SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MI?FLINTOWN. WEIWESDAT. OTEXnEK 2. 1892. B. F. SCHWEIKR s CDITOK AMD riOPtlETOt. REPUBLICAN TICKET. UNITED STATES. Fob 1'BEnnrxT. BENJAMIN HARRISON. For Vice Pbeswext. WIJITELA W REID. STATE. FOR Sl'PREHE Jl'DOK. JOHN DEAN, of Blair. KoR CoBOBESSMEM-AT-LaEOE, ALEXANDER McDOWELL, of Mercer. WILLIAM LILLY, orCarbou. Ripcblicab Pbesidebtial Electors. F. Jones, William Wood, W. Henry Sayen, J. r rancis Dunlap, John L. Lawson, John Mund II, John Hunter, Alex. Crow, Jr, C'barU-s B. Siner, Maxwell Clower, Wni. H. Grundy, Traill Green. James K. Mosser, J. M. W. Heist, Henry A. Knnpp, William J. Ilarvcy, James Mnir, John H. Sheibley, Coe Durland, I'ierre A. Stebbins, Loyd T. Rohrbach, S . S Schoch, J. Scbail Wilhelm, Louis J. McGregor, James B. Laux, Rotiert Pitcairn, James U. Lindsay, Tlioium L. Lincoln, Sylvester D Bell, Mattbew H. Taylor, Cliarlea F. Barclay, Jesse E. Dale. DISTRICT. For Coxoress. THAD. II. MAUON. For State Sex ate, JOSEPH M. WOODS. COUNTY. FiR ASSEMBLT. . LATIMER WILSON. County Si ivetor, J. A. MARTIN. Coeoxfr, V. 11. HOOPS. The Bridge Debt. If Mr. Woods is returned to the Senate it is highly probable that he will be able to get a bill passed that will relieve the tax payers of several thousand of the Hood bridge debt that has run up the indebtedness of the counties of this Senatorial dis trict to an app illiiig- sum. Citizens of Juniata this single point, alone, is worth more to you than all the polit ical party pri le that you can load up with, so vote for Woods regardless of of politics and at least do what you fan toward unloading the tuonster ious bridge debt. When you cast your vote for Wil son for representative you know it is cast for a good unassuming mau) who will be glad to see you when you visit the legislature. He will not dodge j-ou there as some times mem bers do. He will stand up for fair and eipiitnbie laws, that all can live Tinder. Vote for Wilson a man of good old fashioned views under which the republic has becu built. Vcte for Woods and Wi'scn. A United States Senator is to be elect ei by the text Legislature, and it is of the highest importance that no back tracks be taken on the tariff for the money tbat pays the pensions conies from the tariff. Wil son and Woods will vote for a United States Senator, and if you wish to keep the pension list, and the debt paying revenues on a fafe line you will not fail to vote for Wilson and "Woods. Try and reduce the bridgo debt that was caused by the flood hy vot ing for Woods for Senate. Mr. "Woods had a bill almost through the legislature last session that would liave stricken several thousand dol lars off the bridge debt from the shoulders of the tax-payers of Juni ata. Take no risks. Vote for "Woods nnd he will renew the just liaitle in the Senate. The loss by 'the. .flood was not a loss by the act of 'man. It was a loss sent by Provi nlenco nud under such cirenmstance tlre state can properly come in and lift-tho burden of debt. How to Vote. Chairman Tieeder of the Republi can State Committee has issued a warning to the party organization throughout the state not to permit -voters to become imbued with the idea that there is anything difficult or confusing about the marking of the ballot under the new law to those who have not studied the subject. This is really the simplest partof the new system of voting. That fact should be impressed upon every vot. er. The greatest complaints that Lave been raised against the new law relate to the conflicting provisions of various sections of the act, which is very crudely drawn, and the unnec cessary and complicated machinery required in the certification of nom inations and the printing of the tick ets and the substitution of the party rules for the laws of the common wealth. MARKING THE BALLOT IS SIMPLE. No one who has studied the law will say that there is anything dif ficult about the marking of the bal lot. In fact as far as the voter is concerned the new law presents many advantages over the old sys tem. The impression that has got ten abroad that voters who go to the poll for the first time will ex perience trouble in marking their ballots properly is entirely erroneous, If the matter is not explained it is calculated to keep some citizens away from the poles, from timidity, or a lear that they may appear ig norant. Chairman Iteeder suggests a simple method of instructing Re publicans how to vote for their par ty nominees. "Place a cross mark in the square to the right of the word Republican whenever the word Republican ap pears on the ballot,"' hays Genrrul Rc2der, and you will vote the straight Republican ticket" 'If the voter desires to vote the Straight Partv Ticket, or in other words for all the candidates on the Republican Ticket, he can do so by making a cross murk, thus X, in the square or margin opposite and to the Rioht of the word Republican at the head or top of each Republican group. This single mark or cross will be equivalent to a cross mark agaiutt every name in such Republi can group, and will bo counted ns one vote for each Republicau candi date named. Eaoh group in the Re publican column must be similarly marked with a cross. "Th:s yeai (1892) there will be the following groups in the Republican ticket, to wit : 1. State ticket em bracing candidate for supreme court judge, two candidates for congress man -at-large, and thirty-two candi dates for electors. 