SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1894. Same of the steamship lines carry passengers in the steerage quarters across the ocean for ten dollars. TERMS. Svtacriptloo, U3 per aoonn if paid in advaccej 92.00 If aot paid In advance. Transient advertisement inserted at 60 cents per inch for each insertion. Transient tmaineM notice In local aoW 9B, 10 cents per line for each Insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiring to adrertiae by the year, half or quarter year. The Republican County Committee Jacob o'clock- Is requested to meet at the rinnan. Miffliniown. Pa., at 1 A. M.. oa SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1894, fnr organization and the transaction of whatever business maj b deemed neo- A full attendance is urgently re. quested. W. H. KADFFilAN, Attest: Chairman. J AS G. THOMPSON, Secretary. SHORT LOCALS. Hiy Kreider ib in Driffcwood. Miss Martha Jackman is visiting at Glensliaw. Ti,. nlacae has broken ont in China. Miss Kate Thomas is at home from West Chester. Mm Kte Diehl is vsitfng friends in Harrisburc. TTli Vina lifn admitted into the Union as a Slate. Andrew AMton ha- returned from a visit to Pittsburg. Miss Kitt of Altoona is the guest of -Mrs. Banjam'n Warner. Burn-yard manure is said to be a cure for pca"l tree yellows. Fred Ehome of Harrisbujg, spent Tiart. of last week in Patterson. Col. E. B. McCrum and wife, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting in tow a. Mrs. Musselman of Philadelphia, is visiting relatives near Pattarson. There has been less thunder this season than in the average summer. Next Friday Suet iff Lapp will sell the famous Juniata Valley Vineyr-vds. A large part of the democratic par ty are on a strike on tae vvrson tar iff bill. A sun-fliwer 8 feet high shows off well in the garden of ex-Post master McCauley. A little oil of bay set in the win dow cr door of your house will keep out the flies. Mrs. Silas Moyer and daughtsi' Jennie of Altoono, are visiting Mrs' Eminual Moyer. Ex Protbonolary Mcmmir.ger and wife, paid I he County Scat a visit Fevers! days ago. Th Indian Mound Harvest Home will bo hfcM iu Millikcn's Grove the 18th of August. The great drougth was broken cn Siturday by ra;n that refreshed the sVivjlod cjru stalks. Morgan Thomas of West Chester, is visiting Jacob Thomas' fani'ly ia Fermanagh township. Where is the tlolV.r wheat that the democrats prenvsed during lhe late presidentinl cempaigu. John Telfor, a ciHzn of Spruce Hill township, died while drivirg in his buggy on Saturday. Missos Emma and Laura Watts, are isitinir Mrs. Emma and Rose Oortuer in SeJinsgrove. Mr. and Mrs. Kerb'n, Harry Hawk and wife of Patterson, drove to Porry county, last Friday. .Mi-, and .Vrs. George Zeigler, son and daughter of Pittsburg, are visit ing Gsorgo Wilson's family. Win. Giier of Mifflin county spent a week at the Morray house. Mrs. Murray is a Bister of Mr. Grier. Southard Parker of Lewistown, visited bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ltobert McWeen on Saturday. The thermometor registered 100 degrees in the shade on the 18th inst., at 4 o'clock iu the afternoon. There is a man in Snyder cornty' 45 years old who never ones attend, ed church till on the2Stb of last Jnne. Mr. Myers of Huntingdon, visited his friend Sam Stoner in Fermnnagh township, seversl days the past week. The Pullman car plant is said to be capitalized at 36,000,000. Qucery, how much of that i3 water? Possibly three quarters. There is never a political drought dry enough to krep a professional 'politician from carrying a few drops of moisture on two shoulders. James Ttiorapson, brother of Mrs. Lyon?, wife of Judge Lyons, of thi3 tjwn, died at his home in Tyrone on Sunday, aged about 57 years. Squire C. B. Horning is looking aL jut for the purchase of a goou farm d'l on him or address hi in if you have a good farm for srle. The catch of clover ia the wheat stubble is not up to the expectations of the farmer, lhe voung clover in most fields are few and far between, The .Watamoras Epwortb League, wi'l bold a sociable at Rufus Rice's, a half mile east of the church, on Friday evening, July 27, 1894. All welcome. ProfcSoJr J. C. Conn, of Spruce Hill, Juniata county, will conduct the singing at Crystal Spiing Camp 7Heetinr. He will be ablv assisted by Mrs. Conn and others. Eugene V. Debs and other leaders of the late strikers have been arrest ed, and sent to jail in Chicago in de fault ol bail lor violating an injunc tion of United !stat;s Court. The wheat crop in Lancaster and Cumberland counties is larger and of better quality than in many past years. Pennsylvania consumes all the wheat raised witnin her border. A company of Lewistown minstrels, were in town, one beautiful moon light night last week, singing love nongs, and serenading their friends. Their music was highly appreciated Rev. J. H. Maic-J, Blind Evangel ist, will preach in the Evangelical Church, Pattetson, Pa., Aug. 5th, morning and evening. A'l ere cord ially invited to ba present. tf. The Lutheran Sunday Sahools of the Connty, w'Jl picnio together in the Chrrch woods at MeA'istert ale, 8aturday, August 4, 1S9-? Sister Schools invited to join them. Messrs. Wyan, Young, Allison, Mc- CLfieily, Maver and Kirk, agleoclub from Lewistown, Visited this pla?e, ceveral hours tetween f rains last Wednesday evening, and sang to the delight of all lovers of music who herrd them. Mrs. Ha-niUon, wife of Hugh Ham ilton, deceased, diexlon Sunday night of neuralgia of the he?ri,. It is not long since, Mr. Hr.miWon, her htv; band died. Her maiden name wr.3 KioRs. She was a daughter of Gid eon Kloss, deceased. Cleveland's democratic Congress is a thorn in bis political side. There they sit and will not vot9 as he wants them to vote. It is a family fight, and if it were not for the fact that the whole business of the country suffers their fuss would ba Hughed at. The Mifflintown base bfJl club, crossed bats with the ReedsiHe, vile, Mifflin county club, on the ground of the latter last Thursday, when the thermometer stood J.00 de grees in the shade. The score sood 18 to 12 in favor of the M'flTntown club. Debs wents everybody to strike and quit work in 1805. He hasn't struck on his three thousand dollar salery yet, made up from the dues of the order that he plays king over. What if the business of the country would take a rest one year nnd em ploy no ene. All reports relative to the body of James B. Carpenter, having been snatched for dissection purposes are not correct as was proven the other day when the grave was opened and the coffin lid lifted, and his body viewed bv those who opened the crrave and coffin at the instance of Mrs. Carpenter. List of letters uncalled for remain- ji in the post office at Mifflintown, Pa., f jr the week ending, J uly 21st, 1894. Persons caUinsr for letters in this list will please say they are ad vertised: Fred G. Hollman, C. G Coder, .Wr. Georire Bittmger, P. Win tsrstean: Cards, Alfrica Buer, H. W. Bey, Jtaggie Bickle. The Chambersburg Repository of July 18th says: Oa Sunday night horse was stolen from the barn of John Harsh man, of near .Millbrcok. The horse is a solid bay, 16 hand hi"h, 7 years old, and Lis mane i sliirhtlv rubbed off. A reward of $20. will 13 paid. Any information should be given Chief of PcHi-o Kriechbaum Seth C. Sterrett of Tuscarora Val ley and Willirm Giier of .Wifllin Co. met in the Murray House last Fri dav, and had a talk over old times, when they Loth weie biys 52 years ago attending Dr. David Wilson's Ac ademy in Lewistown. It ?s not often Only 11 counties in Pennsylvania ! gave democratic majorities last falL It is expected that every county in the commonwealth wi 1 go republi can this fa'.L H. W. Caveny and cousin Wm. Caveny, paintors, were employed en Tuesday taking the rust off the iron railing running along the footway over the river bridge between this p'ace and Patterson. The railing wi'l be given a fresh coat of paint. ore. Address ell communications to J. P. Wickers ham, Lock Box 505, Thompsontown, Pa. , April 4th, 1884. V. HARVEST HOME. The Management of the Pannebak or Island Harvest Home, are prepar ing the Island for the 21st annual . . .. .... Uome .Meeting on tne 4 in oi August. The preliminary entertain ment or exercises will commence at 9 o'elock in the morning before the speaking takes place. The speaking time in the forenoon is to be limit ed. The afternoon will be open to any speaker, each to select bis sub ject Any person wishing to speak, having new theories will nave tne Drivileua, subject to the consent of the President. We hope to make the 21st Annual gathering one of the most social ever held on the Island. Social amusements will be permitted. Wm. Vaj SwEBiSGEi, ba.. Secretary, By order of Committee. Teacher's Examlnatleaa far 1S94. Thompsontown and Delaware, in Est Silem, Wednesday, duly zo. Greenwood, at Straightwatcr, Thursday. July 26. Susnuehanns. at Prosperity, Fri day. July 27. Monroe, in Kicu field, laesaay, Ju lv 31. Favette. in JwcA'isterville, wed nesdav. Aucust 1. Special examinations, in aiimiu town. Friday. August 31. Examinations will begin at 8 o clock m. Strangers will be required to furnish a recommendation of good character. Applicant must be exam ined in the District in wnicQ ne in tends to teach. Directors and friends of education are invited to attend. D. M. Massbaix, Superintendent. Walnut, Pa , July 12, 1894. Hood's Never Fails trainees Man's Experience -Cured ef Rheumatism. steleu Elorse Found-worthless. but Away back on tho 27th of March a horse, buggy, harness and blanket was stolen from Andrew Kesshr, in Jackson townahip. He finelly found the horse at the home of an old farm er at Eist Hanover, Dauphin county, in a badly used up condition, having been driven nearly to death, and had a nail wound in tho foot, some four weeks sin?e, and unable to ba moved. Last Thursday Mr. Eessler went back to the old farmer to get his horse, but the animal was yet unfit to be moved, and the farmer claimed a large sum for the animal's keeping: He settled with the farmer by giving the horsa for the feed bill. Tbe thief who is jew peddler, was arrested and is on bail at Hairisourg, and . i be triea at September caurt Besides losing tbe stolen property air. Messier a ex penses run up to nearly $100. New port lodger. Ah Altoesm dlrl 1st MialUa- tewa- A young lady from Altoona vis ited Mifflintown some time since, and Hp on her return bent the subjoined verses to her friends here. The verse"; were not intended for publica tion but they are unique and indicate powers of observation, mental acuvi ty and ability in expression and with out tbe consent or knowledge of the writer they are put into print. - At Mifflin a few weeks put, I visited there for aw tile, And the fan we had, alss, I must pnt upon the file. I was aick tbe very Drat night, And expect I looked a sight, Bat down to tbe parlor I went, And would'nt missed those people for a cent. I liked them every one, They all seemed so full of fun, The boys they played "out ef sight" On this eventful night. The next day being floe, We decide! to t -ke a climb, Went up to tbe CoaK House steeple, A ad fcr below we left tbe people. lta-y and I were awfnlly good, But the boys, ob dear, they stood Us rigbt beside that lovely bell, When eleven o'clcsk to tbe time it did till. And 1 tell you it was grand, Seme thing like a bias band, We talked and scribbled up there, Then started for dinner on a tare. Then we a'l went to get a drink, We were all very thirsty, I think, Then the boys started for home, I hope well plesed with their morning's roam. Such a lovely time Mary and I had, After dinner, (indeed it was sad,) Sowing our dresses, for how they w tota, Had to be mended before they wero wora. Now boys tbe next time we go with you, Take some pins along, remember, be sure you do. And the bannisters do not slide down, And like I did, t:t like a clown. Now if any advice yen will fake, A niiat-ke you never will make. Don't run races in the street, For you wi'l snrcly be beat. Don't sit on a cbair on anyone's porch, Espccielly if near it it a torch, . For tbe man of the hense is sure to there And kindly ask you to vacate that crair. I have been looking aad waiting ever since there bas been no skating, Fcr one who said be wou'.d come West, Bat wby bedid'ntcome, he knows best Now by this silly little rhyme, Hope you'll remember tbe time, And tho little girl from the West, Who for a few days was your guest. 7 English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Sot or Ca'loased Laps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, S trifles, Sprain es, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by nse of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist Mifflintown, Pa. Nov. 22, '93. Itch on human, mange on horses dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails.' Sold by L. Banks k. Co., Druggift, Mifflintown. Nov. 22nd 1894. The sraVDeasJe Extract tarsasmriwa Is Msbm rathe best becaaae a caret. Tsteawetker. BOcta. Mir. T. TF. Haul, A well known business maa in Pittsburgh, Pa wrltM the letter slven below. Mr. Haus Is gen eral agent (or the Maine granite quarries and contractor for cemetery and building work, hav ing an office at No. 70S Tenn Avenue. "C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : Rntlenun We have a very high opinion or. both Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's fills ax our house and wiUi good reason. I have tanen al most every remedy known for rheumatism, and (eel Justified In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only one that does me any good. I must admit I have not taken It steadily, uui oniy when the pains ot rheumatism came on. Hood's Barsapnrilla has Always Clven Me Relief, and like many others, as soon as I am well I never think of medicine again uutil the next at- MOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES tack. We are never without Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Hood's Fills In our house, and have recommended both to dozens ol friends. When any of my family are taken sick, no matter with what disease, the first thins: we oo is to give A Dose of Hood's Pills and follow it up with Hood's Sarsaparilla. I might write several pages in praise of this ex cellent medicine, but Udnk I liave said enough to convince." T. W. HAi'g, rittsburgh, ra. Mood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Sold by au druggists, zac. JJ P.DERP, PRACTICAL. DEHTIST, (Gradnatn of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly or HimioDorg, ra., nas to cated permanently in Hifnintown. as suc cessor to the late Dr. O. L. Dorr, and will continue the dental business (established by the latter in 186U) at tbe well known ci lice cn Bridge street opposite Uourtliouse. rr?" TEETH EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gat usud. No Sore Gums or Diseomfort to pationt, either tiuriPK extraction or afterwards. All these. are Guaranteed cr to charge will be made. XCT" All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P.DERR, Practical Dentist- MEYERS' GREAT PHILADELPHIA SAIaE FROM THE ENORMOUS STOCK OF THE IMMENSE Wholesale tip Retail Failure OF THE OLD AND GREAT HOUSE, S. LEOPOLD, SON & CO. H Nawr fails to Core MANNERS DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. I mmi n makes tfee r ' and mil other cereals can be (really tncreaMid in crowta and va) je by tbe use of $20 Phosphate poorest soil rich and pro-J 1 airecc io iMuierm. ie for Price List. YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, YORK, FA. A t well K-nnwn fftr we have alwava been and still are opposed to baying bankrupt stocks, because they are usually not the kind of goods. we would consciemioualy recommend to oar customers, xas gwue the Leopold Failure, however, wore decidedly of a most excellent quality, such as are handled by all First Class Houses. Hence this sale which embraces our PURCHASE FROM THE RECEIVER, J.O.LEVI, As well as our own assortment of merchandise, AGGREGATING $10,000, ALL AT FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, is the Biggest MERCHANDISE MOVE MENT KNOWN IN THE COUNTi. vWe cannot of course mention even one hundredth part of the marvel ous bargains, but these few ill give an idea what you can expect. that men who were school mates 52 ye. rs iu tlte pct meet by change as Xfr. Oiler and i-'r. Stcrrelt met. L. II. Ruble, Steward of tbe Mif flia county poor hon-e made a wel Diue c:.H in the Ctii!nissiouer's Of Sca of this county, on the 19th inst., and paid a bill amounting ti 881.98, in f'l'l for the keeping of tramps or indigent persons of slid cmnty in jured on tbe Pennsylvania Ra'lroad and brought with1 1 tha 1'tniia of Ju niata cDnnty, for surgical and medi- cL treatment. A buy 16 years old. named 2satuas Leaiicb, residence 412 Mercer street, Philadelphia, had his left foot tv.nght L at ween dead wood ou cava wliii- stealing a lido on a freight train on tho morning of the 19tb at Port Rjyrl. Tha foot was amputated by tho Drs. Crawford, resisted by Dr. R. H. Campbell: and the youth has be9n placed iu tho jail hcpitl, a charge on the county, end ia doing well. The Evcative C:mn?itt3 of tbe Tuniata C untv Veteran Association, will meot iu the Ja?ot House, Mif- ll'nfowa, on Saturday, August 11, at o'clock P. 31., for tho purpose of iixing date and place for holding the re-ucioa this fa'J. Parlies desiring the event t3 take pla 3 in their local ity should acqua:ut tho Committee with the frtot ou or before that date H. II. Smtdfk, Cuairmen. Ameiicaa institutions weie found ed and briifc up by individual work men, who wanted but the tirut f 3 work wuen end wuerever they could obta:n work and at such pil-c3 as might be egreed upon by r'l parties concerned. The fathers of tho Republic asked nothing, want ed nothing, but governmental pro tcction t ) the right to work, when and wherever they rauld get it free from the molestation or hinderance of any one. A man hei a right to get work whenever he has li'led his contract. If he contractu io do a day's work, he hat the ri'ht to quit work when tbe day is over, but if he contracts to do two day s worr he has no right to quit work when one day's work hss been given. If a man contracts to build a house, ho ia held to tne provibions of tbe rontrazt, and if he does not complete the work, he is liable under the law for damages. What stata of society wou,d esist, if men were allowed to break their con. tracts at w:l'. Mrs. Kate S. Jasktnan received the sorrowful intelligence of the death of her aunt Sarah Ickei Sarvis, last week, who resided at Highmore. bouth Uikota. She was the eigh toenth child of twenty one of Nicho las Ickes, a revolutionary soldier, and was born in Ickesburg, Perry county, August 2nd, 1819. At the time of her death, she was 71 years, 11 months, aud one day old. She re sided with her husband Johnson Sarvie, at East Waterford, for sever al years, who carried on the foundry business. A number of years ago, they went west and made Dakota their home. A Great Farmers' Meeting. There w :?1 open at 'Williams' Grove, Cumberland County, fa., tniiieen miles southwest of Harrisburg, Aug ust 27th, tbe largest agricultural ex hibition ever held iu tho Middle At Ir ntic Stat 53. The exhibits alone w ill cover over 39 acres of ground. Three meet ings will be held daily in tho 1 irge Auditorium, which wi'l bs adressed by speakers of na'iou u reputation. Pres ident Cleveland will be in attendants if ofiicial duties will permit. The Sec rets.'.-r of Aqrricultura will ba clad to meet tbe prac! ic J. fanners of tbe coua trv on this occasion. There will be free roncer-, musicr.l and lit9rary en- i ngly trta;nments evtiy evening during the week. All who can should attend this great exhibition. For full infor mation relative to exhibit space, cot tages and tents, write R. If. Thomas, General M wager, MeoUanicsburg, Pa Excursions over all railroads, one fere the round trip. be PIIiLA- PRICE. OUR PRICE 50c. Children's Cassimere Punts. 25c. $4. Fine ChUdren's Suits. $2. $3.50 Children's Suits. $1.75. $10.00 Men's Cassimere Suits. Additional Train to Chicago via Pennsylvania Railroad. Th9 "Pittsburg and Chicago Spec ia! of the rennsylvania lanes, leav insr Pittsburg daily at 7.00 P. M., Eastern time (6.00 P. M., Central time), reaching Chicago next laorn iug at S o'clock, stopping at princi pal stations ou the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, and composed of yestibuled parlor smok ing car, first andsscondchsscoachc, and Pullman sleeping cars, has been placed iu sen ice t or tbe especial ac commodation of the people of WcnL ern avd Central Pennsylvania. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany hay established connection with tho "Pittsburg and Chicago Special" by traiu leaving Mifflin'at 10.11 a. m., daily, arriving at Pittsburg at 6 50 p. m., E-stern Time. Tickets will be sold and baggage checked accoid- We push for Bus iness. Low prices pulls for Business, and the public must come. We are go ing to sell goods this vear "by the mystical power ol Low Prices. $1.75 $U 5 $12 $6 $15 U $5 $G $8. Children's Suits. Men's Suits. Bovs Suits $5.00. 87c. $7. $2.50. $6 $3. $7.50. $2 $2.50 $3 $4 It is needless to say liow :i time to buy Clothing wha you can buy a Muu's All Wool Suit for $5. and ft fine All Wool Boy's Suit for $4 -AT- MfcTYERS' WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL BRIDGE STREET, CLOTHING HOUSE. MIFFLINTOvTW, PEN A. ' 1889 MILLIMERY GOODS. All Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmod, and all flowers at greatly reduced prices at Mrs. Diebl's Milli nery Store. Come early and secure bargains. . Attention G. A.R. We have made special arrange. ments to have Grand Army Suits made to order without extra cost. Measures taken and a fit guaran teed, (irand Armv men de-iring a suit to attend the Grand Re union at Pittsburg, should have their mea sures taken at once. H01T.0BACGH & Son. To be Sold at Private Sale. The undersigned offer at private sale a tract ef fifteen acres of land in Fermanagh township, bounded by lands of Wm. Hawk, Dr. Lucian Banks, .Moyer 's heirs and Joseph Ob- erholtzer. This land is well set with voting Chestnut and Rock Oak and is rapidly growing in values. Atkinson & Itexxeli. Tuscarora Taller Railroad. Trains on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8.00 at., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 r. u. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p. h., arriving at East Wa terford at 11.45 a. m. and 6.30 p. k. J. C. MOOREKEAD, Superintendent. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. I have purchased the agency for Juniata County of the American Fire Insurance Company, of Phfla., from i:':e representatives of the late Jeasa Grubb, deceased, and am prepared to attend to all business in that line. I also represent the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the Commercial Mutual Accident Company of Phila., all of which are gilt edged. Do not hesitate to in NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned not to tresspass on the oat3 and 0th1 er grain fields of tho undersigned or throw down lences. Jreople fso of fending will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. B. F. SCnWEIEK, June 23, 1894. NEW DEN TAL OFFICE. Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oakland Mills. Pa., where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. MARRIED: Beaver Shetxexbeeoer. On June 28, by Rav. Elias Lr.ndis, J. O. Bea ver, and L'la A. Shellenberger both of this crusty. Kio-s BrRLtr. On tbe 10th inst., by Rjv. R. H. Gilbert, at the home of the bride's parents in Ty rone, Mr. D. Shelly Kloss, and .Wiss Jennie Burley, both of Tyrone. MIFFLrNTOWN KAKKKTS. VirnrsTowa, July 26, 1894. Hotter .12 E(rgi 12 Ham, 18 Shonlder, 14 Laid 11 Side UirrLINTOWrf GRAIN HAHKST Wheat 48 Corn in ear 60 Oats, 35 Rye 60 Cloverseed Timothy soed , $2.00 Flax seed 160 Bran 90 Chop...... ...... ,.$1.20 a hundred Middlings 1.10 Ground Alnra Salt 1 UO American Salt 80c to 75 Phti adelphia Markets, July 23, 1894. Wheat 55 to 57c; corn 46 to 50c; Oata 38 to 50c; eggs 12c; butter 11 to 24c; live chickens 10 to 14o lb; lamb skins 25c; shearlings, 15c; sheep-skins, 75 to 80c; green calf skins 60 to 70c a lb; green steer bides 3c; Timothy hay $13 to $17.50 a ton; clover hay $8 to $12 50; beef cattle 3J to 51; sheep 2 J to 4c a lb lames 3 to 5c: hogs 7 to 71c; fat oows 3 to 31c a lb; milch calves 2 to 5c a lb; Thin cows $12 to $25. Come and sec our Splendid line Men's and Bov's Clothing. Hats & Gents Furnishing Goods. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, PATTERSON, PA- 1865, ESTABLISHED. Special Invitation To Hie Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes ou clailj from THE IMMENSE STOCK -OF S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalm cr and Funer al jDircctor. D. W. HAELEX It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock ot (foods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, SO don't tV to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HA R LEY MIFFLINTOWN IY. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. North Main $t, Mifflintown, Pa HAVE TOU MOM TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 CALL AT the nm MIFFLINTOWN, PA. FOUR 3?ER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. FRAZEH AXLE GREASE BEST IH TBE WOULD. Xtawaaatat qtwlitto. are wmpaMd, MtoaTlv tntlmminm two boxe. of nr other brand. Nofe roR 8KLE BT DKAUafl 6ESER.UXY. Q ALESMEM UWANTED.1 LOCAL OK TRAVELLING, to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expanses and Steady Employment guaranteed. CHASH BROTHERS COMPANY, Dec. 8, l. Rochester, N. T. The Senttnel md Repuklim office ia tae place to get job work doe. Try it. It will pay you if yon nsed anythai is that line. JUNIATA VALLEY K A ?, OF MIFrLIMTOWJI, FA. StookholderB Individually LinVie JOSKPH BOTH ROCK, Puriiltvt. T. VAN IRWJ.N, Cmtkm DISICTOEI W. C. Poraeroy, John Hertsler, . Robert 8. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rotbroslr, Josiah L. Bartiu, Loots 8. Atkinses., STOCKHOLDCES : George A. Kepner, Annie M. Sliolie, Joseph Rothrock, ' P. TV. Manbock.t L. E. Atkin30n, R. K. i .irker, W. C. Pomoroy, J. Holme? I-win. Vary farts, Jerome; N. Thompson, Jr, John riertzlor. T. V. Irvin. Charlotte Snyder, Josiah T, Pi-ion, John M. Flair, Robert K f-jrrtrsr: V. U. M. Penn. ll, L; ri Lmut Samuel 8. Rothfock, ff-i. gwf.rt; , Three and Four per cent, interest will fcs paid on certificates of de) tsit. fjan 23, 1894 U 70 weak nm Buflniag from tb effects of ystrtrol t. dcr.wiuintiiin. epiAioo.vf-., r ' i ad a Talnetde bufai lmmlft eonAlnt,-g ct partlealara far boiue ear. FREE' '--.- i sp'endld medical work ; efaomUbe at") by e'ff aaea who Is Barroaa awl debilitate i. A .m FN. F. C. nwiCI, Xuadua, tokus. Consumption Surely Gurexl. To Tom JEtems: Pleeeo lnfora your rea-tra ihat I ksT a peeltiT nrntij tae the abew-i.iul dicaaae By its Uml; aas Hionnwts t bupeieie easas aare been pernMsmtly eorod. I J: 1 1 id to een two bottles or lay restedr turn. i. y W your readers who 1ito oonsumpttna it tly wMt send im Sheer Ifcaneeaad P. 0.ad4reM. .!rv tetty, I. A. iiocUH, M. o., m iouSC. T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers