REV. I)R TALMAGE rinc n::oo!ci,YN nivivcs su.v DAY SSRMOX. Subject: "Unappreciated Services.- I Text : " ThrouqK a irtrfiow, fit a tasked ,rnn I let down by tiie tealL" II Corinthianr ti.. 33. r.ima.seus is a city of whitn nn i filistenim f!r-!iit-tiire sometim-9 cllel "the eye of th F.iit," BOmntimwi ealM "a ponrl uirroaml h 1 l.y emoruM.," nt one time tlistimruishwj f .r 5Tor.!i of tiia host material, caliol Da jiK.snin IH'les, anl npholstery of rir!iesl fa' r; ra'lr- 1 damask.. '. A lior 'rrnn ot the name of Taa'. riJins touir-l th ityf ria-1 laen thrown from the ( n; 'J '. i liorse ha t .lroppel uq'It a Vn-h frn-n to sVy. wi.ioli at tho same time v.--! s- it l.iin le-1 the ri-l' r for ninny oiiy-, an.l I thin'; i vPrmannUy injuro 1 ins fvt'-iir'it t'fHt this (loloot of vision lo-oa-net'ie . thorn in tii" ll"sh hi aftorwurl spr-u'.s of.; II-' star!'-1 for I'.iniasus to l.utcliMr Chris-j tini s, r.t r that har4 fail from hor l.e a oii'in 1 man an l ren'-h 1 r.iri.l' in 1 i.-t-ms-'.is till the city w.i- sliatcu to '.it , ln'l'l'l.Uion. j '.I he mayor tr;v3 authority for Ills arrest t an ! the pojiuoir cry is "Kill liim! Ki', ! Iiin. !' T .h eltv is surroun 1-1 hy a hi i w VI. an l the r it " an wut-'he-l l.y t'i pol:.? -h st tin- ('In -inn pr.'ao.'ier "in. M'.nv ij lh" h 'i pn l.uiit on tiie wull, an 1 t'l j l.iir'orii. i ' f i j " 'Lf'tl cifnrovr anl liovore ' ai.ovo f' " -:r i.ns outsi.I.. Ii w.n cii-ti : t low- r !!-' t out of the'i bilomii-n am j.'lil n.i 'r i;'s ;:n 1 flow-rj from tiio jMr ion. '' tl: ih - .'ors nt thi monastery ot Mo:i!.; :. .. ar- I anl lot .loir a ia bus- it ' i; -: .-"..-! :.r--n 1 iro'n lionsi ti ro : - 1 ... -;r:r :..r I'.inl. l-ut his Irieii'iM fi! 1 1 1 :r-. lo t in 'i i" jio-.v in another. If" is i." row..r 1, as t!F;y in 'i li-nta of tits Hi i!":i!o:.' it JJut ii'i fe.-is his wor! is not i!"ii y . t, .i-i I 'o lie rva l"s r-sSainrttion. i ls th tt pr-M'-inT b"r';V' tiii f'janiine; mot i phout r.t oir; hoti-e door. 'Is that funatk ! hfrt-V" tii oii.-e fhout at anoiher house door. S ':i; ti-i-"s on tlie street in-onito he f.:i--s thr"'iu a erow lof clene'u-Nl n.sts. aoc k 'ii i,; i " 4 ii-' -J-'.-r'-l'-s hinvlf on the ho'ise- ! t"r.-. Ar i i-t rho infari.'itL"! people 0t ou ! bii re f r : of ! ' 'I't ev t::;V" T -iti'1 evi'ienee tTiri lie Js ifl.' 'if (:) of the. Christian, the bal r iv. ii i-ir ::i:ne re-ieip-s ov-'f tile wail. I'.ei-! H''p he. is!" T-ie vociiera i I i ! i :;-V"nv iini how!::! ; of tho pur- "Mere tion ;i: n : 1 1 r r i r . : i t ; : f Iront floor. Y:i ' lireaic in. ' -:i .: t ..'t 'O-poliT r an l I -t us han !. 1.' .i i I'll :'im -Uy t-'nte. ;i'h:-re is he?" Tiie -,1- r ,-.-ney v.ts terrible. l'rovMentiaily Hiere w.i :t. ::u rl stout l.aUot in thn nous Taul's fne-i is fasten a rope to the basket. I'.'IUl atej.s into n. I lie basket is lifted tc J Ill'MI ft .11'' i -til: li'il-il nil I'l li e rope win 1 o:h !. :n is :i s r "ti is Iowt a.v.iy. earefuliy 1 .-:i';t -i s'i.-.vIv, l..ut j-nreir, fnrth' r '!'. v.! nt: 1 : .r:;i.'r, until tiie. bask i : r . L l ' e 'i ;,'i'l t i:e :ip.-r!e steps O'i". l:ti i a 'o t :. i i ;,'"::" st lrts on that liniol- I1II-. t"l . ' Iry in I' dalh" n: -r rrr-at r tieir. t :e storv Oi 'a-'u 1 i li:i ,-:-- aa i heaven. A;i !i.:r.- of travel-, i-l t, was 1 l,t , :r:-.,;.n:ite i liroii i j'.vu i'y en lor ton enaker i flr ::i.H nn what a r. llie ll i tint eor I l:e!i'll. to that low rin ; ! i: r ii'-vr i".w nor-h vouhi ilejien 1 " f:r"i'.".!i'.f it. 1,' i;' it l:ll! -n fin t a- :-: r-'i bro'.-i ri. an ; tie oil'? What v. tl in t'hnro!;? ' a''Os;iHV Ji:e h:l 1 been 'laslte 1 ii!. I'avo be-oaie ot the Chris Ail that imirnilieent mission ary w..rk in Ihuaphylia, Cap i lo ia. Ga'.atia, M;i'" '''iii'i, W'liil l ti-'viir h.ivrt been ae,;oin I' i- iel. Ail Lis writings that niake up so in 1 o 'ii-ai !e a:i 1 rnetiantinir a part of the New J st i ll. :.t wi iil never have -n written. Tim si n-y of resnrreotion wiui l ii"V-r :aive 1 a s "ioriousiy tol-1 ns he toi l it. '1 Oat ev i ;i;e o he'oie a.'l l t T! 11 ' 1 1 ; ! !: t at I'm. ' :. llnoe '' . . ' 1 ' I p 01 .rtyr o :: !'1, ill toe M ! literraii"a:i - !': i'-e;lal ion an 1 at h.s t- -t ! a,e kin iie.t tiie eouruL-e :ns. Jiut therope hoi tin h-a :.o of l'l.i 'j t!iat b t, I o.r mile I lieiwii'l.',! on it ' ti; iiLrain an l a r...;n trroat wiiat s.-e:n".l sh-nii'T : ults have hunir on ! ir ' linstane s. j many thousan t torn ; ? sn -h i'nportant p is- ; boat of leaves, froa; :re or four f-at, tiie i f by a i-oat of bituno-'i ; ol with t.n.' infant la v- 1 oar!? Wuat it so i: i'i'l t-vr ship of -ro sin.- the F'-a I iv f-r. ; t as hu l on 'e ;i taiTi til to st"rn only t V- s-"l ir. l le rpro nt: i II i it in,-. n t tie N e i V T "f the Jews on er -lie of th-e., i-ink Hi' forty Loin-r.-i lv to i til" Nile c (,! tlU.!e !wi!'l 'Tim 'li il? Whr.t If wi'ni t!le wa !iii' in for a firing Bho:,:. .-o )i -(p soaietiines eaviy l-i -!i:n tl:roir'h tile portiiohs, ' j' -ii I a'tie. that tiny eraft ei , i - i j i e araie with .ail the e,..;s - I .en'-ar le 1 Sinai at the Jaw- . Jeov trev-ff- et.a.t SillrJLot' -: - t... il iniport.-in.-". ! - eivre at lij-wri'i. l'.T.'!an.'. is oi ii..:it, an 1 th" iatie-r : 1 : " iiali.v .y for tiie r .-or-of liii v. n I'll:; Ir- o an' n;r aivl sue oiti 1. bat .-ae reuiait.s i n tne eon- ; ::i.. J h :t oi,.. waki s. anil tin 1- ' 1 on ; ro anl t oe b:iil !il: s i-i il n' j .noli" win i'".v, anl two p 'asann . ! i r Of tlleir bo lies, of- p. as nit I m t"ri s ioui ler of tne o'ii y, au.l i II1 I ! 'i li fire i ; i -. i-MM nil t ' I:: in y I'll Co 1' m.'i i'i a i s- an i in c il-o.'.n toe .lohn YV ,,.., ..,1. null:. o.-i H-a. As', the . r. ,'i'r i I '. lo.t ..::n In ld-r ti.e hov ile . . a Js . It y.oi woi; I know how mneh 'i f :i it la. I ! r of ( e;i-i:iri:, :i'ii the '. .'! too lists on I'Oth Sl leSOftlll! t'eor n:i--o-ii stuti'itis nil roun 1 . t i" lion of t'lousanda : .- ' t. ' o:i toeir foiiM l"r, who o - ! i ni. tor ilio livic stair ' i I'-" - : --nt. ;."I:it rit.-.iirn is!,m.l i'i: I r . o oi t ,0 s'trroun liti eanui- 1 11 - .. .:: o I ,' T tt.M .I.-.s-.-.-M ile.jV- i r ' 1 ii r. i. .oni e.,..ny ot eo ur -ilea in 1 1 i' liotni tin I Ineie-sl style o. r 'i.-i-oi mil eiviiro-uion. For li ft 5 year" 1. 1 . i -:. oriry an I no I'lirMitin intlu ell ' I.a 1 i,::i o-1 t.i-'r'e Wily this o.l.-is oi I',-! t ir:.. i -1 .:. -'.! of li 'at'ie'n !o:u? s:xij yi it- I -. . -i s'.in h i 1 :ii"t ih-ait. nr. 1 ii"i 0: t :o' u ..! - . i;:i i:.!. to -ivs a a VI 1 1 i 11',- e :e. w o.t t . . .. i.i'; in, it out a Itii.le : oi ! ' r I 1 1 lor-' I there an 1 1 I us' re, t o' I ' e !: ; I in his teeth. 'I : . ; : .- a I on ail id.-s until tin :-! ; "oitlalion were evati ;el a e .:. - 1 was started, an l uu -n- o en v a th nit il.lifhed,au I tin: -t ry t.::s fin n;i.ri l.riiliant -1"! w ii"ii 1. lis of ti'fi transformation li : i w..rl I'n 0 than t : it of a I.a'. ;. IliU-'h i : toni" I to l.ill 111 to. CU-'.-l'.:.:. l'r 1 : e:i:iof- :m i ill- r::ui- : 1 toe .0 oi;. It did not see::i of 'o wit -ther th' Bailor eon - I'ooli in his teth or let it ore .1" a'o rs. loit upon what s.nail eir-o"n-l" 1 what miirhtv resalts 1 : a'. :nr .f-oi there arn no in.lsniC n on live. Xhn minutest tiling U a 11: : ;n.i:i l-1. Iafliuiy is tna le up o: ;i ; itreat thinira nn nu'reation it i.n.4. Hot hlehein man -er ruiilinj l-i rt 111:111 DI 9 on a star in to" en-don, sky. One book in a i!r-01 -tied :i':.ifd rr: out ii Iiib evamrolization o' a 1:111 ma :-. Oao i.o-it of f apyriis o:i the N le fr i .