I 1 1 VgNTINFJ; REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : rVEIWESPAY. JUXE28, 18!3. TERMS. gnbarription, $1.50 per annum if paid h, advance ; f-.W II not pa'.d in advance. Transient advertisements Inserted at 60 eent per inch for eao toaertlon. prandinct business notices In local col mnn. 10 cents jr line for each Insertion. pednctions will be made to those desiring u advertise oy me year, nail or quarter Tuscarnra Valley Railroad Train on tlio Tnscarora Valley Kailrc.i I wili run as ionows: Ltavu K it Waterfor J at 7.30 a. M., au l 2 r. m , arrivincr at Port Roy al 'at 8 41 a. m. aud 3.15 p. m. Leare Tort Royal at 10:30 a. m., an l 5.15 r m , arriving at East Wa lerfai J ut 11.43 a. m. and G.30 p. si. J. C. MoOREHEAD, Suptnnttndent. SHOR T LOCALS. rt, too Vjge.t day. Pjrt lt"V:il peoile will celebrate th 4 'li. The l'-iTikj will be closed on the 4th rf -T'-i'.v-Pose! ..'s sell in Philadelphia at $1 a small l-.i.-tet. Are v '! t'.:e man or woman you prc'.: 'i t- be? Jam- O. Watts, of Altoona, spent Sit-ir.Uy i'i to .vij. Ttii- Tn'mno looked handsome in its new lit i-ri last week. Frst.k I'a't.-rson of Ilarrisburg, epc-at K ;:;i'i!iy in this place. IV. -i I '. i Lipp, of Lancaster, is viaitii);; frii-isds in Patterson. J a V Wii.-Kfr.-ham was in town on Th irs l y u:i biwuc-ss intent. JIi?s I. u;o McClellan, of Lewis town, visits! her parents last week. John J. Patterson, Jr., spent sev er:il Jys i the week in Lancaster city- The ii:;tvad company is having self i c;.;.!i i nffixed to their freight cp.ro. ('. P. K-.pi iirehadi of Lancaster, ma at h !"':a in this place on Sab lath. Mi,. G -r-e Bartlay of Pittsburg, is iMt:!-:r ajn.-ny relatives and ac-q-j'iiiM :.v. in town. A pirtv i'f yuung folks from town enjDVfd it -traw ride to McAllister yiilfl I.i.t Fiiil-iy evening. K riv f'li'fland employed in a dr.i- - vi- ;it O'-eoln, spent Saturday j an l u:. l.-iy in t'ui.s place. 1 T ; !i 1; ia KaUa.!, Franca and j Gci !:: i! y brown with drcugth, j and 1 s. )U at fifty dollars a ton. ' jf.rvh -!:t Irwin l:maj aid wife of j L. wiv. .y;;, spent Sunday in this pla.-j wuh relatives of Mrs. Diuim. j Tf. Jmi-cta Valley Camp Meeting! be,: ii n mi Tuesday, August 8, and i cl- '-n Friday morning1, August 18. I ---! Murray i.s preparing to build a Up town i-ij nou.;e at the i.ist J2ad of i 'i'iit location will a!waj3 be a Oj .S:t;!rdy night, at a H-'gli Sen;.- ' i -:! -pti-.-n in Rochester, N. II., tin--, i irr-d persons were poison t.l Ly i'-f cream. "If - ir.e rerivle uould be a little nor thoc sum,! Ti: M!l:i I -refill about whero they step, v. h , follow them would'nt so i;;u-h." - 'i R.-giment N. CK P., Col .I ' htk'ld. commander, will eo iLtu crri'i r-fftr Altoona, August 5th to Aivu-it l-:h, 18f3. 3!i - X. Vun Ormer of this county, 1 h ..-n !i T'i' . ed to teach 6chool near '.r:c, Chester county, at a fulary f i!0 p;-r month. Ti ;.. :'.-rs uncalled for in the Mil!-- s .v.:i v.,st ofSct- for the week ft- hi .rr,y 24, were for Willie Fry Lsr-r.-, Vi:.CLi:t Wagner. IVt in! Si-bi-r will remove his fam ily hi .1 h--ut---!ioM niTects from this 1 - - C,V.'.:t J . tiv.,' : c;., : D. ('. Rl( i- St.-!:. XI: i , . i k, to Newport, Perry 1 he will reside. hC.ii:in, of Stetlton, u :tv, i.s viitir.g his rela f -.i.iita. He is a son of - M Cahiin, deceased, i'. St'iip, of Wflshington, ! ::i priLied by Mrs. Stono at the home of Mrs. i :: Mr. and Mrs. Sara ; ::i Pat tc-rsor. x .: , o., i i.ri.-.t'-r and Mury E. GeorL-e Jacobs, X.rii. will , K.Tli: . :: ,- Hon. Herman II. ir.rd, Pa, to the World's -140. and will be g'-uo :. : til. Ti.-vdt'.n md Wi'ber 1 i.iii i!tl:v.!r the 4th f t Julv F, ah i:: t : R. v. Schw. Spi t ( Tt- In',-, .h.-; V.. tl.r.,11; S)., , : In ai. 1 tv nr.. : h Th,:ni s...r.town. M. F. :ii:i.;dthe Declaration of ! rcH. There will be a grand f !'.i -'..-works in the evenirg. i-ithcr hii-it week was variable " -:u:Hfy everyone txeept the j.'i'.wler. Tliere was puu ! riiii. Two days the ther i -i: up to 08 in the shade, 'y-f it ran down to 70 de- t. c f-'ift.lo. jin.l tliA rflior (lays r t ti ..- crk it ranged between ' :-: l ih-grecs iu the shade. 1 1.. , -t Cut r-ter "Local News." ill ., at. .1 Ch.M, ! ia'.; an:. ;. :T ;; , R:-.:.. Rt a H : t the clas that gradu ;;i t !i; Normal School at West in Juii', says: ilins Anna '-'v, uf McAlistersville, Jun ' ', member of the gradu-'-' has been uppointed teaeh- f the public schools of '-A!. ship, Delaware county, ry of 500 per annum. 1 -.(,1 Sun. sayf: Boating ' 1 viv,',l u'oii"- t' KiiKrniflinn- Ti, ! is ti sr. :r. : s tl.:i... h, j 1 1 v.- hoatmea are in pood The report is, and every- (:ii,- n::i eawal comjjanv, and the "-"'hi .- K ( , l1)tVfc come 'to terms , !'; 'fi'i" wat. r canal., and that p vr! V ;1 ver the Tide water to V V":' l'liilaiMpLia and New ' ''' ,v'h revive boatiDg, which ,. ' :. ' " ry poor businesB since He liopo the report may Et he k fuie one again. Mrs. William Richenbangh, of Al toona. visiting her pfrents In ih?T I aS- many pePle oat of be r "8 " 11 did'nt The Port Rayal Fair is only three months away It will be held Sep tember 6 to 9. p Miss Michaels. vlslff 8 ! Misses Stoner in Fer- ""usu townsnip. Eleven of tli lta i.:n 1 .1 roil ".inau iu tue fall of Ford's theater in Washington, " -1 vmcu eierans. B. F. Crozier. .Tr lion 1JJBi. master at Walnut Jonnstown, this county. B. F. SHmmoll V,-.,1 ct . - uiumor 01 oquire Joseph Strmmelh lma h.an ?ij - jkuuiiiLe(i post master at Port Royal. Lirhtninp' af.riinV fK 1. c. -" loi pole Ot a BllOW at Tfivnr Pjllo T17: i.- -----'-.-us., inn., iisi lhursday and killed seven people. 'J. 0. Rickenh.ieh ia nl-; tensive repairs to his Mexico flooring mnl J. Burns, the practical mill wright. Of Coeolnn-ma ia ,l; 11.. , -. wviug me mechanical work."t Mi'filin Afn.lumv All persona in Mifflintown and Pat Leraon "wik wm board or rent rooms to students, nlaasa Ail.lrca i uiv an jui- flintown, Pa. J. H. Disisgm. Piiocipal. Caller Be jabers, ves got full pretty early in th day," Finnogan Yis; I wanted a bottle to git some medicine in an' imptied me whisky bottle, an' now I fale so much better I don't want th' medicine. Puck. "Joseph Swart z, supervisor of New ton township, a prominent and influ ential farmer, residing near Newville, Cumberland county, committed sui cide. June 22nd, by hanging. He was 45 years old. No cause is as signed for the act." "How is it with you?" asked the editor of a subscriber who was dving in arrears. "All looks bright before me," gasped the subscriber. 'T thought bo," said the editor, "in about ten minntea vnn'll boo 41i bluze Oil Citv Dorrick. Mrs. Hichurch (as she gazes out of the window on a rainy Sunday morn ing) Yps; it's true. Providence does temper the wind to the Bhorn lamb. Mr. Hichurcb What mikes 7011 think 60? Mrs. Hichurch Why, mv new bonnet did'nt como home last night! Puck. Newport News: On Tuesday morn- inr .Tiinri 13 Tlinmiu TT,.l!iin.l fall over deid while sitting on the porch of his residence ia Carroll township. Heart disease was the cause of death. Ho was abuut 72 years old. Hisb idy was taken to Bryn Mawr, of which place lw was a native. A cloud burst near Titf-sta:), Pa., Inst. Thus'xday, fired and destroyed two houses: Mrs. James Fierce was struck, ard it is thought she will die Thp stove company's shop was struck' and the e'ectrie light service was dis-' abled. Culverts were b'ocked up, andjinnuror-rabie celiai'3 Hooded by the down- pour. flive von tried South American N-:rviue the gem of thc centurv ? The great cure fnr Iu digestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousnef-s. Warrant, ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks it Co., Druggists, Milllintown, Pa. Nov. 14, ly. From the Hollidrysburg Register r.f .Tuna '21: Larce numbers of trood carp can be seen in the river every .lay at the bridge. Lancaster lice, a nasty little yellow insect have made their appearance in swarms in oor town. Th total product r-f unpls s-ugat in Somerset county entitled to bounty, wa 451,000, on which a bounty of 0,020 will be paid. Tlia Trt.ir-.fT? r..tmniiccinnArBnf. fer 5100 reward for the arrest and j conviction of the three masked rob-j Lau who broke into the inrui nous a of Joseph Slippey, in Frankstown tovn.-hip, on the night of June C. Ii. vestigations are being made of the "ilea infested" districts of Lan caster county. Secretary Thomas J. E Igo siijrs that th:s species of flea can bo found in every Hungarian camp, and it seems to be peculiar to them and their modu of life, and would disnppear when they Jeft the country. The same plague infesteJ Bucks county wheu the railroad there was in progress of construction. Attention Fruit Growers. Ail persons who are desirous of or ganizing a fruit growers Association for the purpose of selling their fruit to the best advantage, will meet in nrnliAn'u Court Room in the Court House in Mifllintown, on Sat urday, July 15, 1803, at 2 o'clock P. M. Fire by Llghtslnsr About 4 o'clock on Sundtiy after noon, lightning struck the barn of To,.K V.mlv.Ler. ill Walker township. The building was soon ablfiza and a heap of coals and ashes. I he larger part cf this year's hay crop was in the barn, farming implements and (1 four rows and a steer perished in the fire. The bnilding was insured. . !few Flkh Bait. A new fish bait has been invented. It is such a novelty in its way that bait can be kept alivo while fishing. It consists savs a fisherman, who has used it. of a live minnow in a Hint glass tube, arranged so as to magni fy the minnow, and with a hole in each end to keep the bait alive. One minnow lasts a day. Angle worms crabs, grasshoppers or any kind 01 bait can be used. Summer Excursion and Kate via the ,e''1 vanla Railroad Company. n-i . 1 coq ,.i;,vn i.f tbe Ptnusyl- vania Railroad Company s annual bock of summer excursion k iust been issued. It is tastx-iuiiy s--ton n and presents a most practical and comprehensive manner about t . 1 unuurea popular summer re sorts, from which excellent selections moc Via 1 - m ... ... j mane ior eitiier limited trips or ertcnrlml : -, : 1 , oi.juufus auiiug me summer and early fall months. c- -""cij ui routes sug gested, the complete schedules of rates, the graphic and exhaustive descriptions of fl 1 i , - vimciBut places, tne explanatory maps and the illus- tratlona. mal-o V,; 1 iuu vuiume a most -muauie guiue. Copies of t.Iifi lw.ir v.. i.i.: , UiUT UQ U II L 11 1 11 aiiiTtictitoffic6of the Penn, - pnjiuUHiUl ieu cents, or npon application tr, the ojivauia liailrna.l nn t 1. Orenernl Passenger Agent, Pennsyl vania Railronil Pt,;ia,1ui.:. .-i -n he forwarded upon the receipt of twenty cents. MI SIC LESSOXI. .n?IiSi u!se K J has re turned home from Boston after spending two years at the New Kng land Conseivaf,, r,r xt...: tuo best instructois of piano and uu ub3 started her class in music. All structions from her will please oblige hAP rr nnl..' . O j umniijg arrangement this and next week bv nii; 1 1. rp, . , . -' Ub utrr UOme OH Third street, MitHintown, Pa. Another Fire. People had aciirpilu flt.tfi. i i-M. ing about the fire in n.,.--! . . vuuumi;uiim house, till they were startled to hear of too burninrr nf Hn.. i 1 CUarles Corkms and occupied by his son J. H. Corkins, in Fermanagh township last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Corkins was baking and the first information that she had that some thing was wrong about the place was a creakinj noi.m nntKi.lc . .... v . uaat eued out and was almost paralyszed at the sight of a blazing fire in the roof about the flue. The alarm waa sounded, the firm horn was blown, anl neighbors ran to the fire, but what could they do, no water, no buckets. Thev di.l M n, could, and carried out the furniture and household goods, but made the mistake in placing it to near the burning bnilding. The goods took fire and before they could be trans ferred to a place of safety, were so burned and damaged thai they are of little account. Charles Corkins, Jr , in trying to get the cjok stove out, had the inside of both bands badly burnt. Tho building and furniture bad some insurance. A Summer Series or Four De IlShtril Tours to the Xorth via the Pennsylvania Hallroad. July 11th and 25tb, August 8th and 22d are the dites selected for this series of personally-conducted tours lo the North. Watkins Glen. Niagara Falls. Thousand Islands, 1 Montreal, An Shlo Chasm, Lakes CharapUin and G.u.rge, and Sarato ga are among the many attractive places to bo visited. Tho rate of $00 00 applies from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Harrinb;irg, and inter mediate stations and corresponding ly low rates from other points. This rate includes tvery item of necessary expense during the entire time of fourteen days spent on the trips, and is remarkably low considering the 1 rge territory covered and the luxurious entertainment afforded at the different place?. For detailed information address George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, or apply to nearest Passenger or Ticket Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany. Special Reduced Rate excur sions to the Atlantic roast tla the Pennsylvania Railroad- On July 13th next the fi;t of a liiaite.l summr-r series of seashore excursions will be run. The remark ably low rate of $10 00 for the round trip will be charged from Pittsburg, with proportionate rates from ether tKiints, and a choica of destinations will be all wed, whether Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea I-lo C.ty or Ocean City. These tickets will bo valid for re turn passage for twelve days, thus tffording ample time for either a limited trip or a restful fortnight by the sea. Many marked improvements have been made during the past year at these coast resorts in the way of increased facilities ond nieaua of p'easuro f;r the visitor. These rates apply on regular trains 1 ivi.ol, A -to 7 (in .n.l 8 10 P. M., or on special train ..i gcii a -r i,nt KUUU UL n.uu XX. ill. mo above mentioned date. The special train will be run on the follavviug schedule, and the ticket will be sold at the rates quoted. Thais Rare. Leaves. Tyrone $7 65 1.17 P. M. Cumberland 8 50 8.25 A. M. Bedford 8 50 9 50 " Huntingdon 7 10 1.48 P. M. Mt. Union 6 75 2 08 " McVevtown 6 50 2.28 " Lewistown Junct.. 6 00 2.45 " Mifflin 5 65 3 05 Newport 5 00 3 36 " Duncannon 4 50 3 53 " Philadelphia ..Ar 7.16 " For detailed information address or apply to Thos. E. Watt, Passeng er A"ent, 110 ruth Avenue iius- burg. I'llOTOGRAI'IlS. ASOTITEB TIME FOB AST LENGTH OF TIME, "VHILE WE ABE IS THE PICTURE BUSI-J f NESS. We will continue making our fine Cabinet Potographs as low os $1.50 per dozen. Aiiese lucm-reo 1 1 1 1 . mounted on elegant cam ?iimeicu i,,.i- on.l fane, with picture with u U t . ' - - 1 a high Polish finish superior in qual ity to to the Aristo i noio a nave been taking the last ytar. However all those wishirjg the Aristo picture I will still make them at the same .,:.. o 51 HO ner ilozeQ. The extensive patronage and the ninny testimonials of the apprecia tion of our work, we have received the last year, gives us renewed cour- a"o to go on with tnese low piiers, makinar Mifllintown bead-quarters for the finest Photo graphs lor the money 1 ui v,u obtained anywhere, adding all the iiln'li; i I'l.-iii'iiHi" - i ' - time new and costly accessories of the very latest designs giving our trade the benefit of that which would cost $3.00 in the city, for $1.50 in Mifflintown. We can make pictures for $1.00 per dozen such as are made by all travelling photographer, but we prefer giving our patrons a much better picture for very Lttle more money. Thanking our patrons for their liberal patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, Joserh HES3. Mifllintown, Pa, March 9, 1893. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Timwr.H valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from N Stomache. Djspep'sir., and Indiges- finn ,,..1.1 1 UV Y uu uulu iiij ueuita was gone. had been doctoring cntistantlu- with no relief. I boucht one bottle of South American Nervine which done me more pood than n doctoring I ever did in my life. I 1 1 . . - oumaavise every weakly person to USe this Valll all! n nnd lrtiralir M.mo1ir. A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Tiial bottle 15 cents. Sol.l hv T. Ranl-a & Co., Druggist, Midi itown,' Pa. reb. i, 5J3 ly. A Fire- A fire in a double house, owned by ex-county commissioner John Cun ningham, and occupied by railroad employees, Supervisor E. J. Cleve and Baggage Agent W. Miles, in Patterson, caused a great excitement about 3 o'clock last Wednesday after noon. Two days beforo tho fire Mr. Cleve and wife started to take in the Chi cago fair and cf course were in bliss ful ignuranca of the fierce flames that started from their coal oil stove and destroyed their homo while they were enjoying themselves at the Columbian fir iu the Windy City. As the hour mentioned above Belle Philips a colored maid in the service of Mr. Cleve's family noticed that something had gone wrong with the coal oil stove that was on the back porch, which was "boarded up" for summer-kitchen purposes. There was a blaze playing on the top of the stove then. She called Samuel Monichan who wa3 doing some carpenter work in the bath room. Monichan looked at the stove but did not know how to manage the Came. He 6aid, "I'll run over and get M:lton Guss, the hardware man from whom the stove was bought." He ran for Guss, whos9 place of business is near by. Both men hur ried back. Tho head of thj maid Philips was level and sli3 saw at a glauce that the thing to do was to kick out the porch balustrade and shove the stova off (ho porch, that was just the thing to do but the girl had not the physi cal ability to do what would have prevented the house from taking fire. Monichan came back with Guss. Then the flame was reaching high above the stove. The maid agan was there with rugs and carpets aud Uomchau anil truss each took hold of the end of a strip of carpet and brought it down over the stove with the purpose of smothering the fire, but it seemed only to cause more fire for the ti.tme puffed out from under the sides of the carpet with suoh force cud such volume, that they were driven out ef the porch, Guss was struck iu the face by a tongue of flamo and at first thought he was severely burned but aside from a sligh t singing of the ends of his eye brows, whiskers and hair he was un injured. Monichan ran out of the house shouting fire, and across to W. C. Cramer's house for his watr hese, when he returned the kitchen was all a fire. The shout of fire w-jnt up from all parts of the town. Alarm whistles sounded and the streets ran full of excited men women and children. The two hose companies were soon on the ground and had two streams cf crystal Macedomia water playing on the building. It did nut take long to extinguish the visible flames, but the fire had crept between the weather boarding and inside plaster ing of the h.iuee into a number of nooks and difficult places to reach, and between the roof and ceiling of the attic of the main building so that the pluy of water for the period of an hour and a half was required to put out the last sparks of fire. The water stood on the floors cf the building to the depth of over two inches and ran out of the front door iu a rushing stream. The furniture of the tenants was taken out after the fashion that pre vails at a fire Mr. Miles household effects were not insured. It is not known whether Mr. Cleve has his household furniture insured. Mr. Cunningham had the house insured. The building was not destroyed bnt considerably damaged. A fire is alwavs a terrorizing thing in the house where it takes place, but since the introduction of the water from the mountain, people outside of those suffering by the fire are not terroriz ed as in days gone by when they were without protection. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I Lad been in bod for five months from tho effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Hid given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine ia the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, ilif flintown. Pa. . Fob. 9 '93, ly. 'Your 'eat Pocket." Humphreys' Specific No. Seven cures Coughs and Colds. Get n via at your druggist's; it's handy to car ry in your vest pocket, 25c. Ich on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold bv L. Banks & Co. Druggists, Jlifflintown, Pa. OcLl, ly. 'ri mi i M 1 1 - r . - i 1 ii' ii i n1 Hi-'i-h iM r " -ii in County Committee. W. V. Shirk, Chairman. Baale T. K. Beaver, Acidemia ; W. Scott Laacb, Doylo'a AfilU. Black Lag D. M. Oppel. Thooiaa Vanghn. Oi'peMsville. Delaware Ii. J. Dunn, .Haze; A. B Evaaa, Thompsontewn Fayette Isaac Eeaahore, SfcAliitervilie; J. N. Weaver. Cocolamus. Fermanagh C. E. Hower, H. O. Zook, Mifflintown. Greenwood W. S . Switzer, Nekoda, Pa.; George Fry, Dimmaville. ' Lack Bc-bert Parson, Pern Mill ; C. J. McLaughlin, East Watarford. Miffiinlnwa W. H. Rodgera, John J Patterson, Jr. Milford Selim S. Themai, Patteraon George BaUbock, Port Royal. Monroe E. W. Graybill, Daniel Finken. binder, Richfield. Patteraon James Casner and Jamrs C. Clair. Port Royal Ed. Kennedy, W. R. Whar ton. Spruce Hill J. H. Patteraon, Spruee Hill ; n. L. Erana, Pleasant View. Sufquebmra W. S. Brnbaker, Motion tongo ; C C Ruttonbach, Pfontz Valley. . Thompsontown Harry Thompson, Levi Meyers. Turbett S. A. McLain, Port Royal ; P. J. Killmcr, Killmrr P. O. Tnscarora S. F. Priee, East Waterford ; Joseph M. Williancs, Warble. Walker W. H. Kauffuian, Mexico ; N. E. Lnkens, Van Dyke. English Spavin Liniment removen all Hard. Soft or Crtllonse.1 T and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring bonp, Stiflea, Sprains and Swollen inroats, uoughs, Ac. Save if 50 by npe of on bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv Tj. Runts Ar fVi Druggists, Mifflintown. Oct. 1, ly. JJP. DERR, PRACTICAL. DEXTIST, (Graduate of tba Philadelphia Dental Col lege.) formerly of Miftlinburg, Pa., haa lo cated permanentlv in Mifliiotowo, as suc cessor to tho late Dr. ii. L. Derr, and will continue th dental business (establishc il by the latter in ISliO) at the well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. C?- TEKTU EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE- LY WITHOUT PAIN. A 0 Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or DUeomfort to patient, either (luring extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed cr to c bur go HEADQUARTERS FOR Fashionabl Olothii Gents' Furnisliino- Goods, at HOLLOBAUG1S & SOIL'S, PATTERS OIN, PENA. Spring- is II err, So Are JFV JJith Jl Full Unv of Spring Clothing OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE STILES AND CUT Our pheconjirial sales last year Las justified us in rurch&eing an extra large line of Spring Clothing and Laving purchased so extensively, we have marked our goods down to rock bottom prices. Boforo others get iu their goods, we will have all the most desirable trade bupplied. We have a full lino of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing that has no equal west of Harris burg. YouDg man if you want a late style, fashionable Spring Suit, Hat, Shirt and Tic, it will pay you to eet our hoe. You formerly Lad to go east to get what you wanted, we can furnish you with any thing in the clothing liueyou may wis-h. Our stock comprises Men's Youths', Hoys' aod Children's Clothing from the plain, substantial, overy-day suit, to the finest dress suits. You styles to select from. 500 pair of dress pantaloon?. Suits for large men er small men. Jersey Suits, Blue Flannel Suits and other styles for the little folks. And at prices that will astonish you for chcart.efs. We also keep in stock the Douglas Shoe for Men and Women's wear. The ful'est line of Trunks, Valises Umbrellas, Jewelry, Suspenders, Collars A Cuffs, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats, etc. We always make it a point to Lave the latest out in styles. 50 dozen of the Celebrated Sweet Orr Overalls to fit the smallest boy to the most portly man. Call and examine our stock. Compare cur prices and we are satisfied you will be pleased. No trouble to show goods, and we have tbetn to show. Hollobaug'li & Son. S. S. RUBLE, EMBA L M E R AND Funeral Director. I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length ofjj time Myunder taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St. Safe Horses furnished in time of funeral. Cases requiring attention at night willibe promptly attendedj to by calling on me at my Furniture Boom. VERY RESPECTFULLY, S. S. RUBLE. LGST MANHOOD! 5ERVITiV (Tiver French fc'crv R emed y, iis cld with a Written Guai-vflte to cure aii Nervous d sea c, such as w ear sX Memorv, Loss o Jf lirain Power, Ner BEroiti and apt in usi ache. Wakeful- cet Loct Manhood, Lassitude, all drains and Io of p9"er in either sex, caused Ly over-exertion o; Eoutfaful Indiscretion, which ultimately lead to ifi unity. Consumption and Insanity Price, Ix.oo i packat. With every f order w .eire a wrrtta QuaratTte to cure or refund money. By mail u any adwesa. FIVER'S REMEDY CO., Toledo, a ii t Yn " 'i rii i"r rr ii n-i'-1'- m i will be made. IL- All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentist. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' fr. !ltimphrr-V r'pn-tn'rahrem'lomlilcallyaiMl cwfuiljr ir-uarvd Keiiietli-rt. utl for yare In pnvnt praetkv and r over thirty years t th people wttn eullre auceeM. Every single bpeclHo a S,elal cure for tliu tiiMuAe ruuneU. They care without ilmxxiiiK. -urging-or reducing thek.vstfin.and an- U. f.-tei uhil iUtu tiiceoverclau Kemedica bf the Wurld. Liar op hukuu ceBxa, ran 1 Fevers, CortKtl5iia. Inflammations. , 3 M arms. Vorra raver. Worm Colic... , Teetbltiir; CoIm, Tyli.a. akefulncta , 4 Diarrhea, of children or Adults Si I'var-nteryvt.rtplng, liilious lultc.... . 6 Cholera Morbus. VonjlUug . 94'oiigho, ( olda. Lroachltja. , ft Xearuluia. Toothache, laceaeha , fr HcaiiAehea. slcic lleadacba. VarUgvk, , 1 0 llyspr-poin,. BUlotnnaaa. t'onatlttkn , 1 1 Suitpreafeitd or Painful Periods. . 19 Whites, loo Profits I'eie-.: 13 Craaa, l.uryttffill. lltArwneca. ... 14 P-ttil RIipuu, rysiel.-a. Fruitions. , 1 5 it beumalittui.or Kbeumatlc 1 alus.. , tH Malarin. ( hills. Fovsr and Ague 17 Piles. Iii!ul orRleodinr , IS Ophtaaluiy, &. 1 1 r V k Eyes. , I titarrh. Iurluer.K, tela bithellsad 110 Vv'htHi..ea- Couch 111 Asth.-na, (tpt-reft'Kjd rrsathlrc 'iJ-tSr II'm: karvoa. I'M Mlrsd Hearing- , 23 rterof'ula. r;i!.-vrzs.I t lends. Swsllipg '2i leneral liehllily, 1 i.-al W-aaiieua i'i tJrupMy, sad Ecanry :ermnrr.l Xrf r-tfn.sirknbS. Meknrtfs lrom KiUlns . 27 IvUunr Itseusts 3fr fure rloath. or eaukdt 30 1 rluary Vi'pp biers, WuttingBed.. , 31- I'sluljl IVrloes 2 I Diphtheria. I lesratad SoraTlimut.. 3a Chronic C ouaestions ft fcrupUuua. , EXTR4 NUMBERS : -Xrvon lebitllv. s. tnlna! Weak- nck, or lnv.,iuliU4r, I'l.-hark-s 1, SS Iiseusesrtbo lenrt. Palpitation I, 33 Epilepsy, spaius. Vitus' Dance. ..1, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Mi ,-ti Mi ,S .ti Mi Mi M ii ii ii Mi Mi Mi 2i 00 00 at Sold Sf Draccl.t, sr Dt pat-t4 SB rscvlt af pries. Da HearHisrs' Maxvai. tl.s pacn.: b.ilsd raks. ni iruurts- arD.ro.. mans nun.. St., lark. SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For rnm Kxtemal or Internal. Blind or nieedlnir: Klstula lit Ano: Iu-hlnor lilet-iltiiK of the lieetum. Th reluT ia luintedialu lite cure ceru,lu. PRICE, tO CTS. TBIAL SIZE. 25 CTS. 8ol4 by llrKKUt., or sat pkt-.is on rwMlt ol prlss. nau-B mts- a-. co.s in a lis rrutuia St., iw Toax in in RiinrvrM VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Eotsm, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Hogs, - AND POTJLTHT. 500 Page Booh on Trontrnrnt of Animals and Chart Hem Free. rrus; Fevers. (onzesl Inns. Inaantuatioa A.A.ipinal Aleuiuxitis, Milk Fever. II. II. Strains, Lameness. K hrumatinaa. '.'. Distemper. Nana I ItisrharKea. II. I. Uols or l-rubft, Worms. K.E. Cenahs. Heaves, Pnsumonlau lic or Crlpe-, Itellyacha. .HisenrriniK;. Ilemorrhaaes. 11.11. I rluary nnd Kidney liiseaaee Krnptlve lli.eases. Mange. nisuasesol' Kigealioa, 1'aralysla. Blngle Boltle (o-erS0doses)b . .60 Stable Cnse. with Specifics. Manual. Vetjlnaryfure011a:i. Mudlcator, Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.00 BoM by Dracrl.tt sr wpat sreBsia as sbais Sa4 Is an snMUty r.l.t of price. Bl irnMi vs- a t D. to., 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 wiuiu. St., I Isra. have hero over 50 different patterns and -,? ax fci is, . w3 5S 15 bnts&inIccp. ThfTeanthn'andiionari who have rgu!ar ft-aturts aiil wouid t e at conlcl thwpulm ( rauty wt re it not for a y--.r omt'lttiion. To all such d rt-oommend DR. MEBRA'o VIOLA CREAM as itevin Uiesu qualities that qulrkiy chanve the most ftnllow and florid complexion to one oi natural benlib and onblcinitdieti teauty. Ii cures Oily 8k ia, K reckle. Block Iiead Blotches, dunbum. Tan, Pimttlvs, an i ail imperxeciioits of the kin. It if, nuticc6iT.ftie but a cure, yet Is bet ter for tfcu toilet table than powdtr. Bold by ImisajosU, or BKUt pt paid npon receipt of 50c. tt. C. 6ITTNER & CO., Toledo. O. 'i., I'ltnf I ' i ''L"i" ' i ;' ii i ' ',' : i " ig and. !ZTv7r'' i i- FORWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD In the line of progres that's our polioy. Suooess attends our efforts. Your CUSTOM once a customer always. We gain the oonfidenee of th public by liberal offers. SPRING CLOTHING FOR MEJN THE BEST MADE WE CAN PLEASE YOU IK A SPREiG SUIT. . Ours is the stock from which to scleot your Spring Suit. Don't buy on that while it may have a good many points right, has some defect either ia style, fit or material. Our Men's Suits for the Spring of '93 are perfeot In the variety of materials shown we have ready for you a regular feast of fashion, an assortment from which all taste and all pocketbooxs can bo pleased and suited. A mammoth collection of the latest styles of Saoks and Frooks are here, 5 TO 20. SUITS Four different shades of Bannockburn Cheviots, Single or Doable-Breasted Sacks and Cutaways ; the popular Tweed and Corkscrew Suits ; English Whipcords, Bird's-eyes, etc,; challenged for workmanship or fit. Your choice S to $12. SPRING CLOTHING FOR BOYS. Not a houie in the county anticipates the needs of young America mora eagerly than wc do. Wc are prepared with an elegant Spring Stock fer Boys and Children, a stock eontaining more and nobbier styles than can be seen at any other store in Juniata county. A short Pant Cheviot Suit of all-wool material in a serviceable daik gray color. Price $2.20. A beautiful All-wool, Dark Blue or Black Cheviot Swiss or Irish Woolen Double-Breasted Suit a rare bargain ages 4 to 11, $2 75 A genuine Tricot or Cress Cheviot Suit, Hue or black, lined with fine Italian Cloth or Serge, $5. Imported fabrics in Boys' Suit?, 4 to 14 years, including the English Worsted, German Tricot or French Serge, the oorrect stylo, a finished fit and finish for $10 garment, but our price is $7. Our Hat Department for this Spring Season is complete, we have all tlva new styles at the lowsst prices. The grandest line of gent's furnishing GOODS ever exhibited in Juniata county. Our trunk & satchel department second floor a full liue to select from. Prices lower than ever. SPRING PANTS. Never did we exhibit a grander assortment than that which now graces our tables. It embraces all the new and nobby stripes and checks, both foreign anl domestia with a price range from $1 50 to $6 t0. FERD MEYERS, the wholesale and retail Clothier, Bridge St., Mifflintown, Pcnoa. 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 1889 Special Invitation rTo The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on dailj from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. HAELBY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, eo don't fai to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLI3S TOWlSr FJl. EAYE TGU KOHETTO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER 7 -CALL AT THE FIEST BA MIFFLIN 1 OWN, PA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. AXLS GREASE BEST IV THE WORLD. ItawriBsqualitisBaxennsurv&SBed. actuaTI? Cntlaatinff two boxes of any o-h-sr brand. NM Sectsd bv baat. la-C I T lIIL(.t:Ml.Vb FOR SALE BY DEALERS OBKrRAI.LT. Jy s ALESME .N WANTED LWAL UK IKAVtLLlM,, to Sell our Nursery Stcck. Salary, Exrenses ami Steady Employment turanteed. CHASK BKUTHEKS COMPANY, Dec. 8, '91. Kecbesfer, N. T. Trie Sentinel and Sejmllmn oilce ia the place to get job work done. Tiyit. It will pay you If you need anything in that line. mm. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OF MIFFLIXTOWJI, PA. WITH HKANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Prtudent. T. VAN IRWIN, Cm$hter DiaKCTOBR. W. C. Pomroy, Joseph Rotbroek, John Ilcrtiler, Jonah L. Fat-ton, Rohort E. Parker, Lonia E. Atkinss-B, T. V. Irwin. TOCKnOLCERS I Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Rnthrock, Juno FI. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, R.E.Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Mary Kartr, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin. CharlotteSnyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patteraon, F. M. M. rennell, Ivi LKbt, Samuel S. Rothrock, Win. Swart. Solomon Manbtrck, Three and Four pr cent, interest: will be paid on ccrtiPcates of dt-posite. fjan 23, 1HV1 U TO WEAK MU Bnff-TtniT from the Tcu of youthful er rr. . tutr decay, waiting weaknoaA, lutt manhood, nr., I will rnd a valuable truati 'sealf-di conalx.. fall ; perucnian lor come euro. xc.b m m j rnnd( medical work ; shoald be rrad ty cwwf jama woo is aenvim uiu uusuiaiea. niiia FroC F C FOWLLH, S2oolus. Coiqft RUPTURES. ro prnaranto4 it. j. ii. wave"" AswhCf ik! I- Ta. tdo at once. No operation ur boslneas J' tnfAfrt u'-iay. i iiousiniH or enres. Jr mipu TSEZStSl 1!