aw-- SgynNEfj REPUBLICAN MIFKLINTOWN : TERMS. subscription, l.SO per annum tl.SO If paid ...drsnce; fS-00 not Pw ,n M T "" friBint advertisements Inserted at 60 Jfgt Inch for each Insertion. 1rJnsient badness notices Jn local col- 10 cents Fcr "ne fr eac'1 Insertion, "ivdactiooi wiH be made to those desiring BVdvertife by tbe year, half or quarter p Xcaror a Valley Railroad. jrairs on tbe Tnscorora Valley tLvp Kft-t Waterford at 7:30 a. Leave . AD' ml: arriving ftt Port Roy nn.l 3.15 p. m. .1 . 8 4 ") A. in J 5.15 i l v , nrrivinjj n I. cusi u- . - i Tir frrfsrd at 114") a. v. anil C..30 P. M. J. (J. MlHIKCnEAD, Suprrmtendtnt . SHORT LOCALS. Qaor,, Wilsi'ii of Fatterson is ill. Jul?-' Lvnn hasboen ill tbe past Fr.UK 'is I lower's coon dog caught J co). K E. about to start a hnn'i'.v- jli-s 5;i(catinp Piehl is visiting in HaiTitluir. Miss Moody rf Sunburv is visiting jliis M.niil Irwin. Ch. Patterson will spend tbe ninter in California. Clov.1 H.k anil family, are visiting irlstivt-s in this place. Mrs. Lilv I-'la 's visiting ber in Washington. Hmtiii-'J'1" Presbytery meefs tbiswtck iu IVlIefunte. J. H Simons is having bis house? j.ppaiir.1 uii'l repainted. Muiil Irwin lias returned fr n a iiit t 1 Newport. .Mulli. Allison i attending the V..rM's Fair at Chicago. Mrs Hemlrickson f Middletown, witt'l Mrs. VaiiFossen last week. Mr Albert Hackenberger and diylit.T Kessie are visiting in Jf!l'b;a. The first b ivy frost put in an ap peiraEi'e on Siturday morning about tie town. 'There ure ",404 iuaane people in thi-i.'v!'.ii.i anil alms houses of Penn iTjaria." Mrs. Cbirlts MeClollau presented herLasbsnJ with twin boys last TuarS'lay. Ton cau be suited at Meyers' at any j.r vou wish to pav fo r a suit, froai i'150 up. SIi. ILndiicksou and three chil dren oi Conevviio, nr visiting ber lifter, Mr.. H. C- Ilolloway. Ht-ra. Howe, drug clerk in the Bpby cf a Lewistown tirm visited in town several days lust week. Some of tbe visitors to the World's Fair say tbe sights outside the build ing, ire iu themselves a great 6how. Kspensohade, Jr., has (pie tn rbiLnlilpbia to attend Den tal kc1. ires tiiis fall and coming win ter. $LV i'l, il.oO and S3 for boys doul'lt -hreBsttd suits 4 to 24 years. !ind fancy iU-mijls at Mey ers'. Mr. V. H. Jlitnbet k and mother-in-law Mrs. Socman Maubeck of raomjisontown Hre visiting inAdams bur'. T.icuto nervousness vour nerves Ipt be f-j l,y 1'm-o Blood. Floods S;m1U inak-s Pure Blood. Take it auw. . and f7.r,0 for men's Fall t--k Suits, single and double brea6t A All this season's designs at Hevers'. The people quickly recognize mer it ami this is the reason the sales o f arMi Sarnaparilla are continually ini'rea.-ing. Survivors of tbr 10th Pennsylvania Cavalry will colebn.te their lith re gion in Huntingdon on the 12th dav of October. FJmnia Cover of Highspire, fetirp'nl home on Saturdnv after ponding several weeks with the tie Mibses Diehl. String nrv's, sweet sleep, good healthy digestion and best f:'H 1'ure Blond, ore given by ao-l k Sarsaparilla. A Ti xbs steer rati through a hard ware M,,re in Huntingdon. Tbe aat Lid entered their store. . HtTfc is more cloverseed this rear " JJiTiiiita county than there "haH v , n ,loz n Tears past. It is be- tliat tbe clover pest has about nin its eoUrse 1"; Smith, Jr., in Nebraska, """.l handle a rattle snake , said, "e " a snake charmer. Ho band 'ej t'ie snake and his friends attend 'lie funeral the next day. - 't.uuitrii wue oi Annrew Jnl formerly of Pattorson, but ill. 1 -e m 1 . i Huntingdon, died at tbe Un jT'y Hospital, Philadelphia, on uu OI fx-ptomber. Jier re- re taken to Huntingdon for dan'-!.1 A husband and on UM?nter survive her. They need a new judge for a Bos tnu Zt,nwuicl the Judge said w th ... , . nt ": -Hr. (JlerU, you may '"an rder that no report of this r coniniont thereon is to be i.I!.1"lanv newspaper until the case i te.i. The (.ase that waH tllen of J1 tue court was one of breach promise. TV. . U.I . ... . . 