SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 188. TEEMS. Subscription, $1.60 par umm if paid 1b advance ; $2.00 If not paid in advance. Transient advertisements Inserted at 60 sent, per inch for each insertion. Transient business notice In local col smn, 10 cents p,r line for each insertion. Deductions will be mad to thoae desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. Sale Register. February 14 Michael Gahtrt will sail at his place of residence, one fourth in ile south of Evndl, sevoa horse, three tnnles.four cows, a Jersey heifer, six yo ang etttle, ten sbotes, oats, corn, hay, farm ma. chinery and implements. Sale at 10 o'clock A. M. Fel' " vri. Jicb T,. Pa?e, will sol' t li-: Ti'.ve of resHn. in Minroe town ship. S miles sonth of Evndle, at 10 o'clock A. M . a black- roare. one male 4 years old, a two year old colt, 8 cows, 1 heifer, farming implements of all kinds, and manr o'her articles. Jlfjrch 1st. WiUiim (Jraybill t bis place of residence, in Oftlawsre township, one tulle Sonth of Eaot Slem, Eiehtv head of Live Stock, six homes, 11 milk rows, thir-ty-onx sheep, twelve shotes. all kinds of farm imp'ement". household poods, apple buttor, potatoes a'd other articles to nuru rous to mention. March 6. Joseph (7. fiOnor, As'i;ie of Eira Smith, will sell on the farm or the As signor in Fayette township, at 1H o'clock A. II., two pood work two pood mares, two colts, three cows, five yonnp eattle. 1 sow, shotes, and all kinds offsrm. In Implements, household poods, fcc March 9 Thursday A. W, Sieher and wife, will se'l at Bunkertown. in Farette township, 4 horses, 6 cows. 11 yoonp cat tie all Jersevs. sow. 13 shores, farming im plements and household poods. Sale at 10 A. M. James Cvenv, Anc'ioneor. Mrch 17 Robert. Pat ton will sell oa the Wilson ffross farm, two miles west of Taorrp'iontown, six horses, two cows eight ynnnp cattle, one foor horse waeon, one Oliver chilled plow, barrow, three front pears, collars, bridle sad other arti. elej. Palest 10 o'clock A. M. A. H Snyder, Auctioneer; M. L. Kinsl o, Clerk. March Tue i st On Tuesdav the 21st day of March, 180S, at 10 o'clock A. ., Joseph Rothroek. two -nils east of Mifflin town, horses, cows, vonnp 'cattle, floe aheep, lot ot bops, farming machinery and implements of all kinds, household goods, etc. n. Fl. Snyder, Auctioneer. March 22 Otis Rnmberper will sell at his place of residence at Locust Run, Walk er township, horse., cows, young cattle, sheep, farming implsments and hanehold and kitchen furniture. S lie to commence at 10 o'clock A- M. Thursdiy, .March 23, '93. Solomon JUanbeck, will se'l at his place of residence, in Talker township, 2 miles west of Thompsontown, horses, in ires, cows, young cattle, sheep, shoats, farming implements, wagons, horse pears, harness, Sale at 10 A. M. IT. H. Snyder, Auctioneer. March 24 tleny W. Siebor will sell at his place, a mile east of jwn, horses, to'.t'e, machioery and farming implements of all kinds. Sale at 10 A. M. Tuesday, Afirch 2":b At his rcsidinco in Walker township, at ID o'clock, A. V., Joaiuu Girgericb, will sell six horses and colts, 4 Holstein cows, 3 bulls, 5 steers, 19 aheep, 4 shoots, farming machinery, includ ing one eight horse power, separator, with mounted power, wagons, sleds, gears, &c. H. H. Snyder, Auct. SHORT LOCJJLS. The average man is ill ten days a vt-ar. The ice below tho river bridge, left last Tbrvpduy. Mim iit83 Pennell visited friends ia Wellington last week. A fierce wind kept people awake most all of last Friday tight. E. S. Doty of Bedford, came to town on business on Saturday. Samuel Imes of McAlistersville was tak .u suddenly ill several day6 ago. Congressman Atkinson spent Sat urday, Sunday and Monday at home. A thief last week stple a slove out of a Williamsport coal dealer's of fice. Ex count v commissioner Wm. Ulsb, is still in a critic d condition of health. Eighteen new members joined tho Lutheran church in this place on Sunday. J. II. Simons it not well as the re sult of a fail on the ice, a few even ings ago. A new mail route between Oriental and Richfield, was opened on tho 1st of February. McAHsterville has a numler of cit izees, who are between the ages of 80 and 90 years. Thanks are due Senator Woods nuJ Representative Wilson for pub lie documents. Don't mifs Rtv. David Bealo's lec ture on the evening cf the 14th in the Csmrt House. B. F. Burcbfield has bought the peach orchard of Maurice Leonard in Milford township. It will not do to slight the prouml tog. It did not 6ee its shadow. Behold the result. The Communion of the Lord's Supper was observed in the Luther an church on Sabbath. Dirid owsrfz, auctioneer, has bought the Pivid Xaylor farm in Spruce Hill for $3,500. Mr. Cambell of Altoona, spent Sun day with Mr. Clove ill Patterson. Mr. Camlxll is Mrs. Cleve's father. The Port Royal Lutheran congre gation has been increased by the ad mission of nineteen new members. 1'resident E. S. Parker, of the Washington, D. C, Columbia bank, spent Sunday and Monday in Juniata. Representative Herman North. passed the Sunday with his parents, ana ?!rs. James North, in town The Pennsylvania Legislature will g3 to Chicago to help dedicate the State Building Jon Columbian Fair Ground. The Honey Grove post office has had its name changed by Post Mas ter General Wanamaker to Beale post office. A number of young people attend, ed a party, at the home of Jacob Ad.ims in Walker township, on Fri day evening. D.ivid Beale, D. D., will lecture in the Court House, on the evening of the 14th insL, on the Johnstown flood disaster. Senator Woods has a bill in the Legislature to reimburse, the several counties for bridges swept away by ths flood of 1889. The Lutheran congregation have determined to call an architect to consult as to what can be done with their church building. The late cold snap 6ince ground hog day, gave Macedonia water a back-set- The water will surely be here by tho 4th of July. Samuel Brant of Patterson has bought a farm near Locust Grove, in Milford township, from the heirs of Judge Burchfield, deceased. Stephen Rano, Jr , has a set of nice soundiDg bells, for his team, that old time citizens say remind them of the team bells of a longtime ago. James Tsenbcrg of Mifllintown is going iufo tho business of raising vegetables for the Altoona market He has leaded a piece of ground near Altoona. A shocking death overlook Henry Neff, aijed 17 years, at Tyrone, on the 1st inst. He was getting off ti car and fell under the train and was beheaded. A fire in tho chimney in the house of Merchant Adams, on Washington streot, about dusk last Friday even ing caused an excitement among peo ple r.long Washington street. Huntingdon Presbytery met in Altoona last Thursday for the pur popo of dismissing Rev. John R. Davies of Tyron. to 1 Tie Fourth Av enue Church of New York City. A bi'l has baen introduaed in the Legislature that has for its object tho abolition of tho annual spring election and provides for a two year election to take place in the fall. Letters uncalled for in the Patter son Post Office on the 1st inst., were for Mrs. Marv A. Rowe, Mrs. M. A. KaulTmno, J. G. Lowery. When called for, cell for advertised letter. Itch cn human and horses and nil animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fa'ls. S ild by L. Banks &Cj. Druggists, Mifllintown, Pa. Oct. 1, ly A trump is in jail on the charge of having stolen a memorandum book out of a coat belonging to telegraph lineman Calhoun. The coat was hanging iu the railroad telegraph of fice. Tiie letters uncalled for in the Mitlhntown po$t offiVe on Siturduv, were for Samu-1 C. Gessbord, J. II. Howard. Win. McDowe!, and a postal f r H. II. MiMey. Ask for advertis ed letters. Adam R'lea.n of MoVevtown, who a'ten io I the funeral of Mrs. V. II. McCIelliu. on Saudav. January 2'.), fell dead tho next morning while nt work ia the sand wjrks of Maeklia & Stevenson. A thoughtless youth told his best giri that sugar was a cure for hic coughs, and now she ha a particu larly violent attack every time he neglect to bring his usual box of coufections. William Grouinger who Eome years ago served so efficiently as county commissioner, was in town on Sittirday, looking us will as ever. Ho is getting better looking as he grows older. The dwelling house and contents, of James Alien, near Honey Grove, was dfsf roved by fire on the morn ing of January 2fith. The property was insured. Cause of firo not known hero. Mrs. McClellan, wife of Captain W. H. McClellan of McVey town, died on Thursday, January 26th, 1893, aged 59 years, 6 months and 17 days. A Musical and Elocutionary En tertainment is to be given in the Court House on the 22nd of Febru. ary, under the leadership of Miss E. Myrtle Drum and Mr. S.H. Rollman. Rev. D. J. Beale, D. D., of Freder ick, Maryland, will deliver a lecture on "Johnstown Before, During and After the Flood," in the Court House, on Tuesday evening, February 14th, 1893. Admission, 15 cent?. Mrs. Rodgers, mother of Matthew Rodgers, of Walker township, is con fined to her bed' by a dislocated hip, which was caused by a fall on ice in the vard of her home a few days ago. Later. Mrs. Rodgers; died, on Monday morning, about 10 o'clock, aged 75 years. Woodstown, N. J., is in the throes of a great excitement. A showman posted bills about that town that represents his female actors in tights. One set of citizens pronounced the pictures innocent; another set of citi zens said, the pictures are immoral, and that's the fuss. Magic Paste Stove Polish. Rub it on with a cloth or rag when the stove is warm or c aid. It does not burn off. It does not dust. It needs no mixing. It is just the thing, the stove polish yon have been looking for. Sold at McClel lan's Hardware on Bridge St. Have you tried South Amarican Nervine the gem of the century ? The great cure for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant, ed the most wondertul Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifllintown, Pa. Nov. 14, ly. Philip Kepner, a prominent citi zen of Port Royal, and one of the wealthiest men in the county began coughing shortly after breakfast on I he morning of the first inst, and died within half an hour. He bad not enjoyed pood health all winter. Aged aliout 70 years. Interment on S iturday. Samuel Imes, a prominent colored citizen of McAlisterville, died last Saturday morning, aged about 73 vear.-j. He came to Juniata from Franklin comity when a boy, and by industry and economy accummulated quite a snug estate. He was an in telligent man, and raised an intelli gent and well to do family. Samuel Duckam dropped on his knees on the pavement of New York City last Thursdiy and proposed mirriage to Mary Barinblitt with whom he was deapara'ely iu love. She had him arrested, but tho judge released Sam, saying, there is no law to prevent a man proposing love to a womae, if he is net violent in his manner. English Spavin Liniment r?moves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweenr, Ring bone, Stifle", Sprains and Swollen Throa's, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by use of on bottie. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifllintown. Oct. 1, ly. 9100 Reward. To any person, if he fails to find at Meyers' the celebrated Sweet Ore & Co. Overalls at the following priees: Lot 5 light weighs at 45c; the best make Lot No. 1 Amos Kiag at 60c. Fekd Meyers, Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridge street, MiffiintowD, Penna. Fer- Kotlce to tbe Voters of managli townhlp- The undersigned Auditors of Fer managh Township; have secured the Register and Recorder office in the borough of Mifllintown as the place where certificates of nomination, and nominati3n papers as well as objec tions to the same are on file, and op en for iuspection by the voters of said township. Wellington Smith, H. A. Stambacoh, Auditor. Hooked for Court. This is court week, and the cases for trial, all told, number five, as fol lows ; The slander case of Jacob R. Hen derson vs. nlmes R. Groningbr. The case of Eliza Benner, against constable Albert Hackenbercrer for selling in the name of John Banner property that she savs belonged to her. Com. vs. Reed Mitchell, fornica tion and bastardy. Prosecutrix, Louisa Woodward. Com. vs. William Sreffer, fornica tion and bastardy. Prosecutrix, Ida M. Hockenberry. Com. vs. Geo. Lewis, larceny of a memorandum book. Prosecutor, P. D. Calhoun: -a0 Held Many Office. The Selinsgrove Tribune says: Hon. Jere Crouse who took his seat as Associate Jur?ern of this county the first week in Januarv, now holds the thirty-third commission received at the hands of the Governor 0f Penn sylvania and Tost Master Generals of the United States. The first one was a colonel's poaition bv Governor Pol lock, three bv the Postmaster Gen erals snd twenty-nine bv the Govern ors of Pennsvlvnia. The last was (riven bv Governor Pattison o the office that he now holds. He was pmthonotarr and clerk of the courts of this countv for twenty-one years. Wo be'ieve he excoeds any other mun in Hip State of Pennsylvania in tho number of commissions issued to nny one man. Does this Catch Your Eye ? wrrn.iNToww uakkkts. Hi'rLisTOws, February 8, 18.1 Pntror 25 Fees 30 rtnm io SI nuldcr, PR Sides, c I.ard . jo XMFFLINTOYVN GRAIN XSlKfcT TVh?at,. 72 'T in car.. Oa, Ryo t'lov erKOPd. 50 32 65 $4.00 David Slaughterback formerly of mis piace, but cow a resident f f At Lit a, Ga , is visiting relatives in Juniata. The Babcock Printing Press man ufacturing company will please ac cept our thanks for a beautifully de s:gued class paper weight contain ing a likeness of their double ieeti press, Dispatch." The ice on theLowistown dam was 26 iucheo tliiok, which fact was dis covered by a d3rnaraite blast that was use 1 t: break an opening in it, into which to dump esrth from the exca tion for fourth track. The opportunity to hear as able a talk on the Johnstown flood as thnt to be givn in tho Court House, by Dr. David Beale. on the evening of the H'h inst., may never hi yours again. Don't miss it. Ex-county commissioner Francis Hower bad a horse to fall on his left leg seme days ago. The limb was badly Fprained. Mr. Hower was able to come to town on Saturday, but he had quite a limp in his walk. About forty new members have been added to the Lutheran Con gregation, embraced in Ale A lister vile. Center and Thompsontown charge, under the preaching of Rev. E. E. Beiry, within the past month. Mrs. John Roe of Colorado, is vis iting tbe family of Albert Hackcn berger. Years ago John Roe was well known among railroad people in Patterson. He went -vest to en gage in mining, and has been get ting along very well. "A bill passed in the Alabama house, prohibits the sale, or givirg away, or otherwise disposing of cig arettes, cigarette tobacco or cigar ette paper in that state, subject to a fine and imprisonment The bill also prohibits the smoking of a cig arrette in any public place." John Winey, died as his home in Richfield, on Sunday evening, Janu ary 15, suddenly. He retired in his narifd health, but was in his bed on ly a short time, whon Mrs. Wioey noticed apeculiarity about his breath The overseer of poor of the town of Palmero, York State, fell in love with a neighbor's wife, and eloped last week. Each left three children bthiud. lhe overseer took five hundred dollars of the poor fund with him. The town authority are telegraphing all ovar tho country to catch him. They want tho five hun dred dollars. The quastion of a new Cjngress ionr.l apportionment is being consid ered by the members of the Legisla ture, and a bill has been prop ised to redistiict the State in such a way that there will b3 20 Republican dis tricts and 10 democratic districts. Juniata will likely find herself with some new c-jmpnny. A new bill pro poses to placo Juniata in the 17th district with Northumberland, Mon tour, Snyder, Union and Miffiin coun ties. Harriet E. Hall of Waj'netown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I bad been in bed for five months from the effect of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had giveu up ail hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no ralief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk abont and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I can not lecommend it to bighlv." Sld by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif flintowD, Pa. Feb. 9 '93, ly. Charles E. E.-kenberg, aged 22 years, of Harrisburg, a brakeman on a freight train, about six weeks, fell off his train on Monday morning at Lewistowu Junction, in such a way that the cars cut off both his leb, and an arm. 'He was brought to the railroad hospital at this place, and Drs. Crawford and Banks summoned, but hi1", injuries were of Fueh a na ture, thnt he was beyond help, and died within an hour after he was brought to the hospital. He expivsr ed a desire to see a preacher, and Rev Mr. Wallace was sent for. H9 was an American boy, and bt-longe 1 to the Putriotic Sons of America, nis remains after being prepared for burial, were sent to Harrisburg for interment. Newport. News, February 3: A house was burned to the ground at Clark s 1-erry on Monday, and a man named Henry Garman perished in the flames. On Monday even ing the barn on the farm of J. W. Hoffman, on the Daniel Wugntr farm, in Perry Valley was destroyed by fire It is tenanted by Wesley Wag ner. On January 15, 1892, David M. Black, formrrly a resident oi uiam, mis county, oied suadenly, of heart disease while sitting in a chair "at his residence in Man's Choice, Bedford county, Pa. He was 63 years old. On Monday, Jacob Reisinger, a young man of Ickesburg, while pinning an apple tree, the limb on which he was stand- Timothy ned tl.oo K1..X a- rd 1 60 i'rni. $1.10 a hniuir-rt Chi1; .......$1.50 a hundred Middlings $ 1.25 a hundred . Ground Alum Salt 1 20 Ail iric.: Salt. K.0 Fhilapkli'HI v Markets February Gib, 1S93 . Wheat 75 to 78c; Corn i 52 to 53c; Oats 41c; Live Chickens, 111 I rv 1 a Hi. llrttfoi Pannjrlrjni i creamery 23 to 30c a lb; June cream ery 2-i to 25c; hand or ladle packed 20 to 24c; Job prints, 30 to 33c; eggs 30 to 40c; cioverseed 133 a lb; dress ed bf-evos 6 to 9 cents; Beef cattle 3 to 5 ; Sheep 31 to 6c a lb; Thin cows, $10 to $25: Milch cows J25 to $50; hors 11c a lb 4 EUailKil XOKUAL SCHOOL. 1 do restwctfnlU' inform ths public that Profrssor Josiah J. Ealer, Jr., and thu uo deraigncd, "ill conduct a Summer Normal in the M il! in Araden-y Ilniidire, during tho Sprii.r Itim uf 1-C3. Th senioo will begin on April 3rd. 1S93, c(l con tinue for eleven erks Tho "TEACHEKS .CLASS" s ill consist only ot tuch prisons who desire to prepare tueiusslres for the County f-uprrimnrleDt's summer examinations, and we shall enduav or to mnke tl instruction as thorough asd practical as possib'e. who with io aludr Latin, the Higher Mathtmiatics, Gen eral History, Khetoric, Bock-kerpirg, etc.. will also bo accommodated. For a descrip tive circular address Prof. J. J. Ealer, Jr., Mifllintown, Pa. MILTON C. SW1GART, Principal, WcVejton, I'.tfttin coUDtj, Pa. P. DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST, (Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Mittlinliurg, Pa , has lo cated permanently in Mill'.iutown, as suc cessor to tho late Dr. (i. L. Derr, and will continue the den'al business (established by the latter in IHGO) at tbe well known of fice on Bridge aireet oppositeCourt House. CP-TEETU EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. jo CAloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Diseoinfort to patient, either donug extraction or afterwards. All these aro Gurrteed or no charge will be mide. B7" All work guaranteed to give perfect atitfacllcu. Terms, strictly Cisb. H. P. DERR, Practical Iseutlst. If so, get the whole of the "story, as valuable to you as to us. It is short and may be WE HAVE STRUCK IT RICH, and instead of hiding our candle under a bushel, are willing the whole world ehould know it. We are now selling the HARRISBURG make of Shoes, which the above cut repre sents. The best $3.00 men s shoe ever put on the market in Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace. KEMEMBEE a shoe is not complete without smooth, flexible inner soles, free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the feet or soil the stocking The Harrisburg Shoe is Complete. It will pay you to try them. For sale only at G, W. HECK, THE OSLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT & SHOE MAS K JUNIATA COUNTY, BRIDGE STREET. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Also the largest stock of general foot-wear. Ladies' and Misses' shoes in latest styles and all sizes. Everybody can be suited at Heck's, Bridge Street. A CLEAN-UP SALE ! AT MEYERS' TtETAllTcLOTHING HOUSE. WHOLESALE AND HOLLOBAUGII & SON'S Clothing1 House, PATTERSON 3?-A. Nothing Succeeds Like Success, aDl that we have made a success of tbe ClothiDg Business is an established fact First, we are keeping a better line of all kinds of Clothing than is usually kept in a Clothing Store. Second, we carry a much larger line of all kinds than any other Clothing Iloude in tbo count;. Third we keep up to the style. Tbe young men of to-day can be fitted out with au elecant suit mad a in tbe latest cut for one half what it would cost to have it made to order. Tb rush of the holiday trada has left ua an assortment of broken lota, bro ken sizea and odds and ends generally. Tbe most of tbeae we hope to clear rat between now and February 15, 1S93. Prices are struck with lightning redac tion. Come in and pick up tbe bargains. Here are some of them : Note The Following CUTS ! . $8 FOR OVERCOATS WORTH $12. Tbe come it. All Wool Heavy Weight Black Cheviots, veil made, lin4 and finished. $10 FOR OVERCOATS WORTH $15. These garments are made of extra fine Meltons and Kersey in mediaaa and heavy weigbta. $13 FOR OVERCOATS WORTH $18. These oomprise a splendid line of English top coats of tbe following' ma terials: Imported Meltons and Kerseys, fiae Ely : 1 1 i CI inobila. Spaeial reduction in Boy's overcoats. We Are POUNDING PRICES On Our WINTER GARMENTS. $5 FOR NEW OVERCOATS WORTH $$, $4 " $0. $3.50 " " " $5. Doy's Overconts. $G FOR OVERCOATS WORTH $S. $4 ' ' $6. $3 " ' $5. $2 ' " $4- $1.75 " iWen's Winter Suits. A reduction of 36 per cent. Erect Orr overalls the best in tbe matket, G5 cents a pair. We propose to make our stock revision early each season. If los there is to be we'll meet it boldly. Loso to make a bold loss at the first saves a cowardly but greater loss at last. And tbere is where your chance conies in to pnrcbase new, fresh and seasonable gooda at from .TWENTi'-FlVK to. THIRTY-FIVE FER CENT, lower than tbey were quoted at a month ago. FERD MEYERS, the wholesale and retail Clothier, Bridge St , Mifllintown, Penna. OUR FALL. AND WINTER STOCK all the latest patterns and has boen aelectod with great care and embraces styles. OUH LIE OF OVERCOATS IS SIMPLY PERFECTION. Over 300 hundred overcoats and 50 different styles from which to select All sizes from the small child to the portly man at from $1.50 to $20. Sure ly you can be suited here. In Hats We sell more bats than any three stores in the county. We have all tbe latest styles both in crush and derby. The .only store in tbe county that carrya a full line. We handle the Douglaa Shoe which ia in itself a guarantee. We have full line of Ladica and Gentlemen' Shoes at pricea very much lower than thoy can be had elsewhere. Also a full line of boots that are no equal. GOLD & SILVER WATCH CHAINS, Ilirgs and Jewelry. It will save you money to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Neckwear and shirts are two of our hobbies, and ycu will always find full line of the latest and nobbiest styles in our stock. We are the agents for tbe sale of the celebrated Sweet Ore li Co. overalls, working pints, shirts, every carment guaranteed torsive satisfaction. We have an extra fine line of underwear tbat only needs to be seen to be appreciated. Ia Men-a dress pant aloons we knock out all competition. The finest Cassimeres and Worsteds sowed with silk in prioes ranging from $3.50 to $6.50 per pair. We also car rv a full lino of trunks, satchels, umbrellas, trunks, hosiery, gloves, Gentle men's, Ladies and Children's gum boots and shoes, suspenders, g-um coats, card lean jackets, gentlemen's slippers, hand kerchiefs, mufflers, harmonicas, pocket- books, rurses, &c. We will take pleasure in showing you our goods whether you purchase or not. Hollobaugk & Son. ing brok, and be fell to the ground, ... . hi . i i. IT1 iw.n, t r v i . i in' J O lie Ctlil no iflvo liu rc&yt'uee, uiru&iu uuiu uuuco ui uis i iui ui ill n.l w-i thin ten minutes thereafter, and one of the left, both above the he had died. wrist. Consumption Surely Cured. Ib Tn Kprroa: Plena infom roar raaden that 1 hava a poaltlr ramady for th aboT-naml diawa. Br ita ttmalr u tbonaanda ot kortlaaa bar bean pannanantly cured. I abaU be glad W eend two bottlaa of my remedy FU to any of your reader who hare eottaamptton If they will end me tbeir Expreae and P. O. artrtrai Baepeot- fttlty. T. A. &LOCUM. af. Ct lal Feari SL. H. X. LEGAL. UDITOS'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Brabaker, deceaud The nnderaiirned, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Juniata County, Auditor to settle and arijnat the account of Solomon tfruuakrr and John 5. Brubaker, Adraims tratura of tbe estate of Jacob Brubaker, late of Delaware township, deceaed. and to make distribution of tbe balance ri-main-iDg in thu hands of tbe said Administrators to and amore; tbnae legally entitled to the tme, will sit for tbe purpoaes of his ap poiMment. at bia emce in tbe borough of UitflinlowD, on Tburaday, tbo 16th day or February, 1S93, between tbo houra of ten o'clock A. M , and four o'clock P. M.,wb-n ai d where all partiea interfere! mnat be prctcnt aad present their claims or b for ever debarred Irom participating in said fnnd WILL L HOOPES. Jao. 10, '93. Auditor. S. S. RUBLE, EMBALMER AJD Funeral Director. I will guarantee satisfaction in all canee. I am qualified to prepare corpses for nny leDgth of time. My under taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St. Safe Horses furnished in time of funeral. CaseB requiring attention at night wilTbe promptly attended ti by calling on me at my Furniture Room. 1865, Special Invitation ESTABLISHED. To The 188 !ubtte To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes from on dailj THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Gooda for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TOWN SAVE TGU MOM TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER 7 -CALL. AT THE FIRST VERY RESPECTFULLY, S. S. RUBLE. LOST L1ANHOOD! "XERTTTI8 (FiTeLjk French Nervf Remedy.lia aoldwithaWittte Gaeraatee to cur all Nervou disea. ea. such as Weak s Memory, Loss of Brain rower, voutnesa, H ead. BEPORS AND AFTER USE. ache, WakcK't bms. Lost Manhood, Lassitude, all draine and leu ol peWr in either sex, caused by oerertion ot you:hfulindiscretion, which uhiteatelylead to 1. uimity. Consumption aft Insanity Price, ei.oo ssckage. With evry $$ order we " gusrwrte to eura cr refund norioy. By iny address. FIVER'S REMEDY CO., Toledo, Q. IS butskln de?p. ThaTearethaasandiofladlea who bate regular feature aud would be ac corded tbe palm of beauty weie it not lor a poor complexion. To all such Ve rc-commend DR. HECftA'S VIOLA CREAM ea pnauMune; these qualities that quickly chanEO the mint sallow and florid complexion to one of natural health and unblemished beauty. It cures Oily bkin. Freckles, Black Roads, Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, Pimples, and all Imperfections cf the akin, it i not cosmetic but a cure, y-A 1 bet ter for tho toilet table than powVr. t-i: ' 7 Dniirists. or nt THwt tmit vnoi; r. . 'r V"C. & C. BITTNEh 1 CO., TciU, u. j t MIFFLINTOWN, FA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. PEIR(E (OLLE t,7 &iKis!f. " lWillaa JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OF MIFFLIJITOWrf, PA. WITH BRANCB AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders' Individually Liable JOSKPU ROTH ROCK. Prtttitnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Catkur DiaicToaa. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroek, John Hrrttler, Robert B. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Philip M. Kepner, Lonia R. Atkinson, STOCKBOLPE&B : Philip M. Kepner, Annia M. Shalley, Joseph Rothroek, Jana H. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Mary Kartz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jt John Hertrler, T, V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson, F. M. M. PenDell, Levi Light, SamuelS. Rolhrrck, Wm. Swarti. Solomon Vanbcck, Three and Fonr per cent, interest will be paid on certificates of doposite. jan 23, 1891 tf ivioSHORfHp, WEAK aV K f tii: imnt far feannaH ltft. A 10 Kn a. m 1 tr&To) M wil ft- taMivr- 1- l ' i .' .'j ?! Apb ta beta avdVd to th LtvTT :&intcthta. nod tpciiij affectm f)tt i ' J:i n has bea introduced with nw I ;r.n :e . Ofirn mil aWtfBMsWiarr fir rjUW OJr sir .. rf.itr F!l and Winter term 1;.j l 4a l Ail SW App4imti-Bs 1kdbJ r.ti ft: -it 4 t'i;,t " J. !" -4t nuu ! ri nvKttL. .. tua t,T ir- . c I r !t.i-- thi: ut rinct Fh i .' '-"- ..i &H.;.uu.vlfi.4:ii lu?-tii&t ft.. F' . . mi Subacriba fer the Skstijikl ass Bsftjbu oa, a food paper. Bnflfering from the effecta of yoathful errors, earl osear, wasting weaknesa, lot manhood, do-1 will aend a valuable treatise f sealed) eoctainine; Ml particulars for Lome eure. FRfcE eharfA splendid mediaal work : should txs read by evaay man who is Barrens and debilitated. Address, froC F. G. VQVn&M. Bioeslisa. CoBOt RUPTURE1SS Fa. lii-e at onco. Ko operation or buslnatf d lay. Thoa5nd of carta. Jr. Hater Is at (Intel Peno. Haditifr. Fa., eecond ftamrday oi aaci. monliu Send W circuLarf . Adrtc lxea