V SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN Wheal at 50 Ceuls. lUgar in the Wildersegs. . i. lay a. B. F. SCHWEI E Ii EDITOR AND PaOraiCTOa. Republican County Ticket- COtNTV COMMISSIONERS, Wm. H. Moore, Neal M. Ste wart. MSTKICT ATTOKXEV, AVilber force Si lnvtytr. COLXTV TKiASUKEK, John V. ELciuzeller. I'KOTIIilXOTAKV, W. II. Z.iders. AL'IlITOKS, AVilliu.ru Cluss, John Y. Shell-. If Clt Voland's Congress would jiaes one resolution namely: "Resolved, thut the present tariff shall not le d:aturb-d," :ui 1 after itj passage ad journ, tha j)iesDt jmnic to a great decree would disappear, atid the mauufactiirinjj establishments would resume work. tliHt Itooster. A Cmaden manufacturer notified uis employees a tew days no ihar lie mte-n.ed in a few days to shut down his mills. 'T:u tjrjniip!!y hound but must shut do , vii f(.r the lack of orders " II is lUployees 'iTtj mueh concern ed, aud a luectiuj.; was held, after which the bauds sent for the mill owner. 'Vj have no visible means of bu' port and will be K ft in sid straits if j you shut down "je factory. Cau'iot I you continue to run on half time and wait for orders a.-ikod the spokesman. "Itupossihle. Tliere aie ro pros pects tor a b isiness lx!ii and I i. ill lost- i.oney unless I close the nvlls" v.as the answer. "!.., grut sc tt, we'll havj uot It -'ug t. eat encd tue spokesman iu alarm. 'Oh yes, y,,u can e it that ronstc r you c .t ried aroun.l last fall," and the i:i!l 'wiier b.''in preparation for clo.sinj up shop Ek. - 4 iKe! aud Itwbbed of ..J-7. democraisof this city displayed a bars ner in their procession Iearing tin inscription: Volt for G rover Cleveland am qet $1.25 a bushel for your wheat. A liberal reward will be paid for that banner at this office and. no q H.stiona asked. The MlllemiTvn llrldge. The Newport Ledger in its issue of August 3, t ys that in ilillerstown on the 20th d iv of July an indigna tion meeting was held by the citizens denouncing or protesting against the action of the county commissioners in r warding the contract t repair the river bridge for $6,500. The bridge is in such a condition that it would be simply money thrown away to repair it, aud thoue who use the structure believe that an iron bridge would be the cheapest in the end. This action of the tax pavers, bad the aiTect of bringing the board of coia- tuissioners to town on Tuesday to farther inspect the bridge and con sider the advisability of ereciinsr 8D irm structuie in is place. The board wa accompanied by Aaron Shrtfll.T, a practical bridge builder, wao made a thorough inspection of the bridge nil gaye it as his opinion that it was unsafe. The commission ers took no definite action, but from their conversation it is inferred that they are favorable to roruovin the old wooden shell aud erecting an iron structure. A very sensible idea. m $14 the Round Trip to the Atlantic- Coaat via the l'enn- NjlvanJa Railroad. i .. tiiuuiuoriaud I'rees says: On Monday a gypsy woman, who was alone, begged her way across the Wept Branch bridge, and afterward "pitched Lor tent" with only the blue sky as c roof, along the mo-n taiu road ou Blue Hill not far fr Jin Robert lasher's home. On Tuesday Rey. A. N Warner rode along this road on hi3 bicycle and while passing the woman saw her holding an infant destitute of any sort of clothirg. Sub sequent inquiry revealed the fact that the child was only 4 days olJ. Kmrly Training if a f;ol. I LEGJ&t "If I nin u grAsip," sniil a young woman " " who hat! been accused of it.dnliim in this 1 PUBLICATION IN DIVORCE, truly tViiiiiiine vice, "I whs niixle so ly I To Jacob N. Wellfr late of Juniata Conn- lore of circiiniHtanceH. My hriiiKiug np b largely rt-spotikilile for that sill." As this was a nrw theory, with all the curiosity of our sex we questioned tho pret ty speaker, and she Ke us the following views, which, once ht-artl, lore a world of weinhty trutu in their utterance, though we hml never liefore reiariled the matter In the light she threw upon it. To begin with." she said, "I do not think ty, Peooa. H'krrtmt, Mary Ellen Weller, your wire, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Picas of Juniata County, praying a divorce against yon, now yon are hereby notified and required to appear in said court on the First Monday of September next, lsy.i. to answer the complaint of said Mary Kllen I was born with even the average share of Vfeller, and in default of such appiarance nJU. 17.. .. V. I - 1 . w ' ...... ' r C'osn'y Fairs. curiofcitv. tlowever, when 1 was about S years old I remember being sent on an er rand to a neighbor's house, and ou my re turn my mother and a friend who was vis iting her p'ieil me with questions regarding wont was said or done in that other house. you a ill be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. 4t. SAJirEL. LAPP. SheriT. ;buc sale op veir 1 rtmiit rr Hin iticr.lv t h ri rbuta nf .. :. ; . .. t. . . j t when I sai.l 1 hadn't noticed what was go- LUA1JLE PlEAL ESTATE lug on, auu iroin fiat time i used my ears anil eyes to advantage and retailed all I heard and saw as soon as 1 reached home. ' cultural products and live stock, and cientlv lnimBtlnir ' ,: ",.":", eonnty, will epoae to sale by public . vendue or outcry, on tract No- 1, on There are in Pennsylvania eighty nine county or local nrrriiiilttirnJ un- cie'Jes, of which eighty.one hold reg- and ey to advantage and ret. lied all I j SJ luar lairs lor me exniOlUOn OI Htm- I 7."" "."" "? ""5- nd David Hart, of FVvetteTown.hm. J.ini . Aioreover. ir tne i)KiituiiiiiLr wmv nnt. mffl. 1 , ciently interesting to elicit expressions of woiKiernient and surpriso from my bearers, I JiTi'S, ISLT'i: ! Saturday, September 2nd, 1893, spicy." Philadelphia Ti nies. at 2 o'clock, P. M -, of said day, the follow- ! ing real estate, to wit.- Alluienta or Children. Tract No. 1. All that certain tract of Acute and chronic iiiflnmmations of the 'and t-ituate in Fayette township, Juniata stomach re very com 11:011 among children, coiintr, rennsylvama, about one mile east ami 1". eight no fairs, but instead regular monthly or quarterly meetings for the di scussion of topics relating to farming and stock-breeding. Of the number fifty-six own the grourd 1 p on which the fairs were held and twenty-five lease their exhibition grounds. The value of the real especially twtwern poses is $075,000, the amount annual years of age. ol Kelly's "tore, nonnded on the north by estate thus owned for exhibition pur-' Tuts attacks are soi.ietimos iniinc. 1 by lands of Joncj.li Smith, Jacob Bay and John . ..... ! nWiuufltK.t.L...I.I I...' . I I U ... I.v I I. I.I ! . . 1 'i' 1 : - 1 . mm 1 . . .. .1 o : . . .. .1 . L 1 1 ii' . hiii'hhi nmu. xu kiuiib ui iiMsi epe- ni itiii i u n i-pucri uu 1 ijb siviii a vy lanas ly expende.l in preiriums is f 00,000, Ciany lt.a,i to Mlch disonlers irritating of Mrs. Barbara l,on(tenace and on the the total co-t of autumn flirs 1R$130,- food and easily fermentable fixsl. west by lauds of John Hart and Joseph 000, and the total annuel attendance ' TnM flrst ' a fl which is not easily Smith, containing digested, and In lice, liy its cimliiiiied pres- I ence, nets ns un irritant. Kasily ft.-nieiit- ' ! able fi .ml is that which is acted upon quickly by certain ferments, including the Ine Awful L-mIllos- I y.1(ts and the alcohol ic ferments. 1 . . ! This pp)tess ives rise la thn formatlcii Mld-t'eati IS VOL inore lonesom J ' of Kases and nciils In the stomach and dil than the plains; nor night SO gloomv odenum. All .Ms results in a greater flow as th d.im' mn-lio-l.t Tt. iKlutrrAn of mucus from the -urf;ice of the stomach at all fairs is estimated at 115,000. of sound. I.ol I.-s The Hutit'"rigd u Journal of Ust I, savs: )ae f thu berii's i lint h-is ' ikt-n c.j'uity f . many ai s S !;t;ll j ou S iturda " nii Aug r,.l i'i this i' red at ;.t ' i-t The On August iUth and 21:h the Lst two of the popular summer series of T .1. :1 I . 4..i :ti ..... rpi I i i in iub iiiuii clip's a oiiiuus ti inc. super- 1 he trowu crass is knee , ,.. .... , , ' "uit. in uiuri nsw iu nkllM: . is uiortj iit ep auu even llic:; irir.9 gives a seere, A chilly feeling or a chill will cn shock iu this hoof-obliterated laud, j am, followed by fever, frontal headache. The bauds of antelope that drift like rtstiew.tiess or delirium, a dry nn coated ClJUd ftlm nut n.tHs rh i nn lun. I j - ","- . muin-Min i t., t vr . ..r .1.. i . tlie "Vix'tit nj'n oncst lent ui i.ic luuli ui lau lost niiit dark circles : mm.'.'1 - miller th - AeiL 1 Iim m.ito-. mmA seashore excursion will be ruu. A ! supernatural. The spell of the plaics t.-mt part of the treatment is preventive, choice of four destinations is allowed '3 woudn 'IS thinir. At first it fa- Candy nd sweets are uiuong the must eas- vheti.er Atlantic Citv. Cane Mav. cinates Th.-n it bewilders. At list i i.1-f ''-rmei.t.-il.le t .ings swallowed bychil EiauiiTT-nvE Act, n;ore or les, and having thereon erected a Two Story Stone Dwelling House, frame bank barn and out-buildings. T-rt No 2. A trvt of woodland situite in the sitne 'ownnhip, and within a short distance of tract No. 1, bounded on tha north by lands of Barbara I.onpenacre; a the east bv lands ol Borjam i Hepner. on th sontu by lands of John Bhell, William S. Brown and others, and on the west by lands of David Haines and John Hart, con taining Twilxtv sever Acres, more 0b less, Tract No. 3. The undivided two-thirds interest in a limeponeiiarry, si'-iate about one-half mile north 01 Lrown's A. ill, con- tau.ing sixmt one.Lalt tu-re, . ASK run ANU l"T TtWMlW DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA the great elood purifier and CURE for RHEUMATISM-' RHEUHATIfal is Oils ul the WOftH kfistaMS which inui fro.n Bad nioov , ra...n. MtMNERB DOUBLE EXTRACT' kSARSAPAnlLLn ro can no yoarscii j thi dread tttMaM. k Huiiar. amiarilla Co.. Biaahamtoa. N. T : i ( . a.iTS ' I wadaeonstKHtsnfferi-rlroni kRhi'iimatism, olteo unaoie iu te. mj I....... i. .i.i .,ntrr of IdSx I naid over I . $i for doctor bills. I tiled your Pouble II i.Miiri m no i mini' m wen i manof ine. I will eviT be a staunch L friend of Manners Oonlile Bxtract. oar- , "iaprllla. Vours-ru'y. , BO 'OB V. JAMES. Alliilcnr, Pa. PER BOTTLE. THt WORLD OVER. MTG BT InC MANNftTS ARSAPaRlU CO. BIMCHAMTCN. N T SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. O xan City, or Sea Isle City. The it cushes. It is as sure as the grave rate f sill from Pittsburg and pio- j - ;ind woibc It is intanr-iL'e, but porti. mutely re luced r.ites from oth- ( resi-,tless: stronger than hope, rea er plates is a most extraordinary uS'-t t Sl,n. will stronger than humanity. ..in. i .. wn.c me iiist mce covered is onsul-1 ' uen oue cannot otlie. wise escaji ere.l. The tickets are io-h1 for ie- M'-c pl'tins aue takes i-efuge in mad- turn passage within twelve dyi ness. Kx. which givs ample time for vacttion l:v the sea. , tr..,, . ,r. . ., . . Jieliecctx Wilkiiiflon, I ui. -1' 1 1 .f-h.c i.r tli.it.n mniiiip.ni. 1 ' " ' . 1 1 .. . uisii-iiis i;.. ajbiueu nv luo ii.iirti" i"e tr . -i t... ... -Yom Ner-.-ousness Waknesa of the drcu. Youth's Compaion. A nice little Farm in Susqnehinna town ship, n u school, church, mills a"1 store, containing FIFTY ACRES, more or less, haying thereon erected a good two-story LOG HOI'S E &RIXK R1R. and ont-hiiildine". all in a eoo t stat of re pair. The land is in a gooi s'ate of culti vation. This property can be Liueht at a very low figure. For terms -.nd further descrip- v resifu! of Bri.wris "I uave beeu iu a TKKMS OF S ALK Ten ncr cent, cl the ' purchase money to be paid on tLe day of tion, call cn. or address. I" i-fiio i tciifc. wo tue urhi uay Ol January l9l; thirtv-tlve per cent, on the ii.t ic innm ikiiius in wniiKies. hrsf tiay of Apri1, 18144, when deed will be Ponu women whose lives are comiiarHtive- : 'livered and noa ;e.ion given, and thirtv- ! ly free fn.ni c.iro have the.- faces furrowed "v lr "nt. on the first day of September i with l'-ies thHt do not indicate age or t run- t 8r" " payiuente to near interest Irons the . ble. Such are the wrinkles that mi.-ht lie 'J' ' tSia '-"t payment to be secured or jiifiiiieni t otft. ANDREW BASHOHE. Assifrnee. accorde I t,-e jireceding two of the same series. Great satisfaction Las been expressed on all sides at the manlier ot service witi: which tne ' a!'iii eoiiiUtiiti'iiiH! ' r hereditary. A y ma society w 11:111 in New York ; well iiowii to have aiuiriilnrly eai free ' life h;ia a fo' bead Siaiueil with hoiizontal lin tli; t res nt ci.tirely from n trick she ha.-, of raising h r eytbrnwa v. hen she is : liking earnestly or emphatically. It is a fi...it. .....ill.iii v llii.r n-au .... I 1 ... Stomrdie, Dspe:isia. and Indices- ! lur . ., ...r i.er ...nii,inihHt n,i .i...i.t. tlou until my health vras ffon-1. 1 l's her rear-raiidiuotliiT ls.-1'ore her. As PATTERSOV Jt SCHvrETKR. Attornvs at T.sw. Mifllintown, Ta. r.Eti.u.. fJOOD HOMK INVKSTMENT. IOURT PROCLAMATION. v;.-tiiu was Clm'ni'-rs D.ibbs z a late hour iaiur.!.iy ni;'dt he bit.-nrae MCf and went out i:iro tlie yard. V.'nen L stepned on the p iivh 011 his wav oack the hoii-e l o was se;i.d by two f-'rong men who gag ged and tie 1 hiiu to the povi !i. Vh-u they ha I se-ure.v tied him the rob ber-s p'Mi'i-f.li-d t 1 the bed-chamber of Mrs. I.ibbs who was sound asleep aud from under hi-r pillow they ex tract!' 1 a pocket I) iok which contain vl ?:s7 iu niniiev, tho hard earned savings of Mr. I)ub':,s and buriiedly escapi'd from the ho. is-;. Mr. DuMks who whs ytt tied to the porch S!ic reeded in n niov.ng the gag and call ed to his wife to come and assist him, who responded pnmptlv. When Mr lubbs related his experience the couple raised an alarm, but they were too late although it is the general impression that they went towards Jack's mountain. As yet no trace of them has been found. Mr. Dabbs bad commence I the erection of a dwelling house and the $:iS7 which was stolen was to have b en used for that purpose. IViinsylviLia Railroad Company ban died these attractive trips, every thing possible teing done for the con venience, of its patrons. The special train will leave Pitts burg at K.50 A. M., arriving iu l'hil odelphia a little after 7 in the even ing. The night may be spent in the city nn, aov regular train taken the uext day fur the shore. Tin rates apply on regular traius! u.ti. 1. ..i 1. to t on .. 1 1 lcrvILI 1 IIIOUUI UL 'X.-Xl', I.IIH, 11111 8.10 P. M , or on special train leaving at .S.50 A. M , on the above mention ed date. The special train will be run on the following schedule, and the tickets will be sold at the r ites quoted: Kate. T. Leaves. West Brownsville .$10 00 fi.15 A m. Monomjahela Citv. 10 00 j had been doctrring constantly with i no relief. I boi.gi t one ottlr f outh Amerii iu Nervine which done me more good than any ?.( worth of dr storing I ever did in mv life. I t'ie v rinkles do not imjiart to her face air expression of il! temper or irritability, they are not crijectiouaiile. except in so fur as tiny mar tlie suiiotli:ie.i ef the skin. Such w-.iiikles are readily ilitiiiKiiish- alile fnui the tracs of iietulauce or ill The first mortgage hons of the Vifllin town snd Piiferson Wafer rompanie. are now offered for sale at thn Juniata Valley Whereas, the Hon. JEKKVIAU LYONS. Bsnk. The ainonnt of the jaatinia J'JT.OOO. President Judge of the Court of Common Ten (10) bonds are. $1 .OO each. The rate I'leas, lor the rorty-Kirat Judicial District, of interest is tiv (.r) percent, clear or taxes, coinpoM'd of the counties of Juniata and ' I'vable in semi annual coupons. The Uif I'erry, and the Honorable. JOS1AH L. BAR- j coupons in February and Anensf. and TON and J. P. U'ICKF.RSHAM, Associate I "e Patterson coupons in April and October. Judges of the said court ot Common Pie is i The principal is pavah'e in twentv f2") ol Juniata county, by precept dulv issued j years and redeemable in ten (10) rears. The and to nut directed for holding a Court of ' ompanies hae been in operation. Nine would advise every weklv norm in f i benltli tbe pel Hiilicnlar creases between "J" ' lenuiner ana Ueneial Jail Deliv- 1 () montna and have an income that Ip quite - , . , J , , -, , tbe l.niws that null, ate a freiiuent frown, ! ery, ana t.enerai (Quarter Sessions use this valuable and lovely remedy; llie dr.M,pinn Hues at tbe corners of the Peie-at Mifllintown, on the of Kurt j Dollars Saved the Bank. From the Kansas City Journal. Old timers tell the story of how T. J. Kelley, a contractor of this city, nud now manager of the horse mark et in Grand avu. me, lietween Fifth St. and Missouri Av., by a very clever ruse stopped a run 011 a bank and prevented its going to the wall, way back in 1S71. At that time the Kan sas City Association, now the Nation al Jlatik of Commerce, was located at the southwest corner of Fourth and Delaware streets. Mr. Kellev was ' Cumberland . . . . then fijiu elary and cashier of the Cor-1 Bedford rigan street railway company, and Huntingdon .... the company's account was kept at ' Mt. Union this hank. McVeyto.vn Tho much d.-spise 1 penny was not ' Ijwistown June, in general use here as now. People ! Mifllin were ashamed to pay for any article iu pennies, ex.-. pt, perhaps," postage stamps and the old fashioned "fare box'' in the ears became a dumping ground for them. From 3 to 5 in pennies would b. found iu the boxes by Mr. Ke ley ev ry day. He usual ly dumped them iu sacks and stored them away in the company's vault. During the crisis of 1S71 the peo ple became very much excited, and docked to the banks in droves to withdraw their deposits. Kuns were made on nearly all the bauks in the city, and several were forced to sus pend. Ojc diy a run was made up on the Kmsas City Savings bank, and tho people were lined up waitin" their turns to reach tbe tellers, wlio were paying out money by the bask etful, when a happy thought struck Mr. Kelley. He went eo tho police statiou, secured three policemen to guard his treasure, loaded eight sacks of coppers on a wheel-barrow and took them down to the bnnk. The sicks had originally contained gold and Wire libelled nn the out side "o.000" in great black letters. Arriving at the Lank one old col ored wom in, who had como to with draw her small savinjrs. called out: 7 0S S 50 9.00 9.10 9 30 O.08 7.32 7. ID 7.54 8.02 9.52 9.10 C..13 h.24 10 05 9.5S 1103 11.52 12.55 11.05 1 0(5 9. U! a. m. 10.27 ' 10.40 " 10 28 ' 1 18 i- M. 8.25 a. m. 9.50 " 1.48 v. m 2 08 " 2 28 " 245 3.05 " Newport 5 00 3.3fi " Dancannon 4 0 3. 53 ' PliMadelphia . .Ar 7.10 - For detailed information address or apply to Thos. K. Watt, Passenger Agent, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pittsburg East Lilierty . . Braddock .... Irwin Uniontown . . . Oinnellville. . Mt. Pleasant. . Scottdale Alverton (Ireensburg . . Indiana Butler Panlton Latrobe Blairsville. . . . Johnstown Cresson A'toona Hollidaysburg. Bel wood Clearfield PhiUipsburg . . Osceola Be'lefonte. . . . Tyrone 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 0.) 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 9 25 8 50 8 Oil 8 00 8 00 8 90 8 35 8 25 8 (15 7 G5 8 50 8 50 7 10 (! 75 0 50 11 Of) 5 G5 5 00 4 CO A t 1 a 1 . 1 a iew oouies 01 it nas cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial 1., ill. IT 1 1 1 ill r t- , uoiiu; 10 cents, nnui dv u. JanKS ,M,. ,,r . inr",. 'Ulh that surliest uii'ontent or distress. the crou sfet t Hlsint the ryes that herald appronchitiK ae. IlariM'i-'s l!nzar. tbe I sntficient to meet the interest on the bonds 1 and all other charges The stock-holders FIRST MONDAY OFSKPTKVBER,1893, j of tlw companies are T.onis E. Atkmsnri, BEING THE 4th DAY OF TUR MONTH. I president; L. Binks. vice president; R. E. & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa. Feb. 1, 93 lv. .trls and Their Hair. The mnu.iier of the iinul.it ion depnrt- puti'isliiuir house i:i this I Notice is her kbt nivcx. to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of th I County ol Juai-.ta, that they be then and there in their proper p -raons, at 10 o'clock I'arfcer. seretarv: T V. Irwin. treanrer; Jeremiah I.vnna. F. M. M. Pennell. Will E. Hoopes and ffm. H. Ranks, and thev pur pose to keep safe the interests of patrons, all bv, I'ch on human and horses and animals eurd in 30 minutes II . r . . . mi .vooiiorii8 nauitary jjorion. ins never fails. Sold bv L. Banks &C . Druggists, Mifllintown, Pa. Oct 1, ly. j tn" niOTOGRAPIIK. V. M A. M. P. M. The I'hinoscros. ' Why. .Mistah Kelley, wha' fo' yo' put all that money in here, when w 'so a dm win' our money out;' Kelly repli-d: "That's" all right. This bank isn't going to bust. I cau jmt more money in here in one day then all you people can draw out in six months," as he trudged into the bank with the last sack. This display of confidence ou the part of the street railway company bad a quieting affect upon the crowd, and they rapidly dwindled away. The sacks contained just !40 but it b'tved the bank. . "A Pittsburg man recently shot three orchard thieves quite severely. There is no end to the preaching, teaching and warning of these times, jet some people won't hear until too Jate." From tho St. Louis Republic. The rhinosceros is a beast of legen dary and mythical associations as well as of stern reality. In the mythology of the old world be fig ures very conspicuously lieing wor shipped as a god by the early Javan ese tribes and lauded as the builder of the earth and heavens by several Hast African peopb s. The old Jew ish Talmud declares that his skin is folded as a result of having beeu ex posed forty dtys and forty nights in the waters of the flood. The wa ters of the great deluge were hot ac cording to Tabari. where we read.- "After that Noah SL-nt forth the dove." The dove departed and with out tarrying put lvr feet in the was ter. The waters of the flood were hot, and they scalded and pickled the legs of the dove. It was hot and briny, and feathers would not grow on her legs any more, and the skin scaled off. New, doves which have red tud featherless legs are of the sort that. Noah stui forth. This is ouly cited for authority to prove why the skin of the rhinosce ros lays in folds and ridges. Cer tainly if the waters were hot enough to pickle and scald a dove's legs at the moment of contact, they would make the skin of a rhinosceros too large for him in the course of 40 days. "But,'' you s.iy, why was he expos ed iu the waters of the great deluge while all the other beasts were safely housed in the ark?" Simply because he was too large to be put aboard the great Iifeship. Tbe bulk of the old rabbinic writers agree that the rhinosceros floated along with the ark, but tbey disagree as to how the Hoatini; operation was performed. ANOTHER TIME FOR ANY I.ENHTH OK T1MK, ! VHU.E WE ARE IS THE ril'TlRE lit sl- i NESS. j W e will continue making our fine Cabinet Potographs as low as $1.50 per dozen. These pictures are mounted on elegant card enameled on back and face, with picture with a high Polish finish superior in qual ity to to the Aristo Photo I have been taking the last year. However all those wishing the Aristo picture I will still make them at the same I price, $l.o0 per dozen. The extensive patronage and the many testimonials of the apprecia tion of our work, we have received the last year, gives us renewed cour age to go on with these low prices, ami we propose making Mifllintown head-quarters for the finest Photo graphs for the money that cau be obtained anywhere, adding all the time new aud costly accessories of tbe very Intent designs giving our trade the benefit of that which would cost $3.00 in the citv, for $1.50 in Mifllintown. We can make pictures for $1.00 per dozen such as are made by all travelling photographer, but we prefer giving our patrons a much better picture for very little more money. Thanking our patrons for their lilieral patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. .Respectfully, Josehh Hess. Mifliiutowii. Pa, March 9, 1893. city, who employs clerkstlie yenr round, told t he wri I it 1 lint only oue i-irl had hii bilUiilly -lean li.tir. v. I.ile had is-ant if al ly kept linger nails, anil 17 were iven to the use of I1.1.. mm or cologne. This is rath er hard ou the 'irls, lint oliscrvnt ion proves thai it is not without foundation. Com pared with tln-ir brothers, the fair clerks are not neat ly s i:uti i,lar ulviut their scalps as alsmt tneir banifs. If there is not telltale iinnilnuT, the hair is dusty. : 11111IU1I, liisterh ss mid very often It is uot I nsfraiirant as the met would have it np : pear. Ami it is just here that the society ! nir who is anxious to make herself pleas j inif shows her superior eleiratice. She may not Is.' able to keep a mniil, but she docs not tl:ink it 1111 extravagance to pay 75 cents or l to have her head cleaned, and her hair brushed until It is lustrous. The less fust id ions woman nis.s in for appear ances and is content to have her hnir beau tifully crimped all over by a professional hairdresser, -sit. I Amis Post-Dispntch. in the lorenooti of said day, with their rec- : hord-holrters and creditors before they take ords, ini'r.isi'iotis, examinations and Over ! n return for their own investment. Kx remrinhcranccs, to do thosn thincs that "to j r,'Ilt the Origins! Court tTunse bonds which their eH'crs rrspecttully appertain, and On 'X (fi) per cent, interest. There has those that are bound bv recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or D-3 killed 25 sheep for Clovd Horning iu Milford township. Shoot the dogs. United States The average is twenty-two "There are iu the 70,000 bee keepers, product of each hive pounds." The TJ. P. church at Jamealown, Pa-, was levied on by the SherilT on suit of the pastor, itev. Wallaee, to recover liock salary te the amount of $1,200." The Sol insgrove Tribune of August 3, says: (ieorgT W. Ihiuberuiau w ho has been having such a serious time on account of alleged crookedness in the pennon business, was on Satur day put to jail in Middleburg in de fault of $500 bail. flive you tried South American Nervine the gem of the century T The great cure for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant, ed the most won Wful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial lwt tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifflintown. Pa. Noy. 14, ly. Pennsylvania Collage, liETTVSltL'KO. PA. Founded in 1832. Large Facility. Two fu'I courses of study Classical and Scientific. Special courses iu ail depart iients. Observatories, Labrti lories and new trviiinasium. Six lare buildings. Steam beat. Libraries 22,00(1 vol umes. Kxpenses !ow. Department of Hy giene and Physical culture in charge of an 1 xperienced physician. Accessible by fnqnent rai'road trains. Location on the Hnltlrfieltl ()f (iettS bui'jr. most pleasant ami heallhv PRKFAUA rOUY DKPAKTMKXT, iu separate buildings for boys anil young men, preparing f. r business or college, under special care of the Principal and three assistant?, resid ing with ftudents in the building. Fall Term opens Sept 7th, 1893. For Ciitalnfiruf address H. W. Mi X.MoiiT, I). I)., U, 1) , Preside id. or Kev. O. iji. Ki.ixuKK. A. M., Princ. Gettysburg, Pa. July 19, 'JI3 8r. may lie in the Jail ol raid county, be then and thero to prosecute against them as 1 thall be just. By an act of the Assembly, passed the r.th day of May. 1854. it made the duty of j Justices of the Peace el the several coun ties of thia Commonwealth fo return to the , Clerk of the Court of yuarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the roc og in line es entered into before them by any per : son or persons charged with the coanns : Hon of anv crime, except such cases as may t be cnilrd b.-fore s Justice ol the Peace, un der existing laws at least ten days before ' the commencement of the session of the j Court to ehich Ihey are made returnable I reapecthely, and in all cases where racog 1 nizances are entered into less than ten days oeiore ine commencement ot the session to which they are made returnable, the said Justices are to return the same in the same manner as if said act had nut been passed. Dated at M ilNin'ows, th -.'nd dav of Auct in the year ol our "Lord, one thou and right hundred an t ninntv-three. .S AMl'EL LAPP. Sheriff. OHisirr wrncK, Mifllintown, August 2, 1P93 I never linen an Knn I . l- - --- 15 ' ' ....... i.i.T-.iiiriii uiirr- ed to investors. Price par and accrued in. tcrest . MIFFLIN ACADEMY WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 3TH, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT corn, mA(T Potatoes n-ul Wheat sSSv1 grow ls?st when planted with $20.00 Phosphate. LTuis is nrkiiowlcnxcd by nil who have tried it. iscnd f:ir tiff f'rirf i.Ut. YORK Chemical Works, YORK. PA VA1 PER M A N E N T REORGANIZATION. O- 91 Ptsos Remedy for Catarrh la the P fa . 1 il to Ce. an.l hrvrt. I I u Ulue, warrca, 1'a. Nothing On Earth Will l.ewlnlown icaderay. A college preparatory and finish ing school for both sexes. Foreign languages taught by natives. Music department, vocal and instrumental under a laureate of the Royal Con servatory of Stuttgart Germany. Terms moderate. Send for catalogue J. C PLA, Pna. Zririoetr. AfijJVu On. Jcadtmy. October let. lc!)3. as r 11 .sae MAW HEMS' LIKE SheridanN Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Omni for Moulting Hens, Tt In thfnhitflT tmr. flitrbty tnrntrat1. In nnam tity ntsiu r-ntn nf a int a day. Noorhr onfonrth m trrtna. Strict iv a trntli'-tnt. "n Urs cn wvpd ttm w. fni1 m to prrvent Roup," hath rnr ciiMomer. If you ran'l pet It Rfnd to dm. mail one truwk Kiv- A x 1 1 1h tan 5i f iuw, $b Oti. upn-Kc aid. fttltrg Hiinwi fini'!. prww C rtii.t. fr- wh Si ;Mlt rn tr iTion. Au:::;(u copy i-f TW( HrT VM LTKV iVJ-Kil -flit tt-.-T. L H. JUU:ikS 1 . U C-..t-m liouac St., Boa, Haas Purify the : j V line j 7': ';'-''.. t'Knr.nvt;.i lift.. . .. Hiil r..-n J!..i . fi, ..... SM-n.. I Stlt-rhnm,:rir.r, Frrrl I.. lUark 4 , III. II c, THE SELLERS M Pittsburgh orci Pa. HZ CO.j a sttoaewcii COMMCRCIAL .'.''IfS " " ' ' a?- ta wna svarv ,V- .....mm CMOOi. Vaacricai tovcaTtv VttLS nucrica. niwiTs. A TWMp rmcmtwf. ru TkMM(ti Tm. E- IT HAS A TT IQUtlli; huqn SI ...IT. rr UPnrn s . ruU.. wit 21 "ih. &ctowacw' necHtsTta. n. . VLLISMS 4 ROCCRS, 1 th nldMt and mort pnpi:lnr wlrntltlfr and aiocbamral itnper puoM.-hfMi and h.i the anrit .Mr iiiriiiii t any pup- or i dap in rh wi rld. Knlly ilhintratf. Hl Flaw nf Wood FrBrv tnir. fiiMihod w-M-kiT. iMnd for ppH-imen .py. Prl n jnr. Knar n.ptha' trlnl, 1. sir NN it ( o., I'l bi.iftnr.K-. 3i-t Broadway, N.T. Architects" builderq Edition of Scientific Amcrictn. O A KTat uccsa. Kach Iwue contain r'1frd lltVrrnrhi' piatea country and cit y fvftidrri efi or nuhltc butldmrf. Numr.m rntrravinfra and full plan and -c.f1rAtuii9 Iit tti urn i f aiirhaa(N.ntemp.'atp htiii-iinir. I'r f3 Ai a ypar, ttcta.scvpy. AIL'NN A COH I'i.' MLlbH kKJ. I mar be pemr . I ed by npply- k 'u.. who haT had oTer . ypnrw" experience and haru made liit.nu appluatt.-n for Amerlan snd fr- emn patentri. rend fur MainaihMnk. Corrtia. pondenc irrictly Cfntldnt;al. TRADE MARKS. In ras your maik tr not rraiatared in the Tat. nl im.-, apply to Ml k Co., and pmears Imtnsdlata prntertton. Band for Maxidbouk. C'PVRH;HTf fur kviM, charts, mas. tc, qulckir procured. Address mf NX Oi CO., PatfDI Sollclmra. Ustnukax Crricr: an Hhoaz va.T. N. T. TUITIO.V : FALLTKRM (16 H'H!i) li.OO. WINTER " (11 WRi) moo. M'RIXC (Iliy-KS) $1-200 isrir'Tbe necessary expenses of Board and Furnisbed Rooms will be small. As soon as I can organize it, I shall furnish these things at cost. Send for announcement. j. 11 iimx;er, a. n.. (Cornell L'tiivarsitv) Prinr. M fflintown, Penna. r- tn 5. Goods. tn f? tr ' 1 a STORES. 10,000 COMPULSORY Clearance Worth OF Summer REGARDLESS OF COST. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ARE THE ORDER OF THE DAY. Summer Dress Goods, VHiite Goods, Lama Cloth, Indian Dimity, Freneh Zephyr Cloth, Fine Zphr Ginghams, muslin underwear, Silks, surahs, Florentine Silk, and all trimmingn will le sold at extra low Clear ar?e Prices. BIG RKDl CTI0X LV ALL KINDS OF CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. Someimall pieoos of carpet to olor tbe Original Price CurUins tui Wtndow Shades t reduced pnoes. OUR SHOE STORE Las some extraordinary Kargains. Sixet of broken lots 33 per ceat. off sol and every kind we sell you st reduced pricet. Imperative neoessity compolls us to BQska thia sacriCo Wa oed tht Room. Ueapootfully Yours, EM1L SCH0TT, BRIDCiEST. MIFFLINTOWN. ri M r o H J v r-i H B 11 CO i o r to CtrtOrtO -a co -H -isr: 3i -fi -i 1-1 ccaaf , w. rl 1 I 1-1 i " 1- it 1- -r 1- i2o 01 u- ti o 1.0 it r 11 c ?i ?i o c 11 OCRS C5 XXX) X X I- I- c - . C r-l -20 - k. M . I !?" y: ic 1 1 T-: o e-Tr'x-" r r x c r -s o :i t ci n h ; a n 1: ?i r; h 3 s o t- c -5 i i n -2 i-i 1 - -i c: rt n ci -m a r. r-1 a . ' 9m a T . IS r-l Zl s 1--1 -i 1-11 c: i-l CI r-l c L- t-5 1 r 1; r; c r h ; n c -ri m:i-cc n 3 i- ;i n'Ms 1 11 it 1 ri m ii o 'f cui c ii V TIIIflHHHHHHHHIl f H H C II S I f o cc ci - II II CI u 1 0 o o . 1 1 11 II X n X II 1 " I CI r-l LI II T CI C: S5 C. X J I- t- t- IlUflilSflll II r-l II CI CI II H II cr: x t- t t- t- t- t- 1- 1- a I s -3 a o i "..j......i '', s it '. s : 5 : : : : : v 5 . : tea ? . .-3-3 c? ' HrSC,SGHSiSr?S'a h'k S 2J ir x 5; ' 1-1 " ci n li m rr 1 1; h - h 1 n c. n 1 n ' i -o 1- t- 11 II-III2lMIIM. ;x.- -i,. HLIIIK-rHLISOHCIilsciicflLI XXC1C. C. C:OCCOC-lMHHHrtO C S " "' 30 CO II UI r-l C LI II II CI -11 U LI r- O CI CI -n II L-J H d r-l CI H rH rl X r r- t- !) CI O 3 rOH-t H CI CI CI X X I l.I CfSCt I CSt-t-H s 11" T3 C . a I -2 i-i ., 3 . 2 32 s 3 m r- "J Clfr 11 " Il I- fi I 11 h r O N r i ii 1 s- onoHiiiiKnsSScnSSg i to b: tCw-c-:o soct-r-(exse! !" " II 11 1- 11 1 11 c: i -: n , crf r! n H - -fi n n o s ! ej ! X X X X X 0C Si 91 is ; : "fs.s cs -j a c J I - T3 S C 35 a- a m -Mm o PEIiKE COLLEGE BUSINESS .,'.,,i7;""''',,'."", mf r.rM. 'V.V5:-u:rt-r. ii; -j-' ..r.,.,.,b.. JtztLt:'; in irurl ., ,M a r-.,ll, rffi.r. .,. M , JT.T-,? Im. i. 1... l-u .ntroduf.il .nl, or h,.n- VJ, ." "" '"r 'm-'h.,, ....... . 'J. rail amt Wmtrr ir.ta ln... T.-.. s.. , s,h ap,.i.,.. hi.n,rrx"d;';t '.""""" ".;; t-l'-llirr. annual hlKi,"S "'"'"""'I i;miliiiin Km elw "ld .iKu..d.ne.,l.l.b!Dyt.M..Vuil..iJl,urK NEWPORT AND SHKKMAN'S VAt. ley Kailroail Coropany. Time t;il(le of passi iiei-r trains, in t ffect on Monday January li, ' ' STATIONS- T Nrrrrx-rt Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace.. Wahneta rWlvan Wafr Plnr t Bloomtield Junct'n Valley Road T Klliottabarr T Green Park 1 Leytrrille Kort Robeson .... Center T Ciima's Ron i A ndfirsonburg . . . . t Blain Mount Pleassnt .. Wew Germant'o.. Wrat-waril. 4 Kiat. ward. SAW MILLS ENGINES, Imprtved Variable Friction Feed. Sn.l for CalalorrnA and Srwrial Prici-s A li. FAKQl'IIAR CO , M 10 '03. York, Pa. 1 -ii a es , - . 11 t . LaVlllH IV. ATIIIIA. T. U . ......... r . a. ai. rnjj-irtt. ATKISSOUtPEMEtL, ATTORNEYS- AT -LAW ly attended to. r H-?"';"rC" M"n ,trert' P'MS f rrsl- ' 0f.Lan, K- Atkinson, K,,., ,or.th of Bndge street. (Oct 26, 1HP2. POTATOES: S20 Phosphate -. tlmn with any frrtUlrrrniAd. , riuiiii (fx mi tor 1 ern or mr rrht I 1st. TORI ICNEMICH WORKS. Gacfisid Tea IIMI.OIMIII, nuresick Headache; 1 PATTIBM.H.J,., WlLSEa,CBwSIa. PATTERSO-I . M IIHEI ER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .MIFFI.INTiiW.V, P.. I i .cAwrr.i., B. daswin Mxaawroao JR. D. M. CRAWKORD fc SON, Ilf mJL-H " Pr,n"''h'P Tr the prsetir, ot Medicine and thfir collateral branchrs. Oltice at old aland, corner of Third and Or , aDg. MrretH, Mifrimt.iwn. Pa. OnBnr both I ot the.., .ill b louu.l 4t uir mc . , liuiei. u.iliaa t.tl.r,H .r..l.-ss.o.Hv .u April t. 'B. I'-ACKLEY Plijician and Acco.1cbe.1r, will pur.ue aio as a Kiieitalty m th. tr!.. iPtll of A ia. A?n, f b, 'n'" i- ptive svstrtn, Acute and C hronic. Apall 19, lH!t3ir 1 I 2 I r u 5 M 10 no 0 f 10 n a 10 07 10 10 10 20 1" 17 6 82 6 3 6 -JO 6 42 01 10 ).! ? 59 10 34 7 II 10 M 1 14 10 49 2 1100 '32 11 07 1 3' 11 12 I 47 11 22 I 66 11 80 0 01:ii Hfi 8 03 II 401 6 A , H 30 8 27 23 B 20 8 11 8 IS 8 Of) 8 02 7 45 7 40 7 34 7 26 7 19 7 15 7 10 7 03 6 54 60 r m 4 tr. 3 67 3 53 3 60 3 41 3 4 3 3H 3 32 3 15 3 10 3 04 2 5 2 19 2 45 2 40 2 20 2 25 1 2 20 UYFlT agent, "T" tele- Noti SigniBes no pbone connection. D. HRING. President ,i Vanaer C. K. Miller, General Afoot. iKtANYl -r W I W omiBiiV. lima,ciio 111 ifcxlv n. 1 mil Ann.lv., r. 1. r !Sra.n. .Ill .TT. - . " DiH Hnr. 5I..M.u:7;,'T"a'Th.Bmr!lrttL Garfinlrf Ton rirr.!l'r H.JVrk- l7-T V" ". muml C r" 'm Uiariau. Iti j,,,? uxh fti.I 1. wes Constipation HENCH fssal1 JaTV V fi SW"ILLEN6WJES -i-Brk. SSTt 7' aa fast L . .!""vk"' ' Carriagr H li,t. K,,a' ":'r. th.m.rkr. 1 till Ml- Bll IH IMld SMTttM tT. war. Wrtf, foVr??' wT . Hut Rnkr. r-.V. Ttth rra tl!?t,,'"'r-. C r r Get a good pape, by salc,ibing for th .5 1 V i. 1 V3 Kl A Rbmtblxuam. - ui l'.,.-...: - isiisiiisA!ffj S-WTW