Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 06, 1892, Image 4

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JJ.nt I" o loner he said,
. , w.rltool his curly head.
On, tw-o. thiee. four, five, six. Mtfnr
Peven .hole dajs! Why. In six. you know
(itu sad it otirself you told ineso).
lie ie:it fJod nn In heaven
Mane all the enrtli and the -a.s and skies,
I he tires and i lie birds and the butterflies!
How can I wait lor luy seeds to growt"
"But a month Is so Ions:!" he said,
With adrooo of Lis boyish head.
Hear me count one. two. three, four
Four whole weeks, and three dava mora:
I hirty-one days, and each will creep
As the shallow crawl over yonder steeps
, 1 lib tv-onfl nights, and I shall He
Watching the stars climb up the skv!
How can 1 wait till a month la o'er?"
'But a year Is so lone!" be said,
Vpllftliig his bright young head.
"All the seasons must come and so
Over the hilis wph foot.tepi slow
Ai tmnn and Winter. -umii.eraiid Spring:
Oh. for a bridge of cold to King
-ver the chasm deep and w:de.
I hat I mltht cros to the other side,
V here sue is waiting my love, my brlJet"
"Ten years may be long," he said,
Slow raising his stately head,
But theie's much to win. there Is much to
A man must labor, a man must choose.
And he must be strong to walrl
1 he years nny I e Kim:, but who would wear
The crown of honor, must do aud da ret
No time has he to toy wltn fate
V bo wou (1 cilmb to manhood's high estate!"
Ah! life Is not lone!'' he said,
Mowing his L'Miid wnlte head.
'One, two. three, four, five, six, seven I
Seven timet te i are seventy.
Seventy yea-sl As swift ihe'r flight
As swallow cleaving the morning light,
1 r golden gleams at even.
Life Is shi rt as a Summer night
low long, V God! is eternity?"
Harptrt Bazar.
1 1 1 k rn i x c ess ro c a n o n tas-
"Who was the Princess Pocahon
tas?" asked Mabel, looking np from
her book.
Humph!" said lazy Ked, who was
lying at full length on the hearth rng,
"vukl a auow-uoiuiUpr ou arc. ? uv.
she was old PowLatan'o daughter, and
she faved Captain Smith's life when
he was captnred by the Indians."
"Not so fast, Master Ned," said a
voice behind them, and Aunt Marion
came into the circle around the fire
light." "O, Annt Marion," clamored all the
children, "tell us a story."
"Very well. I will tell yon about
Ibis Bfirue Porahontas, abont whom
Mabel knows nothing, and Ned noth
ing definitely.
"Pocahontas was an Indian girl.
Now, we sneak of all red men as 'In
dians,' but the Indian race is divided
ito m my tribes, by reason of blood
relationships and difference in dialects.
Pocahontas belonged to one of the
largest divisions, the Algonquin
"At the time of Captain John Smith's
episode with Pocahontas certain of
Ihese Algonqnin tribes of Virginia,
were joined together in a sort of In
dian republic, composed of thirty
tribes, scattered through central and
eastern Virginia, and known to their
neighbors as the Confederacy of the
This name was taken from the tribe
that was strongest aud most energetio
in this tribal nnion and that had its
villages along t'.ie broad river known
to Indians as the Powhatan, and to us
aa the James.
"The principal chief of the Powha
tans was Wabunsonncook, called by the
white men Powhatan.
"He lived iu the Powhatan village
of Wero-Wocomoco, and into this
village came an Indian runner one day
th important news.
"As he came in his headlong race
down between the two rows of bark
houses in hich the Indians lived, he
saw around the many camp fires built
between the rows of houses groups of
Indians lolling, and between the fires
Indian children turning somersaults.
"On he went, dodging past them
until at last by one of the fires he saw
HttiDg the chief Wabunsonacook. It
was to him that the me' sage was to be
delivered, but before Rabnota, the run
ner, could ftop in his wild tight, one
of the youthful gymnasts came whirl
ing down the path toward him in a suc
cession of dizzy handsprings.
"There was a sudden collision. The
stoat little feet of the tumbler came
plump against Rabuata's breast, and so
unexpected was the shock that runner
and gymnast tumbled over together in
writhing heap on the edge of the tire.
"There was a great bnrat of laughter
aa the Indians shou'ed: 'Twa, wa,
Babnnta! Knocked over by a girl."
"Babnnra, picking himself up, dis
covered it was Mataoka, the daughier
of the old chief, who had collided with
"And the old chief said, half-sternly,
half-teoderly, 'My daughter you have
well-nigh killed our brother, K ibunta,
with your foolery. That is scarce girl's
play. Why will you be such a Poca
hontas?' "This is the Algonquin term for a
little 'tom-boy.
"But Mataoka, then a ten-year-old
maid, laughed and nimbly dodged out
of reach of both her lather and Ra
bunta. "Then Rabnnta delivered his mes
sage. Capt. John Smith had been cap
tnred and was even then being brought
to the council house.
"This indeed was important news,
and preparations were at once made to
receive him when be arrived. He was
greeted with the cistomary Indian yell,
and then a bountiful feast was spread
before him.
"The Indians seldom killed prison
ers and this pale-fnced wawior was too
important a personage to be other than
well treated.
