sentinel k RmmioAN vf!T!.!NTO'-V. VfKIl.rS!rAV. MAY 10 114. B F. S C If V K I E R iditof a ji) rcuraif T.a. Pollard's Breckinridge is r.gaioi,t pensioning Union solJiers. Ax rarrliqunke at 11 o'clock fit nirrlit in Venenzuela destroyed 10, 000 lives of people on tbe 28th of April. A mont-mknt to Mary tho mother of Georgo 'Washington was dedicated at Fredorickshurg, Vs., on the 10th of Mc.y. President Cleveland and Pnvate unless tbe fish aro pro;mgat- i.:,,. i:.,,iv - i I ed whicn means that screens must hid cabmcst officers were present on . . , . 1 be U-ied in ttia streams, the occasion. jn t!ie tirst p!ace ths Bpa:vn mUat The harmony of the Wilson larifi'j Lo kept separate then ha small fish bill now in tho Scnito is shown by are Pat into another screen eel!, aad tha f ict that there are 100 amend j80,0'1 nctil theJ are larSe enough to . , i ... , I take ciro of themselves. Evon then 11 knew Ins t-iriff Iwby when it it,U back t the Hons ? in its new amendment clothes. Thk tramps th'it are .stealing rohil tiiiins in the v.vst will tariff vail hear ."ori' -Mil.-ig drop one of these d iys in t'- ' shape, of s!rincent tramp laws v!,; . fiiis na'i a of 70,1100 psople ct oat of humor with the doIcMS iess an 1 depravity of the tramps. Tin: p'thiic men of the Democratic par!y Lnv.? rot bsen competent men to the afFi:rs of the K ):mbii; i'.-f l-nt 10 yers. Th-jy ma 1; war to ;;m-.:; into and extend huinm .'.iiiv a:i.l niv.v tin-y nr) b nit in lev eling (liings d va t tho Earopsaii standard of living, and that is what! I.i tho initio- with the times. I Industrials will not Work. Wellington, D. C, Yi.yy 10 ThaS Jo.v men vviil not work was shown ! e inclusively tod:;y. The c-ondilon of the grounds where they are en camped reipiired a tren"!i for drain age purposes be dug. anl shovela were procured the iijki who : l.'-d to lrgin work. Just one man of the lot woul I lo anvtliine. lie l. !r:iii (li"" He wnrl-o.1 1( , ii'inuti s. thir remainder (.f the army watching him with grave interest. At tlie end of that time he threw d'lwn tho iini l-meiif, and paid he'd ''be if he'd work anv iuoim." Killine Elephant Tip. .1, ( T;.. i.:m . i i... 1'i.niit. jii ywim Kill n 1 IJV l "IS Jil I 111 VU'JU Jl XillK, .'.V JOI li, UlSZ 1'I i- 1 .lay, by order of tha Oulral l'ark j Commisniou, because he was n bad 1 elejihuiit and kiiljd matiy keejier.s. j Til" j.t.ired wild ia tho junglea j . V Ion, India, in 1878, and was i , iase.1 by Victor E.'imauel. The -iiiimal was kept ia tbe Ziol.igical (iiirdciis in Toulon fur three years, and dating Iih stay there he killed a ket pr. He was afterwards sold to Hng.aibai'k, the German animal train-! cr ; i wus brought from HimbarL' ! .. ..moil in nn iron box accompan ied by .Mopis, who then ra-ide his ac- imitifance. Adam Forepaugh im ported him to the country ia 1881, and !: iirrivetl here on the 18th of March ..f that year. Tho bnito was ahvays vie;.. us cad during hiscareei in thi.s enuiitry, Le has a ided seven othr victims to his doath-r .le. Forepaugh lrepentc-.l him to the Zoological gnr.len management of New York, but tho eleptiant was so vicious that it was deemed b:st. to kill kirn. It was determined to kill him with of Potassium, itnd at 7 oVloe;k on Fiiday morning a rosv ilort .I ai.plc. which had a big dote !' c i oa I.- of hidden be ir.'iith its surfac-o ;.h given him. The hig feliow nibbled at. it for a mo ment with his trunk, and tiually put it ia his large mouth, bat when he crunched it between his teeth, he evid. ntly felt that th"e was Koine t'.iLig wrong witn th t isi!, and spat it oat on the tl or of his cage. M.pis taen tried him with a carrot, which wiis similarly dragged, but Tip' refused to tasty it, as he did iinothm- ap)!e aad er.a-ot w'.i-h were ll.lss.lil t,l ,1.1 ,.f.,....r.l.. t." .!. .t:.. ..' " 1 . e nr .'. containing ao .it In ounces of tn ' ihaadly urug, but tho big fcl 1 .'.v. after munciiiag it slowly a coup le of lini. i. threw it ais on the :l;or. "Tip" uud'nibtedlv had his misgiv ings abjut the dainty morn's which were fvd to him, bat tL'1 doctors sai l i ,, , i, . i . - , '-LJ' al l hat Im ha.I certainly got enough (.-. ..I iUl i uis nvsiuill to Kill a UOZeil h..a -es. Sliortiy before thn nooa hour it was given out that the execution had !'een a failuro. but at two o'cloek he b.'guitogi-t 'groggy'- again, and was rather unsteady on his legs. Dr. Alien lid the poison was working, mid gave :is his opinion that death would result, before nightfall. The - . . - . . i , l big lv i-i was breathing stentoroasly, and was si aic dy able to raise bis trunk. A t I'uroi; oVloek a nev mode of pro.-e hue was adopted. I', was de cided to use bran and s:u a'ler cap sales. R ills of wot bran were made up, in each one of which was placed ;:i .v.p.svile containing six grains of the cyanuide. They were placed in the ordinary pail ia which food had been given him before. At seven and a half minutes before four o'clock he put his trunk iu the pail, and taking ;t' a ball of bran blew it down his .'hroat. Several others followed, and Ihcn ho stopped. Something scemud lo atYcct him. He moved to the fr-mt of the cage and rubbed his side .gainst the bars. Then he trumpet ed once or twice, and at tbe end of four minutes seemed to go into con vulsions, his body swelled, and iu his efforts to strain and stretch he burst the chain that went arouud his body, the chain to which his martingale was Haeheii, and extending up his la east and to the tusks, lie next seemed fraulie, reared up and pawed with his fore feet against the outer wall of his cage. Getting down ou the floor again, ho walked toward the door, until reaching the limit of the heavy chain which secured his forelegs to two of the front bars, he stumbled and fell, He did not go down with a crash, however, but went over on bis side, front first, stiffened out, and died in just tvrelve miuntes from the time he took the first ball of wet bran. Private Trout Streiins. Tho trout season has been open since April 15th and qaite a number of trout have been caught. Most of the streams in this vicinity have been stocked by the Stato fishery commission, and portions of the streams into which the bpawn Las been put are claimed as "private streams" by the persona through wcoKe hunt the water Hows. In ac- jcordance with an opinion recently . handed down in the Sunrems Court ''V Judge Sterrett, streams are not thev are to be kept within a , Rrrin wll if the, r .rrw largo raises , them want to own them. Oiilv so I much of that stream is privato as is within the screens lilaced there bv i , ..... Xo ri-ht i conferrerl on fi,h,r tn tresspas?) on the bank of a 0 . .. . . . . .- .,, .... n. 1 1. r ..i . t troam of ie!)c.-;(i land, mn a iisiier m ly wane .''nasi on :n tho water aa 1 not tren-isi on tho field if there are no screens in "rr!, . r 1 .. . T t ...... - . ! tiuuous stream divided th.- land of : '3 w'x ""V T "" hP"D i thc men. The plaintiff pat a lot i a"f-1 been planted m good f,., .11 i 1 . i!. ,,time. rhoroujfh v.orkinsr and mois- u-K.n t!,,.r i...,. i.,.,. i ! defendant fished them out? Sait ; was brought and the plaintiff said it , 1 i I , a 1 iiw '..Hill u 1 .UU llli'i;il" : 1: 0 11113 111a mail V, II y .1 Jl OS.-l tho stream. It iii. Miunn i.i.n'. I n.. ..1 .i.i .1.. j p'aiutiff did not propagate th? fish, j bat merely put thorn into tho stre.irn j to get along a best they could. No j Ktream in private unloss tha prcpa- gario'i n iMi-nea oil v.3 prev. us!y I St.': leu. j A pond surrounded by tho owner's i land without any continuom How, I can bfl callert a private pond, j Judgo Sterrett iu the syllabus of ' tho cas-i My : -If tlie waters of a . pond cover a largo eurfajo of land, au'1 a P(-"oa wuosu i-imi.i are cover- ineaniug of tho act of Jane 3, 1878. . i .'iiii'T is a nonce t!w, "-ill person ore hereby notified not to trcpas3 on ' onlv I)v a nirt of the water. n!...n ' h,-a u-l., l. t i. ! lrt"" asuetts, eaKTjes or lish therein for the tvorivos- of nr.'.tu 1 irmc nf thi, TT. 1., , ; Htoraadie, Dyspepsia, nad Indigos gation, tho pond docs not thereby be-:. Xorlhumberland conntr, Pa , on the Hon until my heUfcb wn goa-1. I i come a private pond, within the 8th of Au-rust 1782 ' Ho .lied i , bad been docteritig constantly w.ta these or fish ia this pond an- der1(,n.Avofth0llr,cientna-!T i :,,.,. 1 ... I, act. of .line . 1878 :' either to strangers or to nPitfhb .." i lb, continues thai: "The mere i . I 11 ' n n in rr ... ! . I n t in mi . . I ... 1 U rt ..1 ' any improvement whatever for the propagation of fi.'h or of gamo fish, U K.ifli.tmnt. t. !..- ,n,1 .;h,- tho protection of thr act of Junl 3. ! 1878. Cjnter Ila'.l R-jo ,rter. I'aln In The Side Oywpepsla. "I w is troubled with a terrible pain iu my left sidf) which tha doa tors sai 1 was ciuscd by aearalri r.f the heart. As a hi st h ipo I used Hoo4 s Sirsaparil'a aad hivo taken1 -1 bottles. I am entirely free from ! p-iia. I also had dyspepsia but Igot 1 better every day aad c in uo.v eat i anytamg aa;l my rtomien does not refiu it. ' Df.ii.d A. liriisch, Steel ton, Pa. Hook's Pii.ll arc ths b?st afti.r dinner pills. Ol'STER EXPRESS. Oyster Impress is again on tho I road, and l-av-s H irrisburg at 10.20 I P. M.. Mm-vsvill.i 1(1 .".1 P '.!" n .n. I cannon 10 47. P. M . N'swPnri. 1 1 OS P. M.. Minim 11. lo. P. SI . Tnwisfown i 12.0,";, A. M , Ibj.m.iirdou 105. A. ! Tyrone 1,42, A M., Aitoona, 2.10, M. Sliaollii)? I'aln t "I had catarrh in the head, pains I shotting through my head, and that tired fueling. I heard so much about 11 od's Sarsapaviil.i that at la-,t I bough', a bottlo. It did me so much good that I bought $o wortii and af ter taking all this I w.u entirely wni;... i iuu l'J 1 T ,1,1 1, 1 flood sSirsaparilli to any one.' Mis.s Daisy De Rimer, Rimer, Pa. Hood's Pills cars indigestion, ousness. bili- Tuscarora Valley IlHlIroal- t n m Trains on the Tnscarora r?,.,-j,. j ,...n t n Valley IVfllllVJLlVI lllli iuu UUIUIVK wp: Leave hast Waterford at 8 00 a. sf., aad 2 r. ji., arriving at Port Roy al at 0.15 a. m. and 3.15 r. m. Leave Port Royal at 10::t0 a. m., and 5.15 i. r., arriving at East Wa tcrford at 11.43 a m ami 0.30 r. m. J. C. MoOKF.HEAD, Su pen nteti'lenl . oit Slie la Well- 'My wife was troubled with stom ach, liver and kidney disease and nothing would help her but Hood's Sarsaparilla. She took two botfes and now she is well and has a good appetite. My boy was tro-.ibled with headaches and stomach ditiieulty and ho hns taken Hood's Vegetable Pills, which we think are the best." Na thanuj. BlnsIwo, Cross Kill Mili, Pa. H k:i's Puxs euro !5 cents all live ills. 11 re. lite axd .irciDi:.vr 1 .11 RiSCE, I have purchased tit agency for Juniata County of tbo American Fire- insurance Company, cf Phila.. froia the representatives yf the late Jeisje Grubb, deceased, and am prepared to attend to all business iu that Sue. I also recreant the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the Commercial Mutual Accident Company of Phila., all of -which are gilt edged. Do not hesiiate to in sure. Address all communications to J. P. Wickersham, Lock Box 505, Thompsontown, Pa. April 4th, tf. Lightning Sets off a Gun. Oxford, Pa., May 8. A loaded gun in Casaius Shade's house was d'6'j':firged by electricity on Sunday night. The gun was leaning against tho chimuey, when the house was struck by lightning, which passed down the chimnsy. One of the bar rels of the gun was melted a few inches. A Freak of Lightning. While standing in the door of his home, in Bellwood, Blair county, '"""'K u I prisoner in the Hunting i. 11. i o i i morning, i.gucmng swuck u niiam atorv wflg ehofc thr0Ug., Isenberg on the leg, passing down to ftn1 killeJ on Mi,v 10 for me noor ana seciing ins nonse on 1 i-ji; i rr T r. c rrt- f i.t i : - i 7 -l , , was iultt:-v "isu - ed, bat it look a phvsicrcn pevernl hours to restore IsenLerg t Ecicuancss. lie will recover. A DDI TIOXAlT.0 CALS. ' I wis not well for over twoyears. J they were at work and went to the I took IIoo i's Sarsaparilla, and feel cell hous?, where they found Book all right now." A. E. Shabpe, Bell' ! heimer, who they were searching for. ville, Pennsylvania. ; Woods struck the guard over the 'When discovered drawing pensions slick Peter r3.;; ! Leavenworth, said ho fought in the I war under two names, I Railroad men fmploycd in tha A!, ma and Juniata shops have been ! tnnn .l .TS j nut on lour davs a week work in con- : - ' ..... 1 -... iiM-.irj 11 f. T 1 ' 1 . . 1 '1 . . i scfiuenco of tho coal strike and tho!i i , , , ir -ii i , heimer s wounds were dressed he rednr-pii freiclif. intpu ... . .. If planting corn in the proper sea - i fiou rfts to do with the raisinjr of a Igoodcrot: 11 irni ii the crop next fall should nA rAU ih. it r . .1 e 11 : r 1 ture are two thiDgs tnat corn must! ve la a'M 10 oly.planting to ! Insure a fir9t rate crpP- - Kerrmotlm ..-.. est ..... ,v X lie preat cure tnr I n .1 1 irpul inn Ilva r ... , . , pepsin ana Aorvo'isnens. Wari - aut - od tho most won lerful Stomach and Nerve Care ever known, Trial hot- ties 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, JliKiintown, Pa. Nov. 14. Ir. Perry county Lutherans are rais- I II IT n fitn 1 In . ... . 1 n ... .. -1 ' Loysville, Perrv county, to th-3 mem ory of ltav. John W. Heim. He preached for the MWintowu La-' theran congregation ia his earlv j youfIi. ?io one now lives here tnat Loysville, Perry coanty, 27, I8PJ. ti cut-. . ,r " mocrar .uay a. , ; . - auJl vi " i , VT .TT 1 , f- Pr"b f '-V the fir.- fllf ilpcf rov 1 1 tin lnrrr... cliru i aad dwelling of II. J. j Iierrysburg, Dauphin ...... .....ivj,, Robison in j county. The " "J"' . xasnrawce on loss is about $8,00i) !re eV' M'J!);a ; ' '.:.ll'l I.A lOI'T .1 l..t.;i!'n,art. i ;00. Robart .T. Robison is a s a of tho late John T. Rjbinsou, of this: county. Irghtning casod the tire, i "The three leaden of the Common weal, Geneal Jac b Siloher Coxv. Marshall Cirl Browne, and Christo-' i.her Columb.u Jones, hava been I found guilty of violating tho laws,! and will have to subaiit, to a SHntenc to bj imposed by the Cairt for their recent d'.aaonstratioa oa t'-e Gmitol ; groan. Ii at Washiagtou. Ail three I r.f i n '.i.;..l .Oil ..... ,-ir,tsl,..3 .... 11... V. 1.VVa 7. . I -MjlC M'llllb.C I .J I I I tj first count of fiio iadictmen!. which charged them with d splaying a bin aer designed, to bring into public notice the J. S. Coxey ?o.d Association. Joaes of Philadelphia was accase.1 cf the second count, which accused th.-im of treading oa the grarw, bat Covey and Browce were convicted. Crooks drilled a hole into the safe I (loor in M'ibeck .Vj Nelson's steam 1 5sfc Xtiursaay ni?lif, cr rather oa 1 ridav morning betweea tha hours of 3 aad 4 o'clock, as i evi denced by eoplo ia that vicinity, who heard the explosion between tho hoars mentioned, but did not then know what the noise meant. The hole ia the djor of the safe was drill ed above tho handle, and the cavifcv in that place was filled with powder or soino other explosive thnt blew off aad split tho door, aad pulverized the asbestos with which the sides .of the safe were packed to make it fire proof. The pulverized asbestos was scattered throughout the oilivi ii fine dust. The thieves obtained lit tle money for the reason Man beck iv. Nelson do not keep monev there. Tho sxfe is only for tho safe keeping of audi papers and books that are of no use to anyone except ing themselves. Tho loss of th? safe however, is iiuite an item. Accidentally Shot Lust evening about 6:30.. ho vera 1 boys, among whom were Frank, sou of Joseph L Melviuney, and David son of John Hess, a freight condoc tor on the S. L., were up along the river shooting at wild ducks with a 22 calibre revolver and a- shot gua. Young Mellinnoy was the pos lessor of a revolver, aad a duck appearing within range, shot at and hit it, knocking the bird beneath the water. Quickly cocking the weapon he stood waiting for the duck to appear, when young Kie8s walked in. front of bim, his arm striking tle weapon hard enough to explode it. The ball en tered Mess's right breast about fonr inches- below the collar bone, and came out under tae arm just where that member joins the body. The lau traiked part, way and was arried tho rest of the way to his homo ou J.uniata street The wound, though not serious, saJght bring on blood poisoning, which wo hope will not be the case. Here oain ia tha oft-repeated warning 4 boya having deadly wear ons in their possession. Lewistown Free Press. Tir per cent, for DepUtora- Frtuleriok Fink, who h&a made an examination of the aJTira of the Per ry County Bauk of New Bloorafield, finds the following: Interest bearicg certificates, 80,740.79; balance due depositors, $25,973.95; balance due other banks, $3,406.80; drafts out standing, $3,509.00; cashier's cheeks, outstanding, $1,651 09; total, $115, 337.69. This does Lot include anv not$8 held by other bankr against the Perry County Bank aa to which the assignees are at this tini9 unin formed. The assets are so pitifully small that there is hardly a prospect of more than two per cent, being paid to depositors. It is the worst fail ure that has ever occurred in Can tral Pennsylvania. A Reformatory Man $bot. Edward Woods of Philadelphia, a ion Reform- the heart trying to ' . .t . ; Woods and Uenrv Waldon also of ; Philadnlnhi. .had U m rC,l,0.i tn j 3rd grade for mis conduct. They resolved avenged on Bookheim f r for lowering their grade, aad lost I Wednoedsv forcnoou thev mauasred 1 10 b:ir oih oi tue t in,ir r i-.i-.i w!ieri i j head with r.n iron bar knocking him -! It: ..i unn, una a sccmi 1.10.7 wish tae saiiitt bar broke Jijokheiners writ. j Bookheimer obtained aravoiver from .oxi.euuer ouiaiuou a revolver irom a fellow keeper, and hsn Woods ! Kn aciw.i mm ne nroa, suooting 1 - - - t I 1-.1I.1Y. T t roods through th heart. Waldon .. 1 1 . 1 : . 1 1 t r t-.. j was arrestpil to await the coroner s ; verdict. The verslict of tho Coron- ' er s inrv reicif-ed h-m, and exhonor- iii e Mti 1 t 1 1 ated h;m from ad bia-ne, and held t i. t 1 11 . i . 1 i 1.1 a 1. ! "- " ; fense. he di;l the shooting in self de- Liver and Stomach Trouble "I had liver aad stomich trouble with crreat distress after citing. lilt 1 1 . t I bfelchllig of v.'lll.l and CO.-tlV0'10S3. I i 1 i (have used neariv four bott' of , . . ,. ... ... .. I ' a " U"JU j "atno I 'HU aa.l am now better ! ' lhdt 1 b:iV0 !,''eu for a lon- tirne- 1 I bavo " aPi1et'te and fr.el no dis- ; nftor 'or.s B. Wk vvra, j i I Hoon's Pills are tho favnite c-ith i artic, T?'becca Wiik'ason, of Browns v.illev, Ind., says: 'I haro bs?a in a distressed condition for three vears tho South American Nervine which done 1.1. ... . ui.j mora iou iiian any .j..i worm or doctoring I ever did ia my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it his cured me completely. I consiJev it tho gruad est me licia in the world." War ranted tho most wonderful stomach and nerve core ever known. Trial i.oitio l rents. .sat iv lu iianks & Co., Druggie, Mifilintown.' Pa. r-. t in5 1 J" eo. i, j-i v fi .rTlilQ: 'i??f W1 S ?' "1?",' W Phosphate j the l.p?t known fertilizer for i.:.y kind of oil. fccud for .new IVi.-e List, bv0RK CHEMICAL WORKS, TCRK. PA. if..' i u' . (ind r.i! cthfr wrn nn-he cratly iiicrvn.-! in crumb unii xl) le by ihv ue $20 i ,;Ji1.f'.f. ; j.1 j' ' it riiikt-s t .' (..'mnt vi rich hm. MM liii'-iivf, r-o;u a inrinvrc-.. UK' '.i!. frrnd fur 'riiv l.iM. - f 1 YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, i. . YOIIK. I'A. fc.n.iu h 't:'r iraii an -i YOilS racsttrai wna5. TCHK.t'ii. jir. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Ur. II it in pli re y V eri II rm nre "cw lorwlly nt enrcfuliy cn-iMUI K"aicllNs.U-t'i twr cars la frlv;e pr:ic'ii:c nul for M-r Unrir yv&ts hy tle iK-oplf with n(re riKfT., Kvnry sifitfte ISpeciAo a 8fcl;l oiuv fir th IIsm u naii!.i. 'Slry fiire ltloti MniUKt, pirpif ornKlnetns; thetTii,anft ai- lr "!.. i sjt 1 uttaUir sovt-rcifiu rleiiiui I ll'.e rl.. list ov nt HzcR. rmiCB. 1 Fever-, oi:j;eti.iis irCrumntms. .."S 2 H urm 'V; ni I-vr, Vn-nt t 'ik... 3 Teething; Cliv. ;'tn-. W akWuloess 4 lliarrhea f hH-!r.ii w A!bltr. 5 5? "Utcry.'irrt.fn.;, C;Uvu Ccllr.... fe knlera .3rfcr' ,ii-Jig 7 Couvht ' ul'U miu.'i:liak....... 5 MeorHirin rK.ih3u'U.i Vaceacho.... f-1 r en da v h es, . tWK H tvlavfc. Vert Urn. 1 O HyMpepKin. Krltrni-ii-, rttlutrion 1 1 :iipirrttrtl or I'ucnfMl FeriodH- 1 bit, T Profuse I'nbuU 13 Croup, liitryoalf ItrsrM'DfsA. ... 1 -nll Uhouniv iirrJ9'a jmiHhns. M .25 si .US M. -tf "Si M. 1 Khcncn Mni . 1 ' cuantlc Fsiiut. . Iri VI unrin Oiliiw fevvr ad Aruc 1 ? ('ill. lUtod or HI-tmr tK-Ortht'iinimyv Strft'ik Fvm. I iitrrh l.irfiwnwt, I clU In rb li fad UtS hio:iu?t '.ii A-:lt.i-tT ;fn. --" trMtMnp .5 ?.n:tia. alaipi'il I rK sweh'u ,. J 4 ! -ii (Vhil.t, Jh-.!-.rl Wenk'ji.-- .'-t i..-Oi'o;wy!fO'l .SiriiT rt'f4m. . ... . jj j-:i e? Mcfciitsfl from K'jun v?-hilny IHcHr... te-ue luoik. orcuiiket 5 I ;try Vralinto, WctdK3c4l.. ..J 3 1 1'hIoioI Period. 0-. ifi:lierin l kwsiotl Sor. i1T.. S5 Cktrouic 1 ouacf ion; 2.mttto, EXTRA. NUMBCR3: 2 Nt't va lie'iilit-r, wjbl V'rsfi:- Mitw, or Involmii..ry lharirvo 1.00 S-fi.t-ateHof thr Hew rr.rMtrtatian 1.00 ptlciyf paius,.su vitu' teuce...l.00 b4 by UrniKUts, or arat fl-f Ut am rerrtt-t of ptios. Pa, HrvpaixTf' Hahfal l4pc- u. rue. Ml HFIMUS ai.P.VO.,ltt A Its WlttUoi St.. StwTnk. S P E C1FICS. HUMPHREYS' VITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." Pnr FH External or Internal, Blind nr Bleeding i Fistula la Au: Itvhtncor lulling of tbe fusctuiu. Tbs re Hf in iaintdute ibe curs ut-rtniu. PHIOE, 50 CTS. TRIAL SIZE, S5 CTS. ' fcU Drussutor m t M mtiPi i i j no reiiei. x iiougnr, nno noma oi "5? Peach Crater. Mrs. Annie E. Humphrey is pre pared to furnish Peach Crate Mater ial, Plastering Lath, Shingles and ail kinds of Building Material at the Mill formerly owned by her late hus band, R. W. Huinphrej-, deceased. Peach lumber a speciality. Maze, Juniata eountv. Pa. tf. Special Train. The T. V. R. R.. will run a special train for the Christian Endeavor Con vention to bo held at McCulloch's Mill's on May 22nd, leaving Port Royal ct 8 A- M., arriving at Honpy Grove in time for morning session, and will leave Honey Grovo after ev ening session. Faro one way from each station en route. Conveyances will meet tho passengers at Honey Grove. LKUAh. GOOD nOME INVESTMENT. Tne first mortgage hon1 of the Hiltiin fown and Patterson Water Corapinie. are now offereJ for aa! nt t'le Juniata Vallnv Bank. The amonnt of the isne ia 527 .000 . Ton (V)) are $, of interest is live (5) p mih( each. The rate percent, cloar nf faxes. payable in seml-annnal conpons. Tho Mif flin coiopons in Felirnarv and Ansnst, and the Vattorsnn coupons in April and Octobr. Tbe principil is pavablo in twenty (20) 5"ears an t iedremable in ten (10) years. The Companies! have been in operation. Nino (9) iiionth3 and have an income that In quite snflicient to meet the interest on the bonds n.iiw. aho niiic'K-uoi.lHrs I 0f the companies -ire Lo-iis E. tkmion I . . . . and all other charges. The stock-holders president; u. B inks, vice president; R. E, Parker. S-vrefary; T. V. Irwin, treasurer Jeromi ih Lyons, E. M. M. Pennel". WillE. Uoopes and Wm. H. Binks, and they pur pose to keop safe the interests of patrons, botl-hol lers and creditors they take anv return for their o"n investment. Ex. cept the ().i;in il Court (tons? bonds which bore six (tj) per cent, inferrst. There has never bcn i: good a bond inve3tment otTor- ! ed to investors. I'rke pir and acorucd tcm. DMINISTR.4IOR'S MITICE. A (Estate ol William FT irt, la'e of Ttis?v-rt township, decease I.) j Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad- j ministration upon tho estate of Wiliinm , Hart, ljto of Fayette township, deceit- ' j cd, liuving been gr.mtod to the ntidersign- ! I ed. AU persons in.leht.wl to said estate ! I are reqicsted to mike immediate payment, j j and thoa.) haviiiir claims azaimt tho stms I to present them dirlv aiithenfic.ited for sat- ! tleimnt JAMES V. HART, I WcCoyrille, Mninulrator. 1 April 23, lfi'.M. I pUOTUONOTAKrS N'friCK (Estate of Ezra Smith of ..aware town whip ) Notice i furahy givi.n Ihit lh arronnt of Jo. j-li (i. Liinir, asicne hy cleeil of voluntary assignment of Em Smith ol Dcl wro township, haj bej'i filed in tht Pro tf onntiry'ii 1 lli:3 of Jil:iiit i Cnnty, anil the snin will he prejenton for contirni.ition and al!ov. .inc,o to the Cunrt of Conm.m I'lcss of sai I ronuty on Tuesday tho I2fh I day of Jure A P., IS91 when anil wln-re ; all persons inti rusted m iv nttotirl if thev i IliiuK proper. a . II ZKIDEKS, Prothttnotarf . I'rothDiinfirv'H f l.'li -r.. ) Milihntonn, I'a , Miy It. iV9i. Kof lilns On ITarHi Will A LIKE Slioridau'S Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS ! Strong and Hralthy ; Prevents all Disease; Good for Moulting If mm, It lw nhnbtt1y om. ITifftilT crtnrontrstM. In fraan I t' r -ttH ti-ntti fr a vnt a !. No tru.r n-fourtti u Ftrnnir. Strlcily a ntcll.-in". larift- run sv-l it IiW.if'lwI xi to iM-'Tent Itmip.' tuxv w u-iiir. If on c-an'C gel It wnd tn u. . V.Vm.ii: oiipi mk Ki.8t A ? I 4 Hk n si.'SdL c:i. 0-", xpr' paU. Ij.tif ry Knr'iH., Hiidr. pric tl, tciit fr-rf with f l.W oni'int or uinrt. SampW I. J li.-iON V "U L'urloiu IIouk St-. Co.on, Mua HUMPHREYS Fcr Horses, Cattle Sheer, logs, So3 AND FOULTHY.. 500Pac Ut't nn Treatment of Anlmals- auti C brt Nni l'rec cttrfac Feer.fuirriion,I nflnmmn.tioH A.A.ifpiuul .tlcuiiitfiiin, itiilU Kcr. K.n. NtraiiiH, l.tmf kmh, H lieaniatiuu ( .C OirUfmyrr, Naail JHwhargea D.1).-Koim nr rah. Worm. K.E.('ouihft llmvrs, lnruaionf& F.F. 4 olic or 4rippM Bellyache 4;...1liwarriaice einorrhefw 11.11. I riutiry nod Kiduer Itiseaea I Ernptiro JleenMP, Ilaaaie i J.K. liieabff ol" Digestion, lara!rtJfC fiiilo Pole (oTr sodomy - .60 tetab'c C'awe, .with Sptn-Ifl ManniL Vtrlnnry f'nre OH al Medlcaiury 7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.09 fc7 HmrUUi r nt pr-aM wp"kWBM lossy ml spunnv e u. o., i i a 1 1 1 wrniwi e iw . Ccjisumption Surely Curort. To TT EcrroR: Plcua. rnfopia your ruidsra that 1 h.TO a positiTO KmC ' 5 for til. AboTC-l-.:mcd JiAa9. By ita timely o!V Aonaands of bfvAlrss cane. I re been penuaneDUfictired. I nh&U a H!d to BCAik two Iwttlcj of myosniody FREE X-j iuiy of yonr- rndcra who bavo cuumptioii it tlkoy will aeu-1 1MB thctr Kipra ai'a'V. O. adilreaa. Utnoctr ftlLj T. A. SUxm'i,. C. 181 1'oaxi 3. 5. Y. f'EWPORT ANSUERMAX'& VAL I lny Kailrood (jhmpany. lime taWe nf assengor IrairiB in eft'oct ni Monday, STATIONS. West Kast-warl. f 3 1 I 2 " 4" Kewp-it ...v. ' 6 (i. Ml fM" a 10' 4 00 BoftWlo KriuB ( 0 fit n: a 07 8 57 JiinisU ruciMcn... 6 1107 3 fS Wirn.ta v ti t i.i O 10 K(Ki S 50 Srivan C?VIH17: 7 3 3 46 Wat r ting 2-: 10 "0 7 51 S 41 r.iuninti jia Jiiiicl'u.- fc31 10 2t 7 4f 3 84 Va.lcv jtoil ' 10 34 7 40, A 32 KHiot'j.crc 3 61 10 if, 7 25 3 15 Grera Park M H i 7 211 3 10 Lov&Tille 7 15 11 M 7 14 8 04 Fe:v Kobuson ..... 7 12 (I 07; 7 OS 2 56 Cilor 7 17 II 12: 6 69 2 49 Cd' Rr.n 7 IS 1 1 !H 6 66 2 45 i nil erron burg ..... 7 27 11 22 6 60 2 40 KUiin 7 Si 11 80 6 41 2 3d .Mount 1'l. Asasl ... 7 41 11 36: 6 34 221 New (Jcrmaal'n ... 7 45'U 4Uj 6 30 2 50 Kite Sifrnitiea no agont, t'T'1 tole j.lmnc coniifciion. It. GK1NG, I'resident mil Sanagor. C. K. Miller, Gtucral A?ent. Th. (Mat and wit? Double Eitract Sarsapariila It M.jinof. II cure. Take no ethar. 60 CMt, fataijlMl J TA UCllllClU I Cd CarMfiick Hviica Vtt4.r uiTtinjioT3vaTototv Btlts. SampisfrM. 0a.rnfcTsaCsit w. iMtaM.aM.t Cures Constipation I,oru E. At En son. F. H. M. Pexksli, ATKIXSOX X PE11ELL, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, M1FFLINTOWN, PA. Collecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrice On Main atreot, in place of resi dence of Louis H. Atkinson, Esq., south cl Bridge street. fOct 26, 1892. J. J. PATTCBiON, J. WILBER SCBWCTZa. PATTERSON K SCIIWETER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. BK.D.M.CEAWrORD,DB. DARWIN M.CHAWrSX 9 JR. D. M. CRAWFORD k. SON, hava formed a partnership for tha practice of Medicine and their collatteral branches. Office at old stand , corner of Third and Or anr afreets, Mifflintown, Pa. Onaor both of them will be fonnd at their office at all times, unless otherwise profe.isiocnlly en psed. April 1st, 1890. B. F. ACKLEY, PnrsiriAN axd Aocouchecr. Will pursue also as a specialty the treat ment of diseases of the throat aa 1 diges tive system. Acute and ('hronic. Dr. A's mnthods aro in full accord with dmnced thonirht. and arc confidently r3- comraended for the treatment of detener- ativeconditionsoreta-.Tiy aca agca persons. April 19, W 93. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The followincr Kcnla of nrices f.i nonncements has bi?n mntiii'ly agreed no on by the underpinned and no deviation from the same will be made : Congress. S-Jn. T.Apislstnrn. T. Racial.. and Recerder, Sheriff, Co. ntv 8qr. veyor, $3; Coroner. $1; Chairman, $3; Rep resentative DIeZatO. !. All aHrli.innsl commnnications recommend in? Candida tea win lie raargc-i 10 cents per lino. Money in all cases to be paid in advance. WJH. M. ALLISON'. Editor Juniata Hrrnll. B. K. SCnWETER. EniToa Sbxtmei, t Rki.vbi.cs, ASSEMBLT. Mr. Eilitor: A I havfl boon repnatedl y a;lt wbotlipr I would a ctnrti.lto lor re olcction to tha Hone of ItTr,.'"nt.itivf. I deprn it not out of plico. to thru pubHclr r'-ri'T to all such tt.rrog4tin, J a in a candidate for rw-elt'etion and rflKUPcfiillv ak the Kennbliear.s nf Juniata for their support. On-ine mr praffint term I hwei served them ai nonetlv and f.iithfullr aa I knew bow, km-pins Ihmr fiept intoresta are wava in new. and my ps'' erTie in thnir b half sbon'il h a pnrv,rP for mr future action Slntild I o fortnn-i a to b again chosi-n a their Pt'niard hearer, and' that choice ri raidid hT the pvip'i r the polls, my hnt service will always b3 at their di-posal. II. LATIMER WILSON. ASSHWBI.V. I hereliv announce mvae'r aa a randidatfl for Aaaeiiihlv. nhjc to the rules thatfror ern the Repuhlicnn jrtv. If nominated' and e'ecle l, f pledge mrselfto do the best for mr constituents that lira in mv power. I will not tm able to make a personal can vass owing to nutters over which I have no control, but with which tha pnbl'c at larje are familinr. I therelore leave my inter, rata in the hand" of mv friend SAMUEL LAPP. Midlintowo, May 6, IK'JI REGISTER AXD RECORDER. ErriToa. SBriNEr. Avn RKpratic . pttase announce that I a-n s eandidato for tha office of Oritur mi Il -e.rrfo .k. enaninir RepuliMcin I'nm irv Election snh ject to Republican rule' and uases. I re .spectfnllv ak the support of the Repnbli cana of the county, an 1. if nonvnated and elected pledtfe mv bf! effrt to tho dis charge of the duties of the ofri JAMES J McMULLE.V. Est Waterford. Pa., April 2nd, 18fl. RKGrSTE? AXDRPCORDER." JVk. Er.rroR. Please announce that f am a candidate tnr theofflceof R sister and Ke eorder. Rirbjeft to the rules or the republi can partv. f will discharee the duties of the office with ffl.Hitv and to the bost of mv abilitv if nominated and o1eetd. Port fliyal. J. (. JtflTEER. April' 23, 1K9I. RE(i fSTKK AND RECORDER. .Ma. Editor: Fla 1 announce that I am acandld'ato for tho orlioe of Register and Recorder, suhfect to the rules that govern the Ri.puhlicnn party. AXSOV B. WILL. Mirtllatown, Yrev 1st, 1S0I. C OUNTT c "1 A I R M AN M; Rii!or: Please announce that I am a-candidate for Ch.ainnan of the Countv iJoniiiiittMi.. RHhvv-r to the ru'es and usages of tho Kepnbtican party. I respectfully t r!io support irf't'iu Rp-iVieans of Ju niata. W. n. KAUFFMAN. Wa'ker township. March 27lh. rsy. ci nrsr v c n a i r m a n- . Mr.. EnT.!K Pieasu announce Ihe .-amo of W m. B. I.auver of Fermanagh town-hip aa a csn i. I tt f1)r Chairman 'of Hopuhlican t'tsjnty Committee. MIFFLINTeWN. jlNfllintowtv, My7, H9t. SHERIFF. Editor-S-vrri!L axd Rkpubucax . pleaa. announce t!iat I am a candidate for the of. flee orSheri:f, snhj-cf to the rules of tho Republican- irty. With thia brief an- nounceineiM I respectfully ak the sup-, port of the Republicans, of Juniata countv JAMES A'. GKNIXKR.: ' Tiirbett- fownship, Aprn'Si, 18i4. SHERIFF. M. ZetTOR: Please ana-Minco that r a canuidste forthe oflice oMliiti Sheriff- e.i Juniata County, Mibji-ct to. th.) rules and' usage f the Republican jrtv. It nnmi. nalod a1 elected 1 proixi- to discbart-o IDC oittiea ot the olhi. with prnniitneas. aatt irdetify. i. L. SffARTS Siiiee Hill, April 2 SHFftlFF. JIr. Editor.- Picae annmm tt,ri. 1. a. candidate for the cfioe of Sherill'j oi Jn-, suojeuf to tho rules and' ns afrea rovcrainz thi Jit-i,nhlir:in 1 . spectlully ask the.. support of all Republi- v, u.i 11 iiuui.iaaiea ana elected, will dis charge the duti&a of the oflico vwith honeetv and fidelity. J C. C. McCCXLOCH. Reed's Gaiij April 21, 1894. Juar commis.simkr. Ma. Ediz.c: Dear Sir: Fiease announce ...j - lur woiKM ot Jnrv omroisaioaer, Rubj-.t to Hie rules of the icrUUuu, ariy. ha V S CHARTERS Oaklor. .Mill, April 30t!t 1894? JURY COMJiTsSlOXER. Si. KDITUR: Pleuo . t . . ......vhuvc 1 11 a i i am A MB.1td.ata lor Jury Commissioner, subject HORACE MYERS. - auoinpsontowi., fa., Atril 25. JURY COMMISSIONER. , Mb. Er.iTO-.Dear Sir. Please nDneance Lewia Deea as a candidate for tbeofEceof Jury Curuwiasioner, subject to tbe rules of the Republican 1'arlv. FAYFTTF Oak.UBa Villa, vjr 14, 1891. ltl,t- '''irilaul Afjerrts. S78 iws liilMtnimiiin, Tat tuh he a Ml, l. Ma aa aa Ma una, WIU...I .tuiac U. ku. Tn riaikhiiiowtuta, It. rt. BK-ai. hum ium. aa cM.rfai ,im. , .ur.KI . . . . (.t at CV, Ctort (a. U, Mukw e. V.r.aUBKlM Wonderful liar gain ATTRACTIONS At Schott's ! Only while vc have these goods in Stock are we able to give you such fiiif Bargains. All Wool French Henriettas, for 48c; Farmer Prioe, 65 cents. AU Wool French Serges, 48c; Former Prices, 65o. All Wool Cloth for 24o, worth 35o. Half Wool Henriettas for 23s, worth 35a. 25 Yards of Best Bleached .Muslin made for $2. 15 Yards of good Bleached Muslin for $1. 17 Yards of fair quality, Bleached ,tfulin for $1. 20 Yards of pood Kleaohcd .Vuslin for Si. 18 Yards of better quality. Un bleached Muslin for Si. 15 Yards of fine Un bleached Jluslin for $1. 25 Yards of the best and heayicst Un-blcaohed .Vuslin for $1. 9 Yards of pood Canton Flannel for 50c. 8 Yards of better " " for 50o. 7 Yards of still heavier Canton Flannel for 50c. 10 Yards of tbe best Canton Flannel for $1. Blankets for 7oo a pair. Blankets better for 00a a pair. Hiankels still heavier for $1.50 and $2. Best Factory, All-Wool Blankets for $3.50 to $4 75 a pair. Sbarl3 in single and double at less prices. Gingham, good quality, 21 yards for$l. Fancy dress Gingkains, 10 yards for 75c. 21 Yards of good Calicoes for $1. Ladies' Shoes $1. $1.20, $1.50, $2. .Won's Shoes for $1.25, $1.50, 5,2., $2 50. Ladies' Rubbers for 25o. Men's gum boots for $2.45 a pair. All our Carp:t., Oil Cloth, Window gbadep and everything in our store at proportionate low prices. Call Early. SCHOTT'S STORES. !l ! o o o o r IllOJIr. O I , . v c o o; -i i- i M j .6.5 u uj U7 L? O ; O I 1 i1 H ! -o C1 Tt :tt a: n O ; ji o n ci u n ti i-i ,5'7 i - " o o o 10 .a Iff H- , O ; P 1 tc 3 C i o 9 & zr. CM !' 1 r-i r-l -. - 5 o 7 s J- F ps HOcin--icocrHci -5-o a r- o c . J -i KJCCccxaoeoooHHCTHrtHO ' o i O dlSH vn o t- CI O US H cc i j 1M H C- tl -if A w o -n -yi n cs -v O f .? O i-H i-H C-J a us o o I.AfIBOtD TBMR T1RI.E. pr".81.? C'StTNTT KAILROAD. Ttie rnllowia? Arhednln wunt lut. ...!-..t Nov. I'y. ihC-8. soil tho trains will Im run . IoIIowsj. V- m a. m Leave Arriro lncannnn 4-;W. : Ml ICiii2' Mill 4 S-J- 0C4' Snlj.bur Springs 3.41- "Corman SSirtinR 4 45 . J-a Moiiteliello Park 4 46 9 SI 'Wearer 4 51' 3 o. 'Roddy 4 6-P 9 3!) Iloflinan 4 .16. 9 41 'Roy.;r 4 K. 9 4li 'Mabanr.y a 10 ID 0( Bloomfield 6 It It) 07 'Long's Road 525! KM 'Nellson 5 26 10 16. 'Dum'a S.28 10 1 KlliotBbtirK 5 1!i.l.2A 'Bcrnheisl'a 5.86 1; 'GrocnPirk 5 41 10-32 '.Uoutnnr Juna. 9 091120 Landifburg " p. m a. ta Arrire L&'. a. m p. n 8 40 3 50 8 St 3 4 8 31.3 41 23 3-39 8 ue 8 1!1 S 3t 819-.3 29 8 -16 3 2i 8 14 3 24 3 11 3 21 8-05 3 15 7"52 2 45 7 40 2 39 7 43 2 36 7 40 2 33 7: 84 2 27 7 32 2 2i 7 27 2 20 6 55 1 50 a. m j).m t.10 a. tn. Traka leaves RlnnmH.M aDfl BfTlVOa Bt 1 .anil i.. : u.ii u. m. Tra.i leaver LsDdifbnrg al a.14 p. tl. and u.4i. a. m ...... uiuuuiuciu a 1 c. cv p. 111 . rums leare L,oy8ville icr Uancanaon at I. 2t)a. m.. and is rr u... : . .rt J. - (- i HI 41 11 1 UK . arrive at 10 it a. in., ar.4 4.50 p. m. """" "naiaoMreana LioyaviHe train lau as follows: Leave Landisburcfor Loya yille 6 55 a. ru., and ,50 p m., Loysvttlo- ur iaDuisourg u i i a. m., and A 09-p. aa. All stations marb.,1 . 1.- v - .iu.iu liS, at wnicr. trains wi'iaoiua to a full gton &n a.irn.l - ,000. A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. 3) -r year wiH.out baine halprf vi'ou. ItfrVi? "'"" NlUin5 Jilficult t. . lliat raiiire mush rimr. The work is aav lieallUr.anJ honorsble, nd ca. berim tUr i davtimeor r.,,iBf,, ripl.t i your own Wal Hn!TIi '"' Tl reanlt of a frw e ha tantrht ibuuiMi of both n-xes and all "i"! """T h"v '"t" 'otndationa that will urIy briuc th.m riches, somr of lliv anmrte.t Jiipu bi Ihi. country ow their niwu in lit. to u start piv.n thrm while in our ownloT yrara aro. iu, rcn.l.r. 1.1 i.y .lo aa well; try it. Von raniK.t Noiviplial urcnwr. Wr' fit von out with aom-tliinc th! is nrw. aolM. and rurr. A book krimf ill of aririer ia frrr to all. Hrlp srlf by writing for it UhUv-not to-morrow. Drlaya are costly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 420, AUCUSTA, MAINE. Snbacribe for the 8utuu'a Bmrtx. oah, joo4 paper. $3 DO Ct 5 O l O H Oi SB CO o'c; ci a CO i-i JZ TT t- S U 3 I- H o o 0C CO 00 OOOOt-t-OOOH c r: - r: i- en tj rt o r i; o c n I.-J t -j ci tl n C I "I ct 1" ?1 1-7 O C?" t Ct CO CS o Knr;ciHHOoi!5L7icioiiHnoci'JI3L'9U)H 13 o tH (N ci ci h m '. T- f-t I-I fc-. "tn a-s'cc cz i 56 is o Ortorc-inHrc CiCiococt tr cz 1 L-3 IS ' a - o .... . I . . -"a ..TJ l a : a :!Z s ? : i-i--c o oT'o r- t oo c cc cc i .c ifl ci o m -ri 1!3 !J o ss et rt c cs r; r j ce .i h n i-i o ot Tj i r i-t-i-t cMPsetccoo crj z n d o no cit n t3t-f-t-H c i ca i lt-co co o n-tss -n o " C-5 O -T-fl o H n O O ri M IO oas oar- t-osjooso I The Jcii;:i.iS!iOjs.ii!5e-' . . ! 4 . i ; 5"?" st in Jiejrf ATlavtr 1 t. kj er.ia a - ' ,ri EW '11 at . DCU3LE t-srS.OT 1 C at -fawita: w 7 'i'i)5'055-:i CqwHs, 6. thC TatKi-:iS. ,in3., C5, 5 0 PtR BOTTLE. I THE V-CPLO OVCPI. MT6.Br iMEWiNtns SARc-AMPiita CO. j BlWiiftAtvlTCN. N.V. - Ml. vCVSK .TV . A KAl " ' -;.' -v,, ".'Vat' --' iittSet IV-iis in tii World iawiiiiii Engine at the World s Columbian Ernostiot. Wi' ii.-. It miu.e SrwW. Milla. v.. hlf .rtSi.,,.ArJ A.-,,cjlt.ral l.rpl Tn-ftH I. :,t. K ai I ..-bm pi-uimi Si-utl t.,r l.l,u"rit-u C ir A. a. FARQ'JHAR CO., Lc'.. YORK. -e-.?JA ' ' HENGH & DROMGOLD'S SAW MILLandFNGINF y I A wondrrtnl fmiunTcmant In Frirtloa Feedaami l-U-Kaek, Eock motion of L.rrtar tn-.- (.. !?. ,IU y othf- In tbe market. l!tvv r."b ra' oaustna; all tor tm Kwria to tiw a.lll whit hackl.H;; rot mwtnc tn nrrT a-', rrear. Write fwr clrouiiirs anl prlcm; ft;. i vo upon apHlicwttsn. Also Marina Tooth tttsr- . " IT Dnkrs, f-altivmon, t'.rn tHK ra, khcllora, cc ArdM Out paver. HEt.CH & OP8M60LO, Masfrs., Y0S, f 4