THE VESSOy OF THE VTXE3. The green Madeira Tine itretch'd op aloft Like fairy ladder, to the sheltering eavc " And bore their wealth of snowy bloom besoni My utmost rea b,al,ove the sbim'riiig leaves. Dewy-fresh, the silken leaflets glistened, I watch'd them waving in the breeze's play Vhen suddenly, a wee child standing nearni Cried; "Ah I what useless vines thete are Isayl" "Just taking all the sun and dew God aud them , , And growing, growing through the Sum mer hours, ' . Only giving back these leaves that flatter, With not a bit of fruit or pretty fioiersT "Xo, tiny critic, you mistake," I said. " 'Tis that you look not high enough to see ion innge or creamy blossoms hung ? About theaes to tt-nrptrte wsnd'ringbo Only the stems and leaves of human life Kor dreams how many seeming barteB, su iiloom beyond iu ken above earih.dilt -nd strife. 'Kor guesses tbat.thenol.lest things we do, ah truti motive un,l earh m4 ewwisk FlnJ tbelrTnAio"ii-Tii ajiljther Aurld If OiA of Uie sight uTaTi save AngInyes." Lucy B. Buck. la XilOCa IHTII'V". i v: bOnae bit a Unid trTeri)Twnj a'J'ta RH who lived in a bouse made of mml. She ate off mud plates, and drank ont of mud rwip(t Ob 'tV rVfoll Lung moil- btck.1t -wftb. rfud figures on.rthejn.,. The ; flowers from her garden, she put into mnd vases, 'liflid the fcarded' itself was" ornamented with mud figures. The greatest treas ures cliejiad in the world were made of Don't waste your pity on the unfor tunate child: J dare say it's just the same with yon. ilorried! did yon say? Well, it does souud rntiier bod, don't it? But yon know all kinds of mnd are not alike, though they're all made of earth and water. The mad of which houses are made is a coarse earth called clay, and it is pressed sqnare in moulds, baked, and called brick. The mnd yon eat and drink from is made of finer clay, and it is made in the shape of cups and plates, ornament ed and baked, and we call it chins. not so very bad, yon see, after all. Mod brackets you call terra cotla, a d mnd figures yon call china or bin. Hie. B this time I suppose you can guess that the Lirl I spoke of had bisque doll and set of china among her treas ures. The dreadful thing I had to tell yon is that yonr bisque doll is made of mnd, is own eon win to the old brown inegar jng down in the pantry, as well as to the coarse red bricks on the gar den walk! Von didn't know she had each com mon relations? Well, let me tell you privately she's no worse for that. It isn't wbitt her counius are, bnt what she i-, thtit's the important thing. The reason she's so different from her coarse cousin is because she is made of the finest materials, and with the greatest pains. 1 want to tell yon jnst how she is made, and yonr china cups too. Von won't feel so sorry to hear that they are also her cousins. To begin with, the clay is found mixed with, stones, aud they are broken in pieces and put where water will run oyer tbem. The running water washes out the cluy, and carries it off, fulling at last into a pond. The water now being still, the clay settles on the bottom, as yon've seen in muddy water in u tumbler. After a while the water is drawn ont of the pond, the clay dug np in blocks, and laid on shelves to dry. Yon don't like the idea that your doll is made of mud; but if yon could see it you wouldn't care much, for it's very nice mud, aud when dry is white anil bard. The next thing is to grind it to pow der, ana then it goes to the potters. These workmen mix it with water till about as thick as cream, and then strain it through fine sieves. It is now called "slip," and is ready for a new ingredient, which is flint. You've heard of things being as "hard as a flint;" and hard enough the poor pot ters found it, till they learned to burn it before trying to grind it They can't make enps out of "slip," so it has to be evaporated till a! out as bread dough (if you know bow thick that is), and then it is kneaded as if it really was bread It's a droll kneadirg, though, done by big, dirty looking men, sometimes even with their feet, and the object of it all is to get out the bubbles. After this curious erformnnce it ought to rest a long time. The Chinese let it lie twenty years in a damp cellar. 1 dare say your china cups could tell wonderful stories of life in France, and what they saw while they lay sea soning in some potter's cellar that is, if they could talk. There are three ways of getting it into sLape throwing, pressing and casting, l'ou don't see how it can be thrown into shape.bnt you'd understand in a minute if you could fee a potter's wheel. The potter's wheel is a s rt of lathe, on which the dump clay is put, and turns round and round. 1 he pot ter sits before it, and with bis hands shapes a cup, or a plate, or a jug iu a few minutes. Pressing, I to'd yon, was another way of shaping things. 'I bis is done, of course, by moulds. Handles of cups and all email ornaments are made iu moulds, and stuck on the cup or other dish while damp; aud then comes the baking. Did you know yonr doll hud been baked? I guess you'd think it was baked if yon could see the own where he spent" whole days. It's the fuiinii st oven you ever saw, dome-shaped on top, and big enongh for a dozen peo ple to go in. When they get to bake they don't just cover the bottom of the oven, as cooks do by no meansl They stuff it full to the very roof. Piles and piles of plates und cups and saucers and all sorts of dishes, each one standing on some sort of litt.o feet so it won't stick to its neighbor when bot. When you would think the oveu or klla, tiey call it was full, a man stands at the door nnd puts in piece after piece, till there isn't room for an other cup. 'Ihen the door is bricked up, fires are made under the kiln, aud kept up several days and nights. More days are allowed for it to get cool, and not nn?il every thing is cool enough to handle is the door opened and the bak ing done. Fot this first baking your doll went to have her hair and eyes and lips painted before a second baking made her irito bisque; but the china enps are not so near done. Ton see these are very smooth, and look as if polished, while the doll has no shine at all on her face. This is do:;o by g'azing. A man stands by a tub of glazing fluid, and dip9 in every dish, careful to touch as small a place as possible with his fingers. Then comes another baking, and ftor that any painting that it is to have. The coloring is done with brashes, like any painting, and then it goes to the ovec again. l'on hope h'e hnked enough? tVoIL U is now, When yoc are older you must read Tnehislory of the art It is Terr iiW teresting to see bow, little by little, hyA many experiments and many accidents, men-so much improved on the old-fash-' iooed earthen dishes as to make tho dainty Sevres china, that yon can crush in yonr hand like an egg-shell, j r. There are many beautiful things made of the different kinds of mud. There's your elegant Parian statuette' or vase, lou'd never guess how that was made, not even if 1 told you it was by tasting. I , : This is how it is done: First they made a model exactly the shape the vase was to be, every little leaf and bud perfect. When it was done, and yob couldn't bear to have it touched (if you saw it), a workman coolly bnried it under a mound of plaster of Paris! The plaster soon hardened, and then it came off easily, and, behold, it was a perfect mould of the vase, and then they eooJ$ makerttannate'bs7maAycomei of the lovely JufxJel -s)r f-h&r ciosj. (To male the Baran Tasfc a IhiaT sllg. Yas poured in, and in a few minutes pourec out again. "Tie plaster of Taris having absorbed 'a HtfTe of the slip, a thin shell was left on the monld, and to make it thick at wanted they bad only to pour in tha sljp ggVBXand agjn. jEyj;ry,CifS some would sjtic'k, and so aflast it was thief i.i i' i j a. ' i To give it its almost transparen look, it is said, bones are ground u and rauxed-KitU Uteajip.xe A j Whep Mie,,yaaaia ,thoroQgbly -dry, the meald is rtmorod,- land, the vase i finished np Jilb the rj?avof .itkind;ua ri nni!ikirni;1 BY GRACE UPTOW. iUo CI kadr,"(eirid Sin a, looking up suddenly from the book she was reading;' '"I really don't see how she eonld do it" Bert, from his geography lesson, gay her an amazed stare. "Do what?" be a iked sharply. "Wear them," answered Edna, vaguely. Then, catching the general expression of wonder, she explained, hurriedly. Oh, I forgot you didn't know what I was reading. It's Cin derella." "Cinderella!" repeated her mother, with a smile. "We are still in the dark. What is it the conldn't do?" "Wear her slippers glass slippers," said Edna, slowly. "he couldn't you know." "Why not?" a&ked Dave, the young est boy. "The book says so. Her feet were so small I mean the slippers were so small that no feet bnt Cinderella's would fit them." "I know that," said Edna, laughing, "bnt I don't believe Cinderella or any one else could dance in glass slippers because they would break all to pieces. " "Hut they were fairy slippers and couldn't break," protested Dave. "It's only a fairy story, anyhow," pnt in Marian, "and everything is pos sible to fairies." "I shouldn't wonder," said Bert, with an air of superior wisdom (Bert was in the high school), "that they were malleable glass. We read of such material in ancient annals, and Cinderella's slippers may have been made of that." Mt. Anniston had been listening to this discussion with interested atten tion, and now spoke for the first time: "Perhaps I can throw some light on this dark subject. Cinderella never did wear glass slippers." "Oh, papa!" cried Dave, "the book says so!" "I know it," admitted Mr. Anniston; "but that is a blunder of the trans lator. The delightful little story was orignally French, and the French au thor says that Cinderella wore pan- toufltn cle vair that is, 'fur slippers,' which is qnite natural." "Then, why did the English trans lator say 'glass?'" questioned Bert, "Because he was careless. The French word for glass is verre, and its substitution for vair gave Cinderella the slippers which, however pretty, could not have been at all comfort able." "Well, 1 declare!" cried Dave; and everybody else laughed. CHINESE SUPERSTITION RAILROADS. AND The truth about Chinese railroads, which has been somewlmt difficult to tret at, seems to be that for the present railroad construction is stopped, the conservative and anti-progressive party, which is strongly opposed to I I'oreiwn liiin ami tn tha iiitr.wlncrwui ' of foreign methods, being temporarily ' ., D , . ' " in the ascendant at Pekin. fromac- counts received from China, it seems that this party has taken advantage of the accidental destruction of the Temple of Heaven by tire started by lightning, to excite the superstition of the Em peror his chief councillors, and that this accidental fire has been inter preted as a risita ion of divine ven geance, consequent upon the imperial order sanctioning the building of rail roads. Tha superstition inherent in the Chinese character has thus been used shrewdly by the conservative leaders to further their purposes. The sanction for the construction of the railroad, it appears, has not yet been formally revoked, but the whole question is, for the present, in abey ance. The progressive party, headed by the Viceroy Li, may be relied upon, however, to make every possible effort to secure the construction of the rail road ; but for the present it is very doubtful whether they will be able to do anytliii g. HE kept ST;lc Mother " flow did your face get that strained, ngotiizad look in your photo criphV Did the light hurt your eyes'?" Small Son "Xo, rua'in. The man t ld me try to keep still, an I did." TOO TR! O PIT AT in practice the new cavalry recruit is flung over t is horse's head. "Donnerwetterl Volunteer Purzell,' cries the (h.ll ;e treanr, "can't you wail till I give t e'oider 'Llsmount'?' " . It doesn't f llow that a man is a master of dead languages he has s killing style of speeeh. The test isine,'s dissolves completely in b,it water, having no visible resi duum. 'August Flower" ii My wife suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of yonr books, I purchased a !ottle of August Flower. It worked like a charm. My wife received im mediate relief after taking the first dose. She was completely cured now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat anything; she desires without any deleterious r-srlts as waa formerly the case. C. H. Dear, Prop'r Wash ingtoo Hpuse, Washington, Va. 0 a 000 Sirs. W. I. Francta Is the wife of one of tae best known pharma cists In New liaven, doing business at 141 D,x well Arena--, and ex president of the Conn, rharniaceutical Association. .'He sjs: "My wife was fur several years irrbtid health. ne to a complication of disorders Friends per -s (tail ed her to take lf-wd't Sars.ip irilla ; sh w cc r tainly a eood neal better since every way.". For Ladies,.. ft Hood's Sarsaparllla Is especially adaptNJ, an& will cure dlfUiMilUe pe-ullar to the sex. bead J inis: -for over zyi a. -a i suffered wltn a ' "V Complication of Diseases till I was a confirmed invalid, blood poor, appe. tite gone, bowels ont ot order, and miserable In mind nrt body. I read ot such wonderful ceres performed by Hood's Sofsaparilla I thought I would try a bottle, as, it It didn't make me better. It eooid not make me worse. It Did Make' Me Belter and on my third bottle I found myself almost new woman. I will gladly Convince any lady, as I bave proved myself, that purifying and enriching the blood, which Hood's Sarsaparilla does to perfection, is the Contitntlonl Treat meut, and in many cases, does away with all Local Treatment In the many diseases wtlb which women are affl.cted." Mas Martha Keep, 1836 Ramsey Street, Baltimore, Md. Habitual Constipation Is cured by Hood's pills In Nicaragua, Central America, the statues of the gods were generally placed at the foot of the pyramids, while the native fathers placed theirs at the summit or In temples. Wlulj hieroglyphics are common on idols, walls and pottery, yet the patiout re searches of our arcbKijIoglsts have recovered but little of the manners aud habits of these aborigines. The firtt child born of white parents In California was Thomas A. Suther land, of Portland, Oregou, who be aine a newspaper man, aud was the editor of a weekly piper when lie was drowued rfcently, while endeavor ing to catch a ferryboat. Ckaoix & Co., riillarieli'lila. Pa., will ena posi paid, for two lhibbms' Kleftric Soap Wrap per and ten cents rash any volume of ?urprle St nes. cent novels, almut &0 patff eat'h. Itobbiiis' Electric Soap is for s.ile by grocets everywhere. Send 1 cent for Catalogue. Best auitioi 9. .Mention this pper. The largest siphon, probably, is on the levee between lie Kinney Luke and the Mississippi Klver. The main pipe is two feet In diameter aud 21U feet In length, and it h is a discharging capac ity of Siu.OOJ.COO gallons a day. State of Ohio. Ott op Toledo, l.LCASl'OUNTT, s Frank J. I'heset m.iki-s outb that he Is the senior ttartner of the firm of t J. Cheney & Co.. ooiiiK business in the City of Tolfdo County and State aforesaid. mi" mat said film will pay Hie sum of OSK Hl'NUKKI) 1)I I. lis for eneh and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H ai.l'sCatakku Clke. IKANK .1.1 HENEV. Sworn to before me and subscribt'd in my presence, thlsblb day of leceiiiber, A. I', lwo A. W.tiLEASUN, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. M-Soldby liUKKi9ts, 75ceuU. Confucius, 600 years 15. C, was the firt. man on recmd who admired aud popularized the chrysanthemum. "Life has been a burden to me for the, past 50 years on account of great suffer ing from very severe and frequent head aches. Bradycrotiue has done wonders for me. I am now a new man aud shall proclaim the merits of your medicine to all I can reach. " George P. Fowler, Attorney at Law, Palatka, Fla, Fifty Cents. There are fourteen Mariettas in the , United St.ite?, and three of them are county seats. Mr. H. Wilken. Leonville. writes: Dear Sir: T,he box , St- Btrn"rd Vegetable J1," also your letter, were duly received regarding 1 wo'Jld say that tbey are excellent. 1 am suffering neatly three years from In ternal Injury also called rupture and am also troubled wltb costiveneas. I bave tried a great uiaoy remedies both family and doctor's rem edies, but so far have found nothing better than these pills, when taken regularly. Iu France and Holland the auction eer's fees are paid by the purchasers of the goods. 150,000 feacb Trees For Sale. Besides this we have an enormous stock of every variety ol Fruit and Shade Trees, Vines, Flant,, &c, best quality. In any quantity, at prices that defy Competition. No Yellows, no contagious diseases. Catalogue and best terms free to all readers of thi paper. Address Frederick Jiursery, Frederick City, Md. The medusa is a fish so fragile that it melts and disappears when throwu on tne beach. The worst cases of female weakness readily yield to Or. Swan's Fastiles. samples free. Or. Swan, Beaver Oam, Wis. Camels can stand beat and cold, but they perish quickly In moist atmos phere. Pro. Dr. John B. Mater has since 1879 been located at No. 831 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Bro. Mayer makes a specialty of coring rupture, guaranteeing a cure though others may have failed. In this he baa been very successful, as his numerous testimo nials will show, the large majority of which are from this city and the State. Fro. Mayer's treatment and methods are inventions of his own, upon which he has seeured Patent Office protec tion. His appliances are such as are required for each individual case, after a carefnl diagnosis, as he rightfully claims that it is about as absurd and fallacious to apply the same kind of trns to all classes of patients suffering from rnptnre, as it is to give the old time prescription of calomel and jalop for all human afflictions that flesh is heir to. Persons suffering from this painful and annoying affliction will do well to call on Bro. Mayer. A German inventor has patented a system of employing the trolley electric system to propel boats on canals or rivers. rann'a Kinney Cure Tor Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv ousness, Ac. Cure guaranteed. aJl rch Street, 1'hllad'a. fl a bottle, S for J5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures. Try It- A mrchar.lcal letter stamper worked by electricity is being tested at the post-office lu Washington. BIIDTIIDC I.Jacob censchelmer.orciay nUl lUnCl ton, . J., have been thorough ly cured of my rupture by Dr. J. It. Mayer, nil Arch St., 1'hifa. 1 do I be hardest kind of lilt ing and wear no truss. Go to se him. Dr. Mayer also gives treatment at Hotel Penn, Keadinf, Fa , on tha 2d Saturday and follow Ui( Sunday of each month Japanese eat lire fish. Hteam bxoinoiives are to be tried 00 the Cbieago (11L) street lines- 1N -f'-W ''.!, ; flf. .vAvU'l.UV I VT4 ff I i -u ft. t -. . 1 rt t.ij. 15 1' ilLH JK Tllli TIfi ST3. .Uinta -tzuiJi In a conversation" had reecntlx.wift' ComihlssioiierIltcheti of 'the' Patent" '0ffirfi brali if: V'S i'-ffMMMi n hX'xjTW. , wl .gut oHbi,!hight and fills 'flie powfe: of rata ud ''e? aaiMi.he "the ;lot) diTisian i USni vrith ' terror There is triMnii biHg ipushexl; night and dayio It: bcrdOHS acrivity'iirthe toy division of tlie pins jtotfcolr asfj'if' the drummer' and Datent office, especially in 'automatic tlie Salekhidy would equally' W 8upr-H ceded b" thi5 :sieer;hleS ;inorislcr, ami every mortal want would, ;icorne to be supplied through the slot Why," just look hcre.',"'Ahd he produceudraw g andt BJettifieation of -Siuvneroufl ntaeLincs.gmhailig about as xug-h as a man, and of incredible fecundity1.1 "Here's the first," he went on. "Drop a nickel in the slot and it will weigh you and push you out a little t&rfy with your avoirdupois stamped neatly upon it. Here's another that will tell your age for a nickel without the slight est assistance. Here's one that sells ice water a glass for one cent and makes change for you from a coin of any s son. 11 nas iiiuue its appearance oa th streets of Chicago aud Minueapr oliiand the mayor has ordered the policed protect it. It is a temperance ally, and it is anticipated that it will shortly stand near all the crowded cor ners of every great city. Here's one that dispenses soda water all by itself punch in your nickel and you get your soda. Here's another that proffers any one of four teen sorts of liquors, including a Yan kee cocktail. And here's the best of them all look at the elaborate clock work in the interior. See the kero sene lamp on one side and the ice chamber on the other, and the asbestos between." This is supposed to stand Bolus and majestic on a corner of the street, its fires always burning like those of the Aztec altars of sacrifice, its ice always freezing like that of the Icelandic hades, silently offering its treasures to the passer-by. Of any one of sixteen things it gives him five cents' worth. The fluids come out of the faucets; the solids are shoved down the little inclined planes 011 either side. Only one thing is want ing a city directory; and that will doubtless come later. After the slot has engulfed the stipulated coin, it immediately responds with the re quired refreshment "oil the hand being turned to the mark aud allowed to re main over it. I looked into the bowels of this un speakable salesman. Its interior is wonderfully elaborate; wheels and cogs and elbows and levers and shafts aud eccentric movements conspiring to the desired end. 1 turned away with a reuse of di..inesa. There have been three hundred patents granted for the slot machines and two hundred are pending. The very latest is the application of the device to toilet rooms oue cent being dropped in the slot. The cannon plough is a presum ably convenient implement fur sub soiling and warfare on the frontier. for, as the ploughbeam is hollow and loaded, it can instantly be wheeled and tired, killing the Indians and horses whichever happens to be in the way. But the same inspired genius has patent ed the pistol pocketbook when the in nocent and unsuspecting burglar asks you for your pocketbook you careless ly take it out and empty its contents into his abdomen. There is a claim in the patent office for a patent on the Lord's prayer, the specification being that the repetition of the same, rapid and in a loud tone of voice, will cure stammering. Among odd inventions are chicken hopples, which walk the chicken right out of the garden when she tries to scratch ; the bee-moth excluder, which automatically shuts up all the beehives when the hens go to roost; the tape worm fish-hook which speaks for it self; the educational balloon with a map of the world outlined on its sur face; side-hill annihilators stilts to fit on the down-hill legs of a horse when he is ploughing along aside-hill ; aud the heu-surpriser, a device that drops the new-laid egg through the bottom of the nest, with intent to be guile and wheedle the hen into at our laying another. One of the latest patents is an auto matic bath-tub, which starts the hot and cold water at a given moment in the morning to which it has been set, maintains exactly the right tempera ture of it by graduating the flow of the water, rings a bell when all is ready, and two minute9 later suddenly OPTO ENJOYS Both the method and resolts whea Byrnp of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant tad refreshing to the taste, and acta gentlyrt promptly on tha Kidneys Liver and Bowels, cleanses tha sya tarn effectually, dispela colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Svrup of Figs is tha anJy remedy of its kiad aver pro duced, pleasing to tha taste and ao eeptabla to tha stomach, prompt ia ha actios and truly beneficial in ha effects, prepared only from tha moat healthy and agraeabla snbstaxxMs, Ita many excellent qualities earn -mend it to all and hava mad it tha most popular remedy known. Synrp of Figs Is for sala in 60s Bad $1 bottles by all leadtagdrog fist. Any reliable droggut who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one wha wishes to try it. Do sot aeoapt er substitute. - Tj CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAU JOUlSVU-LE.Kr. tiKW YOJU, . 1 a .1 atT w . ' irops the sleeper's pillow about a foot i.'j. i.:t ' . Uli tUI IIP U1U1 vuv . ., ' , - ' " . f 'The illuminated. ca,t. was fexiBeb. b) innina. She is built of mstcboard made luniiiiou with pluMpkoriMt au4 h sitHn the cornet the live-long toys tlmVcan'walk aiiil fafkl' There are w lustling t,ops, oors thaf,, jump . ana hurk, ,cackliug hen-, kicking .juuae, Ghting roosters -.-"- 1 : 'V Bridge .Did Van Leer evejr tell you fcbout his family tree. " V '. ' Brook- Yes, its a chestnut.' f i atil .J. -! 2 -,. i ' ; ' 'I 1 - BOTH MABRIED FOR MOSIT -' ! SheWaslt a7rqercnary.)4nirrlaKe? He-TeA " Tli'eV were both' too poor Ltp,sUy engaged, any longer.; .- :" 1 -CrKt'miaTASTIAL, EVlDgCtf -I.ACKtG. . Excited '. Stranger Sayl -1 1 tost : "a twenty-dollar gold .piece along here aoiuewherer-You haven't seen It, have yon? fj rut-w ,fic ii rr..' TIlltlTrv Uiacrina TV. T lnlr 1IV TI.I frell dead lately? MEETING AN EMERGENCY. Featberstone I wonder where tliose trousers are that I ordered? Ilingway Why, 1 thought you said that you couldn't aitord any more clot bet I Feather, tone 1 couldn't. But I jot a new tailor. A NATURAL PREFERENCE. "I don't believe In these business booms," said the Cautious Merchant. "In my line I pre'er to depeni on a healthy growth." "What Is your line?" asked the in nlsitive man. "I deal in children's clothing. NAUGHT IN IT. "Fhtppy's a well-known figure at tha clubs, isn't he?" "Ya-as; he's the cipher." COPYRIGHT 1691 Hard to take the big, oUl-fashioned pill. It's pretty hard to have to take it, too. You wouldn't, if you realized fully how it shocks and weakens the system. Luckily, you don't have to take it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are better. They're sensible. They do, mildly and gently, more than the ordinary pill, with all its disturb ance. They regulate the liver, stomach and bowels, as well as thoroughly c-icanse mem. 1 neyre ine original i.iuie L,iver nna, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, the smallest and the easiest to take. One little Pellet for a gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Con stipation, Indigestion, Bilious At tacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are promptly and permanently cured, They're the cheapest, too, for they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or your money is returned. Yon pay only for the good you get. EVEBYMOTHEB Sbonld Have It la The Haau, Dropped on 8ugart Children Lore tntAke JoHSSOs'g Aot)YHELllMEXTforCnmp,Co!dt, Son- Throat, Tonsllltlm ( olio, l'rauip and Paloa. Ha lleTefl all Summer (-iDiplalDtn,L'untanl ItrulM-s Ilk Diatrle. 8. ld every when-. Prlis. 3Se. hy uiall; 6 botlj- (ww isuu. ti. La JoHnsun aco.buaTuK.aUaa. Beauty often depends on plumpness; so does comfort; so does health. If you get thin, there is something wrong, though you may feel no sign of it. Thinness itself is a sign; sometimes the first sign ; sometimes not. The way to get back plumpness is by careful living, which sometimes in cludes the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. Let us send you free a little book which throws much light on all these subjects. Scorr ft Bow us. Che New York. isu, 13a South sikAvaaiM, Your dnifCRtst keep. Scott's Eismbaoa Oil all druggists avcrywhara do. f i. fcod-linr AMERICANA Catarrh hjre Jgap 1 HotUe Convince lJ .stops the dropplnn In the throat In one weeks restores the heariuie and sense of smelt : re moves bad breath and headache. Prepared hv Dr. WM. B. JONKS, Specialist. 48 N. Uth St.. Philadelphia, I'a. Sold by druii((lts or mailed to any address for $1. Testimonials, symprom blanks and advice free. 27 years experience, write him regarding your case. AMERICAN NEURALGIA CURE L auitk, positive CUKE, 23 Ceuts. ' ' "inrTfVVVTrVVVVVVVlAAAAOJl. FOR FIFTY YEARS I MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has baen nsed by mother for their "hlldrea I while Teething for oer Plfty Tears. It J soothes the child, softens the rums, allars , all pain, cures wfnd colic, anil Is the beat i rwnedv for diarrhoea. , rtnftVive'ftnwvvwwMaiiSiw its; STOPPED FREE T..... T ... D FDr. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RRSTORPO I for att BaAia hvu dikasbs. Omim m I ktw br flervm Affection, Vfa, Fptiei-, etc. lNPaLUII.B if tkem tu dirartwd. A'n ASra oiW I first da tut. TnaclM mux. $2 tritvl iMKtU tr m rtt ptt.nU, U.r p4t7-c spmad-.rrc. bom wb rcjivd. twod UnVBiM. P. O. atnd inimi adanM at UHU-tMi to DB. KLINE. 931 Arrh St., KlIadeltiBla, I". PILES! PILES! Harmless. Internal remedy. Guarantee euro Many testimonials frladlv furnished. Kouehs Tablkt Co., 136 Liberty street, N.Y. PATENTS Fisiv Fttzaerald, ciaa, u. V. kMkfra nr ht aws las ww a. asd wtn t7 ti un nrm llQtl I woBmr eofwbalte,brnaaaiaBd aiwSlrlnws aaaapla traa. lamtorr, Uli'wi.l.l opiu'jrvisrw' bin Bablt Cored la ! ay uti enrsa. "UUIU Bouts EJiexunatisiu ' ':! zLr l.M.n1: i 1 - .rm J T-rtftf rJ ERE. XHEtTMA TXS31 tS& f . a. Waia eaorts tQfiet reUet Hyteomw f a a . t iL.k. Aftei tufferin HBtoia agonies inr" 7 , JwM relief. I decided to take Swift's John McDonald, MiDm&lf M,lU,Gh . -Sd ?fe hls country. ' There ate no tacksi 7 J . ... . i 1 .1. ..! l,.,.l 1 . fitting and durable as custom-made shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. ha t"',,.' ...t v ' -A -ft,;a i.- vmi c-.i tiimiicriinnf the TTtn'teil States over eieht i.. . rrf::m . - Y :. . n . . n . n-..... . ovii. Anr show. We are now selling more manufacturer in the world. Try a One trial will convince you that it Best Shoe in the 2 T tip--. -' :.-:. - 'L-i BJ TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES, -gj i imk;las fie calf hasd- FEWKU 4.00 and .".H MIOKS lor (jentleuien are very stylish and durahle. Those who boy this grade pet a harpaln, as shoes of this quality are sold every day from 6.00 to U.00. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50 POLICE CALF SHOE is made with Jxtfiislon Edpe 1 Ugi thre heavy soles, ves excellent satis faction to those who want to keep their feet dry and warm. If you want to walk with ease, buy this shoe. One pa'e will do for a year. W. L. DOUGLAS $i.M, $i.2 and $2.00 MIOKS are excellent shoes for every day. YYorkiugineu all wear them. It Is H duty you owe to yourself and your family during these hard times to get the most value for your money. You can economize in your foot-wear if you purchase W. L. Douglas Shoes, which, with out question, represent a greater value for the money than any other mate in the world, as thousands who have worn them will testify. if tbera la no dealer In your vicinity who keeps w. L. DOUGLAS SHOPS. then send direct to the factory Incloslna adrertlsed price. Shoos arv sent to all parts uf the country, potiu;e rr e. HuW To OKUKR HY MAll for Oenllemen's anil Hov shoe, stnte sle and wljth usually worn, whether Congreasor Lace, l ap Toe, Narrow cap or Flaln Mt-JInm Kreu,-h Toe is desired. Ladles, state slsa and wlutn uuallv worn, whether oiwra ,r i'iniin,u seiiw Toe Is ldret. Fhae llenlera nnd tVenrral lerclinnla ol rood credit can wet-ure the exrlunive nsenry Isrlks IV. 1. IIOI UI.4ssllUl:slirre I hsiessa I. ssilraa be adern-.ed la their Iwcnl nnner free, br npnlylnar al nnce. He aure to oend tor Sperinl l.iat D,' enntnin la lull inlornsnllon. Heal Iree. VV. 1 DUIUI.A5, Urocktou, Mnaa. HUMOROUS. A nice new umbrella ia used up when it ia used at all. The tLiuner a thing' ia the more it inclined to spread itself. ia The talkative man la core. sound to the Why ia the letter K like a pig'a tall? Because it's the end of pork. Bread Is the staff or life, but men are looking for a "puddin'." most There is something as good as bravery in getting scared in time. Fame cornea only when deserved, and then it la aa inevitable aa destiny. The typewriter la said to be the only woman a man has a right t) dictate to. The eyes are the windows of tho soul, especially when we have a pain m them. The bank-wrecker may be bailed out; but the bank itself goes down in the deep sea of distress. You can't agree with a blpot without agreeing with him in thinkiug that you're a fool. It is well for the small man to prac tice nntll he knows how to apologize gracefully. Charity may begin at home, but It is wiser for subscription-seekers to call at a business man's office. There Is a difference between sitting before the fire and thinkiug about doinir. and going out in the cold and doing it. The Urlp Leaves Its victim very weak and debilitated. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what Is Deeded to restors the strength, aud vigor so much desired I and to expel all poison from the blood. Hood's FUla cure Sick Headache The Industrial Society of Mnlhouse, England, ofTers a silver medal for tbe application, in any form, of electricity to calico printing. FITS: All Fits stopped trei by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kestoter. Ko Kits alter first day's use. MarveltHie cures. Treatise and 2 Ou trial bottle Iree to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kliue. s, 931 Arch St., fhiladelpbia. fa. Immense bituminous deposits have been discovered in Alsace, Germany, and no less than seven companies have recently teen formed to work them . For rhroat Uiaeasea nnd Coughs use Hbowh'S BaoxcHULTKucua-s. I.Ike ail really yood UiIoks, they are Imitated. 77ie genuine art otd only in bozei. Ches matches by telephone are pop ular In England. FOR sick headache, dizziness or swimming In the bead, pain in the back. body orrbet-matism take Bnecham's Fills. Electric cranes increase. Swift's Specific cared Km of Keb.I says that monlns, wiu wfticB M Sad Iffiow .U offerers from Raeomau.-. 'Rl,emn;tin..h.vine had rnuet trestl 4Vnm , piw t,-., Specific. E.ght botu :i -.1.1 .- . Snfi COM PAS V, Atlanta. Ga. FOR GENTLEMEN, made seamless,1 of the best leather produced in or wax threads to hurt the feet, and . -r. .,1 cl, Tf i n! stvlisll. eaSV ? , ;." .- coiicTiz - rinn 11 . iiii- iiii r . -w i i i .iu.l j shoes of this grade than any other pair you cannot mate a miwan-c. is the World for the Price. W. J,. IWU0I.AS $3.00, i.50 and 2.lM MIOKS for l adies are made or the best Dontrida. Tliry are very Mjlisli, dnrahle and sidcndid'illtiHir. Thcv nut't the wants of all daises. I. very lady who j buys a pair of these shoes pets a bargain. ' W. I.. DOKiLAS tl.Oii and 1.75 ! M in km. mhu are worn by the boys everywhere. They are made strong, stylish and durable. CATJTIOW. W. L. DOUGLAS' NAME AND THE PRICE Is stamped on tho bottom of each shoe. Look for it. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass R.KILMCR Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curo. Rlieiiiiintisiii, Lumhasrn, pain In Joint or bark, brjrk dnt In untie, frequent rails, irritation, innamntiou. i (rravel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder. Disordered Liver, Imrraired dlsflon. Rout, bUllous-headaeheu S AMP-HOOT cure kidney dilBt ultiea. Lilian IU liriMuri-,..1.1.. k-ili..-. Impure Blood. . -. j tJiiKULaui: Scrofula, malaria, irenT weakness or debility. -nrantee-Uae contents of One Bottle tf not bejj fltau. fcnnrlsta ill retutid to you the prtca A Drujrclatn, 50c. Size, $1.00 Size. Tjirallds- Oulde to Health"frea-OoMtilutlon free. Da. Kiuh A Co Blnohamtom.M. Y". JAPANESE I CURF. A cure lor PMm, External Internal tn, Bleedlne. and Itihin" t'hVntef TeeiU Hereditary. This hai p eiitlvely " eve been known to fail. SI a t.x. hix for S". by ma? A written uii;ir:int.