PEKT1NEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : WE1ESIA. UfXESBER 7, 1892. TERMS. Snbscripiion, mm per annum if paid In sdvsnce; $2.00 If not paid in adTanro Transient advertisement Inserted at 60 eents per ucn "r eacn insertion. Transient business notices in local col nmn. 10 cents per line for each insertion. Dtd actions will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. SHORT LOCJ1LS. Olonel Showers has had a new roof pat on his house. Juile Lyons was in Philadelphia several days weeK. Fine ISIacK Cheviot Scuts all wool only $10 at Hollobaugh & Son. The Lowwtown shirt factory com mauced work last week. Pr Dowd Crawford Kant a day in Philadelphia last week. The telephone has been known Indi.i (or thousands cf years. St orai Overcoats, only $5.00 Iloilolaugh & Son in at W ill'-: : fi rce ocJiweyer spent days 1U York, Pa., week on Lecral bus- mess. The Finest Dress Overcoats, the County are to be found at Hollobaugh & Son. in Congressman Atkinson wont to Washington the beginning of the week. Mr. and 3Irs. James Hiiiihbtirg spent a day town lsst week. Speedy or two of A stouo crossing has been laid across Maiu street on the north side of Jh'idgo street. Hats, all the latest tyles you will Cud only at Hollobaugh & Son. 1 1 o asuiugton street, crossiunr at T'ist Point is in a bad condition It in lower than the street. Some cue says it will pay better to raise broom corn than wheat, who kfcjws by actual experiment. Fine line of Ladies and Gentlemens umbrellas, suitable for a Christmas present r.t Hollobaugh & Son. A small soa of Peter Lpons, an Okinhom i farmer, was killed and his body partly eaten by wolves. W'e handle Clay Worsteds of the lest quality, nothing like them in fine: the cjuntv, only $15 to $20 at Hollobaugh &, Son. Thu La.vistown Methodist congre gation cleared one hundred dollars by tlitir Thanks giving dinner. A l.irge straw stack on the Jacobs heir's f:irtn was destroyed by an in cendiary tire last Mond-y afternoon. Higuest price paid for mirA, fox, black skunk or musk rat skins, either in c.ish or tr;dd at Hol'otaugh i Sou. Th it iters uncalled for last Sat urday in th-j Jliftliutown post ofiice were fur Mr. B. II. Hess, John Kines, Mrs. Lizzie Silks. Ex- G-ivemor Henry M. Hoyfc, died at W'ilkesbarre at 2 o'clock, on December 1st., He was born on his father's firm iu Luzern county, June 8, 1S30. When it cornea to hats, neckware, fine dresi suits, fine overcoats and fine shirts Hollobangh & San laps all the rest in the shadn. There are 900,009 pensioners on the rolls and many more seeking to get on, and what is the Democratic party going to do about it T Mis3 Sophonisba Brecknridge, daughter of Congressman Brecken ridge has been admitted to the bar and is practicing law in Kentucky. Do you want to make your hus band a nice Christmas present, get him a soul plush Cap. only $1.50 at Hollobaugh & Sju. There is a talk in Congressional circles about changing the time for the meeting of Congrns from the first of December to the fourth of March. A ten ton stone is reported to have fallen from the Bky in Colorado. It is strange that the stones from th sky always fall in the out of way places. Tha violin upon which it is claimed the wedding march was played at George Washington's marriage is now in the possession of the Sunbury Musical Association. A man in Philadelphia who had spent years in perfecting a ratchet wrench went crazy when he found that a patent for the same thing had been granted 35 years ago. Great interest ia taken by many people, in the religious meetings that Rev. Mr. Wallace has been con ducting in the Patterson church building the past several weeks. The advertised letters in the Pat terson post office are for Miss Ger trude E. McMeen Mr. Dan Liddick, David H. Burnwell, Elias Plummer, M. J. McMenumin, Col. Richison. No misfit goods in our stock, all goods will bear inspection, we want you to c impare our goods with oth ers we do not fear your verdict Hollobaugh & Son The owners of cattle and horses in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio, have been annoyed by the depred ations of a supposed lunatic, who has butchered the stock during the past three months. Dr. H"j-ry Derr, who has practicing dentristry the past al j ears in Mifflinbnrg, Union been sever coun. ty, has come to Mifliintown, to take tho place in dentistry, made vacant bv the death of his father Dt G. L. Derr. Shirts the largest line and the la test patters at Hollobaugh & Son. it is not often that a person can be found who delights in boasting of having been born out of the bonds of wedlock. Such a man died re cently in Findlay, Ohio. It was bis boast that he was an illegitimate son napoleon Bonaparte. Subscribe for the Sentinel wJrnnrAs. A?!D rrt Popular vote and for 7 A. A. 1 wnn.;;,ruul'u'8 mat the 'rPVIheTdopthon BUUU Jill fl MVti PJftt.1 . .... social evd question. A nnrti i tin,.. 1 .. . t " dt A0rd -ciethave' been aotu LIIH f I llPQhAn nJ U . ' T- '; " uas uecrae one of general interest and ablation. air. Joaeoh Aimi t Hnfi S awi1ent near HapP; Hollow School Honse lh ? eniusr. Thv V....1 . 7 . , - uui i ue val ley and wer I liat f it.. home, when the king bolt of the bu- i ? anJ the front "nninp gear's palled away from the other part of the buggy. The drop was so sud den that both father and son fell for waru and out over the dash board. jUr. Adams fell on his face and hurt I BO eveJ"el7 that after be came home Dr. D. M f!rttf,.i . ? i- - .... . """" tjueii to give it , attention. He left a good deal of blood in the i ; ney from the Pehool honse to town lu' as mis time lm ia r.v,.i- l cubcis oi me aocident Some one has surro-Pcf..,i n i- .. .?.?-"" """" luree nquor distilleries be started l:'lue county, where farmers can vuou iucy can ourain fnr it ie general market. Two genera .. - - v uw J LI uods ago there were manv distiller. les in Juniata county to whom farm ers sjia tUeir grain for a larger price tnan they could et in the fen era! market Most of the dmHllr;a eie run l-V the -..-.,,1.4 first convert the trrftin f th.v farms into liquor, and after that make uquor or the grain, of their neigh bors ami in that way obtain a front. er pnea lor their gram. Tho grain was distilled in the winter time wh n little work can ba done on the farm. If grain keeps goiDg down in price history may repeat itself in the man ufacture of liquor in the hiwhlanrJ m ... . countie3 of Pennsvlvania. Bloom field Advocata: has bought the farm of Geo. Hetrick for $3,000. It is the same farm he ho sold to Ur. Hetrick one vesr arro. for $3,200. A".K. Brv- ner, of Cisua's Run, was offered 40 for on hog one day last week, bnt refused to st.ll. The large new barn of Samuel M. Liffkt- ner, in Sheaffer's Valley, Tyrone twp with all its contents, was burned to tue grouud last Saturday. The fire was discovered about 2 o'clock d. m.. and in an hour's time the structure was burned to the foundation. The hay, some wheat, oats and corn were burned. The stock and nearly all the farming implements and machin ery wtru saved. The origin of the fire ia not known. There was .1100 insuranco on the barn and $500 on the crop. Andrew Bnks and Lewis Strayer went coon hunting the other even ing, hiviDg Strayer's two trained dogs with them. The dogs treed a coou on a tree away up the eid9 of the mountain, and then fell out over it and wentto lighting They rolled over ar.d over, down the mountain side, their owner and Banks follow ing as best they could, trying to part them. At the foot of the mountain there runs a creek, the dogs were chased into that with the hope that water would end the fight, but it did not, they got out of the creek and went at it again, and fought till they were so exhausted that they fell off their feet. It was thought it was a fight to the finish but on of the dogs revived so as to be able to ac company his master home. The oth er dog was left on the field of battle not able to walk, and at last report had not returned. It was an unex pected deliverence of tho coon. Fine Dress Suits Corkscrew, only $10 at Holiobough & Son. SberllPs Sales. The Sheriff sold the following properties at the Court house on Friday afternoon at 10 o'clock. No. 1. A tract of laDd in Monroe township containing 93 acres as the property of Joseph Page, was pur chased by L, E. Atkinson for $2400. No. 3. A tract of land situate in Tuscarora township, containing 19 acres, as the property of H. R. Palm, was purchased by E. E. Palm for $272. Booked for Court. The following cases are booked for court this week. John Balentine vs. Elias Horning et al, No. 11 Feb. term, 1891. This is about a piece of land that Balen tine, thought was vacant ana took up, the Homings claim the land. Abram Lyder and Susan Lyder tf. Benjamin Boninger, No. 12 Sep. term, 1892. This is about some hogs that the defendeut sold to plaintiff on the condition that they belonged to defendent till paid for, be afterwards took the hogs from plaintiff. John Wise vs. Irvin Clark No. 138 Sept. term, 1 892. This is about hogs that tresspassed on land of plaintiff. William H. Kurtz, assignee of H. S. Moist vs. Simon Fogleman, No. 196 September term 1892. This is about an alleged breach of contract. Eh'za Benner vs. Albert Hckn- berger and Henry H. Yocum, No. 24, December term, 1892. This is an action to recover property that was sold by the constable. Com. vs. Samuel Miller, charge fornication. Com. vs. William Shaffer, charge fonication and bastardy. Com. vs. Mrs. Ephemia charge assault and battery, cutor Calvin A. Kepner. Moyer, Prose- Com. va. Charles Conner, D. Con ner, and Ed Louder, charge assault and battery, prosecutrix George Soles. - Com. vs. George Willi, charge for nication and bastardy, prosecutor Lottie Carter. Com. vs. George Soles, charge, as sault and battery, prosecutor Charles i Conner. I j Com. vs. James Bardell, charge assault and battery, prosecutor 'W. McDonald. ClOBl. TR Jtuvifk 7oi rrl.i. fli o nra selling hquor without license, infor mation given by constable of Port RoyaL Com. vs. L. S. Todd, chnrmv rrv bezlement, prosecutors, W. B. Horn mg, Edward Hower, S. C. Coldren An extra fine line of Suspenders J. TT mm m . t tloliouaUQ'h &; Hon. Teachers Local Institute. At Tbompsontown. Pa.. December iotn, and 17th, 1892. FRIDAr 3VN1HQ. Address of welcome, El win Davis. itespoosf, Maggie Regan. The Daily prets in the Bchool. E. E. Smith. Educate the whole boy. S. E Sburtz. An educated ancestry, L. S. Shim- mell. , 8ATUBDAY MORXDili. School Hygene, Bert Auman. The best way to teach spelling. L. A. Woodward. School room decoration, Florence L. Detra. Rsviews, theircharacter, frequency ana value, li. J. VanOrmer. Astronomy, L. Hartman. Patriotism in school, H. C. Saus man. SATl'BDAT AtTEKSOON. Mistakes in teaching history, O. B. Sulouff. The value of music, J. F. Niemond Lights and shadows of a teach ers life, Nora Sieber, Busy work for little pupil, Celia Regan. Use and abuse of the blackboard. C. L. Winey. SATURDAY EVENISO. What should the schools accomp lish for their pupils, W. M. Rife. Kccitation, E. Blanch Fry. Responsibilities of a teacher, O. C. Gortner. Educational paper, N. S. Henkle. Recitation, E. Pearl Haldeman. Music for the institute will bo fur nished bv Mis3 Haldeman, Messrs. SuIoufT, Neimond, Smith Woodward. Recitations will be given by pupils of the public schools. All teachers, directors and friends of education are cordially invited to attend and take part in the discussions. J W. M. Rife. Committee Lizzie VanOrmar. J Florence Detra. (S E. Shurtz. Court Proceedings- Court convened in the Court House on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, with Judges Lyons and-Bar ton on the bench. The constables made their returns. Constable Brvner was appointed to wait on Grand Juiy. J. W. Youngman aud Joseph Yeigh were appointed to wait upon the juries. Upon motion James M. Barnett, of Perry county, was admitted to practice law in th9 several courts of Juniata county. Wilberforce Schweyer, auditor in the estate of Mary Ann Snyder, filed his report which was confirmed nisi. In the estate of William Kenedy, deceased, the administrator, Andrew Bauks was prdered to sell real estate. In estate of Joseph Ard, deceased, return made to order of sle, proper ty sold, and sale confirmed. Dr. L. Banks was appointed guar dian of John Mary Kennedy, minor children of William Kennedy, de ceased. Bond of William Harrigan, guar dian of Margaret Augusta Stewart, approved. An order to view a site for a bridge over Mahontongo creek near Meis er's Mills, continued to February ses sionp. J. N. Keller was appointed a com missioner to take testimony in the di vorce case of Huldah Bair vs. Wil liam E. Bair. In 1888 B. F. Seesholtz was con victed of disturbing a religious meeting end assault and battery. He escaped from the court room btfore vacation. Was recently re-arrested brought into court and sentenced to sixty days in jail and pay a fine of $11 and costs of prosecution, and stand convicted until sentence is complied with. J. A. Martin, R. W. Umphry and A. H. Kurtz were appointed viewers to change the route of Cedar Spring road in Walker' and Fermanagh townships. George Hewer was appointed com missioner to take testimony in' the divorce proceedings between Jane Carter and Samuel Carter. After the Jury Fixer. That they are after tho jury fixer in irerry county, may be learned from the Bloomfield Advocate of last week, which says: Just before court adjourned on Sit urday evening Judge Lyons ordered District Attorney Pot ter to cause the arrest of John K. Blattenbergerof Liverpool, on the charge of jury-fixing at this last term of court. The maximum penalty for this infraction of the law is an im prisonment for one year and a fine of $500, or either or both at the dis cretion of the court. The warrant was ifsued and served on Monday. A hearing was had before Justice of the Peace Chas. E. Deckard, of Liv erpooi, ana Mr. iiattenberger was held in the sum of $300 for his ap pearance at court, John Mangle be coming his security. Ladies Misses and children s erum boots away down in price at Hollobaugh x &on. Ministerial Association. The Ministerial Association of the boroughs of Mifflintown and Patter son, and of contiguous charges, held their third meeting at the Lutheran pasonage in Mifliintown on the 28th of November. In addition to paper upon Romanism presented by the secretary, was a free and interest ing expressionof opinion by the minis ters present. The next meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Parson age in Port RoyaL December 12, at 2 o'clock, P. M. M. L. Drcm, Secretary, Appolatments. List of the brethren's appoint ment lor the year 18'J3. Jan. 15, McVeytown. ' 29, Swamp S. H.. eve. G. D. Feb. 5, Pike, M. H. " 19, Red Rock. S. H. March 5, Swamp, S. H., eve. W. O. " 12, Stewart Lider. " 19 Pike, M. H. . ' McVevtowu. April 9 Jacob Shirk. 23, Swamp, S. H., eve. G. D " 30, Pike, M. H. May 21, Red Rock. S. H. Jan9 5i McVeytown. " 11, Pike, M. H. " 18, Swamp S. H, eve. W. July 16, Stewart Lider. " 23, Pike, M. H. Aug. 13, McVevtown. " 27, Jacob Shirk, Sep. 3. Pike, M. H. " 17, Swamp, S. H. eve. G. Oct. 1, Red Rack, S. H. " 15, Pike, M. H. " 22, McVeytown. Nov. 5, Swamp, S. H., eve. W. Ul, Pike, M. H. 3, Stewart Lider. 10, Swamp S. H.t eve G. Jacob Shirk. 31, McVevtown. Dec. Do you want a pair of Overall that will not rip that fits you like a pair of pants Buy the Sweet Orr, Hollobaugh & Son sells them. -o lTooden Shoes New York has a Frenchman whose sole business is tho making of wood. en shoes. "Are you coining the cash asked a Rec. tier of this little Frenchmen. "Well, the business has its ups and downs. Many French ceo pie know me, and they come and order what we call soques shoes with a wooden sole and leather lop. "You see the pastry cooks and bakers, the waiters and glassmakers would rather wear the sabots ; they last loncrer. Yes, the work paps, me, but I'm not getting rich." Scalded. Monday morning while Joseph Werlz and Martin Gazette was scraping a hog at the slaughter house of Wian Brothers, along the creek near Spanogle's Mr. Gazette got a dipper of scalding water to pour on the legs of the hog where he was working and iu passing Mr. Wertz, who was stooping, he slipped and spilled the water on the latter, scald ing his head, the left side of his face and hi3 back very painfully. Lewis town Gazette. Trunk, hand bags, satchel tele scopes all ptyles and prices at Hollo baugh & Son. 31 A Hit IK O: Rodokrs. On the 23rd ult., by Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D., Wm. C. Beidler, of Stevenson coua ty, 111., and Emma Rodgers, of Walk er township. M illkk Parker. On the 24th ult. at the residence of the bride's parents in Harrisburer, by Rev. A. H. Parker, Harry W. Miller and Annie J., daugh ter of Cloyd M. Parker, both of that city. DIED : Dirr. On the 2Sth ult,, in this place Dr. Geoigo L. Derr, in the 63d j-ear of his age. On the 15th ult,. at McVey town, Mifflin county Miss Susan daughterof Rev. John, Esh of Spruce Hill, aged 46 years and 21 days. Krieder. On the 23 ult., in Har- risburg, Carrie, daughter cf Tobias and Sally Kreider, aged about 24 years. jjietrick. un I he Xblii ult., in Patterson, from career in the stom ach, John Diet rick, aged 62 years, 5 months and 1 day. MJFFUNTOWN MARKETS. KiiFLiKTOwa, December 7, 1892. Butter 20 Ewe 2(5 Ham 10 Shoulder, 08 Sides, , 6 Laid 10 MirFLINTOWN GBAIN MA B KIT Wheat new 70 Corn in ear 40 to 50 Oo's, 25 to88 Rye 65 Cioverseod.............. $1.00 Timothy seed $1.00 Flax seed 1 60 Bran $1.10 a hundred Chop...... ........$1.50 a hundred Middlings $1.25 a hundred. Ground Alum Salt 1 20 American Salt 80 Philadelphia Mareets, December 3, 1892 Wheat 74c ; rye GOc; corn 46c ; Orts 32 to 43c ; cloverseed 13c; potatoes 05 to 78c ; sweet potatoes 55 to GOc ; onions $2.40; rice 4 to 6c ; apples $1.50 to ?3.5 a barrel; cram- berries $3.00 to $400 a crate ; Florida oranges per crate $5.75 to $3.00 f dried apples 3 to 5c ; Evaporated apples 6 to 7c ; unpared 4 to 5c ; Sundried raspberries 17 to 18c ; black berries 6c ; pitted cheries 14 to 16c; unpitted 3c; tobacco 7 to 11 to 14c; Havana 63 to $1.15; Suma tra $2.50 to $3.86 ; wool washed 26 34c ; wheat straw $7.50 to $8 a ton : Oats straw $7.50 to $8 ton ; molasses 30 to 36c a gal ; lard 9 to 19c ; butter 13 to 31c : eggs 24 to 29c ; tallow 5 in cakes, timothy hay $1 a hundred pounds. I. J. PATTIS&ON, J. W1LBEB SCBWKTCB PATTERSON ii SCHWEYEIt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. JOB PRINTING OF done at thia office. EVERT KIND 1 me line mens slippers at rock bottom prices at Hollobaugh & Son. Subscribe lor the Juniata Sentinel and Kepublican. JDoes this Catch Your Eyel r - - ----- If so, get the whole of the asvaluable to you as to us. WE HAVE STRUCK IT RICH, and instead of hiding our candle the whole world should know IIARIXISBURG make of Shoes, sents. The best $3.00 men's Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace. H 35 S1 E a shoe is not complete without free from tacks, nails or thread the stocking The Harrisburg It will pay you to try them. For sale enly at G. W. HECK, HE OMI EXCLUSIVE BOOT & SHOE MAS IN J1IATA COUSTI, BRIDGE STREET, Also the largest stock of Misses' shoes in latest f tyles and suited at Heck's, Bridge Street. HOLLOBAUGH fc SON'S Clothing PATTERSON 1 V. Nothing Succeeds Like Success, and that we have made a success of the First, we are keeping a better hoe ept in a Clothing Store. Second, we carry a much larger line House in tho county. Third we Keep up to the stjles. out with an elegant suit wad a in thu latest cut tor one bait what it would cost to have it made to order. OUR FALL. AND has bsen selected with great care and st vies. OUB LINE 0? OVERCOATS IS SIMPLY PEHFECTIQN. Over 300 hundred overcoats acd 50 different btylcs from which to select. All sizes from the small child to the portly man at from $1.50 to $'20. Sure ly jou can be suited here. In Hats We se'l more hats than any three stores in the conniy. Wo have all the latest styles both iu crus-h aud derby. The only storo in the county that carry a a full line. We handle the Douglas Shoe vhich is in itself a guarantee. We have a full line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes at prices very much lowor thau thoy can be had elsewhere. Also a full line of hoots that are no equal. GOLD & SILVER WATCH CHAINS, Kings and Jewelry. It will save you money to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Neckwear and Bhirts are two cf our bobbies, and ycu will alwa9 find a full line of the latest and nobbiest styles the sale of the celebrated Sweet Ore & every garment guaranteed to'givc eatit - underwear that only needs to be seen to alooDS we knock out all competition. The finest Cassiweres and Worsteds sowed with silk in prices ranging from $3.50 to $6.50 per pair. We also oar ry a full lino of trunks, satchels, umbrellas, trunks, hosiery, 'gloves, Gentle men's, Ladies and Children's gum boots and Bhoes, suspenders, gum'coats, card igan jackets, gentlemen's slippers, band-kerchiefs, mufflers, harmonicas, pocket- books, purses, &o. We will take pleasure in showing you our goods whether you purchase or not. Hollobaugh & Son. S. S. RUBLE, EM B A L M E R AND Funeral Director. I will guarantee satisfaction in ell cases'. I am qualified to prepare corpses taking room is three doors north of Cases requiring attention at night will be promptly attended to by calling on me at the National Hotel. . VERY RESPECTFULLY, S. S. RUBLE LOST-MANHOOD! SSveys French erve RemedvIi sold with & Written GuaranU to curs all Nervous diea es, such as Wca Memory. I-oss ct Brain Fower, r vouincss. Head- BEFORC AND AFTER USE. icht, Wakeful aes. Lost Manhood, Lassitude, all drains and lo&i of prer in either sex, caused ty over-exertion o: veuthfullndiscrction, which ultimately lead to 1. a unity, Consumption ani Insanity Price, $t ot package. - With every $? order we .five a wrrtto' guarantee- to cure or refund njoaey. By tn--ui ?r any address. PI VH' REMEDY CO., Toledo, a CJr flMfT 7 . 1. . - story. It is short andSmay be under a bushel, are willing it. e are now selling the which the above cut repre shoe ever put on the market in !M BEE smooth, flexible inner soles, that might hurt the feet or soil Ime is Complete. MIFFLINTOWN. PA. general foot-wear. Ladies' and all sizes. Everybody can be ouse, Clothing lSusiuc-ss is tn establisbcd fact of all kiuds of Clothmg than is usually of all kinds tliao any other Clothing The joung mm of lo day can be fitted WINTER STOCK embraces all the latest patterns and in our stock. We are the cents for Co. overalls, working pants, shirts, faction. We have an extra fine line of be appreciated. Ia Men-s dress pant for any length of time. My under the National Hotel on Main St. IS but skin deep. Thprc are tbensandt of ladiu wbo faavo ivgular features aud would be ac corded the palm oi beauty wire it not for a roor cr.T4-xion. To ell pucQ we recommend DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM u poeewing these qualities tbnt quickly chance the most sallow and florid complexion to one oi natural heal lb and unblemished beauty. It cunsOI!y bain, Frepliea, Black leads, notches, Suubura, Tan, i'iuiiOes ind a!l imierfectiaui oi the skin. It i:. n'tic(fneiic but a cure, yet is Let ter for tiio toilet table than powdt r. bold by lrugxista. or Rent port paid upon rtecli't of 50c. U C. BITTNER 4 CO., Toledo, O. A PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE OF JUVIATA COUNTY AND SUR. KOUNDING.COUNTRY. 77i will be an occasion to Rejoice. THE ro OR AS. WELL AS THE RICH WILL REAP THE BENEFIT THIS FALL. $10,000 Invested IN OJNE WHACK. Good Luck to alt who read with attention, because wo cater to the mats Nothing exclusive about our business. Our doors are open for all, and every, body is weloome whether they wUh to buy or not. THIS IS X0 GLITTERING GUSH. IT IS A TRUE DECLARATION. HERE IS FOOD FOR KEFE.ECTIO.V Our Stock of Men'a Sniln .Un. ......... .,.. ".. , ... . , . v .epic-cms more vaiue man loo entire clothing stock, suits, overcoats and allboth for men and boysl of any other House in this conntv. Thi. f. ..i. i r . . J ' . ' . ... :J .... '"""ics, ior since no mercnant will invest more money than his business absolutely requires, the truth stands oat s clear as the noonday sun that we do the largest clothing trade in Joniat county It oonsisrs of Sack and Cutaway Frock Suits, single double-breast-ed, and made of Chevoits, bouole cloths, chssimeres, worsteds, Ac . in all new and stylish oolours, mixtures and designs. Whether you need a suit or not come in wd see n. The information will prove profitable to vcu. When you do. V0U Will further rnnanlt mn, lni....t I : full and complete. ' CLOTHING FOR THE BOYS. Wa TP rnnftllv well n.sin ....... rr. i i -1 .... . .... . - . j . .r. ncio jou. ioe exnioit tnis tall is larg er, nncrnfpr anrt mnpaliBnanm. I - , . .... ---t,-.-. iH.u Buy previously maae, and it's counter- part is not in the county to-day. In suits with short pants we are showing sev eral lines as low in pnoe as $1.25 and $1.50. Should you fail to find anything to suit among these go up fifty cents r so and you molude another score of styles from which to select. We are head quaaters for fittmg'out the boys in suits. We have a complete lioe of dark mixed Cassimeres and Worsted. Trioots, Corkscrews, Diagonal and the podu- j "ev'nr- e at $5.00, and between tbis and $10.00, Act find hpnt tonrtin.nt in hA .....4. . . , ,,, y. iou tave enopgn on toe smt to pay for the minor articles such as Hats, Neckwear, Gloves Ac. 1T"PiV ('OA rpoWe lU.XL.n O VWi X O.nd prices ever named for reliable goods. Our prices range from $2.50 to $13 Come and see our $5 men's Chinchilla Coats the grandest bargain ever offered at this price. In boys and children's overcoats we have anything you want from $1.50 to $10. Hundreds to select from. TIVT fT A rricFull line of boys'stiff bats from 33o to $1.93, in a quality -1-L1 -- -for tho price you can't equal. Collars and Cuffs, Neckwear. Natty and tasteful scarfs and ties at 21o, and from that up to COc.Jif you care to pay as much. In Handkerchiefs aud Gloves the assortment is immense and tho prices so small as not to be worth quoting. FERD MEYERS, the wholesale and retail Clothier, Bridge St , Mifflintown, Penna. 18G5, ESTABLISHED, 1889 Special Invitation To The Public m To attend tiie Attractirc Sale of Clothing that goes on dailj from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. it will be TO. THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examiue the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN IPjV. HAVE YOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT?! ARE YOU A BORROWER 7 -CALL. AT T81 FIRST BAKE $ MIFFLIN I OWN, PA. FOUR PEE CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money loaned at Lowest Bates. t-x Luirsrrs eicco z-zr ir,iW vit cm re 7f J i u.- r9 A. ' tfiVi, aV tc-rAeMfM, T-tl-rf f'ri.t., 1 Ji' tttUp L'tc. -I.'l ti.'t.M THK SELLERS MCD CIN;- Sutfcrile fcr the Slvnati. ami Sipiiil , K Ci, a tctd japer. 3 "B DW Wm'8 Ur "0C1C u negin in price with tbis class of goods we show what is undoubtedly the larg. V 9lt t . ... 6 are equally well prepared in Men's, Boys Childrens Coats this winr. the Iowpp JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MIFFLUTOWIf, PA. BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKPH KOTHROCK. Pretident. T. VAN IRWIN, Chur DIBICTOaS. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rotbroek, John Uertaler, Philip M. Kepner, Robort E. Parker, Lonia B. Atkiossa, T. V. Irwin. TOCZHOLDKXa : Philip M. Kfpner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Rothrock, Jane H. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy. J. Holmes Irwin. Mary Kurtz, Jerome N. Thompson. Jr John Hertzler. T. V. Irwin. Cbarlotte S nyder, John M. Blair, F. M. M. Pennell. Josiab L. Barton, Robert H. Patterson, Levi Light, Samuel S. Rothrock, Wm. Swartz. Solomon Manbeck, Three and Four per cent, interest Ul be paid on certificates of deposite. fjan 23, 1891 tf TO weak r.i E r J Buffering from the effect of youthful orroea. eartv decay, waaliug weakaeea, loet manhood, eto I via tend a valuable treatise f sealed cot fining foil particular for home cure, F ft EE of charge. A. spleudid medical work ; should oe read by eesy man who ia Dcrvoua and debilitated. Addrea Trot. F C FOWLEB, MiKMlua, Cooj. RUPTURE! Oure arna ran teed byUr.J. B.lisyex 01 ArehSLFhila. delnv. Tboanndu o cures. Dr. M arer i at Hotel Feuo, Keadtnfr, 'a.,8ecoiid&atuni'.yeji each month, bend lor circulars. Adrica la.