Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 29, 1894, Image 2

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WnmSDAY. ALU 29, 1994.
- of Bellefente.
of Pittsburg.
of Lancaster JCouuty.
of Philadelphia.
of Glcnwood.
of Greenwood.
Thad M. Mahon.
H. Latimer Wilson.
Anson B. Will.
James H. Groningor.
Lewis Di-gen.
Chemists lielitvc tbat they will
neon bo able to turn cream into but
ter without the aid of churning.
Last Sunday evening George O.
Barnes .rear-bed a sermon in the
Lexington, Ky., C -urt House, and
closed Lis remarks with an appeal to
the men. to vote for Pollard-Breckin-ridye.
WirAT a sight , the leaders of the
democratic party trying to pull down
the American manufacturing estab
lishments for foreign benefit; trying
to bring onr people down to the lev
el of European and Asiatic indus
tries. The King of Korea has declared
hid independence of China, and has
ujjked the Japanese to help him in
his struggle for Independence A
two dys light between an army of
"25,000 men each, took place on the
17th of August, at Piug-An iu which
the Chinese defeated the Japanese,
routing them 11 miles. The Japs
after running 11 miles, madu auoth
-er stand, and were again defeated.
Vr. Sloan one of the democratic
nominees for Congress-at-Large,
died, and that will require a meeting
of the democratic State Convention
to nominate a candidate to fill the
vacancy created by the death of Mr.
Sloan. When the State Convention
is re-couvened it will be a good time
for Judge Bucher to get off the tick
et. What will the Judge do.
By the stealing of Cashier Gard
ner, the Second National Bank of Al
tooua has lost all of its capital sock,
which was one hundred thousand
dollars, and now, if they go on with
the bank, they will have to raise an
other hundred thousand dolLirs.
There is also another loss of fifty
thousand dollars, which places the
less of the bank at one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. It was a
good concern through which to get
rid of money. The bank had four
hundred thousand dollars of deposits
when it closed its dours. A number
of the stock-holdeis are making an
effort to start again by putting back
the one hundred thousand dollars
that the cashier stole, and by arrang
ing with depositors to pay thani in
the future, giving time certiticites of
The President did not Sign
Usher the ten days prevision of
the Constitution, the new tariff bill
that the President and the Southern
wing of the democracy fought against,
Lecauie a law at midnight on Mon
day without President Clevtlaud
signing it. The President did not
-send a message to Congress, but he
ent a letter to T. C. Catch ings of
Mississippi in which he Siys he will
not be separated from his party by
"vetoing the bill, but at the same time
ho declares the bill not in lino with
tariff reform. He is however of the
opinion that it will improve existing
conditions. He believes it to be a
barrier to what ho calls mad protec
tion. He does not in, this Utter say
anything about the perlidy and dis
honor men who passed tha bill, but
he expresses tbe hope that it will
prove a vantage ground for the House
to engage in future legislation in fa
vor of free raw material. It is strange
beyond the comprehension of the
business men of the geat northern
eru states, that the President is only
in touch with the free traders of the
south, and when he writes on the
subject of the tariff he writes to a
southern free trader. The ptrfidy
and dishonor letter was to Wilson.
'This last letter of hope, for free raw
material, is to Catchings.
Thank God.
The Wavne County Nebraska Re
publican of August 18, siys: Let do
citizen of our couuty croak. Tbis is
a veritable oasis in a desart land.
Crops are complete failures all around
us, while we have plenty to keep us
over until another crop can be rais
ed. Behold the living illustrations
of hard times that daily pass your
-doors in the covered wagon; hear
their stories of crop failure, of want,
of blasted hopes, of homes forsaken,
then thank God that jour lot has
leen cast in beautiful, never failing,
fertile Wayne.
Died from Chewing (jam.
Baltimore, Aug, 22 Miss Mary
?fcoVD, daughter of T. Janvs Brown,
of Princess Anne, Md., died last night
trout an operation performed for
appendicitis. About ton days ago(
Miss Brown, who had always been a
hearty girl, swallowed a piece of chew
ing gum. It was several days before
she became ill, and then it was not
thought for an instant tbat the sup
posedly harmless gum was the cause.
Physicians were summoned from Bal
timore and Philadelphia in consulta
tion with the town doctors. A prom
inent doctor performed an opperation
and a small piece of gum was found
in the vermiform appendix She nev
rallied. Swallowed a Snake-
John Whaler of Prospect, Butler
county, a boy about 14 years of age,
was at a circus two or three weeks
ago and saw a snake handler in a
side show place the head of a pine
snake in his mouth. Going Lome he
tried the experiment with an eigh
teen inch water snake, but swallow
ed the reptile, and is now in convul
sions and is likely to die, and all ef
forts to get the snake ontof hisstom
acbe Lave failed.
Fruit Tree Test.
An exchange says: A newly discov
ered pest is ravaging the apple and
peach oichards of Pennsylvania.
Through its work the annual crop
will be reduced one third. Its work
resembles that of the locust family,
aod in three years will ruin aa entire
orchard. The pest is a small, horn
beetle of the same family that de
stroyed the pine trees in the north
eru belt of Virginia, and the only
way to prevent its ravages is to trim
oil' the branches fram 3 to G inches
beyond tbe track of the insect and
until healthy wood is reached. Burn
the effected branches.