'Wabunsonacook, the old chief, re
ceived him as an honored guest, kept
him in his own bonne and adopted him
as his own son. After two days he re
turned him, well escorted by Indian
guides, back to the English colony at
"Smith's own wordsare: 'Hee kindly
welcomed me with good wordes, as
suring me his friendship and my liber
ties "This rather destroys the old famil
iar romance which Ned quoted abont
the captaiu being saved by 'the
a'nfi 0 ,
own daughter,' bnt it is the only true
version of the siory, based on Smith's
own report.
"But nit 1 oughshodid not rescue him,
nevertheless his attention was drawn
to this agile, clever little Mctaoka,
whom her father called his 'tomboy' or
Poo thuntas
"Smith made much of her, gave her
some trifling presents and asked her
"Now it was one of the singular ena
t m of the American Indians never to
teil their own names or allow them to
be spoken o t rangers. The reason
for this luy in tjo superstition which
held that the speaking of one's real name
gave to the stranger to "whom it was
spoken a magical and harmful influence
over the person.
"So when Smith asked the old chief
known to the colonis's by the name
of his tril e, Powhatan, rather than his
own name, Nabunsonacook for this
very reason he hesita'ed and then gave
in reply the nickimmc by wLich he so
often called her. Pocahuntas the 'lit
tle tomboy.'
"Thus it is that you have always
neard of Pocahontas, instead of Matao
ka, and of Powhatan instead of Wabun
"Well, Prcalioilas and Capt. Smith
became good friends, and this friend
ship stood in good stead in the days to '
come. I
"Mataoka used to go often to James-'
town, and I'm afraid she fully deserved
her t.et namo vt 'Litile Tombov,' for
e are told by one Master William
Stracley, sen f tary of the colony, that
the 'before reiBauibered Pocahontas,
Powhatan's daughter, did sometimes
resort to oar Sort, of the age then of 11
or 12 years, did pet the bojes forth
nith her into, the market-place, and
make them wheel e. falling on their
hands, .turning their heeles npward,
wbome she would followe and wheel
so herself ail the fort oyer.' From
which it wonld appear she could
easily 'stunt' the English boys at mak
ing 'cart-wheels.'
"But there came a time very soon
when she came into Jamestown for
other purposes than turning somer
saults. "The Indians had learned to distrust
the white men, and 1 daresay they had
good cause.
"Discontent grew into hatred, and
at last a plot was arranged to kill the
'great captain' and destroy the colony.
' Three times they attempted to en
trap him and his people, but each time
the little Mataoka, full of friendship
and pity for Lira, found means of warn
ing her white friends of their danger.
"Of one of these warnings there is
an old record that tells how, as
Smith est in the York River woods one
night, where he had come for confer
ence with the old chief, and where he
was then awaiting provisions promised
by the Indians, there came a light step
on the dry twigs, and a slender figure
glided out from the shadow into the
light of the camp fire into the midst of
the men, who recognized in her the
Indian maid, Pocahontas.
" 'Be guarded, my father,' she sai.1
to Smith. The corn and provisions
will come as promised, but even now
my father, the chief of the Powhatans, .
is Ratberinjr all bis power to fall upon
and kill you. If you would live, get
you hence at once.
"The gratefnl captain thanked her
and pressed a pocket compass into her
" 'My daughter,' he said, 'you have
again saved my life, coming alone and
at ribk of your own life through ths
irksome woods and in this gloomy
nigni to aamonisn me. lase tais iiota
me and let it always tell you of the
love of Capt. Smith.'
"But, much as she desired this won
derful 'path-teller," she handed it
" 'Sot so,' she said, 'if
be seen by my
they would kill me,
it should
for they j
would know I had warned yon.
not to pnrley, my father, but be
at once.
" 'And with that,' Bays the record,
'she ran away by herself, as she had
"Soon after Smith left the colony,
worn oat by the continual disputes,
and Mataoka went no more to James
town, deeming it unsafe in the absence
of her best friend.
"She seems to have been wise in her
fear, for in 161 J, she being abont 16,
she was captnred by the bold and un
scrnpnlons Cupt. Aneall and held as a
hostage for the friendship of Powhatan.
"She had I eon married three yean
before to a chief, Kokowni, who bar
been afterward killed in battle. I
"During her captivity she met John
Kolfe, a young inglisnman, and mar
ried him.
lj . . i. : - 1 i. f
purpose of converting her to Christi
anity, and ungallantly calls her 'an un
believing creature."
"Well, they lived happily together
and finally went to England. Here,
all too soon, when she was bnt 21, the
daughter of the great chieftain of the
Powhatans died.
"Her story is both sad and pleasant,
and is romantic enough without any of
the additional romance that has)been
thrown around it, that Ned bar
"Ihe white race has nothing to be
proud of in its conquest of the Indians.
Bnt ont of the gloom which surrounds
it there come some figures to relieve
the darkness, wreichedness and crimr
that makes it so black.
"And not the least impressive of
these is the bright, gentle, feaWess lit
tle daughter of Wabunsonacook, chiel
of the Powhatans, Mataoka, whom we
of this later day know by the nicknama
her loving old father gave her Poca
hontas, the Algonquin.
KaBljY oardes flowers.
'Sow is the time when tho-ie who
have planted their bulb-gardens in tu
fall begin to receive their reward
First of ail ;
' The Snowdrop and the Tiolet j
Arise from the ground with warm rain wet,
And their breath la mixed with fresh odos
From the turf, like the voice and the iostru
From the window we may watch out
large bed planted with bulbs where,
very early, be fore the snow is gone,
green leaves begin to shoot up from
under the warm blanket of mulch and
often, when it is removed in early
April, we will find the delicate scented
bells of snow-drop blossoming away at
if from pure love of being alive. Th
snowdrops are not gone before the
crocuses begin to bloom and tlieu
beautiful painted enps are a study.
Here are dark blue, almost purple,
delicately veined; golden yellow with
more open cups than tlie other varie
ties; pure white and tinted bine and
white, and one, well named "U
unique," of a peculiar reddish blue.
Then there are the croeua bitleras, j
flie tinted blue or white, inside, while
tbe outside of the cup is finely veined
and netted with yellow and black.
Our garden beds are gay with crocus,
for many days before the pretty snow
Make begins to bloom. This is a very
delicate tower much like tbe snow-
, drop, but growing taller and a little
I later in bloss ming, while every fniul
I scented white bell has upon its petal'
a blotch of pale green.
.Next come tne roval hyacinths, and
here ia a flower which we may cull for
our parlor bouquets. It needs but a
combination of its own colors. Fink
and whltA bltm and mltiinn nn ilu.t
purple, with a few of its spiked leavet
to make a mot-t exquisite bouquet, so
fr-n . 41.-. I. . f 4 I. 1
About the same time, tulips betrin to
bloom and make a brilliant patch ol
color on the lawn. Pansies that have
been planted in late summer and
covered through the winter should
blossom in April and the California
PPP7. self sown, will open its deep
golden cups as soon as the sun hat
warmed the top of the soil. In shady
corners, lilies of the valley droop theii
delicate frag ant bells and the star-of-Bethlehem
opens its striped blossom'
in the sunny places.
It needs but little expense or trouble
to have these beds prepared in fall and
nothing will take their places, for thej
blossom so early and grow and multi
ply with so little eubijjquent care, thai
no garden flowers wil.eturn so much
for the amount of outlay than these
early bulbs and first spring garder
Sweet Alyssam ia too delicious and
continnous blooming a plant to b
without. Sow it for a bed or border.
Of coarse wo all must have the gay
Calliopsia, the fragrant Candytuft, th,
pnrle Scabiosa, the gold Meteor Mari
gold, the many colored Chinese Pinki
and Snapdragons, and other popular
flowers, all of which are so easily
grown, so showy when in bloom and
ao useful for cut flowers; and they all
should be sown early.
"Jol.n," said the minister's wife,
"how many more times are you going
to recite :hat sermon of yoh.."9?"
"Don't bo' her me, my dear, If yon
please,'' be returned. "I am practising
what I preach."
1 Jewerer TbM watch don't require a
ky. y0u wind it by turning the stem,
Jason fin high glee! Just liko a calf
Un'tlt? Twist iu tall an' a war It
.Ethel "Do say yes, papa. O.-orge
.n't live without me."
CIoseBst "I doubt if be could with
out me."
"What do you kno'w about American
Institutions, anyway?''
"American institutions?" retorted
the - anarchist orator. "I'm one of
51ie "I had a lovely photograph
taken to-day."
He "Of whom?"
She "Ob myself, of course. "
He "Oiil"
"This squirrel must be quite old'
laid Maude.
"Why. no; he's not more than a year
"How does it happen he ia so gray."
Bagley Your tailor was here after
f u an hour aio; he said he was out
bill collecting."
Brace "Just like him; alway taking
Dp some such crazy fad."
They are at It y .-t. hammer and tones; so say
the Fidelity Wall Taper Co. of 12 N. 11th St.,
1'hlla. While It lasts they will be In position to
i embossed paners for ten cents are-world beat-
ocuu tour two cent stamps ior samples.
Arsenic is exclusively used
rag ice cream.
in mak-
Catarrh Can't be Cored
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
rcaeh the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a blood
r constitutional disease, and In order to cure
t you have to take Internal remedies. Hall's
t ttanh cure Is laken Internally, aud acts (II
leetly on the bloo land mneous surr.ices. Hall's
fatarrh Cure is no qu.ick medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
sou ntry foryears.and is a repular presci Iptioo.
It Is composed of the bet tonics known, com
lined with the best blood purifiers, acting dl
"ectlyoo the mucous suifces. The perfect
lomh'tnation of the two Ingredients Is what
iroouces sueh wonderful results In curlug
atarrh. Send for testimonial, free.
F. J. CHENEY & t'O.. Props Toledo O
Sold b druggists, price 75c.
British soldiers when marching take
eighty-eight ttpps to the minute.
Caiin'n Xiloney Cure Tor
Droisy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's,
Heart,Urinary or I.iver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, &.C. Cure guaranteed. S31
Arch Street, Philad'a. $1 a bottle, 6
for 15, or druggist. 1U00 certiorates of
cures. Try tu
There were 23,000 tons of eggs
lumed In Paris, France, last year.
Justice of the Peace, George Wil
kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co.,
Minn., makes a deposition concern
ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In
the Spring of iSSS, through ex
posure I contracted a very severe
cold that settled on my lungs. This
was accompanied by excessive nighl
sweats. One bottle of Boschee's
German Syrup broke up the cold,
mgnt sweats, ana ail and leu me
in a good, healthy condition. I can
give German Syrup my most earnest
commendation." g
al M Ht W. thA . H.T.,
rriiorMtemi)li.oDaruriCoBatlpi Ion.
that pepople -will know yonr hair in dyed if
you um that perfect Imitation of nature,
Tnti's Hair Dye
Jt Impart a, kIosst color and fresh life to the
liair. .Trice, SI. UfHcc. 3t lark flace, '. V.
Also ItUI-XI- at
413 E. 34th St, Near Ferry, Naw Tork.
-German Illustrated Catalopie sent r j
to anj address on application.
Plao's Remedy for Catarrh Is tba
Best. Faitt to T'e, and Cheapest.
bold by drug 114 or uroi bj uiaU,
toe. E.T. HftselUn. Warren, Pm.
a ubsii rr imsuill nciMIINi
Tnataitt. P..a. t
ifor a7 a is Srirt )hiA,r (Mb, mm
IlirA. LiFLB if ukm u diiwicd. So Fit afur
tr day kw. Trvtiw and trfl ktil tY t
Fit rasttvttu, ihy pyset ) reM clMnm oat bns wbn
rafftfrd. !rni name., p. O and cii.rrM arhlfMi oi
ttrc for pirr-cm AfFfCnana. Firm. Ant7..a.
atniria.1 (n DM. KLINE. KIl Arch Ktid-li.nU, Pa.
Baa Itrn&M-. BKWJUt QXIMtlATUiti tkALD
w"h"i nf -? SIT? hT Jnr,,1"n ,OT thelr children J
Twe.o-Hit Cent, a Battle. I
A cure ior riles. External, Internal, rillnrt.
fileedin-r. and Itchlnc. Chronic. Recent, or
Hereditary. This reniedv has pisitivcly never
been known to fall. $1 a lx. six for ". bv mail.
A written
when pnrch ised at one time, to refund the i if
-""""' KICII lin SIX DflTi
not etiren Guarantee issnert bv Finnektt.
i,c9, Vr.E,Co " Wholesale and Ketall Auents!
o. 112 Market Street. 1 hiladelphia, Fenna.
$5 DAY Jtiffip", $2 SAMPLE FRE!
Address Gen'l Agency, 157 Hudson St, N. T.
yv-TEl. (inod Salesmen on the road to
sell Advertising ('aids. Fans and Calendars on
Commtsslo direct from Manufacturer. You
can make SO per week. Address:
Advertiting Specialty Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Al KS?iA Wnted-Salary and expenses
fchler. ii. Y.W '" :- iurserme
and nrtneet
are all riaht.
tvod .rlca. Farm. f, sale oarwini LIsVim
. CH SS. K. W'U I I.I.K Y, alrBeV kI
Wa Wast Nasi aad
Addrua ot Erary
CURED TO STY CUBEO. uf?Z"o!w"t!"
i irlTS
Willie TUUtrooU
Son of
Mayor Tillbrook,
of McKeesport, fa.. Cared of
Scrofula in the Neck
By Hood's -arsaparilta
All parents whose children suffer from Scrof
ula, S.ilt Itheum, or other diseases caused by
pure oiooa. sn.iiiui rea'i tne. following frm
Mrs. J. w. Tillbrook, wire of the Mayor of Mo -
Keesoort, Penn.
"C. I. H.kk! A Co.. iMVt -11. M.oss.
"My little boy Willie, now six years old, two
ears ago had a
Bunch Und2r One Ear
hich the doctor said was Scroful . As It con
tinued to sro he finally lanced It and It dis
charged for some time. We then bet:aa giving
him Hood's t-arsap irilla and he Improved very
rapidly until it healed up. l-ast winter it broke
out again and was followed by
We again gave him Hood's Sai sapanlla with
most excetle-.t lesults and he has bad no
further trouble. His cure is due to the use ol
Hood's Sarsaparilla. He has never been very
robust, but now skeins healthy and daily grow
ing stronger. The doMor see tied quite pleased
at his appearance and said he feared at one
time tb it we slioa a loss lilm. I also take
Food's Sarsaparilla
myself and amsat.sO.ed that I have been helped
by it." Mas. J. W. Tillbrook, 5th Avenue,
McKeesport, Pa.
HOOi'.4 I' ILI.s are puiely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, do not i i tpe.
Anodyne Liniment.
Evrrr traveler. Frerr family whoald keep It ftt hand,
fur the etfnnuin IIIn of life lisl,l to occur to any oim.
2t is Sonthimr. Hi-aUng anil IVuetratlnjr. Om- used al--rs
wantvil. Sulil everrwherw. lT1ci3Se.,iiix. $2. Full
mrucukn (n. L tt. JOll.NSuK Jt CO, Suaxoa. lUaa.
There is ease for those far
gone in consumption not
recovery ease.
There is cure for those not
far gone.
There is prevention bet
ter than cure for those who
are threatened.
Let us send you a book on
careful living and Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil,
even if you are only a little
Scott Bowat.Cbemisls, tjj South sib Avenue,
Nr. York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil all drufigtsu everywhere do. Si.
r. s ies the e'i nV and ieiVse of smelT-re I
. . ... ., . . v : . i
mailed t.. any address for 1. Testimonials, !
symptom blanks and advice free. 27 years'
exi erience, write him regarding your e ise. I
A quick, positive CUKE. S3 Cents,
o o
j Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curt.
Lumbairo.riain in joints or back. brJck dust U)
urine, frequent calls, irritation, inrJamatioo, I
(Travel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver,
Impaired ditmstion. (rout, Mlllous-hearlacha.
S1'A.T1P-Kn'r cure kidney difficulties,
LaUriitfje, urinary trouble, bright'! disease.
Impure Blood,
Scrofula, malaria, (ren'l weakness or debility.
