8ENT1NFX & REPUBLICAN MUFLINTOWN. WEDS1CSOAT. AC- 22, 1894. B F SCHWEUR 9 CDfTOB ABB BftOrBIETOB. REPrBLlC II ST4TE TICK ET. FOR GOVEBNOH. OEtf. DANIEL a- HASTINGS, or Bellefante. FOB I.IEtJTENANT OOVERSOB. WALTER LYON, of Pittsburg. Fon ArprroBflEXERAL, AM03 JtfTLIN, of Lancaster County. FOR SECRETARY OF IXTERNAT. AFFAIRS, GEN. JAMES W. LATTA, of Philadelphia. FOR CONORESS-AT-LATKiE. HON.GALUSHA A. GROW, of Glenwoorl. HON. GEORGE F. HUFF, of Greenwood. FOR COXGRESS, Tbad M. Malion. FOlt AKSEMBLV, H. Latimer Wilson. FOR REIUST3R AND RECORDER, Aoson B. Will. FOR SHERIFF. James H. Groninger. FOR Jl'KY COMMISSIONER, Lewis Degen. Gold Cheaper than Silver- Rich gold bearing rock has been liscovered iu the mountains skirting tbe Rio Grantta River in New Mexico about 30 miles south of Albuquer que. It is claimed that the ore will ran $50 to $800 a ton. The find is considered the wonder of the age. It is said there are 10.000 million lir.'.lais of cold in si'hf. in the 40 1 0 o ' miles range of mountains, and that tbe gold bugs are scared for if that is true, it will not be many years till gold will be cheaper than silver. But tbe report may be only a Wes tern story. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cent Wheat- Congressman Bynum of tbe State of Indiana, baa been sued by farmer William Stanley for damages, for failure to realize on tbe promises that Bynum made in a speech when he was a candidate for Congress. Bynum said that if the people would elect Cleveland, President, they would get $1.25 a bushel for tbeir wheat instead of 80 or 90 cents that tbey then were getting, relying on that promise Stanley engaged exteusively in raising wheat and iu two years be iad 2S00 bushels on band, but in ?tead of the Cleveland administra tion raising the price of wheat, that grain has grown lower than at any time in 50 years, and he now wants to bring suit against tbe Congress man to hold him to his promise and get the difference between $1.25 and 43 cents on 2800 bushels cf wheat. President Cleveland is ill with ma laria, The Georgia Farmers' Alliance has gone to pieces. Enolanu rejoices over the passage of the Democratic tariff bill. Large crowds of people visited Gettysburg last week on the occasion of tbe encampment of the National Guard. Santo Caserio, the assassin who murdered Camot, President of I ranee, was beheaded last Thursday afternoon. To the misery of war in Korea is added that of famine. In three of tbe eight provinces men, women and children are dying of starvation. Enclasp holds 8 thousand million dollars of gold paying bonds and wants more, and that's whv F.nolnn.i fights against a double standard of ;old and silver. President Cleveland and wife and l iiddren are at Gray Gables, a home iu the country not far from Wash ntrton. The Dlace is cuardad bv d tectives. It is not an enviable posi tion to uoia wneu it baa to be kept under sruard dav and nirrht in time of peace. The American people are on tne nignway to a change of gov ernment when they have to surround their i'ivi affairs with a guard of pro- Kolbe the defeated Populist can didate for Governor in Alabama, says that this in tbe third time that be has been elected, and every time has been counted out and that this time he will not put up with the counting out game, therefore he calls on all bis friends on a certain date to oome forwara to his inauguration as Governor of the State. Oates, who has been declared the Governor, elected by over 40,000 majority will resist tbe claims of Kolbe. The Jndge in a Race. The North American of last Fri day, August 19tb, relates the follow ing: J udge Fulmer's training as a base ball player in his early days stood him in good hand yesterday ana lanaea mm a winner in a tigbt race with an escaping prisoner. He had given M&ry Haodley a hearing on a charge of assault and battery on one of her neighbors, and had de ) luanded $500 bail for ber appear ance at coiat. In response to ber earnest appeals he allowed her to re main in tbe office while her friends were skirmishing around for a bonds- lnan. I She was visited several times in tbe afternoon by a woman who was evidently rwy - much intenoted ia her welfare, and - they had aevenl private confab. About Ave o'clock th Judge stepped to tbe door of his office to speak to a friend, end while there noticed a woman stop past him, wearing the bat and shawl of tbe prisoner's friend. It struck him at once that the figure he saw sknrry iag down the street was several inches shorter than tbe owner of the head gear and he started to make a closer investigation. As he stepped to the street the woman began to run, and gave him a long and excit ing cbaso before he was able to over haul her. When he finally caught up he found his suspicions realized, for the woman was no other than his prison er. He marched her back to tbe of fice, and as soon as he could summon the patrol wagon he started for Moy ameusing. Wuen he came to look for the friend who bad aided in tbe escape tbe J udgo found that she had made her escape through the rear door. In speaking of tbe matter last evening, the Judge said be bad thought be was too old to play base ball any more, but since be had as certained wbat be could do under an emergency he thought he could beat some of the youngcters around the bases. A Lesson from Japan- From tbe New York World. Ou a territory about the area of llontann, Japan supports 40.000,000 people in comfort. Reckoning onr own area at 24 times that of Japan, this country at tb-tt rate would sup port 960.000,000 people. Evidently we have as much to learn about the science of living from tbe Japenese as they have from us, if not more Tbeir condition is in broad out line of wbat peace and prosperity will produce in this and every otiier country with tbe fertility necessry for tbe support of a largo population. We can already bpq ia our E stern otuieo luttL iucreaiug pujuiatiuu limits severely the production of meats, and suggests wtiat is the. truth that the trend of tbe world is toward vegetarianism. Whether this is desirablo or not it is inevitable, be cause the land necessary t support a beef will feed a human family an entire year under intensive cultiva tion. The Japenese live largely on tbe cereal, on beans ami peas, rice, fisb, fruit and vegetables Tbe diet seems meagre to us., but they are perhaps the most comfortable, people in tne world. Tbey are no doubt tbe polit est and kindest to each other, and it is very bard to be either polite or kind when tbe stomacbe is not at ease. Sometimes even here in America, on full stomachs, we show each other that there is almost limitless room for tbe increase of merely decent po litenes?, not to speak of kindness. Undoubtedly tbe Japs might teach us a number of things in political and social ec:no;ny if we would let tbem. A Decision on the Li ae Fence Law Chester county b is recently had a ' suit at law over division frmn fet ceu. tbe solution of which has effc-U'dlv confirmed the force of tbeacr of 1842 so far as it relates to this cUs of fen ces. In this suit the plaintiff and de fendant own adjoining f irms. The plaintiff was dissatisfied with tbe char acter of a portion of a division fence maintained bth-defenJaut, and tiik ing action under the act of 1S42, called the auditors of tbe township, who, by tbe specific provisions of the act, became the fence viewers of the township, After being duly sworn, ' these fence viewers carefully examin ed the fence in dispute, Hnd after de liberation made tbe following report: That Mr. Roberts, the plaintiff, main tains 126 panels of fence, and Mr. Sarcbet tbe d-ft-ndaut 119 panels, That Mr. Sarcbet's fenci is inxuffi cient and unlawful and needed rever ting with new posts, and 64 panels required repairing. "We hereby de- cide and direct that Joseph S irebet proceed within ten days to reset and repair tbe said fence at his expense and to complete tbe sum in a reason-i able tim," ends tbe report. I After a lapse of twelve days Mr. I Sarcbet having made no move towards repairing the fenc-, the fence viewers directed Mr, Wvatt to.mak tbe nec essary repairs, and ordered the ex pense charged against Mr, Sarcbet, and tbe suit was brought to recover tn bill for repairs; which amounted to $26.08. On bearing tbe we and consider ing tb evidence, Judge Hemphill deeded in favor of the plaintiff and ordered tbe defendant to pay tbe bill for repairs, and in miking this deci sion, the judge very strictly ruled that the repeal of tbe general fence law of 1700 and 1748 in no wav nffected the provisions of tbe ii"t of March 11 h. 1842 Trespass Jiotlce. In referring to tres ass notice "CroB-ip" in toe Harnsburg Tele graph remarks as tollows: "Those smart people who take down trespass notices generally sue for mercy be fore tbe lesses of fis nug and huntiutr rights get through with tbem. Here's a case in point. Over iu Cumberland county a number of gentleman bavu least d the right to tish on certain private property and they posted notices warning tres passers to keep a vay and not damag the property. One mart fellow. who thought he would show bis con tempt for tresp ss warnings, tore down the notices in a defiant way. He didn't know that be was fooling with a buzz saw. The first thing he Knew tne strong band of tbe law reached out and caught him by tbe collar and yanked b.m into the of fice, of a justice of th- peace where be whs confronted '-y a charge of malicious mischief. By tbe time the evidence was all in aud tbe despoiler of other people's property bad beard tne law on the subject, he had lost his spirit of bravado and he was wish ing that be had'nt been so rush. People who payfor rights and privil eges are protected by the law, and in this instance tbe transgressor was held in bail for a trial at court. He will probably be the last fellow to tear down trespass notices in that section of Cumberland county." Eattef Matt Twin Mrs. Ernest Hart, who accompan ied her husband in his recent trip ag round the world, appears to come to the eonolusion that meat eating ia bad for the temper. In the Hospital she says, that in no country is home ren dered so unhappy and life made so miserable by the ill-temper of those who are obliged to live together as in England. If we compare domestic life and manners in England with those of other countries where meat does not form sncb an integral arti cle of diet, a notable improvement will be iniriCrid la less me it eating France, urbanity is tbe rule of the home; in fish rice-eating Japan, harsh words are unknown, and an exquisite politeness to one another prevails even among the children who play in the streets. In Japan I never heard rude, angry words spoken by any but Englishmen. I am strongly of opin ion that tbe ill-temper of the Euglish is cauee I in a great measure by a too abundant meat dietarv, combined with a sedentary life. The balf-oxid-icdl products of albumen circulating in the blood produce both mental and moral disturbances Tbe healthful thing to do is to lead an active and unselfish life, on a moderate diet, suf ficient to mantain strength and not increase weight. Scientific Ameri can. m m m A Piece of Wood in his Lung- Babylon. L. L Aug 16. Cbas. H. Arthur, a coachman, died last night under peculiar circumstances. Six years ago Arthur, while working in a carpenter shop, accidentally swallow ed a small piece of hard wood, about as big around as a ten cent piece, and twice as thick. Tbe piece of wood passed through the larynx and trach ea, and lodged in the middle lobe of tbe right lung. At the time Arthur complained of pain in his lung and was treated for pneumonia, the physician attending him scorning tbe idea of tbe wood hav ing lodged ia tbe lung. Arthur's health continued to fail him, and for the past year he has been regarded as being in the last stages of consumption. Tbe night before be died, while seized with an excepti .nally hard attack of coughing, he threw out the piece of wood which had been lodged in hi his lung for so many jvais. Dr. Hulse, who was attending Ar thur has preserved tbe wood as a cu riosity" He says it is the first case of the kind known to tbe medical fra teruity where a man has lived s ma ny years, forty-eight hours leiog tho longest time before report d. AD4Y4T ASBVItY PARK Mr. Editor: Yegteiday we breath ed tbe pure mouo'ain air along tbe blue Junta's where bright Alfarata sane ber sweet songs to tbe Red War riors of tho VtTiSi. To day tbe briov brer-ze from eld ooean where tbe mer maid sings ber enchanting cone to tier mate and woos him beneath tbe deep. It was a beautiful day. A shower at 5 o'eloolt in tbo morniog settled the dust and doled the air, bnt the sky cleared as tbe sun arose Nature had doDe he.-part to make things pleasant for a day's outiog. Our excursion train of fourtnen P. R. R cars filled with smiling face left Jersey Vily at 8 30 A. M., for Afc bury Park and Ocean Grove, and a ter an boar aud a half ndn over the N. 1. &, L. 1$ railroad (F. R K), sometimes keeping the bodv in a normal condi througb the swamps and salt marshes tion. find nothing strange in the and agkin at times through benuti'ul unmoor f diseases Hood's Sarsanar- tarmiog land, our tram arrived by th setside. JJut we were not tbe first to arrive. Already many excursion trains tad oome io, and in au hour or two all had arrived making a total of 11 ex cursioos The occasion was tbe ded icatioo (Aug. 9 to 12, inclusive) of the Methodists ne Auditorium. This is. no doubt the largest Church io Amcr ; 'i-1 f . ... i d ursf aoa was oruKen tor 'his buildinjj Dec. 2nd, IS'J3, and was fio ished in J one. Toe foundation of main trasses are made with broken stone mix'-d with eeoieut io a trench 6 feet by 7 feet, and 9 feet deep, and capped with granite stones from quar-1 ries to t eonsyivania the cimensions of the grouod floor is 225 feet by 101 feet, or covering an area of nearly six seventh of an acre, l'be structure is built of steel and does not contain i pier or pillar save tbe steel posts which support me gallery. Tbe soar ing capacity of tbe bui.ding is 9760, and some extra chairs in tbe aisles will seat 10.000 persons, every one of which has fuil view of the speaker. The building is lighted wi'h 800 in candescent electric lamps and tbe wires are so adjusted, if need be, tbe oum- er can be increased to 1200: Tbe cost of tbe building ig over $50,000. Not all bad come to bee the new Audit oriuio. I be beacb was full. The loan wide board walk of about J of a mile loog was filled with tbe humble and tbe ga? Srme wb i had come for s dav ot rest from toil and labor; oib era ior a gnoa time, wnne tbe summer girl bad probably come to stay a month with matrimonial aspirations. She bad probably faocied io ber day dreams that here she would meet with some riob youog man and woo and wio bun in less than a fort night and re turn like a queen to a riob palace where beds were wade by the servant. But tbe facts show ibat tbess kinds o marriages are generally ended about bristmas in a suit for a divoroe, oftimes demanding a large amount of alimony. Then of tbe summer girl, tbe preaober aod tbe lawyer, can it be said, in the language of the psalmist, tbey eaoh have tbeir reward. At tbe seaside much of tbe strange cess, indifference and formality that people usually bave, bave been left at bome. Tbey oome for a good time, and tbey eeem to bave this. VbiIe tbe) look quite different in their style of dress, there is a general stylo wbeo tbdy are dressed io batbing suits. Tbe temperature of tbe water in tbe afcernooo was 67 degrees. Tbe suif was full of persons bathing and Ben Mux like tbe others baoded up bis 25 cents for the hiring of a suit for two hours. Wbeo dressed io this bag like suit, i( re minded bim of wbeo be was a chubby little boy dressed io knee pants aod a little waist sbirt without sleeves. Tbeo ruomog out Irom tbe bathing bouse, be plungbd bis old bones into tbe brioy sea aod shivered with tbe rest. Aug. 9tb. Bkn Nox. The earlier symptoms of dvsoensia heartburn and occasionally head l , , , ueen uiea in me rroiuonoury's Ufflce or aches, should not be neglected Take JoniaU coonty, ad the kame will be pre oMi .-iUiApxcilUk W DJ cured. .' muted for confirmation and allowance to AUCTION SAXiE. $2,000 $2,000 - $2,000 Boots and Shoes Rubber foot wear Umbrellas, Satchels. Monday Evening, September S, 1894, at O W. Heck's Store, Bridge street, Mifflintown. GREAT BARGAINS. Goods must be sold. Ladies' Fine Shoes Children's Shoes Heavy Boots and Shoes for men and boys Men's Fine Shoes Everybody at tend. Do your buying for winter. Auction continued from time to time by announcement of Auctioneer. The goods must be sold. Don't forget tbe date. First Auc tion Sale, Monday evening, Septem ber 3, 1894, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Fated to be Shot Welch. W. Va., Aug. 18. The fa tal shooting of Franklin Lescer, near Iaeger. this county, this morning, calls to mind a peculiar set of circumstau ces which surrounds the family. Franklin was cleaning a rifle, and af ter finishing the job, loaded it. As he set it do wn in a corner of the house, it fell over and was discharged, the bullet passing through his heart. Ten years ago Martin Lester, the father of tbe man killed to-day, was bunting in the woods with bis little boy. He threw a stone to scare a squirrel, and the stone struck the boy on the head, killing him instantly. Two years later, a grown up son was blowing into a gun to see if it was loaded, when it went off, killing him instantly. Anotber son, Lnidley Lester short ly after, while cleaning a gun dischar: ged it, the bullet killiug a younger brother. Later, Floyd Lester was shooting at a mark, when bis seven year-old daughter came up behind the mark and was shot dead. About two years ago, u ten-year-old boy of Moses Lester, while celebra ting tbe Fourth of July, slot himself and died. Last Christmas, Moses Lester, was killed by a gun he was using explo ding, a piece of the barrel tearing al most the whole of his head off. Charles and Henry Lester are tbe only ones of tbe original family left now, and tbey carry guns whith them everywhere they go Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brown valley, Ind., savs: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache. Dcspepsia, and Indiges tion until ray hoalth was eon?. 1 had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervin which done ma more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every wftaklv uerson io use this valuable and lovelv remedy; A few bottles of it has cured rn completely. I consider it the grand est melicin in the vorld." War ranted the moot wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold Hr L. Bank A O.. Druggist. Mifflintown.' Pa. Feb 1.931v Nothing St ran ire Intelligent poople, who realize the important part the blond holda in ilia in aWe to cure. So maov trMi bles result from impure blood, the hpst. wav to treat them is through tbe blond- Hood's Sarsapari'la vt al'zes the Mood. Hoo'Pt Pills nr h b.-st. after din- per pills, nssis' constipation digestion, prevent TTarriet 15. Hall of Waynetown, Tnd.. savs: "I owe mv lif to the grpat South American Nervine. I had lieen in bed for five months from tho effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up ail hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief, first bottle of the Nervine Tonic proved me so much that I was The cur the can Sold to walk about and a few liottles ed me entirely. I believe it is best medicine in the world. I not recommend it to hisrhlv." bv L. Banks & flintown. Pa. Co., Druggist, Mif Feb. 9 93, ly. Tired, ffck, Nervous, means impure b'ood, aui overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way io cure is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood purifier, the best nerve tonic and strength builder is Hoods Sarstpar- llla. W hat it has done for others it will also do for you Hood's Cures. Hood's Pilla cure constipation by re-toring peristaltic action of the ali mentary canal. NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the puhlic that he has opened a Dental Office at Oikland Mills Pa, where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. LEGAL. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Assigned Estate of Ezra Srcith. Th undersigned Auditor appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas ol Jnniata county to distribute tbe balance in the ' hands ol Joseph Long. Assignee, fee., ot tzt Mmtb, win be at bis othca id the bor ough of .Mifflintown, Pa., between tbe hours of 1 o'clock a. m., aod 4 o'clock p. m , Sep 7th, 1894, to perform the duties of bis appointment when and where all per. sons having claims most present tbem or be debarred from coming on said fund ROBERT MCMEKN, Auditor. IKOTHONOT ART'S NOTICE Account of Jonathan Kanffuian. committee ot Susanna Kantfnan ot Walker township, a Lunatic. Notice in herehv a-ivrn tbat the aceonnt Jtbn KsuB'min. committee of 8a ol W.Jker township, ha. tbe Conrt of Common plea or said county, on Wednesday, the 6th day or September,. A. O., 1894, when and where all parsons interested may attend if thv think proper. W.H. ZKIDERS, Prothnolmry. Prothonotary's Office 1 Mifflintown, Pa., Aug. 2, 1894. tOURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the lion. JEREMIAH LYONS, President Judge of the Court ot Common Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata and Perry, and tba Bonoranles JOSIAH L. BAR TON and J. P. WICKERSHAM, Associate Judges of tba said court or Common Pleas or Juniata county, by precept duly issued and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Genoial Jail Deliv ery, and General Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace at Milliintown. on the FIRST MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1894, BEING- THE 8rd DAY OF THE MONTH. Notice hcbkbt oitis, to the Coroner, Justices of tbe Peace and Constables of the County of JunUta, that they be then and there in tbeir proper persons, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day, with their rec ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer rememberances, to do those things that to their oltlces respectfully appertain, and those that are bound by recognisance to prosecute against tbe prisoners that are or m.y be in the Jail of said county, he tbeo and there to prosecute against tbem as shall be just. By an act of the Assembly, passed the 6th day of May. 1854 it made the duty of Justicos of tbe Peace of the several coun ties of this Commonwealth to return to the Clerk or tbo Court of Quarter Sessions of tbe respective counties, all the recogni zances entered into before them by any city ten or persons charged with tbe coir mis sion oranv crime, except such cases as may be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace un der existing laws at least ten days betor5 tbe commencement of tbe session of the Court to which they are made returnable respectively, and in all cases whero racog nizancea are entered into less than ten davs before the commencement of the session to which thry are mide returnable, the aid Justices are to return the same in the si me msnner ts if said act had not been passed. uaieu at Mifflintown, the 6th dav of Angust in me year of our Lord, one thou and eight hundred and ninety-four. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. Sucairr's Orricc. ) Mifflintown, August 6. 1891. JHERIFF'S SALES. Bv virtne of Sundry writs of Fieri Facia and Levari Facial, containing waver of Inquisitions and exemptions Uud out of the Court of Common Pleas of Juniata Co.. Pa., returnable to the September terra next of ssid Court, and to me directed, I will ex pose to ssle at pnhlie nntcrv. on FRIDAY, AUGUST 31ST. 1891, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the Court llnnse in Mifflintown, Pa., the several trac's or land hereinafter described.- No. 1. AU tbat certain tract of land sit uate in Monroe township. Jnniata ennntr, Pa., bounded and described as follows, on tbe North bv lands of David Nace; on the east by lands of James Neimnnd; on the south by lands ol James NavW; on the weft by lands of Mrs. Kltzibth Zeiders and Frank Speice, containing One Hundred and Ten Acres, more or le. bavins there, on erected a two storv Log. Weather hoard ed House, a log and shed stable. Seized taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Dela H. Dauberman and George F. Danherniun. No. 2. All tbat certain troct of land sit uate in Miiford township. Juniata cnuntv. Pa., bounded and dascribnd as follows: On the north by lands of Jesxn Reynolds and John Wria-ht's heirs; on the east bv lands of Jesse Reynolds; on the south by lands of Ephriara Shores; on the nest by lands of Gustavo A. Schrapp. containing Twenty nine Acres, more or less, having thereon a pesch orchard. Seized taken in execution and to be sold ss the property of E. E. Brrry. No 3. All that certain tract or inonntain land, situate in Miiford township. Juniata COiintv. Pa , bounded bv lands of Dr. G M. Graham's heirs and other known and des ignated on the general imp a draft of Juni. ata connty, pa.. the Jacob Barr tract, and containing four hundred acre morn or less seized taken in execution and to be sold ss Iho property of E. E. Berrr. No 4. Al that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Mifflin, town. Juniata connty. Pa. hounHcd and described as follows: On the north bv lot of Edward Warner; on the eat by Wain s'reet; on the south hy F. W. NobV; on the west bv Pennsylvania Canal Cnianr bed. hav ing tbrreon erected a frame dwelling house and nut-buildinr Seized taken in execu tion and to he io!d as the property of Frank Warner. No. 6. All that cert in tract ol land sifu st" in Fermanagh township. Juniata Co., Pa., bounded and described ss follows: On tbe north bv lands of John Aiekle; on the east bv lands ot J icob Thomas and Solo mon B-ishor; on the south hy the public road and lands of W. II Kreider; on thu west bv lauds of John Mickle, containing one and one-ball acres, mor or less. hav. ing thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling bouse, log stahlo and other out buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of Theodore Burr is. No. 6. All that certain tract of land sit. nate in Beale township, Jnniata Co , Pa., bounded and described as follows.- On the north by public road and lands of J. C. Besle and John SuloufT; on tbe oast by lands of Thomas Harris; on the south by lands of David :Vatts, Robert Csmbell's heirs and John Riinger; on the west bv public roads and James P. Sterrett and William Leon ard, containing seventy-three acres more or less, havinc thereon erected a two-story log weather-boarded dwelling house, a log bank barn, a wagon shed and other out buildings. Seized taken in executio i and to be sold as the property of JeremUh S. Kenepp. No. 7 All that certain tract of land sit. uate in Walker township, Juniata Co., Pa., bounded acd described as follows: On the north by the Juniata river; on tbe east br lands of Nelsoo Collier and George M Hell er; on the south by lands of Ira Kepler; on the west by lands of Ira Kep'er. containing forty acres, more or less, having thureon erected a two-story log weitbiT-boarded house, a frame stable and other out build ings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe proper'y of James Bergy No. 8. All tbat certain tract of land situ ate in Tuscarora township, JunUta Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of William Wbite and A. J. Ferguson's Astignes; oo tbo east by lands of John Gilliland and A. J. Ferguson's As signees; on tbe south by lands of William Stilt and J. J. Jtfc Afullin; on tbe west by Tuscarora creek and A- J. Ferguson's As. signees, containing two hundred and sixty two acres, more or less, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house, bank barn, wagon-sbed, corn crib and other out buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold ca tbe property of Hender son Forsha and Elizabeth Fomha. No. 9. All tbat certain tract of land situ ate in Tuscarora township, Jnniata county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: On ibe north by lands of Joseph Cnmmiogs; on tbe east by lands of Samuel Gloss, on tbe south by landa of James London; on the west by lands of Alex. McClure, con taining twenty-three acres more or less hav ing thereon erected a one and one half story frame dwelling house. Seized taken in ex. ecntion and to be sold as the property of Andrew W. Welsh. CONDITIONS OF SALE : Fifty dollars of the price or sum at which the property shall be struck off sbali bo paid to the sheriff at tbe time ot aale, un less the purchase money shall be less than tbat sum, in which case only the purchase money shall be paid, otherwise the property will again be immediately put up and sold ; tbe balance of the purchase money must be paid to tbe Sheriff at bis otbca within five dajs from the time of sale, without any de mand being made by the Sheriff therefor, otherwise tbe propertr may again be sold at tbe expense and risk of the person to whom it is struck off, who, in case of any deficiency at such resale shall make good the aame- SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mifflintown, Aug. 11, 1804. J LKOJL. JJISSOLUTION MOTICE. . Notice to hereby given that the P abip lately subsisting between JoM J. fit rcisoa. Ja.. and Wilebfoc Schwbtbb, In Mifflintown, in the State of Pennaylvania, under the Arm name of Patterson Scbweyer, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. Dated July lth, 1894. JOHN J. PATTERSON. JR., WILBERFORCE SCHWEYKR. E XECCTOR'S NOTICE. r iha n.therine Lauver. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Catherine Lauver, deceased, late ot Monroe tewnsbip. having been granted to tbe on. deraigncd . All persons indebted to said estate are requested to uuke Immediate payment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay REUBEN LAUVER, JOHN H. MOYER, Evendale, Juniata Connty, Penna. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg;, Pa. Founded is 1832. Large Faculty. Two full conres of study Classical and Scientific Special courses in all departments. Observatory, Lsbra tories and new Ovmnnsium. Six larR1? buildings, Stesro beat. Libraries 22,000 nlnnuu. Kiiwhim low. DeDarnient ot Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of an experienced physician. ACcessiDia uj freqiifOt railroad trains. Location on the BATTLEFIELD ot Ge tysbii-g, most pleas ant and bealthy. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT in separate buildings, for boys and young men preparing for business or College, un der snecial caro ot tbe Principal and three osistsnts. residing with students in tho building. Full term opens bepteinoer bin 1894. For Catalogue, address 11. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D., LL. D., President, or REV O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal. Gettvsbcrg. Tbe Railroad Aan Tb Clersyruao, Tb Business Aar)i and ail other men who have to look neat while at work, should know about "CELt.ri.om" Col lars and Cuffs. They look ex actly like linen, wear well and being waterproof do not wilt down with heat aud moisture. They do not soil easily aud can be cleaned in a moment by sim ply wiping off with a wet spoDgc or cloth. Do not confuse these in your mina witu composition goods. Every piece of the genu lac is stamped like this : V TRAOr IIMUUL0I Mark Ask for these and refuse anything else if you wish satisfaction. Re member that goods so marked are the only waterproof goods made by coating a linen collar with waterproof "Celluloid. 'thus giving strength and durability. If your dealer should not have Vi. rl1ii1rti1" snfl ntiintint di rect to us ami we will mail you sample posi-paui. oiiars ijt. each. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State size anil whether sr ,ui(l-iin or turncd- down collar i?vantcd. THE celluloid company, C A OTOa Qa.mawfsaa Nstiat VaIt aiwMiniMitimr'"'""'"""',,MMJ"tM'MWMMmM,M,a THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Or. Hamphrevs'SpeclnesaremlentlncaUyand carefully nrepan-l Remedies, used for years In brlvute i.rai-t;-- anl r-.r uttr thirty years by tho people with entrre smi-ess. Ever)-single Specalo a sifciol cure for the illM-ase natueiL Theyi-ure without ilrusttiiiK, iiurninnorrednclnu the t .teiti, and are ii..f:-t ami Uvtu tkicfrovcrelgw Hemediea of llao World. liar or xcKarft. crtk rMrca. 1 Fever. Consestiou, Inflnmmatlona. .'H S WorwiM, Wurm lew, Worm l olle... .4.1 3- Teellilns; Colic, rln. Wakefulness .-23 4 Itiarrhf-a, of Chllilrrn or Auulta .4.1 a HyarDtery.tinpina. j iitoui iouc.... 6 Cholera Morbus, Vomiting 7 Coughs, ( oltls. I ronc-hilln. f euralia. io..tiuH-ne. r aeeocne. . . . ft Headache, Mick llrailacb. Vertlpo. f il Iftvanenelu. lZllhuisnoM. ITn9ttlatlon .23 f I Suppressed or Palatal 1'criadn. .4-1 IS Whiles. T-H lTorue vi1.mU .4.1 .1-4'ioap. I.arynelti. HoorsenrM 45 I4-Snlt Uhrain, fcrj s!e!n. Kru.tlns. .4.1 t.l ElhrnmiitiMni.or l:mumatlcl'aina.. .4,1 1 Mnlaria. Chills. Fevrr and Ague 4.1 17-l'ilen.Bliu.i orHleeiliUR 4.1 lS-Opht&almy, S-rc.r Wfnk Eyes. .4.1 1!, Cniarrh. Influenza, tvla luUiellead .4-1 40 Vbnopias Cough .41 41 A -lb mil, 0i-!Mca Rrenthlnfr 43 44 Ear Riachai gen. In rnired Hearing .4-1 43 icmfala. Enlnna-d ( Ixnilm SoellitiK .4.1 4i-4ieneral Debility. l'h ii-al Wtalaiea .4,1 43 Dropsy, ami scanty Secretions .4-1 SO Srn"lrknitM mckiwsb irom KMing .4.1 37 Kidney lineaea 29 Sie Manth. orl'aukei 3w I' r; un ry Mrs knesa. Wetting Bed.. :tl Painfnl 1'rrioda .43 .43 .43 .43 34 Diphtheria. Ulcerated Sore Thrift.. 35 Chroulc Cencrsliaas ft Eruptions. .4-1 .43 EXTRA NUMBERS : Vb N'rrroan Ilebility, Scmlnnl Weak- n-. or IiivoliHitary I'tht-hanft-fi I.tt 34 IHaeanrsof the Heart. Palpitation l.vO 33 Epilepsy, bpaauu, St. Vitus' Dauce...l.vO Bold br UrussUta, or nt pttt-aUd rrw4i af ric. Da. HmrHUTi' IIakoal (IM page. Mailed raucK, I artHIKTS r:.CO.,l '. I A 1 1 1 WIMm. M.. Krw Tat. SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." Far Piles External or Internal. Blind or Bleedings Flatula In Ano: Itching or Bleeding of tbe Kectum. Tba relief ia immediate the cure certain. PRICE, 0 OTS. TRIAL 8IZE. 05 CTS. Sols hy Drncrlst, or ml puat-ki4 on receipt of price, uawk"ut'ata.cft. ill a i it iw St.. mw rsai ISo cwms. We H fio catnlfttfiie At W hot -ulc frier, tthln r exntnlnalUn bl'or ra !. (Tllir ftil analnaa as au-cula a !! f ,r 7j. ours nt same as atreot. sell fur$!(Mi o.ii3 at?) wood-rims, 25 lt3., cauiu as any Sr.v7aecl. S2tt.yls!fj lofett i AGffE ROADSTER $55 Cuiiraatced Mm aa aetata aell tor f7& to 1100. ACME ROAD RACER, 25 lbs. QGft WOOD-RIMS, OOUl IVrfVvt lines, perfect steer! dh perfect pxljustmcnt. Guaranteed same as agenta sell fur $125 "d f 1X5. Writu-n warrant with every marhinc- F rytimo -.n l:i7a b.ryclethrounbanKenty. patttt-S0 n-in ihan our wholesale price fur Mne qua I it v. 1 cost abont as much to sell bicycles ihrouirh rent and dealers as It does to rouke then.. et .ruJenea ad1 economy surest the hotter war and buy trout us direct at wholesale prices Illustrated Catalogue free. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. IND PUPTUREEkSEss Fa. ju-e at- --n-No oerauon or basinet dcisi. l .-..MiM.uut, of cures. Dr. Haver la Hotel Ptnn, Ueamr.fr, Pa., second Saturday cl ft fiY!? m . r. n ,j rimaar TU"J ' Vlwaarr-"i Mowtay, r Meunrer trains, in effect September 11.1893 East war!. STATIONS. West ward. p if 606 A M 10 On A st P 4 0(1 8 67 8 63 860 8 46 8 41 8 88 8 82 8 16 8 10 804 2 66 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 83 2 24 2 20 8 10 Wewr-it 8 07 8 03 Buffalo Bridge 6 08 10 03 6 12 10 07 Jnniata i?nrnaco ... 15 10 10 8 00 7 66 Wabneta 6 25 10 17 Sylvan 6 22 6 31 6 89 6 61 6 64 10 20 7 51 Watr nug Bloomtleld Junct'n. 10 26 10 84 10 46 7 48 7 40 Valley Boad 7 25 ElliottsbDTfr 10 49 7 20 Green Park 7 15' II 00 7 14 Loysrillf Fort Robeson 7 12111 07 7 06 7 17 11 12 7 23 11 18 7 27 ill 22 7 85 11 80 7 41 M 36 7 45' 11 40 6 69 6 661 6 60j 6 43 6 84 6 30 Center Cisna's Bon AndersoDburg Blain Mount Pleasant ... New Geriuanl'u ... Note SiRniflea no agent, 'T" tele phone connection. pre8.dent MMger C. K. Milibb. General Aircnt. RAILROAD TIME TAE. J3ERRY COUNT? RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains wi.l.be ran as follows; Leave Arrive Dnncannon 'King's Mill Sulphur Springs Corsftan Siding Moi.Aello Jrfirk Weaver Roddy HolllDSB Royer Mabanoy Bloomtiald Long's Ka$ Nellson Duiu's Klliotsburfi Bcrnbeisl "Groen Prh Montour June.. Landisburg Arrivo Leave a. m p. ra H 40 8 60 8 34 8 44 8 31 841 g 29 3 39 8 26 3 36 8 24 8 34 8 19 8 29 .8 16 8 26 14 8 24 .8 11 8 21 S 05 3 15 -7 52 2 45 -7 46 2 39 7 43 2 86 1 40 2 33 -7 84 2 27 p. m 4 30 4 36 4 39 3 41 4 4i 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 6 a. m 9 15 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 31 9 36 .9 39 9 41 4 69 9 44 6 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 6 22 10 13 6 25 10 16 5 28 10 19 5 24 10 25 5 86 10 27 6 41 1082 6 09 11 20 p. m a. m -7 82 2 25 7 27 2 20 6 55 1 60 a. m p m Vrl in laves Bloointldld at 6. 10 a. ra. and arrivea at Landisburg at 6.4 a, Traiu leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. ni., mvra at RlnoDilluld at 6. 60 P. m. m and Trains leave Loysrille for Dnncannon at 7. 220 a. ra . and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, rrivn at 10 37 a. m . acd 4.66 p. m Between Landisburg acd Loyaville trains ..... iniinwa- r.Kave Landisburr forLoys- ville 6 55 a. ra.. and 1 50 p ra., Loysville for Landisburg 11 10 a. m.,and.5 09 p. m. All stations marked ) are flag stations, at which trains will come to a faU atop signal. CURE filek Headache and relieve all tbe troubles inci dent to a bilious state of the svsttm. such as Lizzincw, Nausea. Iroinea. ritrw aftvr eaUae. Pain in tlie Side, Ac While their most remarkable success has been sho-rn in curing Headache, vet Carter's Little Liver Pills are eiiinllv valuable in Constipation, curing and preveiitinir this aniinyinir complaint, while thev also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even il tliey oulv cured . C-3EAB) Ache thev would be almost priceless to those who suflter from this distressine complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will n.it be willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE is the bane of so many Uves that here is where we mate our great boast. Our pills cure it while others ( lo not. Carter's Lirnj I.tvrn Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or to pills make a dose. They are strictly ve "wide and do not gripe or pnrge, but by their gentle action S lease all who use them. In vials at 85 cents; ve for $1 - Sold everywhere, or sent by mail CASTS! KSXientt CO., Kr Tott UFUL U lbs. Small Pries. rfiiTtiTiiTiillS urtimmiiiwniiiiii' Wheat and Grass ; grow best when planted with Pan 3f ; war una. A iertiuzer that al- 3S : ways iring a crop, always im proves the soil. Sold direct" to far : liters KTT.nO tier ton. Nn iiiwnu ; Samples free. 9 f York Chemical Works, York, Pa. 1 ' 1! x a! J ' a x x x ' ' ' 0 1! o CO O o o o Niseis 2 O 0C 00 (M I oo iN CARTER'S 1 1 PIUS. iJ illSI 3. tesiu9eoo5!9-ecici J PQ 4 y a H r f I 4 o Q3 H O us . o -K W o co e i-i o to O IOHN tsoo O WWOC0 9I a CO eH O O O 2 a - o e,-e i: o - a a 2t5?S T3'-j x d O cJ i g i-l CO 13 b O CO PS H CO 7T o oo eo co t- to (m CO i-ltOCttCOiSiSilco CO o o o ciioh co r 5 io t NOIOHW -5 SS00 I i T r"H Ik a,' Lotm i B. Atmaon. W. U. If . PtMtl4 ATKimotl PEIVHELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. MlfFLINTOIfN, PA. rryCollecUnf nd Conveyancing prompt y attend ad to. OrricB On Main street, in place of reri. dence of Louis ft. Atkinson, Esq., south of Bridge street. ructZ6,i892. fflLBERFORCE SCHWEYER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. . MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DE.D-M-CRAWFOBD, B. DARWI M.CKtWriB J-R. D. M. CRAWFORD A SOX, have formed a partnership for the praei; of Medicine and tbeir collatteral brand -,; Office at old a tana, corner oi intra ando.. ansa streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or botr of tbem will be round at their office at all times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged. April isi, ioov. B. F. ACKLEY, Physician and Accouchei.k. Will nursue also as a specialty tbe trual- ment of diseases of the throat and tiges tive system, Acnte and Chronic. Dr. A's methods are in fnll accori with advanced thought, and are confidently rec- ..mmended for tbe treatment of deeener- lative conditions of elderly aod aged persons. April 19, 1893. .The Repair Shop ol the llllll.lll AVSlPRl V. is the rx it is Kept Active IflUALTK wiil result 5F NOT DISEASE. ye DOUBLE EXTRACT k -- - a 'Cures i.lvea' 'irout?s rby clcaiisms s!?c VunaA .Throng li tho JJiwc), the Natar::! (Ln.iniici, nnd not tSin: in.-; outi .Skin, f has tiri'. .all impurities. 502 PER BOTTLE. THE WORLD OVER. MfG BV THE MAK'ltKS SARSAP.vlUA Ctt BINGtlAMTO.'J.N.Y. I IENCH&DROM GOLD'S SAV M3LLMiENGir.ES .V tvon'icrlul Improvement In Frirtion FeeAi awl (;ie-ltark. Kack motion or frriaK" ;hre rC on f:uit an any oflu-r In the market. rrti -' f i.itrli Frrd, naisin!! all the feeil csiilni 10 . :i'.t while hncl:i:vT: srcnl snviiiff in power ste wear. Write lor cUrculam and .rir-?; romwe-.'n-e upon application. A Iko Sprina Tootb H iowk. Ilnv Rnkea, ruliirnlnr, t orn P1' rrs rlseliens etc Aciuion tfus turner. HEKGH h -R6MS0L0, VinffS., YCSS, f 83.000.00 A YEAR FOB THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that ia .lt-aant uni protilab'. send us your atiUrve imiurtiiateh. Wt tach mn and wotaeu huw to caru truiu 5.00 per Iny to S3 ,t MM) per year without having had pn vious esjKTKrive, aud turuih tti t-nitdoviticnt nt which they can in a fee that amount. Nothing d.Hicuit ir learn or that requires much time. The wrk is fusy, healt.iy,and liourMble, nd can bedoiie dur ing davtiiv or cveinp. riplit in our own fca. ity, wherever you live. The reanlt of n few lionra work often qnal m wufk'i wac. We have t:iucht thousand of both exes aud all age, and inanv have lui foundationa that wiil surely bring hem riches. Some of the rn.artf.it men hi thi country owe their iiecea in lite to tbe start piven them while in our employ year, ap-o. You, reader, mav do as well: try It. You cannot fail. No capital nceary. We lit you out with 5uiethii.; that is new, aoliil. and aure. A hook brimful of advice is free to all. Help your nelt by writiiag for it to-day not to-morrow. Delays are costly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 420, AUGUSTA, MAINE. It nerer faila to core donbl stcaet SABSAPARIIXA. SOc. ertrrwben Garfield To a tJuraaMck Heaaiacbe.RMotmXmiiaion.sae uowwi 0illa. Stunpie (re. O ttriKia Txa M W -that-,k-w Cures Constipation r s SIWOOO atir a us tS'HtSOr-i-iae 1 O (M N O 00 00 00 OOCCM.COOH SSrt00'-' o'ia oo o eiw.-iooioer2.-itaiMaa.-io -tO Nt - tJM t!3 lr irj s HCieiaiMoHMHoii lOTafVffiyrB be ma MB BE s pyBs eooooooaooot-t-r-t-t-t-ceu9iooeH " !.' I U5 o ITS OOIOWOO IIHOISO rH e (M (M 00 I' rl t C5 IC IO U5 66 Crj 00 e-l 1-5 o" to IO C5 UJ M CO M C5C35 OOKKtft-CC S3 a o . a 5 5 ' ti a C m 2 3 I a o a -S3 00 O 0C CC li OD o o lownoiOHH jj H S IO ffl f t-CI , CO CO S 2. S3 2 2S 72 - 2 2S t-Loco -"CO HOClTllfH i -i i-i IM CO CO CO CC ess CM oo is co o CIOWCO l r-- t- i