Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 21, 1893, Image 2

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WEIiESI)AT. JU5E 21. 1SS3.
ditos aso montirToa.
Republican County Ticket-
Win II. Moore,
Xeul M. Slewart.
Wilber force Schweyer.
John F. Eliemzeller.
W. II. Zei lers.
"William Gusr,
Jo'jn Y. Shelly.
Pessiox Aoe.nt Shehuire, litis be
gnu to suspend pensioners in Phila
delphia, lie 1ms been notified to
weed the rensi a list at tlie rate of
no less thau ten a day. Payment of
pensions on the weeded list will be
stopped until :i re-c-x iminati on will
Lava boon mid ft. The same method
will ba pursued all over the country.
So far thoso dropped from the list
are cases of ailments, chronic diahr
rhea, rheumatism, Xo., claimed to
hive been contracted by exposure
while in tho army. The Cleveland
administrati m is .'tting in its work
just aa the republicans said it will Jo.
A Preacher's Race Horsa-
rentou. Pa , June 11. The peo
ple of Swinburne, two miles west of
here, are greatly wrought up over
tho fact t h it th: ir Methodist preach
er, litv. J. IJ. Krihhen, is reported to
Lave Bcc pled jOO which ho won
to-day in ti horse vaee. His congre
gation bought, the hi.ri1, a pa vr, f r
him and paid i r it last v.-ck.
Dr. John liurnunt;, of Van congrega
tion saw the cl.irgvmau tp-.-ediujj his
pneor on the p ke yesterday, and
ofierol to forfeit 300 ;f the doctor 's
nag could rot b,-at tho dominie's in
a race.
The race cam0 o!T tn-dny and the
pastor's horse w;n. It was a lively
drive, from the t ne bridge to the
toll-gate. The doctor, il is said, pai I
the wager at once, and I he friuiTs ef
the preacher s?iy he would be excus
able in accpt;n it as a uft. Many
Swinburne and Benton people lui.'d
the turnpike an. I witnessed the race
Why Creditors Should Deal Leni
ently With Their Debtors-
From the Des .V lines (I ) L'-airr.
Older men who n iu-mlf-r the
stringent times from 1S31 to 183S
would not regard the pr.-rient as Lard
times. In tiioso uMur days money
was out of 1 1 qnesli. n. Nearly all
br.sinesa wa.-; s.rried ril by barter.
A good cow 'Ull 1 Sell f-.T ?'2. A
merchant traded his goods for bils
and furs, grair, iive stock or provi
sions, or anythi, ;r l:e end trans
port to a market, whore i:e turned
thom over to his i ibbors, who iu
turn dispt.s?-! of thia as befit they
could. Lib. r was p-rid iu tru- k and
trade, and to pay a d.n.t iu money
was out of the question. To borrow
a hundred dl!irs rr one dollar was
almost impossible.
In these time?, whi-'h arr called
hard, crnditi ;r.6 are very different
The man has anything to sell can Be'.l
it for money. Prici s ps a general
thing are high. Wheat sells readily
from GO cents to 70 cents a busied.
Corn 6ells at 40 cents acd oats at 30
centa. llay is worth, and brings
readily in c;:?li, from $7 tj $11 per
ton. All manner of live stock and
dairy and poi ltry product sell well
and readily. Labor is paid a good
price and the varied industries of
the country hi : fairly busy. There
is vastly more iLiony for use in (lie
United Slates tL;m cvfr before in the
hiftory of the couetiy.
The hard times of i Id were such
ag to stagnate all business. In the
present business poi on much m
usuiL, but whatever alarm esist3 in
the country is occasioned by tho fact
that creditors naf-m almost simalt.in
tous'.y to have ca K d npon their deb
tors for liquidation. For some cause,
not easily explained a general all
around de-ma? 1 for payment has
gone up in tht: nation. The Govera
ment bus foolishly pone into debt,
giving its iiot's payable ou demand
for one kuinlrjd and eighty million
dollars' worth of silver bricks, whi.;h
are really not vovlh as mnoh t the
country as the sumo number of clay
bricks, for it could use the ch.y
bricks, whilu it Cttinot use the silver
bricks. Tiics'; demand uo'.cs the
Government is being called on to
pay daily. Tim gold in the Treasury
has run down from two Limdivd
milli"i)s to ninety millions, and the
payment is still going on. This
shiirksg.) of gold iu the Treasury
has mad; the creditor class even
more eager iu pressing their indivi
dual debts for payment. The em
barrnesuient of the Treasiury has
started every creditor on the track
for his money with the feverish thirst
of a bloodhound. Thera is no more
eenca in such a general calling in of
loans than there would be in pump
ing all the wells of Iowa dry because
the Mississippi river happened to run
Tho ono thing required to prevent
great damage to all business interests
at the present time is the forbear
ance of the creditor clabS. Securities
hava iu no way been impaired, the
prospects for a vast increase in the
wealth of tho nation are moat favor
able, we are just entering upon a
crop year which promises most
abundant returns, labor is employed,
industries are flourishing, commerce
ia active, and evidently means where
with to pay debts will ba botter and
greater as time goes on. Tho Gov
ernment is uot going to be embar
rassed. It has some ready cash, and
it has practically unlimited credit iu
the money centres of the world. Let
creditors be moderate and forbear
ing and help to maintain the credit
of the nation and the people rather
than to break it down. In that case
the boats that seem now to be al
most floundering in the choppy sea
of threatened disaster will come
safety into port and bring wealth to
all interests.
Huntingdon Presbytery.
At the late meeting of tho Presby
tery of Iluntingdon the presbytery
was divided into two districts, as fol
lows: The eastern district, compris
ing the counties of Huntingdon, Bed
ford, Juniata and Mifflin ; the west
ern district, comprising the counties
of Blair, Clearfield and Centre ; with
instructions that each district should
hold an annual Sunday school con
vention, and committees were ap
pointed to arr inge for them. There
will be a convention of the eastiru
district held at Petersburg on Thurs-d-iy
and Friday, June 22 and 23, be
ginning at 1:30 on Thurslay.
Populists in Convention
One hundred and fifty men held
what they called tho populist con
vention, of Pennsylvania, at Wiiliams
port, on the 14lh of June.
J. B. Aiken, of Washington coun
ty, was elected permanent chairman,
and William Alien, Jr., of Clearfield
county, and J. Ed. Leslie, of Alle
gheny county, permaaent secretaries.
A number of committees wcro ap
pointed, and pending their reports
addesscs were made by Kalph Beau
mont, of Addison, N. Y., and J. H
Atwood, of Indiana county.
At the afternoon sossiou J. II. Ste
venson, of Allegheny, was nominated
for Supreme Judge, and F. AI. Wind
sor, of MKean, for State Treasurer,
K. A. Thompson, of Indiana, w.is
unanimously elected State chairman
and given power tj choose a secretary-treasurer.
The present rules
governing representation were re
adoptcd. Hairisburg wis selected
as the next place of mooting, but the
date wks not fixed.
Tho following Slate platform was
adopted ;
"We re.- filrm our id'vgi irco to our
nutioMd People's party platform and
re:ternte its gtntral demands.
' We earneh'ly call the attention of
the people of the State to tho fore
going important national ;u stions,
nil of which we favor, and as to ques
tions of Statw nature, we ask the uon
pideiatc judgment tI ad to the fiio-
- im principles.
We demand the referendum bjs
t iu ef submitting important nation
al mid State legislation to a vote of
the p- opli.
'We demand that tho President,
Vice President, United States Sena
tors a?'d the Pest master Genera!
f-hould be elected by a direct vote of
the people.
"We favor t'is graduated incline
and inheritance tax f ir raising St-ite,
c -unty and municii a1. : avenue.
"We believe the pres-M State
school book law, being in tho ir.terost
of ihe school book ayivHcate, should
be ame ided no thut tho State sh'tll
publish a uniform system to text
bwoks and furnish them free to the
school children of the Common
wealth. "We dstnariu a law u.ikiug tho
miuo boss of coal mines a Siate
oflieer. t ) be oelo: ted through the
civil sot vies rr.le-", tno pa!ary of th
luiun bo.-.s to be pud by a levy made
upon the output of the mine
"V" fav e tho St i'e ownership
and operation of tin c ul mines, aud
and hereby express o il- sympathy
.vi;!i the radical delega es to tho late
nti coal combine c-T:v"tion of Chi
'We demand thut LV.o actual home
stead, owned and p..:d f r, ehall be
exf-isp't'd from levv .i id not s 11 for
"We demand thr.t all property in
the i:'.te be a-s.-shtd at it? cash valua
for State, county and muuicipal pur
pose aDd to pay an equal mileage.
'We demand service pensions to all
men who contributed to the restora
tion of the Union by army and navy
services, payable iu fall legal toader
paper money, dirtct from tiie UniteJ
States Treasury to thu pensioners."
'We demand the absolute repeal of
the onspir 'cy laws .nd tho adopt'on
of a law making it a g nve off-jnso for
any employer to intrfore in any man
ner with au employee's right to join
or affiliate with any party or organi
zation that ha or she may see li t; and
the enactment of liws compelling cor
porations an I firms to pa' thir om
ployues week'y iu law ful money ; the
abolition of company siore and giv
ing mechanics and laborers a rirst
lien upon the product of their labor
for the full extent of their wages."
"We are op oed to the issue of
Stata bonds for road purposes or any
other purposes."
"Ve demond fc.ich amendment of
the baker ballot iaw a-t will permit hIi
parties io bo represented ou the of
licial bai'ot without refcrauno to per
centage." - -.. -.
To the Fair liy Freight.
Twelve economical yonug men of
Bordeutown, N. J., have hit upon a
novel scene to see the World's Fair
at a cost of $10 each. They Lava
chartered a freight car r.nd are fitting
it up with burjks and other comforts,
and they propose to live in it wiiilo
at Chicago. The car will contain a
stove anil be fully provisioned, as tho
boys do not intend to pay extortion
ate pricps for food. Tbe car will be
taka to its destination as fast freight.
A Snake Strangled a Child-
The North American published the
following, dated, tgg Harbor, N. J.,
June lo-- A large pine snake, four
feet four inches in L-ngth, yesterday,
encircled the neck oi a sleeping girl
babj of William I-Wvin, a well-known
farmer near here, rvl hokad tho lit
tle, one's life out b l-rt it was uiscov
ered. The mother of the child had
placed a pillow on the grass for her
to sleep on during the hot afternoon.
She did not hear any outcry and first
knew of the snake's presence proba
bly a quarter of an Lour after it Lad
finished its deadly work.
When discovered the snake was
still coiled about the neck of the child
with its head resting on the face.
The frantic mother scrcamod for her
husband, why was working in a field
near-by, and then grasped the body
of tho reptile with both Lands. It
bit Ler several i'mes, but she contin
ued her hold. The snake coiled it
selfjcloser to the child the Larder the
mother pulled, and eh) was afraid to
use greater force for fc-r.r of injuring
the baby. The father v rrived in a
few minutes, aud with a jack-knife
cut the snake in two. Tho baby was
found to be dead.
The Fair Open on Sunday.
Oa Saturday, Juue 17, the United
States Court of Appeals, sitting in
Chicago through Chif Justice Full
er, decided that the United States
have no authority to close the World's
Fair, that the World's Fair is under
the control of its own management.
The Sunday closing people are talk
ing of taking the question up to the.
Supreme Court, but as that body
does not meet till October, the Fair
will be about over before a deliver
a ice f om that body can be receive !
Ten Dollars a Day.
The large steer weighing 4,300
pounds belonging to William M.
Singerly, of the Philadelphia Record,
which was sent to tho World's Fair
at Chicago, for exhibition, has been
brought home to Ambler owing to
the excessive rates ashed by the ex
position authorities. It ia said that
jdO a day was asked for his stall at
the fair, which was a small muddy
affair, and that on learning the facta
the steer was immediately returned
ta the Singerly farm at Ambler,
Montgomery county.
A Mt- Carmel Hermit.
An old man named William Liu
derman lias lived s a hermit in the
mountains near Mt. Carmel for nine
teen years. There isn't any romanca
ic his life. lie is lazy and likes
squatting- Th'3 bousa he lives in is
an oi l and tujible-down shed with
out any ' 'fixings.'' lie has never
been oa a railroad train iu hi life
and never saw an engine except from
tho brow of the mountain when Lo
WHtched tho coal trains run up tho
Nita'ie branch. Wlu ha is, what
lie wa and where he came from isa
mystery. A look at his face, worn
an 1 haggard, almost makes one
shudder. The mujcles seem atro
phied and decayed, and his spencb,
when he can bo induced to talk, is
thick mil broken. There isn't a
scarp of paper iu the cabin. He
never iw:i Is, never smokfs ; just sits
t'leie and gMz-1 out on Ihe bare and
almost biri'en mountain, waiting for
the final call into the great beyond.
Sunbnry Am -rican.
An Insane Mother's Sacrifice.
Parke rsbu rr, W. Va., Juuo 14,
Cr.ized with the fear that she might
die aud letve her eight children, Mrs.
Philip Kerch, w fj of a well-to-do
farmer war Plcas-int IL1', thia coun
ty, yesterday poisored her two boj-s
Freddie and Johnnie, brained Ler
babies. 10 months and 3 rears old.
lvsoactiva" and then iumoed into
, j i
the wed after them aud drowned her
self. She had intended to kill the
other four children also, and bad so
announced. Mr. and Mrs. Kerch
ha 1 lived on tho farm for 1G year?,
and moved there from Ohio.
