Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 20, 1893, Image 3

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    fjV1 .a-an-anwaBWan-aBBaBOT
- ' S
WEI WES BAT. SEP. fO, 188.
abecrlptlon, ni.60 par ananas If paid
4a advances 92.00 If not pakt In advance.
Transient adTortlsemeota m sorted at 60
aeat par men iot um mserooa.
Transient bualaees aatloea to Weal ol
m. 10 eeota per lis for each lm Hun.
Redaction will b made ta those Aeeirtng
U adverUa by tba J, aalf at q. Barter
Twctrora Taller Rallral
Train on the Tnacarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows:
Leave nast v atariora at i:ao a.
and 2 r. m., arriving at Port Roy
at S 45 a. m. and 3.15 p. at.
r t.. i 1 t m.m .
AABTa til a 1 M AV.W A. BW,
ao J 5.15 r. ., arriving at Xaat Wa
frrfsrd at 11.45 a. m and 6.30 p. at.
J. C. MooRimAit,
Superintendent .
Tba Tort Royal Fair receipts were
Delaware news came to late for
tbis italic
Mrs. Ben. Wagner visited in Bed
ford last week.
PbtuI Hall, of Elizabeth, Va., is
Tisitin-j in this place.
The harvest moon will hine next
Monday, St'pteraW 2.
51i8 Lvdia Stouffer is quite ill of
t combination of ailments.
Math. Allison is at home from
Washington on a short vioit.
Carlisle Presbytery will meet in
Millerstown on the 2tt.h inst.
Mifw Mary Mc.Veen of MoAJister
rillfi is risiting at Bloomfield.
the Demoeratio State Convention
met at Harrisburg on Tnesday.
Prentis Beck of Lewistown spent
Friday with friends in Patterson.
Frank Murray ishnme from Wash
ington, D. G, on a short vacation.
General Robert A. McCoy of Ty
rone committed suicide last week.
Miss Lizzi Milliken of Warble,
visited the Misse Auker last week.
Mrs. Harry McMeen spent Satur
day nud Sunday in Thorn psontown.
Juici Sjooueybarper of Hunting
4qu pci4 part of last week in town.
Ur. Joseph Rotf ck and daughter
IsAbulln vlSit'Rg tifi orld slair
Tue summer irl and summer boy
has disappeared with the summer
Thanksgiving day i booked this
this year for the 30th day of Novem
ber. Dr. J. L. Rothrock ha gone to
Earope to delve deeper into medical
J. S. Graybill, wif., and daughter
Mrs. Dirwin M. Crawford are at the
World's Fair.
A number of citizens of Perry Co.,
in the vicinity of Ickebburg raised to
bsoco this year.
Dauberman was sentenced on
Tuesday by the court to two years in
the penitentiary.
The new M. E Cnurch at McAlia
terville will be dedicated, next Sun
day, September 24.
The farmers who were through
with their wheat sowing before the
Ute "wt spell, hit it.
The Perry Coiiuty Soldiers' Re
union will h; held at Liverpool on
Saturday, October 21.
Gjvrnor Wolfe was the Chief Of
ficial promoter of the common school
system of Pennsylvania.
A girl in town sang about her
beau: "Wlieu I am happy in him,
Decemlx-r it as pleasant as May."
Au infant daughter of George
Berber died on Tnesday morning af.
ter a brief illness of cholera infantum.
Hoods Pills cure all liver ills, 25c
Eeut bv iu til iu receipt of price by
C. I. H xid A Co., Apothecaries, Low
ell, Mass.
A report circulates among amateur
fisburmui that Charles Nightsinger
of LewiRtowu caught a 24 pound carp
IB the river.
The people quickly recognize mer
it and this is the reason the sales of
Hood's Sarsnparilla are continually
increasing. Try it.
Mr,. Klla McCahan and grand
daughter, and Miss Annie Hrr of
HollidaTnnrsr, are visiting W. D.
Cramer's in Patterson.
talis UwH MAmmm w.i
Charley Adama of Newport apent
Sunday in town.
Fran lr T. r, . .
nuu wi narriabur?
home on a visit.
Cha. Pannabaker of Spangler,
w visiting his parents on Third St.
Miaaea Qartrnde and Hall Jackman
started on Tuesday morning for m,;.
Miss Seir. Robiaon af Port T-.i
spent Wednesday of last week in
wuuor or nirrnampa
vwiung ner cousin the Misses
Miss Maude McCitllMk t tr
, . . w IMUtH
-'K visiiea Mm. Fnnir xr.i
last week.
Old street drunks in Hunting.
are given five daya in the lock-np. and
fined $25.
Jonathan Keiser of Delaware Twn
: : i : , . i "
in TiniuuK kU IvOlUmDian Kxhlhltinn
in Chicago.
The Steam Railroad Men'a TTninn
held a convention in Hirrlhnrr
Sunday last.
Miss Bessie Hetrlck of Uerirn
spent Thuradav as the mieat nf Af
Mary North.
Ton can be suited at Mevers' at
any price you wish to pay for a suit,
from $3 60 up.
Mrs. Harry Kellev of Ebensbur".
is visiting her parent Mr. and Mrs.
. fannabaker.
$2.50. $2.87. 3.50 and 14 CI W
iug pDTi Bnits in tne latest Fall ef.
fects at Meyers'.
Miss Erne Meloy
spent Tuesday of
friends in Mifllin.
11.50, 2, 2.50 and $3 for boys
double-breasted suits 4 to 24 year.
Cheviots and fancy designs at Mey-
of Spruce
last week
A roniiderable percentage of last
week's conrt nrooeedirp was corner
ed and over -looked, and for that rea
son missed publication.
c , ...
i-Kivprai communication were
crowded ortt of last week's iskiw on
"count of comin" into the offica af
"r other copy for the paper had been
Wm. Ryan's fine horse died the
other dav, not having been well since
lightning struck the stable at
Lewistown. The stable was struck
two weeks no.
At the late regular term of court
uiarle E Howe, J. Banks Knrtz,
oyron L Slmnian and George J
'",w'r. were a1mitte1 to practice in
the several courts of Juniata county.
foni Jiad person, savs the Liver
i " o in, Kiuea about KU young
lichens for Jacob Lutz. who lives at
me lock above town. The cbiokens
were not taken away but were thrown
a pile.
a. j. Merer of Bisr Spring, Cum
hcrlJ . '
,"" 'ouniv. on ThnrBiinv ven-
'De, SeptemUr 7th, had twen'tv-eight
-V-p out f thirty killexl bv light-
-'"p. ihey were under the tree
wnen hpbtning struck the tree.
UOSe reader of human ritnro
I-" mn who owes several y earn
ubRcnption on a newsnawr' and
pot. master to return
Mrs. John Strarer and daughter
Sarah of Mc.Ulisterville are in Chica
go visiting the great Fair.
Miss Kate Ewincr of L9wistown.
spent Sabbath with the family of Mr.
William Luck of this place.
Misses Eleanor Campbell and Mvr.
tie Peddet of Port Royal, apent Sat
urday among friends in town.
Mrs. Elmer McMeen and son Ralph .
f Huntingdon were the sruesta of
Mrs. W. H. McNitt, last week.
Miss Lizzie Cavenv and her sister
Laura of Harrisburg visited their
cousins the Misses Auker this week.
To cure nervousness your nerves
must be fed bv Pure Blood. Hoods
I isrsananlla makes pure blood. Take
it now.
$3, $G. and $7.50 for men's Fall
Sack Suits, single and double breasti
ed. All this season's designs at
The letters uncalled for in the Mif
1 in town post office on Saturday even
ing were for Mrs. Hanna Faux, W.
H. Crider.
The Communion of the Lord's Sup
per will be held in the Presbyterian
church in this place the 1st Sunday
in October.
During the rain of last week, eels
made a run dowu stream for deep
water and mud that don't freeze in
winter time.
Mrs. Tom Shaver and sister Mids
B ckie Davis have sttrted on a pro
loDged visit to Lancaster, New Tork
and Chicago.
Strong nerves, sweet sleep, good
appetite, healthy digestion and best
of all Pure Blood, are given by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
If a man spend five cents a day for
tobacco, in thirty years he will have
spent five hundred and forty seven
dollars and fiftv cents.
Mr. Thompson A. Marrow of Eliz
abeth City and Mils E Marrow of
Lewisburg were guests at the Nat
ional House last week.
The plain ntatement that Ferd
Meyers, carries the largest and best
Stock of Clothing in the county will
bear the strictest invetdigation.
Misses Annie and Emma Fear and
Ella Mdssimer of Lewistown were
the guests of Mr- and Mrs. John
Brown in Patterson, last week.
Tri'Jks. We havo broken the
prices, out tne trunk inemseives can
not be broken, urystai covereu
trunks, double-iron bound, full-finished
tray $1.75 at Meyers'.
Ten cars were loaded with peachea
at this station on Saturday, and start
ed for Monday morning markets in
towns west of this place. Most of
the peaches were destined for Pittsburg.
Within the past ten days two Ex
press trains, the one in the btate oi
Indiana, the other in Michigan, were
signaled at night to stop at a lonely
place between stations . by robbers,
and the express car robbed. The
robbers in the two hauls secured
about one hundred thousand dollai s.
If that kind of work continues it will
not be long before armed men will
have to accompany every Express
Train, and each passenger will arm
himself with a shooter to repel rob
be re.
The Cleveland administration has
been a law unto itself in its action
against three hundred thousand pn
hat it charred with fraud.
It charges these men with fraud, but
violates all principle npon which law
is based by calling tne pensioner
prove that he is not a irauci.
guilty man
.uv auiut LruLnini TAarimnnicia m
behalf of Hood's Saraaparilla, prove
nooag cures even wnen all oth
ersiau. Try it now.
vrn cutting is tedious work this
year compared to ordinary seasons
wnen the stalks stand straight The
torm of some weeks aero blew the
corn down.
la IMiffl.n railroad baa ball
team have the base ball scalp of the
Ajewistown railroad base ball tm
dangling from their belt having won
it in match game at Lewistewn in
a score of 36 to 9.
Last Saturday morning while
John Randolph, a prominent citizen
oi a uscarora township, was sitting on
cuair in tne act oi tying his shoes,
ne was striken by death, and fell to
the floor a corpse.
It is not necessary to pat up not-
icoa to warn neoaie not to trAanaju
on lands that are fenced. The man.
woman or bov who enters on AnMmm1
land is a trespasser, and when he
to rows down bars or fences or fenna
rails the penalty is heavy.
A be .Democratic hard timnn ami
the prospect of their continuance un
der tue disturbing legislation of the
Democratic Congress in its pension
and tariff legislation has scared even
the foreigners manr of which ara
: ii. .. .
mg oacis to tne old countrv.
Mrs. David Wachoo of near Nor-
ristown, has riven birth to the amall-
ent baby ever recorded in Montgom
ery county. I weighed bnt a little
over a pound at birth, and the moth
er could slip her wedding ring over
the infant's hand and arm to the
An exchange says: "To prevent pie
juice from running out in the oven
make a In tie opening in the upper
crust, and insert a small roll of brown
paor perpendicularly. The steam
will escape from it as from a chim
ney, and all the juice will be retained
in the pie.
"Max Valintz, of Nanticoke, sent
money and a wedding gown to Po
land to bis fiance so that she could
come to this country and marry him.
When she arrived she refused to be
come his wife and was arrested and
held for court for receiving monev
under false pretences."'
The political campaign watch word
of the democracy is tariff reform. It
The funeral of Men. Michael Shirk
of Fayette township took place on
Sunday. Mrs. Shirk was aged about
70 years.
Philadelphia Inquirer: It ia true
that the mills are starting up in soma
places, but they are not starting ' up
at the old wages, and it is just this
difference in wages which will cause
the workingmen to recall from week
to week the times as they were and
to contrast them with the times as
they are.
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century ?
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and NervouMneafl. Warrant.
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks k
Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14. ly.
Mr. Samuel Keller nfXfnnnu Turn
died on the 4th. Ha had malaria nil
cold, but was able to be about, and
on the day of his death ate a hearty
dinner, walked up stairs, fell to the
noor and died within an hour. Inter
mentatNeimond'anhnroh r irt
ler was aged 73 years. 5 months and
8 days. He was the father of Jere
miah Keller, Esq., of this place.
"Toronto. Canada, has Aac.iAeA fnt
ne will not permit any street cars to
be run in that city on Sunday. The
decision was niade at the polls, and it
was a most animated contest between
tne fcabbatanai.-. and the street-car
company and "the world's people."
ii r ' i . . . .
me menus oi nanday ears were de
feated by the following vote: For
Sundav cars, 13,060; against Sunday
cars, 14,085."
About midnight some nichts aim.
a fast train was stopped in a lonely
place in the State of Indiana bv
train robbers displaying the danger
signal. The engineer was shot by
the robbers. The exDresa car was
blown open by dynamite. The safe
wa blown opon and $19,000 taken
therefrom. Reports differ as to the
number of the thieves. Seven is the
lowest number mentioned, and 25 is
the highest.
A telegraph despatch was set
afloat from Pittsburg, last Wednss
day thit a conspiracy had been or
ganized in that city" to assassinate
President Cleveland and Secretary
Hoke Smith. The probability is the
despatch was a fabrication without a
foundation of truth. It would be
well enough to investigate the mat
ter. There should be no room for
assassins of Presidents here where
the government may be chanced
William Kohler of Turbett Twp.
Albert Hench of Spruce Hill Twp.,
and John Randolf of Tnscarora Twp ,
all prominent citizens in the com
munities in which they lived, died
last week.
Mr. a. JT.
Br.Haatkrtn' SprISwMarlanilBean7ail
oaraniUjr pnisrad (UniadM, Uae4 (ur mm u
Hl' pKmolc ad fur am Uilrtr n bj th
pmpla wllk MUn lii'im. St ataxia SnatUla
a upvt-tal rara far Um laawuaH
Tarjrt-ara wtchom dMu faralanoriadorlaa
RaaM4k ml Ik Maria.
is thd drei,4 Of the demoratio tariff; every four years by votin" in
"Is tlx'
refusad is mean en ouch
-uuompB in ma hat when in
'ouron tnUnr, np ,.lWHon in ord-
ioKPa! of ihf) KrnoJ1 ,nnire
lllllll R aaraa Tt. u --
not a
That is the law of a
- m A 1 A
TnA law oi ireemen is mm
vhrn a man charces another
beingafraud.be shall proceed to
prove his case by open proceedings
in court.
The robbery of the Express Train
in Indiana was followed a few days
later by the robbery of an Express
Train near Boston station, Michigan,
about half past 9 o'clock on the even
in" of the 15th of September. The
train was flagged and 5 men masked
with revolvers mounted the train,
two on the engine and three on the
express car. The engineer was shot
and intimidated. The express agent
had a pistol pointed at him and he
was ordered to open the safe which
he did. The robbers secured fvo,
000 in currency from the safe. Ar
ter scooping the safe the train was
allowed to proceed. One hundred
deputy sheriffs have been scattered
far and near to catch the robbers.
roform that has shut up the m.mufac
turing establishments. What manu
facturer wants his place filled with
goods manufactured at high prices,
and then be compelled to sell them
below cost at low tariff rates.
Clothing Merchant Harley and
wife of this town and brother Philip
Harley. and Wm. H. Branthofier and
wife of East Salem all started last Sat
urday evening to visit the World's
Fair. Mr. and .Vrs. Harley expect to
be away about three weeks Mr. John
Horning will manage the clothing
store during Mr, Harley 's absence.
There is a rebellion in Brazil, and
dealers in coffee are predicting a
considerable advance in the price of
coffee in the near future, but the cof
fee question is not the only question
involved in the fight artnng the Bra
zilians. The most of the material
from which rubber goods are made
comes from there, and a long fi;ht
would send up tho price of rubber
shoes and loots.
In a dog case before Judge Furst
of Center, Mr. Kate Brown brought
suit against Westley Straw for shoot
ing her dog. The J udge ruled that
while the dog was a valuable one to
Mrs. Brown, he wss trespassing on
another man's property, and as the
law gave every man the right to
shoot a dog when annoying sheep,
the defendant should be acquitted.
People who have had their pen
sions cut off bv the present Demo
cratic Administration, should care
inuy preserve tneir pension papers
for tue Kepublican party that etood
up for the honor nnd dignity of labor
against the slave-holder's war to dis
honor and degrade and enslave labor.
will surely again come into control of
the affairs of this nation and then the
pensioner will in all probability be
paid what was taken from him, and
have his pension restored to him.
Lewis A. Dirntu and wife and
mother of Diniinsville this county,
started for the World's Fair at Chi
cago on Fast Line on the 16th inst..
Mr Dimui's mother is 80 years of
age. She will appreciate the Fair
for people of ber age remember the
days when the wonderful mechanical
inventions of to day were Hnknown.
The young people have grown up
with the present inventions and do
not realize the difference between
the past and present as far as the
mechanics art goes.
In 1887 sixteen million dollars of
gold in bar was sent from New York
to the Philadelphia mint, placed in a
vault, sealed and placed under guard.
Last week it was taken out on an or
der from the United States Treasu
rer, to be coined into money. It
weighed $143,000 less than when
put into the vault. At first it was
believed it was a clerical error, but
it turned up to be no such good
thing as that. Tho chief weigher
Henry S. Cochran bad stolen the
gold. He has been weigher many
years, and is 63 years of age, and
will be sent te prison for his crime.
J. Harvey McClure died at his home
in Tuscarora Vallev at 11 A. ,M., on
Monday. Mr. McClure was taken ill
about 4 weeks azo with ailment of
stomache and bowls. Dr. Shelly of Port
Royal was called and immediately
recoenized the danereroua illness of
his patient called Dr.D. M. Crawford
of this town in consultation. The
skillful treatment of these physicians
was of no avail. Mr. McClure was a
native of Tuscarora Valley of Scotch
Irish extraction and about 60 years
old. He was the nominee of the
Democratic party of Juniata for
County Treasurer, having won the
nomination over John Etka at the
nrimarv election at which 842 votes
were polled for him. Etka received
472 votes and on that ground will
claim to be the nominee for the place
made vacant by Mr. McClure s death
Haaaaaaifta ga saraS Ma mrs PwnVaU-
set of men.
a new
"Nerves. Shattered
seat ally brokaa dowat at tuaaa I weuld fal
ever with a tone at Um vertigo; was aotabla
ta fa an? 4Itanea from tUa heuse. I was a
as la .aala wmm. Tue day I commenced ea
bottla No. a ot Hood'e SaraaparUla, I brgaa
ta teal batter ao4 1 aov lael ua a new nuu.
Hood'ssv Cures
I aaa worktac again, and do nat Intra any of
my bad aprlli. I tiara a prrfcrl care"
CaAa. M. LAltB, etU) W. Market St.. Tork. Pa.
'a - Pllla are tho br.t aftar-dlnoaa
aulsl dldcttlon. cure haaUactia. 3&c
(Graduate or the Philadelphia Dental Col
') formerly of Mifllinlmrr, Fa., has lo
cated permanently in Mifliintowa, an anc
ceor to the late Dr. i. L. Derr, and will
continue tho dnal banineia (eatablinbed
br the Uttrr in 1W) at tho well known of
fice on Bridge etreot opposite Court House.
Are Chloroform, Ether, or Gas vsrj
No Sore Gums or Di'eomfort to patient,
cither during extraction or afterward.
All tbrea are Guaranteed tr to rhaifte
will be made.
All work guaranteed to give, perfect
aatiafaclion. Terms, strictly cash.
am r acaaiaa. am. ,B
t Fe-Tora, CoaaaMlon. laflantaiatlnna.
Warwia. Wfera later. Worm Colic...
Taethlaaj Culle. Crrlaa. akertllaxas
4 Olarraea. nf rtilMrea or Adulla...
Ifraeaiorr.Urtpiaa. KUIova lutki....
4 aalera Marfcoa. V.aalnac
V Osaka, t.'oltla. troBcatlOx
i N..ralla. Tuutaaeba. Facaarko ...
Haaaarbaa, afc Haaaaraa. Vanloa,
Ur.MHla. Wllama.M. t oawlpanaa
' faaaraaaad ar Palafal rorloaa.
IS WbHaa, To FroftMa frrlooa
1 rooa. Irraalala, Baaww.
4-Malt Kbaaai, Kryriiwlaa. EntraiuiH.
5 a kraa.art.aa. ae IUieumaUc falaa. .
Malaria, t.allla. Farrr aad A sua . .
17-Pllaa.Hllnd arBlaaaiac
IH-Oohtbalair, aora ak Brea.
! 'atarrb, lafluaaaa, I M la laa Baad
AS Wbaaalaa aask
HI Aalhata, Opprwaal Braalblsg
iM lar aiarbaraoa. llapalrad Vaartas
Serafala. Knlarsad CUmJa. SwaUlaa
44-tleaaral Uaalllti. rk;alaal Watua
'J'1lraaar aad firaaty Saeralkiaa
Hra.Klrkaaaa. Ba kara truai lUdloa
-ildBrr Uiaoaaoo ."
f Sara toak. aruaafcai
rlaary VVrakaooa, WrtUnrBad..
3 1 -Palafal Porlodo
S4 lllablborta. I fc-aratad Sara Throat..
Si Ckroale t aaaeaalaaa a Eruption..
Sai Jiarroaa Itobllltr. Seaiinal Wrak-
lllaeaaeaaflbo Hoarf . Falpltalloa
S3 -Kwllnaar, aiauai.M. Vilas' IMoea.-.l
a-la tr IN-.rclt, ar mut p.w!4 aa Nr,IH af prtoa.
, P. Ilnwltir lu iIiihin. a,n-aa.aaai
I iraata-ara.'a..i;i aniauaai..a.t.
Fnr mra-Exteraal or Internal. Bllad wMIh:
KlatuU la Aa..: lh blue or UleeUluc of tar Bartum!
Tua relief la laatnadlaU la eure cartala.
I rmioE, so cts. trial size. ascTr
I SoJ r Ihina, ar aral . ,..,. i or
auraaiia-axa.ro.. ma III auasu. iw Toax
.'A 4
For Horses, Cattlt, Sheep, Bogs, Host,
340 Face Baalt aa Treataaeat of Aalsaala
aad t hart reat froa.
A.A.)Hilual MrainKilla, Jlilk b'orar.
11.11. Mra laa. I.aauearaa. Ukcaasatiaaa.
:' -ea.pcr. Naaal lMa, karaca.
I. I. Uala ar Craba. Warata.
.. 4 aka. Ilea.ea. Pavaataala.
h.y.l-mlh or tripea. Bellvacka.
!V.V"M,""rr,"r' HeaiorrkoBoo.
II. H. I riaarr and Hlaaer Olaaaara.
l.l. Lrapiitr Iti.eaaea. Maaaa.
J.K. Ularaaraor lllaeatlaa. Paralvata.
Slasle Rollle (OTer N dnaml - . mn
tMable C'aao, with BpeetSaa. MaaaaL
VeteritiarjtCuruOllajnl Madloator. 4r.40)
Jar Vcteriaarr (arc Oil. l.tH
Practical Dentist-
M ar arvt.,., piajiu i
aisrai'atu.o., maiias
Peach Crater-
Mrs. Annie E. Humphrey is pre
pared to furnish Peach Crate Mater
ial, Plasterinsr Lath, Shingles and all
kinds of Building Material at the
Mill formerly owned by her late hus
band, R. W. Humphrey, deceased.
Peach lumber a speciality. Maze,
Juniata county. Pa. tf.
A Hetr Merchant Tallarlae;
A great many of our friends in
sisted on us to open a Merehant
Tailoring Department in addition to
our large wholesale and retail cloth
ing store, and we have concluded to
satisfy a large majority of our patrons
who want their clothing made to
order. We have oiened this day a
on onr Second Story Floor, and have
retained Cotti.k the well known tailor,
who needs no introduction to our
people as a first class tailor.
e are now ready to make suits
to order from the finest imported
UuR 1'bices are lower than any
Merobant lailor in the State.
Hoping to receive a large share of
the patronage of our many friends
We are Yours very renpectfully.
Feri Meters,
Mifflintown, Pa.-tf.
- - -
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps
and lsieniishes from horses, Wood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
ione, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, Ac. Save $50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful .Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifflintown. Oct. 1, ly,
And are tbe largest dealers in Clo lung in Juniata County. If yon doubt
it, examine our etock and compare it vtiij others and reader your verdict.
Tbey have all their Fall and Winter Goods in stock. Other are ham-
mering away on Summer Goods When September is here linen dusters are
not in style. Their stock thi teasnn comprises all tba latest in fancy worst,
eds, fancy cheviots, I lack cheviots, ca.iuieres, &c. In all tbe different
makes, round and square ckrf, sinnln or double breasted, cutaways, Ao. Their
prices ranee for men a suits from ('J) tw.t to (2U) twenty dollars and in cbil-
drens' suits from one to seven dollars. Surely all classes oan te suited in tbis
Tbey bave undoubtedly tbe grandest line of J roes overcoats ever seen in
tbis market.
Tbe Finest Beaver Coal lined with Satin, in Mack, Blue and Brown
The most Superb Line of Kersey and Meltons in dare and light shades.
Tbe genuine Chinchilla in Hlue and Black I ned with satin. Also in the best
Italiau Clotb, in prices ranging from 7 to "JO dollars.
Til Kill OF
COMPRISES Irish Frieze, Geuuine Shctiaud, Casiiuere, Chinchilla and
Satinette at prices that will surprise you fur cheapness.
A Full Line of Children Overcoats v ry low.
Tbeir line of I ate is always tbe latent nut. We bave the Hat Trade and
all the young men know it, a bile tbey formerly went to Harrisburg they now
buy of us.
In neckwear and Huspcnuer they have tbe latest and best to be had.
Tbeir line of Fine Shirts, ''Otton I'utfa, lloiery and underwear leave
nothing to bo deeired.
Large men will butl a Complete I.iec nf extra aized suits, pantaloons, un
derwear, collars, hat and overalls that are not kept by others.
They are the Agents of the Celebrated loui;las Shna and bave all styles
and sizes.
Tbey are also the agents of the world wide Sweet Orr Overall and can fit
the smallest boy or the largest man.
Tbey bave a full line of god and silvr watchea, onld chains, fold rincs.
eollar and cuff buttons, Trunks, Hand Higs, Satchls, Valises, Telesoopes, Um-
Drouas, no.
Thanking tbe public for their liberal pT"nrt in the past, and assuring
you that we will endeavor to merit a enntmuanoo nf it in the future we are
yours to serve. HOLLWBACGII ft SON, tbeClothi is. Main St., Patterson, 1'a.
Meko.b Cook. On tbe 7th inst
at Liverpool, by Chas. K. Deekard,
J. T., Daniel W. Menele of Walker
Twp., to Mary M. Cook, of Reward,
I'erry county.
oa n doe WrLEv. On the 6th of
September at Washington. D. C, by
Kev. G. W. Williams, D.Lewis Sand
oe. formerly of tbis town and Laura
Wright Wiley.
Herrex. On the Oth inst., near
Doyle's Mifls, Philo Herrel, aged 24
Far. On the 7fh inst., in Green
wood township, Sarah Gelda Fry,
aged 10 months and 11 days.
MtrrLiNTOfrw WABirirrs.
W rrrnarowa, Sop. 20. 18P3.
Putter ft
Err 16
nri is
Pbonlner, ....................... 14
' td ....... .
Side, .....i.
Wheat (0
Corn in ear 55
Oats, 27 to .in
Rye 60
Cloverseed , .
Timothy seed ; $2.00
Flax seed 1 60
Bran go
Chop...... ........$1.20 a hundred
Middlings 1.10
Ground Alum Salt I 00
American Salt 80c to 76
Philadelphia Mabkits, September
1, 1803. Wheat 71 to 73c; Corn
49 to 52c; Oats 31 to 35c; Butter 17
to 31c ; Eggs It) to 19c; Live
chickens 8 to 15c a lb; potatoes 40c
to 45c per g bushel; sweet potatoes
39 to 55c a basket; hay $13 to $19 a
ton; Timothy seed 3 cents a lb; Bart
let pears $4 to $4.50 per bar
rel; peaches g bnsbel basket 50 to 60
cents; Grapes in 10 pound baskets
18 to 22c.
i wmmmv
Hi 111
Weh.ro just rt turned from a eompht ly tVf
daoia .liv.ut rt,i l . . lj
"lul"'ut Bvtfi, ana Bi I D(U u
oar purchaaea wrra larrsr Ibaa ovar berra,
tba aieaey iavoated, awing to tbe treat shrink
aga la ra ues, caused by the f root stringency
is far less than in pravioas seasons. This, r
conra- means lower prices for you than aver
beft ro in our history.
1ENCE are tba five points that make our business grow larger each day. Wa
gain by every sale a Irieod and customer.
This pnee will buy your ohoioe from a lioa of Men's good hott- Jtr
est Fall suite,' in single or doable breasted styles. Tbeir true val
ue is away above the sailing prise, but values go bgging these
days. Have you $6. If so, seleot one of these suits.
The Suit we offer at $10 ara taade of tine All Wool Amerioan Chev-
viots and Csiuiere eut in both sinrle and double-breasted styles, and
cannot be matobed anywhere below $15.
TEN DOLLARS. The Fall Overcoats we show at $10 are made or very Cue
Casairaeres and Covert Clotba in latest shades and colors, eat in semi
or full box style; unobtainable anywhere below $14 to $16.
C O At $12 we offer a truly superb line of Men's All-Wool Suits, cut la
"XaaS latfaf ghapest of Business Sack and Frock Styles, and made of
best American Cassimerss and Cheviots, they'd be good value at $16
and $17.
TWELVE DOLLARS- Nothing like our finely fashioned and cirefully tailor,
ed Sprint; Top Goats at $12 have ever been offered in this town at that
prioe. Stylish dressers; see tbem. You will be surprised.
