Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 22, 1893, Image 2

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ditob abb raoraixroB.
Professional base ball clubs are
being organized.
Thi Penrmlvauia State Building
on the Culambian Fair Ground at
Chicago, will be dedicated at 12
o'clock nocD. Saturday, fApril 29.
That will be early enough to get the
Xiegiolature there before adjourn
Last Thursdiy President Harri
son sent a message to Congress on
the question of Hawaiia. He is
disinclined toward a protectorate
but inclinos to favor annexation to
the United States and submits the
matter to Congress.
As long as people will send enough
of the tough element to legislative
bo iies, they may expect to have an
out burst, such an they are having in
Kansas,' whenever circumstances are
favorable to the development of such
u state of affairs. If the Legislature
of Kansas had hai a sufficient num.
ber of level-hf-aded well meaning
men, it the State would not
the present state of confusion.
Last week the Illinois Legislature
repealed the compulsory school law
that a previous Legislature had pass
ed. Text book education is a good
thing.'and is free to all, but to make it
-compulsory is in the exercise of a des
fotic principal that should not be al
lowed a lodgment among free people.
The old cbt-stnut declaration that be
cause Tom, Dick and Harry do not
sand their cbilJren to school, they
should be compelled to do so, for if
tljeir children are not sent to school,
they will became bad people, is no
argument, it is simply a declaration
that the facts disprove. People that
have little or no school education are
no worse than people who are school
ed. There are as many bad people,
and thiev?s and forgers and default
ers among the educated as among
4.he uneducated. An education qual
ifies a man to lo business in a more
bitumens like war. It puts a polish
(in him fiat an uneducated person
has not, but it does not make a bet
ter iiMii or wornin of Lim. It dues
not mak; hiui a mau or wouiaa of
better intentions toward his feilow
man and the wcrll at largo. It
hoped that if the Legislature of thiSj
rvaie iorgeis its Americanism ana
. ... ;
w.ui vtovernor rauwon win veto me ,
m r- 1
iAII About Pensions-
Tiit.re was a lively tilt in Congress,
hist Thursday, over the pension
Democratic Congressman Turpin
of Alabama, asked a Republican
member from Massachusetts, wheth
er he was aware of the fact, "that
there now stood upon tbe pension
rolls an ex-soldier who was drawing
a pension of $19 a month for total
deafness, who was receiving a salary
of $1800 a year, and who was em
ployed at the telephone. (Laugh
ter.) Now if any gentleman wanted
to know the name of this gentleman,
he could tell it.
"Name him, name him," came in a
"His name is William E. Davis,''
said Turpin.
"I do not believe your statement
unless you prove it," shouted Mr.
Waugh (Rep.), of Indiana.
Turpin walked down the aisle and
struck at Waugh, but did not hit
him. Great excitement prevailed
quite awhile, but the pension ques
tion still is unsettled.
Thunder! ThnDder! What Comes
Two sailors just off ship board, sat
down on a bench in a junk shop
along tbe warf for a social chat and
emjke. The only living thing in the
shop at that moment was a talking
parrot. A-i open keg of powder
etoDil under the bench and a spark
from one of the pipes dropped into
the powder, and blew the place to
pn cm. When the people gathered
at the wreck, the parrot had recover
ed itself and was sitting on a snub
post at tbe warf crying ont:
"Thunder! Thunder! What comes
That is the way with Cleveland's
cabinet appointments.
The Democracy are crying: "Thun
der! Thunder! What comes next."
The appointment of a cabinet be
fore inauguration is something new,
And almost took the breath of the
democratic brethren, but to place a
republican like Gresbnm in the cabi
net, and later still a new school dem
ocrat like Hoke Smith of Georgia, in
tbo ofhee of tue Secretary of the Iu
tenor has raited an awiul kick and a
shout, "Hoke, poke, winkie warn, Hoke
Smith, will ruu the public lands of
Uncle Sam.
When inaugurated President Cleve
land will have his government advis
ers around him, and be free from all
care as to that point.
It is an awful explosion of the
friendly smoke, pow, wow, and de
minds of the democratic practical
politicians, and they are crying out,
j. n under: j.uunaer: iiat comes
A Mexican Governor.
Kansas has a governor named
Lewelling who has been trying to
play Mexican, ne calls himself a
Populist. He is an ignorant man or
a vicious man, and did his best to
employ Mexican methods to promote
his party friends and their purposes.
The Republicans have a majority in
the Legislature, 'bat the governor
and his populist party have all win
ter been trying to ignore the majori
ty, and last Wednesday morning,
they played the Mexican by taking
possession of the Legislative Hall,
and denied admusion to the Repub
licans. The Republicans rallied in
force and brushed w ay the Populist
guards and took possession of the ,
halL The governor called out the
militia, surrounded the public build
ings, and would not admit provisions,
water, light, fuel, or people. What
he would have done had he been
supported by the public can only be
conjectured. Hut the people came
to the rescue of the right, and de
serted the cause of the governor, and
by the thousand placed themselves
under the command of the sheriff of
Topeka, who stood np for the de-
fense of the imperiled Republican
house. The Mexican governor thus
deserted bv the public was com
pelled to drop his Mexican methods,
and submit the questions in dispute
to a peaceful settlement in the Su
preme Court, but it is not his fault
that Ktnsas has not again become a
Bleeding Kansas.'
A Virginia Dog Law.
Some Virginia farmers make a dog
law and live up to it in their farm
practice and with the full knowledge
of their neighbors. Oae of these
who keeps dogs himself agrees that
anybody who finds his dogs off his
farm and alone m ty kill them and
that he shall kill any dogs that ha
may find wandering alone on his
farm. Another a. is a standing bar
gain w'tb his hired man to pay a
bounty of fifty cents on dog scalps
killed on his farm. This gentleman
has a pair of bull dogs that kill ev
ery strange d g they find alone on
tlie farm. He says they make quick
and sure work with every dog they
take hoi 1 of.
Another very enterprising, court
eous, reasonable sheep-raiser shoots
every doer that prowls around his
premises day or nisrht. Ha makes it
a rule to get the dogs before they
.... . . . J
get his saeep, and ttm avoids the
losses ana annoyances lormeriy ana
Another lare
sheeo raiser has a shooherd with his
flocks during the diy, and keeps
them at night in a yard iuclo-ied in a
wire pickob fence five feet high,
whic.i h do priof- Simn he:
m ;n pr i
crini n-it
!C3 ih) lib ir.il, iin t intluj-
f'l.-diiig of n-vented meat !
-. .
t ,1;
i mi to s;
Iroia hom..
:u I tii-iir nights
Wants a Wife.
rn 1 1 : t it Tl i i -i
pnia limes of February
13, 1893
A lonoly Iwa wi(lower who h
dently heard something
of the fair
women of Philadelphia, wants a life
companion, and he has written to
Postmaster Field a letter which will
be kept as a literary cariosity. Oa
the letter is written : "Postmaster
hand Dis to lad in, Philadelphia, Pa.
With no little interest the Post
master tore op9n the letter to find
the following:
"Ida Grove,
"February the 10 1893
"Deer frend madam and I cam to
the conclution that I wood drop afue
lince to som lady that wood like tou
make the acquaintantence with some
good man that wond good wife for
1 . ' , T ' 1 1
riiH iiim nimnini in un ' i will inriirm i
r "" I
you that on the 8 day in August
1891 wy wit wis Killed by a runi
war team and I hit a sorrouful time
oosiug a goo 1 companion so suden
o ' i i
n jiuv ii. m n iiiiui
and I was also hu urd my food and I
quid farming then and I rend my
farm and I stite on the farm But if 1 1
am luckeye to find one again and I
am no triJer and I am respected and
go with societs and I do not use lick
er and thare is eney lady in that part
of the contry let bur wright to me
and I will tell her all about the afares
and if thare is one with meenes that
is the one that I wood like to help to
make mora and if it dont find the
rite one Please hand to enother and
so on and I wood Be plest to beer
from som good lady fur her kindness
and I must come to a glose fur dis
time wright soon youres truly Henry
Howard Box 480 I la Grove Iowa.
Bora Fare to Face.
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 15. The Sia
mese twins have been equaled by the
Chinese twins just brought to Mank
ing from Tianags'. The boys who
are eight years old and in all re
spects save one like their fellows, are
joined to each other by a piece oi
flesh as thick as a man's arm, just
below the waist, making the twins
stand face to face. The twins never
fall asleep at the same time.
War On German Carp.
J. J. Honcb, fish commissioner for
the Wilmington Sl Northorn railroad
company, and Berks county's author
ity on fish, is securing signatures to
a petition to the State fish com
missioners for removal of all
protection to German carp. The
petition is receiving the approv
al of all anglers in that vicinity. The
petition states that the signers are
fully convinced that the first intro
duction of the carp was a mistake;
that they destroy game fish of a bet
ter and finer quality, utterly worth
less upon the market, and that un
less immediate meaas are adopted to
prevent their continual increase ser
ious injury will result therefrom.
A Remarkable Crop of Corn.
During the season of 1889, a most
remarkable crop of corn was raised
by David Drew at Plymouth, N. H.
In 1888 Mr. Drew came into pos
session of some corn grains found
wrapped in the cloth which encased
an Egyptian mummy supposed to be
at least 4000 years old. Thsse grains
were planted, and strange to say
grew. 1 he plant bad many of tl
characteristics of real corn or maize,
tbe leaves were alternate, it grew to
be over six feet high, tbe mid ribs
were nearly white, bnt as to the
product of the stall-', there is where
the curious part of the story lies.
Instead of growing in an ear like
modern maize, it hang in heavy
clusters lit tbe top on spikelefs.
ltiere was no tassel, and no silks,
each sprig or epikelet was thickly
studded with real corn grains, each
of which was provided with a sapai
ate nusir, like wheat groins.
- -a e am
Teeth and lire.
Philadelphia Times: The old
American way of putting young peo
pie on their honor and taking it for
granted tn at they would do every
thing that was right certainly im
plied a much nobler view of human
nature than the present mode of
strict chaporonage. When we are
in the heyday of youth full of spirits
and gayety, and believing implicitly
in the virtus and good intentions of
everyone araund us, the institution
of chaperonnge seems a verv odious
and unneec8ary restraint on liberty.
But, how different does the whole
subject look when viewed through
the spectacles of a more mature age !
The belief in universal virtue has
long since vunished with other social
allusions in nociety at least. Not on
ly ao ppopie reel tnat mankind in
general will bear watching, but most
of them have grown a shade more
worldly, as well as a shade less hope
ful with advancing years.
A handsome, clear skinned woman
of fifty, who might have passed for
twenty years less than her ha; when
inquired of a to her methods of
preservation replied promptly, "I lu
bricate, that h all; lust lubricate as
the old Greeks did." To the ques
tion, "What do you use?" this mod
ern follower of the ancient custom
replied: "Glycerine, o'ive oil and
vaseline. ''You'll have to expert
I ment and see what suits von as I did.'
! So the list was tried. Glycerine dil
j uted with ross water proved t xcel
' lent for the hinds and face, as well
I ftfl far rlofl.nfiiiinr flm fiutalrt. filiva nil
was good to rub into the skin after a
plunge, and vaseline on the street af
ter a pilgrimage rendered them as
supple as the psalmist's.
Then came the masseuse with her
added information, her "movement"
and "percussions." "I use cocoanut
oil," she said, and it was found to be
just the thing- clean, fragrant, easi-
I IT absorbed, leaving no trace in
ments earning in contact with it.
I m -1 , . . . ,
Try it, you who are 'so tired that
you ache from head to foot." It
Iokg lik an exertion,
but rest as-
. sored that the refreshing oil does
half the rubbing, and sinking into
dry, fevered skin and stiffened joints
revives and strengthens tbe rubber,
no that the finishing off is done with
it I. ti ii l i r 1 1 i
"'urisu. ii iu unci oi me necK
Rn,l houlders are lama from bend-
ng over sewing or writing, a rub
with cocoanut oil makes them as
' ironil Ae flAW Anil tnni-A i a nntini.
better for that painful result of sit
ting in a draft a stiff neck.
Eigtit students have been dismiss
ed from the Bordantown, N. J., Mil
itary Institute for hazing.
Miss Mary McClnllan a daughter
of General George B. McClellan, is
reported as engaged to marry Mr.
Paul Despres of the French Lga.
tion at Was'iingtou
Mr. Jennie Carmin. the oldest cit
izen of Sussex countv, Del., celebrat
ed the 110th anniversary of her birth
day, on Monday. February 12, 1S93.
She is still able to do her ordinary
S. B. Green of Hare's Valley, claims
; to have cut down a tree that was 434
years old. Mr. Green estimates its
... . -
ta iiv tha numher of rinm np an
o - r. , -
...... I , ....... 1 1. l-
uimi ((lunbu lutlftn,
it contained.
Huntingdon Globe.
Harrisbcbo, Fhruary 15 At the
morning session of the State confer
ence in the interest of the proper ob
servance of the Lotd's Day, Senator
Qj;iay was thanked for opposing the
opening of tho world's Fax gates on
Mrs. Tamer Wilson, of kanetles,
N. Y., who sued Census-taker John
Doyle for a ki- which he bad taken
in the line of duty, and for which
she demanded $1000 compensation,
has been put off by the jury with a
pitiful assessment of $250.
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century ?
The great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant.
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggist?, Mifflin town. Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
Nicholas Sharer, who formerly
made his home with Captain James
Galbraith while he lived at Augh
wick Mills and Shirleysburg, in this
county, and who is remembered by
many of our older readers, died at
Mt. Holly Springp, Pa., on the 2d of
last month, aged 100 years, 9 months
and 24 days. His age has been cal
culated by some "handed down tra
dition," but from authenticated rec
ords which are in the possession of
the family. His was most certainly
a ripe, old age, far exceeding the
time generally alio ted to man.
Mount Union Times.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to the
great South American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effect of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up aU
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved me so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in the world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks h Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly.
Reflstcr'a Record.
The foUowinc persons bsvs Bled their ac
count! la tbe Register's office la the Court
House sad tbe sane will be presented for
confirmation and allowance in tbe Orphan
Conrt te be held in Mifflin town on tbe 14tb
day o Jfireb, 1893.
1. Tbe Orst and flnal aceoont of Hannah
Marx administratrix and George Jfarx, ad
miniatrator of Lake Mux late of Meoroe
tnwnliip. d-erard.
2 Tbe third n1 Baal account of Peter
W. Sr", administrator of Ahrant Barge,
late of Monroe tonMp, dece wed.
8 The fl kt and flnul account of Israel
Trailer ett enter of tbf last will and teste
nirnt of J bn To klej, lite ol tbe borough
of Aiffliton,dicerd.
4 Tbe first and final account of Jacob
Lauvrr, ad inii.istrator Thomas Stewart,
late of Jf'Kord township, deceased.
5 Tbe Bret and flnal accoaat of George
8 Conn administrator of George W. Urar,
late of Tnacarora township, dieoiad.
8 The flrst aad flnal account of J CKep
ner gua dian of Bessie B Lvkia nee Bon.
sail, minor child el Amos O Bnnsall, dee'd.
7 Tbe Brit and final account of Alfred J
Patteren,?gusrdian of Jfsrgaret Okeson, a
minor child or William a. Okeson, as pre
sented by Isab Ila I ratterson and J jFrank
Patterson, administrators or Alfred J. Pat
terson, deceased
8 The first aad final account of Alfred J
Patterson, guardian of Annie Okeson, a
minor child ol Willism B. Okesea as ara-
sented by Isabella I Patterson aad J Frank
Patterson, administrators of Alfred J .Pat
terson, deceased.
9 The first aad final account of Nelson
G Smith admiuiatrator of Paul O. Smith,
late of Walker township, deceased.
IU Tbe first and flnal account of M S
Eab, administrator of Wa H Brraer late of
Bprnce Hill township, deceased.
11 Tbe flrst aad intended as the flaal ae
count of May M Jacobs administratrix of
George Jacobs, Esq., late of tho borou gh
or JfiOhotown, deceased.
12 Tha flrst and flnal account of Jos Bell,
guardian of Jamss H Shits minor child of
James B. Shits, deceased as filed bv Wil
liam P Bell administrator of Joseph Bell,
deceased. I
18 The flrst and flnal account of John O
Burst and James Ij Woodsidj executors of
John C. Burns, late of Lack town ship, de-
14 Th i flrst and flaal account of Jfrs
Laura W Oiven, administratrix of John P
Stener. late ot Afifilintowo dccraied
16 Ihe first and flnal account et Andrew
Banks admiai-trator of Willism Kennedy,
late of JkTilford township, deceased
Notice is hereby gives that Ezra Smith
and wife, of the township of Delaware have
assigned to Joseph G- Long, all the prop
erty real and personal of the said Exra
8mith, in trust for his creditors. All per
sons therefore, having claims against the
said Esra Smith, will present them duly au
thenticated to the undersigned, and those
knowing themselves indebted te said Ezra
smith, will present them duly authenticat
ed to the naders!gned and tbee knowing
themselves indebted to said Ezra Smith,
make payment to
East Sa'em , Pa., Januiry 23, 1893.
or THE
anuary 1st, 1892 to December list,
both dates inclusive.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court
of Common Pleas, of Junitta County: We
the undersigned Auditors, elected and sworn
according to law to examine, audit and set
tle the ac count t of the Commissioners. Sher
iff and Treasurer of the County of Juniata,
for the year ending, December Slst. 18D2,
met for that purtote in the Auditor's room,
Mifflint.tcn, Monday, January 2nd, 1!J. it
being the first Monday of the year, and found
the said accounts to be as follow all officers
being present at this settlement.
1892. HENRY S. SCHOLL, Treat. Dr.
To balaace due couaty, Dec. 31,
1891 1
Outstanding county tax, Dec.
81, 1891
Outstanding State Tax, Dec.
81, 1891
Amt Tax levied eovntv, 1892
"ArotTax levied Stite, 1892
" Liquor license, cennty portion
Cash tor bonds issued, 1892
Costs sad fine ia Rannelscaae
Stale Tax returned to ennnty
Verdict fees tor 1 R!Osnd 1831
From S-c. Iut AfTiirsfer tsx
return statement ..... ....
' Kent or Court ll'inae
Snvd-r e nnty, Rpir f
joint bridge at Oriental....
6 per cent addi'ientl county
tax and uastrated Itnd
& per Cent additional State
State Tax overpsid by Collec
tors ....
County Tax nverpa id by Col
15178 30
1295 10
23481 49
2822 94
4 60
31815 0
639 77
2775 18
3G 00
40 CO
4; VJ
10 71
146 89
6 25
1 86
lectors 22 02
'3391 91
. HENRY S. SCHOLL, Treat. Cr.
Dec. 81
By amount orders paid 62243 90
outstanding Co. tax 18774 65
ontstandiag State tax 1807 4S
Balaace due eounty 6565 8.
S 83391 91
Outstanding County Taxes Dec. 81, 1892.
14H8, Davis Weller, Fermanagh .. $ 1 79
1889, John H. Lemard, B-sle 60 63
Win. Land is, Favette 427 06
W. L. Brackbill. Milford 502 60
ti. W. Kepner, Port Roral .... 1 J 21
R. W. Giililord. Spruce Hill... 55 57
" Henry Hostel tier, Wa'ker....229 3
1890, John M. Leonard, Beale 148 55
David S. Mumah, Fermanagh.. 8 24
John Stover, Delaware ...... 174 2
John Saner, Favette..... 173 20
J. S . McCahan, Lack 24 4 53
G. B. M. Wisehsupt,Port Royal. 134 65
J. C. Okeson, Spruce Hill 842 i9
1891, D. M. Marshall, Beale 19 52
' Joseph Psge, Fayette 262 82
W. D. Cox, Greenwood 73 08
J. M. Barton, Lack 176 58
W. H. Rodgsrs, Mifflintowa...224 56
E. O. Meloy, Milford 64 07
W. S. Neimond, Monroe 166 91
Q G Crosier, Port Royal 88 83
J M Evans, Spruce Hill 330 28
J M Gray, Tuscarora 33 04
1892 D M Marshall, Bealo 648 89
Abram Landis, Delawars 291 06
m G W VanOrraer, Payette.... 1176 82
Bamuel Coldron, Fermanagh. .802 83
Joba.Knouse, Greenwood ....326 93
m W A La ber, Lack 862 90
8 H Rollman, Mifflin town 290 79
Jacob Bishop. Milford .1219 95
W 8 Neimond, Monroe 249 21
H. D. Funk, Patterson 491 07
D. B. McCulloch, Pert Royal.. 240 18
B. Lat. Evans, Spruce Hill. ...684 55
M. S. Bru baker, Snsquebaana.291 69
Jacob Leyder, Thompsoniown.llO 93
G. P. Qocdman. Turbett 396 77
Joshua B. Barton, Tuscarora.. 671 03
Lewie Haubert, Walker 1485 64
Total outstanding County Taxes. .$13774 66
Outstanding State Taxes, Dec 31, 1892.
1889, John M. Leonard, Beale $ 4 27
" Wm. Landis, Fayette. SO 85
m W. L. Brackbill, Milford 63 67
B. W. Gilliferd, Spruce Hill.. 5 64
Henry Hestettler, Walker .... 40 29
1890, John M. Leonard, Beale 9 66
Johi A. Saner, Fayette 20 14
J. S. McCahan, Lack 74 60
" G. B M. Wisehaupt, Port Royal 48 83
" J. C. Okeson, Spruce Hill .... 19 07
1891, D. M. Marshall, Beale 6 83
" Joseph fago, Fayette 190 P2
D. Cox, Greenwood ......
17 86
1 9
80 92
47 78
64 84
16 17
12 66
81 88
x J. M Barton, Lck
W. H. Rodgers. Mifflintown...
W. S. Neimond, Monroe
- G. G. Cn xier. Pert Royal....
J. M. Evans, Sprjce Hill
' J. M. Grey, Tuscarora
1892, D. M. Marshall, Beale
Abram Landis, Delaware......
60 53
O. W. VsnOrmer, Fayette... .193 31
Samuel Coldron, Fermanagh.. Ii 10
M John Knouse, Greenwood...
" 8. H. Kollman, Mifflintown..
Jacob Bishop, Milford
W. A. Lather, Lack
W. 8. Neimond, Monroe....
H. D. Pnnk, Patterson
. i24 11
. 71 84
. 60 87
. 67 17
. 86 08
10 46
- D. B. McCulloch. Port Royal 73 48
H. L. Erana. Spruce Hill 22 99
M M. 8. Brobaker, Susqn-basna 72 45 j
Jacob W. Leyder. Thompson's 14 05
O. P. Goodman, Tnrbett 18 36
-Joshua B.Barton, Tnscarora..l74 18
Lewis Haubert, Walker 63 4S
Total Outstanding State Taxes.. $ 1807 48
All of wh'ch is reapectfallv submitted.
Attest: County Auditor:
Auditor's Office, )
MifOintown, January 6. 1B93. )
Slaitmtni of oritrt deawu by fas Commit
eteaxrs of the count of Juniata on tkt Treat
urn-tkertof, from th 1st day of January
1892. to the SUt dm of December, 1802. ta-
clume. at taken from ti t rtcord in thi
Commitiiouert Office.
J lieu and Cm tablet' Feet Common
wealth Case.
B. R. Mitchell and ethers, Jus
ticee. aad Al Hacxenborter
and others, constables $ 16S 12
Total.. $ 165 12
Commonwealth Wituesvs.
February Term. 1692 9 232 06
April do do . 61 21
September do do 5 II
December do do 61 It
... .$ 43949
Exonerations, Jbale minis and Percentages
W. K. McLaughlin, Daniel
Kooute, W. A. Lather and
others. Duplicates, 1890,
1891 and 1892
$2160 07
, S 2160 07
Courts and Jurors Pay.
J. B. M. Todd, court crier $ 2 0
Harry Katsely, " 72 60
Jes. Commings. Stenographer.. 40 00
E. L. L.indemeth do .. 60 00
J. N. Rboads. do .. 24 60
W. U. Farris. do .. 203 60
S. B. Murray, Boarding Jurors.. 67 60
Tbos. Crimmelt aad otbera. Tip.-
aUvea 110 90
Samuel Seiber and otbera. Grand
Jurors 626 72
M H. Yaroea and others, Petit
Juror 1698 84
.. 280016
Public Buildings
W T Snyder, merchandise and
repairing chair $ 9 50
K H MeClintic, gasoline t Hdw.$ 97 27
George Stntta, cleaning closets
hauling ahes 82 00
T M Kirk, carpeatering 6 30
Franciscua Hdwe Co Mdse.... 8 66
W O Humphrey, hauling ashes.. 3 66
I D Musser, Mdse.... 3 00
D H Sieber, putting la glass and
work 8 16
M P Crawford, disinfecting, A.3. 2 20
Repairs to heater pipes ........ T50
David Hackenbrger, aand (or
pavement................. 100
Manbeck It Nelson, plank 80
Miscellaneous, small orders.... 5
163 73
Road and Bridge Views and Damages
Jno. W Weed ward, damages. ...$ 6 00
D Amick and others, viewers.... 181 60
Costs, Concord road case 74 45
Total 262 06
Constables' Returns
AM Bryner k. others, constables $ 184 82
Total -. $ 184 32
Assessing and Registering
W D Cox, Aaseasor and others.
Triennial Aseinnt. New
Registratioa and Publishing
Appeals $ 2062 61
C B Crawford, from State Rev
enue 282 29
Total S2S44 90
Trampt under Act of 1885
W S Arbogsst, boardiag and
room ; 24 00
R R Hospital, Expense 19 76
W F Snyder, undertaker 28 60
S L Todd, expense trip to Mifflin
conntv ......... 160
A R Melav, Mdse 1 04
G W Heck, shoes 1
Herd Meyers, clothing....' 2 25
H S Scholl, let in Union Ceme.
tery 4 00
S K Kinzer, hors hire 160
Expense in esses Derrick Mirror,
Jacob Hlek. Jacob Spreigel,
and others medical aed sur
gical attention, board, lodg
ing, nursing, preparing for
burial fcc 136 Ml
.$ 22 ) 87
Fox and Mink Scilp
John Woodward, Philip j Weber
and otbera ......8
C20 00
Total S
County Prison
D H Sieber, papering and paint
ing $
L B Etka, plastering and white
washing.......... ..
A B Fasirk, watchman
North A Son, coal.............
Fard lieyers, Mdse for prisoaers
D at Crawford A Sen, Med. At
tention, prisoners.... ......
If P Crawford, medicine for
prisoners........... .....
10 90
6 50
63 OS
SI 93
1 60
9 00
8 85
Bond Paid
Harrison McAlister and T
Reynolds, bonds ........
$187 68
760 00
Total ,
$ 750 00
Intcrett Paid on Bon It
W H Nelson and ethers, Interests 3271 57
Printing and Stationery
H E Bonsall, Pab and printing
blanks $
W J Jack nan, Pub and printing
Wm H Allison, Publishing
B Schweier, Publishing
Wm H Rollman. stationary aad
record books
Mary J Hunt, stationery
$3276 67
254 95
236 60
172 00
96 32
8 02
.1 944 17
Csmitfio)r 01 c and Court Houte
David Bealo, services as Com-
missiooers aad traveling ex
penses ...................$
John Bslentine, services aaCem
missioner and traveling ex
penses. ............. .....
Criaa Shuman, services as Com
missioner and traveling ex.
Cbas B Crawford, salary as clerk
North A Son, coal
George Stutts, Janitor and extra
cleaning and opening court
664 78
522 90
494 08
500 00
120 16
183 00
2884 02
Bridges, Buildings and Repair
Tbad Cavany, attending Mexico
bridge, 1891
David Wolfgang, pay oo Horn
log's bridge and repairs
stone work .......
Isaac Bsrton, balance canal
bridge. Port Royal
W II Groniager, balance specifl
cstiou, Port Royal river
G F Qoodman bal Port Royal
river bridge...... .... ....
Samuel Tyson, flit at canal
bridge, Port Royal
C Weimer, work and material,
Port Royal bridge
Pannehaker and son, plank. Me.
Ccllocb'a aad Port Royal
S E Pannebaker, plank and work
McClnre Bridge
20 00
190 00
260 08
180 00
2774 00
22 60
8 81
Jaa N Groninger, repairs to
end go
Mitchell Varner, bridge repairs
Repairs to McCalloch's bridge
62 96
E U Sheaffer, repaira to joint -
bridge. Oriental
21 47
Jfsntwck Nelson, plank and
potts, Mifflin bridge
. Cost of serTice ,of alrta, mak.
. - jog measurements, ana esii-
" mated value of Mfflln bridge,
expense, subpoenaing, mile
age, witness fees, Ac, Mifflin
Bridge case
George Stutts, work. Mifflin
W B Criswell, work MifHn bridge
Court costs Mifflin bridge case,
paid to Mifflincounty
A J Patterson, percent legal ser
vices, Mifflin bridge ease..
B B Parker, on account Virdict
Mifflin bridge Co., sgainst
the county of Juniata
T V Irwin, cashier on account,
assigned Verdict Mifflin
bridge company against tbo
county of Juniata
Robert McMeen, expense Thorn p
sontown bridge trial
Total 8"26
Public Offices
Jacob Hosteller, B E Memoes
and W P Graham eounty
Auditors 9
Wan M Allison, Auditing ac
counts Prethoootarys and
Reg A Rec'a office
John C Clark A Son, blank book
Reg A Bee office
W P Snyder, cbair Reg A Rec
F W Noble, Sheriffs fens, 1891
Joba W Ilibbs, record costs, cer
tifying Judgments and fees
H S Scboll, salary aa Treasurer
and Commission on State
Samuel Lapp, SberifT, boarding
prisoner, expense Buchsaan
Lunacy caae, expense bouse
refuge and fees..... ......
W E Criswell, fixing vault in Kvg
ar.d Rec's office
20 00
12 65
7 60
152 85
702 16
610 72
862 18
4 20
62 94
105 76
Jno R Jet.kins, Seg A Rec, cer
tifying mortgages.........
Ex rente taking convicts to tbe
penitentiary............ ..
J C Beale and B S Gray bill. Jury
Commissioners and clerks..
Tetal '.
General and Spring
2630 U6
448 77
5 print Elections ... .....
General Elections and expense.
delivering booth , ballots Ao 6-9 70
Cost of balluts, election blanks,
cards ot instruction and sup
plies 631 70
Costs of O'toths guard rail, bal
lot boxes, lamps aud tab'es
for election places ......... 617 22
Election Proclamation by post
ers recording and certifying
returns 140 90
$2418 29
3 9'i
418 23
2264 11
2794 72
85 00
33 25
1 94
61 2S
30 00
243 46
105 00
174 00
29 45
161 no
2 00
60 00
85 00
29 73
9 12
167 53
8 96
4 09
6796 79
SE Kiazer, expressage
Expense, convicts. Western
Penitentiarv. ....... .... .
To State Treasurer, State Tax
To State Treasurer, Stata Tax
Burial Isaac Berkihiser, dee'd
soldier.... .....
Burial Stewart Kirk, deceased
soldier. .......... .......
Ridcwsy Pub Co offi-ial blanks.
FL Hutter,Trancripti, Registry
boots ana oianas....---
J K Shupe, tombstones dee'd
so'diers ..........
Jafsasgers Penna Industrial Ro.
Jaa Coder, Agt, burying deceas
ed soldiers, Bealo Twp ....
T W Auker, Tombstones, dee'd
Pnrdons Digest. Dunlsps Forms
aad copies of ballot law..
U B irawtora, making tax re
turn Statement, Sec Int Af
fairs Juniata County Agricultural So
ciety Juniata's share expease run ning
County Line ....
Jno N Howe, Ice for court room
Expense Commissioners to Con
vention at Pittsburgh
W V Shire:. Art burial of dee'd
soldiers. Favotte Twp
Jaa JkVCauley, ptatage and box
rent................. ....
Expense, Inquest, body of Christ
ian Appel. ......... ......
Jno H Carney, expense County
Costs in Lunacy proceeding case,
Orace Hackendorn
Small orders........ ..........
Total $
Justices snd Constalilea fees.
Commonwealrh rs.es.
Corornonwrallh witnesses
Exonerations, abatement, and
Conns and Jurors I'av
165 12
439 49
2160 07
163 '73
2fi2 e
14 SJ
Pob'lc hml Jin ra
Road and Kridge Views and
Constables' Returns
Assessing and Registering......
2811 90
Tramps ui-W act of 1Ho
Fox and M k Scslps.
County Prison
Bonds psid.. ....... ....... .
Interest Paid on Bonds.... ....
Printing and Stationary... ....
Commissioners' Office and Conrt
Fiona.... .............
Bridrea. Building and Repairs..
Public Offices
nenrral and Spring K'ec'iona..
M iscellaneous ()rl ers ... ......
Vi 00
137 6".
750 on
S'-'Tfi 57
941 17
2381 P2
85MO 2 j
2030 !W :
2418 29
6796 79
Liabilities of County
Bal Verdict .Vifllin Bridge Com.
Outa'anilinc K,nda ...... .....
Outstanding C"tiil Ordera
Assets of County
Caah in handi. of Treasarer...
Outstanding Cnniity Tans ...
Outstanding S'at" Taxes......
Bills Collectable
Liabilities over Assets.. f
21664 67
99212 47
We the undersigned, Commissioners of
Juniata coanty. In compliance with the law
do pnhllsh the loregmng statement of "tho
Receipts snd Expenditures of the ennnty
aforesaid tor tho year ending December
81st. 1892 aa found in tho books or this of
fice. DAVID BEALE, )
Commissioners' Office f
AflfJliutown, January 6h, 1893. $
A Heat:
Cnas. B. Caawroaa, Cleric
pr iv ate s AiA'gilte
A nice little Farm in Susquehsnns town-'
antp, near school, church, mills aad store,
mora or less, baying thereon erected
good two-story
and out-buildings, all in a good state of re
pair. The land ia in a good state of culti
vation. Tbia property can be boncht at very
low figure. Tor terms and further descrip
tion, call on, or address,
Attorneys at Law,
Mifflintown, Pa.
lstlce Atattjat TreapaM.
All persona are hereby cautioned not to
tresspass on the lands of the auderaigaed
In Walker, Fermanagh and Favette town
ahiBsx A. 8. Adaau. Joke Ww .
- c.-av. n ti o, . " ""am
.hwu . ueir,. auasi at.. e. nr:n
w , ,-,.wwhc, w. aa. oieoor, Lnaxiea
B. Attinaoa.
j October 28th, 91, ly.
Adams, L.
To -11 to the tboueandsof new-made friends in the year aow :
to the greater thousands to be made in the year that s new.
Tou made old 1892 happy
kept ns busy the whole year,
What About the New Year?
We shall work harder Jhan eyer to deserve you good will.
We begin now.
You find bargains in all our departments.
Special Bargains.
Appleton A Muslin, best at 7 cents, Hill Bleached wide, b.t at7J
cents. Twenty yardu ol otntr musun at .
O ir Canton Flannels of 9 yards, 8 yards or 7 yards for 60 cents, aaj
10 yards forf 1, of the best made.
Our Ladies' and Children Coats at greatly reduced prices.
Our Cloth and Dress Goods at very much less than before.
ew drp!s havj b en openaJ. Will eay more ab jut them iu a short
time, all are sold at down pricea,
Respectfully Yours
muimE st.
cn ia ot
e o ci cs
o co cn u; co ex
CO o o
30 M T. 1-5 S3 13
?3 Ts - .a
H iw L V ? S ..
30 3D
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eo eo eo
o i- " M r- ( es co ?a ex us
r5 e.
-i t
1 i r
7 Z
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r -'t-eJTIS.ji;,tBins,,
n r - -o o t-1- i-1- B K o 0
a x e; r. r. a a es e
777 it i rnr n ?es
Vis, grow Meier, hrtier and ,i 3 I
13771 r,5j S20 "H3
17?. inan uri arty rvninxrr niswifx
VaW Irliuliy gofsti fir i r or Tf :
Whrai. rViKl to f'rm- Tf5J
Va- rm linrt. No Afjr-ntm. iWI
K,! for !'ric limt. xjrfi
Pqiiartfeystoaa Corn Pblsr
l-orn Droppsr and m.wt
psrfsct Kurcs-ta4 Psrtl-
mi r tauuogte.
.A. B. FARQUHAfl oa
Get a good paper by subscribing tor
SaarniBt tin Raerauoan.
I afasaa uJ Wt . BOMI m.
yures Gonstipation
V lmAi4 BTmaZai
Ci..... 0... aisaaaiisa
n mm
."Sa. sS
for us. You bought loto ofonr goed,, !
urouKu. . -- 0Br ;
r- etnetao
ec ccj ct o co
i-t i-t OCI9WS
!5flt O'v'OOr HUJO
00 OC 00 QOOOt-t-tOOOH
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CS Oi CieJXr-t-r-
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ei r- co ec ic oo
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ex ex
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4 m
- F
l.rw . tvtso!. F. M. J. rwnauiA.
MlPPHNTawN, p.
Ct'ollectlnr and Coavar
y attend od to.
OrstCB On Main a treat, la .1.,. .r .L.
denco of Louis B. Atkinson. Baa., aonth of
Bridge street. 0)ct 26, If 92.
J.nniiwi,!., wiLaia scnwarii.
have formed a partnership far tbe practice
ol Medicine and their eollatteral branches.
Offlco at old atand, corner of Third and )r
anga streets, Mifflintown. Pa. Onr notk
ol them will be tennd at their office at nil
timea, unleaa otberwiaa profession Ily sb
gaged. 1
April 1st, 189Q.
C A I "D C Hi n -BT-
I . HUiorn
stock. H al.FT r, .
Steady Employment guaranteed.
t!k! ,2LZrZZ!lt JT4erl ruaaa aad
la fcJTiE?4?" CTta' ee ctasea
L5imh - CwJrlesitwra, Cerw Puaatt.
HENCH & BR0M60LD, Miifrs., YOKt, PA.
The 8enitnl mud Republican effice ia the
P10 t job work done. Tiy It. It will
VJ yon If yo need anything ia that lino.
... ' Annua ims l