Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 13, 1893, Image 3

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ffEDSEMT EC. 18, 1898.
Knuerirt'-on. Per " " paid
tfaasient advertise, lonta Inserted at go
per Inch for each insertion,
"-wisicnt bunirc notices la local col-
J. is cent I 'ia0 'or escn aseroa.
Dtlinctinm will be made to these desiring
tae year, nt.n or qaartrr
is Dmu liss bud a toucli of
raning grained wood nse
e,.Kl ten.
jir i,vb tLe pt.-eets ara tLo dev
il, school of vice.
There are 154 prisoners in tLo
Brss county jail.
There are more Jews in New York
tba iQ Jerusalem.
Tb Tribune wants a boy to learn
the printing traJe.
K.ffl:i)g mitches are indulged in
thi-winter freely.
Brilo contractors were numer
ous last fc'iturdty.
There are- 19 lodges of Odd Fel
lows iu Ciearfield courty.
Let them go Cleveland and Lis
cangreHp give t'uem rope.
Dr B. F. Aekley, of this town ha
an antidote for diphtheria.
Tu. c 1.1 weather of last winter
Jjc-;vi uii the 3.-1 of January.
Char'.ta AJarns is in Philadelphii
taking a c-iurse ia Pharmacy.
It csts about $400,000 to hold a
state election in Pennsylvania.
TLore is a good deal of sickness
in the community, mostly grip.
ppip'm who don't respect them
selves have no respect for others.
I; is no longer pood forai to lift
the coat tail when one sits down,
A Uachers institute will be held in
f.n Waturford, early in January.
S ". Ileteriek h-w been appointed
pot master at Mexico this county.
Sportsmen are stocking Lancaster
county with Tennessee Partridges.
Mr. Homy S. Seholl visited Phila
delphia and Bucks connty last week
Miss L;l!ie Etka has returned from
a visit to relatives in Waahington,
l C.
SsTtet cider is said to be a cure
for rhauiu Uiara, bat hard cider is a
partly z r.
Mrs. Sclioll and daughter Miss
Marion have been ill the past week
wi!i grip.
Mir Ellin Aucker ran a sewing:
iu; machine needle through one of
her finders the other day.
Tus Meth -diat church erected the
pst sninner awl rrcr-ntlv dedicated
in Port R',1 oat $5;900. j
The Pennsylvania Eulroad will
need a million dol'ars worth of steel
rails in 1804.
The United Brethren churoh at
Locust Run, w:Il be dedicated on
the 17th inst., next Sunday.
Wis titer wini people fmy the early
old sr.sp inicatos pft weather for
tbs after part of the winter.
Mr. Mary J-.cobi, Miss Sallie Par
ker, Mis liary PattersoD, spent a
few days in Philadelphia last week.
Sheriff Lapp, was in Harrisburg
or. t') day of the execution of the
fiend TenaU, arid sw the hanging.
E II Allen, r.f .VcCoysville, recent
It dr.-eased, ciripdthe mail between
Miflir.to .rn tirA McCrysvil'e15 years.
Famuli Funk ar.d wi,'e of Center,
this co-.inty spent ThsnkegJvingr Day
with their son Dr. Funk in Hxrris
burg. The TTuntinrrdon Globe sayB there
are ver 3000 cases of Grip in Hunt
ingdon county, with th6 returns not
all in.
ATr .Wo B. GraTbill, of Phil
delphia, haa been visiting her friend
Mrs. II. S. Scholl, on TVs.hington
Daring the cider making season
650 barrels of cider were made al
W. A. Stime's cider p'ess in Mifnm
Th mnv friends of W. B. Ober-
i,..! i,r.nf MifTllintown rezre-t
leavu that he 13 ia witti typuoi'
fever r.t Gettysburg.
T : .i , l.i i-n-niriincT uriCli-P
fcrln th Mifuiutowp post offico on
Sataiilay were for Mr. Charles C-.n-nors.
Sir. Julim Walker.
The no preaching in tho Prefi
bykriau church on Sunday on ac
count of Mr. Henderson's inability
to preach, because of iho grip.
Then-; u ft young m :'a ?rrS
county that twic a weeK ruun.
tfirl till 2 o'clock in th3 morning, a:ul
tbon go.-. rabbit liunting til! day
light. r ,
A Lancaster county man lost 'ot.i
his ht-nds in a railroad accident some
years ag. Since then be has learned
lowii cby holding a pen between
bib U ttli.
Jauits D. Williams, Jr., the
cbampi.-n wild turkey shooter in Fer
managh, hnviog shot mora than any
ether man in the township, es far as
heard from.
Oxford, O., Dec. 6-American Steb
bins has a healthy tvro weeks old Jer
sey calf, which ban a well developed
ear in the middle of the back, and
jumps like a rabit.
Tho Methodist church recently
erected in Port Royal has a number
of memorial windows that bear the
names of contributors to the good
work cf church erection
Be careful when yoa give
Read in another column, how Mrs
Tvn latl, killed her John the great
Professor John Tynd.ll. by giving
him the wrong meaicmi.
A lui.ntie congretsman proposrc
to off r a bill which provides tht a
.!.;.. n. Ivnchinrr tnes
place ail forfeit $10,1)00 bitho f.m
ily of the person lynched.
T?l i r. . -
fin. hi- k "nnbakTdoe. not con--wini
a"ofhog. to town
tbrougarbch7 t0 PUt
Scrofula eradicted and all kindred
SrSiSh-; .Hood'. aSSl
fll- by lta itnlizins and al
terat,ve effects, makes pur blSod.
to his house on Main Street, from
tLe .fleets of a fall, 8ome , , "
rom a kdd.r on which be wa 'wofk
ng at repairs on his Lous..
The or. Double Extract SanaaaHti. i. u.
If tne Clevriaud adminUtrati u
Buccoedsin getting its tariff r.
measures though Congress. Many
w.U go to Europe to make goods.
Xo i other HardaporilU ha, quVd
Hoods m the relief it giv-s iu sever
est crn-h of dyspepsia, sick h..a,l ichP,
I'liio'isness, etc.
rTh? Mifil;nt"wn Hose Company
have built a house for their carriage
ou a lot of ground bought of SqniM
eidman, south of the Squire's home
It ih a convenient placs for the car
nage to bo kept in.
Perry County Democrat Deer
hunters in the w, stern part of Frank
lin county met with Tipnhnnal l.l.
last Wednesday killingeightdeer.Sev-
.n were buoi near Kichmoud and one
was killed in Ber Valley. One man
brought down three of the deer
Hood's Sareapaiilla has cured
many afilicted with rheumatism, and
we urge all who suffer from this dis
ease to give this medicine a trial.
JThe Huntingdon Journal makes
moution that Mr. John IWlzVr, an
aged cit zdu c f Juniata county, Fpont
Saturday and Sunday in this place
as the gnept of his nephews. Daniel
and S eward Hertzler, This was the
old gentleman's fir st visit to Hunting
ton, and he was favorably impressed
with "veaucient boroncrh "
The Commissioners of Cumberland
county have served notice upon Sh-r-
iff Stock, askii.g him to show caue
why prisoners and vagrants should
b allowed towah clothing, perform
ablutions and roam about the cotri
dor of the jail. It seems that the
IJomtmsMoners think that luuntes
of the jail have too much liberty
Scrofula whtther hereditary or ao
quired, is thoroughly expelled fr-.m
tue Mood by Hood s S:irsaparillH, the
great blood purifier. Nov. !, '93.
Col. McClure of the Philadelphia
Times, who, was ill a long time, ly
ine on the border land of this world,
looking across tha narrow strip that
liea be-.ween this and fature veiled
wo) Id, has so far recovered his
health thi'.t he will aoou be himswlf
agiin ns in years pone by, over
wh ch fact the many friends of the
Colonel rejoice.
The great value of Hood's Sarsa-
parilla as a retueily for catarrh in
vonc'ied for by thousands if people
who-n it hns cured. Nov. 1, '5)3.
It Nnver fails to Cure MANNERS
The Democratic hard time have
lessened the income of the pont of
fice d-'prttueut- .bv.n hove in Mif
flintwn the re';e:j'ts of tbe post
cf5"e hav deert assd People do:t
write aa much to pach oiher us thev
did ntid. r republican rule, and husi
noo is r.rtucBfi tnir. rii-inoB men
don't have to writt so raueh for or-
drs as forrnarly und-.-r the prosper
ous days of republican rule. It is
coma to a pretty btats oi uJir.i wuen
it cuts lc on paoplei a2iio ia taat
Tha iointa and musiVs are so lub ;
ricated l;y Hood's Sirsf.parilla that
all rbeutnatisiu ami Rtiff.-i.-ss so-.ndi-appear.s.
Got only Hood's. Nov. 15.
L9wit.v.vn Gizstte La.st week a
New York buyer purchased five
horses iu tbe valley" aver.igin ; 1824
pounds Turce wure bought from
George Brindle, one from John .11
Yoder and one from Jonas Yo-ler, n'l
of Belleville. They are said to have
been magnificent animuls, bringing
about $200 in Belleville, aud worth
very much more in New York, thev
being considered cheap by the pu--cl
asf-r. Friday last a num
ber cf young men from fcigiotvme
cams to Lowistown to attend the
concert in the court houss among
ilm lninc Sterrett Brown, Clark
Crissman and W. - Jlcuunue.
