Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 13, 1892, Image 2

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ditob abb raoraiiToa.
Last Thursday, April 7, th Free
"Wool Bill passed the Lower House
of Congresi by 191 yeas to CO nays.
Congressman Atkinson did not vote
for or against the bill.
The Republicans carried Rhode
Island. The Democrat boastfully
declared that thiy had put their
trust in Providence, and must there
fore win. It was ths highest trust
they conld mike, bat unfortunately
for the erring brethren, Providence
put no trust in them. Tho Lord ta
keth onlv whom he chooseth.
The great wonder is, that silver is
not lower than it i, with all the big
banking houses and bond dealers us
ing all thoir influence directly and
indirectly to rule it outasmeuey. As
the fiontifiman taya, St will all
come right when the clearing is
burnt." So it will be when the bond
manipulators and their bank schemes
have collapsed, and they themselves,
have passed away, silver will again
come to its own and bo all the more
valuable after having come through
the conspiracy that was formed
against it. ia the last half of the
nineteenth centurv.
The Union League Club of Phila
delphia, has resolved, that the hub
it of treiting at the bar of the club,
shad be broken up, and that hence
forth no one shall ask another up to
drink. A mau may go to the bar
and dr'nk by himself, but in no case
is it expected of him to askhisfriends
to drink with him. There are a num
ber ef reasons given for the a lop
tion of such a rale, chief among
which, is, that by asking all to drink
involves a great expense on the nights
or days of regular meetings, and by
the time a number of treats have
been given, all who drink are drunk,
and unbecoming language and acts
are indulged iu.
Pbofessor Shiiidsll, of Lexington,
Kt., ha boeu eight years experimen
ting on the tails of mice, with the
object of testing Darwin's theory,
that sorao change in the form of a
being, will result in the change be
ing carried into the next generation
and in that way new orders of living
things are produced. The professor
in the past eigLt years cat off the
tails of ninety rx generations of mice,
with the expectation of growing bob
tail mice, but alas! for his expecta
tion, tho ninoty-seventh generation
f mice grew long tails, just as their
ancestors, eight years ago grew long
tails, and now he is satisfied that
Darwin's theory is not correct, but
that tho old Bible doctrine, that ev
erything nfter its kind is true.
A PRtzi has been awarded an artist
for designing a figure that is taid to
be typical of Chicago. The figure is
to be cast, or carved in stone as one
of tho great objects for the World's
Fair, This typical figure of Chicago
is that of a larje, broad-facod young
woman, posturo straight, shoulders
straight, hrad erect, one foot away
in advance of the other, with right
arm akimbo, and left hand holding
bok sort of working tool, and wear
ing for a bead gear, a sitting bird,
with wide, outspread wings, and
clothed in long, abdominal corset and
petticoat, that comes down to about
fifteen inches of the feet, which are
encased in slippers The neck and
arm of the figure are bare. But a
woman clad in corset and petticoat,
with a Phoenix hat, is a queer figure
to Btt up as the typical statue of
Chicago, and when dug out of the
ruins of the Windy City, a thousand
jrears hence, will puzzlo tho people
of that future day to know how to
classify it, or where to place it as a
piece of statuary, for certainly they
will have some other means of learn
ing what womankind of this day look
ed like, in common dress. They may
possibly classify it a3 belonging to
tho transition state, between the Ia
ditn squaw and the American civiliz
ed and fully dressed woman. If the
pieces of statuary of long age, that
are now dug out of tho ruins of the
pnst, are not a better representation
of what the people looked like, than
the proposed typical statute of Chi
cago, is a representation of what wo
mankind looks like to day, the peo
ple of the future will never know
what we now look like. Just to think
a woman clad in corset and petticoat
with a big bird with outstretched
wings, as a hat, to typify Chicago
civilization. Ha 1 ha ! ha!
Elect Postmasters.
In other ways the Republican par
tv can go still nearer to the people
There are several things I would like
to see it enter upon.
First, I would like to see it declare
X " 11 T .
ior one lonu in ins rresiuencv, a
term of six years. This amendment
could be adopted to take effect in
1900, or 1901, so that it could not be
defeated as every movement of this
kind has been heretofore from being
considered a redaction upon an ex.
existing President. I would like al
so to see United States Senators
elected directly by the people. This
would cure much of the enervation
which has long been visible in the
Senate ' Beyond this I would take
the post office out of National politics j
and put it in neighborhood politics.
I can not snare in the opinion of 14
pnblican end Democratic reformers
who would select at Washington, by
some device of a commission, nearly
all the postmasters for the seventy
thousand postal communiiies of tins
Nation. For I would not take away
and ia my judgment the American
people will never allow to be taken
away, from each community the right
to a voice in the selection of its own
postmaster. There is no reason why
every postmaster should not be blect
ed by the people whom Le is to eerve.
Tbo post cilices have been largely the
element of discord in National poli
tics. They lead very often to party
division and party weakness. Tbey
have killed off more good Congress
men and more good Senators than
all other causes combined. Thtre
are no ills in this Government which
can not be curtd by cairying them
directly to the decision and tho wis
dom of tho plain people. J. S. Clark
son's Lincoln's Birthday Speech.
A Big Texas IMdge.
One of tho highest bridgs in the
world is now under conbtructiou over
the canon of the Pecos River on a
cut-off line which the Southern Pa
cific Company is building from Hel
met to Suumla, Texas. This viaduct
is 31S0 feet long und 323 feet above
the level of the river ; it consists of
48 spaas, alternately C. and 35 feet
long, supported on teel towers, with
the exception of a few at the end,
which rest on masonry piers. The
G5 feet epans are deck trusses, and
the 35 feet spans, over the towers,
are plate girders.
A Warm Ape
Prof. R. Kelso Carter has for the
past 20 years been a very eucvesbful
instructor of physical ss:ence and the
higher tuatheiuatic- at. the military
academy at Chester. In the course
of his scientific studies the professor
has arrived at startling conclusions
respecting the B'gnificance of that
much ahusad expression, "the niil
lenium." He considers that the earth
and other planets of the so'ar tystem
are surrounded by belts of vaporous
matter which are constantly assuming
a dillerent position with respect to
their central bodies. From being
parallel with the equatorj of their
respective planets, tiieso belts grad
ually turn Hatter until they success
ively become a greenhouse covering
finally fad to the surface altogether.
The first and last fctages of change
cause a glacial ago while the inter
mediate stage, the greenhouse cover
ing, produces a warm epoch or
Edenic period.
Prof. Carter thinks that the earth
is now approaching another warm
ege such as prevailed before the
deluge, and that during this coming
era the duration of human life will
bo greatly prolonged. This warm
age like the preceding glacial era
will have an end and be followed by
another age of cold.
Women Smokers.
Attention has been called to the
question of cigarette smoking among
women. That many women do smoke
we cannot deny, and in Spain and
Cuba, of course, it seems perfectly
natural to girls to do so, because it is
the custom. In Pari, alto many
wamen light their cigarettes and sip
their coffse before the cafes, in full
view of the publia, and it is sanction
ed by all classes of society, because
they are used to it.
Wo, however, as a nation, do not
relish the idea of our women puffing
away in imitation of their husbands
or brothers.
That many of our girls do smoke
is evident from the sale of cigarette
cases and match boxes.
A dealer informed us that women
rarely come for their ciparettrs them
selves, but 6end small brothers, mes
senger boys or any tue s-iulin envoy
that they can secure to do their
errand. Girls usually begin the
habit by thinking it a great fun and
and just a little wicked to take a few
pull's of the alluring cigarette, but
afterward they become accustomed
to smoke and enjoy it.
A great many fashionable women
;lo tmoke, but society has frowned
down any public exhibition of this
practice. Many a wife sits down
with her hubbaud and together they
take their after-dinner puff.
Point's For Lawyers.
Philadelphia Record Anril fi The
bar of Philadelphia is famous for the
erudition of ita member, but it is
doubtful if in all its history it has
had a moro interesting question to
solve than one which will soon be
brought before William II. Shields,
Register of Wilis. The cnrion fu-t
has already been published in the
, .i . . . . . -
local papers tnat tue late Alias Susan
Gorgas. of Roxborouch. left SG0OO
as a fund, the interest of which was
to be devoted to the support of her
old horse, and a fund of 1000 to nun-
port her pet cat. Miss Gorgas was
quite a rich woman aud left many
generous legacies to her employes
and friends, and her will provided
mat alter tne death or the horse and
cat the funds sot aside for their sun-
port should revert to the human
heirs and heiresses in certain stipu
lated proportions.
A most unexpected controversy has
arisen over the wiil, however and it
can only be settled in a court of law.
It appears that few days after Mips
Gorgas' death the cat gave birth to
five kittens, and three days later her
self passed away. Her death was
not regretted by the human heirs,
and the five blind littla orphans were
about to be drowned when the Mines
Calsingham, of Rose street, Roxbor
ogh, two tender hearted and con
scientions ladies, suggested that the
kittens, being the direct heirs of
their mother, should be brought up
to enjoy the $50 yearly income which
would have fallen to their mother's
share had she lived. This idea was
fiercely combated, but the ladies in
question resolved to see full justice
done, and a caveat has bee a filled by
their lawyer, John P. Worntaker, Jr.,
with the Register of Wills praying
that the will be not probated untd
the question of the litf.la.
rights be settled, and even if he de
cides against their claim. tha
will be carried on to the Orphans'
Court. Not Onlv have rllftmrvinn. rf
1 .
the poor little motherless kitteDB
resolved to fight for their rights,
but they hint mysteriously at foul
play having been resorted to put tbe
heirs mother out of the way,
and that there is trouble ahead for
someone in consequence. A foster
mother has had charge of the orphans
since the day after their mother's
death, and they are in splendid con
dition. One is jet black, one of '"tiger"
variety and three are black and white.
Ike case will come np on Saturday,
Springer and His Lamb.
Springer had a littla lamb,
Its fl.-ec waa while as now.
And every rlace that Springer went
Tbe lamb was made to go.
It went witH him to Congress once,
Where Iambs bare little pull.
And there lbs bouquet Cencreesman
Went straightway for ita wool.
What makes tbe lamb fear Springer so T"
1 he people ail did sry.
"Ob. Springer baa a notion that
Ita wool ia much too high."
"And what does he nropose to de 1"
"Why, kill the iamb, and loam
In foreign lands to gat the wool
We ought to raio at home."
Harriet E. Hall of "NVaynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to the
Treat South American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the efl'ects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shuttered coudiiion of my
whole system. Had giveu up ad
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic ini
proved mo so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed luo entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in the world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Trial
bottles, 154. Sold by L. Banks &
Co. May 14-1 y.
Bread eaters ou an average, con
sume five bushels of wheat a year.
Twenty five dollars woith of pacts
were stolen from tbe store of D. Mil
ler in Bioomfield tbe other night.
One of the thii-ves was caught and
revealed the tames of three ethers.
They all live in Bloomfield and have
all been arrested and biiled to an
swer at court.
Lebauon people had a scare, thtn
a big laugh last week, over the wife
of a Hun Ia mending her husband's
pants she managed to get them
on fire, threw them iuto the yard
and she ran ehouting to the fire
department. The whole department
force was ordered out.
The pension bureau is doing an
enormous amount of work. During
the single month of February more
than a thousand pensions were grant
ed daily, making a grand total for
the month of 30,843. Theso figures
soeui large, but they are exact and
The large railroad shops at Altoona
are to be enlarged. An extension of
130 to 70 feet will be made to tho
blacksmith shop, and a new building
3000 feet long by 50 feet wide ia to
be erected for an air brake shop.
The.o improvements will be a valu
able addition to the mechanical in
terests of that city.
An exchange remarks : There is a
pension bill before Congress which
we think should be speedily passed.
It proposes to have tho pensions of
invalid pensioners, who desert their
families, paid to their wive3, or to
the guardians of the children. It also
provides that the pension of persons
imprisoned for crime be paid to their
wives or to the guardians of the chil
dren. A Lancaster county paper says :
Lancaster county cattle owners have
at lerut fifty thousand head of fat
stock on hand, for which they say
there is no demand. Last fall farm
ers bongbt western cattle from 3 to
4i cent per pound and after feeding
thera all winter are offered but $1.00
per hundred. Western fat catlla are
sold cheap aid Eaatorn feeders ami
farmers ean't compete unless at a loss.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Callonsed Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Savo $50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifflintown. Nov. 13,
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., says: "I havo been in a
distressed condition for throe Tenr
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stoinache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges
tion until ray health was gono. I
had been doctoriug constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
me more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in ray life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicine in tho world." War
ranted tho most wonderful stomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Mifflintown, Pa.. May 14, ly.
Slagular Happening.
G. D. Taylor of Millerstown, met
with a singular accident some days
ago. He wag hauling lime with "a
western pny, and in driving down
Market street with the empty wagon,
the pony took a caper to run away,
which disturbed the fine limo dust
in the wagon and caused it to fly
about and settle on the person and
in the eyes of Mr. Taylor. He suf
fers much pain, and is required to
remain in a dark room with his eyes
"They say
Governor Gray
Is out ef the way
In Indiana;."
Announcements of Candidates.
Editok Sir
Please anneunce Henry D. Sieber, of Walk
er township, as a candidate for Chairman or
the Republican County Committee.
Mifflintown, April 12, 1892.
Auk Tour Friend lbeat It.
Tour distressing cough can be cui-
ed. We know it because Kemp a
Balsam within the past . few years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Ita remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its
genuine merit. A&k some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50c and $1 at all drug
gists, tf.
By virtue of snadry write of Fieri Faaat
containing wavers or Inquisitioua aud ex
emptions issuoii out ef the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Juniata county, returnable to
tbe April Term next, f said Court and to
me directed, I will expose to s.tle by pub
lic outcry on Friday the Twenty second
day of April, A. D.,1892 at oue o'clock, P.
M., at tbe Court Houho in iIifTlin:own, Fa.,
tbe several tracts of land hereinafter de
scriDsd :
No., A lot of ground situated ia the
Tillage of Uexice, Wa!ker township, Juni
ata cotintv, Pa., bounded and described as
(Mows: On tbe nor to by Wuds of J. N.
Thompson; on the east by let of Francis
Ucburney ; on the south br lands of J. H.
Tbouipaon ; on tbe wast by lot of Wintield
Hack; having thereon erected a two-story
trawe dwelling bouse, frame atsblc, black
smith shop, one story frame kitchen and
other out buildings, seized, taken in exe
cution and to be fold as the property of
William Uetrick.
No. 2, A vacant balf lot situate in the
village ol Vrxico, Walker townabip. Juni
ata county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: ou the north by lot of William
Muesrr ; on the rttt by lot of William 11ft
rick ; on tbe south by lot or Wiofl-ld Hack ;
on tbe west by lands ot J. N. Thompson,
seized, taken in execution and to bi sold
as the property ct William Uetrick.
No. 8, A tract of land eituate In Walker
township, Juniata county, Pa., bounded
and detcribed aa fellows : Cn tbe north by
lands of Mrs. Christ Tyson ; on the east by
lends ol Chss. Book ; on tLa south by lands
ot Cbas. Book; on tbe weat by tbo Juniata
River, bavitg thereou erected a two-atory
log and stone dwelling bouse, bank barn,
wagon slira, containing nearly eighty acres
more er less, seized taken in execution and
:o be to'.d as tbe jropriy ol Wiiliaui Uet
rick. No. 4, a tract of land situate in Beale tp.,
J uniata couuty, fa., bouuded and describ
ed as lollows. on the North by lands of
Orra Leach and John bherlock s heirs; on
the East by lands of Orio l.eacb, Samuil
Beckwith, Samuel l'aunebakcr, Mrs. E. N.
Kraukhouse, and William Stuwart ; on the
South, by lands of J. W. Partner; ou the
the Wtst by lands of John Sherlock's beira
containing ninetr (97) seven ocrjs more or
less, having thereon erected a one and one
hiill story log bousj, siezrd, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold as tbe property of
J. t. Crue.
No. 6, a tract of mountain land situate in
Fermanagh township, Juniata connty pa.,
bounded uad described as follows. ou the
North by lands of Aaron Singley ; on the
East, by lands of Goss brothers ; on tbe
South, by lands ot Henry and Jacob Sa
loutT; on tbe Weat, by lands ef Robert tic
Meeu, containing six C and red aud thirty
acres, more or less, siezed, taken in exe
cution and to be sold as tbe property of
Wilbur F. McCahan.
No. 6, a lot of ground sitnate in tbe village
ot Johnstown, Beale twp., Juniata coun
ty, Pa . bounded and described as follows .
cn tbe North, by lands of J. W. Iiostetler;
on tbe East, by luads of U. G. I'ble, on the
South, by public road, on tbo West by au
alley, and lauds of Urs. Mary Brubaker,
having thereon erected, a two-story frame
dwelling bouse, frame shop and woodshed,
and IrauH stable, si. zed, tken in execu
tion and to be sold as the projrty of Nan
cy loy!e.
No. 7, A tract eflasd situate in Wonroe
twp , Juniata Co-, Pa., bounded and describ
ed as follows: Ou the Norih by laods ol
Abraham Areutz; on the East by lands of
Hicbaul Uab'.e; on the South by lands of
Joseph Troup, on the Went by lands of Si
nioa C. .Stranger, containing seventy(72)
two acres, more or lei, having thereon
erected a one-atory log bouse, seized, ta
ken in execution and to be sold as tbe
property of Samuel lioals, and John Kj 1
E. D. Roads, William Roads, as terra ten
Ftftj dollars of tbe price or turn at wlirh
tte property shall be struck oh" sba.l be
paid te the Sboritl at the time ef sale, un
less ti.e parcbaso money shall b less tban
that sum, in which c.s only the purckaso
money slmll be paid, o'htrwiso the property
wiil again be immediately put np aud auldi
the bslaace ef the purchase meuey mint be
be paid te the sher:lT at bis elbee within
five days frm tbe liiae of sale, without any
deaisnd being made by the Sherilf therefor,
otherwise ti e property tniy agaia be seld
at the rxpease and risk ef tbe person to
wbem it is struck oil', bo, in esse el aoy
deficiency at saeh retail shall make good
the same.
SAM CF.L LAPP, SI. at ft".
April 5th, 1892.
A Perfect Kueees VII
Ibe Kt. A. Antaoizia Uduto. ot Tex, ml tea :
1 think 1' ate tor Koctuga N -xvc Tonic U a perfect
rjocesg, for any one vlio suffered from a most
painful ncrrouaneas ms I did. I fad like myself
again altar r-king tb Tonic
Euzauftix, N. J., Karen T, 1891.
Before 1 took l &sUtr KoomVa iSrve Tonic I
OOUlU COt biefp algltUi ai-d Lad a, numbness of
the k-gB, anus ami oTn4Unie mII over tbe body,
but after taking tiie iwooiid loe of your lSurve
Tonie 1 oouid aleep well, and In three days all
numbness a gout and imve nut foil It ainoe.
374 St. Pacz. St.. Moktheal. Marrh, 1H9L
A young man of 3i you-, anVeeutd with eidl
epay for ovtr yara and a vury bad caee. Lav
ing at least 10 to ii flta daily, afW uning all
kluda of medicines with on I benefit, need jr'aatur
Koeaig't aNarve Tonie witb Uivdesired effect.
A Tain able Hook an Kervocu
aUiaeaaaa aact free to any adilreas.
na WMr Mvtiant can atao obiaun
tills uaedlclue free of clirge
Tble mtnedr baa been preparM by the BeTarend
Pastor Koanig. of Fort Warua. led., ai noa Vfto. and
Unow prepared under Uis direction br tne
KOEN1G MED. CO.. Chicago, IIU
Bold by DrorcisU at ! per Mottle. 6fcrS&
xVexare Slxc, SL75. 0 Bottles for SO.
I BrmeeJ M(J fhaartejNt gtal
Boflartng-from sheelfeessef yoeefcfal wises, ear
w.tMiMvMhe lMtaisiaiM.t.lsst
asaa a vslubl. arisem (smWi tesWulw Mi
asnlarsforaosseeeM, FREIwbwa A
spinas mum work s .L.sld b. raed kr .Terr
ansa who as is aed oeMUtatad. I Hi mtj
. m. aVOWUVK. Ml I CsjsaaaV
IVctlce Ayainat Treanpasa.
All persoaa are hereby cautioned lot to
tresspass on the lands of tbe undersigned
in Walker, Fermanagh and Fayette townships.-
A. S. Adams, John afcMeen, James
McMeeo'a hcira, Kobert UcMeen, William
StouOer, G. 11. Sieber, Charles Adams, L.
E. Atkinson.
October 2fith, "81, ly.
Subscribe for the JaniuU Sentinel and
f 1 "".-," lllJA-iibl'(w
I. EG Ah.
1 the Ettatt of Thomat Rumberger, latt
Walktr tawnthip, deettttd.
Notice ia hereby givea that letter" of
Administration on tbe estate of Thomas
Kumberger, late of Walker township, Juni
ata county, Pa., deceased baa been granted
te tbe undersigned. All persona indebted
to said estate will please make payment
and all baring claims will present them
properly aathenticated for settlement.
PROCLAMATION. Whiiiii the Ho.
JcstKiirt Lions, President Jndge of
the Court of Common Pleas of ths 4 1st J u-
dictal District, composed ef tbeceuaties ef
JuuiaU and Perry, and the Haas. J. r.
Wickkrshsh, aad J. L. Bimos, Judges
of tbe said Court ef Ceuimea Pleaa for Ju
niata Ceuity have iasusd their trecept to
me directed, bearing date the 2-3lh day of
March, 1892, for holdisg a court or Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery,
and Oanaral Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace
at M ifll iotewa, oa the fourth Monday of April
1892, being the 25th day ef the month.
Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Conita
blcs ef the county or Juniata, that they be
then aad there in their preper persons, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
witb tbeir rscerds, inquisitions, examma
tioaa aud ever remembrances, to de these
thinga that tbalr otliccs respectively app-r
tain, and these that are bound by recogniz
ance to prosecute gaiat the prisoiirs that
are or than may be in lbs Jailot said ceun
tr, be tbsn and ibere to prosecute against
tnsm aa shall bejust.
By an act of As.emblv, passed the 9th
day of Mir, A. D , 1864, it is uadetbedu-
ty or the Justices of the Peace, or tbe sev
eral eonnties el this I'emmonweaHb, to re.
turn to the Clsrk ef this Coart or Qnsrter
Sessions of the respective eouoties, all tbe
recognizances entered lots be.' ore tbem by
any person or persona charged witb th
eomusiesien of any crime, except such casus
ss may ao ended before a Justice or the
Peace, under existing laws, at luast tea days
before tbe cotnmeaeement or tee seesion
ol tbe Court to which tbey are made re
turnable respectively, aad in all raaea where
say recognizances are eaurtd uto less
tban ten dara before the commencement
of the aession to whicb they ar made re
tamable, tbe said Justices are to return
tbe same in the same manner aa if said act
bad net been passed.
Dated at Itiffliutowu, on the 23th day of
March, in tbe year ef ear Lord, one thou
sand eight hundred and niaetr-two.
Juniata county, ss.
Ia tbe Orphan.' Court of the sounty ef Ju
niata :
In the matter of tbe Inquest upon
i V 1 tne real estate ot Lnk. Karx.
1 ij.U late of the township of Monroe
In aid county, deceased.
To Hannah Marx, widow of said Luke Marx
Knouaetown, Juuiata county, la,; Jo
seph Varx, Knousetown, Juniata couuty
Pa.,; LeriMarx, Woostrr.Utiio; George
Marx, Knoneetown, Jiinist.connt. Pa., ;
alary Marx, inttr-marritl with George
Dresslrr, kneusetowo, Juniata county,
I'a; lisrbsra Karx, inter married witb
Jeremiah Simmcra, Shatcokin, I'a.,; Ju
lia Ann Marx, Inter-married with Samuel
D. Zeidrrs, Thowpsuutcwn, Juuista Co.,
Pa., ; Irwin Msrx, Scott, Van Wert Co.,
Ohio; Beaton Marx, Wooster, Ohio; Re
becca Marx, iotarmarrii-d with Joel Wi
ser, Oriental, Juniata o-unty, Pa.,; Ir
win Krstet;er, Went Saginaw, Michigan;
Luke Kerstcttor, Orit utal, Juaiati'coun
ty, Pa.,; Solomon Kerilettar, West Lo
di, Ohio ; Barbara Ken-tetter, inter-married
with R. W . Eaudcrs, Oriental, Juni
ata county, Pa., ; Audrew M. Kerstetter,
Stroupitowo, Snyder couuty, Pa.,; So
pbia Kerstetter, inter married witb Jacob
Armstrong, Stroupstown, Soydsr county,
You are each hereby Doiifird that at an
Orphans' Court bvld cn the eigbtb day of
March, A. 1.. 192, at a ciinlown, Pa., in
and for the Said coun'y r.f Juuista, this rule
wss granted on you, 'tbe heirs and t.tber
persons interested, that yon be and appear
in open Court, at kifltiut'ewn. Pa., on tbe
fourth Moadsy (being tbe twentr-flith da)
of April, A. V., ll , at !w o'ciwk A. M.,
and accept or refuse the real estate (w here
of the ssid Luke Marx uit-d sit zed) at tbe
valuation thereof returned by the ioquest
in partition, or make bids on tbe s:iuie, or
shew csuse wby the saiue should not be
oId on jour neg lect or rslusal to accept
the i-aire. iiv the Court.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tbo above rule ol Court having boon
pltecd in lay bands for exacutien, publica
tion thereof is bare duly made by aae, and
all partirs interested tbemin are hereby no
tilled to govern tticul-rlves according!)-.
Mifflintown, Pa., March U2. lfiMJ.
1 PUS.S.
Pick Itcadnche and rcliero all the troubles fecS
0nt to bilious attteof tho system, suoh ofl
Isizzlnvss, Kausra, Drowsiness, listrea after
eating, fain in the bid ka. VhiU tnilr moeft
rcuwiuL'ie succeta has boen shown ia cUi3
Headache, yet Carter's Little Ltrar Fin ar
equally valuable In ConstiiMUion. caring and pro
venting thiaanncyinscoraplaiut.wMlo thy also
correct aUdiaortl.rsorth.stoiua:Ulim-alate tha
Htm and rcguLu. the bowels, vi il Uic J oliij
Ar-Vs .ier would bealmoatprlcolMs to those wh
aalfer from this ihaU-vaaiog coiui'laiut; but I orto
rateiy theirg.xdueadGe noteud here.and thoaa
Vhoracetiy Ihora will And thsee little pills Tilt.
lr tn no many w.iys that ney will not be wil
luiio do without tham. But after allaick head
lathe bane of so many llvos that here la where
we make our meat boast. Ourpillacaxelswhiia
other do not.
Carter's Little liver Pills are very email and
very easy to take. One or two piUa make a dose.
They arc strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
parge, bat bv tiicir gentle action please all whe
nsethem. Invialsat25eenta: flvefor$L. SuU
t7 druggists eery where, or stmt by mail.
Brut ken neu er tbe Liquor
Habit positively Cared by Ad
iMlaUterlBar Dr. Uala'
Cioldea Specific-
It ia manufactured as a powder which csa
be given in a glaaa of beer, a cup of coflse
or tea, or in foed, without the knowledge
I tbe patieet. It is absolutely harmless
and will affect a permanent aad speedy
care, whether tbe patient is a moderat
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It baa been
given in thousands of eases, and ia every
instance a perfect cure baa followed. It
hives jails. The system oace impregnat
ed with tbe Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist.
Cnrea guaranteed.
48 page book of particulars free. Ad
dress oolbem sricmcoo., 185 Race St., Cincin
nati, O.
Juae 24, '9l-ly.
CorMimptlon Surely Ourod.
Sw Tarn Borse: Fleece Inform year readese
aha I have a poaMlve resaedy for Use eawve-aajB4
oasesae. By its -stately saw Cheaaands ef hepelMe
eases have seen peraaaoaBsly eared. I shall be aX
esad two beetles ef aty reaaedy nil to aay ef
aw seadesa whe have onusga at they wiM
send ase ffhekr Xxpnsa sad P. O. address. Keepect
fulbj. T. a. 8iXCCla, at. O. Ibi rmal St. . 1.
ta at in" i
0r fje JTjaref in
only one s.ae-3XX-UII
?ie most cpiTeru'cnr
to cut for pocKf or
fo carry vrjol.
insist on fiavfoa fte
frEtt'SNE vCth "iha red H
tag , made only by.
walk m.
Walk in and examine our
larir nnrl x-aripd itoCal for the
Fall Trad of 1R91 and the
Winter ef 1892. We are
Ever Ready
To show customers our good-.
It is our business to supply
your wants and yre know that
we can accommodate you, it
you drop in and deal with us
We have all kinds of dress
goods in all colors to euit the
raried taste, of people. We
have a full line of
JVetcltu Goods.
that people want these times.
Just ask fur what you want
and it will be our pleasure to
wait on ,you. We are stock
ed in
at drop prices and Queensware
in full assortment. Glassware
to please the eye and to do ser
vice SHOES-
Our bhoe Department is large
and grades from the Daintiest
to the Substantial Shoe and
Boot lor the field and forest.
We have almost everything,
and what we hav'nt gt, we'll
Order, so please favor us with
a call.
To the lovers of th weed,
we say we keep the best brands.
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Him Stseet, Ofposits Coubt Hocse,
MifBintowii, Pa.,
& Sou.
A Iayerable Verdict arter
Twenty Tear Trial.
Tbe original auj only geuuiue Compound
Oxygen Treatment tbat of Dra. Starkey fc
Fhalen, ie a scientific adjustment of the ele.
auenta af Oxygen and Nitrogen nitgnetized;
and the eoui pound ia ao condensed and
made portable that it is aent to all the world.
It baa been in use lor mora than twenty
yeara; thousands of patienta bava ibeea
treated, aud recommend it. a very signifi
cant fact.
It does sot act aa most drugs do by creat
ing another ail meat, often requiring a sec
ond course to eradicate tha evil aSecta of
tbe first, but Compound Oxygen is a revit
alizer, renewing, slrengtbcuing, invigorat
ing tha wbola body.
Tbesa statements are confirmed by num
erous testimonials, published in our book
of 200 pagea, only with tha express permis
sion of tbo patients, their names and ad
dresses are given and yoa can refer to thera
for furtker information.
Tbe great succceaa of our treatment baa
givea rise ta a boat of imitators, unscrupu
lous persons; same calling tbeir preparation
Compound Oxygen, often appropriating onr
trstiaioniala and tba namea af our patienta
to reccommend worthless concoetiona.
But any substance made elsewhere or by
others, and called Compound Oxygea
Compound Oxyceo Ita Mode a Aclioa
and Results," is tha title of a new book of
20 pages, published by Dra. Starkey fc. Pa
len, which givea to all inquirers full inform
ation ss to this remarkable curative agent,
and a record of surprising cares in a wide
range of chronic eaaes many af tham after
being abandoned todiaby other physicians.
W ill be mailed free to any address aa ap
plication Dra. Starkey fc Phalen, 1529 Arch St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., 120 Sutter St., Ban r'ran-
eitco, Cat.
Get a good paper by subscribing far tba
Sntrivn axd KwpiwLieaa.
Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, atone, c,
of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing and
GEirrs' FrRwisiiixc2GOODS
CompUte and Ready for Inspection.
. . it . I, jiTf Vat a
We ore pasbing ining-
is a time of activity whu u.
Shoes, Ladies9 anil Genis
o.i cents on everv dollar by purchasing or ua. Our aim is large ,.
Von ran save
n,l Small Dreflta. COUB
c io o c o o ia i
ci -i eo n co co w w
O o
is co eo
r- O CtKOlOO
L-5 O - c-D -l H J3CIOC S 3 a
o a v-i c o o oi : i a
h . ( cz
S cn ci -t nwnt-iSMOo ij 3
S or.e o ocooo aBt-fostSH sj! -g
- -i a o .c c .c r n n " 'r c: i-
ifi o o t 5!
, rr. ffl X l"3 C
ooat - r - r - r - t - t - r -
7-. o n e rS .fc .a . .2
- s 5. c r c
c- c at--- wjr i-.
I -c o c x c 21 Ta
Hrt w
O c e
i-2 r
0) 5 co
j-; e H C 13 c. o -H
CCXCSe 'lHi-ti-li-1
O O O r- c:
13 13-eOCM
o u n ti r. r: o c h o h c io w
L o cT -c cc c c 3 c
r xxxsexxc. ocs
lc x X r
ca ic ci co
Shh h
I.acia B. ATKissea. Y. U
'. raiJIXLI.
yiyrLiaTOww, rx.
ta"CallectiBg and Ceavevaaciag prompt
ly attended te.
Orricx Oa Main street, ia place er resi
dence or Leais K. Atkissoa, Eie., soath el
Bridge street. fcti,lfi-
Jeaa UcLaseaLia. Jasara W. Btihmei.
CST'Only reliable Ceoipaaiea represest'd.
Jan. 1, 1SS2-1T
have farmed a partaership far tha practice
af Uediciae aad their cellatteral braachra.
OSice at aid ataud, earner of Third and Wr
ange streets, iliUJintewa, Pa. Oaeer betb
at tkcm will be found at tbeir See at all
times, aalesa otherwise prefessienally ea
gsged. April 1st, 110.
Worth Knowing,
That I can sTer TsaTHacaa ia less ttu
Bve ssinutes; Be pain, aa extracting.
That I caa extract teeth witnt.at pais,
by the use ef a fluid applied to the teeth
and gaais ; na daager.
TaatDieeaaed fa SiBi(kai
as Scurvy) treat ed auccossluiiy
and a car wsxi'a.;??' granted ia every
case. 'i.'Jiji
Testh Fillbb aad warraatsd far life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged er,
rerneddled, at prices to auit all. I wiil in
sert a full permanent set of Gunied Enam
eled porcelain teeth as low as $6. CO per set
iu give perieci saiuiactiOD, or
tne money refunded.
All wark warranted to gtva perfect aatia
factiea. People wha bare artificial teeth
with which they caaaet eat, are especially
iavited ta call.
Tims Cash.
G. I,. DERR,
Practical Wentiat.
ct. 14
i ley Kailroad Company. Timetable
. Fwcim.r trains, in eflect on Monday
January 18, 18 aa.
ward. East
wart. 3
Buffalo Bridge....
Juniata furnace..
Sylvan "
Bloomfield Junct'n
Valley Road
Elliot taburg
Green Park
Lot sville
Bixlcr'a Ran.. ..I
Cisna'a Ron
F It A H
001 45
9 00
8 67
8 63
t at
6 00
4 67
4 63
4 60
4 41
4 38
4 34
4 22
4 18
4 11
4 05
4 00
8 65
8 45
6 03 9 4H
6 07; 9 6J
6 10! 9 65
6 20 10 OS
6 26 10 11
6 32 10 17
6 42 10 27
6 40 10 SI
62 10 37
6 59 10 44
' 04 10 49
7 09l0 54
1 17 11 0!
7 80 11 15
8 60
8 88
8 341
8 22
8 181
8 111
8 06
8 00!
7 55j
7 45!
7 30!
Note Signifle ao agent. T" t.i.
D. GRING, President and Manager
C. K. Muler, General Agent. 6
eorded the pl of tnSCJSi
SS'i""1" QuickivehanK. TnT.LtUo
11 5r,'? "'"Pl'on to one ol natural health
aud unblemished beauty. It cureaOile Hkin
Wmplea, and all lmperiectiona cf tha
! ln; Bot cuameue but a cure, yet is bet
L bo toilet table than powder Bold bv
Drugguta, or sent Ptpaid upon recrlpt of 50L
a C BITtNER CO., Tiled., O.
Everything to its Capacity.
Caps & Gtntb' Famishing Goods.
o -1 n ci ;i ci
7. A
;i I s
a n r: o 5
f t-i o LZ c-
ct -ri ci x
n c ci ic c--"ci ic
v ;t o K v r. h
C. C. C". X t- I- t-
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CI o
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ia is t- t t- ci
z a
5 c.
CM CM CC r- t: c c
LI HCi f-l O CI -t- i
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- t 9
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Z d
H 1-3)
O Ar -A JST T K 1) .!
LOCaL JK TKAVKLLIN'J, to si-u eur
Nurserv Sroct. Salary, Kx's.s aad
Steadr Empiermcnt gu.rjDtrt-d.
t. Pec. 8, '01. UocbM'er, . T.
S it ! a? L
"013 anrAi sa iiriurii -.o
.BITS CUD ill SLLiUS n. . V-'
0. - aA
Jrfppt on Suanr, Children Tort Tt,
c-ery IrTei-r aUKHif-1 Eato a b-fttlo uf it in ht tchl
Every Sufferer "-XSS
TrraiHeaaiarhe. rphtbria.Coatfh.l'tairrh lirf nrhttt
Astnmav, t bolt-r Mori mis, liiarruvv I Anont. f-n-Edi
In ikxiy or Limha, Stiff Joixil or Sli-buTi-, flad I
ola AiKxlvne rlief anj iivly cure. larnyhlw
tn-. Hold ortTTvahrru. IVir i ct.. hT mail. 6 h-ttiaa
tiprew iiJ. Zi. Lk. JOHSbOS i Co.. i.To. iLiJ
JVe Can't do it
bat ara willing to pcf for loamta? liw to
Kaie at goxl an arucle as AVouy'S Acvi
Ui-aoxis cf cheap rjiawrial so tiist
rctiUir caa profitably sll it a: 10c
Cur price ia 20c.
Tli retailer seyi the pnWie will rot VSf
ft. We asj- the public will, beoaras th
till alwtvi pay a fair price for a
axliclc. To ahow both tie trade and th
public that w vaat to give them th bast
for tha lout money, we will pay
For obore information ; thU o2ar if cpea
until January 1st, 1893.
V- OIiffT & EA3DOIiPH. Philadelphia.
, Pija-Ron I the nam cf a paint whlrft
Ut, work that r.o oUier ualnt eoi do. A"
uoutl painied with It looks like the natural
wood wueu It la sualued aud vaniishwl.
will And it profitable to luveatiaate. All
Muat ttorta aU lk
(Pirr's French
Kerr Rmedy,ts
Ouaraai tocmr
all Nervous d'seaa
s. such aa Weak
XIcaBory, Lou ol
etFOHB AND A.rmr Z-tvJlC'l'
.' r u ' j
.11 drains and lose
Sfllr" wUJe-"her Mx c"d by ovcrx.rtioa oe
fu'in"crauon. which ultim.t.!r lead to la
oicfcLl'. vp,ioa ,n1 Inaaaity. Pric It oo a
i." . . l,h every f j order we iv. a wrtttM
Ki735r eAir,-e' refund n.o.y. By mad ta
aay address. FiVtS'3 REMEDY CO., Toledo, OL
Th Stnhntl and Jtrpai.'traa cJSce ia tba
place to get job work done. Tiyii. ItwUl
W you if yon need anything in that line,-
.s.rjVw'. vro5s.-'-t--- . . -