0"l' titrad SarMarilla U .. no oimt. du canis. .ii?S''Bh Snavin Tjinimnnt romovos tnd P' ft or Choused Lumps Slsv; 68 from horses, Blood l? Curbs. Snlinio rf,"nr. "vile C;'i " " " -."o m, ' titles, SDraina nml Swollnii BJU' Coughs, &.c. Save $50 by 4os bottle- Warranted the "uuriui liiemish Cure ever K-i; hold by L. Banks & Co. "bi'wm, Mifflintowu. Oct. 1, ly. uen. wm. Bell l8 attending Pres bytery in Bollefonte. Corn fodder to cut. Iars call at this office. For particu- It's a wise stock that own par at present. knows its A few farmers are not with thoir wheat sowing. through A hard thing to do to make a doctor believe health is wealth. The bridge across Lost Orek at Copenhaver's Mill has been re-roofed. Charles Mertz and wife of Walker township are taking in tbe World's Fair. Mrs. R. E. Parker has returned from a visit to friends in Ilollidays Imrg. Mrs. Rose Moore and two children ofAUoona are visiting friends in town. Miss Jennie Weaver of Williams port, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Sarah It. Bartley. $2.50, $2.87, $3.50 and S4.K3 Wa long pants suits in the latest Fall ef fects at Meyers'. Mrs. Crider of Bellefonte is visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. James North in this town. D. Victor Showers of this vilaca is working at the printing business on tbe Times, Altoona. Mrs. Win. Reynolds of Altoona, is visiting ber father in law, Jesse Rey nolds in Milford township. Hoods Pills cure all liver ills, 25 ? Seut by mail in receipt of price by C. I. Hood &.Go., Apothecaries, Low ell, Mass. The many truthful testimonials in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. prove that Hoods cures even when all oth ers fail. Try it now. To get to Chicago and see the big show with its exhibits of the past and present, a good many people have mortgaged the future. Miss Maggie Kepner of Fraderick, Md., is visiting her aunt Mrs. John Homing and other relatives in this place. Mrs. Maggie Woist, Mrs. Annie li. Watts and two children, and Mrs. Joseph Adams visited Newport on Friday. Rev. J. F. Deiner of Waterloo, will deliver a Free Lecture in the Court House on Thursday evening for the Roys and Girls. A secret political party has been organized in Iowa, tbe object of which is to keep men of foreign birth from holding olEce. Tbe letter uncilled for in tbe Mifiliutowu post office on Saturday, is for Mrs. Anna Geib, and a postal card for John Swartzell.' Sheriffs of the resp?ctive counties along tbe Juniata have been tearing down fish baskets. In a number of cases the baskets have been replaced. A train was "held up" at McKees port, Pa., last Thursday night, by railroad highwiynien, but seeing arm ed men aboard tbe thieves skulked away. ' The Juniata Horse and Mul Pro tection Company will meet iu tbe Court House on October 7th, 1803, at 2 o'clock P. M , to transact busi ness. Henry Sbellenberger of Altoona was in town a day last week on bis way from a visit to bis native place in Fayette townebip to tbe Moun tain City. Col. S. M. Jackson, the Republican nominee for SUte Treasurer is a rul ing elder in the Presbyterian Church and was a Commissioner to the last General Aisemblv. Trunks. W have broken tbe prices, but tne trunns inemscives can not be brokeu. crystal covereu trunks, double-iron bound, full-finish ed tray $1.75 at Meyers'. Tbe wind arenment of the de mo- cratic leaders that people can hye as well on the wanes of a reduced tariff as on the wages of a protective tariff s not sustained by the facts of living Cleveland called Congress in extra ordinary session to repeal the silver purchasing act, but tbe Southern Brigadiers nave tue leaa ana mive in troduced a bill to repeal tbe Federal Election law. A team walking at tbe rate cf two miles an hour, plowing a five incb wide furrow, will plow an acre iu 10 hours. In turning a furrow 7 inches wide a team must walk 14J miles to plow an acre. .Tames C. Dotv. Esq., has been nominated by the democracy of Alle gheny county for the President Judgeship. Air. VOIJ 18 a native i this town leing a son ol Yamuna o. Doty, Esq., deceased. TTnnrv Sbellenberger of Altoona when he was in town last week, stat ed that be has a son who was among the Oklahoma land seekers two years ago and was successful in tbe rush for land to secure a nne ihiui. The other day Lewis Strayer was offered $40 for bis coon dog by a Blair county man, but Strayer enjoys coon bunting and refused tbe offer. Tbe dogs caught 5 coons this season. The good time for catching coon will be a month alter mis. Miss Lvdia Stouffer died at her home in this town last, xuu. u , ohnnl half imst five o crock Uiviliuu - . . . 3 j ?7 ,.o,-u Kho had been iu de- cfining health a number of months, but up to within a few days of her death ber condition was uui, ..p upon as dangerous. Rev. John Smith conducted tbe funeral services. Interment in Mennonite cemetery 5 miles east of Mifflintown. The Lewistown Gazette of Septem ber 2Stb. says: Six iuieve wt.w i, , fw nitrhts ago in Joseph Huffnagle's field with bags of pota toes on their shoulders. Suspicion had caused a watch to be on band that i.ight, who came up with the thieves and made them drop their loads They had about 8 bushels in 6 bags For the want of ord ers Thompson Bros., Milroy, were 'n.i n flose the doors of the ;n Vnw where are the WOCieu , democrats who said times would be better than ever Detore : The onw OooMe Eitrart Sarsasarrl- ts l-amsrs- It's The Pennsylvania Building at the World's Fair has been presented to the Chicago Naval School. R E. Parker attended the dedica tion of the Presbyterian church at Redsville, Mifflin county on the 28th of September. The letters remaining in the Patter son P. O., uncalled for are for Harry Fallideen, Daniel Hockenberry, Linn S. Martin, 2 for Modesto Framer, and a postal card for Adam Narawas In asking for names in tbe above list, say they ara advertised. The first heavy frost of the season came in the morning of the 27th of September. Heavy fog prevented it from doing harm in the vallevs, but high ground was stricken with kill ing affect on vegitation. Have you tried South American Nervine the gem of the century t The great enre for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed tbe most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifflin town, Pa. Nov. 14, ly. "A death from a remarkable cause ocurred in Walker county, Ga., re cently. A lady who was riding to church reached out her hand to pluck a sprig from a bush by tbe roadside, and was bitten on the finger by a katydid. Her hand and arm soon began to inflame and swell, and in a few hours she died in grtat agony-'" "At a large dinner party given in London recently the peaches placed on the table bore tbe monogram of their owner traced distinctly in the velvety bloom. Letters were cat from paper and pasted on the peaches while glowing. When the frnit was ripe on removing this the letters were found picked out in most deli cate green, the rest being rosy and deep-hued. Selinsgrove Tribune: In a private boarding house in Cincinnati live 2 small families of 3 people each, 2 grown persons anil 1 child in each family, yet these two families of six people are so connected that thero is among them one father, three moth ers, two are widows, one mother iu law, ono grandmother, two aunts, one uncle, one Dephew, one niece, two cousins, two sisters, one sister-in-law, ona brother-in-law, one bus band and one wife. It is tbe gold bugs who want al' bonds payable in gold that are try ing to dawn silver so that their gold bonds may be all the more valuable. It is they who have given silvara bad name. In that, thoy ere like tbe slippery Quaker who did not like a dog that belonged to a neighbor. One day he saw the dog and a lot of boys on tbo road. He shouted to the boys, "there goes a tad dog." The boys took up tbe cry: '"there goes a mad dog! mad!" Some men turnud out with guns and shot the dog. A writer on gypsies says: Gypsies have no religion, and some of them havo such an aversion to churches that they never pass by one without a muttered curse. In European countries they never suffer them selves to be buried iu a churc'i-yard, but whenevei allowed they bur- their dead in out-of the.way places places. This antipathy to churches and re ligius forms is supposed by some persons to havo originated from their persecution by the priesthood in tbe middle ages, but, whatever its origin, it is a fixed fact. Mrs. Jacob Will planted a piece of ground, 11 by 14 feet in encumbers the past summer and as the season passed Blong she kept count of tbe cucnml)er8 taken from the patch. The lust of the cucumbers were pick ed a few days ago, and when count with the previous number aggregat ed 950. That was great encumber farming and it will prove a difficult thing to equal. Tbe ground was kept watered during the dry part of the summer. If 950 cucumbers can be raised on a piece of ground, 11 hy u j faow m can be raised on an acre of ground ".Vattie Sides, a Columbia Count' girl, finished washing dishes in very hot water, and to arrange something thrust her right arm into the. ice chest. The cool atmosphre sudden ly paralyzed ber arm which fell help less to her side and iu a few minutes her hand became cramped and tbe arm swelled to twice its normal size. Tbe paralysis then passed from the arm into the neck and face, produc ing something similar to lock-jaw, from which she suffered excruciating pains. A physician was summoned, but remedies were of no avail. Fi nally hot irons were applied and gave relief." Newport News: Tbe barn on the farm of Wm. Bothwell, inPenn Twp., was-deslroyed by fire early Wednes day morning of last week. J. very- thing was burned, including all this year's crops, excepting one wagon and the live stock", neiongiug 10 ao ram Kreiger, the tenant. A new ad dition to the barn bad just been com pleted the day before the fire. There is a small amount of insurance. The fire is thought to have been of incen diary origin. Yesterday noon two voting men atteruptea to jump aboard a freight train a short dis- tanco abovo Newport station, wnm one of them slipped and fell beneath the wheels. Both legs were crushed, the left one at the knee and the right one between tbe knee and ankle. He was brought to the station and Urs. Orris and Eby decided that smputa tion of both legs would be necessary. Thev bad accomplished the taking off o"f the left leg at the thigh, and finding tbe young man was sinking thev deferred the other, and only waited until bodied, which was about three o'clock. From papers on bis person it was learned that his name w flottlob Graver. K letter writ ten in German was addressed to Jtfiss Barbara Kauffman, Ebingen Balinger, Wurtemberg, Germany. J. lie letter una dated Philadelphia, and bis ad dress in that city was 3243 Salmon Ktreet. Port Richmond. Other papers were also written in German, and in dicated that the deceased was reiig ionnlv inclined. There was a tuft of lady's hair among his effects, and a nWorrraoh of a young man, which taken bv C. Osswald, Ludwigs- buro-. Bucknang, Germany. A slip y r algo bore the address vl Miss Dora Fisher, N. W. Cor. Bell mont Av , and Conshohocken street, West Philadelphia. The deceased was pretty well dressed, and is be lieved to have been a morocco leather finisher. The remains were taken care of by Poor Director John Free land, who ordered W. H. Hopple to bury them. Did be marry the girl who conld paint things on crockery ware?" "No; he married the one who conld cook things to pnt into crockery ware." New York Press. The Pennsylvania Lntheran Synod convened at Bellefonte,;Pa., last week, and among the unpleasant duties it was called to discharge was that of considering the embezzlement case of Rev. W. fl. Diven Mr. Diven has been Treasurer of a number of church boards of the Synod the past 20 reals, and in some way known to himself about 9 thonsand dollars of tbe church funds be failed account for. Mr. Diven is about 65 years old and feels Jhis .weakness and misfortune keenly. He was dismissed from the ministry, and will sell his property in Perry county and try to make res titution. Last week mention was made in these columns that Wm. H. Hall of Lewistown had been wounded in tbe leg in tbe battle .between tbe mili tary and mob at Roanoke, Virginia, over a negro who bad robbed and almost killed a white woman. In stead of being wounded Hall was killed. In speaking of the tragedy, the Lewistown Sentinel of Septem ber 29th, says: "Mr. Hall was drawn to the vicinity of the jwil by the pending excitement and when the firing took place a bullet struck him in the stomach producing almost in stant death. His remains were brought here ouJFriday accompanied by his widow and Mr. Bruce Meeker of the Improved Order of Red Men of that city. Deceased was raised iu Lewistown and was formerly a loco motive fireman on Lewistown di vision. He went to Roanoke a few pears ago, and at the time of his death was a firemen on the Norfolk & Western railroad. Besides his wife to whom be was married since be went to Roanoke, be leavs two! children bv a former marriage who live with. the deceased's mother in Lewistown. Deceased was held in high esteem while here, and the same tribute to bis industry and in tegrity comes from his late borne in Virginia. He was a member of Ong patonga Tribe No. 67, Imp'd Order of Red .1en, and that organization of ficiated at bis funeral. A delegation from the Brotherhood of Firemen of Harrisbiug, of which deceased was a member, also attended the funeral Saturday afternoon. 31 A 11 HIED: Smith PonTKR. On the 19th of Sep'r, by Rev. E. E. Berry, James S. Smith and Anna Porter both of Walk er township. Hrscv Patterson. On Sep. 21t, by Rev. W. C. Adair, Hervey S. Hen ry of McCoysviile and Grace E. Pat terson of Pleasant View. , Fkrkixs Jamison. On the 2Yth ult., by Rev. G. L. Maice at Swales, Juniata Co., Mr. Reuben B Ferkins and Miss Mary L. Jamison. Youk. nrjiPFitsox. On Septem" ber 14fh, Mr. Lewis C. York and Miss Siiruh B. Henderson, both of Patterson, wero married by Rev. J. R. Henderson. Bakkr GiNi.ntcH At the Presby terian parsonage Mifflintown, by Rev. J. R. Henderson, Mr. George W. Baker of Harrisburg and Miss Frances M. Gingrich of Walker Twp. ItlEU: STurTKKKit. Oa the 2Sth ult., at her hime in this towu, Miss Lydia StonfTi r sged 77 years. Gray On the 14th ult , in Port Royal, Margaret Angeline Gray, ag ed 3 years, 4 months and 8 days. Jones At Bealetown, Mary A. Jones, daughter of John S. and Rosie Jones, aged 1 year, 3 mouths and 6 days. Stimkmng. On the 22nd inst, in Greenwood 'township, Minerva, daughter of Jacob and Fannie Stime ling, aged about 18 years. Fry. On tbe lGth of September, in Walker township, Banks Wilson, son of J. B. and Emsia Fry, aged 2 mon tts and 1 day. He is gone, bis sufferings are over,' He never here shall sutler mora. Tbo Lord has taken him on high To dwell with angels in tbe sky. Tbe Lord ban only called bis own To dwell with him aronml his throne. Pre are ns Lord to ask in prayer To meet our dsar baby there. Sovereign. Humphrey's Specifics cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of the world. MIFFLINTOWN MAKKKTS. MirrxiaTOWB, Oct. 4. 1893. Bn"r IS Fgg 16 Hum 18 Bhonlder, 14 f.ard ..., .. . s s Sides MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MAKKST Wheat, 60 Corn in ear 55 (lnt, 27 to an Rye 60 Clorerxoed. .. Timothy sesd .... KUx sued Bran ...... ...... Chop...... ..... Middlings .... .... Ground Alum Salt J2.00 1 60 90 .$1.20 a hundred 1.10 , 1 U0 American Salt .....80c to 75 Phiapelvuia Markets, Oct. 2, 1893. Wheat 70 to 73c. Corn 47 to 51c. Oats 36 to 37c. Live chickens 7 to 10 cents a lb. Eggs 21 to 22c. Ice house kept eggs 19 to 20c a doz. Su gars 3$ to 5 jc alb; Peensylvania wool 18 to 26c a lb; Green steer bides 3c a pound; Green calf skins 55 to 65c a piece; Hogs 9c a pound; Milch cows 25 to $50 a piece; thin cows $8 to $20 apiece; calves 4 to 6c a lb; pota toes 65 to 75c a bush.; Dressod beeves 6 J to 7Jc a lb; Western cloverseed 10 cents a lb. It Nsver fails t Curs MANNERS DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARULA. Hr. J. Jf. Staimmn " I am Truly Thankful For Hood's SansporllU. Daring (he war I contracted trpk,l4 ferer, end fevr and ague, leavtcc me with Malarial aa4 aarrra- pialag from whlrU 1 havo auiiprrd ever airier, iu ururalpta, rhr-unmlim, airmi K-MtrntiM and trnrral doMlltv. Mnce I jinn t-iklng llood'a SarnjiarllU I Imra nat lotad:'V vnrk In tlirra mouth, wairli atflaa. Mr tiian tor c.