Poetic Genius-
It is said that William Cullen Bry
ant, did not get his poetic genius
from his mother, for his mother was
a practical woman in every sense of
the word and uncommonly indus
trious, and yet for all that is known
about poetic genius it may only be
another phase of intense industry
and application. Mrs. Bryant kept
a diary wit a such persistent regular
ity and industry that in 50 years she
did not miss a day. This is the en
try for November 3, 179-1: Storm
ing; wind N. E.; seven in the even
ing, son born." The poetic genius
of Bryant may Lav been the vork
and energy of his mother turned
from Lund to head work.
- -
A Snake Milking a Cow-
The "bell" cow of the herd owned
by Benjamin Johnson near metal,
has receutly been returning home
with ar, udder devoid of milk. It
was nut supposed that persons were
milking tbe cow and it vtas determ
ined to watch Ler. Oue day this
week one of Mr. Johnston's sons fol
lowed the coy. s to the mountain, car
rying with him a shot gun.
At a certain place on the moan
taiu the "bell'' cow stopped and a
black buak glided up to it and buck
ed the milk from its udder. The
young man shot the suake, which
measured live teet. As the cow ap
proached tha spot she seemed to be
looking about for the snake and evi
dently expected it and awaited its
daily visits. Cumberland Valley
On Saturdav. September 1. anoth
er of the Pennsylvania Uailroid's not
ed personally conducted pleasure
tours to Niagara rails will be run.
Snecial train cf Pullman warlor
cars and day coaches will leave Phil
adelphia at 8 A. M., JJowijiugtown
S).0o A. M., Washington 7 A. M.,
Baltimore 8.15 A. M., York 10 10 A
M., Harrisburg 11. 3o A M.f Saubury
1.0 ) P. il., Wilii tmsport -i 40 f. M ,
stopping at principal intermediate
Excursion tickets, valid for retuin
passage within ten days, will e sold
for train leaving Milllin at 9.53 A- M.,
connecting with special train, at rate
of S8.G0.
Tickets will permit of stop off at
Watkins and Rochester, in either di
rection, within limit.
Pennsylvania Rally-
Pennsylvanians in the fur west,
have not forgotten their home halits,
and annually hold a picnic and take
pridi; in calling it a Pennsylvania
rally as follows, which is taken from
The Vayue Co. Republican iuQwliich
the names of a uuiuoer of Juniata Co
people appear. The annual Pennsylva
nia pic-uic and social gath-riiit; wdi
be held at Dr. Cruwforo's Grove. 2
miles ni rthwest of Wayne, on W d
nesday, Aug. 29,1894 Ail Pennsyl
vanians by Dirth, marriag", distant
relationsbip, or previous term of serv
itude who nave fettled in Wayne or
adjacent counties ere cordially invit
ed to attend and bring a good sup
pip of old time rye bread, pumpkin
pie or huckleberry jam. Tne occa
sion will bo one of social ci y ivmeiit,
and it is hoped tbat all will turn oat
and help make the day one long to
be remembered by fraternal greet
ings. The following programme baa
been arranged for the occasion, and
we hope that every part will be fully
carried out:
Prayer. Song, 11 ly Geo. L
Cook Address, Rev. Kunkleman.
Song. Dinntr. Poem, P. W. Oman.
Business meeting. Roll call of coun
ties and short resp.-n-eB. The fol
lowing committees have been appoint
ed: Committee on Grounds R. B.
Crawford. D. Marshall, W A. K
Neely. Music George L Cook. Fi
nauce, P. M. Coibit, S. B. Russell,
Eli Jones.
Speak-rs J T. Met.tlen.
Refreshment W. O. Gamble, A.
H. Carter. By order of
E. J. Nasole, President.
S. B. Busseix, Secretary.
Leprosy in Prussia
Cases of leprosy having recently
been reported from several parts of
Prussia, a special investigation has
been officially opened under the di
rection of Dr. Natb, and as a result
it bas been discovered that there are
quite a number of lepers in Eastern
Prussia, especially at Konigsberg
and Memel, about 70 . miles from
Konigsberg. la the Konigsberg
district alone ten genuine eases of
leprosy have been found, and leprosy
is now officially declared to exist in
these district", a fact, of which the
majority of the population previously
had not the slightest idea. Ex.
$2,000 $2.000 $2,000
Boots and Shoes Rubber foot
wear Umbrellas, Satchels.
Monday Evening, September 3, 1894,
at G. W. Heck's Store, Bridge street,
Goods mast be sold. Ladies' Fine
Shoes Children's Shoes Heavy
Boots and Shoes for men and boys
Men's Fine Shoes Everybody at
tend. Do your buying for winter.
Auction continued from time to
time by announcement of Auctioneer.
The goods must be sold.
Don't forget tbe date. First Auc
tion Sale, Monday evening, Septem
ber 3, 1894, at 7 o'clock in the even
ing. Tbe Camp-meeting at Newton
Hamilton for 1894, came and went
its way as others did before it, with
this exception that the place was
closed against the public on Sabbath
and that the circle of preachers in
attendance, as well as all the people
there were startled over tbe sudden
illness and death of the Presiding
Elder, J Max. Lantz, after a brief
illness of some 30 hours. When Lis
illness became dangerous, he waslak
en from the camp to Lewistown
where he died on the 21st, present
month. The funtral of tbe Presid
ing Eld'r tor.k place on Friday, Aug
ust 24th, at Lewistown.
