Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 05, 1893, Image 2

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    M 17FL1NTOW N
n. F. S C II W I E R
Ciioi.ftia La? broken ont with re
newed forco in A-itrii.
The judgment recora ia tho Court
House on the 1st of April was, Sis-
teen Satisfactions anJ 12 new entries.
Cleveland has revoked Li3 orcLr
against the appointment of editors
to oflL-e. As a class editors aro not
oilice seekers.
Grc.it uneasiness exists arnang the
inhabitants of the blck earth, region
in liu9sia that is tho fertile grain
growing repri-in of that country on ac
count of the cholera.
A iiks threw a stone at the King
of Italy the othr day. Little was
thonght of tho act as he was suppos
ed to bs crazy. If Iih hid thro wn a
bomb he would have bean declared a
"Mr.. Jouts litis built an odd inan
si.m at Ssranton, Pa , which is a
most interesting habitation The
Jjnoj f-iiu'ly h is traveled oiteniivcly,
and fvj:a evsry State or historic
pI.ic-1' visited n largo stone was sjcur
td, cTiefu'.'y unkel vwl a'iippoi to
Jaiton. Inarory few years this
Uijl.jii.a and c?s'ly lir-ap of stom oc
cupied all the space in a large barn,
60 it was agreed to start work upon
the mw famous Jonai Mausion.
Death Between Car Bumpers.
Iipwstoivn Sentiiiol, ILuch 31
Janc3 GiJmore, a brakemsn on Ls
utowu Division, was r.h.io.-t instantly
killea at Burnham cii Monday after
noon He had pone ont with the
shifter and on the siding at Burn
nam was about to make a coupling.
He motioned for the engineer to back,
anu then reachod over for the coup
ling pin, wnen lie over-balanced or
the cars came together sooner than
he expected, and hisbody was caught
between trie tieadwarxlj. The engi
neer had to pull away before his
body could bo released, and his death
josulted in a very few minutes. His
reroains were brought to town and
plac d in chargo tf uddertaker Mc
Ciin.'ic, and afterwards taken to his
father's residenco ou Logan street.
jjeceasea was unmarried, aoa was
the sou of Robert M. Gilinoro. He
had been a railroa'c-r f jr several
years. lie was a member of the
railroad relief plan. Much sympathy
is telt lor the bereaved family upon
whom the hand of afiliction has fall
en heavily in the last few years.
A Fasting Snake.
Evaiy stone in the structure, from
the foundation wills to the shingle
roof has a history, an 1 every mem
ber of the f tiuily occupying the house
can orrectly tll where every stone
C:imo frni and rolata soma iniercst-incidc-sit
counectaJ with it."
King Cholera Aaviinc63.
Vienna, Mirch 20. An ominous
for .vard step bus l5fl:i tik?n by tha
dreaded cholera, which h.is cn;3so.l
thf) Kasjian border an J is ravaging
Ii-ilofccf, a n.arktt town of Gahicia.
Tho authorities are mnkinj every ef
f jrt to clieok tin diafiise, but thus
far in vain, and it id rapidly t:road
ing Three dilhs h'ive occurred,
and Kiiiiiy ac casus were reported
Tiio C3i:taiuii i.ndiHibis Uy came
from the prorinoii of I'odolia, Russia,
which c uries on an extensive trade
with Gaiacii and also with Germany.
An t l"i; id report s.iys 150 new cases
of cholera an 1 50 de.ttlis :ire report
ed every -Aoek in iha btrickec province.
JJuUiif,' I'ius.
Fr.ru the St. Louia Globi Democrat.
Aftor going thrr.ti .;h pin factory,
one is abmst persnadod to believe
that m :ci:inery can b) taught to
think. In tha first phica the wires
from which t h pins are made ;"s ex-
Tho manager of the New York
Zoological Garden on tha 27th of
March, related the following true
snake story. The matured but fool
ish boa constrictor at tba Zoo has
n&t eaten for months and is Etill
stubborn. For nearly h.-Jf a Tear it
has lived upon its own flesk, which
does not mean that it is cannibalistic
in its habits: tha fat upon its bodv
fuininuG3 its sujloriauce when iia
Jsto!2ft?he refuses to perform ii.sfjnc-
Thorn have been snake3 at iliaZxi
which have lived in this manner for
more than a year and finally died of
starvation. Director Smith has been
tryiDg to solve the myatoriei of the
snake's stomach, and has succeeded
partially. He at tirst thought that
the s'jrpout was afilict'd with ulcera
tion of the mouth and throat. Lat
Tuesday, llughey Djwusy tha keep
er, canght the boa, put it in the bag
and took it to the ofiice"of the direc
tor, where Mr. Smith examined its
mo:if.h. Ho could find nothing toin
iudieito such a disease. This is a
malady, which has for' a long time
worked havoc in the ranks of tho
ecake family at the Zoo, for which
there Is no known remedr.
As, however, the reptile grew thin
ner, day by day tha direc'.or decided
to give it a milk bath. Ha bought
four quarts of fresh milk, heated it
to about 90 degrees and placed it in
a little tank in tha snake csge.
Downey caught the snake, put it in
the warm miik, and covered tho tank
with a piece of sacking. For twon
ty four hours the smike was left in
soak, and when it was removed it
had improved wonderfully. It3 skiu
had taken up through tho pores a
good portion of the nutriment in the
milk. This treatment is fjnite com
mon among keepers of snakes.
Director Smith has hopes of keep
iua the snake alive in this manner in
definitely. Ho will, after a time,
prouabiy ram a little food down its
George Berkstresser, Lewis A. Rudi-'are used every yrar by tha United
sill, William Schreiber, Wm. E. Hocb, States post office.
Hemorrhages, following the nnll-
; ;ng of two teeth, killed Katie Sandler,
xa years oia, oi iNew lork.
r' ! TIT r T- T , t-t
vcjiuu t . iiiarsnait, Aa3vi rs urone,
Martin L. Smith, Wm. n. Boden.
Adjourned Court.
ammed by a n ic!iin t!i,it seems
scan ivory particle of it, a i though
to detect any dtfeci ill it might exist
in its substance. Then it m'.asuies
off a bit, just long enough for one pin,
and hands it over to an ther piece of
mechiiuism that h d U it against a
fila wheel until it is pointed. It is
then passed on till :no'.her file wheel
where it is omowthed and finished;
then travels a little further whuro it
is seized by a grip and forced into a
recess where the head is made. A
pair cf pincers then takes it from the
die and drops it into a tray, and tha
work of the machine is done- The
whol'j process does not occupy five
second, for the pincers that " catch
and drop tho pins work so fast that
the pins are coming all the timo in a
8tre:im from the machine, but so re
markable i,i the rjfehanism, so infal
lible in its action at every point, that
it really appear;? to reason as it
A Cowboy Hide-
'The c iwboys of Nebraska are"all
frXi.-itement, preparing for their great
duso to Chieigo. It ia to bo tho big
gest ivent in the annals of tho cow-j
pu .Ciinrs.aiKl it will not Jose any of
its Hize between now and tho firat of
May. Throe hundred of them aro
going to ot.ter the race, and when it
is doue the ridej of the German and
Austrian military ofrloers last year,
will be- completely out of sight.
Tho prizes aggregate $10,000 in
cash, which has bom raised by the
ranch owners alonvr the North Platte.
The first prize is $o,000, aud the cow
boy who rides into the Fair grounds
at Chicago ahead of the others will
have that sum for his pains. The
second arrival will got 3,000; the
third and fourth, $1,000 oach.
The airline distance from tho
point of departure to tho goal is 800
mile. On the morning of May 1st,
the sin will riso on 300 cowboys, as
trido their mustangs, j'ust starting
on their loDg Jjourney. The ponies
will bo pranded, and euery rider and
bis mount will be photographod be
foro the start, in dilTreut positions,
for it ip a condition of the race that
the entire distance must be covered
on the same horse; and photographs
of the man and animals, as they ar
rive in Chicago, will be taken for ver
ification by comparison with the or
iginals. A gun will fire aud the
riders will stait. How many will
drop off aftor the first few days ride
ia a matter of conjecture, but tho
winners must necessarily be careful
of their horses. Interviews with
sorns of tho intending rider3 show
that the more conservative of them
intend to begin the jouruey deliber
ately, and ancomplish from 35 to 40
miles a day, saving their horses' for
the final dash of 150 miles or there"
abouts, when the race will develope
its most interesting leatures.
thrOnf. to lirinnr ly,,1.- ifa onnafi nu if
frt "I I AI
tO , . .!! !,, tu fi f
Court convened at 9 o'clock A. M ,
on Tuesday, tho 2Sth day of March,
1893, with President Judge Lyons
on the bench. Associate Judges,
Barton and Wickersham entered the
court room about 10 o'clock.
In the case of the First National
Bank of Tyrone vs. Ezra C. Doty,
new trial refused the plaintiff. Mo
tion for new trial argued on the 14th
of March.
In the case of road in Walker and
Fermanagh townships, becrinnins' at
or near David Stouffer'e wagon shed
and running to Van Wert. On ac
count of uncertainty in the descrip
tion of the bennnincr and endincr of
this road, the report of the viewers
in favor of the change in the road set
In the case of Rob't Crozier & Co.
vs. renna. It. II. Co. Rule for j'udg
ment for want of a sufficient affidavit
of defense. Argued and opinion held
William Zeigler was granted a li
cense to sell liquor at the Kvstono
Motel in 1'atteraon.
Philip W. Miller was acbointed
guardian of Martha M. Miller, minor
child of Matilda Miller, lato cf
tsprnce Hill township, decsased.
IV... T r rt ,
ii m. u. ja. aacvjormics was un
pointed guardian of Maud M. Mc-
Cormick, a minor child of Alice T
McCrT.ick, Lite of Port Royal, do
In the matter of the partition of
tha estate of Calvin 13. Watts, deceas
ed, recognizance for the payment of
purchase money in said estate enter
ed into by Mrs. Sarah Watt?, Andrew
Bashore and Solomon Beashore.
W. S. North, guardian of minor
children of George Jacobs, Fsq., de
c?as.'d, was allowed to join in deed
with others in conveying lot in Mif
fiintown, to John C. Gusbard.
Exceptions to the report cf the
Auditor in the assigned estata of Rev.
D. W. Swartz, argued and held for
Citation on James P. Johnson to
show cause why he should not be re
moved us guardian of Margaret L
Spanglor, awarded as prayed.
In the case of Mary Coonce vs.
Charles F. Martin, motion for judg
ment for want of au appearance filed
and judgment entered for plaintiff.
Prothonotary to assess damages.
Judge Savidge of Sanbury b.3ard
tho following matters: In tho case
of Haclley Falls National Bank vs.
W. A. Toomey and surety Jeremiah
Loudecslager, rule to strike iff ap
peal waa argued and hold for consid
eration. Exceptions to the report of the
Auditor in the estate of Paul Cox,
deceased, argued, and held for coa
of fasting, food has t be adminis.
tered by force to restore a snake's ap
petite. Mr. Smith will continue the
baths as often as twice a week.
Eogland'a Prime Minister.
Disnili, England's famous pre
mie.: said: "Tho urt of cprotatiou re
quires tha art of more dulicacy in the
practice than those coneeivo who cau
see Dothing more in a quotation than
an extract." Messrs. James Vick's
Son's, the famous seedsman of Ro
chester, N. Y have revealed to the
world a wealth of pots' words about
flowers in Vick's Floral Guide for
lalM. interspersed m among the
practical matter will b3 fouud hun
dreds of appropriate quotations.
"A charm has b-jund mo with witching;
For mine i the olci bslief,
That, midst your iveetn airl midst yonr
There's a soul in cvory vf."
M. M. Billon.
Their collection of jewels is sim
ply entrancing. They are fully enti
tled to the priza even from Disrieli'a
stand-point. Vick's Floral Guide al
so contain pago after page filled with
description of new novelties in vege
tables and flowers. Every lover of
the best iu these lims should sond
ton cents at occe for a copy; the
amojut can bo deducted from first
Conference Appointments.
Cure For Hoarseness-
A simple cure for the hoarse colds
which are gonc-ral in an open season,
consists of tho white of an egg beat
en with tho juice of lemon and sweet
ened with sufficient sugar to maka it
palatable. While such a mild pre
scription as this has no remedial ef
fect in t;if case of a' violent cold, it
dnf-s ruro hoarseness and is a great
reli f io the 8tifferar. It should be
taken by the teaspoon fill every half
The Bollefonte M. E. Confertnoe.
i. . , .. ... . '
nun, maae tne loaowing ap
J. Max Liutz, Presiding Elder,
Post Office, Lewistown.
Alum Bank Robert M. Snyder.
Bedford Hiles C. Pardee.
Blaine John S. Souser.
Burt Cabins Wm. YT. Rothrock.
Cassville Robert H. Stine, Eliaha
ClearvilJa A. C. Forscht.
Concord J. Bruncr Graham, Dan
iel E. Kauffman (supply.)
Enaisville Theodore S. Faus. '
Everette, John A Wood, Jr.
Hopewell John R. Dunkerly.
First Church Alexander R. Lam
bert. Second Church Barnett H. Hart.
Lewistown John B. Polsgrove.
Logan William C. Robbins.
Manor Hill Andrew W. Decker
Mapletou and Mill Creek Fran
W. Curry.
McConnellstown Chas. W. Karns.
McVeytown Nelson E. Oaver.
Mifllinlown Martin L. Drumm.
Mount Union William Brill.
New Bl oom field. Jos. K. Kniselv.
Newton Hamilton Charles V.
Orbisonia William H. Stevens
Petersburg and Alexandria An
drew B. Hooven.
Port Royal Joshua K. Loyd, to
b" supplied.
Ray's Hill "W. R. Picken. "
Roedfville George L. Comp.
Saxton Elton H. Wallace.
Schollsburg Elmer E. Harter.
Shirleysburg W. H. Miller.
Thompsontown Henry jTreverton,
Three Springs Lorenzo D. Ott.
Wagner S. R. Roher (supply.)
Wolfesburg John C. Brown.
Supernumarv and Suroerannnated
! Preachers: William Henry Stevens, I
NESS. We Will continue makincr our fine
CabiDet Potographs as low as $1 50
per dozen. These pictures are
mounted on elegant card enameled
on back and face, with picture with
a high Polish finish superior in qual
ity to to the Arislo Photo I have
been taking the last yar. However
all those wishing the Aristo picture,
I will f till make them at the eame
price, $1.50 per dozen.
Tho extensive patronage and the
many testimonials of the apprecia
tion of our work, we have received
the last year, gives us renewed cour
age to go on with these low prices,
and wa propose making Mifllintown
head-quarters for the finest Photo
graphs for tho money that can be
obtsined anywhere, adding all the
time new and costlv accessories of
tho very latest designs giving our
trade tho benefit of that which wonld
co.t $3.00 in the city, for $1.50 in
MifHintown. We can maka pictures
for $1.00 per dozen such as ar made
by all travelling photographers, but
we prefer giving our patrons a much
wet ier picture ior very utile more
money. Thanking our patrons for
th&ir liberal patronage we solicit a
continuanea of the same.
Jostpn Hess.
Mifllintown, Pa., March 9, 1893.
Blind. Shoots by Sound.
Connecticut possesses a sportsman
who cannot see, but who neverthe
less can bring down a bird on the
wing with neatness and dispatch.
Hi3 name is William Hill and there
are many men with perf.ct vision
who cannot do as good work with
the shot-gun as he. Hill has been
blind for many years, but he has al
ways been such an enthusiastic sports-
man mat no would not allow his in
firmity to keej) him out of the woods.
His first shooting wa3 at random
whenever ho heard a partridge rise
from the bushes with a whir and fly
away, but his acute ears soou became
able to locate the direction of the
bird's flight, and he wonld fire ahead
of the point at which he believed the
bird to be. After considerable prac
tice he lit came so expert that nearly
every shot told, and now when he
goes hunting he always takes home
a large string of birds, if they are
plentiful in the woods.
A full trrown elephant is caoable
of carrying" a load of two tons.
It Never falls to Cure MANNERS
Oranges and lemons kill cholera
germ?, say the German doctors.
The State Agricultural Society will
meet in Bethlahem, June 7 and 8.
Tha only DouMa Extract SariMarlHa h UwtiMr.
It'sHM tnt bacaos ii nm Taka na attiar. Met.
Sweden has a larger area of wood
land than any other country in Eu
rope. It naver fell to enra MAN1CXR8 double
xtxaet SARSAPARILLA. OOe. mrxwhm
There is an epidemic of typhoid
fever at St Lawrence, a suberb of
Tha bait and only DouMa Extract Sartaparilta Is
Manners. It cum. Taka no other. 60 cants.
Greek women went bare-footed in
doors and wore sauddla when walk
ing abroad.
If yoo aaatta ft! aoiea taka Manners DouMa Es
tract SarsaaariUa, It's the feast Try It, oOcaats,
The Clierokees have ratified the
treaty with Uncle Sam aud the strip
will b2 opened about July 1.
John Lower, 20 years of age, re
cently married a widow 35 years his
- : j. -n- i , t i -
Miiwi nil ii autma, Anaiana.
A widow near Bridgeport, N. J.,
wnn mteen ctuidren married a wid
ower with thirteen, and all live to
The volcano of San Martin in the
midst of a populous agricultural re-
gioa in Mexico, has broken oat after
being extinct for nearly a century.
Oiiin Emery had one arm nearly
torn off by a vicious stallion near
Uniontown, and had to knock the ani
mal's eyes out to get free.
"Ill be dead before night," said
Nicholas Trasqualla at Pittabur.
and although then feeling well, ho
dropped dead 10 hours later.
A young lady ef Aldine N. J.. re
cently had two beaus one night, and
the mother told one to "git." They
urew Elicits to see wnicli should stay.
A white man of Carrolton.Ga., has
forty children, and a colored man in
the neighborhood has been married
three times, and has forty-three chil-
In Louisville, Ky., three large
bank barns have failed for aver three
mill :ou dollars and a financial excite
ment and panic in the locality Lai re
beventy-nve per cent of the taxes
of New York and Boooklyn are paid
by Republicans, yet they have no
represrntative in tha government of
eimer city.
As oranges have been recommend
eu um u pravanuve ei cnoiera, it is
p.easaut to learn that tha Florida
crop, this season, promises to be the
largest ever known.
Itch on human and hordes and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by
vvoonoras sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by L. Bank6&Co.
Druggists, Miflhatown, Pa. Oct. 1,1 y
Thomas Allen, living i:i West Vir
giuia and 103 years old, is said to
have served under Wellington, and
under Scott in the Mexican war. At
theage of 72 ho entered service in
tha late war of tho Rebellion.
St Joseth, Mo., April 2. For $5 a
piece Osfrum Boright, a drunken la
borer, sold his bevou young off
springs, whose mother died a few
days ago. They were taken for adop
tion by a married couple and Boright
is likely to ba prosecuted.
Stephen Langford, and aged farm,
or of Madison county, Ky., has had
made for his occupancy, a stone cof
fin weighing about 1,500 pounds. It
was finished and delivered to him
last week, and is now stored in his
house awaiting developments.
It is said the Pennsylvania rail
road company is about to issue an
order prohibiting its nniformed am
ployees from using tobacco both
smoking and chewiDg. The rule
against smoking has been in force a
long time, but the prohibition of
chewing is a new move.
George Rodger an impecunious
machinist of Bollefonto, has iust re
ceived a patent for a steam and hot-
air car heater for which ha has al
ready been offered $75,000 cash and
an equal amount of stock by a New
York railroad company. His inven
tion will be given a final test on the
Long Island Railroad.
that at Chicago is
264.New York
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century 1
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks A
Co., Druggists, Mifihntown, Pa.
Nov. 14, 1.
The President continues the prac
tice of allowing from thirty to forty
persons to enter his office at the same
time, and when every inch of availa
ble standing room is occupied the
door is closed. As fast as one caller
is disposed of another ia admitted,
so that the room is kept constantly
filled until the hour for the reception
to close. New York Sun.
Ro scoe Conkliog used to pav that
the simplest way for a person to stop
the habit of tobacco chawing was to
keep a package of crystallized caady
in his pocket and substitute a lump
of it for the "weed" whenever a de
sire arose for the latter. In this way
Mr. Conkling 6aid ha had broken off
tobacco chewing; but he had never
been able to abandon smoking.
From the Carlisle Indian school.
nearly two hundred boys will go to
the country for the summer. The
following are some uniqua Indian
names in a subscription list: Miss
Plenty Butterflies, Miss Medicine
Tail, Miss Shoots-a3-he coes. Miss
Grandmother's Knife, Miss Beads on
ankle, Miss Crooked Arm. Mr. Comes-
in-aday, Mr. Old Crow, Miss Shell-on -neck.
The largo bank barn of Isaiah Wal
ter, about a half mile southwest of
Centreville, Snyder county, was de
stroyed by fire on Sunday morning,
the 19th of March. The fire was
discovered between one and two
o'clock, and nothing was saved but
ine live stock and some of the har
ness. The origin of the fire is not
known, supposed incendiary. Insur
ed in the Beaverlown company
There is no other work in the
world of which so many copies are
printed annually aa the Chinese al-'
manac. The number is estimated at ;
several millions. This almanac is i
printed at Pekin, and is a monoixdv
of the Emperor. It not only pre-'
uicis me waatner, out notes the days
that are reckoned lucky or nnlucky
for commencing any undertaking for
applying remedies in diseases, for
marrying and for burying.
xne signt of '16 people riding at
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind says: "I owe my life to the
great South American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up all
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no rahef. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved ma so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
beat medicine in the world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 '93, ly.
"Whether you handle a pick or pen,
a wheel-barrow or a set of book", d'tr
ditches or dit a paper, wring an auc
tion bell or writo funny things, you
must work, says a self made man.
"If you look around you will see the
men who are the most able to live the
rest of their days, always work the
hardest Don t be afraid of killing
yourself with work. It is beyond
your power to do that. Work gives
an appetite for meals it leads solidly
to your slumbers; it gives the appre
ciation of a holiday The busier you
are, the less deviltry you will get in
to, tne sweeter will be your s'eep.
and tho better satisfied the world will
bo with you." Exchange. I
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browa3 !
valley, Iuu., says: "I have been in a
distressed condition for three rears
from rrousnoss, Weakness of the j
Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health wa3 gone. I
had baen doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
Souf.h American Norvina which done
mo more good than any $50 worth cf
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise overy weakly person to
U39 this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicine in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful ctomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottla 15 cents. Sold by L. Backs
&. Co., Druggist, Sliillinlown. Pa.
Feb. 1, '93-ly.
John Logan, a resident of West
Manayunk, Mifflin county, while at
tempting to do some domestic brew
ing on Satnrdav eight, just escaped
a bad accident. He tried to make
eome lager beer at home, in an old
ale barrel. He drove in the bun?
tight, and fastened down the head of
the barrel.
About bedtime an explosion shook
the whole house. A valuable dofcr
which Logan bad been offered one
hundred dollars a few days ago. was
instantly kilifd, much of the furni
ture in the rooms neur the kitchen
was di stioved, and some valuable
show cases, together with a stock of
ginss and chinaware, in the adjoin
ing store, occupied by Sfimutl Rea
gan, was demolished to the amount
Of cu'j hundred dollars. TLo caure
of the whole uproar was the failure of
Mar-ir; li-s.-sitiizC'J., Cicjfeston. N.T.
CMlf--?or Hi!' '-l- 5 tr ! O
Cw.tsr.l S'JfFcnr a fi'ji DiSf-EPMAjBd
Slim dm ct tv3 btifei ot tout SASaAFA
LLA i am cntlr currd. Your tni..
KllS. MHHM! Ec2.W:!k;s-Ea.-re, Pa.
9100 Reward.
To any person, if he fails to find at
rorr the ctilfcbrated Sweet Ore &
Co. Overalls at the following priees
Lot 5i lisbt weitihs at ij?; the bes
make Lot No. 1 Amos Kiag at
Ferd Meyers,
Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridge
street, Mifflintowu, Penna.
A nice little Farm iu SutquehiiDDa town
ship, near achool, clinrub, uiilla and store,
more or leu, btviog thereon erected
good two-story
and out-buildings, ail in a good state el re
pair. The land is in a good stale of cnlti-
i vatioo.
I Tbis property ran be bought at a very
i low fgure. For trrrus and further descrip
tion, call on, or address,
Atturnrys at Law,
Uitliiniown, Fa.
. jT
Of 10,000 Yards of Carpets.
The Fairest prices ever made for such goods if you want
value for your money ; If you want to enjoy full purchasing
power of your dollars spend it at
Schotts' Stores.
A nice Stripped Carpet, loc.
A Heavy Stripe as good as Rag Carpet, 20c.
Ingrain Carpets, good Quality, 25 to 35c.
Wool Ingrain Carpets, 40 to 50 cents.
Brussels Carpets, 53, 65, 75 cents.
Stair Carpet, 10, 21, 25, 35c.
A Nice Plain Hastle Spring Roller 25c.
A Better Quality Spring Roller, 35, 45, 50c.
Latest Novelties iu Wall Papers.
Latest Stvle 10c for Double Bolt; Heavier Qualities 12
and 15c per double bolt; fine gilt paper for 15 and 20c a bolt
Extra Embossed Gilt for 25 and 30c a bolt.
An Eye for Bargains at
Schott's Stores.
1 I -V !
r- cs o o
91 H CO f 1 O C5
,- .-I OOOC.'
Logan to allow free vent ia tha bar
rel for fermentation.
T 9kJ beiuw Crw3, rfc!Biiii.bim.
piUI sad advertising Wvirrs tc fktt4,
M veil qiuki b prow it i?
jtm sOarr all tLara rU. u I t'f
w ml a ttrsiM. fie adi4. trM
Imiatst ; id afwr tla fit :dier,
tto Bill waaulaelu rare. Willi lhair ta-
MUM lniae, ratera : i wtm, labiaie. rmp
Luf anu carat, tut briat car m1iiim,
'iHIl! is J crsi.iiLt O W THEM.
vha a bawl S yaars' Europa i.cT-tal tud at ' (.ratU
eaj alpartasaa. Ba tianuoaJ Ly a. a. ! th aaaaial Mil taa
vbaibar totrtatt itaa'aUa ar Btl. Ha ilaaa aatgaaraaea. aar
doaa ha alaJat to ba (.ad aq: . ai ba tKaaaara la a BaMt
Bcratt) aaaaa r ijvsilta. C'ra. fcmiMra ttaaerrlial
PolaOB. and riacharga. tif. rata fit-a. as' a laJae Vti t-?d
downhwiulusu. lid ai. laoa aat (Vat atlceu tf ytrfiil'al
In"irfiiom. or Cat saira. ar. r f a aura. .rt.rr,
DE TKXSJs doaa car tt. !1 aibtra eb t ala.kj tv j.
THX1X aaaa aaaaa lrat ar i . I!t MaUtw im 1 i-
raLbia. Hcaflhia. aud Ktau iu!t& r tadaiaa wat
CTar iha ar 1 aoiea tart. l!ar : 1'iilt.l u I n,Hi ; -lC.
to Wad- aaa Rat avat-iaa frata (w Id a aak ; ft as.
Iii'tf. I U IL ftaud 10 -ii. wa i ar 1 at. aiasua Tar
" truth. tka aal ui tavd.aal b-ak atri.aa a rriaad ta U.
vcaug and pj.rJjia-aJ af aata aaxaa. nii aa.ll. A VU1D
dlart wariii( aa agaiavt aaadaal aaaka ikat ar. afraid jaa
II Bad lrr igaaraeaa aieaaad. WHO vr. Taaal a UiU-
awa.4. r as.ll J .tarJ.
MiftliniowD, P. i to 1 7.
. -. M ! .
6 I--
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sit: is pi
w zt t
ia us
- 13 UO Iffl irj L-3 19 U3 ta -rl w r c
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a-l !.. ta ai.
A worvlfr?!.! Improvenr-nt In Friction Fprdw ani
(!c-I(arL. lUack ntutimiof carrinuu tbrrf tiitri
i. fast us nry oiIht in. tho na:k-t. i'ririicn
l-Vci r:tu.slnir a;t tht f'n.l :iuris? tu Ktui.il
f.i.iwliUt U.- king; ercii nnviuti in ponrr find
Tiinr. Wri:ti for r.r.-ulnni and prliit; furnirlJ
rniiiinnaipllrtlon. AIi Sprln Tooth l!ar
ruwn, Ilnr Hnkris Cull ivntorw Corn I'lart
rr ShMerH t-ti, JleiUion thi inijter.
BENCH & 0R0KG0LD, Hanfrs., YORK, FA.
JaaEMiAH Lyons, Prpsidant Jadga of
the Court ot Comroo n Pleas of the 4 1st Ju
dicial District, composed of the conatius of
Janiataaad Perrr, and the Hons. J. p.
WtcKrasHAM, and J. !,. Baktoh, Judges
ot the said Court ol Common Picas lor Jn
aiata County h ire ins, d tln-ir p-ecipt to
me diractrd. bearing rials tha 21st da- of
March, 1S93, for holding a court ot Or
ar and Terminer, and General Jail Delirury
aDd General Quarter Sejoni of the Peace
ai anmininwo, on tne fourth Monday of
April 193. being the 24th davnf the month
Coroner, Justices of the Peac and Consta
bles of the county of Juniata, thit thuy he
than and there in tUeir Jpropor persona, a I
ten o'clock in the forenoon of aaid dy,
with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and oyr remembrances, to do those
things tht their offices respectivoly apper
tain, anj those that are bound by recogni
sance to prosecnta against the prisoners
that aie then or matr be in the Jail of said
county, be then and there to prosecute
I sgamst theia as shall be iust.
j By an act el Assembly, passed the 9th
jday of it?, A. D , IH54, it ia made the du
, ty of the Justices of the Peace, of the ser-
connuea oi mis commonwealth, to re
turn to the Clerk ol this Court of Quarter
Sessions of the respective counties, all the
recognizances entered inte be.'ore them by
any person or persons charged with the
commission orany crime, except anch casea
as may be ended before a Justice or the
Peace, under existing laws, at least tea daya
before the commencement of the session
of the Court to which they are made re
turnable respectively, and in all cases where
any recognizance are entered into less
than ten days before the commencement
of the session to which they are mads re
turnable, the said Justices are to return
the same in the same manner as If said act
bad not been passed.
Dated at Miftlintown, en the21atday of
March in the year of our Lord,, one thou
sand eight hundred and ninety-three
SA 'UEL LAPP, Sheriff.
c r- in ?i i; f o r. s s t- fi n n is o is w
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so ta t- t- h
a3rft-tir tjcoMi-oo o"cVe7 m "
HOriCC--l.-3 0OHWOr-lc?3o
Oet a good paper by subscribing lor the
SklTIlSL AKD Kapt'BLicia.
Ttawearias qUAlUi tisar nnwr. rucMtd, actasrly
Oa-luHaa two bktoj of avo!hfr brarrt. Kct
ecUd br bt. WtlT Til S CiEX UJ.
Scientific Amerlcar.
Plos Remedr for Catarrh Is the
xw csucu u Lse, and t heanest.
Sold br Drojirlrts or sent br mail.
60c . T. Bateltlne, Warren, !'.
rfiald Tea s
Srn. S. jT "rnPilioo Bare. Doctor.'
Cures Constipation
-S 5
S a
j u c S
K 2 3 is
a i
3 '
S 3
at .
i Cor
V)r Inform -itirm and free Handbook write to
MUNS Co 361 Broad wat. New Yobit.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Kvery pattsut takn out by aa Is brought before
use puuuc a uotioa given ireo oz cnarge tn tne
Lantest circulation of any scientific paper In th
world. HplemltdlT Illustrated. No liitelllcnt
tnan shoiUd be without It. WecklT. h.'t.UO a
Tear; S1.50 nix months. Address MtTNK A CO
Puuu&usKa, 3d Broadway. Hew York.
l'ouitces n:;. heat X
growl,et when eVSc !j
lifted f'sr-'vA
$20.C0 ttM
Viiaf3& far nrw prtrr iti'.
ar J aa
las i
MBest Cuib t j'rnn. TasTasOood, Tjeel
- v-r. ,?.
Is the oldest and most pcpnlnr sdentlBe srd I
i7- . . i?vr puuiigueu ana nas me lamest
S,u'!!"n of nf P"PeBI its class in the world.
Fully Illustrated. He,tTiass of Wood EnarafT
logs. Published wseslr. Send for specimen
?,'lri.c?.3 Tnr- , n,,r nionths' trial, 1.
MLNN 4 ( Pl BLisHriis, aci liroadway, N.T.
Edition of Scientific American. O
uA "OW""- Fach inaue f?ontin colored
m&otfrttphic plates of country and citr reniden-
y-. kuui.v uuii.iii.ii-, x. nmerwUfs entrrarinvfl
: --,ol. lcn;'
, i.t fiom 'o v M ve.-1
4 Tssc.
"-i GUV.
years" experlei
II 1IO.U00
, I Vd V mr be serur-
'akeu by spply-
J B aSa. '.n" to Mi-vsr
onca unon tha rim nf . ull l... i rj""?A1 '": '"P.' )
' nui urj ZTzl ia5 uim uinjc. fttcm 14) a yfmT,
on A OT T n a PiirmaitiAr. r T i J' t - k.
Tair. It will be very unpleasant
riding, however. Those" who have
oDce tried the Bin Wheel at. f!
Island never want to go through tbo
experience a second time. The as
cent is pleasant enough, bat the des
cent with the car going down back
ward, often canses a sort of aea-Binlc-neaa.
The wheel ai Conev Island
Over a million pounds of twine only fifty feet in diameter, while
Co.. who
hare had oTr
CO and havA ntaiiaa iitpp
applications for AnirttMn And Vnr.
Patetl til. Scltd fur TIstnHtw-ilr 'nmia.
pondence trictly coufldauliat.
In esse yonr mark Is not reals! ered m tha Pat
eat OBice. apply to Mi .v.v A Co.. and procure
immediate protection. 8end tor liandbooa.
C'H'YRICIITS for books, charts, napa.
etc, qaiukty pricured. Addreas
WI NN cfc CO.. I'ment si.licit.ra.
GtKcuii. irn u: Uuoauua t, X. X.
jy r y --T-ietoT toiI.-;
treatments iaiie l. Mow ts.' i ":
leai-fiea sail th teanwiTcaioTe-
tiiiLi'i! ia circu-nre. w :li rjiatii urC: .
tre iia. u aiiX.
Unow priar.d under hU duScttal TC, th5
KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III.
BoWbrDmcxlaUat 1 rer Itottlo v at.
tan.blxe.ai.75. 6 Bottle, for SB.
Locia K. Atawio.. p. If. If. Passt-Li.
i1?'' "u CeBT7ncinc prompt
ly attended to.
deece of L.ma B. Atkios.,. K.a.. s.nth of
Bridge street.
Errw I'l-pr, WMpr ,t .
0 rJ
v. t-nosoha
i tbn tll'anyf.niiiicrTO,,l. "
' l'MUallv KrioH f..r'
x Ueat. Soul to
'. -.."'S"l!!vrt. Xn Ai
.- . ?Hid for l-rlLTi
r - svCriLntAiwri
v. "m.n.
rann- rr
lema. Jifi
Liat. r?
Oll .,0TJUdtheir collatteral branches.
,ld f.,ndcr .f Third ad r
XI .'ifflmtow.. p.. 0o.or both
Vmr. , 1 " thr waica at al!
"t unless .tberwise
-Pril 1st, 1890.
professiorailjr ea-
,'. r r.t.L.iu, to sell
?it."; jnw!nl guaranteed.
"c.8,'91. Kechester.lt. T.
'Ai It, .1
Consumption Survly Ourd
hat I bar. a po.lUra mud, for the abo,.
to aand two bottle, of my WBatoVfZ
you navUra who hare vmmmiaJZZZ. J
metbalrEipramaiMlP.aaddraaa. Mpart.
m. oiAjt.msi, at. c. 1M Paari St.. i. T
Rollce Agamat Treaapaas. .
Al! reraoi.s are hi-nby cautioned not t.-
tressp., ,, Lda of the nnderait-nen
m Wa ker, Frrmai.agh and Favette towt.
ships.- A. S. Adams. John Up lfaMtl t.u..
J i. ... . -all1-s,
V V10 ":, William i
. .-iMiiirr, it. ii. atuoeir, unarles
R. A tkiiison.
' &.iott-r28tb,'9I.ly.
iu ai t3 53
V 'annrii.un-s..-.. 7v
Vr - auaaa. re" TTl
sSi?Wr-- tA Ml
aa fart
mouon of Carrlm;. ,i,r.e tlasM
latch Koe1' o.' " market. rrt-ll.a
IU while lZZi. " ,h f e.irln to stand
."' Writ, for -7 "7J
u,T'.11 cr..t nil.. 1.. ..J
'.udo.m.. 'lrcuJr and prlow: fnrniahwl
ei 8fc.ii"t"r""'a, Cra Pia.u
r,Ztl'lStt,tl offic. i. tha
fr. i.o,tjobworkioM- t'j!- ww
-y yon if ,OB 4ed ,nythillg ,n ttllt n
'swiuu '"1 i i I lajsisll