Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 29, 1892, Image 2

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nEDXESlUT. JITNE 29, 1892.
Fob President.
For Vic l'ammixT.
Fob Supreme Jidoe.
JOHN DEYN, of Blair.
For Cos ires? men- at Large,
For Electors-at-Laroe.
J. FRANCIS DUNLAP, of Lancaster.
WM. WOODS, of Philadelphia.
B. F. JONES, of Allegheny.
WM. II. S A YKE, of Delaware.
District Electors,
1. Jolm I.. Lswson.
2. John Muudrll.
3. John Huoler.
4. Alex. Crowe, Jr.
5. Urns. If. Siner.
ft. Maxwell Clower.
7. Wm. II. Grundy.
8. Traill Green.
y. Jus. K. Mosscr.
10. J. W. M. Gcist.
11 Ilenry A. Knjpp.
12. Wiu. J. Uarvey.
13. Jaroot AJuir.
11. Ja. JI. i,ht-iblev.
15. C Dtirland.
1G. P. A. Stobbins.
17. L. T. Kohrbach
18. S. S. Schoch.
l'J. J. S. Wilbeltu.
21. Jan. 15. I.aux.
22. Kobt. Pilrairn.
23. Jan. M. Lii.dsav
21. R. I.. Lincoln.
2 . S. 1). Kel!.
2H. VI. II. Taylor.
27. C. F. Barclay.
28. Jesse E. Dalo.
For Cosoresi.
Subject to decision of District Conference.
For State Senate.
FtilKct to decision of District Conference.
For Aksemblt.
Democratic National Convention. .
The Democratic National Conven
tion met in a wigwam in Chicago
that Lold 20,000 people on tho 21st
of June, and at 4 o'clock on the mor
ning of June 23rd, on first ballot
nominated Grov?r Cleveland fer
president for the third time.
Four names were before the con
vention au 1 wore voted for with this
result: Cleveland C17 votes; Hill
113 votes; Boise 103 votes; Gorman
3G votes.
Iq the afternoon of June 23rd, A.
E. Stevenson, of Illinois was nomina
ted for Vice President. Ha was as
Bi -stunt Post Hast r General under
The platform on which the candi
dates are placed is made up of the
commonest platitudes excepting on
the two chief questions before the
A'nerican people namely tho tariff
and the coinage question. Oa the
tariff tuo Democrats favor a tariff
for rovon:is, only on the coinage
question it is a sir.-.ddler liko that
of the republican platform.
Cleveland will be defeated. Har
rison defeated him in 1SSS, he will
have less trouble to overcome him
now than then Th Democracy
threw away their opportunity to
elect a president when they nomina
ted Cleveland, for their candidate
stands before the people as out of
touch or out of harmony with the
desires of tho people of the north on
a number of tho important questions
of tho day. If they had nominated
a democrat with an inclination to
free coinage ho v.v.uH have swept
the country with political cyclonic
force, but Clovelnnd is less n free
coiuago mm than Harrison and the
former hostilos among the republicans
on the coinage question will now
turn in earnestly for II irriaon. Cleve
land is out of touch with the soldier
el -m'.'iit. His proposal to return the
rebel flags and ether trophies of war
to tho Confederate states have es
tranged tho veterans from him, and
as if on nurttoKO to make the gulf as
wide as possible betweon him and
the b-'ys in blue, they havo placed
him on a platform advocating a tar
iff for revenue only, which will if en
forced cut off tho $133,000,000 that
are paid m pensions. For a tariff
for revenue only, means only money
feuough to pay for tho running ex
penses of government, and none for
bounty or pension, and none for tho
protection of manufactories. Ho is
out of touch with Lis own party in
York Stale not having received a
single vote of the New York delega
tion. Eat it is when one comes to con
sidor the combined ticket, Cleveland
and Stevenson, that it shows its ug
ly triple face It is a three faced
ticket u:;d ia the language of plain
spoken Juniata valley people it is a
mule ticket, a cross between different
-elements. Cleveland himself is re
cognized as a gold bag. Stevenson
is a greenbacker and was three times
elected to Congress as such, and the
platform is iu favor 'of Congress re
pealing tho tax on 6ta!e banks which
is tho entering wedge to a return to
the old state wild cat banks tha t
wore in existence when Jaaies Buch
anan and other leaders of the demo
cracy brought rbellion on the coun
try. How do jou like the combina
tion ? Cleveland, gold bug; SUvensoD,
greenbacker; wild cat state banks.
No men ever started on the
If. t I i
lyiu si cieany Glaring uieai ia i.iie
Don't get scar.! reader, yon Trill
not be Lere one linn.liv-d ami fifty
thousnnd years after this, when tl.e
earth will again Lav so sbiflel its
position m its patiiwiy around the
San, that this part of t'io earth will
sgnin le a vast sheet of ice oa which
no Hying thing can exist.
Tn ursppnsionil Confederates Trill
roll like a sweet raorsy! under tho'r
ton guts the resolution of the Denio-
craiie party that there shall be a tariff
fi r rcrene only, as soon as Cleveland
anJ a Democratic Congress have
ber-:: elected. Thitt is a sweet morsel
to !L?ra for n tariff for revenue only,
they firmly b: lievc will slop the $135,
009,000 that tho boys in biuo are
now getting from the government
as ptHibion money.
The democratic leaders ware evor
true on the question of slavery and
on n t iri.T. They declared shivery a
divine institution aid in their zeal
for it they made war to establish, a
s-lavc empire. On the tariff thoy are
just as true ns they were to s'avory.
They can't give up free trade or
slavery's twin brother, and that is
the reason the convention tha1, nomi
nated Cleveland in Cjicfigo, lust
week, did its best to get as neur to
free trade ar. it could by declaring in
favor of a tariff for revsati-j ociy.
The nmonnt of gold that has been
goif g to Europe tho pa-t week or
two has caused people to ask where
is it going T "VTui! it :3 going to pay
b d:icos to provide means for Euro
pean govsrnuiunts that havs gold ob
ligations to meet. Wait for the panic
that is siui'c to ceme some vears hence
when millions of gold proiiide pa
pris fall d;i and not gold enough J
can be found to meet the obligations j
it wili the-i be time for the gold
bugs t reap their harvest on fore
closures at gold raUs.
Twins at Sixty Three.
A Carson, Nv-. disiiitch to the?!
St. Louis 6Ve4s-Dcnv)cr:it
t lie following: -'Mrs.
Brecdlove. hist uight presented her
husbuud wi.li a pair of bouncing
baby boys. Harrison Brecdlcvj is
a prosperous farmer over seventy
rears of aga. His wife is sixty three.
It is proposed to send the father.
mother and children to thi World's
Fair as a sample of what it if po
bio to do iu the far west.
Cwl Slsgeilj' Big Steer.
Col. Singer iy, proprietor of the
Phifii'kp'ita Record, intends to make
an exhibit of a steer in tho agricul
tural department of the World's
Fair, which for weight and generally
fine condition will ex.-l anything in
the record cf stsers, if exhibited.
This steer is to weigh at la it 5,000
pu-unds, aud will prohibit weigh
over that, and is r.ow fattening et
Col Singerly's slock farm, Crwynedd.
It is alroi.-iy appr.rant that the
splendid animal is likely to fulfill the
expectations of its owner and beat
the record in wi:iht uud condition
of any steer exhibited in the agri
cultural world.
The States Crou Esthimtc.
Secretary Edge, of tho State
Board of Agricultural, has receive I
reports from all parts of tho Stato
from w'iich ho is enabled to make
some crop estimates. lie says there
in an increased average of whea,
and with the average yield placed at
100, returns indicate tho crop of
lS02at 112, with a possible 115 with
favorabla weather will be consider
ably bolow that of last year but up to
tho average of the last ten or twelve
The backward aud wet spring has
seriously affectod tho corn, and tho
farmers will lose 5,500,000 bushels.
Oats has also sutured from wet
weather and cold spring. There will
bo a larger crop than last year, ow
ing to an increased average. Owing
to tho low prices which prevailed tho
acreage in potatoes is reduced, leav
it at about 125,030 acres Au aver
age crop may bo expected. The yield
of hay will be beiow the average of
the past ton years.
The Law on Hard Ciller.
Bucks County juries have decided
that it is a violation of the liquor
license law to sell hard cider with
out license, and at the last session of
the Court two Bristol offenders were
sentenced to pay the penalty for so
doing. Kate Waters of Bristol was
convicted not only of selling hard
cider on week days, but to minors
and on Sundays, and waa sentenced
by Judge Yerkes to pay a fine of
!?G50 and undergo an imprisonment
of 15 months in tho county jail, and
James Sackvillo, also of Bristol, was
convicted of violating the license
laws and sentenced to one year in
the county jail aud $G00 fine. The
prisoners put in the plea that the
cider was mannfacturod in Philadel
phia and was there sold as "sweet
cidor," but a number of witnesses
examined showed the so called ''Phil
adelphia sweet cider" contained in
intoxicating properties, and the juries
were instructed by the Court that
the side of intoxicants of any nature
without a license was a violation of
the law.
A Cure Tor Centitlpatloti aad
Sick Headache.
Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It is in the form of
dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family medicine. It will
cure sick headache in one night.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the clearing up of the complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists sell
it at 50cts a package. tf
Au Old Lnudiiinrk
-Through the kindness of Mr. Jas.
S. McKee wo have beun presorted
with some ghinglc and other nails
over 100 years old takn from the
roof of the famon sUno spriug
house on his grandfather Harnett's
farm. From tho gftnoral appearance
of tho nails that were all no doubt
handmade, somewhat peculiar in size
and Miipo, and stringe to say, could
be driven again to a good advantage.
The roof was put on by the Grand
father of Hon. Cbns. A. H.irnett, late
President J adge of our various courts,
and neither of th older Eons or
daughters Mrs. 'Wm. M-k?o baitig
in her sevent--fifth year can rem
ember of the roof having ever been
changed. Tho shirgles aro not over
grown with a heavy moss covering
like some of tho 'William Penu resi
dence, and tho lath phow but few-
traces of a natural decay.
budding is now on account of tho
danger connected with the mason
work being taken down for the
purpose cf erscting a new spring
house on the Eamo old site. Bloom
th.dd freeman.
From the BloomSeld Democrat cf
last week: Farmers in this neigh
borhood say that the wheat has been
injured bv rust. The tos h-aves of
the oats have a bronze appearance,
attributed to wet weather and hot
sun. Bkin I. Foose, of this
r lap, a warrant for whose arrest has
been issued on the charges of writing
libelous articles for tho Harris'ourg
Sundi:j Telegram and for receiving
money by fa'se pretense, has L-i"t
town for parts unknown. The edi
tors of the Telegram have ben ar
retted for criminal libel. The charges
are preferred by several persons of
this place.
The Middh burg Post says a des-
tractive hsil storm passed over
Middl-cr.k Vaiievou Tuesday eve
mug, June H'.h, doing great damage.
most destructive part striking tho
valley about thrio miks west of
ripening train and growing corn itt
toshrejs. The editor aemm.Mnm.1
i'roiuorjot:;ry J. C bchosU to his
farm two miles west of town fiftc-r
the storm and found his wheat fields
so damaged tbat hardly half a crop
c-in be expcU-J, while- half a mile
west the fields fjs'ataod still great
er damage. Tha hiil sLones aver
aged as luge a? Lulled walnuts a:;d
broke every window pano to the
west unprotected by shutters. Ti;
.im!o. ilium. noftiti rnvl rlmn-r rnru
!;.. Hnanf tiin ti..i-r., .-- itoii- .1
stroyed and the destruction of corn,
pot.itOLri ad garden truck is coia-t-lete.
Lwisiown Gazelle: Hiss E lie
Kline, of Granville, ha3 a turkey
'gobbler which took charge of a Hock
of young turkeys. Wli6n a few days
old the mother left them, and now
truis cl
jui with them caring for
them as v. e'l as any hen. Some
unknown party stole a dog cart from
the barn of John Shum-dor, of Mil
roy, Monday uight of last week.
Tho thieves were tracked to tha pike,
wnero an craco was lotr, but it is
suppoKod they went to Centre coun
ty. There are men who stand
up in church and say thev r.rs will
ing to do anything for the Lord, bjt
so uawiJliug to do for their wives
thr.t their women havj to cut all the
wood. The Le.vistown Luth
eran Sunday Schco! having contri
buted the $1,000 ca:ih decided upon
as being necessary before work
would be commenced oa the chapel,
arrangements aro now being niade
to proceed with the building es far
as the money will reach. Ground
will be broken in a few days.
John A. McKeo luis withdrawn Lis
Birafl as a candidate fr Congress.
- - - o - - -
A stranga p.t ie3 of beetle is eating
up nil tho potato bus at Shonesville,
Berks County, greatly to the delight
of the people.
Three white men ia whito caps
attire ttteripted to enter a negro
cabin at Edgefield, S. C, and were
riddled with bullets.
Itch on human and horses an 1 an
imals cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Tuis never
fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Milllintown. Nov. 13,
He (literary) Since Van Pushe
hr.s gone into fushiouable society he
has become quite distinguished.
Hhe (artistic) I always considered
him cs having merely an ordinary
mental outfit.
He That's what enables him to
shine in that particular field. Life.
A big chicken-hawk was caught
by Joe Ulmc r, of Bensalem township,
Bucks county, Wedneday. He tied
a tiny bell to tho hawk's neck nnd
set it free. Tho big bird shot up
ward in tho air liko a flash, then
darting hither and thither evidently
trying to escapo from the jingling
bell. In half an hour the hawk
dropped to the earth like a stone
and was picked up dead. It had ap
parently been frightened to death.
A small dwelling carried from Ti
tusville stands thirty feet inland,
surrounded by brush and trees and
wedged between two gigantic oaks
upside down. Only three bridges
of the twenty-five which formerly
spanned Oil creek between Titnsville
and Oil City remain intact. The
others are eitLer totally or partially
wrecked. A notable difference ap
pears in the character of the disas
ters which have overtaken Oil City
and Titusviile. At Titnsville the
eloments of fire and water together
wrought the awful destruction of life
and property. At Oil City the flood
caused but a small portion cf the
loss, and fire did the rest.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Fung
bone, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by
use of ono bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, MirHintown. Nov. 13.