-oi'-d with events for ail nzes. The titeo: 1 '. n .en in n l-iMket i.-t down Ir. 1 1 v. 01 low on ti n wall. What you do, ii" ' I. 1' V' 01 inik" a rop., makn it strons nn 1 true, o.r y. .1 kuo nut how nui"h may 1! j.-oi i . it y.oir .vorl;:iian-iiip. If you fashion a :' .. i 1 it t.e w it Tproof, ror you kno.T i " woo 1: , iy sail m it. 1 ! you t 01 a ii.iiie in to.ptritnk oT your liov r.s !,. tf.v ro n home, let it lie'l in your prayer-, lr it may l.avo a mission ns far-r-'a oo'i 111 ti fl 1 00k wtijeli t!io sailor ear ned n : ,s ie.-:ii to thu 1'itoairn hea-h. Tim 10 . oi's I:'-is an i-!and l.etwentwo ' "' '" ' or:: i'y p i-t rippling aeiiiist his s o .1 I r-. et- rn ty 10 eoiu to'l 'liin- his I : 'V. 'i 1', th - H ..'i ienfil. that whi-h !: o ' v o ij : : . 1 r-, are parts o a reat ( i ':'. .' ' i 1 -10 r 1 1- it io-s the iaeitiye apos- 1' ior -s u- w ill ia the ea'' le that no .ri!.; to., s up of tho eoureii ;-t so.r-n of tho eent 11 r e- t: ' niiro.'o r:i.:t ' i and liar 'or 1 l.ol 1:1 t A f 1 : : s;.u:i ropeV -.; l'tl-k't? WIlO -left he 1 tie 1 tied i lo-o r to tl 'T n he sforo'el Info 111 a -.cete of the nr:n or di :slouk trotn his faoe until '.1 the around nnl ili- ; ! ti. 1 1 . t t. 'i-o.ol-'etit'o? Xot one ol is " vt:e to ns. '.nt ther" w:i I'nv in l):er"i-eiis r in n '':r.' 1 with the i-eportan e oj V:oit ifthev had in tlieir acrit.-H of that eoul 1 slip? What if th "." at the door had led them to ir::i . I ee'.r w -k 1 on t: 1 a s on; 1 of ti t s . 1 s .v. ''Paul n:ii-t take eare of himel', .in I wil! take care or rnrs -Ives." o. no! !.ey hell the r p. nnd In dolns so did - for t!i Christian Chnreh than nni l oui of ns will ever neromplish. I'.ut ol Allows and has ma-lo eternal record o' "T ur. iertakti:?. An I lliev know. How ealtar.t they must" have felt when y rei 1 his letters to tho Romans, to the ir.ut: iaos. to t r.a' to the Kt.'ie- in. to tiie rii:'oi ;.:.;ns. to the Coloiai:a. to 1 11, Tl saioni nw. to Timothv. to Ti'n. , l'Ml.'mon. to t!o hear 1 how he t;.i1 ': ';irf iainake unio -oi lle'-rews, nn l when tliej 1 1 out of prison with the i-; too door for him nn 1 ' took eoinntan.l . when thesailors end pr vi.-hed n l'.'lix o'T his jud na i wo-re a who r tiio Alex in Irian corn sh:r iv re nearly soared to death s-rmon that nearlv sho.i' i'lient s at ' I hearths mr-n helped Mm down throu -h the window an I v-r t':i wall tnlkin r in private over the matt .in 1 savin. How t:rx i 1 am mat wa eilocted that p-s.-ue ! In eon in? times others may c't thn clory ol rani's work, but no ono'shall rob ns of tho eatis-a-jtioa of know.'nj tint wo held t.n tope." T1it ari sai l to he about f.'.OID rnln't-r of reiir;ion In this counfrv. About eO.OOO, .' warrant, came fro) enrl lionisa. TfUJoii La ' o strugile for the necessaries of lifrt. The ions of rich bankers and merohants genets ally become bankers and merchants. Thf most of those who become ministers are the son of those who had terrific straggle to get their everydny bread. The collegiate and theological education of that son took every luxury from the parental table for eight years. The other children were more scant llv annareled. The son at college evarv lit- I tie while got a bundle from home. In it were the socks that mother had knit, sitting 9p late at night, her sight not as good as once it was, an i there also were some de licacies irom the sisters hand for tho vora 1 cious appetite of a hungry student. The years go by and the son has been or ' d.-ineii and is preaching the glorious gospel, anl a great revival cornea, ana souls if scores and hundreds accept tba gospel from the lips of that young preacher, and father I and mother, quite old now, fcn visiting the son at the village parsonage, and at theclos? ' of a Sabbath of mighty blessing father and mother retire ro their room, the son lighting the way and asking them if he can do any thing to make them more comfortable, say ing if they want anything In the night jual : to knotk on the wail. ; An 1 then all alone father and mother talk j over the gracious Influences of the day and say : "Well, it was worth all we went through lo e ln .ate that boy I It was a hard pull, but , we held on till the work was done. Th j world may not know it ; but, mother, we held tho rope, didn't we?" And the voice, trnmu I Ions with joyful emotion, responds : Yen, j faiher : we held the rope, I feel my work is don. xow, Lord, Mtest Thou Thyservant : depart In pi.-a-w. for mine eyes have seen Thy j salvation. " "I'shaw !" says the father. ! never felt so much like living in my life as j now. I want to sec what that fellow is goinf )n to do, he has begun so well." i Oi, men and women here aaa'-nbled, you bri,- sometimes how you have fought your way in the world, but I thini there have 1 een helpful Influences that you have never fully a .-knawledge.1. lias there not been ' oii influence iu your early or present home t the world cannot soe? Does thero not rea 'ii to you from among the New England hills, or ,ro:n western prairies, or from south- urn plantation, or from English or Scottish : or Irish homos, a cord of influeree that has ! kept you right when you would have gone astray, and which, after you had made a , erooke 1 track, recalled you? The rope maj have been as long as thirty years, or 500 i:iis Ion,-or 3001) miles long, but hands thai ! went out of mortal sight long a-o still hole1 I .imroo -. ; You want n very swift horse, and you need to rowel him with sharpest spurs, and to let , tiie rems lie loose ii pon the neck, and to gives shout to a racer if you are going to ride out j of re -h of your mother's prayers. Why, a ship TussiLg the Atlantic in seven davs can't t ail away iro n thctn ! A sailor finds them , oa t o- lookout as he takes his pla-e, and i tin. Is them nn the ningi a tin nllmlj. . lines to disentangle a rone in the tomnasr I nn 1 fin is them swinging on the hammock I win' n he turns in. Why not be frank an I ac- I e it? The mo9t of us would Inn I a-o have ten dashed to pieces had not gracious and loving hands stea.lilv an 1 lov. I in :!y an I mightily heldthe rope. it it tnere mmi eo 'iii a time wnon we sh il. lit! i out woo t.i'-s t Damascenes were who lo vor - i i'aiil in the basiet and greet ibntn ii i : iiose who have rendered to Go 1 an 1 to - wont 1 an 1 utirecorjej - That is going to be one of tho gla 1 ex 'iie-n -nts of heaveu the huntiir; up auJ p. " c u ; out of those who did kcbM gojd on eari'i and got no ere lit for it. Here th air-li nasi been going on nineteen e -n-t'lro .s. an l this is probably the first sermoii re. onh'.ingthe services of the people in Damascus balcony. Charles O. Finney s ti l to a dying Christian, '-Givo mv love to St. I'aul wuen you meet hlin." When you aud I meet him, as we will, I shall asi bi:n to introduce me to those people who got him out of the Damascene peril. Once for thirty-six hours we expscte every moment to go to the bottom of the ocean. The waves struck through the sky lights, and rushed down into the hold of tne ship, and hissed against the boilers. It was nn awful timo, but by the blossiag of (JeJ and the faithfulness of the men in chargo wa came out of the cyclone, and we arrived at home. Each one, before leaving tne ship, thanked Captain Andrews. I do not thinic :; I."" ,. J,',e0. ,a w.e?LOI5 and when years after I beard of his death I was impelled to write a letter of condolen 10 i to Ins fanulv In Liverpool. jLveryoony recognized the goodness, th co -.irage, the kindness of Captain Andrews, our ii oyoiirs to me now tliat we nevet tmiitke I the engineer. He stool away down i in the darkn -ss amid the hissing furnace! i . his w.inle .liitv VU I. nn... IMIllieer. titlt lili rrten.'lnye.t hi. hfr,iiatt an 1 hiii eoutinuanee, and his tldelity, auj : tli. re will I.b jut as hii;h reward for tne en' (,-inerr who worked out of si-ht b the cap l iin who Moo 1 on the bri lijo of the ship in ' ii'i-lst of the howling teinpesr. A C'iir.