C.r.Ntee-tTeontent8orOn Bottle. If ant ban
flUal, lraVtata will rarunii to you ib. pric paid.
At Druselata, 50c. Size, $1.00 Size.
"Inrallils' Guid to Realth'trea Consultation (rata
DB. KlUiKB & Co BufOBAMTOa,)!. 7.
Ely's Cream Balm
is the best remedy for chil
dren sufferiui: from
Ap:lv Kalin into each nos
tril. Kl.Y B1ULS., Sb Warren
StM N. Y.
SPI21XG and SUMMER, 1892.
Greatly Enlarged and Improved.
5.000 Illustrations, 450 Pages,
Sent Free
anywhere on Receipt of 10 Cent to Pay
300, 311, 311 J to 321 Grand St,
25,000 ACRES
TEXAS IKKIi!aT.-:d LNDS. Address with
a. I want a reetment of Aeents to sen
.1. mv Ne Summer (lames: "Is arrlaea
A. Failure? aim "Columbia Base Ball
L. (.am a Thev sre monev-coiners.
Addled M. KZIXiKAVE. Jersev C.ltv M. t
tatowell Alia.
Mrs. Lkhot O. Covttxb.
A ladr write a letter for publica
tion believing It will Interest many
offering from Kheumatlam.
(From th Chenango Union, Norwich, !fi T.)
McDonough, Chtnanjo Co., N. T,
Dr. Kilmer, Bingharaton, N. Y.
Kind Sir:- I had been trouble! for
yes.rs with that terrible disease Rneuma-
' lism and last Spring, a year ago, I wa
tonfined to my bed and could icarctly mot
tr ttir. Could not beat to have any one
walk across the room or mike any noiso
of any kind. Was also troubled with
Female Weakness and was completely
uted vp. I had doctored with the best
Physicians I could get, but grew worse
til tbe time. Having read of your Rem
edies I at last made up my mind to try
I them. I had very little faith for I
thought, perhaps, they were no better
than lots of others that I bad used before
without any benefit. But thaoks be to
God and also to you, I tried them and
found it to my benefit. I only took two
oltle of your Swamp-Hoot and one of
Female Remedy and used one bottle of
tour U. A O. Anointment and was com.
j fUtefy cured.
I It is now over one year since I was
troubled and yet I have not felt a single
. touch or return of the old complaints.
t think I was better before I bad taken
t one-half of the first bottle. I now believe
ind have more faith in you than any
ether doctor on earth.
' If this will be of any benefit to vou ox
stbera, you can publish it and if need be
can prove it by more than tuentu
food and reliable people in this vicinity.
bod bless you and your), and witb
great respect, Mrs. Leroy O. Coville.
fThft preceding testimonial was ant no in thla
aiuuv irum original ieiur wriiten dj Alra.
rite ihovtand dollart is offered to an j
one who will prove any portion of this
testimony untrue. Hundreds of similar
letters are received daily by the proprie
tors of Swamp Root.
Customer In restaurant I See here
Mr. Proprietor, this steak is so tough,
can fcarceiy cut it.
rroprietor We'll make 'bat al
rigr, sir. Here, waiter, just hand tbif
gentleman another knife.
Fireman Now ttien, one at a time
hurry np, if yju all want to get out
Mr. Bentliayre Save the cook fust
we may never be able to get another
Alice ricoking at tier portrait!
Don't you think that Van
managed to make rather a
ture of me?
Edith Yes; be really has what
remarkably clever artist be is.
Questions Olten Asked
Q. What Is Alahastlne?
A. Alabasti ne is a durable coatlns for walk
aim ceiiinir.
U- Is It the lime as kaisnmlncsf
A. It is entirely dlffeiea: from all other prep
arations on the market.
Q. Wherein does it differ from these kalso
miner ou me m . i r k e 7
A' ' "'' To.nacement that toes thr..u,
A roin tshitings.chalks. clays or other Iner
, ar iiiireiy oepeuueo
upon L'lue to hold them on the wall.
Q. Why do kalaonunes rub and seller
A. BeCiuse tile alue. beliia aQlm:il matter. Am
m 1 ture, and the blndlua aualliies of the ma
ieri.li are men voue.
Q Does tba Alabastine contain any Inlunout
' A. Alabastine has be. n most carefully tested
a id Is recommend I by leading sanitarian
ib o ihout tne coi nuy. on accoui t of its saul
11 y nature.
W wnat has the same Investigation show
regarding wall paper?
A. Sanitarians condemn In strong terms thi
useol wall pai er for walls of living io-niis oi
account of the Dolson lis d in Its iuatiiifactur
Q Can anything but plain work be to.ie will
A.Anykl d of w..tk. from plain tinting ti
Ik most e hi. ..rale decorating c n t done.
W. liow cm 1 learn to do this wo k aud dec
orate my hou-?
A. By writiiigthe Alabastine Company.fi rant
Rapid. Mich., for book of instructions and sua
gesiious, and illustration of stencils; alx
showing six sets ol tlutcd Wall designs. UvU
The number of Government employe!
In all departments is said to be about
Hon. Channcey Depew said truly ano
well, "Go South, Yonng Man!" Th
tJoutn of to-day ia certainlv the
. i l ii "
ior oia as weu as young. Oood
I I' j j , iiAm, waici
and chewp lumber are among the ad-
vantages. See Florida Real EstaU
Journal, Arcadia, .Florida, For f u rther
information a copy will be sent free to
cheap, neaithy
Annnl.B r . . . 1 ...
any one.
Tbe Burmese, Karens, Ilangera ano
Ghana use lead and silver in bullion foi
Mr. Thoa. Rockstroh. Wakefield. Hlchiiran.
writes: "A few days ago I received your lettet
Inquiring as to the efficiency ol the St, Bernard
Vegetable Puis sent me. I find your Pills tin.
surpassed for Indigestion and head-ache. I . m
miner, and, in my calltmr. hava to contend
with un powder smoke, the effect of which
frequently causes head-ache. Since takinv
your St. Bernard Vegetable Pills, I am no
longer troubled in this manner, and shall al
ways keep the Pills on hand. I hereby tender
you my vinoereat thanks for your wonderful
The "heaviest" woman In Europe has
just died In Bavaria. She weighed 630
If yon suffer from sick, nervona,
neuralgic, spinal, bilious, or dyspeptic
headaches, Bradvcrotine will cure yoo
promptly of headache.
A man In Sydney, New South "Wales,
has f 250,000 invested in city property
11. of which was made out of pigs.
Postmaster Foster of Lubee, Me, writes
that after the Grip, Hod' Sars-ip.irilla
bronchi him out of a feeble, neivcus condition,
lato complete strength ami health.
Hood's Pill, hare on hich praise for the
prompt and efficient yet easy action.
Hundreds of Bun are sllll alive in the
royal aquarium In St. retersbur, Rus
sia, thtt were placed there more than
ISO years Ago.
The worst eases of fmal t... I
?ir2i?nDIi. 8w' ,'V,lles- Samples LZ !
Carriages were first introduce.1 lr.
En'laDd in 1330, and were for a lorm
time ufed ouly tor the conveyance of
the sick and of ladles.
.f! mnd HreeTli. lrritatlok
which Induces coughing Immediately relieved
by use of "Sretm'i Bronchial Tra-i,.. u, j
only Io boxes. """"
A fall caused the heart of Mrs. An
H.arf'r.Vincennes- Ind. "Wrt froiB
the left to the right side. This is ths
opinion of her physicians.
Bell Bey lexcited y to botel cler)
"Lightning: has struck In 499, sir.
Clerlc-"is 499 hurt?"
Bell Boy-"No. sir; he's all right '
Clerk (to book-keepei) "Charge 499
12 for extra heat."
Customer "Will this meat
keep a
few days?"
New Clerk "Yes, ma'am, it will.
We've had it in the shop two weeka
nw and it's iust as fieh as ever. '
Tt.e Bots ( second later) "Thomas
Why did that lady leave the ahop so
luddenly. "
"Do vou think we would be suited to
fecli other?" she said hesitatingly, be
tore the final acceptance.
'Ceitaiuly we would, after a little
rvhile," heresponde) with supreme con
Bdente. "A!l tbat is necessary is for
rou to suit yourself to me and we il get
t:ong beautifully. '
Tlarry "That Miss Coye has actually
Jut me; and used to pretend t j think
10 much of we. Tnere is nothing for
ne to live for now I''
Xed "Oh, nonsense, man I your
ihanoes are better tl an ever; you ought
to be able to dispose or yourself quite
readily at cnt rates."
Smith A new motor for Increasing
die speed of horse cars has been dis
covered. o ones Has ill Well, the horse cars
lou'D need it up my way. All I have
io do to increase the speed of the o irs is
io slgr al to the driver with my umbrella
that 1 want to get on board.
'After all the talk about marriage
taint a failure I doVtsee that marriage
la declining."
"So, marrhige is not decl.nlng; it is
Ihe result of accepting."
nicks I think the baby has a good
(ar for music.
Mrs. Hicks From what do you judge
IHcks Whenever you begin to play,
be howls
"Old Kowley was a ttiugy man.'
"Yes; they fay lie died so not to have
to pay bis (lector's bill.''
orci5 uxiovs
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
ftnd refreshing to the taste, txnd acts
Entlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
er and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, bead
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation, tiyrnp of Figs is the
nly remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste ana ao
cep table to the stomach, prompt in
ha action and truly beneficial u ha
eflects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeaole substances,
hs many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy knowa.
Syrup of Figs b for sale in 60o
Od $1 bottles by all leading drug
fists. Any reliable druggist who
saay not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one wh
wishes to try h. Do aot accept
anv substitute.
SAX fbancisco. cal.
And want from fc!n.C0 to atO.OuO to place on A I
First Farm Slntt aite Lo-n ol from .n in
l.'KO each. Vain itiono! pronertr freMeainotitit
ol InatiH. at mit cntiserT,itiveVtliiiate of value. I
Latin in best farminc reti.in ol State forxale.
K'jerence t'apnal National Bank, Bismarck.
Korth Iakota.
with rntt'S, Enaiiicl-i. and Paints which stain
tne hanil. in lure the Iron, anri burn ott.
The Rising Sun titote polish is brilliant. Odor
less, Ounible. and the consumer pays lor no liu
or slass package with every purchase.
Headache Is the disorder most complained ot
oow-a-days. and against which the greater
number of the so-cal ed home remedies are ap
plied. Io most eases, however, they are not the
proper remedies, because most people are Ig
norant ot the true character of the numerous
causes of the disorder. And yet It Is a ery
simple matter indeed. In nine cases out ot ten
h adaclie is produced by a disordered stomach
and cmiieauent iuiD-rtrct circulation ni n.
bood wlilch causes a Cunneslion In Ihe lie id '
The physicians therefore call It gastric lieiirt
aclie, while it is more commonly known as siclc
headache. It appears In different forms. '
Sometimes It occurs as a dull pain In the fore
head, attain as a sharp acute pain, thenni' .m :
as a feeling of cenera
.1 oppression, and finally a 1
violent throbbing of the arteries against the
"nil'i". in mini oi iiicse cases cold f- et and
general languor are added to the other svinp
loms. iht-last iiieiit miied symptoms parucu
larly ate an Infallible guide to the. cause, tin '
SiCMiess. no lndisiosiilon can lie thorniiglnv
cured unless the treatment bedlrertt-d tow iids
eradicating the root ol the evil, in this e-ise
the disordered or overloaded stomach and liver
which are the source ol the headache, mu-t lie
reuulUed and put into a sound condition. For
this purpose theie Is no more eftVetlve remedy
and nonn that is better ad:nte t
mote the general health than the St lSer
nard Vecetahle Pi Is, so-cal'ed after the
noble order of Benedictine iii..u
I have rendered such great services to the science
, of medicine articularly In the use of herbs
I have ml la are m.,1. ... ,.;..... . ...
A Ids. Thev actaa a mild lat.nJ. . ...... w
K alterant and a blood purllier, 'proinoting a
of bloo.!
ininevelna IA flu.i.iu.. - . ,
wrt.. icmiovv in pressure on ine Dlood-vcaeli
of the brain, which are the direct cause ot the
tuauposltion known as headache. A single
dose of St. Bernard Vegetable Pills will therefor
fi,iJlrt"Vehlh'1ur.e" eny'fl7 " a short
time. To be had of every first class druggist
If your drugg.sts haven't them, send '25c to--t.
Bernad' 'Box 2416, New Yor Citv, and you
will receive same post paid by return mail.
- I K " . . IIIU in mis
slant reiiet aud is
Icr PILKs. eestl;t
ornggiai.' or by mi!!
5' Aadreses
Auakeals." BoX 2iul
i stassarssiH si 1 1
a Salman In Philadelphia,
Fenn.,isald to be W 4 a"8'e':
tern iter than anjb. dy aliv& She
can moisten with her tongue end affix
3000 stamps in an h-nr.
raoti S ro," 1'hlladelphia. Fa, will send
bZr.ea cent noe s, about Ml paifes ea-u.
Uention this paper-
ShouM a man in China be nnfortun-
k . .ova Mm lira of another
from drowning he Is at onre 8 ddled
with the expense of supportinfr the sur
vivor for the lemaiuder of tbat pen on a
life. " '
Reecha v's Pills take the place of an entire
m""rn ehest and should be kept for use in
every family. 25 cents a box.
John "W. Wise, a urandson of John
Wise, a miser wh- ln-ed in Kansas and
died without revealing his lioaid, lound
$3),000 while dipgin a foundation for
a house, abo a will leaving him all tbe
Rapture cure euHraiileed by
Dr. J. B. Mayer, 31 Arch St., Phil's,
Pa. Eaee at once, no operation or de
lay from bu-iness, attested by thou
sands of cures afier others fail, advice
free, send for circular.
The pendulum was first attached
the clock in 105G by Huygner.
riTc All Fits stopped fre by Pr. Kline
Ureat Nerv- Hestorer. Ko F Is after first day's
S' MarVelone cres. T .eatlse , and I .. ;lr
Iw.ttle tree to Fit Cases. !-elid to l)t. Kiltie S
9al Arch SUPhiladelphia. Fa.
A Kings City (Cel.) man recently
after a seveie Illness. entiieiyf rgotthe
combinaiion of iii9 safe. None of his
clerks knew It, and after a long delay he
was final y obliged to send to a distance
for a man who hail been formerly in his
employ to open tbe safe.
Boils! Pimples ! Blotches,
AND ERUPTIONS ON THE BODY, are indications of Poison in the Blood, and show
that nature is making efforts to throw it out. S. S. S. will assist in this good work. II
change, the character of the blood, so that the poison bearing germs speedily leae througk
the pores of the skin, and tbe poison is also forced out
C W. HonKlKS. Postmaster at East Lamoine, Me., writes that Mrs. Kelly's son, wfca
had been confined to bed fourteen" months with an Abscess, has been cured sound and well
by Swift's Specific The boy is fourteen years old, lives next door to me, and I know th
statement to be true. "
S. S. S- b a wonderful effect on Children, and should be given to every weak and
debilitated'child. Send for our Book on the Blood and Skin.
For gentlemen la a fin
h. hMt laathar nroduced
, threads to
.n.h tnaida as a hand sewed shoe. It Is as stylish.
xttina- and durable aa custom-made shoes costing from
44 00 to SS.00. and acknowledged to be the
Best in the World for the price.
OaUU Hand-Sewed,
Welt Shoe.
Police and
Extra Talus
Call Shoe.
