Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 04, 1892, Image 2

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A company of Idaho ranchmen over
took, captured and killed two of a
band of thieves that had oyer 60
6tolea horses in their possession last
JIapv Victoria Tbck, was engaged
to tnarry the eldest son of the prince
of Walts- the young man died. She
will soon marry the brother of the
man to whom she was engaged.
- m-
A new Democratic stock paper,
will be issued upon the sea of journal
ism in Mifllintown, in the first weoL
in Juno, under the editorial manage
merit of Iter. E. E. Berry.
The front doors to the house that
W. K. Vanderbilt is erecting at New
Port cost fifty thousand dollars. The
Vunderbilts of the three generation
pant hava been making their money
in steamboat and railroad transporta
tion business.
The Pennsylvania Railroa 1 Com
pany bare decreed that train men
shall not road while in lei-vice on the
cars, presumably, on the principle
that tho attention and time of the
men during serTice hours belongs
exclusively to the eurcpany and not
to reading, for themselves.
Wh.ijam Astor, one of New York's
ricliufct men died in Paris, France,
last week. One of the pecularifies
of his business transactions was not
to insure the houses that he owned
in New Yeik Cify. He owned so
many that lbs loss of a number of
them by fire was lets than the pre
mium or insurance.
Some one is to the front declaring
t'-iat consumption is the accumula
tion in the air cells of the lungs of
the surplus mucus that the glands
and pores of the body have failed to
throw off, and the remedy fur con
sumption iu its first and Bbcond
stage is to reduce the surplus and
that will destroy the disease. But the
treatment to keop down the Buxplus
is not stated.
An L'uuhual List ef Names.
The Cosmopolitan begins its thir
teenth volume May issue, nnder the
joint editorship of Mr. W D. How
ells and Mr. Walker with a table of
contents which will attract attention.
James Russell Lowell, Frank R.
Stockton, Theodore Rosevelt, Ed
mund Clarence Stedman, Henry
James, Prof. H. II. Boyesen, Hamlin
Garland, John Hay, Sarah Orne
Jewett, Prof. Langley of the Smith
sonian, Thomas Weatworth Higgin
son, and W. D. Ho walls himself are
among the contributors. The illus
trations in this issue are by such
well known artists as E W. Kemble,
Frederick Remington, F. S. Church,
"Walter Crane, William M. Chase, C.
S. Reinhart, Dan Beard, George
Wharton Edwards, Wilson de Meza,
ARuIa or Mud
On April 4th, there wan a shower
f mud along the Union Pacific Rail
way at Onaga. The rain commenced
early in the day, and soon the south
and east sides of all houses were cov
ered with yellow clay. The windows
received such a coating as to shnt
out the sun's rays.
A Unien Pacific train which ran
through the storm La iti windows
covered, and the headlight wu ee
Completely plastered that the light
was shut in and the train ran in dark
Bess to Rossvillo, the next station,
where the mud had to be scraped off
This storm lasted nntil after day
light. As far east as Tepeka, the
windows showed thai the eJg3 of the
mudtttorm bad extended this far. It
was more severe about fifty miles
The Uunco M n.
The Banco man first gets the name
and living place of the person he
desires t make game of and then at
the time he thinks best for his pur
poses he makes the acquaintance of
the victim and gees for him like in
the following case: Jacob D- Har
nish, a York business man was bun
coed out of $200 in New York last
week" He was addressed on Broad
way by a man who called him by
name and residence. A few minutes
later, another man stopped him, call
ed bim by name, said he was a rela
tive of prominent Yorkers, and made
himself agreeable to Harnish. A
third man soon joined the party
an 1 Harnish says, he suddenly grab
bed a pocket book containing $200
from Ilarnisb's inside coat pocket
and ran away. No. 2 told Harnish
oot to get excited and they would
follow the thief and recover the
rsoney. He too soon disappeared
snd that was the last Harnish saw of
the friends he bo hastily made ia a
etraVig) place N. Y., Tnbunt.
The Jack KaWxt TUgae In California.
On the San Joi.juia plains of Cali
fornia the jak rabbits are a nusiaccft,
a l the parties ef X.ht farmers is to
thin ther.i out t y aonual drives. A
Corral is formed with barbed wire
feno. and around this forming a cir
oaniSrene ten to twelve miles loeg,
from 5,003 to 7,000 persons collect
at the appointed time. Many are
ta un!ed, there are many hundreds
r? !? t wr. and ether vehielee,
those en foot fona a tkirtuiah
line la advance, ptvvidcd with clubs.
A the l:n contract the jacks are
rt up aol UiwiJ for the cvrral.
Marsha's so direct the advanc that
the animals are nisd on the C-ea
aid f tho nrtal The rlw cf the
ltt drive is tbua dem-nbed fcv the
San Francuco Examiner; "Bjfore the
contracting line of men, women, boys
and girls lay about 500 acres of plain
so thick with madly rushing hares
that the ground was actually hidden
from sight
"Within a space of a few sores
vr 25,000 rabbits were huddled to
gether. In one place the terror
stricken mass had inched into one
corner and lay there over a foot dep.
It is estimated that at least 3,000
were never touched by club, but
were simply smothered to death by
the rush of those in the rear. Photo
graphs were taken of ths mass as
they lay huddled up, and then the
I TtPr?" f Californjrr clubs in
nftfi'i, wu'e formed in line of battle,
and with a yell moved down upon
tho mass of 25,000 bunnies, clubbing
as they ran. A sickening slaughter
took place, lasting about an hour."
Clean piano keys with a
ped in alcohoL
There are 515 inmates in the Hun
tingdon Reformatory.
Pennsylvania raised thirty million
pounds of tobacco in 1891.
According to the report of the de
partment at Washington there has
been an increase of one-fourth in the
production of the potato in the past
ten years.
"The simplest remedr known for
nervous headache is a pinch of salt
taken on the tongne and allowed to
dissolve slowly, followed in about ten
minutes with a drink of water."
The accumulation of deeds and
omciai records nave multiplied so
rapidly in Blair county that an annex
to the Register and Recorder's ap-
partment in Hollidaysburg is con.
Mrs. Suburb, "Are you acquainted
with her personally!" Proprietress
(ol intelligence since), "lea, indeed.
She is a good girl. I have known
her for Years. Sbe comes in here
almost every week for a place.
Spring Mills, in Centre county.
has been much annoyed by robberies
of late. Tuesday night of last week
the creamery was broken into and
the safe blown open. About eirht
dollars in pestage stamps and some
drafts were taken.
"It seems necessary to be a alim
dietist in order to become a great pi
anist. Rubinstein is reported as
breakfasting on a cup of tea and a
cigarette preparatory to two hours
hard work at practicing; and Pader
ewski is said to live on eggs and Urn
There's a scarcity of gold. Not
more than $100,000,000 worth of the
precious metal is mined annually, is
aat tbe r'liiladelphia hecord of last
Thursday, April 21, said, and vet in
an other column of the same Record,
it denounces the free coinage of sil
ver, and advocates that gold be made
tbe standard of value.
A few days ago while J. L. Peters,
of Buck's Valley, was cutting a tree
down, one of his small boys walked
up behind, uaknown to him, and
when he swung his ax around it
struek the boy in the face making an
uglj asa from his chin up to his
tys. Had tha ax struck him a half
inch from where it did, it would
have cut him right in the eye. Liv
erpool Sun.
Probably tho largest annln treo in
the world is in the northwest corner
of Cheshire, Conn. Its age caa be
traced bv family tradition In tin
years, it is probably seven years old
er. One foot above the cround. free
from any enlargement of the roots,
the circumference is thirteen feet
eight inches. The trunk is very
lymmetnal and divides into ninrht
limbs. Three of these nsnallv hair
one year and the other five the next.
One hundred and ten bushels have
been harvested from the five limbs
in a single year. The tree is about
sixty feet high and the spread of the
branches not far from 100
fruit is sweet, rather small, and only
moderate in quality.
About S o'clock on the evening of
April 27th, just as the play wos
about to begin in Central Theatre
Philadelphia, some one in the audi
ence saw smoke and fire in the ma
chinery ovor the stage. The cry of
fire wag raised which caused a panic
a.n0:g the audience. In their rush
from the place many perjpla were
trampled. About CO persons were in
jured in the scramble to get out
Eight persons perished in the flames.
The fire spread so rapidly that the
people in the Time annex in the
rear of the theater barely escaoed.
Tbe Timet loss is $300,000, half in
sured. The loss of the theater is
?JU00. A number of other houses
wero burned before the firo was
brought into subjection.
Miss Jennie Smith, of East Broad
lop, is a lady -like woman, a good
housekeeper, and each morning after
ner domestic auairs are accomplish
ed she finds ample time to personally
superintend the hauling of stone and
other material in her neighborhood,
for which purpose she has two teams
and five men constantly employed.
Miss Smith devoteB much of "her
time in looking after this work, which
she finds quite profitable. To some
th :s might be regarded as an advanc
ed step for a woman to take in the
business pursuits of life, but it only
buumb iuo iinmiiauie scope tJat is
held out to the fair sex in the busi
ness world. We can only add suc
cess to Miss Smith. Huntingdon
Wm. Hildebrand, of Mount Union,
has ben in his time quite a hunter
and claims to have killed more rac
coons than any other man in the
state. In his younger days he thought
nothing of working 6ix days and be
ing out four nights in the week hunt
ing cooes. He hunted over the hills
and hollows from Harencame's to
Witherow'a Mills and from Jack's
Mountain to Black Log and Licking
Creek, and he behoves that coons are
nearly as plenty bow as they were
fifty years ago " He has killed bears,
dr, wildcats and hundreds of fox
e, and he killed thn hundred and
fifteen raccoons with one dog. He
has cue of the bt hounds in the
country, and although in Lis seven
ty fifth j ear was out ith him last
emauier chasing foxva. ,
Coart Proceedlmg-s.
