Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 08, 1894, Image 2

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WKIWfcSDAI. 8. 1894.
of Bellofonte.
of Pittsburg.
of Lancaster JCouoty.
or I'hiUdclphia.
of Orcenwood.
Thad M. Mahon.
H. Latimer Wilsou.
Adeou B. Will.
James II. Groninger.
Lewis Dejren.
The king of Corea is a prisoner in
Japan has
on Chiutt.
formally declared W3r
The heathens Chinee and Jap-
anee arc destined to first test the
powers cf the latest improved iron
clad naval ships.
lur. corn in a number of sections
oi the State has been ruined ' for
4 - - mi - . ...
Tv-ant oi rum. iue rain in this sec
tion of the country, raid the corn
crop from failure. The oats crop in
mis oiaie is to certain degree a
The retail merchants in and about
Pullman are on the verge of collapse
The strike took awav their business.
That is their patrons who were strik
ers have not had noney to buy since
xney went on the strike. If the
-wholesale dealers from whom the re
tail merchants buy their stock refuse
to give them time they will bo sold
out ly the sheriF.
The Nova Scotia free coal Com
pany that is trying to induce tho
democratic CongreFS to pass a free
coal tariff clause in the Wilson tariff
reform bill have fifty millions of wat
ered paper to get the thing through.
That is democratic reform, free coal
on watered stock. Possibly tho free
iron ore shonters have a watered
stock or corporation eoncern behind
Tiif.kk is something in the coal
pile of Nova Scotia, that the demo
cratic administration noso at Wash
ington pmelJs. A Congressional in
vestigating corcmitte c may find out
what it is. The Dominion Nova
Scotia coal company is a big corpora
tion working for frca coal with Pres
ident Cleveland advocating free coal.
The company was organized lessthan
two years ago and is said to have wa
tered its htock fifty million dollars to
get in a lot of workers at Washington
on the ground floor and make mon
ey. With the tariff off coal they ex
pect to swim high.
The war in Corea is a snbjo.ct tbat
many people talk about. Many
uore people take an interest in it,
then the average well informed man
was inclined to bi-lieve would con
cern themselves about si distant a
people. A war between Japan and
Chin? about a matter of dispute in a
neighbor state was thought would
Awaken little interest in this country,
but that is a mistake. Almost evcrj
one Boeins to be interested. People
who had never heard of Corea are
eager to know something about the
country and people in that far away
Tse people will not vote the demo
cratic ticket this fall as in olden
tines being thoroughly disgusted
with, the panic that has been
brought on the coutitry by the mere
?ffort of the democratic party in
Congress with President Cleveland
at its head, to put oal and iron, two
of the greatest industries of this
country nt the mercy of the free
trader. If the mro prospect of tho
enactment oi such a law depresses
the business of the country like the
depression of the past year what
wonld the depression be like should
tho deniooracv- be able to put their
views into active laws.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis in Cattle-
The report of the Secretary of Agri
culture, 1889, states the symptoms . of
tuberculosis in cattle as follows:
The begin oing of the disease usually
passes unnoticed, inasmuch as it is
very slow and insidious and rarely ao-
compaoied by fever. When the lungs
re involved, a dull short cough is no
ticed, which may later on become pro
fouged, oonvulsive, and very trouble
some to !be animal. I bo cougb is
mor frequent in tbe morning after
movement and drinking. Tbe breath
ing varies; only when much of tha
lung tissue is diseased is it labored and
eoompanied by aotive movements of
ibc chest and nostrils. Disobarge from
tbe nose is rare or absent. At times,
however, when the tubercles have brok
en down fnd formed id tbe lungs cavi
ties contain cheesy masses, or when
tbd air tubes have become filled with
cheesy and muaous masses, coughing
will dislodge these and cause their dis
charge. Id advanced stagas tbe
torcath may bare a disagreeable odor.
Pressure on the chest wall may give
rise to pain. Tbe general affect on
the body is at first slight. In fact, an.
iuials may remain in good flesh for a
considerable time. Invariably, as tha
-disease progresses, loss of flesh and ap
petite and paleness of tbe mucosa
membranes become manifest. These
are accompanisd by a gradual diminu
tion of the milk secretion. The debil
iuied condition of the animal is also
mi' ifiisted by a Btarirg coat and a
touch, dry; harsh skin (bide bound).
Pigestive disturbances are
by tympanites or distension of the ru-
men by gas, colio and diarrhea altero
atragwitb constipation. The animal
generally dies from exhaustion after
period of aickneu which may laat
montba and jeara.
Fatal Freak of Ughtalnir.
ScrantoD, Pa, July 31. Lightning
played Christopher Kuland of Ben-
I ton township, a really gratifying trick.
hie and M. Jj. Smith, of Fncebnrg,
and Leopold Lintz of Green Ridge
I had just driven back into Ituland'a
I barn to escape a severe thunder show-
I er, when the lightning: struck.
Kuland held bis fractious horse bv
the head as the bolt flashed down
I struck the animal's nose and cansed
I its instant death. Kuland was severe
ly shocked: but the bolt completely
I cured a severe attack of rheumatism
from which he had suffered, stunned
toe olber two men and fired the barn
The structure was burned down
I shortly after the trio were able to hus
tle out of it The loss is $2,230, un
Prayer Answered-
Eiverhead. N. Y., Aug. 3. To-day
was set apart by the farmers in this
vicinity cs a fast day to bedevoted to
prayer to the Almighty to send them
rain. The congregations of Northvillo,
Jamesport, and Aqaebogue assembled
at the old ftteple church in Aqnebogue
and the first -services began at 10 A. Jd,
under the leadeuhip of the Rev. C.
