SENTINEL & IIlPuoLIGAN V7FLINTCnVN. :iEDtSDAT. MARCH 2S. 1894. n. F. S C II W E I E 11 t eoitok raorr.iiToa. The Democratic Senate, that has kept the government of New Jersey in the state of uncertainty sirico last fall has been ruleil out by the Sup reme Court. Thk unemployed Americana in Al toonn made a demonstration against the foreign laborers employed on the Logan Valley Railroad. They com plained that the foreigners were em ployed whilo they are on the verge of starvation and ready and willing to work. The Management of the com pan y assured the Americans that they will bo employed in preference to for. eigne rs. Iv.Lr.Y li:ue the democracy came into power and legislated on the tar iff (-j-'suon a pauii took place. The men that the democracy put iuto jila v: have never been able to run this government without producing a panic, and on every past occimon, excopt the panic since Cleveland came into power th money became valultss, and if we had democratic money now it would be as viluless as was the bank money of their day when tho were in power. TAKE YOUR CHOIC TP Uoveruor Patterson, by Proclama tion fixeB April 13th on 1 27cu, as the the days on which to plant trees. Tiiey are called arbar iUvs. TRADE AND FARM ROBBERS The Cleveland democratic battle cry w3 down with the robber baron lu-iiiufa.'tiire. The manufacturers were giving employment to thousands of mt-n and the men employed in the manufacturing establishments were buving the produce that they con sumed on their tables all from the farms and in that way tho fanner got a share of the money that tho manufacturers made ami paid to their hands. If the men who had stock in theiuanufactnringestab- liahments got (J per cent for. their money they were doing well. Thiuk of it, to be called a robber when they were getting only C per cent on their investments. Think cf it, U-i per ocut of tho business of the concern was paid out to tho men employed and the men employed wers often fouls enough to believe that they i if : 1 c Al- ..1- wre noi nan pr.iu iur uiun num.. Kvervihins ha- been chmsfod within the tiast year. Sinco Cleveland came into power anil the democracy by their thr,it of jiassin.r the Wilson tariff hill made it as char an snnlioht that the manufacturers cannot make mocvy monjli to run their establish ments au't pay the people thev- em j)loed t;io nil time wages, ami pay the Htock hoIJei's t! per cent. The very threat or prospect of the pass age of tho Wilson tariff bill was enough to scare ths business anil cause the mnnufacturs to close their jlaces of business and that closj of Lus'niss stopped the work for the men and htopped their pay, and that stopped their ability to buy the products of the farmt. and that low ered the price of farm products and thai is the way t'ie crazy business Wilson t'irifl bill strikes the fanners. When the people ii.-.-teued to the de mocracy denounce tbe manufacturers as robbers they li l not know that the great bulk of t!:e money that was Tuad;' by tho the f ictory was paid out in labor and waes and wnt out into eve.-y cbaunel of trade and busi ness. The cl-:s of the manufactur ing t -stabtihlimenU electa 6very man who has farm products to Kfc'l from a bushel cf cnions to a bushel ol wheat. for tbe plain reason that, the cloe t ! iLo uiauufaeturios t hrows millions cf I UiSV out of employment who were cash buyers of ol! kinds of farm pro ducts, and thnt lessons the demaid for farm prodnce nnd lowers the price. Of what account is it to a man out of employment out of credit, out of money if the prices are low. To tho firmer low prioes means a hard scrabble to make ends meet. That is the way the Wilson tariff re form bill strikes the farmer. Cleve land and his managers may not be robber barons, but they are robbers of the means and ways of living of thonsands of people and in that way rob workmen of work, and rob farm ers by reducing the markets for their products. The Democracy are the trade and farm robbers. School Board Sued- Jaoob E. Stanffer, Clerk of Kapho township, Lancaster county. La brought sjit against Amos R. Strick ler, Peter Nauman, David Mayer, George Becker, Abraham Herneley and Jacob II. Engle, members of the iSchool Board of that district. Stauf- fc alleges that the directors conspir ed and agreed together to cheat and defraud the Rapho township school diatrict ; that they accepted money and presents from agents who sold Looks and charts to the school dis rict ; that they promised and agreed to elect a treasurer, provided that he would pay ovor to them certain mon eys which he. as treasurer, would re ceive in his hands, with intent to cheat and defraud the school district. Low KateEicmlon to Wash ington, D. C, Pennsylva nia Railroad- The two remaining excursions to the'eapitol will be run on March 22 J and April 19tb, and judging from the extensive patronage accord ed previous trips there is every like lihood of their being even a greater number of people who will avail themselves of the extremely low rate in effect for this popular series. The entertainment Afforded by a visit to the handsomest city in the Union, and the educational benefits follow ing an inspection of the architectur al achievements and other attractions there, will more than ropay the jour ney which, in any event is rendered exceedingly pleasant by the admir ablo train service of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Companv. A stop off at Baltimore will be al- lowed within the limit, which is ten I days, and return trip may be made on any regular train within the pre scrilcd time. The tickets will be sold and the special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave as per the schedule below. Rate. Tbain Lvs. Pittsburg ..'J 00 8 05 A.M. . . 8 95 8.15 ' East Liberty Braddock Irwin Uniontown Coiir.ellsville Scott dale Greensburg Butler Indiana Blairsville Latrobe Derry Johnstown Crcssnn Martineburg Hol'idayrburg Altoona Bell wood Bellefonte Clearfield Philipsbnrg Osceola Tyrone Huntingdon Bedford Bit. Union McVeytown LewiHtown Jun'tn. JMlllin Port Royal New port Duncannou .... . Washington, Arrir 8 80 7 90 7 C3 7 35 7 35 7 35 9 00 S 45 7 55 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 32 7 35 8.2S ' 8.47 ' 6.58 ' 7.32 ' 7.54 ' 9.09 1 6.15 G.25 9.22 ' 9.2fi ' 9.36 10.22 11.12 ' 10.35 ' 11.20 ' 12.05 P. M. t M. 7 35 12 17 7 25 7 23 G 25 7 25 7 25 G G5 (! G5 9 30 5 95 5 GO 5 25 5 15 4 GO 4 20 10.34 A. 9.58 10.41 10.50 12.27 P. M. 12 55 ' 9.50 A. M. 1.15 P. M. 1.35 " 1.50 " 2.10 " 1.14 " 2 41 " 2.58 " 7.45 " FLOUR GIVEN AWAY. Twenty five pounds of Man- beck & Nelson's best roller flour given away with every $o.00 in u. u,wufcwt. SUGAll GIVEN AWAY. field today, nor any chaplains who iig--, - ,. , , uro as jesters or buffoons, as did manv i our pounds ol best granu-. of lho lnore favorcd omsof Goidsmith-s ated sugar given away with . day. every purchase, amounting to I Tho following extract frm-, ti.o. -n- - f ' c . tluiiian a Jlagazjno of 1,60 shows now .l.oO, Slock of Booli and shots must poor wa the lot of tho curate of that be sold. i t'IDe- ,. . ... , , . ji "Mondav Received 10 from inv lhe above Oiler hold gOOd J ret.tor ,inir OIM..1Hlf year's salary; for 30 days, beginning Friday, : obliged to wait a long time lx-foio m- ijj.Jj fg 1891 I ,r' .. ... Hecks iioe Store, Mifllintown, Pa. noiKin .oi a nraj. iTrs. A. M. Clai ko of Lapp's, Pa., writes: '! have baen nsin"; IIool's Sarsap;iri:l Mv little bov bed no appetite und could not sleep T . , eluded to trv Hoods s barsapamla 1 - J , , , -., , . , tT i to co to cliuren. and I found did him good. He; ..Weam.wl;lv-Mv wife bought a pet now eats and sleeps well. 1 am now ticont for ju.r.ue HU,i HMOcs f..r her two takiot,' it myself. I always felt tired dliter, jmt nnliukily, in coining and worn out. Now I can eat and home, dropprl half a guinea through a sleep, and work does not seem to be j hole which .ht had never before per a drajr." ceivid in her pocket and reduced all our ash in tlie worM to half a crown. Hood's Ph ls act easily yet ptompt- j lv lUSIC LESSONS.' If you want to receive the best inci ruction in T;anoforte. fa course of Musical History lectur.-s included n tho study,) orjjar), v.-iice au l guitar now is your chance. Miss Loiisa A. Jackmas, after three yours under the best teachers in the New England Conservatory of Music in B iston will return to her home in this place ad start her classes in April. She La a'so received a thorough course in Hixrmony and Theory. Any one wishing to study these can receive instruction from her. For terms .in u further information call on address, Miss Gertuvde Jackmax, M-ffliotowu, Pa., before March 31, 1394. Peacli C rates. Mrs. Annie E. Humphrey is pre pared to furnish Peacli Crate Mater ial, Plasteriug Lath, Shingles and all kinds of Building Material at the Mill formerly owned by her late hus band, II. W. Humphrey, deceased. Peach lumber a speciality. Maze, Juniata county, Pa. tf. -4 - A Winter Yacatlon In Florida. On February 13th and 27th and March 13th and 27th the Pennsyl vania Railroad Compuny will run personally-conducted tours to Flor ida. The special traius iu charge of experienced tourist agent and chap eron will leave New York 9.30, Treu ton 11,08 A. M.. Philadelphia 12.10, Wilmington 12.50, and Baltimore 2.36, P. M. These traim will be composed of the finest Pullman sleeping and dining cars fitted with modern appointments and conven iences of the most sumptuous type $50 frcm New York, $18 from Philadelphia and Baltimore, and pro portionataly low from other points on the system, will coverall expenses while on the special trains trans por tation, Pullman accomodation, and meals, with tbe exception of tha last tour, the ticket for which covers Pullman facilities south bound only, the limit, however, being JVay 31st, thus allowing a much longer visit. A stay of two weeks in the glorious health inspiring peninsula may be Aninvurl an thA firef riraa AnA fViaf ,.iii i :' n : uu .j i VBb ' iouow1Dg out the numberless aide trips available from Jacksonville. Thesa tours are especially apropos during the peni tential peason now upon us, and a vacation in this beautiful State should prove of great benefit to those more or less fatigued from the pleasuro of this social life and excitement of the winter. MILLI5ER1. Mis M. A, Diehl, informs her many patrons that she has rostocked her millinery store with a new lot of attractive millinery goods and she will be pleased to have her friends and all who ore in need of nice goods in her line call and se for themselves, at the old stand on front street. - MIFFLn ACADEMY. Board, tuition and furnished room will cost only $35.75 if paid in a 1 vance for the .Normal lerm ot 13 weeks, at MiiHiu Academv. "Write for circular. J, H. Dysinoer, A. B., it. Principal. UEKPAll) CLERGY. SOME OF THEM RECEIVE LESS THAN A DRAPER'S CLERK. Tho Trial and l'lua1 steward of an Eng lish Curat In the Flcbteenth Century. Extracts l'rouia Diary Which Tell a Dis mal Tale of Privation. A great l':il is heard from time to timo alxmt tho v.ntl.-rimiil clergy. It lias been recently b.-til by nn EngliHU writer that "there are many clerks in holy orders who receive less than clerks in linen draper's shuns." This is es pecially true in Europe, where the cler gy, or nt least the enrates, are jiaiil Biu-h miserably poor stijH'Uils that lmt for the eiierosity of tho parishioners they covtM not livu. In tho I'nited States, too, tho elersy inan, initially a college hred man of tal ents and refinement, receives a H;il:iry altogether out nt proportion to his rail ing and hi ability. This remark does not apply to tho clergy in the large cit ies, to ninny of whom aro paid very large salaiies. In New York city, for example, it is said that there are 100 ministers who receive salaries of $10, 000, and many of them have rertoriesor parish houses fare in addition, lint in tho country towns, east nnd west alike, tho minister who gets 2,l)fl0 is a rare exception. Many, perhaps the ma jority, douotreceivo as inueli ;i$l,ii()(. While tho reflection may not prove of tannihlo benefit to these underpaid serv ants in tho highest of callings, ftill it ia interesting to know that in a social and iiui financial way, and in tho self respect consequent upon theso condi- ti the clergyman of today is vastly better off than tho chaplain or curate ! of a century ago. In point of ahjeet novertv there aro no vicars of Wake admittance to tho doctor, nnd even when admitted was never onco asked to sit down or refresh myself, though I had walked 1 1 miles. Item The doc tor hinted ho could have tho curacy fill ed for 1.1 a year. "Tuesday Paid " to seven differ ent people. 1. tit could not buy tho sec ondhand pair of black lireeches offered I u, os il reat harKain, iny wiro want- I 1IJK l-llllotb lliw'iu .lit iiniiL:r, ;ni4 ntittier Item Chid my poor woman for being nfllicted at tho inisfortuno nnd tenderly advised her to depend upon tho good ness of Ctod. Thursdav Received a noto from tho alehouse at tho top of the hill, in- forming mo that a gentleman betrod ' to hpeak (o me on pressing business, : Went and found it was an xiufoitmiato member of a Kti'.lliiijrcoiniiai.vof pbiy- ers, who was pledged for sev npenee i half penny. In a strnglo what to do. i The baker, though wo had paid him but ! on Tuesday, quarreled with ns, to avoid 1 giving any credit in future, uud tho hntcher sent us word that he heard it whispered how the lector intended to ' take a enrato who would do the parish j duty at an inferior price, and therefore, ! though ho would do anvtiiiiia to Berv ' me, advised mo to deal at the upper end of tho town. Mortifying reflections these, hut a want of humility is, in my opinion, a want of justice. Tho Father of tho universe lends his blessings to or ns, with a view that we hhould relieve j one another, and we consequently do no moro than pay a debt when we per : form an act of benevolence. Paid the ' stranger's reckoning out of the shilling in my pocket anrt gave Him tlie re mainder of the money to prosecute Lis journey. "Friday A very scant dinner, and J pretended therefore to be ill, that, by ! Avoiding to eat, I might leave some thing Jike euongh for my poor wife and j children. I loiu my who wnai 1 nan dono with the shilling: tho excellent creature, instead of Naming me for tho action, blessed the goodness of iny heart and buret into tears. Mem. Never to contradict her as Kmg as I live, for the mind that can arguo like hers, though it may deviate from tho more rigid sentiments of prudence, is even amiable for its indiscretion, and in every lapse from tho severity of economy performs nu act of virtue, su perior to th valuo of a kingdom. "Saturday Wroto a sermon, which on Sunday 1 preached at four different parish churches, and came home exces sively wearied and excessively hungry; no moro money than twojienco half penny in tho house, but you seo tlie goodness of Godl Tho strolling player whom I had relieved was a man of for tune, who accideutly heard that I was as humane as I was indigent, and from a generous eccentricity of temper want ed to do me nn essential piece of serv ice. I had not been an hour at home when he ciuiih in, and declaring him self my ft tend put a 50 noto in my hand, and the next day presented me with a living of i':i00 a year." An Indian Diplmuury. 1 heard a goid story of a celebrated Indian potentate who took nn English peer, who was staying with him, out shooting. Truth to tell, the peer shot very badly, and the eastern prince was sorely puzzled to combine oriental com pliment and empty gamebags. At last, with a low bow, he said, "Your excel lency shot splendidly, bnt God was .very uurciful to the little birds!" Ldon Geutlewoman LUGJL. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ASSEM5LT. Mr. Ediltr: A I have bean repeatedly ask whether I would be aeaadidate for re election to the House of Representative!, I deem it not out of place, to thai publicly reply to all mob interrogations, I am a candidate for re-election and respectfully ask the Republicans of Juniata for tbelr support. Du-ing my present term I bare terved tbera as honestly and faithfully as I kiew bow, keeping tbeir beat interests al ways in view, and my past service in their be half should be a guarantee for my future action. Should I be so fortunate as to be again chostin as their Standard bearer, and tost choice be ratified by the people at tha polls, my best service will always be at their disposal. H. LATIilEli WILSON. 10URT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS, rresident Judge of the Court of Common l'leas, for the Forty-First Judicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata and Perry, and the Honorable JOS1 All L. BAR TON and J. P. WICKEUSUAM, Associate Judges of the said court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, by precept duly issued and to nic directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Geneial Jail Deliv ery, and Oenril Quarter Sessions of the Peace at MiiHintown, on tbe FOURTH MONDAY OP APRIL, 1S91, BRING THE 23.1 DAY OF THE MONTH. Notice ihcrkbt give, to the Coroner, Justices of tbe Peace and Constables of the County of Juniata, lht they be then and there in tbeir proper persons, at 111 o'clock 1U the forenoon ot said day, with their rec ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer rememberiinces, to do those things that to their ofl'ces respectfully appertain, and those that aro bound by recognizance to prosecute agaiust the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of raid county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. By an act of the Assembly, passed the Cth day ot May, 1854, it made the duty of Justices of the Peace of the several coun ties of this Commonwealth to return to tbe Cleik of tbe Court of Quartor Sessions of the respective counties, all the recogni. zancos entered into bofore them by anjeitj zen or persons charged with tbe commis sion of any crime, except such cases as may tie ended before a J uation of the Peace, un -dor existing laws at least ten days helore the commencement of tho session of tha Court to ahich they are made returnable respecthely, and in all cases where racog nizancea are entered into less than ten days before the commencement of the session to which they are made returnable, tho Kaid Justices arc to return the same in tbe same manner as if said act Lad not been passed. Dated at MiiHintown, the 2th day of Ha ehr in (he year of our Lord, one thou and eight hundred and ninety-four. S AMl'EL LAPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Milfliutowu, March -Jo. 1891. $ WATER FIXTURES. Wood, iron, and chain pumps. Iron pipe and fittings, rubber hose, brass lilting and so forth. Plumbing, pump and pipe repairs. Call on or address. E. W. Noble, March 26, tf. MiiHintown, Ta. mm Wanted aTUousand Men. Captain William Murray, whoever he it;, has a large poster up on a tele phone, pole on Main S'.rcet, calliug for 1000 recruits for Coxey's army. . SOME OLD TIME GAMES. Many of the Prrnt Iay Sport Were Bur rowed Krout the fatt. It is curious to noto how some of tho gamed of tho early ages have Iwen hand ed down to tho present time. The game, for instance, known to most of us as odd and even was also a favorite with tlie voting Kgyptian, and many of tho little counters that ho used are still preserved in tho British museum. Thero is also tho ganio of drafts, which was flayed on a checkered lioard in the earli ist times. The poor children were con tent with tlraftsiueu and boxes made of rough pieces of clay, bnt the richer ones nsually had beautifully carved iron headed draftsmen and boxes. The young Greek, too, were well providi d with toys and games for their miiuseinent. Tho t iys wero chiefly dolls niado of baked clay, the arms and legs lieiug jointed v.iJi i-tiing, uud there forn movable. They had n favorite gamo called Chytriand, which has been pre served through many ages, and is now played by hojs of today under the well known r une of pus. in tho corner. In France the game is called (piatre coins, or four corners. Both in the old game and in tho. modern version five players aro required, one uccupving each of tho cornels, while tho fifth tilaver stands in tho middle. In ancient Greece ha woro aiienrthcn pipkin on his head nnd was called pot; in Fr.iHce at the pres ent day he is the nigaud, or simpleton, and by us is called puss. To guess the number of fingers anoth er held np was also a favorite arnnse lurnt, and this, too, is frequently plny ed at the present time. S you see how carefully the character of tho amuse ments and tho playthings of tlm very early ages has been maintained in the toys and games in nso today. New castle Chronicle. fcvre the Forest. Some years ago tlie government of Bavaria sent a skilled forester to t-tudy tho conditions of timlier growth in the United States. While here he made the remark, as if speaking of a matter gen erally known and accented: '"In 30 years you will have to import your timber, and as yon will probably prefer American kinds we shall U gin to grow them, in order to 1 ready to send them to you at the proper time." What an instance of scientific fore thought, and withal what a warning! Perhaps it is not yet too late to grow on our own lands the timber we shall need a generation or two hence, but if we are to do so it is time to take rigor ous steps to stop reckless forest destruc tion and to encourage scientific cultiva tion. While our government sells outright its forest lands for 'J.oO an acre, France obtains aluioeF exactly the same sum yearly from each acre of its forest land by sales of timber. We spend our cap ital; France makes an income, and safeguards its capital. Palissy, the famous French potter, who was wise in other things as well as iu porcelain, declared that the neg lect of forests in his day was "not a mistake, bnt a calamity and aenrse for Fiance." That country has since learned the lesson. When will ours follow its example? Youth's Compan ion. Pamfy 5I the liife Blood. BW'M2 JthOOn FHOLOXGS Lit:. on bfiitrm (him; thi-t un . LirrS-rS SLOOD SEA2CHE2. ,r. ft eura Hinim, J'imlrmf Hcrf--hraiH, Trlt-T, Irrektrm, lllnrk . I tr. All HrtujyUtt mi-ll 41. : S'LLEBS MEDICINE CO. PnTseuBGH, Pa. - ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Yacht Caps only 40 cants at Hol- lobauph &. Son. HAS HEADACHE XOMORE. Mrs. Fannie Maikley of Safe Har bor, Pa , gives the following account of her terrible sufferings and happy relief: "Eirly last spring 1 was much ran down with sick headache. It was so severe at times that it seemed as though I could not endure it, and I found no relief until I tried Hood's Sarsapnrilla. After I had taken twe bottles I had the headache no more. Hood's Pitxs cure all livor ills. 25c. Boys dress pints latest out $1.75 at Uollobtugh & S in. "I have been cured of nervous tronbles aud catarrh by Hoods Vege table Pills." J. W. Tospox, Lavans ville, Pa. Boys long pants something nice for $1 at HoUobaugh & Son. Have you tried South American Nervine the gem of the century ? The great cure for Indigestion, Dys pepsia aud Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by H Banks Co., Di-nggist3, MiiHintown, Pa. Nov. 14, ly. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browas valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. 1 had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done ma more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my hfe. I would adviso every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve euro ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifllintown," Pa. Feb. 1, 93-ly. Tiwcarnra Valley Railroad. Trains on tho Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8 00 a. it., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy al at D.15 a. m. and 3.15 r. v. Leave Tort Royal at 10:30 a. m.. and 5.15 r. m., arriving at East Wa ferford at 11.45 a. m. and fi.30 p. u. J. C. MOOKEHEAD, Supen nternUni . wk. Ki-taat Urritorr. TW f lUpM DtahW WaUtb 4ib for ramj Ktlit. Wuhri, rlbse u4 4rt'i lkB wr.hoal wtttiBf the kwli. Toa rush tbe button, lhrnenlBedet iti rt. lirifBT. ponaaea i", fnrrrfu wire. o ca4J No ttmkeutmh-a.aociu.. .n,p, , tin Tbb, warrant. Cirr-ultrsffM. If. P. HARBISON X- CO tier. II. 12, Clab, O. PATrT VARIABLE FiVICTION FEKI p Best Set Works In th World. awMill& Engine Received the Kedal and Highest Anard at the World" s Columbian Exposition. Wwrnntc! Dm- brt mmOrn. Khinzl Milta. Mrhmrr ad1 Srn-idmi AvTtcaltorml iBpUvwmtn of lut ju .. it at I w;t nriowi. Htmd fur lHustr.Atl ltl?Hru. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd, YORK. PENNA. THE MILD FOWER CURES. HUmPHREYS' Dr- IImplirev Spt-riflm arcfK-lrnt Iflc&lly &DS rarofuliv i-r.-cnrt! KrtjHxJifNi, um.1 for emr 1m rvnie prwctlce an-l fr ivir tbirty ymn ! th cople with n'!r? fiiet-. Frr nlcle ttpociflo a k;m'Ii41 i-uni f-r tii hf u.iim-i. Ttiejcurt; without lrtitujr. nintiiitf or rrio!nir the - Mem, dud an tio.a devd Uc (90Vrrcia HrniedU-s of lh urH. lirr r prwncKs. tri turu 1 Ffrrr, ( Irflr.Tnmattons. ,i2.5 3 or him. Virm lvrr, Wt-fH ,J5 3 Tr-tli!iut C!ir. i rj tu. Wkiltb 4 llrrhc, of CbtMn.' or At. on "2$ 3-lTcntrry.t;r!r4n 1'tm.ik- lutlo Cfl-rsi MsrbuH, Vomliir 2i 7 CU!ih', -"oid. rsmorhitl .m llcudp.ohrn, M!t Hwlache. Yrrtfcra. 1 1 Siprr.cil or falofnl PrriodN. .5 1 Wkllm, Th Pmlu Knoda 1 3 Cronp, I.sryiijilUt l?irMh-i.... 14 Palt Itbeuni, r.rrwfcki. Fnif tinn. SI 15 Kkruraatlciala.. .ii 16 tlnlarla. htiln. Frvrr n.l Ague 43 l-l'llc,Mhii Uli-dlr- IS ilhll,aly. F.r,trWf,kEf . .4$ 19-1 ntnrrh, I:.Jum.;i, UM It :t:C UM .4 50 Whnoptna; Cnr.S. cj 41-Afthma, fjr.-M RrMtlilrK 3 Car Hlmknr.pi. In rnlrrl IVarlug 51- Srroln, l'i.lirt..l cbnih. S-lllti .'.i Urnnal llrbllilr. Pk'HnlUcikmi .3.1 2.1 lrupr. al Scnty ssccr.-tion-: i Srn-Makam. S'chnrn t r.m Kuiinc .Mi Xf-Kldnrr ll?ee -45 S! are Mstiili, cw canker ,$ SS-l.rianrT kam, WettlncBed.. .-ii ai-fainlal rrrindx i.i J t mphthrrla. I'liTatnl Kore 1fr.(.. ,5 ti I'hranic Cagoiclttn X KruiUwaa. .ic6 EXTRA. NUMBERS: Sf Ntrroia Dehllli, 5ntlrnt Wenkr- aM, or lasliMjtarr Itahnraw l.OO 32 llraeof tba HnarcPabiillAttna l.DO -Epilrr,.T.t. VRus' Dane... 1.00 4 T Drigtlt. r P.nt pwt-M4 Mi r.vl of prtM. Pa. Hririkatr nt.'.t. . 114 jr. . am wrui. USrlHI'ftMf .n..lll A ll3IIU1aBSt.,wYarft. SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." r Plica Fiwuil orlatranol, tlllnd arBWdlntr: riMataln aav: Itr4a4u:or BWlliitf ot lhe IWlmu The rvttvf In antmiale tke enn certain. PHICJE, 40 CTS. TBUL$I2E, SSPT8. V44 kr VramttmH, or mt pMl-fM icnH t I. SPBrutMin.(a,iiuiitiaM.ii.,uNu m 2o Phosphate jf. If ninkvj tsi U dm live. (! U M 'ltllt tMfai pooivst soil rth and pro- Id diri-t to farmers, io lMnd for 1'rutr YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, TOHK, PA. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tn Bdttob: Plaaae inform yonr reatlara that I hava a pesitfre remady (er the above-aasaed ilitiais By ita timaly mae tbotuanda ef aepalesa aasas aave been permsaently eared. 1 shall gU4 to aa4 two battlee of my remedy FEEE to any ol yoar readera who have eonsumpttoa tf thay will aead ma thair Express and P. O. adtlraaa. Keroett faily. X. A. SUXIL'al, It. C, 181 Paad St. N. X. II never fails to rare MANNERS donbl xtaayct SAKSAPARILLA. BOe. srsryakm Get a good paper by snbscribiDg for Use ScuriKKL aD KriasLiCAj. SFAROUHAR! il.SM. ! She at J mj and nn othr rra?ai can hm M,Jm$ (tmaUy Inowil in rotb I iiwjjnf and va) le by the u of m iThe Repair Shop 4 thef S3 u man system it the rrir ia Kent Aetlre' i - ... i HEALTH will rcsun HF NOT DISEASE. DOUBLE EXTRACT B AKSAA2LLkfc A fcares Uver Tronbles ?by cleansing tne oioout .Through me i rhannd. rnd "no through the tSkin, thns dmiaB ou .all Imparities. 5QV PER BOTTLE. THE WORLD OVER. Mf&BV Ml MANNERS C BINGHAM TUN, M.Y. POTATOES! ore prontuDie u ih-."w Phosphate's Crow l!.