t. r- i v ill. I IT.LICAN lYKPrslAT, MAY 31, 1893. " TERMS. gnhscription, $1-S0 per annnm if paid In advance; 2.00 If not paid in advance. Transient advertisomoata Jnsorted at 60 cent Kr in,:' for f !uzb insertion. Transient hnsimvsa notices in local col mC) 0 ceits per lire for each insertion. p'inctions will be made to those desiring w advertise ty the year, half or quarter year- Xn-cro,a Valley It '.ill road- Xr.iiiis i-n the Tnsearora Kii'ivn 1 will run sis f"Uov.: l...:iv.- E."-t WiWford at -ui'i 2 ! A' nrrivi;ir at IV Valley 7.-.1T a. rt Rov- al -it L terf- S !" a. i lWt .- -: : ! it 11 1 .I.!.-; p. m. t ival :,t lO.lSO a. m., r.rriviiig at East Wa M lllil TI.30 p. m. J. C MiHmjEAu, Superintendent. :.r. sum.'iT e-.its 25 cents at V -s. Will is visiting friends i:j H-irvi-l-'.irrf. i '.i:cc imy s suit for ".")., it .in-ver- . Ci-v-wr r.iiti-snn v; S!: ! I.u-I-g l)i!l. Ti:-' lawful bass fr toed the eel b'v.upr season MI-; Tt'-viie Bulks is fr -v. t- in IT irrNb-.n-g. T! T!i!):ir.( will take li'.ni i'r I'l i'iUnfj trade. I'.-ril; ("i .rk bo-,ij;b.t a Visitinar a rirl to traveling r.nr fror.i Will ?.Iiiiray. Sii vi'f I. nip lias l(en on the lis. ivitiiln the past v.ett. ck! si iib-'io - sar Hie wheat crop in Hi Ti is r .Tr in !' f (Is;-, TV rc-t- - is h-- t y this jetr. l"m"Krafi eounv commit tep, 1 f moot J'w.o 10. 'ih 51. CmVv and v, !f, la l'i''hia Ins-, week. .. - ;1 F. '.-pensrhnde spent several ii iji'.ieater last week, -.tlu-r bureau observation it is fel indicate n droncjth. Several ineh"s of snow Ml in Jlich fcr.:: on the 25rh diy of 5I,iy. Ba:.k K lufTinnn has been repair ing liis h ine on Main s'reot. T;'.-. WorUe Fair Oroun-U at Chi rf. wt-re opened on Sunday. Urs. ITarrv Laporte of Tyrone is visiiiog relatives in t'us pi am. The wonder of the ape Meyers' .3 l:lf I p. Call to ee them- The grand l.-vlge of O ld , Fellows will me-et in Aboona next year. A greit ilro'.i.-r'li prevails in tho! Vi:"ey r-f the Rhine in Enrol. e. ! Tha 1st of Tan? is here with here ; 1 tl ere a firl 1 of corn to plant. j If. C. Hollowav. D. I)., is in Can-1 .'ttend'tjg the Lntheraa Syncd. ( ia to 5!. vers" f r yo-.ir smnioer h -(! T!;- Inrgrst stock to select frr:n. Pei.-ev Bnrel.fi eld hnr, too to Bal- mpi in a t; legriph cf!--e. Ti,. 1-tter flii (own rest Fr V. T'crfb i1 for t fl'ico was in r , , ;o Mif Lcwis Mis s T,ui r.i-yncr of Blaine. Per- j rr c.eiTjt.'. is visiiii'g the M'e. C, I!. And Carrie D jr. Sa;:i'l Brvr.er employed in tbe rail wav v service f N'-w York visited m ! II .1 "ST 1... CharU s Watts r.n employee of tbe State Printing Department at Harris- SENTINEL burg is visifitig in llis place. never ful. S !d bv E. Banks&Co. Mi- A'va Henderson oi Union Dr:ggistd, liinintown.ra Oct.l.ly. F '.: i'ace, Tlnntingdon cuintr, is vis-1 Prof. Hrrv Dysinger will take i. ! g her friend Miss Nell North. charge of Miftlin Academy the com rCi Vor.,.',,-!.,i,n occerle.1 ing September. ii w a thorough ..i, ,...i. ... ';.7t ' 'i,,,. ; i ' of thn Kkctrie Pi .ilrrud C- inrnnv. Mrs. Nettie Henderson and s ;n. of Altoona, ure visiting tho family of Mr. George Il3r.il--rson, in Partei-ion. Ex-Sscretary Foster's liabilities, nre growing l-igg-r anl bigger. They are represented at a million now. Tho Drinkers cIehrnto.l the Lord's Supper, tn their churcn nt Ctoodvii! Fayette township, l:-t Friday ac d! Sntr.rd-sy. The wheat, crop in Juni ita county, will be a rrood -.:o 'hi? season, if no blight e!r;!:es if, between lliis and harvest time. Tin rvn rns of JelT.-r-t a Divls, n-rfi brou-'h: from Ijiuisina where they re interred four years ago, to Iiic'bmord, Va , on Monday. Il.v. M. L. Drnmifl preached tho M-rvr-al Day rermon on Sunday in the M tbodist church to a l.;rge cun gregition, the Post btitig present. A urn and a woni m in a public sq.ii'.e in Bilti'moro on Saturday, l' .-. 1 tr.ch other They wore ar resttd and taken before a justice who fined the lunn ?20, aid the woman !?" The V,. C. T. U , cf Juniata Co., will hold tboir Sixth annual conven vention, r.t Fast Walerford on Thnrs day and Friday, June lt and 2nd, lSO.'S All are c-rdially invited to at tend. Provision for gratifying a longing for ice- crsuin, straw-bcrrics, cake, et ruera, will b.j made in the bnsemeut of the ?.T. E. Chur.-b, on tbe evenings of Jnr.e 2nd nt.d Hrd. All will be cordially welcomed. Chief of IVtHcf! J. D. McDonald, of Maph b.n. nn r,U d his brother Henry for drr-.r h-ily drunken conduct on thr? .'-treet !;.sf S iturday. Henry re- s. :.t d thr; r.rreirt and fired three pif tol btiliefa into Ihn rrroin of tho of ficer. A pef cf lica prevails in a certain t.art of Lin.cist-r count v. The l:co are o numerous that soma people bare to leave their bouses. -Ine State Boar4 of Agricultural aro ' cx- am'nni-r f':e ?n-,,.nta- They say the pests subsist on starchy substance. The Tuscatora Valley Railroad ran excursion trains from Port Koyal to Waterford on D.-coration Day. It will prove an interesting and picas ant ride at any time during the sum mer to take a trip over the road to W'aterford, and to the sulpher springs Men's working pants, 75 Meyers. cents at The Legislature Thursdar. will adjourn on A few shad have been caught in the river at Newport. Win. pnnell of this place devot B,ftany. etlmet0the 8tu of It is a walk of 150 miles in and -unheWorld-HFairbnildin; (1i?h, Gingrich i, erecting a er J? LG1Tislahlr' rcpoaiM the law Saturday a week. Dr Walter H. Parr-els of Lewis town delivered the Memorial Day ad dress m this place. R E. McMeen has movd from .Mexico to L-wiRtown to tako char-e of a railroad sub division. Jacob Thorrm is bnvinpr row and other eat'le. Tho f is Mr. Thom as buys ca'tle all the time. The nble bodied men b?twnn the aero of 21 a-id 45, subjoot to military out y, in Prry county, is 3055. rVmcrressinan Atkinson and J. N. Kr Her are home froni"nffer..i;nrr 4i, Supreme Court in Philadelphia. Three hundred sailor derted from the foreign fl.iet I-a New York at the tima of the great naval display. Tho mnsir; of tho show band at tracfe a crooi manv peor,1. to the river bridge last Thursday evening. A special meetincr of Huntingdon Presbvterv will bf held in Williamn bnrg, Blair county, on tho 13th of June. Miss Jennie Wilson and her sister Annie, daughters of Hon. L. TI. Wil- arvn nf Von V... :i: ti: in i. it . si urr. Win. Lnndia has a lot of men nt work taking ths bark from a triet of timbr-r on Tuscirora mountain for Orlando Mather. Farmers who were r0 fortunate no to have their cnrnTield plowed last laii, have this year's crn peeping i out of the ground. Tobias Ancker Ins jirovid-.! him tfi'f with a portable hoist for tomb- stone work. Witlithe machine in place one man can hoist six tons Artificial strawberries are made of a mixture of apple icily colored with ! aniline dyes, and H ivored with straw I berry essence, and sprinkled with timothy anoil. i jIurcplT-ev's Specific No 7, rnrfs ; Coughs C-lds anl Bronchitis The jrflief t"s (prck, the cure perfect. Pi ice 25c. Fur sale by all drngists. ! March 52. '03 ! Tl' Eleventh Annual Meeting of the JiiMnta Valley Editorial Associa- r-n--, ,-;'i t o i,et. t fi, t. ;k,,o lice, Altor.r.a.' on Satnrdav, June 3rd, I ico ..t. o . t t I WM , lib U I lUl I. X . i'i. John Ncimond and John Fitzger a'd, art; the recently nnuouncpd cir; di bites f.r County Commissioner nnopg the Demner.icy with (l;?orgo Y. flun for countv chairman. S.ntli Carolina has a ne-.v whisky !:rv that g.'f.s into fitf-ct. t.-u the lsttf Julv. The st;itebnvs the liqtior and; eells it at certain places. lhedrmK- i if of flfirf HM llVlitaaU f r will have to buy i: by t O't art :;I1 on - :rar.!s cured in .10 minutes bv ! Wo' - Jford'a Sanitary Lotion. This Icillege training and will doubtless lo j good as c teacher in this community. An Irihbtnfn ff.i! to a ter.cbor: 'Mnstor teacher, your always talLiirr about going to the top of om 's hazi ness. I'm a well diuger, how'ia I to go to the top when my lop is at the bottom ? T. V- Am ker is preparing to erect a laonntnent to tho memory cf Ir. (Ircenleaf. deceased, 1 a f o of Thomp- rontown. IliP liari" r.i ttio monu-sn.-nt weighs nine tons, tho hoaviest base- in t'ao cnunty. Walter Main's show was wrec :el! on tho railroad between Beilefor.te and Tyrono on Tuesdiy morning. Ten mVu were, killed, forty were in jured, and ruiiny animus were nncig- - ii i c.'t, 8mrt nre now roaming me country. There aie two things that corres pornit n bouM rdriet'iy obsu've. First tho name of the correspondent Must aeeninpaiiy eacn aiu every pjiu mur.ication. Serotui, tL:a lai gnage of communication must bi- wiUr.n !. line of decent public lf.ngiv-.Jgc. On- of the editors of tbe Phila'lfel - ,hi i Times is a Bible sdudent, and be r.roves from tbe good hook that such n ti.iiif as a moon stroke and a sun stroke was known in el len times, II" quotes the Psalmist David, v.bo sat b "the moon siralt not smite tnee by night nor yet the sun by day." Lowistown G.izette, May 25: Wedne?la- evening of last week, while the woikmon were blasting at tho cinder dump a stone was thrown with such force'ns to go clear through tho end of tho Bloomenstino hous, about a square away, making a bole about three by twelve inches, and lighting in the entry of the building. A dead white man decently cloth ed was found in tho river near Pot nsb Bun, in Delaware township, on Sunday. A rope with a 20 pound store attached was around bis body. His pockets were filled with stones. A handkerchief with tbe letter T. m it, and a bill for shoes without stat ing to or for whom, wp.s found in ore of bis pockets. . f ist passenger train, scared into a runaway, a team of carriage horses, owned by' Hon. Litimer Wilson, tbe ...u.. .v... -lil bis daughter was U t til J unj, " ' , . , , o,.mca tlie overhead rai.roaa bridrre at Tbompontown. oa tbiown'out bnt not senonsiy hurt Tbe harness was torn aud carriage broken before the team was stopped in the road before it reached TbompsontowD. kaat Tnit Uaaata, Einil Schott andFerd Meyers have bought what is known as the Mc Crum store rooms on Bridge St. It is reported that the Pennsylva- ni'iairallroaJ contem Ptes cutting off all leased lines that are not self sus taining. The famous Seven Stars hotel in this county, has never had a more accomplished landlord than the pres ent one. A gypsy woman with an armful of baskets called at many places in town on Saturday to sell a basket or tell a fortune. Anyone wanting to buy a railroad can do so by going to Bedford on the 2-lth of June when the Pennsylvania and West Virginia R. R.. will be sold to the highest bidder. OiTicial circles and rich people in Washington and other cities of the country, have been giving receptions in hou or of a Spanish Princess now making a tour of the United States. Cigarette makers are offering a present for the return of 1000 cigar ette boxes that have been smoked empty. B.iys and other smokers are thus stimulated to excessive smok ing to get a prira or present. It is a pernicious offer. J. L. Maikle, Esq., of t';e Pern county bar, has brought a criminal libel suit against W. II. Woods, Esq., of the Huntingdon bar, for illegal iiuBu-jus publications printed in a j-p. r uook sent up to tne hupremo -'lAii.iii wuiuuil w:ia miecTti mar, -iiiiniB uuu KDowieugo oi me cnange of figures in a voto ia dispute be tween litigants. Huntingdon Journal: There is a borough ordinanci which prohibits corner loafing. Tho pohco officers disperse these crowds night after niht as kindly as they can, yet some people say thwy are too officious. They aro not half officious enough in tlat regard ns many of tho" loafers should be fined and imprisoned. We r..i.i. t. i i , -i ... . t.'nvo nearu Jadics sav that thev are afraid to pass certain corners in this town for fear of being either spit up on or i suited by indecent language, Huntingdon Globe, May 25: The barn on the Goissinger farm, above MeConnellstowp, was struck by lightning last Saturday afrnoou, wmcu tiM i-km out x no frame er.n sua snaaeretl the whole building, ir our horses were in the barn, one of weich was struck on tho back. Tho cur rent ran down the legs of the animal, singed olTthe hair on the same, and rendered the horse unconsaious. Two of the other horses were made deaf by the shock, but it is thought they will eventually recover their hearing. I What do railroads or oilier imut township, last Tuesday morning at 4 ! making people care for sentiment or "'dock, of heart disease. Mrs. Zoig. i historic reco: ds or historic places ? 'Mr retired on Slonday night in hsr j which qurntion find.i iihr tr.itioii in j "anal heolth, but during tho night ! the fa?t that an ofretri:! r.-.ilroa 1 eons- -jc r husband tliscoverr d her in an im j panv having obtiir.ed a charter to ' eonsfious condition. Neighbors were I run'a railroad over and around Got ' quickly summoned but before they 1 tvsbnrg battle field for the purpose couhl arrive she was dead "Who was it' tnakin -r moncv nnr. r,f t!: nlc who visit"that historic ground, have' ! VVed their road-bed f literate some of the most so as to ol - ; interesting spots on the field. Well, a charter, I t - .- f- n t- r- T ai'nk'tfniY lt.n.-f i- w-i n ' II U 1 1 1 I t i t. 1 11 111 UV. annulled. James P. Johnson of Port Royal, was brought before Justice C. B. Horning on the 2o-h cf Mar upon two ch.irg.-., preferred by two citi z.-n3 0f l',)rt P.yytl. Tbe-first charge v.u-, bv D. (I. B M. Kepler, r a-- Sinlt sjrowinL' out of a newspaper ar I tide m a certain piper. Tho second ' hrge w:is bv II. K. Spangler was hy II. K. Spongier for threatening to pr harm hi i a or kill him, which also grew out of the suno newspaper arti cle to which Spangler's nnsua was af lix"d Iu both c:ikos Jthuson waived n iiMririif nml o-.avo bail to k w.i the peace snd anr.wer at court. M:i.t tho covfbus grip of the elec tric railroad company be allowed to exercise its vandalism on the buttle field cf Gettysburg. Must thchigh i w:.ter in.uk battlefield of rebell.oa at (iett;. .-buri.r, whero t-lavery recuived its dfriitu wound, be seized upon by ft heartless", monev-grasiiing sot. of sharks, and be t arr.e.l into a tui-.l of ks, and be t arr.e.l into a fit id profit for a passenger transportation lino to satisfy their greed .or money? I Slndes of the departed pa' nols what) are we coming to when the battle , spots made sacred by the death f thousands that free government may not ptr.aa sua., ne mg ov.-r xo con- money? Harriot E. Hall of Wuynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the i-tiectn of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up ail hopes of getting well. Ha l tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of tbe Ncrvina Tonic im- 1 proved mo so much tnit I was a'ole cur- I to walk about and a fsw bottles ed mo entirely. I believe it is tue X Can- best medicine in the werld. aot recommend it to highly." Sold by U. jJtinKS rt K,o , Lnugg.st, vii. fun town, ra. rt-u. y y.j, vy. Lewistown Free Pres: Some mis- cbevious boys broke into the powder house on the cow cemetery 4at .Milroy, ;.nd stola the dynamite and caps. What a pity these bad boys are not caught and made to suffer for their bad deeds. There are a number of boys and 30iiug men here who live ou'thii streets too lazy to work and growing into professional gamblers and criminals. Mothers, look after your boys. " Dur During the storm on Saturday even ing last, May 21, lightning striu-k the workshop of W. L. Lvnb, at, the f.;ot of bis lot on the old pike abova tke Lutheran cemetery, knocking the building so out of shape that it must be taken down and rebnilt, Tbe electriu fluid ran along a wire clothes line stretched from the shop to the house, stunning Mrs. Lash and her daughter Mazie so that they were un ableto speak for a period cf five minutes. Tbe family have not been able tJ use the water from the well since tbe storm on account of its ninrkv condition, but Mr. Lash can not discover that the bolt entered the well to cause the disturbed condi tion of the water. Tka wrhDraiMa Crtract taraaaarllta to Maamra. Vt a tori tot wf. Tak. tMr. iOeta.' The oats grows nicely despite the lateness of its sowing. If the late planted corn does proportionately as well the corn crop may be a good one No one knows. Hon. J. K. Patterson, Rev. S. A. Davenport, Theodore H. Memminger, Win. P. Graham, D. B. McWilliams, John A. Robison, John P. Kelly, A. S. Okeson, were elected Trustees of Tuscorora Academy. In another column you can get your republican primary e'ection ticket, and scratch the names you do not wish to vote, and in that way be ready to go to the poles and vote on election day, Saturday, June 10. The Liverpool Sun says : Mi?s Iva Weirick, one of the late graduates of our high school, never missed a day, not even a half day's school, from the time she commenced to go to school, at tho ago of six years, to the time sh graduated. A "remarkable record. While the lay members of the Presbyterian church throughout the country were pursuing tho even ten or of their way, the General Assem bly convened at Washington, D. C, last week, were considering the heresy question of Dr. Brings. The Dr. defended himself in a four hour' speech. There were no elaborate demon strations on Decoration Day here, but nevertheless, the graves of the departed comrades were decorated, ttm a meeting appropriate to the oc- casion at which addresses were deliv ered, was held in the Court IIouo on tho evening of that day. The average man should nr.der stand tint the common schools should not be made the place in which to developo a despotism like compulsory education that violates the private rights of the individual, and subjects the control of a man's family to a board of school directors. Governor Pattison has proven him self big enough to veto tho despotic .i..at;..n u;ii , -,, T t- BloomfielJ Advocate: .-.I. L Rice is making preparation !o PIaco a hy- dnulie cider press in lus grist luill. it wiH 1, ne of the latest aud best ciJer mills extant. Last Friday, Daniel Mvers and assistants , wt.re rPf.is bark on his tract on Ma- honey litilge, in Centre township, when on r-itting down a black oak tree, 28 feet from the ground in a knot hole was found a large black snake, G feet, 2 inches in length Tho varmint was promptly dispatched. The trne stood perpendicularly and wa-i solid several f-ct below where the snake was found. Mrs. Jacob Zc-igler died sud leuly at the ! residence, of her husband, in Buffalo aged aoout J" years ami leaves a husband and r.iuo children the youngest Doing but lour montns old. Last Friday, Landlord Mnrrav had a valuable cow to r.unn homo blow ing and puffing, and eceming on her last legs', ready to blow apart with bloat, Post Master McCauley re marked as the boast wns driven pa.it, that "a stab iu the right place will bring that cow a'.l right." The aui m i' was s!ubld and grew worse. The Post Master was sent for and re. spouded bv geing to the ttablo. Ha v:ls thore a mo-nent, looking at tho siilTering beast, thou placed his left thumb on the left hip j'dnt bono of the cow, and stretched his hand out towards the abdomen as far as the mid. lie finger reached, and; then mensured the same distance from tho mitklle ol tbe bBCl bono tiown to tao j point made by the finger, and at that point arovc in tnc blatto ol bis pen knife to the distance of an ii.ch and a half. The wind and pas escaped from tn.i slab like if coming from little engine. Tho cow was relieved imiiie liatvly and has been herself over since, and everybody that has beard of the operation bavo expressed tlie belief that if Mi-flnili'V V.)i,1 b.n ..l.,,. ,.a,i r,,,,.!;;,, .i Rr,rnrv that mMJ ftu aniruai that Walks on t;T0 legs 8Ul ou four es 1)0 bett01. off through the skill find j;EOWi,.tigo that he would havo thus been enabled to bring to their relief in tim of trouble. As it is; he saved 3rarra,.'8 cow froln ftn explosion. WHAT'S THE lrSET What is tho use cf paying !Cil to 0'.) to strangers for a Steel Ilange when you cau buy all you want at Gus- it Sieber's hardware store at $40. Grss & Siceer. To tbe rnbllc. The undersigned hereby informs j his patrons, and the public general -j ly that be bas renewed bis stock of grocerios, confectionaries, Vc. He 1 iu rlmnbf'il fnr i.nut. n.-ttrroinrra nn.1 respectfully a'jks foj a continuance of l.n tntrlA Bt. liiu Wslulliturt.An clr...l I !ace of bn8illes8 ju Mifllittown. Josml Ad A Literary Sensation. ' Uuclo Tom's Cabin" bas certainly 'broko loose" ! Tbe copyright on this most famous of American novels, by Mrs. Stowe, bas recently expired, which frees its publication from the monopoly of the high-priced publish ers, and though in anticipation of this fact they have within a few months reduced its price, now that it is really "unchained" the conse quences are something surprising. John P. Ahbne, Publisher, of New York, issues several tdilions, selling them only direct (not through agents or book sellers), one in good type, pa per covers, for 5 cents, sent post-paid, or the same bound in 'cloth, for 10 cents, with postage 7 cents extra; also an excellent, large typo edition, on fine paper, handsomely bound in cloth for the price of 25 cents, post age 10 cents. Surely a copy of "Un cle Tom's Cabin"' wilt soon be found in every home where it is not already. Mr. Aldine sends a 32-page ph amp fi let describing many of his publica tions free, or a catalogue of 128 pages of choice books, a veritable "literary gold mine" for book-lovers, for 2 cents. Address John B. At.dfh Publisher. 57 i Second Sale or tows William H. Townes of Delaware rconnty, Pa-, will conduct his second sale of twenty-five Butter Biieed Jer set Cows, at the Jacobs House, in Mif flintown, on Thursday, June 8tb, at 1 o'clock P. M. This lot of cows will average up better than the former herd that I sold in Miillintown. H. H. Sn-yder, Auctioneer. 31 AliRIED : McMees McClcre. On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. K. Loyd, W. E. Mc lleen and Mary K. McC'ure, both of Turbett township. Gakjiax Boyer. On the 18th inst., by Rev. George J. Sh.xffer, Ells worth A. Garman and Jennie Boyer, both of Richfield, Monroe township. Lirnr Jamison On (be ISth inst , by Rev. J. R. Henderson, Win. II. Lippy of Chambersburg, Franklin countj-, and Effie M. Jamison of Fay ette township, this county. Martin M A lister. On the 23rd inst., by Rev. J. R. Henderson, Geo H. Martin and Minnie McAlister, britb of this place. lilKli: Losa On the 21st int.. in Har risburg, Mrs. Long, widow of the late Oce Long, formerly of Ferman agh township. Duugmmax. On the 21st inst , in Beale township, John, son of Solomon Doughnian. aged abont 17 years. Dim On the 21st inst , at. the home of her son Samuel, in Perry county. Mrs. Eve, widow of the late Jacob Dimin of Greenwood Twp., in her SOth year. Memint.er. On the 21th inst., in Spruce Hill township, Sirs. Nancy, widow of George Meminger in her 77th year. J JP. DERR, I'UACTIC'Al. OESTIST, (Graduate of the Philadelphia Dentil Col- cated permanently in Millhnt.iwn, aa auc- censor to tbe Inte Dr. i. I.. Derr, and will continue the dental tmsineaa (e.t.bliahad by tho latter in 1800) at the well known of- lice on lirMee atreet oiiDosite Court Hhiiih. 07" TKKTU EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. Ao Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Guuia or DUeomlort to patient, either during extraction or a'terwardi. Ail theso aro Guarmteed cr rt chatca HEADQUARTER, Fashionabl GJcntrs' Furnishing Goods, at I50LLOISASJII & SOtf'S, I'ATTEilSOiN, PENNA. Spring' is Here, 80 Are J?', With 1 Full Line of Spring Clothing OF m MOST FASHIONABLE STILES AH) CUT Our phenoniinal pales last year has large lino of Spring Clothing and havkg marked our goods down to rock bottom guous, we win nave ail tlie uiot ucirablo trails supplied. We havo a full line of Mou's, Youths', Boys' and Childreu's Clothing tLat bas no equal west of Harris burg. Young mat. if you want a lata style, fafhiouablo Sunn Suit. liar. Suirt a i and Tie, it will pay you to i-ee our line. You formerly bad to go cut to get what you wanted, we can .furnish you with ani thing in the clo'hing lino you tcay wish. Our stock compiles Meu's Youths', Boys' and Children's Ci.ithiu ' from tbe plai, substantial, everyday suit to the fiuest dress suits. You styles to select from. ovi) pair of dress small men, Jersey Sub. Ulue Flannel Ana at prices that wnl astonish you for Ponglas Sbce for Men and Women's wear. The ful'est line of Trunks, Valises Umbrellas, Jewelry, Suspenders Collars .1- Cuff, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats, eto. We always make it a point to hsve the latest out in styles. 50 dozen of the Celebrated Sweet Orr Overalls to tit the smallest boy to tlia most portly man. Call and examine our stock. Compare our prices and wo are satisfied you will be pleased. No troublo to "TrVT HoIIolbaiig' S. S. RUBLE, MBAL M E R AND Funeral Director. I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. I am quabfied to prepare corpses for any length ofj; time. Slyunder taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St. Safe Horses furnished in time of funeral. Cases requiring attention at night v. illjbo promptly attended to by calling on me at my Furniture lloom. VERY RESPECTFULLY, S. S. RUBLE. S SI (Tivtjfc French Kerve RemedY.S old .vuhaWrc.iM Gust-ante e to cure U Nervous d seaw e, uch as Wen; V f.-t I ne ax. ' voiisaeu. Head 6CFORS AND AFTER (ISC iche. nestwLott Manhood. Lassitude. aH drains and toi of p9er in either rx, caused ty overxenioia o roufbftillndiicretion, which ultimatelr lead to la Dimity, Consumption and Insanity Price, ttwa package. With every $ order we -fire a wrt? guaraota te cure or rofbnd money. By maj f any address. PlVER'ft RfcMtOY CO.,Tolodo, G. 5 net oil lie made. fT" All work guaranteed to give perfect salUftctloo. Terms, strict!) ctti. II. P. DEKR. I'rartlcsl Ieu!lt. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Or. ITiuiinhrrva'Sprclfirsareleniiaeallyand curefi-tly pn-iareil KrineUitw, u--l t.r eurs In private proi-tlc and for over thirty y,-ars ly the people with entire Kuccvfts. ETerylntfle Sfjeclllo a Fecial cure fur tlie 4lleue tulmtl. Trit-vi-Tir without lniirk'iujr. l'UnciiiKorreltK-lnK i the st,n.an(l are iu fa-t uuil d-vullxcfroveceiau Iteineiliea uf (he World. imt or kcmpem. itkkl r kicks. 1-FfTPM, Conjctton, Intlamtnatlona. .tl-l '2 itmiH, Worm Fever. W"rtii i'otlr... ..1 3 Trelliitic; Colic, t.'ryliiir. WuLef !iim-b4 .'2& 4 liarrhra, of Cl.llilren or Ailtilt -i.i a l)vrntrrr.nriplns, 1 ill. us i ollc -J.l ti ( bulcra ,tarbn, Voniiitn 9 Couwbe, t'olt!?. I'ror.hitifl. ,-.45 5 Neuralirla, THthat-he. S-'ncvachf 91-Ilradarhca, k-atlo-lie. Vertlro. f U lkrnpeP!iiR, Ittlloilsnes. t 'or.fttlfiatton .'2$ I I !uipreted or l'ainlnl FeriodM. .'25 1 J While, I'oo lro(iiv l'.rliKi t'roup. Lnrynalii lixirs.i:ci's.... .-23 It Suit :th('Hiii, ilrrtiiela. Krui'tlons. .-.25 1 5 K hoiiiuatini.or Ht:f-!tiatic 1'altu.. i-'S MulKrln. t'liills. Fi-rtr ami Aaue .-. l-l"iit.,liHn. trSleedir- 543 1 S lhrl:i Imy, S reor W rpk Ere. .5i3 !- ntnrrli. lntlueti:.-!. (. ltl iu tiu llu.il .'4 'S i tioopinc auh .!42 2 I A nil: t: a, opprt-.j I FreuthtrK 12 J t.r '..h?rcB. In ; "Ir-.il llarlii? ,ti3 5i3 :rrrliiii. F.i!?,rat l-l: t c', vtlllii Jl ;ei;...r.i il-lSh;v. 1 I i-ri j: .1 l.tiS - 4 J .J't 'J.I lr:ir. a:i4 Scanty h.t-mloiip JJ :t'-rrk ncifc. Mi-tnea fr"Ui Kldlu? 7-Kldiiey !leu .45 .544 ' .4 .-4.5 .-4-i Cl S.i-e .ILoni b. or Cankar :;0 I' rlun ry ea lines, Wetttii Ued.. ji - It? i it 1 hi E orlod :t I ItiplitliMria, I'li-emtMl Nore Tliront. . 3i Chrvoir i'uoKruttaui ic F-rouaoi.. EXTRA KDMBERS: SH-Sfrvoii i7lillily, e!n!al Wer.k- r.i-M, oi Itiv. iuiiuiry I'l..i.ri--a l.OO S2 Il-raraf the Heart. Palpitation I. Oil 3J-it(-py, -spa&nui, at. Vitua lauce...I.oe Sold br pTMtrlita. or at pnat-.aij on tvcvl,.t of -rlc. PtL Ih-arMBicva' UiDAt. 1 141 pax-. ttati kU race lit lIIKETVa:ll.f O..III a tttntllU-a St.. llrwTorlt. SPEC1FBCS. HUM PHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." P.-T rilcn External or Internal. I lllid or P!v!ln-rt Kiatulaln An..: ln-liln-ror (Uot-iHiii; of the Ikecluiji. Tims reilcf la luimc-liate the run- ft rlaifi. PSICE, SO CTS. TRIAL Sign. ?S CTS. Beld by DmrUU, or Mnt -ul-ia oa rcwit t of pru-a. lHai ukt--r--i.(0..iii usaiituai St., mw tuk YTER!Hi.RYSPEC!flCS Tx Hcrse:, Cafie, Ehscp, Dogs, Es3, j sOOFsce Book an Treatment of Animals and t hart k. ui t ree. j It.lt.-trni.,-. Lamia. -.. KhcamatiLaB. i '' Hineaipfr, Nn.-.l lii. haruco. . lienVneun'tonia. l'.P.4'alic or .riDe-. vui lio. : 1 V 'rrr,,i":. Hemoi rhnitea. I Il.ll.-t rtuary and Kidoey liaeaaca i.i..rnptie Itienaen. .nantce. .K. lieaea ul' Uiaeaiiuu, I'aralyaia. Single Hottle (over SO doscsX - - wtfJ blohle Vmmr. with Sdfl-. Manual. eterlnary Cure Oil iui.l Mcdloator, 87.00 Jar eli rluary Core Oil, l.OU eol4 by DrTitai r vrat pray 14 aaywaara and la any uaalll, aa rr-lpt at prta. ui at Huns-anu. a, 1 1 1 a i it uaa St., aw tat. lotnins an M 4 justified ns iu purchasing purchased 60 extensively, prices. Ueforo others get an extra we have in their have here over 50 different natterua and pantsueonr, Fuils for large men er Suits and other styles for tb little folks. clearness. We aUo Ivor, in ktaek tho show goods, and we have them to show. h & Son. lagMSSi IS but skin derp. Tbarearettansanilaof Inrlira vho have regular ft-aiurva and would te ac vwli 'l the ilm of tauly were it not fora poor oomtilexioD. To a'.l snrh we rrcommvnil OR. hEORA'S ViCLa CREAM aa pawiE-:i-.g th-.-ie rjnulitiea that quit t;y char.ro lit mr-t callow and florid complexion tooiieof natural beaUx r.nd nnblfiniiliwl beauty. It cares Oily Ekin, Freckles, Mack Heads, Clotchoa, Sunburn, Tan, Pimpl(, and all imierfwtions il tha akin. It if, Di't actineiic i.i't a care, yet U bet ter lor tiiii tuiiet table than powder. Sol.! bj I'nigKiffta. or iwnt pot paid npon receipt of 50c. G. C. BITTNER & CO., ToMe, O. ' vi u k: v i m ar FORWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD Id the line of progres that's our polioy. Suoooes attenda our effort. Your CUSTOM once a customer always. We gain the oonfideDce of tk publio by liberal offers. SPRING CLOTHING FOR MEJN THE BEST MADE WE CAN PLEASE YOU IT A SPSINB SUIT. Ours is the stock from whioh to select joar Spring Suil. Don't buy om that while it may have a good maay points right, has some defect either ia style, fit or material. Our Men's Suits for the Spring of '93 aro perfect. In the variety of materials shown wo have ready for you a regular faaat of fashion, an assortment from which all tastes and all pooketbooss oan b pleased and suited. A mammoth collection of the latest styles of Sacks amJ Frocks ara bar. 5 TO $20. SUITS Four different sbade9 of Bannoekburn Cheviots, Single or Domfc lo- Breasted. Sacks and Cutaways ; the popular Tweed and Corkscrew Suits; Euglish Whipoords, Bird's-eyes, eto,; challenged for workmanship or fit. Your choice $3 to $12. SPRING CLOTHING FOR BOYS. Not a hou-e in the county anticipates tbe needs of young America mora eagerly than we do. We are prepared with an elegant Spring Stock for Boys and Children, a stock containing more and nobbier styles than can be seen at any other store in Juniata county. A short Pant Cheviot Suit of all-wool material in a serviceable daik gray color. Price $2.20. A beautiful All-wool, Dark Bluo or Blaok Cheviot Swiss or Irish Woolea Double-Breasted Suit a rare bargain ages -1 to 14, $2.75 A genuine Tricot or Cress Cboviot Suit, blue or black, lined with fins Italian Cloth or Serge, $5. Imported fabrics in Boys' Suit?, 4 to 14 years, including the English Worsted, German Tricot or French Serge, the oorreot style, a finished fit and finish for $10 garment, but our price is $7. Our Hat Departo'eut for this Spriog Seasen is complete, we have all the new styles at tho lowsst prices. Tbe grandest line of gent'a furnishing GOODS ever exhibited in Juniata county. Our trunk i satchel department 6ccond floor a full lino to seleot from. Prices lower than ever. PBIMG Never did we exhibit a grander assortment than our tatlc3. It embraces all tho new and nobby domestic, with a price rango from $1 50 to $G 50. FERD MEYERS, the wholesale and retail Clothier, Bridge St., Miffliutown, Penna. 1805, ESTABLISHED. 1889 Special Invitation rTo rllic Public To attend the Attractive bale of Clothing that goes on dailj from THE IMMENSE STOCK -OF D. W. It will be ADVANTAGE OF TO THE ADVANTAGE Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MI)N, I30YS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't ffti to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN 3V. HATE TOU MOM TO DEPOSIT? ARE V0U A B0KK0WER I CALL. AT . TKB FIRST T 2TJ MIFFLiriOW, PA. FOXJn iPICR CEN T. IKTEEEST PAID 0. T1JIE CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Rates. AXLE pest if the wonin. ' ltsaarin8aaa!itisaarnasurpadad. actu!1 ritlati:.f7 twj bcxea of unyctbtr brann. No C3erudb7haat.lar'01.1' kl E L1SE. Q A L E S 31 E UWANTED .1 LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to aill our Nuraery Stock. Salary, Exponses and Steady Employment guaranteed. CHASB BROTHERS COMPANY, Tec. 8, '91. Rochester, N. Y. Tlie Srnttncl and Repuiluan office ia the placets get job work done. Tiyit. Itwill pay you if you Deed anything in that line. PANTS. that which now graoea stripes and checks, both foroiga ark OF ALL liUlKKS JUKI ATA VALLEY BANK, OF MIFFL.1JTOWS, PA. WITB HRANCD AT PORT ROYAL. StootholderB Individnally Liable. JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Prrti.ra. T. VAN IRWIN, Cwr DIBCTOl. W. ('. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroc, Jolin Hcrtiler, Jomah L. Barton, Robert K. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Louis B. Atkinson, btockhaldibh : Pl.illp M. Kepner, Aanie M. Shellwy, Joan h Rothrock, Jane H. Irwin, L. E! Atkinson, R. E. Parker, TV. C Poroeroy, I. Holmes Irwin, Mary Knrta, Jerome N. Thompsea, if John Hertiler. T. V. Irwin. CharlotteSnyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. rattrraon, F. M. M. Pencell, Levi Light, Samuel S. Rothtock, Wm. Swartz. Solomon Man'ieck, Three and Four per cent, interest will be raid on certificates of deposito. jan 23, 1891 U BnffoaiHK from the effecfci of youthful 'rroca. yailT doeaj. waatmc weaanaaa, teat rnanhor 1. ta-.ail-end a raloable trai (aldi oootaiuln futt particulars for home cure. FREE 01 ril-' ptendid medloalwork : ahonldMi wad by rry -mho la Darreaa and deUUtatad. -A4H iiaa Prot. r. C. POWLI.B, sioudua. epnta. RUPTURE!: trad bvOr.J. B-Marer aUarcbSLrnila. I'a. ia at once. No .iperation or boalnoa ilclry. 'Ihonsanda of cirea. Ir. MayeT U at llulel Pcnn, Iteadinv, Pa., second Saturday ol oclrmonth. bend lot cuculai. Adrice tro HAELBY TO WEAK i EN beyond the town. Try it tract Svaaaaraia. tfittx