- ivn U5Ln,a' when purchased at one time, to refund thetfiV not cured iliianintee issued bv Finnkrtt .....ssvi. tuirci, j nuuueiph lit, renua. Ton TTILI. SAVE MONFT Time Vain, Trouble nntl win Cl KE CATARRH by using Ely's Cream Calm PLbmMteV tril. tLV BKOS.. Sii u ... tt., N. V. 5" Warrei ?f. Tiny PHI, rtLlT...Y nenii.i, tliej delist, f-7.. , " oltl II. . .. .. or Iniirn. ;Tutt's Tiny Pills :. tone, and trn " - wa nii.tu o iiiuieh.i,-.i: ;.rf'" ln im A A f A aV a-Tr!iLndiLl"d,'er RAVIflS'V'i' Mand.ilin., vi. ". .. S - GAMIELDllli . -w w W arl Mc E. T. Hulllnt Warrar, M s . mr ' "A woman best understands a woman's ills." o Thl5'whv thousands of women have been benefited bi Mrs. Pinkham' dvice. and cured by her remedies after all other treatment had failed. This it alo why Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 hl,,been more successful in curing Female . .v... nv ri-mpHv the world f-nmnlaints than any rcmeuy uic wuriu -..,- . '"'L' iiiiAW i - pDWS HI READY RELIEF- CUKF.S AND PKF.VENTS Col. I. Cous- s"r" Tliroal, lnlluenza, Hron clililm I'neiimonla. llins or Hie JoiiitH. I.uuiInbi, lullaunnatioiw, Ulieiiinatiniit. JVeHraljriau, " romlllM, rhllblHlii. ll-nliM-lio 'lootlmc-lie. Anllm. DIFHtVI T BKMTHI.Mi. CURFS TIIK WOKST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NUI OM. Ilol K alter reart ine this ailvf rtweiueut neeii any olio Mrrbl. WITH FAIN- KMilwav'a Keailv Relief I Sure Cnr ror Kvry I'aln, Sniiii. llrule, I'nln. Ill Uia Ba-k. I liet or LitulM. It W Hie 1- in.t and Ik I lie Only l'AIN KKMKDV That Instanllv stops the mot xoruriatlnB iialns, allays Inflammation. anl cures Cohki-s-lioiis, wlifllier ! the units, M-niai li. Itowels, or other RiauUsor oreans, hy one ai'lic:ilion. A half to a leaspoonlul in Ii lit a umililer ot water will ill few minules ure Criiinps, IKWiii--, Sour htonmcli. He irthin 11, .Nervous Hess, .Sleeplessness, Mi-k Iteau.vlie, liariliea, liyseulery. Coll.-, Flatulency ana all inU rnal Pa'" C'liills itiKl l ever, lever aud Ague iiiierel. There Is not remedial ai-nt In th wertd lliat Kill cure Fevers. ai!el ly KXIiWAV'Sj 1-1 l.l.N so C.liv as K1UW.1 V s Kt.AIH tl K- Fifty rentA per bottle. Solil by f Iriiiiuista. . 1!K SI UK TO Cil.T It.V lWA V S&ZJrbSZi 6 1 K l mtrnm DO HOT BE DECEIVED ' 7 '"f" ith rnstes, F.un,vi, and Paints whlcb stain tin- hninlsi. ttifure I!i Iron, mui burn frf . The UilniC Sin Wiove J'nii-U is Hnlli:iT.t. ( l"s3. lnr.-klte, untl the coiiMitnrT (kis tot liu llu or glass pack. ik e wllL every jum hae. . Milt si.i.itin.leo Kld Tal..; will completely detroytha I drsite for tobacco in li:n 1,0 t. d.iys. Ahvtlulely harm. no MH-j. ,! m .rl-e i.iven , tea or curlea without il,e konwle.Ke of Ihe (,,!,.,.! -ho will , top SU -KING err KI-.W1NG wilhio f.,rtv.-ti;h t Ii..kv Scut pr.faM ou receipt T'oL" eorucuian free hy n,.l. A .-Uress I IHm Cbeav. al Woeks, St. jj auj 55 Oocri Ulock. Lieu. OUo. EVERGREENS. ."tm Varirtiea, Vnlive- af l.vrry I. aud. I.i -la Free. Sit I EVERGREEN NOSJiRIEJ, Evergreen, WU inc. it. r. i.itowji's CiKKAT KXTKItNAl. lil.MI UV, HERBAL OINTMENT reach'- PI S K. sk thrtrugh the tores. aiti.s,-s i-irt-ulaiittu. heals ntl:iiiiuiatioi , taiiislit-s pain. and to cents. Driu-ci-t or ty mail. J.O. rKOVN,47liiaud St.. Jeisey City, N.J, E.-ry t.v.r nn-l brv.W of 'The Game Bird,' ft monthly journal or ixteen padi. 1J0 per t'ir. If you have fowl for sal mlvertue in A. P. MO I I.. PahliMhrr, York, Pa. IF Tom tJon't want comfort II jun float wish lo look well tlrtssfd. N o don't want tho best, then nia 0001 want tho lace Back Suspender. Your d-ler hat it if ko it alive. If ho isn't he shouldn't bo your dealer. VV will mail a air on receipt of $100. fcono genuine without tho atamp as orrve. rr;- K mi rrmco LUet, a, FUItkY WAHRANTEDo . . 5Jon Scales $ 60FrEIcht R-ft IONESfBlNGHAMTON.NY WOODBURY'S FACIAL Rn1 Snlpatul l..aleaba. Ha. at IJnicit,.,. orb,na,i in.. aim la p ho,m on liermau.lo- and Beaoty YlUu..), on h. sSJ Nerrotu and lilood d!ejuvj and their crenrment. sent neslert fnr llw.t alwa WOTIiSVt ri i m "'"- ", IwSla l.k and r.4ws C' V Bsrta. Hnn, ReaweJwr SwilTsZ K'm- "-eieXTTrfoJrt? iw-rrrrrit l-.";. !"M""" "miT.MMiiea OO . a. a. : ' - .. ui llLTHIlf,n ltn,..l . o .. : Pain. I . -!-' .".rjren,pfom Z."ZZa- Tired r -lu.. . JWooS rarall,,rebTther'i,,,n'r impure ;u perfurro their fme?,?.' U,7Tr hitertmeaj Are.,, v. nntant ritlrrrv 'r...)I.V. ! PENSIONS ? H. DKUEN co., v. h. Information free. ""hiiiatoii, 1. u. S IMrDr. to bo r"t, S.?l.t'EN5IOH rite to la'e of Co. fl. o. b. mi, v v; . :,,!,,'".iaoi o INVENTIONS" Trail. I' lilted StHten:ni U'll. e all loreiir protected Iq iu. -num.: '"O AI.KXAM.Kti 1 l.Tv ".'"''i-ies. nouciiors ol 1'au-uu. ' , SI,"Ktn. . c. KANSAS FARMS-' and Mnrttrauna J"" rl-ht. l.l.rv .i , - Uat tren. r-' ""born., ii at i.. ;' ana .--n.m e,, HurlL.., k! J" HOME k-r - a. hand tr'1unxhtnri,,! ln-rnasaaWm. a-V-llir Jt-w ,an, ShjaW 7k mm I nw je- f w. 1 I.urifT t a. SanS-' v ncmara