-tian woman was seen iroinsr alonr tiio e li.' of a wooJ evory eventide, und tht neieh.'iors in tho eountry did not undurstan j ho.v a niotli. r with so many cares and anxie ties should waste so mueh titne as to bo 1 ilj sauntering out evouiu l.y oveniU'. It w.ic found nut afterward tn.-u sii i went there to pray for her household, and while tlierj one evening slio wrota that beautiful hy.nn, famous in all tig-a for elieeriug Chnsiiat 'uar'.s : 1 love to t"at awhtti- away tr-eu vry eu.nti. r.e . ear. And el.-.- it t e hoiir o lo-i; dr lu iiuuible. gratcul .rui-r. fiall thero be no reward for such tinre 'en i inir yet everlasting serviee? We tro into lonj sermon to prove that tt wi;l l.e to reeoicnize peoplo in heaven, woen t'-i re is one roason w-s fail to pr 'seat, tin is Ivtter than ail flo I will in n i!u '0 U-". Wo shall linvfi them all p o.nt ' rut. You wotifl not beiruiityo' tiio impo liteuess oi having (rieu Is in your parlor not introduced, and celestial politeness will 1I1 tuan l that we be made aeipiaiute I with a I the heavenly household. What rehearsal o old times uu 1 reeital of atirring remiuis vnoo. If others fail to t ive inl 10 lu.-tion, O3 1 will ! t ii;n us through, an I before our lirst twentv 1 four hours in he iven if it w-rn eal -ulatel l.y earthly tun ::'. s liavo Misled wesliai' taeet and talk with moro h. ny.-niy cele'.r t: -s than in our entire mortal state we met w til eartli'y eele'. rit it s. Many who ma in preat noise of useful,:,,-, , wdl sit ou tiio hist seat i.y tuo front door of the. heAveiilj- tenuile. w.oie ro.-'.t ti r r-'1' '', arm's reach or tl;p heaventr thr.i'i v, -ol o many wh. though therein!.! not nr'a.'h tiieni'.'!ves or do exploits "or fio.!. nevertheless held the rope1. ('" ,.f ,IS 5-0 ri'ir'it up an 1 neeosf tho. nn t: i ; 1 irele of heavenly thrones. Surely, they must have kille 1 in batt'e a million men. Sorely they must have teen buried with all the rathe Irals soiin-linir a dire. nnd all tho lowers of nil the e;ti"S tollinz the national i-rief. Who art thou. miL'hty oni of heaven? "I lived by choice the unmarrie 1 daughter in a hum'. In home that I miirht take enre of mv parents in their old ace, and I endured without complaints all their qucrulonsnes? nnd min'stere 1 to all their wauts for twent.i years." T.rt ns pass on round the eireln of throns. Who nrtthou, miirhty one of heaven? "I was forth rtv years a Christian invalid and euT-re l all the while, occasionally writincr a note of sympathy for thosi worse o.T than i, nnd was general eorifldant of all those who iiad trotil.Ic. nnd once In awhile I wasstronir ptiou -h to make a garment for that poor family in t'te bacS lane." l'ass on toanother throne. Who nrt thou. miL'hty one of heaven? ! was the mother who raised a whole family of ehil lren Tor Oo i. and thsj ir" o:it in the world Ch-lstian merohants. Christian mechanics, Christian wives, nnd I have bad a full reward of all my toil." Let 11s piss on in the circle of thrones. "I had a S ihoath-sohoo! ola'-, and they were always on my heurt, and they all entered the king dom of Go I, and ram waiting for their nr rival." Hut who nrt then, the mfcbty one o' heaven on this other thron"? In time ol hitt'r persecution I owoel a house In Pamas?us a house on the wall. A-man who preached Christ was hounded from street to street, and I hid him Iron file as sassins, anl when I fonnd them breaking in tny hou-j and I could no longer keep him 11'ely I advised him to flee lor his iii'e. an I a Dasket was let down over the wall with the jialtreate l man in it. and I was one who V'lped hold the rope." And I said. "Is that ill?'" And he answered, "That is all." And while I was lost in amaz ement I hear 1 stronir voice that sounded as though it mil-lit once have been hoarss from many ex posures an I triumph as thoush ft miirht have lloni;ed to one of the martyrs, nnd it said. "Not manv mii-hty, not many no'-.Ie are called, but God hath" chosn the wea'c thin-s of the world to confound the thin-s which are miirhty. anl bas- thin -soft-. s world and thin ,-s .vhieh are desp sjj hat'i Go i chosen yea. nnd tiling which nre not i ' to brtnr to naii'-ht thin-.n whieii are., tin r.o n -s'i s!iou!d tr.ory in His presence.'" Aa I looked to see from whence the voice ram nn !, lo ! it wis the v"rv one who had a! 1. . 'Through a win low in a bask 4 w is 1 li t . by the w 1".' I Henceforth thlult of nof'iins ns InsItrnM j Mtit. A little thin; may decide yonr all. A Cnnarder put out fro-n Emr'tand lor N.;.v York. It was well equippod, but in puttin ; np a stove in the pilot box a nail w is driven too near the eompas.s. You knojr uowth nail would affect the compass. The a'lip'i ofrleer, deceived by that distracted comp-si. put the shin 200 miles oft her riitht course, and s'i 1 lenlv the man on the lookout erle 1. j "Land, ho!"' and theshlo was halted within n few yar lsof her demolition on Xantnck-t -'toils. A sixpennv nail came near wreci !ii3 a Cunar ler. tjm3ll ropes hold mlfraiy iestiiiiei 1 A minister seat el In Boston at hla table (akinff a word, puts his han't liehinit hi bead and tilts back his chair to 1 Ih . eeUing falls and crashes the talc an l wo i.a have crushed him. A minister la Jamaie.i at nltrht by the Utrht of an insect, called tb4 sandlefly, is kept from stepping over a ptwl plee a hundred feet. V. W. Bobertson, tb Mlebrated Enclish clergyman, said that b entered the ministry from a train of-cfrcnTi -stances started by the barking of a do,-. Had the wind blown one way on a certain day the Spanish Inquisition would have been established in England, but it blew the other way, and that dropped the accursed Institu tion with 75,000 tons of shipping to the bot tom of the sea or flung the splintered logs on he rooks. Nothing unimportant In your life or mini. Three ciphers placed on the right side of th flsrure 1 make a thousand, and six ciphers oa the right side of the figure 1 a million, an 1 our nothingness placed on the right side may he augmentation illimitable. All the ages of time and eternity affected by the basket 1-1 town from a Damascus balcony 1 Bissrest Kailroad Station in Enfrlanil, Tho enlargement oi Liverpool street station, London, ia proceeding apac, and when the alterations ara quite completed the station will be the lar gest in the country almost the largest in the word. The station will have eighteen platforms and twenty lines. At the narrowest part of the approach there will be six lines, and with the new signal arrangements and short blocks it will bo possible to ran trai as in or oat every two minutes. At pres ent between 700 and 800 trains are run in and ont doily, but the enlargement will enaVile the company to ran in and out 1000 trains a day. All the iron work is English. In the roof the glast is secured by corpcr, and there is not a bit of putty in the whole. Uandooina open arches form a support for t'ae new roof at the point where it joins the old building. A feature is tho new parcels office, 188 feet long by sixty feet wide, with the roadways, in and out, each thirty feet wide. Also, a feature will be the enormous addition to the circulating space; that is tho area between the entrance halls aud booking offices and the platform. Space will lie g.iiucd ia ore w.iy placing all the lavatories undcrgruuml. The station is to be lighted through out with tho electric lio-ut. West ""instcr Gazette. To frerent Burring Alir?. j The present talk about the danger I of persons being buriod alive lias led a genius of St. Joseph, Mo., to iuvent and patent what he calls a "grave alarm. " Iu the coilin is placed a Btunll electric battery, to which is attached an alarm, something like the contriv ance that is placed in clocks. The alarm is fastened to the lid of the coffin. A strap is attached to it and to the hand of the corps?, so that tiie ' slightest movement will set tlio altir a in motion. A wire attached to the alarm runs nn through the grave, up po'e and to the house of tho sext-jn, vheie a battery and bell nro utlached. A slight movement in tho cofun wil. start the alarm nnd ring the bell in the sexton's lioti:,e, an l if a perciiii li s ' been buriod alive the nlurut iu tint eextou's house notifies liitn of t': f i"t . at once. The inventor of the "t.r ,,. alarm" has also provided an ir-i-i pipa to be used ou the pravt'S whrre t'lc :it- taclitneut is U 1 1 Set. Ti fresh uir i'tO 111 furiilsh fUotT.'ll t. .-t life, nu I eun lie t ik"ti i;ji h l!i'L'-':l;-e.l h i e 1 t!i:t dentil h is Tiio i'.ov';-e h n t; ) frieu ls of tho fully suti.fiel I t 'ten nilot t -J f'-r - in ta i r , ( i, , . , l!t 1,0 11 U 1 " I . ... n;.cr: I ion-, t on lliie. b utiv tiu e JCS AND THISTLES HE storm helps to make the out;. If you want tc preach well, live riL'ht W II E If K V E r there is trust in G;d there is rest 'f 11 e trouMes that kill arc the ones we liorrow. The man whc. knowsOoil UnoWs ' 11 iw to watch and wait. i (inn never fails the man who faith- faliy speaks His truth. I Xo max who is ruled hy his feelings ; can travel in straight line. J Patience i the gold we cut hy s,ro- I f lirroi.rl, tViA ft ro ,.f t ri-il The man who tries to deceive God will not be true to anybody. The devil gets uneasy the moment a man tlnds out he is a sinner. The man who has Christ has every thing God's law requires of lum. The more mud the devil throws al a Christian the cleaner he looks. The money chancers-were in the temple when Christ was crucified. Until we have given ourselves to God we haven't given Him anything. About the poorest man you car And is tho rich man who never gives. K very dollar a worldling makes is an unanswered prayer for happiness. If we had to be judged by one an other nobody could ever go to Heaven. Xo max who tries to accumulate ii great fortune has any mercy on hi ni sei f. One of the hardest things to do is to alarm tho man who thinks he is safe. In getting riches we get a thou sand other things that we didn't want to get It is only when tho Lord's force are divided that the devil gains a victory. Xo man has any trouble in pleas ing God who loves his neighbor as himself. Only about one prayer in a thou sand offered in church has any real meaning in it The right kind of a good man is all the time telling somebody some thing about God. Faith can move mountains, but love ouly can make tlu desert blossom as the rose. The unchanging decree of God is that no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. If the whole truth were known, the world would be full cf people with hanging heads. One trouble with the world is that so many people have more reputa tion than character. If men were not different in char acter God would not be able to mani fest much of his grace. ifest Hit Tiik , charact right kind of a Christian trader is something that the dev il's mud won't stick to. i God has tilled the world with ; tilings that wc can sec to tell us of things we cannot sea 1 The love that men have for little sins is the same kind of love that j devils have for big ones. I Anin'T the most foolish thing that ! can be dons is to try to live a Chris tian life without religion. Whnt is true end aad aim cf science but thediscovery of the ultima power? Wm Animals Tamil by Terfu n?. A story wa) priatal recently of leooA.-J whs Wii ta nel by giving hi u pa )2r upon which lavoaicr water h 1 1 rieca sprinkled. The statement was mi li taatfneaJj had beaa mad 3 with a leooirl u J.J a lioa in a manager! tarouja tin lajlium of a bottle of parfu-ni. For a number of years the keeper of t'io ciraivora home ot the Zolo-;icU J ir l-.-ns ia Philadelphia was an Irish ji ii ua.aj 1 Sjinnoa, who is well known to a Mill and Expressman, and this mia dd volj.iei a fondaesi for his citrjo whic'a was simply aitouaJia,', uad ue toolc at much card of the n ai iia did of his own childrea. Anoaj tas a was a pretty black coated animil of tit j i rt' r or piather tribe, aa t tu err u'i i r e nncotei with the giriea, w.t i t ie Mn;ie exesptiou of Sitauoa, tali bji;t was t'uj mat treac'iaro jj ai 1 f j." ta: i i i'e of t'ua collectioa. li'itj S itanoa he mi a) gca.Ie m a kittc-i. Tne keeper ha wai'el aviy ia i :: y an hour, seated oa t'.u iele o; t.u c i ,e, iiij bao c turned tj aaim il 1 1 ;.o. v lic'a of itsolf wj'.tld ha?a bjea ft'.i'. t n ivoae else and his nan I tlirjs: trouyji tha bars, holiijij a scjjt'-i baaa.jcrc'jier. Tiie etc would lie on Its bic'c fur h ur, purtiug cjatejtedly over taj h i i l.jorc'iief aa I see uiaIy taking greit d-'li i:i b iryin its face ia th- piejj o. peri unie I liaea. S'.iiiaoa cjald uavjr tell wiiL'thar taere wai aay virtue ia t iu perfume, or whether thaaaiinil'sdo-iility wai oi:i;' to its likiug for hi n, b i; since hs lc.'t, more than a year a , t ia iiuw ke.p;r hn beca uua')!o t uiivJ frie idj w.t'i thjaniaid aad aluit.j tliat he has not trie. I the perfutne, aal, w'a it's more, lie dju't iateal to. So.v Yor ils'd aa I Eiprei3. It is coinpulod that the death rate of the world is sixty-seve.i a mitiute. and the birth ra'.o seventy a minute and this seemingly light per centnge of piins is sufficient to give a nut in- n :t-e of population tach year of al innt l.