms the heart of boy even more than of man, and he was anxious to obtain his nephew's confi dence. The result was exactly what the Colonel expected. They had n3t re turned to the parade long before Charles, after nervously tiucMng on indifferent subjects, suddenly turned to his uucle with the story of his first serious passion. "Uncle, I want to get msrried. The Colonel consulted the lighted end of his Trichinopoly, as was his custom. "Where is she playing!" said he, after a pause. "Playing? She doesn't play." "Hosting here, I suppose," went ou ihe Colonel, who was a patron of the drama, and knew something of its vernacular. I don't know what you moan, uncle; she's a lady." "They all are," murmured the Colonel confidentially to a distant fishing smack. "She's a little older than I am," went en Charles stiffly. "Of coarse," said the Colonel to thi smsck. Charles flushed to the roots of his fait hair. "This is not a subject for chaff," he said indignantly; when a fellow's awfully in love he's well, he's awfully gone, you know.' - "ily dear boy," said the philosophic socle, laying his hand upon his nephew's shoulder, "take my advice: Have as many love affairs as you like, but dja'l think of marrying until yoa are thirty." "Ah, that is all very fine for you," .-eplied Charles, somewhat mollified ; "but Pve nearly ten beastly years to wait till then." "Ten very excellent years," said tbt, Colonel sententiotuly; "mind you do not waste them." 1 For a short time there were silenct, snd a feeling of constraint between the jtwo, and then Charles said suddenly, in a tone of suppressed emotion: "Uncle Alured, there she is. I want vou to know ber, and she has often asked mt to introduce you. Come along. The Colonel looked, and saw a tal .Tlm-waisted figure coming along th parade with a light springy step. He felt tbat .the crisis had arrived, so he threw away his Tricbinopoly and braced himself for the fray. As his nephew's irst love swept gracefully toward them, ;he Colonel saw that she was' by no Beans as youthful as the trimness of her Igure might imply. Charles introduced his undo to hii ove with an air of proprietorship whicl :ou!d not but have been gratifying to Dotb. of them, and the Colonel raised his tat with his most gallant air. But the ady was far from content with so formal i recognition, for she held out both her lands, and said: "Colonel Turner llured don't you remember me J" "Georginat" ejasuiated the Colonel, o taken aback that for the only time on. record he dropped his gold rimmed eye glass. "Yes, Oeorgina or Mrs. Marshall," ihe replied, smiling at the Colonel's as tonishment. "Did you not expect to lee me?" "Indeed, no!" gasped Colonel Turner, 'most unexpected pleasure." "Why, you wicked boy," said she, turning to Charles, "didn't you tell me that your uncle had been on the point of :oming down ever so many times, and was only prevented by bis engagements in London!" Charles fell in by her side with a verj .ulky expression of countenance, and thy, three walked on together. It was wonderful whata number of reminiscences Mrs. Marshall and the Colonel had in jommon. They talked about persous who Charles had never heard, and of :hings that happened before he was Dorn, and irritated him extremely by uiking it as a matter of course that the beginning of all things worth mention- j ing did not coincide with his appearance in this world. At last his temper got the better of him. He halted, raised his uat stimy, and held out his hand to say "Good-by," but the dignity of hu at titude was rather spoiled by the fact that neither of his companions noticed his intention, so that be had to follow them hat in hand. The Colonel at onoe saw how matters stood, and promptly took advantage of the position. He apologized for absorb ing so much of Mrs. Marshall's valuable time, told her how charmed he was to xteet her again, and trusted that h night have permission to call upon her. fa spite of Mrs: Marshall's protestations, (he little Colonel departed, polite and uniting, promising to call on the fol lowing day, and leaving Charles, salky snd scowling and ill-used, to continue the promenade with what grace hi night. Colonel Turner was as good as his word. He called on Mrs. Marshall the sext day, ana on several following days, until at but Charles wrathfully dis ;overed that youth was being distanced by middle age, and that he was being routed on his own ground by the unclr vhose airs and graces he despised. Oat evening when he called on Mrs. Marshill, after having beea unable to see tier all day, he was told that she was a' tome, but engaged. The pretty maid seemed very, un willing to aitnit him, but unJor the in luence of liva shillings bho decided to risk it and to show bim upstair?. As he ixpectci, ho fo.tud Mrs. Mtrs'aall and uis uncle juiic c atjn: witu their own sorr.panv. Hu wsjiu 1 their greetings very stiffly, an 1 r j.'uie-l ty be scateJ, for ) tragedy asd a low, soft-cushioned arm.- j chair are lucogrn'ous tninis. So he re. 7 mained standing, and steadfastly ignored bis uncle. "You did not expect me this evening," ie began. "Ko, Charles," said the widow. "You never told me you were coming ' 'a; but you are always welcome." "I was," returned Charles, until a week ago; but now " His voice failed . um, and he paused, j 'But now, Charles! You are just as welcome as ever you were, and alwayr Till be." He shook his head sadly. "Not ai ' ever I was. Things have changed, and I yu with them." j "I do not understand you, Charles." I ' J'lam afraid you will not; but there saust be an understanding between us." ' "Please explain yourself. j i wui, repiieu iuanes, rejoicing in lis own eloquence, and beginning to en- foy his sufferings, for at twenty it is sccasionally pleasurable anguish to place nes finer feelings on the rack, especially before an audience that taies matters seriously and does not jeer at the martyr- aom. "A few weeks ago I was always with you. You were always glad to see me. and never said vou were not a 1 nome. "very true, And now!" "An I any le3S glad to see yout" "Am I with you as often as I wasl Oo I see you as often as I did!" "I really don't know," said the widow, looking with a puzzled air at her ve hement admirer; but if you do not vhose fault is it but your own!" "My fault!" cried Charles, with a sar donic smile, in which he endeavored to blend 8arcam, lofty pity and blighted hopes "my fault! It is yours, madam, . and his," turning suddenly on his uncle, who had been sitting all through the ! interview on tha extreme edge of hi' ihair. ' Colonel Turner was horribly anno; yei at his nophew's proceedings. He detest- ! ed a scene, and was dUgustel to find ! such a lamentable want of good taste in his brother's son. He wriggle! a little ncarer the edge of his chairy-screwed his eyeglass more firmly into his eye, aa? began: "Iteally, Charles " Till l. ir,nl n lntroi- unheeding. "I was all in all to you, J " loved you as miu never 1 . Au1 nmun Kn. tore, and you knew it I 'Charles," said the widow, who wa beginning to get angry, for she thought the young man had been drinking, "will yoa kindly leave oil this nonsense, and behave like a rational being! I think we had better defer conversation until you have got over your present state." And she turned ber back Ca him in tur most stately fashion, Charles rushed forward anl almost, threw himself on the ground at her feet. "Mrs. Marshall 1 Georgians I You know you must havo seen that I love you, And tbat I hope! to make yoa my wifal'' "My dear boy," said the widow, sd taken aback that sho hardly kao waat to say, "you surely never thought of anything so loolhh. Why, Caarles," and she could not help smiling sito of the earnest pleading of his face "surely you can never have thought in that way of me, a woman old enough to be your" here she glanced toward the Colonel, nd slipped her band into his "to b' our aunt." Charles glared wildly at the pair, anl the a, with all the tragedy oozing out of Mm, rushed Incontinently from the room. Three days later the Colonel again en tered his sister-in-law's dining-room, ind was received with effusion. "Oh, Alurodl" cried she, 'how can I thank you? I know you have routed this woman, for Charles appeared here in a furious state last Tuesday, and has now gono yachting with a man he hates How did you manage it?" 'There was but one way, Selina." "And that was?" 'To mirry her myself. " "Oh, Aiuroil" cried the mother, sink ing into a chair, "whit a sacrifice I And for met How can I repay you!" The Colonel smiled, perhaps a littlt mdly. "3urely I am in debt to you." "And you who were so faithful to your first love! Oh, Alured, could you no get off!" "Selina," said the Colonel, "do not distress yourself o 1 my account. The lady I am going to marry is my first and nly love!" WISE WORDS. ' Superstition renders a man a fool ind skepticism makes him mad. There is no substitute for thorough going, ardent and sincero earnestness. The less a man thinks or knowr sbout his virtues the better we lik' him. Honorable industry always travels the same road with enjoyment and duty. To love to preach is one thing ; to love those to whom we preach, quit another. Poets are the mirrors of the gigantic Shadows which futurity casts uPon thf nresent. ", . The strokes of the pen need delibera- hon as much as those of the sworf need swiftness. From the body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and hauntinf thoughts proceed. Everv harden has two handles one smooth and easy to grasp, one rongr and hard to hold. ' The wealth of a man is the number of things he loves and blesses and by which he is loved and blessed. ym , , . ... He that honors his neighbor on oo- eount of his money wiU m the end par eompany with hun in disgrace. Long customs are not easily broken ; he.that attempts to change the course of his life very often labors in vain. The world is seldom what it seems. To man, who dimly sees, realities ap pear as dreams, and dreams reolitiea. The martyrs to vice far exoeed the martyrs to virtue, both is endurance So blinded are we by nnv nuurinT.. that w Buff- morA ta b lost than to be aaved. ... , Offer to the world a large, generous. true, eympatheUo nature and, rich or poor, you will have friends, and will never be friendless, no matter wuu catastrophe! may befall yonw, - Tho Oneida Community of Perfec tionists waa first founded by John Humphrey, Noyea at Putney, Vt., in 1838, but soon removed to Oneida, Ii. Y, nn.- u ..- .... ii- , ""w'T" ford Ira THE ERIE CANAL. GREAT SERVICE THIS IXV RIVER HAS PERFORMED. Was Once Known as "De Witt Clinton's Ditch" and Has Been Operated for Sixty elgbt Years. w-Tre-v. -.- . v. ... I v D . ou 1 " Jjrit) VIIU1U, HI. BB It was better known at that time, "De Witt Clinton's ditch," was completed, and an inland waterway opened from Lake Erie to the Hudson Biver. When Clinton, who was the father of the idea, first promulgated it j " " f the worst kind and more ridicule was heaped upon him than was allotted to the projector of the first telegraph line. But he was persevering, and tfter years of contention and labor the sanal was built and its navigation com- menceo. waa pigmy anair oe, f ft" shallow, end only allowing the passage of vessels of less than the passage of vessels . hnvtlva1 a nrtoMittr Knt fv-AM rhs ; ..j. i hundred tons capacity. very start its advantages were seen, j There were, of course, no railroads in those days, and the farmers of the in terior were absolutely without means of shipping their crops to the sea board. The connl supplied the want, and carried not only freight but large numbers of passengers. It was re garded as a vast improvement upon the stage coach, and fur years the bulk ol the passenger traffic from the Eastern States to the Western passed over the Erie Canal in packet boats built ex pressly for this purpose. When railroads were introduced one , of the first lines built was from Albany I to Schenectady snd almost paraleled 1 :rr, StJSSl , "'? h"" """KUU,U rri, Jr " 3ffi&Z?uZSZ u v- 1 i. . iT' water, though not altogether, for at the present time steam packet boats 1 re run between Home, utica, Syra cuse and other points, they being pat- thj " "issuy, 1 ,h..mifrnm th. nnina ami Hit . . f -nil. I - ...... ....... ..... road travel to the quiet, peaceful and l aitogother delightful journey by wat-.r. I So great was the demand upon th i facilities of the canal that the origin 1 work was in time entirely reconstruct, ed, and the present grand waterway was tho result. As reconstructed it U seventy feet wide, seven feet deep and about 380 miles long. It has mapy locks, nearly all of which are solitllv built of stone and are made double, so that there may be no interruption ol traffic, but a continual succession ol boats may be "locked through," as it js called, from one level to another. . Besides the main lino there are a number of "feeders," which are utili ized both for navigation and for sup-' . plying the principal canal with water; ' These feeders take advantage of natura. j water courses and lakes to penetratj into all parts the State. The bulk of all the traffic, however, is between Buffalo and New York City, and consists mostly of grain, wool ami lumber. The grain is brought in schooners and steamers to the bead ol Lake Erie, where it is taken into ele vators and discharged into canal Loati for transportation to tide water. Th average canal boat will carry 240 tons of bulk grain, and the load can all 1)4 taken on in half a day. These boat aro provided with two cabins, one si the stern for the captain and crew, tho other at the bow fur the mules, which' ore the favorite motive power, though steam has been largely introduced of late years. l The crew for a "mulo boat" con-, lists of a captain, a steersman and two drivers, with four mules. An soon a9 a load is taken on the boat startw, aud it never ties up for mom that a few minutes at a time until ii reaches Albany, nearly 400 miles away. The captain stands his trick at the til ler the same as the steersman, the day being divided into four tricks of si:i hours each. .A driver, two mules ami j . ii .i. i -, steersman are on duty allthewhile iv hiinTB rn anil civ hnnra nflr W him " r . ... the six hours are un the boat is swuna in toward the Danu, snugged up sbout ten or a dozen feet from it, and a light but strong bridge of open slats is run out to the tow poth. The team which has been resting on board is now sent ashore and the other is taken on board for six hours' rest. It does not usually require five minutes' delay . to make the change. There is a slight current setting east ' for about half the way across the state, and as the cargoes are usually heaviest croinar that way, this is a din tinct advantage. Two mules can draw an 8000-bushel boat at an average SDeed of about three miles an honr. ' snd it takes five to six days (by this is Jwaye mewt the fcU twenty-four to make the tp to the Hudson River. Arrived there, ILu mules are ut in a stable and left In charge of )ne of the driverBi whiIe the b)8t is 1 nB(Je np with otherB into a fleet ,f thirty to forty or more, and is 'owed down the river to New York, rhere the cargoes are discharged, I Beturn loads are eagerly sought, snd merchants along the line of the sanal all through the interior obtain i xtnch of their supplies in this manner. ' 7 boats, however, go back "light." , n T rgoes. de- fotm ent to though , t traffic. It takes abont three weeks to, make thfl ronnd trf 8nd t bftck Buffa, 8nd tnfl bune88 fa regarde(i moderated r.rofitabl onl Ah me time it was highly so, but freight rates have been gradually reduced, so ' that the large profits once realized are ao longer known. To make up for this in n measure the State has rnadd the canals free of tolL Formerly all boats were obliged to pay tolls in pro- portion to the weight carried by them. It various prominent points were I "weigh locks," as they are colled, "e nothing more than an im- I nense pair of scales arranged in the 1 ttomf 6 lock w th(lt . boat floated ovet tJj the closed( t-ne water pamped or drawn cut and ' L, , . f j u - . lnd the ' Btim. when freirflt te. commenced to go down, however, the tolls cut such hole ia the profits that a demand arose for free canals and it was in-anted. The State now maintains ' i ine envre STBiem Dy general hhmum, U the canali, axe recognized to be t great psbJig Jifiaefactor- J wsm nnVilirt hnAi I ' Bandea grain, vast qnaatmsw mt) 1 lumber, coal, salt, building atone and all kinds of farm produce are trana IXaiAXH ported by canal to market. lathe fall apples ana potatoee tj tne tnonsanus of tons are thus shipped to ew lork. There ore many boats which are de voted entirely to way trafflo of this kind, while others ore used entirely for through shipments. Between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 tons of freight are transported over the Erie Canal every year, and the saving to shippers and consumers is something enormous. The benefit of the canal system is shown from the faet tbat while it ia open to nse the railroad rates on all classes of freight handled by the boats ore materially reduced, bnt as soon as the canals freeze over the rates ore put np again. New York Advertiser. The Caribs of British Honduras. 1 "The Caribs of British Honduras," said Frank Fisher, manager of the British Honduras syndicate, "are peculiar people, and, unlike other na- tiyeg of p- do not millgle with whites holding aloof, for that mat . . ,;. 4v .,; ' , "Originally from Africa, they etill maintain their tribal relations and sin gular customs. Physically they are a fine race, being coal black and very muscular. Their language is harsh and guttural, its vocabulary consisting ol only about 700 words. They can count np to three in their own tongue and above that number count in French. It is almost impossible to learn their language. They are nomadio and go from place to place along the coast. Some families have half a dozen homes in as many villages. Some of the young women ore comparatively good looking and all have a most graceful and erect carriage. They carry water pitcher on their heads very skillfully. , -The women d6 all the work ana carry burdens on their backs that would Sthe vertebra of a strong white man. The men are idlers. The women have no standing in the family rela- tions and the wife does not eat with her husband nor do any of the females with the men. They are as much at home ia the water as on land, and the women paddle the dugout canoes. The " V- 1 . t I 1 C II babies learn to swim almost before they can walk. As a race they are wonder fully cleanly, bathing several times a day, and when the morning's work is over they ore very neat in their scant attire. "They are very filial, however, and when one goes fishing the first fish caught is for the grandfather, the next for the father, and so on down the list until the fisherman comes to himself. Tbey will not sell their fish to the whites or other natives until their own fami lies are supplied. In brief, they are one of the few races in the world who have refused to intermingle with other yeople." Washington Star. A Lucky Accident. One of the greatest discoveries evex made was the result of the purest acci dent It was the year of 1796. The citizens of Munich had just witnessed the first triumphant performance of Mozart's opera, "Don Juan," and the theatre was deserted by all save one man, Alois Sennefelder, who, after making a round of inspection in the building to see that no sparks had ig- nited anything combustible, retired to his room to stamp the tickets of admis sion for the day following. When he entered his apartments he had three things in his hand a polished whet stone which he had purchased for the purpose of sharpening razors, a ticket etamp still moistened with printing ink and a check on the treasurer of tho thpAtrA for bin wppltl v salArv. An hn placed the latter on the table a gust of wind swept it high np in his room and uolol D"r. then deposited it in a basin filled with I The girl whose eyes are dazzled by av water. Sennefelder dried the wet paper engagement ring can't be expected to as well as he could and then weighed see many faults in the giver. For tha it down with the whetstone upon which time it may be said she's stone blind. jhe had before carelessly placed the j Vuiladelphia Times, printing stamp. When he returned to "People must be liking her much bet Jiis room the following morning he was . ter if Baa hasn't said anything dissgree astonished at seeing the letters printed ' able for a year." "They are, and she 4l A- nvl-a 111 A a fllll iwm 4Vm't. t 1 i a 1 . . 1 It " wui j "i'"" dampened paper. A thought came to , . rr , . , , mm. ne wonaerea wnemer Dy some' .i. ;...i;r vnrk n( nnitinniiw mndno ha .mur.' of the chorus. He went out and pur-! chased a large stone, commenced mak-' inpr experiments, and as we all know. finally discovered the art of print ing from stone lithography. Science Siftings. Giving a Bad Dose Skilfully. ' Heat your spoon in hot wate.. squeeze into it a few drops of orange juice, then pour on the oil and add a few more drops of orange juice, if you wish to administer a dose of oil to a little patient skilfully and pleasantly. It would perhaps be just as well if no hint that medicine of any kind is dis agreeable were made in the pres ence of small folks, who often get their prejudices against it from the fuss and grimace made by their elders, who have to swallow a dose. Many mothers must, I think, plead guilty to holding the medicine man and his mix tures over little ones as a means ol punishment when all else fails. In some families the policeman, in some the doctor is the bugaboo, ready to pounce upon all kinds of infantine obstinacy. New York Post A WILT SUITOR. She "Have you been to the bcautj show?" He (looking at her) "So. lhat'r shy I came to calL" (The cards are out.) Chicago Beo ord. j A ETACT science. Snipper "Do you consider rnedl- ' eine an exact science?" Tipper "Certainly. (hat physicians exact I've noticed large amounts -Detroit Free for their Press. A DELICATE ATTENTION. - Stranger "Did you tell Miss Pen stock how pleased I was with the silk traveling cap she sent me?" Singerly "Yes, nnd she said sht hoped yoa would have occasion to ns it often. "-rJudge. ruwuemi uiuuiuiu.ii uiucu win binoxid of sodium constitutes a power ' ful explosive. aprili anttA April' tUU, AprJs ha to asr I Almost voa aaay sm aacsi Vasr WiDowa that at dawa war bar. llaaJowsthat wtv brown. Oa which th lsofrthaaia bmCow 4a has horned, Crsp into ii baf or ta sua go tow, Al wtxa black booh, wail aaocta) backs war turned. Swift stolen into fljwar. . AprtraaoeU, ApriPs In tha alrl Flting ovar Earth's slow dust, Laavlnc; us behind her, wher fut and pass the years. Soullsas ot Echo, ah can never know Oar kissiw that sh hastens, nor our tears. Sot for as watchers do ber blossoms bio w Their day is come: they musk April's aflald, April's in the air I Heavy Winter turns his feet ftorthward with his load ot care; And on April's wings Unreasoning our human hsarts npsoar. As hearts have done since they were humat things. As human hearts shall do forever mora When ours forzet to beat. Owen Wister, in LipplucotU PITH AND POLNL A. stern necessity The rudder.' ' X Columbian souvenir This country. Too many men occupy chairs in the ichool ot life. Puck. A common misnomer "Butter" fo oleomargarine." Washington Siar. "You can't do that a?ain," said Pa, when the Indian scalped him. Truth. Everyone's family was rich at soino rime before he came into it. Atchison Globe. Some youths shave aaint the bear J. while others shave down only. Texas Sif tings. The monkey goes to the sunny side ot ihe tree when he wants a warmer climb. Texas Siftlngs. The man who doesn't know everything , plaia Dealer, Is usually the man who has some sense. ' Life is a conundrum. And the horse &ief who has been riddled with ballets generally gives it up. Puck. "Am I the first girl you ever loved?" "Indeed you are. The other one was a widow." Indianapolis Journal. It is only when the small boy is kept some from the circus that be feels there is no show for him at all. Truth. It is one of the peculiarities of things n general that the freshest men gener ally toll the stalest stories. Texas fciift 'ngs. The man who is persistently urged to "take a stand" in life generally meets his opportunity oa a streetcar. Boston Courier. "My sweetheart is neither beautifu, lor young," said Do woes; "but she is as good as gold." Ah 1 it's the gold you're after," said Bigbee. Tit-Bits. The artists and the fnnsmiths now Are working in a bunca Ro-hashing jokes on crinoline From the ISM Punch. Puci "Yes, said the cowboy, as his bunch of cattle stampeded across the prairie. there seems to be i uite a large movo- ment oa I00t to worry me this evening." Truth. Says a fashion note: "The return of .he shawl is prophesied." And now will somebody be sufficiently brave to pre dict the return of the umbrella? Boston Transcript; "Did you ever notice tbat some men ieem happiest when they are most in debt?" "Yes. Their credit gets so bad heJ can't even borrow trouble." Wash. uas oniy Deen aeaa a iweivemontn. Chicico Inter-Ocean. I t.- ho. , , Poetaster "So you have read my posmsi well, what do you advise me . ... .,. U . X,i - hIm.f. " rirb?,b,. I . . . . The stores which such stylos ara compelling, In the crowd will find sorrow no duuot; The crinoline! that tbey are selling Will one day keep customers out. Washington Stan 1 1 !irt - A .1 .1.-1. , V. . n 1 1 , . . . . , . Directors of the new loint stock corn- 1 pany?" "Half of them are people who Bre capable of nothing, whilst the rest are capable of onythingl" Fliegendo Blaetter. "Don't you think 'dear' a tame word? "It is, in the vocabulary of love. But when it is applied to the price of a wo man's dress it assumes a strength that in spires the average husband with terror." New York Press. A Cariosity ef Sanitation It is one of the curiosities of sanita hon that It remained for the regiments of British soldiers in India to demon trate that it is healthful surroundings which make healthy people. When diy camping grounds were made imperative and the use ot proper bygiemic food commanded and protective clothing in sisted upon, soldiers being daily inspect ed to prevent evasion of rules, and per fect cleanliness of person, clothing, bel ding and camp was enforced and made to take the place of the fatalistic notion that "of course the India service is ter ribly destructive, but what can Toinay Atkins do," it was found that the death rate could be brought down lower than in rural England, and gave a new im pulse to sanitary effort in the home coun try. New York Independent. SOX Z ZXFOSB lOUH IONORAACE. Mrs. Meadow (at city hotel) "Oov, There's a fly in this soup." Mr. Meadow (who has traveled some) --"Hush, Miranda, don't speak so loud. So nse exposin' our ignorance. Thii bill of fore is in French, and mebbj we ordered fly soup." Life. A SQUARE lCEATj. "What do yoa want?" she askeo through a small opening in the door way. "I'm lookln' far a square meaL" vjrll .i,. !:.i :.u . Jfcwar4 the. wood pile, "suppose you i---X" : . ' ' V1!.