Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 14, 1892, Image 3

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rPESPiT. SEP1EWBER 14, 1802.
..vjcription, $1.60 f ancnm if paid
Jtinco; 5--00 Ii' not paid in advance.
,.;snt rfTorisnn: nt interfel at 60
v-"inrh fcr each insertion.
Lnient business notice In local eol-
YlO centa per lioe for each insertion.
nclion will be made to those desiring
VdVertiee by the yuar, half or quarter
r- -
l.-etvic locomotive
is the
This is fair week at Newport,
n !) tei fro:u tho jail to
imin? I
Alton Si boll will attend the Albany
ft atr sl-u 1 - "
I,9Wistovu is talking about estab
lishing ' .-hii t factory.
B. L. Simiuiin, Las entered Albany
lav soii".'l a i student.
TLe cat uf ry was visited by many
people during court week.
CLi'icra nii.lid tl.e United States
in spots in and 1852.
Hobt-rt Nixon of Ilarnsburg spent
a few days in town lust week.
There is quite a flefct of ships off
New York barber with cholera.
The cholera r.'ies on the ships in
quarantine, oQ" New York harbor
Georjre J. Parker, will attend
Ann Arb . r law school this winter.
Di". J:aoI L. Saado of Cincinnati
is visiting u':; parents in this place.
JaJ.u'e Harnett, Judpje Jackin and
Judge D itv, were in attendant 3 up
on euu't.
Rjbert McMeen Eq., has been
appjiutt-J i-ounstl for the bo-ird of
Couuty Commisbioncrs.
The bagpipe, tho favorite Scotch
and I'-i'i- u irstrument, was invented
by tho Hi -eks in 200 B. C.
T'.iomas Fusick of Phiadelphia, has
be u v:iia; hia parents Mr and Mrs.
Alo:i? Pasiek in this town.
is not Thf a crop W
an rir". with
fconrinVXr" ",aer ? tarn-
, r ?uuuc edition on
theB reoU of how well ther
Pin V t hium , i . J
daVi JTa!an ompanied his
7 . as iar
lfie eo
as New York
city, last Satnrday, Miss Lou
T!-' ftWr1 for Joralera via
Jaffa ! has come to be a realty. And
ZZlPt- 19 American
Womotivos 1D 6pite of the t
01 Demncra c i il ., .
k BUUW mat Am,
tue gooua cost more and
so good as European.
Mrs. Frederick Espenschade who
lived m this town and kept a store
t n& Eg6-r 8 dm 6tor ov i.
m tho fifticH is visiting her nephew
Merchant Espenschade and frnilv
l,u,w upr nusband's death at IU
vu, sue uas been In-sport.
are not
iur at
for Q ia7 in Chester
count v, for Lnited States Senate,
stood 4 O'.'i), for Dalzell 2,300.
Mr. Gillan democratic candidate
for Co'.'ressin this the 18th district
has withdrawn from the canvass.
The steamer Scandia jumt in from
Europe, last Friday reported 32
deaths from cholera during the voy
age. The "ilclvinley bill prevents all
comvict labor goods from Europe,
from being brought to the United
In 1SS0 Kansas hid a wheat acre
age of loss than 2,0O'J,000 acres.
This var she is s.'.iu to Lr.70 1,000.
000 r-ercr..
The first oil well wvs discovered
in Wayne county, Ky., in 1828, thirty
years before tho discovery of oil
in Pennsylvania.
Chicago was scared ou Saturday
by a reported case of cholera, the
case however turned out to be some
other ailment than cholera.
Tha lonePt canrd in the world is
the one which extends Trcm the fron
tier of China to St. Petersburg. It
measures in all 4, -172 miles.
Emerson Spide of Mercersburg,
was lodged in jail on Saturday eve
ning by railroad policeman YV'eller
for Fter.ling his way on cars.
Mrs. J. S. M. Gil3on. formerly
of Port Royal, did at the home
of her husband in Duncansville,
Blair county ou the 3rd inst.
