7 'SENTINEL & IlKPrBMHAN MlfFUNTOVVN. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 1692. B. F. S C II W EIKR REPUBLIC LS TICKET. UNITED STATES. Fok Fbemdext. BENJAMIN HARRISON. Fob Vici I'sesidext. WHITELA W KKID. STATE. Fob. Scheme Jvonr.. JOHN DKAN, of Blair. For Coxoressmex-at Labor, ALEXANDER McDOWELL, of Mercer. WILLIAM LILLY, of Carbon. Fob Electors-at-Large. J. FRANCIS DUN LAP, of Lancatr. WM. WOODS, of Philadelphia. B. F. JONES, of Allegheny. WM. II. SAY.N'E, or Delavara. District Electors, 1 . Johnj Lawson. 2. John Miindill. K.Johi Hunter. 4. Alex . Crowe, Jr. 6. das. B. Smt r. . Maxwell Closer. 7. Win. H. Grundy. 8. Tiaill Green. 9. Jas. K. Mnster. 10. J. W. II. Geist. 11 Henry A. Knirj). 12. Win. J. Il.irvuy. liJ. Jamc Muir. 11. Jas. II. Shcibley. 13. 0. Dur'auU. 10. P. A. Stebbins. 17. L. T. Kohrbach. IS. s. S. Hehoch. 1'J. J. S. Wilhelin. 21. Jas. li. Lux. '2.1. Kribt. Pitraira. 23. Jus. M. Lindsay 24. K. L. Lincoln. 23. 5. D. Hell. 'Jfi. V. II. Tavlor. 27. C. F. Harelny. 28. Jesse E. Dale. DISTKICT. Fob Congress, LOl'IS E. ATKINSON. Subject lo decision of District Conference. Fob State Sk.hte. WILLIAM UEKTZLEK. Subject lo decision ol District Conf.:renco. COUNTY. FvR AfSFSIBLlT. . LATIMER WILSON. Coisrv Sl'BVETOR, J. A. MARTIN. Coroner, W. II. HOOFS. The Illinois militia Lave a bicycle corps. There were 17 fatal sua strokes at Chicago lust Thursday. Fifty-six pfcoplu were prostrated by hea', in Philadelphia, lust Thurs day. 'Samuel Critclow, a striker who was seen with a gua firing at the PinkcrtooB at Homsstaad, is ia jail on a charga of murder in the first decree and cannot bo biiled oat. K.us fvll at Lincoln, Neb., on the 2Sta of July and D.-. Sunshar, a "raiuniiker," who sigued a contract to produce it in four days, got $500 for it. Manager Fviok who Assassin Bar;?" in.ri attempted to murder ia Pltta larg is getting along a great deal better than it wcw expected hs could. The uiurdtrfcr will be sent to prison for a long term . A state of wtir existed in Home Btead when privxto Iain., pui his mouth into aa iasurrectioairy alt i to le and uttered lmgavge that give enoour-tgaaiunt to the eu?iuy for which ho was tied up by the thumbs shaved and drummed out of camp It is difficult to understand how a Civil Court cm take action in the cas? .. Dimociutic leaders who thought of making capital out of the Home -etead trouble find tb.it it will not do. If they could forco it into politics it would not help their side for if the democratic policy of frao trade pre vails the wgei of tho Homestead men will of necessity go mnc'a lower, for free trade, will lo-,v?r the wages of iron workers to the wage paid to iron workers iu England. Ik he iron workers and other fac tory forkerH are discontented with the p ;svnt high wages that are kept up by tariff laws so that the country cannot ba fl.iodvl by good a from tho old couutries where labor and material in one half lesa, how will they likj it when the Democracy got into power and repeal the pro tective tariff laws which repeal will bring prices and wages down to tho levtd of E'li-jpean pricia and wages. flow Other People Live. There is a saying, "one-half the people don't know how the other half live," and the truth of the saying is verified through an article in the Philadelphia Times of 0 recent date, from tho pen of Thomas E. Heenaa, of Philadelphia, who traveled exten sively in Asia, when he represented this country as consul to Odessa, R jssta. Ho regards hi visit to the strangest of his Asiatic exper ience, and says of it: "The old city of Bokara is situat ed about taa miles from the railway, and is. iu my estimation, the most wonderful of Asiatic cities. I spent some days there as the most of the Amoer and saw everything. The ba zars rnn for miles and in all direc tions and the streets are covered ov er with straw matting, through which the sun does not penetrate. The streets aro usually crowded with mer chants and nativee, but not a Euro pean is to be se&n anywhere. Asses by the hundreds are seen carrying merchandise aod human freight ; horsemen, cameis laden with goods from India, Poria and Afghanis tan ; dervishes aud dancing boys ; Hin- doos with tho circu'ar marks on ts-:r J f-irihrad", swell JJukhariot.a, and of! coursf, Jews. JEWS HAVE A HARD TIME TDT.RE. 'The Jews are allowed to rida en ! aasep, bat not on horses. Thev ere; prohibited from wearing silk robes, of which they are vry fond, and mist w. ararope ghik Tin's gir dle has a two f,.ld purpose. If it is desired to hau: the Jow it is conven ient, cr.d if, as frequently occura, he is only to bo beaten, then it is" equal ly convenient for tho authorities. Thfl Jew is much looked down upon in I3o':ar.i, but he manages to get very rich, nevertheless, and tho Ameer finds iu him Lis greatest source of income, because a hint that his rope girdle would look well hang ing from a roof beam a! .rays pro. uricp-i goMru re-ults. "The prejudice against the Jews is vrry great indeed, going so far as to prohibit bim from having his throat cat, a mo! ho 1 of c-tccttioa much in v.igue among Bikhtiriots, ond very popular, hanging bcin:,' considered a diagram. I could not help con trasting t':es'i Orient lis with our spIvcp, and it struck m"5 that if a B'A-eli ficia Bokara. were to visit Phil adelphia and walk down Chestnut street, he must think us a vtry ill br::ii sit for Iho ra.".3oa tint he wsnll r in ths ri."k of bfiiag ln iblic 1 by the crowd following him. Even if ho escaped b-idily iiij'iry he most certainly wou'd nut oscap-3 iiisxt I w dked through tho 11 ikara sirirds and b.12 u- n'.one day af. d'.f, nn 5 even at ni.ht 1! ir tnf Ilba-nazaa, nnd :; : t t-e siig'atrst nn'.iee was takes of m?, nor wis any c u r i s i y d i splayed. Thero 13 no s. nii.ntrjt wasted on criminals in Bokir A criminal is a crimiar-.I and tho puiwahmnt i-; r.c cordicg !o tho cn::;a. I i coavcrsi tioa wi:h a very iaOiiige:iL iadivid tial tilts o.ur-:-t: j:3 ciins uo. aad I v. is inf .rma 1 that s'-voro pu-iis'iM?n:3, ! 8:i-.h cs cutting off of tho bands of j thieves and c lUitg iho thro-.'.s of 1 raurdi.T"rs. wero ci'.hUs of puti ,h-j mat which gava uaivcrsal satisfac- tiou t tiio Aia?or'a sibjoefs, a.jd ! li-.at a-iy attempt to ct-aug-s thi t I wou'd in all probability east the Amcc r his throje. Long trais of i iroprisi;i;i! :ut are not popular with j these p:op!e b"causa they compliiu that they are punished who are in- ! noeont, by being tuxed 1 1 support criminals. ALL WAtriSG T ) 11Z 'T visited tin prison and found; Jorty men 1:1 a ro ru a yjci ti.teau ft t square, sr'f.ted on the tljor v,-ith their b:ic3 t- V,i2 wall. Th':y were chained by thj n-ck a il around thu waist. Thrsi prisoners wjra chietly iEurderors. Soia of thorn had been iu prison for years and ha 1 b-sa for gotten ; otliMS for a sbortor p?rio 1, but all were undir srtn'enta of death and were awaiting tho plu-ibura of th'; Ataeer to havo their throats cut. i;ai wateu axd worms. For diiuktag purposes the water is very bad, &;tacially for Earop jaus, on i.coaut of tii! lisshta worm which caters tha system. 'Ti v, ::-!n afterwards mikes its w iv throah the ibih to tUo Earfaco making a wry ug'y aad paiufal sore as hrgs r.5 a half do'lir. Tites'i sorts app?ar usually oa the f;ie. The na tive doctoi 3 an J Lathers arc very skillful i:'. romjving tui w.iiai which is s-nni'tiMf s yis or i-;rht ftet in luogth. The Ijfc.id 13 ctiiciu'iy sought ond siuv.ly dr iwn out ahout half an inch, and fa.-te.:cd t a small piece of wood, afttr which tho stick is turned onca a diy ua'il tho worm is all withdrawn. An ngly sore ro ma;n3 fr some time, but eventually it heals, k-aviag a eaxr. Yjs to the uafortana'.e wrotch if the worm should break dining thd operatioD, as it is vtty dif-i'tuit to catch him tho second time. Good Advic3. There is nothing so freely given iu this world as advice. Evviyoue has a fctock 011 baid that they are willing to dispose of to evoryong who comas within the sound of their voice, and it is often good, helpful and full of sound soiiFe, yot how often it is tak en. Young people ars bound to go their own way. The son and daugh ter will never roolizo tLat the advico given them by their parents has been gleaned from long years of ex poriene3'nnd tint if they would fol- Lnv ft,.-. I rQMl!r"'Sl Toil ,t,-T-n In. I ti , n 1 dear ones mot interested in their welfare they woaid bo save I mush of Eorrow and trouble ia the future, j Their education may bo better aud their notions higher, but girls and boys do not know it all. Tho older haads are wiser they have guiued their knowle !go from act an 1 biiuetiags witu ttie nigii waves in the sea of life Therefore do not ye wuoss little boati havo only called in untroubled waters Ihiuk that the currents and tides of tho vast ocean are revealed to you. It is tho most fearful thing to soe a child Bft up its views at variance with its father or mother. They may bo right, yet there is a doffer ecce due to age that should prevent argument and bickerings between the young aDd the old. Good advice from aa older ia exper ience is as much value as a legacy of stocks aud bonds. Can we not all remember the dear voice of one long since passed away, murmuring words of wisdom and counsel which had we followed would havo made us miss many a bitter blow, many a pang of sorrow that only went to prove fcow the advice was correct and our own weak judgment incorrect, but so few will learn by other's experience. The daughter must fight her own battles rather than profit by the warnings of the mother who. has passed through the smoke and flame and knows bo well how to gaide the one little soldier who thinks she knows it all. Young people argue that father and mother have ideas that belong to a by-gone generation and that they are not up to the times nor un derstand the difference between so ciety when they wore young and as it exists to-day. Dear untritd phil osophers life is life in whatever age or decade you care to analyze it. Hu man emotions and passions are just toe s'ltne waetuer noted in the time of Caesars or undor the Harrison administration, and the heart les sons learned by your parents ought to save your owd unlri-' nil" -ctiocs and inclinations fj-oi.i t!-; psiarea and pitfalb thit I'M the v.-r.y if you would but f illow them, but as we paid before life is lif aTd prob ably in their lay tbey went their own way just as you, in your s' l' knowledge. propose to g r.ow. m A Boys First Composition. The Terra Haute, Ind , Album givea tbe fjllowing essay on "Tho Ox, from one of its young contri butors, just as it caruQ frqm his p2n . 'Oxen is a Tery slow animal, they are good to break ground up. . I wood drather have horses if they didn't have kolick, which they say is wind collected iu a bunch, which makes it danger fjr to keep horses than an ox. If there was no horses the peeple would have to wheel thare wood on a wheelbarrow, it wauld take them two or three days to wheel 1 cord a mile. Cows is useful to. I have beard some say that if they had to be tother or an ox they would be a cow. But I think when it cum to have their tits pulled of a cold morning thay would wish they was't, for ox"n don't generally have to raise calvs. If I bed to be enny I would rather be a heff.ir, but if I coodm't be a befier, and bed to 1)9 both, I wood bo a ox." Call To School Childrea. f (TOB'.H 21 IS TO liz. oa.'LI'.VED Ail ( :"::nAL holiday. IV-si'ient Harrison, complying with the Act of Congress of June 2'3i'.:, has is sue 1 his proclamation making Friday. O.-tober 21, a gon-n" al ho'i lay. TnL; is the recognition of tie mi vera sat to put Iho celebra tion of the 400.h anniversary cf tho d::vv.ry of Au:rica i -.t) the hr.irls ct p.il the pi.-,)'..! by giving it to tli3 nisriiuti m closest t tho people and in?t characuristies of the people th" .;b :!c school. T'ua ia-.vo:u?jt nndi-rt .ken by th ? Ntiiomd K Juration A-ssochti.-sa, thro, tea in cxv.nitiv-i cimulttee, which hassj pr, vnl:ed it as to giij th.eod..rs:u&:ii of tin pres s and popular acci ptar.ro in adv uice cf this :;) ;'am,it:o:). Xb.3 pr.iolama is a:; follv.ra : Wherein, bv a joiut resolution ap proved June til), 1S32, it was r?sulred by th? Sna aud Hons of Repre sentative cf th' U.-.itcd States of A'tifiiea in Congress r.mbled. "Tb-it the President of the UidU-d States 1)3 at:thori.3.1 and directed ti is-uo a proclniu ifion r .re -j rum end ing the people t ho olwervanca in uil their loca'iti-is of tlij 400th nnniver sarv of tiie d;si:.)Verv of A-norici, ou Ojtob,T 21, IS. 12. by pabliti kmon ptrat'iua an 1 by suitable exrcso ia thoir schools and other pUoa? of assembly." Now thorefor. I, B3nja;n;n Har rison, President cf th3 Uaita l States of Arueriei, :u pursuance of the afon said joint re solution, do hereby ao point Friday, October 21, 1302. ths iOOth aunivsrsary of iho discovery of America by Columbus, as a genera! holiday for the p3op!o of the United St.;tes. On that day lot tho poonle so far as possible, c-caso from toil and d.-n-ote theras-.