T . -laja3a?'''i:kA--' " -'-"-' "-m'tv ! t!a fir' tW" t a r?rn!5t Oil If REV. BR. TALMAGE. THK BHOOKLVS DIVINE'S SUN DAY SERMOJf. Subject) "Heavy Weights" (Deliv ered at San Francisco). TEXTuTnst tii v burden upon the Lont, and He'shall sustain tllee." Psalms to., 23. David was hare tutting his own tncdiclno. If anybody had on him heavy wehrhts, D. vld had them, and yet out ot his owir experi ence he advises you and mo as to the best way of ffpttlncr rid of burdens. Iliia.is a world of burden bearing. Dnrlnir the past few ilny? tidinRS eame from across the sea of a mighty and cood man fallen. A man full of tlie Holy Ohost was he, his name the sy nonym for all that is good ami kind and era cious and beueileent. Word comes to us of a scource sweeping off hundreds and thou sands of people, and there is a burden of sorrow. Sorrow on the sa and sorrow on the land, ("ominj Into the house of prayer thcr.i may be no siirn of sadness or sorrow, but win-re is the man who has not a con flict V Where Is the soul that has not a strujf-(-ie? And there is not a day of all the year when my txt is not clorlously appropriate, nnd there is never an audience nssembled on the planet where the text is not gloriously appropriate, Cnt thy burden upon the Lir I, and He shall sustain thee." Jn tho far East wells of water are so In frequent that when a man owns a well ho lias a propei ty of very preat value, and sometimes battles have been fousht for the possession of one well of water, but there is one well thst every man owns, a deep well, a perennial well, a well of tears. If a man has not n burden on this shoulder, he has a bur den on the other shoulder. The day I left home o look after myself and for myself. In the waon my father sat driving, and he said that day sometime whi -h has been with me all my life : 'IM Witt, It is always safe to trust Go 3. I have tcauy a time some to a crisis of diffi culty. You may know that, hnv'ng been aiok for llfteen years, it was no easy thl .c Tor me to support a family, but always God :ame to the rescue. I remember the time," be saldt "when I didn't know what to do, tnd I saw a man on horseback riding up the farm lnne, nnd he announced to me that I had I been nominated for the most lucrative o.'llce in all tho Rift of the people of the county, and to that office I was elected, and (lod iii that way met all my wants, and I tell yon it is always safe to trust Him." Oh, my friends, what we want is a practi cal religion 1 The religion people bavelsso hitrh up yoii cannot reach it. I had a friend who entered the life of an evangelist. Ho lave np a lucrative business in Chicago, and ae an I his wife finally came to severe want. He told me that in tho mornlnir at prayers he sal I r "O Lord, Thou kuowest we have not a mouthful of food In the house! Help me ; help us 1" And he started out on the street, and a pentleman met him and said I have been thinking of you for a coo l wiiile. You know I am a flour merchant. If you won't be offended, I should like to send you a barrel of flour." He cast his bur leu on the Lord, and the Lord sustained him. Now, thut Is the kind of religion we want. In the strait of Magellan, I have been lold, there is a place where, whichever way ship captain putshls s'jlp, he finds the wind against him, and there are men who ill tli-ir lives have been running In the ;oeth of the wind, and which way to turn they do not know. Some of them may be in :his assemblage, and I address them face to face, not perfunctorily, but as one brother talks to another brother, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, nnd He shall sustain thee." There are a Rreat many men who have Mi-mess burdens. When we see a man wor ried and perplexed and anneved in business life, we nre opt to say, "He outfit not to have attempted to carry so much." Ah, that niau may not be to blame at all ! When a man plants a business he does not know what will bo its outgrowths, what will be its roots, what will le its branches. There Is many a man with keen foresight and large rusinoss faculty who has been flung into the :lu-t by uuioreseen circumstances springing upon him from ambush. When to buy, when to sell, when to trust and to what amount to credit, what will be the effect of :his n"W invention of machinery, what wlllbe the effect of that loss of crop, and a tbousan 1 other questions prrplex business men until t'ne hair is silvered and deep wrinkles nre plowed in tho cheek, and the stocks go up by mountains nnd go down by valleys, and foV nre at their wits' ends and stagger like .ruuken men. There ne-er has been a time when there have byn such rivalries In business as how. It is fiarlwnre against hardware, books, aiint books, chandlery against chandlery. Imported articles agaiost imported articles. A thousand stores In combat with another; thousand stores. Never such advantage o light, never each variety of assortment, never so much splendor of show window, nevr so much adroitness of salesmen, never ?o much acuteness of advertising, and amid all these severities of rivalry in business how many men break down ! Oh, the burden on the shoulder ! Oh, tbe burden on the heart I Y ou hear that it is avarlee which drives these men of business through the street,! an 1 that is the commonly accepted idea. I do not believe a word of it. The vast multi tude of these business men are tolling on for others. To educate their children, to put w .i.ii of protection over their households, to have somethla left so wnen they pass out of 11 is life their wives and children will hot have to go to the poorhouse that Is the way I trauslate this energy in the street and store the vast majority of that energy. Grip, Gouge .t Co. do not do all the business. Some of us remember when the Central America was coming home from California it was wrecked. President Arthur's father-, in-law was the heroic captain of that ship and went down with most of the pnssengers. Some of them got off into lifeboat?, but therg was a young man returning from California who had a bag of gold in his hand, and as the last boat shoved off from the ship that was to go down that young man shouted to a comrade in the boat . ''Here, John, catch this gold. There are 43000. Take it home to my old mother ; it will make her comfort, able In her last days." Grip, Gouge Co. do not do all tho business of the world. Ah, my friend, do you say that God does not care anything about your worldly busi ness? r tell you God knows more about it than you do. He knows all your perplexi ties:, io knows what mortgage Is about to foB"...iose, He knows what note you cannot pny;Ho knows what unsalable goods you have on your jhelves ; Ho knows all your trials, from tho day you took hold of the llrst yardstick down to that sale of the last yard of ribbon and the God who helped Iiavid to be king, and who helped Daniel to be prime mlaister, and who helped Have-Jo-k to be a roldier will help you to dis charge all your duties. He is going to see you through. When loss comes, and you Hint your property going, just take this book mid put it down by your ledger and read of the eternal possessions that will come to yoa through our Lord Josus Christ. And when your business partner betrays you, and your lriendsturn against you, just take the in suiting letter, put it down on the table, put your Ihble beside the insulting letter, and then rend of the friendship of Him who "sticketh closer than a brother." A young accountant in New York City got his accounts entangled. He knew he was honest, nnd yet he could not make his ac counts come out right, and he tolled at there day and night until he .was nearly frenzied. It seemed by those books that something ha'1 ben misappropriated, and he know before (Jo 1 he was honest. Tho last day came. He knew if he could not that day make his ac counts come out right ho would go Into dis grace and go into banlshmenf from the busi ness establishment. He went over there very early before there was anybody in the p:aet and he knelt down at the desk nn I said t "() Lord, Thou kuowest I have tried to be lionest. but I cannot make these things com our right I Hlp me to-day help me thfs morning.' The young man arose, and bard J.v knowing why he did so opened a book that lay on the desk, nnl there was a leaf containing a line of figures which explained everything. In other words, he cast his burden upon tho Lord, and the Lord sus tained him. Young man, do vou hear that! Oh, yes, Ood has a sympathy w.th anv- ro.iy that is in any kind of toll ! He knows how heavy is the hod of bricia that the workman carries up the ladder on tho wall, xi a nears i t'ne pTegnx of tno miner down in tho coal shaft. He knows how strong the tempest strikes the sailor at masthead. He sees the factory girl among tho spindles and knows how her arms ache. He seosthesew Ing wotnaa in the fourth story and knows how few pence sue gets for making a gar ment, and louder than all the din and roir of the city comes the voioe of a sympathetio God. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and Ho shall sustain thee." Then there nre a great many who have a weight of persecution and abuse upon themj Sometimes society gets a grudge against sj man. All his motives are misinterpreted, n 1 all his good deeds are deprecated. With more virtue than some of the honored and npplaudoj, he runs only against raillery and sharp criticism. When a man begins to go down, he has not only the force of natural gravitation, bat a hundred hands to help him in the precipitation. Men are perse cuted for their virtues and their successes. Germanic js said be had just as many bitter ntagonists as he had adornments. The sharacter sometimes Is bo lustrous that the ITtjak eyes of envy and Jealousy cannot bear It was their Integrity that put Joseph la he pit, and Daniel In the den, and Shadracu a the Are, and sent John tho Evangelist to losolate Fatmos, and Oalvin to tbe castle of persecution, and John Huss to the stake, ind Koran after Moses, and Saul after Da rid, and Herod after Christ. Be sure, if yoa aava anything to do for church or state, and rou attempt it with all your soul, the light ling will strike yoa. The world always has had a cross be tween two thtevee lor the one who comes to lave It. High and holy enterprise has nl iravs been followed by abuse. Tbe most rublime tragedy of self-sacrifice has come to itfrlesrftra The graceful gait of virtue Is llways followed by gooff and grimace and trv8ty. The sweetest strain of poetry rver.wittanba9 conrst q tldloss naxolv. uiu asvug on tnereartTVirrheaim riguteorft I6ss in the world there will be-something 'or iniquity to grin at. All along the lino f the ages and in all lands the cry has been " 'Not this man, but Barabbas. Now. Bar ibhas was a robber." And wnnt makes the persecutions of life worse is that they come from people whom rou have helped, .from those to whom you oane 1 money or have started In business or arhora you rescued in some great crisis. I think it has been the history o( all our lives the most acrimonious assault has come from those whom we have benefited, whom ire have helped, nnd that makes it all the harder to bear. A man Is In danger of be Jomiug"cynlcal. A clergymnn of the Universallst church went Into a neighborhood for the establish ment of a a church ot bis denomination, an t tie was anxious to fin I some one ot that de nomination, nn 1 he was pointed to a certain house and went there. He said to the man 3f the house: "I understand yoa are a Uni versallst. I want yoa to help ra , in the en terprise." "Well." said the man,' "I am a fjniversalisf, but I have a peculiar kind of Unlversalism." "What Is thatif" asked the iilnlster. "Veil," replied the other, "I lave been out In the world, and I have been jheated and slandered and outraged and ibused until I believe in universal damna tioa r The great danger is that men will become :ynloal and given to believe, as David was tempted to say, that all men-ure' liars. Oh, my friends, do not let that be the effect apon your souls! If you cannot endure a little persecution, how do you think our fathers en lured persecution? Motley, In his "Dutch Republic," tells us of Egmont, the martyr, who, condemned to be beheaded, unfastened nis collar on the way to toe scat fold, and when they asked him why he did that he siid "So they will not be detained In their work- I want to be ready." Oh, how little we have to endure compared with those who have gono before us ' Now, if you have come across ill treat ment, let me tell you you are in excellent company Christ and Luther and Galilei and Columbus and John Jay and Joslafi Quincy and thousands of men and women, the best spirits of earth and heaven. Badge not one inch, though all hell wreak upon yoa its vengeance, and yon be made a target for devils to shoot at. Do you not thfhk Christ knew all about persecution? Was He not hissed at? Was He not struck on the cheek? Was He not pursued all the days of His life? Did they not expeciorato upon Him? -Or, to put it in Bible language. "They spit upon Him." And can-, not He understand what persecution is? "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee." Then there are others who carry groat bur dens of physical ailments. When sadden sickness has come, and fierce choleras and malignant fevers take the castles of life by storm, we appeal to God, but in these chronla ailmnts which wear out the strength day after day, and week after week, and year after year, how little resorting to Go I for soiaeel Then people depend upon their tonics, and their plasters, and tb,elr cordials rather than upon heavenly stimulants. Oh, how few people there are completely well I Some of you, by dint of perseverance and care have kept living to this time, but how you have had to war against physical ailments I Antediluvians, without medical college and infirmary and apothecary shop, multiplied their years by hundreds, but he who has gone through the gauntlet of disease in our time and has oome to seventy years of age is a hero worthy of a palm. The world seems to be a great hospital, and yoa run against rheumatisms and con sumptions and scrofulas and neuralgias and scores of old diseases baptized by new no menclature. Ob, how heavy a burden sick ness is It takes the oolorout of the sky, and the sparkle out of the wave, nnd the sweet ness out of the fruit, and luster out of the night. When tbe limbs ache, when the res piration Is painful, when the mouth Is hot, when the ear roars with unhealthy obstruc tions, how hard it is to be patient and eheer ful and assiduous 1 "Cost thy bur Ion upon the Lor L" Does your head ache? His wore the thorn. Do your feet hurt? His were crushed of the spikes. Is your side painful? His was struck by the spear. Do you feel like giving way under the burden? His weakness gave way under a cross. While you are in every pos sible way to try to restore your physical vigor, you are to remember that more sooth ing than any anodyne, more vitalizing than any stimulant and more strengthening than any tonlo Is the prescription of the text, "Ca3t thy burden upon the Lord, and He will sustnin thee." We hear a great deal of talk now about faith cure, and some people say it cannot be done and it is a failure. I do not know but that the chief advance of the church is to be in that direction. Marvelous things oome to me day by day which make me think that If the age of miracles is past It Is be cause the faith of miracles is past. ' A prominent merchant of New York said )o a member of my family, "Mv mothes wants her case mentioned to Mr. Talmage. This was the case. He said- "My mothej had a dreadful abscess, from which she had suffered untold agonies, and all surgery had been exhausted upon her, and worse and worse she grew until we called in a few Christian friends nnd proceeded to pray about it. We commended her case to Go I, and the abscess began immediately to be cured, fiho is entirely well now and without knife and without any 6urgery." So that ose has come to me, an 1 there are a scorf ol other cases coming to our ears from a! parts of the earth. Oh, ye who are s'efc, gc to Christ ! Oh, ye who nre worn out wilt agonies of body, "Cast thy burden upon tli Lord, and He shall sustain the.e '" Another burden some have to carry is thi burden of bereavement. Ah. these are tn troubles that wear us out I If vro lose out property, by additional industry perhaps we may bring back tho estranged fortune. If we lose our good name, perh aps by re formation of morals we may achieve again reputation for integrity, but who will bring back tho dear departed"? Alas, me, for tlieseempty cradles and these trunks of childish toys that will never be used again I Alas me, for the empty chair and the silence iu tho hnlls that will never echo again to those familiar footsteps I Alas ! for the cry of widowhood and orphanage I What bitter Marahs in the wilderness, what cities of the dead, what long, black shadow from the wing of death, what eyes sunken with grief, what hands tremulous with be reavement, what instruments of muslo shut now because there are no fingers to play on them! Is there no relief for such souls? aye, lot that soul ride into the hurbor of my text. The flout that on Jesus hftth lrnel for repose t will uot, I will not iteert to fva. That soul, th jugh all bell hu enocavor to shake, rr -er, no cever foraike. Now, the grave Is brighter than the nn ;lent tomb where the lights were perpetually kept burning. The sacred feet of Him who was "the resurrection and the life" are on the broken grave hillock, while the voioes of ingels ring down the sky at the coronation Jf another soul come home to glory. Then there are mnny who carry the bur lenofsln. Ah, we all carry It until in the ippointed way that burden is lifted. We aeed no Bible to prove that the whole race Is ruined. Whnt a spectacle it would be if wo jouia tear ott tne mask or human defilement jr beat a drum that would bring up the whole army of tho world's transgressions the deception, the fraud, and the rapine,and the murder, nnd the crime of all centuries! lye, U I could sound the trumpet of resur rection in the souls of the best men in this in Hence, and all the dead sins of the past ihould come up, we could not endure the light. Bin, grim nnd dire, has pat its clutch lpon the immortal soul, and that clutch will lever relax unless it be under tbe heel of Him who came to destroy the works of the lovil. Oh, to have a mountain of sin en the soul ! to there no way to have tho burden moved ! Dh, yee. "Oast thy burden upon theLord.' Che sinless one came to take the consc iences of our sin t And I know lie Is in lamest. How do I know it? By the stream ing temples and the streaming hands as He lays, 'Come unto Me, all ye who are weary ind heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Why will protHgals live on swines" husks vhen the robe, and the ring, and the father's welcome are ready? Why go wan lering over the great Sahara desert of your tin when yoa are4nvlted to the gardens of 3od, the trees of life and the fountains of dvlng water? Why be houseless and home less forever when you may become the sous ind daughters of the Lord God Almighty? Find a man wbo Las no liobb r and you will find one who is not happy. An office is tbe glue I hut makes a politician stick to Lis party. Tbe real character of a man is fonnd out only by bis auitiscmonts. Ibe man wbo takes the cake thinks be is only receiving his dessert. FARM NOTES. FEW KEEP GUINEA FOWLS. The Guinea fowl is ono of tbe moA beautiful specimens of accurate fcatbci marking known among gallinaceoui fowls. There are two species, tbe b!ac'd t anu wane spaueu ana me pure wain treed. Few keep guineas, on account of their noisy ' manner, which at tima grows tiresome; yet chicken thieves hole them as great enemies, as they give at alarm even at midnight, if strangers com among them. New York Independent. TREATMENT OK TOMATO PLAM9. The succulent vegetable, the tomato oucp despised ij now the subject o! great attention. Tho following la good advice in tbe treatment of the plant : Sei out plants when six inches high and hit up well until the height of a foot ii reached. Train tbe branches apart. Throw around tho plant wood ashei which will at once act as a fertilizer sad a poison to bugs and disease. The ruott will be thrown out by the hilling procesi and growth forced. The hill acts as s good bed for tho frut to rest on and prevents rot. American Agriculturist ROTATION IN THE GARDEN. It is a good thing in the cultivation o I garden not to grow the eatno vegetable; or plants year after year on the same spot, nor even two years in succession on th came. It is liable to generate diseasi and to exhaust thut poition of the soil it which the plant feeds or to remove th peculiar elements wbich it nee Is. Roots, deep-feeding and shailo-fecdin plants should succeed each other. A strict system of rotation is always safest. Where a mixed lot of vegetables it giown, the same "rouud inuy bo worked lor an almost indcliuite length of titut by changing the location of each kind from year to year. Where cabbages, cauliflowers, radishes, turnips or othci members of this s imo family were grown last year plant tomatoes, egg plant, pep pers, etc., t ':. r -l", mi I sveet eon oi viues next, and so uj. Cliic igj Tioiui. SIZE ASI WEIGUT OF JACKS. Jacks vary in size and weight con siderably. A medium size is li hauds, and SOD pounds; tiio largest aro 16 hand; &nd upward, and 12)0 to 13J0 pound. A jack recently sold la Kentucky lot 1300, was lfj bands, an 1 weighed 1250 pounds. Tbe measurements of this ani mal were: 121 inches from the nose to the root of tail, 33 J iache) from tip ta tip of ears, head 3i inches, girth C(5, ktiec to ankle 12, around arms 2(3 J, and around stifle 33 inc'.ies. This is not so large us one sold previously for $3250. The American jacks surpass those of any other country in all respects, but the French and Spanish blood has been used liberally in their improvement. Tbe best of these animals are reared in Ken tucky and Tennessee. Ordinary mule! sell in those States for $100 to $250 pel head, according to size. New York Tiutes. HOW TO SMKE A HOT BEl. Where the farmer or gardener is too fur temoved from business centers to bu; plants cheaply of tho seedsmen, a hot bed will be found convenient for starting many kinds of plants. Tbe liist step tc be taken is getting rea ly tbe manure with wbich to supply the required bot tom heat. Fresh horse manure mixed thoroughly with one-third to one-half its bulk of leaves, or straw used for bed ding, or other manure that has bcea heated once, are the materials preferred. As soon as this compost begins to fer ment turn it again and let remain until Eins appear of a second fermeatatioD. Make an excavation about two and one-half feet deep and of a size to suit tbe fash on band or number of plants re quited. Locate this pit in a ury spot, facing south or east. One sash will gen erally give early plants cuoug'a for a largo family. The frame for the sash or eashes may be made ot boards nailed to small posts at the corners. Tbis frainti ought to bo about eighteen inches high at the back and twelve inches in front, to give the proper s'ope to catch the lunlight. To facilitate the opening and ihuttijg of the frame, cross-pieces s'.iould be plaacd for the sash to slide on. When all is ready tread the manure down firmly in tho pit, to tbe depth of two and a half feet; put on the sash and keep the pit closed until the heat risc3. In two or three days spread on top soil to a depth of six or eight inches. In this seed may be sown in drills, two or threo inches apart, for early tomatoes, egg-plant, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, neppcr, etc.-i-.Xew York World. The Biggest ischoollunso. A schoolh juse to cost $200,000, capa ble of seating 2100 pupil3, is being built in New Yoik City. The structure will contain four floors and an attio. The first floor will be used for a playground nod will be so arranged that it can be thrown into an nuditoaium 60x120 feet for lectures and evening classes. The attic is to be devoted to manual training and a gymnasium. The three floors be. tween are to be divided into classrooms. San Francisco Chronicle. rarental Influence As a general rule a child's taste, opin ions, character and trend in life, and even its permanent destiny, aro practic ally shaped before the child is seven or eight years of age. The failure of the parents rightly to instruct ajid train it in those early years, bath ''by teaching and example, by constant watchfulness and loving care, can never, be made good by a lifetime 'of devctcdrvess la later years. Detroit Free Fress. - Reports from New Orleans show that tho Louisiana sugarrcrop 'reached last year 189,500 tons,' upon which tbe bounty will be $7,So0,000, as against $,82,590 paid in bounties Jaat year. Opportunity. Flora I have just found a dojlai and am hesitating whether! to give It to the missionary society orjbuy some ribbon for dear little Fido. Frank Ah, I see! Undecided whether tc "point a moral or adorn a tall." Truth. An Advancing Community 'Won't you think society in New York is improving?" don'tiknow about that," was the reply. But J have certainly noticed a marked and steady elevation in the social tone ol f-inu' Sing." WashUiston Star.x A Future State. Dr. Fourthly You believe thert can be more than one future state,do yi.ii not? Westenberg Oh, yes; there are Arizona and New Mcaico, btitl have my doubts about Ctah. Kate Fic:d's Washington. 'A l'ossihle Complication. Parker It will lead to trouble if Roscbery should marry the.daughtet :n me j i nice in ivuies. .Darner tuM be awkward for Hoscbery If lus f lirty should ever call uponStoim U. abolish his own father-in-law Puck. In New Guinea the natives uso t comb that has but two prong, anc scrape their wool with it only once i Hoir Cvreaft'Trtops Are Drilled. On the recent arrival at Chemulpi, 1 Corea, of tho United States ateamei Marion, Commander Gridley, ' accom-) panied by three of his officers, paid at ' official visit to Seoul, where they wert the guests of United States Minister An- ( gustine Heard, at whose request Hit , Majesty, King Li Fin, granted s privat audience to the'officers and assured th ' commander of his friendship for th j United States. The officers were also in. vited to witnesr the drill ol a battalion of Corean soldiers, whose military bear-' Ing was specially noticeable, as were also ( tho preclaioa and excellence of theii. driil. ! Two companies of 139 men each took part f n the evolutions, which were per formed according to Upton's tactics. The manual of arms, wheelings and t, i t-i .1 i .3 vi marcmn in quick uuu iu uuuuia tuui were admirably performed. ..The file closers all carried long handled clubs, ot paddles, instead of rifles, like the rest. Th nrfiwiTa miriositv rerardin!T the use of these paddles was soon satisfied. A poor devil In tbe rear rank, who brought ! nis piece to "shoulder arms" instead ol i order arms," was instantly pounced upon by two burly file closers, knocked down and given a beating that mas I have made his bones ache for a month. ! lle made no mora mistakes that day. This interesting diversion was repeated icveral time3. New York Herald. -me lcadlnsr metallurgists in . this countrv and in EuroDO have for some , i tune oeen enueavoring to cnusi eiecinc- itv into their service. I It has" been shown bv Nathan that tl'" ' addition of a small nronortion of niiro- ! m.i..i.i . ik. f -,,; Hv-wu, """"" i v results in tho formation of more alcohol 41 I I man ubuai. - - Dr. Kilmer's Siiit-llooT cars all Kidney and Bladder troubls. , l'amphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory .Qlnit-bamton. N. Y. A child was rwen tly Imrn in An tananarwo, Madagascar, with two jier-fct-lly developed tins instead of arms. It is bright aud pretty, and bids fair to live. W e will clve $1W reward for any case of ca tarrh tliat eiuinol be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure- Taken internally. F. J. Cuk.nkv & Co.. Proi., Toledo, O. Ail enumeration of the imputation of Aggprshuus, Norway, in 170;1, showed that 150 couples had been over eighty years married. Pklloh's Cars 1b sold an a guarantee. It cures Incipient (Jon nmption; It ib the Bmt Cough Cure: 3&c 50c, St A horse got so tightly wedge in a SeiUliu(Mo.) kitchen that it was neces sary to knock a hole in the wall to get him out. Rich, red blood as nalurHlly results from tak ing Hood's SartMiparilla as personal clcauliueits results from free use of pimp and water. This great purilicr thoroughly expela scrofula, salt rheum and all other impurities. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. One must have traveled 1000 miles in a straight line before being eligible to the new British Institute of Travel ers. Heart dbeaso is most common in England and most entirely unknown in Mexico. The University of Michigan sent out a class of 7ol lust year, the largest ?ver graduated from au American uni rersity. H'JO KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to pcrsnnnl enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's lc6t products to the needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to heulth of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleas ant to the taste, tho refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and feverr and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free front " every objectionable substance. PvruD of Fies is for sale by all dnitr- plsti in 50c and l bottles, hut it is man- ufat-tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig. ana Deing wen nionneii, sm v. accost any substitute if offered. FREE! I Keen sssrssue TH1& KNIFE! 'of, 'strong hDiie. miii fe la excBit ' !" B,d fr. 11 I.lnn Corti-fl WrnptH-rm nn.l a zent rump JW T posture, Write f"r lit f our nth" ftue lre nuunia. WUUL3UN Sfltt UU., iJi Uurua tiW TuUDO, O. GREAT EASTERN Furniture & Mattress Mfg. Co., Also I'pholsterers and Decorators, laSO-RIDGE AVI3.-1320. Pot. Green Si Spring Garden Sta., rtillada.. Pa. II not- why not purchase your Furniture, Par lor .ults arret. ie edlii!K. ilattlni. tots. Hal Hand. Hide Itoardn, s. Tables, Cbalra. Hefrlarertft torn, llaby t'arriaKe. Etc., of tbe manufacturer niitft. 1, ct new poods, it pay. We save you 74. t'ajl and tie convinced. A few prices: IX pieces, (Ink Suit. Crib anil Mat tnM thrown In K4.7.V Parlor Suitu, S17.ua up wards Koi kers, fl.fiO; Chairs, i:c.; Spring, IMu ; 1 S t of Pillows and llolater, 11.00. Awningi, Shades and Parlor Suits to order. tjood shipped all uwt the countrv. Choice Orange Grove JTL"" tcrniita.'syiat ruilroiui ceuter.ltox 27, Archer.Fla Unlike the Dutch Process Xo Alkalies OR Other Chemicals are used in tho preparation ot W. BAKER & CO.'S which 4a ahtoluteli I. rW It has mnrethttn three timrg t f wettrenytn ol cocoa mixea iwiiu ntarcn. Arrowroot or ' Sucror, and is far mure eco nomical, cuHimj lens than one erne a cup. t ii dellciou, nourishing, and easxlt XI(JESTEI. Sold by Grorers eierinhtr. W H AITES. ACXi. nombaatr Vaaa i Hood's is Good -IT Makes Pure Blood SCROFULA THOROUGHLY ERADICATED. 'C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass: "It hi with pleasure that I give yon the details ot our little May's sickness and her return to health by the use of Uood'a Barsaparilla. Bhe w as taken with fever and a Bad Couffh. Following this a sore came on her right side be tween the two lower ribs. In a short Ume an other broke on the left Me. Sb would take snellsof sore mouth and when we had succeed- tackflof ultfh fever and ex tel blood v looktnK corruption. Iter head wan alrtcted and matter oozed from her ears. Alter each attack she be Hood's5 Cures f"""' "" and all treatment failed to Rive her relict until we be-san to use Hood a hanaparllla. After he imd taken one-huir bottle we could m ""lt 8,18 WM better. We continued until she hud taken three bottle. We continued until she had taken three bottles. Now she looks like Th' "" "f Youth. ami is fat as a pig. We feci grateful, and cannot ,y too much iu favor of Hood s Harsuparina." M. a. m. a dams, luman, Tennessee. Mood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and I viucivuu, un iuc liver anu oowcis. TALK'S CHEAP. There's lots o qaJnt ol' sayin's Tve noticed in my day Big truths" and solid principles Told In the shortest way. My father nst to hava one. An this is how it ran: Talk's cheap, my boy," he nst to say, 'But money buys tbe Ian'." I own the sayin's homely. Undignified and rough; But then it tells jest what you mean. An tells it brief enough. An' when you git to thinkta How sVrt is life's thin span. It's well . Bain' "that talk Is cheip But money buys ths Ian." 'T won't do to beast an' bluster An' brag an' try to bluff; An' don't you git to think in' This world "ain't up to snuff." It is; an while you're blowln Your own bazra, my man, -There's some one snesrin', "talk Is cheap. But money buys the lan'." Chicago News Record, IIUMOK OF THE DAT. unostentatious gift A loan. An Fun. Mistress of the situationThe servant girl. Life. Consumed with curiosity Unfamiliar viands. Truth. Gets down to work The pillow maker. Truth. A man never finds how dull he ia till he tries to live by his wits. Life. Carver "I'm but a hewer of wood." Marine Painter "And I but a drawer of water." She "Are these Cotven all. nature!" lie "Ye?, all except the price.."' Chi cago Inte?-Ocean. In a fight botsveen a porcupine and a bull dog recently, t ie latter was severely outpointed. Puck. She "Diamonds aro like women's hearts the richest jewels in creation." lie "And the h tr Jest." Fun. Did you ever go to Bins, the tailor!" "Yes. Uat two suits from 'him. One dress suit. One law suit. Very expen sive man." Waif. It is curious how much faster a street car bumps along when you are running after it than when you are riding on it. Richmond Recorder. "Goodness me, Johnny! VThat are : l ' . i - f you vrviujf huuuv uuwi vawc Tommy dreamed about tat in pie last mgbt and I didn't." Indianapolis Jour nal. "Why did jour hired girl leave you!'' 'She didn't like the extra work." What extra work did sho hnvc to do?" "Collecting her wages." Harper's "Weekly. Merchant "Now here is a piece of goods that speaks for itself." Uncle Hayseed ""Well, that wouldn't suit Mandy. She likes to do her o.vn talk in." Inter-Ocean. Father "A hundred dollars for a suit of clothes I I never paid that for a suit in my life." Son "Well, you'll have to begin now, father; here's the bill." Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Bingo "Dear, after this you I must wear a dress suit down to dinner." Bingo "What fori Mrs. Bingo '"Our new girl has been used to it." Clothier and Furnisher. j He "Do you love me, darling?" She .s0molimes I think I do; aud then ,aain when you have that ladeous, baesry ' new overcoat on, I doubt the strength of ( j my affection." Tid-Bits. Trotter "I hear that Gre Willouirh- ! by is encased to a real live lord." IUr- . " t i.iiui "u . au.t, asu "I've seen him several times and I'm j rather scentical." Voirue, , - "Xow we can fix him in this way."i 6aid tno.Iawjer. "Ob, talk is cheap,' aaid tbe)client. 'TYell, wait till you get throughwlth this, and see whether taik is cheap or not." Now York Press. I "Don't ;ou find , him just as I repre- v scntcd nimi Lmj (indignantly) "No, sir. You said he was a bird dog, and he hasn't sunr a.uote yet, and lVe had him two weeks!" Chicago Inter Ocean. At the Chemistry Exam: "Which is the best-known iusulatort" The Candi date (a yonng student, pale and thin, with a bilious complexion: and a savage look about him) "Poverty, sir!" Lo Monde Illuatre. , Mother (putting .the boy out of the pantry) "IJow many ore times will I have to tell you to, keep" out of the pri serve jart" SmalltBoy '(sobbing) "No more, mamma;' they Jte 'all gone." De troit Free Press. Sport "My watch loses something every night aad.seldoDiJmakes it up dur ing the day. What ails it?" Jeweler (reflectively) "Evidently it is trying to conform to tho habits oflils owner. Jewelers "Weekly. Prisoner "Yes, youi Worship, I committed the theft wlthwhJch I am charged entlrely.thrbughltbeilinstigatlon of my medicar'adviser.'? Magistrate "You mean to saylhatln tarrying ut an experiment in hypnotism he sug gested the crime tofyoul" Prisoner "I don't know about that; but, one thing is 'certain, he told me to take something before going to bed.,' Agenda Prin- temps. "gcramc AMbTNPrsTKUc. Mexicans have been using 'ttS of black spider, as cus for typhus ''The .vera, weight of the circulating blood in the body is about twenty-eight ft.. ..r.finn of the electric .park does not exceed the nt-tWa thou . " .u .,k f a second, and a bullet in flight has been 9gnp b7 mma of tbis soark. .ma'rvelous development of mnprn science. i .tmAsnhere. where the changes of temperature are Blight, Is tne most favorable for persons suffering from rheumatism. The worst place i is one , In which the air ia the dryest and the cll- mato the most changeable. The programme of the sanitary exhibit k. fcM In connection with the Chi cago Exhibition defines its purpose to bo to Abo w as adequately as possible the psition in which the theory ana pra. tice of hygiene stand at the present day. Copper and brass can be melted In an Imn not because their fusing point is be low that of Iron, but most metals are melted io earthen pots crucible is tne technical name. These are earthenware jars of various sires and shapes which stand tremendous degrees of heat. One of the latest ideas for illumlnat ing towns is to suspend in tbe air a largo balloon shaped like a tara3p jtde of thin aluminum, filled with a suitable quantity of gas and having . rotating fan to keep it steady. The light can be de rived either from a number ofcjg lamps attache I to the ends or sides, or from incandescent lamps wi'-a;hich tho out side of the balloon can be covered. The height of the balloon above tho ground would be regulated by the length of cable employed. Profcs?or Joseph Leidy placed the fact berond doubt several vears azo. that algte existed in the tissues of fresh water mussels. Professor John A. Ryder noted green about the heart of oysters In the aquaria, at Sea Isle City, and which coloratkn, noted also in Europe, has been asctVied by Professor Dccaisne and others ia France to phycocyanin ab sorbed fr ''li certain diatoms. Professor Ryder inclines to the belief that Dr. Liedy's discovery, as abovo noted, foruii a more probable explauation. Wolves In Russia. Wolves arespeclallv activo this winter. Even in France accidents have been re ported, and Government has thought it necessary to urge the Louvetters to exert themselves. Dreadful stories have reached u from the plains of Eastern Europe, where the inhabitants are used to reckon wolves as an abiding peril ol the winter season, and take no great ac count of the victims whose lives aro lost in the accustomed manner. ; But it ii many years since a town even at 'towns" go in R'iii t-u actually be sieged by these tuitnals. Eucb, we are told, is the fate or Tikhvin, in tbe Pro , vince of Novgorod. They quarter .-; neighborhood in large packs, and make forays into the streets, seizing any living thing they can catch. The women stay indocrs, and the men only go out armed to the teeth. This tale is not to bo dismissed as a mere fable. It raaj probably be exaggerated by legendary incidents handed down from the time when there was no safety outside the towns. The Governor is said to have despatched a battalion of infantry, asot cia of Cossacks, and three hundred Chas seurs to make war upon the enemy. Such a force may protect Tikhvin, but it ii not be hoped that tho wolves will suffer , much. They will be driven off ta prey upon the country districts. Those wbo know nothing of the matter are ept to regard it as another evidence of barbar ism that these creatures should be al lowed to flourish. Why does not the Government or tho people exterminate them? The answer is that it cannot b; done, even in France, though they might be reduced to a triding number there If the Louvctiers were in earnest. But wolves are migratory. Many of those which are beleaguering Tikhvin may have traveled from Siberian watei. London Standard. One of the times whea man begins to li v and sigh that all men are uot hou est ii when ho gets tba wron hat. Kam's Uot a. " Well, I've been miking a goose of myself," said tbe hen, when the egijs on which she had been sitting hatched into goslings. Truth. - -. -J- -. STAMPED OUT blood-poisons of every name and nature, by Dr. Itarce's Golden Medical Discovery. It rouses every organ into healthy action, purines and enriches the blood, and through it cleanses and renews tbe whole system. AU XiLiod, S'l:i;l, fci.d S:; Dibuuses, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst Scrofula, are cured by it. For Tetter, Balt- rneum, eczema, erysipelas, nous, ana Carbuncles, the Discovery" is a direct remedy. Mrs. Caroline Wbek LKY, of tiimry, lUihl vin Cn., Ala., writes: "1 suffered for ono quarter of a century with '"fever-eore" (ulcer) on my lcfr and eczoma tous eruption Dd fravo up all hope of ever bciDir will agniit. But I am rappv to (wy tbat your Dr. Vierce's Golden Med- "i led I Discovery made a Caholihb Wiutir. mrnts, althouft-h I had tried different doctors and almost all known remedies without cllect. PIERCER-CURE, The Marked Success of Scott's Emulsion in consump tion, scrofula and other forms of hereditary disease is due to its powerful food properties. Scott's Emulsion rapidly creates healthy flesh Jeopcr weight. Hereditary taints develop only when the system becomes weakened. Aoti in the world of medicine has been so successful in dis 'iscs that are most w earing to life. Phy siciuns everywhere prescribe it. Prpr1 l,y Solt k Wawho, TC. T. All drarrirta. iiuH.,1 n uautn UUIfcSLM.ki.H. lot P.M. PATENTS I unlU faieal ol aoblnvton. D. a. Kn .,- tiLZ oblalueii. Write for InTrnnr' llui.i. ii inllja and mm.i. who bare weak Inngaor Asth ma, anonld dm Piao's Cure for Consumption. It has cared thoaauda. It has not Injur ed one. It It not bad to taaa. ltutae baatoouftairrup. Si aVtaaaJ M I all i f Cures Permanently r h FJUMAT I S M . .,'!,af?n? the Appetita. together too fJSi MPSddrinkWhatDaiuf; dues are al. we shall drinic. J ja many fs tWs the case "where there are jounj nS growing children. Thej r gather Un all that is goln3 on abou them Lt eating seems to be the principal m Kit of Se family and fj-. isnofrdifflculttosee to what this win lead The little appotites are pampered, nd the minds are ffied with fast dlous notior.8 about dishes and the way to serve them. . . Too much Importance cannot be at tached to good, plain cooking and the erprco.r.ti'noffooJ. but e.ting should not at any time lorru . I ...Ktnk nf p : mversation. It is not I considered good form to talk about one s food while at table; there are topics of conversation much mora durable, nnd Bome pains should be taken to introduce some agreeable and interesting subject ht the outset of the meaL Do some-thin-, do anything to avoid the unceal w tirade about what to eat and how to prepare it. That sort of thing is well Enough in its place, but is by no mean, a proper subject for general discussion The Ledger. Tallest Structures In tbe United States. Tbe tallest structure now existing in ae United States is tbe Washington Monument, the memorial shaft erected at the National capital in honor of the memory of tlie "Father of His Country." It is 550 feet in height. . Next after the Wasbipgtoa monument, the tallest struc ture is the'towcr on the Madison Square Garden, near M'idisin squire, New York City. Tbe lookout gallery at tbe sum mit of this tower is tbe highest point of vantage in NeT York City, and with the exception of the summit of tho Wash ington monument tbe highest ia the country. From tho p-.vement to the electric lights cn the forehead of the gilded Diem, which until recently crovrne 1 tue structure, there was an in Utv.i1 of 311 feet. Xew York Press. 1 T..nr,; i. 41,7b In about one-quarter of the tima allowed in Europe. BEECHAM'S PILLS (Vegetable) What They Are For r.iiiousncss dyspepsia sick headache bilious headache indigestion bad taste in the mouth foul breath loss of appetite when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and c sti'.ation is the most frequent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for everybody learn is that constipation ncss in the world; and it the book. Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, Xew j York, for the little book on Constipation' (its causes con sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not with reach of a druggist; the pills will be sent by mail, 23 cents. f Sell on S-i j5i - - LOVELL QIAHD CYCLES. f . Hlh Grade In Every l'artloular 4 LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. 1 ift uttct uicircro Ml UICYl'lEriTlinr. i-aatft Light KaadUrr, Ht. H lbs. JMCHCRADE BICYCLE WR 35 areclasjiuoutat tho alwve low Mrkv, a 0'M''arl make ana hhrh r" culmv wbl h A mmm i mmwmT """ing. t JKRMS "Don-t p, off Tiii:morrow the..,,- BuyaCateof Ut'eSO,To-":l SAPOliq R. R. R. MDWAY 11 1! READY RELIEF, CURES ASD rr.F.VF.STS Colds, Coughs, Bore Throat, Iloarsenrss, WlfT Xf-rk, Itronchltls, Catarrh, llradal'Hr, Toothnchr, Ithrnmstlim, Kenralcl) Asthma. Qmlkrr Than Auy KM.Umrilf. No mBtterlmw violent or cieriirlatlnl tin- j.il'i t l;liu.-iiiti lte.lri.Wen. Iiillrrii. r..p.-l. S-rv.. Heuralic. or i.rotraIl Willi dtoea.- umv -iJ RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Iimlnnt Kusr. 1NTERNAIJ.V-A Imlf to l ' -i"'iinil In 1 a uiiuliler of watT will In n le v iiiiuut - CmtntM. Sm, four uiii-li. N '"" 11,-artleirn. NerVOUSIiefH. M.--.e-te l-.i 11' liiarrhiKi, Colic, llatnlni-y uti.l uil i '"Malaria In Its vartnm formf-m .! nn 1 .r.- i.' 'I h-rv in not a n ineillal iu: -nt In tie- ei i i willeur- Fever ami A-'ie are I u!l "i.e-r lev- r. . t I ... W A I.VV A VH I'l 1.1-S) H'MiUlUiy J!3 l-Al'-. llEAUV Ki:i.IKK boI.D BY ALL UBrtlOISTH. 1'rW V ' .it A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. 12. T. FEUZ SCJ2ATO'S DSIENTBL CREBJH, 01 piSGIGjlL BESSTIFIE3 Rmnreis Ian. 'roriclM. Pim ple. Moth- PrtU'Iift-t. RsUh Rim sfciu a s eftsei. and everv blen ih oh bi';ty andd Lisr;n triton. J rj Its virtue U bi litm test of 41 m.; no other dm, nnd 1 s a n t.f it to t eur?lt!pri erly Lit ad. Accept no CMiintrtelt'-f s'liii.arnnmw Th& fTsLmetiifihed Or. L- A. Snvr i,d to a Ltdy of Ihe Kaut-tom paticnti: "A Vru irrtu swtil t thrr.i. I Teemnmmd 'tiourawt't fVim" : fir t'at fiamut of mlt tfSktn prrjxir at One Lottie will laat six month, using it every day. Also pom. re SuM remove wprfuMin hair v. ni'-:it t-ury to the n'n. hfcUD T.IIOPK IN. Prop.. 37 "ire-it Jon t,.N . For Rate nv all I-ruaistsnntl Fan.y (i'H.d-1 denier U.r'.MK.irmi the t S.. Canada, and Kur-p. ff Kewareof Pwo imii!.n. lf-l Reward rot in est and proof of any one sellitg tte san-e. rw .-wrw FOR FIFTY YEARS ! MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRU? baa be-n tmert by Igllllon of MntheM 5 Fifty Year. It eoo'bet th" cnlM. f uns tte (turn, ailay an iw-in. cnni -m uv.auu. b the t --t rerna for dl-urr- ja. 5 Twenty-uve tents a uon:ct f sallow skin pimples torpid liver t'epression of spii in causes more than half the sick can all be prevented. Go by "3 - -- "una iaa amount, tea cu : CfX, BOSTON, MASS . YOUR rAHllYBFtst rnvnuy ,e TTTrtr" Y to in