-ttrr !"" "T 7r known. W.1 fJ'-i vnoK CKEKSCM. WORKS, , Bicsis Cofrf Crops mil nil other crops ro 1 . r rcut ly incrcuseU by Uie 1 ' USO CI $20 Phosphate the hrst known fiTiinror for iir kind ofeoll. freuu lor .new Iri-e JORtCHEMIMl WORKS.. TOR. PA. Loci E. Atkikiox. F. M. M. Finnxll ATKI1VSO?! Sl PEWELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MiyrLINTOWIt, FA. CCoMfcting and CoqToyaneing proip: ly t tended to. Orrics On Main street, in plce of rRl dnco of Lonifl K. Atkinson, K-q., norh ot Bridge etreet. Oct 26, Wl!. J. J. PATTEIi .'OMy JR., VILBKR fCHWKYK. PATTtHSOX K SCIIH ETER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MIFFLIN TOWN, PA. wpoed, ijr. iawih xctinrniD JK. D. SI. CRAWFOKD k SOK, barn formed a pirliifr.-tup for tho practice of Mcilicioe and their collatl.-r il braiicli'-f. Oltice at old Ftan.1. corm-r of Third and r anpe strret.i, MiRlintown, la. One or bitb ol them will bo loun-1 at tlu-ir nitico at all times, unlt-m othcrwisa prot(;..s;oDMl!y en gaged . April lt, 1890. F. ACKLEY, Phrccian uud Accoiichror. Will lvirntio aUo as a fpccialty in lhe treatment ol dis ease of tlie throat and cigfiiiTo srstein, Acute and Chronic. April 13, lSK-ly. f.KU.IL. GOOD HOME INVESTMENT. Tha first morfgapa bond o! tho Mifllin (mm and Pttrron Water f-ompaniet. are now nift-rel for aaln at tbe Juniata Vallov Baak. The amount ot the iimie it $27,000. Ten (11!) bonds are $l,f.(X) each. Tbe r.ato ofinliTest i Ave (5) pt Trent, clear ol taxes, payable in feini annn il coupons. The Mif ilio coapons in Febrn trr at.,i Ansnsf, and tbe Patterson coupons in April and October. Tbe principal is pavab'e in twenty (20) years and led.-cniable in ten (U) years. The Companies havi been in operation. Nina (9) months and bav an income tbat is quite suOicieut to meet tha interest on the bonds and all other charge. The stock-holders of the companies are Lotus E. Atkianon president; L. Banks, via president; K. E Parker. S"cretarr; T. V. Irwin, treasurer. JermiiU 1.7-"', f- M, M- rtrn!', WiHE. Iloi ps and ffiu. II. Banks, and ihey pur pose to keep safe the interests of patrons, bocd-hohUrs and creditors bafore they take any return for their own investment. Kx. cept tha Original Court Huuso bonds which bore six (6) per cent, interest. There has never been so good a bond investment offer ed to investors. Trice par and accrued in. terast. jVJEWPORT AND SHKRMAN'S VAL I 1 lay Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in eflect on Monday. SepteLsber 11,1893. STATIONS. I West- Kat- rd j wsrl. ; a u 65 io oo; 08 10 03 6 12 19 07 1510 10 6 25 10 17' 6 'il 10 o' 6 81 10 26 8 39 10 34 fl 61 10 4? 6 4 10 49 7 16 II 00 7 12 11 07 7 17 M 12 7 23 11 18 7 27 11 22: 7 35 11 SO 7 4111 IC 7 45 11 40 i A H Newp-rt BuSalo Bridge 1 Juniata furnace ...! Wahncta ......... ; Pylvao "I F M 8 10 8 07 5 08 8 00 7 6ti: 7 51 7 48 7 4(: 7 2S 7 20 7 14 7 oe 6 69 6 o5; - 60 6 43 fi 34 6 30 4 00 8 67 8 63 3 50 3 4S 3 41 3 88 3 32 3 1-5 3 10 8 04 2 So 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 33 2 24 2 20 Wat-r Plug ; Bloointielel Juuet'n. Valley Koad ! Elliottaharg : Green park , Lojsville ! Fart RobesoB Center Cisna's Rod Aadersoabor; B,a'n Mount Pleasant ..." New German t'n ... ; Note Signifies no agent, 'T" tele phone connection. D. GRING, President and Manager. C. K. MiLLia, General Agent. HUMPHREYS' VETER3MARY SPECIFICS rr Eorses, Cattl, Sheaj, Cogs, logs, a-M.-MnMuirriace. Hr-.rrh. in.H. Cnaarv and Kidaey Dtaea!aa. BMafcla Case, wlib BpaeUI Jar Taiariaarr Car uw m rvt ml ' "Mis Ma m mm ft: WW 1 i Wonderful Bargain ATTRACTIONS At Schott's ! Only while we have these goods atnn.k nre we able to give you such Big Bargains. All Wool Fren.h H.nri.tta. for 48e; For-.r Pri-, 6 ceti.. All Wool Fren.h S.rg ... 48o; Former Pr.r 66.- All Wool Cloth for 24c, worth Sao. Half Wool MeBriottaa for 28s, worth SO". 5 Yard, of Best Ble.ehed Mnin mti (or $2- 15 Yards of good Blcaoh.d Mailin for f I. 17 Yard, of fair quality, Bl.ach.d -.l.n for $1. 20 Yardi of good Bloaehtd fuilin for 1. 18 Yardi of b.tur quality, U.-bleaoh.d Mu.l.n for $1. 15 Yardi of finatJn bleaohtd fuslia for f 1. 35 Yd! of the b.,t and he.vie.t Cn-Weaeh.d Mu.l.n for fl. 9 Yard of good Canton Flnal for 50c. 8 Yards of b.ttar " for50.: . 7 Yardi of still h.arier Cantoa Flannol for 60e. 10 Yards of tha bst Caaton Flannel far 91. Biaokits fr 75o a pair. Blankets betur for 90a a pair. Blankets still bsayicr for $160 and 92. Bt Faotory, All-Wool Blankets for $S60 to $4 75 a pair. Sbawls ia singlo and doablo at less priegs. good quality, 21 Jrd for91 Fanoy dreis Oinghami, 10 yardi for 160. 21 Yardi of good Calicaei for $1. Ladies' Shoes $1. 