The new departure of closing the
camp on Sibbath is approved by
many. They say we have a thousand
regular lent people here, and that
gives na a good meeting every day,
and by the closing of tbe gate3 on
Sunday many Sabbath desecrating
people are kept away There are
others who express tha belief that
the camp is shorn of its glory when
the doors are closed on Sun lay, and
that the water of life is r.o longer
free to all when the people are ex
cluded on the Sabbath day. They
muintain that the Sabbath desecrat
ing people who attend are better
there than out on the farms engaged
iu all kinds of amn-ements, and often
at gambling and vile sports. They j
are better at camp, if they can be I
got there on Sunday ttan loitering i
about the streets and questionable I
places in the towns. That if they
can be got to camp on Sunday they
will des-ecrate the day less ibere tuan
away in their every Sunday haunts.
t hose fur open dors, urge tbat t'ie
influences of the religious meeting",
preaching and prayer has an elevat-
iag indut-nce on many people who
attend on Sunday, who they can sel
dom reach on other da; 8.
The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia
heartburn and occossionally h-nd
ached, should not bo neglected Take
ool's Sirsaparilla to b- cured.
Have vou tried South American
Nervine tho gem of tbe crntury f
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed tho most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14. lv.
Wood, iron, and chain pumps. Iron
pipe and Sttings, rubber hose, bras
fittings and sj forth. Plumbicg,
pump and pipe repairs.
Call ou or address.
F. W. Noble,
March 26, tf. Mifflintown, Pa.
;To be Sold at Private Kale.
. The undersigned offer at privite
sale a tract ef fifteen acres of land in
Fermanagh township, bounded by
landa of Wm. Hawk, Dr Lucian
Banks, .Woyor's heirs and Joseph Ob
erholtzer. This land i well set with
younar Chestnut and Rock Oak and
is rapidly growing in values.
Atkinson & Pennell.
The notices tacked to fenecs aod tree
ttaaks in rural nnigbborhoo is are some
times amusing specimens of composition.
Tbe w-iter saw tha following tacked to a
tree one day last summer. It wh writ
ten io blue ink ou a peioe of brown pa
per: "A stray mare-horse, wioh went away
from tbe piemises of tbe undttcined a
week ago come a Friday wich she had
on a reap baiter and a lotter K on her
byp. Also she was blind in one aye
with a white star on her fore bed tbe
rest of ber is a lite sorl excepting tale
wich is blak. A liberal reward will bo
payd for her return to Mr. a. j. K .
"Also seddell marks on her back "
Youth's Companion.
Reduced Rates to Grangers'
Picnic at William' Grove
via I'eDBt) Ivanla Rail
road For the accommodaticu of pers-ms
dc-iringto attend this interesting
picnic and exhibition the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Compinv will t-ell ex
cursion tickets on August 25lh, 27th. '
28th, 29th, 30'b nd 31-t. eod to
return until September 3rd, incl -sive,
from stations in th fol'nwin-r
territor? at rate of one fare for the
round trip:
From all principal stations on tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad Division west
of Bryn Mawr and east nf East Lib
erty, both inclusive. j
Fr-m all principal s'atioi s oi th
Northern Central Railway north o'
Lntherville. Md., and south of Can
an laigua.
From all principal stations of 'he
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Div
ision. Tired, Wek, Kervcns,
means impure b o-d, an 1 overwork
or too mncb strain on brain and body.
The only way to cure is to feed the
nerves on pure blood. Thousands of
people certify that the best blood
purifier, the best nerve tonic and
strength builder is H od's Sars -par-ill
a. What it. has done for others it
will also do for you Hood's Cures. "
HoocTt Pills cure constipation by
restoring peristaltic action of tbe ali
mentary canal.
Dr. S. D. Diffeuderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland ; Dental
Department, desires to -inform the
public that he has opened- a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills Pa , where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
anteed. .
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
Trains on the Tascarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows;
Leave East Waterford at 8 00 a.
v., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy
al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 r. sc.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. k.
and 5.15 p. m., arriving at East Wa
terford at 11.45 a. m. and 6.30 p. m.
G- 4. R National Encamp
ment and National naval
Association. Plltaburf,
Pa . Hair Rates via
For the meeting of tha National
Naval Association to bt held at Pitts
burg. Pa., September 8tb, and the
National En-jampment of the Grand
Army of tbe Republic to be held at
the same place, September 10 to 15,
tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell to the pnblic, from Septem
ber 6 to 10, inclusive, round-trip
tickets to Pittsburg and return at.
rate of one lowest firs! class fare for the
round trip, except from near by
points. These tickets will be valid
for return passage until September
25, inclusive.
Detailed information in regard to
rates, stop over privilege, side-trip,
excursion tickets, etc J can be obtain
ed upon application at ticket effice.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
Talley, Iud., says: "I have been in a
distressed condition for thre rears
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomacbe, Dyspepsia, and Indignat
ion until my haaltb was cron. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
Sontb American Nervine which done
me more good than any $50 worth of
doctonner I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicin in the world." War
ranted the- most wonderful stomach
and nerve core ever known. Trial
bottle 15 rents. Sold bv L. Banks
& Co., Druggie, Mifllintown, Pa.
Fob 1. 93-ly.
5etufn;r Strange.
Intelligent people, who realize tho
important part the blood noma in
keeping tho body in a normal condi
tion, find nothing strangn in the
nnmbpr r.f diseases Hood's Sarsanar
illa is able to cuTe. So many tmn
bles result from impnre blood, the
best wav to treat them is through
the blond- Hood's Sarsaparilla vit
alizes the blood.
