H v A LAST POEM. IThU poem toat vrritten jour day before th author' death. USI.ES HUNT JACKSON. Father, I scar- el dare to pray, ho clear 1 , now It Is done That I have watted half niv day. And led my wink but just betun. So clear I see that thine f thought Were ritciit or harmless were a tin; Bo clear I see thai I have sought. Unconscious, selfish alms to win; 80 clear I see that I have hurt The Minis I miuhthave ueliied to save, That I have slothful been. Inert. leaf to the calls Thy leaders gave. In outskirts of Thy klt-gilom vast. Father, the humlileit snot Kive tue; Bet me the Inn hest task I liou hast, Let uie, reuemaut, work for ILeel JECOKATIXO THE ARTICLES HOME. FOB CLOISONN'B EMAIL. Movtltiesin srt work bavo of late be n most sraree; diligent seeking for snnh Las ouly lxeu rewarded hy ilu-appoiut-meot DianaKersof art societies bave been in tlehpair, amateur workers have Lad to full buck on some of the minor arts introduced long go. Xow, from Berlin, cornea a new process for the articles large and nuall, neeful and ornamental, to wake us from onr lethargy. Vases, tilaqnefl, flower -pots can be easily made into things of btauty; old furniture can be renewed at.d prettily decorated with imitation Wedewood plaqnes. Class bottles, tumblers, scent bottles, ;ug", can bo made to rei-eruble Kubi miau or Vene tian glass, and leather blotters, card caws, book covers may be richly orna mented and all with the slightest trouble. The emails are equally tnit- -1 i - .1 : ... 11.. nr aoie tor uruu m ti..i 01 wu and the door lauels, for carrying ont desiens on metal and for and for coloring wicker-work. The application of the emails is sim plicity itself. Let us for the practical de scription take a terra cotta plaque, as that is one of the easist things to com mence on, being nearly flat, and conse quently easier to hold steady than a vase. The plaque is bought with a ready incised design. This taves all trouble of desiring one's self, of copying, or tracing, consequently, any- , one unable to draw can compass this 1 decoration. Mtu a large Drnsti a coat of CloiHoune lncquer is laid all over the plaque to prevent absorption of colors. It is in ct'Miary to see tuere is no dust on the article before the lacquer is era- filoyed. After a few m nntea have een allowed for the lacquer to dry the work rnny be proree.led ith in the following way: till in all the incised lines with Cloisonne gold, silver or copper-bronze. When the 1 rooze is dry till the designs with two or three, or with several emails, ac cording to the style of design. If Oriental effects are desired then many brilliant colors are nsed, but quiet colorings are ofti n more admirable, though not to striking. Small camel hair brushes are ein loved for the work and all pints of the design must be equally covered with the email. The colors require to I e thoroughly stirred np before any are put out into saucers (or the lids of the tins) for use. It is all-important that the brushes Miould be kept clean or the tints will suffer; for this pnrpose turpentine must be kept ready at hand. If it is necessary or desirable to thin the emails the Cloisonne thinning medium is to be mixed with them, as this pre serves their biilliancy whilst tnrpeu ine is said to destroy it. The colors must not be permitted to trespass on the bronze out I ne, wliirh should be always clear, clean, and sharp cut. When the whole design is an, ted place the article carefully asiile out of the way of dust, and whero nothing will touch it unlil the emails have hardened thoroughly. The hardening will be perfected in a few hours ard the surface will be brilliant, and this without bring or varnishing. Designs with in ised outlines, how- ever, are not the o'jly oies used for imitation Cloisonne. Those in relief are as much admired, though, to our thinking, not i-o good. Terra-colta ilaqnes with heatls in hihrel ef asi centre decorations and scroll or leaf borders round the edtes are effective when ain'ed. The grounding is usu ally done in some pale tint, such as ivory, grey, sea green, or straw, whilst tbe desigu is executed in medium hades and the outer lines are giv u in b ack, myrtle green, sapphire blue, or roaro e. The backgrounds of these plaques are seldom, if ever, giliied. Numberless are the pretty orna men u that esn be produced. Terra cotta vases can be made to resemble real Cloisonne. The design, siyof small flowers and leaves on a tnrquoUo ground, must fir-t be sketched in. then the outlines will be gil led. Next the tlineswill be gil led. Next the j mostly white-and the green will be put in. The vase will lie d round the b p and bottom ?olJ, and lastly, the lurqnoi-e ... . .... . . flowers leaves w rimmed with g ground will be tilled in. Thci-e bill vases will be found most useful for grasses, and nre newer than the red clny painted with naturalistic flowers which h ive been so long in use. Then there are the boat shaped vases with stands. They unswtr admirably for dinner table decorations, and look ex tremely well when tilled with Dowers. There should be one for each corner, and a large bowl or boat vase for tbe centre; the nifniis should match, all the articles being as near as possible like real Cloisot.ne. 'ither artists may prefer to paint on the mbossed boat thapei! vases, as that saves all tho trouble of drawing the design firs!, but then they cannot expect to get the Cloisonne appearance. The embossed vat-es arc, however, extremely ptetty and look rich when colored. vases ron the rnocEss. It is quite possible to paint orna- ments in imitation of Donlton ware if . life," and a sweet chorus of thankful suitable tinte are chosen. Then, again, ncss was breathed by the flowery wor gesso workers can produce imitation snipers es their odors were wafted Palissy ware, by first modelling the ! heavenward npon the early morning design ard then applying the emails, breeze, and a dazzling shower of The advantage of using them is that they require no firing or varniel.ing, vet they dry with a glaze and will Stand washing. It goes without saying that the emails do not equal fired col ors. No imitation can be as good as tbe real thing, but there aro many amateurs who would hesitate over pending months in learning the art of bins painting; tbey would object to the expense and trouble of having their work tired, and also to the risk which thoy must run of setting pieces broken in the Viln or in transit. x Icvor brackets Biter tbe sty'e of a n bolf-opcncd ioluint; tan are novel w ccorationn. the bo' ere to bo oMaiuod I i) tcrra-colta for small paictingsi, so b ), aie candlesticks, jugs, rmitcli I ft nds, ana pin irnys. a large piaqne, , viti flat c;ua:l docorat:oc, set ov j rrotscd bsraboo Icrs mates. coarmmtf til ne or nowor o anu, aca tno expen- o china tubes f jr titur.rellis can i-silv be cor icd. V HA Af .!ft1 ' colois cad to used on mebd. A th'oiu in a iuahioaaWo wail deception, preferably for a hall. It can be decor ated with the coat of arms, or a ram,' pant lion or a dragon shows well. Tat coloring shoald be somewhat strong; especially if the hall is at all dark. lh work is best seen if the shield is hang np merely as a decoration, but ntilitiv ) nans will probably have it fitted witl pegs for hats or sticks. Wooden shieldi may take the place of metal, but thos should be grounded entirely witti color. The emails can be utilized for house decoration. Designs on door paneli and friezes will seed no Tarnishing after the work is done, and yet will bear the spring clean without injury. Anaglypta designs could with nc ditlioulty be tinted and a lioh looking frieze be produced by anyon qute ignorant of drnvin;. It it in the decoration of ma itel-pieoes, overmantels and small pie us of furni ture that tne nsefuln s oi Cloisonne email will be found. Oblong panels ol wood, terra cotta, or anaglypta can b inserted with delightful results. Thes should be painted to appear as muct as possible like enamels proper sc called. The best plan is to copy thi floral desitrn of a piece of real Clot sonne, keepiDg exactly to the colors and as cl Fely rs may be to the pattern. 11 it is thought too much of an nndertak- ; th ....l. 4h .m.il ralnt e - i" : ins may be done on the piece of furni- ture to represent panels and finished lth a rim of gold. v.i..UA.i 1.11... ..nl, of chairs are most fashionable. Oni or two are ufed in a dining-room, ...... library, or ball. Victoria stools. Ham let seats and folding-chairs, as Well ai piano seats. are now upholstered is lei. t her, and very often the leather it embossed and then painted, gilded, I and silvered. Whilst a whole suit would be objectionably showy, just twe or three seats are pleasing additions to a r om. The frame should be of dark ! . , 1 t,iain PaTe Here, again, th emails como in for coloring the em bossed designs on the leather. j There are forty-eight colors inolud-. ing the gold, silver, and copper bronze, but, as is the case with every kind ol. painting, cotbing like the whole num ber is requisite. Attractive pieces ar executed with about half a dozes emails. The colors, lacquer, gold powder and brushes are sold in neat boxes of different sizes. All tb articles are inexpensive; the cost of the boxes varying according to th cumber and size of the tins of eolol they contain. They are to be had ol many artists' colormen, and the terra cotta articles for painting with them, j Errors are e.isily rectified, the email j inn lift ai-rtaiiA.f nrT with a k n i f A or iitn I be painted over witn tbe rigut color. . ... . Occasionally birds' feathers and flowei petnls are sprinkled with Cloisonne j glitters to give them a sparkling motber-of-pearl appearance. 1 he gut ters are prepared iu various tints, and are towders. Whilst the bird's wing or petal is still wet the glitter is llghtlj scattered over, and it becomes fixed on the surface as the email dries. Th parts that are to nndergo this procesi' should be done before the 10 1 of th, ' painting, so that any powder which maj iccidentlv fall bevond tbe win 01 i.i i. ..r,i ap. tiontole gli' tcred can, if pre erred. - . . 1 I e left nnpainted nntil all the sur rttnndin r niirtq nrA ttniHliAtl an,l tlrr tu i:.. i t 1 i iut ((ititcro moot, urcu tuKIJr, otnerwise tne won win snner; a mere-, tricious effect will be given to it quit ' at variance with successful artistii ' 1 , j I uecoration. I I ...... . . n .....t..,. 1 xtlli! tllUltua Ui J.fJJ ii.UMi.rta AS EASTER SToRY. I I ( 'Twas near the hour of midnight, ani vlkiiiff a.t.11. whAn IavaIv wn. mun, who e life hail been overshad owt d by a recent sorrow, wandered t tbe coi.servatory of her city home, au.I. sinking weari y into a rustic chair, leaned her head against the vine-clac laitice-wora anu peerea out into tin uigbt. Just then the midnigbt belli commenoi'd to slowly ring out a peal ?' n-"w cuimes, anu tne woman, wnt had a weird pussion for their sound sat entranced. A lipht breeze pluyec among the honey-suckles and othei sweet-scented shrubs that grew around her, and as the night wind passed ovei them they shook their many-colored flowers, and in low, sweet tones began lo speak. "We are children of many climes," they said, "and many of us are exiles far from our native land. We come from southern swamps and northern forests; frt.m tropical wilderneeses. from snow-clad regions and sunny, climes, but the same bright sun shines down upon us, and the twinkling starMl illumine the night for us just as in out u mr...j uuuic, luctl'tuto ttrk tin BUCU our sweetness on the air, and make glad the 1 md of our exile with onr fra- grauce and beauty." I ., re u j Bllvery Pe l,cav:s:. t I 'Jre, , ' i nn' ref,1S Oi itrlklk unr Here the lilies of the valley Ban? s silvery peal behind their green, satinj 'r-very day we die by bun-, t our Reeds are borne afar and uge by Borne brook or beneath ' some spreading tree, where by oui beauty and fragrance, we gladden the heart of some weary wayfarer, touch ing, perhaps, some silent chord which reminds him of borne and loved on s." (iinn" liloney Cure rot Then the eucharist lily said: "Kven I rtipsy. Gravel, liiiibetes, liriglit's, so, my sister flowers, for to us woi 1 cart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv given the command to increase ant '"sness, tic. Cure guaranteed. 83j multiply, to fill the earth with Klori ri" Street, ThllaJ'a. $1 a bottle, 6 and to beautify creation." , All the Howera nodded their bnads under Ihe breath of the midnight breeze, and the rose, in trembling ac cents, said: "Every day our lives art taken to adorn, with all the beauty ol floral life, the banquets of the rich, and to ornament mansions we are torn from our kindred and friends, jet every day ns the sun comes forth onr stems arc 1 den again with floral riches a: da new harvest of beauty." A cluster of purple fuchsias shook their heavy bt Us as if to say: "We proclaim love and beauty wherever we go" Then a long spray of white lilac swayed in tbe night air and whispered: I "Kemember, if all nature dies, all na- 1 ture lives again. Death is but a change that all must undergo. Here the violets wept tears of dew upon the carpet of velvetj most at their feet, and the tuben ses, like sculp tured alaW-ter, gave forth a sweeter fragranoo and repeated: "If we die we live again." Then the chimes from a church belfry near by rang out, say- lnrr- T Am tlin TAnrrMlinn ami ika gclden beams fell upon them from the rising sun of Enster morninsr. The lovely woman arose, no longer depressed, but with a feeling of rest and thankfulness. - The flowers seemed to wear an aspect they had never worn before, l'.ich in the hues of spring time luxuriance, tbef wooed to her face the long-banished smile of her childhood, and bade her be patient in the present and hopeful In the futnte. Vam McDonald. i Tnx little island of Scilly has lost its f ..jJ . 'event in tbe annals of Scillv historv during the lust fifty years, in a narra- tiT P06- ( Qv.zs Elizbeth of Fonmanlft iCai men S Iva) is not only gifted as a : writer and a painter, but the is clever j with a ne die, and lefore she was taken HI instituted some art classes at Buclisrett for the benefit of thnsA triru anJ . I i . and women who . e..il.,.i . V. a livelihood. (Jid Honmanmu to broidery has teen revived in this vay A FBACTICAI. Ymw. j Son "Here's a honefhoe I found J the street good one, too.' rata "Well throw it away." "Isn't It lucky to find a horseshoe? ' Not unless Yon own a horse?" " I A good clock tbould never rundown, but a correct hour via.-s must always do so. The man whose ways are differ- mt f rum nnrs mav tin doili? hia dutv a a ell as we are. Saaitarr Wall urn Celllam. Q. lHes the Bitilo have anything to say reiftrilinj; f.'nitary walls? A. Head Leviticus, 14th Chapter, 38-41 V.Tses. g. What do moJern sanitarians sar. A. That wall paier and glua kalsominea are directly resiigitie for much of the sick ness, t;uor:iiitty attributeJ to other CAUses. The C iuiKO Jnter-Ocran, In an article 011 r-aring walla, utuier the caption of "Nasty I'racuee," hits this to say; "Our Health OM -or. Dr. De Wolfe, says the free passage 01 air through Witlls of living rixms is an imioriAi.t element in proper ventilation. 'lli prartice o( repaiering room ly layer upon layer of wait paper, made adhesive by glue or pasta, which a ids a tito.iiiiOsinir iu iterial to the nasty prac tice, can receive nothiit'T but eondemuntion f rrtm tit.. wMt4itjtrif.il ihrt nMfirt OTi.ll fW dviietic hii.iiatiou is of material which re- I .Ux-oinpomt on m every form, an l winca leru.iu the fra passage of air It seeins to m-that Alahastineis a Imirably adapted for the purpose." llle joctor agrees with U19 Inter-Ocean, that a special ln.v sbouM i- parsed to pre- ( vent tne pracrooi past uj repeatea layer of taier ou the walla. 1 U .it. Ihu A luttaut In. ffV llr.n.l H.nl.h Vi. li., tor supplement frotii the report of , the Micliiiran Stste Board of Health, entitle! Sanitrv walls and u-eiiniis." 1 Remember tui name, AiaoasUne, made from alabaster roc Ebony is said to be ro abundant In ktuin parts of Tamaulipas, Mex'co, that It s used as fiie wood by the people, and ;l e Monterey v uulf liailway uses 'or f u L lt I "ASnviornf her sex," is a t t'e bestowed lon l.ydta K. I'lnkham by the women of tin r:il, mi, lions ol whom are Indebted to bet - r health. The time of build inn the first Iro. ihip is a matter of dispute, but there is 1 tradition that as far back as 177 an ron vt ssel was used on the Beverr tlver in Englnnd. Mr. Adolf Weiss tia.vlor'l.wiltes: I have recelw HI thecample boxolSt.Ilernard Vegetable PUI ind should hvc Informed you irrespective of l ur rctpir st that the Vegetable Pills surpssi ill other Pills ever ucert by me, asto worth an4 Mtictt-nry. I am troubled with torpidity of the Jiver. hikI shall ket-p your Pills as my house hold remedy. (2' een A'it tirla's horves are attended 1 . 11 1 Mint rruf oi. lr l,o o vofif inorv ait , - .... fc,' - 'J tut., w Mn wuo w,a'g a title and who is th ly man of Lis profession in England vbo does wear one. WII.I. IT It rf'H At K OK WAItT They are at it v iv h iniiner and tunirs : so sa he Fidelity V.i:! t'aper I'o. of 1 N. 11th St. I'lilln. Whileit I . sis they will be in position ti ivt the public . 1 cl.aiiee to buy cheap. Thek einhttsetl i.'ttiers 'or ten rents are"wor!d beat rs." Mend lour t wu cent stamps for samples , ... , ,T , , -r . C,t,wnoff. M"beIr,y' h ' lo. s collection. He baa allppec venty-uve years old, a Bible and 1 .KuiiK eucti 100 years on, and a raze-- 'ione 300 years old. How This! We offer One Kun lred Hollars Reward fot my case of fatarrh t hai can not ke cured bv -iKihk iiaiix auirrb t nre. P. J. THEN KY & CO., Props.. Toledo, o. v. 'ne underlvned. have known K. J. . neney nir me issi 1.-1 years, anil oeueve niiu ..r f,.t-ti honorable Iu all business transac lions, and financially able to carry out any il 1 1 L'.tl urn ni.nlr l thi'ir firm. West Truax, Vhdesale DriiKclsts, Tole.le ohm. Waloini;. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug yisls. loledo. Ohio. Hal 's Caiarrh Cuie is taken Internally, act li c tllieetly 111n.11 ihe bltsHi and mucous sur .es ..1 ine s si. iu. itsoiii.tnia's sent tree l-.eest.l the system. 1 fsillliiiina's sent P. Ire, 7.V. per bottle. Sold by all Kruggisis. The legislature of Ohio has flecreec li:tt. tliA ear ctAVa miitf OA liw Hunlam. j lM,(3 on a roaj3 over fortymlle, u j, gi, The Grip l.eaves its victims very weak and debilitated. I.mhI's Saisapai Ilia Is Just what is needed to e-tnre the strength and vior so mut'h desire- Hid to expel all poison from the blood. ; Hood's I Ills cure Sil k Headache. I 1 Ventura County. Cil., is the mo;1 rol tic bean-growing section In th i ii Id. FITS: All Fits slopped free by Pr. Kiln, l.ieat Nrv- Itesiorer. No Fits alter first .day" lie. Miirvel.. tie cures. T realise ami rJ.ui trll l...tt!ehee I.. I-it eases. seiid to kr. Kline' d. 1 Anli si.. Piiiladelpliia. Pa. Women's success in literature it 0,VI1 ,(V tI)e fact tlmt irarietu Holley, ir a ,,artl Mr9- sJU.nWortU B j UltUws ,lve 8ll ma,,e re8. s cLtble tort.iues with ttielr pens. li ir ,-?n-illtr I) it reasonable? la It ecmomy o nittt'i yi.ui'Hflf aiul ui i y othorn with a head-t'-lte Alien Hralytr4itiiie will rellt-ve you m filffii nilim(t"s? It costs only Ufty ceuta $ .Hie, at druK Muren. Ijily i lorenee Dixie In a recent av ; cle ou the ' Horrors of S.iort," de iliues: "I will never iu iife agitiu -.um a tun or rifle to destroy the glori uh auiiu tl life of creation." or . or urS3U 1000 oertineatea of -Ures. Ity IU ti'ieen Victoria, or Kngland, hai own her interest in the Loudon IIos .t.il by seulin; a preterit ot 11( Mitiiuls of cist linen for use in t vitrds of tint Institution. The Throat "Bn-tim's Rrnnrhl.,1 Trnrhn' x't tllieetly on the organs of ihe voice. The lave an extraordinary elf cot in all disoiders lie throat. The Woman's Charity Clubof Boston. Mass., has a mem! en-hip of 350. 1 nas sUrted in 18!!, supiwrts a staff ol ree nurses and doctors and does muc food among the sick poor of the city. Itli(nre cnte KiiarHiilced lj Dr. J. li. Haver. KU Arch St.. Phil 'a. a. ha-e at once, no operation or de y from business, attested by thou tai ds tf curt s after others fail, advic ree, send for Circular. Mrs. Christopher Columbus's maide. lame was Palestello and her father wu in old sea-dop. Frrcnm s Pills are not a new rented T bey bave been used in Kurope for SO yean all well tested and excellent. Furope laily. uses 60.000,030 match August Flower' 1 1 am happy to state to you an- . . . k j " V "B . " niy wu baa used your wonderful remedy August slower, for sick Leadacb anl palpitation of the heart, witl satisfactory results. For several year she has been a 6rea- sufferer, ha 06611 under tbe treatment of eminen' physicians in this city and Boston ana touna little reliet. She was in duced to try August Flower, whicl .......cuaiic icuei. we Canno We say to much for it.' SpringSeld, Mass. L. C. Frost ft HE FA&I12TE. I A study of the question leads the ninking to believe that the govern ! nent can be held largely responsible !ur the terrible famine which is at pres- nt devastating theKussian land. Let Is go back to the emancipation of the lerfs in 1S61. At that time a small aortion of land was allottea to tach easant. barely sufficient for the suste nance of himself and bis family, but no roviioa was made for the probable ncreuse of copulation. As the years rent by and the peasants increased in lumbers, the surplus thousands of souls Iriitel to the towns and cities and ' lormed an immense proletariat, which I n time became a menace to the empire. I I hose left to till the land fonnd them lelves handicapped with taxes, imposed lot ao much by the government itself is by the tchinovnik (oflloials) who re re sent into the rural districts to ad niuister jn-tice and to collect the taxes m posed by the greater power. These ! rutul officials levied heavily on the llender resources of the peasant, and ts a result, his humble home was in ame swept away. There is always more or less famine ;hroa5hont the Kussian land, but last fear provinces heretofore fertile refused to reward the husbandman s labors. to-day no less than forty millions of , lie Czar's subjects are suffering the pangs of hunger, and the misery is ! indescribable. Thousands of people dying by the wayside, while others ire subsisting on roots and other food in fit for dogs. Mothers are subjeoting .heir little ones to exposure to con lagious diseases, believing that form of leath to be preferable to the slow one f starvation. In some of the famine listricts tl e scenes witnessed are be rond description. Troops of peasants rander from village to village begging I uteonslv and crvinc. "Uive ns bread! Bread for Christ's sake 1" This appeal . .,, aa-l, noas&nt always in vain, lor eacn peasant , amily seems to be in greater distress lihan iis neighbor. The Czar and his n misters at first turned a deaf ear to bo people's pleadings, bnt st last they lave been brought to a realization of :he trne state of affairs. It is estimated iliat it will require three hundred million dollars to tide over tbe famine eason, while barely one-third of this imonnt has as yet been subscribed. In conclusion, on behalf of tbe myr iads of the Kupsian peasantry who are niflering for the very necessaries of life, I appeal to tbe warm-hearted American public for aid In this dire extremity that some of the surplna of this year's bountiful harvest may be devoted to their relief, as was done in the case of the famine in Ireland some vi ars sine '. On behalf also of that irreat and growinjj army of Liberalists, rnar.y of whose aolest men and women hat-i found homes in Siberian mini s ind prisc-3 or have suffered an igno minious death, I invoke the moral sup port of the people of the United Htates, who know what it is to enjoy the bless ings of freedom and self-government. The dawn of a brighter era for the Russian people is already in sight, for it is believed that the present year the spectre of Nihilism will assume, to the llomanoff dynasty, a more formidable aspect than ever before. It has been a terrible awakening, but the great heart of tbe Kussian nation is at last aroused ?t?a that lethargy of despair which 'mhc sruslted from the many centuries si impression which it lias endured. Vuuttle Xorraikow, in April Lijipin- HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW. Considering tho nnmlier of laws en acted by each sucessive Congress, it miglit lie imagined that the prcce.-j was simple, whereas it in long sji rather complex, says a writer in Outufn Day. To introduce a bill is the work i f a few minutes, and then it is re ferred to a committee. From the com mittee it is reported to tbe House, let us hay, and is debated. If it is parsed, it goes to the Senate, and through a similar ordo d. After a bill has run the gauntlet ol tho two Houses it is publicly signed 1 y each presiding officer and taken to the President for his appioval. He has ten days, not including Sundays, in which to examine the bill and mate up b'8 mind, if nothing is heard from him by the end of that period the bill becomes a law without his signature. Should he disapprove or veto a bill, lie sends it back to that branch of Con gress in which it originated, stating his reasons in opposition, and theu the meaf ure is again referred to a com mittee and undergoes much the same experience as it did at first, with this important difference, that it must be voted for by at least two-thirds of tbe menbers of each House in order to overcome the objections of the chief magistrate. Only very strong public sentiment sill develop sufficient votes to over ride the President's veto, and this right gives him almost equal power in legislation with Congress. Should the President decline to sign a bill, and Congress adjourn before the s xpiration of the ten-day period, it nceives what is popularly known as a "pocket veto." After a bill has been approved by the President, the Department of State causes it to be printed and pioninl Silted. Wot the slightest variation is made in printing the new law; even mistakes in sjelling and punctuation aie closely coped. Many people would think this a foolish practice, bnt it s a wise prac tice, after all, for were the Secretary of State given permission to revise the lun guage of a bill, he might make changes in wording and pnnctuution thst would completely overturn the intentions of Congress when the bill was enacted. lllions of dollars are involved, and .grave Const tationnl questions arise on the insertion or omission of even a comma. Hetter ed. lata than nevir Qolog to The b;ne; inbreU iction arouses awakened So do a man's deeds live after him. his mortgages. Coasting Is celightful sprrt for boys hut il has its drawbacks. Jealousy will create heart born and 10 will too many buckwheat cakes. "You won't suit me at alt," as ths man raid to the tailor who refused him credit. "Langh, and the world laughs with you," unless you are laughing at youi own witlclsm. A man's contempt for a coquette is always mingled with pity for the othei fellow. The ruling sensation In London, England, at present, is the extraordin ary leap made by a man named Mil ram Nlgg, who Jumps 205 feet from the. 'op of the Aquarium and lands on hla feet on the bare floor. lie wears the ?ostnme of an American Indian, and ' is rapid descent is broken by some ,iatent arrogercent invisible to the audience. The British army mainly arose Id the i-nofC arles IL In 1061, in conse-in-nce of the extinction of feudal ten Tea. The 6rst Ave regimeuts of Brit Infantry were established between '33 and 1''80, Jama IL established ral regiments of dragoon guards sESse'.' Mr. Warren V. Wentz Of Geneva, N. Y., .on n.o hlt'liest endorsement for honest ! ml Integrity hy all who know lilm. For years . . . . tt. Ik 11 U'ilin thA hlLf- I ' jb lias worsen mr mi. " . I ess maker and member of the Geneva Board ...... ... him 4 lleallh Itead tne loiiowiiigniateiueut i ! errible suffennus from DYSPEPSIA nd his cure by llcod's S.irsaparllU. i 4 1 was taken sick last Uetolier with gastric sver, and my recovery was considered almost , oneles. Alter 7 vteeks ths fever slowly left le, but t could not eat the simplest food wllb ut Terrible Distress I seemed that 1 had recovered from the fever tile or stttrvHtlou. I took pepsin compounds. Isinuth, charcoal, cod liver oil and malt until ly physician confessed that ha did not know, that ei.e to try. Everything I took seemed j -ike Pouring Melted Lead Ho my stomach. I happened to think I had art of a hoi lie of lloou's .sarsaparllla that had een In the house for two or three years, that I ound had benetlted m previously for dyspee ' la. 1 bejran takiiiK It an 1 soon ti.'kan to feel lt.'r. 1 have uow taken a little over two sillies and can truthfully say I fetl wellatraln d can eat anything without distressing uie. yen to Pie and Cheese rhleh I have been unable to touch for years, the LiikIisIi language does not contain words inoiiKh to permit u.e to express the praise I fould like to give to Hood's Sarsaparllla." W. ). Wentz, IHH Castle St., Geneva, N. Y. A Good Voucher "1 have known ilr. War. en U. Wt-titz for n .ny yeais ami can voueli for him as a ni.iit of eraelty and one well known about here. I ave st.l 1 h.m s. veral bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla nirin : the pa t few mouths." M. II. 1'aRT tlixiE. liniHuist, tieiieva, N. Y. noon's rn.i.sc.ire l it kk n.i.s. JOHNSON'S Anodyne Liniment. rr, OKIGISATEO IN 1810. -,- 1 unr or in aluo:t a cehtbsi. Kvtrv l!nv-l.r. t'vfrv fnii.llv .I...11I.I k't It at hatt.l, fi.r f lie oinm. in uu of life liitt.l. tecur to any ..lit. It in H.M.tlil..ir. II. HlHiir nti.l r.'TirtrHtllttr Oit.f u-.l al N wnrit.-I. S-.i I -.tv w h. r... I'rt. .nl. 'L Kill! llcuvB fivu. 1. H. Joli.VloN & CO., auklu. Hi AMERICAN gpa hum fig 1 i:iil lmin Bv9 S.i.in Hi 1niiiln In the throat tn on wk ; n:iti- 1 1 ir- iv-.t i i - aim ,m ii-r iri sin' n ; I't'VM hreath ami lio.nlarhM. r rep! y lr. WM. It. .IONKS, SH-i ilint. ,s N. lltb M., I'h la.l. fphl i. I'a. S-.l.l hy fliuumtn or Bi;irtl to ;i 1 1 v addretA for tl. TestimoniaN. niiiptom bl:iiiks Htul alvit frt. 'Si yea.nt txj eiifiice, write hiin rtardiiig your e i9;. AMERICAN NEURMG! CURI k iiick, positive Cl'KK, 2- Cent. l Treated FREE. rotittwt.y 4 in wiih ft lalil IC-iiieti, Have ur"l f tmiHaiHlt of rj-MM Cure p i lentt ir-.iiouiii''d hopvHM hy tHt phyHioiaiit. From .rt due ? tittitonn r.tpiil y ilisappear; hi 10 l.tyttt w. thirl tit all inploins reiuov-!. Semi or iref iMMtk of testiiniiials ol inlracultHis ruren. IO iIm treatim-iit fr by mail. If you i tider ti i ll. si nil lite, in Ht.mipA to pay p stae. ins. 11. it. & Ailania. iia. NORTH DAKOTA IS It U'IM.Y IO THE FRONT! The iniinf'ii- cnip of ls;ti- acercir.vlnE In ruluc an a..t..iil t-.ii;il to the vtril valu.i .li.n til Hi- Male, itntl (lie fuvorul.le .riisK-tt!i or a if it'tiiini tt: tluit rt-Milt lu lr. li.tve tt.i. i.iit-tl i.i tiM-u iiiet-t-ii ol u.e p.'ol.' an lo the it-aincHs t.f our it'source. i-ur fuillir i.ar 4cula.s ati.iit'H, A Ki ll I It A. ltKl -M iK, Oawmiii. - - Nttrtlt IiikotM. FOR FIFTY YEARS I MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP h ho.-n ml hy m,.!hrrti for their rhll.lrrn vtlillt- T.hIIiIik f..r t.r Fifty V.nr. It nmtli.1 ll.o .- .11.1. iKiftpiis tht- Ktitii. nllnyt all ....n. fin. w!n.t culu. ati.f l llic 0t run....lv r. r .i. ..i,.,. Twt-ul-U vt; t nt a Rnti:. ITS stopped m M,xrvitM SrrrMt. "lr. KLINR'rt OKEAi NERVE RESTORER T...- l D i tfnr att Bain kkv iihiM. mr MT9 fnr lrrv Affrettunt, Ai'a. rpti-tu rtc ; Ifi null If ukra mm dtrwud. i tiu after I rt Wutr tu. Trratla iid t- butt) tr t I rrt-litl. Svnil tiaru, . O BCtl vipn-M ltlrrM of t itiHiiU, lhy mib( iiiirttKhtrrn wkbm wtwn i t! t 1'F. KI.ISK, 9.1 i Arrh Pbila.ti It hia. P, KratiUa 2JLH Y ARK Oi tMtlJfi.M MM DA. Illustrated PubtlciBow, tA MAPS.dMerlbiDff iinaMot. North blvkutA, Hoataj..IUlMt W-hlrtbrl4)o nrl (rrifo ELANDS AM (HI NORTHERN R ber LkdiIb1 otm.ii to Mtlera. UAlled VKE K. tlldM aaauaa. a. r. a. a., at. rut. WORN NIGHT AND DAY. llnliM the w.irM rup ture wllh e:ise iinitt.r nil t'lrt'ii.ti-ttant-i-n.lVr-f.-t't Atllnstin nt.l'.iiii. f.n t mi l t-iire. Nt- Tenit-tl liiinrovt-meiiM. Illuttraletl tMtal.iciit) and rulfi for elf- ' curt-ly m. d. (J. V. aorsKMro.CO.,744 Krtadway.New Vtirkl'lty. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY jr com in if 'tin. to handle thn New Haient llieiniral Ink Kraini; I't noil. Auenis mak iiir it) per week. Monn Kramer hlfg Co., La Urosse, Wis. Boxyiti. 25,000 At RES TKX.AH IRKIOATKn h Vrw. Aililros with ttatnp, I). C. ANntU-iUN, M. od cl. Joseph, Mo. TIIE STTIATTON BAXD I.VSTRUMEXTS WilltlMtov SEXT rRGSlIIEKT. Nub t tt. tin. to hnt itmw rMt for Cmpiltt pv W. mrm offrtnf .pcl.l Inducwnwrt. for I 'l'JS JOHN F STRATTON &. SON, tt (S WJle. St.. AWVACTtracaJk CDA7rn AXLE GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Ira wt-arlnir qunlltlcfl pre nnittirpaflurd, actually ' oiitlMtliu; llireo bojin t.f anv t.tW lirnn.l. N,.t antaMt-ttltyht'ilt. t-t;T TIIK IIKM.INC. l-oft SALE liY l-EALMCS litNLltALLY. WONTH roc tHrvht Tonnf Utm m nf 'Jvln In Piwh ftnnnty. A. I. tit-p w 8ijpofsfullY Proseoutoa Cialma. Lt Prlnotpal Esatnliir u S FatoD Buistti, jwttt t Wmt. l5atlJtMttfaltiigftlnini tttcjaluM, PUHMIUNH-Utn ! StlUilKlm M dlubied tee for iticrvase. Jlvi.ra ex perience. Write for Laws. A.W. UtsLoaairK A Bomb. WuilsatiM, D. C C'.kumjiati. O. Tim I A I O. I. liKKKN. Syracuse. N nllLLU ! wnts MTiT' KKj tosell MIK SKKV STIH'K. 15 119 SDren-llt, rmwi tVinncD s dao rn i to v-co ts UlilUit "l"l"-'l o ritai lkLLO.hr maiL Htcjrrllu.Uk I j I m ami m 1 II PACIFIC I I ba Affrlrnll . I 1 Ink And Tim B B.l aa. a. HEIASTIOKi A QUOTATION PARTY. One of the popular home anse ent of this Viuter ,Pr'?,81ea..to the -quotation party." That it will prove a welcome relief, to Ita ronri card parties and dances and at the same time bo highly instrnclive to every one eniraged in it, will be easily gathered from these few hint I et the hostess provide five tables and invite twenty guests. 1'nruish each table with four sheets of paper, un each of these have written four well known quotations from popular au thors. With each qaotation sheet sup ply a loDg card with spaces numbered lrom one to eighty, and at the top of the card write "Name of author. On the first or head table place a bell. The guests arrived, bave them draw lots to see at which table tbey win nrai, . sit. This done and the guests seated. the work of study begins. As soon as tbe gnest recognizes an author's quota- tionfhe marls on his author's card the , name of the author. Thus, if a person sits at the second table and finds in front of him a quotation sli nnmbtred 23, 24, 25 and 2ii, he writes on th blank spaces of the other alio corrcs pt.nding with these numbers the names of the authors of quotations 23, 24, 25 a 1 . 1 2(5. ive or six minutes is the time al lowed for study, and at tbe end of that period the hostess rings her bell for a recess. She then examines tbe anthor slip of each contestant and crosses out the name of each author that is wrong ly given. Alter tbis sue rings iuo ueu i again and each contestant takes the' quotation slip to the right ot him, re taining his own aothorship. When the time limit has again ex- rl tl.. .11. .... ,.nva mora SMUIIL- ' ed as before, and another change c! quotation slips is made, Wbon all four ( slips at the table have been examined, . the students change tables, those at No. 5 going to No. 4, those at 4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1, and 1 to 5. The study then proceeds as before and is not ended until all the quotation slips have been examined. The eveniug's study flnished,the hos tess takes all the slips and announces tbe names of the winners of the first, second and booby prizes. These prizes ought to be but ks, end a good selecti n lor Mew lork students might be ait Whitman's oems for the first prize, j one of W. I), tioaells's stories for the " second and Mother Goose's melodies for tbe booby prize. Amy I guess Cousin liezekiah afrail our food would net away at iter. Alice Thy? Amy Didn't you notice how bulled it? Your friend will always be pleased to learn that you are getting ou nicely just so long us you are not gelling ahead ot him. "Bles ings brighten as the taVe their flight;" but they keep iu tob ral ly fair condition while we have them oooped up safely. "I've bad a g od dal of tn uble,' s .id the milkman, confidentially. 1 "Yes." replied the cook, I've noticed that even your milk I. as the blues." i Judge (after the jury hid acted against bis judumtnt iu acquitting a man) J Ive this man his l.berty, but watch your coa's aud unibre'la. If but bands would only I e tbe came at home ss elsewhere! Theie's Shoit put for example; on the fctiett Lc'd a leading bull, but at home, ao says hla wife, he Is a regular bear. Weary-looking Man Lhctor, cun instiiuuia be c reu? JJoctoi Nothing eat-ier. Anyre cau fall Into a sound sleep by hlmply trying to couut a thousand. Ye.i, but our baby cau't count." "Real clevaw fell, liagtjs i, real clevaw rellaw." "l!ut what Is he clever at?" "Why, at beliur so deuced clevaw, dou't chew kuaw." Greenland has no cats. How thank ful the Ureenlamler should be. imag ine cats in a cor nlry where the nights ure six months loiiyl Every mn In the world Is telling what he would d ir be were a woman and ev ery wouiau tells of things she would not do if t he w ere a man. Doct t DM you have much of a chil:? Fair Patient It seemed so. Doctor Did your teeth chatter? rair 1 alien t So; they wera in dresbing-CHse. my Schoolmaster scientists tell na tbe moon is Inhabited. ((Verne (from the bottom of the class) Tht n where do the people go when there's ouly half a woou? A t Licard po ted through a couutry towu auuouncel the opening of the Thi atrd Hoyal "umler the nia..a.'enieut of Alias , newly-dticoiated and palnled." Senior TartHer Has Mr. Grip been paying hla tzpeuses on the road tbis trip? Junior Tartner (su'ly) No. We Lave. Xo one h is yet su ceetled in getting up a shower of rain by exploding a bal loon, but storms of indignation, causei by the bursting of financial bubbles, are very common. "Finger were made before forks," said Mr. Lakesile, as be earned a sausage iutj his throat with bia Qst, Yes," said his friend, quietly;" but your Angers weren't." In 1010 an awful famine raged throughout all Europe and again from 1193 lo 119", when comp ete crop fail ures caused terrible suffering. In Eng land ana x rn -e tne people ate tbe flesh oi aos ana cats, and many cases of cannibalism were recorded. During tbe latter three years thousands upon thousand perished from starvation. The Saill and Knowledge. Essential to the production of the m I perfect and popular 1 txat Te rem known, bave ena'ded the Caliform r lg oyrnp io. to achieve a great suc cess in i tie reputation ol its rem. syrup of i lfrs, as it is conceded to be drng 1 or sale by all B ssett Wllllains, of Eau Branch N. lias a big black cat which has always found more pleasure and pr, fit i t huatiiig her living in the fields and woods than in getting it at the expense of rats and m ice. "Guide to Health and Etiquette," Is a beau tiful Illustrated book. Tbe Lvdia K. Pinkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa., send It free for two 2o. stamps. The ladies appreciate It. Fifteen thousaud larks have been netted and slaughtered In England in two days, between New Ilaven and Brighton, for tl-e London game shops. IfafHicted with sore eyes use Dr.Tsaac Thomn. Kin's Eye-water.Drug-g-lstsaeU at 25c per bottle. Norway church. l,o. 1 " - -awiproi pa;r UUMOnOUS. TOE OSE EXCEFriOJf. ITardup-' Can this prescription fee . ... v taaen auv aj i.i,.,t nnv- Druggist-" Ves, exc:pt without pay ing for it.'' HIS ESrECIAt" TALENT. Is there anything In the world you can do?" ared Dubley's irate parent "Yes, father," said the boy. I a spieudia sleeper. IN LEAP YKAIU Toung Woman "I want to Took at eome engagement rings.'' Jeweler "Ye.-, Miss. Wlat is the size of the young gentleman's finger? . o .iUA bn 'Ti cent novels .out-.!...pag.s lj.iiad. lph.a, . .... fa&X&i ZuS - l'" (, , alaim,e. Itest authors. "Otis . ..71 i,v i r ttf.u I'll. ilentloli tins paper. A GLOOMY VIEW. The total coal output of this conn try exceeds a inll'i.ui ton?," remaiked the optimist. "Ves," replied the pes simist; "but it all goes up iu smoke." - DAMAGING IKsriMONT. Judge "WLat are you going to give your lawyer if he proves you iuuocenof the burglary?" rrisoner "Half tbe proceeds of the robbery. " 'W"VZ"Zu -r . I. . t A wl man and a that lie 'Wl Ol ICU Im.ih can't tell wh-cl .1st he w one of tbem stops talking - e man t:n Sciatica IT h A3 tHH quAL. OO'I Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curo. laheiinialisin, Lumbaim. rnln in Joints or bnck. brjck dust la urine, frequeut calla. Irritation. Intlsmntion, I rravel, ulceration or cauirrh of tilatl.ler. Disordered Liver, Tmpalrfxl rliirpotinn. rout, NlHous-hcadachek S' A.viH-ltMT t-iirt kKlnt-y tluli. 11I1111, ha Orif pe, uriuary trouble, bright '8 didt-tue. Impure lUood. Scrofula, malaria, tron'l weakness or debility. Gmmrnmt - l'f oonrntti of Ontt Roftl. If not Im flUtl, lrutrirli will rt.tuud to you Ibe prk- paitl. At Drusatis 0c. Size, $1.00 Size. Iht.11,1.' Ouitla to Hlth"fre CotutultAtion fn Ha. KLL KB & CO., bLKOBAMIV't,;. V. Kennedy's MedicalDiscovery Takes hold iu this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before It that onirht tn Ixt nt You know whether you need it or not. Sold by every druKKtat, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, KOXRt'RY, MASS. Ely's Cream Balm wtix ciiki: CATARRH nAMtviKaiS Apply Hat in into ewb mmtill KL BKOS 60 Warreii M. Si. . CnaaaiptlT mud pei who hmv wmk lunga or A mft.aboaidnM Ptso sCar for runsDtnot.oo. It hu carvd ttw . It has not injur el one. It Is not had to lake. It Is th best cuugb nj-rnp. 8old everrwherA. 9 tic. va rruira-r rii OOOOGOOOOO oTuli'sTinwPillfto kt Iniulntr t lie lorpiti - -mm m m m j m m m m , liver, str-ni;tlicn Is, reetllate lite'' lie tllKeslive nrirans, reeulafe tlie rnnvelH, ami are u.it tiialeil as an ant i- IIllllAl.-li UM.m n n ... i bilious liie.li. ine. Ihne ttmull. 1'rits-. O l'. :! ' 41 fark I'lnce, N. V O O 00 NOT EE DECEIVED wjin rwt'i, Ki nl Paints which ntaio 1 he KiHln. Sun Kmv i,.iivk i. u.m -. . less. Ihirlle.aii1 tho consumer js lor Lvu im or $s packaize witl.fcvt ry imn hase. U TRUE I EVERY VVOB Rr jnnh."r?'r 'Vi,, '""'.f.' tsiate.in m, FLORIDA ? " h.-aii'ti- liTlsl ,,r Tw,.( I i ,. gartjeiilnit 1. fiwtM h",.k" J , Trucic gotsl result To help ,.,u out !,." ',"7 'P'e "Ul a r CADI JFL JURNA'- Tififfipgnfl was ' din- DRKILMCP'S TTQiW uple I 1 lh- I I M atj THECOSTISTHESAME. il Oom.bo ,,. lh an orrtlnarr eln , .... ST TiT" , fWSim7.riT' ti tm n.i mn mi or ri Coovai 77ie seed is planted when you feet "ran -down" and "used -up." Malarial, typhoid or bilious fevers pprinp: from it all sorts of diseases. Don't talse any risk. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery invigorates the system and repels disease.. It starts the torpid liver into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, and restores health and vigor. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of diges tion and nutrition, and builds up flesh and strength. For all diseases that como from a disordered liver and impure blood, skin, scalp and scrofulous affections, it's the only remedy that's guaranteed. If u doesn't benefit or cure in every case, you have your money hack. You pay only for the good you get. Tho -worst cases yield to tht mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing properties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. That's why ijio proprie tors can, and do, promise to pay $500 for a case of Catarrh in the llcad which they cannot cure. MALARlI Whole libraries have been written about Mala, i.t ami malarial tlis.-ait-s by tlie learned men t.f all nalmim. Ilnw far the ilijfit:Utin mav tiiif.-r fr. in lie aimther In then vlewon oilier siil.j. fts. It ey all atf.ee nn this th it tl.a at t.l Malat la i lu the blti-.il anil that it ar-tit-iilaily affet-ts th.' mill. Malaria msv oct-ur aiivwlieie; but It H especially prevalent In damp an. I liiw Inu rei;iiiiH tt li heary srll. It tt-cr-. very sel.l.tni In nuriherii Enrnpts, but it prevail In Not tu Anieru-a. tvntral Aineriea autl S..111I1 Aint-rii-a artlt-ulai ly In sut-h parts of Una t-.iiiiiiient whit'li li iv a innitt and warm clun ite. M:il.iria Is nt.t a etnitaiflitui tiisf:isf in the tiMi .l iice.-ptaii..n of the term. Kv. -n in Hi. ie t:..iinlr.-!tiii tlii. li II appear la an en ieniio f..i in it m be g.mtle.l acalntt by ar.tt .. n. 1 1 nn ..I.-til ilvinc anU the tibst-rvam- t.t thn n t.Mi e..iumi.n rules of health. Anionic these tlie must iiupnl taut are in.Kleratlon in eating ami tlinku.K an.l avoitluiK the nainp night air. tJnet.t tl.e imist iiiiimrtaiit coiitllt s ftw the i.r.-st rv.itinu ..f h. allh l iM-rt. ct tl K' -ti.. ii. .ii.i ii. . in. .-. li. .li vt.lu th n a free ctrciila t t.n ot the bl.itHl au.I a rapi.l teni.ival t.f ail wastt? matter lr.un ihe btnly. The eiilareein.-nt of Ihe mlit whrli i u.itie. il' iit all malaria! dis eases an.l will. -It in nlMiiiale, cases becnines liai'.leiniii: of tlie spleen, proves abiiti.tautly that the prlu. 'ipal e.tiise t.f tlie disease is to bn f.i.iiiil in the fa.'t that the bloo l tin.-s not cireu lale .is Ireelv au.I easily as it uiitit. To ca;ise the IiIinmI t.i cu filiate as fiee and ea-sily as possible and to keep the Iu1estii. il eaual in roiista'it and lie.ili hiul a.tiviijr no tM-tt-r renieiK la kiionn than the M. Bernard Vf(eta ble I'ilis. prep.itetl from the best luediittial herb of the Alps, 'liny can be obtained at &i cts. a box flout every Itrst class tlriiL'Blst. If youi druizt: s;s haven't them lu st-iek. send ii... to -St. Hel narii'' lt x 2l!i New Vol k City and y.u will ree ive some post paid by return mall, hvery rarefiil lather as vtell as every one at the llead tif all etlueat tilial Institution should keep them in l he bouse. so that he may lie ab e to j give them to the pailent as stntu as the lease I sigi.s ol general indisposition or an liiterrup. I linn in the circulation tit the l..sl is notice. 1. Tne pil s act as a unlit I. n. live ami iti.sni pu-1-Her and remove tbe inataiial puis it fiotutha Ihh1' without weakening it. ANAKKSIS elves In ft:. lit reliel and is an 1NFAI.I.IKLK ITRH ft r l ll.KS. Prices flj tt nniL'irisIs', or by m ul. Siiinples irte. Address; Ai.iikesls." ji Km Vurk t'lty. IU:. K. V. WISI'S NKi;K AMI HI: A IN Treatment, a specilic for Hysteria. Hiznn-ss, 1 its. Neuralgi i. Ileadach.-. Net voiis 1'. osi ratlou cail-cd by a'foti.tl or tobacco. akelulriess. Mental liepress on. Soltemn of Itraln, causliii ltisanily. misery, decay. iieatli. 1'ieiii i nre t J Age, li.trrei.ness. I.oss of r.ovei in either sex, fmpoteiicy. I.em o rli.e i au.I a. I I'em .le Writ. Iiess, Itivo iiui::ry L sses. Speriimt..ri h.ei caused l y over cm'i'ii.ii id biam. abuse, overinil.itgi-i.ee. A ni.nl lis in atment rl...,.r f. by mail. We HiL.ranlee six boxes to cure. Lat h order fori; Imixcs. vvilli will send written fiiaranlee lo refund if not cured, liuaraiiters s I only ly Kinnki:tt, .M.t'l.t KK & tn, .'ol-; A gts Maiket St., I'hlladeli Ilia. I'rnni. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a W. ItAKER & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from whirh the eTeev of oil b is bern removed, Is tthaolMtety pure ant it U gotuhlr. No Chemicals re awed in tt preparation. It LiM more thttn thrf timet tht strength ot Cocoa mixed with PUn-h, Arrowroot or tuar, , and ! therefore far more et.-i- omlcat, costing Un than on I cent a cup. It 1 de licloua, nour ' iwhitifc, atrenptheDiDi?, casilT Digested, and admirably adapted for lnTalidf W well a for persona In health, -"ty' Bold by Grocer, everywhere. W.BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Mali, Snre cure for Ua.l Dreath, S.mr Stouiacli, HoaJacLe, Dynipsia, Heart Burn, nil liilious ami Ciastrie Affec tions of the Stomaclt. Wliitetis Tit tli to perfection. Trice 25 ccnta per box sml by mail. DITMAX'S riTAKAIACY, Bron.lw and Barclay Street, New York. igehts mmm rtMtl ntr hnnl.4 u uiii ir"s u.m ilrav sli tra.le. II ;i ndn pay ts awaiting Kt. iI nii-n. Ht.t and Ntio iltM.'rsafvr(4Niiiiic fTl. nili'l r, nirm or iiftiniemir prv mluma. Write fir partK'iilarit to EMPIREVUB.CO.,28 Keade St New Yoik. irH'i'r!, r .i KEYSTONE HAY LOADER f oatts a ton In 5 minutes. Saves time, work, in- it. liny. MroiiLr. rluia'.le. ht-lil draft. Kent! for de n, tioa. KEYSTONE M'f 'G CO., Sterling. III. t R1PANS TABULES i--rnia.T tlie ifitiuuh. Ijtt an. I U.w.'U.T imrlfv tl... ..l,s..l - .. I t " "T nitri..,! .7" . iWti.K. The t-st in4r-rMl f-tmlT HiIioumi.-sf i T ' 1 1 n t y ion ml i .J .W" " .i.i.' Breath. Ilfutiu ht. tft,rt(Mirn. 1 oi m lit-.. Mtiutai I pni 'U rainful liptrtjon, 1'unpUfi, S-.Ik fTTry srmptnm or cltw rwnihintf from Tmpun to perform their nrottMr r..n..i..k..a i-..w,- ,osr tew -in S..h .K..rv, nf,,"nh tAklinraTAIH l-Kafterl jdrwwTHK R PASS lli:t!(i,t JoS,.ru.-eSt .N V I Art n.a UH,t H4.ll I V pwr V-t .rHl. I ...... . M . jnce HaSBaSBVMBfSBBVHBrltArJtowo,A, OM Jf I pracucallr ererlul II.I r'vTo 7-;"?."!l?! tiii.lt w lb-. tit oncraliiil rx. lin luT iiTMaw to- Bv TH PHICh! AMJ 7S"J tr If 11 iu