These three bad been talkiug to
rrniVior nrovious to Soinj to the cjii
cert ab.vjt 7 30 p. nv, whja Sterrett
loft, them intendiug to meat tLctn atta BUa-.s $3,000.
tha ivmrt iiousa. A few m:iiu .'S a.
terwards while he rs walking up
the Miller housi alley iu na 'he
shadow cf s.imo person fd!owin
him and oa turning ar.M-.nd to ?.vj
who it wa ; ho wns struck f. fcrr:b!a
blow on the s:d of his hef.d bp 1 f i?e,
which knocked him insensible to the
When he regained co i-
. L - J l. l..nn r. ill.
of his ranney, knife and ottier vat -
liable? Forturtately he ha 1 just It ft
trVi f. the inwiera. As it wa
the thief secured five or s'x dollar,
and Mr. Brown is enfforing with a
sore f .co and head, having b-sea
strnok ss ho thinks, with a sand bag
or shot billy.
. - ev
A Miocklns; Accident.
Jesse R. McCruja. a railroad freight
car brakomati was jostled off a cr at
Hnntingdon list We.lnca lay night,
fell ur.der the whtels and had both
legs cut off below the knee joint.
GoMeo Hill
The Society of the Sous of the Rev
olution have placed ou the building
owned and occupied bv the Humph
reys Homeopathic Medicine Com
pany, Cornor William & John Sts,
New York City, a bronze tablet t )
commemorate the Battle of "Golden
Hill," where the fir.t blood was shed
ia the war of the Rsvolntion.
imperial on of Tf orU-
Tb Roekbill Iron aDd coal Com
pany at the Robertsdale mines, Hun.
tirtgdon county suspended ou De--wr
1t This throws about 800
mt rt ont of erapWmer.t. A number
workmen ere contemplating
leaving that section.
Pottstowi,, Pa , Dec 6. Ten days
ago, J ahn Greago wai overcome by
grief, caused by the death of his faith
ful wife. For a weak he moarned
his loss, and then for a change went
to Trenton On Saturday last he
met a buxom lass in that town, a,nd
yesterday they were married. To
day they took op their abode in the
home b-j recently made deeolate by
Have you trit South AraeiieHu I
Nervine the cem of the century i
The great enre for Indigestion, Dy
P'l'tiia tillil Xervi-iiiunr.ua Warrant.
ed the n,r.Kt ,.r.lc f,i! Srr,m ,.i, nnrl
ore ur evor known, Trial bottle-
15 ,-ents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, MirHintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
Lawyers Fijat
The staid and orthodox town of
Bloomtield, Perry county, was thrown
inj e. state of great excitement on
Saturday over a battle between law
yer Shu'l uud lawyer Baker, about
Shull's wife.
Whatever oh a r gee Shall madp
against the District Attorney, Baker,
about Shull's wife, Baker indignant
ly denied, and was so aggravated
over Shull's charges that he took up
a stone and bulled it at Lis accuser.
The encounter took placo in front
of the Court House.
When Baker began to throw stones
Shull drew ayevoivor and opened fire
on the District Attorney! Of the
six shots fired twe took effect, one
bullet taking effwet in an arm and
one in a leg of Baker.
Shull is a Republican, Baker was
elected at the Noveruher election
wituout opposition, his opponents
di unied it best not to pat up a can
didate against him.
Shull wad put under bail of $2000
to answer the charge of carrying con
cealed deadly weapons, and the
charge of manslaughter.
Mexico Bridge Contract.
Proposals for the erection of a
bridge across the river at Mexico, in
place of the two spans blown down
and for repairs of the span yet stand
ing w6re received at the Commies
ioner's ollice on Saturday, Dacember
9th, IH'33.
G F. Goodman ffered to build 3
ne.v tpans for $5,600, two new
space for $3,620, and repair the span
standiug for $800.
B. C. Groninger offered tj rebuild
3 new epaus fur $6,500, two new
spans for $4,500, and repair the
standing span for 050.
S. T.Hench offered to rebuild 3
new spans for $5,940, two new spans
and repair standing span for $3,i30.
Frank Fiitchey offered to rebuild
3 now pns for $7,003, 2 cow spns
for $4.93!), and repair standing span
f.,r $631.
L A Gr en, off-red to rebuild 3
new so-ti's for $6,190, 2 n?w spans
for $4,5)00, and repsir standing spaa
fer -2.'J00.
A. T. Caveo, an 1 J. B. Oies off
ered to rebuild two re Bpans for
$3,!i0') ard repair standing pan for
Gi:o. W. Kv fer off-re.! to rebuild
2 hew spans for t'4.500, aud repair
str.ndmg spun tor -tst.
iron wuims.
n,,.n;lcr r,r roi..H!
'or the
fc..ecti.n of au iron bridgo were of
Thn H.trse'iead Bridge Compnay
made a mimbor of offers firsi for
2 siiars for three span3 $9,-
510, two spare with dfi:rout?Bp- cin.
citioc8 for $IJ,855, 3 spans i'10.215.
The Kin:? Iron BiiJire Cmninv
fr.'red to build 3 pns for $9,550.
Tl... ri.t'..l'.v;. T.r;.. n-.,.V0
..ff.-ivd to bu'.ll at the raie of $3,830
per f-pi-.n.
The Schuylkill Bridge Company
olTttied to huiid at tlin rate of 3,275
per span.
Tbo Penn Bridge Coin pa ny olTered
to build 3 nppns f..r 9,300. 2 spam
for 6,200.
The Mas lon Bridge Compsry 3
spans for $9 510, two spaus fC,340,
and )nJdi!T?rent sp-'rifieations 3 rpans
f 9,539, 2 ppans for $6,300.
The chimpion Bridge Company
o spaas ior y,oo.
Tha Toledo Bridge Company 3
.nana $9,435. 2 soaris $6,100. on dif-
frt,ent sjcifications 3 spna $9,000,!
Columbus Bridge compauy 3 spans
Geo. V. Keefar 3 spans 3,225 per
Ta Berlin Iron Bridge Company
3 spsns ?9,89.S.
The Variety Iron Works Company
3 ppans ? 10,000.
I . ' r.. n iO .
1 iqO, 2 spans i8,445.
' TheOsweg.. Bridg.
IgeC cnpjuy price
per span $3,200.
Dven & Wfeibroi.k Company marl
fivo off-rs on 3 spans under diff-.-reut
speciiirati.ins ranging from $9,528,
to $10,169.
The Grotju Bridge Manufacturing
Criipanv 3 spans, live different bids
raugieg'from $9.50 ), to ?9,700.
Youngstowu Bridge Company 3
spans $9,700, 2 spans $3,467.
Cauton Bridge Company 3 tpar.s
S. L. Ileneh, of Turbrtt necnred
the cunt fiict, for the erection of two
new spins and repairs on the spaas
yet standing.
Oa Monday Mr. Hench, refused to
enter into contract for the erection
of the bridge, and the erection of
the two spans were given to G. 1
Goodman fwr $3,62 ), and the repairs
to the standing span was awarded to
G. W. Keafer, for $487, aud he was
dispatched to at Sunbury. Should he
refuse to contract for repaiis only,
the contract for the repair of the
standing span will be given to A.
T. Caveny and J. B. Oles at their bid
of $500.
The Seventh Daa'hter
! of the sc-V3:.th daughter is said to bo
I lucky, but her luck does not compare
I with the '-lucky Aumber Seven' of
Humphrey's Specific, an infallible
' cure ior c&h nd Try it
Blrtb Day Party.
Friends and relatives of Jsaiah
Row. of Walker township, to the
number of twenty nine, assembled at
-V:. Row's home last Saturday even
ing to celebrate the 67th birth day
of his wife Mrs Row. A pleasant
time was had by all those present.
A bountifnl table was spread for the
Ihe kUrprise party and after refresh
ing themselves with the good thinsrs
for the inner being, they wished Mr.
land Mrs. Row, many more years of
happy prosperous life and took their
departure for their respective homes
feeiinf all the better oyar the meet
tinp for the best wishes for their
'a; - ed kin folks.
Preaching Next Sabbath.
Kov. J" R. Henderaon, has recov
ered so far from the late attack of
griji upon him, that he will preach
next Sabbath iu bis church at the
usual hour.
Delaware Items-
Some rust was removed from
sled runuers last week.
The instructors of the late insti
tnte awakened some of our teachers a
La Grippe has again made its ap
pearance in our vicinity, quite a num
ber have been gripped.
Miss Minnie Hoops an accom
plished young lady, of East Salem,
intends to go to Harrisburg in tl
near future. May prosperity ever
accompany her.
Samuel Kurtz gradusted D"C. 4th.
the degree that was conferred on
him was B. K N.
John Gorge, of Buckwheat valley,
contemplates to reside at Edward
Spiekers, where he will attend the
Goodville schojl this winter.
"Dog-gon the boy6," thought the
boy the other Sunday night when
they blocked the gate and compelled
him to work a lorg time to get out,
doa't be discouraged try again.
Ephraim Guyer spent a few days
with bia parents some time ago. He
is an employee ia Danville Asylum'
Wilson Doughtens and brother
are having a new tarn built this
winter. Adam Rodes and Abraham
Landis are doing the work.
Miss Josephine Guyer, one our
most accomplished young ladies,
stortsd for Hasting, Neb., last Mon
day, Dec 4th, we wish to her a safe
journey and a prosperous future.
Abraham Landis who was employ
ed by the Doughten brothers in
building a barm, was working on a
Kcffold some distance from the
ground. The scaffold not being made
strong enough broke, and Abe was
throwu to the ground, he was not
able to work for several days.
The funeral of Sallie Tiger took
place last Saturday afternoon, at the
U. B. Church.
The protracted effort undar the
cre of Rev. Kell at East Sil-m, is
iu lively progress now. May the
good work go ou.
Joseph Valentine is suffsricg from
a srvtre illness caused by a severe
attack of the L Grippe which
turned iuto Pnea noma.
Dr. L. I Handy will Lecture at
Thomjmfii'o-vn ru the Saturday
evening of tin Iiatitui'-, to beheld
ia la.st part of this month.
The men that thick they know
every thiug, should stop and look
Lac!:, they rruH sea that they do
i.ot know anything.
Mis Dice Kepler, of Mexico, spent
laat wetk with parent at Goodville.
S:i:e nnd MHgg'e Linsey
i h"eu cirt JUitii.sr ftU 'H7 irienu's in
jour vicinity.
Tiev. li 10k from Blain, Perry
county ,'will hold a prutiaclod m eting
I this wctk.
Mi-s S.'harlot Dtlsc, spent several
days with her Sistr Lydia aud Bet
sey Holder of Good rill.
Miulisiows, Dec. It, 1393.
Sh'.ulder, .,
Sllsv,..at.v . , ...... ....... ..
'.Vheat,. .....
Corn in ear....
Clovorseed. ...
Timothy sued ,
KUi seed
27 to 30
.... $2.00
.... l eo
ChOl ......
(ir. I l:d ilutU Salt
. 1. 1 j i . i Salt. . .
.$1.20 a hundred
1 00
80c to 75
Piiili:i.phIA Mahkkts. Wheat
64 to 03 -; c.iru 43 to 46e; oats 36 to
37c; live chickens 8 to 9c a lb; ducks
S to 11c n lb; turkevs 12c a lb; butter
16 to 34 ez-'s, fresh. 26 to 27c a
doz; potatoes 50 to 75c a bushel;
blackberries 6c; pitie 1 cherries 9c;
sweet potatoes 25 to 5dc a bushel;
tanked straw oO to s'J.SO a ton;
hav $1 10 to SI 20 a hundred pounds
cloversecd 8 to 10c a lb.
Pittsbi Rn Pa , Die. R. catt'e
prime, $3.00a5.50; good $3.80. 4.25;
rough fat$3.40s4.10; f iir light steers
$325a3.5l); heiffr3 $260a3.10. Hogs
$; lvn-h hogs $4a5. Sh-t-p
$3 42a3.75; good $23; fiir $1.75s2;
yearlings $2 00a3.75; spring lamb3
$3,09,a4.75; veal calves $2.50a7.00.
NELLY. On tho 29th ult in th;s
ph:ce from membraneous croup, L i
cian B., infant and only son of J.
Howard and Ella K. Neely, agd
about 8 months.
MU3SER. On the 30th ult., in
Fayette township, from he irt trouble I
John Musser, one of tha oldest and
most inspected citizens of this county,
aged about 70 years. I
ALLEN. On the 2nd inst., E. R.
Allen, of McCoysville. aged 53 years.
NEIBERGER On the 3rd inst,
at the Jacobs House in this place,
from pneumonia. J. C. Neiberger, of
Clinton, Mo., aged 66 years, v
Sir. J. A. Wheeler
"While Serving Pdy Country
I was taken 111 with spinal disease aud rhea
matlsm. VThen I returned borne iv trimbt
was still wlta me, and I was oonnoed to my bi,
unable t help myself for 2a months. After
taking seven botll.-s of Hood a garsaTparllla I
was well and have not ntnce been troubled with
my old complaints. My wife was In 111 health,
suffering with headache, dizziness and dys
pepsia. She took two bottles of
Hood's Sarsapariiia
and feels like it mnrr otouub. Jaups A.
TVun-LEtt. looo I.tnsion 8L, Baltimore, Md.
Hood's Pills are the best alter-u inner PJla,
assist diaestioa. cure headache. Tn-abox.
I'ea h C i atea.
Mrs. Arinie E, Humphrey is pre
pared to furrj;wh Psdi Crate Mnter
ial, PluHterir.tr Lath, Shingles snd all
kinds of Buildi. g Material at the
Mill formeilv owned by her la)e hus
band, R. W Humphrey, deceased.
Peach lumber h hp.cia!ity. Mare,
Juniata county, Pa. tf.
(Grsdnate or the Pliilarlclpliia Dental Col
lege,) formerly ff M Hlinliurn, J'a., has lo
cated prnianentlv in Mittlinrnwn, as suc
cessor to the lat' Dr. (. L. Derr, anr will
continue tbv den'ul biminpss (eHtblibfri
by the Infer in iSOC) at the well known of
fice on Bridg mrrct 'i piUe Court House.
o Chloroform, Ether, or Gas turd.
Kd Sore Gums or Diseomfort to patient,
either during exfriction or aHerar1s
AH these are Gusritnteed r cc cl.arg
will be made.
All work puarsnteed to give perf. c!
satisfaction. Terms, strictly ch.
Practical Dentist.
And are the largest dealers in Clo'hinc in Junta's County. If you doubt
it, examine our f-toek and compare it wi'j oti.er an 1 ruuder your verdict.
Tbey hive all their Fall and Vmr G od in tocb. Others are bam
mericg away on Summer Goods When September is here linen dusters are
not in style. Their stock tLU oeasou cmnprises all Se Meat in faney worst,
eds, fancy cLev;ots, t lack cl.i vic.t", e.ii) eref, In ell tbe different
makes, round a'ld square sacks, sine'e or oV'itiU br.''ted, euiaways, ko. Their
prices ranrje for men's suits fron1 (2) two -'"') tweutv dollars aud in chil
drens' suits Irom one to sevou dollars. Surely all c'ases can te suited in this
They have undoubtedly the grandest hue of drr-s overcoats tver seen in
this market.
The Fiurttt Heaver Coats lined with Sjtiu, iu Black, Cluo and Brown
The most Supcrb.Line of Kerseys and Meltons in d irs and light shades.
The genuine CbiiichiKa in Hlne and ISivk ! ned a-.iU atin. Alo in the best
Italiau Clotb, in prices ranging from 7 to Vf i-l!ar.
thi;ik liiNx: or
COMPRISES Irish Fritz-. b inline Shetland, CaiiuR-re, Chinchilla and
Satinett at prices that wiii urrise jou for cheapness.
A Full Line i f Cl.iMn Overcoais v rj low.
Their line ot ' isairsxs ti e latest ou'. We have the Hat Trade and
all tbe youn men kuow it, while they foruetly went to Harrisburg they now
buy of us.
In neckwear d f u-;": Jers they liavthe latest and best to be bad.
Their line ot Fine "St. in. ''oitou
nothing to be desired.
Lnrge men will bud a Complete Lire of extra sized suits, pantaloons, un
Ucrwear, collars, bats and overalls that are uot kept by others.
Thev aie the Agents of tbe Celebrated L)ougUs Shoe and have all styles
and sizes.
Thev are also the scents of tbe worid-wido Sweet Orr Overall and can fit
tbe smallest boy or the largest msn.
, - ( -
They have a full line of fold and
collar and cuff buttons, Trunks, Hand
brellas. &c.
Thanking the public for their liberal pa'ronnge in the past, and assuring
inn that wa will endeavor to merit a
yours to serve. HOLLWUAUG H & SON, the Clothiers, Main St., Patterson, Pa
3 ?.r.l.r&4,. ;Vr-A 3
There bas been a great deal of
Time cf Funerals. 1 bsve nt Gir;
sn elfpstit teen, cf Blstk Hi itn st
safe. Any wcnian can urive teenc.
s. s.
Dr. Humphrey1 prclflra w .-lanttfleally &&4
rwmfuliy praMuwi RwnvOtw. omm! for In
yrlvar itm.ce &ad for uvr UiL it ymn bj lit
peoflr wick MiUre nicrm. trmry tliiflm SpacKlo
a ucUI aura (ur thm ataraae ounnL
Titty run wichoat 4rocjiua, rurBliix or ndnctoe
th iyum. ftj d -re ltnot sua toovtl LLe aocrin
Hininin of tbe YtutM.
lPvverff, faonrt.iuii, IcflaniisnUoiu .25
H eirniH, Vvrin x ear. Worm itrttc.. . ..
3 Taftthlnz: CuLf, tjylng. VatffT-'irrt
4 Miarrlat a, of C101r- or Aduiu "24
5 lVrentnry.Urttiii, lllioasCoLa
4i ( kvivra jtarbnaw TunUUnc
7 l onarb-, "oil. LroacltiU.
