Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 30, 1892, Image 4

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"Sweet sprin?, with her bounding step, I
With the swallow's song and tbe wild bee
bu m
And the scent of apple tree bloom is near.
All the fair attendants of spring bavi
Lii.la K. Clsumax, In Vick't Mauazlnt.
Yea, spring is upon us; intho garder.
the early bulbs Jare growing; in th
woods sweet grasses and anemones and
eogena, "daughter of spring," ferni
and thorn and dainty green haves and
buds are seen. Even in these first dayi
of March one may gather a handful ol j
pretty green tbincs with f iiry bloomt
richly repaying a trip to the garden o!
nature." It were well worth the tror
Die it a herbarium were kept ana the
name and season of every flower jotted
down. Every one can do this much, (
and find it interesting, and those with
some knowledge of botany may add
the scientific names and whatever in-j
formation may be gleaned regarding
each flower. A pretty and dainty J
uook may be made by procuring light
card board or heavy blank paper, I
pressing tbe flowers and gumming '
them to the lxard; punch two holes in
one side, bind them to gether with rib
bons and put on as fancy a cover aa
may be desired. Tho names, etc. ol
the flowers may written upon the!
leaves or, better still, the pages may b .
numbered and a note-book kept npon 1
the corresponding pages of vrhich the !
Bower-history may be written, and
added to from year to year, as new fact !
may be gleaned. These hooks will '
form a fund of interest and informa-!
lion which will always be found enter
taining and may prove valuable in fu
tore years.
The study of plants and flowers be
It in ever so amateur a wav, is most
delightful to one who loves them; when'
one wanders along sweet woodland
wars watching the teeming life on
every side, growing and bursting
that if it is
"Only a liaiik of simple weeds.
Of tangled grass, and slender wind blows
And yet a world of beauty garners there. 1
Blue does not seem to be as common
s color among flowers as white and
yellow and the shades of pink end red
ud yet it is often so desirable that in
making up the lists of Feeds arid plants
for the garden, the He wers in shades ol
blue should not be forgotten. Fiax ia
a lovely rnodefct little blossom, tome
species of Lobelia, are an intense and
beautiful Mne; the dear little Forgot-oie-not,
Fbacelia, F.rowalia and the
pretty blue varieties of Crocus ara
some examples, as also Ageratnm and
Nigella. There are also lovely paid
and dark blues among the hyacinths
and there is nothing prettier than a row
of Soiling reflecting heaven's own blu
n their innocent faces.
T hen there are royal I'aEsiou flowers.
and Clematis, "deeulr. durklv. bimiti-1
fully blue" ttinl also among climbers
the very tlesirablo O'boea Kcandem
and Mauramlza and Morning (ilorief
all to be obtained in shades of blue.
The new variety of ornamental
recommended to growers in orchard
and garden:
The new i.'ula!ia yrwilUma ritfata
Is a welcome addition to the Eulalia
family aud to the list of hardy plants.
It U a delicate-IookiDg and very beau
tiful grasp, growing about three feet
hinb. It has very narrow foliage, with
I pure whit:! strip down .he middle of
the leavts. 1 hough the leaves look so
lelicate, it requires a very t-trong wind
to injur I hem. It is a very grace'ul
plant, has proved to be thoroughly
hardy, and is going to be widely
frown. It is n suitable plsnt for either
the border or the lawn. A small group
honld produce a very pleasing effect.
The new Hybrid Tea Rose Meteor
promises to become a favorite, and it
baa someth'u besides novelty to
recommend it. It h is the da k crim
son color of Jacijuem'uot, but is much
fuller in form. The forui is good and
the color pure. The llo -er is fragrant.
It seems to force will, and may be said
k be already fashionable, and that, in
certain direction, fcives it additional
ralue; but Its value as an amnteur's
lo A'er has not yet been snflicieutly
proved, though it promises well.
sowing: seed.
Hose Seelye Miller, in Suceena with
Flirwert, gives some seasonable hints
is to preparing boxes and sowing seed
lor early spring flowers. She says:
"Boies three inches deep, eight
inches long by five or six wide will
bs large enough to bold all the seed
that will come in a package of choice
lower seed. Boxes of the size men
tioned are light and easy to handle,
ind it would be better to use two for
ne of variety seed than to have a box
to large that moving it is a hard task.
Fine sand, such as is recomrce ded
by so many I cannot git; leaf mold is
mother thing not to be obtained here,
therefore I do the bent I can without.
Dur llakota soil is fine and good; this
t sift through a fine neve, and mix it
rithasort of fine gravel. I sift the
gravel through the same fine s:eve, so.
that there are no stones left, and I
really get a coars? rand. These two
toils I mix, two parts black earth to
ne part sand. 'J his gives a good por-'
coa soil. If this earth is placed in the
ven till very hot, it will Insure a
freedom from inset life. When par
tially cool, fill the boxes with the pre
pared earth, have the surface even and
press down firmly a small board is
rood for this purpotw. How the seeds
In this surface. Po not sow very
thickly or the plants will come too
slose, and transplant:ng will be more
lifficult, and the plants themselver
will not be so strong.
When seeds are scattered, sift a litt'e
toil over them and press down again
Some cover the boxes with glass, while
Others cover with a cloth that has been
folded and dipp d in w ater. Keep this
cloth wet and tbe seeds will be moist
enough to germinate. The boxes should
be kept in s warm place. I keep
mine in my kitchen, on a rack a little
back of tbe stove and considerably
above it. The fire does not go out dur
ing oool weather, so no sudden change
of temperature takes place.
Many annuals can be started in the
bouse, and their eeason of usefulness,
I. e., their season of bloom, be leng h
sned. As soon as I get my boxes, I intend
lowing Feverlew, Chrysanthemums,
Double V hi e D anthus,L)ianthus Ka
einianis, Bellis, Pansy, Star Phlox, and
other Ph'ox, and probnb'y other so d,
10 as to have plants ready when the
weather is warm enough to warrnnt
their transplanting ont of .'oors. Such
plants will need to be accustomed to
the ontd or air gradually.
whem the weather is warm enough
not to freeze or chill them, they can lie i
set outside lor a mue wuiie. mn
as often as the opportunity presents
itself in the shape of mild weather.
After a time they can be left out en
tirely, if there is no danger of their be
ing nipped with frost. If seeds are
own outside, have the s ed bed ia
tunny situatu n. Make the soil very
fine, and level the bed. Mark off tht
rows from tl ree to five inches apart.
Do not sow too thickly; get goot
seed and depend on every one grow
ing; water with warm water daily.
Water should be applied with a fiu
If the seed lied is covered, the seec
will probably germinate more quickly.
Darkness aids germination, bat i
death to jjlants
bart (S. Y.) Journal Repoht
ir A. Story or Sna-
Albany, N. Y. Journal. March 12th.
Saratoga, March 11th For some time
past there have been reports here and else
where in Saratoga County of a most remark
able indeed, so remarks le as to be miram.
lous cure of a most severe cisa of locomotor
ataxia, or creeping paralysis, simply by the .
. Vills for Pale People,'-' prepared and put np
I t-y the Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
use or a popular remedy mown as fink
Mornstown, J. Y., and Brockville, Oat.
The story was to the effect that Mr. Chas.
A. truant, of lialwsv. who for the last six
or eight years has been a great sufferer from
creeping paralysis and its attendant ills, and
who bad become utterly powerless of all
self-he. p, had, by tbe use of a few boxes of
the Fin it Pills for Pale People, been so fully
restored to health as to be able to walk
about the street without the aid of rrutche.
The fame of this wonderful, miraculous cure
was so great that the Evening Journal re
porter thought it worth his while to go to
alway to rail on Mr. Quant, to learn from
his lips, and from the observation and testi
mony of his neighbors, it his alleged curs
was a fact or only an unfoundel rumor.
An 1 to he drove to Gal way and spent a day
iin'l a ni;ht there in visiting Mr. Quant,
getting bis story and Interviewing his
neighbors and fellow-townsmen. It may be
proper to say that Galway is a pretty little
village of about 4U0 people, delightfully
1'icate I near the centre of tbe town
ef Ualway, in Saratoza County, and
aoout 17 miles from Saratoga Springs.
Upon inquiry the residence of Mr.
Charles A. Quant was easily found, for
everybody seemed to know him,speak well of
him, and to be overflowing with surprise and
satisfaction at his wonderful cure and restor
ation to the activities of enterprising citl
xennhip, for Mr. Quant was born in Gaiwar
aud had spent most of his life there. Mr.
yusni was louna ( nis pretty nome, on a
Jneasnnt street nearly opposite the academy,
n response to a knock at the door it was
o; enud by a man who, in reply to an inquiry
if Mr. Quant lived there and was at bom.
Mid: "T am Mr. Quant, Will you come in!"
After a little general and preliminary con ver
ve Hon, ami alter be had been apprised of tbe
object for which the Journal reporter had
called upon him, he, at request, told the
Ftorv of himself and of his sickness anil
terrible sufferings, and of tbe ineffectual
treatment he bad hat. and of his liual cura
l y tbe use of Lit. Williams's Piuk .Pills for
Pale People, and cheerfully gave assent to
iis use for publication. He said: "My name
is t haries A. Quant. I am 37 years old. I
was horn in t he village of (ialway. and, ex
cepting while traveling on business and a
little while in Amsterdam, have spent my
whole life here. My wire is a native of
Ontario. Up to about eight years ago I had
never been sick aud was tuen in perfect
health. 1 was fully six feet tall, weighed
S0 utm'ls and was very stroig. For twelve
years 1 was a traveling sale.-uiin for a piano
end organ i-ouipauy and had to do, or at least
did do, a great deal of heavy lifting, got mv
meals very irregularly and slept In enough
'spare beds' in country houses to freez ariy
ordinary man todeatn.or at least give him the
rheumat isui. A bout eirht years ago I beg au
to feel distressed in my stomach aud cuti
lulted several doctors aliout it. They al
Fan it was dyspepsia, aud for dyspesi't 1
was treated by various dictors in dinVrent
I piaes, aud ttMu all tne patent meJicmei t
roulilhear of that claimed to be a cure for
I (Irspepsia. But 1 continued to grow gral
I ualiv worse for four years. Then 1 beirua
to have pain in my back and legs and beca-ne
conscious that my legs were getting weilc
and my step unsteady, and then 1 staggerai
when 1 walked. Having received no beneilt
from the u.-eof patent medicine-:, and feeling
that 1 was i-onsttiutly growing worse, 1 thju.
i upoua'ivice. began the use ot electric beits.
pads an ! all the many dtrrereut kinds uc
electric appliances 1 could hear of, an 1 sp -lit
huudreds of dollars for thein, but they del
-. yj-nt showed the
ictricsuit of unuer-
1 114.1 In tbe tali of
i a change of climate,
menogood. I Here Mr,
Journal reporter an electric
wear tor which be paid
Js3 the doctors advise.
fo 1 went to Atlanta, (ia., and acted asageut
lor the Estey Organ Company. While there
I took a thorougn e'eotric treatment, but it
only seemed to aggravate my disease, and
tbe only relief 1 could get from tue sharp
andaistres.-in pains was to tnke mor
phine. 1 he pain was so intense at times
that it seemed as tuuujh I could not stand
it, and 1 almost loured tor death as the only
certain relief. In .-September of 1S my
lejrs gave out entirely and my left eye was
drawn to one side, so toat I bad
double sight and was dizzy. My
trouble so affected my whole nervous syte:u
that 1 bad to give up business. Then 1 re
turned to New Vork and went to the Roose-
velt hospital, where for four months 1 was
treated by sicialists and they pronounced
my case locomotor ataxia and iucurable.
Alter I had been uuder treatment by Prof,
btarr and Or. Ware for four months, they
told me they had done all tbey could for me.
Then 1 went to tbe Mew Vork hospital oa
Fifteenth street, where, upou examiuation,
they held 1 was incuraoleand would not take
me iu. At the rresOyterian hospital they
exa'nmed me an.l told me tue same tnin.
In March, l-'J', I was taken to St. Peter's
hospital in Albany, where Prof. H. H. Hua
fraukly told my wife my case was hopeless;
that he could do nothing for me and that
she had better take me hack home and sflva
my money. But 1 wanted to make a trial
of rYof. nuu's lam.Us !aiil un 1 i remain0!
un ier his treatment for nine we?k, but se
cured no benefit. All this time 1 had been
grow ng wnrse. 1 had become entireir
paralyzed from my waist down and ha I
partly lost control of my hsnJs. The pain
was terrible; my les felt as though they
were freez ng an i my stomach w.-iuldnot re
lain food, and I fell awjy to 131 poiin is.
In the Albany hospital they put 17 bis
burns oa my back one day with red hi t
irons, and after a few days they put 14
more burns on and treated rue with elec
tricity, but I got worse rather than better
lost control of my bowels and wat-r. an f
upon advice of tbe doctor, who sai i tiers
was no nope ior me, i was r.rougnt nome,
where it was tboubt that death would soo
come to relieve me of mv surlering. Last
-r,.eme ,,i.
ing condition, a friend of mine in Ha-ui tou,
Ont., called my att-ntion to the statement
of one John Msrshsll, whose case had been
Miming to hi v own, ni.o wan n'i oe-n curei
by the use of Dr '.Viliisms's Pink Pills for
Pale People.
"In this case Mr. Marshall, who is a promi
nent nieiub-r of the Koyal Templar of
Temperance, had after four yeara of con
ftant treatment by the most eminent Caua
dian physicians been pronounced inoisg) .
and was paid the tlUOn total disability alu u
allowed by the order in such cases. iSoma
montbsafter Mr. Marshall began a course of
treat neut with Dr. Williams's Pink Pills,
and after taking some 15 boxes was lully re
stored to bealtn.
"1 thought I would try them, and my wife
seut for two boxes of the pills and 1 took
them according to the directions given on
the wrapper on each box. For the first few
days the cold baths were prjttv severe, as 1
was so very weak, but I continued to loll
instructions as to taking the pills an i treat
ment, and even before I hai usel up the
two boxes of pills I began to feel beneficial
effects from them. My pain were not so
bad; I felt wanner; my head felt better;
my food began to relish and aeree with me:
I could straighten up; tbe teeling began to
oome back into my limbs; I begin to
be able to get about on crutches; my .yd
earns back again as good as ever, aud do.
af tr tbe use of eight boxes of tne pills it a
bosioi oniynuu see! lean, with tne help
of a cane only, walk all about the house and
yard, can saw wood, and on p.easant days I
waig down town. .My stomach trouble is
gone; I heve gained 10 pounds; I feel line a
new man, and when the spring opens I ex-
peoe to be able to rene w my organ an i piano
it reaue nir urcia nn'i piano i
cannot speak in too huh terrns of I
ns's Pink fills for Palo Feopie,
leaner. 1
e. fcA? 111! I Pi.. 1. 1 1 4 V-i l'
T 1 . V. . 1 , . . .. 1 1 . 1. I
doctors bad given me up as incurable."
Other citis-ns of Galway. ageing tne won
derful cure ot Mr. Qtiant'ly the Pink Pills
for Pale People, are using them. Frederick
Bexton, a sufferer from rheumatism, said he
was finding great beneht from their use, and
Mr. Schultz, who had suffered from chronic
sysentery for years, said he had taken two
boxes of the pills and was already cured.
Mr. Quant had also tried Faith cure, with
rxpertsof that treattnut in Albany and
preenville, 8. C, but with no beneficial re
sults. A number of the more prominent citizens
&t Ualway, as Rev. C. E. Herbert, of tbe
Presbyterian church; Prof. James K. Kelly,
hrincipal of the academy; John P. and Har
vey Crouch, and Prank and Edward WUlard,
merchants, and many others to whom Mr.
Quant and his so miraculous cure by the use
at Dr. Williams's Pink Pills for Pale People
fcre well known, wars pleased to have the
ppportunity of bearing testimony to tbe high
character of Mr. Quant, and ot verifying
the story of bis recovery from tbe terrible
affliction from which he bad for so long a
time been a sufferer.
i Truly, tbe duty of tbe physioian is not
o save life, but to heal disease,
i The remarkable result from tbe use of Dr.
Williams's P.nk Puis in tbe case of Mr.
Quant, induced the reporter to make further
Inquiries concerning them, and ha ascer
tained that they are ml a patent medicine
to the sense in which that term Is generally
Bed, but a highly scientific preparation,the
result of years of study and careful exjperfa
rZ ' 3JJLJ
I with unparalleled success in the treatment
of such diseases as paralysis, rheumatism.
sciatica, St. Vitus') dance, palpitation of tb
heart, that tired feeling which affects so
many, and all diseases depending upon a
watery condition of tbe blood or shattered
Dr. Williams's Pink Pills are also a speciflo
for trouble peculiar to females, such as sup
pressions. Irregularities, and ail forma of
weakness. They build up the blood and re
store the glow of health. to pale or sallow
cheeks, la tbe case of men they affects
radical cura in all esses arising from mental
worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
On further inquiry the writer found that
these pills are manufacture! by The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Oot,
and Morrlstown, N. Y and are sold is
boxas (never in balk by the hundred), at 60
cents a box, or six boxes for $3.40, and may
be bad ot all druggists or direct by mail
from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., from
eitner address. The price at which thes
puis are told makes a course ot treatment
comparatively inexpensiveas compared wits
other remedies, or medical treatment
Baked eoos. Put abont two table
spoonfuls of butter in an earthen bak
ing pan. When melted, break into it
carefully the number of eggs desired
and set the pin into a hot oven. The
time reqnirtd lo bake them depend!
whether yoa desire the eggs hard or
Sai-ce. Ma it re tT hotel. Heat at
much butter as yon think necessary,
and when hot, throw in two table
spoonfuls of chopped parsley; shaki
your pan once or twice, ponr the mix
ture over tbe fish and then sprinkle,
nvAr it a iHblnannnnfnl nf lemon InifA.
I Be sure that your batter is hot, but dr
not scorch It.
I Pcpps. Beat the whites of six eggi
till they stand alone, and tbe yolks the
same space of time. Cream in by de
grees nine tablespoonfuls nf flour. Put
in a tablespoonfnl of melted butter and
a teaspoonful of salt; then make into a
batter with one pint of sweet milk.
Grease little patty-pans, pour in the
batter, and bake rapidly till of a light
brown color. So more luscious food
can be produced for the breakfast-table
then is fnruished by these simple
cake. Some persons think the flavor
improved by the addition of a little
grated nutmeg.
Tomato sorp. Have ready one three
pound can of tomatoes, and add to
them a half teaspoonful of soda. Let
the tomatoes stew gently until thor
oughly cooked. Have ready two
quarts of new nnskimmed milk; let it
tome to a boil over a brisk fire, and as
soon as this is the case ponr it hot over
the toruntoes, stirriug welL .Let all
boil together about fifteen minutes.
Season with salt, pepper, and one
tablespoonful of butter. Jnst before
puring ont of the kettle, thicken with
a cupful of pounded craokers.
Cai-eu Sauce. The proportions for
this taue-e are, two ounces of butter,
one tiblesuoonful of flour, yolk of one
eg, silt and white pepper. Put the
butter and flour ii to a stew pan
over the fire and cook, stirring all the
time ko that it w.ll not burn; as soon aa
it turns yellowish, pour into the pan
about a pint of boiling water, little by
little, stirring briskly the while with a
wooden spoon; take from the hre when
it ii getting thick; beat a yolk of egg i
llu "' iwoieojjoomui vi water, put
it mid the pan with white pepper and
nth, mix it well with the rest and add
1 1
ODe or tw0 tablespoonfuls of capers.
A little grated nnttneg and vinegar, or
lemon juice are added, if liked. Lemou
juice is better than vinegar when the I
sauce is nsea witn Una.
Tapioca Pcddino. This pudding is
m ide of t ipioca, eggs and currant
j -Uy. Soak half a cupful of tapioca
to hours in a pint of water; then boil
it until clear with a glassful of enrrant
jelly and halt a cupful of sugar. As
you tike from the fire stir into the
pudding the stiffly beaten white of four
eg s; pour into a mould and set away
to harden. When thi podding is
ready to serve, pour abont it a custard
ma le from a pint of milk and the yolks
ot the egg'. Put the milk in a double
boiler, and when boiling mix with the
yolks ot tbe eggs, beaten until light,
with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Stir
and boil two minutes, and then flavor
with a teaspoonful of vanilla or white
brandy. Cool before using.
OaiLLED Sabdikes. Drain the sar
dines from the oil aud broil them over
a quick fire. Cut the crust from slices
of bread, toast and butter them slight
ly; then place tbe sardines on the
toast, and serve with lemon cnt in
Potato Salad. One quart of pota
to! s cooked until soft, peeled and
sliced, six tablespoonfuls of vinegar
and the sumo of water, a little salt a
li.tle bit of onion cut np fine, and two
spoonfuls of olive oil. Stir tbe liquid
well together, and mix in the potatoes
while they are still warm.
Rice Waffles. One cupful of rice
well boiled, three cnpfals ol flour;
three eggs, one teaspoonful of soda and
a piece of butter tbe size of a walnut.'1
1 he ingredients must all be prepared
eparatniy, lor negligence on the pari
of a cook will prevent the success ol
. ,
n? recipe. Be sure to be it your etraa
very light See that every particle of
soda is thoroughly dissolved, and that
after it is : dded the baking be not
long delayed, last the effervescing!
properties of the soda be destroyed J
and consequently tbe cakes heavy.'
'ibis batter may be used in waluei
irons, or else bake 1 like flannel cakef
upon an open griddle.
Obangh Cake. Two cups of sugar,
one-half cup of butter, four eggs, three
cups of floor, one cup of water, two
hoihII oranges, two tenspoonfuls of
baking powder. Work the butter and
sugar together; add the yolks of the!
e;JGs ttnd tlje Jlice with tbe grated peel,
of tbe oranges, then the water, tba
whites well beaten and laf t the flour in
which the baking powder has been,'
thoiongbly mixed. Bake in small
cakes iu a moderately hot oven. Frost
The whites of two eggs, a cup of
and a little orange iuice. j
sugar an
I a Southern Arizona and Meiioo
there prows a plant from which rope
and twine that will almost Dever wear
out can be made It is the mescal
plant. Tbey are like cabbages, and on
a large stalk that grows np alongside
the head are long-stemmed leaves.
-.i . , , . , , mi
lth sharp, hard-panted ends. The
soit part of tue leaf cm be removed
and tbe stem stretched out to four or
five feet, it is so clastic, i'on let this
dry in the sun, and yon have an eye
less needle already threaded.
Tbe natives of the country use noth-;
ing but the mescal thread-needle, aa
tbey call it, to sew their garment.'
You can make as fine a thread as.
needed. If von desire a fine thread
pull the stem and it will grow smaller
in the same way that rubber wilL The
thread is as stro: g as wire. Ropes and i
heavy twine can be made from the j
plant that will be almost as strong as J
a steel wire cable. Tbe big stems of
the leaves can be used, inJ there are1
abont fifty leaves to each head that can
be utilized. The United States aud '
Mexico can have a monopoly in this '
rope, for nowhere else on the globe is
this plant to be found.
Seals when basking place oue of their
number oi guard to give the alarm It
case of d inger. Tbe blgnal Is a quick
clasp of tlie flVrers on a rock. lUbbiu
signal wila the.r lore paws aid bavi
regular signal and rails.
The proportion of pure Atiglo-Saxoi
words in tbe It l ie it- ii;n ty-sevi u pej
cent, of tbe whole.
facts about the keck.
Very few women know how impor
tant the nape of the neck is. If there is
one point of the body that the average
girl neglects and the wise beauty cares
for, it is this spot "Why, there i
nothing," said a gorgeous example of
the sex, "that finally completes a beau
tiful woman's triumph as does the nape
of the neck. If the line ia graceful, if
the skin is pnre, ana the small acci
dental rings of hair thit fall there a1 e
artistically managed, the spell that this
part of a woman exerts over a man is
tremendous. I must say that few women
liave good napes.
"A girl who al a ays wears her dresses
.-nt high to her hair w.ll usually be
lark and unattractive there. There's
nothing like the air to purify the skin,
ind tbe more a girl lets her neok catch
the breezes the fairer it will get. This
is not generally believed, but let any
woman ask herself if the few dark spots
)n her are not just where the skin has
been kept constantly hot and covered.
Well, the nape of tbe neck ia peculiar
In this regard. To be white it most be
kept freo of woolons and the hair.
Once given a good s' in the rest is easy.
Of course the i eck shows to the best
idvantage when the hair ia brushed np
tnd away from i but there should be
ionic, tiny little stray thistledowns of
bair falling away from the rest. Thete
must be natural, mind, or at least jnst
teparated and curled with the fingers.
Oh, the horror of tbe girl that has
curled that part of her hair with an
iron, and ob, tbe crime of tbe girl who
lias made a bang there. If the hair ia
killfully managed and the akin white,
then the only thing desired is the good
A won-an who pre' bos her chin down
tnd holds her head stiffly can not have
t good line at the neck. The chin
mutt be raised a little tnd the head
tarried somewhat up and pushed for
ward. This gives a perfect angle from
i jimt between the shoulders to tbe hair,
ind when it looks as 1 have seen it you
would rather prefs a kiss there than
on the sweetest rair of lips that ever
held there selves np to the attack.
Why, 1 once knew a man who aat be
hind a girl in the theatre one night and
never knew what ploy it was he saw, he
was so enraptured by the nape of her
! neck. Afterward he aaw she was not
so vi ry lovely of feature, but that
; didn't deter him from finding ont who
1 .1 7.. .
her and finally marrying her. I won't
tay that he loved her for the back of
her neck alone, for she was a girl of
iweet character and many gifts.'' Sin
Francisco jLiaminrr.
Mr. Emerson Beau 'Oh, yea, I've
written pretry, of course; but I never
tried to have any of It published."
Miss Walden a Ilubb "Now, why
Gon't you send it to some of the uiaga
tines. I've seen some frightful stuff in
Ibem lately."
He' DnrlliiiT T ca'piiluta that in
the course of tix months our eutaae-
n eiit can be announced. '
she (anxious!) ) "And will rou glvo
. . . -
me i he ling, I lieu r
He "I will lr tbe girl that has It
now wi 1 only get engag d to some one
; o.'1
Mrs. Good "How Is your girl, Mrs.
Mrs. Ga'ob "Well, slie's abomina
bly dirty. She spo.ls everythiur she
cooks, and she's lazy and impudeut;
but the has oue good quality rarely met
"Indeed 1 What is that?"
"She slays.'
Mrs. Porkcbops "Arthur, I received
mother note from cur ttBtern rela
tives just begging us to ray them a
visit. W hat can it all mean? TLey
never noticel us before."
Mr. Porkcbops "They must intend
coming to the World's Fair, and tbey
think we believe In reciprocity.'
Mr. Saply "I have a dreadful tooth
ache, Mi-s Mable. Are you ever
troubled with that ailment?''
Miss Muble (blushing deeply) "No
Mable's Little Sister (aged five)
"You wouldn't either, Mr. Saply, If you
took jour teeth out like sister does."
D'Aublque "Miss Daggett was In to
see my color studies ) ester day, aud said
the liked them immensely. W hat an
irtlees little creature sbe lj."
Plnnlck "That's what makes ntr
Kke your painting.'
The Chinese made what is called
"Cblwah-bi," or grass i loth, from the
lore of tbe common nettle. It Is said
to make a splendid cloth for tents,
iwnlngs, ete. When made into belt
ing for mach'nery it is said to have
twice tbe strength of leather.
Faan!:g "Is Jolison a practical,
'evel-headed man cf business?"
Cbannlng "Ve?; and he has a very
rest scheme afoit right n )w,''
Fanning "What's that?"
Charming "He's org inizing a com
pany to Irs ire Ii e-projf building
gainst sponta- e.ns combust on."
liest of AU
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
Irtilv hpnAflcial manner, when the
Springtime comrs, use the true and
perfect remedy. Syrup of Figs. One
bottle will answer ior an tne iamny
grid coats only 50 cents; the large size
SI. Try it and be pleased. Manufac
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Daniel Webster was able to repeat
lie whole Const!' utlon of the United
states word for word, Including- punct
uation sto s.
Mr. Carl Conrad, Hampton, lo., wtlu-S: The
box nf St. llernard Vegetable Pill which you
font me, are excellent and are suprtsingly
rflecUve In their results. I would therefore
roauest you to send me one dozen boxes of
these pill for enclose! (1 76.
A Swedish gentleman wears a watch
Aain male from one of his own ribs,
taken from Lis body by a surgical opera
tion. That "all pnne" or fain: leelinj so rrvaicnt
with our best letnale population, quickly suc
cumb, to the wonderful powers 01
Lydia .
1 Inihaiu s Vegetable Compound.
It never
An old well in California which, for a
number of tears, has fnrnlshel excel
I nt water, has suddenly turned Into as
til well.
Mr. J. H. Estill, President Morning
News Co., Savnnah, Oa., says: A mem
ber of my family who has been a mar
tyr to neuralgic headaches for twenty
years, has found in Bradycrotise an in
fallible remedy for headache.
American travelers have become to
numerous in Portugal that some of the
shopkeepers in the cities display this
sign in their windows: uAmetlc&n
rpoken here."
Of Trovidence, R. I.
wiliv Vnnwn as nr.uirietor of Derry's Water
prool Harness Oil, tells of his terrible suBer
inzs f.om Ecz jma and his wonderful cure by
"Gentlemen: "Fifteen years ago I had an at
tack ol InrUtninatoiy rheumatism, which was
followed by Eczema or
Salt Rheum
breaking out on iry right leg. The humor
spread all over my lees, back and arms, a fool
mass of sores, swollen and Itching terribly,
causing Intense aln If the skin was broken by
rcratchlnit, and discharging constantly. It Is
Impossible to describe my 13 years of agony
and torture. 1 spent
Thousands of Dollars
In futile efforts to get well, and was discour
aged and ready to die. At this I was unable to
He down In bed, had to sit up all the time, and
was unable to walk without crutches. I had
to hold my arms away troin my body, and had
to have my arm, back and legs bandaged by
my faithful wife tw ice a day.
Finally a friend urged me to take Hood's
f arssparllla. Wl en I be tan by taking It my
Stomach Was All Out of Order
But the medicine soon Corrected this, and In
six weeks I could see a eliance In the eonri'.tlnn
of the humor which nearly covered n v body.
- It was driven to the surface by the Sarsap-
Irllla, the sores soon healed, and the scales fell
on. I was soon able to gtve up bandazes and
crutches, and a happy man I was. I had been
, taking Hood's Sarssparllla for seven months;
and since that time, 2 yeurs, I have worn no
bandages whatever and my legs and arms are
sound and well.
The Delight
of myself and w ife at my recovery It Is Impos
sible to tell. Toal my business friends In Bos
too aud over the country, I recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla
froiihiiersoiial experience." 8. G. Deiikt, 4S
Ilrjillord Street, Providence. It. I.
If you are Itlllous take Hood's l-llla.
Should Have It In Tba House.
Dropptd oh ButjnVf ChiitlrH Xore
touilce Johssos's aoitt ijwmF-XTforOmup, Colds.
Sore Tliniat, TonsllttlA, e'olle, crampo ail. I'&lu. Re
lieve! all mauiieritmpla!i!t.,4'iioaiia KrulM-M like
magic. Sold everywhere, l'rt.-e 3V. Iy mall: $ tmul.-t
Kunslald.4. LS. JOHNSON ACOboSTus,UAas.
mTARRH sure
Vagp 1 IlntUe Convinces
Stopt the dropping In the throat In one week;
restores the hearing and sense of smell : re-p-oves
bad breath and headaches. Prepared
by Dr. WM. B. JON Kd, Specialist, s N. Uth
M., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by drmrgit or
mailed to any address for $1. Testimonials.
smptom blanks and advice free. 27 years'
exierleuce, write him legardlng your cue.
A uuk-k, positive (IKK, 25 Cents.
Takea hold iu this order;
Inside Skin,
Outside Skin,
Driving everything before It toat ought to b o at
You know whether
you need it op not.
BoM by eT?ry druggist, ind manufactured ttf
Cvntaapclvet and people
who nave weak langs or Aith
irji, eboaldnee Piso'i Core for
Consumption. It baa eeired
IhAVMirit. It bae not Injur
ed oue. It not bad to lata.
It i tua bait cough evrup.
Bold everrwbera. I5.
A torpid liver I the aource of dytp-p-fe
fa. elclt headache, constipation, pile,
bllluue fever, chill and jaundice.
?Tutt's Tiny Pills?
9 have m epecllle enot on the liver, re
at or 1 ntr It to healthy action, K5cti.
Hut entortde ol oltl Tahl w.ll .-.... .
dewf for tobacco 10 from two to lour d.yv Abwlntclv harm.
.V "' "ybe Kivn in It. of colic
witliout the knowledge of me Daticnr who wilt uft.KufL i.f-.
orCHbWING with.n fortv.ciff tit noun. Sent prepaid on recetDI i
ot Ii to Particular. free he m.. I ........ t , , . . !
i Waeka, ji. aiadss Opera Blocs. Lira. Ooie.
ith fastes. uaiici3. and PVnts which stain
Ue h.mila. Inliire the Iron, and born off.
The Kltlrn Sua Sloee folKb Is Brilliant, Odor
less. Durante, and the consumer pays for no tut
or glass package witn every purchase.
Q I ESMAN Wanted Salary and expenses
O ML laid. Urown Bros. Co., Nurserymen,
K..chesler. N. Y.
WANTEb.-tiond Salesmen on the road to
sell Advertising Caids. Fans and Calendars on
Cummisslo i direct from Manufacturer. You
can make S'e per week. Address:
Advertising Specialty Co , Hnflalo, N. T.
II sjV Insane Persns Restored.
I far alt BTtAta NrR.s ln.la.r.. (Myan
r- T jfl7??roa, r i 'f. .mfr-w. rtn.
I ntrat ual-B If tekra a. dirert.!. Fitt nfur
I rrt ttnt aa. T-t. and S. trial bAttl. tr. ta
I Fit nati-tita, tsar pays esffwai bant. aa bs wturn
Iratwtaa. wm n.nra. . u. aau nua. a'lda of
"fad tn I)B KLINR. ITU arra P-,i'..d.i,.i.u, Pa.
Saa trr.ITl.ut BS WAJW Of UUIA ll.ta titA L LS.
Dealer In Seed,
413 E. 34th St., near Ferry, New York.
Sir-German Illustrated rat ilngu s -nt fret
to any address on application.
cured my throat "topped my cough,
healed mv lunes. restored my
voice." 1 his old, tried, M.ndard,
Herbal Remedy loosens, heals,
strengthens ; cures coughs, colds,
la crippi). asthma, weak lungs.
SO eta. and
MONTR for RrlgM Toonf Men as
eoantv. - a tv
LZK ACQ. -"- Wm.
un. vnn GlmD-"I wouldn't marry
the best man livinir.''
Dr. Perilns-"Xo-ah-or-perhP"
not. but-r that Is really no obatac e
to your marriage wnu mo.
Oje reason by the children thirty
yers ago were so much better behavd
llln those of to- day Is that the people
who tell about It were children thirty
yeais ago.
"Xoung Officer of Ilussars (in the
park) I apologize, madam, for pass
ing you just now without salutation,
but you look so charming to day that 1
positively did nt reo gcizj youl
The latest problem Dr. William A
Hammond takes 'up for aUcuss'.on is,
"Have we two brains?" He could com
tort some folks immensely by proving
fifty ier cent, of it.
Debtor "i can't pa you anything
this month."
Collector "That's what you told me
last month."
Debtor "Well, 1 kept my word,
didn't IV
Judge (after the jury has a .ted ajainst
his judgments In acquitting a man)
"Give this man his liberty, but watch
your coati aud umbrellas."
Things one would wish to express
cMffereiitly: "Well. gooJ-by, Miss
Smith. Tell the other I was very ror
ry not to find any one at home a a
-except you a. "
There are people who have lived to
old age for no other reason apparently
than because th y have never been
able among the multiplicity of diseases
to decide which one to die of.
Ant Book in Surprise Series 25 cent novels
about 2uu pages sentree, postpaid by Cragin Co.
fklladelphla, fa , on receipt of a) wrappers
Dobbins Electric Soap. Uobblns" Electne Soap
Is for sale by erocers everywhere. Send 1 cent
lor Catalogue. Best authors.
Mention litis paper.
Eggs are filed in the shapes of hearts,
stars and other devices I y means of
pans having sunken places In these
They are at It y."t. hammer and tongs: so say
the Fidelity Wall Paper Co. of 12 N. 11th St.,
1'Ulla. While It lasts they will be In position to
give the public a chance to buy cheap. Their
embossed papers for ten cents are"world beat
ers." bend our two cent stamps for samples.
A woman has begnn business as a
watchmaker in Christiana. Njrway.
"I have been occasionally troubled with
Coughs, and In each case have used Brown's
llrooclil l Troches, which have never failed,
and I must say they are second to none In the
wor d." fUx A. May, CatMer, St. tutil,
By putting aside a quarter of a d llar
every day a New Jerwy man has in
twenty years saved 91825.
Lydla K. Plnkham's warning to mothers
homd be heeded by all. and "(Juid to Health
auu Etiquette" heeded by eveiy Mother and
Daughter In the civilized world.
Lea 1 pencil wood ft cedar all
comes from Florida, and it will be ex
hausted In a few years.
Deafness Can't Ba Cnrod
by local applications, at they can not reach tba
ulseaoed portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure Deafness, aud that ia by constitu
tional remedies. Deaf ness Is caused by an In
O tmed condition of the mucous lining of the
Kustachlaii Tube. When this tube gets In.
Bumed you have a rumbling sound or Imper
fect hearlu.. and when It Is entirely closed
Deafness Is the result, and unless the lnflam
matlon can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will be de.
ftrovej forever; nine cases out of ton ara
ranted by catarrh, which Is nothing hut an lu
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will gtve One Hundred Dollars for any
case of lteafness (caused by catarrh) that we
can not cure by taking UaU's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulais, free.
F. J- CH KSET & CO , Toledo, O.
rSol J by Druggists, 76o.
Tbe fame of some men Is preserved
by tlielr cast-off clothes An old bat of
Dillon, the Irish leader, recently sold in
Australia for 825.
The glass makers of Thebes, foi ty
centuries ago, posse-ed the art of stain
ins g'ss and they produced tbe com
modity In the utmost profusion.
II Is Mot What We Say
But what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that makes
It sell, and has given It such a firm and lasting
hold upon the confidence ot the people.
For a dinner pill and general family cathar
tic we confidently recommend Hood's Pllla.
In the parrot's beak both mandibles
are movable a peculiarity unknown
in other species of birds.
Beecbim's 11 lis cure sick headache, dis
ordered liver and act like m,iglc on tue vital
organs. For Sale by all druists.
Tbe descendants of a slrgle wasp
number asmany as 30,000 in cue season.
Ncverot er is the fatal month which kills
them all off except two or three fe
males, on whom depends the .erpetua
tion of tbe race.
The Famous Hot Springs of Arkansas,
"The Carlshad of America.' Solid through
trains from St. Louis. Elegant Hotels, S.ibllme
Mountain Scenery. An all year round Health
and Pleasure Resort. W. K. Hoyt, Q. K. F.
Ageut. 3V1 Broaow.iy, N. V.
There are twenty-nine kinds of
If afflicted with "ore eyes use Dr.Isaac Thomp
son's ye-water. Dnjfffftsts sell at 25c. per bottle.
1 welve average tea plants produce
one pound of tea.
Rupture cure guarantee! by
Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St, Pbll'a,
I'a. Ease at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested by thou
sands of cures after others fail, advice
tree, send for circular.
A pet dog In Paris,
stockings aud sboes.
France, wears
FITS? All Fits stopped free t.y Dr. Kline
m eat Nerve Kestorer. ho Fits after first day 's
u-e. Marveloue cuies. 1 realise and 2 GO tria
bottle free to 1 It cases, bend to Dr. Kline s
ml Arch St., I'lillailelnhla, I'a.
Two centuries and eeven different
men claim the Invention of gunpow
der. Cann'M Xtltiney Cure for
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright',
Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, ttc. Cure guaranteed. S31
Arch Street, Thilad'a. tl a bottle, 6
for $5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of
cures. Try iu
The first coins made on this continent
were made in Mexico in 1535. They
were called tbe "real," and are now
worth $6 ertch.
has been nsed by mothers for their children
while Teetblnf tor over Fifty Tears. It
eootbt the oiillrt. softens the sums, allara
all pain, cures w?ad eolla. and lTtU -.
reiueMr for diarrbCBa. t
fanltJIta n - 1
. - v.h. a Ditliai
aaa.,aaaaaaaa. -,.-WWafn 11 linrWlaHA
AGEXT3 WANTEU-440 per week easily
made selling our new office and househo'd
novelties, male or female agents equally sue
cvssiui. rninpie dc. riu compeiiiiHl gut a
p itemed and sll at sight. For tarn addr- s,
ilOKSl Si Poktkh. Mfg. Co, Hartiox. . Coiiu.
OpMtnowar le. i
a ptfl Tantabla So.
au ai. Hau aau I
, Price Lis TKEX. '
Tom "How .'s your business getting
0IJack-"I can't tell you exactly. I
must refr to my ledger. That" bet
ter posted than I am."
Tern -"Win was jilted last night by
Miss Flurtte. Poor fellow, I feel eorry
fJack-"'So do I; and yet
accepted him, I'd feel sorry for ber.
"Say mister, that do bit me. "
'Oh. that's nothing."
"But what if Isuoull die of hydro
phobia?" ,. .
Well, in that case I am willing to
do the fair thing 111 have the dog
killed when you die.''
"What color iu eyet do you think
most beautiful. Mr. JSIgerly?" asked
Miss 1)3 Peyst r.
And Mr. Elerlv, after taking a
swift glance int her lovely orbs of
vision, answtreJ, promptly:
Judge "If I let you cfT this time
will you promise not to come back here
again?" , ,
Prisoner Tei, fir. The fact la I
didn't come voluntarily this time.
Stat'on Agent lu AfrIca(on the train)
'"Oreat cottl where is the conduc
tor! I don't tee him."
Engineer "Tbe first elass passen
gers got hungry and ale him up."
Jeweler "I tell your pawabroking la
an obnoxious business."
Erlend Perhaps, but you caDnot
deny that it has some redeeming feat
ures." Bilkins "How de do? nad the grip
Wilkins "Xo."
Bilkins "I'm sorry for you, old fel
low. What on the earth do you talk
about when you meet people?"
Elsewhere In this Issue are published the partic
ulars of a remarkable cure that fairly outrivals
the celebrated case of John Marshall, of Ham
ilton, which created such a sensation through
out the country. The particulars of this case
are vouched for by the Albany Evinino Join,
nat. reeoirnizod as the leading newspaper at
the New Vork State Capital, and one of the
leading papers of the United States. There la,
therefore.no room to doubt that the particular
of the case are accurately and carefully set
forth, in every respect true, and must therefore
prove or aeepesc interest w our nau a, iue
tide is commended to their careful perusal.
There is a farxer iu Ventura county,
Cal., who?e name is Stubttefleld and
another named Haymaker. Los An
geles, Cal., hat still another honest
granger who bears the euphonious
Dame of John Beanblossoms.
A Veteran ot the Mexican War.
Samuel L. McFadin, whose portrait
tppears above, is a prominert citizea of
Logansport, Ind., and one of but seven
teen surviving veterans of a company of
ninety-two young men who left that city
forty-five years ago for the seat of War
in Mexico. He now holds the position
of Marshal of National Association, and
although well advanced in years is still
hearty and hale. In writing of his
health he says: I hud been troubled
for a long time with Rheumatism, Kidney
and Liver Complaint and could hardly
get around. Suffered great pain night
and day. After trying many different
kinds of medicines and finding no relief,
at last through the advice of a friend I
purchased Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root
from one of our leading Druggists, B. P.
Kesling, and must say it has helped me
wonderfully, as I now walk without
It is the only medicine that has done
me any good, and has been a great ben
efit in invigorating and building up my
system, greatly assisting the liver, kid
neys and digestive organs. This is the
first recommendation I have ever given
a medicine and it affords me pleasure to
call the attention of tbe public to the
merits of this wonderful specific. Those
who try Swamp-Root have generally first
employed the family physician, or used
all the prescriptions within their reach
without benefit. As a last resort, when
their case has become jchronic, the symp
toms complicated and their constitution
run down, then they take this remedy,!
and it is just such cases snd cures that
have made Swamp-Root famous and
given it a world-wide reputation.
UUl M1J1JLI. dvi ejVu,,. BurfUo V T
DYK, Editor, Bull ulu, JIT.
e Waal Naate aad
address of Ersty
111 fHmnUHmlJmi
Pension s;r
ytor.?e!i;,ce.Wi4r- "W "uES,
J riiBsvnisxi mri fs l
. ie ior lucrt-nie. j yean
- pinencr. wrurior liwi A. w. UrCoKmrK
A BOM. WASBiicaroM, D. C. Cimcimwati. a
1 v
IE POSITlUr nilnr-
'H ii 1 n i i-v
so isAaa. r
The Hartman Steel Picket Fence
. -ar. US
There's nothing hf
of Catarrh, when you use Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. With the poison
ous, irritating snuffs and strong;,
caustio solutions, a good deal u
left. They may, perhaps, stop it
for a time, but there's danger of
driving it to the lungs. They work
on false principles.
But Dr. Sage's Remedy cure it,
no matter how bad the case, or of
how long standing. Not only Ca
tarrh itself, but Catarrhal Headache,
Cold in the Head everything
catarrhal in its nature. The worn
cases yield to its mild, soothing,
cleansing and healing properties.
So will yours. You may not be
lieve it, but the proprietors of Dr.
Sage's Remedy do.
And to prove it they malce yon
this offer:
If they can't cure you, they II
pay you $500 in cash. It's a busi
ness proposition from a responsible
But do you think they'd make
it if they, and you, couldn t depend
upon their medicine ?
Breakfast Cocoa
from which the excess of oU
baa been removed.
It abtotuttly pun
it U oJ-Me.
Xo Cliemicals
are used In Its preparsUoa. It
has mors Man fAres timti fAs
ttmtgtk of Cocoa mixed with
Btarch, Arrowroot or Sugar,
I and is therefore far more eco-
nomlcal, coiling Ull than n
I cenlacup. It Is delicious, noar.
I Uhlrje. etrenethealnc, EaSiLT
DIOESTID, and admlrahlv adapted for UTalldt
M weU aa for persons In health.
Bold hr Grocers etetrwhere.
W. BAKEB. & CO.. Dorchester. Vat
"Br a thwouTta knowf?d of the naturaJ ltwi
which Kovern the operatl m of dlge-flon and autrl
U o, and by a careful a p pile at too of tbe Ad prupar
clecof weli-a lectod Cocoa, Mr. Epp ha prold. tl
our breakfaM tables with a delicately flavoured bev
erage wnlcb mar us maay httavy dootors' billa
It u oj tbe Judlolotu un of auott arOoles of diet
that aoontUtuUoa maf (e dually built up uotli
itron enough to resUC every tendency to disease
Hundred of subtle maladies are ttuaUn around u
ivedy to attaok wherever there Is a weak puiat.
vs e may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
wives well fortided with pure blood a'd a property
d urlBbed frame." "Civil Servio tJoestTs. "
Maad simply with bolUn water - milk. Hkld
nlv in Half-pound tin. y Grocer. lbUed tbuf :
jA.Uts tk? Ac CO., HomtBopaihlo CbetnUt,
Ltospo?!, EsaLAWi.
tbicb Pi&oo?
Decide that after trjnng the
1VERS & POND. You can
try them : we'll tell you what
dealer can show them to you,
or we'll send on approval at our
own expense. Write for in
formation. Iver? & Popd
Piano Conrjpaoy, Bostoo.
Sure core for Bad Breath, Sour
Stomach, Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart
Bum, all Bilious and Gastrio Affeo
tions of the Stomach. Whitens Teeth to
perfection. Price 25 cents per box sent
by mail.
and Barclay Street. New York.
Dk. k. c. wests nerve and brain
Treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Ulzilness,
r its, Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by alcohol or tobaceo. Wakefulness.
Mental Uepression.Sortenlni' of Brain, causing
insanity, niis-ry. decay. 1eath, Prem iture Old
Age, Barrenness. Loss of fower In either sex,
Impoteiicy, Leucorrhcea and all Female Weak
ness. Invo untary Losses, Spermatorrhea
caused by over exertion of brain, Self-abu.
over Indulgence. A month's treatment, tl, o for
-. by mall. We Guarantee six boxes to cure.
Each order tor6 boxes, wlm $6 will send written
guarantee to refund If not cured. Guarantees
lsued only bv Kinnfrtt. McClcbb & Oi.,
So e Acts., loo Market Philadelphia, Pena.
And want from 2fl,noo to $10.0(10 to place on A 1
ii ,Ji,l"m.M?rt ot from M) to
or SSr!? ?; alutlnn of property Irehlt amount
i ?L ""I" cnservative estimate of value.
BaVll" bMI 'arnln reElon of State for sale.
KJtgrerenct Capital National Bank, Bismarck.
Dl""n- Morth Itafcota.
niastrated PubnciBont, vfti
M Aps,aacrlblnv bihbmou,
hurth Lakota, Montana. lOaatt,
w aahlniru.n and llrafoa, ska
P I..n.HaaaBBBAf
I Bsst AfrlcuirnrsKl
ing tvnd Timber Land.
' BSS VtW. B, r.
FillvrnivsalM w' :
St, NeV "cocta.1
ut conceal to
Uhambexs isirWs Ji"
Kim lyw