Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 09, 1892, Image 3

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ff EOESDT. MARCH 9. 1892.
Subscription, $1.50 per annum if paid
tn advance; $2.00 if not paid in advance.
Transient advertisements inserted at 60
eents per inch for each insertion.
Transient basinoss notice In local col
imn, 10 eenta per line for each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
Moving day, this year cornea on
William Millikeu, of Tuscarora,
spent Sunday in town.
The Chinese say thsy can detect a
christian by the 6melL
Melted, March snow, it is said, is
good for inflamed eyes.
Thera are 527 prisoners in the
Huntingdon reformatory.
President Harrison was duck hunt
ing in Virginia last week.
Joseph Martin sold the Mifflintown
foundery to Tobias Ancker.
The late snow was three feet deep
at Hazleton on the 1st of March.
Miss Francu Pannebaker spent a
few days in Lewistown last week.
William Adams, is home from
Philadelphia, visiting hit parents.
A new candidate for Congress in
Suydcr county, ia William Moyer.
Congressman Atkinson spent a
few days at bis home early this
Horses soi l by the Wilsons at
public sale last S-iturdav averaged
FOR SALE A car load of first
rate western cloverstcd by Manbeck
&i Nelson.
W. C. Pomeroy, of Port Royal was
on a business trip to the county-seat
on Saturday.
If ev.ry man was as bit? as he feels
there wculdu't be standing-room in
this country.
A boy yelled "R.ts! ' at the dog
show, and order was not restored for
half an hour.
Mrs. J. O Z liders of Patterson fell
at her back doer last Tiiuisday mor
ning and was hurt.
Miki Elizabeth Shortlidge was
elected a se'iool director in Belle
fonte at the late '.ection.
The Putter Thompson farm, at
Mexico, was pold at assignee's sale,
last Thursday, for $9,975.
The National bank of Lima, Ohio,
closed its doors on the 1st int.
Cause, speculation in railroads.
William Allison, eldrst son of Edi
tor Allison is ppandin.rx a few days at
hia fathsr's hcm9 in this place.
What kind of cake should never be
depended upon for a larje company?
A short-cake. Youths Companion.
The suowr in pertain pirts of Lin
caster county latt we.k, brought
down with it worm.) of various kinds.
The snow wan 2 feet 4 inches deep
at Huntingdon, ta i ia the wost end
of Juniata couaty it was 2 feet deep.
Mrs. Heck, mother of George
Heck foil in her back yard last Fri
day luorning and was severely hurt.
Misses Martha Fasic, Sallie Mur
ray and Beckie Davis, returned last
week from a tea days trip to Wash
ington, D. C.
The heavy snow of last week, wa
hard on weak roofs, and break-ins,
are reported from every direction in
the sbow belt.
A snew slido off the roof of the U.
P. Church, at Mi-Coytown, shared
tho chimneys off close to the roof,
latt Wednesday.
Hon. Joseph Martin, spent Sabbath
here, as a rest day, from a living bus
iness trip, for the iron houso that he
represents in Pittsburg.
On the 20th of February Samuel
Imes and Mrs. lines his wifecelebra
brated their guidon wedding at their
home in Walker township.
The missionary contributions in
the M. E. Sabbath school in this town
for the quarter ending March C, last
Sabbath, amounted to $71.52.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, of
Lewisburgr, are the guests of Mrs.
Walker's pc rents, Mr. and Mrs.Samuel
showers, of ashmgton Street
For selling oleomargarine without
federal license or stamp, grocer H
It. Zimmerman, of Harrisburg, has
been held in $1000 bail at Lancas
We know we can show you a bet
ter line of building hardware than
you can get elsewhere. Call at Mc-
uiintics Hardware store on Main
Dissatisfied with the assessment
of their properties at full market
values for taxation, Shenandoah,
Pa., citizens propose to appeal to the
Some depraved tobacco chewer,
nightly, amuses his beast like nature
by spitting tobacco juice npon pho
tographer iiess s show window, on
Bridge street.
Governor Pattison has appointed
David McMnllen, of Lancaster, to
the vacancy, on the bench of Lancas
ter county, caused by the death of
Judgo Patterson.
The following i3 a list of letters,
remaining uncalled for, in tho post
office, in Miftlintown, March 5, '92 :
Tunis Vosburg, Mr. C. M. Singer,
Mr. Win. H. Miller.
Rev. A. H. Spanglor, of Port Roy
al, visited the county seat last week
He was looking thin from the effects
of his recent illness. His many friends
were glad to greet him.
The greatest glutton, in the inter
5or of the atfite live at Shamokir
"Dam nn the Snsnnehnnnn. rivar TLa.
cently, he ate 344 raw oysters, with-
- l - l L t c : i
in a penuu ui nveuiv-iive mujutug
An indebtedness is not necessarily
an evidence of financial distress, the
larger percentage of the business of
the world is done on credit, it de
pends how large the indebtedness is.
Miss Carrie Goshen, of Altoona, is
visiting relatives in this place.
The average price realized for
horses at the Hunt sale in Patterson
on Monday wis $93.50.
John J. Patterson, Jr., returned
from a visit to tho dog show in Phil
adelphia one day last week with &
very large English mastiff pup in his
possession. John is thinking of en
gaging in the dog raising business.
How many times a day do you ut
ter slanders against your neighbors,
or against people, with whom you
have not enongh personal acquaint
ance to know what kind of people
they are?
Itch on human and horses and an
imals cured ia 30 minutes by Vjo1
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold bv L. Bank & Co.,
Druggists, Mifilintown. Nov.. 13,
A stranger whose name appear! to
have been Nicholas Eotholt, was
struck and killed by Chicago Limited
express on the 27th of February,
near McVevtown. Irjterment at
Looking through a smoked glass
the spot an the sun appears to be
about an inch square, but according
to astronomical calculation it is be
tween 50 and 100 thousand miles
across the spot.
The latest report about Edison is
that he can mike a preparation of
water and electricity to be squirted
out of a hose with such electrical
effect that whole armies may be
routed or entirely destroyed by the
squirting machines.
A large party of young people,
married and single, of the twin-boroughs,
armed with refreshments, took
possession of the home of Joseph
Perm ell, in Patterson, last Thursday
evening, upon the occasion of a sur
prise party to Miss Bessie PennelL
"A correspondent tolls of a family
who used to gat up in bad hnmor
every morning a wrangle over their
breakfust. The thoughtful lord ana
master bought a foot b.iil which ho
suspended from the coiling and made
each member of the household kick
it for a short time befors sitting
down to the table. Peace now reigns."
The public men who exprcsa their
belief that the peop!o aro growing iu
favor of ruling silver out as money
do not understand the feeling of the
public on tlsat question. The peo
ple ganerally favor gold and siivsr
mo:ier as in days gone by, before
the euort was begun to rale taver
out as money.
The State Supreme Judges are
uppish in their riding proclivities
they uiust have a special i-levator in
tho public building to tal e them up
and down to tho Supreme Court room.
Well tho judges aro elected by the
people, and tUe people do not need
to elect men of that kind to the
bunch from tbia out.
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century ?
I ho great cure for Indigestion, Ly
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks fc
Co., Drnggistsj Mifilintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, It.
One of those unreasonable men
who take a nowgpaper for a year or
two and then send it back ''refused"
or not wtnted," was sued by a pub
lisher in Michigan, a short time ago
and the nidge gave a verdict for tbo
plaintiff of f jll amount and cost.
The court decided that notice to dis
continue was not sufficient if the sub
scriber was ia arrears. He mutt
pay Erst.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and JJiemisues from horses, Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweenv, Ring
bone, fatilk'S, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &.c. Save $5'J by
use of one bottle. Wurranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold bv L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifilintown. Nov. 13,
NowDort News : .Trnlrrn Lvnna imrl
his escort had a lively experience
while toming from the county seat
to this place on Tuesday evening.
The heavy mow bad broken down
trees which obstructed tho public
road. They were required to get out
of their sleigh to remove thi obstruc
tions and before they got in again
Miir ulni.rli 11 riant Tli
court on Tuesday granted all appli
cations for license excepting that of
lllium l ower, Landisbnrg, and B.
F. Alexander, Duncaunon. Tho num
ber has barsn increased by the grant
ing of : license to George Sayder.
Now Gerniantown.
Laura Walls, of Mattawana, Mifflin
Co., bail a very narrow escape from a
horrible death recently. She was cross
ing the railroad at tho crossing ahead
of a coming freight train when her foot
caught between a rail and a board of
the platform and she fell. Her long
coat was wrapped about her, making
it impossible for her to rise and tho
train was to near her. She adroitly
turned from the ineids of tho track to
the outside and in doing bo her foot
was wrenched loose and at the same
time the engine passed her. No one
was near enough to give her any as
sistance and the-6 who saw her fall
felt certain that escape was impos
sible. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my lifo to the
great South American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up all
hopes cf getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. Tho
first bottle of the Nervine Tonio im
proved mo so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in tho world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Trial
bottles, 154. Sold by L. Banks &
Co. May 14-1 y.
Lewistown Free Press : Jesse Hou
ser, aged about 22 years, an employe
at Logan works, was out hunting
foxes on Monday, in company with
Charles Ganoo and Will Looper.
Early in the afternoon, while eominr
down a rocky part, of the mountain
with iiis gun in ins hand ho foil, and
the gun in striking on the rocks was
discharged, the load entering his
left side just under the arm. Ho
lived about twenty minutes after the
accident. His body was brought to
Logan the same afternoon. Ho was
unmarried and lived at Logan with
his parent. The sad circumstance
has cast a gloom over the community
around Logan, and much sympathy
in manifested for the deeply afflicted
Following 13 tho program of tho
Jnniata Conference, (Synod of Cen
tral Penna,) Evangelical Lutheran
church, to be held in Liverpool, Per
ry county, March 14th, 15th and 16th,
1892, J. J. Minimer, pastor. Subject,
"The order of Salvation."
Mouday evening Gospel Call, C.
L. McConnelL
Tuesday morning Repentance, H.
N. Follmer.
Tuesday afernoon Faith, J. B.
Tuesday evening A Children's
Meeting. A. K. Zimmerman, L P.
Wednesday morning J u a t i fi c a
tion. F. L. Bergstressor.
Wednesday afternoon Commun
ion. D. W. E. Scott.
Wednesday evening Regenera
tion. H. C. Holloway.
Sheriff Lapp bought a horse as
pretty as a picture at the sale in
Patterson, on Monday.
A Grand Plan. "How do you
make your paper, ga anyhow? I nev
er see it anywhere."
"We print picture of prominent
men and they buy it."
"To distribute)?"
"Ob, no; to destroy." Puck.
Xoriual Clans
I will conduct a Normal Class in
the public school building in Miffim
town commencing April 18th, 1892,
for a term of 10 weeks. Special at
tention given to those preparing for
teaching. Terms $5 to $7, one half
payable in advanco. Address all
communications to
W. E. Almas,
Mifflin town, Pa.
A Price List for FiitTi.
A Southern naner issuod iust after
the war orintathe following schedule
for "puff of prominent citizans.
For a modest puff Four juleps.
A tolerable good one One box
of cigars.
A good one One pair boots.
A very good ono One vest and
two shirts.
A "splendid" one Ono cloth vest.
A cerfect sockdolager Ona whole
suit. Boston Herald.
fepoom! Reduce the Tariff.
A n.ftt-i.ain kwvprnnri had & client
that was in a bad fix. Tho lawyer
sri-il fu the nlint. "vou'll have to
play crazy." To every question that
is asKea you on me witness sianu,
K?v "Knnonn." The client did bo. he an
swered every time "spoons ! spoons !"
TT - J J 11
Ji was prououueeu crazy, auu iuu
nlin iha kvTsr n-ilred him fnr hi
foe ho said, spoons ! spoons! That is
tuo way witn me present iniocrauc
ITVnr nt WncliinTton. it hia been
doing nothing, but to every measure
proposad in it, snouts, reduce tne
tariff! reduce the tariff!
For n Time.