NooiPs Pitts are '-be b.-st after din
ner pills, assist digestion, prevent
Harriet E. Hall of Waynefown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to the
great Sonth Amerion Nervine. I
bad been in bed for fi re months from
th effects of an- exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condiHon of my
whole system. Had riven up ail
lir.pas of getting wr-1? Had tried
three doctors with no rrdief. The
hrst pottle of the Stmne Tome im
proved mo po much that I was able
to walk alxiut and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. T believe it is the
best medicine in the world. I can
not recommend it to biirhlv." Sold
by L. Banks & Co., DruggiRt, Mif
fl in town. Pa.
Feb. 9 '93, ly.
Some one says the habit of "out.
iug," ns i is cilled, is ordc nature as
serting a feeble longing in people to
get back to the primitive st-ite of the
garden where Adam and Eve cut a
Win. Johnson
Kermauville, Pa.
Injured While Coasting
Impure Blood Asserts Itself
But Hood's Sarsparilla Cure tho
Disease and Restores Health.
C. I- Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.: I
"During the winter of 1887, 1 was tejured on
ua limb while coasting. It did not (rouble mo
much at first, but soon became moro painful my
strength began to decline and I could not rest at
night. I was attended lij several different doc-!
tors but all failed to check the- sroukle and I,
grew rap' 'y worse. Early in 1M0 I had to ase
crutches and my health was vary poor, having;
lost my appetite and being reduced in flesh. In,
tbe fall of 1891 I had to take- to my bed and
It was thought I
I Would Not Live
until spring. During nil tUls time I had triad
many different medicines but did get relief. In
the meantime to givo ate relief, the aeverat
bunches around my knee were lanoed and later
very effort made to heal the running sores bull
all In vain. Then it was, while confined to my
bed last spring, that my father, having read
much about the merits of Hood's Saraaparilla,
dacldad to have me give It a trial I hava taken
it regularly, uiii g nearly ten bottles. AH the
ores but two are healed and these are nearly
won. I hare thrown away myerutjhes as I can!
walk, go to school and do some work. I nave!
a good appetite aud real good health and
have Increased in weight very much. Hood's
Baraaparilla bas been a blasting to me." Wu'
Uam Jouxsov, Normanville, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills re the best family eathartta,
gentle and 3ectiv, Try a box cents.
Thomas H. Hoorl of Jefferson, I
Clinton county, well known as the
"Hoosier Bine Man, died Wednes
day night, aged 74 years. His skin
was as blue as an indigo bag. The
false complexion was bronght on
many years ago by taking overdoses
of nitrate of silver as a cure for epil
epsy. He was cured of the malady,
bnt the remedy turned his skin b'ue.
Indianapolis Journal.
By virtue of Sundry writs at Fieri Facial
and Ltvari Facia, containing wavera of
inquisitioos and exemptions iiwad oat of
the Court of Common Pleas of nniata Co.,
Pa., returnable to the September term next
of raid Court, and to me directed, I will fx.
pose to atle at public ontcrv. on
at 1 o'clock P. 11. at tbe Court House in
Afifflintown, Pa., tbe neveral tracts of land
hereinafter described;
Wo. 1. All tbat certain tract of land sit
uate io Monroe township, Juniata county,
Pa., bounded and described as follows, on
tbe North by land of David Nace; on the
east by land of James Neimond; on tbe
south by lands of James Navlor; on tho
west by lands nf Mrs. Elizaboth Zeidera
and Frank Speico, containing One Hundred
snd Ten Acres, more or Ie, having there,
on erected a two story Log-Weather board
ed House, a log and shed stable. Suiced
taken In execution and to be soid aa tbe
property of Dela H. Dauberman and George
r . Uauhernian.
No. 1- All that certain tract or land sit
uate In llilford township, Juniata county.
Pa., bounded and described as follows: On
the north by lands of Jesse Reynolds and
Jobn Wright's heirs: on tbe east bv lands
of Jesse Reynolds; on tbe smith by lands of
Epbriam Shores; on the west by lands of
G ue lave A. Scbrapp, containing Trenty-
nine acres, more or less, having thereon a
pesch orchard. Seized taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of E. E.
No. 3. All that certain tract of mountain
land, situate in Milford township. Juniata
connty. I'a , bounded by lands of Dr. G If.
Graham's heirs and others known and des
ignated on tho general mip a draft of Juni
ata county, Pa., as the Jacob Barr tract,
and containing four hundred acres more or
lean. Seized laken in execution and to be
sold as the property of E. E. Berry.
No. 4. Ah tbat certain lot or piece of
ground, situate in tbe borough of Mifflin,
town, Juniata county, Pa., bounded and
described as lollowj: On the north by lot of
Edward Warner; on the east by Hain streel;
on the south by F. W. Noble; on the west
by reonsylvania Canal Coniany bed, bav
rog thereon erected a frame dwelling house
and out-buildings Seized taken in execu
tion and te be sold as the property ol
Prank Warner.
Na. 6. All that certain tract of land situ,
ate in Fermanagh township, Juniata Co.,
Pa., bounded and described as follows: On
tbe north by lands of John Afickle; on the
east by lands of Jacob Thomas and Solomon-
Bastion on tho sonth by the public
road and lands of W. n. Kreider; ou the
west by lands of John Mickle, containing
one and one-balr acres, morn or less, hav.
ing- thereon erected a two-storv frame
dwelling house, log stable and other out
buildings. Seized taken in execution and
to be suld! aa the property of Theodore
No. tk All that certain tract or land sit.
nate in Beaie township, jnniata Co , Pa.,
bounded and'deseribed as follows: On tho
north by public road and lands of J. C.