-ir ami am la better lianlUi thannnv time Uice the war." J. n. fvrn.i mn. Cheltenham, Pa. IIOOD'N '-tacn. Hood's Pills Core Llrer Ills. 25c I'tacli Crate. Mr. Annie E. Humphrey is pre pared to fnrtiiadi Pencil Crate Mater- i ial, Plastering Lath, Shinglrs and all kinds of Building Material at the -Mill formerly owned by lic-r lato hus band, R. W Humphrey, deceased. Peach lumber a ppecialit-. Maze, Junia'a county. Pa. tf. J-JP. DERR, PR4CTICAL DENTIST, (Graduate or the Philadelphia Dental Col lege.) formerly !' Mitttinlmrr, h" lo cated permanently in Milriinmwn, a auc ce"r to theUle Pr. . L. Derr, and will continue thu dental tkiiaioeaa (eatithltahid by the lat er in 1SKC) at th wi ll known f Hca od Briitg airert oppoaite Court limine. rXT- TEETH EXTRACTED, AIISOLI TE LY WITHOUT PA1X. JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gas vsrd No Sore (inma or Piaeomfort to patient, either miring rxtrartion or afterward All tbrne are C iiarnnteed rr rc charge will be mad. All work guariiiteed to give perfect aatiafaclion. Terum, "trictlv cih. H. P. DERR, Practical Oeiitl.. H0LL0BAUGH & SON HAVE THE LARGEST CLOTHING b-TORK. THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING. And are tbe large..! dealers in Clo'hmp in Juniata County If you doubt it, examine our rtock and compare it wi'li others and render your verdiut. Tbey have all their Fall and Win'er Gnod-i in stock. Others are ham mering sway on Summer (,oods W hen N.-ptember is here linen dusters are not in style. Their stock thi-i neason comprise all the latest in fancy worst. ed, fancy cheviots, Mack che virtu, ea-siti.eren, Ac. In all tbe different rcakes, round and square sacks finjlo or Hon Me breasted, cutaways, fiO. Tbeir prices range for mru's suits from (2) two .i (20) twenty dollars snd in cbil drens' suits from one to seveu dollars. Surely all clashes can te suited in this scale. Tbey have undoubtedly the pranJct lino of dress ovrrcosta ever seen in this market The Finest Heaver Costs lined with atin, in Black. Blue snd Brown Tbs most Superb Line of Kerseys and Melton in dure and light shades. The genuino Chinchilla in Blue and Itabsu Clotb, in prices ranging from 7 T1IK I IS HEAVY STOKJl COATS COMPRISES Irish Frieze, Genuine Shetland, Csssiniere, Cbinchiil Satinette st prices that will surprise you fir cheapness. A Full Line of Children' Overcoats v ry low. Their line of r atios always the latect out. We have the list Trade snd all tbe young men know it, while they fwnnerly went to Harrisburg tbey now buy of us. In neckwear and suspenders they Their line of Fine Shirts, Ootton nothing to be desired. Large men will find s Complete Lite of pxtra sized suits, pantaloons, no derwear, collars, hats and overall that are not kept by others. Tbey are the Agents of the Celebrated Pouglas Shoe and bsve all styles snd sizes. Tbey sre slso the sgents of the worid wide Sweet Orr Overall snd can fit tbe smallest boy or tbe largest man. They have a full line of tfold ind oollar snd ouff buttons, Trunks, Hand brellas, &o. Thanking the public for tbeir liberal pa'mnxgt) in tbe past, snd assuring you tbst we will endeavor to merit a contiiiuanco of it in tbe future ws sre yours to serve. HOLLMKAL ( II A: 'Ml ,.4'allA HORSES. Thara haa heen a crreat deal of talk Time of Funerals. 1 bsve new disposed m ... ... ... an elegant team ot Ulacic Horses st tne cesi ni aoio.uu wmco ara pcncuny safs. Any woman can drive them. Tbey pay no stttention to oars. VERY TRULY, S. S. RUBLE, EMBALMER THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Or. Hiimphrr t.' fcpfM-iar ar wlmTlrVllT and carefully roin-l KrimMlk-a, lw.1 ttr ynn In lrirm prju'il.- noil tt uiw tblrtv ywtn ly ,fa opl wlih rtitlrv unci1!. T.vwr fituKle Specula ft niHal rur for the illMwue nnmrl. TA.T-urr wlrlHHlf drilKKllvc, JHrrnhm or rawing' tb avarin, anil rv li "nri r ijtl urtu tur hovrreica ltrmr-ai. of In Wwrl4, war avM.caa. rcai a, ra 1-P.Tpra, Cfw,, inflammation. , S rn.. W,rm cr. Worm !... , S TrrlhH3 CHr, CrylMf. Wakefulfc , 4 OinrTlva, of Cltlklren or Aftulr A lyrnlerr('itlnK. MMnua Lolle t'aelrra .ilarban, V..mlUiig , 7 roniba, Tultla, rrnnelUIM. ft Nraralvla. Tnolnarh. FaoaArtH, 0 llrarfni-nr. xlrk ILp-a.larh. Vi-rrlim. , 1 lyM-ia. tailnnnM. I 'nffi.t!4n , 1 1 ftprrarl rr ialafal reriaas. , 12 WMtea, Tim VmOie l'-k1a I .'I frHi. l.arjraa:iaia Bimrvnw..,, 14 nlt Kkram, Ixj-iapHaa. Fru,llona. 