S Nrr-Ua, ToutiiavM, FaueeVih '24
H-HfB4jaeti, Mick Bwilm. VrUtfQ. .94
1 1 Htirtrrid r Pfcinfwl Prida.
k lr, io PrWiiM fvrkMte
13 C'roa. l.mrrBeTlUs. HMtwM....
I I feat. siUciiu. kr7MpMi4, karupUoM. ,Q5
14 at heaanatitan. or Kiu-iaUo tmlu.. ,25
llrl, -i?lu. rev- iiBd Agu
17 Pilei, Hit-U urklvodtaic
15 Oph iarluiy, VorturV.ak Itm. 43
ll-rmn, I. ff renr., itlUUliitBtatJ
40 tVawuiKUff ouhtb US
'21 AtJthin. Uira4K Urba'blac 45
tl'J '".mr t'uhirKts. liFi&lfaa Waxttf .44
rrof,n. Kr.li.rsvd i Ud, Swniu -45
C fc-iroorr 1 UoLM.ty, hl..al WajufcnatM .24
44 UraiMi?, ilxiJ Scanty beJuriona 45
Se-lcUo;. fcickaeae f rvai KlULtm .45
1 idr liaQ... .45
2if Sua-f dentil, or taaiei .45
3f- r.oai y Vo k ne, WtUn Bsl.. .45
31-t'nlufrl I'vriada 45
l-VMpbttaurla, ttevrmted BonWhAt.. .45
35 Carusac 'oncatiaa A rupUuiaa. .44
tS Ncnrui; Ocbility, SrailorJ Walv
or In"!tolai y llMjhart 1.00
3t DisnTMe.es;" the ilpart.r'aipibaUoo 1.0
33 k:pilf t'.T, SriuuiM, at. Vitus' iuc-... 1 .04)
eWd bf UrKIS.Otft. W ftoat puajiua oa rwMti-t mi MaM,
Pa HrFtiTi MVAt. .144 rr, hailku rut,
HiarumicTir a Kit. uo.. 1 1 a. i 1 1 nun. at.. xM tt.
yorPllna PiUmnlorlntrmal. nilod orBlemllnr:
1tm In Aao: lirblnror UlMOlns of Ua luctom.
Tac reltw u tauuMdlatv IU euro ocrtauj.
Sola kT DraetKU, mr nat pl-iil aM mmift M rrtok
Bcaraaiw axa.w., 1 1 a i aiuaa st., in roax
For Horses, Cattle, Sheov, Bogs, Hso,
SOB Pass Book on Treatmeat of Anlatal
and (.hart tteut Free.
A. A.) Spinal .Hpuiaaitia. Alilk Favor.
II.lt. rMraiiiM. l.iiintirH, Uhenmatlaaa.
'.('. Dwrmnrr. Naial Li-4-faarsea
1. t.-llolfl or r.raba, VVurum.
K. R. 4'fivch. lleavea, i'seaaianlau
r. F. iT'olle or 4riae, Betlvna.
4.C-. .IliMcarriHce, I leiuorr ha aea.
II. H. I.rianrr aud Kitlury liiuaaea,
1.I.--l.rnpriTo llifrno:... Mange.
.K. blacaaea el Jlizeatiou, Pcralyalav
SlBcleBotUo (OTorMdoati, - . A3Q
Ijitablo Case. wlUj rtfl.-s. Manual,
otrlwary fart OU nn.1 fc. irj I-latiir. 7.00
Jar Voioriuary Care Oil, 1.0
SU trlWdat rmpniM aat la awr
1'BrBRSTS'aSB.ril., iiiaiiiwuaaaacarwiaa.
t'uifs, Ui tiery and underwear leave
silver watches, cold chains, gold rings,
Bags, S.itcbels, Valises, Tclesoopes, Um
rontinuanco of it in tbe lutuie we are
talk il l tt n y Lonea not being safe in
eml el M at tesni or norecs, ana pnrenasea
tl an t.f $575 00 which are peTfeotly
li cy f ay uoaiiienuon to cars.
.Jjn'j- a 1
- 111 ..2f'
Mil mfrilm'
f'drT$ 4,'uf4fl )t W.hsve just returned from a ccaiplelulf
-U-fcfyJ 5KT?'7:;K' demoralised Clothing auk v.. an-i etthom
jyP . ' y'h hi 4V",5 Prchaes were lsiar iaa eer beln,
Sf- y'A J ;lt he money iLTestei, oniDjtotberreatshrtuk-
. .--tJy. '-lyvVsC :', ;," t In Tallies, caused br the freat itrinfrewey
1 vw U far less than in previous oe. This, of
fc.tj1 n1'.' : - ceurae ajeaas lewer prices fer tnaa eyet
tSVJ . 3l iJMry btfore in ur history.
IENCE are the fiye points that rrake our busirese grow larg-ir each day. We
gain by every sale a frisud and customer.
g$r3- Tti Pr,ce wil1 buy Jour eio3 from a liDe of Men's good hoe- J?3.
est Fall suits, in single or double breasted styles. Their trne Vid
ua is away above tbe selling prioe, but values go bepging these
days. Have yon $6. If so, select one of these suits.
(fit f Tbe Suits we offer at $10 are made offing All Woe! Amerce CMv
-l-"viots and Cassimere cut in both siugle and double breasted t' ivies, anu
eaonet be matched acywbere beiow $15.