Beale and Jr.hn SulouffV on the east by lands
of Thomas Harrist on tho south bv Unds of
David '.fatts, Robert Caaibell's" heirs and
John Hisingi r; on tho wast bv public roads
and James P: Sterrett and William Leon,
ard. containing seventy. rarea acrea more
or less, bavin thereon erected a two-story
leg weather-boarded dwelling house, a log
bank bam, a wagon shed' and other out-
buildings. Seized taken-n exocntio and
to be sold as the property of Jeremijli
No. T-. All that certain, tract of" land sit.
uate in Walker township, Jnniata Co., Pa.,
bounded ard described aa foilows: On the
north by the Juniata river; on the east by
lands of Nelson Collier and George M. Hell
er; on tbo south by land of Ira Kepler; on
the west by lands of Ira ffep-'er. containing
forty acres, more or less, having thereon
erected a two-s'nry lo;r weather-hoarded
house, a frame stable and ether nut build
ings. Seized taken in.. execution and to be
sold as tbe proper'y of J:ees Bergv
No. 8. All tbat certain tract ol land situ
ate in Tnscarora township. Jnniata Co., Pa.,
boundid and desrrib'd as follows: On the
north by lands of William White and A J.
Ferguson's AsMgn-ep; on the east bv lands
ot J bo Gilltiand and A. . Herruson's As
fciguees on the aonth by Un-1.. ol William
Siitt aud J. J. Mi linllin;: on the west by
Tuscarjra creek and A- J. Ferguson's As
sigoees, containing to hundred anil sixtv
Iwo acres, more or less-, hav-ng thereon
erected a two- lory frame dwelling honse,
bank Kirn, wagon-hedt, corn crib and other i
out-buildings. Seized taken io execution
and to be sold na-the property of 11,-nder- I
son Frsha and Elizabeth- r'or.slia.
o..9. All that certain tract oi land mmi
ste in Tu'oarora townshvp, Jnnia'a county.
Pa., bounded and dencrinet as follows: On
tbe north by lands- of Joseph Cutumtiifes
on the tast by lands-ot Samuel Olos.s. on i
the soutb by lands of James Loudon; on
the west by lands of Alex. MrClure, con
taining twenty-throe acres more or less h.iv- .
ing tht-reon erected- a oue and one lull oiory '
tr:inm dwelling house. !eize'l tak-n in ex. t
edition and to be sold as the property if i
Andrew W. Welsh.
Fifty dollars of the price or sum at which
tbo property shall bo struck off shall bo
paid to. the sdierinTat the timn of sale, un
less, t lie purchase money shall bo less than,
that Mini, in- wiiich case only the purchase
money shall bo paid, otherwise the property
will again bo imeueil iately put up and sold ;.
the balance of the purchase money must be
paid to the Siu-ritr at his othee within five
days from the timo of bale, without any du
mand being tuade by the Sheriff therefor,,
otherwise ttui propertr may again bn sold,
at the expense and risk of the person, to.
whom it iastruek off, who, in case of auy
deficiency at such resale shall make good ?
the same-
Sheriff's Office,
MiJ;atwa, Aug. 11, 1894. $
Notice ia hereby given that the paai
skip lately subsisting between John J Pat
vbbsosj, Ja., and WiLBEaroaa SoHwaxaa.
in Mittl ntown, in the State of Pennsylvania,
under tbe firm name of Patterson it
-cbweyer, bas been dissolved) this dav by
saatual consent. Dated Julv 17th. 1894.
Estate of the Catherine Lanver.
Letters Testameatary on the estate of
Calherin- Lauver deceased, late ol Monroe
tewnsbip, having seen granted to tbe un.
dersigntd. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims to pre
sent the saroa without delay
Etc ad ale, Jnniata County, Penna.
Account of Jonathan Kaufftuan, committee
of Susanna Kauffman of Walker
townahip, a Lnnatic.
Notice is hereby given tbat the account
of Jonathan Kauffman, committee of Sn.
sanna Kauffman of Walker township, has
been filed in tne Protbonotary's Office of
J uniata county, aaa tne same will be pre
; rented for confirmation and allowance to
- tbe Conrt of Common Pleas of said county,
I on Wednesday, the 6tb dav of September,
A. O., 1891, wben and where all persons
' interested may attend if they think proper.
I Protkcmotwry.
Protbonotary's Office 1
i MitBiolowD, - Pa., Auk, 2, 18M. J
Assigned Estate of Ezra Srcith.
The undersigned Auditor - appointed by
tbe Court of Common Plea of Juniata
n,. , Hl.trihnra the balance la tne
l. . .1 At jAMn, .nn, AHIIDBr, v.
"""-- . . . , ... r
Ezra Smith, will be at bis office in tbe bor
ough of Afifflintown, Pa., between tbe
hours of 1 o'clock a. ro.. and 4 o'clock p.
m., Sep. 7th, 1894, to perform tha duties of
his appointment when and where all per.
sons having claims must present tbem or be
debarred from coming on said fund.
Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas, for tho Forty-First Judicial District,
composed of tha counties of Juniata and
Perry, snd the Honorable JOSIAH L. BAB
TON and J. P. WICKERSHAM, Associate
Judges of the said court of Common P'o
of Juniata county, hy precept duly issued
and to me directed for holding a Conrt or
Oyer and Terminer and Geneial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace at Mifflintown. on the
Notici bebubt give, to tbeCoroner,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
County of Jnni.-.ta, that they be then and
thero in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon or sai l day, with their rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberances, to do those things that to
their otl'ces respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by recognizance to
prosecute ngainst the prisoners that arc or
may be in the Jail of said county, be then
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
By an act of tbe Assembly, passed the
6th day ot May. 135 it mile tho duty of
Justices of tho Peace of the several coun
ties of this Commonwealth to return to the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of
tbe respective counties, all thn recogni
sances entered into before thero by any city
zen or persons charged with tbo commis
sion of an v crime, except such cases as may
be ended before a Justice of tire Peace, un
der existing laws at least ten days before
tbe commencement of tbe swasfmj of the
Court to which they are mmffr returnable
respectively, and in all cases- where recog
nizances ard entered into less than tea days
bef ore tbe commencement of the session to
which th-y are made returnable-, the said
Justices are to return the samo in- tbe swtae
manner as if said act had not been passed.
Dated at MifHiutown, the 6th day of
Anguet in the year of our Lord, one- thou
and eight hundred and ninety-four.
Sbkbiff's Office,
Mifflintown, August 6, 1891. $
M o.itrUht. Mimt. bo
loClc.VillnKeorConntrT. ,"I2
hom.hop. ! nloBice. Giaoaii-
.nil hMt Wlr MIMlth.
w.i - - , .. m i. aa mmm mmr.
U mT 7t7iiea mn. a l.to.mil the-
r.rt i-h V.n. Kin. instrument wj. -
nrer out of order, no rwinnir, laU i a ma
tt DM. Warranted. AmooBmrtw- V?. n.
W P. Warrison A Co., C erk 10, CoUunbus. W
Pennsylvania College,
Ctettyabursr, Pa.
ForxDED nt 1832.
Largo Faculty. Two full coures of study
Classical ai d Scientific Special courses-!
in all departments. Observatory, Lsbra-4
tories and new (Jyiuimsimii. Six large '
build incs. Steam heat. L:brarie9 ?2,0tt0
volumes. Expensea low. Deparment ot f
Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of:
an experienced' physician. Accessible by j
trr(iient railroad train. Location on the j
BATTLEFIELD ot Go tysburg, most pleas
aut s:;d health j.
. " septate buildings, for biys and young
men preparing ror olivines or O'niege, un
der special csre of tho Principal and thre
oss'stants. resicHne with ktudents in the
building. Full tena opens September 6 tb,
1804. ForCatalognoa address
or REV O.' G. KLINGER, A. M.,
Dr. HnmphTyT 8rM-int arpr lent ittcally and
carefully prci-wkred ltemetliv-i, uipi for years in
lrtvate iracta? and lor over thirty years by the
people v. lih Urw etuxrss. Every single Specifla
m lecifil cure- for the ftl-ase iiamotl.
They enre without drnfjuiti?, urltigorrodnelDfr
the Rvtvm.aiaa-i are lu-fnct tud dci-U UicerOVc-reaf.il.
Hemrdrtra o tbe WorStl.
-Fcvt Corsti'-sT, InflaTHinatioTis.
S-M onuN Wtiriu Fever, Worm :Ie...
3 Teeiiiiin; Colic, .Yinr. W akefuln VsS
4 IsViarrttPtif of Cltildreii or Aduits
s5 ly;rt?tery,tiriilnK, Lilhius colic
6 t: hoi era Morbii, Vomit Log .J
7 Covrw ol Js. I ioccliitis. '2S
5 N ci r Miritta Twt fiat-he. Faceache
! IlpadarhPM, sir-Jc Headache. Ycrthov .kt$
f MyttptpH, lilltoitsiiesii. t 't.ostlpalloo
J I npptysed ir rniaTnl ppriodM. Z5
tI 3 U'l-itsst Too Tf-ttUM) terioiis 'J5
13 ( rm ips lnr nalii, noarseno.. .Z5
14 SrtU Xht-uni, i-ry4?la, truj tions ,45
15 Kliwisiiiiatini.or I:heiiiiiatic Paitia . .SS
ltt .Matlwria. ClulJri. vr and Agu...,. ,U5
17 Pt1owBUa4 ornioefling.... 15
18 lilikniiriT ewr Weak Eyci.... .1
19 'ntnrrh, Iiiflwpai. t eld in tc Ueail-. JitJ
'ittWboopinr Cwuuit
tati AiMhtna, Opnre-U Irathln(t....4. Jt3
tji Katr Kidehai tren. In j aired fUriruc ti-'S
aj J-cpofala. bnlarvt.it InndR. Swelilxift;
sl4 lieacral IK-blliiy, J h tnal WttAiefe
545 lrpy, aut Sc anty bct-retiona
6 Pri--rirknciri. SUkJiess f rora itKUn .4$
27-Kirtuey Dlnramrn ... M
rre IntU, orCantei
3tt-kr.nary Vrnkiies, WetttAci)eX.
.i t-Pmiull lerifilfa
34 IWpbtiieria, I'Kt-rated Sore TItrtja. .
3'arnir Convert ioaiti&ijutsoas. ,33
90 NervAnfl Debility, Senile! Wwk-
liexs, or Inviduntary I'l5t'iari-e. 1.4M)
3 IwlfaeaMsof the Heart, Pali'i-wtJoja l.OO
30 EpileFny, Kpabnia, he Vitu' iMtee...l.0w
SuU br Drwcxtal or Mat ptmtp44. am nMs4,.t of pric
Da. UlSfrtMIf tt.MtlAl 1 144 p.C.S.1 MILKS FAE&
cariHtr.Ts'XKD.ro..iii aiiswttmat..swTrt.