1 H K hpamari,a. nr Ich.umatlc Taltta.. , 15 Wnlarta, t'kllla. Frr anil A(M.... , l Pllra,tilnit or KWedlmr , IH-Opklhalaay. Korvor Wrak Krra. . IS 'nli,rrli. Iiifliiniui, luld Inlbellrad 'is WhoapInK I'aMgli til AalnmN, 0,prp-t-,l Preafhlnc kar HlMaharfPt, Intprlrrd fearing , Ii3 erfnla, Rnlancwd latifla. Swalllnc 41-Orneral liability. I kaicml Wrnftnraa t. llrapar. and ntT i.t.'Ii 3S pira-nleknaa. ak-kntMa fniat MMInjc . 37 Klriney IHafaars a !ire Maata. nrl'tDaM S l'rlnry WvabaeM,WMlbiiM.. , 3I-I'niall t'erlnria i , .1 l-lliphlhrria. I k.n.l-1 Sora'aarit.. 3A 1'Nrweir I'nacfMlaniit Kraptlona. , EXTRA NOMPBBS: 2 Srrai Draillty, Aatutnal Waaa- wnr ln,.lialry lil-karm-a 1, S1-1M.ea.eauf tka lleart.r-aJHtailoo 1 S3 F.pilep.y, Hpaama, St. Vlltu' Ianaa...l. 1 a ld h lirMC-lsts, or mmX fi-pm tm V4, i rir. tBL llrJPHii-r' M ft St. . 14 r. Bail K rtia ft. ririHti'SMai.m..iii a ntwtm.f. tM.. tt. SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." Fnrntea Fxtemal or Inteauat. tilln.1 nrhleVlina,l ' Kailyla la An.: ltrhina er bleedlax or tke keetHJu. . 'l ha relief la linovtllalu the cura ertaju. I PRICE, SO CTS. THIAL SIZE, li CTS. IWd bf Drvcrtai., ar M-.t yl-?.4 .a r..-l, I mt artoa. aaniiM' an. co.. i i i a lis winiw iu., irw iwa HUMPHREYS VETERIMARY SPECIFICS Isr Eorses. Ca.tle, Sheep. Logs, Sogi, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Trfitmrn! f Aalntl il raart Hrat Free, ratrfli FrvrrH.f 'nffrtlni.liiflninmatlaa A. A.. p.nul .flrnmciiU. M ilk Kr. It. lt.i ruin at, l.nmBf, K hcaitimClaat tlftitinpr, snl lUfhartefc K. K-4'MiThM, II r , luaaalA, I .!". lic ssr 4.i l.r-, Itvllyarbp. .1 itsoarrlasr, llrmrrhsie-s, 11.11. I rixary nnl Kitlary llMraiMNW i. I. I.ruai it l)irkNP, fHnif. K. Iinranr at iigaatlaav Paralyata. Sliifrtr Hoitr wrerSOtUwv), - 9QQ fttlabl , wfth Hr-rifl. Maniutl V T.tu.rr f 'urf Oil and M41cator, Jnr cirriuary Cure Oil. 1.0 a!4 re iVmH-! or prf4 sj utaas tjs1 aaay tjvanilii tm r-4 avf at aruhr '.ar m. iaju.iiiinnuariL,tit. Black ! npd with satin. Algo in the best to 20 dollars. Xal.M J or snd have thn latest and best to be bad. Cutfa, Hosiery and underwear leave silver watches, cold chains, gold rings. Bags, Satchels, Valises, Telescopes, Um SON , the Clothiers, Main St., Patterson, 1 1 aheut mv horsea not beiDST ssfe in of that team of horses, and purchased r c-e ri t t. AND FUNERAL DIBECT8B. I FIRST FALL SALE OF Men's Suits. , f n:ve 1IIMI III... I, ,... a I .. . ..... . . . deuioraliyuil f 'tut V. i m.--i. -1 . 1. ...B '"-'', uu anuuuKu ur Hiirvnava were larger man erer befora, ge In Tt'iiea, cauned hv the great stringency is far less than in previous aeaaona. This, f ' ' ' -h luwar prices i.r you man ever bf r. in unr hiatory. ABILITY, BRAINS, CAPITAL, IENCK are the five point that make our gain by every sale s irieod and customer. 30- This price will bay your choice from a line of Men's good hos- J$$r3. at Fall suits, in single or double breasted styles. Their true val ue is sway above the selling price, but values go begging tbsie days. Have you $0. If so, select one of these suits. $10 Tha Suit" "ffor " r m,Je of fin A11 Wo1 American Cbv viots and Canainiers cut in both single and dsuble-breasted styles, and esosot bs mstohed anywhere below $15. TEN DOLLARS. Tbe Fall Overcoats we show at $10 are made of very fine Cas.imeres and Covert Cloths in lateat shades and solors, sat in semi or full box style: unobtainable anywbers below $14 to $16. & At $12 we offer s t-nlv superb line of Men's All-Wool Suits, lateat hapest of Buainpss Sack and Frock Styles, sod i best American Cassimeres snd snd $17. TWELVE DOLLARS Notbinit like our finely fashioned and eir-fully tailor ed Spring Top Costs st $12 have ever been offered is this towe at thai prioe. Stylish dressers; see them. You will be surprised. If you want something extra fine see our imported Dress Suits at $1' V -M. -'They're made of all different ohoioe materials, rut trimmed and like custom work, and are the equal of any $20 Suits offered. FIFTEEN DOLLARS. IWt buy a Fall Overcoat for $20. $22 or $25 natil you have seen ours for $15. If you don't prefer I hem 10 moat gar moots offered elsewhere for one-tbird to one ba'f more money, don't buy Schools will open soon and our regilar annual sale of sohool suits will take place. Read: 75 cunts will buy choice from a line of good, durable and nobby navy ool nrsd Sailor Suits; worth more than double. $2 will buy choice from a line of Beys' Suits, in all different materials sq latest psterns, cut in double breasted Ksefer,.ZouavoJiinior, Primroie, .Mid way, and other nsw Fall Styles mads to sell at $3 and $3.50 $3 98 will buy your Cboioe from an extra fine lint of Boys' New Fall Suits in pretty and original styles, and made of atriotly All VTool Cassrmsre and Cheviots. They are worth $5 snd $ti. 50o forohoiee from a big line of Knee Pants, made of wear-resisting Cass imeres and Cheviots. Tbe Latest Fashions in Derbys and Alpine Hats for $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Exclusive Hatters get a hundred par cent, mors for the same make. NECKWEAR IN THE NEWEST SHAPES, 25c. 50o. A large assortment of Trunks snd Satchels on Second Floor at lor est Prices. FERD MEYERS, the Wholasale & Retail Clothier, Bridge St., luifflintBWu, Fern 18G5, ESTABLISHED, 1889 Special Invitation rFo The Vubilc To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on da';- from THE IMMENSE STOCK -OF D. W. HARLBX It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to inveit to examine th Stock of Goods Isr MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. Hie prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. HAH LEY MIFFLINTOWN PA. HAVE TOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT?; ARE VOU A BORROWER ) CALL. AT THE FIRST BiSE, MIFFLIN'IOWN, PA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.' FRAZER GREASE BEST IX TITE WORLD. Ttawvartoc qoalitlasar, oaanrpaaawl. actually VmhaaTina two boxes of any other brand. Ho, aflactad br haU IfliET TUL tit IIVL. TOR S ALE BT DEALERS QgyERAIXT. 1Tf Q ALES31E XT O "VV A N T E D -1 LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to sell om Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and Steady Employment guaranteed. CHASK BROTHERS COMPANY, Dec. 8, "91. Rochester, N. T. Tbe Stnltmtl tsa Jltyuihcan office is tbe place to get job work done. Tiyit. ItwDl pay yon if yon need anything In tbst line. mimM , T 'j ' ' DETERMINATION, and KXPF5 business crow lar?r each dsv. Wa oat a made of Cheviots, they'd be good valus at Sift JUNIATA VALLEY BANT. OF NIFFLI-TOWR, PA. BRANCH AT POF.T ROYAL Stookh oldri Individually LitvbX JOSRPH ROTBROCK. Prmntnt. T. VAN IRWi,Tk!eT. siaECTO.. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothi- - It, Jobs Her'rler, Joslah L. Bw ot, Robert K. Parker, Louis B. Atai'.s,s. T. V. Irwin. sTOcmoLDKBs : Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shi ley, Joseph Rothrock, Jane H. Irwi-i, L. E. Atkinson, H.K.Parker. W. C. Pororoy, !. IMmei I- -Iu Vary Knns, Jerome N. Thom'-or. 3i, John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin. Charlotte S nyder, John M. Elair, F. H. M. Peaaell, Samnel S. Rothrock, Josiah T. B r Robert u. L.ri Wif x Wm. Swartx. Ir.'" Soloman Manbrck, Three and Fonr per cep. i&t paid on certificates of depc 't. f ; .r 23, 1891 tf TO WEAK BuflVtring from the erncU vl jvathtoX ror. vf wastiUK wtj&i.oM foatrcaub ' m& ft tr-u - fe&ld Co; .- -iaa i'i psartlcral&rri tr home cure, FREf -rt. L pUndld afaedKl work ; vhou.J b M vr ma who to tMrnxu and debUiteU!. ciaraw. TroC Wm C POWIXR, Ho4w, H'(, Pa. jiae at Ko opsralion o-trr - delay. Thuasands of rares. Dr. . - i: Hotel Penn, Iteadin, Px, accoad Stn ! : aurlt mohtli Send lor circulars. Aii'ltol.Lu. jrit ar v.i s i, r k '. rw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaa i .a aa aaiii Mrjn.'t-'"Til n l M w a. a maiai Binnmili'' 'aai) i jfj m I mil ianyraMm pa,ej lu'li. HlumWjilll-- T nnmjnrwm r, , i mji paaaa a,ljilll jlwmilSlllialil an.mawJUlailuaaiajlallajJI Hlfa) teMI'pWP