A. Stenelake, assisted by Itev. T. H.
Griffith, and Rev. JUr. (Mensackej.
At half-past 10 tue sound of tbnn-
der was heard and soon after rain fell
in torrents. Tha joy of those engag
ed in the service was intense. They
expressed their thanks lor that which
they had prayed for, and the service
was turned into an old-fashioned pray
er meet ing. The rain-fall lasted over
an hour.
Tbe following is the program of the
thirtieth annual State Sunday School
Convention tc be held at Huntingdon,
October 9, 10 and 11;
Tuesday. i-.'iO P. M , devotional ser
vice, tier. 1. Ualvin Stewart; address
of welcome, Rev. i. K. Freeman, D.
D.: response, Kev. W. A. Stanton. D.
D., Preaid'at; address, Hon. Robert
E. Pattison. Gov. of Pennsylvania.
Wedc ?jday, 9 a. in., devotional ser.
vice. Rev. J. M. Reimensnyder; enroll
meet, appointment of committees, re
port of ezocative committee, reports
of offiuers of State association; 11:15
The Life of Christ ( ith chart). Rev.
C. J. Kephart.
Wednesday, 2 P. M., devotional ser
vice, r.dwin b. Gray; normal lesson,
Rev Kufus Y Miller; address The
Superintendent Hon. John Wanamaker;
The Roys' Brigade, Rov. C. R. Black
all: tbe home department.
Wedoeaday, 7 P. M., devotional ser
vice, ricv. liulas W. miner; address,
Miss Juliet . Dimock; address, Hon.
John Wanamaker.
Thursday, 9 a. m:, devotional ser
vice, Prof. S. R. Thompson; reports of
officers completed, election of officers,
report on state paper, Rev. J. .V.
Iteimeoinyder, conference on State
work, Dr. Wni. S. Ross.
Thursday, 1 p. m , devotional ser
vice, Rev. T. V. Milligan, D. D.; pri.
mary work, Jliss J nliet E. Diraook;
the intermediate class. Rev. E. .Morris
Ferguseon; address, Wm. Reynolds or
B. I1'. Jacobs: question drawer.
Thursday, 7 P. M-, devotional ser
vice, Rev. J. Jj. Goodknigbt, D. D.;
address. Rev. . M. Fergnsson; ad
dress. Wm. Reynolds or B. F. Jacobs;
last words, Rev. Alex. Henry; more
last words, Rev. James Morrow, D. I.
From August 20th to 25th, inclu
sive, the Pennsylvania Riilroad Com
pany will soil, for the above occasion,
ronnd trip tickets to Mount Gretna
and return at rate of one fare for the
round trip, from principal stations be
tween East Liberty and Bryn -Mawr,
on the Northern Central Railway,
north of and including Luthersville,
and on tho Philadelphia and Erie
Railrod Division. These tickets will
be valid for return passage until Aug
ust 25th, inclusive.
Summer Pleasure Tour to Mla-
gara Falls via Pen nay I Ta
il la Railroad.
On Angust 9th, another of tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad's noted per
sonally conducted pleasnre tours to
IS iagara Falls will be run.
Special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will leavo Wash
ington 7.00 A. M , York 10 10 A. M.,
Harrisburg 11.35 A. .V.. Sunbru-y 1.-
05 P. 31., Williamsport 2.40 P. M
stopping at principal intermediate
Excursion tickets, valid for return
passage within ten days, will be sold
for tram leaving Mi film at 3 5o A. M.,
connecting with special train at rate
of ?8.U0.
Tickets will permit of stop-off at
Watkins and Rochester, in either di
rection, within limit.
How tho Kind Is Affected by the weather
lhe psycnoioev ot tne weatber is
suggested by Dr. T. D. Crothers as a
promising subject for study. He says
ic Soiecoe: "Very few persons recog
nize the sonrces of error that eome di
rectly from stmospnerio conditions on
experimenters and observers and oth
ers. In my own case I have been
amazed at tbe faulty deductions and
misconception which were made in
damp, foggy weather or on days on
which the air was charged with eleo
tricity and thunder storms . were im
pending. What seemed elear to me at
these times, appeared later to be filled
with error. An actuary in a large in
surance company is obliged to stop
work at such times, finding that he
makes so many mistakes which be is
only conscious of later that his work is
useless. In a large factory from ten
to twenty per oent less work is brought
out on damp days and days of threat
ening storm, lbe Superintendent in
receiving orders to be delivered at
certain tine, takss this faotor into cal
culation. Ibere is a theory among
many persons in the Fire Insurance
business tbat in states of depressing
atmosphere greater carelessness exists
and more fires follow. Engineers of
' railway locomotives have same curious
theories of trouble, aooidents and in
creased dangers iasuch periods attrib
nting tbem to the machinery. , .
vi urotaan adds tbat tbe oaavia.
tion prevails among many active bra in
workers in hi eirole tbat some vary
poweriai toreer eoming from wbat is
ealled the wsatber control the work
and success of each one. Soientifio
Chlia and Japan at war.
China and Japan have crone to war
to settle a dispute about Corea. Ac
coraing to an American newspaper
writer tne people of Uorea nave hab
its so different from the people of
the United States that they ssem like
a qneer people.
xi aa oeen oniv a lew Tears ince
Corea has been opened to foreigners
in 1854.
Up to 18CS, Corea was a subject of
inina. in that year, however the
Coreans murdered a number of
French missionaries, and to escape
from Bettung the damages for the
murder, China gave up her control of
tne country, lhe trouble between
China and Japan has grown out of
interest that China and Japanese
nave laKon in insurrectionary affairs
in corea, and about treatv rights
The government is an absolute mon
archy. Where a man is appointed to
omce, his relatives quit work and he
supports them. Tho office holders
all get large salaries. The country
is rich in minerals, but it is forbid
den to mine gold or silver. The use
of coal is confined by Royal edict to
a few districts. The judges on the
bench are the executioners as welL
Sheep and goats are a royal monopo
ly ana are oniy used lor sacrifice.
Tbe religion is Confucian relieved by
a nrm trust in devils and srreat ven
eruuou ior snaues. women bold a
iow posinon ana count ior little in
the eyes of the law. In the language
tuere are n consonants, eleven vow
els and thirteen dipthongs. In com
petitive examinations for public posi
tion the successful candidate has his
face sprinkled with flonr and wiped
witn ink, to tbe sound of music
Corea is COO miles long and 125
miles wide, and contains 18,600,000
people, lhe people resent all inno
vations. but there is a telegraph line.
There are no post office or railroads.
It is a queer country.
l ucre are practicuily no forests in
Corea, and as there is also no con!,
fuel of all sorts is high, and planks
and timber have to be imported
mostly lrom Japan, as indeed do ail
soi is of building material except
stone, mere is plenty of irood brick
lay in Cores, but it is never burned
iuto brick, because of the lack of fuel.
Fires for heating and cooking are
made from dried straw, weed, &c.
The soil is fertile, however, and
doubtless in the distant post there
were trees in plenty for they still sur
vive where the priests have protected
them in the neighborhoods of their
Seou', tho capital is- a walled eity
of 300,000 souls, loeated in the cen
ter of the peninsula. Its people are
generally pover ty stricken, but not
so poor as those who live ooside this
chief town. Because of their Dover
ty, most Coreans are so ill fed as to
be unduly emaciated, end ft bigstom
ache is taken as evidence of prosper.
ty. tjonseuuently rich, men who do
not happen to be portly wear wicker
affairs on their abdomens such as
Amric in women used to wear, the
bustle of other day. Corean women
are kept secluded to the lass derao.
All Coreans- are excessively snpersti
tious, and, though some profess to bo
ISuddhists and some Confucians.
: , m
Editor Jackman has a stone head
of the image of a prehistoric woman
found at the head of the island m the
river nt -Wifilintown. Calculating
from the size of the head the image
was about seven inches long. The
arrangement of the hair resembles
that to be seen in pictures and sta
tionary of ancient Egyptians. The
hat on the back of the head
looks like Japaoeso headgear. The
features of the face are a combina
tion of Indian, Grecian,. Asiatic and
Egyptian. The eye is Asiatic, the
nose is Indian and the regularity of
tbe general features of the face are
Greek. The month and chin Egypt-
- - -TCukIc
In Scnols
An attempt is to bo made at the
next session of the legislature to make
teaching of mu6ic by sight reading
eompulsory in all common schools.
The branches of education now taught
aro enough to tax both pupils and
teachers without further additions.
and this movement which is evident
ly only made in the interest of music
publishers ought to be heavily sac u-
pon. Besides that, there are many
children who have no taste or ear for
music, and it would be as difficult to
teach them music as it would be to
teach a cow theology. This is cer
tainly a branch that should be left
with the parents and pupils. Bloom
field Times.
Where Man Tame Irem-
On the 28th of July, 1804, a bright
projection on the planet -Wars, was
seen by astronomer M. Javelle at the
Nice Observatory which has led to
many conjectures and comments in
scientific and astronomical eircles.
Prof. Ezekiel Wiggins of Ottawa,
Canada, speaking of the light and
the planet stars says "There is the
best scientific evidence to prove that
man is a native of Mars and lived
there millions of years before be was
transplanted to tbe earth, leaving tbe
greater part of the human family be
hind, lbe Marsnna regard us as
their lost brethren and have been
searching for us thousands of years.
"They have been especially hope
ful sinee they saw the electric lights
in our cities. VV e will be able to
converse with them by signals be
fore another centnry passes. It is
much easier for the Jnarsians to see
our signals than for us to see theirs
for the earth appears to them to wax
and wan like the moon, so tbat they
can easily see lights on our dark
hemisphere, while their planet always
has its light side towards us.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., says: "I have been in
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomache, Dyspepsia, and ludigi
tion until my health was eoae. I
had been doctoring constantly with
ao relief. I bonght one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
me more good than tiny $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicin in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nerve core ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa.
Feb. 1, 9S-ly.
To be Sold at Private Sale.
The undersigned offer at private
sate a tract el fifteen acres of land in
Fermanagh township, bounded by
lanasor wm. nawt, vr. lucian
Banks, .Mover's heirs and Joseph Ob-
erholtzer. This land is well set with
young Chestnut and Rock Oak and
is rapidly growing in valnes.
Atkinson & Pzn.nxli-
Tired, Weak, Nerrars,
means impure blood, and overwork
or too much strain on brain and body.
Ins only way to cure is to feed the
nerves on pare blood. Thousands of
people certify that the best Blood
purifier, the best nerve tonic and
strength builder is Hood's Sarsipar-
uia. What it has done for others it
will also do for you Hood's Cures.
HootTt Pi cure constipation bV
restonng peristaltic action of the ah"
mentarv canal.
The Coxey Worm.
The Huntingdon Journal of Jnlv 2T.
"js: W. S. Hnyett, of Porter town.
ship, informed us on Saturday that the
army worm has invaded some portions
of bia land and left destruction in' its
wake. Mr. Hnyett says that there are
millions of the pests and that they do
their destructive work entirely at night.
They first attacked hie timothy, and
laid waste quite a large stripe of the
field, when they entered a field of oats
and commenced work upon it, bnt Mr.
Huyett promptly harvested the oats.
and thus saved it from their ravages.
They are now at work on bis corn and'
are destroying quite a swath through
tbe field, aoott says they are travel.
ling southward to join Coxey's army
and hopes tbat the will soon leave his
premises, lie reports them to be the '
size of the common grub worm.
'Day ruto Day
nttereth speech" concerning the good
being done by flood's Sarsaparilla:
By the cures it is accomplishing, by
the good health sestored to men, wo
men and children, Hood's Sarsapir
ilia wins its way more and more into
the confidence cf the people.
Its army of friends tell of scrofu
lous and impure blood made rich and
pure, of tbe relief it gives from the
itching and burning of stlt rheum, of
the satisfaction at meals, experienced
by tbe former dyspeptic, of the hap
piness of those cured of malaria,
rheomitism and catarrh, of excellent
pints and good appetite enjoyed by
those recently weak, tired and run
It is by such results as these tbat
Hood's Sarsapnrilla makes its host of
friends and does its own most affect
ive advertising.
Its record of cures and the good
it has done others are sufficient to
warrant yon giving this excellent
medicine a trial. Ang. 1, D4. 2t.
Whipped Her at a Stake-
Connellsville, Pa-, August 5. A
strange showing of the transplanted
customs of the Slav element in this
region was made near Leith on Fri
day evening. The victim was a
young woman who had violated the
moral code that is supposed to gov
ern these people. A party of Slavs
took her from her friends, stripped
her of clothing pinioned her hands
and feet, lashed her to a stake and
whipped her svagely over an hour.
She was reviled, tormented and spat
opon by anybody who oared to.
bhe was left at the stake and ' re
maiaed there six hours, as the case
is stated to the local authorities be
fore anybody dared to release her.
A young man offered to release some
of tbe cords and was beaten oit by
the mob. When the girl was takeu
down she could scarcely - move.
County detective Campbell has the
case in hand.
The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia
heartburn and oocossionally head
aches, should not be neglected Take
Hood's Sai'saparula to bo. cured.
A 5-year-old daughter- of a Ger-
mantown minister ha? learned the
nursery rhyme runnings "If at first
you don't succeed, tryv-. try, again."
Recently she npset tbe family devo
tion by ending her little prayer in
this wise: "And now oh Dod.pleeas
make Lillie a better girl, an' if at first
yon don't succeed, .try, try, again!?'
Tbat Tlr4 Feellar-
Tbe importance of taking a goad Spring
medicine cannot be ovar-estinwtad. The
changeable weather of winter, tfeecoDiamp-
tion or large amounts ot tattv roods, com
bined in many canes with cIom confinement
indoors, in offices, shop and factories,
breathing aiJehrred with imparities, con
taminate our blood, rndnciDg it in quantity
as well as aality. The result or this im
pure blood, is tbe liability-or actual appear
ance of wiexpected diseases, which may
have lain dormant for yeara, only awaitini;
favorablo opportunity to rnuert Ihocne4ro.
Anoli-r effect of tbe taw condition of tbe
blood, is tbe gradual loss of strength
throughout the entira body, as tha health
of every part of the system is dependent
npon the state of tae blood. This causes
that tired feeling, so over-powering and
hard to resist, and yet if not driven off is
as additional reason for fearing a general
break-down of the whole avtteaa or an at
tack of serioae disease. Hood's Saraapar.
ilia is just the medicine tor this season.
Possessing just the elements of parity and
strength which the impure blood and the
weakened system so earnestly crave, it soon
gives to tbe blood the quantity and quality
of perfect health, creates a good apii ite,
strengthens the nerves, and gives tone and
ealfi to the enti.e system. If yon have
never tried Hood's SirsaporU'a, do thiasaa
son. It ia easily obtained, is tbe moat
economical medicine, and will do JoiMQit,
Aug. i, ti. at.
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public tbat he has opened a Dental
Oflice at Oakland Mills, Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guaranteed.
Nothing Strugs.
Intelligent people, who realize the
important part tbe blood holds in
keeping the body ia a normal condi
tion, find nothing strange in the
number of diseases Hood's Sarsapnr
illa is able to cure. So many tron
bles result from impure blood, the
best way to treat them is through
the blood- Hood's Sarsaparilla vit
alizes tho blood.
Hood's Ptlh are the best after din
ner pills, assist digestion, prevent
Have yon tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century t
The great core for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant,
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial hot
ties 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Drnggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
Tstcarera Tallejr Rallread.
Trains on the Tuscarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows:
Leave East Waterford at 8.00 A.
v., and 2 p. sr., arriving at Port Roy
al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 r. v.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. x.
and 5.15 r- m., arriving at East Wa
terfcrd at 11.45 a. x. and 6.30 p. m.
J. O. Moorehead,
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind.y says; I owe my life to the
great Sooth American Nervine. I
had been: in bed for five months from
the effect of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervora prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole- system-. Had given np all
hopes-of getting well. Had tried
throe doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved mo so rauch that I was able
to vralk about and a few bottles cor
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best ruedicinw in the world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks & Co.,. Druggist, Mif
ffintown. Pa. Feb. 0 &3, ly.
Account' of Jonathan KanfRun. cowerrrirtev
of Susanna Ksuifinan of Walker
township, a Lnnalic.
Notice is hereby given tbat the accoon!
of Jonathan KsuS'man, snmmitteo of Su.
sanna K-auiTmaa of Walker townahrp, ha
been- tiled in tbe Prolhonotary7 trftTce of
Juniata oounty, aad tbe sanio will be pre
sented Tor confirmation and allowance to
the Court of Common Pieas of sard coonty .
on Wednesday, the otb day of September,
A. :, 1894, when and' where ar!f Birsona
interested may atteni if they think propsr.
Jrrefts alary.
rTntnonotary's Ml&oe
Himiniown, P., Ang. 2; 189.
Whereas, the Hon. J&KEMTAB LTONS,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District,
composed of- the counties of Juniata and
I'errvi and tile Honorsbles JOSIAH U. BAR-
TON sad J: P. WICKKRSHAM, Associate
Judge.H-ot tha said-court of Common- PIkm
of Juniata county, by precupt duly rseuol
and u me directed tor holding a CTotirt ot
Oyer and'.Termincr and Genet al Jail Ie!iT
ery, and General Quarter S essions of lbe
Peace at Mitlllntown, on the
Notice iiemar. oivaa, to tbeCorooer,
Jasticrs of tbe Peace and CbnataWns of tbe
County of Juniata, that they be then- and
there in their proper persons a 1 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, with tbnr rec
ords, inquisition, examinations ami Ov.-r
rememberanoes. to do loose things that 10
tbeir oitlees- respectfully appertain-, and 1
thoso that are beund by recognizance to j
prosecute sgainat tbe prisoners that are or ;
may be in tbe Jail of raid cou nty, he then
and tbere to prosecute against tbem as j
shall be just.
By on aot of the Assembly, passed th
Cth day of May, 185, it mode the duty of
Justices of the Peace of tbe several conn-
ties of tbis Commonwealth- to return to tbe
Clerk of tbe Court of Quanter Sessions of
the respective counties, all- tbe recogni
zances entered into before theto by any city
zsn or persons charged1 with too commis
sion of any crime, except) such eases as may
be ended-before a Justice of tbo Peace, un
der existing laws at least ten daya before
the commencement of tbe session of tbe
Court to which thev are made returnable
respectively, and in all cams where recog
nizances are entered into- less than ten days
before the oomuieoeeroeat of tho session to
which thry are made returnable, the i-aid
Justices are to return tbo same in the same
manner is if said act bad not been passed.
Dated at MifRintown, the 6th day of
August in the year of oat Lord, one thou-
and eight hundred and ninety-four.
a AM trio. LAPP, Skenff.
SHsadci's Oveicst, )
Mifflintown, August 6, 1884.
" . amusiT aaie. onrs at tu asms
u okcihs cu i.rr oars mi v Mat MaVvautaaeii
foreSuift.oartf atim wtod-rimsa ft lb., mm u uf
1 sell
Inara.-9tMd same as agenu sertl fos (8) to I10X
Perfect llnoi. ptarttctMeortog. perfct ndjoBtmmt.
Cptaranteed una ma irpdu tell for S1K and ni
Written warranty with MeklM. Ktpt? timo
7. ij iu f m, bicycle tbmorikaa afrcnt you pay FTwj to V4
aiiretbaaourwbo.esftprte for aMMAiallty.
lr ct9ts about as nattcb to aell bicyclea thrunca
'ntpnnddealrsu doea to mokft then.
rrudaaco anl coHtmy ausret tbe better va y atf
buy com u direct at wboUsaalo prlpe
tUuatrated Gatatecue xra
Acme Cycle Comp3Hiy
Diseases sent free to any address,
and poor pattenoi can slso obtain
this aeedletaa. of ebswa.
4jvta vsmadTltas been nraaaeed br tha BaienA
Cistor Koeni. of Fort Aar118-Ind- ainos ISI. aad
now prepared under nU dliaotton hgr file
KOENIC MtD. CO., Chicago, lit.
SoM by Brnrsisu at Si aw Bottle. rf$.
USbUe.t,7ff, fi Bottle mr
Notice is hereby given that tbe partner
ship lately subsisting between Jons J. Par
Tiasoa, Ja., and Wnacaroaca Scnwaria,
in Xiflliatown, in tbe State of Peonarlvania,
nnder tbe Arm name of Patterson k.
Schweyer, has been dissolved this day by
Mutual consent. Dated Jnlv 17th, 1894.
Estate of the Catherine Lanver.
Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Catherine Lanver, deceased, late ot Monroe
township, having been granted to tne un.
dersignod. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claim to pre.
seat tbe same without delay
Er end ale, Juniata County, Penns.
Jnigwtd Ettate of Henry S. Bart and
David Bart.
Notice i hereby given that tbe under
signed Andilor appointed by the Judge of
tbe Conrt of Common Plraa of JnnWta
county, Ta., to make bis distribution of tbe
balance in tire bands of Henry a. Hart and
David Hart, to and amongst the parties en
titled thereto-, will ait for the discbarge of
his appointment at bis olhce in Hittlintowa,
Pa., on Wednesday, the 8tb U-y of August.
A. D., 1891,-at IO o'clock a. , when and
where all pmons baring claim or demands
against said estate- mmt present and prove
their claims or be forever debarred from
participating iu said' eTiatrihntion.
Peimsylw College,
Gettywbupr, Pit.
ForSDED rs IS32.
Large Faculty. Two full enures of study
Classical ard Scientific Special coursea
in all departments. Ohscrratorv, Labra
terics and new Gymnnsinrrt. Six large
buildings, Steam beat. Libraries 22,000
volsmes. Expenses low. IpaTrrrnt ot
Hygieno and Physical Cutlurp in charge of
an experienced physician. Areessible by
frequent railroad trains. Local ron on tbo
BATTLKF1ELD ot Ge tysbnrp, most .feas
ant and healthy.
in separate buildings, for biys and young
men preparing lor business or Cbtlege, un
der special caroof the Principal and three
onsistanta. residing with stndents in tbe
building. Full term opens September 6th,
1894. KorCatalogue. address
Pi tsuietitt
or REV O. G. KLINGEK, A. M.,
Waterproof collars and cuffs thitr wilT
not wilt, are not effected by moisture
and look just like lincu are all' the
fashion now. They are made by cov
ering a linen collar or cuff with-" cel
luloid " and are the only waterproof
goods made with an interlining, con
sequently the only ones that willstand
wear and give perfect satisfaction. . Try
them and you will never regret if. Al
ways neat, and easily cleaned.'. When,
soiled simply wipe off with a wet doth;
or sponge. Every piece 01 the genu
ine is stamped as follow :
Ask for those so marked and tefasesmy
imitations, as they can mot possibly
please yon. If your dealer does not.
keep them, we will send 0 sample di--rcct
on receipt of price. Collars 55c.-.
each. Cuffs 50c pair. State size and'
whether stand-up or tumcd-dowacolT-lar
is wanted.
! T-a Braatdwajr, Hew Tosrsav '
Dr- HnmphrerlMwelllcaaraaclenilniisIlTiiA
carnfiUty 1 in-;ircl i:t huh w, bimi for yar Ir
Ir1v-afe prarti- an-wor oier UUrty yrnss-hy U
Vople witb entire wuciM. Erfy aipaaa-Srlsnlfta
a sieclal otin for is ddasc.naniM.
T-y i-nre wtt 1oii (IrottKligr, pcrinir sm4nuinc
theftom.aii'l ar (i ciciiUtiwuUicvasn'miaji
Reniedin of ttm Wurid.
1 I-eera, l'nisftion. InflamrsrAtioajti
3S vVoratH yffvrm verf v-i;ui
S-Tcf-lMnei 1'ryins. WabcXuJaaaia
4 Olarrhpsw of Oill.lni. or
6 t'lalrrS;,lforbBis VonUtlrisM.-.-9
Cacki-h.old. I roncMik.. .......
SXeerMUrla, Tocfh-rie, -QeacAa...
9 llcadaxibes, sick Heiuu.ua, Veitlaak. Jti
tO !jraittci. ntlniieMft. wtlpali(Hk aa
1 1 Sneiianiva or PftlnrI,P.C!HBU. J9S
I Wbi'co, Tw ITofune IVrMAK.
1 3 Vrnn l.nr7naltliH So.tr--. JtS
M-altttariai, rriplio. KnmMoTa. .4S
l; Kkr.iMBntistn.nr Kht PaJiu. Jtf
l-3litlu-m. ciiiiu. lvw.jad,Asuo-
i;-Pi:eo,Uiad orlllsnlia, .g
18-0ilrtialray, hvrevt Wcair E... .US
1-iMrrlt. Iu1n-n, OoJ4 in rt ILm4 .ttJS
20 Wtyoapinc l onh .113
il-As:ni, i,pr.--l wl)lni,. .9SS
!SJ K v HimharefMi. lirrlml favSBe .9t4t
a.1 S. :ofla. l-hnvl t bmrta, S fc .
ii-iucrl Dckililv. IU Soal -WaJta A3
23 traMT. aad KraaSaomtaikK. .M
80 :!ta.ickwni. (.4atwaJna.aVMlDa; .43
37-alllaer Uipeafcoa. .... .113
2trore Heath. oT-Uaakat .113
SJ--l.'r1aarr IVm ameesv.WtsraaTBed.. .S3
SL-Paiafal Perlraii....... ,... .99
3-Dlphlherla, liawiated SorwTaVtal.. .33
ast-Chrealc Caaataaaataaatlnas. .S3
W-Kei-roaa Drallllr. Snuaaal VTaofc-
aaa.r InTcaak-iry Pawautspa l.Sw
M niananrt Im IbavPaua4taa I.OO
S3-Kallev. 9aaws. SVBnaDaw...l.a
D. Hi-MrMKc.' MSACi 4 aiu ri
y raramaTS1 arau.m a s a as ..
PiwPtlsar-asawaarraaiaaJ. Villi il n Tlnibiii
f1atalalaJju: ---ir "T -'ir Baatani
The rUaC. is siiSlsli Isi aura scrta
ntOM, SO CTV THIALI2?fcl6Crri
SMr Susillli.ar sast san-ada aa ml ansa.
sara.tav.iiia 11s wna,,i .mwu
IS tntsltin deep. Tbrreare thetnendsoOdies
who hare regular features inid would, be ac
ccricd tbe palm ot beauty were It not fry a poor
cocpli-xioa. Taait such Vc recominend OR.
HECHA'S WOLA CRC.M as T-oser!ng these
qualities that aiitckry charnre itio ost sullo-v
and florid cotaple-Uo to cnu oi d Mural health
and nnblcialthea beanty. It cyoi Oi ly Kkln,
Freckles, Muck Heads, BlotvAes, BunVorn,
Tan, r!l., rnd all lmporf options td the
sklii. )it nntacosmcticliusnenre, yetbbet
ter fci tho M'.et table than powder. Bold by
I'tHiEtsta, or sr-Ttt pc rtfi noon receipt ol SOo.
O- C SITfNCR A CfX Teaade. O.
Subscribe for tbe SaaTiari.aan Ssnm.
CaOl, (OOd paper .
Vi ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect on Monday,
September 11, 1898.
STATIONS. West- East
ward, ward.
a I l i JT
Newpr it 6 e&'lO 00 8 10 4 01)
Buffalo Bridge 6 08 10 03 8 07 8 67
Juniata furnace ... 6 12 10 07 8 03 1 68
Wabneta 6 15 10 10 8 00 8 60
Sylvan 6 2510 17 7 66; 3 46
Watr Plug 6 22 10 20 7 51 8 41
Bloomfleld Jnsct'n. 6 81 10 26 7 48 8 88
Valley Road 89 10 84 7 40 8 82
Ktliottabnrg 6 6ll0 46 7 26 8 16
Green Park 6 64 10 49 7 20 8 10
Loysville .', 7 15 11 00 7 14 8 04
Fort Robeson 7 1211 07 7 06 2 66
Center 7 17 11 12 6 69 2 49
Ciena's Run 7 2811 18 6 66 2 46
Andorsonburg 7 27 11 22 6 60 2 40
Blaia 7 3VltA 6 43 2 83
Mount Pleasant ... 7 47;It 36 6 34 2 24
New German t'n ... 7 45III 40 0 30 2 20
Nors " Signifies no agent, -T" tele
phone connection.
D. GK1NG, President and Bamager.
. V. Hrc.Lia, General Agent.
Tbe following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19J.IWW, sod the trains will be run as
p.m a. m Leave Arrive
4 30 9 l Duncannon
4 36 9 21' Kine's Mill
4 89 9 24! "Snlphnr Springs
8 41 9 26 "Gorman Siding
4 45 9 29 Montebelle Park
4 46 9 31 'Weaver
4 61 9 86 'Roddy
4 64 9 89 'Hoffman
4 66 9 41 "Rover
4 69 9 44 ' Hahanoy
5 10 10 00 Blonratleld
6 17 10 07 'Long's Kuad
5 22 10 13 Nellnon
5 25 10 16 Duns'
5 28 10 19 Mfliotsborg
5 24 10 2." Berubeiel'
6 8G 10 27 3roea Pwk
6 41 10 32 'Montour Jane.
6 09 1 1 20 Lhndianurg
p. m a. m Arrive- leave
a. m p. ra
8 40 8 50
8 84 8 44
8 31 8 41
f 29 3 39
8 26 3 36
8 24 8 34
819 3 29
8 16 3 26
8 14 3 24
8 11 8 21
8 05 S 15
7 62 2 45
7 46 2 39
7 43 2 86
7 40 2 33
7 84 2 27
7 82 2 25
7 27 2 20
6 55 1 60
a. m p m
Train leaves BloomKild-at 6.10 a.
and arrives at Land is burg' at 6.47 1
Train leaver Landiaturg--af Sit-i p. m
arrives at Bloomfleld at ti. 50 p in.
Trains leave LoysvHIe for Oaaeannon at
7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15' pv rot Returning,
arrive at 10 87 a. ra., aad 4.6 m.
Between Landisburg and Loysville trains
run as follows: Leave LandBbcrgforLoys
villa 6 55 a. m., and 1 50 p-- im, Loysville
for Landisburg 11 10 a. m.y and- 9 09 p. m.
All stations marked (Vareimg station,
at which trains will come to afvtt etop oa
fck Hvadarheand reliere all the troeWee Ind'
Vnt to a hiliouti state of tha aytrm aueta a
0raaness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Diatrvss after
aatiaa;. fain in Urn Side, Ac. WhtletUnrmosc
armarlieble success has been anownaourhts:
Bradarhs. yet Cim-en's I.tm.s I.rVnt Pnui.
are etfiiallv Taluable in Constipanes; ourinir
aadpreTntlnc tliis annorinareomiauit, whilo
Skey also uorroe all disorders of tlieatumaoh..
stimulate tha iirer and regulale-tba-boweia.
Kaon if they only cured
Jaehe they would be almost prieeleae to- eaosa
wke suffer from this distressiDff-compleiitt'.
but fortunately their goodness -da not end!
acre, and those who once try Uisxn will tin .
sheee little pills Taluabla in so' aui -ways Ukmt
taay will not be willing to do BiOJOut tblun.
aat after all sick bead
la the bane of so rapnr lives tbat here is where
we raake our great boast. Our. pills cur i.
while others cto aot.
Currsm's Lima Lrm PiuaaweTaryaaaaiS:
aad vary e sv to take. One er . plDa-rMakw-a
dose. They are strictly TsMhand oo
aot grip or pnrjje, nut by UKirnntle actioa.
atease all who use them. Ia vian at Sa.eenan
Ave for $1. Sold everywherOf er seat by maik.
C&2TX2 KSSIRKl CO., 3lm Tort.
1 Qrass
t arrow beat when Planted with 1
e Hoar Data. .p!rilir" lliks.-ai'i
E ways brlnirs a crop, alwnyi,; im :
E proves the noil. Sold Jireet t j ar-:
niers PZ!.m pe? foo. No uenta. :
Samples free. :
York Chemical Works, ToUi, Pa. :
!i! llaUa. ' 'j! !f 3 ll" at OJiawsMeispsaSr'
ft m 1 .rX - -
22 1 I 11-, 1-2' S r- to d0i.-)O '
-3 1K5 la" C5 ec i iirtaseseo-
.S3 1
90S IM Q (M I c UOial n o CV..SC ttoo
d anea e o cs oo so oo so oo t-1- ta to .i-t
is i?r! . . i
r j 2 2 S 2 22 22 : 2 5,5 S n 00 6 '
Q j . .
rW.JS ri 2 S 2 2 S w H t' ''M o "
uswea i-i r-i o ia us himoh hom
ft :
j W a:
r, ( St2rl l osTowoo
toooes ea ceeo9 j
n Hi1-r1
3 o SSolSScriS gs'asisasflss"
l. iija; ""rl3SS 2 nt-t.t-n 5
t " " :: : : : : : : : : : :a ::::: :
J ; 5 aS.a-s sf s2Sef3!!J-2a e- s -
J S S 2 eo S 3 tr oo 36 65" l- oo e o
IrZ' j h2 Kn Mf v cb t- r- .
; fw ... -4 a
jj i-lianra--i3 00HIM -WI.O o i o
p; - WOOO)3)0)(r,OOOOQOWrtrtHHO
s o extern w rneo hoh
o o o -t
Lorn K. Aisnitsoa. F. M. H. Paaasu,
rxCoflectlng and Conveyancing- prompt'
ly attended to.
Omoa Oa Main street, la slae) of resi
dence of Louie B. Atkinson, Bsq., soeta of
Bridge street. lct 26, 1892.
District Attorney.
Dit.a.BiaAwroBD, d. das wis ir.cAwroB
J-JR. D. M. CRAWFORD fc SOff ,
have formed a partnership for the yraetieff
of Medicine and their collateral branches.
Ofrice at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or Beth
ot them- will be found at their omce at' all
times, umVs otherwise professionally tra
April 1st, 1890.
Will pursue also as a specialty tbe treat
ment of diseases of the throat aad diges
tive system, Acute and Cbronie.
Dr. A's method are ia rail accord with
advanced thought, and are confidently rec
eomniendcd for the treatment of degener
atire conditions of aMerly and aged persona.
April 19,1893.
tTleC Repair Hltop tit the.
Ili:ua jricui
itr- t-'9?
Cf it is Je& Active'
lIIKAIril vrHi revolt
A K A Ufal i-?Jif. kzZn,
Through tlc- Swe,
.the Valisrili5!rjieS,
Pntid not t uvu tlu
.Skiu. thus etrlvasr otrtl
.all Impwritie;-
A t miVr!nl iniprnvvmrat In Fricflen FVfKW
('t!lurk Buck not km ofCajTWr CktV rtat-w
c fiuti as any other In the cinrkf
CS.Mch Fo-oit, ranifcltig all tfx? tW nailn( to yvt
f:Mt a-utio huriaim:; trtMt an Tin tn tiwar s
wwr. AV'rl. fr rln-ijiam arvl pnoar; ftiiu,'.
Ut-o upon apiiMcrrtion. AKo aip Hnc Tte4e
itfivm Hny nkr. Culilvntnm, CttaPtnn i
rn, fat;icra eta JtUntion, tfti paw,
HENCH & SMGCL9. M'to., ft
IX vu wast work that i pleat ant arjal piaiUiMt..
aaori as y oar ad(lrr i.ui n'UatUy . Vf a taacta mtn
niui woutfo how to vara fruni -per Ukr t'
tWaOOO prr ar wilJiout Havht? kaa preriaaa
fuperieaesA, autl furih the eciplovjtaatai w4icte
tbsrf ran anake tbat anieuut. Nutliiiiif wiAmttt
Icara) or that rraolre inuvli time. The wertt la
ettar, bawkbr , and honorable, nd car- bdatte 4ar
if2 aartiine or etiii.S rlpht ia TOwr.w lo:-!-ity,
wfjererer you lire. Tlte rvatWt a av fewn
Mfm work often equal a waak1! tm
We bare taught thou-aoia of botb seaee aad all
are. many hava laid foanrlaiiMta that wUl
ureiy brinp them riche. Some C-h aKftrtaat:
metainthis cwinirr owf th"ir rutvaa iri lit ta
Uie start ffln ibni wiiile ia ou emptor yeaee
ajo. Yrm, rvrttW, May Mo a w'ikr it.- Voti
eitnat fail. No eapital Rfreraarr. wV Ik yoa ati
vrittt aiwwthiwgiHat ta favw, as3lisy? aalaurw A
bwa4LBnatfal of adviae It free 10 sJl ; Meka-ee-ar.
aA by writinc for it f-aay asat- to-aao r !..
ewyaarc coatly.
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
BOX 20, ;,
2t serar fklla to cm-MANNIBS
.aetxac SAKSAT ARII.Ua. J
C' meant Haama.mnmx-i
huml aaaaMxrea. itNaa iw
Cures Constipation
O Ci
4 U3
'22 2 5 3'2!:,f-'ows3 6ii"tan