Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 30, 1893, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY ALU- 80. 1893.
B. F. S C II W E I E It
Republican County Ticket
Wm. H. iloore,
Netl L Stewart
Wilberforce Schweyer.
John F. Ehoi-Dzeller.
AV. H. Zfiders.
"William Gums,
John Y. Shelly.
Calamity Makers..
Ci.iteh5d anl his Congress are
the business calamity maters. The
platform of his party declared against
a protective tariff It denounced the
present banking system indirectly,
and indirectly declared against pen
sions. Of cnnrse such a program as
that alarmed the country. Said the
manufacturer?, if the tariff is to be
reduced, we dare not go on with our
works, for if we do Cleveland and his
Congress will reduce the tariff and
we will be caught with a stock on
Land that we manufactured at high
wages rate, and now you bring into
the country from Europe under Cleve
land's low tariff laws a large stock of
goods that are sold below what our
goods cost up, and thut will break us
financially, we must stop work to
save ourseiv s from the impending
wreck, arid tiiat i.-i how the factories
came to shutdown. Again the threat
ened change in the banking system
caused the people to think that if
there is to be a chmgo in the bank
ing system they ha 1 better draw
their deposits', and Ihey began to
draw the money that is honestly
theirs, and t lint shut off the revenues
of the bunk", nnd shut ff the power
of the banks to loan money, mid when
the banks had no money to loan new
enterprises came to a stand still for
want of money and dealers uud ship
pers of all kind of grain and pro
line; failed to secure money to en
gage in tin ir accustomed businesp,
and thus the Cleveland calamity mak
ers offi.,ctpl the whole country, and
the end is not y t for they have not
once within the six months of the
present , Cleveland rulo iutini'iteil
that they have ; iveu up their pur
pose to nproot ll.o present b inking
firstem and pro'eetive tmiff.
The mechenioal inventions have
progressed with rapid strides since
the Centennial. Then there were no
electric lights, no electric cars, no tel
ephone, no phonograph and many
other mechanical appliances, but with
all the multiplicity of inventions no
new road to thinking, learning, to
moralizing, sermonizing, speech
raakiLg, singing Sec, has been discor.
Calamity riders Cleveland and Car
lisle of the South hav been in the
saddlo riding only sis months, nnd
in that time hundreds of banks have
Buppcoded, hundreds of pensions
have been stopped, hundreds of man
ufacturing establishments have been
closed and hundreds of thousands of
men thrown out of employment, and
the manufacturing production of the
country so reduced that the railroads
liave side-tracked thousands of cars,
Laving nothing to haul in them, and
etill the calamity makers hold high
carnival at Washington.
The times will get better by and
by. The old stock of goods that is
on hand will L.ive been consumed,
and new things of every kind will
Lave to be made to take the place of
the old worn nut goods, and men will
huve to be employed to manufabture
what will be needed. The only cloud
on the bright horizon of the future,
is the attitude of tho Cleveland ad
ministration. 1 1. proposes to strike
off tho tariff. If that is done our
manufacturers will have to start their
worLR by paying greatly reduced
wages aad greatly reduced prices for
everything. The Cleveland Admin
istration if 1,-ft go will bring Ameri
can industrial affairs to a level with
European industrial affairs.
After Tweutj-flre Tears.
Aftbr a married life covering a per
iod of twenty-five years, Postmaster
Stone at Acker, Perry eounty, has re
cently bscme the father of a baby
daughter, tho first child to bless the
martial union formed a quarter of a
centurv ago.
llullt a Ilouve In a Day.
Bollwoo l's mechanics recently per
formed the feat of building a house
in one day. They cut their timbers,
primed them and placed them on the
ground ready for the event. The
Louse is 18x23 feet, two stories high,
and has a finished attic and front
portico. At '.) o'clock the carpenters
were roofing, the painters glazing
and the plasterers lathing. Ac five
o'clock the plasterers had mounte 1 t
the attic, the carpenters an I painters
busily finishing the inside. The
Louso was plastered in adamant and
finished with the usual white finish
iside, everything, both as to material
and workmanship, being fully equal
to any house of the kind in the town.
Bellwood Bulletin.
- m .
Fallowing Nature.
"For centuries says a scientific
writer in "Occultism," the mud wasp
ha built its cells of soft mud; in ths
bottom of these cells the female layi
its minute ess, building its mud
home just the size that the young
will be when grown. Before closing
this mud-walled cell the wasp catches
a suitable sized spider, injects into
ltd body a nul l that causes it to re
main torpid through the winter, un-
til with the warmth of returning
spring the young wasp grows con
suming the spider for food, thus
gaining strength to break the mud
walls and emerge into the outer
world a full-winged insect. And yet
no mud wasp from the beginning has
ever seen its young.