2. Candidate for congress. 3. Candidate for State Senator (where such official is to be elected.) G. County candidates. To vote the full Republican Ticket a cross must be made. for each of these groups. A singlo cross at the top of the ticket simply votes for the State ticket or those in the first group. Such a ballot would not be counted for the candidates for congress, state senator, etc. It lint Fishermen Want. A number of amateur fishermen in the Juniata Valley will ask the next Legislature to change tlio fi;;h l iw. They want the salary of tbo tish wardens raised so tbat they can de vote their tiiuo to the prosecution of the violators of the law; they want outline fishing free to all. and thu heaviest of fines levied on those who cxplodo dynamite in the rivers, and those who run eaw-dust and alkali into the streams. They will also recommend tbat the trout seison be extended from April 1 to August 1, instead of April 15 to July 15. LEGAL. AUTlTION NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court or Juniata County. In tho nutter of the pirtition or tli-i real estate of C.ilvin B. Watts, late of Favette township, Juniata county, Pa., deceased To Surab Watts, widow, McAMsterville, Juniata connty, Pa., George W. Watts, Me Aliitlerville, Juniata county. Pi., Su san Watts McAlisturvilk", Juniala county Pa., David Beahor, Guardian of Sii'in Watts and John Calvin Wails, MHHin town, Juniata county, Pa, David K. Watts, Hoboken, Allegheny county. Pa , Mary Ellen Watts, Trenton, Now Jersey; Sarah C. Watts. Trenton, New Jersey ; Emma J. Watts, 0-rmantuwn, in the City or Philadelphia, Pa.; Anna J. Watts,, in the City ol Phil adelphia, Pa. ; Elizabeth E. Watts, Ger tnantown, In the City ol' Philadelphia, Pa.; and to F. M. M. Pennell Esq., Guardian ad litem or Anna J. WatU and Eliziueth E. Watts, Mitllintown, Juniata county, Pa. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance or an Older of the Orphans' Court or Juniata county, a writ or partition has issued lromsai.1 Court to the aherilt nl said county, returnable on the 20th day o( December, A. P., IMC, and tbat the in quest will meet lor tho purpose or mak ing partition Sec, of the said real estate Of the said decedent on Wednesday, Novem ber 23rd, A. D-, lt!'2, at tin o'clock A.M. of said day, tip on the premises, (the late residecco of the docedent) in Fayctto towuship, Juniata county, at which time and plnce yon can be present if you see proper. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. S h rifl's Office. Mifflinlown.Oct. 81, 1892. c ai:tion NOTICE. To w boat it may concern, I hereby give notice tbat on Its 12th day of September, 1802 at a constable's sale, I bought ali of I. P. Laurel's Personal Property, two mules, two cows, and beifer and all his farming implements, one reaper, ono drill, one wag. on, one cow, cultivator, harness, one bug gy, and all persons are hereby cautioned not to interfere in any way with said prop erty. Catherine F. Lai'ver, Richfield, Juniata Co., Pa. October 21, 1S'.)2 GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. JLECTION PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, bv an act of General As sembly of the Commonwealth or Penn sylvania, entitled " An act to regulate the nomination and election of public etlicers approved tbo 19th day of June 1891. It is the duty or the sheriff of every coun ty within the Commonwealth to give no tico of any election to be held therein to enumerate the oiheers to be elected and give a list or all the nominations, except for election omcers ana assessors, to be voted lor, designate the places at which tho elections are to be beld, and give notice tbat certain persons holding other oflice ot profit or trust are incapable or boldine or exercising at the same time, the ollice or appointment or Judge, In spector or Cleric or auy election or this Commonwealth. Therefore, I, Samuel Lapp, High Sheriff of the County or J nuiata, do hereby make known and give Ibis Public Notice to the electors ol the county or Juniata that on 1X'ESI.4 Y, NOV. S, 1S9-Z, it being the first Tuesday after tho first Monday of said month a general election will be beld in the several election districts n said county, at which time they will vote by ballot for the following named of ficers, Thirty two Persons for Presidential Elec- tors. Two Persons for tho Oflice of Congress-tnen-at-Larjre. Ono Person for the oflice of Judge or the State Supreme Court. One person for the office of Congress. One Person for the ollice of State Sena tor. One Person lor the office of Representa tive. One Person Tor the oflice of Coroner or Juniata county, Pa. One person lor the office of County Sur veyor for the county or Juniata. I also hereby make known and give no tice, that the places Tor holding the afore said General Election in the several bor oughs and townships within the county of Juniata, are as follows, to wit : The freemen of the borough of Mitllintown are to bold their election inthe room known as the Orphans' Court room in the Court House, in said borough. The rreemen or the township of Fermin agh are to hold their election in the north east room or the Court House, known as the Treasurer's oflice, in Mifllintown borough. The freemen of the township or Walker are to hold their election at the School House in Mexico, in said township. The rreemen or the township of Delaware are to hold their election at Smith's School House, in said township. Tho freemen of the borough of Thomp sontown are to hold their election at the School Hojso in said borough. The freemen of the township ot Green wood are to hold theirclection at the bouse known as the Seven Ster Hotel, in said township. The freemen of the township of Monroe are to bold their election at the School House in Richfield, in said township. The freemen of the township of Susque hanna are to hold their election in the bouse known as Frymoyer's Hotel, in said township. The frctmcn of the tounMiip of Fayeite are to hold their election at the School nouse in McAli.storville, in said townnhip. Tho freemen of the borough Patfer.ion are to hold their election at the School House in said borougn. The freemen of the borouzh or Port Royal are to bold their election at tb School House in said borough. The rreemen or tne township of Milford aro to bold their election nt Locust Grove School House, in said township. Tho freemen of the township of Spruce Hill are to hold their election at Spruce Hill School House, in said township. The freemen or the township of Turbctt are to hold their election at the Church Hill School House, in said township. The freemen of the township of Bealeare to hold their election at the School House at Acadcmia, in said township. The treemen or the township of Tuscarora, except that portion of it lying north-westward ol the summit of the Shade mountain, are to bold their election at the School House near McCulloch's Mills, in said town ship. The freemen of the township of Lack, ex cept tbat portion of it lying north-westw ird of the summit or the Shade mountain, are to hold their election at the Lack School House, in said township. The freemen of so much of the townships of Lack and Tuscarora as lie north-west ol the summit of the Shade mountain are to hold their election at Lauver's School House in said district. BSay The election is to be opened at 7 O'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without intermission or adjourn ment, nnd is not to be closed belore 7 o'clock in the evening. I a'so hereby make known and give no tice, "that I he inscctors and judges shall .neet at tho respective places apMinted for holding the election in the district at which they respectively belong, before 7 o'clock in the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 8 181)2 and each said inspector shall appoint one clerk, who s'a.ill be a qualified voter of such district. In case the person who shall hive re ceived the second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for juilire at tho next preceding election shall act as inspector in his place. And in case the person who shall have received tho highest nuiiilier of votes shall not attend, tho person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place ; and in case the per son elected judge shall not attend, then the inspector who received thu highest iiumbvr or votes shall appoint a judire in his place ; and ir any vacancy shall continue in tho board for the space of one hour alter the time fixed by law for the opening of the elec tion, tho qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at tho place of election, shall elect one of their number to till such vacancv. I also hereby make known and give no tice, that every person excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any otlice or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or ol this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or or the United States, or or any city or incorporated district, and also that every member ot Congress and or the State Legislature and ol' the select or common council of any city, or commissioners or any incorporated district, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising at tho same timo the otlice ttr appointment of'jtidge, inspector or clerk of any election in this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judg, or other offi cer of any such election shall be eligible to any ollice to bo then voted for," except that of an election officer. PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE OF THE SECRET ART OF TUE COMMONWEALTH . This will certify tbat the following is the Official Lit of all Candidates, with resi. dences and Parties or Policies represented, whoso Certificates of Nomination or Nomi nation Papers have been tiled in this oflice, and which have not been found and declar ed to bo invalid, as provi led in Section 0 of tbo Act of June 19, A. !., 1891, and who are to be voted for in tho Eighteenth Congresaioual District, Thirty -first Sena torial Di t-iut, Juniata R.-presen itive Dis trict. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. vVote for 32.) ItopnMlraii. TleijjanTTaT'lToucI Villiain N ooi W. fienry SaYn. eiJ Irvv iii Aveuut. Allenhenv i'ity. Ureeu Street, Philadelphia. Kodnor Township, ieiaware ounty. j. Franc i Dunlap, 4a South PruHaiun StT Mauheim. John 1. Lawfton, l;L3 Spruce street, t'htl.idf Iphia. liy North l .th St., Philadelphia. John Mundell, JiThn Hunter, Alex. 'row, Jr., i: - South Stnn?t, Phiindf'i-ia. -'ll sprint; 'harden Philadelphia St., 4Tti Ijeiper Street, PhilaiK-Iphia. KaM Brandywine Tp L'hafi. B. Siner, Maxwell Clower. tn-MtT v ounty. William H. Urundy, oli Uadclillo Street, I Bristol. train Ureen, Spring Garden St Eastou. I Jaiuert K. Mortur, J."MrV. liet. Hanover Tfowiiship ladiifh Cutitity. 1"7 Ea-t Kini Street, I Lancaster. jVd (Juliicy Avenue, I S-riinttn. lu South FrankTinSt. Wilket-Barre, 51- Mahantoiitfo St. j Poitsville. Henry A. Knapp, Wm. J. Harvey, Jame Muir, John 11. Sheibh y. Carlisle Stre-t, New Bloom Held. Kin Main Street Hiinendale. Coe Durland, Pierre A. Sluhbins, Allegheny Avenue, I Coudernpnrt. Lloyd T. Hohrbac'U, MI i heMnut Street I Sunbury, 8. 8. Schoch, Market St reet, I .Mid.llehur. J. ScTiairWilhelm, East Market St York. Louis J. McGregor, Firt Avenue, Hyndman. James B. Laux, W. PittahurK St., I Greensburte. BUibert Piteairn, James H.Xindnay, Amtiernon and Ell- I worth Ave., PittHb'tr. I 172 Kid co Avenue, Aiieiruny ity. Thotuaa L. Lincoln, Market and Greene C'armichaerK. Sts., Sylvester 1. 1111, 1-SI East Diainoud St I Iiutler. I Matthew li. Taylor, 15U West Sixth St., I Erie. Charles F. Barclay, Inhiic Highway, Sinnaiuahonin, Jeaae E. Dale, Et East Long Street, I Dihoi'. Democratic. cimioro. South --M St. John C. Bullitt, Tho. B. Kennedy, David T. Wataon, Philadelifhia, 3 Eaat .Market St., ChainlHTfibiirtg. kidife AvenueT" Alloilieny City. ?wintl. ( i ThfiniikfUin. Ifkttl SitmoA iiiia'tt-ipiiiu. l(i"V Sprure St" Philadelphia. 31 Spruce St C. K. Wainwritcht, Adam S. Conway, jrniiaoeipnia. Charles II. LAfferty, Sprinirarden St William It. Wriii-ht. Fil.-f.'. . , 1 Jh i lailel ph ia. Getirge K. Guaa, John O. James, 127 E. Barriifrd St. West Cheater. Broad Street, uoy lesiown. Cornelius W. Bull, Bartford St, iviiiiorti. William Nolan,, 153 North Fifth SL, rweaaing. James Duffy, Cliarlea D. Breck, M.i rt Aft a Lapcaater Connty. W Madiaoa Ae ocranion. Samuel G. Trimmer, Berwick Street, uiie jnavoa. Wm. S. Yuenling, bamuel S. Leidy &1 Mahantonco St., Potts villa. Main Stnet, . Axur l.alhrop. ?lonl nw, StirMtlelinnnn Co. 'iorrvnee C liti;le, Zii est .ttjiiti , IjiH-k liuvi-u Tuomas t''Hnt, I-inviilt .Moniour untv. Win. H.Iliiniiieli'cich. :tl nud Market Sli, jewi-burj;li. . Poter ll. StrtiliinT, AhlMittsinwn, Aimni t .mnty. Heurj- H. 1 '!:, -11 Pennsylvania A v. I Tyrone. J Id nnd Market !SU, ""l LeehlMinr. Joseph 1). Urr, Charles A. Fan. in. 2tt Korty-llfth St.. nttsirorir. Andrew A. l'aj ton, (kj McClure Avenue, Aiieitneny city. lohn 1). Uradeo, &21 W. Wheeling SU, Washington. Michael LiebeU i; w. sut st, Eric. Thomas .McDowell, Main and Mill sta, Port Ueyany. Jas. RTT'oli Hull, Klilit.vay. Elk County. John Conway, Itocliesttsr. IWnver County. "By Nomination Papers). XT Prohihitiou I'm-ty. John C. ttatttton, Vr h i bit ion Party. Main Street, I 1 1 o 1 1 ist c r v i 1 le North Duke St LanoaMer I Sutumeu'a Av. I Philadelphia James Bl:ick. Frolitmtion Party. Win. F. Hovd." Prohibition Party. Win. B7Hrickell. Prtihibitinn Party. fcdwatil ('m:iiwll Pr ihibition P.irty. 4 Centre Avenue I Pittsburg W Kant Main St lTn ion town Campbell Street I Hlairsville D. Mi'l'Iiirt Fair. Prvthibiiion Party. Ed rin li. (iearhart Prohibition Party. (ieo-e If. Jih.'1U Prohibit ion IVrty. Effort litlil Jttss Street, Philadelphia George K. ireiss Prohibition Prty. Win. V. Mat: ne. Prohibition Party. Albnrtis Main Street Tidioute Charlen lK'ther, 711 Carson Street. I r-ociHii-si i-aoor ranr. I'mwpnrg. Christ. Mat, SorialiM. Lilor Party. S'Ottdale ( V. H. Mctiovcru. lith and Holland I Socialist Labor Party. Krie. iSt., Allen Pardea, 14th and Sau&ifrat Socialist Lalwr Party. F.rie, Sts., j Ilenry Peter, " Bluff Street Soemliht LaboParty Allegheny. John Preseott. 1W.S Peach Street, 1 Soci.ilist U-tttor Party. Krlu. Chi-rle Hirker. 1M1U N. lith Street, j Soin!i!t Jl-idwir Pnrt Philadelphia. 5ilo iiothe. " KWKranklin St., I Soctaiist Lalior Party, Philadelphia. Charhvt Schleicher. I0 West lith St., Smm-iuUm. lalHtr Party, Erie. Fr. Si hotte, ill h and French I Siuli.HtLalHr Party, Mreetn, Erie. William Scott, lu Carson Street, I Socialist EiUr I,-"rty2 Pittsburg. J elae. Svnicen, 1 Dover Street, j Socialist LMor Party. Philadelphia. Jar. Mmon. I So;ialisr Ivilior Prrty, Seottdaluu Matthew S mi tli, &i Third Avenue, I Socialist Labor Pnrty? Pitt.-biirj;. John Mnm. Socialist Lalor Party, Tyrone. William Sirtp-.ien. sr.M "h irlottc St. I SM inliMUibor Piirty. Philadelphia. Adolf Starke. " Social i.-t l;ilHr Party, Everson. John S'cin, hi1 South I'.ith Sr. I SockiIinI I-atfT Party, Philadelphia. P. Tol.hnuer, 4 1-1 Vine Street, f-M-inlist Laiwir P;ir?y. Philadelphia. Joseph TreM-k. ill I Noble Str.-et, rK'.ali-1 LnU'r Party, Philadelphia. Ji'hn Westwaler, AddUou Street, I Socialist ltbor Party, l'itt-hurtf. Henry Vint..-r, Kairniount Av I iftnii-T .lt.jMtr P.irtv, P'tilnd'1phia. I Hj Xomlnation Paers. L7 V ."VmoniTr " Pople Party. j. w. iwr" PepleH Party. riolH-tt Brett. " I VnplrK lartVj Frr.nU Punb, PeopIcV Party. C. A. Burrows. People.- Party. M. L. ( 'owlcv. Green shun? IIarlanHhurj, WIT Noble Street, Philadelphia It'ii Kcrmantown Av 1 h i ladelphia Sharp-bnra: lVti:lr' Party. E. S. 'rtsoker, ! PiipleP lrirt. Washing on TnlonCity Ml Wricht Strwt Phila4lelphia A. J. lM tz, People! Pa rt y. IV". E. Kwer. People Pnrty. fohn (. Exlev, People's Pnrty li. H. Fisher. People Par'y. W. A. tiardner, Peplefl Party. William ir.ii.t, People's Party. B. F. tireenniaii. People Piirtj' William Metier. Peop e's Party. G.C. Hii kok, Peple'j carty. II. Hock. PropleV Part. J.M. Hower," People Party. A. II. P. Leuf. People's Party STj. McMaiiu. People's Party. O. . Peple"b Party. C. M. Morw, People's Party. "VfA. Hinted" Peojile'H Party. Corry liT South iitth St., I Philadelphia Entrlkea Andrews S-ttlement. 5 I'ii hinond St. Philailt-lphia Eld re 1 Danville Myrtle ii!4 North Tilth St. Philadelphia Bloomshurc I North 17th St I Philadelphia Ambrose Knox I New Wilmington j Sanfonl Ephniim Phillip", People's Party. M'ihoninctown Clarence Price. People's Pnrty. C. P. Shaw, People Party. Perry Smit h, People Partv II. C. Siiavelv, People's Party. G. E. Ward, People's Party. jYa. Welschr" Peiiles Party. J. KT White, PiNiple'w Party KM. Windsor. Pp1c Partv- Danville AiiNtinvillo Blchanlsville Lelmnon Economy Now Cattle Elhridtfe Bnrtville Hj Nomination Papers. r.ii.ud A ve., Philadelphia, Seialist Labor Party. fred Bauer. Sircialist Labor Party. Everwrn. 1710 Peach Street, Erie. C'harh Itarkofen, SMaialist Lalntr Party. fc. M. Brandt, Ialor Party. 11 E. liermaQ St- 1 Erie. j 1j5 West irth St., I Erie. A. Culleu, Socialist Labor Party. Jac. DietMld, Socialist I-abor Party. Julius KrcM-hlth. Socialist laiHtr Party t'haa. Hammermueller, Socialist L:t bo r Party. Ilenry HHbl, Soc lalist La hfir Party. Antnist Lanse, m S K-Uliyt Lt bor Party. Seniamin Hard in i;. Prohibition l'arty. Charles W. Huntington Pnthibition Party. CHarlHM E. Hyatt. Prohibition Party John B. Jonen, Everson. 7 IM'n.lowhill St. " Phi ladel p b ia. '.31 Wallace St" PhiLnlelphia, I ii6 N. Fifth St., 1 Philadelphia.! IS Franklin St., I Philadelphia. !Nt South Main St I Pitt-ton j 4 Centre Street I )Villiam?Mrt 711 East Uth SL I Chester I ltfiS Nr h Mth St " Philadelphia I'roiiimtioii farty. Eliiha Kent Kane. Prohibition Party. Kane Franks. Lnurimore Prohibition Party. E. L. Iowden, Prohibition Party. Kotert F. McClean Prohibition Party. Knbrt L. Montiromery Prohibition Party. Antrim F. Monran, Pnhibition l'arty. A. Foster Mifllin, I'rohibition Party. Franklin . Pcreival Prohibition Party. ArthnrJ Iilirra?u7 Prohibit iiri Party. William. I. litein-aiti, l'robibtt -t in P.rtv. Biirr Sp iui;!..r. " Proitiluiioii Party. Adle A. Steveus. Prohibition Party, Fratikliu H. Tav nr. Pndiibition Party. Alfrfd ii Thomasun Proliibition Party Jas. Potter Thompson, Prohibition Party. Wm. N. WhIIi,. Prohibition Party. P enn Avenue New Brighton Nebraska Went Main StT I New BloommM Tnrbotville Quakcrtown j Baltimore Street I Mt. Holy Sp'fpi. il SutU Street I Philadelphia M ahant'lifjo A i:it I PtMtsvillc Ht. I iw Union Avenue j Allegheny Kairview St I M.r!ctfa Lincoln AvenueT" I Tyrone. j f4 It irin- Ht ) Philadelphia. J ItiKiCr.ip-iUKeMt., j K'mmou. 114 Najioleon St j JohiiNtown. t j Licking St reet j Pattterwm. elconie J. Vks, PndHbitlnn Party. Fn f rvie w. CONGRESS AT LARGE. (Vote for two.) REPUBLICAN. "rjirTaTTTITTy" 57 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Alex. McDowell, i3t Stat. Street, Sharon. DEMOCRATIC Erie. Tlu.. Merritt, - south 5th st en BY HOMINATIO PAPERS. ETu"iroiTTiOia i, ( Voire Hiuare, Knston. rn.liihition l'arty. fanie T. Mefrory. XI Wylie Ace, I Proliil-i I ion l'-rtv. I'ltt-tmrg. I BT XOMHUIO" PAPERS. PMplf" l'arty. Q. W. Dawson. Pr.i.l-' Purty. BrooVflcld BY XO.HIXATIOX PAPERS. J. MhI.I.iu lliirmv-. iii; iiliovvluli l., ttoc ialist Utbor Party. Philadelphia. Thonia tirumly. Xi Shiloh -Streel, " Hoclnlt-t l.nlx'r Pnrtr, Pitt.hnrg. JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT. (Voto for one.) REPCBLICAIV. "oCunui Tnnrn,uiiTmonTn Holliilavtiiirif. S's. DEM OCR 1TIC cTTrTirioTnrsTrTTTrTni Krnnklin BT NOMIIVATIOX PAPERS. TrfJTTTTimaTnuri IMiilfuleliihin. Prohiltit'on P:rtv. DY N0MI.1ATI05 PAPERS. ETTT'rrroTTTT' polrVPrtjr t BY ROM IX ATI OX PAPERS. So i.i'it l.nlwr P.'rty. I:ft-hiirg. CONGRESS, (vote lor one.) KEPIHMCAS Thsddcns M. Mahon 23 North Main St., Cbambersburg. DEMOCRATIC. William W. Trout, Login Street, Lewis town. BY XOMIXATIOX PAPERS. JcromT. Ailman, Prohibition Party, Walker township. BY XOMIXATIOX PAPERS. J. T. Ailman, People's Party, Tbompsontown. SENATE. (vote for one.) REPl'REICAX- Joseph M. Woods, K. Brown Street, Lew is town. DEMOCRATIC. Joseph C. McAlister, New Bloomlield. BY XOMISATIOX PAPERS. Uicbaol Shafltr Derstine, Prohibition Party. Lewistown. REPRESENTATIVE. (vote for one.) REPl'RLICAX. llngh Latimer Wilson, Walker township. DEMOCRATIC. David li. McCuIlouch, Port Royal. By NOM IXATIOX PA PERS. Daniel Kloss, Prohibition Prty, Walker township. The names or candidates certitiod from Nomination Papttt are printed in alphabet ical order according to their surnames, as required by Section 14 of the Act of June 1, A. I. ISM. J - is testimony wueriof, I have (T 0 ) hereunto set my hand and Ik 0. J caused the Seal of the Secre yr taiy's office to be affixed this 2'Jd day ol October, A. D. 18;2. WM. F. UARRITV, Secretary of the commonwealth. To the Sheriff, County of Juniata, Hifllin town. Pa. OrriCE OF THE COI KTT COMMHStOH- KRS or Jl'RIATA COl'XTT STATE or riNMSTLVASiA. ) This will certify that the following is the uftieial list of all candidatrs. with residen ces and parties or policies represented, whose certificates of nomination or nomina tion paprra have been hied in this otlice, and which have not been found and declar ed to be invalid, as provided in section 6 of the act of June 19, A. D. 1891, and who are to be voted for in the said county of Juniat t the enduing (lection : CORONER, (vote tor one.) REPUBLICAN. Wiliam H. Hoops, Fayette township. DEMOCRATIC. L. P. Walley, Mifflintown. COUNTY SURVEYOR, (vote for one.) REPrBXICAX. J. Ambrose Martin, Fayette township. DEMOCRATIC. Wilber F. McCaben, Ferrnmazh township. The names or candidates certified from JestMto Papers are printed in alphabet ical order aceording to their surnames, as required by Section 14 or the Act of June 19, A.l). 1891. Id Testimony hereof we have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the county of Juniata to be affixed this 20th day of October, A. D. 1892. DAVID BE ALE, CT O i JOHN BALLKNTINE, JJJ. O. URIAH SHUMAN, County Commissioners. To the SherifTof Juniata county, Pa. Given under my hand at my oflice in Mifflin town, this 26th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-two and of the Indepen dence or the United States, the one hun dred and sixteenth. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. SlierifTa Ollice, Mitllintown, i October 26, 1892. J PEIROE : COLLEGE " of BUSINESS AH&sHORfriArts) A h ph elara entmnercit tveh rail affording crtrtpkte e 3:111 -mc nt trie biinm life. Also Krvnch ol ti-r-r.n fr traW m well mm lur buiiip. CufniDaii ( axrftiy ba been added to toe bueineas rf f lifiructma. and a Kprcutll effective ajatem of venti lAtita haa bcea intrndoced with atw farnitura. etc lf, rr ti ail HNtr f-yr mimtnMtim auH nrflmtt nf u'ul'. Fall and winter torn bcjina Tiieadajr. Bai. 6th, 1W. Apeliration blanka now raady. 'rijr enntllrnut tx'Cgwwary. Vot Co)1tr Annual, Khorthuiti Anotiant-entsot. Uradaaiiiiit fcAetviwa, oati or addretai Tbo Mat Pikrcte, Pb. D.. Principal and Konnder. jlJurd BuUdiD&W-yl9CbnatbUrntUvtaa :2X Ssystona CorafhU; -n Brmnien inn itM porn Dropper and mr-i perfect Koro-rd T.TI. liter Diatrihutnr In tl.e .world, -cti Cttiiifisi. A. B. FAffQUKAiT C. YORK, PA. 6cmo fou Laroe Illustrated Catalc-j. I KG A I.. JXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE The undrrsigued execn'.ora ol the estate of Peter Brown, deceas-vl, Utn of Fayette towrship, Jnniata county. Pa., will sell on tho premiKes in Sprnco Hill township, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. on Saturday, October 29, 18S2, A valuable tract of land known as t:-o Half Moon Farm, containing eighty :x acres more or lesa, aituito in Spriii-o Hill town ship, Juniata county. Pu., alj i:iinR Unds of Wiliiani Kvans on the south and nest; Samuel Kcl.aiijrhlin on the north; and Tuscarora creek on the east, together with twenty acres mor or leu ot wood land, edpiiuinsr latin or 3 inin.d XlcLiugh lin Kurtz and others. The nr.provenirnts on t!"ii are a (rood two story frame Louse, nnd tranie bmk barn 41) ! t'i leet ainl out hone, wngon hed, corn rrib, and so forth, food opplo orchard and a variety M fruit A well ol pood wat er rear the door. This is a de.irMc ptoo rtv. TER.VS UF SALE: lVn j-r cent. cah cn day of salr, forty per ei-nt on April 1st, 18'J3, wbi n deed is to ho delivered, the balance less widow' doaer on April 1st, 1S91. wiM,iAU s. browx, IIENKY IIKOWX, ALBKKT Bi:)VX, Executors of 1'eter Brown, d.c'd. PENNSYLVAMA COLLEGE, GETTYSBURG, PA. I ROUNDED S 18M2. I.atgo Faculty. . Two toll ciiires of s'ndv Cl"sical and Scientific. Specitil Cour! 111 fcll de partments. Oberv.ilorv, L:ib r:itories and new (Jj mnapinni. Five li-pe buildings. Sua 11 heat. Lihrariea 2J.0OO volumes. Expemes low. Itepartment of Ilyginne and Physical Culture 111 ch irg of an ex perienced physician. Accessible by Ire quent Railroad trains. on the BATTLEFIELD OK UETTV&BUKG, niost pleasant and healthy. FREFARATOSY DEPAIiTMENT, in separate bui'dincs, for Loya and young men preparing lor buin!'is or College, un der special care ot the lVinC';al and thret mi.