Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 10, 1892, Image 4

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Folks Li made different. Some pos
tees certain of the cardinal virtues
other puople possess others, 'nd you
seldom find all of tr.em in one human
being. Some talk of a good memory,
Others rather pride themselves on liav
In none. I have got a good faculty
for remembeiin' some things. It I
know the contributiou-box is goiu' to
be jsjsed, I tever can forgit my purse.
I've tried It oil 'nd on a number of
times 'nd rather envid the folks who
could forfeit so coneuiently. I'veeveu
gone so far as to hide my port-money In
the pocket ot au old uitws, that lianas
In the closet upstairs, on the north
room, where nobody ever sleeps, "uil
nobody ever uoe?, 'cept la house-cleau-in
89 that I'd To: Kit j 'ist over contri
bution day. Forgit I why, I couldn't
any more forgit tliau nottnu'.
llowsouiever, though a forgitter
kiu't una of my cummuu poasesiiioii,
'ud in uo way can be counted lu
amongHt my other cardinal virtues, I
bave got as good agrudger 'nd hater ss
anybody In all the tou'itry 'round, 'nil
this partly consoles me for not baviu' a
good forgitter. If 1 forgot rel q.iick
'nd easy-like, why then I'd forgit the
mean things folks do 'nd say. Likely
as not I'd git over this grudge I've held
on to now for soai rive 'nd thirty
years. I wouldn't git over that for
nottiln'. It's such a comfort to bate
somebody! It affords lots of amuse
ment, too, if anything happens to the
one you've got a gride against. Be
sides all Hint, It sorts o' sends the hours
skippin' aloDg light 'nd a'ry-Iike when
you can sit down 'nd knit 'nd think of
all the mean things you'd like t.j have
befall the on you bale. Knittin' is
nice work for such meditations, for it
isu't very aborlio 'cept in the heel 'nd
toe 'ud Instep, uniess you haopen to
drop a stitch, or get to thinkin' so hard
that by m'stake you knit over a seam;
then you have to 'lend to your kniitiu'
lor a little 'nd no mistake, but oa the
who'e 1 think it's good work, when you
want to sit down 'nd bev a good time
a grudgin' 'ud hatin'. Xow I'm a Ire tie
peculiar; I don't spend my timeenvyiii'
my nabor?, 'nd grudgin' 'em their good
things. I don't spoil my natuieby ili-
viutn' it permiscuou-llke am mi.; a
good many. I just bile it down likj 1
do my Jelly, bo It won't luke up much
room, 'nd yet have it tart 'ud solid lu
Its own place.
I don't hold no grudge against no
body, but u-t Jonas I'erlwinkle. Ili.ii
I do grudge 'ud bate with all the force
I've got. He treated me mighty mean
when I was a slip of a girl 'bout eight
een or twenty, i'ou see 'twas like this,
'nd I hain't nver got over it, neither,
'nd I don't intend to. Him 'nd me,
we kept company for two or three
years, off 'nd on. Though I was a
flighty piece of property 'n I liked to
change off occasionally, I did set great
store by him, 'ud he knew it, too. I
was'nt quite so steady 'ud stout like as
some of the girls, though I could gt
round pre'.ty spry 'nil 'complish Just as
much as they did ud it diu'nt take me
11 day to do it.
One Monday I was washin' 'nd Steve
ft alt came along with a bran new top
buggy 'nd epan. lie drove up, 'nd
says to me: "l'mdiivlu' out to show
my new belonging, Esther, can't you
come along'r"
I always was fond of goin', 'nd th it
top-buggy did glitter, 'nd bhine in the
sun, 'nd the cushions did look so
temptin', so I says: "I'd like to go
first-rate, Steve, but I hain't got quile
though my wa-duu'."
"I'll just come in 'nd wait," he sav?.
So he did 'nd he lieliieil, too. lie stir
ted the starch, 'nd help hang the c'ol lies
up, 'ud while we vai haugln' 'cm
up, who should go along but Joi at
Periwinkle. Steve bowed awful polite
but Jonas walked straight past, as if he
didu't see us, but he did, 'ud I found it
out afterwards.
I went for the ride, 'nd it was a nice
one, too. The apple trees was all
a-bloomin' 'nd tb j air was as swe-t as
a June morning could muke it. bteve
really was tbt nicest fellow arouud 'n I
he was pleasant 'nd agreeable. We
got hoiire just as dinner w is ready, 'ud
mother asked him in, 'nd sure t-uoutrli
he stopied, 'nd staid 'nd talked w.t'i
father after dinner as though neither of
'em had anythln' to do.
The next time 1 see Jonas he was as
uppish as could be. Finally we had a
real downright qiuirrel 'bout Steve.
I 'spose we were both exasperated. I
told him if be wanted a girl that would
always stay at home, 'ud never go no
where, he could look farther, 'nd be
told me ir I couldn't hi satisfied v. ith
one man's heart, 'stead of bre km'
every one 'round he would look farther
'nd lie dl. I didn't l hiuk he treated
me quite fair, but I wasn't goin' to be
bossed 'round 'fore I was married. So
be took to goin' with or.e of the other
girls, 'nd Steve Pratt's buggy stood at
our door pretty olten. I kept thinkin'
Jonas 'ud I would make up, but we
didn't, 'nd we never have, 'ud I s'pose
never will. We've lived nabors for a
good munv years, 'nd though 1 see Liru
'nd hls'u I always hate him like. I
can't see a oow or a horse, or even a
pig or a chicken of hisseu without
a-wlshlu" somethlu' wooll happen to
I married 3'?ve Pratt, 'nd nobody
could a lived with that man without
lovin' him, I'm sure. I lo7ed him to
the last day of his life. He ws al
ways good 'nd briaht, 'nd even on daik
days he made the bouse teem l:ke
there was sunshine lu it. We raised
some children, but one bv one they
died, 'nd then Steve died. I wished I
could die, too, but I s'po.e I hain't
lived out my 'lotted time yet. I'm
a lonely woman 'nd 'bout all the c m
fort I take la in helpiu' the nal or j
when they are sick, 'ud in trouble, 'ud
in haiiu' Jonas Periwinkle
Steve 'ud 1 allays seemed o prosper
In our undertaking, but Jonas didu't;
be wolked hard, his wile was good ua
tured, but sort of shiftless-like, 'ud ne
never made much headway. she died
a couple of years ago, 'ud their little
'leven-ye.ir-old girl bus been tryln' to
do the best she can. (die's a puny lit
tle thing 'nd won't hold out much
longer, I'm a-lhinkiu'.
Somebody's comln' runnla' up the
walk I Why, it 's Susy reriwiukP I
"There, you've run till you've tuck
ered your If all out. Sit down 'nj
rest yourself 'nd tell me what's tho
mat.er. Is it the bread that won't rise
or the butter ihat won't co ne?''
Susy, a 1 out of breath with runnin',
said: "Come over quick; the horses
have run awav, 'nd pa I don't know
but bo's dead I 1 knuw you always go
when folks are sU.k, 'ud so I come hero
I didu't think nothing about my
grudge when I saw that poor little
pale thing staudin' there- I sant after
the doctor, 'nd tliu weut along with
busy, tikin' my medicine along, 'nd
It was lucky I did. Jonas was in bad
hape, bad enough to satisfy anyone
with a bii'ger grudce than mine. Ilis
bead was hurt 'ud some of his ribs
wet broken, 'nd I don't know what
all. The doctor be come 'nd set the
brokeu boues 'ud plastered up the
bruises. He took me off to one side,
'ndsaid: '-He's a pretty baldly nurt
man, Mrs. Pratt. That hurt on bis
bead 1 a bad one. You bave helped
me through with other bad cases, I
want you to help me through w.lh
"I really don't see bow I can, Doc
tor," 1 said. "I hain't never been used
to comlu here, 'nd "
Oh! nonsense!' be replied, you'll
let a fellow creature die for some llttls,
disagreement! I thought betWr of you
lira, Piatt. Goo I afternoon; I'll cal
again In the morning," 'nil away be
went. I felt stunned like, but I made
up my mind I'd lay aside my grudge
till Jonas got well agin', for if be died
there would be nobody left for me to
bate, 'nd I'd sieut lots of time hatin'
bim. 'Twould be kinder bard to bave
that Innocent amu ement cut off. So
I made im my mind I'd nurse him back
to life, if I could. What would them
prior, little pale chlllren do without
bim! It made rnv hart ache to see
that little Susy; f' 14 so womanly,
'ud was so won ab i l.er pa. The
children all seen., jet great store
by him. Jouas waa out of his bead a
long time.
The doctor came often 'nd 1 could
see be felt prft'y serious. I did the
very best I could, but there seemed to
be some internal hurt, 'ud Jonas
couldn't seem to gf.t over it. He Ilu
geted along 'ud suffered terrible, 'n I
he was about the patieutest man I
oversee. How he did love them chil
dren! They were remarkably nice,
well-behaved children. He grew weak
er 'nd weaker. I could see it, 'ud I
think he see it, too. There was a tur
moil in my mind, for I could see that
them children were going to be left
fatherless. 1 hadn't anyone left to
live for 'ud I wanted s ime one, 'ud I
thought, If I could jest have them lit-j
tie one', it would bj a benefit to me
'nd perhaps as well for them,
there was some near kin that
would I
want 'em
1 pondered over the matter
a good deal, 'nd some way life seemed
a good deal better without that mis- No, leave the book behind, and go
r'ble hatin feIin'. I wantefi Susy any !ani 8it in the ash tree on the bank by
way, 'nd the littlest one. I'd take 'em the broad shallow, where the water
all, but If anybody, any near kin I! ripples and murmurs along, calmly
mean, was real set on bavin' the other
girl 'nd boy why of coarse I couldn't
exoect to bave 'em al1.
I set a thinkin' ona eveuia', jest at
twilight. The littlest child had fallen
asleep ou my lap. II3 lo ked so sweet
nd innocent-like I couldn't bear fo
think of leavin' him 'ud goin' back to ,
my own lonely house. Jonas was
piopied up in bed, for I had my man
of all work cmia up to stay 'nd he was
needed to lift th sick mau 'nd help
arouud. The nabors were powerful
good 'nd Jonas seemed to have a great
u auy friends. IsutasI was savin' I
was wonderin' how I could ever broa.ih
the subject of my takiu the children. .
The doct r didn't want his patieut
worried about his condition, 'ud if I
Rii:7mst.Hi mvthin' About tlm children
he'd know the worst 'ud mebbe sink
fa-iier for kuowiu' it.
"Esther,'' Jonas said, feebly; "I'm a
thinkia' the litllj chap will Le without
a fa. hvr soon."
'Nay, now I wouldn't worry about
thot." said I.
' I'm not worryin' for myself," be
said, "but it'll be a serious thing tot
the little fellers. Il-ally, E-sthrr, does
t ie doctor expect or hoie I'll get bet
teiV" We're hoping for the best," I said
simply. 1 coul iu't very well say more,
'ud there was 110 use sayiu' les.
"i'ou are hopiu' but you don't ex
pect. Answer me, Kslher. Do you 01
the doctor expect I'll get well? I'm s
rational being 'ml I ought to know, sc
as ui uo me uttM 1 cau uy me cniiuren.
Do ou txuect me to get better?" n,e hay field that slopes upward
"Jonas," I said, 'nd my voice tren, , from the river Is full of flowers, of but
tiled a little, "we're afraid your time : ter cups and red clover heads, of crim
for l.fo is not lonir. What do you want j sou sorrel spikes and "oock and hens,"
to do v. ith tl.e children? Is there any- of dnudelion seed balls, and foxtail
one nt-ar,
any km who will waul
Jonas sighed. "There Is kin, bul
mi 81 of eui li;ivt lit' It fellers fcliougt
of tiieir own," lie salil, sadly.
"l.et me have Vm," 1 said, e.igeilv,
"I'll do the best 1 can for 'em 'nd it's
very lonely since .Steve and the chil
dren went away?''
"K-tlit-r." he cried, ''would you takt
en if
. t V . T 1 I , , 1 .. 1 . . T - '
103. X VVUU1H. 1 1 ' 1 UO klH(l I ( K X 111 ,
my own so. So set your mind at rt si
about that. I want you to settle youi
proarty on tlit-ni,
'nd thpy shall bave
it all when tlity
cure ot 'em 'ml ke.
w.i nt it. I'll take
p 'em, for I have
enouuh. We are only stewards of this
world's goods anyway; so I'm doin1
r.othin' only what's rijjht; in fact uotu
iu' that ain't tjoiu' to uj for my owa
se!ti3h pleas in."
u Vou're a strrtiiie wox.an, Esther,
Joints s:ii.l, si'niiiij contentedly, "'ud
you'll never know till we're both over
yonder what a dreadful care you've
lifted dffVn mv rntnd. I'll I.a willful
to die now. Twas mighty hard lyiu' ,
n 'liaf j
s when I
liere, day aftt r day, a-wondeii
wouia become or the little 'uus
was gone."
So the matter ended, "nd I set great
store on fixm' the children up, 'ud
was irolu' to have wv lonrlv
.1 ..... ,.i i ... .. ,, . , . .
ilitvs cheered up oy their patterluir feet
...i i ii uj, ,.i . vm't,
iiu cliildisli cliuttfr
Neither, Joii.ij nor I said no more
about it; it wa-u't nece-iaary 'nd there
was no use ta!ki:i 'hout Ins dyin', as
If I was anxious to have linn outen' the
way. The time went on; Jonas didn't
seem to get uo worse, 'nil bimeby the
dottor said he was sainiu'. After he
t i i rii - v' , . V , J'8' ,
j nd pujk.-dup wonderful, rii.al-
ly he got so she could be arouud a lit-
r , . . V r , . y . n
. ha'v .ta. 1 P'ck1d up Wh,it n8"
in a I had there, ready to go home.
lw late in the fall, 'nd my house
uee-iea cifaniu- 'uj eveiyin-n' ueetlea
teii.llri to Sj I took an opiioitunity
of tell n' Susy i thought, teeiu her pa
was gettin' on so well, I'd go home
next day
I wish you wasn tever goin' home.-
she sud, "jou've been s cool. It's
ui-ou nam biuco in uicu,- ua sue
threw heis-lf lu my arms 'nd cried.
liuiteve..iu' Jonas 'nd Susy 'ud I'
were sittin' together, ad Jonas said:
Susy tells me you're thinkin' ol golu
homo to-morrow. I wish yer could
innkj up yer mind to stay. 1 hain't of
no groat goo I now, 'nd I haiu't never
uveu m. (i j-it-ious-iiKeHMyou nave, out
if you'd atay, I'll do the beH I cau. 'ud
i th ok the Utile fellers will, too."
Aly bretli was clear took away, 'nd
I coul. Iu't suv uoilitn. I'd never even
t iou itof stayiu steady.
Ho went on: "There was a time
some ttiiily odd year ago, when you
would keep house with luo. We didu't
tlii.ik 'twould be so Ion.! before we bo
gun, bin U you're willlu' the sooner :, wimuoe. not, laoor an&
we beciu the better it'll suii me." ay up a fortune may cause absolute
Susy's little soft hand stole into ,uff,,r,ng to his daughter's future hus
mina 'nd she lifte". her great ahiny eyes aan(l-
with suc!i a plc-adin' loo3. I couldu't . The efforts a young girl makes to
say no 'nd I didn't. I went home n(l out w'ho her b unbind will be, a
next da", for Iwaited to stralghleu jmarrled woman makes to find ojt
up a bit tor the weddiu'. It won't be here her's is.
iiot'uu' giaud, but I'm golu' to in- 31 in is a good deal like flsh. Yon
vite tlic nauors In for a Xiiauksjlvlu7
duintr, 'ud we'll be married then,
-loii.ia 'nd me won't be like young
loii. a, bat I b'lieve we'll get along
bo tcr than we would bave done years
ii0. We've learned a good many les
sons in the hard scl:ool of life; but
the best one I've 1-wnel is to get over
i.-rud-ziQ' 'ud hatin'. I b'l.eve the be.it
vvav to d this is to do somethlu kind
continuously to the one you hate. I
Wis readlu the old lSjok list night,
aout loviu our eneaii is, bleviu'
ihem that curse U3, 'nd doia' goad to
them that bate us. it's fine preachlu',
would a-been letter, 'nd the Uo k of
accounts 'u He iveu wouldn't a-ha l so
m inv black sp its in it. Rose t'EELEy
ain-L-itH. iu uouHtKeeper. ,
Km lie Was Kight.
"I wonder wli messenger liovsweai
their uniforms when they're off duty?
"How do vou know that nn lsrV
t work?
rt, "
Whjr, he's running!"
The allurement of the cool, sweet
river in these long days of June, when
the sky is blue throughout, with no
little fleecy clouds, whec every flower
is breaking open and all birds sing
the allurement is irresistible. The sun
is so hot, everything in nature seems
so panting that an afternoon of lazy
loitering by the riverside is a pleasure
too sweet to be forgotten.
Take a rug wi:h you for it is cool
by the river and go down to the old
aah tree in the hay field by the side of
the water, where there is such a ooey
seat in its lowest forked bough. You
can easily spring into it, and hen you
are there you will see what a delightful
resting-place it is. Do not take a book
with yon; you will find it impossible to
read type with Nature's book lying
open lefore you. Ao one witn tne
love of Nature in their hearts can read
in pen air. There is too much to be
guile, too much to divert the mind. If
you sit still, the queer grey and black
flying beetles Mill alight on your
sleeve for a rest, and will to carefully
hrug and tuck away their transparent
Kings under their horny cases till they
suddenly fly straight off again. A tiny
green creature with brilliant yellow
legs will come and creep up and down
your page. I'ou must move him gently
rnv. or von will cmah hia frail little
body between the leaves. Then you
I ttn(j beautifully formed, and will fall
now, in the fine weather, where it
foams and rushes impetuously by,
with waves like the sea, in times oi
Uood and high winds. 100 will find a
great many sights and sounds for your
good contentment down there by the
peaceful river, whilst you rest in the
sweet air and sunshine in a bower of
cooi, green leaves.
Choose the ash tree, the "Venus ot
the woods," because of the natural seat
in .the forked bow; because, also, ol
the good chance yon will have of espy
ing an even ash -leaf. If you see ona,
pick it and carefully dispose of it, to
lake home bye and bye, to keep and
treasure the whole season through "for
At toot " lbe beautiful tree, and
all along the bank, there
the bank, there is a most
wonderful wild garden. Long trails ol
I yellow pimpernel, or wood loose-strife
I so different from the other loose
: strife, the ''long purples" ot the later
season long taugles of the pretty yel
low stars struggle with the bright blue
speedwell in a confusion of blossoms.
Tall spires, not yet in flower, overtop
the yellow whorls of the quaint bed
straw that grows so thickly there.
These make a border to the nay-field
of Nature's bri liant broii ery, with a
dainty fringe of young ferns and brown
flowered wood-rushes at the edge,droop
iu over the river. Tne ferns and
rushes both are full of their own fresh
greeu smell. The scent and breath ol
1 the summer nils the air. If one were
, stone blind one could thrust one'a
hands into the grass and feel the sum-
,.ler i it
grasses with the bloom all ready to
burst; daisies grow tall in their upward
' 1 : 1 .1
rrnumug to uiu lijjui,
Bill! 11. lllttc
amongHt the stems of the flowers and
the bents. Tbe tall brome grass is
above them all, aud its green-crev
: h ads sway to the light summer wind i
' I i a: 1 a u-. . i.
hke a filing vaporous cloud that earth j
has canght to its bosom unwilling to
..i in .l.nrrfrlin. In AunanA 1 . n ir
' on w comiuo vM.a
rtimnin tttrnorirlmiy t j i Mnann
l ' db o r w
nit) uiue.
Over the river, on the other side
where the new growth of the fir-trees
gleams silvery aaaiust the sombre tone
of tne old needles, the cusbut doves are
cooing their story of love over and
, over again in gentle monotony; bnt it
is a monotony that never wearies, that
only soothes like the murmur of tho
, rivir. A blackbird, too, is singing to
his mate.
I it is the time when the fish feed un
der the bending boughs that overhang
the Htream. They rise with a liquid
double sound, and the river carries
?ay on
its bosom the little circles
they make, wideoinff and i
lbyt KliJe alonR. till they ,
widening as
are merged
in the ripple on the surface. 8ome-
:i ues a trout rushes along the face of
the water, almost seeming to fly, in
pursuit ol a gnat or luce-winged ny,
5iHr... ??t 5?a ?? ?J'
vuo runuiuv euuiiu Ul l.u lull, eoi licue 1
(, i : . u .u i- . i
to a wUiaper by the distance, making a
i.-ft undertone to all tbe mnslc of the
birds, aud tbe ripples of the water
Although it is now tbe greenest time
3f all the year, when all the russet
'eaves have fallen and are hidden, with
last year's bracken, by the new fresh
growth, there is rioh and glowing color
down tbere b' th Beyond the
adows on the other side, the old
,uarry of iron-rnsted rock bnrns red
in tlje snnhgnt. nnd the gorse that
, :rowns the top still glows with golden
(blossom. From the seat in the ash
tree Tou can see the little tender
growth of ivy that is climbing up the
rugged sides. In the wheat-fleld the.
charlocks shine out In their brillian
yellow, baneful but beautiful, whole 1
jlieets of tnenl Bprea(j oat hke cioth of
gold for the "I'ageant of Summer."
There is no workaday look on all the
;uce of nature in this perfect afternoon,
ft. plough lies idle on its side on the
margin of the potato-field close to the
tied e, and there is no laborer in sight.
Only the birds and the insects, the
river and the fish make the sound and i
the movement of the honr.
Hut to see all these things you must
jo ana sit Dy the stream, amongHt the
3h branches. No words can truly tell
ot them.
B. 31. Uwin-IjEwib
One means very effectual Tor the
preservation of health la a quiet and
:ht.erful luind, not afflicted with violent
pas-ions or distracted with immoderate
snow the fish would never get in very
i rious trouble if It kept Kg mouth
I simply state that'I am Drugsnst
f.rV a Ps,tlon Judge. I have
tried many Cough Syrups but for
ten years past have found nothing
cuuai 10 cose nee s Lierman Kvrnn
i i ... . .
j - u.v. 6iri.u ii iu my uauy lui v. roup
. with the most satisfactory results.
jl nave i
fri ...a. , n ... c ty
Everv mother srionlrl Via v. if T TJ
Hobbs. Druggist and Postmaster
Moffat, Texas. We present facts'
t j r .
iiviuS iauu, vi io-aay uoscnee's
German Syrup gives strength to the
bod. Take no substitute.
A Mother's Gratitude
Too great for tongue
to tll, is due to Hood's
Sarsa partita. My daugh
ter Olive S yean a;o
bad dreadful pains, be
ginning In uuekneeaiid
extending to almost
every joiut la her body,
caused ty Cousiltu-
Olive Carl.
tluiial Scrofula. The I
pains grew less and the swrlliriKS sut sided af
ter using one bottle of HOOK'S BARSAPA.
Kit LA. Tn-n Improvement as rapid, until
It effected a ijerteot cure." MR. J. A. Cakl,
lteynoldsville, I'm.
HOOO'S I'll.LS are the best afler-dluner
I'll I, assist digestion, cure headache.
n. kilmc Ft' a
Kidney, Liver and BladderCurfti
Lumbago, pain In Joints or back, brick dust In .
urine, frequent calls. Irritation, innamation,;
gravel, ulceration or catarrh of bladdor.
Disordered Liver,
Impaired dlirMtlnn. gout, Mllious-hpadarh.
6t A.ni'-UOOT cum kidney difficulties,
ix Grippe, urinary trouble, bright' -II -nuira.
Impure ISIood,
Scrofula, malaria, gen'l weakness or debility,
finrt content of One Bnttl. If do hay
HumI, lu-kiw1te wUl rwfuud to yoa hm price paM.
At Drugglats, 5 Or. Size, $1.00 Mm.
OnrtUdV Oulda lo Homlth'fro OoajnltoOoa fna
Da. Kxutaa & Co limum MTOa.M. Y.
result uf
bjd en. U lift;
j r Sii'lc If exKlwh t restores Coin
ilfXiutt: cure 4"iiitiitiitiotl.
Semi fr Kree Sjiuple to31 West Vth Street,
New York City.
Plflo'o Remedy fnr Catarrh la tbe
RT. KAttt to I1, ami rtitwt
Cmj1 by tlruaa;iMU or weni by omit,
buc. Jl. T. Uueliloe, Watfreo, Fa.
htm been UfM-1 Mr mothern for their rhlhlrpn
while Tt'ethtnjr fur t-r Fifty Year. It
KtuihPS the cuflil, stftrna the gunnt, itllayfl
all ih1d, i-urv wlnt coUc, aua i the Lviit
remtilv for diurrtni.
TwcDh-Uve irit a Hollle.
IB Tniana Forsoii Rritored.
I for mO Rm Nr.vB lHK,f,. (aImm
tnr nm AlTrrrton. rV,. htUi. ceo.
IKVAILIK-. If tak-. ilirartl. Ao At, Clfle
Iru rttiU, tb.r ;n,t.rMtchrinM bs ba
r.i.cd. fH-.il iiiwc I. O sua ctttr.M twldrrM of
I "H IIVI hM.. TrrallM .iwl 1 tri.1 bolll, fr t.
I. A in VM. KI.1NL:. Iftl Arh S,., rhu.tl.li.LL., Pm.
v"i nircieaiis.
Inir ate pipes, dismfectlnfe
Dii-n., - 'U.;.-, wauill OOllieS,
paints, trees, etc.
Oen. A(U , rbluL, i'a.
tiif M.-Ki4-rt. liver nl bowels).
punn tot nioou. (r Mie d.1
:i-'tiiu. 1D6 Dins iroacral
Vj . i iut"iinui Known It iillumif a
SyCy Bn-nch, Iltdu he, NHrt.urn. !.oJ
PJi.rui Intrusion, I'lmr.i,, sui.
Crruilxiou. Tini .hiur. ni
Trrnfrtom or rti r-rwuttlnc froin in.,urv
laiiure tit ine kUimw n. uvr or Inf.tine T
It wpfttinn qualities see uiiRilrnassnd. actually
omla-ttltiK three buses or anv .iilier hrnn.l. N,,t
Secte.! ly beat. .Ir-;KT THK liKM INK.
C'llUilit.H mau uf ('hit ii -ti iin.l Hi tniMi.it n uriiiimla
n tptcturo ar.-l duscriptioa uf Hlltlie Kmr bulla
Inc. Authentic itntl an taoae imjU tur&Ucu,
V enioiii i treif vou ntfntlnn till paper and auk
( for freo plat ofotir I . lot on ii mi.n'bly pay
I tncDlaalU KIKl-'I I'll. 'hliiroa romlni fae
lory nburb,lf you alw prouie to sliow (he
t tiro ftftir pcroua. wul you liott? Write ui-dav.
Diif'htr9 Fly Killer is sure death. Every ht will
kill a tjuart ot Uie. au I .'c-urt peace white you eat,
tjulet when yuu rea-t nnd ihe etm fur U of a nap In
Uic uaoniliitc. -t luK'her'a aud -wcure lieat rmulta
sr. ALBAjtS, Vt.
T. rlccceral!,
M bwok fre
$E TO $I51SS
6X 3 tne )w-lrr, wuctw. bWmM, M& Pla
fiurtt f )Wlrf nod M ( M .11 l.ll
fiurtt f iclr, fnod M .c mn .11 kl.fla M
Ml with rol.l.lr at alek.l. HuMrlrM.. K. c.pit.l Ev.rr
Ihh bu food, Qtcli .UUltC. U-C iiuw X &...CH iBibna.u.
Kind Lady You must have a
lard time in wluter.
Tramp (between nouthfuls) Yes,
ndeed, mum. v'uietuues I darsent
isk fur a bile fur days, and 'most
itarves, mum.
"What do you fear at such time3?'
"I'll be axed to shovel mow, mum."
Bmlth Ion needn't tell me that does
lon't know as much as human beirgs.
I took l'outo to church with tne last
Jones Yes?
Smith Wei', sir; he slept through
ihe whole sermon.
Rapt tire en re g nam Bleed by
Dr. J. H. Mayer, S31 Arch St., Phil's,
l a. Kae at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested by thon
sands of cures after others fail, advice
Iree, send for circular.
The world's production of b.irley is
25,000,0X) bushels, tu.ope contribut
ing 64 .,000,000 and the United States
$0,000,000 bushels.
FITS : All Fits stopped Iree t- lr. Klloe
iieat Nerve Hestorei. Ho Fits after first day'
je. Marveloue cures. '1 realise and $L.outria
Dottle Uee to Ht rases. hnd Lo iir VLliuaa
ll Arch Sul-Uilauelpni.
j In a test of the can icity of tvpewiit
aiK Bia:hines recently mnde in St-Paul,
Minn., a speed of 2iK) v7imls a m'nute
w.ia achieved and olli ilally attest -d.
fnunl liiuney Cure Tor
Dropsy, Gravel, Oiabetes, Brizht's,
Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, Ac. Cure guaranteed. 831
Arch Street, Thilad'a. $1 a bottle, S
tor $5, or druggist. 1(A)0 rertidcates of
turea. Try iu
Tommy Paw, when a man commits
(tolitical suicide does he shoot h.s head
Mr. Ting 2To; merely his mouth.
Mr 1 11
8 LYE : -
I rowdered and PerfoiBMi TaTT Tl fS ANAKFSH Utim fn
(PATKMTKD.I I .1111 li"t te"el "a U
The ttronuett and miretf I 1NKAI.1.IBLE CUtlB
I.yeniaile. Uullke othrr Ly. It ' J la firl'IIKS Price. 41 t I
t,i,e a Bne powder and packed f t i.uuilsw'- or bv ?iifi
a can with removable ihe ! I P I I 1 ? .mides frei AddrM
c.hiei.is re always ready f,,r I 1 I I 1 -Ai lk" i " tlx Sii!
iih. Will m;ike th6rit perfumed J i I J New VorkClu I
H iia soar. In 2u minute. thn.., 'M.-MJJLS ft KeworaoK.
VI ITT wnm ma . ... I
r.it'rm tnt-ir proT-r runi'iiu l'n.nH ciwu to
f Tr tir,t7toinrttidi. ti.kit.(f a! KHl f.t.mtUirZ
ei''H Al iTic1. hy mail. I icrt t ; 1 littl IV AJ J
ttlrtW THf. PlPASsrllKWIi'ALt'O .luriiiruc Ht M Y.!
Afr-U UaalHt Mklllt r rmi pralt, i
these and every kindred disease arising
from Impure blood successfully treated by
that nover-faillng and but of all tonics and
Books oa Blood and Skin
Diseases free.
Printed testimonials sent
application. Address
Ti Swift Specific Cc
Should Have II lo Tbe IIocm.
lropt d on Sutjar, Children Xore
tn talce John ' A -todtiip Ijmmfnt lrCnmp,Colda,
Iri inniiit, lonMiitf!, .4iiu.crauipaii(i raiias. xvw
Ilevesall summer t nniplbtntst 'iiHand Hnii.f ll-e
.nvia. ailuvf rywiiert. ini ny man: o wmti
nn itnT BP nrr.FiVFfl
with i'Astt-9. Enuiiitls. and Faints whlcH tain
Ui hnmH. Itijiire tho Iron, and burn oft".
The Kulnit Sun 8t've Fiish Is Atnlilant, Caor- ,
lesM. lur;tMv. and th cnn-ini.er p-yw Xur lu Lui
ur giasA pai kauo wiicvery purt htviO.
The liver, the kldnfyn, the heart, the Iudr
tud the stomach are the most important or Kant
Qcesvary for the pretervatiou ot lit ;. It is
therefore the duty or every ne who care at all
fur I. It bodily health to keep them In an good
sonditloitas possible. But while the heart, tho
tuns' and the stom.ieh id an ordinary constitu
ted person can eadnre a pretty tevere abue
without stopping lu their work, the liver Is a
very sensitive orau. The least Interrup
tion In Its activity Is noticed at once In a
ntot disagreeable manner, herlous com
plications may arise th- refroin. for which the
phyMlcans have invented a lariio number
jf lout; Latin names, and whloh. If not
attended to promptly, are followed by long
iud painful diseases aud frequently by
death. Ordiuary people usuiKy o.aa all these
j (seaes under the ge uerat name of
liver complaint. Ti elr symntoirvi c.in be
f;islly recognized. A yellow coior of the
kin, particularly of the white of tliw eye,
a disagreeably bitter bilious taste In the
mouth, a thickly-coated ton gun, loss of appe
tite, a dislike for me its, combined with head
ache, light attacks of f'ver, etc.. thee are un
f.iilliig sit ii h lii -t the liver is ut f ordar. As
oi.i us one or more of these symptoms appear
t H nfce-iary, lu order to prevent a serious
leknes to remove from the liver all super
tluim? bile and :ll wate matter, to promote
the free ciiculation of the blood, ani to gently
stimulate the capricious appetite. There U no
tettr remedy to accoinpllHu this purpose than
St. 1W' aid Wnettble rills, which b ve been
Justly cc1ehr;ttfd for a tic time. Thy Are
ureiiareJ exclusively from tne best medicinal
herb of the Alps, wtio-e healing Ingreelents
ur made up by competent proin in the form
of pills without the the admixture of any min
rial suhManc. The St. Bernard Vegetable
1'ilU enn be obtiitned from any hrst-olass d u
gUt. II your flruKiMH haven't them, send 2ft
cents to -st. IH.knard " hox 2416, Nw York
City, ami you Hill receive suiue putpald by re
turn mall.
Intlie caue of mo-it of the depressing, pain
ful and unpleaitant awririattniia and a after
h.Kitli wlilf h ne are Mfliic ted; ud the
ttiiH'erlna will cunt itue lung as the Lives
Isalloucd lo remain In thia alck ur tluyKUfti
TuHltinulttte the Llvtrand other dltf-.tlv-uiKiiii-i
to a uurtnnl conditionand bealthj
aatiity, thure U no better medicine than
The moit pcrl-t.siife and rellal la Calh irtle
that has ever been compounded PUKELY
VEGETABLE, positively c.-nlalning no Mer
cury or other deleterious substances; havlnu
all the beneficial properties that Mercury is
possessed ol as a cathartic without tha daiinor
of any of Its evils Cousequences, thy have
superseded Mercury, and have bee nie the Pill
of Modern Science. Elenmitly coatod and wltuo
out taste, there Is no difllculty in swallowing
KAIIWA V'S lII.l.; inlhl and Kentle or thor
ough In their operalions, according to the dose,
they are Ihe tavorttes of the present time.
They cure all disorder' of rhe stomsch. Liver
Bowels. Ki ineyi, llladiier. Nervous Diseases
Loss of Appetite. Mend iche. Cost I h uess, ludi
Kestloii. Dyspepsia. Biliousness. Kcfcr, Inttam
in uloli ol the Bowels, l';es. and all the de
Kranueuienls ol the Internal Viscera. 25 cents
a bos Sold by druinri-ts. PK. KADWAV St
CO., 1 Warreu btiect, N. V.City.
Ely's Cream Balm
Apply Balm into each nos
il. ELY BKOb., io Warren
Investors as well as oilers of 'ands In South
Dakota wl.lflud it to their lilt rest to write,
J. S. IRW IN, Blunt, South Dakota.
A baby's hsnd Is beckoning
To us from Heaven,
A tie to uraw our thoughts above.
To us is g veu.
A little cheek that used to bloom
Lies pale aud waxen.
And other hands than m'ne hath smoothed
The tresses flaxen.
And other hands have robed my babe
(I did not ak It)
And tenderly have lain her down
In soli lined casket.
I could have robed my darling's form
For tlie last time.
Though not as only yesterday.
For mere past fine.
But with a hand that trcmblin? o'er
Each snowy fold.
Still counts the moments short, till they
Must lose their told.
In those who wroiu'.ht, there was no lack
Ol tenderness;
But every touch Love's Angers give.
Is a caress.
Still II is well. Those tender hearts
Meant to be kind.
Their sympathy has woven chords
Miue own to bind.
They could not know I craved the task.
ur nnderstan I,
So, naby's robes by other hands,
Thau mine were planned.
Mine only Is the task to shed
The bllter lear.
And nun . to ctve the last fond look
Above her bier.
The longi-r a man lives tbe less con
denization he bus ror ths suspicious
feKow who 11113! ru-ts everybo Iy.
Great men owe their fame to the
littleness of the rest of the wnrlrl
(Fame is only a result of comparison
after all.
A swarm of locusts six miles wide
1 1 .. i s
irocuiiy uaiaeueu urauain'S Town
j Cape Town, Africa. They were flying
The cocoloba wood, or seaside srapa,
a product of Florida, is becoming popu
ler for knife handle, the pink and vio
lent tint of the wood, added to Its great
hardness, making it very desirable for
that spec'al puriose.
Laplanders often skate a distance of
150 miles a da.
rr-pif rtTTT A 81UDO Y 0 TtTBIUKO-
SlleI tbouRht you
steadily ev r a'nee I fcnew him."
Iliave been in uineteen engage-Bien-i"
ZoZl Colouel BatUe, the old
, manr tin.es Have you been
'marnedV wktd Alia Eider, witn deep
' mnr. sir.T.ER.
CUolly-UJ you object to cigawettes.
Miss IJuddlf loaafL
Miss BudJ-Oh, not la t.f"1!
They are dolus a wonderful serviuJ for
Carcfci.lt isstbootbd.
Little lloy Fiease gimme some
maslieJ polatoe. , ..
Motlier-Yousbould not say srrashed;
lay mashed. What ma Je you bo late
io diuner? .
Little Boy There was a- mash-up
tn th' railrcad.
Miss Goldourg-I wouldn't marry
(ou, sir, if you were as rich as cioei-
,aMr. Hardrow-Well, that', just the
1 1 (Terence; I wouldn't marry j " j
First Visitor (to museum) D!d yoa
lee that man dining on carpet Ucts ana
lails ana things? .
Second Vlsitor-Tts. How I envied
"Envied him?'' , ,
'Just think how he must enjoy
1 had."
Wire Dear me.it's a rainy Saturday,
iud I'll bave the children racing about
the house all day aud breaking uiuijfa.
! Hm.band What hae JOU usually
lone on rainy Saturdays?
! Wife I geuerally sent them in to
play with the neinhbois children, but
ill I knew haveuiovcd away.
At Hame Or AUraaa
Vnn cannot bo guarded iwainst severe and
L?""Salta?kfSo throat aud 1""
tlmtKreatest of all family modiuiuea. Dr. Hox
i..".Kr?a "roup UnC U
by all promlueiit drutts. Wo. ManUJao-
I TI19 Hotel of the Thre Kinns at
Basle, Switzerland, was in existence
before the year 1026.
j Maitrialene Mo?er, Clnclnnatl.Ohlo,wrltPS :I
oerehy t nder you my sincere thank-, for your
valuable St. Bernard Veiretable Hills.Our family
shall never be without them. We have found
tbeiu to be exuellt-ut and shall always pi aiw
tin in. I will do all within my power towards
Introducing your valuable pills. Enclosed
tl for which seDd me 8t. Ili-rnard Venetnble
fills. 1 Inlend irlvitux them away In order to
Secure customers for you.
j The prescribed course of medical in
itructlon lu the Mexican National Uni
versity is seven years.
Mr. Parlu Waterhouie, I'liattanooira. Tenn.,
says: "It eosts butlllt e to try Krauyerotine.
and a trlnl U all Ihit Is nece-wary to convince
the doubtiui: tboiiahi,s that it wilt cure head
ache." AU di-JKKl'ts. rl f i y cents.
Headache almost always yields to
the simultaneous application of tut
water tj tbe feet and the Lack of tbe
BtECHiy's stiniiilute the nivalin in
the saliva, remove drnresnion, ive ayetite,
aua maKe tne sica wen.
The value of the precious metals tn
i Europe at the time of the discovery of
' the new world was only $167 000,
000. I Oeafriesa Can't its Cared
oy local applications, as they can not reach th.
diseased portion ot the ear. There is only out
way to cure Dealness. and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in.
A tmed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube ets in.
Sained you have a rumbling nouiid or liuper.
f- ct hearing, and when It Is entirely cbed
Lieafuess Is the result, and unless the mtiain
nation can be taken out and this tube restored
to Its normal condition, hearing will be de
stroys I forever; nine cases out of ten ar
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an lit
tamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
I We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we
can not cure by taking Hall's Caurru Cure.
: Send for circulars, free.
mi, f-J rEY&CO.,Toledo,0.
rSold by Drumilsts. 75c.
! The broken and diatjrted foot of a
Ohiuese lady is called a 'Golden lily"
by Chinese admirers of such distor
tions. Frazer Axle Greaass.
One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease will
ast two weeks, all others two to three days
Try It. It received Hist premium al the Cen
tennial and l'arls Exposition.
! OusUre Dore, who never saw the
Niagara Falls, put upon canvas one or
t: e grandest paintings of them ever
What Stronger Proof.
Is needed ot the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla
tUan the hundreds of letters continually com
Ing in telling of marvellous cures it has effected
alter all other remedies had failed t
Hood's Pill cure Constipation.
She .Darllncr. nleain tell tha
to send me up two quarts of nice fiesh
lie Tou can't get sponges at the
grocer's ducky, but I'll stop at tbe
druggist's for them. What kind do
you want?
She I want the kind used for mak
ing sponge cake, and tell bim they
must be fresh.
&th the method and results trhen
Byrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
rently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficinl in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tha most
popular remedy known.
Byrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliabla druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it nmmntlo f.. ,
. - -- r rj uj ouu wno
I Wis Km tn tnr it Ti . .
jaubsUtute. ' accept any
t UWWU.tr. irravyotxXfc-
School Boy-'I want t0
mayoe mo s-" . ,
slate factories is dead.'
"spoiled childrks.
, ... ..-r-.,Qa one kTOOd thing
d 1I1AS ,
about spoiled children.
t, . iri.ut' tliatr"
?, v,T.H3ne never has them In one a
own house.''
r ady-"I want you to take this dog
back He is handsome, i ",
be clVt be tausht anything at all, and
iBofnoeartuiyu-. ,
rug he it umui wuo
. t i nhamed not
toinVyour bad by hard work
instead of beting r.
Tramp uumpui
... tt. nrnruvi to vou lust before
no no -
committing suir-ile? jecte.
She. Yes. Poor fellow; I reiectea
b,He-WelI, why In the world did be
commit suicide, then?
Wash. Powder,re strong .lkU .nd
ruin clothe: I ne pur--; ni..
""ffri'-fTa Tears to be the
purttt ofaU. Try it right ay.
Denmark prod uces 100.003.000 pounds
of butter yearly for expoit. almost the
whole of which troes to England.
I ima coKPiiir. vt Imrny CWy. J..
blr tm by ortUrarr or comtooo
iMthd. but TUl t len
ihm cfltM-t k tvoettel with U
kind of ntoiH-tM th-t appuar tn
Uils pmnymcuiB. Luiulred
Uumtmna uw wlwcnbem i I
tnrn to o mrtr tha --fQ r,t
Mjtrti-lnff reritie rtunnir ti.e
nxt ( ysars. ru rT.rd lo
mv for thm mt lt bnW tttrlr
) t Wr a.i lliii'Z t iO
mora thk Uu. If u-saxy.
hotraulaUoa far Uwir PPra
k of MlMtbuw MIM.HN.
I tiU mxrim mn suumuu "
I our prwal .lata. U hu brn twtd
" fja to HCur a hmlt (nilllus now
I iminrtTiii'iT ia iww
Publishing Company
roraiornrttnmrtoiny IMF word. CftO
I t or oorict ausr to aoiy ingworu, 4w.w
1 for k oorTct suwt lo tur THRCC wort, 97h
Kor eorro-i atnsiwer to eu7 fOUR word, 1lw.
for a eortwet aiaswwr to auy flVi woro,
1 As SPECIAL GRAND REWARDS wo will Pay in Cash:
, Top th FIRST correct aaswerto
For the 8ECONDcorrectm.nswertoALL.of the entire Ten words. 83,000!
. For the THIRD correct answer to ALL of the entire Ten words. S-.000,
Here are the Ten Word-Ridd!es
IV , a samp y xF FiMium bv ;i:i'T a!'' h.ti A
K I'll BS INlllo F.VH.V HN. iua AMsCblLU V.liutf If
1A 11UI VlMliDACliiili y
-A m-m rnaRMivri rAi.nT h iifv r"'F--i " T' FJ
1 Z Vl SSI I . f WOMl V THAT A I 1 11 i Ts 1 11 K AUIU.A.i A.. J
XVJ . OKfiji WINa Tilt LuVEi'liS. A
3' was not roN-siTTrtFTi rr;:Rrrt; at tmf.
sMk I ssi sat mm f-m minneai-oi.is national i- . 1
IIOS 1 A kAJOilirV Ot lilt-l-Ll.LAlU. CI
4 I sQ FT?vrr nFFTAT jaucs o. r.i.AixE fjB the A
A V s ssi sa pia.iiijcv i. im. m
THTirmm Tnr ns T-rr-Tr T-.Tnr m: i vt A
O I or ...oio k vuu u tULm-it ru:..ii uj.un Q
' 6 fiS TTIAT WmrTt TTOATFV FVrtW TT' '-vr T l VI EAR TO
OCT BLliUI AUVA.MAI.L llU.N lu.sl 14
T-a, FfiMFTiiiNU trnicii joiin i .srn.ivis i-. v-f rrr A
M. 1 I I ll Jai-Kmin bLVLM A.NK Oilit-K iiij 1 LolLLiT; gj
litLL IS. SB
"J WW 1 mf ltnsT IHSITIOS ('USNF'lt-U WITH THE nl FKN tM
"mMM. "AwlwSXA MKST AND l-Kin Kl lloN K Tilt 1 EOI L AUA1I W
FOKEIUN Oil !K.-ni.fc NA1IU.NS. JL
SB I SB SB wr AN" "Hl.-U. IK A h 1 1 rl. Al.l.Y FX K. 'f 1 .! At If
A J 0 TltAlTS THF AllKSfluV A N i t t:CI rFS Til few Al-
"'"'t'lOS OF l.Vtl.b OF 711E 1 KAl III IL.
, -lf I 1-HoiiAniY onipfkf:i ok cufatkii ihe Q
lUlVll J 1 AfW 91FM F ANl . F SIH'UMT A FI Fit UY 1 HF II IF. W
W-d-. ' V JL V f.l'l.lNIK ,N,i 11TI.FI I Mil l.-ll NOMI 11 Y THAN JL
I UY Ilit. AVfcKAOt. LfaY. ULMIJ.Nij AjJ LKlcAN.
' Exnlanation.MrS.5r .p?n to t pru.nj m-iim rd indict m .twvr.t nrim '
. i, . , TT ' , .fc"" ?r'iP;r
t ma c w omiwu muo a w and s, mbma
m n flwh eiifoutj d ctirr &?t A.wrY " !???l''KJbr. '"""''I in tbo order of ir. a umber.
" w JIj L -to -7 1 .r Jl' k . V ' " 8 r d Bank berk l,.r ll.e full nin. unl of wiu.ujver
rrewara sues correct auswar Hcam will he sent tha v A H v l a v ii .r.i ... 1
llll'.M l-'.M It ' llllm onlT m.. ...
A6 la Cask I too an Dot oouflned to any Dar
ucuiar woru anr bob ot taa enure ten will
brlTB you a ZU cacu reward while If too ara
I bright eauuKh to sol re more inan one roar reward
Fa .T Pfoporuon rrom s.te to
' f iSa. ALwrcniFmoertuatyoadoDottiavetobe
iret, or la( wita your anewer. KVfcKV
IwluaspluiiiUcuhraward. m ",
The Onlv rniniHinn
I -'- " our mm mt
V , ' i", -r-MTOmiT otTv I, of mom.
k- A """t"" nwrnrBiBBel. Tfce Amrrtl
Joe-liol Journal, and TlirAwrl!
,"e H"wie. KamnToarrbolreof any
oneortliA fnur IV. .v. . ll . w . . .
fi-SSri T2 ""i" niwern to more fh.n aae
. worn yon iw end a xttirau name and 50c. for
i""t wer ynnaniwer. Thtus If yoo send
, - ' " " . -i m n.M(l . u exira name o-
fJw e.TOOT ,nd ' " on-on nme and
f JNT. JOT BA Var 9 nrwilntinik fits a. .
7f "WT- Tnetmalamoont of cash rewards
17. i. 1 answers ran be dl.
1 tI pro rata among tbe list, or yoa can keen U
Hon. i. F. KELLY, Treas.,
Ity. A
-X V
. A
reota. VVlto fnfVJtZffisfmJ.
.A. ,tio?--Twbtw Bf eValeresaw- umm m
ultailns .!,. wit be. t W. L. Weeslaa 1 1 B B
ae a.d t be .rira et.twd oabsttVas. I f K
sahjaot to Bi-eeecatloa by law fef ob-' .It! I al
aer lulee pretences. wr C" H H
JtAi.V iv-i-f V- -Sa '
xr$?" --a. . v ."o. Cj, -,'V
I 1 1 ! 1 I I 1 I 1 I IT 1 , 7T-1 P.
waoMB ana Cent. In tylo
l PrisumatmGoshKHi ana SoTid ??,.
j ixca just riali
Liver, Stomach, and liowe!, U
Dr. Pieree's l'leasant lVlltts. They
An it. in iust tho ritrlit w.iv
by usinjj rsares own tnethodj.
That's why they're bi tter than the
dreadful, old-fashioned j i il, wi
JJut they're better iu every -ayt
In size, for instance, and dose!
They're the smallest and the ea.
iest to take ; only one little Pfcllet
is needed for a gentle laxative
three for a catliartie. Tin y clcansa
and regulate the system thoroughly
but it's done easily and naturally.
Sick Headache, lliliniis H.-adachej
Constipation, Indigestion, Diliouj
Attacks, and all erans." monts of
the Liver, Stomach and Uowels ara
prevented, relieved, and cured.
They're the cheapest jiill you can
buy, for they're gnarantcfA to give
satisfaction, or your money U re.
turned. You pay only for value
Something else, that pays the
dealer better, mav be oil. red as
"just as pood." lVrhaps it is, fur
him, but it can't be, for yoa.
kidoer s pas nuts..' ;
'id totbatt end & ortclna'H ti ,
fntrfwt &-t:l Bir tl.lTenU u. i-.rq of
a -s 1-.h.iu. as- J
knanl Of VMt ftlno..tf I.'
kilobit. T'r J i lull or ir.' ttn-il
..nrti,-t wiir. in ia B'a.'t.rt i
fit-inf t.f cluaur.-. it uj
Lh n tlit ) i; VI "T 1m
S-M 111
moral: I
; aiacr M nfrM im
the following Ten Word-RiJdles the American
mill pay th following
For COTTft Blttnrtr to BT S'f wonl. 1 r.o.
Forprrwt t.wer to tty Sf t 1 ord. H?.v
For enrwt nwrto ry UGHT onl. -,4Ho
For imrro-t nswi tofc.-iT((,( wrl.
Fur Acoii-n-t aiiswer tuaUl ol U 1 IM ''-'-. ' '
AXX. of th entire Ten words, S5.000i
Can You Solve Any cf Them ? i
llr uppu.-ti Ihe on,:i).n! w. r I .l.tltl
properiy uurrlea l couipelMl .-rd u lit.it.-c.
paid in cash the VERY DAY any
answer is touna to oe correct.
II. Just ns you urntmrf hftv-ri yoiir!Wif mn1 i
UMKe whnse nuaips "i n.i. In fvrv rmmi
we will pur ihr full amount ol iti re "
fit f m1 anri;f-fl tfithrilt lr"ir.i.i lh I
will receive no AtU'i tu.n aud hii yviat);y Ln
asjws bVs 14 U COrftX-l.
Prof eel ion. '
Tnntii to
fUn I ' I WJI 1I Bli'l
ntr or irr-Rtm mnrv or ni timinii m t'iTT ui
risinnl ti n wnfilw rVl-ei l n.rkf op Ike i
mr-txe W nr1-ftiMl- . dfTMvalTMl vrMh Mr. . I
cuitu - j . , .,,.,...,
FMITH. Siipfrlnrt)dfTit of (he Jr'T 'iiv 1
t iiiiriu.annrrapai.Tn r(iriin 1 ,.! it
SI. l.ttc, in tli"inr-n -f witiit'ww-H.Hfw'riliiricun-tPM
c,ov Thm rontplr-t? list Hi b nrtnteel lr
1 nil id in January If of onr four Pi--ri. 1
mat all who have not 1 pv-d ivwiirdrfor. om-ri '
npwerfi will know At.ertln ti.t-v futiH Thii-
mrtli.fi ofrmterTlon in dne tojlt con. mvl. nnd i
not T holly bo 11 cut aod lair to ever ub-
"wcr at Qiicf
ULlmi ,T,!r"":er 01 Attertcaa J'nb-
114 Trashlngton
Jersey City, N.J
J5rnn,n" arwroj shon Ihat w ill not rip: Unm'jif.
?1i'f',r100'nllliJ'. ' il-''-.murn comforl:.blo, Etyllrll
vv.r..Ta A J: .? ""' r rnon hit to.lil at uio l,rwa
rc'i",,m.nm,,p!"00!,;','-' fr.m AtoS5.
.Jll.0i!.y5;,-,, rl""" ""xl" "iih n.o rnmpleto
' cMly xevre ! M the UIM nlMi ahawn in cull.
Wll.5'Vt? loj1,,lo " wear of cheap welt h. -9v,l.l at tn.
?JriJ,"' ,or r'P- bvlnr nnly onn f-lo tlevi e.
vJV, . ?'" ' leiiuier uu tliu edge, and hcn Olio
Uiti vilgc, and licxi unco
miuuKii anjwnnnii y.
The two eolraof the V. I,
when wcru through e:.n l
t orr; t. a s s.i.oo st
UeCwbM-jr.as thy will uerrr rip or ljova from thcuLDor.
eii'.;M c..jisni. r tho sui-oi iur cuaitti?
' of t ... hH'g,.n11i bo lnSn uc'ttl
to buy thr;ap wrlt kIi.-h-S mM at o
liaviugniily appr?.r;iTirc t' roinrnon-i
Wxu- V. K. HOI ;,AS .IJrn'i
Si ana Pine Calf. Hur.S
t cwP'l ; ?:,..' 0 i'oilro aini Kam
eis;SJ.r Kino Calf; l.il
Ana U UordDtmru'ii
l .ys $.4tO Rud Ywuthr
VJ.UU ana JU .'
9 1 .7 -l Rt st n.niar.,.
ar ot the amr til
uuitiaxti ot lucilU
hchH al ; ft.-1 tn t artnrTa
Joulat,. jUiicLtwuB lUaaa
Isna b?u... i"rP tor rr 10 pasre IllustraW t.UX
legae f tlMsf jUtteajjAeT., gpoillnx (.oeds, .(a. I