Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 02, 1892, Image 4

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I know, as my lire grow older
And mine eves have cl- aier sigltt.
lhat under each rank wronit aoiuewner
Tbere lies Hit ro..l of Klhl;
Ttiat such sorrow lias it minute
fry the sorrow Injr tll unRue.seJ.
But a Mire as the mm ii brings morning.
Whatever is is bt-st.
1 know That each sinful action.
As sure as (he niht brings shade,
Is soinew ht le, Mi'mc time iuu tithed,
'lliu' the hour be 1oik UeUed.
I know that Ihenoul t unletl
Nunellmes by Ihe heart's unrest.
Anil to prow means often to suffer
W hatever Is Is best.
I know there are no ernra
In the ;re:.t eternal (lun.
And all things work together
h'or tlit tlnal kmk! of in in.
And 1 know when my soul speeds onward
In Its grand etiu.i1 quest,
lshn.ll nay an 1 itxik back earthward.
Whatever Is U bext.
bhe was tlie darling ot iSronghtoD
Achuleuiy, greet Sludge Wilmer, witU
Ler )iiiiuut fiice, great brown eyes,
and short, dark curls runuiiigull over
her email head. Shu liad always been
broiled, l eiug the only child of rich in
tents who idolized her; and the fourteen
years of her younij life had glided by
withont the faintest shadow ever cross
ing thr-ni. Then at 1'rooghton Acad
emy all the girls made a et of her, so
It wi a not surprising that she should
be m me what wilful ami njoiled. 1 he
Academy was a very select find expen
sive school on the outskirts of St.
Louis, and its M'holars were mostly the
duughters of rich men.
One afternoon, iu early June, the
girls were all out on the wide, t-uiooth
playground. Soiuo were swinging,
others playing lawn tenuis, and others
again promenading, school-girl fash
ion, with their arms about each other's
waists, while the fresh girlish voices
rang ont mingled with peals of merry
There was one girl, howover, who
took no part in any of the amusc
meuts, I mt sat alone on one of the ras
lio benches, with a liook on her lap
and her eyes bent down upon it. She
was a thiu, pale-faced girl, with far too
weary ami dissatisfied a look for her
fifteen years. The only thing bright
jr pretty about her, for she whs dressed
both shabMly and dingily, was her hair
of a liri-ht gold hue, sud plaited in one
thick braid which fell below tier waist.
At a little distance whs a group of girls
of whom M.tdge Wilmer was the cen
tre. "1 can't bear that girl,1' said Leila
-Summers, a supercilious blonde, with
a cold look towards the quiet figure on
the beuch; "there is something so
snouky and sulleu about Ler."
"1 do not like her, myself," answered
Madge "ami there is certainly notidug
attractive about her, but I do not think
she is exactly sneaky; she is of u ner
vous, sensitive temperament, and you
know she is rather under a disadvan
tage here, l erhaps under more favor
able circumstances she would appear to
better advantage."
"Vha a little inoralizer it is!" said
Ada Waters, one of the older girls,
laughing and pattiug Madge's curly
head, while Leila Summers spoke up
rather spitefully: "You needn't take
up for her so, Mudgie, for she is run
ning you pretty hard for the vocal inli
ne prize."
Aladge llnshed, and tossed her curly
"Let her, but she shan't beat ins; my
heart's set on winning the prize, ami it
will take something better than that
poor weak creature of a Loula l'arks to
carry it off from me."
"Do you know what I overheard the
profebsor say to Mrs. iirougbton the
other day?" interposed Ada Wuters.
"Mrs. Uronghton, who wuuts Madge
to win the prize, was asking the pro
fessor what he thought about it. "Why,
Madge will carry it off, of course,' Le
replied, 'not because she Las a finer
voice than Loula l'igrks, for she Las
Dot the latter has a voice that, with
proper cultivation, would make her one
of the famous singers of the day but
because .Madge has the confidence anil
self possession to do herself justice,
which the other girl, unfortuuatel v,
lacks.' Those were his exact words,
Madgie, so, you see, you are pretty
ure to get the prize.' j
Madge flushed crimson, and then
pouted, while the other girls broke
out into indignant exclamation. "The
ideal" "What utter nonsense!" "They
didn't see a thing in that Loula Parks'
voice, while Madgie's was lovely!"
"They never Leard anything so al
aurd. l'rofes-or must Lave been jok
ing, or Ada had misunderstood
"Very well, have it just as you
please, only hush," said Ada, stopping
up her ears.
"I can't understand how Ler parents
can nflord to send Ler Lere at all,"
tai l Leila, "for they are quite ooor,
and there is a crowd of children be tides
"I behove it is a rich old undo who
tends her," sud another of the girls;
"papa knows him, and he says he Is
very rich, but something of a miser,
and as queer as l.o can be. He must
be frightfully mean or he would Lave
given the girl an outfit when he sent
ber here, and not let her be a disgmce
to the school with her shabby clothes,
l apibsva, Mrs. I'Hrks will not get a
cent of Lis uionev when Le dies, for he
h s left it all to build some kind of a
queer iilui-e, a d Le is a cia y old
ILing, 1 ,li ci-iiaiu. 15 ut look, girls!
you know the old saving, 'Tulk o' the,
etc. There comes Mrs. l'arks now to
pav Loula a visit"
They all looked; a shabbily dressed
woman, with a pale, tired face, was
crossing the playground from the entrance-Kate.
Loula arose and went to
meet Ler, kissed her, aud then the two
turned and went towards the Louse.
Some of tbe girls laugh, d, but Mad-re
curled her lip us she looked after the
two shabby figures, with the sunlight,
as it flickered through the branches,
catching the girl's golden Lair. The
words of the professor were rankliug in
Madge's mind. SLe was proud of Ler
voice, about which she had been con
bt intly flattered, and though she ami
Loula l'arks wore uckuowltvlged to have
the finest voice iu the scLool, Madge
bad never for au instant supposed that
Ler own was inferior to Lou la's, and
the professor's words were a great blow
to Lor pride. "But she shan't Lave
the prize, anyway," she thought with a
thrill of triumph.
A little later she had occasion t go
into the Louso aud to her room. As
she passed Lonla's room, the door of
which was ajar, she involuntarily
paused as low, bitter sobs fell upon Ler
"Hush, my darling," Mrs. Park was
nyin-r, "yon may-win it after nlL"
"No, no, it Is impossible, iimu.rua,"
sobbed Loula; "von can't understand
Low I feel with all thoso cold, scornful,
unfriendly eyes fixed upon me. None
of the girls like me, you know; 1
haven't a single friend among them all.
and it takes away all confidence in my
self. It is so different with Madge
AVilmer; tLey all love Ler, and are
ready to tLink tLe best of everything
she does. Oh, mm ma. Low can I give
up the hope of nuy life? I feel that it
is in mo to I e a great singer, and then
I conld make . money so that yon
and papa would not be obliged to
struggle so Lard. Do you think,
tuumina, that Uucle Johu will really do
as he say s, if I fail to win the prize?"
"1 know that he will, dear," the mo
ther answered, sadly. You see he
never changes his mind, and he hates
anything like failure. He undertook.
to send yoa to Paris to have your voice
cultivated on condition that yoa woo
the prize for vocal-mnsic here: bnt he
will not, 1 am sure, darling, do so ii
you fail.
"And I shall fail." murmured the
girl, with a fresh burst of sobs.
Madge suddenly started as though
she hail just awakened to the fact that
she was listening to what was not in
tended fcr her ears, and with crimson
oueeks, she stole away. But, for the
rest of the day, bright, merry Madge
was very thoughtful and silent.
The exhibition day of Uronghton
Academy arrived, and the big hall was
crowded with the pareuts and friends
of the pupils. Among them was Mrs.
l'arks, in her well-worn black silk and
shabby lion net, aud beside Ler was a
little, dried up man, with shrewd.
twinkling eyes, aud thin, determined
lips. Mrs. l'arks was very pale and
very nervous, and her anxious eyes
wandered first to Ler daughter and then
to .Madge W iliner. Such a contrast!
tLe former bo pale aud seared-looking.
in her plain, white dress, with her loner
golden Lair all loose aud flowing about
ner like a cloud; and tbe latter, her
pretty face all smiles and happiness.
clad in dainty, laoe-trimmed, white
roues, with broad yellow sash and rib
lous and a spray of red rosea twined
in Ler dark curls. Was it any wonder
a outer sign liroke from the mother s
lips as she gazed?
At length cani9 the singing trial, ana
the two girls, Mudge. still smiling, and
Lonla, white as death and trembling
use a ieat, ascended me piaiiorm.
Madge was the first to sing, and she
took her pi ee by tLe grand piano.
She looked so bright aud pretty as
sne stood there, that a murmur of ad
miration weut through the audience.
TLe professor had decided that to give
tLe girls an equally fair chance, they
should both sing the same song, ami
the sweet Scotch song. "Annie Laurie,"
Lad been chosen.
The opening bars were played, ana
Madge began to sing, and at once
everybody was staring, and the girls
looked at each other in horrified
amazement, hat was the matter
with the girl? Never hid she sung so
wretohedly; she was fairly murdering
the song. It was a relief to every one
when tho last note died away, and a
very faint applause followed. Madge's
cheeks Wi re dyed a painful crimson, as
she turned away from the piano, and
her lips qnivered, but she forced a
smile, as she faced the andieuee, and
walked back to her plae, with the
wondering, pitying eyes of her school
mates fixed npou her.
In the meantime Loula had risen ana
taken her place at the piano. She felt
rather daze I, but Ler Leart was beat
ing quickly, atid she hail forgotton Ler
fright iu the new Lope that was thril
ling Ler. Madre Lad failed; she could
win now. SLe listeued to tLe opening
cLords withont any nervousness what
ever, and the next moment her voico
rang O'.t clear, sweet aud strong, as no
one Lad ever Leard it before.
When the last, sweet, liugerlug note
died away.tbero was a burst of enthusi
astic applause, aa 1 there was no doubt
as to who had won the prize. The
girls all started in amazement as LotiU
went down the long hall to reeeiva it.
They could hardly recognize tLeir shy,
pale schoolmate in the girl with crim
son cheeks aud sparkling eyes, who with
that cloud of golden hair, was almost
beautiful. There were only two, how
ever, the mother, trembling with hi
piuess.au I brown-eyed Madge Wilmer,
who could fathom tho joy throbbing in
the girl's heart,
Aud, when it was all over, Madge
went up to her, and bending Ler curly
head, kissed her.
"1 am very glad," sLe S9id, simply.
TLa tears rushed suddenly to Loula'a
eyes; she put out Ler Land timidly to
detain M idge, and.her lips parted as
though she were about to sienk; bnt
Madge turned quickly away and iu a
tew minutes had left the school. When
she was in the carriage which was to
bear Ler away, tj the consternation of
her parents, she burst into tears.
Some seven years later, a new sing
er, of whom great things were proph
esied, made her debut in a concert Lall
iu Paris. SLe was a slender, pale faced
gill, with a mass of beautiful golden
Lair. As sLe came on tLe stage, a
pretty, brown eyed, young girl, evi
dently American, in the audience, bent
forward with a smothered exclamation.
The next moment she drew a long,
deep breath, as the rich, wonderful
voice of the young singer echoed
through the hall.
There wks a breathless hush until
the last note ceased, and then thunders
of applause shook the building. In
answer to repeated encores the young
singer came forward to sing again. Aa
she stood for a moment, irresolute, she
happened to encounter the gaze of a
pair of brown eyes fixed eagerly upon
her. A quick change passed oyer Ler
face, Ler eyes grew soft, and rilled for a
moment w ith tearsjthenin a voice which
trembled a little at first, she sang, as
no one tLere Lad ever Leard it snng
before, tLe sweet song "Annie Laurie. "
A Vse'til YTaafe Material.
Mineral wool is being put to new
uses day by day, it being found
adapted to purposes not thought of
liitheito. It is, however, esiecially
valuable, as applied to dwellings,
cold storage houses, railroad cars,
steam pipes and boilers, and other
places where insulation is desirable.
Mineral wool Is a product of the re
fuse iron slag from Iron furnaces
manipulated with steam. The analy
sis of mineral wool shows It to be a
silicate of magnesia, lime, alumina,
l)tasb, and soda. It is plain, there
is nothing organic In the material to
decay or become musty, or to furnish
food and comfort to insects or vermin.
On the other hand, the tine, glassy
tiliers are li ritat ing to anything which
attempts to burrow iu them. All
past experience shows that houses
lined with mineral wool will not lie
come infected with animal life. All
earths, mortars, felts and sheathing
papers contain organic matter such as
hair arid a vegetable 11 tier, which, after
a time, undergo decoiiisition and
create a v.Miety of disease germs.
This never incurs in connection witli
the use of mineral wool. The non
conducting properties of mineral wool
are greater than that of any material
used for cold storage or refrigerator
work, and lias consequently been
adopted by those who keep abreast
with the times. Some of the largest
packing houses and many of the cold
storage houses that have been erected
In this country during the past few
years have mineral wool as an insula
tion. It has also been adopted by
several manufacturers of refrigerators.
This, in connection with its use for
deafening and flre-proofliig In busi
ness blocks, hotels, and prjvate resi
dences, has caused a large demand
for the material, which, a few years
since, was practically unknown.
American Analyst.
Mrs. Uummey "Here's an account
of a man who smuggled diamonds into
this country bidden iu the heel of Lis
suoe. What do yu think if thai?"
Ouuaniey 'l should say that he wat
Well heeled."
When a child dies in Greenland tht
native parents bury a living dof iib
it, tbe dog to be used by tta child
as a guide to tbe other world.
Though the action Is about the
tame, there's a big difference between
training for a ran aDd running for a
Piustck Bismarck has an incom
tt $250,000 a year. And he owns a
brewery. Could earth afford him a
happier lot?
If Mr. Astor were to try to keej.
pace with his income by counting it
la silver Quarters, he'd be a gibbering
Idiot In a week's time.
IIavino been an actor, and written
a book, there seems to be no more
worlds for John L. Sullivan to con
quer unless he will tackle the pulpit.
By the recent death of two of its
members the College of Cardinals Is
now more nearly divided between
Italians and foreigners than for a
long time.
Tub French Academy concludes a
careful study of the problem of art!
ficlal rain with the observation that
the solution of the problem has not
yet been found.
It Is doubtful if tbe astronomers
save found out much about Mars. It
might have been different If they had
tried Venus. It's said that a woman
can't keep secrets.
Even tbe most sanguine are now
convinced that the Iron Hall is dead
as a door nail. The only remaining
hope of the stockholders Is to get
what they can or tbe assets.
About twenty mlssonaries and
.Bore than Ave million dollars' worth
of liquors are sent to Africa every
year. Successful evangelization will
need a few more missionaries.
Some of Whlttier's earlier poems
indicate that the good Quaker poet
might have been a fighter bad not
the doctrine of non-resistance co fi
st rained him to the ways of peace.
Professor Tyndali, Is visiting
Switzerland and trying to compare
the huge glaciers of the mountains
with the one that buried his friend
Lord Salisbury on tbe Home Rule
There are 1,022 Americans In
hina, and 130,000 Chinamen In
America. The Chinese send a million
in hard coin home to China every
year as a result of their Interference
with American labor.
A mas named Shirtoff has been ar-
.ested at Lawrenee, Kan., for steal
ing chickens. If he had 6tolen a
bucket of tar also, the materials
would have been at hand for provid-
ng him at least with a coat.
Whk.n the Queen of Portugal Is
making her own bonnets, and the
Queen of Swe len doing her own
housekeeping, it begins to look as
though their respective is-oples were
loing their own bookkeeping.
It may be that the courts will find
omething to say of the Homestead
troubles, but it Is doubtful. It would
be far better for the disputants to get
together and settle their differences.
Mtigatiou will not help them.
Tub girl who has a new engage
nent ring and a new pair of gloves
which are a perfect match for her
new gown at the same time Is put In
a state of undecided uncertainty that
Is simply Impossible to adequately
The coal trust robs tbe poor. Rich
4'ople were able to buy their coal
last spring when the price was two
doilars a ton lower than it will be in
Decemlier. It Is the man who buys
coal one ton at a time as he needs it
vho will suffer.
The young forger who dumped a
Chicago detective into a sample trunk
and left him locked up has put a big
discount on detective stories. The
detective should have got the forger
nto a Lox instead of letting the
forger get him into one.
The biggest man In Canada Is
Leonard Whitton, of Brighton, who
tips the scale at 469 pounds. Mr.
hit ton is yet under 40 years of age.
He measures seventy four inches
iround the hiiis, aud his head meas
urement is twenty-three inches.
Count Herbert Bismarck and his
oride will, it is said, live In Austria.
This will be inconvenient for Her
bert's priucely dad when he wants to
run over" to his boy's for a quiet
smoke and a subdued bit of swearing
at the way things are being run iv
A French duelist, on trial for the
ill I ing of his opponent, took advan
tage of the occasion to deliver a long
speech about his business ventures.
There is no necessity so widely recog
nized in this world nowadays as that
f advertising. Even the "field of
honor" is made a medium.
A London paper Is discussing tho
iuestion whether a man ought to lift
bis hat to his female servant if ha
meets her on the street. In this
country that question might hold
oncerning one's wife or sister, but
the average man here would not dare
to think even of flaunting a baseless
siiieriority in the face of the arbiter
of his domestic destinies.
In the mild and lovely parish ot
frome, England, the Tories pulled
up all the red flowers on the graves
n the churchyard, because red Is the
Litieral color, and smashed two
Illuminated windows in the parish
church because the vicar was a Lib
wal. "This teaches us what a Briton
aieans when he tells us "We do thing
U tter In England, doucher know?"
Tlw Fpurg-on TahriM!fc
Rev. James A. Spurgeon has ao
pted the invitation of the trustees
cif the Metrojiolitan Tabernacle to
continue in charge of the general
leadership of his brother's work. For
several years he has been doing this,
his brother lie ing incapacitated by
illness for anything but pulpit duty,
so that there will be no break in the
various agencies through which the
taliernacle has accomplished so much
itood. Mr. Spurgeon expressed also
his earnest hope that Dr. Pierson
would continue in charge of the
preaching: and it is reported that the
trustees will invite him to fill the
pulpit either permanently or for a
period of five years.
The Uood-Matured.
In this world, where there 4s so
much real sorrow, and so much un
necessary grief and fret and worry;
where men stumble In rough paths,
and so many push them down rather
than help them up: where tears are
as common as smiles, and hearts ache
so easily, but are poorly fed on higher
joys how grateful ought we to be
that God sends along, here and there,
a natural heart-singer a man whose
nature is large and luminous, and
who, by his very carriage and spun-'
taneous actions, calms, cheers, and'
helps his fellows. God bless the
good-natured, for they bless every- j
xxly elsel
1 he gentleman, so orten mentioned
In novels, who riveted people with the
gaie, has now obtained permanent
employment at a boiler man u fac
to 17.
Plasiant Incident Occurring- Ilia Worl4
Over Sayings that At Cnaerlnl to tha
Old or Tonaf-Jokat taat Kvcrybaaj
WtU Kujoy Ilemdlnc.
Hard Luck.
Ilstressed Female Oh, please, sir,
give me something all thesuiue.
Benevolent Gentleman Why al)
the same?"
D. F. (weeping) Oh, sir, you don't
'. recognize me. I'm the blind man's
B. G. Yes, I remember you, but
what's the matter?
IX F. Oh, sir, we're In fresh
trouble. My poor husband has re
covered his sight. Drake's Magazine.
A Had Heginnilie;.
Mother What! Do you mean tt.
tell me that during your wedding
lour you mended your husband's
clothes? My! my! What could have
possessed you?
Bride Dear me! What's the mat
Mother You foolish girl! Now
he'll expect vou to keep on doing it.
New York Weekly.
Ilatod Man.
Passenger (on suburban train)
that the pay car?
Conductor No. That is the ninth
assistant superintendent's car.
I'assenger Why does be travel with
armed guards
Coialuetor (Whispering) He is tht
man who changes the time-tables
very week. l'uck.
"The l-Mltor'a Kaay Chair."
Editor We can't use your pocnih
Poet Why should you always de
light, in sitting on me in preference
to cithers?
Editor When I sit on a poet ot
course I prefer a spring poet. .Smith,
'ray & Co.' Monthly.
At the 1111.
Mrs. Hicks I wonder If I couldn't
step into the bath-room to re-arrange
my toilet.
Hicks Don't do It; you're neat
;ik.ij,'Ii the bath toilet as It Is.
lie IHd Not Walt.
Jeweler You found this ladvVo
bracelet in the street and now want
"o dispose of it?
Crook I do.
Jeweler Well, if vnn'll w:iif. until
I get a policeman you can exchange
it for a gent's bracelet Jeweler's
A ...lly SIKu.
Mr. Iolley Now, I don't believe iu
Miss Flypp -Well, 1 do. Now, for
Instance, there is one 1 believe in.
It was an ice cicain sign and tht.
I'oung thing's lielief cot Dolley 50
.cuts." i'biiadelphia 'l imes.
Ho tVami't Sure.
'Is this a popular song?" Inquired
l customer in the music store.
"Well, "said the salesman, 'dots o
folks sing it, buo as yet no one is sutn
.ieni'.y tired of It for it to be what
iou'd call ixipular." Washington
Kaactly the Reverse.
Clubson IsSpougcly much given to
Tieatly Quite the reverse.
'What! a total abstainer?"
"No; much drink is given to
S I ngely. " Puc k.
The Keaervolra.
Ncw Rata I was triad to see th--
fou didn't cry at your mamma's wed-
Little Girl No, sir; I used to crt
it mamma's weddings, but mv tears
Is all used up. Good News.
At Narrafcalasett Pier.
"How many fiances haveyou?'
"Three," "Is that all? Why, I have five,
tiid they're all rich."
"But one of mine is willing tc
marry." Life.
It's Pllni-.
Qlirfm.A 1 w-ia TV.. .4.4 -
overcome Gojiath with a sling aud
Rowley Yes; but youth will hava.
Its fling, you know. New YoiK Her-
A Prompt Family.
Teacher Can any boy tell me at
what time tbe sun rises now?
Small Boy (shrill and prompt)
Just the minute father calls, dowu at
our house. Texas Siftiugs.
The Sum.
Friend (to voumr husband i Whui
Is the sum of human happiness, l ied?
Young Husband One and one are
one. Exchange-
Drawing Teacher (despondently) -That
thing yju have drawn lo-fes more
like a cow man it does like a horse.
Fair rupil (brightly) Why, ot
course, Piofessor, it is a cow.
I must say a word as to the ef
ficacy of German Syrup. I have
used it in my family for Bronchitis
the result of Colds, with most ex
cellent success. I have taken it my
self for Throat Troubles, and have
derived good results therefrom. I
therefore recommend it to my neigh
bors as an excellent remedy in such
cases. James T. Durette, Earlys
ville, Va. Beware of dealers who
offer you "something just as good."
Always insist on having Boscb.ee' a
German Syrup. g
A Mother's Gratitude
Too great for touaac
to U-II, is due to Huod'i
Sana parilW. My daugh
ter Olive 3 years a.-o
bad dreadful palua, be
ginning In one knee and
extending to almost
rvery Joint In her body,
caused ly Cooatltu
tloiial Sc-rofula. Tlte
pain rew less and the weliinK sul sided af
ter uslntt one bottle of HUOU'S SAKSAPA
Kll.LA. Then improvement was rapid, until
it etlected a perfect cure." MR. J. A. Vi.HU,
Keynoldaville, I'a.
llooi'S m. US are the best aft-r-diuner
Tills, as-Lst digestion, cure headache.
W.III1 r-ili-4. r.iiuuicis, ana minus miicu iuud
Hi, hand. In)ura the Iron. au1 burn off
Tht Ktsltiir Kuu toe FnlL-ib la Brilliant. GSor-
leaa, Dural'ia. mud the oomiimer puy, lor no tin
I or tfuui pa-ka:e wltl. ,very purchase.
Ask your doctor what hap
pens to cod-liver oil when it
gets inside of you.
He will say it is shaken
and broken up into tiny
drops, becomes an emulsion ;
there are other changes, but
this is the first.
He will tell you also that
it is economy to take the oil
broken up, as it is in Scott's
Emulsion, rather than bur
den yourself with this woik.
You skip the taste too.
Let us send you an inter,
esting book on careful liv
ing ; free.
Scott ft DowNK,Chemiata, tia South tthAacnva,
Nrw York.
Your druggie keepa Scotf'a Erauluoa of cod-li ar
ail all drueifata avcry wnara do. fli.
BEST IK THE W (lit i n.
av a i-i.flui.n.-i Ut.itltAU.
Tourist lkt those scarecrows save
four crops?
Farmer They work (list-r ite. You
ste. every tramp that couiesalnng cross
's the iMds to eee ir th' clothes Is wutb
ileall!!, w'lch they ain't, an that
tcares lb' crows away.
The v Ty ft nf iray to km.w atirtlivr or not
Ili'LUI'ia1 h.i-,-tr1i-,,.,,,, is y, as it is soil
o tie. is to ti ll H 1011 .(! Il r in't (leexive inu.
Be sure in no mutation. There are li.U uf
'"in. Ask your Kioci-r for Jnt one b.ir.
A IIK.lt 1 HKMKM t
So manv U.1II4 nnud nrutlw r-nifur-
Inus that
1 he Fidelity Wall Paper Co..
nf n ni lit., t. , u 1 . 1 1 1 . . . . . . .
" - .. ... 111 ci.. 1 v acii-
twnctftl to b hung this fall, some
50,000 plece9 of Wall Haner. Send
lour two cent stamos for samples
Of embosadd ;irrl fnr IO anil I?
The Indian measures dntane.es while
canoeing by pipes." One pipe is the
interval lietweeu the baitings he is
Mowed to make for a smoke.
It pt 11 re Hire unnraB(etl by
Or. J. H. Mayer, 831 Arch St, PhU'a,
fa. r.ae at once, no oenulon or de
Ay from business, attested by thou
aiuds of curt a after others fall, advice
lee, send for circular.
The rtligious fetalis. u in the Hindoos'
ife extends also to their intellectual
dale. In grammar, as iu faith, kismet
ules supreme.
-Tired all the lime Hood's Saraiarll la
I xissesscs Jtut lh.s,eleuieiitsof strength aliicli
ou so earnestly crave. It will build ou up,
lve you au appetite, atieutbeu your stomach
Hid ui-i ve. Try it.
'("il l I'llla luvigoraie the live.
In midsummer the coatsof Spilzber
(en are icebouud and practically inac
vsaible to vessels.
Fraaer Aale tirease.
One greasing with r'razr Axle tlreaae will
asl two weeks, alt otiieis two to three davs.
1 1 y It. II receive. i nrt premium at the t en
euuial aud i'aris Exposition.
Idaho is said to be the only State
whose name has never been satisfactor
ily accounted for.
COMill'TliK E. 1. LOOM IS, Ietrolt,Mlch.,
ay: "The eitrct ol Hall s Cat irrh t uiel won
derfui." rile him about it. bold iv lruic-
ilsts, 75c.
ven-eijihths of the forest growth of
the Slate of Washington consists of the
Jouflas fir.
Chihi'm liltiney Cure Tor
lroxy. Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's,
Heart, L'rinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv
usnesst etc. Cure uarauttmd. 831
arch Street, Phllad'a. $1 a bottle, tt
for 5, or druggist, loot) certidcak of
'urea. Trr It-
There are lt'00 'haunted'-' houses iu
FITS: All Fits slopped Irea by Pr. Kilns
jieat Nerve hestorei. No F.ls fter first day'
ise. Marvel. .ne ciiicj. T leatlse aod H'.OU trla
ottie free to Fit eases, heud to Ir. Kuaa'a
1 Area St, riiiladeibuia, rav
Young Slowbov Oh, uo, Miss
Siu.lai.I assure you I was not attempt
ing to kiss you; 1 should not dare do
such a thtmr.
Alias Siullax I hate a coward.
ta ii.k.
Bushehead "baldiue wears a bit of
gauze veiling, with spiders embroidered
in it, on bis head these days."
Faderew.sk I -"What for?"
Bushehead "Ou, just, to make the
f.ioa nervous."
Wife "Did the dealer sav he'd send
that ton of coal you ordered?"
Husband "les, he said he would.
but I doubt it. He probably won't
send more than seventeen hundred
Young Lady Mercy uie! And so,
when fast iu the jungle, you came face
to face with a tiger. Ooo! What did
vou do?
Modern Traveler (proudly 1 Photo
graphed IU
Mistress You know how to make
bread, I presume
New G rl No mum. No use learu
in such things till aUer I gets mar
ned. Mrs. Timid Did you ever tlud a
uutii uutier t ne ueur
Mrs. Bluff Ye-; the night we though!
there were burglars iu the house. 1
found my husliaud there.
James Itiincimau is said to have writ
ten to his "Dream of the North 5so
which contains 70,00:) words. In '.gbt
Olive Carl.
HEN we oppose
what God loves
we reject Christ
God loves a
cheerful giver be
cause giving is
God -like.
Backslid ing
always begins on
tbe dav we ne
glect to pray.
We are nevet
sad except when
we forget that God Is good.
The same wind that ruins the chaff
cleans the wheat.
Whkxkvek the devil makes a lion
God makes a Daniel.
Give God your moments and he will
make your day a success.
"Lkt him that thinketh he stand-
eth take heed lest he talL
The most deadly sin Is the one we
believe it will be safe to commit.
Nobody ever blames a good apple.
for having come from a twisted tree.
The Christian is the only man who
is made richer when the bank breaks.
The way we treat men is the surest
test of the state of our hearts toward
Living for self is the smallest busi
ness any onecan be engaged in in this
It never helps the Lord a bit for a
mean man to claim that be is a Chris
tian. No man can have much of a lielief
In God who does not also believe in a
Whenever a Christian looks back
ne loses all tbe ground he owns in his
Four Kailroatla Overlooked.
'Stramre that four railroad, one a belt line
sml two fuel-oil Uie-lines, nine miles from
I'liifaK ' should have been overlooked." said
lav A. Iimi-kui & iu, wh !! lliev laid out tin
town ..I linniili. lour factories located, houses
aud stores siruiifruat once. Chicago News.
Telescope Fakir Step right up,
ladies and gents, and view tbe planet
Mars. Five cents, mum.
Old Ladv Oh, laws; Hain't it,
ound and slimy?
Telescope Fakir Will the bald
beaded gent please step away from in
front of the instrument? Judge.
HIk Wltueaa Feea.
First Lawyer if the moon coula
talk what interesting disclosures
there would be. She is the only wit
ness to many a crime
Second Lawyer Yes aud just
think bow much she would get for
witness fees if she could testify in
A New Counts or Stuily.
Withertiy What Is your daughter
oing to do after her graduation?
rlankintoii I am thinking of giv
ing her a jsist-graduate course, show
ing her bow to stand oil her milliner.
They Had It.
Ki - -innTrt M
Waiter (through the kitchen win
dow) Spill some catchup In de con
summe. Dey's a gent wantin' tomato
soup. Judge.
Ha Did WelL
"Married, eh?"
'Whom did you marry?"
Three sisters, a son and their par
ents." iJrooklyn Life.
And Thus It Cam About.
On the hotel piazza:
He-IH you know. Miss Alice, yotii
voice has a silvery ring?
She No; but I think yours has a
diamond ring.
Horticultural Item.
Fond Mother Tommy what are
you doing?
Tommy Watering dower on you.
hat So they'll grow.
A Sure Slira.
Did Miss Sowerbv have her nhoto.
graphs taken yesterday?"
" i es."
Good likene-s?"
"Yes. must have lieen. for sb re.
fused to take them of the photogra
pher. "Boston Commercial-Bulletin.
Anothfr Sunday Argument.
Old Nick I hoi the World"s Fall
will be closed on Sundays.
nio Why, sire.
Old Nick What would be the u
jf our making a special exhibit at
Chicago If the people had no chance
to take it In? Fuck.
A "camel" and "beauty" are synony
mous in Arabic. An Arab widow
generally mourns her husband with a
cry of "O, my camel 1"
Both the method and results -when
Syrup f Figs is taken; it is pleasant
nuu reireeuing io me taste, ana act3
cenlly jet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac-
lla .1 .
cepuiuie 10 me etomacti, prompt in
its action and trulv lwnefii-inl in ita
effects, prepared only from the most
neauny ana agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commeud it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all loading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. l)o not accept any
IDWSVIUB. X tout. .r.
A baby born In Ohio Is without
hands. When he gros up uc -
al l" to sweep Lis town lor the offlM of
A man always knows what he would
have done bad be been In another fel
low's place, but be doesn't always be
lieve iU
She-Do you love me for myseir
Ul lie Yes, and when we're married I
don't want any of your family thrown
Johnny What did your mother whip
you for?
Jimtny-Katin green fruit.
Johnny AVbo gave ye away?
Jimmy The doctor.
Said the lecturer:
The roads uo these mountains are
too steep aud rocky Tor even a donkey
to clluib; therefore I did not attempt the
Causa and Maht Hvreata
Promptly cured by Dr. Hoxsle's Certain Cronp
Cure. There is no doubt but this (treat rem
edy w ill relieve those far Roue with Consump
tion, and iu many well known instances it ha
posilivelv cured persons who hail found all
otlui rtiMtlitt ut'Un. s)olil by druifKsts. cue
A. I'. Hoxsie, Bultalo, N V.
"This is an un-read letter day for
me," said the young woman as she
tossed the slighted missive unopened
into the waste basket.
"Is It not very exciting to see the
anchor weighed aboard ship?"
"Not half so exciting as it would be
to see one wade ashore."
Who t fkiks with tils liver, ronstipa'lon.
bilious ills, poor blood or dirziiies-laae
Beccliaiu's 1'i.ls. ot druuulsts. to cents.
Mrs. Punc-Tual Your clock Is
always on time! I'ray how do you
manage il?
Mrs. Slopay Why, my bu.-baud
got it that way.
Purely a vegetable compound,
made entirely of roots and herbs
gathered from the forests of
Georgia, and has been used by millions
ol people with the best results. It
All manner of Blood diseases, from the
pestiferous little boil on your nose to
the worst cases of inherited blood
taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Catarrh and
Treatise on Blood and Skin Pivnw mailed
ixue. bwir i srtcinc Co., Atlanta, ua.
irf.r" KIDNEY LIVER 132 SBi?
Pain in I lie Hark,
Joints or hi), sediment Iu urine like brick-diutl
frequent calls or reteutiou. rheumatism.
Kidney Complaint,
LUttbet-s, dropsy, scanty or hipo colored uriue.
Urinary Trouble,
StlniriiiK sensations when voiding, disterss preav
sure iu the parts, urethral irritatiou.Ftru-ture.
Disordered laii er,
Bloat or dA k circles under the eyes, tuii4fu
ooated, coiiatipatiou, yrllowi-th eyeball.
VMrntve--tTMconteotsof One Bottle. If not be
flted, biuifarista will rcfuna jou the prlc ptvtd.
At aOruvxlMn, SOe. Size, $l.0 Mzi
'Invalids Guwi to Ht.tth" frva-Votuultaitlun five
Who are for the first time to
undergo woman's severest trial
we offer
"Mothers Friend"
A remedy which, if used as directed a few
weeks befote confinement, robs it of its
of both mother and child, as thousands who
Lave used it testify.
I used two bottles of Hothfks Friend with
marvelous results, and wish vety woman
a ho has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to
know if tru-v will ue Mothers r rienu for a few
weeks it will robcontinenient of Sjih And surfmnft
aud insure l.tr.tv to lite or m tt'ter anJchi.J."
Mrs. Sam Iiamilion, Montgomery City, Mo.
Sent by express, charues preraid, on receipt of
rriie, 1 1.50 perbottle Sold by all druggists. Hook
To Mothers mailed free.
bKaktiLUi KatiULAIOR Co., Atlanta, Ga.
PWa Remedy fcr Catarrh w th f
1 rWt, Ka.ie to fse. and tiearxt. I I
u Waiis misl j
I 1 ""W by ilruiiitiKla or aeut by auall. j
aa1 auc. IL T. HaielUna. Wax ran. Pa. U
ft? iCTr cirS, ? .ViKsWrr; I
rtfiy fr It M.th.-., tit chil.l. s..f wn t t.e
gum,ailav all putt,, cur- wind cuhcaud
-rn4-1.1y.tlve Ceuta it Bottle.
W. T. t-lc Kter&ld.
WMaahiOatlMII, l.
..T.- fTION. Revrare of dcnlera antal
aiuuima Khoeasaubout W. I.. Iliiuulaa
same and I lie nrii e otamprd on bottom,
purl hiiIimi It ui l..n n 1 .. 1 . X
aubjecx la rM'i uiian bv lava lor ob-
mniuiua Hill II i- j nn-
alcrlalae prelcncca.
Will I a. . - .
4 t W'
;i rsi s
Ko ol
ss-Mti. W kif '. K K8fLM
I iTHLS IS Tffifew 0
tjac3s on
Cures Pain Promptly.
The Best
In the
Ilrfnuf. ami will il '" llM'irO. -tl..rm. 1 :,
. v I. 4. I 11 -L-IT 11 I. w ,r.'.,.t. .l u-.t. .
L.vcrlliecniireB...l.i:. . Ilcwuri-. luutalMiia. I
ll.-.i.l.iriiefree. - 1 I""!-.!;. W"'t- 'i"-
1 ne liver, uiu num. j", -
tnd the stomach are the most Important organs
necessary for the preservation of lit-. It ts
therefore the duty of everyone who rates at l
for his bodily health to keep them In a- final
. 1. Irtnuva thtk riAfirt ttlA lilt.
;onriitionas possible, nut wiuib mi- neari. me
liirios and the stomach In an ordinary ciititj.
ted person can endure a pretty .-evt-re atune
without stopping In their work, the liver i-a
very sensitive ornan. The least tnt-imp-ilon
In Its activity is noticed at oti.-e m a
ii iirree ililo manner. erio;is f in-
plications may arise therefrom, for h,.-h tin
physicians have llivemeu a l.w-e inin.L.r
ot tone I-atin names, ami nnn. u n .i
attended to promptly, are follow-d by long
i fi.l .lie:iHes and fieoui-n' ' v !v
.... ,
death. Ordinary people usu illy c. ass .ii: t!o-.,
aiSea-SeS UllUCr 111" k;:h-i.i u.inir oi
liver complaint. Ti e!r symptoms c m !
rasily recognized. A yellow color ot tna
skin, particularly ot tne wn.ie in me e
a disagreeably bitter bilious taste tu th
mouth, a thickly coated tona-ie, loss of itp .e
tlte, a dislike for mens, combined with li-i i-
ache, litiht attacKs ot tev-r, i-ic.. inese a,e
lalllni: smns III it tlie liver is oiii in iir.iri si
h i as one or more of these s mplonis appi-ar
't Is n. cessarv, in oi lcr to prevent a m- m
stckncHs. lo remove fioin the liver alsi,..-,.
tltiotis bile and all waste m.itter. to pr in .ie
Ihe fiee cliculation i f the bloo l. atH to lientiy
ittimulate the capricious appetite. Theie h i, ,
b.-ticr leiu-ily to accomplish this purpose n, tn
SI. Her nrd eel ible Tills, w inch i!,ve I n
Justly celebrated for a b.lig lllpe. I ll-'V am
prepared exclusively from the h-s' medu nal
herbs of the Alps, who-e hcilmic inure. ie ,i
are made ui bv coinitett-nt person, m the f.o in
uf pills without Hie the admixture of any mtn
eial subtances. 1 lie st. IWn irl .-et.i!iie
Pills can be obtained from am l.rst c ,i. .1 n .
rflsl. If volir Ori.trlsts liaeli't t! en-, .el.-I Z't
rents to '-ST. HrussKli " ItoX J4lo. ..;iv
City, and you will receive same po ll aid P
lut u mall.
ANAKFsIS rtv, rri
(taut relief and n ia
1M Al.l.tltl.K CfttB
fi r I I l.KS. Prices si ; it
fluiuisls', or bv in ui.
Kilnples 'r. AJ1 s,i
'Anakesis." box aiw
New York City.
Is th can, of itot t tli ..t-r'i'ifi p kii
fill uiitl litiiN:i:itit .sii.;it inn- aiitl -utlt-liiiftHitli
nhii Ii ut urn altlu hii th'i
fatlHTiflsa yt j 4'Ollt II H lIIC "' l-IVV
In MltttMfil 1o rtrimiin in tins sit k or
roiul tio.ii.
Tosliimilrit th- IJr :tit oilier 4 1 1 1 . t
oiriiiH a normal nnl tt 1 .111 in 1 ti ihit
Ht lily, thcrt i- ih lo'tt!' iiu'iIm-i hp th.iu
The most perfect, vile Mild reli.il le I
that lias ever been coinpouii le i I
VKIiETAKI.K, postively c nl i' iii
cury or other delelcnops su'.ist ,n, es
all the tenelicial piojieities iliit M.
possessed of as a c.illiartic t ; t. .ti t I lie
of any of its evils cons nii.-u.-. s. tl
superseded Men m y. aiol Ii ve b e 111
ol Modern Science, l le. anl 'y -,. ite i .1
out taste, there is 110 dnhculiy in
.I'll it!
I l.'Kl
11. 1 M-
-en: v
-v III
Hie I'
ad :i
all.ov .
01 til
KAIiH'AV'S I'll. I.-: 1,1,10 an. I -entlc
oti:h in ttielr opeia! ions, aeeoi .10. lot
they are the tavoi ites ol the prese it 1 11
Tbey cure all disorders of the stoiuae
Bowels, h i uieys, Hiaililer. Nervous 1
I oss of A ppetlte. Ile idiehe. l ostiyali.
irestioii. ilVspep-ia. H.llOUSIiesS. l-'i f.-i.
Ill ll loll ol the I'.oa. Is. - I ail
lie -Ui-lie.
II. I I .
I se.l-.
s- 1
I ; 11 .
th- .
Itrahuements ot ihe iniei nai iseer.i.
-olil by ilriu
l;.iA. i;
CO.. .i
aricli Mle.
t. N. V
( Ity
I Towdorftl hihI IVrfi.in.-tl
Tlie stroriwxt aiut t ("-(
I.ye nat. I'n'ike otli'-r t
t't-ii'K a tint hvt. r an.l p., kr-il
in a can with retnt-v it-lr li.t. ttus
ctiitfiti! an- a'wys i v f -r
iicW. Will in .kf th- (S- s? p-r!ii'i!'ti
ll:iil in 't mini. tv-A u'":(-.t
bvi in t. It i ill- b-.t f.ir : t:i
ina! ptitff. ili-n.r-'tii
enik, I'lfWfh, w ishing L'.-ttlcs,
paint. 1 1 res. etr.
I'i-.NN A. SALT M TO O..
Gen. Agts , Fhll I'.
f TTtftralr i FuLncf.lioi.9f
a a sr u v. 1 C . a. . r i.ujl'
M........ M.'.rl. Ii!k ... IU ..i.Mna.
joQaj haal lilali... W wliintl -u a.i.i Oicg.-u M.a
nd low P.ncE 4 B IAS
WiTGTH?C . S Si S.'.
PACSFI5 R. . tUK-li
Tti IwMtt ArrttrtittanJ Ortasiawm ft. T ct-r
l.nd bow loieitl- rt. Mt-I-i ri-l'.l'. A
wl . ft. LaV'Mlaat ia.ta4 CWtM R. i. K. --,
K f e
1 IE l)r. Kl !N w Kb. AT
for aU Riit - Ni'R.g '.m.,-- "-it-
IT far Hrr A ffrCliw . Ff. fil "fa w
It-fai 1 ifT-at H tfc"t, n. :c.i F'i Vr
1 IrH .f.lt Hs Ireitl aii.l t . tt:e l-rt
E fit tlr.iU, tk-if , ibR SI, (Pt 1 bii.es ,.1, l I tj)as
I rwrrMtral .SfttJ IV ti ul ! ! tn -jt
t. faWl to .- KI.INl-.. X l Arrh , r .1 ai.lrl, I. la I fa.
X 5)5 to $15 ",,..da'- ,
x.--x bn, a.l, 1.. .
ii'. ,.:-iii; Wh ii- -ti,-1
a;.-lit- S tin (.ir.f l
I... II. 4 111- I SO j
i .. lulUaUbuaV O.
W. L
rm GE1.1LFMFW.
J. a en Dine ecwfa auoe uiiu x ill nol rip I II lie lair.
Seamless, saiooln inside, tl. ylbte. more coiuf orlalile, Btylisli
and durable than any outer snoe tvir sold at tlie prico.
Equals custom riis.lesnoescostiiifri.m $1 ti$".
1 be only !:.o jshoe iiukIp with tv rnmplets
aolee, e, ur, I, b..w, , at thBomsulneilaccw ahown 111 cull,
v. Inch K1V.-S doublet ho viar of cheap Writ shoeasoll at lt.X
pn.v. for auch easily ri-,. bav imr onlvono nolo seweJ
I?"?.'?"??' ?"' leather vn the e.u..-: and when ouea
oru inrouKn are a-ortlil'.ss.
JuSJrv J 11, f:ln ' repaurdns many tmiej ua
nooeajary.iu.lhe, ,n never rli.or loosen from tlieui.i.T.
rumaani of I.H.twrar d.-liiu.r t.. e, ..u.a.
ahuuld consider the suis-nor quallii. a
ot these shoe, and n,,t lm lurliien. e l
to liuyctii ap v.rlts!i.. S3oi.i at a..o.
haviugonly npi earan.-e to conmieul
tu. V 1 IIUI .1..4?s Alrii-a
as I ana St.. f-'me 1 -;. 1 r 11 .n.l
m:.. ; (.. -JO l'oliiT?au,l Kdrm
TS; VilO Hue Calf;
" 3:.llll UuUliikTii.in:
J"J's" SJ.IlO tad oiuhs'
yl.7 Svho.,1 Shoes: ladies'
J-OO Hand Sewd; $ ..'i(.
'J.U aud llissea'
f 1 .7- Bel Dolih' ol.
are of the same 11 14a
luiiuiua ot luexiw
. . .
auu vii.u one pen.