Sentinel & republican VISFLINTOWN. WKIftfcSIMf. ACO- 1, 1894. B. F. S C II W K1ER ZU1TOB AID rBOrtlf toft. REPCOLIClt STATE TICK- f.t. F.'MJ O.-iVERNOB. GEN. DANIEL H- HASTINGS, uf Bellefonte. FOR T.TTXTEXAST fiOVEBSOR. WALTKR LTON, of V ittaburg. FOR ArOITOEC.t.-iEHAL, AV.OS .ITUX, of L-incaytcr .County. FDR SECRETAI'T OF INTERNAL AFFAIBS, GEN. JAMES W. I.ATTA, of l'biladelphia. FOR COSORE?9 AT-LARliE. HON. G Al.CSH A A. GROW, of Glenwood. HON. GF.ORGK F. HUFF, of Greenwood. FOB COXORES3, Thad 51. Malion. FOR ASSEMBLY, H. Latimer Wilson. FOR BEIHST3R AN1 BECoRTiEB, Anson B. Will. TOR BDERIFF. James H. Groninger. for jrRT cownistfiostR, Lewis Degen. Presiuest Ci-eve'-anii, -charges the democrats in Conpivss who ore against his tnriff policy as guilty of perfiil.T, and the Senators call back, "Trust3." Ti increase til births over deaths, ia paid to be more !i!tm a million a year. How matvyjreura at this rate of increase till there will bo too many Tipoti'f) on till 1ore to liva without to much friction T.nil struggle to se cure a living: The Present has appointed John 1. Kerran,K -Mew lork, and Nicho las E. VVorlbiiigtonof Peoria, III., to act with Lnbor Commissioner Carroll D. Wiiptrt "iii tho Presidential Com- mission to "investigate the Chicago strike. Not since the days of James Buch anan has the democratic party had full poeflesfiion of tho general govern ment. Kverythmg went to pieces under -Air. lluchiinaus administra tion, jjust tib tho business has gone to pieces nnder the full administration of President Cleveland. AtFCRPixi to a new decree in the United States from liih authority in the Catholic church, keepers of liquor saloons will not be allowed to retain their membership in the church and -sell Kquor. This rule has been adopt ed, 'localise the liquor traffic as con ducted in the Uoited States is a source of much evil. There are some advocates of the government buying anil running the railroad and telegraph lines. Penn sylvania had experience in owning canal lines which is an illustration of how things are managed when a State runs transportation lines. The expenses of running the canals were more than the revenues derived from it, and every year the State fell deep er in debt. The development of the mechanics arts, and material resources the past '30 years in America is a marvel, but the mora! growth of the nation has not kept pace with the material. Crime is on the increase, that :s Ihere is a larger percentage of criminals thuu in days past. There ara more in;.aua people in proportion to the number of the people than in the past. What is the matter? Now they are talking about bring ing u suit against the people of Cni cago for the damages of the late riot. The damage should be paid by the rioters and not by the decent peopla of Chicago. It seems like a wrong principal to hold the industrious and ia.v abiding people of a community responsible for the acts of lawless .and violent men. The genius of sav ing and accumulating and of taking care of and improving property will not be cultivated if the lawless classes -can do damage to property and go if ree of punishment, and the law abid ing.class of people be made pay for ithe lawless work of rioters. il.ast Thursday afternoon lightning struck the Lehigh cr-unty jail, creat ing great consternation among the i.: viates. Wheu the sL riff got among t!i: -cells; Grace Dr-smoud, a prisoner. lay on the iloor senseless. Other fe- mnJe .prisoners were stunned and frightened and screaming. Harry Johnson, -ho is to be hang ed in two veeks for the murder of his child, was especially alarmed and Miouiit hi day of judgment had come, it being ju3t a year to-day since he drowned his little daughter. Tho iplc of St. Paul's Lutheran Chinch wae-aLso struck by lightning, and damaged to a slight extent. In tha eo-octry several barns were destroyed by ta electric bolts. At Kittrrsville a family was seated at the supper tal-le when a bolt came Rud suwhtj the dishes and tables, but injured none of the people. TotbeAtiaittlcCoait and Re turn tt tMOtlte AteUndTrlp. On August 9tb. next, the Penn sylvania Railroad Coiapany will ran another of its popular seashore ex cursions. These trips are planned for the express purpose of furnishing au economical opportunity for people livilir? in weuto;- it soicn of the principal summer re eorts of the Atlantic Coast. The tickets permit of a stay of nearly two weeks, and a choice of'degtinatioa is allowed Atlantic City, the mast pop ular resort in America, Cape Mar, appropriately called tho Queen of the Coast, Sea Isle City, the Gem of tha Coast, and Ocean City, but by no means the least attractive of the places. Special train will leave Pittsburg on above mentioned date at i":50 A. -W , arriving at Altoona 12.25 P. M., where stop for dinner will be made, and reaching Philadelphia 7.20 P. M. Passengers can spend the night in Philadelphia, and take any regular train of the following dy to the shore. Traw Lvs. Rate. West Bra wnsville . C.15 a. m. $10 00 Monongahela City.7.08 " " Pittsburg 8.50 " East Liberty 9.00 " " Brad Jock 9.13 " Wilmerding 9 20 " " ' Irwin 933 " Union town 6.58 " ConntllaviUo 7.32 " Mt. Pleasant 7.10 " Scottdale 7.54 " Greensburg 9.55 ' " Indiana ...9.10 " Butler 6.15 ' Leechburg 8.04 " - Paul ton 8.21 " Litrobe 10.10 " Blairsville 9 22 " Johnstown 11 05 " 9 25 Cressou 1152 " 8 50 Altoona 11.55 p. m. 8 00 Hollidayrborg. . . 11.10 a. m. 8 00 Bellwood 1.05 p.m. 8 00 Clearfield 9.58 a. m. ' 8 90 Philipbburg 10 41 a. m. 8 35 Osceola 10.50 a. m. 8 25 Bellefonte 10.34 a, m. 8 65 Tyrone 1.18 p. m. 7 65 Cumberland 8.30 a. m. 8 50 Bedford 9.50 a. m. 8 50 Huntingdon ..... 1.48 p. m. 7fl0 Mt. Union 2.08 6 75 McVeytown 2 2S " 6 50 Lewistown Jnn'tn.2.45 " 6 00 Mifllin... 3 05 " 5 65 Newport 3 50 " 5 00 Duncannon 3.53 " 4 60 Philadelphia.. Ar. 7.20 NOTICE- At a constable's sale of the person al property of S. M. Dunn, Mr. G. K. Brennan bought the property, but will leave it thero for the use of the form r owner. 3t. MEETING OF COVNTT COM MITTEE. The Republican County -Committee met in the Jacobs to ar range for the impending campaign. All the districts in the conuty were represented excelling three. The Committee will meet tcgnin at the same place on Saturday, August 11. - -- Among ibeOrangei- Not among the Orange trees and blossoms, nor the fruit of that tropical tree, but among the towns northwest of the city of Newark called the Oranges, for there is Kaet and West OraDgc, and Orange itself. It was a hoi after noon, the mercury was 90, and the city is no charming place in that weath er, t longed tor tne mountains and wished 1 was climbiDg some cliff cr gathering some of the wild flowers that bloom among the rocks and by the wift silver streams that flow down through the leafy bowers. But when wo live among the mountains we often wish for tbe oity and tbe plain, and then after we live berc a few years, we tire of them, aod wish again for tbe sweet scenes and beauties of the nioua. tain side; and thin illustrate very well how we fail to appreciate our environ ments, be they ever so beautiful and attraesive. Now ark is 9 miles from Jersey City, between these two cities is a gait mea dow about six miles wida through which tbe -HackeDsack and Passaio riv ers f ow or rather they sleep along for they scarcely Sow. At Newark e changed from the steam car to tbe electrio car, beaded for ibe "Orange mountains, a distance of eight miles. Tbe tare is 5 cents, and though the times are hard down here too ucder the democratio ad ruin -ibtration, do one could object to riding a mile for five-eighth of a cent. On wa sped iu an open trolley car. The little wire that bangs over head is but a trifling tbiag, but there is a mighty power tbat ruos through that wire that is a giant, and yet we do not know what it is, but for convenience we call it electricity. We are now among tbe Oranges, the wealthiest and most fash ionable 4ova of any in New Jersey, cave theoites along tbe beach. What boast)? uw grand' Fine dwellings .od cottages, beautiful pans surround ed with ever green shrubbery and fill ed wita blcouing flower?, wide maoa- damhted etieets, lined with oool, sbady treed, make this indeed, almost a Par adisc. Here live many of tbe wealthy people ef Newark, Jersey City and New York. We passed t y Thos. A. Kdtson s home, the inventor of tbe tel ephone and couutlass other inventions with eleetrioitv. -His borne is to grand for a stub -pen to describe. I must pass it by- After a rido of about for ty minutes the present end of the road is reached at the foot of tbe Orange mountains which is about as high as Adam's ridge in Walker township. Tbe people here call these mountains grand and -ceauuful. Well tbey are, but they have been made so by much artificial beauty; bnt they cannot be compared with tbe Tuscarora, probably the most sublime range in this broad land of ours. Large Rook is on tbe top of tbe mountain about a mile and a quarter from where we left the trol ley car. wanting up we passed a field of beautiful daisies yes, beauti. ful. I bave learned to love tke daisy, and I can say wich other city folks: Oh tbe sweet and lovely daisy; How it driven away the bluos, How it cheers when I am wrary; Like a rose refreshed with dews. But when I bad to pull tbe weed from my father's grass field, and clean it out of the fenoe corners, I bad an other song for tbe daisy something like this: O, tbe mean and ugly dawy, How it brings me daily bines, How it makes ma nearly -crazy, When I pnll it wet with dews. It began to rain. We reached the top of tbe mountain. The valley was covered with a mist, and spoiled our anticipated view and after looking around the picnie grounds for awhile, tbe pleasure was about ended, and here I must end my song. Bsh Nox. Jersey City. Peach Crate. Mrs. Annie E. Humphrey is pre pared to furnish Peach Crate Mater ial, Plastering Lath, Shingles and ali kinds of Building Material at the Mill formerly owned by her late hus band, R. W. Humphrey, deceased. Peach lumber a speciality. Maze, Juniata county, Pa. tf. WATER FIXTURES. Wood, iron, and chain pumps. Iron pipe and fittings, rubber hose, brass fittings and so forth. Plumbirg, pump and pipe repairs. Call on or address. F. W. Noble. March 26, tf. Mifflintown, Pa. Teacher's Exanalaatloas Tor' 194. Fayette, in .VcAIisterville, Wed nesday, August 1: Special examinations, in Miffliu town, Friday, August 31. Examinations will begin at 8 o'clock a. m. Strangers will be required to furnish a recommendation of good character, Applicant must be exam ined in the District in which he intends-to teach. Directors and friends of education are invited to attend. D. M. Marshall, Superintendent. Walnut. Pa , July 12, 1894. SHERIFF'S SALES. On the 27th ult., sheriff Lipp, sold in tho Court House, a 13 acre tract of land with dwelling house, stable, shop and out-buildings as the property of Joseph Oberholtzer to Dr. Lncian Banks for seven hundred and five dollars. A tract of 6 acres with house and stable, two shops and out-buildings es the proptrty of Jonas Oberholtzer to Abraham Stoner for three hundred and ninety dollars. A tract of seven acres with hen nery buildings as tho property of Jonas Oberholtzer for eighty dollars to Dr. L. Banks. A tract of ten acres without build ings as the property of John K. Oberholtzer to Dr. L. Banks for thirty-one dollars. All the tracts arc in Fermanagh township, about a mile and a half by road from Mifilintown ' Day rnto Day uttereth speech" concerning the good being done by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bv the cures it in nmimnlliitn' tl. o-no.l lioalfi, fnrui i .Z' .. " men and children, Hood's Sarsa'par- ;n ujimjpu l la Wins Its way more and more into the confidence cf the people. Its army of friends tell of scrofc- lous and impure blood made rich and ! pure, of the relief it gives from the j itchiog and burning of salt rhura, of' spirits and good appetite enjoyed by ruose recently weak, tired and run down. It is by such results as these that Hood's Sarsaparilla males its host of friends and does its own most affect ive advertising. Its record of euros and the good it has done others are sufficient to warrant you giving this excellent medicine a trial. Aug. 1, "di. 2t. To be Sold t "Private Sale. The undsrsiarned offer at privite sale a tract of fifteen acres of laud in Fermanagh township, bounded by land of Win. Hawk, Dr. Lucian Bank4, V.iyer's heirs and Jogaph Or erholtzer. This land is well set with yoiinsj Chestnut and Rock Oak and is rapidly growings in value. Atkinson & Pexn-ei.l. Tire, "Wel, .enoas, means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thonsands of people certify tbat the bsst blood purifier, tho best nerve tonic and strength builder is Hood's Sarsipar illa. What it has done for others it will also do for you Hood's Cures. Hood,$ Pilia cure constipation by restoring peristaltic action of the ali mentarv canal. Additional Train to Chicago wfa Pennsy Ivan la Railroad. The "Pittsburg and Chicago Spec ial" of the Pennsylvania Lines, leav ing Pittsburg daily at 7.00 P. M., Eastern time;6.00 P. M., Central time), reaching Chicago next morn ing at 8 o'clock, stopping at princi pal stations on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, and composed of vestibuled parlor" smok ing car, first and second class coaches, and Pullman sleeping cars, has been placed in service for tho especial ac commodation of the people of West ern and Central Pennsylvania. Tbe Pennsylvfcuia Railroad Com pany has established connection with the "Pittsburg and Chicago Special" by train leaving Miftlin'at 10.14 a.m.. daily, arriving at Pittsburg at 6 50 p. m., Eistern Time. Tickets will be sold and baggage checked ingly. accord-1 - -. Tbat Tired Feeling TOXE AX1 HEALTH ISIVEX TO ENTIRE TEM I1Y HOOD'S BAKSAPARlLLA. SYS Tbe importance of taking a good Spring medicine cannot bj over-estimated. The changeable weatner or " inter, tbe consump tion of large amounts or fsttr foods, com bined in many cases with close confinement inaoors, in cthces, shops and factories, urcaimug airjcosrgea witn impurities, con taminate our blood, reducing it in quantity as well as quality. The result of this im pure blood, is tbe liability or aetaal appear ance of unexpected diseases, whir.h tnatr have lain dormant for years, only await in favorable opportnnity "to assert themselves. Another etlect of the low conditiou of the blood, is the gradual loss of strength throughout the entire body, as tho health of every part of tbe system Is dependent upon the -state of the blood. This causes that tired leelinjr, so over.Dowerinv and hard to resist, and yet if not driven off is an additional reason for fearing a general break-down of tbe whole system or an at tack or serious disease. Hood's Sarsapar illa is just tbe medicine for this season. Possessing just the elements of parity and strength wbicb tke impure blood .and the weakened system so earnestly crave, itaoon gives to the blood tha quantity and quality of perfect health, creates a good app-' ite, strengthens the nerves, and gives tone and health to tho enti.a system. If you bave never tried Hood's Sarsaporilia, do thiasaa son. It is easily obtained, is tbe most economical medicine, and wiil do you good. Bj sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tuscarnra Talley Railroad. Trains on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8 00 a. : tne satisiaction at meals, experienced ! jreaoy ior any emergency inai may arise, j by the former dyspeptic, of the ban- i Angnstin Daly's and A. M. Palmer's com- i pincss of those cured of malaria, ! r;lu,ips area11';0 Ti"" ""Pl'witli nud" ! rl.u,.,,.,t;c, l . i. i studies, and both have long lists of ama- .... ... t. . cut, uaiEuiu, ut excellent tr., and 2 p. sr., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.1-5 a. sr. Rr.d 3.15 p. si. Leave Tort Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.13 P- sr., arriving at East V terford at 11.45 a. tf. and 6.30 p. it. J. C. MOOREHEAD, Superintendent. THE UNDERSTUDY. 6'JB ACTORS TO TAKE WHO MUST BE READY PRINCIPALS' PLACES. Delay and Uncertainties They Find Ia j Getting to tho Front They May Go ' Throurh an Entire Seaaon With No I Chance to Show Their Pon-era. i , After two years of patient waitingand etudy a young actress, who was an un derstudy in due of the principal stock companies in town, gave up her position 'the other day because during all that jtime she never got an opportunity to dis play her talents before the irablic. She Was on the salary list of the company, land as wages arc paid 32 weeks in the year by that particular organization it teemed rather like quitting a good thing, but it was not a question of finance with her. She is an actress of recognized abil ity, and understudying was not particu- brly suited to her taste. She had rart ter part in new plays and reproduc Jtions, but the principal somehow or oth ler managed to get through without being ill, or never suffered any mishap, so it beeined as if the actress was destined to (become a permanent understudy. This instance is only one of numberleA simi lar experience showing the trials and tribulations of understudies. ; All the big stock companies are well (supplied in the matter of understudies, 'and while ihey are required to keep a certain number of professionals on hand "they have innumerable applications from aniatenr aspirants for histrionic honors, iwlio are only too willing to serve as nn derstudies on the chance that some acci jdent will take them to the front. Most of these come from the different schools ifor the training of actors. The under studies receive their parts almost ut the -same time they are delivered to the prin cipals. They are rehearsed regularly (with the company and arc presumed to 1, . . , .1. -1 oe as wen prepareu ior me. ursi iiiui 01 ! a play as the principals, i!. M;f;r Chiir1' f'f company probablv one of the best equipped or- L-aiaHtiona in the counrrv in the wav of understudies. Eight of these are em ployed as regular members of the com pany the year ronnd, and while they are j 'probably not seen more tha'u once or twice during a season tliey are always jtenrs ready to go on at a moment's no tice m case of bickuess or other necessity. Every big traveling o.ganization gen erally carries two understudies while on the road. Some companies dispense with their services, however, by requiring the memliera of the company to make them (selves proficient in two or more parts. Thus if the first comedian should sud denly be incapacitated the second come 'dian jumps in. and so on all through the ;cat. The understudies who travel regu larly with tho company are usually a 'man and a woman. The former under .studies all the actors, while the latter ia Irfect in all the feminine roles. Their 'salaries and expenses are on a par with those of the principals. I Although many of the stars now con spicuous in the theatrical firmament le igan their dramatic career as understud ies, it is not often nowadays that the istars themselves are understudied. It is .'generally assumed by the managers that the star in the attraction for I He public, 'and to substitute somebody else is to practice a deception which is injurious to the show. Iu some instances, how ever, where the star lias had to be re placed by au nuderstmly, the latter lias made even a better hit than the star. Billy Crane was au nndprstndy in the :bcgiiming, and Manager Joe Brooks tells an amusing anecdote of the actor's first (experience as an understudy. He served .'iu that capacity with a company that ,produced "The Daughter of the Regi ment' in this city some years ago. 'Among the parts which Crane Imd to commit to memory was that of the no tary. It was a particularly hard part be- I (Cause tne notary una to oegni oy ac claiming a long legal notice. Craue got the part pat, bnt iu order that there jshonld be no ossibility of hLs making a break he copied the process into a Look 'which tbe notarv was smmosed to carrv. )The notarv wore a robe that trailed on the floor. In making hi entrance Crane's )foot became tangled np iu tiie rolieund 'he pitcht'd licadforeiiiot on the stage. (Tlie book with the prompt lines flew acror-s the stage. Crane pulled himself jtoyetlier in a moment, nnd with'iut los ing his presence of mind began firing ,thc process oil". He went through with oufc a break, n:id hi;; original entrance made a hit with the andieMv. One- of the most liote.ble instances of iiiiiciersiuiiying was t ii:,t furnished while :Delin;a;i Thompson v.;:s i;i the midst of !his lung run with "The Old Homestead" jat the Academy of T.Iusli-. Walter Gale, iwhose characteris ation of Happy Jack, !the tritiiip, was suppo.-ed to le iniiui 'table, was ill, aud at the eleventh hour the manager heard of the trouble. Tho part was a most mijiortant one in the j jcast, and liolioily could be found to take it among the members ot tne company. Finally a yonug Irishman named James :r uzgeraiu, wno was acting as dresser to (Thompson, astonished that actor by de claring that he would take the part. It seems that he was understudying Gale right along unknown to anybody. Fitz gerald went on that night and imitated Gale to a dot in everything except tha latter's soul racking cough. Young Fitzgerald made a hit and played Happy Jack many tunes, but his career was jbrought to an untimely close by an at tack of pneumonia, to which he suc cumbed. New York Sun. The Word Moth tr. j Here are 15 varieties of tho word mother, all bearing, a distinct resem Iblance: Anglo-Saxon, mo lor; Persian, 'madr; Sauscrit, matr; Greek, meter; Italian, madre; French, mere; Swedish, moder; Danish, the same; Dutch, moe der; German, mutrer; Russian, mater; Celtic, niathair; Hebrew, em; Arabic, am. Chicago Tribune. TT;irri. f. E. Hall of Wayu.-lown, lud.. says: "I owe my life to the great! South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervou3 prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up a'd hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it in the best medicine in the world. I can not- recommend it to highly." Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif !flintcwn. Pa. Feb. 9 '93. ly. Netting Straiga- Intelligent people, who realize the important part the blood holds in keeping the body in a normal condi tion, hud Dothing strange in the number of diseases Hood's Sarsapar illa is able to cure. So many trou bles result from impure blood, the best way to treat them is through the blood- Hood's Sarsaparilla vit alizes the blood. Hood's Ptllt are the best after din ner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned not to tresspass on the oats and oth er grain fields of the undersigned or throw down fences. People so of fending ill be prosecuted to the extent of the law. B. F. SCHWEIER. June 23, 1894. NEW DENTAL OFFICE. Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that be has opened a Dental Oflice at Oakland Mills, Pa , where ho can be found at all time6. Teeth extracted painlcbsly. All work guar anteed. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Djspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gon3. I had been ductcriusr constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done nij more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in ray life. I would advise every weakly person to use' this valuable and lovely remedy; A fe-.v bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est raedicin in Ibe world." War rauted the most wonderful i-tomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifilintown,' Pa. Feb. 1, P3-ly. HUMPHREYS9 VETERlHARYSPECinCS Tor Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Bogs, Sog AND POULTRY. 500 Page Bouk on Treatment of Animals nd Chart grni I4' ree. critESf Fevers, C'oiivestioun.TDalainnxatlva A. A. Spinal MeniiiGfitin. Milk Fever IK.K-trainM Lamfacia, KbeanaiiMlt ('.r.lMnleniiier, Nana I Hi to Barges D. U. Bon or CirNbn, WorniH E. I.?ODsrliM. lleaosy Puf-unaonlsw FP.-('o!ic or Cripe Kellyarhe ;... Miwarriage, Hemorrhage. ll.H. I riuury nnd Kidney lliocmaen . I. Eruptive- ki-jeaef Manse. J.K. lieaneot ' lHaentioa. FaraljultBa. Single Bottle ovcr SOdoMc, - - 6 Stable Cnte, with SpetHflrR, Manu&L Veterinary Cure Oil ami Metlicator, 7M Jar Veterinary Caro Oil. Raid hy IrrnfMfKlai T ftt nrtf tl4 y afcaga 4 fal any naiitlly rerrifC mt prtr. uiarmt us' aca, co.. 1 s i sis wafts. St., ?. U 0F Jf J ' ttr.YJ. H. i.l.v. -3 K u-s:!l Archfet. l'l.i,j i rt. ..-e 5i ojicratiou or baii;r tlni-iv. tfc.ntc uiiow oi lir. Mayer is .'i It'jitzi iM.).m r.c.iini;, 1--. ecotid Saturday c: THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Ilr. Humphrey KpeeifleaareMrleotlflcmlly and carefully prjtarvU ruti.lins, uel tv year in rtvtic rrartice land f-ir tver tltlrty yeara by the people with entire uc "-. Every single bptxrUae a MJa eore for th ltOHe nnniefL 1t'.y'ure wltltout (irutiiiv, purutiiK orretlucintr he re t nil (iteu tlie boTereica ItvHtcti ul" Ihe Woiitl. 1 lVvr. oiifrtUn, Inflnmmxtions. 3L rct. wimn rover, w rm 'flir... .J5 3 Teeihinit; C'lit. t'rj U.S. Wiikfli;fa 4 Ularrhea, of liUitn-n or Atlulti 5 D"enirryeOrlplnt;, I'ilhus t'llc..., C'feoJera itlorbH. Voi.iitmg t'uii(hf old, I mtiohltk S eiraltfin T'Hithavho. P'acrnehe. . . . .US n-Kfuitarbm. let lletularhe. Wrilpo. 5 1 J f n p reif ! r Pniuinl Icritl. 1 r WHitefl TiMi Pmliue IViI.kIj.. l;t Croup, I.ttryjiultta, I;rMrepfi.... 1 S,It Ukfiici. r.-iHIs, Krutl4ns. 1 -KnFmiltiMia, or i.heiimntic faius.. IN Malaria. hilU. Fever and Ague I7t3ile.Bllad or Iltoe.liiir.... 1 S Cfltthe I my. hti-vr Weak Ftp. 19 t'exnrrli. lufliiei;i, t old luil Head UO XS Meuiiiir 4'enirh. Ul A Mta in it , ('ppiwH-ii Preathfiiff.. 4 felar Ni-Mhai irrM. !it :toi Fearli.R .. iHt Smifttln, FnbrKi-? brS, swelling I 4;-eweral Iloldlilv. h; y'.t nl M'trakuestt t.lropsv. anl i-anty StT'ilins .il C -i kni,-i. M-fcuta froai KMIuk t'il If? Kidney IiMaea C.i S! Sore Mouth, oronkot 4-"5 3 I riuaiy , ctikarHH, WettingKitl.. .'J.'i Ul I'winluJ IVriodi . .' 3 t-liphtlieriH. Vlceraied Son''jbnit.. .'i-'S 33 Chronic i'oiiKeM ions & Eruptions. EXTRA NCTMBER3: 2 rvn !ehtlity. fomhmm"cal6- or Invttluotary Df-eluu'ta l.OO 39 niMneaof the Heart, Palpitation l.OO ZS-i:pilvnyf hpaeijiH, fit. V !uih' Dance. . . 1 .(! t!l lx Warti, or tn MWt-iai4 an rwf.t of juice Da. lli'Hruteva' HaUAX.fl4 pare., mii.i:tck. UmPIHtH-' M: U.OI..1 .1 lit minan St., SrwTrk. SPECIFICS. HUM PHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." Pnr Ml External or Intrnanl, Kllnd orBlfNllniF: FtetuU in Ajio: lulling or Hireling of the Kectunu Tbe relief in Innitetllate tUtt curt- o-rtajll. PRICE, SO OTS. TBIAL SIZE. 25 CTS. Sold DrnccUta, or aeot a ncvipt of prio BHUUiitVi'aLn.ia. in i ii3nuitist.. tw iosk BST";,,t?r; Pnc.l!i!tj. Vee;: treat ii?!;t-l( U H.e .ttv.lwue at koie B it r, S S" ,H !;"" l-rlee. Shi, lor KJ5 I fr-w i' --lKliittoa brlbi-o r. a a..It,. 0l.ra f)4 :IIIC rj nror.t.: 6-i! i .r r.j.c-.ir9 h: sanioasa.-eRt9r!l lw! ,o.u j ztttt wo .J-riius, Ibe.. same u auy fci'-io wheel. CCti 00 mm ROADSTER $55 Ca;:r::-.trcl sama as ogoata cell for ITS to HOG. I&'ikZ RACER, 25 lbs. $80. WOOD-RIMS, Fori" - lino;-, porf"rttccrin(r. perfect adjustment. G'i 'r:rt."e1 aino as nifi-nts a.'M for 12S and V-'nJ'en warranty r-jth errry machine. Kvoryttnte .n hura t)icyc)etbniiiizhanap;entyou pay$3iltoK0 'r.tir ! than oir wbolenale price for kaneanntli v, o.f;s nhout as much to wll Mrcic tlirciith vnt-and dealer a It do?a to muHe then. J-t .:rua:nce and economy tho letter narnnf1 buy from us direct at who It salt, price. Illustrated Catalogue free. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. IND FREES li.e.ei twnt tree to any adtlrtuM. nd oor lmticutd can aiso uhioin this iticttit'iiie fi eo of cluire. This remedy has bee a p; epar-d by the lioTrecd Factor Kenic, of Fort Waytio. lud, since lSTk. arid izoo'x prepared under his dlrectlou by tho KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. o1d br ttrusKifU at ? t rar lioltle. C for a & LarceSixe.Si.75. s Eat tie for. Subscrihe for the SsaTiasb"aa D BarCBLi oa, a good paper. LKUJL. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice ia herebv riven that lha partner- bip lately subsisting between Johii J.Par TKBSoa. Ja.. and WiLBcaroacB Scbwctcb, in SfifHIatowD, in the State of Pennsylvania, under tbe firm name of Patterson it Scbweyer, bas beon dissolved this day by mutual consent. Dated July 17tb. 1894. JOHN J.PATTERSON. JR.. WILBERFORCE SCHVEYBR. TXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of tbo Cstberina Lanver. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Catherine Lanver, deceased, late ol Monroe tewnship. having been granted to tbe nn dersigntd. AU persons indebtbd to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to pre sent tbe same witnom aeiay REUBEN LAUVER, JOHN H. MOTER, Evendalc, Jnntata County, Penna. CDITOR'S NOTICK. Msigned Ettate of Hear, S. Hart and David Hart. Notice ia herebv riven tbat the under signed Auditor appointed by the Jadze of tho Conrt of Common Pleas or Jumita county. Pa., to make his distribution of the balance in the hands of Henry S. Hart and David Hart, to and smonrst the parties en- titled thereto, will !it for tha discharge of his appointment at his oflicu in Mimintown, Pa., on Wednesdar, the 8tb day pfAnwiis-t A. D.. IfcOl, at 10 o'clock a. m , when and where all persons bavine claim? or demands against i-aid estate must present and prove their claim? or be tcrever debarred from participating in fuift dixtriliution. J. N. KELLFR. jluditor. GOOD HOMK INVESTMENT. The first mortznjre bon is o tho Mifflin town and Patterson water Rnmpan. are now offered for sale at thn Junfot-i VHv Bar-k. Tbe amount of the issue i $27,000. Ten 10') bomls are $I,001 touch. The rate of interest is five (5) percent, clear of faxes, pavable in semi-annual coni-ons. Th. Mif flin coupons in Februarv and Aniriist. nnd the Patterson coupons in April"d October The prineipsl is pavaWo in twenty (20) years and ledeeniable in ten (10) years. The Companies have been in opi-ration. Nino (9) months and have an income that is quite siifticierf to meet tho intomst on tii fonts and all other cliai-jres. The atock-lioWers of the companies are Loni E. Atkinson president; L. Bnk. viee presiien; R. E Parser. Secretary; T. V. Irwin, tr-snrer. Jeremiah Lvons. P.M. M. Pennell. WillE Hoopes and Wm. II. Binks, and they pnr- pose to keep safe tho interests of patrons, bond-holders and creditors before they take any return for their own investment, hx. eept the Oriain! Conrt Honso bonds which bore six (0) per cent, interest. There has ncer been fo good n bond investment offer ed to investors. Prict pir aad accrued in. terest. Penssylvania College, Gelt jslmrg-, Pa Fot-M.H) ix 1832. I.arco Faculty. Two full c-iuraso;" study Cl?s'cil ar.d Scientilie Sppci.! courses in all departments. ():servatorv, I.-b;a-tories and n.-w (i iimr-sinm. Six large bnildinrs, Sieani 1-et. Libraries 92.000 voluneM. Kxre.nst-s low. flepa'in -nt ol Hypiene 3i'd Physical Culture in charge of an exj-erienceu T-by&;cian. Aecens-ble by freiiuent railrnr-a trains, l.oralton on the BATTLEFIELD f Go tysburg. most pleas ant and healtliv. I'KKI'A k A TORY DEPARTMENT in separate buildings, tor b vs and young men prep inre lor bnsme-s or uollegu, un der t-pec;al care of the Principal and three OF8:stants. resid ing with btudents in the buildurg. Full toriii opens September Cth. 18P4. 1-orGata faues. art.lrei-s I!. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D-. LI. D.. President, or REV O. G. KLINGElt, A. M., Principal. QfrrvsurKG. and do it too in a way that he will like. Every man tbat wears collars and coifs should know about the " Cfxluloid " Interlined. A linen collar or cuff cov ered with waterproof " Celluiid." They are the only Interlined Collars and Cuffs made. They are the top notch of comfort, neatness and economy. They will go through the day with you in good shape, no matter how hot or how busy you get. You can clean one yourself in a minute, without dependence on busy wives, unskillful hired girls or un certain and distant laundries. Simply wipe them off. Every piece is marked as follows : Elluloio MARK- W Yon must insist upon goods so marked and take nothing else if you expect satisfaction. If your dealer should not have them, we will send you a sample postpaid on receiptof price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c pair. Give size, and specify stand up or turned-down collar as wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 427-39 Broad war, NEW YORK. Wi are prouiable 11 rightly grown. - sso PhosDhate , . . " " t new - hhoa'.d !iro-.v ; nmm oru, Wheat anil ouut cnii crow iMtf rtaan miy n-r- Irnri-l. SOnJ feir new 1'ntts V0M CHEICLV03KS,. iL'.tn.rr. s VaVVil 11 rm, crops tir.fl n!! n!h r crfin.i .rn 1 preatjy iuci-uatca tlae e 01 $2G W Phosphate I ti-.o i-m Known ftrtilizer for auaofMiii. Lmd . new l'rit-e I.lst. lTOP.X CHEMICAL WORKS, . I0RR. FA. . -.V-V-VJ V?-"? meito. - ' :- ftairrfa. Yoa . .. ih-in.rHitr4et . it.. alrffcf f I --t ll.,t er;r... X KM.M t t i f.-.-.i.4lu..1r.wri:i:.. .VIEWPORT aND SBSKaJ s i- IV , t-:i . j ivmnmr. Time tat)!o of yassensrer trains, ia elTect on iloncay, September ll,lb3. STATIONS. West ward. East ward. r7i A M A M p 4 00 8 57 3 53 3 60 3 46 8 41 8 88 8 82 3 15 8 10 3 04 266 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 33 2 24 2 20 Newport 6 05 6 08 6 12 6 15 6 23 6 22 6 31 6 89; 6 61 6 64 7 15 7 12 7 17 10 00 8 10 Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... 10 0. J 10 07 io io 10 171 10 20 10 26; 10 84 10 46 10 40 11 OOj 8 o: 8 03 Wabaeta 8 00 7 56i Sylvan Watr floe 7 51 7 48: 7 40 7 25' 7 20 7 14 Bloomtield Junct'n. V at ley Road Elliot Ubnrg Green Park Lovsvillc ......... Fart Robeson Center 11 07 11 12 11 18 11 22 7 06! 6 69: 6 65 eeo 6 43 6 34 6 80 Cisna-s Rod ....... 7 23 7 27; 7 So 7 4L 7 45 Andersonburg ..... Blam Mount Pleasant ... 11 30 11 86 New German t'n ... 11 40 Note Signifies no agent, "T" tele phone connection. V. UKIiMli, rrjsiaeni auu ausi. C. K. MiiLKB, General Agent. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COUNTT RAI IERRT COUNTT RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as follows: p ci a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m 4 30 9 15 Duncannon 8 40 3 50 4 36 9 21 "King's Mill 8 34 3 44 4 39 9 24 'Sulphur Springs 8 318 41 3 41 9 2ti Gorman Siding 8 29 3 39 4 45 9 29 Montebello Park 8 20 3 SO 4 41 9 31 Weaver 8 24 8 34 4 61 30 'Roddy 8 19 3 29 4 64 0 39 ilofl'inan 8 10 3 26 4 f.6 9 41 Royer 8 14 3 24 4 59 9 44 VWabanoy 8 113 21 5 10 10 00 Bloomtield 8 05 3 15 5 17 10 07 'Long's Road 7 52 2 45 5 21 10 13 Nellson 7 4G 2 39 6 25 10 16 "Duni's 7 43 2 36 6 2 10 19 Elliotsburg 7 40 2 33 6 24 10 2 iiernheisl'e 7 84 2 27 5 30 10 27 'Groen Pk 7 32 2 25 5 41 10 32 'jiontour June. 7 27 2 20 0 091120 Landisburg 655 1 60 p. m a. m Arrive, Leave a. m p m Train leaves Blo.jiiitl-jld at 6.10 a. m. and arrives at Landisliurg At 6.47 a. in. Train leaver Landisliurg at 6.11 p. m., and arrives at Blooiuliitld al 6. 50 p. iu. .Trains leave Loysvillo for Duncannon at 7. 220 a. m , and 2. 15 p. ni. Kuturning, arrive at 10 37 a. in., and 4.56 p. ra. Between Landisburg nnd Loysvillo trains run as follow?: Leave Laudtsburg forLoys ville 6 65 a. ro , and 1 50 p in., Lorsvilie for Landisl-urg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are dig stations, at which trains will como to a full stop on signal. CARTERS SVER HBT jl PiLLS. Rick IToadnoheanrl relieve all the troubles inci dent to a bilious skate of thn system. Piirh as liizzinas. XaustM, Drowsiuess." Distrfss afttrr eatiue1. la in in tlm Side, &c While their most remarkable suctcss h&a been shown in curiiii, Hcatlauh?. rt CAnTicn's Little Liter Yii.ja are equally valnahla in Constipation, eurinj? and ptweiitin tliisatiimrincooninlaint. while thay also wr:t ail disorders of the stoutaeh, atimnlate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Aerie they would he almost prieeleM to thovo who suffer from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will Hud these little pills rahiahle in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head AClKiE is the bane of so many lives that here in where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others f io not. Carter's Lim.a Liver Pills are vey small and very easy to take. One or t"-o pills make a dose. Ther are strictly vetssMe and do not trripe or pnnre, but by their centle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CA2TZ3 KSSICnrS CO., Xtvw Tart U?HL US038. Mfe Wheat and Grass IS G crow best when planted with Pare 5 Iljm. . A r. . . . i - .1.... . : 1 1 1 1 1 r.r i 1 1 ;it L Bl K : P.-J1VK I T-i (I .r- a mAn .. 1 .... ..V ii proves the knll. K.l.l i,r.i ... , 2 S ""era f27.(!0 per ton. Ko Jib-cats. 3fl Samples free. x York Chemical Works, York, Pa. U i i i 1 1 pjrH r-si3Ljiaioise:ia--ii;njieiffi IU a i QQ i!o r. Lj CO l j; PHUf H - 1 ri i . o o o I coooeo M I) ori-5 o f i " H i-t H rH rH i ; i i : : : : B : ': : i J i : : :j :5 : : : : Him o s 5 '1 3 r a , . 2 3 "EL -3 i a 5 B, " BO)C10R0000 5HHHHrtC . o o o - 1 CO S ""rt F, . nr 2 i 7 fe R Li I 3 I-O O IO r- q HK S " - 9 saf3r3sass?s5s s "s g i 2 ss g P-i s 2 i iaio(soe(ssotSgt Louis E. Atbibsos. K. If. If. Pmiu ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 03-ColIecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. OrrioB On Main street, ia place of reals, dence of Louis . Atkinson, Esq., tooth of Bridge street. fOct 26, 1892. IflliBEBFORCE SCHWETER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. ca.o.M.csAwronD, ra. daewis M.caAwrvau D1 R. D. M. CRAWFORD at SOK, have formed a partnership for tbo practice cf Medicine and their collateral branches, rut;.. .1 nlri aland, corner of Third and Or ange streets, MifllinUwn, 'Pa. One or both ol them will De louna at uicir mi ai au times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged. April 1st, lew. B F. ACKLEY, PnrsiciAK AND ACCOUCHEUR. vtr ;ii n.,-u.i- also a a srjccialtv tbe treat. ment of diseases of the throat and diges tive System, ACUIO aou Vurwore. n. a m m.,thoda are in full accord with .r-.narf thniifrht. and io confidently ree- commended for the treatment of degener ative conditions ol elderly ana ageu persons. April 19, 1893. Safhe 6tcaar Pito;j o 1 h Si is Use Ef It 53 Ucpt Active' fSfiEABFKi vuli resell, SI? KOI-BiSEASf!. ZD F t. R BOTTLE. ... ..TT-zrrrz C A teF-3 Br IU MA-MAZ- 5SW; AteiiiA CO. ,sy A .viider1iil !i:;rv."iT.-nt In t rirtioo tli.) r.'ic-Hnrk. a.ick motion r.f 'i.'witw th'- &1Ci ii i.;.t us uiiy oi:T in the nairkf. tf-JfeS i 4'l.ileh Fern, CJnu-intr nil tliMIceartM U. ;'. while lt:ti-kipJTf crprt ftnvint; Its powVStt1 wt'iit. Wit.-. t. c cirju' .rs and prU- ; ia,-fOt frr n;m app?riiTlon. l-o SpriitaT To.;iSf W ruWH, S!nv if nkc-, Culilvniwrs, Corn 8 0.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that - ph auut and profitable, send us your uddress itmnviliutfly. A'f u ach on ami wtuiieu luw to em u tr.:u per lay to $3,OUO pr year without lrvinj hud pr viu. exHTit-iice,uuil turni.-h the cu.hivh eld at whirU thfy can imike that amount. Nothing ditlicuii io Icarti or that remiirc-.' mucli t:nie. Hie work ia. eiiv, ln-all hy.anti honumhle, nd rati hedote dur ing' daytime or eveninpji, right in yourown loml itv, wherever you live. Tlie rktiilt tf a fw fioitra vrrk f(en eiiMl a wwk'n wacof'. We have tinipht thouanrin of loth tuxef and ftll age, :ind many have laiil foundali' :is that will Mirely hriny them richest. Some f the emartet n.rii in thi count ry owe tln-ir iiccesi in lil to the siart ; ! en tJie'iu while iu cmr employ .r ago. You, re;itlir, inav do a well; try it. ou cannot tail. Xo capital nrcesMv. We fit voij out with tiiivthiitr that in new. ttoli.l.ail win. A boo!, uruufiil of ulvice free to all. Help roiir .plt hy writing for it to-day not to morrow Delays are costly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 420, AUCUSTA, MAINE. It never falls to cure MAKNKRS douM. extract SAKKAPAKILLA. SOc .rerywk -s Garfield Tea Or"5el'V"' rctsjttv Bills. Ban; pie free. tia.riWJTEACoSU W. 4-th 3 , '. Cures Constipation HM51CDS o es ei hi o ;i I- OOSI-HIOO IO LI -1 SIOHIClMflOO 'it P I & tiisl' s si ew 3 e 0 0 i-4 rH S S S 2 2! 11 1- " H " w - o 00C0CeC0(XSr-Nr-r-r-Oii9iSH io i.o oT' XS cr5o C-l rH TliMIM-ICO 1 S "S 12 x oo o " " " C1CS CiCiQ00DIbr-cc a 3 to a a s a a - -i c 5 t X H"?5 5 PL) ci i eo co HI HI CO C 3C 6M M 00 o ia i o o I HI iH ICQOO r t- (N 532 i-i.o ro o c ' HOT HOtliin h ih neoM xonoo eioeiiin COtt-t-H 00 co a es oj i i. r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers