SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MlJfFLlNTOWN. WEWESDAT. APRIL 6. 18SS. B. F. S C II W E I E R ebitor aid raofBirroa. Qi ay carried a maiarity vote last Saturday in tbecounties of Lawrence, Northumberland, Monroe, and every other county where Republican pri mary elections war held. Thubk doesn't seem to be much of a chance for good health in this world, since there are twenty four hundred diseases lurking around, anyone of which mav catch a man. Tue Democratic State convention will meet at Harrisburg, on the 13th presoat month, and on the 20th of this month, the Republican State convention will meet at the same place. There are about eight hundred million people in the business nations of the world. The gold bugs act as if tbn business amour? that number of people can ba safely carried, on three billion gold dollars, whx-h would bo less than three dollars a person. The geld bugs are financially insane or wicked. The biggest gun that Krupp's works, in Germany have turned out, weighs 120 tons, the barrel of the caiin-jn is 41 feet long, the bore of tliegnn is 1(1 inches the ball weighs 2000 pounds, and 700 pounds of powder shoots it 12 miles, as far as from here to Lewiwtown. The cost of every load is five hundred dollars. Dtsi ATcmn from across the ssa in sist upon it, that the German's have learned how to manage balloons and run them in any direction through iue mr. uirman uanoons nave boeu sent over into Russia and hovered over certain places and then returned which has excited the Russian government, for by means of glasses the Germans can gain all information relative t Russian forti fications that Germany desires, The balloon despatches sound like well name them vourself. Ax.vm in.srs in Paris, are threaten in, which has caused Purisians gen erally to declare that if the Anarch ists become unruly, short work will be made of them ; they will bo pluck ed p, root and branch. The An archists are greatly surprised at the new turn of affairs. They have been used to denouncing their betters all their days, and threatening all kinds of misfortune upon the people they dislike, but now that the hunt is (e go the other way, the Anarchist will of necessity be compelled to go into retirement or keep quiet. What is good for one, is good for the otter, says China, and if you don't allow Chinamen in America, Amcricau man can't come to China. Tho average American would not care if China refused to admit Amer icans to China, if only tho Chinamen can be kept out of America. About the only interests that wouH suffer by such a system of mutual shut out, would be the religious, mission ary people, the roving or traveling people, and men who are engaged in merchandise. A class of people, small in number compared with the gener al population. It is generally hoped that Cuina means business, and will shut all foreigners out, and keep her almond evod sons at home. The net national indebtedness of the world is over $20,000,000,000, and how many trillion dollars it amounts to when the railroad, county, town, state, and individual indebtedness is counted, has never been told, and yet with all that, the gold bugs have gotten the ear of a great many well meaniLg people to believe that all that indebtedness can bo lloated on a gold coin basis of a little over 3,000,000,000 gold dollars, as long as they choose to float it. It will float as long on that basis as it floats. How long that will be depends upon circumstances. The world can no more pay its indebtedness on a basis of that kind than a man can measure the water of the Juniata river with a quart measure, and all legislation that tends to make gold the single standard of value, is financial suicide. Strange Diapcarauco. From the Sunbury Democrat. Robert Soars, of Winfield. was in this city oa Monday worning. Mr. Bears is an old man, bowed down under the weight of almost three score years. His beard ie as white as the driven snow and hard work has been his portion through life. For many years he lived in Lower Augusta township, this county, and is well known in Sunbury. ms DAUGHTER. In the year 1S83 Mr. Sears' daugh ter Maze married Joseph Reeder. Reeder was an inmate of Mr. Sears' home in lower Augusta township for sixteen years, where he assisted at work on his farm. Maze was a hand some blonde of nineteen years of age, with gelden hair and a pretty blooming eomplexion. In the Spring of that year Mr. Soars moved from Lowtr Augusta to Winfield , to the TanAJlen farm. About the time ef the removal Reeder was offered a good-position at Waynesboro, Pa , in the machine 6hops at that point. He accepted the position and was soon located at that place, his wife, how ever, remaining at home. In the fall of the year he rented a cosy home and furnished it, and wrote to his wife te come and join him. . She made her preparations, and left her home at Win field and came to Sun bnry where she visited Berlew's on Fourth street, for several days. NEVER HEARD OF AGAIN. This was in October 1883, Mrs. Reeder left home promising to write as soon as she reached 'Waynesboro. She took the morning train from Sunbury to Harrisburg, leaving here at 9.40. Her friends were at the depot to see her off. At Fisher's Ferry she was &een in the car by John Reitz, who knew her well ; he spoke to her and she said she was going to Waynesboro to her husband. This was the last trace of her the family ever heard of. Two weeks passed by and her husband wrote to Mr Sears, asking what had become of his wife. She had written she was coming, but never came. Word was sent to him that she had started. Then Mr. Reeder came np to Sun bury, but all the inquiry failed to discover any trace of her after she had ppoken to Reitz at the Ferry. The days grew to weeks, the weeks to months and the month? to years and no trace of her. Her bus band, Joseph Reeder, of Waynesboro, obtained a divorce and married again and is prosperous and happy. Her father bowed down with the weight of years, hopes against hope for her return. There was no intimation that she intended to leave her hesband and almost all the Sears family think he was foully dealt with during her trip. Hut then comes the question of motive, and the mysterious J nap pearaoce. If she had been murdered where was the body As it is, she has disappeared from relatives and friend as if she had never been born. The old father save it was the worst blow he ever received in his life, but he hopes before he dies to see his child a train. Spirits Made f lira Bore for Oil Tvkose, Pa., March 30. Boring for oil is now an enterprise along the Juniata River, ordered br the spirit of a very prominent and wealthy man who died five years ago. The scene of the operation is near Spruce Creek Station The order comes from John S. Isett, who for nearly sixty years prior to his death, was the rich man and great land holder of that locality. He was a spiritualist- The only member of his own family who imbibed his faith was his son, Jacob H. Isett. Mr. Isett received, he says, the directions from his fath er to bore for oil. He has bored to a depth of 300 feet. I'ntoa Turned Him Down M Dr. D. Haves Agcew, the most eminent pnvsiciun uad surgeon in Pennsylvania and probably in this country who died in Philadelphia, formerly practiced medicine in this countv. After his graduation he located at Upton, where he remained for some time, but met with indiffer ent success. A couple of yeais ago he said to one of our citizens : "I located at Upton, Franklin county, when a young man, I stayed there long enough to know all the roads in that district, but found the people about there wanted a better doctor than I was likely to prove, so I moved." A ad this was the man, who in after years, was chosen from among the most eminent men of his profession to attend tbo lamented Garfield. Greencastle Pilot. Thomas A. Edison. Thornns Alva Edison the electrican, was born on the 11th of February, 1847, at Milan, Ohio. He began life at the age of twelve as a train boy, soon advancing to be a news dealer with four young assistants. He then began practicing telegraphy, and at last obtained a position in Port Huron. He soon began to inveDt, and in 1SC4 he moved to Memphis and had one of his inventions, an automatic repeater, put into service. He struggled along, inventing, work ing at his profession, an 1 experi menting, until he went to Boston in 1808, where he was able to open a workshop for developing his inven tions. Shortly afterward he was re tained by the western Unien Tele graph Company, and started an electrical laboratory at Newark, where he employed 300 men. In 1876 he moved te Meulo Park, New Jersey, and in 1SS7 left Menlo Park and erected in Oranfe, New Jersey, what is supposed to be the largest ex perimental laboratory of its kind in the world. His inventions, which are numbored by hundreds, center largely on ekclrioity, although one of the most wonderful of his achievements, the phonograph, is not an electrical invention at all A Correspondent asks the origin of phrae, "he isn't in it," says the Westmoreland Democrat. It was used by an editor who died and went to Heaven and looked around for the man who took his paper six years with out paying for it and then left it in the postoftice marked "refused." It sounds a little sacriligious, but it's the naked truth. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring bone, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen Throats, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonaerim ASlemisn (Jure ever known. Sold by L. Banks Sl Co., Druggists, Mifflintown. Nov. 13, 1890-ly. A writer in the Lewistown Gazette says . Thirty three years ago on the 22nd of March your scribe sowed oats and the ground was dry and in good condition to work. Siom per haps some of your readers may think we have a good memory or hew do we know what the season or weather was on that particular day. We have just this to say en that subject. We sowed oats until 11 o'clock, put en our best clothes and drove six miles and was Married at 6 o'clock that evening and we have not forgotten that occasion yet. That is why we remember it : satis factory, eh ? GEJVEFU1L MEWS ITEMS. Thirty eight persons were added to the New Port Presbyterian con gregation through the agency of a revival, recently. The old time umbrella fixer-and siseors grinder was surprised to see a man in that busines traveling in the town in a buggy last Saturday calling out, "umbrellas to mend, to mend." Have you tried South American Nervine the gem of the century t ine great cure for XndigestioD, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks fc Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa. Nor. 14, ly It is easy to predict what will hap pon, but to realize on the prediction is the rub. Everybody, last fall. preaioted mat the price of grain wonld rule high this spring, and ev erybody's prediction has failed, which only goes to prove how everybody may be wrong, when they are most positive that they are right. Huntingdon Globe of March 31: Stewart Wilson shot a female bear near the Bear Meadows a few week ago that weighed 197 pounds and a cub that weighed 12 pounds. The meat of the eld bear was sold to parties in the neighborhood and the cub was sent to Philadelphia on Tuesday. It is a very pretty little thing and resembles in appearance a Newfoundland dog. Bloomfield Advocate : J. W. Hg hes, of North Baltimore, O., has traded town property and given monetary consideration to W. H. Borrell, now a resident in that place, in exchange for the latter s farm, in Carroll township, and will take pos session on the first of April. Mr. Hughes is convinced both by the topography of his new possession and the quality of the land that oil and natural gas lie beneath the sur face and will bore for them as soon as the weather is favorable. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition ef my whole svgtem. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved tie so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Trial bottles, 154. Sold by L. Banks & Co. May 14-1 y. Altoona Tiibune March 31: On the 15th inet., at Mifflintown, by Rev. J. R. Headerson. Mr John H. I Moyer, of Mifliintown, and Miss Min nie 1L Seiber, of Altoona, were united in marriage. The bride is the estimable daughter of Mr. Jacob Seiber, of this city, and on Tuesday evening last the happy couple were tendered a reception at the home of the bride's parents, on Eighteenth avenue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Quite a large number of the friends were present and the consequences was an evening of happiness for all. Every town has its quota of people who try to pump all the children they can get on terms with, as to the home affairs and faueily of the children. Said one of the poke your nose into-other-peoples-busiaess class the other dav to a boy. "Hello, little boy ! "What is yonr name!" "Same as pa's," said the boy. "What's your pa's name?" '-Same as mine." "I mean, what 'do they call you when thoy call you to breakfast I" "They don't nuvver call me to breakfast." "Why don't they ?" "Cause I alluz get there the fust one !" A special dispatch from Raton, N M., to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat tells of a remarkable escape from death. An eagle was sailing away, about 50 feet above the ground with a year-old child in its talons. The screams of the frantic mother attrac ted the attention of a party of tour ists who were riding by. Oae of them, Mr. Roberts carried a rifle. Yielding to the entreaties ef the mother, after much hesitation, he he risked a shot at the bird, forta nately breaking one of its wings. The eagle held on to the child, and struggled with its remaining wing, thus coming gradually to the ground, wheu the child was rescued from its clutch. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle ef South American Nervine which done me nioie good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicine in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &. Co., Mifflintown, Pa.. May 14, ly. For sa Time. I will now reduce the price of my $3.00 cabinet photograph to $1.50 per dozen. This reduction will continue as long as there is sufficient trade to warrant these prices and no longer. This gallery is filled with all the latest improvements usually kept in a first class gallery, such as Fine Scenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra peries and Fine Accessories, that would do credit to the large cities. We propose during this reduction to let our werk speak for itself and have no hesitancy in saying that taking into consideration the quality of work, these will be the cheapest cabinet photographs ever made in Juniata ceunty. Respectfully, JOSEPH HESS. Mifflintown, Pa., Jan. 22nd, 1892. Ask. Teur Friends Iboaf It. Tour distressing cough can be ciu ed. We knew it because Kemp's Balsam within the past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in this community. Its remarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi cine so pure, none ao effective. Large bottles 50c and $1 at all drug gists, tf. LEGAL. I HERIKF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of sundry writs of fieri Facia containing wavers of Inquisitions and ex emptions issusd out ef the Court of Com mon Pleas of Juniata county, returnable to the April Term nsxt, ef said Court and to me directed, I will expos to sale by pub lic outcry on Friday tb Twenty second day of April, A. D., 1892 at ou o'clock, P. M., at the Court House in Mifliintown, Pa., the several tracts of land hereinafter de scribed : No. 1, A lot of ground situated ia the village of Mexico, Walker township, Juni ata tuuuu, tk, uouuoea ana aeocriDea as fellows: On the north by laoda of J. N. Thompson; on the east by let of Francis atcBurney; oa the south by land a of J. N. Thompson ; en tbe wast by lot ef Wind eld flack ; having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling bouse, frame stable, black- smuo anop, ona atory frame kitchen and otner oni ouildings, seized, taken in exo- suuod ana to do sold as tb property of w Uliam uetricK. no. z, A vacant hair lot situate in the village of Mexico, Walker township. Juni ata county, l'a., bounded and described ss follows : on the north by lot or William Uuaser ; on the east by lot of William Het nck ; on the south by lot of Winfleld Hack j on the west by lands ot J. N. Thompson, seized, taken in execution and to be sold aa tbe property ot William lietrick, No. 3, A tract of laad situsta In Walker township, Juniata county, Pa., bounded and described as fellows : On the north by lands of airs. Christ Tyson ; on the east by lands ol Chss. Book ; on the south by lands of Chas. Book; on the west by the Juniata River, having thereon erected a two-story log and stone dwelling house, baok barn, wagon shed, containing nearly eighty acres mere er less, seized taken in execution and :o be sold as the property or William Uet rick. A tract of laad aituato in Beale township Juniata county. Pa., bounded and describ ed as follows, on tbo North by lands of Orin Leach and John Sherlock's heirs; on the East by lands of Orin Laach, Stmu l Beckwitb, Samuel Pannebaker, Mrs. E. N. Kranttiouse, and William Stewart ; on the South, by lands of J. W. Partner ; on tho tbe Wi st by lands or John Sherlock's heirs containing ninety ('J ) seven acres more or less, having thereon erected a one and one-balf-story log house, siezed, taken in exe cution, and to be sold as the property of J. E. Crue. A tract of mountain land situate in Fer managh township, Juniata county Pa., bounded aad described as follows. on the North by lands of Aaron Singley; oa the East, by lands of Goss brothers : on the South, by lands ot Henry aad Jacob Sa- louil'; on the West, by lands ef Robert Ua- MeoD, containing six band red and thirty acres, more or less, siezed, taken in elo cution and to be sold as tbe rron rtr of Wilbur K. VicCalian. A lot of ground situate in the village of Johnstown, Beale township, Juniata coun ty. Pa., bounded and described as follows . on the North, by lands ol J W. Uoetetlur ; on tbe Bast, by lands of U. G. I'ble, on the South, by public road, on the West by an alley, aad landa ef Mrs. Ifary Brubaker, bat ing thereon erected, a two-story frame dwelling house, frame shop and woodshed, aad frame stable, si.zed, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of Nan cy Doyle. A tract ef land situate ia Monroe twp , Juniata county, Pa., bounded and describ ed as follows : Oa the North by lands of Abraham Arcutz; on tbo East by landa of Michael Gable ; on tbe South by lands of Joseph Troup, on tbe West by lands of Si mon C. Strauser, containing seven!) (72) two acres, more or less, having thereon erected a one-story lag house, seized, ta ken ia execution and to be sold as tbe property or Samuel Roals, and John Ria ls E. D. Roads, William RoaJa, as terre ten ants. CONDITIONS OF BALE: Fifty dollars of tbe price or suss at which the property shall be struck of! shall be psid t the Sheriff at the tiase ef Sa'e, un less tMe parcbase money shall bo less than that sum, in wbicb case only the purchase money shall be paid, otherwise tbe property will again be immediately put up and sold! tbe bslaace ef tbe purchase money moil be be paid te the sheriff at bia office witbia fire days from tbe time of sale, without any demand being made br the Sheriff therefor, etborwiso tbe properly may again be said at tbe expeass and risk of tbe person to wbera it is atrack off, w bo, incase ef any deficiency at sash resale shall make good tbe same. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. April 5th, 1892. In Its Worst Form. I BaKTON. 14. Co., Wl, Dee., 1888. Bev. J. C Bergen vouches (or the following : James Rooney, who was suffering f-om 8k Vitas Dance In 1U worst form for about IK yeara, was treated by several physicians without eaTeet. Two bottles of Pastor Eoenlg'a Nerve Tooic cured bim. M ould nave Died. Hciltorb, Ma.. November, 1800. I was tn pain aU over, oould get no roet either n lr lit or day and w not able to do any work for months. Dot after taking Pastor Koenlg's Ktrve Tonic only one week, I was able tb sit np and attend to my dreeHiuakfag. I bad paid over two hundred dollars to dootors and got no benefit. I certainly think 1 sooold have died long ago it I had not got this medicine. MKB. ADA PENEtlk FRED TaJnrtbto Rnnlc n Nflrmni llaMeft Mnt frM to V17 fcdilrMIl, ana Hhir piutnu ran aito ontalii ftiiia tijwxlicluo fi ex) of esluaTB- TTiIbI remeilr hu hean BrentMrl hvth RaiWMnfl Paaior Koaoic. of Port Warn, ind. amoa Ltf& and It now praparad on dar bia dlracUoa by tna KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by DrusTSlste at Sl per Bottle. eibrS& ronre bice, SL75. 6 Bottle for S3. PMCKETT COLLEGE UlKABJ Bt,ILIN. jea MB SBBB aja M :r,'ET;iofCOIVIIVIERCE . THE LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSiNESSSHORTHAND O 5 Til 1rwnisM r iMwk 1 j aim. W Hp eutr 8a4 tar Care ears smmI mml erf Him mrm TO TyjAKPEH SoflMnc areas she eOa ef yootlifal essera, eaiW eeeay. wasting weeks aaad a valaaele sreaaiae Isealadi eeahUnaac fa lest aiaueoe. ete, im jwrttenlars far hesse sen. arRkEer: anaraa. A spiaaaie aananei wore : eaeaia ke km ky aaaa wao as sMaieee ul atnuwii. rrcat. F. & sTemwc. MooOne. IVallce Against Tresspass. All persona are hereby cantioDed not to tresspass on the landa of the undersigned in Walker, Fermanagh and Favetta town ships: A. S- Adama, Jobn McMeen, James McMeen's heirs, Robert MvMeen, William Stooffer, G. H. Sieber, Charles Adams, L. E. Atkinson. October 28lb, '91. ly. Subscribe for the Juniata Sentinel and Kejublicaa. 3 -"TT iTifiT" '! LEGAL. a PatINISTRA.TOB'3 NOTICE. In Ik Eitale oThomu Rumbtrgtr, latt Walker ttwmhip, dtctattd. Notice ii hereby givou that letters of Administration on the estate ef Thoma Kumberger, late of Walker township, Juni ata county, Fa., deceased baa bees granted t the undersigned. All peraoni indebted to aaid estate will please make payment and all having claims will present tbem properly aatheaticated for settlement. WATSON KUMBKRGEK, OTIS E. KUMBERGER. Adminittratar. PROCLAMATION. Wuibsas Tin Hon. A Jbbemiah Lyons, Preaideat Judge of the Court or Common Pleaa of the 4 1st J u dicial District, composed of thecouatiea ef Juniata and Perry, and tbe Hens. J. P. WicKiasuAK, aad J. L. Babtgk. Judgea of the said Court of Common Pleaa far Ju niata Ceuaty bare issued their precept to sue directed, bearing date the 25th day of March, 1892, for holding a court ef Oyer and Terminer, aad General Jail Delivery, aad Oeneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace at MifUiDtowa, en the fourth Monday of April IWZ, being tbe Z5tb day el tbe month. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Consta blssef the county of Juniata, that they be then and there in their proper persona, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon ef aaid day, with their records, inquisitioas, examina tioaa aad oyer re membraaces, to de these things that their ofhcea respectively apper tain, and these that are bound by reooguiz anca to prosecute agaiast the prisoners that aro or tben may be ia the Jail ot aaid ceun ty, be than and there te prosecute agaiaat tnem aa snail bejust. By aa act of Assembly, passed the 9th dsy or Aay, A. D., 154, it is made the do ty of tbe Justices of tbe Peace, of the sev oral eonntiee of this Commonwealth, te re turn to tbe Clerk ef this Co art or Quarter Bessioas of the respective counties, all tbe recognizaacea entered into before tbem by aay person or parsons charged with the commission ofany crime, except auch caaea as may bo ended before a Justice of the Peace, uader existing laws, at least tea days before the commeacement of the.sesaion ei me lourt to wmcb they are made re turoable respectively, aad in all cases where aay recotaizancre are entered into leas than tea days before the commencement of tbe session to whicb they are made re tamable, the said Justices are to return the same in tbe ssme aoasner as if said aet naa net been passed. Dated at Mittiintown, on tbe 115th day of aisrcn, in tne year at our Lord, one thou- uau vigui uuaarea ssa niaetv-two. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. JN PARTITION'. Juniata count v, ss. Ia the Orphans' Court of the county of Ju niata : in me matter ol too inquest upon ?L.S uo resl estate or Lute Marx, late of the township of Monroe, in sam county, deceased. To Hannah Man. widow of said Luke Marx, K noil set own, Juniata county, Pa,; Jo seph Varx, Kcousetowo, Juniata county Pa.,; Levi Kan, Wooster, (Jhio ; George Marx, Knousetown, Junistaeountv. Pa., ; Mary Marx. inter-Barried with George uressxr, swneuseiown, Juniata county. Pa.,; Barbara Marx, inter-msrned with Jeremiah Simmers, Shstrokio, Pa.,; Ju. lia Ana Marx, Inter-married with Samuel W. ifiders, TbctapicDtotrn, Juaiafa Co , Pa., ; Irwin Marx, Scott, Vsn Wert Co., Ohio; BaatOD Marx. Wooster. Ohio ; Re becca Marx, inter married with Joel Wi ser, Orients!, Juniata county. Pa.,; Ir win Kerstettcr, West Saffiuaw, Michigan; Luke Kerstetter, Oriental, Juniata ceun ty, Pa.,; Solomon Karstetter, West Lo di, Ohio ; Bartiars Kerotetter, inter-married with R. W. Sanders, Oriental, Juni ata county, Pa., ; Andrew M. Karstetter, Stronpstowo, Snyder county. Pa.,; So ftie Karstetter, inter-married with Jacob Armstrong, Stroupstown, Snyder county, Penna. To u are each hereby notified that at an Orphans' Court held en the eiihth day of March, A. I)., li-92. at U'fllintown, Pa., in and for tbe said county of Juniata, this rule was granted on you, the heirs and other persons intercsti-d, that you be and appear in open Court, at llifTiintown, Pa., on tbe fourth Moadav (beinar the twentv-fltth dar) of April, A. D., 1S92, at 1 o'clock A. M., and accept or refuse tbe real estate (where of the said Luke Marx died sii zed) at the valuation thereof returnrd by the inquest in partition, or make bids on tbe same, or sbow csusie why tbe same ahould sot be soM on your neg lect or rf usal to accept the same. By tbe Court. JOUN R. JENKINS. Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tbe above rule of Court having boeu placed in lay bands for execution, publica tion thereof is bare duly made by me, and all parties interested therein are hereby no tified to govern themoelves accordinzly. SAMUKL LAPP, Sheriff. Mifflintown, Pa., March 2, 1892. CARTER'S (DURE Blrk ReaJaehe and relieve aU the troubles toef dent to a billons state of the system, soon ae DuoinMa, Kansea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating . tain in the Bide, aa. Whilo tbelrmaet reinaxxable success has been shown in cuilDg a Headache, yet Carter's Little Lhrar PITH are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre venting thisannoying complaint. ahil thoy alae correct all Aiaordttrsofthaatomachatimulate thai liver and regulate the bovreia. K veaUtltojonJw Aclwtbay wonUbealmostprloalass to those who) euf er from this distraasinc complaint; but f orto xtately thtlrgxxlnoaa doaa noteud herand those vrhooncetry thaai will find these llttlo pills valu able In so many ways that they will not be wil ling to do without tbem. Sat after allalck head ACiHE la the bane of so many Uvea that here Is where wemakeenr gnat boast. Our pills cure it while OtheTe do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills an very small and wry easy to take. One or two pllla make a dose. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or purRfs, bat by their gentle action please all who tiaetham. InvialaatUcenta; Ovefortl. Soea by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. - CARTER MEDICINE CO.. Now York; SMALL PILL. SMALL DQSE. SMALL PRICt Brunkeaincas er tbm Liquor Habit positively Cared by Ad BWlMleterlair Br. Ualati' deleted Specific It is maaofaetured as a powder which esa be given in a glass of beer, a cap of coffee er tea, or in food, without the knowledge el tbe patient. It- ia absolutely harmless and will affect a prmaaeat aad speedy care, whether the patient is a moderat drinker or an a'cebolic wreck. It bas been given in thou.mde of eases, aad in every instance a perfect cure baa followed. It a taiLS. The system osce impregnat ed with the SiciUc, it bccou.s an uttar impossibility for Die liquor appetite to exist. Cnroe guaranteed. 4S page book of paiticulara free. Ad dress oolbis oneiric co., 185 Race St., Cincin nati, O. Jnne 24, "Jl-ly. Consumption 8urXy Cured. To Tbm tVio:- Please infant yew Madess that I have a puMn remedy (or she aeove-aaaaad aaasaea. By las timely aa shenesnde ef aepeiess aaasa have eesa seraaaneaaly earad. IaaailbegkM so sand two beatlse ef my remedy fUai te aay of yonr raadera who have eoaanunpUaa at they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Jtespect. tellr. T. A. laUX-Vat, ai. C.. Ui Veaat 14, X. I. m . '7 GurPoputeBrznd SWA I lp "WiUtjefouaicv ConjbcnattfTiWt aZuraya Co be 7f ad. A Fine Quality of ATA REASONABLE PRI0C LOOK FOR THIS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXTRA SWEET PIECE OF DON'T FAIL TO GIVE 13K.VOUK. Dealer Fop. It OomtTake.Any.Qtheh JNO. fiNZE R& EROSouisVlU,rftlC WALK IE W alt in and examine our large and raried stock for tbe Fall Trade of 1891 and the Winter f 1892. We are Ever Ready To ehow customers our goods. It 16 our business to supply your wants and we knVT that we can accommodate you, it you drop in and deal with us. We hare all kinds of dress goods in all colors to suit tb varied taste, of people. We have a full line of Jevclty Goods, that people want these times. Just ask for what you want and it will be our pleasure to wait on ,you. We are stock ed in GROCERIES- at drop prices and Queenswar in full assortment. Glassware to please the eye and to do ser vice SHOES. Our shoe Dpartment is larce and grades from the Daintiest to the Substantial Shoe and Boot (or the field and forest. ORDER. We hare almost everything, and what we hav'nt get, we'll Order, so please favor us with a call. TOBACCO- To the lovers of the weed, we say we keep the best brands. TRY Ol'R TOBACCO. All orders bv mail will re ceive prompt attentien. Remember the place, AC am Strut, Opposite Coobt House, Mifflintowu, Pa., Frexl'k ESPENSCHABIS efc Sen. A Favorable Verdict afler Twenty Tears Trial. The original aad only ganuiaa Compouad Oxygen Treatment that of Dra. Stark ey fc rhalea, ia a scientific adjuatmeat of the ele. meats er Oxygen aad 'itrogen magnetized; and the compound ia ao coadeasad and made, portable tbat it is aent to all the world. It bas been in use for mere than twenty years; thousands of patienta have I beta treated, and recommend it. a very signifi cant Tact. 6 It does not act aa most drugs do by creat ing another ailment, often requiring a sec ond course to eradicate the evil aflecte of the first, but Comoound Ozvren - alizer, renewing, strengthening, iavigorat- These statements are confirmed by aum eroua testimonials, snbliahad in . v. l. uwk ef 200 pages, only with the express permis- iiei, ineir namea and ad dresses are given and yoe. can refer to them for fertker information. Tbe crest aucccaaa of oar truin,.., i given rise te a boat of imitatera, unscrupu lous persons; some calling their preparation Compound Oxygon, often appropriating our testimonials and the namea ef our patien-s d.ujuiiiiraa wenniess concoctions. But aay aiibstance made vlaewk... w others, and called Compound Oxvgea a niuriana. Compound Oitrra luu .... and Keaulta," ia the tiUe of a new book of 300 paeos. rubliah.d hw n,. T len, which givea to all inquirers lull inform ation aa to this remarkable curative agent and a record er surpriaiog carea ia a wide range or chronic eases many ef tbem after being abandoned to die by other phy.iciana. Will be mailed free to any addraaa en an. plication v p. m"; -"-I,- PbaloD. 1629 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa.. 120 Sntl.. s Cisco, Cel. ' . tw- Get a good paper by snbecdbiBg for the Semuel abd Rarcauca. 31 on r r 1 EACH v fEZ, PLUQ S3 m r- .vi i r i KKOWJ $ HEUKSHOVITV, r- t a-al X? - J. -1 C Dealers in Clothing, Vtj uooas, diiocs, THOMPSONTOWN, PENNA. OUR SPRING STOCK, of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing and GENTS' FURMISIIIXG.GOODS Complete and Ready for Inspection. We are nushing things lively here. Everything to its Capacity. It i. a tSe It lS5&gwith us. Hat Caps & Gents' Famishing Good.. Shoes, Ladies1 and Gcnts You can save 88 cents on every dollar by purchasing or ua. Our aim is large ,4e aed Small" COHK AND BE CONVINCED. us o o or--- u3 co ta eo r-t OClOO, C5 CO "T3 n '. i co CO d t O CO C5 CO t- CO CN i-H O lO CC w S 0Mw5H00130HlOCinHO 9 H Q M H ICO "i.o uo co ac o i0'2S2 CO CO O CO CM CN CM rH O o i co eo co eo co eo eo eo LO lO H CI o oo eo " t- c c t Ci s lo o r -f lo lo co o UHO'VIMMClCliHHOCIOCI-CIMCI etNHHHHHHHrtHCJflNHOOOia 15" o t- lo rl CO CO CO -wt - - .,-11-1,-! r-l !0 CO SHi3-eMWeWH coxt-tt-t-t-t-t-t- O Ph H 4 H vA )T 1 CS ' O- t 3 o o g S 5 J5 3 C 3 s i: o o i o r. c i co .- co eo CO o CO lo t-t ?i lo c t lo c r w" oc ot ri w lo Hi2Cicc-N"CCOHCW3r;HCCifC ooxc.c e. ooooooo-i-mHHrHC d -t ci M co r lo co o eo o t- CI13H co H LO LO i-H LO laHOtooHHHCtnn 0Ca0Oelr-liHi-li-lfHr-li-lr-l CD CO o o r LO LO 'W" C O LO Cl eo rtTHCinnrt - T LO LO LO LO LO LO LO O i I LO 0C LO LO nonn'W'-coOH t-xocxcec so . LO -X X 00 I Ot LO rH CI CO t 11 3. OOHH Lesis If. jlTKixssa. P. H. V.. Pibxill ATHIISOI Jl peiiell, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, JHfrLUfTOITN, TA. BfCellectiig aad Cenveyaaclni prempt lyatteaded te. Crricc Oa Main street, in el ace ef res!- deace ef Leais 8. Atkinson, Esq., seath el Bridge street. Ivctl!5,lSI. Jena McLaeau. Joibph W. Stimmki MCLIIGIILIIJiITIMUEL, INSDEAK0E AGENTS, PORT MOTJL, JUNIATA C9., PA. BwOnly reliable Cempaaiea repraseated. Jan. 1, HJ-ly BB.B.M.CBAWrSEB, DB. BABWIH M.CBiWreaB, D R. D. U. CRAWFORD It SON. have formed a partaersbip fer tbe practice ef Mediciae and their collatteral branches. Ottice at eld stand, ceraer of Third aad Gr ange streets, Mifflintewa, Pa. Oaaer both et them will ba found at their office at all times, aaless otherwise professionally en gaged. April 1st, UK). J WISU TO ST ATI A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I caa stop TeoTeacaa ia less than ve aaiaatee ; ao paia, ao extractiag. That I caa extract teeth without paia, by the ase ef a fluid applied te the teeth aad gams ; ae danger. That Diseased eaaaerkaewa as Scurvy) treat ed successfully aad a care warOraated ia every case. trfjLjXjar Teeth Pillbb aad warraated Tor life. -'tiai iseua repaired, exchanged or. cm.aama, at pricea to suit all. I wiil in aert a full nmuimi . nr nnmA v k'd porcelain teeth aa low aa $6.00 per aet """: give perfect satisfaction, tho money refunded. All work warraated te give perfect aatis factiea. People who bavo artificial teeth with which they caaaet eat, are especially aa v i ivw IV fw walls Tcbhs Cash. G. I,. DERR, Practical Deatlat, XSTABL1SBBB IB MlFrLIBTW, Pa., M 18b0 ct. 14 'io. jVEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL .y naiiroaa company. Time table r.K.r iraing, in enoct on Monday. Jaauary 18, 18'J2. y' STATIONS. West ward. East wart. T Newport p A M 9 45 8 00 A H P at 5 00 4 67 4 53 4 60 4 41 4 33 4 84 4 22 4 18 4 11 4 05 4 00 8 65 8 45 8 30 ' Buffalo Bridge.... j Juniata Purnace..1 VTahneta ' ' Sylvan t Bloomtield Juoct'n 9 00! 8 57! 8 63 8 601 8 41 8 8Hi 8 34i 6 03 6 07 6 10 9 48 9 62 9i 6 20 10 05 6 20 10 11 6 32 10 17 6 42 10 27 6 40 10 81 6 82!l0 87 C 59 10 44 - Valley Road.... T Elliottsburg.... T Green Park.... I Lojsville Bixler'a Ran... Center T Ciena's Run.... Andarsonburg.. Blain 8 22 8 18 8 11 8 06 8 00 7 55 7 45 7 80 04 10 4'J 7 0910 54! i 17 11 02 7 30jll 15 Notb Signifies ao agent, pbane coanection. T" tele- P KD-GK1NG ''aidant and Manager C. K. Milleb, General Agent. 8 eomplexioaoil? ZT, S? ,0r5 MEBRA'a VIOLA CREAM A 22mend DR qualltiM that qirkVv chanr. R,T"n ,he" and florid comftcxton to oul of.,mo,f Ello t o e n w o . h n ci o .t a CO CS -wt O 13 O C5 00 CO K ?1 t- 1.0 H O O r. h io ci -f ci h c 0Ot-t-fi3CH X I i-O LO 00 IO CO H LO r-t tlttCIH 1 MS -H " c. LO o o cm eo -w eo -h o cs o e r-t-t- r-i t-H a a o '.1-3 3 a "3 S o o Cc S 3 . e 2 ? a o 5 s " c c - c 2 :s a (h ?5 r?. p i i -w eo eo H C CI O CI L- I O fl H C CI ' w" -w lo is lo t t- t- r- ci . v LO rt CO H C CI TT ci i-h-h oieoeofooc E3 19- 00 IO CO i I CO LO LO t t- t r-1 , I LO LO IO CO Oi o ococivpociTO LO LO O I- t CC CC o a: 1: . ' e LO LO r-l LO Ol LO I-H LO CI hh:i:ic Q ALESME KJ W A N T TT! D N Wlv 1 liA V r.L.L,l.Ntr, to Sfll O'lr Nursery Stcck. t-slary, Kipraus and Steady Emplevuirnt gr.arantrt-d. CHASK BKOTIIEKS COMPANY, t. Dec. 8, 91. Rochester, N. Y. f I . I . . ,. . . -. - . . . - . . -. IX SmSlTAl, Sl ImiHAl Z.i.fe GENERATION AFTER GENERATION! Jroppnl n Sunnr, Children T.ars Tl. rvont Travaln suuiM U.o a boltle of It In hi. m- ,t!i'"; Lholfra riurtm., IHarrlna. Irn-n.,. w. , I .r t-'1"'"- Stiff Joints or Strmii. will fln.i ,n '?,i'"5"''tn-llef ana mtj cum I an rl bvrus iid, t 11. JOH-NSOii 4. cv.. oto, iseAlcoho! t pure nlooliol to make W'ox.rr'a Acks liLACKisr,. Alcohol is good for leather it:r--l for the skin. Alcohol is the chui iire. icut of Cologne, Florida Water, an1 ls.r I'.dia tho well known face wathes. V.'e itiiiik there i4 nothing too coetljtuuae in a jjojJ lcailir preseryatiye.;e Clacking retails at 20c J at that price sella readily. Many I e ; 1 1 c a re so accustomed to buying a dress iap tr i.iscking at 5c. and 10c a Kittle &st .iiey ranr.ot understand that a llack-i-igrfu !kj fltcap at 20c. "Wewant to mtt t.jcn , ,t!i cheapness if we can, and to ao cjoii iiJ, tlal we offer a reward of f r a rc;:e whiih will enaUe us to make V. j.f-r's Acmh Ulackinq at such a prke U::st a i r;:.;k r c:;n profitablv sell it at 1. a Lottie. We hold this offer opea tmeil .T-u. .t, 16C3. . , VCIi?? & SAKDOLPH. Philadelphia -iST MANHOOD! XKaTTTIB tPTr ' reach Nerve . Kemedv.jaj OaaraeU. to cere -""ervousdi.eaa. ea. auch w u V?" ilemorv, Lou ei ' Brain Pnw. f AND APTCn liar . "l " Lost Manhood iLVu'h. "S 5 ! Wakeful of Power in eiths"it " ar'" aad lo youthful indiacration Vhioh !irT 0V"nioa ot The Sentntl and RrpuiUram r. P'-cete get johworkoCe C XOUlfyonneedanythinJJ: