4 'i . I I ; : ; ' i . I I ! ! SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIJFLINTOWN. WEDXESIUY. MAY 81. 1893. B. F. SCHWKI K R EDrrom add rinmiiToi. J Cholera ras put in an appearance in France. Ax electric cook stove and heater, ore tbe new things announced in the way of stoves. The democrats were loud in their cry of down with ths war taxes of the national government. Now it is pro posed to restore the income war tax. A claim for one million two hun dred thousand dollar against W. N. Kiddle, late president of the defunct Perm Bank, Pittsburg, was sold the other day at auction, It was a big claim It brought one dollar. Governor Pattison vetoed the Compulsory Education bill that tie Lfgislature passed. thu3 again prov ing that he is sound to the core on the principles that underlie American home and government life But it is ratiier a severe rebuke to a Republi can Legirthiture when it must be taught the rudimentary principles of ! n Republican form of government from a professedly Democratic gov ernor, thai the family and indiv itluni shall o? saje from molestation ana arrest except tor tne commission of crime. All honor to Governor Patti son for h's hinest Americanism. Republican Primary Election- The Republican Primary Election will be lield f.n Saturday, June 10, 1893. The meeting ''f Return Judges to count the x 'e and announce vote will bo held in Miiilito ad Monday, June 12, 1803. Ti,u f,.n..; o,. ,.n;na u voted for at said ! ctiou: PlCOTHONOTARY, Two Commissioners, TREASURER, Al'lilTl RS DisiKii'T Attorney, ClIAIKMAN OK Co. CoMMlTTKi:, Rei i;i:stsrATivE Deleoate. KF.l UBLICAX riilMAKY SYSTEM. The following is the sys'tui under v.bich Republictu 1'iimaries ate held in Juniata. 1st. The candidates for the several offices slia 1 have their names an nounced in one or mure of the Re publican county paper, a, leust two weeks previous to the Republican primary mui tings stating the office and tubj.-ct to the acii u of said pri mary meeting '2d. J lie voters responding to Rtpub liczn rmcifjirjt borough, sii.iil m earn towrsliiu or preseiiiea ior connrir.aiion ena ai met t on Saturday, l'wance at an Orphan's Court, to be June 10, IS'.!;', f.t the ns'iul places of holding ileeti. !)-), at '2 o'clock P. M., and proceed v thin tbe first thirty iniuutt-s thereul'er to elect one per son fr.r Judge, and two persons for C1-. iks, who shall form a board to re ceive vot s, and determine who are proper persons to yote, and sliall hold tbe polls open until 7 o'clock P. M. Aftt r the polls are opened, tie candidates as announced as aforesaid, shnii l.e balloted tor: the name, of each pe rson voting'shall be writtn on a list at tLe table of voting, no porsou tiling allowed to vote more than once for each office. 3 1. After the polls are closed, the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate rec-ived, an 1 make out the terms Accordingly, to be certiaed to by the Judge nud attested by the Clerks. 4th. Tue Judges, (or one of the Clerks appi in ted by the Judge,) of the respective election districts sliall meet at the t'o'irt House, in Wifilin town, on the Monday following the primary meeting ut 1 o'cTjcL, P.M., having the rct:u us and a list of the voters, and count Hie votes, end the person having the Hghest number of votes for any ofhe sLall be declared the regular nomint e of the Republi can paity. 5th. If any t v ; or more per-ons have a.n Knn' n itn'ier of votes for the sauio office, tbe Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice between thi ni, the person L iving tlie high"st nu'H- ber cl vores to be tue nominee. fitb. Tii-; Return Judges bh-11 bo competent I o reject, by a majority vote, the returns from any election district .-. hr- there i.s evidence of fraud, eitut-r in the return? or other wise, to the extent of the frauds commit ted, 7th. No pert on shall be permitted to vote by proxy. At the primary election held Au gust 2nd, 170, the three following amecdmpp's were adopted: 1st. That the Representative Del egate be v tid for and elected at the primary e'ectijn. 2nd. That Tie Judges and Clerks, before receiving any votes at the Pri mary Election, sha'l be sworn, ac cording to the general election law, that they will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties devolving upon said officers. 3rd That the Chairman of the County Committee to be voted for and elected at tho Primarv Election. Farmers Meeting- Pomoca Grunge No. 3o, met at Arch Kick on the ZGlk and 27ib of May acil ti ansictcil some business of pinme c.iuracier at tue nrst session. ana men mm open doors and free meals afttr that. Sonio v ;ry interesting';, exercises were had. Dilly, dollying in road-" legislation was considered at Rome" length by Ailman, Roihrock, 51c Williams and Marshall. The conclusion arrived at was about this, that unless a Dew act will give us seme financial help, in stead of depleting btfd iuore our al ready limited treasury, by placing over us a number of high, salaried of ficials the old law is as good as any we can get, except,- perhaps, requir ing all roid tax to be paid in money. This would give better work. Wheat raising was discussed by Joseph Roihrock, J. T. Ailman, D. B. Mc Williams, D M. Marshall and oth ers. These speakers all agreed thai :wheat raising is the poorest pnyirg crop on the farm, and tht farm.r should largely abandon it in Penn sylvania only so far as they need straw for their own nse. "How to make the most money on the farm," wts a very interesting top ic, and brought out somo very intor- esting ideas: Frntt, berries, hay, corn, oats, rye, barley, hogs, cattle, sheep, lime, phosphate, caring for machin ery, hard work, marketing time, &c, were all weighed in tbe balance. That which is raised with the least outlay of labor and money, and sells the best seems to pay the best. A farmer should make some one thing a speciality though diversify must not be entirely neglected. Let noth ing interfere with yonr speciality; D. B. McWilliams recited Simon Gi ubb's Dream. J. T. Ailtuan, offered the following resolution. ''That we express our approval and appreciation of the course of our representative in th Legislature), Hon. H. Latimer Wil eou In the session now about l close. We have carefully noted his course all through and have alwy found him on the side of right having in view justice to the farmer and labor ing man. This resolution wis the occasion of investigating Mr. Wilson's course in the Legislature and passed by a un animous rote. The following resolutions wtre passed on the d-ath of Win. Ulsh: Whereas: An all wito Providence has removed from our midst our Brother Wm. Ulb, a charter mem ber of Tomoua and Fermanagh (jraDgcs 0f Juniata couuty, there- tore: Resolvti'.: That in the death of Brother Ul-h the Grange caude in Juiiiat'i, 1ms suffered nn irreparab'e loss, fur it interests were ever faith fuLvkud carefully guirded by him. Resolved, '1'nd: Tuat tliis is our trs i timony ti at his inLerest and zeil in ! tuu Gr.-ii'e, was by no means a forru- i -1 ...... 1... .,f 1.. 11 I. .fT...! 1 oa I hy his dvotion, diligence and puue j t utility built higher than bo knew. ntweeu. on. j.nnt we numbly bud i mit to this dispensation of Provi dence knowing that our loss ia his ! gain and te this end console tho be- Ireavtd familv in their present sorrow Revived, Ath: That a copy of these resoiulions be p.laced upon the min Uilb. (. LARA J. MlI.I.IKr.N, D P. McWlLUAMH, WlI.LIXGTON ISMIT1I. A motion was passed instructing the Seci etary to furnish a brief ex 1 1 art of tlie minutes for each editor I tif the com.ty for publication of j art or all, if he saw fit of tho proceed j iug. Wellington Smith, ( Secretary pro tem. Register's Notice. The f ilHwing persons have filed their (tfcouut.s in the Register's Office of Juniata couutv, ant the same will neia !-t .Hjmintown, ra., on Tuesday June 13th, lH)'-. at '.) o'clock, A. M. 1. The ncconnt of James P. John son, g'la'dian of llrgarot L. Span-gl'-r, a minor child of Emma John ston, late of Turbett town-hip. de censed 2. Thp account "f Jaws P. John son, guardian of Maria Johnsin, a minor child of Eruma Johnson, lute of TurVH township, Jii:ii:itr. c unty, deer n icd. 3. The first and final account of Joshua B. Buchanan, Administrator of the estate of Robert Buchanan, lu.'eofLk township, Juniata Co, decease d. 4. The second and final account of Siimuel Buck, Executor, it" , of Jonas I'aunnbakcr, late of the borough f Port K.iya, Juniata county, dee'd. Z. The first and final nccount of T. T. Dro'slub, Executor, &c Jacob Drolsbaugh, life cf Tuscarora towr.ship, Jutn'at . county, deceased. I C. Tiie lust and ,'iual account of Magilalcnr. btronp, A.lrtiinifltratrix of j L.CV1 troup, laie of Susquehacna towui.:r, eleceased 7. Ti.e first and final occouut Ida Can nbell, Administratrix of ; of ; JtmiesW. CairmbeU, lae of Lack : township, deceived. 8. Tne t rst and Curd account of J. M. Aid t ud Samuel E. Aid, Ad- j minintrator.- of Sarah Ard, late of Spriice Hill township, deceisod. j 9. The first nnd finl account of : J. m. am an, i rv-.imi"! iu. Ard, Aa- minifttrfitors c t. a. d b. n i f J.jn-'ph towna'.iip, Lite of Situi:f! lli'l OLceRsorl. 10. Tlie first nr.il final account of II F. Smith, Ailuinid' rotor c. t. a., cf Itolincc IIciiibangL, lalo of Tus carora townsliip, dL-c'H( d. 11. Tl' first aud final account of Nenl M. Stewart, aumiiiiHtiator of I Margaret Coliins lute of Tuecsirora townisliip, deceased. 12. Tbe first and final account of J. K. It'bioD, Executor of John Kobiscn, Lit of the borough of Pat teraon, deceased. 13. Tho first and final account of Wm. S Brown, Ilearj S. Brown and Albert Brown, Exicutors of Peter Brown, lata of Fijette township, decease d. 14. The fit and final account of Lewis A Diinm, Administrator of Haunah Nymon, late of Dolawaie township, deceased. 15. Tbe first and partial account of C. G. Viney, Executor of tba last will and testament of Daniel West fall, Lite of Fayette township, dee'd. 1G. The first and final account of Sarah Ann Kyl, executor of the last will aud tKtanit'Ut of James Kyle, late of Walker towrship, deaeased. 17 Tim flftPilllnl. ff Amna QtnnfTi'r Ldmipisfrtnr ,f vi;7nW.tV r tonf for, late of Walker township, dee'd. 18. The amount of Robert Mc meen auitffiiisitator of J. Allen Mc Allister late ot Fayette township, deceased. Ta best and only Doubls Extract Saraaparllla la Vjnnars. It cam. Take n other. BO cents.' Englisli Spavin Liniment " removes all Hard, )y'.t or Calloused Lumps and Blemitl.ps from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring bone, Stifles, Spr.iing and Swollen Throats, Coughs, kc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Core ever known. ?5old by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Miffiintown. OcL 1, ly. It never falls to mm MINNKKS donbla extamct SAJiSAFAKIXXA. cc rarrwhere PHOTOGRAPHS. ANOTHER TIME FOR AST LENGTH OF TIME, WHILE WE ARE IN THE PICTURE BUSI NESS. We will continue making our fine Cabinet Potogrnphs as low as $1 50 per dozen. These pictures are mounted on elegant card enameled on back and face, with picture with a high Polish finish superior in qual ity to to the Aristo Photo ' I have been taking the last yar. However all those wishing the Aristo picture, I will still make them at the same price, (1.50 per dozen. The extensive patronage and the many testimonials of the apprecia tion of our work, we have received the last year, gives us renewed cour age to go on with these low prices, and we propose making MifilintowD b.?ad-quaiters for the finest Photo graphs for the money that can be obtained anywhere, adding all the time new and costly ascessories of the vwy latest designs giving our trade the benefit of that which would cost $3.00 in the city, for $1.50 in Mifllintown. We can make pictures for Sl-00 per dozen such as are made by 1 tiavellieg photographer, but we prefer giving our patrons a much better picture for very little more money. Thanking our patrons for their lilieral patronage wo solicit a continuance of the same. Rospectfullv, Josehh Hess. Miffiintown, Pi, March 9, 1893. o - Music LcKRons. miss tjouisi ix. Jactruan will re turn to her homo in Mifllintown from Bocton in June after having spent two years at the New England Con servatory of Music under the besE in- slruetors of piano. She will start a class in this placa as soon as she comes home. Those wishing any in formation, or who desire to take les- poms of her c in obtain the same bv calling at this office, or by address ing Jiisi Juekman, Miffiintown, Pa., before June 10th, eo all arrangements can be made to begin teaching at once. Republican Co. Cotuiulltee The following named geotiemen i co!? nre uui' mmJ,u,f : Walnut: J. SITwlfor, Dovle's Mills. Black Log Samuel Emory, Her- man A. Oppel, OppeWille. Delaware D. C. Keiser, Thomp contown; Hiram O. Dunn, Mixe. Fnvette A. W. Sitbar, D. T. Trego, McAlistervitle. Feiminagh J. C. Hower, J. L. Zook, Millltntown. Gree nwood W. H. Rig'e, Neko da, Perry county; S. E. Zeiders, Dimmvillo. Lark Matthias Stump, Lack; J. N. Montgomery, Waterloo. Miffiintown W. L, Hoopla, Sm ul Lapp, MilHintowo. Milford J. L. Ctionhigfcr, Port Ijva'; E 1. Shover, Patterson. Monroe SHelly Oraybill, Rich field; Banks Foster, Evandale. Patterson John Ernest, II. W. Kniselv, Patterson. Port" Rova' A. J. Petit, II. II. Snvder, Port Royal. Spruce TTill Samuel Book, Warb le; S. L- Mauger, Spruce Hill. SiiMfiuehanna E. G. Shcaffer, lElms Crawford, Orient!. I Thcmn!OTtown J, A. Cameron, Lvi iTyers. Thompsontown. TuibMt J. N. Groniuger, S. A. ; McLiin, Port Royal. Tiisra'-ora W. J. Campbell, Reed's i Gap: S F. Pric. East Waterford. Walker AV. H. Kauffaian, Mexico, I Bert Coldren, Van Wert, i W. V. Shirk, I Chairman. Ship You a Coffin- A neighboring town has a voung f i man who mok6s more ciarett"8 than the nv. rage fiend gets away with, nrd by rigid economy in other lines ord saving the boxes in which be ptirrhase l his favorite article of srnoling he managed to accumulate ones thousand of then-., bavin:? heard that the manufacturers would give a handsome return for that number of boxes, tf lis the Wellsboro Advocate. Anxious to rear) the benefit of his nn- roraitting foil in this pirticular line the voung man packed up the boxes carefully and exprepsed'them to head quarters with bright anticipations of the pvesffnt ho was to jrot. After a ff w days of waiting he had a response from tho firm, siying: '"Snd us an other one thousand and wo will ship you a coffin." A Fortune Abroad. The report of the $7,000,000 in Germany for the H"ter:ck heirs in America, upon investigation is found to be an actual fact, as reported by one of the Iletericks of Dauphin Co., who received direct information from the U. S. Consulate General in Ber lin. The fortune is for the descend ants of Geo; Tleterick also, called Colonel Heterick of Revolutionary fame. A Lewistown attorney who has in vestigated this matter tells us that tbe American heirs are 6but out by the statute of limitations, more than thirty years having i lapsed since the death of the owner of the vast estate. Lewistown Sentinel. Huve you trid South American N."-vine the gem of the century T Tbe great cure for Indigestion, Dys ppps''a and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomich and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifllintown, Pa. Not. 14, ly. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brown-t valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was srone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervin which done mer more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my Me. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est fnedicin in the . world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. , Trial bottle 16 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,t Pa. . . Feb 1, 93-ly. LEI1.1 L. IN OTICEOF APPEXLS. Orrici or Corsrr Cohhmioiicr, ) Mifflintown, p., yv Zrd, 1895. Notice i hereby jrien tht nppviW will b held at the Comrai'nionifr' Office, Mil. Hintown. as follows.. For the WrsT Side of the rirer on Fnriav, June Ind, 1893; Tor the East Sim of tbu river on Satardny, Judo 3rd, 183, when and where all persona who think tbumaelvei air grieved by the 1893 asaesiment of property taxable for State purpoaes can attend. Uf order of Commmsioners. Cbas. B Cbawvord, Clerk. pARTITIOX NOTICE. In the Orphan' Court of JuatiU county. In tbe estate of TnoM as Parfet, lite of D'.-t :iro townhip, Juniata county, aud State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Now, twenty-eighth, April, A. D.. 1893, court grant rule upon the heirs and other parties interested in the partition of the estate of the said decedent, to appear in open Court, on Tuesdae, the thirteenth day of June, A. D , 1893, at 10 o'clock. A. M., and accept sr refuse the real estate at tbe valuation fixed b return of inqnest, or make bids on tbe" same, or show cause why the same shall not be sold on their iieg'ect or rehml to accept the tame. In pursnai ce ofthe above order notice is hereby given to Waiilda J. PJrtet.daugh ter, intermarried with B. F. Zjiders, Co roUmun, Juniata Couutv, Pennsylvania; Charles a. Parfet, son, Richird W. Par fet, on, and Liztie M. Par.'et, daughter; tbe last three buing minor children who have John B. Me.edith of Maze. Juniata Couutv, Pennsylvania, for their Rnar dian; to James A. PaiTet, SMir, Lean county, Id;iho; Thomas II. Farfet, I.vk.ns, Dauphin countr, pa . John H. Partit. West Milton. Pa ; Marv Ellen Parfet. mtarmarried with Gdorge Ilamil ton, Ilarrisburg, Dauphin couaN, Pa., and all other r.on-residents of Juniata county, iuierested in said estate to ap pear in Orphans' Court on Tnesdav the thirteenth day of June, A. D., 1893, at 10 o'clock A. M , in accordance with said order of tli Orphans' Court. SAMUEL LAPP, Bberiff. Sheriffs Oflire. 1 Miffiintown, Pa., May 9th, 1S93. Announcements. The following scale of price for announce ments bas been mutually ngr-ed upon bv the under'end, and no deviation froro tbe same will be made: Prothonctary, Kcgister 4. Recorder, Sheriff and County TruaRnrer, each $5; Commissioner and District Attornsy, each $3; Jury Com-uissioner and Auditor, each $1. All additional communication r-r;om. mending condidates will lie charged 10 cents per line. Money in all ca;s to be paid in advance. WM. M. ALLISON, Editor Juniata Herald. B. F. SCIUVEIER, Editor Juniata Sentinel Republican. COCNTT CHAIRMAN. Mr. Editor: Please announce W. V. Shirk tor Chairman of the Republican Countr Cemmittee. Mr. Shirk's auccessas Chairman in past campaigns la recommen dation sMitli -.ient without another word bit ing stid in bis favor. MIKKLINTOWN. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Mr Editor: Please announce that I am a candidate for County Commitaioner at the entiling elocticn, subject to the rulea and mages of the Kepubl'can pirtv. NEL M. STEWART. VcCoyaville, April 11, 1893. Editor Sentinel and Republican: Please annouoie tbe name of V". II. Moore, of walker township, as a candiJ.tto rr the nomination or County Commissioner snb ject to tbe rules tbat govern the Republican puty. WALKER. Mr. B. F. Schweier. Pleaso announce that I am a candidate for County Commis sioner, sulip'ct to the rules and usages of tho Republican pirty of Juniata. CKIAII SOUMAN. Thompsontown, April t, 1S93. DISTRICT ATTOUN'EV. Editor Sentinel and Republican: Plci-se announce lint I am a cawiliiatn for tho Of fice of District Attorney suliject to tho iii.aga of the K-ub!ican party in Jun::ita Co u 'it y. WILBERFOKCK SCUVTEYEU. Editor Sentinel and Republican: Tleasa announce that I am a candidate for the of fice of District Attornoy snbj ct to the rules of the Kopublican party in Juni.ita county. O. L. UOWKR. REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. Editor Sentinel and Republican. Please announce bit nam as a candidate fr Rep resentative Di:l!gat to the State Conven tion, subject to the mapes ef the Republi can party in Juniata Cousty. WILL L. HOOPES. To the Republicans of Juniatn: 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Kflpre aentative to the State Convention and so licit your support at the Primary Election. I am not pledged to any candidate whose name will he brought before tbe Cmyea tinn, and if I am elected I will take plea sure in representing only the wishes and sentiments of the Republicans f Juniata. JOHN K. ROBISOX. COUNTY TREASURER. Editor Juniata Sentinel and Republican: Please announce my rauie to the Republi cans of Juniata county, aa a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, sub ject to mages of the rules for tho govern ment or the Kepublicaa rrly. JOHN F. EHERNZELLER. Mr. Editor: Pleiso announce that I am a candidate for tho ollice of County Treas urer, subject to the rules and usages of tbe Republican party. JAMES II. SI.UONS. Mr. Editor: Please announce that I am a candidate for the olP.ee of County Treas urer, subject to rules and images of the Re publican paity. W. W. LANDIS. PROTHONOTARY. JWr Editor: Please announce to the Re publicans of Juniata connty, (v. II. Zeiders of Greenwood township as a candidate for Prothonotary. Mr. Zeiders comos from Republican stock, and from a section cf tbe county that should receive recognition in tbe distribution of nomination. JUNIATA. VIEWPORT AND SHERIIAN'S VAL I 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table of passengfr trains, in effect on Monday, January 2, 1893. P H ! A M A M P M 4 00 8 67 8 63 t Newr t 6 26 10 00 6 28 10 03 6 82 10 07 6 36 10 10 6 20,10 20 6 42 10 17 6 6 MO 26 6 69 10 34 7 1M04G 8 301 Buffalo rridye...J Juniata furnace.. vT'hneta ! 8lvan I Wat r Plug ' 8 27 8 23 8 20 8 11; 8 16! 8 OHj 8 021 7 45 7 40 7 34 8 60 3 41 8 46 8 88 8 82 3 15 3 10 8 04 2 68 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 20 2 25 2 20 T BliioiuHeld Junct'u Vaiie Road T Elliot tsburg T Green Park...... T Lovilie ...... .. Fort Robeson.... Center .......... I CisDa'a Rud Andrrsonburg .... x B'ain. . Mount Pleasant .. New Geroiant'n.. 7 14;i0 4! 7 22,11 00 7 32,11 07 7 87!11 12 7 26 7 19 7 15 7 10 7 03 6 64 8 60 7 43 11 18' 7 47 11 22 7 55' 11 30 8 01111 86 8 03 11 40 Note Sign. tie no - agent, wT" tele phone connection. . v.e. u KING, president ao4 Manager. C. K.. MxLsa, GttJttt'nl Agoi t. STATIONS. West- East ward, ward. 3.TZ.rlil P H ! A M ASH FOR AND TRY i4 s tiRi jr.. c a a DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA PURIFIES THE BL0QD. CURES GRIP.4 ! CURES CATARRH. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES... INDIGESTION CURES ..RHEUMATISMS Banners Sarssnarlila Ca.. Elnshamton. N.T. n:-For lh last S yeaes I fcave bees Coe.tant SUFFERER . DlSPEPf I and totne useoltwa battles ot rourSajPA KILLA am entirely cured. Yours trurf. MRS. HANNAH REED.Wilkea-Barre, Pc 50 S PER DOTTLE. TMF WORLD OVER. MTUBT Trie MANNtiJS SAHSAPAfilUA CO BIMOHAMION. N.x, SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. A niox little Farm in Susnuehanna town ship, near school, church, mills and store, containing FIFTY ACRES, more or less, haying thereon erected I good two-atory loii iiorsE &,Bi!(ii iinx, and out buildingrs. all in a good state of re. pair. The land ia in a good atate of cultl vation. This property can bo bought at a very low figure, tor terms and further descrip tion, call on, or address, PATTERSON k. SCUWEYKR, Attorneys at Law, Miffiintown, Pa Plso't RmTr for Cotarrh to tbe Beat, Fuleat to Te, and Cheapest. If1 Bold by PrnpirfsU or f cut by nmlU fiOe . T. ilAUltioe, karroo, Pa. It Never fails to Cure MANNERS DOUBLE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. l.iirSk ftritKt III riSt Fail Best Xib fcjrup. Taaus Oood. in lime, wiw Dy ararsriS'-s 5 n s causes ah3 cunr Scicouacally treated !?an etinatof world rcrmijiuon. Deafnw cr?ii!Cfiid nd cntirKi cured, of from JoloW ycj:' BVfcailinicahv f Otiii'X treatinnnta hare fuiicd. liow th ilila gully ia rcbclifc-l ud the nanaeremorpu.f'a explained m cjrcnlars, with a.uaavitM jii.1 xno'iUa o( cxTrntu prr emom .op.iuki'v boo. a- tafnaa. vmmuKM, v. . Consumption Surely Cured. To The Eonos:-Please Inform yonr readors that I ban a positive remedy fur tbe aboTe-came.1 illw. By Its timely nse thocaanda of hopol eanoa have beea permanently oared. I sfaall b n'mt to send two bottles ef 107 remedy FliKE to ey m yonr readers wbo have consumption if they will send me tbair bpnw and P. . addresa. lienuet talir. X. A. 8XOCCM. iL O. ltU aarl St, . J. Xetlce AgalBHt Treanpam. All persons are hereby cautioned not tresspisa on the lands of the undersigned in Walker, Fermanagh and Farotte townships.- A. S. Adams. John McMeen, James McMeen's hein, Robert McMeen, William Stouffer, G. H. Sieber, Charlos Adams, L. E. Atkinson. October 2th, '91. ly. SAW MIi,JLS, ENGINES, Improved Variable Friction Feed. Sen; for Cftt.ilonrue nivl Snrflfil Priopg. A. H. I'AUQUIIAll CO., Jlity 10 '93, 13t. York, Ta. the ! JJ Itife 7nN Blood. r, ''"" -'?.'' rr.oi.or.s i.ifk. . .-"jI. ?SZ?.fmrn T.T.fifm e?irsrm I nrh frill rem JlvilM, ilm,,,,, .Srr..-i-.t!!-rhUHt, Teit. r, rrer-L .', i.,-.rilt H-nS., ifo. Ml liruguUtl mrU it. THi SELLERS MEDICINE CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. F -Phosphate. J.-;'.'.-;S -Dili's is ccknowicii;r!' y t i rjl who have trio! :t. t I "J 3 'f'A otd for rm I; irr I. J,'. ;j T j n r r. r Ct82ical Wei!::, L VORX, PA. j 1 the oMt nril mni popular firtrrtlfle nrd uitchnlCAl pnMr pnhliihvl ar1 hni Ihe tflrcpjj Tircnint t-n of ny pir- pi it-, cinw In the wnrlo. Ktilij HintrutiHl. LWt Cia!)i of Wood RriffraT (net. rnhh-hijfl wp4IIt. Siif1 for fpcinii pr. lnc W& ytur. l-'nnr iittti.tlut' trial, fl. ML NN K CO., Pi :bli9HXHm. Tl Broadway, K.T. ARCHITECfS & BU5LDERQ n Edition of Scientific American. O A areat auccepA. Kaeh forme contains fHlord lltb(rui)ii piatestif counirT nntt cixr rrilen Ci fT pubtlc buililiimft. Niimr'iiii tpncraTinrs nd full plan and itHcin ationi it.r tho une t Hch u ootemplfitc ixiiltiit tf. i'rtve $ t.M m yr. ZS eta. a copy. AllNN A CO I't ill lbUlvlUi. itlaed by npply- t'tm w h ra havii htatl AVOP to years experience and have made oyer ain lialunfa Kami t. it H urn 1 iirt. tk I urTtm pondeac fe'rtetly conndentiai. TRADE MARKS. In emae yoar mark Ik not retitstwed tn the Pat ent Oili'-e, apply to Mi ss A and procure Uiuuediate protection. Send for Handbook. CPYRIHTH for boofca, charta, maps. tc qmckiy pnoured. Addreaa MINN Sc CO., Patent So lie It ere. Guijul Orric: Kt Bhoaow&t, N. T. .9 a h usaBB am a mm mm ww ?iWv'4-t5S! V-S !-i et?t- o uu- co-:moo XjH kX'y-'v' - - : ' ! ta. J i Id faYBai Blda,V fill KtV NEW CAKPBTS jsjr SCIIOTT'S STOKES SPRINGDISPLAY Of 10,000 Vartls of Carpets. . . u nn,U. if vou want The Fairest prices ever maae ior-. parcha8ing value for your money ; If you want to enjoy power of your dollars spend it at Scliotts' Stores. A nice Stripped Carpet, 15c. A Heavy Str.pe as good as Rag Carpet, 20c. Ingrain Carpets, good Quality, 25 to 35c Wool Ingrain Carpets, 40 to 50 cent. Brussels Carpets, 53, 65, 75 cents. Stair Carpet, 16, 21, 25, S5c. WINDOW SHADES. . T" - 1 1 O 1 A NiceTiain Hastle Spring uoi A Better Quality Spring Roller, 3:, 45, 50c Latest Novelties in Wall Papers. Latest Stvle 10c for Double Bolt; Heavier Qualities 12 and 15c per doublo bolt; fine gilt pap jr for 15 an 1 20 a bolt Extra Embossed Gilt for 25 and 30c a t)lt. An Eye for Bargains at Sekott's I li r . I r l cn A W -A IT3 I i- - s (M I W CI ?l H X : II O r rrj :s o t- n s i n o r. w o 11 1- ?i r; is 0 12 o . h n h o w 13 - m re c: ci o :i 13 c ti j, WClCltlHHHHHi-IHH'MtlHrtHOO H - c o -w ?i :i o k ci ic n ei .. e? i- o o o O 00 "N T. tf! 5 -f IC H 1.3 -B c? C3 CI TI OCKt - tr - r - t - t - or; e -Tr r - 2 ! 3T 3C j; TI -f iH r! 13 H in 1 -mi"? ci t 13 3i i-eoai g j; rtl3 31KH-l3 00rCI1IOnr'Otl1lli j- 3 wl OOCaOOCIROOOOOriHTIHHi-iU 1 H 4 o a- C1IOH 00 Hi- I- 13 C 31 1- 3 13 . 55 C 31 - 13 I? il C 033SHCINC3-ltL3l3--)3KiHe3l3 L3JU5 5CS3D33COWCOt-t-a0aCClCrS t3 31 r- 13 rt 13 O O O L3 t-xxxxooxxea anl KMr putirun ran aiM) oijUua (nis nieUicino tree of rlmte. ThiB r-rnrdy lis l?en pmitnuvtl by the KeTrcn5 gaetor K aiir, of ior. W.irt.e. InJ.. s.uce liJ. and iUQtt irwx)vretl uii'it rhxm tlirvvUou Ly tLe KOZKI? VEr. CO.. Chicsge. til. ScM hy Fh-iirrUts a f S I per Bolt lo. b for 83. tv.: vr. e i.t V c n.,u! r .- a. Vf W. ff. H1MIK1N OOO., "islt?0 r. -j- ori IO. " lUAAAUU, i GENERATION AFTER OENERATKJflJL wry Trmirrwioald Ut. bU. oi It la ki. Jm Every Sufferer ahm. OIto Morbus T iZEZS i -"1" MILL UvL. -otiji.y Uri m r -J F zx it-Ht. 'i in ri.riu- fJ -' iiif-t f. No Airt-iii. fj v. .-uij for irix ijt. n i'&yGj Z t - t w.aae Ae-J r -- AtTf . .' a3f-nsHLll at 0mm Stores. 9 to 3 00 J3 e a o a '5 a. a d 3 fl a '3 I? ISX R 00 IO CO H 13 W H M H c; s 00 00 t-1- t L3 O ra a OS 01 a 3 CO d "I Ct -l t - r - n3 a oi .5 - ! 5 e i 3 ? a cS u o 03 tc "3 . 5 a 3 -to r- v i -a e OS . . ci t cr n x c 13 oc o c e-ico ianc3xiOr-i-)iiH -t 1115 IS tc f r- 31 I' 00 3 ci ' r 3 ri e o rt 3 31 r H :3 r: ec ao 39 1 C 3 3 9.S 3 08 2 a C3 o 34 2 t s ii ; 3 -3 t- -3 g 03 S Z "3 g U 3 1 2 ' a i o a , st in c - o ci :i O a t- r- h a. i b i iivt a Rood paper hy nubucribiDg for the SrHTrXBL ASD RtPClLICAW. Oarfield Taa reovuiw oC Cures Constipation &DRGMBOLD'S - I"l! SAW KILL'EHGIfJES .. ( iM.rh F.rd, nun,; au tlw flirt rrrry,r., Tooih liar era. tih.-H.. i V-I". or lmnt tl LOB, K. ATKWS,,. p. M; j, p,,,, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW IKFLINTUVS-N, PA i- ,k,n,oni&s.' PATTEKSO & SCUWETER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' M1FFLINTOWN, Pa. M-K.M.CIiwroES.M. BA,W1I( U J J)H. D. 11. CRAWFORD t SOW. April 1st, 1890. B r. ackley fhyaician and Accrmchrur will aa , .pecutiy ,n the trtZ PfT' asesoftha throat aiirt V . of d- AIMiM9,18!3r : F. ill . sm. "war Bepobllcan Primary Elerlien Tlckewj. , & . , Cocsty Treasurer. James II. Simorja, John F. Ebrenzeller, W. W. Landia. COCNTY CoMMISSViNIBS. Neal 31. Stewart, Uriah Shuman, Wm. H. Moore. PnOTHOXOTART. Wm. H. Zeiders. District Attorney. Wilbrforce Schweyer. G. L. Hower. COUXTY AUDITORS. William Ours, Wm. H. Shelly. CoaJBiiAN Cocstt Committee. W. V Sliiri. Retrebestative Delegate. Will L. Iloopea, Jolin K. Robison. Ctcsty Treasurer. James II. Simons, John F. Ebrenzeller, W. W. Landis. COUKTY CoMMISXIOXERS. Neal M. Stewart, Uriah Shaman, Wm. H. Moore. Pbothoxotarv. Wm. EL Zeiders. District Attobxey. Wilberforce Schweyer. G. L. Hower. CorsTT ArDrruRs. William Guss, Wm. H. Shelly. Chairman County Committee. W. V. SLirk. Representative Deleoate. Will Ii. Hoopes, John K. Robison. County Treasurer. Jamea H. Simons, John F. Ehrenzeller, W. WT. Landis. CorsTj Commissioners. Neal M. Stewart, Uriah Shaman, Wm. H. Moore. PROTHONOTABY. Wm. II. Zeiders. District Attorkiy. Wilberforce Schweyer. G. Ii. Hower. County Auditors. William Gusp, Wm. H. Shelly. CH.USMAN County CoMMirrES. W. V. Shirk. ReI'RISENTATIVK DKLEaATS. Will L. Hoopes, John K. Robison. County Trea-subeb. James H. Simons, John F. Ebrenaelloir, W. W. Landis. County Commissioners. Nal M. Stewart, Uriah Shuman, Wm. H. Moore. Prothonotary. Wm. II. Zeiders. District Attorney. Wilberforce Schweyer. G. L. Hower. County Auditors. William Gnss, Wm. H. Shelly. OlUTMfay COUUTT CoMMTTTIt W. V. Shirk. Representative Deleoati. Will L. Hoopes, John K. Robison. J : km liaiTitfcaaMMiii.ayWaaaayaC