TEN DOLLARS. Tbe Fall Overcoats we show si $10 ars rs1e very
Css.imeres ard Covert Cloths in Itest shades and c lors, out in seiui
or fu'l box style; unobtainable anywbere below $14 to $16.
ey At $12 we offer a truly superb line of Men's All-Wool Suits, out ia
WJL'A latest sbapest of Business Saok and Frook Styles, and mads i of
best American Cassimerea and Cheviots, they'd be good value at $18
and $17.
TWELVE DOLLARS Nothing like our finely fashioned and cirefully tailor
ed Spring Top Coats at $12 have ever been offered le this towu at that
prioe. Styluh dressers; see tbem. You will be surprised,
-j r If you want something extra fine gee our imported Dress Suits at $i A
??AOxbey're made of all different choice materials, e jt trimmed aud sewed
like custom work, and are tbe equal ol"ar.y $20 i-uits iffered.
FIFTEEN DOLLARS Don't buy a Fall Overcoat for $2C, $ii2 or $25 vntil
you have seen ours for $15. If you don't prefer th.m to uio-t gar
meats offered elsewhere for one-third to obb half more money, don t buj
Soheols will open soon and our regular annual sale of school suits will
take place. Read:
75 cents will buy choice from a line of good, durable and nobby navy ool
ored Sailor Suits; worth more that double.
. . .. . . - . - i
$2 will buy oboioe from a line of Boys' Suits, in all d.nerent materia.. .
ST. r rw T !-.. ... ., A llfl a
latest paterns, cut in double breasted Keefer,.Zouve "Junior,
way, aud other new Fall Styles made to sell at $3 and $3.o0
$3 98 will buy your Choice from an extra 5b9 line of Boys' iew Fa.l
Suits in pretty and original styles, and made of strictly All Weol Caesimsres
and Cheviots. Tbey are worth $5 and $6. n
50o for choice from a big line of Knee Pants, made of wear-resisting Lass
imeres and Cheviots.
ti - 1 ..,.. Fashions in Derbvs and Alpine Hats fur $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.
Exclusive Hatters get a hundred per cent,
25e. 50o. A large assortment of Trunks and Satchels on Seoond Floor at low
est Prices.
tiis Wliolasala & Retail ClotMep, Bridge St., Mifflintom Pern
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on dairy
It will
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock ot Goods tor
It is truly marvelous to See
Of u:ts and Overcoata at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Jits prices leave all Competitors in the rear, eo don't fai
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
Money Loaned at Lcwest Rates.
Its-waarlaaqnalttioaramniinnaairl. wB
CQtlaattna two bozel of way oU.r livoacL N'a
Saetadbrbeat. (jrT lUailEJIiCtM
O W j 1ST T F. r .11
Nursery Stock. Falary, Exrnses
Steadv Employment guaranteed.
Dec. 8, f 1. Rochester. N. Y
The Stnttnel end KepuiUrtm office is the
place to got job work done. TiyiU It will
' pay yen if you need anything In that line.
a. illiiiuV)
more for tbe tame wake.
sr :ra.
; J UNIATA valley bankv
f its
Stockholder! Individually Liable.
T. VAN IRVFUr, CoaaMf.
W. C. Pomeroy, Josoph Rothreak,
Join Hertslcr, Josiah L. Barton,
Rohert K. Parker, Lonis K. Atklnaoe,
T. V. Irwin. '
SToccBOiDcas :
Gee gt A. Kepner, Annie If. Shellev.
Joafph Rot brock, p. W. Maibeck
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, '
W. C. Pomwoy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mary Knrtz, Jerome N. Thompsen. Jr.
John Hertsler, T. V. Irwin.
tharlotteSnyder, Josiah L Barton,
John M Blair, Robert H. P.tterwn,
t. x. m. PpbixII, ivi L.eht.
BemnelS. Rothiock, Tm. Swarti.
Three and Four per cent. Interest wilj he
-id on certificates of deposit.
fjan 28, 18B4 tt
Bnlbrinir from tha cfleata nf rontaul arrora, ar
amj, nstuif wctiwa, loat maabood. aa. I at&
a valuable traataaa iaaldl eoBtataltta fbfl
partianUra nr homa enra. FRtCo aliaraa. a.
aplaodia aiediral vork ; abonld ba na4 hr nrt
laao wbo la ncrroua and deblUCalM. Adtfaaaat;
ProC F. C I'OWLCB, Xoodus. Cove.
; No oprranonor boaiaav
..7: Tkoufcnla ot carea. Dr M,tfrli.ai '
liuiel Penn, Keailmr, Pa., aacoad SaiaxaaTot
aaon month- Send lor cuvolara. Advice bee, i