-.'on.i. 0C sutil. Cin ISiih. K Oat From Une Ous. tired. This remarkable, almost unheard-o: yield was reported to the John A. Zalzei yed Co., I.a Crosse, Wis., by Franl Winter, of Montana, wlr- jilanted oni bushel of firciit Northern Oats, care fully tilled and irrigated same, aud be lieves that in 1 -'J 1 be can grow fron: one hiuhel ( f (irent N'orthern Oatthi litltidn'..l bushels. It's n wonuerftll oat. Il' Voir Wll.l. ('I T Tlllri OI. ' r AND SI1 D I I ilh .uc i'ost::ge to the above linn wil. r : ive sample package f above oal: an i their maitini'itii farm seed cata logue. A. It is fasy econh to say that wisu your enemy uo evil, but wait till noinetliing happens to him aud if you cun help feeling glad. yot uu tsvt To clean polished sti-1 cover with a paste ma le ol sweet oil and emery pow tier. Weu dry rut oil with leathui iipped ia th powder. Dyspepsia and IUieumatism Cured. The following letter is fiom Mary P. Wenger, of Martiiidale, Pa., and il speaks for itself: "I was troubled with dyspepsia and with rheumatism, had a great deal of pain iu my body and limbs; had but little Appetite und whal mueii I jl I did eat did not seem to do me good. I had no rest dav or night ceii Id not sleep. I always felt weak and was always tired. I used many rem-t-'!ii s but all in vain. In the spriii2 ol lS'.'li, I read of Hood's Sarsnnaiiilii 11ml , m tide- up mv mind to try it. I did p.i , so and before I had used one boltle I felt like a new person. I kept ou with it until I hud luken three bottles anr liorr I am well; can sleep w 11 ami cut heartily. I advised a fiiend of mine ti: take lb .mi's fur dys;.!-;.sin, and now the is wi ll. I think anyone iili!iele with or rheumatism should irive Ilm.d's Saisujiaiilla a fair Irinl." MaryS. Wer.gor, M-.irtindale, 1-anras-It-r county, I 'a. is a Christinas sermon, . ac cele uraleil preacher, Ir. Talmae, is re ported to have said : "V..u cannot gi I into the B.'thlehem b.irn without go. ing past the cttiuel", ti.e mules, the de;s, the oxen. Some of the old paint ers represent the camels nnd oven kneelinp: ! fore the new born babe, j And well ini"!it they kneel! Have ' you ever thought hut Christ came anions other things to alleviate the suf. fennes of the brute creation? Not a kennel in all the centuries, not 11 bird' 11 st, not n worn-out horse on a tow l ath, i:or 11 herd fiee.ini; in the poorly built cow-jien, not a freight car in th' summer time brinj,'in tl.c U-cves 1 1 market without water through a thous- ami miles of nijony, not a surireon s room, witni'ssinj; the UniL-eha of rub' bit, or pigeon, or dot,' in Ihe horrors of ' vivisection, but has an interest in tha ! fact that Christ was boni in a ttablil 1 surrounded by brutes." How tho Uaces Originated. . M. Do Qiiatrefajes, tho French eth-jolo-ist, has made pu'iiic his conclusions with regard to tha origin and distribu ;ioa ol the humaa race, lie says all mankind cams from a central mass ia Northern Asia, and that there were three luuua-a.i. t! types black, white and fellow. These ?hxea types scattered jver the world and intermingled, form .ng, in course of time, seventy-two dis- linct races of human beings, which is j ;l-.e number of races classified by our best i sonologists la the tabulations brought Jown to the year- 1S30. The learned De Quatrofages believes thit the Amer ican Indians caaie from "a bloading of white and yellow races with a local juafernary race." Say, M. Da Quatre ages, where did that local quaternary tace originate Kow Yori? Journal. 79 StEEPlLESSNESS, Nervous Do- ( ou'il'xrmiiX i tion, Neural- i gia, Paraly- j Molancbolia! ' ana kindred ailments, whether resulting lag is to the human species. Mr. Girard from over anxiety, overwork or study, or .a3 traced phosphorescent lifht ia Tatl raaltV other crustaceans to exceedingly tho Stall of ISpecialists attached to tha . minute bacteria ia the muscles. On in lnvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at oculntinj healthy specimens with "low- atwleryMa SS i ln baCterti8' the. fully treated at a distance, ace was transmitted. He also note that A QTWHT A A n9W wonderfully , the disease runs a regular course aa l that , 1 UMil. Buccessfui treagnent ba faose iurected die withio four days, the Iwon discovered for Asthma and Hay Fvr, 1 ,v V ', ., which can be sent by Mail or Exprei 1 phosphorescence lastlrfg hut a short wluie It is not simply a palliative but a radical . "Iter death. St. Louis Republic cure. For pamphlote, question blanks, refer- i enoei ana particulars, in reunion to any with ten cents in stamps, World's Dispens- ary Medical Association, 603 Mala Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ; rn S- . fJ'i Kt of $z 2il ,-3T ,3 , CilKIH MtHf U Ail II Ct till C Best Iud brrcp. Tables Good. TToe in iiniq !-.-ia nr anunripts. r3, JMr. Paul M. Webiri AH Run Down Always Tired, Sleepless and Without Appetite HluoJ Vltnltzrd and Strength Ileurwrd 15 y Hand's Saraaparllta. C. I. lloo'l i 'u., Kowcll, M". " "Tor eoui'lc ol'vcHrs, 1 w as suhjeet to feelings inythiug but ks1. I always felt tired, 1 could iot sleep al night ami the little I could eat did sot seem to benefit me any. I Did Nut Have Any Anibltlau to go around or work and In furl was not able to lo a (rood day's work. I hapiivned to pick up a lln-ular embracing advertisements and testimo- slols for Hood s Sursaparilla, und after reading Hood's5 Cures Jieui deei-le'l to Kive Hood's Parsajiarilla a triul. '. Iiuve t-ikeii live bottles and must say that I i.ive lieilied wonderful benefit from it and I i 1 Like a New Man. would rv't'iunim-nd it to all sufferers and would t:ite them not to hesitate but to decide at onc Hike Hood's Siiisai.arllla." l'Alt. M. Ectr., Jl-J Xoitii Tenth Street, Keadin?, reliuylvania. Iluod. Pllla are promit and ellieieiit, yet I eoMn aetion. Sold by all drumjlsn. iv. How Riisda Rt crtiHs Her Sp'ej. Females play an important if not pro doiuioant part ia the army of lvussiaa fcpies, all of them belonging to tho bo ralled educitod classes Tho way ia Svhxh they are recruits 1 is very simple aud ingenious; the mettioJ was de tcribe 1 to tne once by ouc of tho pillars of the Secret Section, and was continued (ater on by a lady spy with whom I had coaversatioa c-a the subject. An oiilinl d j3 (ninety-nine out of 1 nuii'ircd educated Ktusitins are officials) before he has served lony; enough to en titlo him tJ a pension. His youu wife petitions tho Miuistry for aa allowance, nn l e'.e rtc-'tvi a su n varying frota $30 t Altet tiie lapse of souie mouths iije peii'.inns again auj is told to call at the police ollire, where u'uut one fifta of :ha lor.uer su:u is givja toner, and sho is encouraged to hope. tl.a'. in two mouths' time soxet'ain may be done for her aain. When she next returns, she is informed :!i4: us hr husbal did not earn a pea ii nt, siie cannot expect to receive any Tutt icr assistance; that the authorities, 111 fact, poiscss no fun is for the purpose, but they are willing to give her a little lit;b.t employment which will en title her to a monthly allowance, aafU ficut to save her from iociil saipivreck. tiia generally ca c'les at tho straw, and K-ldom has leisure or calmness enough to discover that it is not even a itraw, but 1 golden chain that drag) her dowa to j 3 fathom able depths, due is then ia IroiuceJ into various familiej, visits the teaii-pubiic bslU aal places of amuse meat, and forward regular reports to Iu Third Section, and visits thedepart- Ee'lt perodicilly to answer questions and kke fiesh orders. Londoa Telegraph. Best of all tiie system in a trentle and To ,m'-v ''onelieial manner, whon the ITi'igtiiue comes, the true .indtier- leei remeuy, r-yrupot Figs. Due bot- Ue will answer for all tl:e family and lartro size ($1. j 1 eost.s only f0 cents; Try it and lx please I. Manufactured bv Ihe California Fiji Syrup Co. only. , .,, . , , , li k emer.v milist.uie nre s aid to bo (aptdly coming into use. It is el aimed that tliev are wonderful ciinders, and It seems quite natural that blocks of l ock cm. Ty should cut faster and last l inger than anythinr else. I'licadvertbimjof IIoo.l s fsiiMiparilla is sub ft mlliited by endorements wliieh In the linnn l iul world would be accepted nlthnut .1 im inenfs hesitation. Thev tell the storv IIOOP'3 Hood's Pin, cure liver ills, Jaundice. Men nttendintr the pans in Saltworks ine never tnmrn t.