Rvoked for Court.
Court will convene next week. The
following cases have been booked for
Charles Troutman vs. H. O. Orris,
is a tresspass case brought over from
Perry county.
Alfred J. Patterson executor vs.
Augustus S. Wright et al, is one of
three other cases, that grew out of
the wills that Mrs- Jane Gallagher,
deceased, made.
R. It. Crozier &, Co., ys. the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, is a case
that grew out of a lot of sheep that
the company shipped for Crozier.
John II. Rodgers vs. Samuel Q.
Rohrer and Mary Rohrcr is a case
abouta promissory note.
Lewis Arnold vs. D. Oscar Dress
ier and Elizabeth Cox, is an eject
ment case about a piece of 'and that
was sold by the sheriff as the proper
ty of one man, but which is claimed
belonged to others.
John S. and Daisy E. Earner vs.
the Hartford Fire Insurance Com
pany to secure insurance money.
William Will. s and James D. Wil
liams partners trading in the firm
name of Willis & Williams vs. the
Pennsylvania Caual Company, is a
case to recover damages for iron ore
that was placed on the caual bauk
for transportation, but never trass
ported. Sallie E. Snooks. Isabella J Patter
son and J. Frark Patterson, adiuiuis
traturs of A. J. Patterson, is a suit
to recoser m uey that it is claimed
was raid to A. J Patterson, dc'd.
Com. vs Geo. F. Dauberman,
prosecutrix Fhebe Kelly. Charge,
forging a note.
Com. vs. Harry Nicholas. Prose
cutor, Ida E. Biirris, breach of peace.
Quarrel about chickens.
Com. vs. Geo. F. Dauberman.
Prosecutor, Geo. D. Sideman, gov
ernment employee. Charge, conspir
acy to defraud pensioners.
Com. vs- Geo. F. Dauberman.
Prosecutor, John Xnylor. Charge,
conspiracy to defraud pensioners.
Com. vs. John Kepler. Prose
cutrix, May Bonsall Fornication
and bastardy.
Com. vs. Daniel Amich. Prosecu
tor Geo. D. Sidmau. Conspiracy to
defraud pensioners.
Com. vs. Geo. Kuhn. Charge, con
spiracy to defraud pensioners. Pros
ecutor, Geo. D. Sidman.
Com vs. John Dull. Charge of as
sault and battery that it is said grew
out of drinking cider. Prosecutor,
It. R. Crozier.
Com. vs. J -hn P.Johnson. Charge,
threatening bodily injury that gre.v
out of an elopement c-i.se. Prosecu
tor. II. R. Spanglor.
Coin. vs. Wm. Donahny. Charge,
assault and battery. Prosecutrix,
Hetty Carpenter.
Com. vs. Sarah Bait lev. Charge,
cutting a wire that was stretched
along a fence line that has for years
been in dispute. Prosecutor, S. B.
Com. vs. Edward Bartley. Charge,
assault. Prosecutor, Tillie M. Lou
don. Com. vs. John McDonald. Charge,
threatening bodily injury. Prosecu
tor, Armstrong Kinslow.
Com. vs. Jame6 Kanffinan. Charge,
furnishing intoxicating liquor to a
man of intemperate habits. Prose
cutor, G W. Wilson.
Com vs. Charles Ganvtt Charge,
fornication and bastardy. Prosecu
trix Com. vs Frank Watts. Charge,
fornication and bastardy. Prosecu
trix, Eva Louver.
Celebration or Pennsylvania
Day at tbe World's Fair.
The World's Fair Commission hav
ing decided on Thursday, September
7th as the day which they desire to
have formally celebrated and desig
nated as Pennsylvania Day, the Penn-v.'vani-i
R.ailrnivl nnmnimtr in Tmrn.
... . . 4 r"'"
auce of its usual custom, t k8 pleas
ure in announcing tuat, for the ben
efit of those wishing to participate in
or attend tho ceremonies, the ex
tremelv low rate of nn f in f, tin.
round trip will prevail from all points
suuaieu on mat company s lines
within the borders of tbe State.
Tickets for the (M-ensum will lt
good only on the special train leav-
lL rt ij'iiiifc at ll.uu -1. ill ., oep-
tember jf.li. anrl rnajMiimv T,-
at l.lo, Hrrisburg 3 0( Lewhtown
Junction 4 30, Altoona 7.00, Pitts
burg 10.23 P. M. Storm will be
made at principle intermediate sta
tions. Anil onniiert inns mnv m.i.U
from points on the branches of the
main line. The composition of the
train will be first class standard
coaches, and ample accommodation
will be provided for all who will avail
themselves of the opportunity of
showing their int rest iu an event bo
momentous as the commemoration of
tho Keystone Stale at the WnrlH'a
Columbian Expos;'ion.
Chicago will be reached by the
special train early in the afternoon of
w ucib uv, oepremoer urn, anu ine
return coupons will be good for pas
sage on trains leaving Chicago at 3.
15 and 11.30 P. II., on or before Sep
tember 13th.
The inducements for this excur
sion and the facilities provided in the
train service over the Pennsylvania
system will doubtless be taked advant
! fi TO C 1 f V iVm mAt-tr Pen rc r-in
who are anxious to show the pride
they have for their native State.
Summer Weakness
And that tired fe ling, loss of ap
petite and narvovs pi ost ration are
thriven away by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
like mist before tbe morning suu.
To realize the benefit of thin .great
medicine, give it a trial, and you will
join the army of enthusiastic admir
ers of ITiKid's Sarsaparilla. vjC- 4,
- Fair ExcumlODi
On all the railroads will b9 run f jr
the Port Roval Fair that begins on
the 6th of September and closes on
the 9th. The management otters ?? a,
000 in cash premiums and an entire
new line of special attractions. Trot
ting and running and bicycle races
every day. Special premiums for
fruit and vegetable displays.
InveMtlgatlon Invited-
Of course it is proper to enquire
about what any man says. Is it true?
The most rigid investigation is in
vited into the testimonials pub'ished
in behalf of Blood's Sarsaparilla.
Special attention is called to the high
character of the persons whose tes
timonials are published by the pro
prietors of this medicine, as evidenc-'
ed by their occupations or endorse- !0thers, but a ilrnsr is nsed in New China
ment. In fact no matter where tes-.! which in actual value far surpasses any
timonials in behalf of Hood's Sarsa- thing which has lwen known here,
parilla may be from, it is reliable I The substance in question is called
and as worthy of confidence as if it
came from your most trusted neigh
bor. t.Sep.10-1893.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., savs: "I owe my life to the
crreat South Americnn Nervine. I
had lifMl in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach, , Corea ami is the principal article of ex
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and ' port from Corea into China. So much
a general shattered condition of my ! this the case that the Coreans arc loath
whole svatem. Had riven up all part with any see.ls of the plant lest
hopes of getting
well. Had trid I
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved me no much that I was able
to walk alxjtit. and a few bottles ei.r-.
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in the world. I can
net recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Drugsrist, Mif
Qintown, Pa. Feb. 9 '93, ly.
. 1 - -
TIM beat and only Double Extract Sartaparilla la
Manners. It cere. Taka rn other. EOcenta.
ANOTnr.n ttmk for avy i.esc.th of tiiif.,
We will continue making our fine
Cabinet Potogrnphs as low an 1 50
per dozen. These pictures ere
i mounted on elegant card enameled
on back and face, with picture with
a high Polish finish superior in qual
ity to to the ArUto Photo I have
been taking the lat year. However
all those wis'iing the Aristo picture
I will still make them at the eame
price, $1.50 per dozen.
The extensive patronage and the
many testimonials of the approba
tion of our work, we have received
the last year, gives us renewed conr-
age to go on with thr-se low prices.'
nnd we nronosn makino- MifflJntrm-n
i I -
head-quarters for the finest. Photr
graphs for the money that can be
obtained anywhere, adding all the
time new and costly ascennories of
the very latest designs nivtrtg our
tradA the benefit of that which would
co.t $3.00 in ihe citv, for $1.50 in
Mifilintown. We can make picture
, for $1.00 per dozen such as are mvl
i by bu travelling photographer, but !
I we prefer givinour patron a much
1 better picture for very little more
money. Thinking our patrons for
their liberal patronage we silicit a
continuance of fhi same.
Res nee tfull'",
Joseph TTKsg.
Miffiintown, P.t, March 9, 1893.
If iom want ta art cured take Mannera Double Es-
1ract taraaparllla. It'a th beat. Trj it 60 centa.
Helaware Xcits.
Onr farraera welcomed tho rain that fell
last Satnrdiy night.
Joaeph Nickel one ' of onr enttrrriaing
taresaera h removed
his mkchine to
Pfou'i'a Valley.
The Whit-lind Sunday Schiol will hold
a Sunday Si-hnol Picnic aonth of the U. C.
Church on Saturday, September 0.
A Sabhith School Convention will be
held in the U. B. Church at Eat Salem,
commencinir Saturd j evening, September
2, continuing until Sunday evening the 3rd.
The speakers aro K-v- J. T.andi. C. G.
Winer. D. E. Spi. her, Rv. Win. Vincent
Rev. Nelaon Knijsht, J. Bink Kurtz.
Good music will be furnished by the TJ. B.
The Delaware peach "growers aro busy
ahipping pearhra.
Loat Friday nifht when Ent Si!em had
gone to its aweet repose everything was
still excepting the ticking oT clocks and
barking dogs, burglars made their way into
the atore of K. S. Schlegnl and tok from
its contents a suit of c'otaea, a pair of
shoes and a hat.
Miss Edna Farra was the guest of D. B
Humherirer last week. j
Rev. Woodward occupied the IT. P. Pul . I
pit at East Salem last Saturday and Sunday I
I AnniA nnH n.niul BTtlna I
I -- ...... .ai.ii.a ivill.F wrin TIBlLtll
their friends in this vicinity last week.
It never fall a to enre donhle
extract SAKKAPARILLA. SOe. everywhere
Miss L"ttie Tlaekenberjer is visiting in
Duncannon .
George Dnngtiman of Patterson, apen'
Sunday in Altoon.
"-Frank Sieber of near this town it tenting
at William's Grovo thia week.
Samuel Speedy and daughter of Califor.
nia are visiting Squire Weidman in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Margin from Kane,
Pa., are viaited Mrs. Morgan's aunt Mrs.
David Cramer.
Mr. and Mrs. David Time of Indiana are
visiliug at the homu of Mr. Kink's parents
Jlfr. and Mrs. J. M. Fink in Patterson.
Mrs. Frank Wright or Patterson and 3
children spent a month at tho homo of her
parents Mr and Mra. Thorn is Kennedy, in
Perry county.
ylfrs. Kate Eminger and three children of
Philadelphia returned home on Saturday af.
ter spending two months with her parent 1
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wright in Pitterson.
The storm on Monday night killed many
sparrows on thi-ir roosM oa tho trees around
Court House square. Dead spirrows by the
doxen lay on the pavement oa Tuesday
The fiercest storm of rain and wind in
many days prevailed all Monday night.
Corn was leveled to tbe ground. Fences,
barna and house roofs were damaged. Tbe
torra along the co 1st a nt bve been ter
rific as it came from tbe coast.
Colonel Thoinaa Moorehead of theTuaca-
rora Valley Railroad and James McMullin
ot Waterford were in town on Monday.
The Colonel has a high opinion of tha nat
nral resources of Juniata county. II ayi
the abuli-a and ra ml en miked will
prove a source r wrath to
they lio-w (In lint 10-ilixe.
th. J eo, thkt
We bad both of 11 at.-id we would rathe
It be "five or take" philopene
Whatever ono save to thn other
In any way ilurius that e'en
Tho other fhonltf surely repay,
A Rift ami a koe.au to be.
She meaut in uni faith I will ay.
but I well. '!m could have blamed mef
For soon as otir compact wm aealed
I gave her a Wis on the cheek
"Philnpona:" I cried, "you must yield
And pay me another next week."
She had promised: ahe knew ahe was
And the bright color mantled her brow.
And she raid. "I will pay if I ouuht,
liut let It be over with now!"
Abble F. Orown in Yankee Blade.
The Coot of Glnnenc-
In England we have been accustomed
times for
A t, . enc
A-mtr bmIi n niimiiip. cocaine and
ginseng ami is tne root or Aran qum
nfipfnlin. It i so hwlilv valued as a
tonic ami stimulant nieJicine in China
that it is sold ut from 20 to 210 times its
weight in silver, sometimes for 300 times
that amount. Authorities state, how
ever, that it poss.-sses no important
medicinal prouerties. Next to China
the dnv' is nroiliiceil in good quality in
T, J, , , 1 3
BIU'UIU l5 III .liitMi.
The wonder is that with such a much
nsed commodity at such a price steps aro
not taken to cultivate it in sufficient
quantity so as to adjust the balance be
tween supply and demand. Tho reduc
tion, for .example, in tho price of qui
nine was largely tho result of increased
cultivation of the cinchona plant, and
the sanio may be said of cocaine in re
spect to tho cocoa plant. Pearson's
The Miul Cot a Whipping.
Some few years nfjo in tho depths of
winter I'll old pair had ascended the
"wooden hill" for their night's rest.
They had lecn there some timo when
the old clock struck 2. Tho next minute
I they were startled by their bedroom
door opening, nnd in walked their son
Will, with a face ns long as a fiddle.
I "Well. Will," exclaimed tho fond
father, "what is the matter?"
i "There's a man in tho house," said the
Tho father jumped out of bed, snatch
ed np the poker, the wifa following suit
with the toir.TS. and they weut down
stairs, followed by Will. The house was
searched, but 110 man was found.
"Where's the inaii'r" Kaid the father.
Will, with a twi..t of tho few brlstl-s
on his uptwr lip, straightened himself.
and tHjiiitin' to his breast eaid:
Father, here ho is."
It was his twenty-first birthday! Lo
' 6l wmppms tor .i. u.....
! Yankee Ulada
IYl'lmleMtlo I'luttng.
Ono of tho most remarkable illustra
tions of progress i:i electrical appliances
I is electrulitic painting. Hitherto if cop
per or other metal had to Ik) deposited
1 electrically a bath of solntion was noed
I ed. Now all this N changed, and a ship's
! hull can bo plated s easily ns a spoon
j or a teapot. Instead of a bath, insolu
ble salts, ground to a lino iowder and
mixed with water aro nseiL - This mix
ture is painted 011 the metal to be plated
by a lino wiro brush, to which ono polo
of a dynamo conductor is attached, the
other ple lciiig connected to a plate.
Not only pr.ro met.il, but all sorts of al
lovs can bo used. Exchange,
What Aluminium Ift.
There uru many misconceptions about
aluminium that aro widespread and
which it seems difficult to correct in
the public mind. Aluminium is not,
section for section, a very strong metal.
It is only one-half as strong as wrought
iron. It has a very low elastic limit. It
is not riirid. but lends nnder a trans-
Torso strain readily. It is in its alloys
that its utility commences to appear.
With 8 to ii per cent of copjier or' alu
minium bronzo we have one of tho most
dense, finest grained nnd strongest met
als known. Xow York Telegram.
j For the Camtry lllrd.
' Canary birds are often covered with
! vermin. They may le relieved of them
! by placing a clean white cloth over their
! cage at night. In tho morning tho cloth
I will lie covered with minute red siot3,
; so small that they can hardly bo seen
j with tho naked eye. These aro tho paa-
sue, u source 01 greai niinoyanco vo mo
birds. Philadelphia Press.
Very Tolltr.
you liko your
"How do you liko your new music
IIo is a very nice, polite yonng man.
When I mado a mistake yesterday, he
said. 'Pray, mademoiselle, why do you
take bo much pains to improve npon
Beethoven? "Philadelphia Telegraph.
Tho throne, the grandees, tho high
ecclesiastics, the captains general, the
admirals and the ministers of state in
Spain wield a very powerful influence in
Spanish politics and control the upper
houfo of tho cortes.
The thinnest tissuo pnjier measures
l-l'-'OO of an inch in thickness. The
Krupp gnu works claims a machine
which will roll iron so thin that it would
tako 1.800 sheets to mako an inch.
Teach children t say, "Yes, mother
(or father), and "Xo, mother," and to
say, "Yes, sir (or madam)," to old peo
ple or to those who adhere to the old
ways of speech.
The advice of your dentist should be
sought as to the proper tooth powder to
use, as many of the compounds on the
market contain harmful acids and gritty
Travelers by rail in Rnasia are divided
into three classes civil, military and
convict, with the further subdivision of
paying and nonpaying. 4
Rebecca Wilkiuson, of Browns
valley, Ind., savs: "I have been in a
distressed condition for Ihreo years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stoinache. Dyspepsia, and Indiges-
tion until my health was gone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
j no relief. I bought ono bottle of
I South American Nervine which done
me more good than any jfoO worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bo' ties of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est mcdioin in the world." War
ranted the mot wonderful stomach
and nerve cura ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cenls. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist. Mifilintown,' Pa.
Feb 1, 93 ly.
Itch on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by
Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co.
DraggisteHiffliutown.Pa. Octl, ly.
Lenlilawn Academy.
A college preparatory and finish
ing school for both sexes. Foreign
languages taught by natives. Music
department, vocal nnd instrumental
under a laureate of the Royal Con
servatory of Stuttgart Germany.
Terms moderate. Send for catalogue
J. C- PLA,
Prta. Ltwulown, Mifflin Co. jlcadimv.
October 1st. 1893.
To the Public-
I have just received fresh candies,
sugar, coffee, syrup, N. O. molassus,
soap, indigo, epicea. ten, starch, choc
alate, Knighf's vanilli, baking pow
der, starch, baking soda, matches,
salt, lemons, bananas, cracker?, cakes.
nour, teed, tobacco, cigar, water
melons, cantaloupes, coal oil. station
ary, and everything usually kept in a
grocery store. Joe Adams.
MirririT0wa.Ang.ro H93.
Pnttor IB
Tft 15
Ham 18
Shoulder 14
terit , ...
Sidea, .................... .....
Wheat, 55
Corn in ear 65
nta, 27 to 30
Rye 60
('ioverseed. ..
Timothy aoed $2.00
Flax seed 1 60
Bran 90
Chop ..$1. 2D a hundred
Middlings 1.10
Ground Alum Salt 1 Ufl
American Salt 80c to 75
Philadelphia Markets A'igU3 t
2G, 1893. Wheat G't to G80; corn 44
to 45c; oats 33 to 3(5c; wheat straw
$7 to S ! ton; eggs 13 to 17c a doz;
butter 15 to 30j a lb; live chicksns 9
to 1 3d a lb; smoked ham 12 to 13c a
lb; shoulders 8 to 9c a lb; sides 8 to
9c a lb; potatoes 40 to oOc a bosket;
sweet potatoes 35 to 8O0 a basket, on
ions $2.50 to $3.50 a barrel; whisky
$1.12 a gallon; liny $13 to $19 a ton.
In the nmltrr of the petition or K?e l M.
Mitchell, an insolvent.
To all crfriitora of said Petitioner:
Notice is beroby given that a petition o(
Reed 11 Mitchell, bas bean filed in tbe
Court ot Common Pleas of tha county of
Juniata, praying Ihe said court (or tbe ben
efit o( the insolvent Uw ol the common
wealth, and lor a discharge therbunder.
'J be said court has died the room of said
court at Mirtlintown, in the county of Juni.
ata as the place, and Tuesday, the 19th day
of September, A.. D., 1833, at 1 o'clock P.
11., as the time for hearing said petition.
Jttorntyt for Pttitioner,
August 29. 1893.
The undersigned assignee in trust for the
bcni'flt of tho creditors of Henry S. Hart
and David H.irt, of Fyette Townihip. Juni
ata county, will fxpnso to sale by public
vendue or outcry, on tract No- I, on
Saturday, September 2nd, 1893,
at 2 o'clock, I. M., of said day, the follow
ing real estate, to wit.-
Tract No. I. All tht certain tmrt of
land Mtnate in Fayette township, Juniata
counlr, Pennsylvania, ahout ono mile eat
ol Kelly's store, hounded on ths north by
lands of Joseph Smith. Jacob B iy and John
Brown; on tho e!-t by lnd ol John Brown
and Benjamin Hepner; on the south by lands
of Mrs. Barbara l.oneenscre and on the
west by lands of John Hart and Josep!)
Smith, containing
Eioohtt-five Aires,
more or less, and having thereon erected a
Two Story Stone Dwelling House, frame
bank barn and out-buildings.
Tract No. 2. A tract of wooilland sitiute
in tbe sme townhfpi and within a short
distance of tract No. I, bounded on the
Dorth by lands of B irbar Longenacr' ; on
tbe east bv lands ol Rerjtmin Hepner; on
the sonth by lands or John Shell, William
S. Brown and others, and on tho west by
lands of David 11 li-ics and John Hart, con
taining Twestt sevfx Acres, hork oa tus,
Trart No. 3. The undivided two-thirds
interest in a limestone quarry, situate about
one-hall mile north ol Brown's Mill, con
taining about one. hill aero.
TKKMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of tho
purchase money to be paid on the d ty of
sdle; twenty percent on the Hrst dy nf
January 1894; thirtr.flre per cent, on the
tirst day of April, 18'J4, when deod will bo
delivered and nossesion given, and thirty
tlve per cent, on the first day of Septemhnr
1894, all payments to besr interest I rom the
day ot salu and last payment to be secured
by Judgment note.
Whereas, the Hon. JEKEMTAII LTONS,
President Judge of the Court of Common
l'leas, for tbe Forty-First Judicial District.
composed of the counties of Juniata and
Perry, and the Honorable. JOSIAH L. BAR
TON and J. P. W1CKEUSHAV, As.soei.to
Judges of the said court or Common Pleas
of JuniaU county, by precept dulv issued
and to me directed for holding a Court of
Oyer and Terminer and Genoial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace at Hilllintown, on tbe
Notice is uerkbt oiveh. to the Coroner,
Justicea of the Peace and Constables of the
County of Juni-.ta, that they be then and
there in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock
in the lorenoon of aaid day, with their rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
remeinberancea, to do thoso things that to
their otl'ces respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by recognizance to
prosecute against tbe prisoners that aro or
may be in the Jail of raid county, be then
and there to prosecute against theiu as
shall be just.
By an act of tho Assembly, passed the
6th day of May, 1854, it made the dulv of
Justices of the Peace of the several coun
ties of this Conimonweallh to return to the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of
tbe respective counties, all the recogni
zances entered into before them by any per
son or persons charged with tho commis
sion ol any crime, except such caaes as may
be ended before a Justico of the Peace, un
der existing lawa at least ten days belore
the commencement of the session of the
Court to bicb they are made returnable
respecth -ly, and in all cases where racng
uizances are r.tered into less than ten daya
belore the commencement ol Hie session to
which tin y are made returnable, tho said
Justices are to return tbe same in the same
manner as if said act had not been passed.
Dated at Mifilintown, the 2nd day of
Aug't in ihe vear of onr Lord, one tliou
and eight hundred and ninety-three.
autiirr's (liner,
MitHintown, August 2, 1S'J3
Plao'a Kemedr for Catarrh la tbe
nest. UIHI to Cm, anil riHwpeat.
Sold by Drasa-lata or aeut
bym.iU I
60c . I. BaaalUaa, Warraa,
Subscribe ler the SiatistL o Ksroau.
caa, a good pa(r.
'.T:Too arTn TRY
nniiDiC rYTRAfT
UUUJLL. lA 1 1 mu
nnd I I Fir inr
W tIHUKAIISM II ni i ... ------
.diieaws which arisM frwj '(
'By using sjAfiiiLna vuudu-
kSARSAPARILU yo can rW yoarxH Of
mis ureaii -.
I Mannera Saraaparllla CO.. B.ngnm" . .
' Til nts : I waea fonstant aufff n-rt rom
i ,. winter of 1S I P"10 ov"
m Ki'ract sarehparni...
rman of m . I ' ever a
k friend of Menwn Kouble lUtracl bar-
rl,S n . viiJi atlnrV.env. Fa.
1 1 t'n ir. till T.
A nice little Farm i Snsqnehanua town
ship, near achool, church, mills and store,
more or less, haying; thereon erectei a
good two-story
LOGiiorsE anm niRJi.
and on-hnildin. all in a eiol st of re
pair. The land is in a irood state of culti
vation. This pro cm b" lionih st rry
low Deiire. For terms and fnr'hir descrip
tion, call on, or address,
Attornvs at Tjaw.
Mifflintown, Pa.
LE'i ft.
A noon noME i vvetment.
Tbe Hrst mortgage Son's or th Vifl -
town and Psrerson Water Oomnsni"". are
now offered for sale at th Juniata Valley
Bart. Te amount of th iasna is S27.0O0 .
Ten (1(1) bonds are $1,000 wh. The rat
of Interest is five (5) preent.clernrfaTe,
ravable In aemt annnal connons. Tha Mif
flin eonpona in February and Anml. and
the Patterson coupons in Aoril and Oefoher.
The prineipsl Is rrshe in tweafr f20)
years and redeemable in ten (10) rears. The
Companies have been in operation. Nino
(! months and hav. an income th-tlqn:'
snfncent to meet tho interest on the bonds
and all other charges The stock-hold era
of the companies are T,ouia F. Atkinson,
president; t,. Bsnks. yiee presiden; R. E.
Parker. Soretarv: T. V. Irwin, treasnrer;
Jeremiah I.'-nns. F M M. Pennell. W 111 E.
rionpes and Wm. H. Bnk. and they pur
pose to keep safe the interests of patrons.
bord-taoMers and creditors before they tska
anv return for their own investment. Ex
cept the Original Court House bonds which
bore six (6) percent. Interest. There has
never been so good a bond Investment offer
ed to investors. Price pir and accrued in
terest .
I tLLTERM (lc H'KS) $16.00.
WISTER " (11 ff'KS) $11-00.
SI'RIXC " (11WKS) 911.00
4ayThe necessary expenses of
Board and Furnislivl Rooms will
be small. As soon as I can organize
it, I shall furnish these things at
cotst. Send for announcement.
(Cornell Univtrsity) Viae.
Mifflintown, Tenna.
c fiii-Dt I. - It... .1,.. j iCI,i . i.t r.rr.
ti: n tor trtiT-l wfil iW lnriiwtw 4 nntwxis)
.fraph h tm atdMl to tt.- I u-fn nurf o
ir trurttsan. mnt t i iily fff'tcina tt-tn of wtaii.
n Liu Iih-d mtr'duid ttilU orw A.rttitur. tie.
'f. 'j- nt iBMIIt l'-T ril.iaVN af rt ti'wtft
at-. f . Fll ansl Vintfsr form aftmi TTis
Nt Ah 1rJ Apli?li n Miatik mm rvadj ar1j
Drnlitufnt D c'waiAf, Kt 041af-a, AddosI, Sharttr cmI
int. 'ti- tiuM,t f.r ,duaiint Kt. im-a. call r miirf
i'iH May Vtr.wr.. Pb l . PnctTw,I and P.nttsW
ttsafl Hui.rtir.4t.M1. baartoutM.. PhiiadluUu W
ley Railroad Company. Tira9 tnble
of pawienepr trinMm in efftct on Mondav.
I Tiniiartf 9 1 HQM
Weat- j East
ward, j ward.
3 '1 2 4
r m
6 25
6 28
6 82
6 3fi
6 20
6 42
6 61
6 60
7 11
7 14
7 22
7 32
7 37
7 43
7 47
7 66
8 01
8 03
A M '
10 OO
10 03
10 07:
10 10;
10 20
io r
10 21
10 S4
10 44
10 4
11 00
11 07
II 12
it is;
1 1 22
11 80
11 86;
11 40i
H 3o!
8 27
8 23
8 20
8 11
8 If?
8 08
8 02
7 46
7 40
7 34
7 26
7 19
7 15
7 10;
7 08
6 64
S 60
r m
4 n
3 67
T Newp'rt.........
Ilnffalo Bridge....
'Juniata Furnace..
Svlvan ...... ...
Watr Plua;
T Bloomtield Junct'n
Valley Road
T Klliottaburg......
T Green Park
T Loyavllle
Fort Robeson....
Center ..........
T Cisna's Kno......
A nd erson burg . . . .
T BUiin .
Mount Pleasant ..
New Germant'n..
8 63
3 60
3 41
3 4f
3 as
3 32
8 16
3 10
3 04
2 66
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 20
t 25
2 20
Note Sifrnifiea no agent, T tele
phone connection.
D. GKING. President ind Manager.
C. kV. Mu.LK a , General Agent.
Clearance Tforth
Summer Goods.
?mwier Dresa Goods, NVhite Goods, Lima Clotb, Indian Dimity,
French Zephyr Clotb, Fine Zephr Ginghams muslin underwear, S,lk8,
mS?, Florentine Silk, and all trimmings will be sold at extra low Clear
ance Prices.
sm.mall nieoes of carpet 1 to
Window Shades at reducod prices.
has some extraordioary Bargains. Size, of broken lots 33 per cent, off ana
l: j ! 1 .on f ir;1utd nriCet.
CVerj sinu wc dc jwu r
Imperatiye neoesaity compells us
Boom. Respectfully lours,
O t '3
ia ci
t- S U5 L-3 15 IS 15 IO C "O "f M Cl Cfl fl
cc ; :
T. T O
J. lOHfl
T: 53 00
C I -M ir -TI O T: in O r C l!5 O t!3 i
s s "1 ei
O K CI i; K f I -l
o x M x t? ?: -f c
5 to a ?
7: 3 1- o
I t-l
S C T: 0C
CI-HC5 1.-5
it h l 1? n I- 11 1
rt c :i j; -c 1 o
C f
S-I LO 1-1
TT r Tl t TT T X a"(M 1
1; 13 tt s o o -o s s o o t- 1-. aj c. r. ii
: ti t it "t car; it"
! CO i
Improved Variable Friction Ftl. Senil
for Cut nlotrnei ntnl Special I'ric-s.
My 10 '93. Yrk, V
tmw llmfr, tn'r ao0
. tti ttt, anxf-rtnttrm1.
. l-.'tuiiuy kmmi fir r or
, Mrn. to Knriu-
4-r rlirtft. o AKHta.
, W
) Tot XSTW 11 aal XITI1AI, ua.
W On" C"D rr. .aO
i Every Sufferer ?- fij'S
1 j
l off of the Origin.I 1'rioe CurUiai tad
to make this sacrifice We need the
r ts
-I r C C! r. U -f
ti i- c - c c t- -i r c
1913.fi o c ;i n o 3
xxx occet-r-waOH
. , ta
a . -i
e." :
i a
11 i X W - c c
O i 1 O L-3 O
ci i-i ri c m - so
- 5
15 w
c: C. X X t- t- r-
: a
. si
g ...... a .
i - a
a : :"3 ? : a j 1 o :
- S,?hl,S Eh M
mi- ccrrsrococ
m 1? ti n x tj H 1 H
f-Hf t U 13 O I- t- N
1 CO X TI O TI "f L?t
o h ci -t ; n h o ci o
ti ci rr
t- IT C 3
-l O CI -J -l
C4 !
K r- lt o
Of 0TI
Loeia K. ATKinaow. p. H. . Pcxiiil
MirruniwwB, PA.
. K"0""" Cosyej.nclng arentt
aIZ. r,c;-n M' t't, In plaee ,f r.sl
EL 0f,Lo", Atkinson. K.-,., aonth of
; Bndgo atreet. Oct 26. 1892.
: J PATTr..!, jr., witata acuwana.
j OE.D.ll.CSAWroBD, ,A,WI!, MBAWtOai
i ,"r,.ne1 Partnership fr the practice
of Medicine and their coll.tteral or.nchea.
Otlice at old stand, corner ot Third and Or
ance trt-.ts, Mifilintown. pa. 0wot
oltbeiM willlM,r..nndaitl.rir,.njUB t all
I tiiuea, unlrss othrrwiM , r..i ! ..
ra.Hi. - " -
April Irt. K!H).
''n-T!"cUn and Accoucheur, will parane
1 " lcT " the treatment ofdia-
Aenf of'h '""' - ...B-stiTo ayatem,
Acute and Chronic. '
Ap..il 19, i)03-r.
Garfiold Tea
bures uonstipation
""I while iln",r5 aaia