Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 22, 1893, Image 2

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WEJWES1UT. M)V. 15. ISO!!.
R. F. S C II W E I E It
rnrros amd ranmiEToa..
Nkxt TVfttk will bi Iustituto week.
Bklihers, Corbett ami Mitchell will
6lu each other for a purso o $20,000
on the 25 of Jauniry.
A comPanv .vilh a capitil of $10,
000 Lis boon orjj-mizoil ia Cllefoute
to Mantf icturo stoves.
The new Dantaiil church at Rax- '
bury, C:iiulri;i cw.iy, will be Juili
cateJ c;i S.iu.Liy Nov-mber 2(5.
Tin-: re-ur-ioti of the, 131st regiment
Pii., Vols., will taku p'iue at Lowis
town on tbe 13: h of December.
The First Xuoaal Bank of Selias-
crove has resolved to reduce its ciiii-
ital f.tock frrm .m0H Onn fn SnO (100 I
. , . j
The new tariff law that tho .
lanJ administration is at work on
proposes free wool, free coa', free
iron ore.
A crank woman calling herlf ;
Queen Victoria, was at the White
House to see President Cleveland
one dav last week.
Tm: county commissioners held a i
convei.lwn nr. Wiiksbarr last week. ,
One hundred an 1 twenty nvo Coni-1
imsMjuers we:e present.
PKEsiutsr Ci.:-:velso's movement
for tlio rdestablishmotit of a m m-
archy for Ilonoliilti h is been conduo
tjd with the sj -recy of king craft.
SlNi i: CL velalid has gone into the
bu-iuees of reinstating deposed kings
be miglii try his hand m placing a
king or queeu e-v.r rriuce ;iud liia
zil. IuuDiri..!tiTiES, i? a ,t d jwu right '
theft has been d.scjvucd among tbe I
management of the U ink of England.
Th" cashier in ni ba.l inrim.mt.
ft'.T 1 f , ,
- , , , ,ti'"i voaiiff grls, tb past vi-iir in
and lost rrral uiwu dollars fori: ' w Q ' . 1 .' ,
the cjncdt u.
Gold is at
a prelim in P ' ,
that is what the gol 1 bogs want it
to b , un 1 thai in wh it it will bo all
over the w.jiI 1, and then salver will
again bo rest red to its n ttural plaea ! .
as a medium ;.f ex'.-hrge, or as 1 -f u!
tender m..ntv.
Wool au 1 cotu n should be j ro
tected by a tariff nigh enongh to give
American produu-;rs tho American
maik"t, then the boms and Hpind!a
would run and the army of peojh;
out of wenk would find empl lynieat
and tho price of graiu would ba uJ-am-jd.
liut Cleveland and thn iU.
laocracy .s..y no. Down with thj tu.r-i
I1 :k to old tiinss goes tho Clovs-
land a.lai.i.isuutiou t r its polincil
ia-i);rat:ou. .Mr. Carlisle on,- ,.f '
cabinet ohij-ers has re-.urreete 1 r ,.j n I diphtheria. lh Delthill's me'.:-j
juris tUt .vero .ml, hv cairn- .j?1 !s ri J?e I'"!'.' s q i:d j
' ; v buiu .'f U' ixo.t:- Htid ).i-ia far in I
cji-j of Jam .-, liu sh.anaa's a lailaislra-' i.--' :,.,".,, t., f.f- m? '
tion on t ' . e ! .to'h:o qui-f-tic;
it- Mi. Ci vi.-i.uiil sjceeds as wdi
malter.s f tio-inc cf jjovoOiiuieut ns
did Mr. But bat, tu, the United Htat' b
"g ir purcLtia
eri al 1) 12 Oillti di-s.tin ir 'E
1 ml 1
Thdt w is ia l.rfj iant of Uait -d !
S'-itev: 1,-;, n !,.. l 1 ,'
t'-l'-i .i.i,.ii u.-iiiier, JJ.,eul,:i
was president.
i ia- i-i t- - ,
At 10 cock oil I rutay rilit tLe
tngiiitei--, lir .keii.'f ii, c .ndnctor:,
ttleyrapk operators aud firenit-a o;
tbe Lcl;i0'a Va'lcy Kailruad stmcLj
in oLc-diuii.'O to the cumoiand i.f their
... ,
mtistc-rs'. U.1 side tn:ckeil all Irftir.a
andl.f: the effiees in which tl.cy
wot k fid. Ti.f country looks on with
auiuz.ii;eut tit 2.0JO men who nrl
get tit
i . . , . !
good wages rjutitmg their j
proLttk.Au p.aoes at the cj:rmiand of
secret, society committee-men. The
railroad company had 110 trouble to
get nit ti to take the places of the
laen who left its service. There nro
enough mu out of eiuployinent to
take the place of every dissatisfied
or tired man w ho uo .v La work on
the public works.
The Itepublicau party raised enough
revenue from the tariff to ran tha
government without a single man and
women feeling the expenses of gov
ernment. The times were prosperous
diirinpr republican rule, bnt Cleveland
is scarcely warm in the white Lome
when it is proposed to chaDgo to Euro
pean rates and ways cf doing basiness
and then comes the panic as tho re
sult of the proposed change, and
every thing drops toward European
rates and millions of people are
thrown out of employment, and now,
in going from bad to worse tho ad
ministration proposes to make up the
loss of revenue by taxing incomes.
The people will not submit to bav.
their afiairn pryed into by a govern
ment spy in times of profound pence,
but even if tliev will allow tbe Cleve
landers to ransack their business af
fairs, that will nut put a single man
to work, it will not restore or rev.ve
a single industry. It will oDly raise
up a set of spies on the business of
of the country that should not be
tolerated among freemen in times of
profound peace.
leut ae suops ana manuiactaring estau
lisbments of workmen, by proposing
to reduce tbe tariff on foreign goods.
The taiiiT lias not been reducod as
yet, but tbe promised reduction bas
destroyed tbe business of the country
for tha time beinr, and if the Cleve
land administration carries out its
threat of tariff reduction tbe business
of tbe countrv will have to be icor-
ginized with a reduction of
20 to 50 per cent. Hut fsya the
louj3cra:ic. ri'f.rni"r-, if wages go to
23 ;ind 50 eeijt a d.iv, what's tbe
difference if every thing else ispropor
tiouateiy lo-v. The best answer to
Such an ar-."'.::nor,t is r i nronimt. tli
ta of of th;3 . earners of
Eiropj whtro tbo v.m's nro low,
w.'.h tiia tstate of living of w.iye earn
crs in the Uuited St.i'es, Atiaerieaus
don't v;mt t bria their ouutry to
the l'jvt-1 of European ways of living.
If you want to bring the people to
a of fiarwPe4a UviuS 1jw ,vaoiS
. . '
I .1 ; i -
utluuua''1 ""'
Jut it i I
watit to livj Like an American
lhe republican party.
Tns New York WorM, o..o o. the
leading organs of t'i.- IJejun ratic
party, appears t tej iic s over t .e f ict
the Kcpubiic, us carried a ma-
jority in bo;h Lranets of t ie New
York legislature. Tao Wcild says:
"W.th a Republican legislature
this winter we shall at least have no
IU"n l'W'f""! tbe cmck of the
iviuccrat;o b-jv h:.. We soali
C m"7 ld ul'on rU'!-
j l.Ke unit ol &at.-::iu in Baff.do IZZZ
'i'Car. vVe sall ha'.e Ijo more llu -k-
bjberry charters and tho like to la iko
f ix,il lur l'je tLo iiachino. W.i shall
have no more of t! it utter sais:T-
V'tucy to the will of n ittlo g ing
w;:ich last year clllictod th? H 1
auvl imperiled the inteiet..-. A tl.o
poi plo "
'i'Lis is (pietr adjuissiau f r a D.-m
ocratie l-aper to mak , bat it is i rue
that there is aMy with a Uo.Hibiiean
legislature in New York us wdi a.- in
other Stites.
luhL imir urt'il c-o lU'tlM
jof a nameless character conuuited
J ll. rent pails of the country,
the Logialature, vi'l, in a 1 prjba'jil
it, he asked to ps & la making
fcuch an assault an i-fT-.-nso punish
able by death. IT the L?gi-ht' i.i e
doe-, n d . iiHCt a hie for sev re puu
inhiUv nt. of fiOTidiohly lepr.ived men
in t:t lUrecti" n, fathcts and ol.tr
re'.ativ s of the viol io I childr -u wid
throw themselv s Lack on their nat
ural righis anvl jut to out punishiutnt
to t';ri wicked men.
i'oiitire Cure 1'tT IJiphthcria
CM! e.
very s'inpl- lefiijr, b,; his
Oidveii ii !' ) 1 Vi ry -flective
I", i 1 igiiiH'.e I with Dr Delt
who ( p'Ule.l Lii discovery t '
Freiicu Actid o.v .M .-.Hoiie-,
S :d l iter vvh Iiilii 1 hi 1 111 t'ho l'a: :s
h i .:!) 11
in i t!j'if
jiri:ntig iroin b.pirl t a- arA tarp n-
I tt1 i'l' 1 ,1 ...liM n fi ' i i-i i . n . v
u iati'iis nhie'i chr.ko up tho br;,t,
and ate so v reva e:r. in ca-:i f cr' -jo
iu- -: n I iisc r s:u .n, Fjioke !
whlfl oil .Circs t! :? H'M'j.'SlLei'e il: j
ti.e im un, "ioe p-i'ii-Lit," h'lys 1-r
i !;.'.. "iiilM'.' iiii.-iv j ems to ex i
'!l!lli IV
!st - jp, ti.- ttio:tl f d io:o i-n.- i it
il'iii.ii. -uid see i.s t. iul'ino the
bl"':o Wl1 u 1'len' ur . Tue fil.;-:n.-u
IL I lul.'t' lL.e Sl.ltl il.-C'Ul.'S 1 is t :ulie, i
I and tin: paUeat tuul.s u;i luicrold
ciile?. 1 iie.ie, when aught :ti a '.t'ass
IU'iV 18 -Ce:i to diss iVe in tile r-lu "k
1 .hec.mr. e.f time ,'a;.f ..f-oi ward
the pu'.teat i ntiie'.j ivc,vtr"
- - -
A Fiead
TI , . , . , , ,
Humane A-', nt J. (J. Kri.ler lmd
. . ... -r ,.
tuizj'itxiufc u.auey to liim nu ilieM'juy I
of luat wtk Contv-rniti a man lv the
caru of C.n v K. Kii.it', of Tyrono
t"tis,ti;p, in Jsiukiug V.hey, that ho
im a uiuue a critiiiiiai a'siiu .i on n
ft! Hn lls!1.,htP u v,ra
Agent Kreider si.ia oaf a wairaut
bef r? Al'li.rmjn Kosr, charging iim
with critiiinal tape and on Frid
raoruii g lat he m ttir ted for his iriv I
and caught himou the mouu'ain and
brough' him before the alderman,
who c immitted hiai to jail in default
of $1,000 bail for a hearing on Mon
day tif'ernoon at 2 o'clock. Alloona
Ilalltvay Mall Service.
Froti tbu I'hiladd'phia U.-cord.
Next to the killing of engineers,
firemen uiid briiKtmeti, the danjrtr to
life from eranlyyni'.nt in tho railway
service i perhaps l i-st illustrated by
tho uanu.d hli.ihter uf clerks on the
ca;g. Aasistan', I'-astmnstcr General
15t;!l iu hiu auna d report shows that
ten clat k wer l:iiied, tixty six ser
iously mjurf-d and one hundred and
fifieen Pluhtly irjurnl daring the
last fiscal year. These casualties wtrs
the result of 403 tiain accidents. V.'e
have a big country and a proportion
ately big riilroa l mileage, bat the
risk to life and tiaib iu ha-idliug the
rn iii oa thd cars seems to be tiiidaly
UouH ISIte
Tj1ooijLv-11 Advocatt: Swindlers
are traveling over the country with
samples of seed wht at, whicii, thty
they show and ia:m will yield 50
bushels to tin acre. They propose
that they will furulsn the seed aad
100 pounds of phjopbato per a re,
and ask in return ono half of the ciop
This is certainly a biw'gaiu lor the
seed, but it is still belUr when tho
bigtied papers turns out to be a no't
for two or threo Luudred dollars.
H ouieu TiIb I'lsloia-
So mtny ladios hava bsen attacko 1
recently ou the fclreots of Altoon.i
that tbe gentler 6t x have now con
cluded to protect themselves in Grist
nto Western styl. The foliowincr is
from the Tr'Jiunt of November 4th:
"A lady yenterdaj-sent a Landsomo
little revolver to Alayor ILayer with
tbe requebt that he put bis name up
on it, thus is'gnifyiug to her mind
that she had a rignt to use it. There
was no intimation given as to whom
she deisreH to go panning for and
ishe will doul)tlia ba very musii sur
prised when hum Icarus that bis h.m
or is not disposed to give his permis
sion for her to go into the shootinj
About l'relty Uirls.
A mild by merry war has br. keu
oi t between tho villages of Itockvili,
-;uicr and aea LI U, L. I., brcvig'-t
about by tbo editor of a no vpip.;
as-se;dit;g lint there wer: -.. ji j plen
ty girls hi hialown th.iu i-any other
ou tho isla. I. Toe editor iu other
villngos camo to tie aid of tho iudi '-
tut girls, and it : ally tha war has ,
ceo narrowed uovv i to tho towns j
named. Iu thesu tho girls aro daily
stroli.ng abjot in th'ir most pictur
ts'pia and i'eloniug c latumes, Biiiiling
as prettily as p .viib!i?, au 1 the gnh
laut editors are "supporting" their
respjeive si.les with double lea h d
edituritU. l'botoiaphers are kept,
busy "taking" the villtge holies. M'
together there is ouih u flale ef
tlua,-s noing on in the tival viiia-r
as the ciders inhabitant, his no rec
oiectiou of ever having wituessi d.
targe 1'eucli Crop.
J. llitehell Siover, of Franklin
cou-ity. shipped about 12.00.J bushel j
of pei.cLt s from his E Igemout ove'j
jfrus !'n-o Mcio-.i. ii.pn a hividoa-fl I
prolit. Hi ntttrd Jjlty ceuis a ci i!.' 1
o; ti e peu -'us bipp-'d to the fas', ,
t-ra cum" ..nd only ti e st.ionil giada
peachor .verfl enuiied Mr. ijiovei':-.
can:' : y at Kd'emon produced ';
00'' .'. p :u:.i tiii.s. Tl.reo ah-r c t:.-'
i lies in the neighboiboo I prodjOid '
JtiO.O JO tans.
Monkey Langua-e.
A recent .h:pat-h from England
s t After I'liio, i;; experience in
tbi wil ds of Afe.ca. talking with :
monkeys l'rjsor Garner, tin
Ame: ;cin scieMist, his arrived 1 tie
on Lis w iv heme. lie c'ai us th I
ho li: .- cs'abli-a. d l.eyot.d a di uLl
tint ;l e;e is a Monkey Lii guago, and
that it can be loam. .it by m.iii. II
o'o-.gul with h tu fto.u Afr.ca t v .
Kiiiu Kiuiiha.d hi-j.ftns-.fuiii, which
e 1.7 bi l cc.'-i-i i'i:'oat J ,
Fr.'ieas i- G iraor :t.;'.2i that In-'
stayed f r 101 day ila lii a;e, ;
which he had al'i'icd inl.. the herii i
of a forest "yj m.s inland. This'
ca'e Who a mvwve t tin r, that ' : s
chained tj litis. In it, Pl'ifcss-'V
GaiUit would l.-ek bi.uielf iilLl a'V. it ,
tbe COlumiilg ef flaetiihil s of tbo r.p-.:
f mily, wLei?, y iae-t:.s cf tho so i;.d
ho bud lf.riitd from moLkea in
Aiu riea r. i I tlsewuero. Ho" hi.d i
with him a p iouorrj b, it l whn-li ;
he kept h reoOtd of tho bounds m ido ,
by his visit tit. IIj eljiira that b;s
visitors. 11 ) elihi s that I. is visit to
Africa iit a gnat su ceg m ts lib
1 shin:,' hi i t henry tha- ih i monkey:
f.iuiiy i as a 1 ingu.ig.'.
Auk Your t'rlt-ads
' h . 1: .V'j tuk !i IT 'tut'-: S ir.vip:'. l i!
.' : .it t :.e ' inn.;: of it, and t i epli.
id i.-sitiv i i it ; f.4v...:-. b m d
l ni tl o.i yarsipariihi d-e-, v.
tcU the ct-.-!-.- t, ia r.t. Ono 1 :
bee t cu'e.'t i t iu ii-. ;i u or dvs-
ri-i,i...i-!..-r II a U i:s ii-dis'i u.-' '
for vie'; he:i i.i . l.i.i .;imh;
while oihers report remukab.e cun
ol rofuhi, catauL, ii:L:;u..t:i.-in, .
rl e .in., etc.
U ,o L Pils asv j.
liciirs CLabe Two Be) 's.
tr i.y." i u-tt'.i
1.1 V!t Ij'iC'u Ii;lVe
1-t-etsi c!in-t:ii t,vn
t'i.-' Sll.ord I.OI-S-',
'. f. i't' It en ::i'U s
". recently thr.-.-
l;vs h"';ue fr. in
wi.i.'h ttiev wer.-
c! i .t in.'. Fiudtojf their father .iay
im went to a neiekUir'8 Mr. F;.'.
will'atiDd pavo the alnri:-.. At th is
plaaj '.v- Mr W. Kland .l i.er .-.ivl
in couitiiiiy with Mr. Jlirty F.'.ieAeil
pfurtt d in ptiThuit f the luars. two
of whici: tii' y f nii.d up a tree. Mr.
FiircWt'U Khof, the old liear, wliie .
Ai'-Ii dreks"(!. weihfd 22J JictlU:'?
iir. B'ud Sub r br uiriit. rtowu tl.e
other oil , whicii was a cv
, weii ii k
tUMi u '. -: ). I, ku it io jv.it .d
The i.l'a. r uo t s ;.(. 1 i uo a laurel
thicket ti'.d tla.led funher scareh
T'i.- ttmin-'ls were ciplan d en the
ii nl) r la .h of Mr. C. K. Sober, f
thia place.
A'wmt the taov tim a Sir. Flcm-tnt:.-
k lle.i abearir, ti e t nm noigli
b.Tiiood that weih. d 270 lint., aini
in the i.i lio vicinity Mr. Ke.-slei', foi
merly ot Mt. C-.tiatl ar.d a wei'i
I'll . b litintcr, ki.hd threo bcurs.
L'- iebt'iv Corot'icle, -
I fiil Ttru KnbNCi ILejs
A Vftt'tan tddor tt i's in ti.e Hus
ton Tiaveier hew he lott two of his
subscribers :
Iso. 1, a lmppy father of twins
rote to inquire iht best v (iy to fit
them Kaftly over their tco:hing, and
No. 2, wnided to kuow bow t pro
ie :t uis orchard from tbe niyr id.H of
grtsi boppertt. The tditor fiamed
hit answer u, on the orthodox liiiet-,
but utifortuiiiitely transposed their
mimes, with the retail that No
1, who was blei-sed with twins rtud
in reply to his query: -'Cover thtiu
caiefaily with straw and set tire to
tlit m, and the little pests after jump
ir.-x about in the lluiues a few min
utes will S(fcdi!y be settled.". While
No. 2, p.aguad with rasahopptf?,
was tol l to "Give u little castor o.J,
and rub their gunis gently with a
bone i ing.
Tor Throat Trouble
A t.atr-. n of the Fravkliu Nciv-
sctiilsio pa.ier Iho
JO. 0Vitl,',
sarfl Liit-
wbic'j Le dei lir;rt to he a
vinMvt! of uiulitheria: Tnka 2 ouu
ceti of nun tar ttuil mix with 1 ounee
uf tui j'ctitiuf; pat iu a email j hii hu
liie BU'Ve ami let It ileal; iuhiile ti.e
furnrf dir e o ' twic a week. T! i.
wt!S fc'ttar.l ;tt;ainst. liijdit i ', iinil
; ii iii: t Jr0:t
IT LdOKED SU5P!CI0'j3. " '
TTl-.y m Tr.-.vrlln-j JTan Gna Vp rUylnj
I'ofcrr Willi Ktraugera.
I 'I do:i't play cards with Btri'.ii'-,' rs,"
s:iid a quiet looking man on the Pullman
in r.vjvuiio to an iavitation from the
: dra-.n.-ier to jiiu t.ie:ti in a litlle jaiue
. of pn j jr. The drummer Studied up anil
, v.-.is about to Kiy something.
I "Moid m," reiuurl.ed the quiet man,
'. "and I'll t-.-.jilain. H'.t down litre a luin
ute or t ivo and let me tell yon."
j The drummer being an obliging per-;n
sat down.
i "Al.mt fivo years nro." fcr i tha
quiet iu.-in, ! was out iu tho vrt t coim-
try at a wikl town, and one inybt, b-eincr
fund of cards ajej a pretty fair player, I
asked four r f.ve cowboys nt the tavern i
wLere I v. M ! stornin t vlnv cards with
ii'"i " ' t . j "
me. I didn't know tlieiu, and t.uy didu't
know iie but they tok it for grantM
l wi'.s all n-lit, and they v.-.nt to my
room, wlu & I I nd two or three decks of
Ci'i,i. AVe Ftartnl the Kiinie at a quar
ter the i, tie ith a if J limit, and it
wasn't loi'jc umil 1 was winning nicely;
for, as I s;:l 1 1 roro, I was a pwd jdayer.
4jfterson.e tinto v. e took another deck
of carda, and as u.-iml 1 bad a jjood hand.
"Jly viiir.ins ht'.d made n:y new
fonntt ;ic;v.:'i! t.iiici .-. rather huspicieus,
but ;is I v !.s ) eriictly honest I didn't pay
innch !.ttent; n tj that. I rem.imber
very du inc'Iy I hr.d an ace of diamonds
in iny h uid, ;..ud when it came aronud to
show i'c .vii 1 kit. av the mt was mine,
but jnS as I l.iid down my h;:iidtiie man
opiKi'.o iro v. hijiH d out his revolver
and Vib'ol it into mv l.iee. and tin tbo
iuMant ' (ti. c: me all th other mei.'s
runs, ii'nl 1 was scared almost tod'ath.
1 couldn't tr iy a word, for I thought my
iimn nan C'lne, Lmt jioiimiv bbot.
" 'Looh l.eret'ej.:; u!.-.ted tho in: u who
Imd first p-illedbisiui, applying seveial
disairn t .ible epitln tj i.i addition, a:;d ho
took :n ::ce of iiian.ouils out of his
h;u:d. XI. i.. restored my i-ot.'sciou.snoss
honiewlia' , and after . !iiliii- until each
ui ;:i li : 1 i-xpr. :-S( d his opinion of me,
- i.i f isl de; i. !..a hud i cii reached
ti:. 1 .-; , to g'v.. up nil I L.lI v.on and
projjil.ly Ik- i:"t later, I st ia a word.
-vie-.ui' ui. ii. i taut, -j.j
u.ir.'.i ura (
V-Jl :.'J. I uou I i
kuutT LvW it.at i Mi.i iCegOtia the puck, I
r vuu wi:i lodK m i.!v valise tiiere
will ti:; I a pack esactlv like this one
; l.-.M- i: i.'iad. uio cards hr,ir.t
.t V.:i..d m tinie. liu enrol
id hi t dvi it." i
1 of the men took the
Ci I hi u.'.i I 'f
the valise r.v, rau them
ace w;rs i ri.-siii-. That
over, :.ud llie
much was in my f.iv
i, but it did not
r.-r tore cou'ideiiee.
" "Si ud down j-tairs,! Said Ulit, 'to
the 1 1- rk ;;i,d buve bii.i coiuti up. Lie
was pl.iyi.. lu re this at'tirnoon.
''lia :i t ..-y lit fur liie ci :k, and he
k: id tl.:.t he aiid a party of 1'iini'l.s had ,
playi d wiiii t'.io.-c cards dm my; the aft-
.... i c .. i - -i
. . .... A a. .4 i ii. i . i ii. i.itT uii-i ust'a
tv .i j ; ei.s to do f ori.' tricks with.
1 b. in', f ir my honesty, and aft- j
a li .iir or so uf t'-riitic stiaiti ou me
ii'ieiids i'. ;a ht.led I was ail ri::ht.
'hi.i', t i -Mai.lii-;i )rwl fellow.siiia tirta-
1'-. I ltlsl
I..;-';, 'i
' i .ii t'e. i- t .,' - ti,..;.- mum...
- j
s. t rti t be drii'Vs jd teji.vuil.
th'l'a ot Inst yi.U a Suleiiiu
1 1
led tiliit iv'ien T .,!
ei :: t..i :er
1 i nr.i-t lniuv; iv. rvhouv in the
iv in
::ti I every l:ody tuti.st Lliev.' tne.
yu tl.i: k ot:u exjx rience liUe that
uj.h l'.irun bon.ft lM'.ti f quiet
t in: . lann.i
IVee 1'ivss.
to lu t..r.j'.i-,i;': uetioit
Alms Sollc 'tor.-. VTtirt (hni'ir rtrtn-ecn tha
Xlnt rinices ot it t uTi'.
A v-c!l iiutroni:?.! r'Vi:ir.r;;:it i:t tTio
nei',.1 orbood of t';o ci:;,' bnil hiu an ca
tr.ir.co oa t.vo pt-'iulnns tioi-ct'f ires.
In front of tbe oue on tl:.- iiorth a Iran
and wliiiiintr liecrr ir ui; -Ii :Iy rtauOLj wlt'a
out stret-.d.' 1 hutid. lie liinltci lio audible
da.: laitit, but i.'i.itt- rd jr.er.-.utly ia a
t.ma tliut excir-'s tl.e inmiiittioa iito
c-iv.j'.'.r:'.:.; u.i t-.-. r;." :..rror tiiac vaits
VI--11 ' -' -:; lit; ito i-f tl.i3
1." f.:v, s i - l y. f .r i... :.2i'.i col:c out
..i' t"..l .'.-v r
St. 'I':"! h.i ::T
r : it, :::i 1 :: i i.i' ir
llie-i-iil tif 5.ur.,;T
lii e...-1'"' 4 '....:.s J.i i.buUt. i'iUCo witum
tlu ;r laintt.s.
A: th .' ,:.'..'. town i ::tr.:;H-e t':erc !''it
f!'.:. V '!..:. the 1 Uli.'.iti.i '...i:.'i K::a is :?:t
iu -i;Ijt. :. .." . ..' ei ii'H. - !k . hi', ed. IiJ
L ;Kl1; r.ud i'" ;n.l, wi'.h a fat and shiny
face .v.iii .-. merry tv . :vl:le in Lis lazy
eyc. T r s t': ::i t.:.- will-. canjtht
iill i i'' '". . . "'i: ' a ;.- r Irthiiiil back
while he i i'.e:i.i.-'l t
be.-'eeli:!!' w.iv f.ira!'
ei.ier u-
li;s sme prayer
is f...r f..;.'-1. r. .:,: ! "1 y.'ith i
in rj.. i. iiT" t:i::l i.e i-. suirviief, and
that )i ihm r I'.riTiLs a drop of str'iiii;
li.iiior. 2d'.i:y una lmrryin-.; into tho
ri'?t!i'irm:i v:'.'.i n ..iisaat.t t.ip'j'.:te tre
ti-uelnd 1 y in.; pr:r . rr mid i'tn.-j lotia
eii'j;i'.;'.i to i'n,;i a e. .a iato l:l.- hand.
li i, d.-ar th.it the vltr'; l.e;rsar knows
that tt h .:i::iy ia.ii: is lirnre npt to be
touched by th" laiti.;. r ef others than ho
who i.- v.', li fi d, ;;:id so he clloo e3 as
his ivi,rkdu';i tl: dnur at v. hich tho pa
trons of the restaurant eater, leavinif the
one through whicii titey leave to the stu
pid fellow whoso need, like enough, Ls as
gTeat as his 111uu1bh.1l prayers for charity
would indicate. Xew York World.
1J .
Tl!-'". mtniRiion.r.ot Junia'a'Ceuntv id
r. ,eiv M i!i '1 moB .Ha;a. en until li ..''loeb.
S.tnrdav ti.'.rninr. Dee. " ri, lM:i, lor tin:
erei'tt.'i) ot a tirnl.- t-crosJ inn Jnaia'a riv-
r a' M-'xico mi nbnaie nt.s and piera ulieudy
)roidrd by thee Hl-ev.
I ft 8 ni l ba conj (b red fotlow.i Fur
un iron Mru.itnr.- -t two spin'-; tor a wood
i n st, iii. ure of 'hr e !j.:.:i , tor a woo len
streetnre ot fvo i-oiiis abiut lSS ieirl
loti'j; f t reiuirs to the wuodffu 8ian no
Hta ii ni and alni'in :' and pier ot tbu t
Ton.; fid - ot riv r liids tntiiit be a.'.coiu
j.aiiied bv bonds with aeeepicd mreiy I r
iriiM'ii eon iitiened tor .'nteritii: into tha C'in
tr.ct iu case the bridge is awarded tbu bid-
n-r. t" pi eitieatniu ou Iflu tn tho C uiim ss
i' n-rs' ott: Milnii t un, I'a . on nut alte
Saturday, Noveinb r "tt', 1H93. Corniiims
ioiiera reserve riiht .o rej ct any orall bide.
L'KIA Ii SilL'.M AN,
i;xii'-L'TOK's lumen.
Kstate o! Elizabeth Katiftiuan.
Letters Te-t uuei.tary on thu -.?tate of
Kt zdieih Km. Iliir.", deceuHcd, .ute ol Fay
ette tounshiu. Iiavii'i; been urantrd to the
uniieri''iii d. All persons indebted to raid '
estate nri renueiited to ninku immediate :
ai ment, and those bi.vir.jr claims to fre
tn.nl Llm s niie Hitliont deiiie. I
ycAlisterville, Jurduta Co., I'emia.
SVIeress, the Hon. JEUKMIAH I.TONS,
I'resii'i iit Jnd(;e ot lie (;..tirt of ('oinmnn
l'le:.s, lor tiie Forty-Pint Judicial District,
conifio-ed ol tie eounti.N of Juniata and
IVr.y, 11..I lii" .Mo. ora'.li-JOSIAtl L. BAK
lON i.t.d J. P. WiGK KKSII , Associate
Judges of thi a;U eonrt o Common Pleas
ol J ntiiala countv. by n-.ee.t duly issued
and to tn.. iiir..cteil t.ir holainx a Conrt trf
())'er arid Teniiire-r a d Geno'ftl Jail Jieliv
ery, and t.en.-r.il ti'tirter Sessions of lie
i'l'.ii e nt MdMii.lo.. ' tlm
.Notice' is iiiuibi oivm. 'o t'i : eunn r
Justic.-s ot i'.,' Vf u:- and Coiis:a')ic.s oi ill
Couuty ol J Jiii-ia, thai (Ley Lc ition and
.. ,. ... ... - . in ..-)....
ihoie that are bouul by rocojrmz De . to
priiM-ctilo ng'iiiitit the prisoners ttm sru or
ui.i y be in tlio Ja'.! of taid couuty, bo then
nr.ii there to j rr.stcuto against them as
Khali be jurt.
My an ne: . Iho Ajsenib!, passtd tho
C'h day U-iy. 1854, it ruado llie duty of
Jusllrtu nt i ha Peaco ol the nevtral cun
iie ot thi Oniniiinnwenl'h to return to the
Clerk ui lb) Ceurt of Onarter SeMtiona of
I iucciiv0 couutivH, all the recognj.
i zances entered iuto oetoru tlieiu bv anvi lti-
r.nn or persona charged with the coinruis.
uioii ol any crime, except aueh cases as may
' ier ixisiin(t law at least ten d.ir't,r.(,re
te ended uilore a Juticn of tho Poaor, un
die cuiiiiuei cenieut ot the uhi j:i nl Ihe
I Court to hieh ther are made r.iturnuhln
renp;ciiveiy, ana in nu caes Tliei - mcog-
are ciitercd ir.to lesn tnui t. ii.1j.vs
bule.ru the caiimeiiceni:nt ot the aeaaiun to
whlcli th. y are lunilo relunble Ilia miii
Justieea are lu return tbu Karue in the fcinie
rn.Hiilier 'is if sid act Lad lejt ben pihej.
ILtteil at Milllinuiwn, Ibo 2nd da.' of
Aufi't iu Iho ye:ir of our Lord, ono 111 u
and eight hundred and ninetv-three.
a A MLr'L LAi'P, Shenff
C.11 KIFF H UI Fit"
MiBlintowii, Octobers I
By x irtuu of n.idrv w. n of Levari t -
I ri.iM ani Fieri Faeius coetaininj waiveia i.i
f piiiiiou ami exi-iii.tHni i.Mi I out ol
ihe ti nit ot fjeiiitnim l'leaiioi Juni.itacoiin
ty, returnaMe to tha Doceiuber Temi uext
of bai.1 C.ont, nn to me dirtetei', 1 mil
cxiniM! to a! by i iil.lio oiilcrv. on
' FI 1 lA Y, OKi.. fcM UHb 1st, itj;
j cietK i . ai., in ci i,otiri lions j in
i iiiliiintown, i'a., thu s. veral tracts ol land
' Lireinalttr uetcribed :
j Tract No. 1. All tin- rijrht titteand iu cr
I est of John F J'l'-ob in a eitrt lin tract of
I find situate in Tnrhett township, Juniata
ccicity, P.i.. Ioiii.i1.mI and described ai lo!
!l. -r on the north .y Units of A. H. 6ny-
der; en lhe i ;it b l .i'nis el T. H. M.'liir..',
i be:.. bii.I Jnl.a KvhVr and heira cf Uenji-
ii. lu Jac bs ; on the n inth by binds rf J; itn
j Kotder i-ii. I her of IScrjamin Jicoiu and
j K. K. .Mc.Meen ; on the Rest by l.eids of .
K. iVc.Veen rontainine ono bundred an l
twenty live acres more or having ilicr
fn erected to rrainu dwelling bi.use",
'' "-k b ,rn ed atij oth jr cutbui d-
ii t'a-
Tr.irt No. 2, Also, a d the right title and
inieti st f f John F. Jiei hi io a eer'jin trict
: ot land Mtuae in Turf-eft tonii.sliip. Jit ia.
la ronnty, I'.i., tioui .jed and d -i-erilel a
. fol i.ws: on the north bylntidaofT.il. M''
, Cb ri-'r- l.e:- and B. njin in Jacobs' li.-ir, :
on the ;! bv lands of Nouh ilertzler'a
heirs in: p. M. Kepner's heirn : on t.-I
' a.iuth by lands of Daniel ICilni'T. an 1 o.i the '
.west b.- lands of William Knhler and R. K. i
n..ir . ... I
.i tjucj. eo-iiHiin-ij; one l n' il .il acres
i more or less, ha ing thereon erected two
More d tl!:ng houses, bui.k b.ira and oilier
Tract Ae.
, .1:111. an u e riji'.i, title bi.i1
in'.r..rf f.f Ji.t.n V J I,. n...t ...
. ""I' ' r.o 1
f,i nioef.t:iI:, tin, situ,',, in Ti,,l...t . .. ..
n 0. Juinata rouutv. I'a. li,.mi.i...i .,,.1 a...
.niil.pd n tolb.ws : on the nf.-!h bv lin.N
i ot J. ,'. Tli.inij.-.in. r ; on the e.i-t !"
1 lnii.ls 1 I J"l 11 A. Kobler T,il the heirs ol
; IV'tij -iian .'a -ol's ; or ti.e south tv '. rrv
' c- tinry line; on the west by lands ot U. M.
rn'-JT, ev-.'l '.ri'-c one bun.lr. l n.re
: rnor
Or !e;3.
I Tract N'o 4. Alo, nil tl e riidit, title ard
inter' st tit John K. .1 n-olis ii a certnin rra. '
Ot lnoiltlt i'.ii l:it;,l M'll:le ill TlllNett t ern
.T:lni.,t:i eolitltv. Pi , tnn.'i.I(.-1 ll',d de-
! M-r Ii' a l"l!( f : en t'i" i oi:li tiy Hei'.
; J. X. 1 t:ompcon, Sr; 0:1 t!,e ei--t ,
!i'.1s of V-T9. Atit.io Si. tier; on ;lir .-uuth
; ty the I'errv coitntv line ; on tlm wet bv
lur.di. iit lietij in-in J joohts' h tr'.coiit:i'idtij'
one hundred acres more or Icm.
j Tract 'o. 5. Al.-o 'l the ripM
j title and i:.t. r-at 01 John F. Jacylis
I in 11 tract til" woodland, tuat.i 111
jltjfbett towr-.liij, Jiintitit i-oiinty, Fa..
! b-. untied an-1 (IpwIh d follow, on the
t ui t liv lsaiis ol 11. C. ilner and Ei j ill
H. ver; on tlm taut bv 'aids r,f J. Y.
' .tni,ni''l : un the eolith by I:.ti'is ef Sunni.'!
I. 'iizr.iur! ; 1 r the r. t bv l.i'u! ol H. '.
JlcVfi'i old J. T Ti -t.-tt n.'t M Ttir
l et! c ntain'ng t 1 nuvs 111. re oi h -s.
Tkact No. C. Aln- ailfi.o
intei' st I Jei.i. i' . J '1'oiis n
i t wooaund 'i'mh'ii ei T'
Jlil i.a.l ootilHV, I .i.. t if
t ti'.- mid
:l ei'
Tt.l:Tl true t i
i' t: to til'ij',
! it 1 il-s. r Ii .1 j
ln U o- P. M .
us loilows. on tl.e n'.fti li
Kifi'.l "i.il ! T. Ki
ei-t t,v ''i .!- ol V' i ,!.;! ll.ii
: ... f. l y ! i.i- ..f N. 1.
oil 'an.' i'':t I'J ij'.i- IV. I - ,
t. 'i '.r. - CI acres u.c re r b
on tin j
on th-.- :
T Ji t N. '
it n-.-i j J.
'. a:o .ill t:..
ui i . J.K'ubv
: .in tr.c
, ,i enu::t . I'a , bt ur, 1. d .:r 1 dewrii.
i,di...f.: on it- nor h b. .'a- .'s . -
a' !el,'
t ; on it. ti"r
i 'r In irs ; On fi
. i. on ; o:i tli s.
i , r ; ol, tin- ' .
ili r'. i
II. In v
v. :.
e::st I'V
!l I.f I V.
s ol
..( It.
I. M
eiti coi'lau.iri
e, lu'ris
lia. t ,v.
Matord ti wnsl.ii
In le 1 unit lies,
ri'tin by j-iib-.e r
Ki'i-tl'.i an ; on 1'-
t'lirt i !' iind siirM'
. Jani 1 1 i"i i't ,
ribe.i a t"'l-iv.' : v.-ii
,.,l atet ' n d-i n! fli.ris
r'.vt bv lands nt
i i ,
. In
S ' i. v r it rn! t i . M . tl rii. tin ; en t!i sun li
t'V i.i; ..Is it V. V.. (Ii.ili.cii; on I es'
bv Jh.iImoI V.rs. Aiinii S ne.llev emu niri-x
ei; l !' -s.x acres IO. ire r less, b.wtn there
t ii t r t:l.d i lo ;oi-i one J :ef stoy fraiiie
dw eiiiii).' house, h.im and o'le r ontb r.l'l :tia-.
tr e 7.. il t.ik'. n in i x.-enti..'' nt"l to be sol.l in.
tie oi iiit:v of IihvkI li- T. Kiiii'er ai'!
I'fHiiei I', t'llt.;. r hi!
V. Fa'nler t. rre tenai t.
!i iioace to it. b
; Tract N'o
1 .i-.-..ro:n t
'.i. A tri't ot land sitilit
w nti )', J iini.itl county.
? in
: l oi'imtii mill uescritieil us toil-ws
j '' '-"' " Joocth Dobbt.,
I M'.wter, and lintieh M. Land if j
on tl"
iMadn ot
on t he
t t.v lusiTi t i rp'Hi s, aim I:ii,(1h ot
i.ba!owline. D B. Mi 'k-i , II -I Kent:
, e'i the funih bj l.aids o! II. J. Keel; un
' IL'' we.t by I ii..!s ol J. 1'. Hi fii. !ii g -r, e .n
j tio.iii.: one biindtt'd acr a ni-n'rt or l.ss ,
Lai h r on iiecttd a lou dwellu g
I'.nis.-. tr inio nlilllie. Sl'Z-'d taken in exe
cution and to be sold as tbe properly . I
S. (J kiotirer ii!i notice to (jeorg.- W.
Uenueti, leire tenant.
' Trr.ot No. 1C. A tract of Int.:' situate in
j Tusearera fownsliio, Jiti.iata eot.nty, I'a.,
! bontirt.il d describe. 1 as t.d'ows : on t'ue
j norib by land oi J-iines L. Mtlliken. J.unt a
. i M. Alien, aud H iiliatu V.ii Swetenitu ;
on tho east t y lining ci liiiara an mi it
rnfreu, and II. J. Kent; on the fc.niili bv
ii.iiiU of II. J hent ; on tho west by latiib
ot Isaac. Ueckinaii, containing eighty six
aeres more or less, bavmir tbercou ereeti-1
a t
ftory tone d'.veilih leinse, tranie
Ktal.le, wHiron abid and other otub i 1 lins. j
si. z d taken ;n i x.-eun ti an.i io i komi
the proierty ol S. Q. Rot.rer Willi notiie
t . II. J. Kent, terra tenant. :
Traet No 11. A tract of woodland idtu-at-i
in Tu-carora toivnuhip, Juniaia eonnn ,
f a , bounded and Ues.Tibea as loine.v.s . on
I .,
e forili by liiiid-i ot H. J. Iv.ut ; on Un:
.st bv iands ol William VauSer. iiiti-u ;
Ion tlio miiidi by lands ol James Gray ; on
li e west bv lands ol Jane s (iray, contain
ing twenty ais acres more or less. Siene I
ti-ken inlo ixeetition Jnd to be sold ah the
j ) ropri tv ol S. Q. Rohrer, with notice to H.
i J. Kent, terre tenant.
Fdty dollar of the price orsutn a' which
tho iroiiorty sh iH bo atrui,k oil' thall be
t aid to tbe sdieritl at lhe tiuei
ol Sal
less the purchase, money aball bo les ih.A
money idiall be paid, otnerwis'. the p-op"tiy
Kid caiu bo iiniiiedfitelv pu: npatil .(!;
pal I lo the Sberiir at his olu.: wnbiti hve
.ins trotn the time ol sale, wbboiit any d-s-iimud
b tea in id- by tl.e Stf-rill li "-fo'.
oiberwise the pr-.nertr mav t.e Id
.- H ill'XIil' isr .rd rtik -f th" P'ISOII ;i
ui.. oi ii is tiu.k oil', v.h .. it. oae v any
... I: i. i.i y st t uch resale al.u.l make (ieod
I,-- s.-':i"'
' SiVl'M LAPP, Shcriir.
Sh-rifPs OtHc , t
Alitiliuiuwu, So-:, li, $
tficr" in men proper .-tous, a i. " --
Hi lhe lorennoii of aiil day, with their r j
irtj, inquiMtiuns. uxaiuiiiatlons aiii ;. r.
uiriubt-HtiCKii. to do lhiso tinugs th I' n ;
tlieir ttlctii reip-c.tfully fpertiin, jo1 1
V :.'rc
tariars 8ssparill Ca, Citiiih elw. N.T.
Centsi-Fnr a.a Ut b !?n I ru- c uca
Conttant SLf fi i:l. Oi irtPv'a nd
hy lhe uir ol nil noc'cs ci yp-ir tiirii. -fiiLL
t :,m f iii.' cj'frt. Your tr;-t, Q
PER 130 fl
(C lr!t WU.-JLU uvr.n.
V MFE.ev TseM"ffte S'-rU'.ciRiU CO fi
J " rikirMlL.t.lj IJV V.
' Pl'a r.nedr far Catarrh ia th
j JiMt, Kail"t to U!, and c nar.
Hold bT Ijruirciiu crctit li KialL
SCc- H. I- uatcltine, w arreo, ra.
- . . , . ..r ait :irt li h
L.u.iir nncric all rLoc r ..
VnlimhtA ftonlc itn jNcrron
lii-eutct wilt tree to any ad-Irfcrta,
iXLL. ?i!
tl iKMit- i.-itit is -Qt: a:-o ohiua
lis uielit-ijie free of clutri:.
Vbr. rreran"'l i.y tlif lirv-rena
(.1 Foi; .c.i'.'. j!l ll.ee li- a.J
r in-.
Ill uixii-'.vduiiULTiii8iui,"j--ti
t'.OSKIS MED. CO.. Chicago, rl!.
Soidby Diti.;tsatSl pcrno'.t'.o. 6!c-rC5.
Cnnre size. .1.7-T. O Uotil3 f..:-
fii -l Ci
31 Y
13 mn
tiJhtaprsl School
S T A T K .
S T XJ 1) K "N" T s
" v
at the btgiuiiing of the
The Neeca'arji Expanses are put at
the .Minimum.
s.ot; sioisi: &mR mux,
litt'e ?'.ir;ii
tr scliuoi, ch-
:s j.i
'Innni town
is an 1 t.,i'e,
,t colit:i:nv
nior- or less, h :yi"'
iic l iwo-:.irv
!i ir-en erejt-jl
Htid out bnil..' "o s,
; l&r. Tlie !:imi i..
j vati.m.
TI rrepfrtv r
1 Hta'e ol"
u r'lt tt 1 ve; V
f I
1 toiv u'iire. F'ir ti"".
-a 1 I ur'her tle-crij-
ion, call on, or aiMr.-'-s,
A,ti.rny-i at Law,
Vi:lliuio.m, I'a.
l le
Haiii-iin.t 1 ..nipnnv. Ttni. tab'e
..r ,.
eiip.-r trso s.
iiibi r 11. If'.vJ
iii elleet on Mnuiiav,
STATIONS West- Kr-t-
war.l. wrd.
" ' 1 "
i j
j '" Mam am i m
1 Si w; tt i I 5 10 o s to 4 11 1
! !!:it! ' briii'- i'. 1 .s 111 t'.:i 8 t'7 i -.7
.hu.ii'a nr.. ... "i in ot ft:; j rs
Wat'f. 1.1 i": Jll io h (HI 3 r'O
!Jlva i r. 'Ji r ;t 7 " tti
Tt r P'n.' t -' - l'l -jo 7 5! 3 41
liio. iiirieid Jn:iei'n. i :-. 1 10-JtJ 7 4K li 4K
Va'ie Koi 'Kti'lusj 7 4'i X
K.ii.e '.-iiiir.' ii.'1104o 7 1'.. 3 15
(ire. n I'iir t'i .1)0 4!) 7 SO 3 10
i Lotsttli.- 7 io 11 Oil' 7 11 3 04
f'o-t I'l .bcson 7 l i II ti7 7 l'i: 2 55
Oi... "I ll r ti M) i 49
Cisna'a Knn 7 V.-i 1 1 1 f tl fjn' 2 45
I And. rsonbnr 7 27 1 1 22 li f." 2 411
H'ain 7 3". 11 ito- 0 4:t 2 W
Mount riea.sani ... 7 41 II itfii 6 34 2 24
New Geriiiaiii'n ... 7 45 II 4i 6 3'i: 2 20
Suit Sicteties m aent, -T" telo-
I j bone eonn. ei
I). (. !,I
.'sidoiit nd Manager,
ril Aent.
K.. Nil- uk a.
ti. !
The tir.st lii"' ij.";'e tnui Is o! tlu ii
'own and Fatter-"!! 'iti'-i Contiaaies
are liiivv otlere I lor sale a: ttie Juuitt 'sil. v
Bai.k. The amount ol the issue is ?2. ,('ii(i.
Ten (Id) bonds are $1.1 Ct' each. Th.- rite
t-f interest is fir (.") percent, clear ot taxes,
1'dvable in fomi animal coupona. Tho Mit
II it eoiiiions in Fetiruarv and Aiizust. and
the Patterson emipons in April and October. Thr undersitrned aocointisl by tho Or
Tfce principtl is i-ayabln in twenty (20) ! phin's Court ol Juniata county, an auditor
years and ledeeinable in len (10) years. The ( to distribute the lund reniaiitinfr in the
Companies hav.i been in operation. Nine hands ol LttkoG. Marx, adiuimsir ator in
ill iii.mllii unit li.ru in liii-nnii. Ih.l i.iiniiu : ll ,. ,.al..ln ..f .I.iiii.,.K U.i v l.a ... V . . ..
, h,,(ricif,nt , ni, interest on the bonds
i un1 - ) 1. t r. Iiai .-.uu 1'h . iitnnir- k..i4.
oui uni' ' Ti:.!ir- iiid niinn-uuiiiciS
f () (h(1 clll,.:j,..s ,,re I,ouis E. Atkinson,
i ,r,Mden'; U B.nks, vie president; R. E.
, I'arKer. S'-cretarv ; T V . Irwin, treasurer; o'clock in lhe tor. noon aud 4 o'clock in the
! Jeremiah Lyons, F. M. M. Pennell, W'ili E. j it, r, omi ol sa'd diy, when and h-i all
I IIoops and Wr.i. II Batiks, and they por- ; jersen.- b-ivit s claims must pregeit ti.eni
jtose to keep safe the interests M pstrot.s. ! sr Iv d.-lmrred Ir.'iu participating in distri
l t-oiirt-lioli'i rs ar.-I creditors before tliev tik , i:'..-n.
aiv reinrn tor th ir own investment, 'r.x.
eep' tbe Original Court House bonds ahi' li
! boie sil (rt) per cet t. interest. There has
' pi .er t.-.-n r eood a bond investiuent off-red
io investors. 1 rice j ar aad accrued ir-
, tcrust.
0 R
il Lflies' Dress (iU. Sil, VelvoN.
Men's Suiting in Flue
Fabb iki! ;;
ftOW OlE3.
.rill at Popular Prices.
CLOlkS, JACKETS and CAPKS, Latest Novelties at lowest prv.
Wo have ready '!!-
Our New Fail 8tock.
of 6uch articles as Young Ladies and ouug Gcntlcmon require io th ttr j
underwear, Hosiery, gloves, collars, cuffs, haudkerobiefs, uiusli 1 nzUt ' -nients,
corsets, drew shirts, iu faot tverythtng ia a lio. of
We will be phased to have our friend call, as wo can asoura thetn 0; tl,s
very best attention and '
from which to make selections at the Lowest Prices.
SCHOOL. SHOES, ices le th.m other,.
RUUHER ROOTS AND SHOES, All the Levlng Stvles.