- l.o.-o 11 lox, scarlet fever or influenza. I have been .mictril with ll'.l affection ol tie Throat from, mused hy diphtheria, find have used various remedies, but Imve never found nnylliitl? equal to IIRown s Ulios". 1IIAL Ti;.,. no."-,, ,.. 3r. ,.,,, n,, - KV. 1.1 ouly in bones It is admitted by most divers that twenty five feet is about tho limit nt which they can see under water. rii.M.itiV l leclrlc Fon, Ooes rif t rlinp the ,'m! 1 ' ' f"7"w'" !"""' Miiy people V, ...... nu nuniiii nave oeen eilre-1 bv i reserves nn.l u liit-n- ;..tlie. Have vo.ii groi er order it an.l Iry it A man has been known to stay for live minutes in an oven in which the temperature was :S0 degrees. If afflicted with soreey.-s use I)r. Isaac Thotnp el.'sLyii water.Drutiiitssell ali.e pet u ittla. 1 11c coal cargo 01 tne scotcli sinp Ala Iredale, which was abandoned nt bc.i, burned for a year. liri i-liiini'! Tills ore better than mineral wafers. Ik'cclium'3-uo others, a; cents a box. The morn annual temperature of the Arctic regions is below thirty degrees Fahrenheit. Japanese Tooth P.nrJ.r, Geuisln.. A larire box mailed lor 10 cenU. Lapp Drug Co.. l'liliadeliihia. Pa. The Pale White Llfht of Ueat'j. Those who have admired the phos. phorescent . glow of certain species of cnistacn wui be interested to leara that . s startltntr discovery resnectin? it has been made. Formerly it was supposed ,,lat 8uci crelture emitted the light of 1 ueir wa accord and that they used it ia a variety ot ways. It is now known lne infected individuals as cohr poison- To get the oil out of a grindstone make the stone i hot as srfety will term it, and then cover it with a paste r,f whiting and water. The mixture will toon become filled with oil. when it mav 1 e scraped off and the process repeated until all the oil is extracted. Pythons and several species of boas J.tve ; ...1 logs aaJ foet J Javeila water, used for turning whit IUC UlTLlVSl. IILwU BUI4 111 UJ1IU ; 3.4..,-, u composed Of bicarbanate of toix four pouuds, chloride of line one p.iun.l. Put the soda into a kettle over lire, add eno ga'.loa of foiling water, let it boil from tea to liTteen m'nti'c", then stir ia the chloride cf lime, avoiding ltiiaps. Use when ccol. This is good for reaiav ug fruit ita'ua froai white clothiu;. AN AUBURN MIRACLE, ax act nf iiekoi:i is Foi.i.oweo 11 V DIBE BEfl'l.TS. El ward nai-llT Sre a 1.11a Almt at he rse Ilia Ow Alter Vein ! fuMrrinc lie KfnurfJ la Healia Hi Mtrr as T.U la a Rrparl er af lha Aabara Ealletia. Aulvrn X. Y., EulMin.f It Is on record that upon a ebllly April dnr, a few years aso, an eUut-y far-oil boy fell into the East river at the foot of E 1st Eoj itit tr..f. Xer YorV. anl when all e.Torts to ' res tne Mm had failed, Eu Dotin tlly, at 1 rist of his own life, plune l into the ! ami, when himsir neariy ex'iaustoJ, saved the boy fro n .Irownin. It was a I an 1 eir-saerilleinff doeJ. nnl recelvel de served corauienilution in all the newspapers. There is a sqaA to this accident, bow ever, which thus lar has not been published. It is to the effect that Donnelly was paraijrrcu . as a result of the cold plunge and came near 1 j,.in Anl.nrn neonle bavo known the fam ily since his wife wis Amanda Grantman nn l his sister ifrs. S. D. Corry. of 21 Moravia 1 street. Ponnelly himself describes theresoue nnl tun result : i "I was general foreman ot the F. A. Mul- I crew Saw Mills, foot of E'gMh street. X. V., on tho East river. It w is on the 20th ot April, 1?S9, that the boy foil iuto the river and I rescued him from drownin?. At that ' time I was in the water so Ions tQat 1 was taken with a deathly chill, and soon became so stlftened up and weak that I could neither work nor walk. For some time I was under treatment of Pr. Geor;e McDonald, whosaid I had Locomotor Ataxia. He. finally save me nn. nnd on th 1st of Juue, H'Ji, my wife and I I came up to Auburn. 'When the disease first came upon me i in numbness beiran In my heels, and soon the whole of both my feet became affected. Then was a cold fueling across the small of my downwards, and a sense of sor ncss and a tiirht pressure on the chet. Tho numbness gradually extended np both lejrs nnd into tho lower fart of my bodv. I felt that death was creeplnor up to my vitals. I was still takin? the medicine (dt was Iodide of rotassium,' said bis wife), and was beimr rubbed and havlntr plasters put all over my I bodv, but with no benollt. I sent to the Chas. H. Sasar Company, . the popular Au'mrn drtnrtrists and chemists, I at lOi and 111 Onesee street, nn l irot th -eo ' boxes of Dr. Williams' I'ink Pilis and Leau 1 takinir them. In three weeks' time I wa- j improved that from I einsr hlples, Iwasa lo to help myself and to irot "!' ,!n l P to work. and to walk everv day Irom No. 7 Walnut ' street, whore I then lived, to Osborne's N -w I Twine Factory, Seymour and Coltatre streets 1 xore than a mile where I was then em- ploved, but all the while I was takins 1'mk Pills. Then Dr. r.-it-Iien, of Wisconsin, nncle of mv wife, and who was here on a visit. bervin to poo-hoo at me for taking l'mk Pills, so 1 finally persuaded m to stop takinitthem nn l let hi. n treat me. W hen lie r -lurne 1 to the West he left a pr 01 n.n lr. Hyi't., of Auburn, who uis iieated me. Iiutth--ir treatment dil me no koo J, and after a while the old trouble returned an I I was Kttiu bad airain. Then I beiran to take Pink Tills ; have taken them ever since, am taking thorn now ; have taken in all nearly 20 boxes at an entire cost of less than 410.00 (my other treatment cost me a pile of money), and again I am well and able to work. "It I was able, I would at my own expense, publish the virtues of Dr. Williams' Fink. Pills to the whole world and especially in New York City, where I am much better known than I am here." Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Tale IVop'.e without dout.t mark the l.e'iniiiiiff of a more healthful era. They were first compounded by an eminent practitioner, and used as a prescription lor many years in frenral prac tice with almost incredible success. They are now (riven to the publio as an unfailing blood builder and nerve restorer, curing ail forms of weakness arising from a watery con dition of the blood or shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of almost every ill that flesh Is heir to. These pills are also a specific lor the troubles peeultarto females, such as sup pressions, all forms of weakness, chrome constipation, bearing dotvn pains, etc., au 1 In the case of men wills vi s .eeily relief an I effect a permanent euro iti ail eases arisiiv: Irom mental worry, overwork er excesses :..' whatever naturr, Tts p-liis in iiid by all dealers, or will be sent post paid ou receipt or price (ou cents a t.ox. or six boxes ror t.'.oU tney are never sold in bulk or by the loo; '. by addressing Dr. Williama' M-licino Co.. i B 'henectady, N. V., or ISrojkville, Ontario. Tiie Cjwbjy's Ma. vjljiu jl:iu):'y. "Of all mea ia the tv.irld n it accoaa: ed prodigies I thin't tlia cj vjjy's mem ory and intuition are tha most marvel ous," said E. II. CuaninhaTj, of Ia diaa Territory, at the r.ic'ele. "I have witnessed feats o: .a t uory per for.nel by covbojs taat appear preposterous whcnrelatel. For iuitance, I was o-a a drive from the Texas Pan handle to the Territory a fe"V wesks ago with 70J3 cattle. Twelve man com prised my outiit. Wo ha la caupb of big stampeie?, aal after wa got tha frightened cattle roa.adei up, how do you suppose wa wore able lo tell ho many wero misiinj? Yjj naturally thiu'c wo went through tho laborious ta-tlc of cutting ou; aai coantia them, ajd that's wliero yoa aro mis:a:;ea. Every one of my twelva mja was si thorju'hly acqtiiiutcl wit'a tho he.-i tbat ei'.hcr of theai could by getting oa aa elevation si a to get a clear stfeep of the entire herd, tell exactly ho w m lay aa 1 the kind of stjclt we had missel in tha rouai up. Not only that, bat he cjald pici out all the stray caUIe tint hid got mixed in our bunch without seeing t'ae brand. It is a marvelous accomplish ment, and oao that is attaiael only after long service ia the bull punching' bust', ncss." St. Louis Globe-Deaiocrat Ir Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot cures all Kidney and Uladder troubles, lamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Einchamton. N. 1". An Australian oaner sneaks l.icrbK- of the attempt to cultivate arrowroot in tropical Queensland, and there is every chance that the nlant will 1,p , successful there as it is in the Uermu- das. J,i.lZ ',niore,("a'arrh In thissection.or tho country than .11 other diseases put toother. . 1 1 ''l-,t tew 'as auppos-d to be UiS?J T i'.1 .r R T,'nt ,nay "ear" doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and presc ribed local rcmedios. and by constantly failing to cure ltn local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven riitarrh to be a coi.stitu 5!o2ai?ieasea1i 'hcrufore requires conatitu i,ffiJ1t!S1inl1.nt Ha"' Catarrh Com. raaa R f? hi JSlhS Co., Toledo. Ohio, 1, u??J y fonot'tutlonal cure on tho marlceu It is taen internally in dos from 1 idrops to a teaiooonftiL it. ... and mucous siirfnees of the system. Thev offer one hundred Uoll irs f..r any case it fail, to free Adure,'0' t,rCU'a" "nJ -old hy t5!3 & C- Tle J' - Th9 ostrich farmers of South a (vie. suffer losses from the affects of small wire-worns which infest tho younr ostriches in such numbers as frcquenT- v w luuuuce iauii results. n'1 1Te rarmey. Mail yonr orders for 'Cif-gete Australian Ealt bushes h.ivA Kin troduced info South Africa, and are being largely cultivated t hero na teMM plants, to resist drouth. Place your wet nmhrlTITrrjiT-i,- ward to a, t ...rrL::r xam. t J JUU wouia nave it last and evenly dowa the rihV . r. q ,CtIy handle .pVwThSl nV' "tnK and soaks the cloth aallnin" around the nnrr. wh ch it r2?n1 , - uia. ew- . - " AIL ACHES CF JOINTS, NERVES AND MUSCLES ST. JACOBS OIL 1 WILL CURE AND PROMPTLY HUSTLES. HOUSEHOLD MATTESS. m rcDDixa. Oae-half pound of fis, quartet round coarsa su5ar, one tablespoonlu of coldea 'jriip. one ot nu.. o ,ound dour, one-half potted su. three c-rrs, a little nulmei. Chop the 6gs ami suet Bnoly. then m x with the flour 6uoarande-s; warm the soh.eii syrup and milk, stir int' fe mixture, pour into a buttered bns n, cover wi!H a fi .ured cloth and bsd for four hour'. Kew Vork AVorld. coocixa MUsnnooi3. Idalia'' wrote very prettily to the A-oman's World and AVorlc Department several days since iorpiirin.; hew to c oi or mushrooms, l'icsumab.y Idalia means canned mushrooms, as tne fr-'sH ones are not o.ten to be had in this tewn. The finest mushrooms in the world frrow ia Ireland, sn 1 there the best way of cookin- thetn is to stew them in sweet cream, witli pepper and sad. Ste veJ iu a littlo butter or oil, seasoned to taste with only pcoper and salt, aad arranged ca slices of soft toast is one of the daintiest wars in which this e lib.e cau bo prepared" for breakfast, dinner or lunch. Xow Or'.caas Picayune. iyjraovEi beep a la mods. Take a pisce of to? sirbin weighing seven or ewht poaads and bind it as nearly round ai possible with a br al bandage of muslin. 'With a narrjw, sharp knife, mtke ho'es entirely thr.ouSh it and about aa inc'i apart. Fill some of these with mincc l bacon, others with miuced oyster anl slid others with a forcemeat "ma la of cru:abs, mince 1 and fried onions, parsley and seasorjiair, or you may make a forcemeat of all these ingredients, inclui'in.r the bacon and oysters and fill all the holes with it. Season well with s alt aad pepper uiu a very little nutmeg and rjl'liinj; the mixed spices well into tha incisions. Place iu a baking pun, add a cup of hot water or stock and bake slowly two hours basting very often and dreeing with flour when half done. Take oil the m uiliu befote dishim, thicken an 1 strain the gravy au 1 tend to table with the meat. American Agriculturist. A PIXEAIU'LE CAKS. A delightful piueapp'C ri wli ch may be used for a de- :.-: ;uorc properly than for supper, is u:le folio vs: First make s i inexpoaiive spen ;e ca'te. With n patent bjater stir up thr.-e e j-, w hites and yolks together, till they are very light. Add a cup and a half of powdered suar aad the juice of half a lctuou, and best a:a:u till foamy. Put two cups of pastry fl ar ia a sieve w ith one teaspoonful of cream of tartar and half a teaspoonful of soda. Stir a scant half cup of col 1 water oa the e:rgs and suirar, still usin i tiie better. Sift the flour, cream of tartar aa 1 soda into the remaluder of the cake. Spread this sponge cake out till it is about half aa inch thick ia cna larre pan of circ.i'.ar shape, or two smaller one-", and bakj it rather slowly, so that it will bo moist. It will take about twenty-li,o minutes. While it is baking peel a ripe pineapple, remove all tho eyes and the CJro and pound tho paste to a pulp, aiding sugar enough to s.veetea it. Spread over the spoage cake enough of the pineapple pulp to make a layer about a qurler of aa inch thick. Sprjad over the pineapple a meringue made by beating the w'cites of threo egtrs to a stiff frotii with three tablespjouiuls of powdered sugar, and add about a tibic-poonful of ieuiou juice. Spread this meringue oa the 1 cake, over the pineapple, and set it back: ia tho ovca to cook slowly for tea min utes, whea it should be a delicate brown and well risen. If you wish, aad are aa expert ia the use of the pa.Ury bag and tubea, you can put oa a layer of orna mental rings and scroll-work in meringue over a plain layer, when the meringue is spread. Whea this cake ii thoroughly cold it is ready to serve. 2few York 'tribune. HOUSEHOLD HtNTS. Paraffin will softea leather which has been hardened by water and restore its suppleness. A mixture of cream and inlt is au excellent thing to rub oa ladies' fine kid boots. To soften sponges and remove froix their crevices the sea sand and grit, first soak and squecza the sponge through sev eral cold waters, then put it over the Qra to boll for a quarter of aa hour. A flannel cloth dippod into warn, loapsuds and then into whiting aad ap plied to paintol wood will remove all grexse and dirt. Wash with clear water eud dry. Ttm will not injure tho most ielicate colors. A use for common salt recently givci is to rub it iuto tho roots or the hair to remove dandruff. Rub it ia lightly at night, not using a great quantity; in the morning it is all gone, only lcavin' a tlight dampness. " Melt fre3h mutton suet, smjar the sad Iron with it while it is hot, tnea dust it well with unslaked lime, pounded aad tied up in muslin. Irons so protected will keep many months. Use no oil ipon theta at any timo excopt salad oil. His Co !y Had Turned Into Stoao. The residents of Uarlyle, 111., and tI ctnity aro very much interested ia a stone man exhumed a few days ago. As the remains of Joha Uajjell, who wa in terre 1 six years, weie being removed to a new grave the undertaker, Theodore llolliner, was greatly surprised at the unusual weight of the cofila, ai it took the combined strength of four man to move it. Upon examination it was found that the corpse had preserved tho exact shape at tho time of burial, but the flesh had meanwhile undergone a strange and complete change, being transformed iato stone which was so hard the instruments used in handling the corpse oad not make any imprcision upoa it. The body ol Russell's father, buried ia tho same place; which was also exhumed, showed no trace of petriacation. The place where Russell was buried 13 a low wet part of the cemetery, and the gravidas tull of water, a condition favorb'e to the preservation of bodies ia tho maanci luumieu. uaicago tierald "saii;j:ji 3 ........ , m.i-M ,'r..M;niu (aim .t..i .... . . , tm n-- - ww Ruaw and Hai.ta. iJpk "ft i.'TS'v "J?' ctc-' ,n normouH.raa.l-.r- o i pail fnrl.C0. W pkrintj , ST-iV il Vl't""a''e . anouel. fori ir....: i. catalog., ,v. H,r'alr'.g"l- to Farm sa Mm.f . V. it . i r?fi.t'iTf I I I I 1 H I 1 nr- . r A! i-IRST fbbD," TRY . f . . .1.-1.1.. 1. j fv. Knnl.....l 1 are a recent invention of aa ilDglis man Bo a worker ia any canso that v. ; fc , wiger anJ better pmoioi w bi-dsj -.inn i.i'ri..Br 1 Hr ro war n wuuu in uicuob win is vttd m xi beinnp f th hay. wooden w trre wn , -ir.f In th rotr w 1 ram, U cr. iy i rrl j wr '). th-f difficult '"iuif:T i. ;;T b.u-cTHK BriRIM." FOR TIIE MU t tli St Mt HIlTIMi IT M TUB Vf A I'IHE t 6TLH. 1; ; TIjU1 tubinif 01 bmhlU arc thn idittM ao an tr.iak u wtth ft bolt. Tb frmmm U ill Ml, Wf rlfi.t. r, lof-'.-rr m tmt wlblRff nn gvt r mt r tl-.-. fuatdma ntcircl A M ta tun ire tfiti Ci to ft kurt. point of th grtatttt Upjt ln.t n a - Tii wtn frtn which earri lrtewor.1 toiiti.,1 which ulonti ciit rPiurns to hi j.iar r,, ti,r, kap a pol ofl from th fly bl r.d r t,. i n.rnl varv mucb of wTt nr1t to U: iw. 1 , Jtlinch II y hel ii4 V in h rt;.- It I tIlrTOr. rx sjcmiri i w ivtw, tin u l'-rg K&Uriai incitijr a1 ftfcUtjr. fTn w Ter ttiii rtrf wrfn r trr - traprior taw atwi''h Iraa itk Xt-nn t:yc!,e.!( ,. wiwlan frm can b bought fur, ar t;:r tt : i; , -of th Arrtnotir will arr't t?t I' t . i . , ben ituins; Ui public a ftrmt tr'. at 1 l v ; . ourtUci in rflrii;n.i:c in viJ aitiki idu:.:k- , mflrittely imprufd tti . K-tr a taw of nmtUr i j arj quality arl o ! -y v frani, J"U would ! tl itird t- . t - r fra'tnn't rh'M tvr fiv at $ . A Hi 1 I l c I At) TO UKI IT AT for A Onirf t i . .. . , t A. H "!'l n cn .rins i-ni i-rr - t I ,. itMa .th wlwh a ar it 1 it. r : -; , jrlracts fr..m urf hIl.-h ar.'l t. n . : I' nth a vry aiiw-ri.-r saw at a vrv U .r . u .t . , f,tLlt b I "Wlit tf.lrn tt -m V...e:etr ..CJ , B;utT i'i. oil-n arr ure to t di. w. hf n w tak a wril ltrwi. an .( r-- ;t r i U a iha-e Tcry au rmr to ar tl.n.t 1 1 at 1 ' j -r iJntntl wilitfMonr rfii'tim. u f r H i -to yut our hnd. ar.d tin u tin th fisl utuu; tit so murh Li;snijto r.i,r f.i; lk , tti f utcre. w h-ia no d it.' I. t-r.i . , ., i?i our lium. I'. U LL.a fr-t:, .u xv w r.e t 'T. , . Wa Uheit that ttlt rirf.-r PfT S n- Tntr, will cciifint at. 4 fnhsnr ft. fr.:p m , H it , in th rranuf actut) of S:H W . at i - , henre, frr tt' V'JIC- of Kattci : i, t . -til . t,, ti.yy kn w a t -A t r.c ' - ' . f ! , . mtf r this Mri, stw m m:o:- . i: ,tj , nKi-rin rui.Kfis '. ecmiitioM aiateil in No . In our ! ! .,.t w lill talk of falvamitn, mil m . nicrkl mtrrM . .V . t. i . .1 W ho W .W O a aax Bbsk n IT. MB tT T a'iUIUiir" I. f i mi w r"- . L.J jf O' X; fivi .Vi For Fanner. Miner, ft. R. TTani - v v ' 1 ai(I others Tii ont?r or tup -Jsj-p ile exttia the whulo lonirt i ; --ter '-" of the w!e down to the li " ' " pro ertitijf the nhnnk In dlieM: . Mr Kins A:: HK-'i' OunLir ThroiIinii TT. Tj. rOIOT,AS S3 FV.rr tlu;il Cll-Ui:n work, coslitu: ! UtilUini; - in thc n-r!l. N.itne and r -WELT, Wmtrcd on the b.-!.jn. L lfirri,"1fl HO. ri iuoii.,1 .:.!, JdTCnlit,, lor la.lics a . I , Vild.o0ouInirs-T:-7r-. 'uitruleJ ( 'it.,.' fi'ov. : dcrhvmail. Potapc frrr. "m enn ;;ct the! bargains ul Jeakrb vbo ptuh uur thoc. Jaonar- " 1 J, Vckrsarr 1, 1 5, March ... 1M ! rtm , . . .1" . . . 11 1 TflT 4 f,. "i7 rM ffr. We liTe Md f aur cmi.iwi a in lit) U Fror.t pawl tiee eerh n.ot ili n m . y .!i withdrawn any time; .U to cau br ua-' write for icf rnmtion. fi&UR V ( O.i Bankera and Fiekrr-. 1 aad 40 Broadw a r, w mtk. Titiirn on I- n rmt-r HI ik-ll t v-n diivi l : ! -co-jrt Fert. !:.:-. ai t : lowing luwt'Jst W. ! " ' l-'ertilizera f r r - ton and e.ikut-i m 1 t. ' n. l'r(liivKra f.i-ii;' TIMES ! FERTILIZERS Send two ceniicroi ami p.:.- n: M f. ttn-aistue atanip for f'ertili y.t-rs f"- I--, circular. loaUA fruit :a 1 i-1 n 11 n . a, ruwfu k to., teruilier Uu DROPSY Trrntrtl with V. -c-iimi ni-.i Km'. li sand ta nounrod hoprls. From first do-; pvmj t-n 1 Mlydtsapiiir.aiKl In tn days at U:wt" tw. ti n I all symptoms are removal. H ulv ol trsiin. of nilraciilonn ntiiva snt FKEJi. TEN DAYS TREATMENT FURKISnED FF.: by mail. Dr. 13. H. CREE5 & SOrtS, Special:--' Atlanta, Ga. VJORLO':; and one Tirlnmi f. r :i;f ? T'i irntli fi;.(l t tiititir.. - teen Bold dirpct U tii- cat"Ii!iif I '.Uyf eve rv t-. i a iu f uu. of tt-stimouiHi. iti-v :.rt' U ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.. CINCINNATI, FOR FIFTY YEARS ! MRS. WINSLOWS I SOOTHING SYRUP i bus hora rati br Mllllona of Mothrr. ior ii.cir ctiuar.a lrthlin for uv.r , Fifty Year. It soothe theohlia. noftenn Ih-- i ffnir.. alinra all r.alb. cui-m m-tn.i .u.;i.oid f 19 Ibe best remorty lor diaritia. S TvFnilr-ttve Cents a Botne. J K!GURS PA3TILLES.pTri"L ASTHi!l !C'iar!etown. !... iT.?.liCMCe!5Slly Prosecutes Claims. I Late 1-riDClpal Examiner U 3 IVi..on B.:.i ' Jj-ralnlaat war, liadjuOitalii-itUiui., au. Jlrrifll I mills ?ona 10C for Royal iaf. -Knaid-nJ i i i? "'''Nodnnti.tno trfuM; n oi .my needs it. LADIES EMfOgm.M St. Loan. Mj SELECTED PK". Mr , r.-..r l roppr. Petnnl. Zinnia, jar-uri vi o' ' " Lit OjuU bullM). li. I. Oraefl, box i:; ... fLiU., i x I I PI I 111 f P" -ro. YOU DOKT SUC t ik L k- tl.l r-..y y . d causes to aro "-- S3B!