-iMnnii, residing with stulrnis in tho buildinp. Fall term opens Sept. 81I1, lt?l'2. For catalogues, a.ldres H. W. !8cN KJIi T, P. D., Prldt nt, or F:EV. II. C. BL'Elll F.U, A. M , Principal Ju'y 13,!)2-8t. Consumption Surely Cured. To The Editor: Pteaao inform yonr raaters Uiat 1 hmvft a hjeittve remedy for the above-named disTAfe. By Its timely use thousands ofhoioleae j eases have been pennanenUy eared. I shall be glad o khu two uoiiics 01 mj renieay x i i. r. 10 auy cn your reulore who have consumption it tliey wHl send me their Exprms and P. O. .ddrefw. kpect f oUy. Z. A. aUXJDM. M. C. ItU Pearl St. S. X. Kotlce .tgulnut Tre-paRj. All persons arc hereby ciri:.iiod not to tresspass on the landx of the undersigned iu Walker, Fermanagh and Fsvette town-hips.- A. S. Adams. John MeVeen, J:iioes McMeen's heirs, Rotvrt Ki-Ween, William Stonirer, i. U. Sieber, Charli s Adams, L. E. Atkiiixon. October 28lh, 91. ly. $AWH91vEN6!N! A wondcrf nl Improronn'tit In Frlctlor FiTflnnil U-Hnrk. Back niotii-tiof arrtacv Ihrrr t tinea : 1 fu-t ai any ot1ix In the murkt-t. 1'rirtiuit ClMtrta Fred, cawh il'I tri. fl pntrlnx to aland ftlwhila hnckin ; rrnt tnvlu In power nnd ivcnr. Writu lur ctrciiiart and priw; furnish.-! frt-e uon ap'l-:Ti(n. A'; Sprlnc Tooth llnr rovim lin1 l!n!iaPH (ulilrn:rn. ( orn I'lant rm, ftn-llirs, -tc Mmtton this jntir. iiEKCH & CilCMGQLD, Manfrs., YORK, PA. Is the olrtpt and roost nopnlnr !5inttfle ncd macbaniral japer pnblakfd and baa the largest nraulation of nny rapEi its cln in tb world. Fully llluptrated. H-tv.ajtf of Wood Knra ItiffP. Pnblinhrd w??klT. ed for ipwimen cop. Inr 3 a yar. Kour munthB' trial, $1. ML N.N k t U., l'l ki ihhch-i, aril Uroadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A irreat sneffw. Karh liw contains colored littiotrraphio plates if country and nty rsidcn coa tr puhhe builtlitiira. Nnm'ron emrravinira and full plana and ant-clflrations for the line -f aurh aa CMnteinplnte htniduiw. 1'rirr 'i.',tf a year 36 eta. a copy. At CNN A CO., ITltl.i-.untF. maybe vnr 1 by itnplf xntL to MVSH K Co., who have had over and haTt made over men can and For- eiirn patent. Send lor llandtHeok. Currea- pundence atnotly conndential. TRADE MARKS. In yonr mnrk is not reels' ered in the Pat ent nnko. npplT Mt'NN k Ck, and procure, imniediate protection, tfcod for Handbook. Clll'YUH'HTH for bnoks charts, maps, tcqutt-kiy procured. Addreaa Ml'SX A CO.. l'att-Dt Solicitor. GKXkhai. "Price: a.l BituAiiwi . X. T. OmU tt OoramtAlka ton surs WrlltiibreaiaJnMud tDlradMlor prices. ard. Ct,l. t - - ui ajcia. N(taafr fMrtnaalf I'r's- CANTON, OHIO. til LA. nJ T t y"n "T rnnrwlf .ml f.m JjT to sr. t hrm ,a!nn lor y.ur .noiirv. SjConomlce In ;rar footmoarbr Purrhn.lDl V""?-'"" h""-''. "hlch rri.rr.rnt the wili t'niTj Ticca " IkMMsit C- TAKE NO smSTITCTE.1 i---V ' i iS'Nr i 1 W. L. co cuAcr fop Ji r V C. CENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FGH THE MQNT A ern.lne. .rTi .il ,hor, Ihnl trill not rip. tin. estr. fir&mlr Jt .month Inftlde. flrxtt-.l mnw . for,,hDa?rh "SSr ?irm to i'l t(iulj custa m0e clioasccnUiaa nnd - Hnnd-ww.d. flnerslfahnr. The ' wj wkI, .h,.a rrr aoll trornVV'-- ualOEe Ported sboe. cUnj O 3J fr.Hi-. Phor, worn tiT fnrmrrs end alt 0O. othrn who want a Rood hrnTj i-.lf t! jolr.l jiio.Wc.ri r.litr,hi.. eaajr to walk to, andSl krrp thr fei-t dry and warm. wu 50 Fltipfnir, Ji.-.-5 snd er3.00W.rk. VZitSZT "ttta"W WorlttSSoS ROWS' .0 ariri Yonth' 8t.5 SrkMl POJS Chore ore worn by the fcWje"rrV. whereat he moat -.-r, joral,...ho,B,ld Ladies' ?J:1! inS"Sr.c55KSJA frnrii JJ.Ui to swil. who w Ish toeconomiu iS (hrlr r.wtwrar aro Bnrilnff thu out. WIV""ui' C .uilon.-n.L.iiiflnlcs-iiair.. end the rrtre ta atamprd on Ho Uitlom of ra. h ahiw; ,f tZ 2 whrn yoo buy. V",urlmVtinitoub. Jtltute other makr. for tlx. ,!, sulrtiitmiinl'm fraudulent and .ul,l t to l..a by law loS w.i.. DOliiL..Ti, lirocklou, Ulaec Sold bf Eir.:l Stlf.'t, HTfllit tr-wp, p8 , 0nd Holiobaugh & Stiu, PattersoD, Pa. Subscribe for the Juniata Sen'iuel and Republican. ES PATENTS n0 yeara' etnerience anf 14T0.0O) annlirationa for A tocattincTiinia. JHETORNADO rS J. i 1 J7' Wi iDOUGI Aft k7 Great Bargains at Scliott's Dry Goods Slouse. A good quality of apron and dress gingham 4 yards for '2octs. A good heavy unbleached muslin worth 8 to 10 cts. a yari, short lengths 20 yards for 1 00. A fine selection of challies for Gets, a yard. A boys shirt and waist for 21cts An all silk satin edge faille ribbon, No 9, 9cts. a yard. An all silk satin edge faille ribbon, No 12. twelve and one half cents a yard. Great Bargains at Schott's Carpet Room. An elegant half wool ingrain carpet reduced to 40cts. a yard. A table oil cloth 4G inches wide at 19cts. a yard. A four ply soft finish oil color carpet chain for 22cts. a pound An excellent quality of wali papar at lOcts. a double bolt! sold before for 14cts. and borders to match. A "ood quality of matting for locts. a yard, worth lSto20cts. Great Bargains at Schott's 5 Popular A baby's shoe for 2-3cts. A ladies' oxford low shoe for Tocts. A child's spring heel, patent leather tip for oOcts. A good carpet slipper, leather sole and heel for 32ets. A good quality men's creedmore tip sole shoes at 1 00 per pair. Our honest belief is that your intere st lies in the direction where you can get the highest value for your money. o o up c cc O CI eo O O Ci o O CI CC CI CC CO CC C5 -d K o n IN -$ co n co o lo o -o lo cc .o c; J O H CI OTi -Ti-HOLOdj: tSCOCO CI rH CM CI CI r-s CC : ft -s rH i 1 zn H H Hi , c t- ci l- ci a I J LO rt IS -rll CO CO Ct rH o 3 n CI d -Ji c: t--5 tri lO I- C t- O r, II J O S!CI CM CI rt I3LO CO rt LO CO CI rt C i;2 ieo-irtooo r; cs cs cs ci a x t- t- t-;i- - f-i ti i-t rt I "" O 3D CI CC U CJ C O I J ICrt UO-1CCC0CMCJCIrt q CCXt-t-t-t-t-t-t-L- u iaw M 0 -"j"7!? - : Dh ! g ::::::: g :::: :-3 :. ::: : J ' J 3 : : J : O : " ''-! ' - - ' ' H i iMsUli ill i-IW : is islNSll-si?ii5sg2i rt "irt. '-;liki '.i : : IC O O CC CT Ci ; IjJCMOrtCOCTO ;;CO j rt O CO CO -rH ' O LO rt CI US CM t i CO rtONCC- ,CQ -s . , i v-i . i rt rt rt o rt " " ci ci rt t ic CI LO rt OrtCOrt rt rt CM CI rt t I CI CT r-1 r-l rH rt ! CO rt ct rt CO rt kO IO rt o CT rtrtrtSMCOCOrt (JOaflClrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt t- : 13 rt rt CT CO rt rt LI rt rt CI CI CT CO CT CT rt CT I CT IC IO IC CO CI O rtCMCMCCrtrtLOLOCTCIrtCTcCCMrtCT rt rt LO LO UO LO 1.0 LO CT CO rt LO CO LO LO COCOrtrtLOrt eo oo t0C00CC0CQCX LOrtXao t ' -i Ci ' cs rt CMUOrtCM CO LOLO r-i t Crtr-I rt i-l r-l CI rtrtr-li I rt rt rH rt n t r-H ,61 J" WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth. Knowing, Tbat I can stop toothache in less than nvu minutes ; no pain, no extracting. That I can extract teeth without pain, by the use of a fluid applied to the teeth and gums ; no danger. That Diseased as Scurvy) treat and a cure war case. Game (known jod successfully muwu iii every Teeth Filled and warranted for life. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or, remoddled, at prices to suit ail. I will in tert a lull permanent act of Gumed Enam eled porcelain teeth as low as $6.00 per set warranted to give perfect satisfaction, or the money refunded. All work warranted to give perfect satis faction. People who have artificial teeth with which they cannot eat, are especially invited to call. Teems Cash. G. Lu DERR, , Practical Dentist, ESTABLISHED M MirrLIKTOWS, Pa., 13 I860. Oct. 14 '85. jVEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL l 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table of passeuger trains, in effect on Monday. January 18, 1892. STATIONS. West ward. East ward. 1 24 AM r M 8 80' 4 20 8 27! 4 n 8 23 4 13 8 20 4 10 8 111 4 01 8 08! 3 68 8 04; 8 64 7 62 3 42 7 47! 3 37 7 88i 8 28 7 81! 3 2i 7 25! 8 15 7 20 8 10 7 12 8 02 700 260 T Newf-it Buffalo Bridge.... 'Juniata Furnace.. Wahneta Sylvan T Bloomlield Jnnct'u Valley Koad T Elliot tsburg t Green Park...... T Loyaville Bixler's Run..... Center .......... T Ciena's Rnn Andersonburg . . . . T Blain . ........ 6 00 10 001 6 03 10 03 6 07 10 07 6 1010 10 6 20 10 20 6 26' 10 26 6 3-.M0 32 6 43110 43 6 4810 48 S 65! 10 65 7 02' 11 02 7 07 11 07 7 14'll 14 7 20111 20 7 30U 80 j Note Signifies no agent, "Tn tele phone connection. ! . D. GRING, President and Manager j C. K., General Agent. t I II I I . I 1 1 , J Get a good paper by anbscribing for the I SETuaL'AD;RanrBUCA. L:0:J- felioc More. EMIL, SCHOTT. SB.BavacB(CEcsercsarwv3rac3C3si r- 53 nkco - i ii h n ci c :: ' rH r-l o r. CI c - . rH rH r-l - ; i O ?l h- X 'f I IT - cc co ct 0"cts:icci.: CO CC CO OOt-t-t-SOiSLCCl .. to r-l . hcsf:i-aoniicixc r-ICCWCIr-llOCNCCr-IO iau-;o-i-n-sictc-;cctn I CT3 LI O ICCC : eo co co - . rt s ei S h c ci c fi ? ;i h :"i rtHHrtrtrtrtHrt?ICi;irtCSeL'3 - 3 -4i c-: rt ci o ci c c i n i " CT CI -T rt CT CI rt ' - 13 12 IS c I- t- I- r- ci i c o x ?i c "i - ' : rJliaortCI-OCOrtCTCIrti CS'SCOOOOrtrtWrtrtrt! X -.19 I lo L0 I 9 CT CC CI CT CT I CO rt CO i-C I r- t- i LO L0 LO CT CT CT t t CC CC u i y - a - " 2 - - 2 3 X 3 LO CI IO CT CT rH UO CT Ol rt rt CI CI CT r 14 i ci e r- J Locis K. Atkixbon. K. M. M. Pe.ishu. I ATKISSO.l X ; ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, I M1PFL1NTOWN, PA. fXTollecting and Conveyanclnft prompt ly attended to. OrriCE On Main street, in p'sce of resi dence of Louis K. Atkinson, K.,., onthof , Bridge afreet. (f let M, 1S52. John McLAroHLtx. Joseph W. Stii mCLAC GIIlM &.STIMMEL, INSDEANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JVSIATA CO., PJ ttOnly reliable Companies roprosonted. Jsn. 1, 18!)2-ly DB.D.M.CBAWrOBD, DE. DABWIN .CSAW"11 JR. D. M. CRAWFORD &. SON. nave iormod a partnor.-hip lor ino oranr. of Medicine and their coll.itt.THl braochn. .1.1' . . . . . . J w. wince ai old stand, oorm r 01 mini auu ange streets, Mitllintown. Pa. One or bol of them will be found at thivr nilic ' 11 times, unless otherwise prol'eiorally gaired. April lm, 18'JO. Q A li E S 31 E T to av a iv rr v: D LOCAL, OK TKA VELLIXi . t sell our Nursery Stock. Sal.iry, Eipensc and tsteaay Eni.! im nt gnaraiiti-in. C11ASK BKUTUEKS COMPA.VT, f- Dec. 8, "Jl. Kocbisier, v for rcnsif ai ui sinssAt T .GENERATION AFTER GENERATION OV HAVE CSID A5D BlfSSXO IT. tA JnpitH n ttuonr. Children -fJL TOf Irmvelrr lAould Ear. a boU. of It l Pvaru CSuffA-o- romFh-u"."-. Tora Hivh, ninhthrria. Cmh '"Zjt Atthina,Cholrra Jorb.ia, IMarrh.KL ''V",J;1 Sr In Bodr or limh. u.iir f.n or Slrntn. rLLjl tbU old Anodyn. rrltof and "pr-or rr F Bold errrywhr. rYio. Cf-Sj XZm ' f