For nira External or Intrmai, Blind or Bleedlnrj.
The rettof Is imniedlaju the c-ure certain.
Bold by Dmcti.t, OT, mum s SI4 en reclpt of pdn,
Hsaraaats- nrcajnt us was St.. jnrw vaaa
as ascnts bc!1 l.-.r.foprs at $55 eamo aaantaaeU
oriiAi,oar3 nti wtuxl-rirus, 2& lb., eauiat aa auy
Guaranteed sama aa asanta sell for ITS to Sjon.
S ROAD RACER, 25 lbs. 00t
I'l buy abicrclethrouKhanrKfutyoa pavrtfaO
TV til
"t inan our wDoienaip price ror cbk iMnif ty.
i'coBta boutas much to tell bicycles throufrli
onia and dealers s.s It loca to rcake tbem. Let
.uicoca and economy ftncircn tho l-ttrr wur am?
buy from na direct at wbolcsalo price
IUuatrated Cataloffne free.
Acme Cycle Corepany,
rSI rrSTrS rrr?ICnre gnara
pa. tue ct
- t - i msnitui
Arch fhli
NO OIeratinn OP hnainn
Hotel Venn. Kead.cg, l'a..Second'SaSard.y u
aii t.:3i lur circular. Advice fri
nf an-Aa Sv a ' .
sVn a s U I-,. ours at at ami
IN leylUilroComp-oy. Tune itaol.
of paiaHinger trains, in effect
WM sp rf w
September ji.iogo.
ward. East
ward. rail
F It
4 OU
8 67
8 63
8 60
8 46
3 41
8 88
8 32
8 16
8 10
2 66
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 88
2 24
2 20
Buffalo Bridge
Jnniata Furnace ...
Sylvan ......
Wat-r Ping
Bloomdeld Junct'n.
Valley Road
Green Park
Fort Robeson .....
Cisna's Rnn
6 06 10 OT
6 08 10 08
6 1210 07
8 10
8 07
8 03
6 1510 10
8 00
7 56
6 25 10 17
6 2210 20
6 81:10 26
6 89! 10 84
6 61 10 46
7 51
7 48
7 40
7 25
6 64 10 49
7 16 11 00
7 20
7 14
7 06
6 69
6 66
6 60
6 43
6 34
7 12 1107
7 17 ill 12
7 23 11 18
AndorsonourK .....
7 27111 22
7 SSlll 80
Blain .. . ......
Mount Pleasant .
New Germant'n .
7 41111 881
7 45'1140
6 3J
Noti " Signifies no agent,
T" tele-
phone connection.
D. G RING, President and Manager.
C. K.. Miitaa, General Agent.
The following schedule went Into effect
lov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be rnn as
p. m
4 30
4 36
4 Z9
5 41
4 4.
4 46
4 61
4 64
4 r.e
4 59
a. m
1) 15
9 21
9 24
9 26
9 29
9 31
Leave Arrive
King's Mill
Sulphur Spring
Corman Siding
Montebello Park
Long's Road
Groen Pk
'Montour June.
Arrive Leave
a. m p. rn
8 40 8 60
8 34 3 44
8 31 8 41
f? 29 3 39
8 26 3 36
8 24 8 34
8 19 8 29
8 16 3 26
8 14 3 24
8 11 3 21
8 06 3 16
7 62 2 46
7 46 2 89
7 43 2 86
7 40 2 33
7 84 2 27
7 32 2 25
7 27 2 20
6 10 1O00
6 17 10 07
6 21 10 13
6 25 10 15
6 28 10 1
5 24 10 2
6 36 10 27
6 41 10 32"
0 09 1 1 20
p. m a. m
6 55 1 60
a. m p m
10 a. ro.
4" a. m.
Train leaves- Blonintield at 6.
and arrives at ILsjndiabnrg at 6
Traiu leaver IUndisknirg at 6.14 p.
in., and
arrives at BloomSeld at 6. 50 p. ni.
Trains leave Loysville for Duncannon at
7. 220 a. m . and 2. 15 p. m. Returning,
arrive at 10 37 a; mi, and 4Jti p. m.
Between Land ieb org and Loysville trains
run ss follows: Leave Land isburg for Loys
ville 6 55 a. m., and 1 bO p in., Loysville
for Landisburg 11' 10 a. ro., and 5 09 p. m.
All stations marked (are Hag stations,
at which trains will cxmim to a full stop on
SWS-Headaithe and relieve all the trauWes incf
rim to a bilious state of. the synrem. such as
DisEtiiess. Nausea. I Jrowsiuess. Distress af l-r
nruag. Pain in the Side. o While-their most
remarkable success has been shown im caring
Hrtaehe. yet CAantn's Iattub Drvaw Pnxa
arw eruallv- valuable in Constipatioa. curing
and preveHtina this annoving complaint, while
tfaay also correct all diserden of tha- stnanach,
sUauitate the liver aad : resulata the awwela.
c. U they only cured
Ah they would he almnat uliais to Affia
who siiffar from this dtMrasaiinr csmahuDt.
hu fortunately their goooitess does- aot ewd
htare. and thnse who once try them will' fia.1
these little pills valuable- in so immy ways that
Uiey will not be willing.-to do without them,
mat after nil sick head ;
la the hane of sonranv lives that lietw-i where
we make our great boast:. Uur nilla cure it
while others 1 not.
Cabtbr's Littlh Ltvinr PriMwrevwry small
and very easy to take. One or fo piils moke
a dose. They are strictly vr, and io
not frripe or punre, hut by their gentle action
8 lease all who use them. In vials at 25 cents:
ve for fl . Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL
Mil Small Ssss. U fries.
all otboxmrpnla rM tm
greatly Utcwaaed in arowth
aj letTUatttiMof
poorest soil rich aad pro-i
d direct to Iktatu Ko
aaru-a. aeua MOmmnOm-XML.
I IB and
timtri m
c.ttca)tsctMto loii'iOMSia-o
i-1 -q.-a as
00 tf; JO O rC
O O CO C5 Oo
3D. 09 OS 00 kO
. tc o
CO 1-4
co to
f S ? S "fc- tO I- O Ol - s. OS IO Ct r-
i ,. . t o t eo o mw to oi j oo fa w w oo
to cs oi oa crt
I1 if 11 Cji t. r.i K-i r-. ...
00 wi 00 00 Q QD tj
S fe W Jzs g tr" O 2 9 a
ss -3sj " a,;as
2 S
.. a q q
0 -
o .
Cir I-. 00 OS0B Ol 8J
00 to to tO k-
O O 05 en oo 51
t-'dcioicjai-j i-qqocooobooooooco
to to to os os ik. is. on en ci
00 00 00
80 to os to o to
Ct Cn
aW O C0 CO O
Si 9 ii to
Loom E Arsassoa. P. M. K. Pcsskli
(jyCollectlng and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Omot-On Mala street, la place of rest,
dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., sonth ol
Bridge street. fOct 26, 1892.
District Attorney.
na.B-MXaawTOBD, on. daswib h.csw?o
have formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine snd their collatteral branches.
Oflice at old stand, corner of Third and Or
an go streets, afifflintown, Pa. One or both
ot them will be found at their office at all
times, unless otherwise professiocally en
gaged. April 1st, ibvu.
Will tmrsur also as a specialty tbe treat
ment of diseases of the throat and cigea-
tive system. Acute snd thronic.
Dr. A'a methods are in full accord with
advanced thought, and are confidently roc
commended for the treatment of d'egener-
ativeconditiona or elderly ana agea persons.
April 19, 1893.
-iThe Repair Shop
. iuman pjicii
is tsic
frit is Kept Active"
JmUAITEI will rc$u!!
fbv c!eaisjg the- tezoii
iThrosiSrTa tSso ISo :';: a, -the
Katsra! CEiiiDneVv
. all Iinparilics.
50 s
M-PS.BV IMEMKMfas SsaPMiiua CO &
HErlCH &Gt0f.1G0LD!S
A wonrtertul Improvement In Friction Feerfa stn
( 'ia-Kark. Buck motion of Carriae thtrsve Hf-ww
as i:tst as any otti.r lir Vbe market. Krfc-ctr.
' l.iti-1, F-ri. caiirfna all te Sfs-rt frmuina: to etsnr-
k:1:i n-ht!e hncki-v;: aireat aa-vina in poti-BF aaaf
wear. Write fr clreulara ami pn-es; ftmitaiaf i
frt-e u-on appHentton, Also Sprins Totatsi laws
rows, liar Hnkea, 'uli--mtors. Corn PlasM.
rrs, !-lielier-s etc. Xrnlion tldt panrr.
HEKCH & 3H0MGGLD. Var.frs., Y0 Pi
If you want work that ii-jhrasantand profitable,
send ua vour -uldrcx-i imiMisiiately. We teach men
and t-ninen how to earn :toni S5.00 per dill-to
SJ.1,(MMI per year wiiliont having had preiions
exicriem-.e, anil tiiriiiu ilia rmplo) meut at wtiielt
tlicy cau make that niuatut. Notltiiif; dittieult to
learn or thst reqnirf-i nuicli time. 1 he work is
easy, healthy, anil lion. moV, nd can he done dur.
ing daytime or cvenin?r,.ri-Eht ia vour own lursl
itv, wherever you llvi.- Tlie reaBlt of a few
hours' work often errn-ala a week's anew.
We have tat-put thouanosof both sexes aud all
af-s-a, and niativ have Irul, foamlalions that will
surelv hriuj them riches. Some of tha smarta-t
men in this country etre their success in life to
the start fven ihe'ni while in our employ years
aeo. You. reader, innr il as well: try it. ou
cannot tail. Xoeupltal neaeasary. We tit von out
with somethln-that i-w, solid, and sure. A
onk brimful of artvu-c i. fres- to all. Help your-
elf by writing for -if auMlay not to-morrow.
eiavs'are costly.
S. C. ALLEN & CO.,
- B&X.420,
irwsick He-lJtwr-iaCc.mpleilon lio-s
ila a-um-iel-n-e. ia-ta---LTiiACo..aU fcOit.,-
Jures Constipation
i never falls tos-ara-tUNNERS double ,
extract BAB8ACit,II.l,A. SOc everrwhera .
I. D.W e- tCl -v
&5 m ci o to r
c-t ocnei
I il CO afi
a a:
m en to
4". - O
l- l- M
en os i-" - to r ;
O 00 o o o
H O s !zS o bfi d ,
a sr a 3 to a.
m -
a 03
: :
to os ct to os o r
IO li Cl o o
os 00 as
to I Ct
O Ol
ot oi 01 o en cs -t !
o -ajojZoo o o
l-1 to Ol to