After dinner Mrs. Kerch went to
MoLie, her oldest daughtc r, who is
17 years of ago, vlv was f t work in
fli. ljiTinirv ntiil rt:ii.iiv in her r
"I hare given J.)l rnie end Freddie
poison, and we will all jump into the
n "
Moliirt remembered that a bottle of
strychnine was in tho Louse and she
ran to the place whero it had been
kept I. wus gone, aud she saw her
throw the 10 -months-old baby into
the well. Before she could bo pre
ver.tp.d tho pr:i7.i-d mother threw A
3 year-o"'d c'jild after the iufaut and
was in the ct of seizing a boy 8 or 9
vesrs old, but Mollie lftcued the
A despeiute struggle Ihou brgau
between mother and daughter, but
the infuriated woman broke loose
and inruoe 1 into the well, which Lad
ei-ht feet cf water in it.
About D'gestion-
From th New York I,dger.
"Where d. s digestion begin?"
said a celebrated physician to me the
oth-r day ; aud ho added : "Abso
lutely on the p.'ale, where food is
cut into proper Jmorsels ; after that,
between the t eth."
Ar.d when we think of this, what a
horrible notico that was on the busi
ii( bs man's door: "Gone to dinner be
back in five minutes.
If we don't tako time to chew onr
food, wo become dyspeptic; and if
we become dyspeptic, we are liable
to become wicked.
All life looks black to a miserable
man with a stomach in which Lis
food lies like lead. Woe to bis com
panion if they expect good-fellowship
from hiin ! Woo to his wife un
less she Las the womanly iutnition
that will mako Ler humor him as
though ha were a crows baby ! Man
delights Liui not, nor womau either ;
nor is he best phased with Limeolf,
though Le jealously demands hom
age from others.
A man witL a good digestion is
more likely to be true and loving and
charitable and honorable than one
wLo Las ruined Lis temper and di
gestion together ; and, since one of
the bust assistants to digestion is a
good use of tho teeth, let us calmly
sit down to our dinner, rebuff any
whispers of wasted time by remem
bering that if the body is not cared
for the mind and soul go wrong ;
that to eat and drink aud sleep well
w ill not only make us healthier and
handsomer, but, as a consequence,
smarter and better. A good diges
tion makes a good man, and though
there my be demons who cLew their
food well, there never waa a angel
wLo di l not masticate Lis.
Itch on human and horaos and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by
Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co.
Druggists, Mifiliutown, Pa. Oct. 1, ly.
Huckleberry Bill lives on the moun
tain near Kane, McKean county, ne
is 75 years old, and since he became
a voter Le has dwolt in the solitude
of the vast forest picking berries for
a living in summer, frying rattle
snake fat in tho fall, hunting rabbits,
bear and deer in the winter, and tap
ping maple sugar sap ia the spring.
During this more than La'.f a century,
tells tLe Warren Mirror, Bill says Le
has gathered 1000 bushels of huckle
berries, killed 1,735 rattlesnakes for
their fat, slaughtered over 1,500 wild
auimals and got sap enough to make
forty barrels of tLe best maple sugar.
He is a veteran of two wars and was
never married.
In 1829 John Savior built a honsa
on his farm io S.v'or IlilL Somerset
county, got tnaTi?d and moved into
it with his bride. He reared a fami
ly of eight children in the Lousi', all
of whom are still living. Then he
and his wife Landed tLe farm over to
their son, John L. Savior. Tbe son
reared a family of eight on the old
homestead, and retired from active
life in favor of bis son William. Wil
liam Las become the father of cigit
children on the farm, and a few days
ago occurred the first death that Las
broken this remarkable family circle.
This was the death of Wm. Saylor's
wife, making only one death in sixty
four years in the family, which now
number seventy-eigbt.
If yaan(to gal cored taka Mamar Doubt Ea
fradaaraaaarilla. Ifathakaat Tn it. 60 cant.
We will continue making our fine
Cabinet Potograpbs as low as $1.50
per dozen. These pictures are
mounted on elngant card enameled
on back and face, with picture with
a high Polish finish superior in qual
ity to to tho Arioto Thoto I Lave
been taking the last year. However
all those wishing the Aristo picture
I will still make them at the- same
price, $1.50 per dozeu.
The extensive patronage and the
many testimonials of th apprecia
tion oi our wort, we have received
the last year, gives us renewed cour
age to go on with these low prices,
and we propose makiner Mifllintown
head-quarters for the finest Photo
graphs for the money that can- be
obtained anywhere, adding all tho
time new and costly nscessoriea of
the very latest deaignn giving our
trade tho benefit of that which would
cost $3.00 in the city, for $1.50 in
Mifiliutown. We can make pictures
for $1.00 per dozen such as are made
by all travelling photographer, but
we prefer giving our patrons a much
better picture for very little more
money, lhank'ng our patrons for
their liberal patronagif wo solicit a
continuance of Mia fame.
Josoih Hrss.
Miffiintown, Pa, March 9, 1893.
ULfllv mi.- ij.,r . tup
f"i B-5B Lraunv, .V V.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of Fermanagh School Board
for thu year ending, June 5th, 1893.
EZRA C. DOTY, Treasurer.
To balanco on band from !8'J2..,
State appropriation
Mony I'urrowed for baiMinj, ic
Ciih from collector Coldron.....
By order to Win. FnfTenberger, Auditor feci and oath $ 2 60
" " H. A. S!nuilin:)jti, 2 00
" Wellington Smith, 2 00
Walker Twp., tuitien for Stonfler'a chil
dren 5)00
North i Son, coal bill 8 21
" B. F. Schweier, printing atatoim-nt, 1'J2 2 Oi
David Wolfpsfj;, part pv for tiuilding ... 4D0 00
David S. Sieber, tr building lot 100 00
" David Wolfgang, part pay for buildiuK.. . 150 00
Goo. M. Ditreiidiittor, lumbar and repairs
for Big Kun School llon.e 4 30
" Joseph Breut, cleaning Arch Rock no boo I
hou.ie.. 2 50
Henry Sirber, white-washing, cleaning,
&.C., at Reno'a School Hens 6 25
" lira. Jennie Smith, cleao'cg Big Run
Sshool Ilonae. ....... 2 60
Wm. Fiiffenberger, rletning Htppv Hol
low School Home .'. 2 CO
D. L. Weller, cleaning out home and
acbool house, Caba 3 60
" " Wm. I'ull'enberger, freight paid on charts 2 30
" David Wolfgang, btlanco on building W.
Hll 805 00
David Woltgang, ulate boards for the
bttuat'S and work.... 82 03
t. C. Mayer?, Iiirniture far White Hall.. 144 00
Jacob Wolfgang, whitewashing and scrub
bin,? Mt.JUope 4 00
" " J. lleni-r, clvanitig. hauling, &.c for W.
Hall 5 50
" D. L. Weller, putting in desks, iic at W.
t Hall 3 60
John Morgan, repairing; seats at Cubs.. 2 50
" H. C. McClallan, mda, hardware 15 48
Geo. Hower, kindling for Cuba 160
Ge. DifrondifTur, hauling coal for Big
Kun 2 2
J. C. Hower, filling frout W. Hall school
Louse 600
Emma Robison, tuition for staterjin Afirllin 12 00
SolomonBonxhor, hauling, cleaning, fee,
H. He-Haw 0 69
K. U. UcCiintic, mdse, hardware 1 40
William H. Rollraan, mds 80
' Henry Hnmbright, hauling coal, Mtllope 4 62
" David Wolfgang, hauling coal, Mt Hope 131
Jacob Wolfgang, repairs st alt Hope 1 00
" Jacob Lanver, hauling coal B. Run.... 2 12
" Wm. Fufl'enborger, hauling coat H. Hol
low 15 54
" David Wclfgang, banting coal, Mt Hope. 2 SO
' Henry Sietwr, rt pairs at Seno 1 60
K. U. McClintic, hardware, mds 1 57
" U. C. Dirt'enderfer making duplicate,
secretary's salary, &.c... 21 50
" J. C. Hower, hauling coal, White Hall.. 6 38
Man beck & Nelson, coal bill for Twp. 168 80
" " W. Jackman, printing proposals...... 160
" H. C. McClel.an. hardware, mds 4 62
Teachers salaries, 7 schools 1,200 00
attending institute- Ore days.. 60 76
To balance..
Balance duo Treasurer.
To balance from Isat year
To tax from Samuel Coldron
By order to A. II. Weidman, cost M oyer's sheep.. $ 3 82
By order to John II. Moyer, sheep killed 800
By order to Robert HcMeen, sheep killed 20 25
By order to A. H. Weidman, cost Mc'Jeea't sheep .. 9 92
Balance dog tax.
Balance dog tsx dne township in Treasurer's hands.. $46 80
Face of School Tax Duplicate
Total amount of scho oi and dog tax
By rebate on tO days collection
" commission on scheel tax ,
exonerations, school tax
commission deg tax
" payment to treasurer of school tax
" dog tax
" exonerations
To balance dog and school
Balance dog and school tax in collector's
We the undersigned certify that we have examined the above School Treasurer's
account, aad Had it correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
11 Irr Knlrt.al (N.mj.nnv. Tim t!
f paitncvr riii, in eir.'Ct ou ilou-iay,
January 2, 1893.
ward. El!t-
a ! i
P a- I A M
8 30
8 27;
8 23
8 20,
8 11.
8 lti:
8 0
8 02'
7 45'
7 411
7 34
7 2Hj
i !
7 li
7 03'
6 64
6 50;
r x
4 ')
3 57
3 53
3 50
3 41
8 4C
3 38
3 82
8 15
3 10
3 01
2 56
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 2l
2 25
2 20
T Newp it
Buffalo Bridge....'
'Juniata Furnace..
Wabneta '
Wat-r Plug
T Bloomtlold Juncl'n
25 10 00
6 23 JOCS
6 32 10 07;
C 35 10 10!
6 20 10 2
6 42 tO 57:
6 61 10 26,
6 69 I'J 34:
7 1110 40;
Valley Road.
T ElliotUlinre
T Green Park j
T Lot aville ........
Fort Robafon....!
Center j
T Cinoa'a Km
A ndemoDburp . . . .
t BUin
Mount rivoant ..
New Gtrrmanl'n..
7 11 10 4'J
7 22 1 1 00
7 32 11 07
7 87 11 12
7 VI 11 i;
7 47 11 22;
7 66 11 30;
8 Olill 36j
8 03 11 40
Not SipniAea no agent, 'T" tele
phone connection.
D. GK1NG, Presi'lt'iit mil HanS-r.
C. K.. Milleb, Gener! Afrut.
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strong and Haalthy ; Prereata all Diaaaae.
Ooodfor XMlnr Hrna.
Tll.wliit-lTPr.. Hlrh'5 f'STS:
.m.T"J mo.;IH!.o. rr T "
tit. rnd Ml to prTan msp.
wt mii r k . n. i a i- ia. ! a
ui at m. npnm pia rwim -- " "--
!. frw wit l.mmrnrm rr "
of T roi-uri rr ot f r.
ls.J'U.i n.a!(.afwmaet..atB.ii
Xy ' , cchoos.
rtfc r-- kmcatjcv
Micrci. sctunts.
IT ftf-'l'IS B..-- H
BrCHC3TK. Crf .
.$ 79 40
. 815 38
. C92 50
. 1175 00
$2702 28
$ 2794 87
2762 28
82 69
$ 2794 87
2794 87
$82 59
..$ 62 16
.. 86 68
88 79
41 99
46 80
$ 88 79
$ 88 79
884 89
426 28
1 81
74 60
Five per cent addod on part dog tax
Face of deg tax daplicate
138 98
26 84
45 72
63 47
I 92
1176 0
36 68
II 60
1360 08
26 90
1886 98
26 90
1886 98
VTft&ia 1 vu
Will lO II TfcOf-Mil!ly.
Lanjerf and S'ist fWIve
n . . - ..... rn r.: . i
A nice little Farm in Snsqnehmna town
ship, near school, church, mills and store,
more or less, haTin? thereon erscte.t a
good two-story
Lounonc &niiK ii4nx.
nnd out-buiMinps, all in a eood s'ate of re
pair. The lund is in a gwl state of culti
vation. This property can bs Imtielit at a very
low fgure. For term and further descrip
tion, call on, or addr9.n,
At':nys at Law,
Mitlliuiown, I'a.
N JS W '
Plao's Ramedy for Catarrti
i fa tbe n
lint, EUIMI lO IK, HH I ti'
Bold by Imirt.ta oriwnt by mall.
Sue K. T. BaMlUua, Tima, Pa.
It Never falls to Cure MANNERS
i imnh SyrtiD. 'i"v- liotxL '
try tin. aa Kfii h (v:iFrwr
Sri.T.t-firaily t-aail ny ft - "irofTgrM-wi
itpiiialion. e-n-itfv.ic i anl enil.-vr
c:irdl,ct frmnWloJiybir e!Hl!;-, si
c:iir trCAtmenl live i.uitd. How tbe ".;T.
ni'lty U rrtaetjU iu:il tha ccjo rmoT0, far
CJCpuilncd m oirrn'rw, vi'.h n:li1tviw a'.'f t.a
Its Mr av-fc.- rAa.Xi5. XaaMiu, Ywh
f turn, ini; n'--i,r.,-,t it r (.!'.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tin Koiroa: Plaasa tnfown yoar readers
hat t bays a poattfra remady tor ttift aboTe-Datned
dlMaaa. Sy Ita timely use thousands of hopeirw
caHea bare aeaa parmaneatly curod. I aaall he ial
to sen4 two boMlaa of my remedy FREE te any of
yonr nadan who have eommmitlon tf Shry witi
aecd ma Uintr Exprtnw and P. O. add raaa. Brnpoet
fnUv. T. A.BLOCCM.M.C.lailMarim..lI. X.
Notice .4 grain t Tretspua.
All persons am hereby cautMued not
f-e!psjis on th lands of the undersigned
iu Walkor, Fermanagh aud Fayette town
ships; A. S. Ad&ms. John McMeen. James
McMeen's hfira, Kobrt McMeen, William
Sioufler, G. H. Siebor, Charles Adams, L.
K. Atkinson.
October 2Rtb, '91. ly.
Improved Variable Fridicn Fcr4. Send
for Catalopne and Sptcml Prices.
May 10 93, 13t York, To.
7 -v.
v--.--jN.rt i
... -
J v.. U.:vc Ir: ! it.
CSssJss! Works,
l .l.i.rh vill rnrm J:.,it, J-impl.,, Srr-.f-
...'.t, Sttif-rhruttt, IWf.-r, lYrcklr, j::...-k
( - -al, r.'c. All Jtruvi.ti mrtl it
. t::g sellers medicine co,
j Pittsburgh, Pa.
flat ., l-a-a--Zl..L..glj
H llu- oM Mil T-...' .riPr..lro r(1
niTliammi inioi- niini)t ,i i,,,. (i. :ntt( .(
Jirrtllal i.ki or :itv ( p.- oi 11 . rhtit in tl,.' fi Ui
taUj llhi.iriX'i. K,-.i rla. r.: u .wvl trhLn.r
ins. Pa'!i.r-iMl wtklv. -'r'rt fi.r .r- r-tn
coiT. I'nr 3 Tour. Konr ...onlim' Irn- tl
MLNN A I O, l'l ui.lsiiriis. Jrtl llroadway, N.V.
Edition of Scientific American. O
ltti'2nphifi pint or etuntrvanti en v r titer:,
ce-i cr uublte buttiltn-s. Nuniei.-u encr:ivirL:i
lid full pln- and M-rtf1catt.i;i tor tUn u-- i f
nchataciintempinTo l'net fa.5t n ji-jtr
2t CIS. oopjr. MINN X CO ITui IsIiUCi. '
W ynra xrwnenc and liare tnaite htt
h'HW appdr-attoas for American and For.
nicn patent i. Sind for Handbook. I nrraa.
hare had nrpr
ki Beat
i .
poiidaoctt at r i t It confidential.
In rime your mark in not refristered In the Pat
ent omce. apply to Mi nn 4 Co., and procure
hn mediate prut taction. bnd for Handbook.
COPYICHHTH for hooka, chart, mapa,
tc. qutcko procured. Addreaa
MINX Jt TO.. Pnrcnt Solicitors.
Of 10,000 Yards of Carpets.
The Fairest prices ever made for such goods, if yoiI Waat
value for your money ; If you want to enjoy fall pnri;lu,;ni
power of your dollars spend it at 9
Schotts' Stores.
A nice Stripped Carpet, loc.
" A Heavy Stripe as good as Rag Carpet, 20c.
Ingrain Carpets, good Quality, 20 to 35c.
Wool Ingrain Carpets, 40 to 50 cents.
Brussels Carpets, 53, Go, 75 cents.
Stair Carpet, 1C, 21, 25, 30c.
A Nice Plain Hastle Spring Holler 20c.
A Better Quality Spring Roller, 30, 10, 00c
Latest Novelties in Wail Papers.
Latest Style 10c for Double Bolt; Il-ivier Qualities 12
and 15c per double bolt; fine gilt pap?r fjr 10 ail 20; i bolt
Extra Embossed Gilt for 25 and 30c a bolt.
An JB'jc for I3ar gains at
Sckott's S
i iii i urn an sis. os
(!0 j c O - - -' r a
fU- S- j
J I - - t- o ii i- "c- if o t ir: . j
ic 1 - ci o -?i o co ci ti rt -i 2 .5
! I': corn C5 00 CC CO CCXI-t-tS;-rt 'S
.1. - - -
I c o or f t . rt t- y ti t t 1-5
i i Ut O C Ct C: Tl tl r- O 3 It I -t tl -l O -i -
Lli I:: o 1- c u c it it 10 13 o f -f r. r: ?i ti ti . 3 I
Jsi-i .3 5
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ft 1 r a oc (M - "'l' i 3 S
rj I) '2. . . - -
) I 1 c: ci t i it n r. r. n 3 -t 1- fi r- it t it . !i
j l': rt3Lti3-rrtrtrttc-rtii-t o - ci j j 5 3
LJ n - - -
r i o it -t V V -t it i.t cr it '3
r, l, - o c. t i-t ct ci 00 KHOrri- ? - -
i tiH-oo o a a r.sKxt-t-t- - 1 .2
1,1 1 1 1 1 1 1
M . .t ..t - - tt ti t. ti -. 1 Z
q iw X x 1-1- r-1-1-1-1 5
0 II- : : : : : iff! : : TTrr'-i J
H r. 1
1 1 ri 1. S u - ; -
, .!: ? i
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I i ; . , H r-
: et ct
1 it
h i.t ci n -? -"'J 2 c n ti n c c n c :i - c ? ' -oc
1 r. r. ri cooo iti-ni-i t; .2
3 -
tl Lt 1-H
I tl
CC -co
I r
tt It It tl .
-1 CI 1-t
r t- 1" i i-
ct -1 ti ci rt
it i-t -
et ti 1- it 1-1 -T c
rt ti rt - Lt it
r9 A Valushla IfMl: -n K-Tmii
JJii.- ii:t Irf-a Ir. my aj.lrena.
; a ul jMM.r p.!"!!! can 1m obtaiF
Cn ttitsulriuu . of l.i? r.
Tilts r.imtiv baa pii-r'' 1-j :",) .-:Tt-?a'
pas:o: r.; nis:. 01 F rt S-;-v. lit.4, :.'ii.v :i,iaut
lancw ii!vifu-cJ uud-- ruin uiiveliou oy the
KCfc:r5C F.O.CO.. Chic:.so. t I.
SoU by lnic!tn at SI vt r Itoltlr. C "t-r il
r ai-so s:rc, 6 r.. l.:o Tut
grow M.rr. tttr aad ,.
P, llian with anvl'TllltxriuKde. xjf,
XflX F viillv k o.l for I'lirn or TL
Ural, rvti io rarm- ,1
i.lirvt. Aewiih. MJ
SC Rcn.l for !Tl- l.lat. TS
2 TV 1.1 IS 3 08
.rn.i.,.k-vU.T,. wir.--wT,r,'
n . ...iiiR.v,ias-..,
r 1STS2SAL ixl HTXSm ass." A
UQ BAVB Cbkd ajfD blbssu re. -U'
every ouTferer K.m s.
at SiaT L. V lU aw -Tffr- 'I
i 3
r-i - r, r-1 .. .
tl I Xt T -.
f - Ct Lt tl ct x n
f Lt SC ID t t- tl
m 1- f s c x ti o ti "it a- !! L
tl '
r it rs c tt
il 1-1 CI
f t--1 1- r : T 5s 3 a
O - tl tl Jj ; ! X J L .
t-t- , f: ! " S
r-l ' -
r i" r -o -ri f: it cc it s
-f Lt -7 " rt rt it
" t- t- x x n c;
- a 2 S
- - i- s
: 5S3
L-ris K. Ateik90k. Y. M. M. rositt.
T'll,ctinjr and Cnve; ncinf ft-i'
l Httfiirtsd to.
Ornce-a Main strrpf.in plars of
1--i c of Louis K. Atkiusr.n, K.c., "'a
Bud -:e struct. Net 2H,
j j. ra.TTER.-os, Ja., wiLcrs i" nit
OR 1) M-CKAWr. RD. PR. PARW!V C ''"'
YyK- V- M CKAWKiiIU) i a'N,
have formed a parfnor-hii' for jrtcv"
of M.Mu-iufl arlth.-ir cil! n'-r..l hrnnch
Oilier at old stand, rnri"! "I Thirl snlWj
auptf strict-, Miffiintown. fa. b"
Ol tlllMll Will l) l.ll'.h'l .1 lii-T l
tinirs, unirsa oilut !.- i r"'1 "
April ls.1, IM'0.
! I'hjsician and Accoiirhrnr, will P'ir'
1m as a six-cialtv in th tnatmMt of a
' rases of Ilia throat an l ! :zeu
... ....
1 AC.UtB Slid t nrolll?.
ir. AD,i ia.18P3-Ir.
Garfield Tsa
Cures Constipation
A wnnnortnl lmproT nit ia Frirlia" rJ7.
.ic-ltnrk. Back moUou of larrJi-- i"t.4Wa
MS last aa
any oUi.r In tn m.r. -ad,
oaosInK all U.0 f"l lJ i" T3
lacklnc; araat aartRS l ..
... . " T i l nrtpMi:
f'liitab F.d
still while haekim
WKiir. Vrlt. for alraulara, ann Pr"T;- gtf
trre urn rp'io.ilon. Aln ri ' Z. wiajiS.
, liar Itak.a, Callt'rr r"
rra. !hellr, tic. Mentis V.u ,
C-t a (rood paper by subscribing f"
I -