I will now reduce tho price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to $1.50
per dczen.
Thia reduction will continue as
long as there is sufficient trade to
warrant these prices and no longer.
This gallery is filled with all the
latest improvements usually kept in
a first class gallery, such as Fine
Cenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
paries and Fine Accessories, that
would do credit to tho largo, cities.
Wo propose duriug this reduction
to let our work cpeak f Jr itself and
have no hositaucy in saying that
taking into consideration the quality
of work, these will be tha cheapest
cabinet photographs ever made in
Juniata county. Respectfully,
Mifilintown, Pa., Jan. 22nd,. 1892.
Munlcale and Bazaar.
The ladies of tho Westminister
congregation respectfully call tho
attention of the citizens of our towns
and country to the Musicals and
Bazaar, which will be held in the
chapel of the Presbyterian church on
tho evening of the 17th and 18th of
March. They having heartily enter
ed upon this project and are determin
ed to make it ono of the most enjoyable
social events of the season and cor
dially invite tho presence, patronage
and co-operation of alL Program of a
high order of vocal and instrumental
music are being prepared which will
afford an attractive featnre to each
evenings enjoyment. Useful and
fancy articles to suit all tastes will
bo offered at reasonable prices. Re
freshments, coffee and sandwiches,
ice cream and cako, will be served
throughout tbo evening. Tickets of
admission 10 cents.
From the Chicago Tribune.
The regulars and the militia were
in camp side by side. There had been
rumors of serious trouble with the
miners, and ono or two small out
breaks had served to give thorn color,
so it was thought well to have some
troops on the scene.
One of the 'Tegulara" was lying
on a blanket smoking a pipe, and a
couple of militiamen were sitting
near discussing the probabilities of a
"I think," said one of them, "that
I would hesitate to shoot to kilL"
"Well I don't know," returned the
other. "If I had a brick or two
thrown at me I rather think I'd tarn
loose for keeps."
"It s a pretty Benous watter to
take human life, argued the first
"A man sort of thinks twice before
i i i i , .
ne uoes it uniess in me neat ol pas
"los, thats true," admitted tho
second, "but if you don't act quick
some one eise may.
Ihen one of them turned to the
"regular and asked :
"Under what circumstances would
you feel justified in shooting a man 1"
The latter took his pipe from his
moutn, yawnatl, and replied :
"When the captain says to."
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a
distressed condition for three year
from Nervousaess, Weakness of tho
Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
me more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my lifo. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it haa cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicine in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nervo cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Mifflintown, Pa.. May 14, ly.
A Prosperous Couple.
Wall, wife, it's OTty years ago since yon an'
me wuz tied.
An' we have clum the hills of life together
aide by side.
How we hev prospered, hain't we, wife?
an'how well off we be
Wen we was spliced we owned one cow,
an' now gosb, we own three.
I owed five hundred on this farm, Ave bua-
dren dollars then,
But I have prospered far beyond the gen'l
rnn er men.
A kindly Providence has shaped the rough
course of events
Ah now I owe four twenty five an' thirty
seven odd cents.
Twas only fifty years ago yon only had one
To agrevate yonr beauty and increase your
Now you've got two scrumptious dresses an'
a most tremenilous bonnet,
Witnamonsl'ous borticult'ralfair a fiouish
ing upon it.
Three chairs wnz ia our sittin' room bnt
fifty years ago,
Bnt we hev prospered wonderfly an' now
there's five, you know,
We've gaiued a lamp, a puddin' dish an'
xtra ycke er steers,
A grin' atone, an' a dingle cart, an' all in
fifty years.
It's all true w'at our pastor said, the worl'
moves fast to day,
An' with a quick, electric whix goes spin
ning on its way;
It jtftt gors spiniiin' on its way nntil
its work is done,
But there's tew s;inners, my dear wife,
who've spun ex we hev spun.
Sam Walker Tots ia Yankee Blade.
MA lilt I ED ;
Lauver Kobisox On the 3rd
inst., bv Rev. J. R. Henderson at the
homo of the brides father in Milford
township, Mr. II. I. L&uver, and
Miss Mary B. Robison.
Lothebs Booos. On the 17th.,
by Rv. J. F. Deiner. Edmund J.
Lothers and Annie J. Boggs, both of
Lack township.
Kreidek. Ou the 29th ult., at the
residence of her sou, J. Cloyd, in
Altoona, from elropsy. Mm. Nancy
J., widow of tho late Tobias Kreider,
of this placo, aged 82 years, 11
months and 9 days.
Kyle. Ou the 27th ult., in Walker
township, James Kyle, aged 55 years.
Louder. On tho 2Sth ult., in
Lewistown Miss Sarah Louder, aged
about 45 years.
If :rriiSTis, Uauch 9, 132.
"nttr ...... 20
JW 13
Ham, 12
Shoulder, jo
Sides, 10
Lard io
airrtiNTowN ghaik viakelt
Wheat, 90
Corn in ear 4
f at, 25 te30
Kye 65
C'.overaeed $4.00
Timothy seed $l.0i
Flix seed 1 B0
Bran $1.19 a hundred
Clio( $1.60 a hundred
Middlings ... .... Jl.lio a hundred.
tiroutd Alum Silt 1 20
A nt.rii.'.it: JS:-lt 80
Philadelphia Markets, March 7th,
1S92. Wheat $1. to S1.04; corn 47
to 49c; oats 36 to 3Sc ; chickens 3 to
to 10c ; ducks 15c; Geese 12 to 13c ;
turkovs 14c ; butter 20 to 3Gc ; clover
seed 10c ; rye straw straight $13 to
$13.50 a ton; tangled straw $10 to
$ 11 a ton ; bay $12 to $15 50 a ton.
Chicago, March 5. Cattle Re
ceipts 1500 head; steers $3i4.75 ;
stoockers $1.753.50 ; cowa and bulls
$2a2 25. Hogs Receipts 10,000 head
rough $4.10u4.60; heavy $4.90a5;
light $4.70a4.90. Sheep Receipts
1500 head; westerns $5.40a5.G0;
wethets, $5.30a5.C0; lambs $5.50a
REPORT of the condition of the FIXST
NATIONAL BANK, at Miffiintowa. in
the State of Penna., at the close of busi
ness, March lt,189'J.
Loans and discounts .$ 179,199.96
Overdrafts, secure aid un
secured . .... 838.27
IT. S- Bends to secure cireala-
tioa 60.000 00
Due from approved reserve
agents 18,695.90
Due Irom other National Banks 675.00
Due from State Banks and
bankers 1,7X6.84
Bankinz-honse, furniture, and
fixtures 9,400.00
Carrent expenses and taxes
paid 1,098.50
Premiums en U. S. Bonds.. . 6.700.00
Checks and other cash items. ' 750.44
Bills of ether banks 770.00
Frect ional paper currency,
aicKeia, ana cents 140.79
Specie 7,672.00
Legal-tender netea 2,809.90
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of
circulation) 2,250.00
Total $ 281,581.70
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 6,500.00
Cndivided profits 1,783.74
Xatioaal Bank notes outstand
ing 45,000.00
Individual deposits subject to
check 64,639.47
Demand certificates
, of deposit 0,892.21
Time certificates of
deposit 100.656,84 172.18S.62
Due to other National Banks.. 6,781.40
Due to State Banks and bankers 278.04
Total $ 281,531.70
State or Pehsstlvama, Cocstt or Jc
biata, ss :
I, Exra C. Doty, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
- EZRA C. DOTY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
4th day of March, 1892.
Febd Metsks, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
J. BANKS WILSON, Directors
Hotel It te ttatt Ll(bt.
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cure your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam thia
year, in tne preporatioia oi tnis re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense is spared to com
bine only tho best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam to tho light and look through it,
otice tho bright, clear look ; then
coaapare with other remedies. Price
50o and $1. tf.
Does this Catch Your Eye
If bo, get the whole of the
as valuable to you as to us.
and instead of hiding our candle
the whole world should know
IIARIlISBUItG make of Shoes,
cents, ihe best men s
Juniata County. We hare them, both Congress and Lace.
a shoe is not complete without
free from tacks, nails or thread
the stocking
The Harrisburg
It will pay you to try them. For sale enly at
Also the largest stock of
Misses' shoes in latest styles and
suited at Heck s, Bridge Street.
