TUB LADIES OF ST. JAMES. ET AUSTON IKBSO. Thn tadlM of St. .Tames' io 9 .ntz to th play: Their Niott n run h(ir them, iih a "Stan ! Clear the way lM Pur Phyllhlji. mv rtiyllhla! She taken hr but-klfd hoon. W bn we Ln out a com tine tienath the liurvt st moon. The ladle of St. .Inn; Wear :ittn on tlirir baekM They mt all nit-lit a Omt.re, Mlh candles of wax ; J ut l-hylll-ia. my I'hyllMla, She clns her rnnnet kwd And runs to gather May dew helore the world la down. The Indies of St. JameV. They are no rtne at til fatr, Voud think a box of eM-nces W.n hroken in the a'r; But rhyllula. mv I'hyPidn! The hreaih of heath and forge, hen breezes hhw at moroius Is scarce so fresh it hers. The ladles of St. .1 nr.eV. They'ie painted h the eves. Their while it stay- forever, 'I hjr red It n-vr dies ; I'nt I'h;, MmI i. my rtiyllida! Her color come- and icoettj II trenihies to a lily, Jt wavers to a rose. The taflte nf sr. .Jatnes'. Willi -Mrev !" and with "Uld!" They w;ismi alt tlieir speeches (They come finm noble blood j; But I'liylhda, ny I hyllHla! Her shy and simple words Are e-t, as after lain-urops. The music of the birds. The ladles of St. Jamas', Uiey have tlcir hrs and freaks; They smile on you It-r seconds ; 1 lit-v frown on you for weeks; Hut I'hylilda. my I'liyllidal Come either storm or shine. From Shrove tide unto Shrove tide In always true ani mine. Mv rhylllda! My 1'hylllda! I ciif not tlimtirti they heap The hearts of alt St. .lames', A nU elVf me all io k-ep ; I c.tre not the twdiitiM Ol all the world may be, f or l h Uida for I'livllitU Js all the world to uiel The Fate of "Miss Booth' Tea-Caddy." BV fllABF.F.S r.ATTF.Ll tOOUIS. "Are there hot lettcrH, Miss ParGtt?" i"iiJ Holeu Clianncey as she entered fiat liulv a HittinK-room, which RerTeti also an L'uited States poat-oilice for the imtiilt of .luuVa. 'There' only one for too, liut that' hi enough to la.it some time," said the j'Ost-uimtreMK, Ronitf to the cupboard with kIiihh doors, ueliiud which iutea of old chiun, were row 'if letters and papery timt waited, it flometimeH hap pened, a Ioiil' time to be called fc r The letter certainly was hljf enough for two, but it did not seem to pleaao miss ( hauui'ev, who recognized her own lnindwritiui lu the addresa. " The thinner I hey are, the better I lik'5 them fjonerally," said she, sinilmif sonir-wliat. xndlv, am phe took the letter and left the j"t-olliee. .Inst outhide, hhe was joined hy )er friend, Sarah Ailams, who hud beeu waiting for her. "Any uewH from 'Miss Uooth's Tea- Caddy?' " at-kt d the hitter as she came out. "h, yes, the usual thing. It has flayed the role of Noah's dove, once more. J think I'll wring its neck, this tune. "linn t he rash, dear. How many times have yon sent it oat "Thin makes the tenth." "Well, didn't you send your sonnet out every mouth lust year' "Yes, on the Jirst of every month. he'uuing nith New Year's I 'ay, and it was accepted January first of this year. l!nt tliut was merelv a series of coincidences ending with a happy one, iy way i climax l.esiiiea, this is a story and has less chance. Why, even tlie I eovh n Jiaifi-inr refused it, They had le en walking toward home as they talked. Helen and her friend were neighbors in the sparsely-settled hill town of ,1 (idea, Connecticut. What success Helen had already achieved was attributable, in a larie degree, to the helpful hopefulness of r-arah, who oot only played the part of a critic, autl a B 'lihil.le one at that, but a hen Helen was inclined to faint by the way which was not seldom, encouraged her to renewed efforts. "Have you tried l.e Sin-leT' ".Mercy, no! if the l'oitlK'a won't fiavo it, why should 1 hope that Z.) Steele, would find it available?" "Miroply because some people don't know a good thing when they see it, while others do. Anyway, it will cost yon but four cents to try, and think if theii should take it I" "Oh! Haruh, if they should! I lon't suppose I would speak to anyone for a week, I'd be no set up and bo en couraged." J!y this time they had reached the gateway of Sarah's honso. "Prom iso me, dear, that you'll send it there," taid Sarah. "Very well, but if it comes back tgain, I'll try the virtue of fire. And what's more, I'll neTer write another word." "Time nnongh to think of that when it due come back. Oood night and good luck to it." II. Mr. Brunt, of . Sin-In Magazine, ,nit finished looking over a batch of SlsS., a few, a very few of which he had laid aside to bo considered, lie leaned back in his chair and stretched, anil just then John brought iu another pile of MSS. "Oh, deur, will they never stop," he yawned, with an appealing look at the clock. "Well, that's what I'm here for, so hero goes, imd running hie paper cutler through the first enve lope, he drew forth a typed htory, en titled "Miss 15 otli'a Tea Caddy." "Anticpie and horrible, suppose," Biid he, lwginuini; to read it. In a few minutes he had finished it. He rose ami wont to a-door opening npon an inner room. ' Come," said he, "this story is refreshing. Head it, and 1 think you'll accept it at once." Mr. Cone took the MS., aud read it throngb rapidly. "That's a capital story," he said, when he had made an end of it "Who ia she?" "Never heard of her before. Maybe it's a discovery. 'Helen Channcey;" no, I never h ard the name before. 8he may be a big six-foot buck woods man a sort nf Charles Kpbert Crad dock reversed, for all I know. Any way, she writes good ntu!T although I t b in k that she would better modify the dialect a lit tie !or the sake of our long-sufferint; readers." "les, tue dialect m too i broad. aybe, on the wliole, you d better ! ,Ul over for a second judgnvant, id Mr. Cone, himdiug the AIS. back. ' 'lea, the uiah ct is too broad M Lol Bui III. Sirali Adams had been ont driving witli Nellie Lester. Hn old HchoolmutA of hers, and stopped at the post -office for any leiier- 111111 mere migni oe ior her or her near neighbors. There was nothing for her, but there 01 a letter, eouiewhat bnlky for l.M,.r .,.hul l.nllr. fr ,v ' J Helen. "Poor child," said Karab to her friend, as rhe took her seat in the car ri.ipe. "Helen's story has come back from J.e Steele." "How do yon know?" "Oh! she's n.ar! ed a small a on the corner of ttie envelope. " "Well, I think they were real mean not to take it. She read it to me the' other day, and I think it's just as good as lota of stories they print. She has quanlitie of talent; had when she waa t icbocs. for that matter; you know her compositions used to be always "Of course she has talent, but the poor girl has no push. I wish," con tinued Sarah, "1 could open it and send it somewhere else. I'm afraid she will destroy it She said that she would if it came back again." "Snrely she wouldn't be to foolish, said Nellie. "I'll persuade her to send it somewhere else." They were now at the gateway o. the Channcey place. Nellie slighted and took the letter, intending to give it to Helen. She could not find her in the house, so she laid it on the dinner table, and went ont of the aide door to look . in the garden for her. Aa she stepped ont, Helen came in from the kitchen. Her eyes fell on the letter lying npon the table. Hhe picked It up, felt its bulkiness, and saw the S iu the corner. "Dear me, "she sighed, 'Sarah mns have brought it I'm glad she didn' atay to try and stop me from doing what I've made up my mind to, and she weighed the letter in her hand ab sently. She had not even enongh cn riosity to open the envelope for the purpose of ascertaining the particular form of rejection adopted by Le Steele. Whether it was the curt "We cannot nse this," which was the way in which some daily papers returned MSS., or the elaborate and highly courteous form in use in some Boston sanctams, it did not interest her to find out. She went to her desk, took ont the original of her story, and carried it and the fat and unopened envelope into the kitchen. There she lifted a stove lid and placed her manuscript where it was available as fuel. The tire was low, and the flames hid scarcely begun to blacken the envel ope, or to curl np the original man uscript, when Sarah Adams entered the room, followed by M elite. "Hallo, jon are here. Nellie eonldn't find i on. What are you dnin&r? l'ou silly child!" said she, all in a breath, and, with a quick movement, she snatched the envelope out of the fire. ourning ner nngers as she did so. The original MS. was left to its fate. "1 conldu t save the other, so von'll have to copy it again." she said, ad ding, as Helen looked indisposed to do her bidding,' "You'll have to, you anow, io pay me lor burning my fin gers. And if yon don t send your story ont sgain, I'll" and Sarah looked dissolution of friendship, life-long en mity, "Malice for all, and chtrity toward none," at one and the same time. Helen sighed. "Oh. what's the nse?" taking the charred envelope from her ineuu, ana pii Kiug it to pieoes. The manuscript. wws scarcely smoked,aud the type-written form of rejection was entirely uninjured. "Let a nee how tliev reieet. Helen. said Nellie, who had been sn inter ested spectator of the proceedings. Helen oeneil the letter aud read: Office of Le Sitcte. Julv 9. Hi Miss Helen Channcey, .Uear dlsUam: We like vonr Ktorv "Miss Booth's Tea-Caddy." and if von will simplify the spell ine cf the di alect, which is good, but a little too good, will be luased to accept it for the msgaziue. vte retnrn the MS. for your revi sion. If satisfactory to von. we will send yon onr publishers' check for fifty dollars. lours Tery trnly, EbWAKD A. fiKYANT, Asst. Kditor. The Whole Family. The Fxlle-I Kiiganle. TjjKin her first visit to I'aris T.u- Cenie's beauty was ravishing. was likened to a snow-llake tm a July lay; like the fairy-like mist that Kings over Niagara; like all that is nrest, freshest, loveliest in natim; was the impression that she produced uikiii people. Once at a great ball he was clad entirely in white, of the eectest, gauziest, mistiest dest-rip- H ii, and with a very simple parrure f emeralds and diamonds glistening tier blonde hair, looping up her transparent sleeves, and shining on r lovely neck, she was as complete- ty i vision of delight as eye ever rested on. The remainder of the story Is now n, and her m:irriage, her reek- ess extravagance, the war. her down- ill and escape, are tales of historr Id again and again. She encouraged rivolity and spent money more reck- ly, ierhaps, than any other woman ver did. She was conceded to be the cst-dresscd woman in the world. or wardrolie cost Jl, 000,000, s nd er jewels were of fabulous value, he spent $10,00(1 a day for housetolu cpenses. It was the age of gold. he undoubtedly was the cause of her wn downfall, but she did many kind- deeds. She was one of the first to cognize the merits of Flosa Bonheur, nd it was by her wish that the tai nted artist was decorated. Her egacy of woe is unmatched by any woman in history. She is all alone. Her jewels have tecn scattered to the corners of the earth; her crown is torn asunder, and the precious stones re now used to decorate women she never saw. Her steps are doejfed by t-pies when she steals like a hunse- reaker into beloved Paris. Her beauty and strength have faded. She as waited long for the end. Ladies Home Journal. An In.h l Cornelius O'lKiwd, in one of his In imitable essays, tells us that once upon a time in the County of Clare a uarrel occurred in the hunting Held between two gentlemen whom we will call Capt. Robins and W. Jones, Esq. ery hot wonis passed between them. Let us settle the business at once," cried the Captain: "I have pistols in the house." "Nothing better," said the 'S'luitc: "I'm your man." It was at length decided they should tight in the stable-yard at fifteen paces, each tan to hold a lantern as a mark for is opponent. "Where are you. von I scoundrel?" cried the Captain, when ! they came out Into the yard. "I'm here, you shoeblack," replied the Sijuire. "Stand ont bold," said the aptain. "It's what I'm doing," lid the other. "Give the word and no more talking." "Get behind the pump, yer Honor, get behind the pump before you tire," whisiiered the groom, pulling the Captain of the coat. He did so, and when they uiaze1 awav it wag , -f. , wa 7UUIlUlil he . . the Squire who was more than three could get out aaiti. Aprojios of this duel in the dark there is a beautiful but pathetic anecdote of two meu, the one a "kind ..,..1 n.. ...h.., m .1 ,, , wl0i flu.jing themselves unhappily , iunj 0 H.rht. cose the dark-rom unci. i nu --MMU man iiaa to lire ; "" O-J .....V..I". all- IM nn.l n... .mrt. h!. V. I .. I ( versarv giop-d his way to ney-piece and placing .he 1 ... .... .,1 1. 1., , . 1. ,.. ; ... the e in 117. le or the pistol straight uo the chimney pulled the trigger, wher. to his coti sternation, Vith a frightful yell, down came his adversary, the "timid man," who had selected that fatal hiding place. Leeds Mercury. Genuine volcanic dust has been found In Kansas and the Indian Territory, There is a deposit near Galena, In tbe Territory, which ia said to bt) many leet in tbickneea, Prtl of flu berfnfci ' The barber would not ordinarily bs thought of as following a particularly perilous occupation, but a barber in Wissahickon, Pa., is lying at the point of death from injuries sustained In the ordinary pursuit of his calling. He accidentally cut his finger very dlightly while shaving a customer. The next gentleman wanted his mus tache dyed. The barber got some of the dye in bis wound aud blood poisoning ensued. ' The New Bread. ' Attention is called to the new method of making bread of superior lightness, tie cress aud wholeaomeneas without jhM. a receipt for which is given else where in this paper. Even the best hicad makers will be interested in this. To every reader who will try this, and write the result to the Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall street. New York, that company will send in return, free, a ':opy of the most practical and useful couk book, containing one thousand re reipts for all kinds nf cooking, jet pub tubed. Meat ton this paper. A BMlr Oiiu Job. "llellr), parson," said the man who rang the bell. "How are you?" "Why, how do you do?" was the parson's pleasant greeting. "What! Kemeuitier you? Of course I do. You're the young gentleman I married to a charming lady last year, are you not?" "Yes," said the man, "and that marriage hain't gone Just right, either. You see we're divorced, an' " 'I am very sorry," said the parson "What can I do to help you? 1 " "Wal," and the man twirled his hat nervously, "I was wonderin' it you wouldn't think you was doin' the square thing if you " "Yes?" "If you gave the money back T palo you for marry In' us!" ttoston News, 'lieiuemlM'r that in Harfleltf Tea you have an ' - ""K -iii-uy oir iiioigesilou, JMeK llrad- ai he ami every atli n.l ii ill u,:.t an .i j ftoinat'li ran m ,ke yon mHI.t. Kvery druKKlat k" . .JC. aim $1. The turning lathe was Invented by T. oMauchard iu IS 13. So S , fer Remedy ran be had for Coughs and Jolds, or any tronb'e of the Throat, than Ki-owh-m Hionciiial Troches." price 2Scia. Vu only in boxts. Wooden pavements were Ihe Inven tion of N'ieliolsoii in 1S54. II ii pi ii re re guaranteed by Dr. J. li. Mayer, 1015 Arch St., Tbil's, I'a. Kase at once, no oeration or de lay from business, attested by thou sands of cures after others fail, advice free, send for circular. The notation system of writing music . was mveuieu in iuu. If .-iftlieled with oreeyes ue Dr. fsaac Thonip on s Kye water. Drusxirtssrll atir pet boitia S Ik manufactures were established in Kur. ie lu A 1) .Vid. wn.i. wk ii.ivk( hoi.i:kat If surli is to be the deplorable t.tte of alt lira, it would not tie wist lo oveiuiok any preeau ;.. n.ii y measure. The elieape-t and best way to improve the s. notary condition of your home IN I Ml '" nlK1 KMiVJli ri'' inWVlVtt W,i .orui r.i-veniu Mreel, riiiladeiplila, are eliiii; gold. emlMMsed p.ip.'r for and 15 rents, rseud 4 two ceut stamp for samples. Though a man fancies that his wit Is .Ike cutlery, he makes a mistake if he undertakes lo sharu it bv a coutlni al i rin I. Never lie at your place of business Alien a rsou wants to borrow money Df yon, because if you are In you wllbe ul, but If jou an out you will be iu. A farmer of Millt rsburg. In t. , was ' r i . , m - I Wfr! at a lUt" of onIy 3 At Cherbourg. France, an electric-.. .aiioe is in successful operation. It ill run for twelve hours at the rate of aoi nu uour. The Argand lamp was the invention 1 f Annie Aigand In 17H;, 'August Flower" " I am ready to testify under oath that if it had not been for Aueust i Flower I should have died before this. Eight years ago I was taken tick, and suffered as no one but a dyspeptic can. I employed three f our liest doctors and received 10 benefit. They told me that I had tieart, kidney, and liver trouble, liverything I ate distressed uie so .hat I had to throw it up. August Flower cured me. There is no tned cine equal to it." Lorenzo F. Sleeper, Appleton, Maine. vji Do Not Be Deceived with Hart.-. Rnano-U and Paint which ataln the nnrvK In lure the trou and hum red. The Ruin Sun Siotp e.Mi.h M brilliant, Odnr-I-m. burnt, le, and i li mourner aya for no tin or pints paekaire with every purchase. CHEG fSHILOHS f'Jz tH;r. iu iijiiUji CnrConsnniptlon. CoaebfltCront. Sor Throat Sold by all Druists oa Guanntek. If any om dMbU that Iwa eaa care the m st or HUnata can ID M toH daya. left him wr-te for BLOOD POiSON A SPECIALTY. paiumiars ana inreu irate our relib lity. Our nnnnclal barkina; la $ 00.004. When aaercorr. I lo.li.le pntawiam, aarsap irllla or UotSpriaea fall, wa I M ranlee a cure and our Made Cyphilene t the only ! thliiir tht willcnre permanently. P.iBitiTe proof aaaS ealeil, true. COOK kaaauT Co., Cbio(0, IU. VAAWAAAAAVAAfVAAAAAAAAAAAAA ROOT, BARK o BLOSSOM I n KntNUairk, Urn. klrT mmt HIW Urm4r- 1'nina litlt.ru .ul lmlM. TirtMl. iio, i-uui, .1 i viiaiuy .i.si, crra .. 'ii-rtiCmilffft ,''-"''' 'pp''1 -- nuoii m. biviiom, mewara, f . j. vwwwwrwnrwrwwwiwirwwiwvwrWia 1;MRMS. TIM It Kit AND M INKK A L 1 New i 'atalntxiie sent fre upon appl .AND9 inllcatlon Adllru.H Ml lll, K ANSDr.l.I.&CO.. Mana.ias, Va rTbi n, ; . ptWea and pstopl vhohavtwNk loDfor AMb mr..hoaIdM PHro'a Car for CoDflfamptlnn. ll taM crd thatitMi. It bu not Inltar ! one. It i nut bad to la. Ittatb btMtooucb arrvpw Sold vtnv-btr. M. fcaaaaaaaawaaiaaMh --wtsHMtU $3 Worth of Hood's Tared Hben Ollicn 1hMmI Salt Rheum or Psoriasis Severe Case. Mr. X. J. McCoun Klniriley, Iowa '"In 179 I h id an eruption appear on my left lei; a ii. I arm. .Seme! i men it would ul.'rat anil iiu account of It I a uiiaoln Io woik a yrrat deal ol tlio lime. I had even dm-tort examine I ml treat me wilhout suecss. S-iilje railed it : 'r:',K "omeeezeiea, snteU rheum ami one : t. now in s ur railed it pr.ilrir ileh. All in doc tor in Hie county li iu a trial bill none did me a particle of k nnI. I spent all my -paie money trying Ui eel relief. Kiua:iy I was perma. ed lu try lloo.l's S trsaparilla. Alter unn uoe and a half boitirs I ia ihn bei ellt I !,av now used Ih third bollrf and am romplxitiiy cured. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES received mnre lneilt from three itollai V vorth f H.dN Harsaparida llian from the miidreds of dollars paid for advice and other niedlcli-e. Any one sutt.-rlnu from kln trouble will surely Ket relief in Hani's Sarsaparilla." V J. McCoun, Kiugs'ey, Iowa. We Know Tlil To lie True We know Mr. N. J. MeCoun ; viw hli leg nd aim before lakinif IImTi Sai.ia:ari la and mow he was terribly a 111 o:ed;now he is cured." - r.. n. hanks. 1'ruiT-riin. "i a mraoa J. I". ;sPAK. -!. C lUKUKK. t. n. r.i kiiiKsley, Iowa. H.MMf. rill, are the best after dinner PilK issi-t Olnest on, eme heada- he. Tiyabox. flladtoe'a Polltenefta. It Is suggested that liecaiise a bare aead is dangerous to many people tin: showing of reverence and respect at gravesides in this way should lie abandoned. The danger is exag gerated, and the custom need not lie followed by those to w hom it is liar i fill. But there are many who thin it would be better to adopt the. Mus siiimai) custom at once, and fully man io suggest mat, in ail ouiilool functions men may lie covered, (hie who would never submit to such rule of irreverence is Mr. (iladstom wlio Is quite fearless oflieing without his hat. Addressing his constituent In the open air, or passing through streets crowded In his honor, orat the grave of a friend, Mr. (Jladstoi Is always uncovered. Iu fact, he wonlil (list ia sjton lu ivithiuit !.., ' altogether, except in sunshine. Thi is partly constitutional and partly lue to his habit as a woodman, jikki woodman rarely wears a hat at work; the movement of the ax would huke it off. London Letter. Sav.ng; a small Fortana, "Are you aware of the enormon exicnse incurred in sending coiiino bonds across the Atlantic"''" asked a gentleman of a friend with whoin h was conversing on things in genera nf. the f.:ulo,h Tl " " a,vi.vivuiuu an "'"!! Vf r iv" an stance," said the questioner. (Jaliel has just left New York Glasgow with $2,rflo,nM for the t. r city. When Urst I heard of Hi 'Mr. foi lat hi; heim, soot s.nlB t l.r.. I l.n......l mil 1 thought it was a piece of folly, a waste 01 nine, aim a waste or money I l. lit i tind it was an economic step after all. The shipping companies cnarge at. the rate of 3.f.O for l,ooc I worth of bonds and i'2 more for marine ! Insurance. That is $5.50 for each 11,000 worth. A slight calculation shows that the tota; charges on th sum named would be l.'t,7"0. Sc that it is much cheaper to pay the ex penses of a trip than to pay Ihe freightage. bt. Louis Globe-Ucnio craU There were no native sheep in North truer lea when discovered. South Am ilea had the wild guano and vlcuria .nd the domesticated llama and alpaca, II of which furnished wool. The number of languages spoken by Qinklnd at present, ia est:matel al 4X0. The Bible has been translated to 200 only, but theee 2(0 are spoken y nboiit two-'nirds of the whole popu Mion of the globe. A boJy weighing 10,000 pounds al I e kj alor would weigh 1:1,031 pounds a L n d n. Kor the destruction of microbes cln ainon la said to he as effective, if not quick, as coirosive sublimate. ntiTur all 'o cleane tbe BVitem in a irt-ntU and ruly beneficial manner, when tbe tpringtime cornea, use the true and erfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One lottle will answer for all tbe family nd costs only 50 cents; tbe large size 't. Try it a id lie pleased. Mannfac- nred by the California Fig Hyrup Co. uiy. Tl e machine for luring apples was it vised by Con tea iu 18)3. rnnts and eombinattuo are unpountar. lilt there is onn form of trut agalnit Mhlcli oonebannythlni;toav. That n the trust he public repines In Houd's Sirsaparllla be- uie they know HO'JD'SCUKKS. flood's Pills are purely vegetable. Bellows were invented by Anachar.ds, d Scythia, B. C. Tfifl. Atvicit to Motheks. Are yon dlsturherl at Ight auit broken voitr rent iy a sick cMM tlerini: an., cryioa a itu pain of Cutting 1'eth: f su eud at once and get a bc.trle or 'Mrs Wluslnw's sMihlnu Svrup'' f..r C'hildri-n Teeih ni lis va'un Ii mealcul.ibii .It alii icli. tl e mxh mi e si.nernr ini.ii d a.ciy. lMrt.M.d u on t, lil.llit-r-;tln rr-lMloliiKlakr ab....t it. itriirrs iivDlerv and l'l:tiilMi-:t. reiriil:.i4 th .t jtchaud Kow-ls, ciiiw Wind i:lie, soliens the xiiiii., rrouce iiin.imiiiation. and ilves tone Hid enerav to the whole sysiem. "Mr. Win il.iw's Sonihliii; yrllp" for rhlldren leethmu s pleasant to the ante and Is lh prescription H one of I he ol, It-it and best female physicians tnd nuises in the United states, and Is for sale y all diiiKCists through, ut ihe woilri. price :wenty-tlveeenti a boltle. He sure and ask l.r Mrs. Wis, low a sootuino S hup,' and lave 10 other kind. Kal'-makln machines were Inteuted j V llkinsun in 1775. Caanlt Ithlney rare fHr Dropsy, Gravel, l-labetea, Brl(tht', leart, Urinary or Lifer Diseases, Nerv-' tusneaa, Ac. Cure guaranteed. 831 trch Street, Phllad'a. $1 a bottU, or SB, or drugxist.- 1000 certiOuatea of Ana. Try IU Locomotives were rreyethlck io U02. first made by THIS IDEXL. GAltDEN. ."Yorwrnnst know, sir, that I look npon the pleasure which we take in a gsrden, aa one of the most innocent delights in homao life. A gsrdeu was the habitation of onr Grst parents be fore the fall. Jt is naturally apt to nil the mind with calmness and tranquility and to lay all its turbulent passions at rest. It gives us a great insight into the contrivance and wisdom of Provi dence aud suggests innumerable sub jects for med.tati- u." Addis. There are gardens of every type; in one place we see an utter lack of order and taste, in another a stiff, formal ar rangement which suggest ratun" a square and compass than the graceful beauty of nature. But there is a happy mean where the churms of nature are enhanced and perfected by the labor of man and the exercii-e of tasteful art. In this ideal garden shall bloom the "daughters of the year" in never ending succession, from the time the first snowdrops aud crocuses peep from the frozen earth, nntd the last asters and chrysanthemums hang ragged on their froen Btalks, in chill November days. Here is a smooth green lawn where perfect Ix-atity is not disfigured by ill-designed and outlandish beds with eeuseless combinations of colors and foliage, but its velvet greenuess stretches unbroken to some shaded corner or by the margin of a Walk where the flowers form a grateful frame for tha lawn. Here are beds of aunuahj which bloom iu succession, or for the summer, as sweet peas and basturtiums, and there a bright par te! re. where graceful foliage or brillant L loo en adorns some welf-ehoseu loca tion. V lues droop from window and bower, roses blossom in the well pruned hedges. The lilies of J one scent the warm air and the lied of j n sies greets the children every day. But this ideal garden requires much plotting and planning beforehand so that every waste corner 'may be util ized, every unsightly object hidden, and the beds tilled from month to month with such flowers as will insure a duily blossoming, and this early Spring weather is just the time for working out one a ideas upon paper ready for trausferul to the gardeu plot w hen Spring is fairly upon us. Orders should le sent in early that they may be tilled in season, pausies and other seeds sown iu winter boxes ready for transplanting when the beds are made, aud every tool and seed paper laid in order lor the busy times coming. CLEMATIS VINK9. 1 hese lieHotifuI vines are very great favorites for Torches aud trellises, both iu tins country and iu Kngland. The purple and white Jackniauui are very popular ami make lice adornment. Another valuable species is denial ia lanuginosa, of which our illustration represents a plsnt of the variety, J.ady Caroline Nevill. This flower is of a French-white tulor, marked with uiuiive I an 'h. The species is a native of Chiua and will not thrive anywhere like our common Virgin's Bower; they require warm, soft soil and careful treatment. The sorts fhonld tie euric! ed with inannre, and, dnrmg the growing season, should be kept well mnlohed and watered. The Loudon (laitlm, in describing this species gives a picture of the variety The New Bread. T OYAL unfermenteJ bread, made without v 3'east, avoiding the decomposition produced in the Hour by yeast or other baking powder peptic, palatable and most healthful ; may be eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which is not true of bread made in any other way. Can be made only with Royal Baking Powder. Receipt for Making One Loaf. viE quart flour, i teaspoonful salt, half a teaspoonful sugar, 2 henpinj;teaKXHi!ifuls Royal Baking l'ovler, half medium-sized cold hoiled potato, and water. Sift to- gether thoroughly flour, salt, sugar, and haking powder ; rub in the potato; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly into a stiff hatter, about as soft as for pound cake; about a pint of water to a vuart of flour will ba Tequired What Brings Release From Don't You Know? SAPOLIO! A Hri.ht Boy. 'I have heard many bright say- nirs of children," a lady remarked recently, "but am sure that the palm n this line must be given to a oin.'ill boy living not many miles from Bea con street, for it proves the sense of humor is develoM'i at the age of 4 years. On the occasion in question, Jack, as we will call him, was visit i i i t-T at the li'iiue of his grandparents, and a heavy rainstorm that was pre vailing had caused a leak In the ceiK ing of the laundry. Following his grandfather to the scene of the dis aster, he was vastlyentertalned when a drop of water that had oozed through the plastering descended squarely on the top of the latter's bald head. After enjoying his laugh for a moment, he turned and went quickly up to the parlor, where the the rest of the family were assem bled. HJrandpa is ill,' he announced bursting in upon them. 'He Is ic the laundry.' "Visions of heart disease, apo plexy, and so on, naturally were up permost in the minds of his hearers, who made a general stampede for the door; but the confusion was broken in upon by Jack's childish treble. " 'You needn't hurry so,' he said, 'it's only an attack of water on the brain.'" The Ravages of tlte Itoiokworm. One of the greatest plagues with which the librarian ha to deal Is a little insect called Auglossa pinguiu alis, which deposits its larvie in books in the autumn. These produce a ojit which does a great deal of mis chief. Small wood-boring beetles also cause much destruction among the covers and bindings. The nest preventive is the use of mineral salts in the binding. Where this has not been done, the hook shelves should be iprinkied with powdered alum and pepper, and the bo .ks should I e rubbed jnce or twice a year with a piece of cloth that has been steeped in a solution of alum ar.d dried. This will effectually pre.ent the ravage i U bookworuk . ..iin.,l frnni which our illustra-1 lUBUUU""! t'on is reproduced. MOHB CATAtiOOn'8. . . . . t.. mtHloimeH are I Ann sun " , coming iul V alter Burpee, Co.. rinladelph... .end n. . ?e j phlet with tastefully designed cover ' i i.. f eilnrad DlateS. UO auti m nuiuw v. , in.m nha ffroODOf plants. "T-V7h a verr beautiful large- i 7 e..i-. Mr. Burnee makes literal offers to his enstomerav 'm . ui. .n.l Harrison Company, of l'ainrsville. Ohi N is an old snd es tablished house. Their caUlogne for Km i. onttAn id: their stoci, ' " vegetables, i cuuieriaiug mvw.., . , i fruits, of excellent variety, and their prices reasonable. ' .ii kn.n Monnt Hone nurse ries of Ellwsugsr and Barry, of Koch- eter. New York, make a speoiaivj r...;. n,a.n,ntal trees, shrubbery. nun .m,v.-"- ' .ii , I t.tilliM. and herbaoeons vlants. ineji have a large and complete stock from which to select and promise prompt execution of orders. WKKKCH HOBTlCtTtTCBB. who are able to attend the World's Fair, says a writer in Suo ce with Ilowert. may confidently ex pect to behold some marvelous results in floriculture. The French Commis sion has asked that it be allowed to do 'the whole decoration of the spaces surrounding the Horticultural and the Woman's buildings.' The French are said lo be the finest and most artistic laudscape gardeners in the world.snd if this request of theirs is complied with, as it probably will, we will be likely to witness something new and beautiful in landscape gardening in America. They also ak for 00.00J square feet for the r rencn Horticultural biuiuh, from which it is evdent that they pro pose to "spread themselves'' and show us what they can do. America is prepared to make a very pleasing little exhibit of its own, and ibis throwing down of the gauntlet, as it were, bv other nations will only I brintr ationt a floral exhibition unsurpassed, perhaps, in the history of the world. May we all be there to revel in its wonderful splendor and beauty I 1-IoniD MANCItHS FOR PLANTS. A Baltimore florist. In Journal of Chemitm. is responsible for the fol lowing plan of getting liquid manure: Put one bushel of horse clippings from the blacksmith's into a barrel and fill with water, allowing it to stand for week, when it is ready to use with a I watering pot on potted plants. Plants I under this watering grow very strong. althongh at first the results are not I promising. It makes large, handsome! flowers, aud plants can remain in very I small otti for a long time under this I treatment This is of interest to the I market gardener, who can secure I thrifty plants that occnpy'small spaoe I and will command a good puce. The latest method of decorating iue'als makes the working out of most tieauliful and artistic designs possible. The means ty which this Is effected are the etching aud oxidation of the metal. A fosatl elephant has been found ten kilometres from isrioiide. In France. on the slope of an old volcano, the Sei e.-. It is the skeleton ol an ele pliai meridional!:!, aud is neatly entire. more or less according to the brand and quality of the flour used. Do not make a still dough, like yeat bread. Pour the batter into a greased pan, 4'x3 inches, and 4 inches deep, rilling about half fulL The loaf will rise to fill the pan when baked. Bake in very hot oven 45 minutes, placing paper over first 15 minutes baking, to pre vent crusting too soon on top. Bake at once. Don't mix with milk. Dirt and Grease? Why.! Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OR Other Chemicals ar uaed la the preparation of W. liAKER & C0.S BreakfastCocoa srairA it nbmnltt tely smre und aofwMe. It bsmorefritfAre flutes I thti atrvnyt h ot Cocoa mixed i wilh Htarch. Arrowroot or ' Snirar, and is far more eco nomical, citing Iras than oae cent a cup. Jt Is delit-lous, nourishing, aud aASli.r DIOtSTKI). SoU ky (irerers cisrywksre. W. BAKER &"C0..Dorcheiter. Kan. Or Debilitated WeoMa. should ate BHADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Kvery ingredient possesses superb Toni properties and exerts a wonderful influ s-nce in toning up and strenetheninc hei fystem. by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and trength guaranteed to result from its use " My wire, who waa Tsedrlddew fWr arlirls, fe months, after suImk HmdjilH 'a j-'mnla ligvlntor for iws snoncsis tt gs.tinf well." J M. Johksok. Mslvera, Ark. ItasDWR.r FaorrLsTon 4'o.. Atlanta, OS. . ciuui by limuu u 1.0d per bottle. r - fSH' BR Ttl Trsils Mir tion uxfMst WATERPROOF. COAT Hi.u.4 in the World I vmiAfii, Jriea. A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. 13 . M 4 -.ViR Hi 1I.U1 12 , LV tl LZ i ST. J AO CURES UGO, SCIATICA, SPRAifc,, BRUISES. BURNS. SWELLINGS -7 T. A copy t the ffi'p,Tve 7trrviiiioo, aacri Croundj. baut u ui v , oe teat to any addreal" UOGEl ttami'S by THE CHARLES A. Ralumor. Mo. A SUCCESS. (6 F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., Gentlemen: I have suffered from catarrh for about five years and have tried several remedies without relief until I commenced to use Halls Catarrh Cure last February. I must say that it is a A SUCCESS, the dropping in my throat disappeared entirely after the first bottle. It increased my appetite, so that I now weigh eight pounds more than my cus" tomary weight. I have recommended it to others and all who used it have been greatly relieved and speak highly of it. One of them was in my store yesterday and expressed his wish to peddle it this winter. Will you please let me know the lowest terms you could furnish it for, as I would like to keep it in stock. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, Yours respectfully, R. C. HAUSWEDELL, Lake City, Mina. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS, 75o . BEWARE OF FRAUD. . Tgaj H T5f3 V. X. loirtLAS cUllri. NneifD to 3 I U 5 H g Bine wiihoat V. L. VoBtlaa nams B Bf B . Vi? aa4 arlc Mamped oa botiou. lHk , '- mZ fofllwkMin.biif. joa. C)l paBji T r. : rzr I -jav k?i W 11. I &: ,r rl taoi nlrnaa4 trnrml mer-linnl here I have IS UNHAPPY ANt. M WONT BE DRIVEN? 1 HOME NAILS ARE CHEERFUL AND SHARP , V AND THE DlFFERf NT SIZES : , VLKI anxhu s in J 11. A' ADAPT THEMSELVES TO ALL THE USES T aW "I ft Ot- TM v- - 1 1 nui u- , : Ce-aaal...,- Homa Nails, Home Tacks. Used in all homes. Sold by all dealers. MN0 . YOUR OWN HARNESS fWITB THOMSON'S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. Mo tools rranltfHl. nni. - ... . Ask I fmr l lur u. raler for tiieisi, " " o oj. SMuruvl uii. u.. JUDSON L. THOMSON MFfS rn fAN IDEAL FAMILV liTrDir'i'ii"? I,"-""I--""-, aDICINEi C.plril.. UVraUvsllrrslb. V. ! t Unrud Bowel. "IPANS TABUL Pt TVUS? T.,S l"""liy. Ferfeit lfurtrw.n,pw.,i,ir,- FOR FIFTY YEARS 1 MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP um.sll.rs .ii Mi.-C.,1 .""'rns le & is the best remlVfoV SV.K."Lua OUUu- Tweatyave Ceat. a Be.. WORN NIGHT AND DAY. Holds thPworntrnn ture wtth ..1SJ U1(,er silclrrumstances I'er ; Aliustnirni.Coin lortan.l cure. Ncu n XXrA ''"frovemenis mubi caialoirun ! tult-s ior ir nwasim nient writ w. ur-ly srMled. . V rnuut HOCSHMro.cO744Broal way.New YorkClty. We ATI von -- . i(e -In;. Iv""" lKllt Ivou yi.k . T " srnnc. r PENN MUTUAL LIFE a-2W CHESTNUT STREET. - - - rouauelphla. ra Garfield Tea rnuaueluhia. Fa. Ofei uouies reMllt. CuressTrkHeSdar3rle Unri..ii 7w"l.m"" staniD. im.." . " .iKTTr,y"v auoa one ever ini(: j BS IL r . mi. J s ,,. Worlds Biwin " ,rT;is. will ER CO. OOLAS FOR GENTLEMEft A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf. 6eamlcss, fmooth inside, more comfortable. tylisn ana durable tuan any otuer snoe ever old at the price. Kvery style. Equals custom, uade shoes costing from 4 to f$. following are of the same high etaaJaid al $5.00 Tine Calf, Haa Sewerl. e. Farmers ana LcUer-Carnera. 3 and f ).or for Working Urn. rtd $1.75 for Youths and Boys. Hand-bcwcd. I rnn and a.oo Dongola, ( LADIE3 1.75 lor hisses. . IT 13 A DOTT Ton owa vonraall to got tI?o beat v&lue tat your menry. iooomic in yoar loot won r by parcbaalcc W, Xj. uouiaa eaoa. vucb xepredat tbe beat valoa at tbo prices adverllaed aa inoasonas can tea- tiiy. So yoa wear ioarla. llrArkmn, MaM. WKHSTKR'S jtj:rxa ttoxa l dictionary rin.Torf rhe - L nsLfTulfeO." Ten years spent lu reviing. lew editors -mrloed, more than tJoo.Ouo ex(euiied. A Crand Educator Abreast of tbe Times A Library in Itself Invaluable In the timiwhold. and to the u-at her, professional luun, seireilucator. Ask yuar Bookseller to show it to you. T""t.lMKd hy Ar.srenr.TAM o..si-KixFreTr..V TTa i ry"S.Tirt for frrr r.rrrM-rn rontalnlns stMcrmeii Mi;-. llluslnillOII. tltlllK.IIUlU. vie " tfnorot tt-r reprint of ancient rdlUons EfPA, iStir- ia if r4 a-gr. aw-r- ssW WKM T J nMT M I MlWl the- AVtanrtr I Z&V-;,:anJt- Also rew moo.-l HAND "t Vverv7S.T? i e,.er" rtion. Msnui.ciurrrs bmtlr ili X 1,nf of ,n"c n'"'r oi'l'lM's for DViq fa fnctort,-.. M..nd for cis!oae. iiU1 It AN KIN HLILP1NU AN1 MFO'CO., i-rr LUI r-THEST. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. ri Kre!" MAfi, 13 II 1 B "i""..u.Hili uk., fa a i..... wkurt,.. ... pacific a" r. L.AILe AT""rl. Or-s s4 T.-Ur -a. sla. as ro. i -.. GOUT RHEUMATISM. SCHERING S WATER aii?Zlnr!' n'U"kl -'", rec.mmendeo by cit . nw'm tur,,,,n "na n n.ed. mallsm ft- r'"r A'U", "oJ fbtonlc Rbeu T"" Ur'ry csk-ulu., ud ai.eiw.-s due to uric s-l. .HstheMs. ror . h, .11 dl . . lT n-Dortein. ." id 'tTr 1 L. Thorouirhlr tutfti rthmd Lolrego, W jlifcmp..rt. tm. tlrt lAir fm J li IrKsn.latfSi i x-fe?l?rl 'f&:Z2Xlr m r-""v- .i sTcW'L-s.aJ. ...-'V -W ITJMBO p PIMQI r,",wii i..hi..r.. art?. tr1'): Prosecutes Claim.. ls l.t 4?'n.,r u Pension Bureea. ' wuawauaf eiaUus, at(y