Keperted by B. T. Burcbflrlil, Eq.
Court was called at 9.45 o'clock,
April 25th, the President Judge and
his Associate Judges present
aiio consiaoie s returns were re
ceived, and constable ef Delaware
township reports cross road bridge
out of order and one bastard child
born ; in Beale township, one bast
child born ; and ia Walker one bast
ard child born.
The Grand Jury were called, sworn
and charged by the court
Constable J. W. Arnold was re
tained to wait oa the Grand Jury
d AJbert Hacke'yerger, Clinton
binger and Samuel sprout to wait
on the court
Jane Carter vs. Samuel Carter. An
alias snbosua ia divorce was awarded.
A writ of partition was awarded in
estate of Edward Shiffer, dee'd.
Wm. M. Allison, Esq., was ap
pointed an auditor in estate of Cath
erine Gallaher, deceased, vice A. J.
Patterson, Esq., deceased.
Will L. Hoops tiled his report as
auditor in estate of Samuel Gallaher,
deceased, late of Humbold county
Estate of Alvin H. Wilt, deceased.
F- M. M. Pennell, Esq,, filed his re
port as auditor.
Neal M. Stewart, administrator of
Margret Collins, deceased, makes re
turn to order of sale that he sold
real estate of decedent to Thomas
Kendrick, for $110, and sale confirm-
by the court.
In the partition of estate of Will
iam Kerlin, deceasid, part No, 1.
sold to W. P. Ritzman for $1300 ;
part No. 2, to H. C. Honor for $1300 ;
and part 3 to Jennie H, Kerlin. for
$14'J, and sales confirmed by the
The whereabouts of George Wald-
smuti Demg unKnown, leave was
granted John Waldsmith to pay into
court the money due him on recog
niance in estate of Wm. Waldsmiti,
In estato of Luke Marx, deceased,
the heirs being called and none an
sweriug except George Marx, the
real estate was awarded to him at
the valuation of $5,30, and F. M.
M. Pennell, Eaq., was appointed an
auditor to piss upon advancements
to heirs and other questions.
Franklin A. Engler vs. Maggie H
Engler. In divorce F. M. M. Pennell,
Esq , appointed to take testimony.
A. J. Moist, B. F. Burchfield "and
John Stodor were appointed to view
a road in Delaware and Walker
Fredorick Espenschade was ap
pointed guardian of James William
Kyle, minor child of James Kyle, late
of Walker township, deceased.
Estate of Abram O'Neal, deceased.
Sale of real estate to Daniel Yeigh
for $500, and sale confirmed.
Estato of Paul G. Smith, deceased.
Real estate sold to J. Reuben Smith
for $500, and sale confirmed.
The application by W. S. North,
guardian of George and Rebecca
Jacobs, Minor child of Gsorge Ja
cobs, Esq., deceased, of $1020 real
ized out of real estate sold, to the
payment of a lien against other real
estate, was approved by the court.
Andrew Banks, Esq., filed his re
port distributing assigned estate of
Jonathan Kauffman, failed.
John J. Patterson, Jr., Esq., filed
his report distributing estate of
James J. Culberson, deceased.
Assignee estate of Jacob L Swartz.
Assignee retarn sale of tracts No. 1
and 2 to J. H. Zeigler, for $30 and
94 respectively, and sales confirmed
by the the court.
Assigned estate of D. W. Swartz.
Assignee returns that he sold tract
No. 3 to J. H. Zeigler, for $189 ;
tract No. 4 to E. W. Swartz,
for $34 ; tract No. 1 to John H
Rhine, fer $1000 ; tract No. 2. to
Maiia Swartz, for $1,400, and tract
No. 5 to same for $425, aid sales
confirmed by the court
W. tt. Re;gle was appointed con
stable of Greenwood township, yiee
M. S. Bosswick, deceased.
Margaret Kane, widow of Joseph
Kane, deceased, elected to take real
estate of decedent valued at $283,
at the appraisement under widow's
exemption act.
An order of sale was granted
Samutl A. Thomas, administrator of
Sarah Smith, deeeased.
Hamilton Robison vs. Frances
Robison. Subprena in divorce grant
ed. A rul of c flirt was made requir
ing students at-iair applying for ad
mission to practice, to pass a satisfac
tory examination ia Blp.ckstone's com
mentaries, Kont's commentaries vol
ume one of Greenleaf on ovidence
and Brewster's practice in Pennsyl
vania, rule beicg recommended by
resolution of the Board of examiners.
Wm. II. Groninger, John K. Rob
ison and A. Bradford Evans were au
pointed to view a line to divide Fayette
townsuip, and report on tho advisa
bility of dividing said township.
Com. vs. John Writer, rape. Not
a true bill and defendant discharged.
Com. vs. Agnes Bell and W. H.
Kreider, Larceny. Not a true bill
and defendants discharged.
Upon partition to take the bridge
at Thompsontown for a county
bridge, the court appointed Wm. H.
Groninger, Elias Horning, Robert A.
Robison, Wm. Puffenberger, Joseph
Rothrock and John Koons viewers.
The Directors of the Poor of Mif
flin county filed an appeal from the
order of removal of Thorns McNeer
and family, from Walker township,
this county, to Mifflin county.
In the matter of the contest over
will of Jane Gallaher, dated August
2nd, 1886. Will was sustained, bnt
for several cogent reasons set forth
in their motion a rale was granted
to show cause why a new trial should
not be granted, to be arguge July
13th. next
J. B. M. Todd vi. Cyrus Sieber.
Appeal by plaintiff from judgment of
J ustico Weidman, on Scire Facias to
revive an old judgment Verdict for
Com. vs. John F. Banner and
Henry E. Benner. Threats and as
sault Defendant to give bond for
good behavior and pay costs.
Com. vs. Perry Cerstetter. Deser
tion of wife. Complaint dibinissed.
A numler of common wealth cases
were continued.
The other feigned issues in the
matter of the testamentary canacitv
of Jane Gallagher went over.
Johnlxtlentiue vs Edgar M. Horn
iug. et al. was continued on appiica-
tioa of defendent
T. & Thompson vs Edgar A. Ten
nis and Israel Tennie. Ejectment for
lot of ground in Thompsontown.
Verdict for plaintiff for the ground
in dispute, except five feet nine inches
of the width of the lot at the east end.
Cohen & Brown for use of E. Cohen
vj T. S. Thompson. Appeal. Apptal
dismissed, as defendant had not per
fected same by giving bail for costs.
The appeal of Perry county from
order of removal ef Martin Miller,
from Walker township, Juniata coun
ty, Pa , was filed and Wm. M. Allison,
Esq., was appointed to take testimony
Alleging that appeal was taken to
late, Walker township was granted a
will to dismiss same.
George W. Wilson, Elmer G. Beale
and B. F. Burchfield were appointed
to lay out an alley in McAlisterville.
Enoch W. Swartz vs Sarah Swartz.
Alias subpteaa awarded.
Rebecca Lebo vs D. W. Lebo.
Subpcena tur divorce awarded.
A Sbeeps' Age.
A lamb has eight teeth in its up -per
jaw. At ene year old the two
middle teeth are shed and two under
ones take their place. At two years
old the next two disappear and two
more brood teeth some in their place.
At three years there are six brood
teeth. When four years old we shall
find eight brood teeth, which we call
a lull moutn. JNot unlrequently a
sheop at one year old will not shed
its two front teeth for some reason,
and again we have known a three
year old to show a four year old
mouth. When the growth and de
velopment varies these variations
usually appear. As a rule, at five
years old the two front teeth show
some shrinkage, and at six the next
two and the two front teoth drop
out and continue in this routine.
They are then said to have ragged
mouths. A strong vigorous constitu
tion will often change this rule, and
etc v.r$a.
Jos. II. Deihl, who resides about a
mile east of Freeburg, Snyder county
was found lying on a hore blanket
in his barn on Sunday morning, the
17th. He went to the barn the night
before after returning from town,
and it is supposed he was seized with
severe pain from Cholera morbas, of
which he was a sufferer and lay down
until relieved, when, the pain caused
appoplexy. He was taken to the
house and medical aid called, but
died the following day at 4, p. m.
Aged 51 years.
Republican Primary Election
Tbe republican primary election will be
SATURDAY". JUNK 4, 1892.
In townships, tba polU are to be opanad
at 2 o'alock, P. U., and in lbs flrtt balf
boar a rtl urn judge and clarka are ta be
elected. In boroughs tbe polls are to be
opsnnd at 4 o'clock, 1'. II.
In addition to a vote for candidates for
county afficars, a vote will be polled for
uniira Mataa 2anator. All ballota cant
for a United States Senator shall contain
the name of a candidate for the olGce, those
tickets not naming a candidate, to be count
ed aa blank.
MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1892.
Tba return judges from the respective
districts in the county will meet in tbe
Court Home at 2 o'clock, 1'. to coant
tbe votes cast at the primary election and
an a ounce the result.
The tolloning are tba nflicea lor which
candidatos are to be placed in nomination :
Member of the Legislature.
County purveyor.
Representative Delegate.
Chairman of County Committee.
.Announcements of Candidates.
Tba following scale of prices fer an
nouncements has been mutually agreed up
on Dy tne anK-r signed, and no deviation
from the same will bo made.
Congress, $25; Senator, $10; Legisla
ture, $7 ; Chairman, S3 ; Representative
Delegate, $3 ; County Surveyor, S3 : Cor
oner, St. All additional communications
recommending candidate will charged 10
cents a line. Money in all cases to be paid
is aDvarci. W. M. ALLISON.
Editor Juniata Herald.
Eorrf Sektihii ad Rspcblican,
To the Republican of Juniata.
I beg leave to announce myself as a candi
date for Con grass subject to our party rules.
I also desire to thank yon for the generous
earaest and effective support that you have
heretofore given ae when a candidate and
to say that I fell nnder a deep ten so of
personal obligation te you all on
account ef it. If I am again favored with
yoar support and am fortunate to secara a
re-elactian I shall serve my constituents
with fidelity and to to the best of my ability .
Levis Ji. Atkinboh.
Ua. Kditob. Please annoance that H
Latiaser Wilson, of Walker, will be a can
didate for Representative in tbe Legisla
ture, at tbecoming primary election, subject
loKeptiDiican ruiea. air. Wilson la aKepub
licaa affair abilities, wall versed in gener
al business, and a practical ezperieaced
and successful farmer. His nomination
will prove a tower of strength to tba Re
publican ticket in tbia county.
A Espiblicas.
To THE RlPl'BLICABJ or Jcmata Co : I
desire to announce myself as a candidate
for State Senator, I respectfully request
your vote far my nomination. If nomina
ted and elected, to represent the 81st Sens
tonal District in tbe 6 tate Senate I will
make it my aim to vote, on measurea that
come before the Senate, aa becomes a rep
resentative of an agricultural community,
and at tbe same time endeavor to do jastice
to all intereata.
William C. Pomerov
Tothc Ripi bi.icahs or Jdhiata: I de
sire toannonnco William Hertaler, of Port
Royal aa a candidate for State Senate. He
has been weighed in tbe political and leg
islative balance and bai not been found
wanting. His paat record ia a guarantee or
bis reliability. Aa a tiablic man be will
serve year intereata faithfully if yoa con
fer the nomination apon hire.
Editob SaaTiaat ax RfpcblKan s
Please annennce Henry O. Sieber, of Walk
er township, aa a candidate for Chairman of
tba Republican Cotnty Committee.
Mifllintown, April 12, 18K!.
KiriBLtCAss or Jraurt cocsrr : W.
V. Shirk, baa proven himself an earnest
industrious eraeieot eheirmaa and bia re
election w ill be a certain asauraace of a
vigorous and able campaign. It will act
be an experiment to go Into tba campaign
with hint at the head ef th eriaaitatiea.
Therefor b is agate prnevotad to yea for i
u inipurlaot pesilioa or county chairman, j
1 the Ettatt of Thomat Rumbtrgtr, lute of
Walker towatkip, dteeattd.
Notice ia hereby given that letters of
Administration on th estate ef Thomas
Kumbtrger, late of Walker township, Juni
ata county, Pa., deceased has been granted
t tbe undersigned. All persons indebted
to said estate will please make payment
and all having claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Jidmiuittratori .
Estate of Alexander Woodward, decerned
Ix Pabtitiob. By virtue of an order
issued out of the Orphans Court ol Juniata
County the undersigned administralora of
th eatate of Alexander Woodward, 1st of
Baal township, ia aaid county, deceased,
having been appointed by aaid court for
the purpose, will exp-jss to sale by public
vendue or outcry oa tbe premises on
At tw o'clock ia th afternoon. That
certain lot of ground S'tuite in th village
of Johnstown in said Beale township,
bounded north by land of Lucy Scale, east
by lot now ot John Woodward, south by
pub ic road, and en th wast by a public
road r street, having tbereon erected a
large two story frame dwelling bouse and
ator room, frame stable and other out
buildings. All baing comparatively new aad
in good repair. This lot being purpart No.
1, of real estate oi said decedent.
Tkbms or Salk. S much of the pur
chase money as may ba nectnary to delray
expenses of sale costs and cbargsa in par
tition to be paid on continuation ot aale by
the Court and the balance in one year from
confirmation of sale with interest from tbe
day of continuation, tho deterred payments
to be secured by recauizanc according to
law with sureties securing to tbe respective
parties their respective Interests according
to law. Possession to be given upon con
tinuation of sale by the Court but aabject to
tbe lease ot the present tanant.
JldminiMtrateri aud Trutteet
April 2C, 1892
In Ita Worst Form. 1
Bbktok, Lai Co., WU, Dee., 1838.
Bev. J. C. Bergen vouchee for Uie following :
Jamea Booney, who waa Buffering f-om SU Vitas
Dnoe In Its worse form for aboat IJf yeare.
waa treated by several pbystclaaa without
effect. Two botUoa of Faator Koenlg'a Ner
Toole eared him.
Would Have Died.
Holvokh, Masa November, 1890.