1 T If you want something extra fine see our imported Dress Suits at $15.
f -"-"-They're made of all different ohoioe material, out trimmed and sewed
like custom work, and are Ibe equal of any $20 Suits offered.
FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Don't buy a Fall Overcoat for $20. $22 or $25 until
you havo seen ours for $15. If you don't prefer tbem to mosi gar
menta offered elsewhere for one-third to one half more money, don't buy
School will open soon and our regal ar annutl sale of .-chiol suits will
take place. Read:
75 ee"t will buy cboiee from a line of good, durable and nobby navy col
ored Sailor Su'ts; worth more than double.
$2 will buy eboioe from a line of Beys' Suits, in all different materials and
latest paterns, cut in double breasted Kiefer, Zin.ve."!Jiinir, I'nmroje, .Mid
way, and other new Fall Styles made to sell at $'! and $3.50
$3.98 will buy your Choice from an extra fine line of Roys' New Fall
Suits in prstty and original styles, and made of strictly All Wool Caiatmrrss
and Cheviots. Tbey are worth $5 and $0.
50o forohoiee from a big line of Knee Pants, made of wear-resistiagCasi-imeres
and Cheviots.
Tbe Latest Fashions in Derbys and Alpioo Hats for $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.
Kxelusive Hatters get a hundred per cent, more for the sima make
25c. 50o. A large assortment of TruDks and Satchels on Second Floor at low
est Priots.
th8 Wtolasale& Retail Clothier, Bridge St., Hintewn, Pecra.
Special Invitation T 9 The Iublic
To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes ou dailj
It will be
Who hare money to invest to examine th Stock ot Goods tor
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices
Din prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so dou't fat
to givw him a call if in need of Clothing,
Thar has been a great deal of talk about my horses net being safe in
Time of Funerals. I have now disposed of that taam of horses, and purebasad
an elegant team of Black Horses at the cost of $575.00 which are tjerfeetly
ate. Any woman oan drive tbem. lbey pay no atttention to cars.
Stockholders' Individually Little.
JOSEPH HOTflROfK. rrtiUnt.
T. VAN.IRWIW.-Catfcwr.
W. C. Pomeroy, JnaerJi Rotir",
EE AS? I Of 12
Honey Loaned at Lowest Eates.
las waartaa qoalltlaa ara aasorpaama. actaar?a
Oaaiaatloa Iwo baaaa af anrefkar brmad. Btaa
John Hrsler.
Robert K. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Jnniah I.. Bartea.
Loals B. Ataiosaa,
Philip M. Kepnar, Aonlo M. Shellay,
Joseph Rothrock, Jan H. Irwin,
h. K. Atkinson, K. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Bolmes Irwt
Mary Korti. Jerome N. Thompson, Jr,
John Hertiler,
John M. Blair,
F. Bt. M. Peaanll,
Samuel S. Rothrock,
T. V. Irw.n.
Jonlah I. Barton,
RohPrt H. Patteraoa,
Levi Llrht,
Wm. 8 warts.
Solomon Manbeck,
Three and Four per cent, mterest will ba
caM on certificates of deposite.
fjan 23, 191 U
,. . . - V
WT A "NT T" T-T. T
Nursery Stock. Salary, Expeasea and
Steady Employment cnaraateed.
Dec. 8, 91. Rochester, N. T.
TO WEAK r.lEfl
BUB.,., fra. th. 'TT.
rartlmlaas for aoaa care. T RH chV
aalanald maiUaal aurk : abouia ba r-a4 7 '-"Ti
!fa UBarroua ana deblUar4. AddaajoJ
Tho Srmhtul and Xtprnhhrmm eslca U tba
place ta fat job work done. Try It. It wm
pay yon if yea aeea anything la that line.
, tbo la narroua ana
fnro nantnaooq
bvOr.J. H.Maror
Sl ArrhRi.l'llla.
Pa. Caaa at onro. Mo operation or bafinaon
delay. Thoossnda of enre Ur. Maytrlsa
Hotel Penn. Kesdiac, Pa., second aatardayol
eacA month. Eend tot careuUtr. aVa?!ae xrsa.
.i i ii a
UJ"'1' 'lT-lt'arMriftlalllVliiWll'itllflinTf;lw-,---'1 nhrt
' i.ii i miasasaaaaa.