Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 30, 1893, Image 3

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rtEiESIAT. AUG. 80, 189S.
pobscription, $1.60 per annum if paid
in iviic; Z.OO if not paid in ad ranee.
Tnnsieuf adTertioemonta Inserted at 60
snt ncn ,or ecn insertion.
Trnient business notice In local col
umn. 10 cents per line lor each Insertion.
pod ac tions will be made to those desiring
o advertise by the year, half or quart or
Xuicarora Valley Railroad.
Trail a on the TnRcarora Valley
iwilroft.l will rim as follows:
Leave Enst Waterford at 7:30 a.
k.. au.l 2 p. m., arriviugr at Port Roy
al at 8 -Hi a. m. and 3.15 p. m.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a., m.,
and 5.1 3 v- m , arriving at East Wa'
terfsid at 11.45 a. m and C.30 p. vt.
Sliort pasture.
CiLirt next week.
Ci.)od corn in Iowa.
To' t R ival Fair nest week.
M.mday was the last of this
dojr days.
iMrs. Lyons has been quite ill the
.past vreek.
Septembar 7th is the last day for
A'toona was threatened lost week
v'.ih a '-water famine."
Mis Jeuuio Adams visited relatives
at Van Wert last week.
Mi s Sl.irie Johnson of Port Royal
Spent Snhirday in town.
Wra Marks of Chicago is visiting
his mother in Patterson.
Mi-rcs Ma-sie tnd Catherine Diehl
ar.- visiting npar Mexico.
Prohibitionists 'n Huntingdon Co.,
will rnn a ticket this fall.
Be naseseed. Ton have only a few
more days to attend to it.
Miss KUio Goshen of Altoona is
v'titins Mis Flora Fasick.
R. R. Youn? of AHooia pnt Sun
iy rmioii"; ftit nda in town.
Miss Tj"nrir Gusb of Harrisburg is
visifno- friends in Patterson.
(l--rland and his calamity making
Concri-"s nre still in session.
S:x Tpwh trains westward bound
pasted this station on Sunday
Miss Iren Al'ison has rotnrned
homo from n visit to New York.
M;-s Frckie Mitchell of Patterson
is visiting friurnlrj in TTarrisluirg.
Th'mfwiiown noonlfl are talking
Rb :'' startiivj a Loan Association.
M'ss F.lna Soiber of Harrisbnrg,
is v'siMrg relitivos in this county.
Majiy Juniata countv people are in
atffndar.cfl upon thedrangcr's picnic.
Tiio Rppnlilian State Convention
meats this Wednesday at Harrir-burg.
D. S. Riolreribmiirli attended &
lier.-c- -ale in B!ooraGt-ld on MonJay.
"W'nHrr Obt-rhoHzor who line been
travelliucr this wimmcr is oome on a
Miss ShIHo Mover f Columbia, is
visit inr her brother C. W. Maver in
this town.
T ITarrySweigart of Lfitrobe is
"homo visitincr his parents in Ferman
agh township.
Frarik Kellr of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
is visitincr his nne'e John Cunning
ham in Patterson.
Miss Lizz;e Okrson c.f Acndemin,
an 1 Mias ri-in Parker of. Altoona,
spent Friday in town.
M: Minn:" Ti-ipp'e of Safe TTar
Lincaster countv, is visiting
'.rs. Harry McClellan.
Miss Noll-i-T Muster entertained
uotco el"he.i yonng'friends very pleas
antly last Tuesday evening.
The working time in the Harris
"burg railroad shops hns been reduc
ed from five to three days a woek.
The Teacher's Institute will be
ronveDed in the court bouse in this
town on tht 27th day of November.
the barn of John Clay of Brady
township. Huntingdon county, was
destroyed by lightning several days
At this date. 272 of the 364 tents
nt the Newfon Hamilton comp-mer t
inp Camp have been secured for
Misses Rose Kennedy of Lewis
and Flo Dunmire of Hnrrisburg vis
ited the Misses Jsokmrn on Third
stree t last week.
Theletters uncalled for in Mifllin
town post office o Saturday evening
-were for Samuel C. Allen, Mrs. Joe
McCulloch, Mr. HiDley Michael.
Springs and wells in certain part
of Mifllin county were dried
for -iira were eomr' lied to haul
lev Ion? distances and drive
cattle away from home for -water.
IT" ' '
C. n Shellv of Thompson town has
a tract of 58 acres all clear except o
acres with new buildings erected
thereon that he will dispose of at pri
vate 6ftle. Call on, or address him
for further particulars.
Democratic times have bo affected
railroad freight transportation that
there are thousands of 'freight cars
the Vnllev of the Ju-
. . 1 1 : ...... I it in nnt.
Eiatil. .e uernurrwiic i"iy
a calamity howler but a calamity mak
er. ' A. large barn owned by Cborles Mc
Laughlin in Sprnco Hill township,
was struck by lightning on Saturday
evening alwut t'uslv. Tbe building
with this vear s crop was burnt. Tbe
stock and most of machinery m and
about tbe barn was gotten out of.tbe
reach of tho flame.
a ...miwir f town people turned
out one dav last week to capture the
man that Robert Pnnnebaker and M.
xr v....r mot mnnr the elder ber-
II. i COIL' i J" ' " '
bushes in Milford townsnip,
thev believe is Al Clouse. the murder
er of O W. Prickett of Mifthn county.
Their search, however, was fruitless.
.Misses Mollie and Anni
ie StouftVr
-pent part of iaat week
at Atlantic
7?:?.r- and
week McVeytown
Potatoes are reported a fourth of
CrOD in Snviiar nnn.i. 3
. ana cora a
.J1'.88, ra ?aird of Lewistown
;t,DUl ,aBl wee with Misa
Misses Mary Hertzler and Mary
inTown 8peDt Monday
Miss Emma Daugherty of Thomp
sontown, spent a day with Mrs. Har
ry McClellan.
Times will set better hv nA
after the election of a RenubbVn
Administration. .
Miss Lizzie Wilson of Philadelnhla
is visiting her brother George W.
Wilson in Patterson.
Samuel Fasick of Philadelphia is
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Alonsa Fasick in Mifflin.
Miss Jennie Marks accomnanip1 lw
her brother William, spent Saturday
among friends in Milroy.
Miss Annie Shellenberffer of Al
toona is visiting the family of Frcd'k
Espenschade on Third street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Casner of Pat
terson are visitine her sister Mr
John Wissinger in Conemauh.
Miss Bessie Wright of Port Royal,
spent a couple of days last wtek with
Miss Bessie Middagh in Patterson.
Mias Myrtle Manger of Spruce
Hill ppent a couple of davs last week
with her friend Miss Willa McNiiL
Mrs. Frank Stonecipher. 2 daugh
ters and son of Delaware visited the
family of Rev. J. R. Henderson last
The eighth annual reunion of the
old boatmen will be held on the 31st
of August ut Ridgeview Park, Blair
Sure, efficient, easy, Hood's Pills.
They should bo in every traveller's
crrip and every family medicino chest.
25c a box.
Mr. Amelia Turbett and her
grand-daughter, .Viss Kate Mathers,
re on a visit to the World's Fair at
Stronjr Tierveo, sweet sleep, trood
appetila, healthv digpstion and best
of all puae blood, are given by Hood's
The people ouickly recoo'nite mer
it, and this is the spason the sal of
Hoi(V Sarsaparina is continually in
creasing. Try it.
On Monday the Lower House of
Conjrress voted for the repeal of the
Sherman Silver Act; 240 for rcpea1,
110 against repeal.
Caster Stouffer started for hi's
home in Phila., last Wednesdar, af
ter pnerdinc svral weeks with rela
tives in Patterson.
M'ss Lizzie B. Howe instructress
in Picf. Rnmbaugh's school nt. nnt
ingd n is vising at the residence of
Mr. Joseph Rothrock in town.
Tbo Waynesboro, Franklin county
Geiser Company, turn out a traction
encine with A gang of six 14 inch
plow, that can plow 20 acres in a day.
Some nicrhts nco the store of Sara
nel Schlegle in East Salem was bnr
lRr''z"d, the thieves taliing shoep,
clothing, handkerchiefs, tobacco and
The drougfh wa broken by rain
on Thursday morninsr. If the rain
had come three week' earlier it would
hfiTn mnrle manv thousands more
bushels corn in Juniata.
Messrs Will Gu.-b, nud
Aur-'-ie of near PattprRor; and Bprt
Robisfin of town started for St-lius-
grove list wef-k where they expect to
attend school this winter.
riss R.'ssie Edsnn of Washington.
D. C. vim onmp with the family of
banker E. S. Parkker tn sjend a part
of the summer on Mr. Parker s farm
about 5 miles east of town has suf
ficiently recovered from a long illness
of fever to be able to retnrn to Wash
ington to the home of her parents.
A Huntingdon county mun drew
ten dollars from a bank, pnt the
money in his vest pocket, went home
and to work on his farm, getting
warm he hung his vest on the fence
where the grass-boppers ate it and
the ten dollar bill full of boles. He
now thinks the money wonld have
been safer in the bank.
A Harvest Home Festival will be
held at the Locust Run school bouse,
on Saturday evening, Ser'ember 2nd,
1893. Ice cream, cake, bnnanas, wat-er-meloDS,
peanuts, Sec, will be serv
ed. Proceeds to go toward therrec-
tion of tbe United Brethren Church
at that, place on the opposite side of
road from said school bouse. Come
nnp nnme all. and help alon!T with a
good cause."
About 5 o'clock in the afternoon,
last. Thnrsday, Augnst 24, a fire
broke out in a three story brick
house in South Chicago. A high
wind prevailed at tho time. Tbo
wind carried and started fire in many
places, and before tlie names were ex
tinguished some 300 houses were de
J 70n0 neonle were homeless
and a million dollars worth of prop
erty was destroyed.
Harterof the Middleburg JPost
says: "If anybody thinks it a 'snap
to get np five or six columns of home
news every week for a paper in a
town where you see only half a dozen
m.r. a rUv and each one intently
e.;ncr down his individual chair,
let him come and try it on and if at-
aoU'b experience he wouldn't
ter a week s expeneuc-o no v.u.u- .
rather go to jail or Congress wo will
resign our position as editor of tbe
Post and give him a cash job.
The Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "A
number of tbe Pennsylvania farmers
who came to the Worlds Fair found
illincr macLinery here
that will enable them to grind their
own wheat ia tbe old fashioned wa
ter mills and make flour equai n.
i.ot mnA in Minneapolis. They at
once purchased this machinery, put
:i r. old abandoned mill, and are
now surprising western Pennsylvania
W1LI1 " ii'.u .
lost art."
it 11 on. en me irmm ui
Rev. Henry Baker, D. D., and wife
will celebrate their golden wedding
on Friday next in the First Luther
an church, at Altoona
On Saturday the biggest coal-oil
strike was made at Mannington, W.
Va. The well flows oil at tho rate of
200 barrels per hour.
Mrs. Richard Eply and two chil
dren of Johnstown. Cambria Co..
and sister-in law Mri. Frank Moist of
Lewistown are visiting D. S. Richen
baugh'a family in Patterson.
Last Friday night horse thieves
stole a horse and wagon from D.
Bond's barn near Media, and then
fired the barn. If the thieves are
caught they will likely be lynched.
The clos'ng of Jthe fmanufacturing
establishments throughont the coun
try has stopped the demand for
peaches and prices are correspond
ingly low.
Caplain Litzenlierg and daughter
Mrs. Cox, and grand-daughter of
Camden, N. J., and Miss Helen Dimm
of Lewistown are the guests of Cap
tain McClellan.
It is perfectly shocking how un
equally things are distributed in this
world. One husband and wife have
a dozen children; another husband
and wife have not a child.
September 7th, 1893. will be Penn
sylvania Day at the World's Fair.
Chica?o, on which occasion Ponnsvl
vania State Buildintr, will be tho fo
cal point for all Pennsvlvanians
In Cumberland county, an enraged
hog several dvs asro attacked Joseph
Byers, on the farm of Sheriff Dixon
in Silver Spring, and tore the cloth
ing on his back and the sole off his
No details nre at hand of the great
storm on Monday night that, swept
the coat from Georgia to Washing
ton. Savannah was almost destroy
ed bv the storm. Many people were
Cleveland Bat Colt David nack
enborcrer of the Jacob heirs' farm
one half mile from town, offers n 3
months old colt for sale. Ctll on
Hackenbergor if you have any notion
of inventing.
The big fire in Chicago last week,
was started by a girl with a lamp
that he waf using to heat her curl
ing iron to curl her bangs. She np
t the Iriud. The other biff fire in
Chicago in 1872 was caused by a wo
man upsetting a lantern in a stable
in which she was railding a cow.
We have received a supplement to
the Carthage Collegian a college pa
per. In addition to interesting in
formation concerninrr Carthiico Col
lege, it contains the pictures of the:
Faculty of this institution among.
which are the pictures of two Juni
atians. namely Pr-isidcnt of the in
stitution Holmes Dysinger, and Prof
Wru. S. Dysinger, principal of the.
Normal Department.
The tlnieS !;it'k better iis is sliowll
by the lessening of batik faTures as
f i
I.. I
is reported by the Comptroller
Currency, E -hies. He savs fof the
week ending August 26 onlv 3 Nat
ional Banks suspended. The wetk
previous 8 suspended; the wr ek prev
ious 7 suspended; the week previous
IS suspended, and d tiring July 72
National Banks suspended. Up to
tho close of 1 ist week, August 26.
Seventeen bat.ks resumed.
On Saturday evening the wires of
the Lewistown ek-clric light plant
were struck by lightning and all tho
electric lights in the place were
knocked out. People ran out of
their business places find shouted
fire without knowing that n fire had
been started bv a fiery ball of elec
f rii.,1 tt lcn-inor if!" .1 tplf.nlltinp fiT trtl-
:t, ..i,.,,:" .1,. i',r.mnn. ni ii,
stable of Sheriff Kbine, nntl -vbiIoth
I poonle wer sboutin" fire the flames
burst out of the stable.
Mrs. John Cibulka died ut the
home of her husband in Coalport,
Clearfield county, hibt Tnmsday even
ing of inflammation of the bowls, ag
ed about 21 years Her husband
and two children
survive. Her re
mains were brought to this plnce on
Saturday. She was a daughter of
lohn Doyle p. citizen of Patterson.
Funeral services were conducted by
Rev. M. L. Drumm in the M, E.
Church on Sunday afternoon. Inter
raent in Union Cemetery.
Perry County Freeman: The barn
on the Wagner farm in Spring town
ship, owned by Kt v. Snmuel Wagner,
wa destroyed by fire on Saturday,
with all its crops, 2 colts, 3 calves
and farm implements. Tbe farm is
tenanted by R. Eby, who had a small
insurance on the crops. The fire or
iginated from one cf his boys build
ing a fire in the barn-yard from where
it caught to a straw stack thence to
the barn. Tho building was consum
ed in about two hours. Rev. Wag
ner, tbe owner of the barn resides in
the western part of the State.
A correspondent of tha Lewistown
Gazette discourses on the finh ques
tion thns: The river is still lined
with eampers. outlines and other
contrivances for destroying fish.
When bass were first put in the riv
er rnd protected they grew and inul
tiplied so that rliaost anyone could
catch a meps, but soon fellows to
lazy to do honest work began to set
outlines, raised and baited for bass,
throw r.etz and seines increased, un
til everv mile had its missel for des
truction. Then eanio coeulus luu.c
ns with the err for ' poor man " and
last of all the scoundrels witb dyna
mite, atd now from the dnmto Gran
ville bridge a day's fif-hintr with rod
and line resnlts in one getting a nib
ble or perhaps catenmg one, two or
three bass. There is now a big hole
in the middle of the dam: vhen that
increases as it will, good-bve to our
sheet of water. Such are tbe results
of disregard of law, fostered by too
many of the public, and these mono
maniacs whose cry is out with the
The Bloomfield Advocato saye:
William H. Seschrist was, but is not
in the county jail. Empty is Fort
Rice Seachrist's gone; Seachrist
who hails from Georgetown, North
umberland county, at the last term
of court was sentenced to pay a fine
of $10, and suffer an imprisonment
one year in tbe county tail for "beat
ing" an incrfdulous old man Isaac
Zelleru, of Liverpool town si ij cr.t j Wetzler of Thomppontown,
of $70, with which he would bilig a, county.
fortnne acres the sums for a iid Zel -lera.
O a Saturday night Seichris
gained entrance to the old unused
dungeon at the west side of the jail
by picking the lock with a bent pok
er. In the ceiling of the dungeon is
a hole large enough for a man to
squeeze through, having been prev
iously used as a means of ascape by
a former prisoner. Through this
standing upon chairs, Seachnst gain
ed the garret He took with hiui a
number of bed blankets which he
tightly joined with knots. Attaching
these to a rafter through the east
garret window over the kitchen roof ,
be suspended them almost to the
ground below only about three feet
intervening down this he slid and
escaped and is still at large. Sea
christ has served time in the Sun
bury and Harriaburg jails. A
few weeks ago D. Gring'a saw mill,
in Toboyne township, operated by
William Leas, was destroyed by fire,
and since that time Mr. R. H. Camp
bell has been hauling away ashes.
Last Thursday he drove his two
horse team on the saw-dust pile,
when one of the horses sank through
into the burning dust, and in its
struggles to get out threw itself.
Mr. Cumpbcll in attempting to free
the animal from the harness, sank in
to the smouldering pile, burning his
feet very badly. The pain was so in
tense that it was feared he would die,
but injections of morpine were given
him which brought relief. The horse
has lost an eye and ear and is badly
burned on its side.
Huntingdon Journal, August 25tl :
The fruit in some parts of this
country has almost entirely dried up.
A car-load of delicious looking
peaches came to Huntingdon on
Tresday whioh weje quickly dispos
ed of at $1 per basket Simo
of the farmers residing on Pinoy
Ridge have cut their ora tops in or
der to save the foddor, the tontinued
drongth having completely destroy
ed it In sonio sections of the coun
ty a half crhp will not be realized,
while in other places th-y have not a
bit of corn. This is indeed distress
iiig In some parts of this coun
tv where the dioiiL'th has caused a
failure of the crop the farmers are
disposing of t heir cat tie and horses
at a sacrifice. They have not feed
enough to winter them, and they at 9
compelled to sell them for any price.
Cettle last week were sold in tno vi
cinity of M.irkelsburg for three and
four dollars a head. Three gen
tlemen of this place camped out a few
days "ast week near Womelsdorl s As
land, and the last day of camp they
killed a young tuikey hen belonging
to Harry Morningstar and roasted it.
Mj. Mornincrstar visited their camp,
inst in time to witness the carving of
the tmkev and demanded pay for tbj .
fowl: "How niSCh ? VWt J ',X '' 1
asked one of the party. "One dollar,
replied Morningstor. "That is a lit
tie fjteop," said one of the camper?,
but we Will pv vou for it." "Weil,
you hid bette'f,'"' Isaid Mornir-gstar,
"or IH have every last one of yOU ar-ri'sti-d."
The campers betran to get
a little scored aL'out tbe matter uiiJ
pai.l MorninrTsttir ii 1llar witbont
any more lienitiition. ju.,c'V'
tbe matter bushej btit
pll evil
de&ls it Trill crop out.
closad on Friday aid Siturd iy, &ep.
8t,h anii Otb so that tlie students may
attend tbe Countv Fair.
J. II. DDiat.ii,
- m
Have you tried Sozrth American
Nervine tho gem of tbe century f
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant,
ed the most wonderful Storanch and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trail bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Eamks &
C o., Druggists, MilHintown, Pa,
Nov. 14. Jy.
"Brethren," said a preacher wbra
the collection was being made, "per
haps one of you will bo good enougft
to put a needle and thread in the-
bag so that I may be enabled to
make some use of tho buttons with'
wLieh you are so liberal."
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Ltemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin; Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen
Throat, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by
use of one lottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
knowu. Sld by L. Banks & Co..
Druggists, Mifflintown. Oct 1, ly.
;Tui-i is w'la1. an exchange says:
Au authority on domestic economy
advises tho bouse keeper of limited
means to save her fire and strength
and do as ranch ironing as possible
with tlie clothe wringer. Plain
pieces with towels, pillow coses,
sheets, merinos and stockings, put
tbiough the wringer will be smooth
enough for all practical' purposes, if
the rollers are tight- Life is too
shot't and flesh and blood are too
preffioas to be wasted sprinkling,
folding, unfolding, ironing, refolding
and airing a lot of white goods.
Pcacli C rate.
Mm. Annie E. Humphrey is pre
pared to furnish Peach Crate Mater
ial, Plastering Lath, Shingles and all
kinds of Building Material at the
Mill formerly owned by her late hus
band, R. W. Humphrey, deceased.
Peach lumber a speciality. Maze,
Juniata county, Pa. tf.
Weixeb Harris. On August 17V
bv Rev. J. K. Llovd, S. B. F. Weller
and Nora Harris both of Milford.
Bendek Leach. On Augnst 16tb,
by Rev. H. C. Hollowav, D. D., Hom
er Bender and Annie Leach Leach,
both of this town.
Ward Kauffmak. On August 15,
by Rev. H. C. Hollowav, D. D., Ar
thur E. ard of Mc eytown and
Harriet E. Ivauffman of this county.
Smith Nace. On August 10,
1893, by Rev. Henry Treverton, B.
W. Smith and Rebecca Nace, both
of Fayette township.
IJUW tl tiAl.tB.-VU tUC hULU
inst., by Dr. H. C Hollowav, D. D.,
T Tl-,. rw. QQtV.
at the home o Mr. H. C. McClellan
in this town, J. D. Lowrey, D. D. S.,
of Pottsville, Pa., and Miss Grace E.
Hexbt Minium. Oa August 17,
by Rev: W. F. Steck, Stewart Hem y
of Tuscarora and Bertha Minium of
McDonald On the 16th inst., in
.Vilford township, May Malindn,
daughter of A. H. McDonald, acred 5
years, 11 months and 0 days.
Arbuckle. On the 17th inst.. in
MeCoysvilJe, John Arbuckle, aged
86 years, 10 months and 8 days.
7.' 10i1. " L
PfttterB at the home of itg
. ti. t j: t ,.i i
father Joseph Landis, Paul, infant
son of Elmer Keller of Harribburg.
Interment in Union Cemetery.
"Every Dos Helps Me
Wbeo I taks Hood's Sarsaparilla. and I thick It
ths best taedlelae (or the blood. My six-year-old
bor hnd sori on Ills feet, canted I'T I'OI
tM IVV. They brrume so lar9 and ln
ful hs could not wear Iuh shoes. A week after
I began living him Hood's SarHparlll:i tlie
sores beguu tuueal up sod disappear, ami when
bo hsd lakeu Io holtles he was entirely
cured." Mna. C. Jl. Thti s. South tiituoti, l'a.
HOOO8 PlLL8 sra purely vegetable, and do
aos purge, film mt gripe. Hot by all dru4t. idc.
(Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of Miltlintinrp, l'a., has lo- i
csted permanently in Milllintowo, as suc
cessor to the lat Dr. U. L. Derr, and will '
continue the dental businers (eslaiilisheit
by the latter in W) tit the well known of- '
tice on Bridge street opposite Court Uouso.
JVo Chloroform, Ether, or Gas uw;.
Xo Sore Gums or Diseomfort to patient,
eitht'r during extraction or af terward a.
All these are Guaranteed rr rt, tbarge
Mrm. 2"a
"Selling at Cost at
Summer Suits at cosS to nrnke room for our Fall Goods.
our stock of Women's Shoes, and will sell our entire h'ne of Misses and
nd ladies Oxford's AT COST
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses
testing room is three doors north of
Safe Horses furnished in time
Cases requiring atteution at mgbt will bo promptly aitefided to by
calling on me at my Furniture Room.
(Pirajti French
Nerve RcmadT.)it
Q Mara a la a to care
all Nervous diea
es, such as Weak
Memory, Loss o
Drain Power, Ner.
vouaness. Held-
eiroRi ano astir us 1.
acne. Wakeful
neswLrest man hootf, Lassitude, all araina ana to..
of paVer ia cither sex, caused ly overexertion 01
youthfnllndtscretion, which ultimately lead to lo
nioilty, Connmplion and Insanity Price, It go s
pacluse. With every tf. order we ive a vrri:r
a:aa3 to ewro or raftjnd moaey By mail -ii.y
-ddress. PIVER' BtMEOV COToloi;, 0
! will he mvic.
i All work gnarantwd In give perfect
i smiaucuon. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentlat.
lr. Hiimphrera'SiwIflrrvBrlcnrtflcsllraad
m refill iv ;r-rTsl Ki-riM.litM, iwl fir -sra HI
priTatff pracfioe mad fur o.rr ibfrtv vnn by tb
profile with entire iwrm. Evt-rv ilutflo SxcUla
a aiNTlal cunt fur the dtMe named.
TJwjrcure without di-nnulm, purKlnxormlnrinc
lhvtein.ana are UvXaclcud decu liicfrevrrcica
lirmrttira of Ibe Woria.
1-FfTrrn, CnnirMlnns, Inflammations.
araN, vtrui t "rr. Worm 'oWe..
3-Trrlhln: Cullu, i ryl"t. WakFrulnccs
4illarrira,or l liuorru nr Atlulu
3 KTtraierr.urtplnt,-. i.iikkik luUe....
6 Cholera MorbMa. Vomiting
7 ( aaiht, Cultla. broBohlUa.
S Nraralcia, Tx41iarbe. Karrarhe
9 lleaaac-he, Hlok Heailarbc. Vrrtha.
J 5
10 lraia, KlIlotiMiesa. 1 tntitl4illnn ..i
11- riaaprraaKl or I'ainfal Prriaa!. .US
11 hues. Too PmriiMi 1'ethjul
13-t'rttas I.nrrasllla. narnetfs.... ..f
1 1 rw It ithPfa, rrvtielaa. Krufttona. .4.1
1 5 Klienmatftm.er Itneumailc Pains..
16- Halarla, hula. Fecr and A true m
17 l"ile,LUut erltWillnir jjj
l-tIthilmy, Sorat , at Frea. . ,-2i
l-'iirnrr'i, JtiSm-nr-i, likl liiUiellcad .-JJ
liO Vh,oi.ias: a!.:i
I thn, fiH.i.-eAl Rreathltiit US
ii-a'ir If in harien. l-iipatrrl Hearing .US
'J.l-?riftj'i,:jt. rntvixb.. ' Inn-la. , IIIuk .US
- I -Urtirr! I). 1,11:1 . i L i-h al Weaknna .US
U-i llropr. rnt JuiitT Savretfont
St-n-r.i'kii.iM. M-bnraa from Kkllng
a? Kidurr USni mm
IfW S,i-e Mont M. ori'atike.
3tt I'rlnnrr Wenkne, tt.nBe4..
31 I'niul'ul I'lrinda
3-4 Iibl4irrin. I lerrntKl SoreThrt.nt..
3S Chrnuic ('ngrif.tlna ft rniptluua.
2H Xorroos Itxhillty. sntlual Weak-
J2 Itikeaarnof tb llenrt.lalttarlon t.Otf
33-i:llepnrv spatfiiui. t. Vitus' lJance...l.00
lienor lnvrHiuil:try I -t.-t-iutritea
S"'a 'T OrmcUt, wr went po(-it4 ea nerl.t vt arlca.
Pa. Itrarnaicta' IIahpal i 114 f.ac-. a.n.aa raka.
I at rnavs'sta.io..i.i iisimum.. an, Tar.
Forniea Fxternal or Internal. Jtllnrl orTtleedlng;
r .lituLiiH Auo: lu-blucr ItleethnK rf the t-utiuu.
Tlie relief in litivuMluiUr the eurc certain.
Sol4 r Sru:a, or a.al Mal-.i4 oa trot,.' mi rncm.
BrWBUis' aTra.it.. ma lis niuua su, saw rang
Fcr Horses, CatUe. Sheep, IDogB, Sog
500 Page nnok Trfitmrni ofAnlBUils
mud i hart Free
rmrnc 1rrTrra,f'ABffriiion.In0aiiiansBileK
AA(pinal Meniutfitin. M Ilk Kfwer.
H.ll. Siralni. Lm(urM, 1 a. tiaUBW
Itinteniprr, NumI lirrfa arses
1.. lt r 4raH Wwrtntt.
F.F. f 'olif! or wri !, Bfrlrtchft.
4..(.IlrtcnirrlaBe llrmrrhffe.
II.lt. I rloarynnel Ividnry U)Me
l.l.-krnaliy Illaeaaea. Slmngs.
J.K. Dtiraara at Itigeeclon, rarwlysla.
Single Bottl (over Nduaaax - - .00
Sable I r. with Hpacldra. attwaal,
etiiory Cure Oil and Hedloator. ST.00
Jar Vctrrtnary t'araOiln - 1.09
Sals wj BnitrW.1 ar ml nris aarvaareaag aag
eaaaillr aa rMk4 ef prw
! HiarBaEis'ata. ro.. 1 1 1 a I is snatam St., s fart.
for any length of time. Myjunder
the National Hotel on Main St
of funeral.
18 but skin deep. Tharearrtbanranrlsndtulies
1 who cava mrular features and would be ac
corded the palm of beauty were it not for a poor
complexion. To all stich vre rvoommend DR.
ME BR A' 8 VIOLA CREAM as possessing these
qualities uai quirk it coanca 10a most sallow
and florid coraDlexion to one of natural bealtb
and unblemished beauty. It cures Oily Skin,
Freckles. Mack Heads. Blr.tch.-s. Sunburn.
Tan, Pimples, and all fmcrfectiona of tbe
skin. It i not a cosmetic but a cure, yet Is bet
ter for th toilet table than powder. Bold by
Druggists, or sent pert paid upon receipt ol SOc.
G. C. BITTMER , CO., Talade, O.
"Great Sacrifice
- AT
The Hemainder of Our Sum
mer Stoot-will be sold at Cost
from this date until tho En
tire Stock is Sold. New is
yonr chance to hy Clothing
at Cost.
Ferd Meyers,
the wholesale and retail Clothier, Bridge St , Miffliotown, Penna.
Special Invitation To The PublU
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that ges on dailj
It will be
Who have moncj to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, eo don't fi
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Tta si earing qnalit lea are vnsurvaanad, actnaTtw
Outlaatintr two boxea of any otber brand. Vm
OacVMl ar heat. l"t.KT THE iEX 115 E.
LUUAL VJK iKAVIiLLlMfl, to sell our
Nurserj Stock. Salary, Expensea and
Steady Employment vnaraotecd.
Dec. B, TJ1. Rochester, N. T.
Tbe Srnltntl and Ktpntltrmu office ia the
place to get job work doae. Tijit. It will
pay yoo if you need anything hi that line.
examine the Stock of Goods for
Wonderful! Low Trices.
wit a
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN IRWINCasntsr.
W. C. Poraeroy, Joseph Rothrnatt,
John Rertaler, Jos tab L. Bartoa,
Robert R. Parker, Lonis R. Atkinsea,
T. V. Irwin.
Philip M. Repner, Annie H. Shr'ley,
Joseph Rntbrock, Jane H. Irwin.
I.. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwls
Mary Kuril, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr,
John Hertzler.
Charlotte Snyder,
John M. Blair,
F. M. M. Pease!!,
SamnelS. Rothiock,
T. V. Irwin.
Josiab L Barton,
Robert H. Patterson,
Lavi Mrht.
Wra. ffwarta.
Three and Fonr per cent. (Merest will b
paid on certificates of deposit.
jan 23, 1891 U
Banerlng fraas tha affaeas of yoathfol until a early
oaear. waMtiuit waakoaaa. feet manhood, etc. 1 ana
srad a valuable traatiaa (aaald eootainlns; fofl
particulars for boaaa oare, F R EC of ebarRS. A
spanwUd asadioal work : ohould'oa read by every
loan who Is aarvaua and deMIMated. a4raaaU
TrmC V. C FOWU3K. Moocbaa, 1
1 a. Jiaoe at once. No operation or bn sines
delay. 1 hoossnrls of cares. Dr. Maver Is at
Hotel Penn, Reading, Pa., second Satarday of
each month &eod tor circoiaxs. ASrtoatree,