I waa In pain all over, eould pot no rcet efttaer
night or day and was not able to do any work
for months, but after tAkmg Pastor Koonig'e
Krve Tonic only one wwk. I waa able to sit op
and attend to my dressmaking. I bad paid
over two hundred dollars to doctors and got no
benefit. I oertafnly Lb ink 1 snoald have died
song ago II 1 nad not got una medicine.
A T.UtT.ble Rook max TfrnrronM
iMtaMMfl Mnt rraao to any vdlrea.
uui incueui rr or enmrfe.
Yifa piriMlr hu ben nrtitiaJKil b tht RaTjymrTfl
Pwtor E'xmc, of Fort Wmmm. iud. tine. 18 to, vul
liaow pipvra unaeiriiu amcaoo oj u
KOEN1C MED. CO.. Chicago, III.
SoldbrDracsistaatSlparnotUe. SfbrSS.
Xauare sua, SL79. C Bottles for S9.
Dcr. Xaifofho and rollev alt the troubles !
f.oat to a bilious atate f the system, snob, aa
Disxlnras, Kaua, Drowsiness. IUtrea afUe?
eatinc. I'aln In the BiJa, to. While tnalrmos,
remailablo succua baa been shown ia cttliBg 4
c-r i ti
Beaarbc, yt Cart err' Utile Uw PtTU M
equally valuable In Coiutttpation, curing and pr9
Venting tin annoying fOtuplAluCwhilt thny also
CoiTocfcalld;'Mv'a thatoicarbtlniulattha
lircr -ni i-v!-.4. tUs lo reU. -aii UijUj
Aclll;oy wctMtsJmratprle1s to those vU
aff.-r from this distressing complaint; but form
n&telr tbalrgoodueMrioes nctondbore,antl thoeo
who once try thsm will nnj these little pills valu
able In so many wavs that they vrtil not be wit
Xj) to do without tlitm. But after r.Ualckba4
Is the bane of so many Uvea tbst here is where
w make oar great boast. Our pllla cure it while
Ctbers do not. A
- Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
puree, bnt by their gentle action please all wh
use them. In vials at ascenta; five for $L Said
by dmggiata everywhere, or aeut by malL
BruhikeBineBii r Ui Llquar
Habit positively Cared br Ad-
Mlalsterla&r Br. Ualm'
(Idem Specific-
It ia DiaBofaetured as a powder which can
4 given in a glass ef beer, a cap of code
or tea, or in loJ, without th knowledge
i in patisst. it is absolutely harmless
and will iflect a permanent aad speedy
cara, whether tbe patient is a inoderat
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been
given in thousands of cases, and ia every
instaae a perfect cure has followed. It
bbveb fails. Th system esc impregn.it
ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed.
4S pug book of particulars free. Ad
eoLDEi iriciricco., 185 Rac St., Cincin
nati, u.
Jana 24, '91-ly.
Consumptlen Surely Cured.
a Tsss Bnrsna: Flees Inform yewr reads
aat 1 hav a poarslv remedy for she above-Baaed
saeaam. By Ha slnaly ass hensanda ef hopeless
eases have Sera nermanensly sand. Iahallbeglad
send we beetles ef Bay remedy majg In aar f
yar sasiliii who hav annsmmpttosi a they win
sead me sheer mrprees and P. O. addiras. Reepect
BiUy. X.AaLOCllK,M.a,UlrslH,l.I.
BanVetag from Ike esVcts ef youth fal aarosa. early
decay. waaUaig weakness, tost manhood. .. I wA
sand a valuable Sum (aead eonteinltig feel
perurelan fer bosds ewro. WftiM ebarae. A
apienaid mesieal w.a-k : eheel'tbe read r every
man who Is mm- uu. aad oeMUaated. Alii isai
Notice Afainit Trea.pasa.
All persons are hereby cautioned aot to
treipaa on the lands of tbe sadersigned
in Walker, Fermanagh and Favette town-
hi: A. S. Adams. John Mr Veen, James
McVe.n's heirs. Kobert Mi M , William
Ktontler.i;. II. Sieber, t har t Adams, L.
r.. tiKiiiaon.
Orlvhtr SHih, HI. ly.
The Snltmtl mud Rrpui'vu oflc ia th
IU e to got lobwork don. Ti y it. It will
jay Jou if wti uovd auylhib; u ILat line.
8 Mts
1. Its the lest.
2. ItUsts.
3. Its' a peasure to tyk it
4. It satisfies.
5. Always tJesMe.
o.Cvcrybody braises it.
7. You will like it.
R You should try it.
Ukfor it.lTniston (javlng It
Come in and examine our
larcre and raried stock for the
Spring Trade of 1892 and the
Summer Trade of 1892.
TYe Desire
To show customers ur poods.
It is our business to supply
jour wants and we knew that
we can accommodate you, it
you drop in and deal with us.
We hare all kinds of dress
goods in all colors to suit the
yaried tastea of people. We
have a full line of
JYecelty Goods,
that people want these times.
Just ask for what you want
and it will be our pleasure to
wait on you. We are stock
ed in
at drep prices and Queensware
in full assortment. Glassware
to please the eye and to do ser
rice SHOES-
Our shoe Department is lare
and grades from the Daintiest
te the Substantial Shoe and
Beot for the field and forest.
We hare almost everything,
and what we har'nt get, we'll
Order, so please favor us with
a call.
To the lovers of the weed,
we say we keep the best brands
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Uaix Stbkit, OrrosiT Cocat Hobsjc,
Mifllintown, Pa.,
ale SOU.
A FnTrfabl Verdict after
Tue.tl leari Trial.
Tbe original and only gannine Compound
Oxygen Treatment that f Drs. Starkey 4
rnaiea, is a scientific adustmst of tbe ).
urnts f Oxygen and Kitrogen magnetized;
and th compound la so condensed and
mads portable tbat it is sent to all th world.
It bas been in us for mr than twenty
years; thousands of patients hav (been
treated, and recommend it. a very signifi
cant fact.
It does aot act as most drncsdobvera.t.
lag another ailasent, often requiring a see.
caa eour to eradicate ta vil affects of
tbe oral, but l obi pound Oxygen is a revit
alize, renewing, treagtbeuiug, iavigorat-
lua; ids wooie oouj.
Tbes sUtcsnenta are confirmed bv lorn.
erens testimonials, published in aar honk
ot 200 psges, oaly with th express permis
sion of tbe patieata, their name and ad.
dresses are given and yoa can refer t Utana
for farther inforaatiea.
Tbe great socccss f our treat meal hmm
given rU t best of imitators, nnscruao
lons persons; soma calling their preparatien
Compound Oivgea, oen apirpriating oar
testimonials and th names f our patiaata
to reccommead wartbles concoctions.
Hut any sabstsoc mad elsewhere sr h.
others, and called Compound Oxvrea a
Conipoand Oxycea Its Mode Ante.
aad Kcsiilte," ia tbe titl of asw book w
ZOw paras, published by Drs. Starter P..
len, which give to all inquirers lull inform,
alion as to this remarkable curative aent,
aad record of surprising car la a wid
rat.g of chronic cases aiauy f them aftsr
being ahanacaed lodiaby other pbysiclaaa.
W ill b mailed Ire to aay addra an an.
Ira. Staraey A. I'balen. I&J'J A . c.
rbilad.li.hia, fm.. liO Suiter HI., h.n ..!
Cisco, Cal.
Gel a go.Ml paper by sabecribma- far the
W II w
bisiuai. Ait iUrrwiKaa.
... n nAa SlmflB Watfibea. &.e.
Dealers in Clotmng. rjr ' "
of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing and
Complete and Beady for Inspection.
thinrra lively here. Everything to its Capacity. jk
i8 a tYnW 1 K.s, Caps & Gent Furnishing GooJg.
Shoes, Ladies7 ana tcnts.
ron can save o3J c..ts
and Small prsflta. w "
O r- f
ec o
IS 3 SITS S 5 8 S SS S
L-3 DTeo cc o ii b g
O "5 O
. . . . .
CMf - li - lvHr - li - 4i - li
A g
ri n - O CO
iH H H H V-H
S .e g (e fl
o-to 3 fl - or3 o
.2 -S 2 O e! a.'
2 a c - Sa
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1-5 i I CI LC CI t "O CI r- O O CD T! O CI f o c
o o -j c h o 1.1 cs n h ii o
oo co o e
o o o r- ci
HH .
oujcifiOrtOOHOrtOooo "ch ci r
13 a H C. WOO 15 O o
t-xcococcxtocr. oo
13 X X
Lcis I. Atiibssb. y. K. If. rivsELL.
ATK1ISM It sTKiaEL.1.,
BaClletIaf and Cavyaicing prn(.t
ly atteadsd te.
rricr Oa Main street, la place ef rci
denc ef Lais Tt. Atkissen, Kssj., seat, ef
Bridge street. iect2,ll.
Jbi IIcLAssaLia. Joixru W. Svimxei
aOnly re'.iaale Cemt aaies represcatcd.
Jaa. 1, leSJ-ly
hav farmed a partaership fer th pnetic
f Mediciae and their cllattoral braachrs.
Oiice at ld atsad, earner of Third and r
anga streets, MitBintewa, Pa. Oaer bth
I them will b fuad at tbeir flic at all
times, unless etherwis prafesaiacaliy eu
gaged. April 1st, 1110.
Worth Knowing,
That I caa stp tmiiicii ! less than
v nsinates ; a pain, xtractiag.
That I caa axtraet tth witbeut pain,
by th as f a laid applied to th teeth
and gnats ; ao daager.
That Diseased Ciai(kuwi
oturvjj ireai rw.;v ed successfully
and a care warKtfifVraited in varv
Testh Fillbb aad war ranted far life.
ArtiKcial Tth repaired, exchanged or.
ouwanicu, ai pricea 10 sun ail. 1 wm in
rt a full permanent aet of Gnuiad Enam
eled porcelain teeth as low a. c An ...
warranted to give perfect satisfaction, or
luwuejr rviuDueu.
AU work warranted ta glv perfect aatis
raction. Peepl wh hav artiHcial teeth
with which they caaat eat, are esneially
invited to call. 3
Tims Cash.
Practical Dttatlst,
ct. 14 '85.
11 ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in ,ffect on Monday
Jaausry 18, 1892. uuay,
ward. East,
wsrd .
2 4
A M p H
8 30 4 20
8 27 4 17
8 23 4 13
8 SO 4 10
8 11 4 01
8 08 8 68
8 04 8 64
7 62 ( 42
7 47 8 87
7 38 28
7 81 8 21
!io 8 15
7 20 8 10
7 12 8 02
7 00 2 60
T Newport
Buffalo Bridge..'..'
Jnnt.r. Vn.n
6 00
10 00
tt 03
10 03
6 0
10 0
5 10
6 20!
6 2fi
10 10
10 20i
10 26
T Bloomlield JudcV'd
Valley Road
r Klliottabure-
6 13
6 48
6 4t
S 65
7 2
7 14
7 20
7 80
10 II
10 41
10 48
10 65
T Green Park
T Lojavill
Bixler's Ran
11 02l
T Cisna'a Ran
II 07
11 14
II 20
11 ao!
Ph.n connection! M-
C a Mitit. ' resiuant and Manager.
v.. SV. BtllLBR. General A.. 0
- f. tj I .
Sl r..awja SEaVSheW It
IL.iaTV 1-7. rlt-TSaW)
iittj r 1 . .liuiiii'ir'i
"asasasasa. aawawaa.amwasW
MIMA'S VIOLA CnVam! rnm"nd OR.
ln, l'lBiilVi .i,i.ih uut.grn,
. rw,j;'5"s
Our aim ia large i.l,
h n ci o r:
, t o o o o
rH vH V
f) tt CC I- IS H O O
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WnZY id .ri
Kuraary Stock. Sslarr, Expanses sci
Steady Empleycssnt guorantred.
t. Dec. 8, '91. Rochester, K. X.
- XL F. ANY r
v f arrmrAi au ixraiyii, Sf
ThMypp& on 5
Childm. Tort Tt.
. ... . uoie 01 it u fit. uttchtf.
EVerV SUTTfi Tftr F""X Rb.uir.liMl. S
Aathma. t holrra Morbus, Dtarrhu. Imnnire. T.ne
In BodT or Urnl. .t'T i . .n ....
thla oH Ano.tT ii.. . ""'i.
inis 011 AiKxlTn. r.llt ul naedr ipe. IanirS .1
rreSold 'errehere. Pnre aV eta, hy mall. ltti
kjpreej pd. St t B. JOHNS'JS A S.. v. H ua
will be paid for a recipe cnab!ir..
us to make Wolff's Acme Black
ing at such a price that the retailer
can profitably sell it at ioc. a bott'e.
At present the retail price is 20c.
Tkis effcr is epa antn January 1., ika. T
articular addreea ih undermnwt
Aots Blacking is made ef pnre alcclot,
other liquid dressings are made cf water.
Water costs nothing. Alcohol is drar. Wlo
caa show Mt how to make it without alcohol
ao that we can make AcMlButCKlNCaschssp
at water dressing, or put it in fancy pack
ages like many of the water dreasiiis-i, etl
then charge for th outside appearance io
atead of charging for th contents of tia
WOU1 J 8t BAWD O LP H, Philaaslphia.
la the name cf paint of which a 35c Mtl
Is enough to make six scratched and dulled
cherry chair look like newly finkW ma
hogsniea. It will do many other rmaikaik
Ihiuga which no other paint cn do.
AU retails rs sell it.
The del 1 -vvMf. .-
. --tna MtDICINC CO.i
1 . . , , m KlTT11"""" , P.
BeniSv m
arld wuhaeVfWeas
Ouereetee cere
all Nrvouad'..e
re. sura aa W ee.
-reirv, l.r ui
r.i. a f'w.r. Her
eotnee. Mil-
a. men, w.a.i.k
! ""wot. LMif . . ..i., ..4 I
. . r.r l .r e.r-...n.e- o
rowr ano Trn uu
itn. v . ,y
Ii a
ayaJ,a. p,(H KLIUV LO .leleee, &
M""'''' f "
I i --a
i; es
' a
S il
- l u
I 5
. nar e rr ' - . s-
Rutart.h- (or tu ma u ssn(i..k!