F.PUBLICAN MIFI-UNTOWN: yEDFS!UY. AU. 17, 1898. TERMS. gnt)8crlrin 51 -60 Per Mnin. W paid ...dvsnce; $-'.00 if not paid In advance. Transient adyorttoementa inserted at 50 nf pe' nc0 for eacn Insertion. ' Transient business, notices In local col nmn. 10 cents per lino for each insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiriag ( advertise by the year, half or quarter TT o . v-1 j.-c, UK l rvT A m t if inn irnhin county, Pa. Juniata countv. Pn ' Oa Thnrstlav. n. im , Gooi-caRI,. i ",. "t" 1Dsl-- v:n j V. ' a LrMLlt employee was killed at Mtllemlowo stepping out of another. the of the Thanks are due Mr. Henrv iui driver partpra SHORT LOCALS. H Jf goue leap year. Teoplo who get hay fever suffer now. H;ul Hi" nearness of Mara to do with the heated term ? The Indian Mound Harvest Home w ill t ike pluoe ucxt Saturday. PiKBiiltnt Harrison and Mrs. Har rison m t fit Loon Lake, N. Y. TIip cannery well proved itself a j great good during thB drought. Mis llij Kickenbaiigh visited frit-ml in Lswistown last week. lf.'n whoiadulffa in loud swearing on tli" streets of Hollidaysburg are fined. 1 1). Musser is haviug a slat roof pat on bi3 resiJunso on South Main street. Andrew Hanks shot three red foxes on tlio ridge north of town last Friday- Banks Kurtz of Dalawaro township is homo on vacation from Dickin?on law school. Dr. Grant Fink, of Philadelphia, is anions friends in Juniata, on a Bbort v .cation. Patterson & Schweyer were in the lower end of the county on legil bus iness last Friday. The thermometer was a high stepper list week, it took a hundred decrees in the shade. Till Juaiata Valley Bank and its Br.ineli at Port Iljyal reelected the old board of officers. Lewistown play goers are in de light over the prospect of a circus paying a visit to their town. Will F. Hendrickson an Associate Press reporter of Middletown visit e3 friends in town over Sunday. For applying a "cuss" word to Mrs. Jacob HaffTi, of Shnniokin, Mrs Kate Waldroff was fined 62 cents. Wrn. B. McCahan of Milford has been selected to manage the business of the cannery company this season. A cyclonic storm in Kansas over turned wagon?, blew down trees, broke windows and did yreat dam age. A close observer of human nature asks "whero is tho sin ill boy, of mill ioaaira or tramp that wants to bo washed." The Misses Hasten, of are visiting Mr. Joseph I ho yonnjr Scholl count of the Knights Templar "dera on.trahon m that far away city. Mr. Scroll ,, accompanied by his wife daughter. Itch on human ami Wao imals cure,! in 30 minutes' by Wool" ford s Sanitary Lot; tV; "V ij. Banks i-rngsrists, MifHintown. isno.-iy. & Nov. Co. 13, pi- Pres,dPnt E S. parkor of th9 Col umbia National Bank, Washington, D. C, formerly of Mifflintown. has been selected among those who are to arrange details of the G. A. It. en amnment to taks place a1, the Ci ioi oi me Hfiuon m a- tsmber Last Wednesday John Kein, oged Id years came near drowning at Pot tstown. Pa , by being pulled" off nullum (town mto the Schuylkill Kiver 35 feet by a five pauud bass. Friends pulled him onfc of the river one of his legs wis broken, but he got the bass. flive you triod South Amoncan Nervine the gem of the century T The great euro for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Storaich and Nerve Cure ever known, Trinl bot tles 1.1 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifflintowo. Pa. Nov. 11, ly. From the Bloom field Democrat : The prico of coal has advanced twenty cents per ton, which makes a total increase of forty-Gve cents over what was paid prior to the Keading combine. This advance will very materially increase the coal bills of the coming winter and will directly affect the pocket book of nearly every citizen. "Edgar Smith, a lad who lived at Yeagertown, Miflliii caunty, and tea other boys went on the mountain to gather huckleberries on the 10th inst. A larcre rattlesnake bit vounc Smith twice, His companions ran homo to bring aid nad when found again tho unfortunate boy was un conscious. H' died five hours after being bitten.'' ladies Lancaster Hess and are nieces wife. of Mr s. Hess J. T. L. Sahni, of Wilkcsbarre, id visiting Mr. Joseph RDthrook and fani'ly. Mr. Sahra is a soa-in-law of Mr. Ilothrock. Ompnny A-, Fifth Regiment Nat ional Guard of Huntingdon returned heme from Homestead on the even ing of the 9th inst. Tlsv. M'Barasy an I wifo and two diuitirs of Mexiaj. pHsed a por tion of a months vacation on the Allegheny Mountains. G. A. R. Posts 31G of Oriental and 407 of Port Treverton, will hold acaiapfire and festival at Mahanton go, September 3, 1802. Tho democrats and alliance peo ple luve an ugly fight on hand in Alabama over frauds that were com mitted at the late State election. J. D. Thomas of Fermanagh had his right shoulder dislocated by a fall, but is doiug as well as can be expected under a disability of that nature. The crop in the ccrn belt cf the west is reported at 25 per cent lcs3 than an averacc crop In Juniata county the crop will bo 50 per cent, less than a ood crop. .Mrs Saliie McNuIty, wifa of John McNulty died on Sabbath morning, aged about !7 ysara. Interment iu the Presbyterian grave yard on Tuesday at two o'clock, P. M. Editor Butz of the Huntingdon Globe came near dying from the af fects of broiled black birds, the oth er day. Henceforth when he dines on bird or fowl it will be on spring chicken. Last week E. O. ITimes, John S. Graybill, Harry Shellenberger, J. H. Winey, all citizons of McAlisterville asd landlord Arbogast of the Jacob's House camped at Macedonia a day or two to fish. Clothing Merchant D. W. Harley, and Philip Harley, of Salem, and his daughter Mary K Harley, of Helena, Montana, attended a reunion of the Harley family at Ephrata, Lancaster countv last week. Au old man 79 years old, living in Nodaway county, Mo., plowed his own land this Spring with a horse 29 years old, which was born on the same farm and has worked on it with the old man every since. Daniel Weiser, a German living in Fottstown, Pa., ate one-dozen angle worms on a wasrer recently. Ho says he learned to eat them when a lad, and that they are as palatable as raw ovsters. especially when eaten .witu vinegar, pepper and salt. A pole cat wandered into the preachers teut in the Simpson Grove, Pa.. camD meeting one day last week. The wisdom f an elder saved the place from being oderizod. The l.lor nhouted "don't throw a boot or any other thing at tho cat." From the Huntingdon Globe of last week . UW. B. Simpson left Huntingdon on Tuesday at 5 o'clock on his wheel, and arrived at McAle yy's Fort in 1 hour and 41 minutes, returninp' in the same time. The distance is 17 miles, an average of mile in 6 minutes. Eugiinh Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring bone, Stilles, Sprains and Swollen Throats, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by use ot one bottlo. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cnro ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Drncrifctsi, Mifllintown. Nov. 13, 1890-1 y. Lewistown was thrilled from cen ter to circumference on tho evening of tho 9ih in.-t. First tho Congres sional conference awakened an inter est among politicians and people in general. Second, the Logan Guards who hid been cilled to HomeEtead, returned and wera tendered a recep tion iu th 3 Armory. Third, the burn ing of the foundry of Goodiiart & Co. Three su?h events crowded in to ono evening is enough to thrill a larger town than Lewistown. II. A. McPike of the Altoona Times i3 a Christian gentleman, and with oil that his life has been a cup fall of nfiliction. On the nijiht of the 9th inst his s ju Joseph II McPiko died; between October, 18S1, and January 25, 18S2, . four daughters and one son died of diphtheria; iu May, 1S39, Mrs. McPiko died ; only a few months ago his son Frank died, and now Joseph. JLrnly, sor row has invaded his household. Our heart felt sympathy is extended to our sorely s!llicted brother. About 7 o'clock on tho evening of tho 9th hist , a fire, broke out iu the Lewistown Foundcrv and Machine Worka buildiug. The Lewistown firo department was at ihe scene of couihigration iu a short thue aud succeeded 1.1 subduing tha llituas fore everything about the place was destroyed. J.LC nrerac-n mau- aged the case admirably. Tho origeu of the fire is not known. The em ployes had cloned their work for the day about G o'clock that afternoon. It was a company foundery and was insured for $0,000. Company G. of Lewistown returned on the evening of the 9th inst., frou the Homestead riot field in a special train. A recoptioM and supper awaited them in the armory building. It was an occasion long to ha remem bered and awakened different thoughts and feelings and emotiors from tho ones experienced when they were called from home to miintain the dignity and right of honest labor to work wherever work can honestly be obtaiued, aud to maintain the rights of people in the ownership of property. Rev. J. B. Focht in be half of the citizens delivered an ad dress of welcome. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my lifo to the crreat South American rervino. 1 had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a lew ooiues cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in tho world. 1 can not recommend it to highly." Trial bottlep, 151. Sold by L. Banks & Co. May 14-ly. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache. Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was crone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bousrht one bottlo of South American Nervine which done mo more good than any 850 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuablo and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand- oaf, medicine in the world. War ranted tho most wonderful stomach unA nerve cure ever known. Trill Kotrt 1.1 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co.. Mifllintown, Pa.. May 14, ly Oa Sunday a week Harvey Win gert, fell from the top of an abut ment of the New Port bridge to the ground a distance of about 21 feet and excepting a sprained wrist and a scalp wound was not hurt. Rev. M. L Drum of Mifllintown will officiate at the laying of the corner stone for the new Methodist Episcopal Church in McAlisterville, next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Neighboring clergymen are invited to be present. The following teachers have been selected for the schools of Walker town.ship for tho coming winter term : Mexico, first school Lloyd Hart man ; second John Furner ; Mt. Pleasant, G. H. Towsev; Cedar Grove, George Siober ; Flint, Celia Regan ; Van Wert, Maggie Kinzer ; Centre, R. E McMeen ; Locust Run, Florence Detra ; Van Dykei Maggie Regan. On the 10th inst., Jerome Beers, of near Duncinnon, Perry county, while passing Thompsontown, Juni ata county 8tation,;projected his body from the side of the freight car on which he was breaking and was struck by the mad pouch catcher and knocked off the train. He was brought to this station and placed in the railroad hospital where he has been in an unconscious condition ever since. The democratic Congress that ad journed the other day opened its session with a great flourish on the subject of economy. It called the republican Congress that it succeed ed, the billion Congress. The Con gress that tie Democracy so con demned at its first sessioD, appropri ated 40.5 million dollars. Ida first session of the Lite democratic Con gress appropriated 500 million dol lars, that is a half billion, and they are not half through. C. E. Hower, of Fermanagh town ship sent William Sizer aud Nathan Wilsman to his oats field. They were longer than usual in bringing in a load and Mr. Hower walked out to see. He never suspected that they would attempt to finish the hauling with that' load. When he came near the load looked like a stack. Wil man was pitching and Sizer was building. Ihe load contained 906 sueavep, seventy-five dozen and a half. Who can heat that ? Altoona Tribune August 11: Home inlluenco could be a great preventive ot blasphemy amoug children. Ir parents would see that their boys were at homo before 10 and 11 o'clock at night; if they would teach them of the results of taking the namo of God iu vain ; if they would instruct them that it is not only an offense in the sight of God, but nngentlemanly as well ; finally if thy would take upon their own shoulders that which belongs to ys. Ezra C. Doty, No. 151, April T., 1892; summons in ossunipsit;' plea "non assumpsit." Jonas Wolfgang vs. Frank Rey nolds and Levi Bosler, Supervisors of Fayette, No. 9, Sep. T., 1892; summons in trespass; plea, "not guilty." Mary M. Jacobs, Administratrix of George Jacobs, dee'd vs. the Presi dent, Managers and Company for erecting a bridge over - the Juniata river at or near the village of Mifflin, in the county of Miftlin (now Juniata) No. 35, Sept. T-, 1892 ; summons in assumpsit; plea, "non assumpsit." E. Bennett & Sons vs. Samuel Pannebaker ; No. 38, Sep. T. 1892 ; appeal from judgement of C. B. Hor sing, J. P., "nil debet." Panebaker & son vs. Georcre S. Conn, Samuel Q. Rohrer and James McAllen ;No. 50, Sept, T., 1892 ; ap peal ; plea "nil debet" J. F. nockenberv vs. W D. Walls ; No. 103, Sep. T., 1892 ; appeal ; plea "nil debet." Susanna Lyder and Abram Lyder ys. Benjamin Renninger ; appeal ; plea "nil debet." If so, get the whole of the story. as valuable to you as to us. Mali on Tor Congress- H. E. Scott them the moral education of their children instead of throwing it upon the teachers of public and Sun day schools, they would do more than can otherwise be done. Lristown Free Press August 10: On Sunday forenoon, about 9 o'clock, Henry Bossinger, at his place near Granville Run, about a mile from town, had an encounter with a blooded bull which had only re cently con-c into his possession. On entering tho barnyard where the an imal was tho bull mada for him, and before he cou!d get out of the way caught him with his horn under the leg, tearing a bad wound thr3u?h tho upper third of his right thigh, about 7 inches long end 2J deep. Tho day before the children of the family had driven the animal, which then showed somo fiigns of ill-humor but fortunately did not attack them. An exchange says one of tho evils of the day is the bitter denunciation that tho average man and woman hurl ngaiust each other behind the back. If a man and woman do lit tle work themselves, but instead, em ploy other people to work for them, the- are denounced as being ln7j". If they do all tho work they can themselves, they are denounced as being stingy. If they have money, they are denounced as fossils and enemies of progress when they put it on interest and settlo down to en joy a life of leisure. If they build mills and factories and employ large numberj of workmen they must be prepared to h'ar themselves des cribed as monopolists, plutocrats, op prefsors of the poor, beneficiaries of protection, and much more of tho same eort The Conferees of tho 18th Con gressional District met in Lewistown at 7 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, August 9, 1892, and orgnnized by electing D. P. Higgms of Union eonnty, pres ident ; and H. E. Butz, of Hunting don, and Nicholas Front, of Fulton, secretaries. The Conferees. Tho conferees by counties were : FrankUn county , John A. Sides, Ja cob Pensincrer, Cip. R. W. Bovt. D. H. Daardorff. David McClay, " John F. Yost. Fnlton couatv, H. E. Butz, Esq., Capt. Thos. S. McCahan, Lt , S. H. Irwin, J. F. Ripple, A . S. WTelsh. Huntingdon county, Howard E, Butz, Thos. S. McCahan, A S. Welsh, Samuel H. Irwin, T. J. C. Ripple. Juniata county, Col. J. K. Kohisoa, John S. Graybill, J. S. Barton, F. M Pennell.. MiCflin countv, H. O Lentz, Esq., R. H. Lee, John McDowell. EJ. Arnold. Snyder county, Gso. C. Wagansel- ler, non. S A. Wetzel, J. A. Lumbard, Levi Kepler. Union county, B. K. Focht, Gutelius D. P. H'germs, A. Sheller. Tho following nominations were mads in alphabetical order : Franklin Maj. Thad M. Mahon. Fn'ton Dr. Wm. L. McKibben. Huntingdon Capt. Thomas J Johnston. Juniata Dr. L. E. Atkinson. MiElin H. J. Culbertson, Eiq. Snyder A. W. Potter, Esq. Union George B. Miller. The conference resolved that each county f houl 1 be cast as a whole and that conferees could not cist individ ual votes. TITE HF.SIXT. Oie ballot was taken on Tuesday evening, eich county voted for its candidate. Tho conference voted through Wednesday, Wednesday evening and Thursday forenoon. Oa the 72 a 1 ballot on Thursday afternoon, Mahon nominated. Juniata county voted as early ns Wednesday for Mahon. It was the vote of Franklin Union, Fulton, Mifflin and Juniata that made the nomination On the lat ballot Huntingdon voted for Johnson nnd Snvder voted for Polter. ine nomination was made unani mou s. Mahon made a speech thanking the conference for ihe favor conferred and recommended a closo adherence to republican principals. Tho late candidates each made a ppaech ac cepting the situation and endorsing the nomination of Mahon. The conference olected George G VvTn"enreller of Snyder county dis trict chairman. Atkinson's highest vote in the con ference was 12. Mr. Mahon is not a new man WE HAVE STRUCK IT RICH, and instead of hiding our candle under a bushel, are willing the whole world should know it. We are now selling the IARRISBUIiG make of Shoes, which the above cut repre sents. The best $3.00 men's shoe ever put on the market in Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace. EEMEMBEE a ehoe is not complete without smooth, flexible inner soles, free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the feet or soil the stocking Committee Meeting. The Republican County Commit tee met in the parlor of the Jacobs House on Saturday afternoon last to transact business pertaining to the campaign. Seventeen of the eighteen districts in tho county were rrprcsented. -. Stale Senator. Tho Perry county Republican con vention met on Monday, bnt did not put a senatorial candidate m the field. Tbcy Lowever selected three conferees and instructed them for tho re-nomination of Senator Woods. For a Time I will now reduco the prico of my $3.00 cabinet photograph to S1.50 per dozen. This reduction will continue as long as there is sufficient trade to warrant these prices and no longer. This gallery is filled with all the latest improvements usually kept in a first class gallery, such ns I ine Scenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra peries and Fine Accessories, that would do credit to the large cities. We propose during this reduction to let our work speak for itself and have no hesitancy in saying that taking into consideration the quality of work, these will bo the cheapest cabinet photograpns ever mndo in Juniata county. Respectfully, JOSEPH HESS. . Mifllintown, Pn., Jan. 22nd, 1892 Trial LIM-Scpt. T. 1992 Catharine Cox vs, James No. 115, Sept. T., 1892 ; fei; Witmer rned is John Balentine vs Elias Horning, Samuel Horning and John Stouffer, No. 11, Feb. T., 1892 ; summons in trespass ; plea "not guilty." The First National Bank of Tyrone f'e district, ho i3 a well known Charcbersburg lawyer. He is abou 50 years old. He served both in tl infantry and cavalry against rebel! ion aea was a member ot the Jjegis LUnre from 1870 to 1872. He ran against Steeper for Con; reps in tne :eraoeratie tirtnl wave in 187G and was beaten by only 4'J votes. He is a 'devout member the Methodist church and a Sabbath School teacher. Nothing short of a political earth quake can defeat hivo The democrats are at sea as to who they should run against him. The democratic nomination sroes a bejr- ging amongst tho erring brethren. Does this Catch Your Eyel m Sim It is short and may be The Ilarrisburg Shoe is Complete. It will pay you to try them. For sale only at 0. W. KECK, THE OBLI EXCLUSIVE BOOT & SHOE MAN IN JUNIATA COUNTY, BRIDGE STREET. MIFFLIN TO UN, PA. Also the largest stock of general foot-wear. Ladies' and Misses' shoes in latest styles and all sizes. suited at Heck's, Bridge Street. Everybody can be The Greatest SACRIFICE SALE EVER KNOWN AT MEYER'S Great CLOTHING HOUSE ! Entire Stock OF Summer Clothing WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST, To make room for FALL AND WLNTER CLOTHING. Rare ckance to buy Clothing at less than Wholesale prices The Chance for Barcains will be OPEN FOR SIXTY DAYS. MEYER'S, Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridgo Street, Mifllintown, Penna. HOLLOBAUGII & SON Have knocked competition in Clothing, higher -than "Gilde roy's Kite." Their SPRING STOCK Surpasses all former efforts. All the latest styles of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing, in Black, 1'luc, Cbeviots, Cassimer.', Clav Worsteds, arid ono dozen abades of the fash ionable Wood Browns. Tbeso are all tbe rage this season. And in this lino our competitors arc not 'in it." Our prises for fame quality cf goods we guarantee are iu to 10 per cent, lower than any other house. LATEST STYLES Iff HATS. Wo keep the only full line of fashionable hiU in tho county. All the lat test styles in D.rby's and Crush hats. In Gentlemen's and Boys' fine dress pants, we have No Rivals We are HEADQUARTERS for fine goods. Dress pant from $2 50 to G 50 per pair, from fine Cassimers to the finest Fitchburg Worsted, sewed with best silk. These pants are "a thing of beauty and a joy forever. JNECKTIES, COLLARS & CUFFS. Oar line of Neckwear is simply the perfection of color, style and tcztnre All tho very latest shades and in endless variety. We carry a full lino of collars and cuff.-, in paper, liucn, celluloid and Arlington. J SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSE fc. Gentlemen's underwear, hosiery, and a full line of trunks, telescopes, aud hand baps. We handle the oc.'abrated Sweet Orr & Co., Overalls. Shirts and pantaloons all guaranteed or mocey refunded. In dress shirts wo are strictly "in it" from tbe word go. Look at err prices. LauDdricd shirt", 40o. 50e. 75c. 85c. $1 CO and $1 '25. Pcreal shirts 25o, S5o. 50c. (JOc. "5c. ond $1 CO. Ncglcpte shirts, 35c. 50c. 75o. $1 00, $1 50, $2 00. and $2 50. Every style and color we carry in stock. Men's fine shoes from 1 25 to $3 50 per pair. Ladies lioe fhoes, $1 25 to $3 00 per pair. Nothing like them for the price elsewhere. FINE JEWELRY. Ladies & Gent's solid pold watches, solid pold rins, chains, charms, and a full line of Jewelry at rock bottom prices. We claim to handle a finer liDe of poods than other Houses, acd End customers are willing to pay a fair price for first class goods. We make every s'ateiiicnt good or money refunded. Hollobaus'h & Son. JHAKRTKn t Dbessleu Faitxestock. On the 4th inst, bv Absalom Birner, J. P., John Dressier and Martha Fahne- stock, both of Susquehanna Twp. DIED : Kilmer. On the 7th inst., in Tur- bt-tt township, Philip Kilmer. Stag ed 70 years, 6 months and 8 days. KfrrLrNToww makskts. Uirrcirrowa, Aug. 17, 13F2. Hotter tm 15 Ram iQ Shoulder, , 08 Sidw, c Lard , jo MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN UAKKST Wheat new 75 oil 77 Cora in par... 45 (:itB, 25 U30 Rye G5 Cioveroo(l..... ......... $4 .00 Timothy aoed $1.00 K1X seed 1 60 Pran $1. 10 a hundred ('hup...... $1.50 a hundred Middlings $1.25 a hundred. Ground Alum Suit 1 20 A uicricun Salt 80 PniLAnELi'HiA Makkets, August 13, 1902. Wheat 82c i corn 65 to 59c; oats 39 to 42 c; live chickens 13 to 14c ; butter 17 to 2Sc ; eggs 17 to 18c; potatoes bushel 28 to 33; onions 75c to $1 a ealf barrel. CniCAoo, August 12 Cittle Re ceipts 8000 head ; uativai $4.85a5.25 , others 4a4.75 ; western $3.C0.i4 10; cows $2.35a2.40. IIojs Receipts, 55,000 head ; rough $5.20a5 45 ; mix ed 2 50a5.65 ; prime heavy and butchers wtijrhts, $5.70 10.8O ; liirbt $515a5 85. Sheep Receipts 3000 Lead ; ewes $3.504.75 ; texans $3.50 a4.C5; lambs $3.25a6.40. 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 1889 Special Invitation rTo rI7ie luhlic To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goea n daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BDYE113 Who have money to invest to examino the Stock of Goods fer MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to Se THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TOWN E M RUBLE, BvA LMER AND Funeral Director. I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. I am ciualifiod to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St. Cases requiring attention at night will-bo promptly attended to by calling on me at the National Hotel. VERY RESPECTFULLY, S. S. RUBLE. LOST MANHOOD! CPWtdm French Kerve Remedy, soldwithWrittr Otraranl to cure all Nervous dieat m. such as Weak Memory, Los o Brain fower, rr T3usnes. Head- BErORB AND AFTER USE. ach, akrfiil nv Lost Manhood. Lassitude, all drams and lor of prer in either sex, caused l.y orer-exertion i rnMf'i.ftitf nrfUi-rflnn vh l-h Tilt ITTVAtel V I Cad tl t Dimity, ConMimptK-n and Inaanity. PHce, $1.0-3 a package. With every order we give a wrrtU Telwie,0. cuartiitet to en-e or rmd money. By mi:l iur uidrcsi. PiVfi' REMfcOV CU., IS tratsktndpop. Threaretlmndtnfladiei who havo regulcr it-nturcg and would be ac corded tho jAlrn of beHUty were it not for rxr cvriTih'xion. To all snrh we rtonmmetid DR. HE3RA S VIOLA CREAM aa poascning theae qualities that quickly chanue the roust tallow and florid rompicxion to one of natural bealtb nnd nnMetiifhed t eauty. It cures Oily Skin, I'n-ckloR, Wick lieei's. T'otchea, Sanhum, Tan, l":nH'l!'3, rij r. l i-.iitriwticus ! the ekin. lt if. ntfH'7n-iie hut a cure, yet in bet ter for tho toilet tiibi;- than powder. Bold by Druiuruts, or c ut p.-t ;;aid npon receipt of 5oc C. C. BITTNERCO.lTlwtolO. YRTT MOM Til DEPOSIT ? f JUNIATA ALLEY BANK, WW UWl OF MIFFLISTOHH, PA. ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSEl'n ROTH ROCK. Prt$iiint. T. VAX IRWIN, Ctthitr. maEcroas. W. C. Pomeroy, Joarph Rothroek, -CALL. AT THE FIRST MIFFLIN! OWN, PA. FOUR PEE CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. PeiasrlT6iia igrlcrflturtl Vcrfcs, TctS, iiim Ju & EttCHltt S03, SoiS. ' GREASE BEST IX THE WO RID. Ito-OTmrioirqaaUtiesarenoBurpasaed. aetualty emlasttDB' two bexps of any other brand. Not affected by beak ETTUE4L.US. FOR SALE BY DEALERS QENEBAIAY. ly Jolin Hertxlor, Robert E. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Pbilip M. Kepner, Lonia B. Atkinson, STOCKBOLDZas : Philfp M. Kepner, Annio M. Shelley, Jose h Rotbrock, Jane D . Irwin, L. K. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Haines Irwin, Mary Kuril, Jeromo N. Tbompttn, Jr John llortzler, T. V. Irwin, Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L. Barton, John M. Biair, Robert H. Patterson, F. M. M. Pennell, Levi Light, SaiuuelS. Rotbrock, Win. S warts. Solomon Manbeck, Three and Four per cent, ictereat will be I aiJ on certificates of deposite. jan 23, 1891 tl TO WEAK HEU Buffering from tn otfcta of ywHfeful laun larly wafting weaknoM, lost manhood, eta 1 win sand a valuable treatuaf sealed i containing fall particulars for borne cure. F R EE of chatye- A splendid medical work ; should b read by ary, man woo la nerrooa and debilitated. .Address,; trot. V. C VOWLEH. Muodoa. Cooo. RUPTUREISSe Subscribe for tbe Sutll H its Fipt rildelny. Thousands ot cures. lr. Marerlsat liotcl fenn, Keadiur, Pa., second balorday oi each month, bend tor circulars. Adricc tree. A, good paper.