Workine- yJ r
man'a Shoe. i.Vs!lr ;S
Shoe. f-a. titf' i&rfcV-
IT IS A DUTY yon owe to yourself and your family, during these hari
time9, to pet the most value for your money. You can economize in your foot,
wear if you purchase W. L. Douglas Shoes, which, without question, represent
a greater value for the money than any other makes. ,
Al ITIOri W.L. DOUGLAS' name and the price is stamped
jrJ I I Vsila on the bottom of each shoe, which protects th
consumer against high prices and inferior shoes. Beware of dealers
who acknowledge the superiority of W. L. Douglas' Shoes by attempt
ing to substitute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraud
ulent, and subject to prosecution by law, for obtaining money und4
false pretences. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
t .no,ffflr "' rssT r-lare aend direet fa Fartorr. atatins kind, aire sad wldil
wanleri. !... e iree. AI.KM. WAM'KW. Will ive e. Iu.."e .ale , .h" daal.rl
where I itc aaeat and .Jterii.e them Iree la loeal saner. ""'
Cheaper than Barb Wire.
Eaataro Salea Aeeucy. lil
Ol IT!
Tl?riSpI? ,pe lonkln aronnit for ti-w home.
good reoulta. To help foil out send for
Ma f sia Fl.rida, 10 cents.
S". '? and '"alealaa. ita.
at Irumrr.ta or bT wv sp,.
1 "i""'"1 tP hook s berniat..loir
and BeautT.TlUua.; on Kkln. SraTi
-rvoua ana Blood duaw and thru
rT..fr"rnt. arnt iwaled for 10... aim
Earfca, Kmra. rilllaaa. Ba. mt a
jrXtm 'r' removed.
rSSTTTtrrv, lla 4ta4stiwt, . 4. til,. C.nsullat'OB
baa. at or bv latter, aaeat wantad la ak ZlLJ
l.?0,"cu' hver and bowVl.
.1 V1 ireneral familv.
a a aiJ , . ' naowne, M.-an hu, i r
i SSJ rkinul iMRcation, I-anplrfsSiSt'J
iven to
inc. Ad
Aarata Want'edt
"0 FUllUY WSnDIUTrr,.
,5JHN 5cALES SOFbeichtPa.
JV rtenntre
t.entleinen of
ai'iluy u. ilace
our new premi
retail in. n lianui to ,r., ir."le.
um 1T.MM1S v. itn
pay Is awamnc r-l ,.. o-: V""""""""
..t and Sh. dealers an- receivlni iWi..ai i .
EMPIREPUB.C028 Keade St. v.. v...
' " &.iia.
lie fo. I..U.CCO in i'
i to to i.lr diT'Tll?. ""'"y r
B pkt't Flower la,.
a pat's Veaetabla aoo.
Dahlias 80c.
10 Gladiolus 30c
Half oSe.
iv-j am r 1LLC
A GEMTSVSrbS??0l' tarn.
B'.a,.. T
w'l; '"aserald.
TFotmc? up
the man or woman who's "run
down." Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery sets the wheels goin g.
It starts the torpid liver into health
ful action, purifies and enriches ths
blood, cleanses, repairs, and strength
ens the system, and restores health
and vigor. As an appetizing, re
storative tonic, it sets at work all
the processes of digestion and nu
trition, and builds up flesh and
For all scrofulous humors and
blood -taints, and even Consump
tion (or Lung -scrofula), if taken
in time, it's a positive remedy.
Unlike the earsaparillas, which
claim to be good for the blood in
March, April, and May, "Golden
Medical Discovery" works equally
well at all seasons.
Unlike other blood-purifiers, too,
it's guaranteed to benefit or cure,
in every case, or your money is re
turned. On these terms, it's the cheapest.
You pay only for the good you get.
But it's the lest or it couldn't be
sold so.
Call Shoe, made seamless, of
In ibis country. There are no
hurt the feet, and Is made
Call and
2 $l.75
L'batnliera 9lreeu New V..rk.
Tlie Great Liver and Stomaeh Remedy.
FPJ.,n,Lcure,of.-a" disorders of the Stoma-
LWer, How els .Kidneys, madder. Nervous Dl
f.Tl,. ! Appetite, Headache, t'onstipa.
JCi,t.,ri,Ve",""i,' lo'llcstion. Biliousness.
Fever, inflammation of the l,wels. rues and
all dera. eemenlaot the Internal Viscera. Pure.
Ii j f. .Ie' tainiug uo mercury, minerals
or deleterious drugs.
aJuiSR'SJ?,"1 ?,omach- B'l'ou'ness, will be
?ta nmiriJhS..l,e foiHl t,,at. is e,en contribute
ing frm Disease of the Digestive Organs iu.
i thi He'a'dV'S-f Ful of the StSj
Hear!w2d.'.Ac d'ly.i the Stomach, Nausea,
In the s"ro' J" "f Fo,Ml' dullness ht Welab
Flitteri,?; V lr Kru'tA'lons. sinking w
finL'l''L' ?.,.h5 "'art. Choking or SuSom-
j:...,;."",wn,'n "a lying nosture. Uiru-
laaB v XI a. a. SalIIII, a;
A few doses f Kiv?A vs IMUlVsWllI trss
I-nce'25 ctl." thh' 'veVamed.Taer,
W A Y s an.! -lAyi- .B?.ure and ask tor HAD-
Isonwhai vnnio.i"'" lne "'"e
Fever ani Ti. Ii Z OT weu "'ore tbe Sight,
lerTultatlnvnH,n m ,he. Head' lenclenc5 ol
p'ln In t l 2 iie'"Jwness the Skin a"l Ky.
we send Free
most .Corunt InZVJ," ot
form, of L,"' ,n o U
'hould live withoucopy 0f N WmB
Guide to Health and
. Etiquette "
treatment had faflcd " thCr
oCnd torn ,
r"d packing -l""00