Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 10, 1892, Image 3

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WEir-tSPlT, AC(J. 10, 182.
gnhscription, $1.60 per annum if paid
(. advance : $2.00 ir not paid In advance.
transient advertisements Inserted at 60
emit pet inca for eacl1 insertion.
Transient business notices la local col
umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
For Sale. Gooil cigars at Mnsser's.
Congressman Atkinson it at home.
Jfiirshis aliamter of 4400 miles.
The democratic primary election
will be Jieltl next Saturday.
The Kn'ough schools will be open
ed on tlie ".tli of next month.
Lt week. thy had rain in New
ITexii-o, t'n first in four years.
Bvron Siiuman had a big toe
severely hurt on his farm last week.
The ( 'rraiH Canyon of the Color
ado Kivf-r in Arizona is a milt tUep.
Vim. J- Marks of Chicago is visit
ing frionds and relatives in Patter
William Crawford of Washington,
D. C, is visiting in this his native
Charles Howe of Washington, D.
C.. is visiting his parents in this
There are ."00,000 commercial
travellers on the go in the United
A good many people from Juniata
attend the Newton Hamilton Camp
The Indian Mound Harvest Home
wi'l he held in Millken's Grove, Au
gust 20th.
Mips Anaie Heck visited her uncle
E l. Heek, in Latrohe, west of the
Ja'y was a great month for the
seashore excursions; August bids
fair to he greater.
Per a mild form of dyspepsia,
squeeze a lemon into hot water and
drink every morning.
The crop of early potatoes in Juni
ata is not a large one, and the late
ones have yet to grow.
The republican county committee
has beu called to met at the Jacob's
House nest Saturday.
Altoona Tribune : Miss Graver of
the telephone exchange, has gone to
Juniata county ob a visit.
Noxt Sabbath morning Rev. J. R.
H?ndrson will preach on the sub
jopf of "Dangerous Amusements."
Peter Kennedy. C9 years of age,
died in New York last week from the
bite of a mosquito on his left cheek.
Thomas Patterson and Homer Ber
ry are home from street passeng?r
railway work in the Wyoming Valley.
Orders for corn have been sent to
the management of the cannery.
The concern is not qu'to ready for
According to rule of town council
it is unlawful to ride or drive faster
than five miles an hour through
There is a talk of a bier picnic, and
dance in Agricultural Hall at Port
Royal within the next two or three
Miss Blancho Wright nnd aunt
Mrs. Akley, wife of Dr. B. F. Akley,
hfive returned from a visit to friends
in Harrisburg.
Miss Anna Rhiiman ot Delaware
township, accompanied by Mi.is Jen
nie Tnggart of Baltimore visited in
town last Friday.
The warm weather reemed to
agree with veoplo for never in
the hintorv of the
town has there
been lees eickncsF.
Judge Lyons held court in the
Academy building in Bloomfield on
account of repairs that nro being
Hilda on the Court House.
Simon Etka who moved from this
county to Fort Madison, Iown, about
27 years ngo. died in the home of his
adoption on the 2Cth of July.
Mr. Adam Chub, of near Thomp
sontown, caught a five pound and
three ounce bass with a hook and
lino id the river a few days ago.
A Watchmaker in Brussels has in
vented a clock that is wound by the
Sun. The clock must stand before
a window through which the sun
shinee on it.
Justice J. B. M. Todd, at a hearing
on Monday evening bound William
Mariarity over for court on a charge
of assault and battery preferred by
one William Johnson.
The Pennsylvania school districts
get from the state this year five mill
ion dollars. The appropriation of
the fund is based on the number of
tax obles. on an average of $3,45 J to
each taxable.
A number of hands were taken up
into Macedonia gap in Shade moun
tain to begin work at the fountain
head of the water works. It is ex
pected to have water in town by the
middle of Septemler.
Col. John J. Patterson arrived
home from Bloomington, III., last
Thursday. He has almost entirely
rerovered from the injuries received,
)y falling upon a pavement of Bloom
ington, some weeks ago.
At a hearing before Squire C B.
Horning, la6t Saturday Jacob Zigler,
of l'ort Royal was discharged ot a
charge of selling wine and hard cider
without license. The prosecutor
John Dull was ordered to pav the
Professor Fanning's dancingschool
gocsrtn. The Professor takes great de
light in it, and honors every evening's
dance by putting on his best clothes.
He can go through the movements
of dancing, fiddling and calling fig
ures at one and the same time. It
isn't everv master that can do three
things so well at one time.
No court has been held in T
county. Kni..,nir. m.
25 years. " W'lQ,B the
Pflnnok.l. t
nlac ' "uu,nMWB native
(rrnca tiAnMn .
mnn! "F"ltou uncom-
w m i (mi h ro ratwiii .1
, uUmuua m iNorthwooburr
township, Blair county. W00Dul7
Fob Sale or Revt.A. hens
lot near MeAlisterville, for parUculars
address David Robisou, Est Salem
Juniata county, Pa. m'
Mars is the planet just now that
Srr",eAttentinof all astronomers
directed to it. The length of itl
The planet Mars presented a fine
appearance last Wednesday evening
notwithstanding the moonlight, ft
w the great point of attention for
astronomers just now.
JIT11?? .M,a,lk!nS 0Q the pavement
along Bridge street last Saturday,
O.ipt .in McCIellan by a missten Ion
lli-S 11 Unnn 1 -. . .
-.u aulI leu so litrj
that he
uus not yet recovered
effects of the fall.
from the
The Perry county Freeman says :
it e?rly, potato crP o t'bia
neighborhood succumbed to the late
dry spell of weather, and the discov
ery is made that the tuber- are small
and but few in a hill.
Dancing Master "I want to look
at some nic9 shoes for dancin "
Shoe Man "yes, sir, here you are,
a nice pair of Kangaroo skin shoes
and you know, sir, for hops the kan
Karoo, can t be beaten.' Chicago
Inter Ocean. 0
Tlje congressional conference of
the 18th district convened at Lewis
town at 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening
Congressman Atkinson's "conferees
are Judge J. L. Barton, John S
Graybill,;F. M. M. PennelJ.Esq., Gen.
J. K. Robison.
Some of our citizens are taking ad
vantage of the low waUr, and are
getting their winter's uupplv of coa.1
by scoopiag up from the bo'ttom of
the river nnd sifting it. It comes
from the refuse of the mines, washed
down stream, Liverpool Sun.
From the Hollidaysburg Register:
William L. Stewart, of Canoe
Creek , on a patch of fifty square rods
on his farm, raised 27 bushels of
raspberries, which he sold a $3.20
per bushel. Good crop and good
price for the space of that much
The telescopic views of Mars last
week have not resulted in confirming
the statemeuts made som tima ago
that canals the works of people, are
plainly to be seen through the tele
scope, however, all the astronomers
agree in the belief that the planet is
The platform on which Cleveland
stands says: ''We denounce Repub
lican protection a9 a fraud." So
that you know that before vou go to
the polls that when you vote the
Democratic tickof, you vote in favor
of tearing up the present protective
tariff system.
il-ive you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century T
The great euro for Indigestion, Dys
pepsin and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Curo ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, MifllintowD, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
The probability is the next Legis
lature will be called on to add an
other brigade or two to the National
Guard of Pennsylvania. It is an un
pleasant outlook when a certain class
of citizens deport themselves in 6uch
a way that they can only be kept from
becoming a despotic force by the
Th work of laying water pipes to
Macedonia was suspended at the
Esponschade farm north west of
town last Thursday evening because
the pipes could not be supplied fast
enough, but that did not retard tho
work, for the whole force wai brought
to town on Friday morning and put
to digging trenches for the pipes in
"Lieutenant Coloaol Stxcator was
arrested at his home in Washington.
Pa., on the 2nd day of August, on
tho charcre of aggravated assault and
battery preferred by Private lams.
Colonel Streafor went before Squire
Rnnte and waived a hearing tor ap
pearance at the September term of
court m Pittsburg, lie gave hail in
the sum of $300 on each charge
was released."
Some ef the democratic candidates
before their party for nomination
next Saturday, have solicited repub
licans to vote at the primary election.
The solicitations are made by letter.
The ludicrous part of the circulars
may be found where the reader is
cautioned against candidates who
solicit votes. It is just a little to
funny that a candidate should solicit
votes through a circular and at the
same time denouneo personal soli
citation .
Tho election in Alabama last we?k
resulted in tho election of Jones, the
democratic candidate for governor.
The negroes in large numbera voted
for hiai, and white democrats m large
numbers voted for Kolb the AHiancT
candidate. The Republicans had 1; 0
candidate in the field. Democratic
editors in the north are pointing to
the election and triumphantly using
it as an evidence that the Democracy
permit the negro to vote his choice
ef candidates which is all very true
when the colored man s choice is a
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., says: "1 have been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomache. Dyspepsia, and Indiges-
(inn until my health was gone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought ono bottle of
South American Nervino which done
mo more good than any 50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
wnnld adviso every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand-
Auf. mf( Vicine in the world. ar
ranted the most wonderful stomach
nd nerve cure ever known. Trial
tw-.ttia 1.1 cents. SoldLyL. Banks
&Co.. Mifflintown, Ta.. May 14, ly
of w::,:"rwrilt children
t"ea,n this place on Sunday.
Judge Lyons, Dr. Lucien Banks
tti : mi -1 vudura liowc ana
He ber t Thompson, spent Sunday at
"Under the Baker ballot law the
StatO Ttftva fnr 1 u. -
- mj uuuLiies ana an-
balTorboxe"eCOUntyi,ay9 fr the
Mrs. Devlin, and daughter from
Jersey Shore are visiting friends in
Juniata. Mr. Samuel Meyers of this
place is a brother of Mrs Devlin
Rev. L. W. Sieber of
the Lewis-
uurg. Union
countv T..,n,
t-mircu, preached in the presbytenan
church in this place last Sabbath.
The danger lanterns along the wat
er ditch on Washington street last
Saturday and Sunday nights looked
like a row of planets Mars in con
junction. Some one who claims the ability
to calculate it says that a twelve
thousand horse power engine would
be necessary te rosist the power of
a single bolt of lightning.
The reason farmers do not take
kindly to a new road law is, thev be
lieve that the benefits thev receive will
not equal the money that will be re
quired to pay for better roads.
"Cards are out for the marriage of
L. Holmes Book and Hulda R ,
daughter of Jonathan Keiser, at the
batter's residence, in Delaware town
ship, on Wednesday, Aug. 17th."
The uncalled letters in the Mifflin-
1 1, tuuuiiu
town post office for tho week ending
August G, were for Mrs. Hattio Walls,
B A. Leiders, R. J. Bcnninger,
Joseph Bumette, and postal for F.
1 . Lsfenre
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses. Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stifles. Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Save 50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Curo ever
known. Sold bv L. Banks & Co..
Druggists, Mifilintown. Nov. 13.
1 800-1 y.
"A horso belonging to Beniamin
neffuor. of near McConneilstown,
Pa., which was attached to a hav
rake, took fright at a hog which
came into the field, and ran away,
jumping a six rail fence and carrying
the machine with him. Fortunately
Mr. Heffner was not on the machine
at the time, and the only daraago
douo was to the rake, which had to
be gathered up in pieces.'"
The Pinkerton army organization
will be broken up by legislation next
winter. No organization or corpor
ation should be allowed to arm com
panies of men and officer them.
That is a power that belongs to the
state, and should not bd given to
any other organization. The state
must protect corporations and indiv
iduals in their rights. That is what
the State and National Governments
are for
When you hear a man denouuee
another, think of tho motive that ac
tuates the person talking. Perhaps
ho may ba justly denouncing an un
worthy person. If so, then his de
nunciation is ail right. If however,
the person he is denouncing is a
worthy citizen ret assuocd that the
motive for the denunciation is a bad
one. It mav bo jealousy, it may be
envy, it may be business rivalry, it
may be because of a Jdtbt that the
defamer owes, it mav be mean poli
tics or some other contemptible mo
tive. "A prophet in Athens, Ga., pre
dicts that the crop yild this year
throughout this oountry will be tho
largest ever known, but that begin
ning with 1893, and for two years
thereafter thoro will bs the greatest
famine the worldjbas ever known."
People are complaining and talk
ing about resorting to the law to
break up the nuiuaijce of evening
loafing along tko river bridge foot
way. Tho loafers indulge in obseno
language and elur remarks, and spit
tobacco juice and mako a nuisance of
tbemselvc-s generally it is said.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
lad., says: "I owe ray lifd to the
great South American Nervine. I
had been in bod for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up all
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
I first bottle of tho Nervine Tonic
proved me so much that I was
to walk about and a few bottles
ed me entirely. I belitva it is
best medicine in tho world. I
Trial not recommend it to highly
bottloB, I.!
Sold by L. Banks &.
May 14-ly.
Lewistown Free Press: While
W, O. Thrush was absent at Atlantic
City, on Thursday night last, a man
asccde;l to the balcony of Lis home,
on S. Dorcaa street and was about
to get in at a window when he was
discovered by Mrs. Thrush, who
screamed so loudly that the fellow
beat a retreat down into the lot and
out by way of the lumber yard ad
joining. - " " .uunng the storm of
W ednesday last, about 11 o clock a
m. the bam of Mrs. Sar.ik Kurtz,
near Belleville, was struck by light
ning and burned to the ground,
along with, one cow, a lot of harness
etc. This makes the fourth barn
struck and burned in Kishacoquilla
valley in the space of a week.
Bloomfield Democrat : A pole cat
invaded the chicken coop of Mr.
Henry Myers, in Centre township, 1
last f riaay night and slaughtered
twenty fine young chickens. The
destructive little animal was found
in the coop next morning and killed.
Lightning struck a large wheat
stack near the barn of Jacob Wolff
at. Welsh Run, Fraaklin county.
The barn and all the surrounding
buildings were burned. All the
wheat and hay and one cow were
destroyed. The barn was built only
fouryejirs ago and replaced one
burned then. Jacob Dum has
thirty German carp in in his dam at
Elliottsburg each of the size of a
large shad. While feeding them they
can bo distinctly seen. Many
strangers, waiting for railroad trains
go to see them and express them
selves surprised to find how lare
they are.
Itch on human and horses and an
imals cured in 30 minutes by Wool-
lord a Sanitary Lotion. This never
mils. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifflintown. Nov. 13,
y0UD mau ' Lawrence Coun
ty, Ga., started to go to Dublin, Ga.,
one day last week to get a marriage
license, but on reaching Burton ho
was informed that the sunnlv' of mar
riage licenses was exhausted. He
invested his money in a pair of 6hoos
and went home perfectly satisfied."
Newport Ledger : H. B Cumbler.
in Miller township has razed his
house and is ereeting a new dwelling
nearer the barn. While fl.n n
house is in course of erection tVi
family will live in the barn. He ex
pects to have the new structure com
pleted about the middle of October.
The iron ore mince nl
Millerstown above the nil,-A illftt liva
been operated since 1SC4, have been
abandoned and all the operating
tools and tramway taken out. The6e
mines were opened by George Maus,
and have been operated almost con -
tmuousiy up to tke present, and
many thousands of tons of ore have
been taken out, and many thou
sand3 of tons of ore have been taken
out and shipped to varions furnaces,
but chiefly to the Winfield furnace,
Union countv. Beaver, Marsh & Co ,
succeeded Mr. Minis, with James
Rounsley as Superintendent, but of
late years Mr. Rounsley has been op
erating the mines for himself. When
these mines were in active operation
there were quite a number of men
employed, and Millerstown exper
ienced a great financial benefit.
Large Excursion Train.
Twenty-seven car loads of excur
sionists passed through this place,
last Thursday afternoon on their
way to the eea-shcre. It was the
3rd twelve day excursion of tho P.
R. R. to the sea. For the next ex
cursion read in another column.
Republican Committee
In sr.
Tho mf mbeis of the County Com
mittee are requested to meet at the
Jacobs House, Mifilintown, on Satur
day, August 13th, 1802, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., for the transaction of import
ant business.
W. V. Shirk,
Oiklaud Mills, August 3rd, 1S02.
arrest Home.
The Pannebaker Island Harvest
Home held last Saturday was atten
ed by a large concourse of people. It
was a day cf recreation and social
enjoyment and good chfer for the
thousands who wero there. If the
number of people keep on increasing
a pieca of the maiu land will have to
be set apart for tho accomodation of
the hoiscs and carriages of the peo
ple in thoir attendance at the annual
harvest home gathering.
Rev. Mr, Adair, Rev. Mr. Daven
port, Rev. Je:e Barclay, ef Iowa,
Editor John Speedy, Professor Ail
mau and Sheriff Knouse each doliv
au address.
Signaling I'lanct Mars.
A London Astronomer proposes to
try and open communication with
the inhabitants of Mars by tho aid
of "looking glasses." They will
have to bo smart peoplo on planet
Mars to understand the meaning of
reflected objects thrown on their
globe by the aid of mirrors. If some
object were reflected on this globe
f.-om Mirs or from uny other planet,
tte average man,s hair would stand on
end at first sight and he would run
away scared almost out of his senses
believing he had seen something
ghofrtiy or supernatural. However,
it is hoped Mars may bo successfully
Tor a Time-
I wfll now reduce the price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to $1.50
pe.r dozen.
This reduction will continue as
long as there is sufficient trade to
warrant these prices and no longer.
This gallery is filled witli all the
latest improvements usually kept in
a first class gallery, such as Fine
Scenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
peries nnd Fiue Accessories, that
would do credit to the largo cities.
We propose during this reduction
to let our work sxcak for itse'f cud
have 110 hesitancy in saying that
taking into consideration the quality
of work, these will be the cheapest
cabinet photographs ever made in
Juniata county. Respectfully,
Mifilintown, Pa.. Jan. 22nd, 1892.
Uijrvt JIcKillips. On the 3rd
inst., Ly Rev. J. R. Henderson,
James Dimm and Jlarsarott J. 51c-
T T - .
jjbast. in aiexifo on
the 2nd inst., by Rev. John Landis,
nenry tu. uenner, and Miss Sarah E
MirrLuiTOwa, Ang. 10, 1W2
aides, 6
Lard......... . ,, 10
VTheat, new 75 oil 77
i era in ear...... , .
Timothy sool .....
fc'lxx aoed .........
Bran...... ......
Ground Aiura Silt.
An;oncan Salt
25 toHO
1 GO
..$1.10 a hnodrwl
..$1.50 a hundred
..$1.25 a hundred.
1 20
Philadelphia Markets, August btn,
i'J'JZ. vvneat bio; corn 55 to GOc
oats rfa to 40c ; live chickens 9 to
16c ; butter 17 to 32c ; new apples
DU to iue; black berries Mary
land and Delaware peaches at $1 to
1.7o ; mount-tin ros9 at $1.50 to
$2.75 j potatoes bus. 30 to 35;
Timothy seed ifl.50 to $1.60.
Does this Catch Your Eyel
If bo, get the whole of the story. It is short and may be
as valuable to you as to us.
and instead of hiding our candle
the Whole World should know
IIARRISBURG make of Shoes,
- A ml. 1 1 A A r r a
nems. ine Dest $0. uu men's snoe ever put on the market in
Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace.
a shoe is not complete without smooth, llexible inner soles,
free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the feet or soil
the stocking
The Hnrrisbui'g Shoe is Complete.
It will pay you to try them. For sale only at
Also the largest stock of ceneral foot-wear. Ladies' and
M isses' shoes in latest styles and
suited at Heck's, Bridge Street.
Have knocked competition in Clothing, higher than "Gilde
roy'K Kite." Their
Surpasses all former efforts.
All the latest Btyles of Mou'b Boys' and Children's Clothing, in .Black,
Blue, Cheviots, Cassimers, Clav Worsteds, and one dozen shades of tha fash
ionable Wood Browns. These arc all
our competitors aro not "in it." Our
guarantee are 10 to 20 per cent, lower
We keep the only full line of fashionable hats in tho county. All the lat-
test styles in Darby's and Crush hats.
pant?, we bave jo luvais We are HhiADyLARIhilS for Ene goods.
Dress pant from $2 50 to $G 50 per pair, from Gne Cassimers to the finest
inchburg Worsted, sewed with best
ana a joy lorever.
Our lino of Neckwear is simply the
All the very latest shades and in endlrss
collars and cutis, in paper, lmeo, celluloid and Arlington.
Gentlemen's underwear, hosiery, and a full line of trunks, telescopes, and
baud bags. We handle tho clabrated Sweet Orr & Co., Overalls. Shirts and
pantaloons all guaranteed or money refunded. In dress shirts wc aro strictly
"in it" from the wcrd go. Look at our prices.
Laundried shirts, 40c. 50c. 7;"c. 85c. $1 00 and 1 125. Percal shirts 25o,
35o. 50c. GOo. 75o. and $1 00. JS'eglecee shirts, 35c. 50c. 75o. 1 00, $1 50,
$2 00. and $2 50. Every stylo and
from $1 25 to $3 50 per pair. Ladies fine shoes, $! 25 to $3 00 per pair
Nothing like them for the price elsewhere.
'fine jewelry.
Ladies i Gt'Dt's solid cold watches, solid cold rincs. chains, charms, and
a full line cf Jewelry at rock boHcm
of goods than other llonfes, and End
lor Urst class goods. V e mako every
Hollobaugrli & Son.
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hottl on Main St.
Cases requiring attention at night willjbo promptly attended to by
calling on mo at the National Hotel.
(Piver' Freach
Nerve RmeHv,;is
Kid with aWrlUsa
Qntrnto to c-Jte
all Nervous dieM.
s. such as '.Vck
Jfc5 Memory, Loss o
if rrais owr, net
vousness. Head
CEFORB AMD AFTER USS. ache, V -kclul-
new Lost Manhood. Lassitude, all draias and lts
of psavrr in either sex, cauted Ly ovcr-exert:ori w
yourlifulindtscretion, which ultimately leadto I;
fiimity. Consumption and Xcsanity. Price, it rr-
package- With every ff order we give a wriKu
guarmsrtaa to euro or refund monpy. Fy mail t.c
Ly address. PIVER'S REMEDY CO., Tolado, O.
under a bushel; are willing
it H nro rr.w oalKr, v.Q
- - 1 v vy railing tiiv
which the above cut repre-
all sizes. Everybody can be
tte rage thii season. And in this line
t rices for same quality of goods we
than auy other bouse.
In Gentlemen' nnd Boys' tine dresa
silk. These pants nro "a thing of boauty
perfection cf culor, stylo and texture
variety. We carry a full lino of
color we parry in stock. Men's fine shoes
prices. We claim to handle a finer line
customers are willing to pay a fair price
statement good or money refunded.
IS bat skin deep. Thprarethnnn(lof la.liai
who h&vo regular features and would bv ac
corded the palm of beauty wore it not for a poor
complexion. To all such we recommend OR.
HEEHA'S VIOLA CREAM sj Txia&e&ins; these
qualities that quickly change the most sallow
and florid complexion to one ol natural health
and unblemished beauty. It cures Oily Skin,
Freckles, filici Heads rwtrhes, Suohnm,
Tan, dimples, and a'l iT:i:-rfect;o:;.i f the
acui. It i?. u-t a?oi" i.iii a cure, yet i let
ter for thi toilet tabie than powder. Hold by
DniKKiats, or seiii ik:4 paid upon r-cr.ipt of joe.
G. C. BITtNER & CO., Toledo, O.
The Greatest
Gr e a t
Entire Stock
Sunmier Clothing
To make room for FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Rare ehance to
buy Clothing at less than Wholesale prices
The Chance for Bargains will bo
Wholesale &. Retail Clothier, Bridge Street, Mifilintown, l'enna.
Sjicciat Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale of
It will be
Who hare money to invest to examine the Stock of (ids for
It is truly marvelous to Sea
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Ilia prices leave all Competitors in the rear, e don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
C.44.1, AT
f Money loaned at Lowest Bates.
H 90 f K rt ,
irt(is! )firl I r-n .-.i
Wn.-ra:.'. .1 !e !
fern -.-,T r.:.-i m
t,r'rt Ki-r.-f-f'-.-,; F.rT.
titer l.iI.-l!-- r . ;! .:
1 a
.A. D. PASQu:.An r.o
f TOi;::, :-..
8eno fob Large iulustratzj Catau? ;r
ltswrearioa qualities are unsurpassed. ectuaTra
eutlaatinir two boxs of any other brand. Not
Sorted, by haat. UTti K f Til E i t.V I g& .
Subscribe for the SriTivti Arc Eeptbu
0 a, a good pspf T.
1 I v ;- f
To The Sublic
Clothing tkat gees on tJailj
Stockholders Indiridnally Liablt.
W. C. Pomeroy, Jeseph Rothreek,
John Hertsler, Philip M. Kepner,
Robert E. Parker, Lonis H. Atkinson.
T. V. Irwin.
Pl.ilip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothrock, Jane n. Irwin,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Psrker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin,
Jinry Knrtz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr
John Hertzler,
T. V. Irwin.
Chsrlotte S nyder,
John M. Blair,
F. M. M. Fennell.
Joniah L. Barton,
Robert H. Pattersea,
Levi Liiht.
Samuel 3. Rotliiock,
Wm. E waits.
Solomon Man beck,
Three and Fonr per cent. Interest will be
paid on certi.'icates of deposite.
fjan 23, 1891 tl
Bufferuia from the efFeets sf yootfafjol siitiai. saris
decay, wanting wesV nwsa, kwt w saH, ete, I wta
send a valuable treadM (sealvdi esnsaiatei' full
partorulsr for Lome erne. FREE of diaxve. A
splendid medicsl work i saonMbe read sy every
man who is Dervoos aad eWbililatea. Address,;
Trot. F. C VVnxn, Hoexlue, Ctstu.
Cure guaranteed
bvDr... II.Mavar
I'a. kjie at nnrm Kn ... .u .
y" Tno!n'l' of circs. Dr. Materia at
Hotel Tern, Ite.Hiinjr, fa., second 8atarday ef
each uiotitiu f-iid for circulars. Advtcetree.