-lvcs to such csji C!S03 as May best cxpr?33 lionor to the discovtrurand their appi-suia'.ioa cf the grett achivsaicnU of the for.t complete Crnltirios of A-nericaa life. Columbus stood ::i his a::o as the piot:cer of progress aud c-nlightnient TUe syatetn of uuivoisil tdncalioa is in o;ir ags the ra )st prominoat and salutary f-attire of thu spirit of en lightmc-nt, aud is paculiar appro priate that the schools be made bv tho people tho cen'er of th3 days demonstration. Let tho national Hag float over every snhoo! house, in tha country and tho cx-rcisos bi such aa shall impi f.su rpon our youth the patriotic duties of American, citizenship. In the churcliHR and in the other placer, of assembly of tho people let there bo expressions of gratitude to Divine Providenco for the devout faith of Hid discoverer and for the Diviiie care aud guidances which h is directed our history and s j ubnud au'ly blessed our people. In testimony whereof I havo here unto set my hand and caused th seal of the United States to b'j oflixed. Done at the city of Washington this 211 day of July, in the year of our L rd onethotisa-.u! ctTht iundrt1 r.tid ninety two. and of t'.m in,1i nn. deuc3 of the Uuitad States the oag liundre.l anil seventeenth. By taa President, Bknm. Hakkk ix Joiis V. Foster, Secretary of State. Starrest Home. The Parmabaker Island Harvest Ho me will hold its annual moennnr on Saturday, tho Gth day of August, lf)Ua. ilia old cllicers will bo retain ed for the present year. The moat ing will commence at 10 o clock. sharp. The miuisters will make the forenoon speechs ; tho candidates in the afternoon. A general invita tion is extended to all candidates to speak. There will be a free exhibi tion on the grounds to commence at i o'clock, P. 31. This Harvest Home is intended for a social gathering. No soliciting of money on the ground for any purpose. A. J. rrnorsox, i res t, J. V. Speedy, cec y. July 2o, 1892 A Cure Tor Conntlpalioii and S Ick Ileadach e. Dr. Silas Lane while in tho Rocky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for constipation. It is in the form of dry roots aud leaves, and is known as Lane's Family medicine. It will euro sick headache in one night. For the blood, liver and kidneys, and for the clearing up of the complex ion it dots wonders. Druggists sell it at SOcts a package. tf Profanity. There is a law punishing prafanity at C2i cents an oats. The other day two persons were- arrested at New Cubtle, charged with using profane ; language. One paid $13.40 and. the other $lo.70. The law might be en forced in this place with good effect. Tliet'aw of Irlwale lanu, A aoldicr v.atued W. L. I)ii;3 of Company K , Tenth Infantry at j legs H ntt:'s'.e-.;i o:i HUuvdav,' July 22rd, j ' heard of the i-.ltempt to kill Flick,! A bullet shot into hi3 body at the prnpoHPtl "Three cheers for the cm j battle of Spottsylvania, was on Sua vvho shot Frick." It was a stunning t tiay cou ghed up" by W. D. Walton, surprise t his cmrais. lams was ordered to advauce, s J many paces iu front of tho lin6 and asked to apologize, ho refused. He was tied up by the thumbs 20 minutes. He be came unconscious. When he came to, hia head was shaved, one side of his mustache was shaved off. His military clothes weae taken off of him and an other snit was given him and then he was drummed out of camp. The punishment meted out to the yonng mau has awakened sentimental expressions in favor of the young man and expressions against the military for the manner in which the young anarchist was dismissed from military service. Tho Philadelphia Times lakes a common sensa and therefore a just side of the case which we take pleas ure in reproducing thus. The se vere punishment of privote Inis by the comrainder of his regiment for laving cheered the would-be assassin of Sir. Frick and refusing to retract it when advised to do so by his cm- ! niander, hrs provoked considerable I criticism, and much ot it is of the j sent'tnc&tai character thit ever over- look?, the fcupremo necessities waich ! often dictate severe punishmant. The njin who wo'.il 1 ebnnr I lie I assas.-in in lis cowardly work is quite as much an assc.ssiu at heart in be who tires the pis-.ol or drives th? doadiy knifo it to his victim. lie dift'ors only iu the cowardico that prevents htt i from executing his j devilish will; and whf.n he is a col dltr wearing tho uniform ef ti c govriimerd, employed and paid to j suppress the ossania and tho lawless j ho puts himsf If beyond tho pal of j sympathy, and lher,- is no punish i nint known in military aai.!ioi:?y i that cnaba rcgatdod as loo sevo.o. 'colds no expeiti-t; is spar: d to C3:n I We dismis-i all q-ie9iot3 rf syia-1 bine onlv the tv and purest ingred pnthtc.r private I ras himself. lis is entitled t none. Gantc.l thai his o assistia rasv have oeou 1 the irupnho of'a b y, b it wlun he ! ! wjs i;ro jght into line wit!) his broth- j I er soldiers, r. l.noai&hed of his serious j breach of discipline and requested '. j to r eii'l it. lie defiantly proclaimed ; I his hvinpithy with the asj-tssia and j , tiieie by ma lo . iiu possible for him ' to command ary ruarituo'.o consid-'r-! ation whatever, and exj)o;;fd himsdf ! to tha savresi punishtueut kuowu to military r.uthoritv short of d'.iath. Afativ soldiers havr! Ivf-n tiisd niid shctforamuch hm grave ollnso j r,;iJ. S'raigbtwa.er, Tburs than private lams commiltod. and J Thon'rM"ntowi,! 1iVl!oiVrVo'iiton thu punishment although brutally j U!ja.-.-, in Kut S-iWt.i, Satnr.lV severe, is one cf the rccogn::'j meth- Examination-i will bein oas of jjunii-nment by military ft-jthor-' ity. The bu?k and the gag, tho bull and tiio cliian the thumb screw and various' other inr-thods of severe punishment are rec ogniz-jd ai mili t ry law, and the only question to consider in tho case of private Iuat is whether tha punishment iatlic:ed upon hioi will be promotive or sub versive of dise.iplise ia th military command. Beyond that there is no cuition involved i:i it worthy of consideration Home one who claim:! tho ability to calca'ate it says that a twelve thoustud horso power engine would bo necessary to resist the power cf a single bolt of lightning. Itebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., cays: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until 1 try health was gone. I had born doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done mo more good than any 50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my lifa. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it hos cured mo completely. I consider it tho grand est medicine in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach aud nervo cure ever known. Trial bottle 13 cents. Sold by L. B.i&ks &Co.,MSfflinic-.vn,lt.. May 11, ly T13K I'KHSVLVAM KAIL.. EXCrStSI.STOTilE MIOEIE. The Opcalngr oftlio ficaKon. July was a great month for the seashore excursions ; Anguvt bids fair to be greater. The tickets include tho choicest points on the coast, and are available for Cape Slay, Atlantic City, Sea Islo City, or Ocean City at the same rate. The excursion tickets, goo for twelve days, are to be sold p.t a rate of $10.00 from Pittsburg, and at correspondingly low rates from oth er stations. A special train of Parlor Cars and Day Coaches will leave Pittsburg at 8.50 A. !., for Philadelphia, stopping at all important junction points, wbcro connections will be made with trains from branch lines. Passen gers will spend the night in Philadel phia anil proceed to tho sen-shore by regular trains of the next day. Tickets will bo sold from stations named below, and train schedule will be as follows : Kate. Altoona ft 8 00 Train Leaves 12 55 r. a f 40 A. M 2 45i-.it 3 05 " 3 3G " 7 16 " Clearfield . 8 90 C 00 5 Go 5 00 Lewistown Jc'. Miffliu Newport Philadelphia Ar Tickets will by sold from East Liberty, Irwin, Uuiontown, Connells ville, Scottdale, Alverton, Greens burg and Johnstown for regular trains leaving Pittsburg 4.30 and 8.10 P. M., with Pullman Sleeping Crs attached, arriving in Philadel phia next morning, whence passen gers will proceed to the shore by any regular train of that day. Application for information and tickets should be made to ticket agents at above stations or to T. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis trict, Pittsburg, Pa. Potato :Bugf Exterminator. It is stated that the newly discov ered beetles that kill potato bugs are unsually plentiful this season in some parts of the state. It is as large as a common house fly and its color is I i.tno tviOi n lirirvn heal. It atta-ks the potato Ivtg 011 Pie biek and kills it whili holding it with i' vo fore jliddletown, IS. i. List Saturday night a storing un usual severity, swept over the north ern part cf Lancaster county doing great damage to corn and tobacco. A Pittsburg, Ta., special says : A riisious nhenonniPon in connection r;tVi Mm .Tenths of the netrroes, Wil li im Cassell and Solomon Richird son, in Highland Park on Friday f -om a bjli of lightning, was tliit tl e foliage of the tree under whica tucy songht shelter was photographed on the breast of one of the victim. niKtrlct Courercacj3 The Rspublican Party the Eighteenth Congressional District will hold a c'onferane at tho Nittonal Hotel, Lewistown. Tnesdnv, August 9, 1892, at. 2 o'clock, P. M , for the purpose of placing iu namiu itioa a candidate for tb oilie9 represosed in Congress and for the traisintton of such other business as may bo presented. The several counties will be represented at this conference in ft'-fiir'loiip.i will Mi li'iii n lnte,l Rt Le-.yisNe.vn, Janua-v 2Cth, 1S12, aa ui!ows . Urrtllkliu cranSv 6 C3n- fer.es; Fulton 3 Huntingdon J mui'.ta -I ; ii :.;i!U 1 ; Snyder Union 4. I'y ol del Chirmaa. of D. P. Higglns District IlciU it lt (ice 'Agitl. The iaa:i v. ho telli vou coutiden tic.lly just what wi'l cure y:mr cold, is i.rcsenbing K, i! s jsaisam tins year, iu t lie prepcralioi ot litis le-luarkabl-j medicine for coa rhs and ' :e:;ts. Hold u boihe of Kemp s l;,u sam noli to tho light and look through if e the bright, clear look ; then Prico tf. compare with other ivmedii.-s. 5Uc and SI. eatt!s-'ti F.xaruiiullon for I !. t Cr s ICeyi,. T:i.-tar,.r,i. at Mi'Cysvi:le, l.'iars'i-, Sprn-'f Hut. .it S prnea Mil:, I'.ilV.-, F.itf!;e. in McAlmltrsvill-', M'ireJ 17, .Viiiiro,', in Kictili -U Tui'K.lay, Su;i-tfha!i'ia, at lVrnp-ri!, H'uj. nusdtr ti 10 ' tl ' 12 " II a-, S o -l,)c;:. Strang-r's wili bj r;qulrtd ! to furnish n recotiitnendation of good j morai cttaractsr. App.ieanta must j be esa-uiiiied iu tha district in which they intend to teach. Directors and j friends of tdnea'i m are invited to attend. A special examination will be held in liilllintown, S.-p'r 3. Jous II. Carney. County Supi-rinten-lenl. 'iPKAN'S- C'Jl'fiT SAM; VALUABLE KEAL ESTATE. !iv virtus oC an f,r.lf.-issa-jJ out of tus Orphnuf ' Co'.irt of Ju:ii I'a coaity, t:ie ua demijiro! adaiiiiiitrutors of tho etaio of Tlioiiifis Kcmbrrj'jr, la:,; of Wi',kcr Ttvp. di'C'.sseil ivil! ofTtr t p:il;'ic. ei':-, o:i tiie premises, on Sn!urlHj, . 27, l3tf2, t 1 o'ciock, P. SI., tho Lil'owing valuitiii Ri4l Ktat : A tract of land sitmt in the town ihio : Walker, in tho coiintv ot Juniata aiii S.at cf Pcanf)K-.i:ii. abont tivo (2) iniicn west ef Tbuuiis?iiiewo, I'., tnn1,l on th h north bv Iscdi of Ulu'uul Nsarhood and .ivH S. Z iderj; oa ih oast by ! inl of Jacob first l:ll ; on th) south by Ian. I or Solomon V?j!iw-k, Eiiz D;l!ui.is ot a', an I on thu wet by lan ls of Witsfm Gnu. I.'a.-.c Wliltiujn unci J-'nep'.i Gr:, f:'!, o in t.iiiii.ij O.II HI SDKED xr raTY (140) .C1KI!, more or loss iind havir; thi-re)!i rroctel a TWO STOitV I'lUMK UOl'SE, tank Iliirn, Log 'fonaut llonsr', Summer Hocus Spring House and othur oat-biiil iir.js. O ' tUis trart about onn Imndreit a.-rus aro cleared and in a gtd tate of cultivatien and the bal ance of Forty (111) acres i. woodland an which tiioro is Una youn chestnut tiuib-r . On thit, farm thuro I. a S - Apv' O.-ohirl. and an ELEGANT I'KACH liUCIlAr.D of (10U0) troo lira yt-arn old. This p:;ch Orchard wa plauted by Tobiu AnUer, uho has a on?-bn!f intrrj.it ia it fr four ( ) morf Tear. This farm is li.ily iocatod utonj tho tnm pitf, has a spring l axcullL-nt aad njr fai!ii:K water cloaa br the hjnse. is hind. to cloirch, schoot, mi! and market, an t ihj buildings aro g3d. Anyona desiring a Cna chanc should call to jjh thcao prcruiooa. TEKKS OF SALE : Ten (10) psr cant, of tte purchase monoy to bo paid on da- of sale; Twenty (20) ;cr csnt ou con'irniiti . i of tha sain by tha court; Thirty ( ',0) per cunt, r.n April 1st, 1S93, when dod dcI vi-rfU and poeeioa given, and thr, tilatici' of forty (4") par cent, ca April 1, l.tt'S. DifTred payment to ba 'cared by jui!j;iuet. and to boar interest rioin April 1st, 18'J3. trris E RuuniEaa, Watson Koibirqfr, Adui'misirators. July 27, 18!!?. P. S. Tliaaboro named Tobias Auk?r will ofi'ir tor sa'e hia mtvrejt in th ato'i' I'rnch Orchard at tbe tarns time. IIIOCL AM ATION. iYiiires tiih Slos. 1. Jukl'uiaii Ltoks, I'rcsiisat Jud; of tha Court of Common Pleas of tha 4 r J a dicial Ditricl. co npemi of thi couatiea or Juniata and Ferry, and tha Tla.fs. J. 1". Wickehsmam, aad J. L. BAaTO. Ju,Ig" of tho raid Court of Canirnen Pleas for Ju niata Canaty bare i3U1 their precept ;" ar directad, bfarinz dite the 1st day of Angnst, lsys, lor haldiej a court of Oyr and Tcrminar, aad Genrl Jail Delivcr.T aid Unral Quartar saisni of the Peac at Uifllintawa, oa thaiirst Monday of Septem ber 1892, baing the 5th day jof'th month NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE NT to tha Coroner. Juiticaa of th Peace and Consta bles f th caunty of Jan lata, that they be than and lhar in their prapar persons, at taa o'clock in th foranooaj of aaid day, with thir recards, inquisitin, examina. tioaa and eyr remaaabrances, to d t !, thic ''ut thIr ottic respectively apper tain, aud tte that are bound by rscojniz anc to prosecute agaivst tba prisoners thai are or than may b ia th Jailol aaid caun ty, b than and ther t proscst again t tham aa shall be .just. By aa act f Anaembly, paased the 8th day of May, A. D., lo4, it is made the an ty of th Justices of th Pear, of tii eral eoaniias f this Cominonwealt, to rc tura to th Clark at this Court of Quarter Sesaioas of th respective countioa, all the recojniiatcus entered inta before thess br aay person or persons chi.-jed with tht eoBSusiion of any criiae, except such caius as may bo ended befora a Justice of tha I'ac, uader existing Uws.-at least tea days bfllore the .commeaeamant of tae session f tbe Court to which they ar made re turnable rspectivly, aad iu all cases where thiu tea day of the M5sioa i ot -:,; ,r. to return inu a;T " - ,v PBTalBtMinnntowa, oa tho lt.T o Aiwtuet, in the ye.r ti our LrJ, MEW CO Come in an ! examine out larSe nnd varied stock for tbe Sprint Trade of 1892 and the Summer Trade of 1S92. IFV Desire To' show customers our goods. It is our businefs to supply ttiai i i vour wants nihi e k:iu i i we can accommodate you, il you drop m ana o.cai wim yoiivii-q iA ...... We have all kinds of dress goods in all colors to sun uie varied tastes of people. We have a full line of J9oteliy Goods, that people want these times. T.,wf oL- f,r what, vou want find it will be cur pleasure to wait on you We are stock- ! ed in GROCERIES- at dro;i prices and Queensware iu full assortment. Glassware to please tbe ej e and to do ser vice s h o s Our thoe Department is lare ' find evades from thtf Daintiest j i to iho Substitntial Shot) ant d! j l?oot for the field and forest. I 0 It DEI.. j We have alnu-t everything, ! and v. hat we h:;v'nt got, we'll j Order, so pica so favor us with! j TOHACCO- ! To the lovers of tha weed. we say we keep the Lest brands. THY 0111 TOIMCCO. All orders bv mail will re ceive prompt attention. llemeniber tiie dace, Ia!s Smtr. Cn-OMTs CoraT IlciPsi-. w -K ' ' ti-' lit niint-,n e.ri ti:.; r.-MTi? ot N.inv Si;- t.-r, lite ..( "i:::.r lev. n-ti , Jnniara e'.i::.ry. l'.i ., d. cmn c1. r,::c l,,-f:i pi-intd ti t'-jc c-..:e i ,! . Ali j.rrpfu. 'iiiicictl to n::-! ii-fj'f :.iv it .,::-t si ti ro-.k... I iv- men: e: : i :ii.a u !,. r..s 1 . r'aims r-:,i;,s; i;.. , n l,.i ; r,.-rtit th. i:i ;'il.;,Ti- l':ti,:,:irlt.- 1 i. t ln.;i-.J. . 1. 1 n : li :v.. iv , S'l'n tn'sirafor . t tr!Mt'! ' U'.d i.f tin! in, 1, ra:gna in ftiii'wi, r-riii'i.s!!i ! Fai: town- -l'ip.- A n. .Vd. his. J..t.n :,! ...i, i Mc.'.i.', ti'a iirii-, Kub-rt M-Mvcn, Wil.iam , Si..nll'.T.,. ii. S.-t-r, Cti.r es Ada-i. L. ; 1-. . j it:: on. I l i - r..i...r . , Ml i i fj0$ Parify - - y ' liifs ii olood. 1 r- y.nuni-n.n rnozoxas zirr. AV..L:iVS2rs,EL003 SSA2C2ES. I 'J: " f "- " IrOUiU ,M it. I j .:.- SCLLthS MEDICINECO. j . V' T '3""I5H, PA. Consumption Surely Cored. Eort1--K- in.',rm yocr ri v .tit I uve a IK", lira r-.'u:e;ly fr ttx b-r--i? nv.i :s."o. lis- hs tisav!jr me tionsauan of hoivlt.. taut hava lx-ev jwraiamintly ccrej. I EhaU bo rlid to ter.a two boetes -f my ren&Iv FiiV;t! to a-"- ri r":r re.lr"i who have e.nnrr.n;ion if t1..-v ivl seud etc th.'ir KxTirrs? nd p. o. ruMr-.xs. Uc'-lt laaj, x. x. Siooca. k. c nu t. " vXT,2AlrjY;.1ias, "w ftJ -VJW teS : te Vlu. lor p, iTrl JISLd VpTrrnt ,fc W"1'IL' K l It " rilt2MsrasTITfT'!. j rtf. fm$sto:?. iiae iniri-jU ahoee custUuf ,.V:i'l " ALK7UI Hie rf.,tw.,.i,J.f '."""satocooiiui,.:,: itf : Camion v I I, i 'rlwo,It atam,HHi ..J tho ta iS S e0.?1"1 1110 Jl t wiituvunbuv. ittwli.. ,r I " 11 ' k t. I !t.-rW.av tow ! A- f'f:a. j I 4 i)i!Mnt.vTiKvs .Non ! J ! ... , I I -.V'.: "'. .'-:-.: ,jj i Na. , c,.y rt s. a 'Wo 1 " ro 1-1,f' bv ti.a i - X' ii ... . i. - - " vui 9..kii. . - u a, m nnn y villi III' il s cat lSai iin5. at Schott's tPrv Goods House. i ,i-tv of aoron and dress gingham 4 yards for 23ct8. i rSslworii, 8 ,0 10 a yarJ, short leii"ths 20 vanls ur ?i a W JStionofcbaIl.cs for Octs. a yard. fine selection oi n"""- frttoe MMi faille half cents a yard. Grwit Uarianis at ocnous Carpet Rooni. An ehant half wool inSrain carpet reduced to 40cts a yard A tabic oil cloth 4G inches wide at lOcts. a yard A four pi v poft finish oil color carpet chain for 22cts. a pound n excellent quality of wali papar at 10c!. a double bolt, Fohl before for 14cts. and borders to match. A good quality of matting for locts. a yard, worth lStoJOct. Great Ilargaias at &cliotts PoouSnr Shoe Store. A babv's shoe for 2-3cts. A ladies' oxford low choe for T'ct.-. A child's spring heel, patent leather tip for oOots. A -ood ?arpot clipper, leather sole and heel for 32cN. i ".vl uirintv men's creeilmore tip sole shoes at $1 0 ir pair. Our honest belief is that your where yoti can get the highest vftluo lor your money. o c; o O C. Ci CO oo x l :-. o :i ;,; c: ci ?i r- ct t- c is 13 er: uttci J Q H " is i e? cc cr. o -si r: 7Z c: o n ;i :i ci rt s I 1 H in i5 t-s CI cxr; r-1 I I c; i "cc c" t- c-i s; l"s uc h lc r: ct c: ct :t h h h h h C C O -P Tl T4 ; c c; ci ec cc ci c re r-i s o o in i cr c is cn ic i.C -1 IS CC CC M CI C-l r CC X t I I- t- t- I cc cr C j-- S n w a; ! I Hi ' ! 5 CT3 Z S firl'ZiR.r;l'.! j c; 3 r-. 5: c; c; .C? ' 'J -i C2 CS CC V-w I fi 1-t CI Jt coccr. r. cr. c;ococs-i-'cirtr'ri; L. ST 3 ci is l ( CJ I ! oScMSisrtHfl ! f) i 1 J X X ci ci - h h h h ! ' t." ' " . , I itj i 1 c c c i- c; i I ti i i ?1 ic ic ? O CI JCCi--ICCC,eC:CCCISSICCS lIHCMwMHHMrjCC-f ' cc is ci c-i cs cc cs s' ri - M -sl ? H -r -ri IS IS IS S IS IS ic " h r. ls cr is o txxccxxxc;c;c5 O LC r CC CO I 1 ClCn C4 CC! t OCHH J WISH T9 STATK A. A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, Tbct I can rtp ToOTHiCCK ia less than .:.o mmnies j r.o pain, no extract liiatlcan extract teeth without r.acn, by the CBe of .fluid apj-iied to iho tce'.l nnd enms : no dancer. as Scurvy) treat fTvvcj. ed euccrssfully uuu a care war-; ranted in every I Teath Filled and warranted tor life. Art;ial Teeth rt. tul, pe.mar Artificial Teeth repaired, cichar.ged or. in-i-a 10 bui: an. i wnl in peimatient set of Gututd Euain- j U ' Ve,tua:,ent set of Gututd Eaatn- , C,td t OW ::s $0.00 pvr fct warrant. -it f.. n-- warranted to give perfect satisfaction, or All work warranted to give perri-ct sat's racliOD. People who have artificial lth with which they canaot eat, ai-o csin-ciallv invited to call. Ttkus Cash. G. L. DERK, Tracttcal Dcutlxt, "fABMSHaO IS MirrLMTOWH, Pa., ,m 1SG0 Oct. 11 '85. AJEWPoiiT AND SHERMAN'S VL ' Ipy Katlroad Companv. Time tablo ot passenger trains, in effect . Mon January 18, 1892. uuoaJ STATIONS. iTcst wara. 'jw,t i Wahneta ' I GreeaPaA P M A It 8 0010O 0 03 10 03' 0 07;10 07 6 10 10 10 6 20,10 20 6 2G!l0 26 6 82 10 32 6 43110 43 6 48 10 48 0 65 10 53 " 02' 11 02 7 071107 ' 14,11 14 ' 20H 20 7 SOjll 30 ' Note - , oignihea no aeent t . , ; phone connection. 8 ' T teIe- . - i I good Bane, h ,7 OEHTiwvt . w n o " i oKaiiaj,, ad rpdbucaj,. j uun:rioiTiir rs Eist- ft M - ribbM,. No 0, 9c... a y,r,l. riW.on, No 12. twelve aJ one- ,. . , ,. intarcst lies in the direction EMIL SCHOTT. I ci rt o i- o Hriito -t ? 71 l - r- ':: ci i- 'X- M t-s ottinc c c u: n l: ci :: h o -t i r . . , , . . t c o - ! r, ;i S ,0 is c-; o w i-i o is O CM Cl 5 i- M is :c t t is is cs h t-i c ci c ci :i rs ci h h h ci ci ci h c c c i: ls is cs t-s Ls -r c i . c: . cc cc t- r- t- C a c r r- r. - - .- CI Ci Tl , IS I- I- iccit-iccii-r-sox cic:i-c o CC-?-l3CCrHCIT CCr-CM-JIC -3 CI "ci cc LCJ cc i- i s cc o t-i O C I CI i - CI i cs cr; CM Jtt-C-H HH S IS IS IS is is crc ci o cc i S IS IS 12 CCC U t I- CC cc cs c I c: t. c . IS IS. i-It-i i : c i L .-, s o t-s o cc; ci cc h h :i :i l.ocis K. ATKirns. F. SI. M. Pinxkli. ATMI'Sf)?! ft. pessi:u ATTORNEYS - AT - LAV,', MlFFLIKTGWK, PA. CT oiicct'.ng aaU Conveyaucina prompt Iv 't., t ' Orr, f nr m t . - i dencoof 7o,Vv s X ' S T . S of Loc;s K- Atkmsoa, Ksj., nonth of , 10. . Jss I'cLAtoatiM. Joseph W. r-TixnEt &. sti.ii.-iei-, IK3DEAKCE AGENTS, PORT ROi'JL, JCXI1T.1 CO., r.i. VEfOirty reliable Companies r"pnfi':'d. Jar.. 1, lS!2-ly OR.o.M.caAwrrRD, rR. tiasvis M.CRAwroEO JK. D. SI. CRAWFORD t SON. fcavo formed a partnchip f.r tho pru tice Ot Sll'dicino nriri t!.ui- ..I1.........1 1. ....,.. ....v-! i,w.:a,(r,ii ,,,i,i-. u.lice at o:d atM.,1, c rr,. r of Third and Or- 6i- n.icnii, JliUilat.lWn, i'a. (tpor of them aril: bo i.mii.t ni il...;, n;,.. , Imth t all times, uulrsa etherttie t roleM,,orI,;iv b-f,' Afril 1st, 15Se. ft A Ii E S M E T S.Y.A.-n; t th: r .! ..-.-.t, viv i iia v I'.lli.Mt, to ai l! onr -vurniv Stotk. Salary, Expenses aai bleady Employment guaranteed. CIIASE BKOTDEUS COMPANV, t-Dec. S, '01. Kochester, N. T. Oa84 csed akd BLEdeso it. A -frTpvt on Ku.,y. y- i.. j r T, - I I . I 1 f-.'""1 """""Id U.' boul. of 1 n, h,. maclm. tnveru S-tnf-F-. ir,,in miniuiu,i SMUMU.l,n I,iJ,,l -. . . - J -"'I6ICI K..,i, 1 KfJk ,V!.tW iiorV,, cirn. -hittaV i " oixir or i h.li , thta ol.l i.JT. or Stnunt, will mm m i w08l,3;rvh7"' r-1 -py buiBM tiiirf 3 f J rt.y mall. b,-!'" t3- IS. JOHNSON CO., BMToa. 1U will flu.l lO . .. I . b3 h te F3it3tJal .II 1 W 8 30 ? fij " fell iliir 00YI- 8 08 3 58 t " ' 8 04 3 54 SB Hp.tJtTB jct EES! t PI KSal ill I l VKEANV7Vy 7 12 3 02 r ai EICEISil w 7 00! 9 r.U .SENCSlTiny icren , w Al HriEnbCNCRK UHm t s a CM CI i. en-