Hollobaugh & Son.
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St
Cases requiring attention at night will be promptly attended to by
calling on me at the National Hotel.
I woald inform the public that I have
new in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a fall stock of Fall and Winter JmiUinery
goods, all new, and of the latest styles,
and having employed first class milliners
I am prepared to supply the public with
everything found in a firstclass milliner
store, come and examine my stock,
consider It no trouble to shew goods.
March 22-87,1 .v.
story. It is short and may be
under a bushel, are willing
it. We are now selline the
which the above cut repre
shoe ever put on tne market in
M 33 E !R
smooth, flexible inner soles,
that might hurt the feet or soil
Shoe is Complete.
general foot-wear. Ladies' and
all sizes. Everybody can be
1 JYI)
Out They Go !
An extraordinary unloading sale of WINTER GOODS at
more money in a minute than
The entire stock of Men's
furnishing goods
The last three months wo have nearly doubled our sales but hare not
accomplished all we desired. Oar stock is larger than we want, as we aro
getting ready for our
soon, and must hare more room. We will not stop nntil the entire stock ia
closod out. To form an idea of the greatness of these bargains, one mast
see them. The Greatest mnd most startling bargains ever offered by Meyers. In
naming these prices we close our eyes to cost and actual value, and we aro now
offering bettor bargains in
than you ever cured. "Wo simply ask you to look at thom. "We doa't
press thom upon you, for there will be no need to do so, when once yo
satisfy yourself of the snap we have prepared for you. Early lookers will
get the first choice. They won't last long.
Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Penna.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale of
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Geodi Ar
It Li truly marvelous to See
cf Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Lew Trices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, s den'4 fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
Money Loaned at Lowest Rates.
JarpharEajstoEa Corn Planter
V R far Warranted the bct
ir Distributor in tb
world. c:l fc Cl'.lL---.
BcientiflcallT treated by an atiristr'world-wirlo
reputation. leafiios eradicated Dd entirely
cared, of from ao to SO years standing, after all
Otber treatments have failed. How the dull
eclty is reached and the cause removed, fuily
explained in circulars, with affidavits and testi
monial of car e from prominent people, mailed
tree, lttt A. IfOWTiiINg, Tacomjtf Waab.
Subscribe for the Sehtihil and Ripubli.
ab, a god paper.
5 r-TSr
(J HOUSE. A chance to save
you can earn in a week.
and Boy's overcoats, suits and
ITo The Public
Clothing that ge oo daily
Stockholders Individually Liablo.
T. VAN IRWIN, Ctatr.
W. C. r.mer.y, J.s.pa Rothnxk,
J.ba Hertiler, Philip U. K.pn.r,
Robert K. Parkar, L.ais B. Atkins.a,
T. V. Irwin.
Pliilip M. Kepaar, Ali o Jf. Shell.y,
Josrj.b. R.tlirack, Jan. fl. Irwin,
L. E. Atkiusan, R. E. Parkar,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. H.laes Irwia,
Mary Kurtz, Jsraroo N. Thoas.soa Jr
John Hertzler, T. V. Irwia, '
Charioii.Snyd.r, Josiah L. barton,
J.hn If.'Blair, Robert n". Pattertot,
F. M. If. PeanelJ, Loti Light,
Samuel S. Rothiock, Wm. S warts.
aolomon AianLeek,
Three and Fonr per cent, interest will e
isid on certificates of depoito.
Ijan 23, 1891 tt
fsissy 'Tri Arr:rr.;i3r;-1 Ttaij, 7er'?.I,.
ttrtr.r-s bliZizti Iglacs and Saw Dills,
' . . lCDd for rt'.locur. r.i.h. ...
UfCtry . Tracucb a4 A.I-atM- Ka.
la. tjiso at once. o operation or business
delay. Thousands of cures. Dr. Mayer U at
Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa., second Sat artsy of
cacamonttu Send for circulars. AdTicaXrM.