91.20, 91 50, $2. .Ven's Shoes for 91-25, 91.50, $2., $2 50. Ladies' Rabbers for 25. Men's gum boots for $2.45 a pair. . . . All our Carpsts, Oil Cloth, Window Shades and srerything 10 onr store at proportionate low prices. Call Karly. SCHOTT'S K I y i K tsouoooc-i-ineinnetAaintn CtUMUOMHtne.ifcMMkJ'-'HOttO OiRKOMUtn-l k3 S f?lr-0 C 1-9 O f -1 -a o o o oa o: oo i y ; k i t -- i : lie . I o Co -i in ej to to - O S U I OHPHioHHOooooiooacoe Cils-Ci-'MOi19HOOtn'U91H ti.i30ioaco--iii'to)r.ia) i -i r. n ti - H Ik H CI C U li CI UU 50 X -t X CC O 00 1 tc !t3 5! " ?r J. J C 2 a o E. a . as. : a o o C D 3 ; a -.2 o B -J 00 00 to so 0:0 U H U II- U w'l H U Cl CI O Cl H O! U 00 It CI CI 13 O0 I IO IC bS !- to CCnCH. ie. o C C C. CT SO Ci zn 1 y IS )-'C7tenneo-4-Jij4i(x jaer acoeaeto UOtSUMls.OMls.C7 0t9OHMICUOtM otipaidiMU-iiiiooiicai to o to ic i o . " " tiMiuuiaiiscneitsteitiotiai QMMk9eiMUOlOOMUHUuKC cjp jn o ko cc i co to cso -'.t o ao c o Mtno-i-)00 00 OS 3C 09 OOWWMOtO ikCtCt pcnn-1 oaa -1 w a UOUOM octouts a j RAILROAD TIME TABLE. OERKY COUJITT KAILKOAD. Tho followin aehediil wat r. Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as lollows: p. IU 4 30 4 30 4 39 841 4 4. 4 4 4 61 4 64 4 66 4 69 a. ni 9 16 0 21 9 24 9 2fl 9 2 9 81 9 SO 9 89 941 Laave Arriva Dnncannon Ki;g's Mill 'Sulphur Springa 'Corman Siding Moatebello Park Weaver Roddy HolToasn Rover s. tn p. w 8 40 8 60 8 34 8 44 8 31 8 41 c'2 8 39 8 26 8 36 8 24 8 84 819 3 29 8 IS 3 2ti 14 8 24 8 11 3 21 8 05 3 16 7 62 2 46 7 46 2 39 7 43 2 86 7 40 2 38 7 84 2 27 7 32 2 25 7 27 2 20 8 6ft 1 60 9 44 Mahaaoy 5 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 6 22 10 18 5 25 10 IS 6 28 10 19 6 24 10 2ft 5 86 10 27 6 41 10 32 6 09 11 29 p. m a. tn Bloomfi aid Long's Road ellson Dum'a Klllotsburg Brrnheisi's Croea Psrk Jlontniir Jane. Landiianrg .Arrive Loav a. ra p ns Araia leaves HisomHaM -t a in . and arrives at Landitburg at 6.47 a. train leaver Laadisburg at 6.14 p tn.. aad arrives ai cioomnam al O. 60 p. nt. 1 rains laava Levsvilla far Dane-nnaa ( 7. 2a0 a. m., and 2. 16 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m., aad 4 tj p. an. . . . . . L.anaisnarg ana L.oyaville trains rua as tollows: Leave Lasdisburg for Leys -villa 6 55 a. ra., and 1 60 p m., Lovsvill, for Landisburg 11 10 a. ns.,asd 6 09 p. a. All stations marked () arc Hag stations, at which trains will coma te a full stop ea signal. $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. J ""- earn freai aVS.UO w 4arM S.OOO par year wiU,out ..r.aa haaXevU. tfcey eaa uu ih.t aaaaant. Suthiae diult ta leara or that r-nairss aiaeo time, "as "ark l! a, dartlms er .r.Ding., ril,t la vearown U,". honra' work oftra aqua. - tt.,i,'. . VVehav. taught .W,! trh?,;,WS; se, aixd n.MT hare 1H f.(i,tloa, that Yllt srrl7 bring then rk. , ?5ot f. r "2"- " ' Von "snot fs.l Norapiul UNwHn. W, t roaeot with soatathincthat tsw. soli.!, and sure. A lk KriHilul .1 arta, j, U to all l"o.f. liVsU.'0' " r-not ..-row. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Bex 420, AUCUSTA. MAINE. STORES. "I ; t 5; (smoiom r; : 4 (n O C.1 CI I ' H 3 ISHH H Ct 13 Li"! i : y w., UKUOH Ct M M il. 13 CO! H : a; H; 'J JD O W i A 3 ? 5 4 3 3- 5! E. JO C? C O V 30 -1 r-t r- c r -C ' - fit 3 C 3 O - w iCi c; st 10 u o ic ic d o 0 03 O) Si , u m n r i lv S3 O D 9 tc cn to CT Oi O O Nothing On Earth Will X.Z2 She ridan's Condition Powder ! KEEPS YOUR CHICKEN6 Strong and Healthy ; PraveaM aU Disease. fr Mtmltlnf JTena. It Is W)o4lr yara. Klffkly wiMatrstee. bnu. M-rtelf ant7. ll.nlWiat-IMiWH JrvStf. KrWrWl.u. 'fM Inn a, and n.f k arvn Rsrrxi." aars Mw.Mr. If at (tt It Mna la at, W mall aa Mt SM. a, A II lib. aa SI M " S at ail- m rmta. MmMa,,,,,,, m Mat., rrva wui, fti.Maraer. wr mi af Tma Bear rarifaT rAFsa MnvTri L S. jlfi JuX Vj .at Ommcmt Ham V p.waM aivra. mmmpl awttT Op Koaa, St., BaMl Itasa HEflCH & DROMGOLD'S SAVMILLwdEUHMES A WatavrltxsHul a s -m . mm IkaC ava mnr oilxmw t ai i. . -. . - m .vnan a i markx. FV-ja.a wLWe':0V?'S: Tr"t Pt--a,; wane. Write for clrcai.-. and i.rlcr't fji.ika. Ala, pr,',. TrJri.H-. era, Hhellera. .to. AVsOoa thi, p,tper. HENCH i DMMGOLD, Msrrfrs,, F.l 1 tvmnrm w LOST MANHOOD! (PIt--. Frenc . Kcrvt Rsmsdv.lis sold withaWrfttar Qaarsntoo Incur; all Nervous dii es. sucb as Wo'.' aTcmorr. Let j or Cnlo l"ov, IX er . i, . , A. """ . ASTIB oae. ache. BeMIit Manhood, Lassitude, all d:ss aaa Iom "'XV0 e.,ther sex, cauaej by overrertirs ot voufir-nnJ1a-r.,i00 whieh uhim,,.!, e,d to Ia Vyi . Con.umrtion and Insaaity Ptif, 1 1 T: P "h .very $; order 't firm a wnlh" fZTZT eJf or esfked nsa.y. By "1 wy address. PiVER'S RaJMEOY CO.. Tolsds, O. To ft H: i r h ! t( !; 1 h. ii W CS' ; ?i 3 1: . i- O H: - : 1. L . ! !, I " I. . " 1 w.. ar J"V fl sa mm Rnrfinlr! savao-Mtra-aea. r. Cures Constipation