Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 11, 1892, Image 4

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What makes the bouse most charm
ing is the individuality of the adorn
ments. Everything about the home
has its meaning, whether for the eye,
the heart or the baud. The sofas and
chairs and tables are so arranged that
they seem to be fulfilling a mission of
life the chairs are for the we try or
the supple, perhaps the indolent or
the active. There is a sense of fitness
and harmony that gives everything a
charm. Do you not remember going
into rooms that gave you a sense of
Ti stfulness and ease? A happy home is
the single spot of rest which a man has
upon the earth for the cultivation of
his nobler sensibilities.
The rooms of which I will especially
speak on account of their comfort, are
those in houses where the means are
too moderate to give an order to an
upholsterer whenever fancy dictates
but where economy, good taste, and
hospitality prevail. The sitting-room
(or drawing-room) should essentially
be the "home"-room. There should
be a cozy chair for mother, with a
comfortable head-rest, aohair for father
to read his evening paper in, with a foot
stool to rest
his feet upon, wlrle he j Mrs. Florence Grey, is to be the edit
ghter's music. There , reus. She says her purpose is "to give
listens to dan
must be book-shelves in this room, even
if the house contains a library. The
shelves must be fi r the late periodicals,
for books to 16 picked up and laid
down at pleasure. No "centre-t ible"
in this liomo room of ch er and com
fort, but a table with a firm hold upon
itself and with nothing upon jt that
caunot be haudled and moved readily, j
In tbe early evemnps au open fire if ,
the mosi desirable lor all luxuries. 1
am sure "Iteveries of a JJachelor"
tonld never have been written, but
.or an open fire, with its lights and
shadows, its live coals and dead em
itself part of the home and family no
over-burtlening of color or drapery!
Such a room is full of peaceful and
happy associations for host and host
ess, as well as for their friends. Al
ways a few flowers or rnnuintr-ivv or
growing plants in the room if possible.
1 have seen a room, the despair of its
yonn mistress at first, by tact, inJus
trv, taste and moderate means, become
a home-room such as I describe, full of
peaceful and happy associations for ail.
Instead of the many homes where dis
order and strife are common, what
changes niiht be madd if woman
would exert her influence for harmony
and restfulness in her home. A man
may travel where he will, home is tbe
place to which his heart fondly turns.
X have seen many a grown man look
perfectly happy to get back to his
mother's room and lay his head upon
her bed and pillow. He may have
crossed the seas and visited places, but
the old remembered room was dearer
than all eise to him. Girls, instead of
being first in the aunts of pleasure,
strive to learn the art of beautifying
your homes.
There are so many dainty, pretty and
inexpensive things, for the purpose of
household decoration, that can be
made at home now. The decorative
linen and art work are exquisite. No
one can realize how much the scarfs
and ornaments in a room, beautify it,
until it is stripped some day of its ex
tras, leaving the plain dresser, t jbles
and chairs, without their adorning.
When you go an ay for a visit, you do
this, to save unnecessary work for the
servant, but the husband soon ex
presses his disapproval of the deserted
room. If you don't exactly know how
to embroider or hem-stitob, learn rifiht
away and spend some of the long win
ter evenings in fashioning some of
the beautiful and dainty things that
can be made at home with so little
In advocating the beauty of adorn
ment in bed-rooms, I mean thnt boys'
rooms should be equally as pretty as
their sisters'. Nothing refines a boy more
than to surround him with dainty arti
cles. It teaches him to be careful, and
to appreciate delicate things that need
careful handling, and when he has a
wife and home of his own, he will en
joy with her, his beautiful surround
ings and be fitted to appreciate her the
more for his bringing up. Leisure
Of all minor superstitions, perhaps
the most common, because confined to
no one nationality or class of people,
is the dread of sitting at the table
around which are seated thirteen per
sons. J. li. Abarbawell, in Bel ford'
Magazine, gives the supposed origin
of the superstition.
An idea of its prevalence among all
nations may be obtained by advertis
ing to the well-known fact that the
Turks have almost expunged the num
ber (13) from their vocabulary. 'J he
Italians never use it in making np the ;
.... . 1 .
numbers for their lotteries, and the
thirteenth card in one of their games
bears the figure of death.
No hor 'e in Paris I ears tbe number
13, and i that city the Quartorzietnes
are recognized j ersons iu society who
hold themselves in readiness to be in
vited to any dinner which otherwise
would have the fatal thirteen nt the
festal board.
The thirteen superstition, briefly
stated, that if thirteen persons,
either by accident or design, dine to
gether at tbe same same table one will
die within a year.
Its origin has been traced back t
the old Norse mythology, in which oc
curs the story of the gods sitting down
to feast with Loke in the Valhalla.
Baldnr was the thirteenth at the table,
nd had to die.
It is hardly likely, though, that so
obsonre a tradition connected with an
anoient faith limited to a comparative
ly small locale would be able to spread
its pernicious influence so broadcast
over the earth.
The popularly accepted origin may
be taken as the right one. The Last
Supper which so immediately preceded
the crucifixion of the Savior, must al
ways have excited a sentiment of awe
in the breasts of the faithful, which, in
n unenlightened age, easily degener
ated into a feeling of superstitious ter
ror, Leonardo da Vinci, in his famous
painting on the wall iu the refractory
of the lomiuican convent of Santa-Hsritt-della-GriH-ie
in Milan, unwitting
ly, perhaps, gave the first impulse to
the superstition, iu the mind of the
(ffnnriinl mnofipw whn bnliAld the twfdvn
Apostles and the Master at table.
To see before their eyes the fatal
feast itself must have affected them far
more profoundly than coul i the most
eloquent sermon on the subject.
In this picture, tco, we see Judas in
the act of spilling the salt; thus it is
fair to presume that both superstitions
have practically the same origin.
Fob fruit stains, dip the spots several
times in hot milk.
Keep flowers fresh by putting a
pinch of soda in the water.
Keep a small box filled with lime in
your pantry and cellar; it will keep the
air dry and pure.