What kind of men are we getting
to be when wc hurry to the raiiroad
stations and cheer fist fighting
br'itos like Corbet t aad Sullivau 1
Miss Blanch Wright and aunt Mrs
Akley, wife of Dr. B. F. Akley, of
Pittsburg. Lave returned from a vis
it to relatives in the Wyoming Valicy.
The American tourists i Europe
ere wishniEr tuey nail stayea in
Americo. They can scarcely get
away on account of the cholera scare.
Letters in tho Milrlintown pot;t
ollica uanllol for, September 10th,
were for Mr. Jamos Alexander, Mi-3.
A. L. Pannebaker, W. A. Williams
Mr. L. Kcpps.
Circle of police boats surround the
cholera ships that He off the city of
New York. The police Iat3 are
there to keep people from going to
and from the ships.
Colonel Showers and Samuel Mey
ers were Sheriff Lapp's assistants in
taking the three convicts Walker,
Shinelauff and Moore to the western
penitentiary last week.
It is said a Lack township man
cured himself of dyspepsia by swallow
ing a mouthful of braa after ac'a
meal. ThU is a brand nw remedy.
Democrat and Register.
The occupation of the citizen who
stood aroutd the polls and street
corners haiidiner out tickets on elec
tion dav is crone. The new election
law settled that occupation.
W. Kcibh Gillan, Esq., of Cham
bcrsburu, late nominee of the demo'
cracy for Congress, knew enough to
tret in out of the political rain, heuce
his refusal to run for Congress.
Gsb -nd E. C. Williams of Chap
nan, Union township, Snyder Co.,
Pa., claims to be tho first volunteer
soldier BL'iiinst rebellion. He was
mustorod in at Harrisburg between
the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock on the
15th dav of Auril. 18C1. and laid
out camp Curtin.
The Mugwump organs have an un
pleasant job on hand in attempting
w refute the showing made by Com
inihMoner of Labor Peck in his re
port on "tho effect of the tariff on
labor and traces" in the State of New
i.ork. The general conclusion ar
rived at by the Mugwumps is, that
since it has been shown by investi
gMion th it wages have increased
Jhat production has increased and
i?" "rikes have lessened in New
since the McKinley law passed
it-it has foUim- to do with it
UM w a beautiful symmetrical and
aiiiete 5, ngwnmp argument and
Have you tried South American
jNemue the gem of the century f
1 he great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant,
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Is erve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co, Drnggists, Mifflin town, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
It is a grcd thing to clean all un
clean pla-ies as a help to prevent
cholerft, but ho place to keep clean
and healthy is the stomach and
bowels. With a healthy dige-.tion
you are proof against cholera. With
an unhealthy digestion you are
liable to become its victim at any
time or in any place this year.
Newton Hamilton Watchman: A
couple of our nimroda know what it
is to hunt and trespass upon a man's
land that has notices posted, but it
is not necessary to post notices to
bring and sustain an action for tres
pass. A man has uo right on an
other man's land without the per
mission of the owner of the land.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stilies, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Save S50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Drnargists, Milnintown. Nov. 13,
Twenty Tnonsand.
fr,AfbUt twCDty tbusand cans of
week PUt UP in the cannery last
Election Beoth.
ad election booth will be put up on
tnO fair rrrnnnl L T i 7 , , . .
. . oju ai run iuyt aarinsr
" - wuere who cboose
do so may learn how to vote.
Hay Ferer.
A wash made of witch hazel and
cocamoand applied to the naal
passages, is a mngic cure for hay
fever. Begin treating when yu first
discover the disease.
Both Appeal.
The effort to make tho Thompson
town bridge a public bridge has thns
far proven itself unsatisfactory. The
viewers placed the sum to be p lid by
the tax payers of the county at $15,
000. The bridge owners say that
is not enough, and the County Com
missioners say it is too much hence
both parties appeal.
A nice lot of hydrants, iron pipes
and fittings, rubber hoee, wood iron
and chain pumps, just received. I
am prepared to fit up and place in
position pipe hydrants, tanks, and
ail Decessary appliances for conduct
ing water. Cbprges moderate. Work
guaranteed. Call on or address, F.
W . Noble, Mifflintown Pa.
Cholera In Winter.
Dr. Sayre, of New York, savs there
is no belief more erroneous than the
one that frost kills cholera. "The
cholera ha never made worse ravages
on earth than in Russia in mid win
ter, when the temperature was much
lower than we ever have it here. It
in folly to think that frost will check
Killed by Cars.
Some years ngo the post office in
this town, while unfler the manage
ment of Solomon Books was robbed.
The thief was arrested at Harrisburg,
and immediately railroaded by the
United States Court, then in session
at Wiiliamsport into the Western
penitentiary. That thief and tho
thief Moore who was sent to tho
Western penitentiary last wcc-1: from
this town for the robbery of H. J.
Shcilenbergei's bouse in Fayette
township nre one and the same man.
Hon. Jitafs North gave a dinner
at his homo on Alain street last Sat
urday, in honor of Hon. A. L. Tilden,
deputy Secretary of the Common
wealth of Ta , R. A. Snyder, Chief
Clerk of the Corporation Dep't, Col
onel John W. Jiles Assistant Clerk
Corporation Dep't, Mtior Fadden of
the Library Dep't, and Captain Rife,
f the Commission Dep t, all of llar-
risburg, and Dr. Lncien B.icks and
W. D. Cramer of this placo. After
the dinner, the guests were driven
into the country cud were shown
tnrouqh some of tho many peach or
chards in this county. They return
ed to Ilarnsburg in the evening high
ly pleased with the entertainment
and visit.
Huntingdon Journal . On Sunday
morning last John Showalter, a well
known citizen of Pnn township,
was found dead ?n bed. He had not
ieen ill and his death is attiibuted
o heart failure. He was aged about
CO years. The Pennsyl
vania railroad, on Siturday last,
suspended almost two thousand la
borers in their employ between Hir
risburg end .Alloona. Eight iiiTi
dred of these men wero suspended
from the Altooiia fchops.
It is unlawful ta build bliaus for the
urposo of shooting wild turkeys.
That old practice is still carried oq
in some of the rural districts of this
county. It should be rcmemliered
that every blind built for that pnr-
ose subjects the offender to a fine
of $23.
William Kennedy of Milford town
ship was killen by cars last Friday
evening. He had been to see his
neighbor Casner and was on hia way
home and was struck on Wellr's
crossing below Patterson, by the
bumper of a car that was being run
back from Port Royal. He was
knocked clear off tho track and was
dead when taken to his home a short
distance from where he was killed.
He was aged about GO years and
leaves a wife and three children.
Look out f or lltiu.
A man was arrested in Milton L:ut
week wbo may mpke his appearance
hera, and will be well for everybody
to be on the lookout for him. He
bought fiva cent's worth of caramel
at a druj store, m;iog it with a
quantity of water, had a fluid thit
resembled exh act of vanilla so closely
that he readily succeeded in fleecing
a number of people with it. He was
arrested, fined and released. If he
comes here, don't let him swindle
vou. Lewisbwrsj Aeirs.
Congressman 3loiunated-
Mr. Gil hi ti the. first nominee of the
democracy of this congressional dis
trict dec'' 'led tho nomiuatiou. Tho
conference w.ia rs convened at Lewis
town last. Friday and nominated W.
W. Troat. editor of the Ltwistowu
Free Press by nc "tarnation. There is
no announcement that Trout has ac
cepted, bn' if he dots Mihon will
have more trouble to luu tho race
than if G;l'an haJ remained in the
field. The edit Di'3 in the district w;'l
be slow about trainiug the;r guns
on n fellow editor.
.Meeting of al Veternim of
the l asted state at Haiti
more Keiluced Rates
tit t'iiinnUTauIn
S. R. Conrad, who has had a long
experience in the business of plumb
ing offers his services to the citizens
of Mifflintown and Patterson He
will put into your heuse, steam, hot
water fixtures and all kinds of
piping pertaining to his business in
a workmanlike and satisfactory man
Does this Catch Your Eyel
For Two Cents In
TV. i i - .
-i: outage sramps, you can get a
circular issued by the State Board
of Health, on precautions against
cholera, cholera infantum, cholera
morbus, summer diarrhea and dis
sentory. Address Benjamin Lee. M
D., Secretary, State Board of Health,
1 niladelphia, Pa.
Fort Royal Fair.
The fair will be held at Port Roval
Septembtr 21st, 22d, and 23rd.
This is the place nod time for the
annual gathei.'ng of people from all
parts of the couuty, aud from ad
joining counties. There are three
thousand dollars in premiums. The
premium list has been revised and
enlarged, rhe speed m-ocram is at
tractive, and will consist of trotting,
running and bicvele races. A bal
loon ascension will bo one of the
the features of the occasion. The
exhibition in floral hall is expected
to be fine. The fruit and vegetable
displays will doubtless be up to the
standard. The poultry exhibit will
be an attractive one in the quality
of fowls exhibited. The ladies de
partment has always been one of
the attractive places on the ground
and will not fail titis time. Good
music each dav is provided by the
If so, get the whole of the"story.
as valuable to you as to us.
It is 8hort and may be
McMkes Lawson. On the 1st
inst., at the brides residence, by
Rev. S. A. Davenport, Hirry H. Mc-
of Reed's Gap. and Elizabeth E.
Lawson, of Tissearora townshin
Haines Fuxadine. Oa the 1st
inst.. at Academis. bv Rev. S. A.
Davenport, John R. Haines, of Tur-
bett township, and Ada M. Falladioe
of Port Royal.
Shirk. Od the 1st int., Calvin !.,
son of H. W. and I. F. Shirk, aged 10
years 1 month and 29 days.
Nnox. Oa the 1st inst., at the
Avon Inn, Avon, Lebanon county.
Mrs. C.tthai ir.e Oraeplaud. wife of
Robert B. Nison. formerly of the
Keystone Hotel, Patterson, aged 44
years, 11 months and 15 days.
Mickey On the 5lh inst., at Kil
mer, Turbett township. Nliie infant
daughter of R. .1. and E C. Mickey,
aged 3 months and 17 days.
Bartox On the fith insl., in Port
Royal, suddenly, Miss Leah, Barton,
aged about 50 years.
liif r"LIMu.n" MARKETS.
MirriiNfons. S.'pUm'ofr 14, H?-2.
and instead of hiding our candle ur.der a bushel, are willing
the whole world should know it. We are now sellinrr the
HARRISBURG make of Shoes, which the above cut repre
sents. The best $3.00 men's shoe ever put on the market in
J uniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace.
a shoe is not complete without smooth, llexible inner soles,
free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the leet or Boil
the ftocking
The Ilurrisbui'tr Shoe is Complete.
It will pay you to try them. For sale only at
Also the largest stock ol general foot-wear. Ladies' and
Misses' shoes in latest styles and all sizes. Everybody can be
suited at Heck's, Bridge Street.
Corn in csr
ll'-u ?rpH.
TiK.'jtLy 8ii:l
bran $1.10 a Lumlrud
I'r.nf $1.5l a hunlr-d
ulidll:ug l.'J-j burnirfd .
Gr -iind Sj!t 1 -0
Au:(-rt:.?i S:i!: hO
., 15
. 19
.. OS
.. fi
. 10
25 to8
ti l
. 1 lid
Have knocked competition in Clothing, higher than ' Gilde-
roy's Kite." Their
Surpasses all former efforts.
All the latest styles of Men's, Keys and Children's laottimg, in ioauk,
Blue, Cheviots, CassiuK-rs, Clay Worctcds, and one diz.m shade of tbe fash
ionable Wood 15rowns. Thc?o are all tbe rage '.his season. And in this line
our competitors are not "in it." Our prices for Fame quality of goods
guarantee are 10 to 20 per ceot. lower than any other house.
The Greatest
Entire Stock
Summer Clothing
To make room for FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Rare chance to
buy Clothing at less than Wholesale prices
The Chance for Bargains will be
Wholesale &. Retail Clothier, Biidge Street, Mifllintown, Pcnna.
hut.- in 1: c- connj. Ail the lat
r -l. ;.. nn J R.iya fine dress
'AKTKl'S frr fine goods,
from !Ino Caill!ers to the noest
tesc p;tr.! are "a ihiog of beauty
1805, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation To The Public
ISO'2 Wheat '
oats :n to :3S)-. ;
eggs 20 to -22c ;
From the Perry Couuty Demicrat .-
Thirty one baby coaches, each
with a baby iD, formed a novel pro
. , f e "V l
ceesioa on tne etretis 01 .cwpoit
Tuesday evening of last week.
A little daughter of Lawrence Zeis,
who lives at Richmond iurnace,
was bitten on the toe by a copper
head snake the other dny. She im
mediately eat down and sucked the
toe, thus' probably saving her life.
A fine four-montus-om coit, ie-
loning to Mr. Moses irostie, 01
Madison township, met death ban-
day of last week in a horrible man
ner. It attempted to jvrap over a
pale fence and oae of the pickets on
the fence ran ito the colt's abdomen
tearing out its intestines. To end
the animal s sutlenng u was kub
on tho head with an axe and killed.
Mr. Trostlo has been unfortunate
with hia horse stock. Last spring
he lost a valuable bay mare witn
colt, from the effects ol cone.
. . -
For a Time-
T will now rednce the price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to $1.50
per dozen.
This reduction wm "
long R6 there is sumcient traae to
" . . J a binfat
warrant these prices an.. l"
This gallery is filled with all the
latestimprovements usually kept in
,of -lftsa callerv. such as Fine
Scenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
Accessories, that
i.i A. nroiht to the large cities
w nrnnnW durinsr this reduction
it r1r drwak for itself
have no heeitancy in saying that
takinff into consideration the quality
of work, these will be the cheapest
. i. L,,or-,,a ver made m
The naval vet'-rans of the United
States will hold a re-union at Balti
more September loth to 19th, inclu
sive, and for this occasion the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from oil poinis on
itsline3 at cce tirst class faro for the
round trip. Tickets will bo Bold and
good going September 13th and 2)tL.
valid for reir-r;i unt:I October 10th
inclusive, and wi'l permit a stop-off
at Philadelphia an'l Harrisburg and
at blaJious between Harrisburg and
l:ie : ducks S to Do: eero fathers
5 to 4Sc; Jack ft;aihcr? 2D to 25o :
olatces bushel 30 to "oc ; sweet
pota'-it-s o ti -luc; t:rjt!;y seed
Sl.S.j to l.;)o; cloverifci-d 12 to 13;
onions -f-2 to 2.o0 a barrel. Peaches
at !?1 to il.V.-i a basket secl.le pears
i.j to 70o a La-.kct; dried r.pp'.es 4
to -IK-; evaporated epplus fie; dried
peeled peaches 17 to 20 hvn dried
raspbirries It! to 17c; bhickberries
be; urjpmeu eiii-iries .so; pitted
chcrrie3 lti to 17c ; hops 5 to 25c ;
oats straw $7 to 8 a ton ; Wool 27
to 33s ; tallow 4 3 ; si'gar
sk"n8 75c ;
A Cow In a Well.
"Which i f y3u shall have an
or an ox failcu into a pit and
not straightway pull him out on the
the Sabbath day."
A cow belonging to Mr. C. Fred.
Fleteher on Sunday broke through
the floor of cistern at the Crowell
shops in Or'.encastle aud fell to the
bottom a distance of about 15 feet.