MEN'S AND LADIES SHOES, AU styles at lowest p-i e3.
Wall I spprs, W tndow cbaJes, Ud
Prices PusMble,
'i ;. iitnb reigned Admini tntori of Hi:i-!
ari Kmet ze i' i, l ite ot Kttte tov-t-sliip,
I ft: i t d. 'I etlVr at p-itiiic K!e on lhe
j i ii m i ' r I rnwn s ,Tftit Jnnt'.ia cot'.a
t , I'.. , on
Saturday: SovPir.rj-rl8, 1S93,
Ti.e Io o vi;:,; ii-serme.i Heal Est it", ' iT.
A ( rii: ol niii bund r.d and tliirtv "rrei.,
i, .ore or less, i'lirt a-.-i irav.-l Land," l av
1 it tin reon a llo.i-.' a .1 B irn. almost new,
aid iimiiine '..ir ,t 1d'Ii bui d.i:;:, w.iloii .
.h .! a:i.l uth. r o it bitt'd i jr .
T' e-e is in App'e Uicli.itd and oilier
i i .1 ..ti iie larfii. The farm ai j .ins lai d
o; John Ei.r i . -Her on llie v, ; ;lu v iilo..
tni.'k on I e i.ortt.; Joi'a'ban Ijti'tia and ,
I !i i-t an E .r . z : ler on the ea.it, a id Ja. i
cob E sess ir ,!, .be soulh. At thu tune
time they t ill eticr a Elm ston tn n r . m'
tin - eifit'th ot an at re, w ith a I' ilu, . lie iei:e
trom th. ti riu, e: the road leau ii.ji ticm
itiebtield, adjo;nit ICooii's proper' ,'. cale
a: I o'clock. I'. V..
1 ESWiS OF SI.E: Twenty (i-l) per
Cei,t. on day ol S lie; Forty (b ) per cent,
on Aj.iil 1st !''. lo Aptil In', IM'.I', and
Noiice is hereby given that letters ot-Ad-uiuas'r
iiiiei npoii the estate of Nancy J.
B :r.doi.t. I iiw ol Fayette lowuship, deceaa
ed, le.ve in .In lorni of law bten icranted
to the iiudirsi.i .1. Ail persons indebted
to sai l e-ia! are reiiKtste l to liliku liu'ii' d-
I ia'e j ts in. nt mi l thos.! having claims
aH i ii-1 il e s un t.. present them duly aiilh.
( entii-aleii iur p -ynu nt.
j Ji.dlN T. BAKEFOOr,
M itllinton, l'nitui.
umroii's vrncE.
! township, deceased, will attend to th.- du-
. . ..r (.. t i. : . u ,
I lit B l'l e('i"'I'l' ill'tu HI lin lll O U lilt)
I Hop nuh oi H itllii.town, on the lo'h day ot
I Nov. inter, 1W:, between the hours of 10
WV TVuYiillf; SCHWEYEl!,
Ott :4, K-!' i- Auditor.
s et n -b.. let the Juniata Sentt-w t Re'
pa'nliriiM -.t -i ' t .-i, n j aperot varied now
a i.e. l'.idii g uiaiter.
! ! o t- -' -n i- o f !
" n r. r. r. - .. ' I I
, li Iy
1-i jp: ci t o i it ii i -.-Titi -i f,i
. e" , 1- Oftoc cs xxx xxi-hB;-OH : yl
i : - - (ri
' j - 4
i ! -r cs xxrii-ir!r.Kty :i-; ixc i 1
r ' -t rH c :i n c n ;i h ; c it - i: -i r. c
im ' ' i-i I- es '-I ec i-t ei i its e: -r t r; ;i -i ;i 1 ?
. i-1 I i
: Ctri ci e- -j i - c ; r: i- -rt iz us t 1
s O i- r: ?i rs c i- o - tl - - n ; :i j
iri "s r ". c: x x x x x r- t- t i t - t- - -: i- -. " j
.i " 1
! 2 : " - - - - - - -
U4 i
' ! -
M. : ---- . I !
T- O i i r f .
LJ :i ' LZ - - - - ' ' 7 ?
; ' 1 t; x rs a ct ti tt x
" '. r-. -
j s it f tl -n f. 't i- i r. T i- i i
i c.tttietrtti ji it i.t r; i-i i' - j!
- .;s ' s - : : .
0 i ' .Z r. j J ; a : : ; - 2 ; " 1
M ' o ! "5.- -2 " ? " 5 : J.i; - j
ij c-f 1 r; rt cc cc -h t it " t - i- j
7. ' 1 x iT '-'-'-t'x t: -: - - "
' ' ; w It r ut ci rt -r -r 't . tl tl -r 't I
' X X . C. Ct T : - . - t 1 r -c ? '
K. . '--- ''" -ci"c--t t-.t-:r j :
r - ' -" - - : s
- j t HHti ti 1 . ti rt rt :t X ;
Xp -
7 1 r - i-: 1- n c .t o c
f : j -1 c l: h tj c :i - " :
. - -( 1- 1- t t- Is-
? l 1- x x r. z- t. r
i ;
1 .
! "" 7!
i ':
und.rw.'.r. It
Colli and (.'
' 't ! S.
What dix-s it uior.n ';
It jli. a to all th.- I. it.-.; :t ? ,;..
Uouiia, Silks, Velvets an I Si:;,u t.
ii'-d F
Better Goods for lr?s moti"
' ,ha tin,
wbere, pw Kibbcd Veslj
witU h-
lotn and hise (Jurtnin at Litre
Kesptcifully Vour,
Eons E. Atkis'os. F. v,. V. PisMtu,
!!?"" d'eefirji aa:i CcnvefaErirR promf
!y atten.1-d to.
Ofticb 'i Main dtreet. in place of rM
1er.ee of I.onis 1'. A t'.:ir .soil. K-i., en'!.'"
f.ridee 'r et. 1' ' "
J J TATTf BseN, JR ., M II RFR SClltrtTII'
Mirn.lM'nW.V. PA.
IIP.1..M ORltlT'illil.tl O.VRWIS W.C '.w7ui
JR. I'. M. CUAVF '.n i?' -'.
have toreed a y. tr. r.-b:p f r t'i- !
ot Meiiiei.i" i...d 'Il-ir e ' " 'I l-nte
Oilicea: ..Id sti"l r'-rt . r ol T'iii'1 vi "T
aspo alreetK, Millimtowti, I'a. Oneor bolt
ol then, f ill he (...ui t at ll oilio it
tl'l-es, tl :K ss olti.'.1 i j'teless.oi ally
A( ill lit, ISlil.
I'.i. st. inn ui
also s i. speei
.1 Aeioi'i
iiy in It..
..it. r " J
reatiueiit ofi""
estlVJ syslrHi
easea ol llie itir-ial an l
Arete ami t i.tm.tc.
Ap.il I'J. Ifii'S-ly.
S3 GW.
::'.n.i ii"'i s
u:etJ :--'. ilia i:.-.. kwI""'
i unit, auijuvii". 'j'" g j
Cures CoHstipa.i
Ut lid, toa.uu..Tlrv itF.i.i-
if. if,- -
ii .W USH('"'
wci'.il'Ttu! iii.) -Y.'m'T.t
r..-t!ll tl
-. HIU-' -'-
Lut us a.ty "H-t ;p. ',-c
while h-cki'u; nv. n
'v.-nr. Wnto it r c:.'
, Iv,?"
Cet a (tcmI o-irv by snbscribing ioi