Twenty fivo thousand Democratic
soldiers in York State will never
! -! I 1 I
Ask Your men -Is lbosf It.
Your distressing cough can be till
ed. Wo know it because Kemi 8
Balsam within the past few years j K(0mache, spepsia, ni:d Ind'gcn
has cured so many coughs and colds u:on ,.,,( ;! ,.,,.' bt-nltii was ton". I
in this community. Its remarkable
sale lias been won entirely by its
genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what ho thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. Tiu-re is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50e and $1 nt all drug
gists, tf.
A Leper In Plilladeiplila.
The JVorth American of last Thurs
day says : The leper Johu Anderson
who escaped from the Delaware
county Almshouse a few days ago
and created a panic by his appoar
nnce on tho strests of Chester, is row
detained in thn .f:in;inii5 H.isrJnl
, c,f this city, where hs is expected to
remain until ins death.
Anderson id about forty years ff
ago and was born ia Sweden. He
followed tho sea for eight or ten
years, during which time he visited
India and various Eastern ports
whero leprosy is commonly met with
and in one of which he contracted
the malady.
He has been ofilictad with the
loathsome disease for about three
Horne tbtefSliot.
On Tuesday night of last week a
valuable horsa belonging to William
son D. Taylor, cf Brown township,
and another from a Brush Valley,
(Clinton eonnfv farmer, worn cln'on
Also tho same night a road cart be-
-.-- ,
longing to John Shumaker and a set
of harness bekngipg to Joseph
Harfman. both of Milrov. were inisn-
WeJue8 constable
i "f A v f i , "i
1 f tLe tb.ef, and overtook him
I Tli!1,sy monung about 9 o'clock
"u: r f th.
Cinb'e' refused, drawinj
Vct .Inri. of .- XT TT
: i? :... . . . , 1
rl, odo o. tuo con
"ta!,J.? 8 P'o opened fire on him,
and it proved a fatal shot.
taken to Lock Haven jail Thursday
afttrnoon, where ho iliad the same
evening. Before dying ho gave his
name ns Abrara Starker, an 3 his res
idence Wilkesbarre.
This conscienceless criminal, wha
is eallwd Harner abve, was none I
other than tho noted horsa thief Ale
Whipple, one of three brothers
schooled ia crime by a mother who
delighted iu the wickedness of her
children. Both of his brothers
John and Bill, were killed while en
gaged in robbery, a peculiar incident
is the killing of John bring that ho
was shot with a stolen horse in his
possession in the same region and
not nnuy miles from where Abe raet
his deatii on Thursday. Bill was
shot at Mount aintown. Northnmber-
aod Co.. not more than forty miles
from where Abe was shot. The
brothers had bcon apprehended a
number of times, srved terms iu th-i
penitentiary, and in court at Aba'
last trial his wife testified that b'us
was his daughter. The statistics of
the eastern penitentiary bhow that
tho elder Mrs. Whipple, have cost
the Stato $40,000.
Mr. Taylor arrived Lome with l.i
horse on Monday evening.
For a Time.
I will now reduce the price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to $1.50
per dozen.
This reduction will continue as
lorg as there is sufficient trado to
warrant these prices and no longer.
This gallery is filled with all the
latest improvements usually kept in
a first class gallery, such as Fine
Scenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
peries and Fini Accessories, that
weald do credit to tho largo cities.
We propose during this reduction
to let our work speak for itself and
have no hesitancy in saying that
taking into consideration the quality
of work, these will lie tho cheapest
cabinet photographs ever made in
Juniata county, lirspectfullv,
Mifllintown, Pa., Jan. 22nd, 1802.
TheOpcnlns efflie .Season.
The extraordinary success of the
series of Pennsylvania liailrond ex
cursions to tho Naw Jersey coast for
several years back demonstrates the
enormous popularity of these trips.
Last year the success was unprece
dented. For the senson cf 1892 the
very bent dates hnva beeH selected
and every detail to promote the com
fort and pleasure of the excursionist
will bo added. Tho dates are July
7th and 21st, August 4th and 18th,
1892. These dates cover the time,
when sea bathing is finest, fishing is
in its primo, and all manner of sea
side attractions iu the best form for
thorough enjoyment One who misses
the opportunity of taking one of tho
series gives np a delightful exper
ience of tho summer.
The tickets includo tho choicest
points on the coast, and are available
for Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea
Isle City, or Ocean City at the same
The excursion tickets, good for
twelve days, aro to be sold at a rate
of $10.00 from Pittsburg, and at
correspondingly low rates from oth
er stations.
A special train of Parlor Cars and
Day Coaches will leave Pittsburg at
8.50 A. M., for Philadelphia, stopping
at all important junction points,
where connections will be made with
trains from branch lines. Passen
gers will spend the night in Philadel
phia and proceed to tha sea-shore by
regular trains of tho next dar.
Tickets will be Bold from "stations
named below, and train schedule
will be as follows :
Kate. Train Leaves.
8 00 12 55 p.m.
Clearfield . . .
8 90
G 00
5 65
5 00
3 40 A. M.
2 45 p. m.
3 05 "
3 3G
7 16
Lewistown Jc.
Philadelphia Ar
Application for information and
tickets should be made to T. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg, Pa.
r.'-lvccu Wiikhis in, of D.'jwjh
valley, I:;d., tv.yi-: "I ! ave !o n in a
distressed condition iVr ih:eu years
frnTv. Xprrrinsni'it WVrdilieSS of the
had been doctorinsr coustautiv
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
me more good than any 650 worth of
doctoring I ever did in ray life. I
would advise every weakly person to
;ipo this v,i!;i:'.bb and lovely remedy;
A f.-.v botthtt of it lies cured nic
completely. I consider it tho grand
est medicine in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful i.oma'h
aud nerve cure ever knowT. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Banks
& Co., Mifili.itown. P;t . ' V.ay 11, ly
Fen fju.it on P.r.vr. A houso r.nd
lot lif-ar McAlistorviih1, for particulars
addreys David llobixo-i, E ist Sdem,
Juniata Co , Pa.
Etlalt of Xuncy Sieber, dre'd lair of Walker
NotincM heioby given ihat !e'ter tf ad
Ei nti'raiion drxm th estate 01 N mcy Sie
ber, late of WhlkiT !om-iip, Jt'nUta
county, Pa ., diceared, have li. en granted
to the undnra'gM-d. All furr-niu in-ietit-.d
to paid : ite ar reiurtol t. u.ak pa; -iiiont
lonbwitL, aid all jrrsmis liming
claimi aint tl;o Male' !rit f.reM lit
tbrni p-va.rly aiithun'ietttid for a. ttlemer.t.
3. Ik-
SI tsfcncw Cured. IV
St. Skyehtk, Keylion P. O., Ia.
I am clad to utify lh I umxI Pouter
Koentg'e xrvo Tonic wt'ii Uih U-t bv.cco for
fiiOCpkteSUCSa. faJi.t bolloru tll,l it in r.ll
t rc;itj iot auiivrim; Luuiantty.
is. jr'UAMi, rasto.
OLCrTow. Mi.. Bopter.tvr.
0l3 Of tbO pUiit to W hOl 21 1 J iKKiie of
raator Ronicfd Nrr TonJo a Ucllliiy r io to
day tbat be livi mod from tnt durinc-rift
I lA1Q throuifh woolo loIy. AtUir Qtiug
My wife s-.fIroi3 fcr ft rir r.f wrs from
Tloln& uurvouc.aea. ao.1 bTX-'ui hciuirfH of ooL.
I'.irt lor factors ci-d mwlu .'-. b-:t a!! u do
l!:-x h-.l all to do
A- all. Atz t laitui &iIy two ticit;. of I'fwiior
KootiiS iivtvt Xouia hJx tecu't bay sclc''od.
A VsIcxTio Hook rjLi T:vrna
(lis lucxiir.titf fioo of cunt.
Ttils rniirilT htu been jf.rTj'l lirtJm RArrrend
P-ur Kocm . of ort nyiio. Lacl, ciuc ISO, Aad
KOENiC D. CO.. Chief go, li!.
BoldbTtOnieK'iUt 1 rr .iti. CfcrSC
larsc SIkc. 81.72. OEotOot trr vtf.
ftck Mvhe and r m .!1 tronMns
dmit to ul itic-an fcv.tocf iiio ty.-tn. nach aa
fOimiralolc, k j-.'.w;i hxi t:a ahc-va ia CUilUfe H
Cosjvcha. T' CjVt" Ijt'-ia I.Ivar rtTJj 876
Crnuail y!u:.M in Ccrxliruti. -u. c-.-.rv.a'itipr
X62t: Jj: till !u r.r 7i.l.j;l.wUil-. tbfyalsO
ro:recl!lt!i-jr l-rr. -'wtL;.-j.'-U.it:','-,ultitli
Uraracl xcfii&ia ill ; 10 mlg. 2 -u a W3y ccly
Li.'C) li
eufrer Irmthti, c-j:ap!a;::; butlorttv
lixutly Ihcl r.: hjuw ilrv njt-ml l:t-r4nl tba
hccuclry ttjfcnj will GtJ th'jli:ti3 pills vla
tk n momsKf irar .hit (hoy wiU riot b3 wit
w iio ti.Li:i thcrj. Sst u-'u-r ,i!J.!c!: Iks
fZethc han cf rifjiy llvcfl that fcr ro fa vbt
woraikoour fpbtc-t. Cur ulscuitltwkiia
ctbers do not.
Cartor'H Little Urer nils aro very umall anl
Yery easy to UUo. Ouo or two pills mate a doeo.
Tbc'y arc etrlctly rcetable and do cut gripe or
rurrTQ, but by Uiolf geniiitcUon please all whl
.tsetii-oi. Invi&lsat JSc-ruta; fivo for tU tio2i
drcgijltts every Jd. or seat by maul.
Consumption 8uvt Curad.
Tan Kr-r-m: rimn luT.-n ycur nlnr
thAt 1 b.T. a poautTO ron4y iiio bK-tb imj:J
diiKaM. Ily M. tunulj aae Uiuunuda ' hrv-li'.
owef have bn pr?nrouMy enrcrt. I pli-i'J br. 1!
to send two b.xil oi i!i7 rtniwty FllKR to r.r -iT
your rcodor who Uave crc?mDrtrkU tf tl. i;
Mod mo ttrcir Eur arwl V. O. vM.-om. ko.'v.--itaUy.
X. A. MJXVtl. 54. C. li iiMrt k. i.
BifFwinc from the effects of youtbfal (wrm. rtrJr'
tioenrr. at trie weak now, kwt n:anli.Ktt. etc.. 11
a Taloable trtHVtii ( bcM cctitlnip r.i'l
psrMerjlsrs fcr home cure. FRSof chrir'v A
epleoditl indioal work ; nfaoui-ilo n&d by ovry
tOMU vho Is nervous end tlL-lnlitaHMi.. AdJrta
' Vou bc'trr tliim ; tten vmk
'" rura HoiU, MHmvl. m, Srrof
., tir.lt-rhmtm, Ttttrr, I rrckl, Jtlnrk
Ilrrrim, Eie. All JtngtiU mHl it.
Pittsburgh, P.
I r"'l and
-HlA.ri UUtlillllli
1 11 t.r -ln-. ir bn0i wim Mem r eH4 rwWtlunK.
VtY 8ul Ctriara Hid hUMi of OuuitUku. tk
a. K,rj m
SelenUtio American
9l3 Bi ST"?
For mrnrmstion and free Ilandljot write to
Olde DurefiTi To. &a-KTivfi imtnts In America.
Bvery (intent tutcn out by ns la brought bofcre
tbe public by a cotioe given free of charge in tbe
Smniifit mtxmu
Tsrcest rlrrelntion of but sdnf Ifle paper In the
world. SSeniidlr llliistrnlcil. No Inlolltrrnt
man rhonl'i he without it. WeeVIr, SJ.oa a
year: I.Su jix ro.inthn. AJrtmis MlINN & CO-i-Uiilaiiituj.
3t.l ilrooaway. ew ioik.
Sllt--r:rw 1-r Jc.;R(. :. . i , rj
1 ' wr 4M
r Hff
J u ma
f0Sb Purify
Wif the
J)"jJ Iiifc
ts Slood.
Agency for
Come in and examine our
large .and varied stock for the
Spring Trade of 1892 and the
Summer Trade of 1892.
Jf Desire
To thow customers eur goods.
It is our business to supply
your wants aud we knew that
we can accommodate you, il
you drop in and deal with us.
We hare all kinds of dress
goods in all colors to suit the
varied tastes of people. We
have a full line of
JovcUy Goods,
that people want these times.
Just ask for what you want
and it will be our pleasure to
wait on you . We are stock
ed in
at drop prices and Queensware
in full assortment. Glassware
to please the eye and to do ser
vice SHOES-
Our ehoe Department is large
and grades from the Daintiest
to the Substantial Shoe and
Boot for the field and foreat.
We hare alment everything,
and what we hav'nt gat, we'll
uruer, eo please lavor us witli
a call.
To the lovers of the weed,
i Wt FaV WC keeD the DPSt brands.
. .....
I y
I ram- ,
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
llemember the place,
Mi:.t Stbsst, Oi posite Cockt House,
SlifilintoTvn, Pa.,
A Invarabte TcrdSct after
iweatTieara Trial.
The original ana only f rsiiiuu Cumponad
t'xvg.-n i r.-atruEt tbat of Drs. St;irky
I i.'iicn, .!. a ncitntiffe aJjustmmit of th -I.
m-nt!i of Oxygen and Xiirogen magnetized
r.c me rorapouml to io condensed a
n-.a.le fK-r'able that it w lent to all tha world
It La bren in bets for niiire tliaa tver.
'cui; Liiouiuiis oi pa:i4frjts nave lyre
trcitd, nud rccvuiiiiend it. a very tignii'i
cant iKct.
It tot Bi-t a most drug do by creat
i ,. r'jLiii r auuirnT, onen roquirinff a sec
ra.T i oii'-o to cradica!o the rril afli-cts or
tlio tf.ti, but Coiupoucd Oxypeu is a rovii
a.izi r, renen ine, lrci:tbc!iiae, iavijrora
ii.g tb whole body.
iiici-o niuivaixnrs ara coni.rmya Lv rn:n
ri:is ti'stiniunia!a, published ia oor book
j! JOU pagea, ohIv witii tbe expresi periuin
ion ci m puncaia. tiieir namci and ad
drees ro giren and yoa can refer to thtnt
Icr lurltor iTiformatiau.
1 lie ?r, Bl gucccesa f nur treatment has
ir.'a rife t a host of imitators, uascrupu
iuua jjuratn; i'raio cairxg iceir preparation
Confound Oxygon, often apprspriatin on
t'siiniouiuis ana tbo names ot our patients
io rrt-.-ommeaa wortnies concoction
i;ut aay aubstance made elsewhere or by
oiners, ana cauca (.umpouuet Uxvgea
compaond Oxygen Its Mod o Action
aad Ke&nlt5," is the till, of a new book ol
-OV P'if es, published by Dr. Staik.y it Pa
Ien, b:cb giea to all iniiuirers lull inform
anon is to tuis remarkable cnrat!V agent
ara a record ot surj risin cares in a wida
rarge of chronic cum's many a! them after
VKrg acauduueo! to u:s by other physicians,
rr in ne maiieu Iree io any aduro&a tu ap
lrs. ."itarkey k. rh.ilen, 1529 Arch St.
riiiiaoeipr.u, ft., 120 Sutter St., San Fran
Cisco, uai.
DrunkenncM or tUm l.lquor
IlaMt iiltlvcly Cured hy Ad
tiilaiNlerlnir Or. Ilalars'
Golden Specific-
it is manufactured as a powder which can
be ivrn in a glass of beer, a cap of codee
or iea. r,r in ioi. without the knowiedga
oi j..u:rni. u a aosoiuteiy harmless
and will a!l'i;ct a permanent and peedy
cure, whether tho patii-nt is a moderat
driaker or aa alcoholic wreck, it has been
niven in thonsands of casea, nsd ia every
ii:ftasc a perfect cure has tollowcd. It
VF.vi i pails. Tho system ence impregnat-
m wnu loe specinc, it becomes an utter
impossibility lor the liquor appetite to exist.
laurel eu-tranlcta.
4 j-age book of particulars free. Ad
:oi.des spsciricco., 183 Race St., Cincin-
n, u.
Jane 24, "Jl-ly.
Zkotlce Against Tregnpatnt.
I AH persons are hereby cautioned not te
tresspass on tbe lands or the uudersigned
in Walker, Fermanagh and Farette townships.-
A. S. Adams, John Mcliecn, Jimca
Mclleen's heir, Kobert McMecn, William
Mouner, t. u. Sieber, Charles Adams, L
E. Atkinson.
October 2Htb, '91, ly.
13 but skin deep. TherearethansandionEdiee
who hare regular features and vrouM bo ac
corded the lm o( 1-eamy wore it not for a pvir
oorrrloTion. To all ?Tich We n-commend TDK.
HEBRAJ8 VIOLA CStAM aa poescwing tho
qaaiitlee thr.t qulcViy change tlie nicut a.Mlow
and florid complexion to one of natural health
and unblemished beamy. It cures Oily fkio.
Freckles, Klack IU.Ja, Itlotehcs, 8unt,nm,
Tan, Pimples, and all Imperfpctions of the
akin. It if. not a cosmetle but a cure, yet is bit
ter for the toilet table thau powder. Sold by
l)ruggisu, or sent post paid noon receipt nl 80c
O. C. BITT N EH & CO., Toledo, O.
fpivcr'a reach
Nenre Remedy. ii
Omraatee to cure
all Nervous diseai.
e, such aa Weak
Memory. Lou el
Brain Power, Ner
mnisML H . rf .
BEFORB AND AFTER USE. ache, Wakeful-
of power in either lex, caused ty oer-xertion 01
youthful indiscretion, which ultimately lead te In
timity, Consumption and Insanity. Price, It.oo a
package. With every , order tire a written
guarl.e to cure cr refund money. By mail tc
aaaresa. CivtH S REMEOV CO., Tslede, O.
Grcut Ilargniiis at Schott's
Irv Goods House.
- m
n-ood quality of apron and dress gingham 4 yard.-j for 25cU.
A ood heavy unbleached muslin worth S to 10 cts. a yard,
short length 20 yards for $1 00.
A fine selection of challies for 5cts. a yard.
A boys shirt and waist for 21 cts.
An all silk satin edge faille ribbon, No 9, 9cts. a yard.
An all silk satin edjje faille
half cents a yard.
Great Bargains at Schott's
Carpet Room.
An elegant half wool ingrain carpet reduced to 40cts a yard.
A table oil cloth 4G inches wide at 19cts. a yard.
A four ply soft finish oil color carpet chain for 22cts. a pound
An excellent quality of wali papar at lOcts. a double bolt
gold before for Hcts. and borders to match.
A good quality of matting for locts. a yard, worth 18to20cts.
Great Bargains at chott's
Popular Shoe 8tore.
A baby's shoe for 25cts.
A ladies' oxford low shoe for 7-"cts.
A child's spring heel, patent leather tip for uOcts.
A good carpet slipper. leather sole and heel for 32ets.
A good quality men's creedniore tip sole shoes at 1 00 per
Our honest belief is that your interest lies in the direction
where you can got the highest value for your money.
C H O 13
o n n ti f i h o a o ti rt n ci h o
t- t; u io me u c o w -e n ci n n
tt c: cc q m c cM t o
i ci
O L-3 O
j-j UMCl
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3. SSlsSiS stfes tuts ?s S
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.- Hocct:-'
IC Cl 13 Cl 1- C ci
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H f n Cl Cl f. ,1
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13 53 rH C3 13 CO 13 O 13 O
o cc cc r-
Cl 13 rH Cl CC
03HH rH
Worth Knowing,
That I can step resTBACBi in lefs than
tire minutes ; ne pain, ee extracting.
That I can extract teeth without twin.
by tbc use of a Bnid applied te the teeth
and gnms ; ne danger.
That Diseased tinmsikaAwn
as Scnrry) treat s?Sc& ucci ssfu'.ly
andaenre warCi,,;,- ranted in erery
esse. -vuejt
Testh Fillid asd warr acted fer life.
Artificial Teeth repaired. excbacceiC or
remoddled, at prices to suit all. I will in
sert a lull permanont set of Gumed Enam
eled percolam teeth as low as So.Ptt nrr set
""""'in tu gio poriect aaiisiactiou, or
nio money reiunded.
All werk warranted to ttive nerfoct sali.
faction. Pcecle whe have artiHcial tmih
with which they caanet eat, are especially
Tims Cash.
G. Li. DERR,
Practical Dentist.
ESTtaLisiiiDjs mrrLixTowa, Fx., ta iB(in.
ct. 14 '85.
1 1 ley Railroad Company. Tim. ki.
oi paaaenger trains, in eflect on Moodav
.l.rni... IB 1UOO '
1 2
P A at A M
00 10 00 8 80
0 03 10 03 8 27
6 07 10 07 8 23
6 10 10 10 8 20
6 20 10 20 8 1 1
6 2C 10 28 8 08
6 82 10 82 8 04
6 43 10 48 7 52
6 48 10 48 7 47j
6 65 10 65 7 88
72 11 02 7 81
7 07 11 07 7 25
7 14 11 14 7 20
7 20ll 20 7 12
7 3011 30 7 00
Buffalo Bridge..
Juniata Furnace.
TVsbneta .......
P at
4 20
4 17
4 13
4 10
4 01
8 68
3 64
3 42
3 37
8 28
3 21
3 15
8 10
Bloomtield Junct'n
Valley Road....
Elliot tsburg....
Green Park....
Bixler'a Kun...
Cisoa'a Run....
Andersonburg. .
3 02
2 60
Note Signifies no as-ent t;
iuiiiia cumieciioQ.
i .!
D. GRING, President and Manager
j. K. Miller, General Aeent. '
Get a (roodfpaoer bv inhvnhin. " 1 in
. . i iur I rif
Qo: -
ribbon, io i. tweive and
r- 3 ClKOrtO
cz t i ritono c-:
r-l y OClOO-
II t-
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s! 2
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S Cl V O R ri C Cl
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IC 13
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V. Y. Y. PznrirTt.
j U 'Stendllno? " Wng prompt
L Z'JST? L?5r- H-c. f real-
Bridge Alsa'n. Kk,., K,th of
Joan XfoLAroai.!,. Je.s.a w. t5rlMllf;fj
RITl"" C"mPic repre.etod.
M.t.ii.cRAwr.KB, BB. BiLUWlll MMAwroiID
of W?"1 " Flr,","hiP fr the jraPtico
wmce at eld ald, c-raer .r Third aad 9r
MK. .treats, Miintnw., r.. Om " Jth
' 7"1 b !-" -t th.,r office .t .11
yes. unlesa etherwise rrelessiopaliy e'.
April 1st, 180.
t. Dec! 8 gj COMPANY,
' Jl- Rochester, N. T.
I Oil
.iC. -7Z aal
ri Ba.nr-.r ",,v"i
m. --r
5 jt,
S II E .
e: I! S x
rH t is
rH X P g
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j I Ow a -
' r: i-h S o
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t .