The cistern contained water to tho
depth of about 2 fret. When discovered
the cow was standing up apparently
unhurt A posse of men were sum
montd, chief of whom was neighbor
Abraham L. Grove, and under his
skillful management asuibtad by Mr.
Lee Green, with stout rope, block
and tackle the cow was lifted out
speedily and successfully and walked
oft' to her home as though nothing
had befallen her. How the animal
escaped serious injury seems almost
miraculous. Charnbersburg Rrpesi
There Four Times.
Juniata ceunty.
T JaD. 22nd, 1892.
When norse tniei umr wa
taken to the penitentiary last
week, it was learned that he hid
been there four times and that he
had in those terms served a period of
15 years. He is 40 yep-s of age, end
when the present term expires he
will be 54 yefa old. He stated
to Sheriff Lapp's assistants that he
will lead a different life after he
comes out. He expressed regret
over the life that he had led, and
said he went into tue army young
and came out of it demoralized and
took to stealing chickenp, corn
whips, robes, and blankets from
cairiages and stables and for a long
time was not found out, however
there was a tim when he was caught
pnd then agdin and again Bed now
he is in for a tr in of eight year a
Markets, Sept. It -h,
iSe ; nril S'.i to 5( ;
butter 1(5 to 27c;
live chickens 8 to
wheat idraw 6 to $7. a
calf fckins (!0
to SJc;
tun ; lamb
to 70c a
Don't wait till the water is
here to have your fixtures plac
ed, but place them now, and
when the water i turned on,
you will be ready to receive it.
W. S. Mayes of Lewistown,
has located in the Robison
building, in the rear of the law
offices, on Bridge street, Mif
flintown, where he will carry
on the Plumbing Business in
all its Branches. Special at
tention will be given to the
placing of ranges, with hot and
it t . i.i
coiu water pipes, Data rooms
with all the fittings complete.
Hydrants, Cocks, Pipes, Valves,
Uaruen and fctreet Hose, &c
cheerfully furnished on all
classes of work.
The water will be turned on
for use about Nov 1st, 1892
Parties contemplating havim
pipes put in their buildings
should have the work done at
once. Nothing but
Flrst-Cla- Material Used
and all work guaranteed satis-
j factory.
lie respectfully solicts a share
of the public patronage.
We keep the only full line of fasiii . p;bK
test styles in Derby's and Crush hats In (i:r
pacts, we have No Rivals We are 11KA
Press pant from $2 50 to 6 50 pr ;
Fitcbburg Worsted, sewed ith best -lk.
and a joy forever.
Our line ef Neokw.'-ir is s:inr!y tl-j ptrlcction cf color, stylo and texture
AH tho very latest blades and in endless vnricty. We carry a full line of
cellars .and cuffs, in paper, hem, celluloid and Arlscgton.
Gentlemen's ucdcrsccar, hosiery, and a full line cf trunks, telescopes, and
baud bags. We handle the oclebrated bwcet Orr Co., Overalls. Miirts and
pantaloons all guaranteed or money refundid. In dress shirts wo arc strictly
Mn it Ircm toe word go. jook ai our puces.
Laundried shirts, 40c. 50o. 75c. 85c. 1 00 atd $1 2o. Ptreal chirts2oo,
o.lo. OUC. tA'c. (OC. BLQ w. fgiPgce Miiris, ooc. you. uo. -ji w, -ji oo,
$2 00. acd 2 50. Every stjln and coior we carry in stoik. Men's fine eboes
from SI 25 to $3 50 per pair. Ladies fine f Iocs, $1 25 to $3 00 per pair.
NotbiDg like thctn for the price elsewhere.
Ladies k Gent's solid gold watches, tolid gold rings, chaiDS, charms, and
full line of Jewelry at rock bottom prices. We claitii to handle a finer line
of goods than other Houses, ai d Cod cusiciccre are willing to pay a fair price
for first class goods. e make every s'ate trent good cr money relundcd.
Koilobaiiatfi & Son.
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes
It will be
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St.
Cases requiring attention at night willbe promptly attended to by
calling on me at the National Hotel.
(PWefc French
Kenrt Kemedr.u
sold rrithaWriiiaa
Guarant to cvre
alt Nervous discav
. such as Weak
Mcmorr, Loss o
Brain Jfower, Jcr
vousness, II eai-
n, Lot Manhood, Lassitude, all draics and U -.
of pAvcr in either ici, cauied Ly oeMxerticn ut
youthfuUndiscretion, which ul: 'mar-Try IfraJt'j I.i
unity, Cor-nmntion a Innr.i--y. Frii e, C t 7
packifrc. With every f 1 ordr we give a rr
guara.4.. to euc ?r r.fund money. Py wiii u
iuy ultlrcu. PIVErf'8 HEM COY CO.. Toledo, U
Imtiklndivn. Thprearethanvindaof ladi
i wbo hav rvu!r.r iittmvs aud would be ac
corded the palm of K-utiiy were it not for a poor
COITITIIPXIOD. JO ail purl we Ivummcuu vn.
MEMV VIOLA CREAM aj rjoaaeaiinz them
nUA'.i-ica hat q Jirkiy dianca the moat sallow
.I'l tijrilc or:ipit.-xtod to out-of natural be&lui
i-n.l niib'iemisii-d 1 eaaty. U cure Oily Skin,
I trcl.ia. Hlucii li-.tris, lllotchva, Sunburn,
1 i; ;;... , a:i.. a!l . rfrctiona ol th
jkii. j . i nr-' - n.:ie 1 it t a euro, vet is bet
ter for tuo toilet table than powder. Sold by
lruoufct. or ih.i:t tw st raid nnon receipt of 50c
U. C. BITTNEH 4 CO., Tstwto, O.
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock ef Cods fer
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't fail
to give him a call if in need of" Clothing.
Money Loaned at Lowest Rates.
Itawearlnil q-oalltlware nnaarDuaaed. actuatt
Cntlaatintr two bo. or uiT o' h.r br.nl Not
fleeted by beat. trlil III E fatJI I ISI E.
S 8tas7lTa3iiA ogrtoiltuiJu "So: is, TotS, Tt.
raraiaar' ttlajidarw Kafioea aad Saw Kllla,
and tor fetfttecu. rwlktl., Pt.
ill . H ttsun,YneM.u4A,MHfict
Stooiholc!or8 Individually Liable.
T. VAN IRWIN, Caihier.
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rotbroek,
John Hertsler, Philip M. Kepner,
Robert K. Parker, Louis K. Atkinson,
T. V. Irwin.
Philip M. K"pner, Annie M. Shelley,
Jost-pb Rothrock, Jane H. Irwin,
L. . Atkinson, K. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin,
Mary Kurtz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jf
Job ) I- jrtzler, T. V. Irwin,
Chariot teSnydor, Josiah L. Barton,
John M. Blair, Robert n. Patterson,
F. M. M. Pennell, Levi Light,
Samuel S. Rothiock, Wm. S warts.
Solomon Man beck,
Three and Fonr per cent, interest will b
raid on certificates of depoBite.
fjan 23. 1891 U
SoaVring from th. dju of yontbtul OTrosa, sa
decay. waat:E weakaeaa, loat maeiho. 1 wg
Md a valuable lliimi (ledj ooBauan
paraiealara for aoaa. eon. FRtt0
aplaodid meliral work : aboald b. aaad by yvam;
r..w who la nervous and debilitated. .Adoaawu
PrC V. C roWLjau Soodaa, Coawa,
addresi . U. TASaCaAR SO?. Tarlu C
Subscribe for tbe Sestirel aid Bxpvbli.
cax, a good paper.
Par) guaranteed
byir.J.R. atafr
1 ArehSU I-nila.
1'a. iuie at once. Ko operation or baamess
delay. Thoueands of cures. Dr. Mayer la at
Hotel Penn, Keadinft, Pa., second Saturday t
adunoclh. Send toi circulars. Adrtctr
lT nothing more to be said.