Prick potatoes before baking so that
the air can escape; this will prevent
their bursting in the oven.
Soda is the best thing for cleaning
tinware; apply ith a damp cloth and
pub well, then wipe dry.
Fob nre throst. brat tbe white ! an
egg stifT, wi-.li . il the sugar L. will
flold, and the juice of one lemon.
Good Housekeeping,
bers! Perhaps this room has some old i r . , , - ,f . . , '..
, . . . . . . i JeopolJ Cross of iiclgium, and other
fashioned portrads, (they seem to e-1 " R of numer-
long to the room, . an upright p no. a , on9 medal ' & for her work of ut
music-rack; everything should tleciare
The last picture upon which Mei
Bonier worked is now on exhibition in
London. Jt is a water color study of
a soldier on horseback and is done on
tbe top ebeet of an ordinary water
color (lock. It waa found near the
painter's bedside after his death.
Joseph jUeoill, of the "Chicago
Tribune," has made provisions for the
endowment of beds in the f aria hospi
tals for the use of Americans, in mem
ory of his daughter, w bo died in Paris,
in January.
Anne Ha thaw ay's cottage is publicly
advertised for sale to the highest bid
der. Tbe trustees of Shakespeare's
Birthplace have endeavored to purchase
the cottage, so as to preserve it for
the public for ever but the negotia
tions, so far have come to nothing.
.Eugene Field might have been a
rich man to-day had he saved his liter
ary earnings, but the clever Western
versifier is fonder of curios than of a
bank account.
Mme. Adam is going to assist the
new English paper shortly to be pub
lmbed in Par m, under the title of "The
lnttht of Paris.'' An American lad v.
people especially Americans, a more
correct idea of Parisian life than can be
obtained from whut is generally pub
lished on the subject." Mile, de
Vrolsha, who founded the Woman's
Library, is to be the manager.
Mrs. Ellen Call Lono, of Tallahas-
is()arii cf ,ajv .Manaiers has accepted,
to exhibit at the World'd Fair a large
silk Ma; of the Union ma le from silk
grown by hers. lf in Florida.
Kosa Honhecb lias celebrated her
seventieth birthday. Mile. Bonheur
TnF. library of Ivan the Terrible, in
eluded eight hnndred Latin and Greek
mintiserii ts, and it is believed by some
that instead of having been destroyed
in the burning of Moscow, they re
mained concealed in the Kremlin. At
tempts are being made to obtain per
mission to search for them.
The only woman who owns and con
ducts a printing-office in Boston is A.
Florence Grant, publisher of Woman's
Voice, which is edited, managed and
printed by women.
Captain James, a quiet rancher in
the fo thills of Placer County, has
been experimenting with the olive,
and now makes the sensational an
nouncement that olives can be grown
on our native willows by the ordinary
process of grafting. He makes good
the assertion by exhibiting willow
branches with clusters of fruit growing
on them.
Conscelo Axatasiades, a young
Greek from Smyrna, Greece, has land
ed in this eountrv with 1,000,000 eggs
for his uncle, who has started a silk
culture establishment near Norfolk,
Mrs. Jerry JIoAclet, the widow
of Jerry Mc.Yulev, has resigned the
superintendence of the MoAuley Cre
morne Mission, No. 104 West Thirty
third street. She is to be tucceeded
in this wi rk by Mr. and Mrs Charles
E. Ballon, who for five years past
have been in charge of the Third
Avenue Mission of tlie Madison Square
Presbyterian Church.
"The sweetness of the violets' deep blueeyes
Kissed by tli lire. ah of heaven, seems colored
by ih skies." Byron.
Anions our most beautiful wild and
garden flowers are those belonging to
the order Vmiaecie. Poets have sung
their praises and iuterwoven them in
their verse in all ages. Perhaps the
mo t popular of all our flowers is viola
tr. color, ncd it has been called many
fantastic names from the pretty con
ceits devised about it. Besides pansy
(from the French pe sec, thought,)
we have "he.irts eiise" "none-so-pretty"
or ".Nancy-pretty," "Johnny-jump-np,"
"pink-of-my-John," "jump-np-aud-kiss-me,"
"call-me-to-you," "three-faces-under-a
hojd," and "herb-Tiin-ltv."
Shakespeare calls it, "Love in
idleness," in the Midsummer Night's
I'ioa odornta, sweet violets, far ex
ceeds all others of its class in rich per
fume and deserves to be more general
ly cultivated.
We have in this country about
twenty different species of violaeese,
some of which are described by Mr.
Brotherton in his article this week,
and all worthy of a place in any
No flower has been more celebrated
in song t'mu this modest violet:
Shakespeare, Kents, Tenyson, Byron,
ail sing its praises and in our own
, , u" ., 1 UB e'Ten "
DlaCtt in their vera a It. ia tha nna nt
our native violets to which Bryant
reft in those beautiful lines begin
ning; "When ti when birds begin to swell.
Ami woods tire h.ue Mids' warble know.
The yi'Ho- violet's modest bell
l'ee s (rom the las', year's leaves below."
and Holmes,
another of our poets.
noted for his genial love of Mature,
"The garden's brightest glories
By summer suns are nursed.
But U. the sweet, sweet violets,
'the flowers that opened first."
There are but two other genera of
plants in North America belonging to
this order, Slea, or green violet, an
erect leafy plant with incoLspicuons
gr -enish flowers found iu the Eastern
Mates, and Ioniditim, a little-known
genns bob ngitig to the far West.
A writer iu The Haylower gives the
following list of fine varieties ofpansies
for bedding purposes:
Black Knight is a dark, real beauty;
its fine glossy b'ack petals, Boft and
velvety in appo irance, and contrasting
finely with the large pure white satiny
blossoms of Snow Queen and Snow
Fairy. The Yellow Bird is a beautiful
new sort of the Giant Trimardeau type,
a large pure yellow variety, of vigor
ous compact growth. Little lied Kid
in',' Hood is a charming novelty, of a
bp liant bright red color; this should
eertaiuly be included in our collec
tion. There are many exquisitely
beautiful combinations of color; what
artist can reproduce "true to nature,"
the delicate shadings and tracery of the
striped and mottled beanties? In the
magnificent strain of Uloriosa Per
fects, we bae the blossoms of "red
dish Bteel blue," margined with red
and white, a lovely combination. The
lower petals of Lord Beaconfield are of
a rich deep violet hue shading to white
in the upper petals. Thunder Cloud
has a large coal black flower bordered
with red and white, exceedingly showy.
The rich deep blue of Emperor Wil
liam makes that variety very desirable.
For massing in our flower beds no
plant is more desirable than the Pansy;
the white and light varieties, enriched
by the darker colors, present a lovely
combination of shades and markings,
exceedingly beautiful.
There are nearly a round million of
freight cars in use on American rail
roads, which have 27,000 passenger
cars in service.
Be careful to leave your sons well
instructed rather than rich; for the
hopes of the instructed are better than
the wealth of the ignorant.
The City or Cleveland, Ohio, intends
to extend its tunnel for water supply
two and a half miles farther into the
i I 7 i, I . .... . e ii. k
Pleasnres of Memory.
i What a blis-td thing ia memory!
How it brings up tht ph-t ures of the
' past, and hides its unp'.easantnessl
Y ou recall your childhood days, do you
j not, and wish they would return? You
rememier me piea-ant associations,
while the unpleasant ones are fcrpotttn
Perhaps to your mind comes the face of
some friend. It was one- a pale, sad
face. It showed marksof pain, lines of
care. It seemed to be looking into the
hereafter, the unknown future. And
then you recalled how it brightened, how
it recovered its rosy hue, how it became
a plctureof happiness and joy. Do you
remember these things? Many people
do, and gladly tell how the health re
turned, how happiness came back, how
tbe world seemed bright. They tell
how they were once weak, nerveless.
perhaps in pain, certainly unhap
py. They tell of sleepless nights,
restless days, untouched food, un
strung ueives. And then they tell
bow they became happy, healthy and
strong once more. You have heard It
often In the past, 1 ave you not? i ou
have heard people describe how they
were cured atd kept in health? You
sertainly can remember what it is that
has so helped people In America. If
not, listen to what Mrs. Annie Jenness
Miller, who is known universally as the
?reat dress reformer, says: "Six years
azo, when Buffeting frooi mental caie
and overwork, I reoelved the most pro
nounced benefit from the use of that
ereat medlcite, Warner's Safe Cure."
Ah, bow you remember. If ow you re
oall how many people you have heard
say this same thing. Now you recollect
bow much you have heard of this great
Cure. Now you are ready to admit that
memory is usually pleasing, that tbe
highest pleasure comes from perfect
healih, and that this great remedy has
done more to produce and prolong
health than any other discovery ever
known in the entire history of tbe whole
A housemaid savs her mistress Is In
consistent. Mie charges her not to
break a dish, ami if h!ir tines break one
she charges her for it just the same.
"I think this thing of overwork
being fatal Is all rot " remarked the
paste-iiot. "Why, of course it Is,' re
plied the Lent-umbrtlla joke. "Just
look at usl"
OlAinel Slve. of SL Louis, nan been
sent to prison for twenty years for rob
bing ao express car. The Colonel
made a mistake by not taking the
whole railroad.
Conductor "Madam, I am obliged
to ask fare for that boy; be looks older
than four years."
Mother "He Isn't, at all; be has his
father's head but his mother's ways. "
Mrs. Ulx- "These clubs must be
very unhealthy places."
Mrs. nicks "What makes you
think so?"
Mrs. Dix "My husband says they
wouldn't let a man in unless he had the
"Am I cross-eyed, Charley?" asked
the rich girl.
"Yes, Maude; bnt who wouldn't be
with your eyes? If my optics were as
beautiful as yours I'd be trying to look
Into them myself, too."
Watts "I see that a Japansese has
Invented an apparatus for filling an en
emy's eyes with dust at a distance of
several feet. I wonder how It
Pottj "Something like a street
sweeper, I suppose."
Laura "I don't know. (?Airm. it
seems such a scleinn thing to mairy,
nave you counted we cost?"
Georse "The cost bnnni? Tho
cost? B!ess youl I've got a clergyman
cousin that'll marry us for nothhigl"
Regular Guest "This coffa List AS
mighty queer Something is the mat
ter with it."
Waiter (at restaurant) "Yes. It's
genuine coffee. We used it bv acci
dent. The mistake will not Mcnr
Customer "What do you charge for
a hair cut?''
Proprietor "Ten cents."
Customer "All right; but I'll only
take a five-cent cut no. Cut her oif
halt wy and I'll be around In a few
weeks and lake the other five cents'
Dav "Greene has iu-rt cnmnleted nna
of those con.wigbt-deahjns, thou?and-
uonar collates."
Weeks "flow is he coming out on
Dav "All rlcrht: li hart thrna thou
sand dol'ars; his faiht r-in-law has give i
mm inree more, ana ror the other half
be has glvtn a long-term mortgage."
What the l otlery Will Do and Will
-Not Do.
The news fakirs having tired of set
ting up imaginary lottery schemes In
Nicaragua, changed their field of opera
tion. The following was rtcently sent
over the eountrv, among other papers
the Brojtlvn Standard Union giving
It publication:
3?ew Okleans, March 8. The
Picayune's City ot Mexico special says:
1 1 ono ii ras has re'used concessions to
The Ixiuisi.tna State Lottery. Gen.
Jesus Tl r j (Med here this morning.
Fori -seven Mexican generals have
died s nee Febiuary 7.
Ou being shown the above, President
1'aul Conrad, somewhat Indignantly
and very eiipbat'cally decWred: "It is
not true that The Louisiana State Lot
tery Company has niae application to
Ilonduia-s, or to any other foreign
country, for lotlery pr.vileges, nor has
auy men overture been made on behalf
of t:.i.i c mpany, its shareholders or
"We shall continue to conduct our
business here until the resent charter
of Tl.e Louisiana .State Lottery Cjm
lany expires IrJ I89i Simply that and
nothing more. '
"PostiiiaMer Edon's statement In
l lie Olobe Democrat, thnt tin .nm.
I iany accei ts the situation, as dePned
i y io-j courts, in ircol Uith Is absolute
ly cofecL,-A'.:u Orleans (La.) City
TI e el tic eel can send a shock fif
teen oi tw.uty feet.
Food for refl ction The good dlnn
that you ruined.
Remains to be seen The girl befon
the mirror.
The leap-year pltl mtht try him del
icately with a 1 tile pop corn.
The spring poet lms few writes tha
publishers are bound to respect. i
There was a fire in a lawyer's offic
here the other dav that was caused b
a soot In the chimney.
At the Fifth Uour: Zenobla
autumn.' Augusta "How so?'
Zenobia "Autumn leaves."
'I likt
TI. lq n ftnmrprmiq timn for A man'a
greatness when his wife's Imagination
begins to wear thin.
A 2few Jersey mimst r married fif
teen couple within sixty minutes the
other day. Fifteen kuom an hour Isn't
In England they stand ror office, in
this country they run, and in both
countries they lie mora or less.
A magazine article asks: "So titles
V ell, generally, no, untu they are
sued, and then sometimes they get out
V(W mv Qrtn onltanaa tiarA f Ti 1
faculties, but it is not tbe faculties of
the students that receive the highest
Wool "Who was it advocated
'throwing physic to the dogs?' "
Van Pelt '"Don't remember the name;
some fellow .whose wife had one, like
ly." "Ah.' mused Mr. nnngry Iliggin.
as the "charitable officer,'! steered him
toward the city wood-yard, "I hav
once more struck the popular cord." j
Bertha "Grandma, is oor teel
tiraudma "Xo, d-irline; I've got
none now, unfortunately.'' j
Bertha "Then I'll give oo my nuts ,
to mind till I come back." 1
EboDV Is plentiful enoucli in some !
parts of Mexico to be uted for fire-1
wood. I
" I have been afflicted with bilious
ness and constipation for fifteen years
and first one and then another prep
aration was suggested to me and
tried, but to no puqiose. A friend
recommended August Flower and
words cannot describe the admira
tion in which I hold it. It has given
me a new lease of life, which before
was a burden. Its jood qualities
and wonderful merits t-liould be made
known to everyone suffering with
dyspepsia and biliousness." Jesse
Barker, Printer. Humboldt. Kas.i
For INTERNAL at much as EXTERNAL uis.
Ey an Cld Family Physician.
Soothing, healing, penetratinQ
Jtropped on Sttfjar, Chttdren Xor
to take Jnhnn' Annivne Liniment for Croup, CoMfe
fcorw Throat. T'in-111! ! ( rump. nd Tnlnn. he"
lieven hummer! 'nm'l.iln'. ' lit ami llrnlTn Ilk' mclo
Cur- ( oii.-h, AiiiTi;ti.. .it.-ih. riron. hUlw, Cholt rw
Morbu.. Inll'lnht.. I'ltJ"!. ..rorn'-Jfi Ilk Il-nlr or l.unlifl,
flrllT Mu-I.-. nr MrVns. Inli.ile r..r N. rvom Ht'nriarlin.
lll'st'd rmpv.!- t frt-. S I vcrvwhfro. 1'rlfi? ar eta.
Biz bottlua, 1. s. JuM.-nmjN A CO. Boston, lluft
tj 3 AMERICAN ffd
VSS7 M .nn- mnvnrr. c?Tl
. W M.
Prop th droppTnir In th ftiroif nnnwptr;j
rrnu.ir th l.r.-irinir and sn of smli : r
tfV'Y tr(! Tiratri ami liP.vlfirhM. VrpptinMl
hyVr. UM. It .lOVKS. Sppff ilit. 4 N. 11th
Kt.. rwiatlrlphl t, ra. SmM by dnieeKt or
mailed t" anv a,1(Irfv for tl. Test tninnUN,
sympTom blnnVs and advice free. 27 Tears
experience, write him reirardlng your enie.
A quick, positive CURE, 23 Cents.
Breakfast Cocoa
from which the exc of oil
Joj b ib been removed.
". i ii anaotttirtij pure am
Vr oluble.
( a m Xo Ch cm icals
E i ro uMd fa Ub preparation. It
has more than thre timet W
itrtrtgth of Cocoa mixed with
Ptarch. Arrowroot or Sugar,
and Is then-fore far mora eco-
I Domical, costing le than on4
ctntaevp. It ia delicious, nour
ishing, trenptliening, EASILY
DiocaTKD, and admirably adapted for invalid
W well as for persons In health.
RoH by Grocers everywhere.
7. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Haas.
dTuffsfe Pills
& ;tlmiilnr Mm torii'l livi-r, strnnirtlien
liie I :t.f tve orran r'-i:!:t the
hi limit tut no. i ' r!:ftl. Iri- C3
25r. Oiti"
41 l'ar! J iii, V,
IT.nitil. tnn In R m'..., f
1 ' -V IKIUU
nSave time, work. men.
liny, htrons, durable, liRhl
I'iraft. dead for deacriition.
Sterling, III.
v... ,., . .WMvmi
tlSfTS u'!, ""th" for thetr ehlldran
while ToethlHrf for orir Kfty Tears. It
aoothisi the c .ilH.
ri -lis ine sums, aiiara
colic, and la u beat
remcly f()r i;
.nt n Bottle.
or comniissi.rn. to haiKIa tbs New Patent
Chemical Ink rusm-j l'encil. Agents ruakluc
tl ier li. ..(.iiroe Eraser hlCt CO- ll
P-J X. iV r - i'U All SOI.llltlu)
A tiiol-d. tve for lncrM.ie. -ja Tears m.
, pwlence. Writo tor I.awa. a.W. ilrt'oamii
at Bona. Wahbinoto.s. i. C A Cmcumu
Jfr. Clarence O. Blgelow
Prescription UruEnlst,
MB 6th Avenue, N. T. City, says
Das been won by
j In a Manner Kever Equalled.
f onr thousands of letters of praise from dniR
jrists we give the following from Mr.C. .
Blgelow, the enterprising prescription
druKcist, who has a very large Dimness at
KBStxtb Avenue, New York City:
I am, on general principles, aver-e to ex
pressing my views, pro or eon. In respect
to any proprietary article, but in the light
of Hood's Sarsaparilla being tbe product
of a b'jther apothecary, will say. Hood's
Barsaparllla has secured m place In the
public confidence never attained by any
proprietary medicine that I have bandied
during an experience of more than twenty
years In tbe drug trade. It
Must Possess True Merit
as a remedial agent to retain Its Increas
ing popularity as a househo'd remedy.
Tbe sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla exceeds
that of all similar preparations combined,
of which I keep In stock some fifteen or
twenty. Its
Praises Are Proclaimed
lally at my counter by those who have been
benefited by It, many of whom are
personal acquaintances." Clabescs O.
BliiELOW. Apothecary.
H01 S I'li.LS cure liver UK constipation.
)iliou-ness. Jaumllee. sick iieadarhe.
It is interesting to learn that In t'.e
N'inth Century European Kings wore
svocdeu shoe-i. In those days, in fact,
a monarch did not postsj one-lialf
the creature comforts and luxuries
that tbe humblest peas.int can now ob
tain. The Skill and Knonledg-e.
Essential to the production of the most
perfect and popular 1 ixat ve remedy
known, have enabled the California
Fig Syrup Co. to neliieve a great suo
cess in tLe repntutiou of its remedy,
Syrup of Fiffs, as it is coucedud to be
the universal luxitive. 1 or sale by all
It is claimed tti i if a steel rod bt
given a uumber of r.ips on solid sub
stance wldie held lu a more or less
Vertiele position, the rod will becon e
magnet. c.
The Pearl Typewriter.
The advertisement which appears in
our columns this week is one of the best
machines of its kind. It does the work
of a high priced machine, and partiei
ordering can depend on its reliability
Queen Vict ria Im ,i nook which is
e'gliteen Inches th'ck a: d weighs sixty
three pounds. It contains tlie "Jubi
lee" speeolie and at'dnsses.
There Is more Cat:rrn In this seotlon of th.
country than ail ether intense put torettier
anil until tbe last few yeais was supposed tn be
Incurable. Kor a treat many veins d'X-tnr?
iironoiiiiced It a lnenl disease, aii.l preeribed
locil remedies, unit by constantly la lini; tc
cure with local treatment, prutinuneed it Incur
able, science has proven cat irru to b a eou
t t'itlnnal disease unit ih -lefoie requires con
l utlon.il treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured l.y F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo
Ohio. Is the only coudiiti(loniil cure on tin1
market. It I taken internally in doses from
1" drops to a tea-; o.iil .1. It actsdirectly upon
the idood and muro is surfaces of the system
1 hey offei one liuuoreii i:nMars for any case 11
fails to cure, fend lor circulars and tettiuio
uiali. Aduress,
F.J. CUES FY & CO., Toledo, O.
-Sold by Druggists, 73c.
It is to Italy th it thn world owes lti
Ice cream, though duub less Italy got
the ide from the siierlei of the Per
ian. Tim peddling of penny ices h u
loriR been a distinctive Industry of th
Italian peasantry,
II ii p( ii re cure Kiiaracleetf hj
Dr. J. Ii. Mayer, 831 Arch St., Thll a,
1'a. Ease at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested by thou
tan da of cures after others fall, advice
Iree, send for circular.
There Is a uiau living iu Calhoun
Ga., 70 years old, who b asta that he
never wore a pair of bojts, bought a
ruit of clo'.hes, whita shiit or any
store clothes iu his life, or wore a col
lar or necktie.
It la Not AVliBt We Bay
Hut what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that makes
It sell, and has given It sueh a firm a d lasting
hold upon the confidence of the people.
For a dinner pill and general fa ni'y cathar
tie we Coiifldi ntly recommend Hood's Pills.
Toronto, Canada, has an organiza
tion of men ho pledge themselves
uot to marry.
Mr. A. B. Laforme. !tton, Mass., says: "I
nler"d ami iltrituited one dozen lar.-e bot
;les ltiailcroMie aiimnj my fi .ends afllietid
a iih hraoa he, ami in eve: y eas it has all rded
tlinost Instantaneous rel!i." Fifty cents.
A potato was found at Union
Springs, Ala., recently through whicli
i growing blade of grass Dad forced Its
VTell preserved women, when consulting
;heir mirror see beside their aiiahVd riMlectioo
.he calm and earnest laceot Lyul i E. 1'iukhain.
.hey can tell you why.
Charles 1 Hurlburt of New York
has made a c'oek of 326 kinds of wood,
lu 341,000 pieces. It took over six
teen yeais to build.
I have been iittli. ied with an affection of
:he rinoat irom childlioiMl, cued by dli hrtie
na. ami have used v n ious reined Irs. but never
round anything equal to Hudwn'9 Ukoncih al
uuiiLs. -iiD. v. M. t . Hampton, IHkeion.
hu. bold only in boxes. j
It is said that there are more old
well-established varieties of corn
irown in Connecticut than in any othtr 1
Hate in the Union. i
The proirress of science tn medicine has nro
luced iiotlmiE belter for liu.nan ills than the
:eiebrated Beecham's rills, lo cents a box
The horse of Osman Pas'ia, who was
laptured in the battle ol Plevna, died
recently in tlie stables of the office",
tchool of 8t. I'eten'iir?, Bassiiv,
fann's XilUney Cure Tor
Propsy, Gravel, Diubetes, Bright's,
Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, N'erv- :
Dusnees, &c. Cure KuaranteeJ. 831
Arch Street, PhllaJ'a. $1 a bottle,
for $5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of
cures. Try iu
7 0 fln1 rea of a circle, equ tre
the diameter and multiply by 0.7804
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.TsaacTbomp-aon'6Eye-water.DruKtfii.tsseU
atSjc. per botUo.
California has leu peaks oytr
Vet high, and scores of high
Ulls, glaciers and big trees.
. . t last anrrlT-
Tnomas suraier w - .
InerTeralof the Anierlcan Bevola
tlonf He was a native of Virginia, and
became one of the ablest partisan lead
ers of the South. lie nptfmitASmlh
Carolina In both hoose s of Congnes.
QaeatUaa Oftea Asked.
Q. What Is Alabastioef .
Z AJabastlnei. a DUBABta coating for
walls and ceilings.
i S2SSK aU other
PThiu dc'u dfrom theaa kal
omines en the marketf
A. It U made from a cement that gooj
throngh a process of setting on the wail, and
rows harder with age. ,
" Q. What are kalsomines made from?
A. From whitings, chalks, clays or
Inert powders for a base, and are Merely
dependent upon glue to hold them on the
Wq' Why do kslsoraines nib and sealer
A. Because the glue, being animalmattr
decays in a short time by exposure i to air
and moisture, and the blading qualities of
the material are then gone.
Q. Does the Alabastine contain any in
jurious substance? fn
' A. Alabastine ha. ben most carefully
tested, and is recommended by leading sani
tarians throughout the country, on account
af its sanitary nature. .
Q. What has the same investigation
ihown regarding wall paperf .
A. Sanitarians condemn, in strong terms,
the use of wall paper for walls of living
rooms, on account of the poison used in i
manufacture. . , , . . j.
Q. Can anything bnt plain work be dona
with Alabastinef ., ..
A. Any kind of work, from plain tinting
to the most elaborate decorating can b
d0QHow can I learn to do this work and
decoraromy housef
A. By writing the Alabastine Company,
Grand Rapids, Mich., for book of instruc
tions and suggestions, and illustration ot
stencils; also showing six sets of tinted wail
designs, sent free.
A Hind black eel was found in a
pond In Maine retentiy and sent to the
United States fish commission as a
A Brilliant DUcovery In Dermatology.
It Is said that superfluous hair can be perma
nently removed without pain. An Interesting
ami valuable discovery has recently been made
by John II. Woodbury. t U" We t M street,
isew iork Citv. It is a remedy for the perma
nent removal at superfluous hair, consist n-iol
a fluid which Is applied to the oair follicle by
means of au electric needle. It Is desicned to
be used bv patii n s at their homes, and Is said
to I e fuly'as effectual a electricity, rull par
ticulars In reference to this valuable remedy
are found in a little hook of lffl panes, which is
sent to any address. for 10 cents on application
to the discoverer.
In California paih trees are success
fully grafted with rose buds, thus pro
ducinu groves of red, white and pink
The happiness of mother and child depends
npon the health of both, a lady writes: "My
boy and I are s 'lendld, thanks to Mrs. Pink
bam and the Vegetable Compound."
One of the A niter 'd latent acts is to
order that funeral expenses be cut
down, because of a verse of the Koran
which condemns prodigals to the lower
FITS! All Fits stopped free by Ir. Kltne
Ureat Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day'
ose. Marveloue cures. 1 reatise and rJ.OO tria
bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline's
VH Arch btl'hlladelpUia, Pa.
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure
tinmbagro, pain In Jolnta or back, brick dust la
urine, frequent calls. trrltHtiou, intlumftttou, )
gravel, ulceration or catarrh of blaiiier.
Disordered Liver,
Imratre1 rllirHon. (rout, hllllous-hcadache.
SttAJIP-KtHITcuiw ki.lney ditlicultiea,
Lo(rrippc, urinary trouble, brigtit'a disease.
Impure ISlood.
Scrofula, malaria, genl weakneai or debility.
CitrtatM-X'ne oonfntii of On Btt). If B" h
Otwi, irutf;Uta will refund to jou Um prlc pAld.
At DragxUln. 0r. Mze, $1.00 Size, -
XnTkUda 6uld CO nealthfre ConsaltAtlon trt
Takes hold iu this order;
Inside Skin,
Outside Sriin,
DrlTlnt Ter7tblas before U that onirTit to b o ttt.
You know whether
you need it or not.
Sold by erpry dnifnrlat, and manufactured by
Treatment, a a peel He fur Hvsteria. DizzinesH,
r'lt. NeiiralKl.i. I leadacli. Nervous Prosinition
paused by a'enln.1 or tobaccn. NVake!ulnt's.
Mental Depression. Softenini: of Brain, cauintf
Insanity, mlsi-ry. decay, ileal h, Preiniture Old
Age, Barrenneis. Loss of Power In eitner sex
fmpotency, Leucorrluea and all Female Weak
ness, Invo untarv losses. Xperniatorrlirei
caused hy over exertion of brain. Self-abuse
over-Indulgence. A month's treatment.fi. ti for
KV. by mall. We fin: jaulee six boxes to cure
Each order for fi boxes, with " will send written
cuarantee to refund if not cured. Guarantees
Ksued only by Finnertt. McClcrb & Co
Sole AgtsM lubllaiket Philadelphia, Penni!
ConiaoiptlTri and people
who have weak langi or Attb
ma, ehoald ae Ptao't Cure for
Consumption. It hma cured
thontaadi. ft has not Injur
ed one. It is not bad it taae.
jtiatne Dcstcougn Brmp.
Bold everrwhere. &.
Ely's Cream Balmprjrrrr
la worth S500 to anv S&CRfAU 1
Man. Woman or ChilrlB3BS
' . ? -"0f S .i. -nLJ
Apply Balm Into each nostril.
BUO.S, 66 Warrou tit.'.1
Sent by mall, 25 cents.
T. C. I'OTTini CO..
133 Brown Stkeet, Philadelphia, Fenna.
"A11 you have guessed about
Lite Insurance may be wrone if
VIIO Wish ta bnnyi . l b J
rhiladelphla. Pa.
mm Successfully Prosecutes Claim.'
LataPrlncapai Exmlnar Oil PaSIooi i?arM
Sin.i.1. ,'-fr'ha-ettj
. . . IV. anilrKrne writer of
According vu iu then
object with four fibers and a thumb.
A5T Boo in Surprise t?ald brrragm Co.
aboat 2lxipag.-ssei.tr.po-t- wri,,,pers
Fhlladelphia, r"a . on rD'n". Eicetnc Soap
tor ratoloBue. Best authors.
Mention this paper.
to show
Eece.t vetv,g- tmia.
slon oi eai kiii
000 feet per w-"" '
Mr. Chsrle, WUn-n. fJg Tnd
teg: 'Iu'lnlC.lrthnks for the St.
would express n.y sincere thanks
Bernard Pills sent me. "ey fn
represented, are g entle an d J pu-ation
their effect, and t""' "mcXy. I can
as being an excellent hounnl " , pub
oonscientiously retomro.nd them to me y
s.,,,,1 Eutltr, tl o;;2r
S.'Sl.U..ip..l ll.o.ot
Phlla. Whller I -Sis they ' c,, Their
give the public a chance i j . d
frMouAwocenrsJani-ps for ...nples.
Rom in the tiu.H ..r Augustu was
suJroun'ded by a w twenry milei
. a. Tnnnoalam Will
The first railway w - -
r,rr..,ablv be opened In the spring of
next jei.
- "3
IrM "1
Jan 17, 1SS3, GEOItGE 0. OSr.OOD CO,
RHEUM ATISM.-Druggista, "fh YV);?io aLw it
JSnIS. 1 i Moody St deh , ay tt OUU ; J
re" It In six das ho bad no use for his crutches and vent home cured
without them " "The cripple bov OV.V.IS rOEIX.OK. rnrcl
lxwell. ti?g.Zmained cured. The yntme nan 1::.- U-en and
7-!?l.J.y, dav labor." DB. CKOUOK C.
- a Aberdeen, S. Dak., Sept 28, 1 : " PufTerr d , rveral
LAMEBACK. years with chronic stiteh in the back: iv tiv..-n up
by doctors. Two botdes of St. Jacob. cundgrj gcnWATGEL.
imi -z3rii--r.
1 "Tjlju
The Hartman Steel Picket Fence
m than an ordlnarr clumsy wood plc.et affair that obstn.. I. Hi - r er an t will rot or t
horttune. The Hartman fence lart sue Id deaura. prole.-!; fi- s o"n-i ''' . u -lit "r, i .1
1. nraciicallv evrrla.tiaa. I I.I.VSTIt ATf.V VA TA L , I ;;( n.h t A.0 Ti.si
iilTai i' II A KT.tl A N )IHi.l(l., I(, rl alk 1'a.
apart In a short
thwa aud Is DT
altera Sale Auv,
nd Umeln.S
tur s.uiaara, ber mitn oif If", i
purify the blooi. are tuafe and f Z
fHnti&l. Tbe ftt tfffwra.1 ramii j Z
raedK-inn kmrwu for BUjOOs9ni-t e
ConnttpMtion rTtprria, 'auie
Preth, Hcadarh, Moartltiin. Loe
of A np-tiT. MeotaJ Dprt(noa.
Painful 1'ipMrtion. PuppK, Sallow
.mi,.UTioi Tiful I'ulinA r. J A
err mpforn or d !.- rfni lt,r frxm i Tmpun
blood, or a .atlure br ihe tonarti, iivrr or lnttinf f
AffHtt antral r'lt-III'V prr rf il pralu
J il-l--Tr -7-.
Sure care for Bad Breath, Hour
Stomach, Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart
Burn, all Bilious and Gastrio Affec
tions of the Stomach. Whitens Teeth to
perfection. Price 25 cents per box sent
by mail
and Barclay Street, New York.
Holds the worst rup
ture with ease under
all circumstances. Per
Sf j f. et Adiiistm n .t' un-
y toil an I . ure. s
lenteil I nioroviitoi 1
Illustrated cntal.ii.-ue
and rules lor ilf
nieasurt ment sent se
curely eulel tl V
t4iut atu.i. ?
HOUSE Mro.COT44 Broadway.New York City.
C f r:fit. cnvrratle man or
S a 1 t I I I I I w"aa w.nc.i to take tl.a
V V V W anle aeencr for an artlcla
" is needed In every
heme lndis.rnsa.
flLI.! AT HUiitT, id
town orcouotry. 1S70II In
fidsri and aateady in.. .ma
aftirward. A "Bonanra"
joea are acarce 'ail
. W. JOM BS. Mamtr, SarlaaSeld, Okie-
BEST IV Tnr n .
ffS ITUriti. nii.ll.i
outlasting three bores of XU,T'1- ctual),
J?VR BALE BY nfiXlKRl oY-rfnr;?W
- .'
nn urn OC ficrcnrrn '
the hamls iTdiirlilro.rand'iirrirofl'.'1
less Dunil.ie. and th cotri,,,,, r ii il.. T
s.-i wv wi;r wiiii t)Vtry -
Baxd Lvsthujiexts
lZT N'w York.
sCleura?,;, ST"- "'Cfnee.
use. for mother. w?fe ? S.'!-r ,u"ir
trespoude,,ce,or for the rtL!,Jer rr ,l"-'vat
educator. It is uns,!?r,asdtayR r K'r' t an
Packed, on receiDl k J, 1,,s"lt. securely
u ,v vJisSS '' riaM c,rc
so rcj, irwkKco.
. lork City.
I I aAfltiraltnMi n
I -tC Tf T A ( T 1 nL
mri " " a w
v r ross j
-sx -: . ,
Rather risly
the offer that's made by the pro
prietors of Dr. Sucre's Catarrh Rem.
edy. Risky for them. For you, tf
you have Catarrh, it's a certainty.
You're certain to bo cured of it, cu
to be paid $500. That's what they
offer, and in good faith they curt
you, or pay you, no matter how bad
your case, or of how long standing.
Bat is it so much of a risk
They have a medicine that curjs
Catarrh, not for a timo, but for all
time. They've watched it for yeatt
curino the most hopeless caa.
TheyToiow that in your case thert'i
every chance of success, almost ta
chance of failure.
"Wouldn't any one take such
risk 'with 6uch a medicine ?
The only question is are yen
willing to make the test, if the
makers are willing to take tas
If so, the rest is easy, lou pj y
your drujrgift fifty cents and tie
trial begins.
Are Its Prompt and Permanent Cures.
Wood f'"
A ft r
fi M
;i ' li M
cnatnoera uecu a iwk.
Nearly all diseases of long standing Imi
their origin in the unnatuial and ur.h" . r
condition of the bloo 1, or as this coml.tl n;
very properly denmu n.it- il, Impure blro 1. !
flanima ions of ion staiidins, rlieumatic pa
lingering anil scrolul.is diseases and a 1 sk.
diseases, such, as eruptions, pimp es. ar.c
blotches, are alt caused by iinpiirirjes In tai
blood. If the blo.Mtll iws tliroiili tli - vc-jf-N Is
a pure, fresh ami powerful stre irn. It c irri. j t
every part of tlieboly atnl to every orcan n
and fresh vitality and . arrl s tli waste ui.iuer
away from tliein The cli . f c ue of pirents
who are desirous of promoting the i:is cat
well-b'-lng of ilu-ir eiiiMren siun ,1 hercf ire ba
to guard the tender lidi-s oi ili -ir c!n Iren
against suscepl.b.l.ty to;;ie attack of C".-:iis oi
all kinds of uiseases throtuli imp ire bU 1. It
Is a well known tu t tti.it peo;.l - youn as wel:
as old whose blood circu'at-s freely m rt
pose themselves with in. n rv to ;li-.1 i r!
Of ColltaloU W hit- per-oi:S ,". Il llll Ule l.oo(
will succumb to il ..t Hie tiist opp it i ii v. Ai
kln diseases in p utu-u ar a e me c ns. , ,.a
ot impure l O'-d. No in a -i-r how in mv ext rn
remedies may be a: p ;ed t:iev v. hi ai.,vt
return as lone as the ln.si.l lein.nus r a'(
thuUKh they in. y d s t;.p. ar lor tune, ser t .ii
a id -croiiilwii.stiis-.ises sucii asswel lhJ, ;r.
glands, boils and abscess. cannot b- i-a .:
ted with saives ami oi. tim-nis so lu: i- tin
bloiNl remains in Its in. pure state, i le j mi;
disappear l-oever bv Hn-uiseives wi.eii liK
blood flows fresh an i pine. Kor till! r-:i-oiil
remedy ih.st will remove al! ine uritie. noit
tlie bio d li;cli so i - w n ,v iletei ioi - 1 id
children, must or rei: ir.-t : .-.s a i-eiii'.ne ss
Inn for the hum in race, is.u h a lemeef ' '
ottered us lu t e St l;ern.tid e.ein..:- I
Ihey are piepareu exc.us.ve v trom v tio.e
melic na h- rbs of th.. Alps and sliouh l.
un n,in,i m ev tv House as the Inst at
mot family iii' iiicu.e A lew St. Hern.i:
taken at the rti.t lin e nay preveir
sutteriiiit and lai e doctor and nn.
bills. They can be . b a t e i ,.( , v,-,y I'll -4rusKtt.
lfoiir.ini i-.sis h v i t "t h :
C. IV ST ItEHNAUU It x u ti. V.i.
and vou will leceve same l.y s-". inn m a
taut reiiet a.,.i ah
f. r fi 1.1- s. rr!c s,.i
tn n-jeisis', or I1 el-
Si.lllples free. A i.l,.-II
"Aoakesis." P.jx J4id,
rtw Voik city.
THE FR0:.r,
The Immense crop of a .re;T!r tl
value an amount eipial to the n-s s .: v i ds
tlon of thestate, and the favor. il le pr.pcn
to i ; a repetilonot Dial result I,, ls'j h.e cn
plied to open theeves ol tha n -opl.- as to Ui.
ftreatnesstifonr resources. For fuitlier par
iculnrs address,
IawBoii. ... rtli Dakota
w ja;- J
Ih?olSoIr-r" ,0"k""r aro-m I for n- b-n.ea
nrdiinr V1,1,';'"1 '""-"u-h for anv one. Tr.-
Jeeath fioridn, 10 cents.
pamphlet win. h"r'e'i'i'i " i
DUiit-r ...
all ts for,... ........' ' . .
t Khei.n atis
1- It
and how toobt.vn alanine and in', xpensivc ate
, . ii.- ni i
... I,., I,,.. . I. lnw ... .,,
l-ailt :i
- ' 1 .1., J Lin. ill Siju-im
-" . . .
combined with the celebrated VOLTAIC i
ARMOR BELT will cure I
bBXt'AL, WKAKM-SSauJ Coinpllea'ii.ns
Instructive and tnterevTiti;r ivtrTi.-til;ir- - -':ti
you In a rlaln. seale.1 lett. r wl.l.om .1,.
ew llavrn. f-ouiter..
Mir'-e i!t.-s Stwss.
Mtruvc d it c:-ro
fT OB BnAtrT Nvivi Intii.r. IW1 i
-V for Ktmm i.ra..,,a.. S FwIi w
Ihpalliblb If Ukrm as dtr-td A 1
r dnt uae. Traatt and $1 trial boh
rU pUvuU, they pmjm$- ex rs cha r r oa b-
Cwtvewl. fitmlnniH f It Br..t evnrrU ftdrl.-
to Dm. KLINE. UU Arrh St., Phi deltl.t. .
. 'MIMrS
snrercllet , iTTVl
innCD'O ninrn a m int- ,ifcf
MUUI.no l-HQ ILLCd.lnmiL StowrUAOH