HABBETTZ. ht put a sbawl over her browncurls and slipped out unobserved into the shadowy night. . One would have thought her a mere child Judging from her slight figure and general appearance; but tonight Babbette was eighteen. They knew it in the great house, but what cared they for the birthday melt ing into blank night without even a word or token of affection? The tears dropped off the long lashes and a bitterness settled over the white face so very white now in the deepen ing twilight. Cousins Kate and Clara were In the drawing room entertaining friends, and tho soft light came through the drawn curtains of filmy lace with a dreamy radiance suiting well the slow, sleepy music of tho guitar some one was playing insido. The girl pauzed to look in at the cozy n)oymnnt hungrily. How she loved music; but then she could not sing. No; the mimical vein of the Wiltons had failed to throb into her life for tome reason. The big tears hesitating on the dark lasheR, planned down on the crimson shawl, and riabbettc turned away with a choking sensation in her throat. Out across there, thoi gh, where tho lights twlnklo through tho tree, lived a ilear old friend, the gray haired rec tor. How many happy hours she had pifcnd in that pretty cottage; the little study with in modest lngrniii earpet and softly shaded lamps, with its nar row, green shutters opening out on a long, old-fashioned piazza by day, and closed on the little hnppy world at night, was a paradho to the lonely girl. Doubtless tho low rorker in its snug .'r'ler waited her coming to-night as often before, and they wouldn't mis her in there where tho soft, sweet mu sic mellowed tho air and lloatfd out on her desnlato night. No, there whs no room for her any way, had she chosen to havo remained Indoors. Her place must bo Huiong those in tho dreary ways of life I Hut the rector, kind old man, was companionable nnd a friend. She wonld step in and have another of those long, serious talks sho delighted in. Poor man I He, too, was alono now, with none but tho housekeeper to look after htm. His wife slept over there in tho churchyard, and hi son well! Ilnbbettc didn't mind of ever seeing lit in . He was away to college somewhere, but the rector had told her that he would be at home shortly. After his coming, of citurse, Ilabbetto nr;.ed, she wouldn't feel as fieo to occupy tho willow rocker at tho rertory, for . Well, sho was now 18 and really a child no more, for all Aunt Marie kept her in auklo dresses and long, childish curls. Tapping fit tho study door she was admitted ly the gray haired clergyman, as usual, who drew the familiar rocker forward, and, pushing his books aside, turned around for the talk ho knew was expected to bn forthcoming. "And to-night I am 18," said T5ab bitte, letting the shawl drop from her shoulders w ith a werey gesture, "and what have I accomplished, or where is the prospective niche for lhibbctto Wilton f" A step sounded in the hall. The rector looked up. "It's my son Max," he oxplaineil. '-lie. came home vester day; I didn't tell you, did I? Max!" calling, "here is our little friend whom I have spoken of so often ; coino in and see her." "Oh, O my 1" and Habbette looked distressed as she rose quickly to go. "Stay, please!" said the old man, pleadingly. "I do so want you and Max to bo friends, too." At this moment tho son came in, and, seeing i'..ililiette, came forward for an introduction. "I urn happy to meet you, Miss Wilton," he said, in a clear, sweet tone that thrilled her with is earnestness. "Kutlier has written mo so often of you, and your delightful visits which brightened the days other wise very lonely fur him." flabbe! tn fidgeted with tho fringes of her shawl mid wondered if college folks noticed short dresses and sculled shoes, ami what they thought of "poor beggars who couldd't appear well." Hut tho rector's son didn't seem to notice any deficiencies in dress or milliner, and talked of her favorito books and authors in an easy, chatty way that inado her feel at easo in spite of her misgivings. "Would you allow mo to walk homo with yon?" asked Max as Ilabbetto rose to go; "it is quite dark." "I have run across here after night fall alone quite oflin," answered she; "but I might fancy myself cowardly for once," and, smiling, sho accepted tho escort. "It seems to me that wo were never strangers. Miss Wilton," said Max as they walked slowly along under the gloomy cedars. "Father has written mo so much about you that I was anxious and glad to get home tbat I might mako your acquaintance person ally." "It isn't much to know me," re joined Ilahlieffn, wearily. "I am such a rrpher, Kind such a miserable, no ac count cipher, too." "Please don't say such sad things," he said, in a pained way; "try to see the silver lining for yourself; you find it for others. Let us be friends and cheer one another up to grand, good purposes in life." "I ahall be glad," whispered Tlab botte, slinging to bis arm in the dark ncss. "Have yon heard any news?" asked Uncle Wilton at dinner ono day some weeks later. "No, papa," chorused bis daughters. "Pray tell us." "Well," said he, "the rector's son has fallen heir to a mint of money, lly (he death of a relative he becomes sole heir to his property, worth about a million or so." "Oh, my ! and be is handsome and a collegiate, too," eimpured Kate, who waa fast approaching the old maid line. "We must invite him to our party down the river," put in Clara. "I'll warrant he bandies the oars nicely, and, besides, a millionaire at the Wil ton's rowing party would be quite the thing; we ahull be tho envy of our set." But Babbette didn't join in the con versation ; sho grew very quiet. Tho family knew nothing of the secret, and went on discussing the rector's son and his money, not aware that the girl left her dinner untouched u she crept away to her room to think it all over. Tier cousins had never recognized their young neighbor before, but now, bookuse he was fortunate in a financial Muse they were ready to inveigle him Into companionship and matrimony if they could. That evening Babbette walked slowly np and down under the darkening aedars, atone; .e wanted to be alone ar4 lha gloomy shadows were fitting Pin oevaslon. sCtti wf afj " aai wis coming."" 'I am so glad to find yon, Babbette," said the voice that a!' ways thrilled her, "for I have glad news, my little friend." "I have heard," answered the girl, wearily. "You are a wealth gentle man now." "Wont you congratulate me?" ha asked. "Aren't you glad for Max? "Why should I congratulate?" and her white face was turned to him in the gloaming. "Why should I, when it lifts you np so far away from me." 'Away from you? Why, Babbette, don't you know me better than that? It only brings me nearer to you if if you will ; it gives me liberty to tell you something very dear to my soul. Can't you gness, Babbette love." Then he did love her? She opened her lips; but the answer would not come. "I have thought sometimes that you loved me, dearest; was I mistaken?" "No," she whispered; "how could I help it?" "I don't know; lam sure I don't want you to help it," he said, with a low, happy laugh. "Then you will be my wife, won't yon, Babbette?" "Oh, Max!" "Why net, if you love me, dear est?" "I cannot appear well in society and and I am poor and charity's child." "Are those all the reasons why you cannot be Max Lawler's wife?" asked he, holding her hands while he waited her answer. "I believe they are," she said faintly. '-I brush them aside, then, as I should cobwebs," he said, drawing her near him. "Will you marry me, little one?" "Yes, Max," and the lonely, friend less orphan crept into the arms of the millionaire; be whom she thought shut away by a wall of gold. At the boating party Max was the lion of the hour; but he disgusted Kate Wilton very much by devoting his at tention to little Babbette. "He doesn't know she is as poor as a church mouse, in spite of her good looks," she almost sneered to her companion. " hv do you ignore the pick of our social circle and take np with that girl ?" asked Undo Wilton, pompously, as he noticed his own daughter's wiles prove futile in ensnaring the young man. "Because, Uncle Wilton, she is my wife," answered Max, calmly. If a thunderbolt had at that moment rent tho very heavens the surprise and astonishment could not have been greater. "Do yon mean to say that you are in earnest?" gasped Uncle Wilton, recov ering from his helpless wonderment. "I was nevermore in earnest, uncle. P.abbette and I were married this morning at Grace Street Chapel, a few friends being present, while my father was tho officiating clergyman. Will you congratulate us, undo?" Ex change. nts victory WOX. Bfturned Tourist "Is Mr. Good heart still paying attention to your daughter?" "Indeed he isn't paying her any at tention at all." "Indeed! Did he jilt bet ?' "No, he married her." A SOCIAL OATECniSM. "And what do you moan by a wise man?" "tin who can do without the world." "And by a tool?" "One who fancies that the world cannot do without him." A 6UCCFB3. "Yes," paid Mr. Henpecked, "wo man Is undoubtedly the masterpiece of creation." "II 'ml'' aaid Mrs. II., "then yon do think lliere, Is gome good In woman?" "Yes; when man was created he was lonely and needed some one to talk to nim, and woman was created for that purpose, and she's a success." DIDN'T KNOW now TO APPLY IT. Lady (to rheumatic old woman) "I am sorry you should suffer so you sliouU try electricity." Old Woman "Thank you kindly, mum. Be I to swallow it or iub it In? ' ''sufficient fob the day," etc. Cynical Old Bachelor What makes you grin like an idiot? Young HapplciiRs Oh. I'm the hap piest of morUlal To-morrow I get married. Cynical Tea, I suppose you are the happiest man id town to-day." JUVENILE rBF.CAUTIOW. Anxious Mother What in the world did you do during that terrible thunder storm? Little Dick I got under a tree. "HorrorsI Don't you know a tree lb a most dangerous place lc a thunder storm?" "Oh, I Jumped out every time it thundered." An exchange speaks of a man who "is not a physician but a simple drug gist. " We had supposed that a drug gist was a compound fellow. mirUTOWU. CA TOAST:; is such nniet sort of nut that t napeci you never thought bnw wis sod sol emn a naii of larpe eyes would make II look. ev , Now baton whiM 1 tell yon how to change a paapat iuto the moat comical-looking owl yaw ever w. Pick out a couplo of peanuts el about this shape and aua ' ' " - i r Bft carrful to twice, snme wlih good Urp4 te.vk. Tbtjo, with tv pn. tD brge round vye on Mch Bide of tfaa bwt u owl ir of wuigm. . Tike Mine brown wrmypuay fwpex, and cut ft pie la thtt ftbftp r .dirk little that ot it with poor pi. 4o iooti 4ie feftthAra. Wimp Mas ft roan d the oat. Jot ft you would cape ftrouod tub, ftnd baton it wutrf pioft. A ooople more ptna wilt give four owl ftootf jjgt and feet, wbiofa. with tbe o.p of.tb tips f fcla wing, will bmp bins traifrtol If 70a uM little rftf from tn apple eeed, tbe wbol vj vntftc ft little meDftgeru). tomcllaug Uko tbjf- M II I COOKING VEGETABLES BAKED SQUASH. Boil, manh and let get cold, then idd two well beaten egg, tablespoon fnl of butter and salt and pepper. Beat until light then add four table ipoonfuls of milk and beat again. Butter a pudding disb, put in the iqnaah, cover with sifted, littered bread crumbs and bake in a quick ven until brown. COLB BLAU. 0 the well beaten yolks of three eggs, add one tableapoonfnl of sugar, jne of salad oil, three of vinegar, one f butter, one teaspoonful each of mustard and salt, one half a salt-epoon-!nl of pepper and half a teaonpful of jream. Beit all thoroughly together ind stir over the fire until it thickens. Then pour it over one quart of finely ihavcd, stir thoroughly and cot in a refrigerator or some cold place. Oar liah with rings of hard boiled eggs. FRIED ONIONS. x'are white onions and cat cross-wine in undivided rings. Soak one honr in ult-water and drain on a towel. Floor them and fry in smoking hot fat. Skim Dnt and drain on paper, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with boiled beef-steak. CHOCOtiATK CRKAM. One pint milk, one tea-cnpfnl of angar, one table-spoonfal of butter, two tea-spoonfuls of corn-starch, one half a cnpfnl of grated chocolate, one tea-spoonful of extract of vanilla and tho yolks of two eggs.- Melt the choco late in a double boiler, stir in the milk and bring to a boil; add the sugar and oorn-starch wet in a little milk that was taken from the pint. Cook at the boiling point five minutes, remove from the fire add the beaten yolki, stir rapidly three minutes, then add the butter and vanilla. rnocoLATB rrLLiNO, no. 2. Stand two onnoes of chocolate over boiling water until it melta, then add a gill of cream, half a cnpfnl of sngar and bring to the boiling point stirring constantly. Test in cold water and if ticky and thick, remove from the stove and spread between the cake when cool. Orange marmalade is a delicious cake filling. Orator fixliko. Put a tea-cupful of milk in a double boiler and bring to the scalding point. Wot one table-spoonful of corn-staroh with a little cold milk and stir it in the Rcalding milk untd smooth and thica. Beat the yolks of two eggs and fonr table-spoonfuls of powdured sngar un til light; add them to the corn-starch, take it from the stove and when cold add the grated yellow rind and two table-spoonfuls ol orango juice. FRIED TURNIPS, Pare the turnips, cut in crofs wise slices nnd qnrt-.-rs or halve each slice. Boil until tender, but not enough to break, and drain. Dip in beaten egg' and sifted bread crumbs, and fry on both sides In hot bntter. Season with salt and pepper and serve on a warm platter. A little sngar can be dusted over when frying if one prefers, tlMA DEANS. Cover select beans with boiling water, and cook until tender, seasoning with salt when nearly done, then drain. Melt a heaping table-spoonful of but ter and stir in one tea-spoonful of Hour, and a tea-cnpfnl of stock. Add ths beans to the same and set near the buck of the range fifteen minutes. Just before serving, season with salt and pepper and a table-spoonful of chopped parsley. CAKE FIIXING6. Boil a tea-cupful of granulated sugai and half a gill of water until it spina a thread as it drops from the tine of a fork. Beat the white of two eggs to a stiff froth; add the boiling syrup grad ually and beat until the mixture is oold and stiff. This foundation may le used for dates, figs, seeded raisins, almonds or walnuts, and should be flavored with vanilla or other flavoring extract, aud fruit chopped fine. ALMOND FILLING. rib rod and grate two dozen almonds, add three anil a half tea-spoon fills of bitter almond flavoring to tho above. rUE FLOWERING OK TH12 FIO. BY VM. NKIST.EK. To the nnedneatod eye, the fig is t mystery. The frnit Hems lo come from where tie flowers ought to lie, and there seems be no flowers before frnit, aa in other plants. In past aes it waa attributable to something mirac ulous; the appearance of anything ont of the ordinary course of natnrc, was taken as occa-ion to connect these won drous appoarances with some indi vidual whom they wished the world to venerate and esteem. So this fig tree wonder came to be associated with the fleeing of Mary with the infant Jesus into Egypt. We learn from the Span iards, that in her flight she sheltered herself under a fig tree. In recom- CenBe for the security afforded her, she leased tho tree, and bestowe 1 upon it marvelons power. One of the bless ings conferred, was producing two crops a year. In order that the tree might lie fertilized, even in those days it was known that the flower was of two sizes. The tree put forth, by her com mand, one magnificent white flower of unknown beauty and pnrity. It sent forth rays of phosphorescent loveli ness, 1 his fructifies the whole tree, and renders any other flower unneces sary. This flowering continues every yeat on one nigbt only St, Nicholas. It oens for a few minutes at midnight, aud whoever could see or secure this flower, at the expense of the whole fu ture of fig culture, would possess him self of a charm whieh would enable him to procure anything he might wish in the world. The Virgin Mary, knowing this, caused the tree on the evening of ils flowering to be guarded by all kinds of horrible thint'S snakes, lizards, blouted toads, l ir Is of ill omen, wild beasts and venomous rep tiles of every description, so that no one has ever beeu able to get near enongh to see this wonderful ami mar velous flower. The story is firmly be lieved by all those Lutin races, V'ose chance for I if e is cast in those regions where the fig tree dwells, aud has always beet. - sufficient reason to them, why the fig never had any flower so they think. What a pity all those beautiful and interesling stories are crushed, since science tella us, in spite of these lovely traditions of ages patt, that the fig tree has flowers as every other plant, bnt the flowers are inside what we call the frnit. All flowers rest uon something. The apple, is much sought and enjoyed by ns during the summer solstice, when we thirst for an teiil. The formation of this fig is analagous to the apple; the'llttle globe we tee pushing from the axis of the tig ljaf, and which afterwards becomes the frnit, is filled with floral parts, just as we see in the apple, bnt these parts sever project np the centre, so as to be aeen by vulgar eyes. There is a small orifice at the Apex through which the pollen is djawu, and this is all that ia .'Known tf the fecundation of the fig. The curiosity is rewarded in opening A fhswer, by finding it filled with m pink, qpongy snbatance; each of the jittle projections composing it, is aeen .to be a small flower by the aid of a lena. Thus the mystery of the fig tree is solved. The fig ia a little commu nity in which hundreds of individual 'flowers dweSiuaide the fruit- Woman' Work. The TTnTted Sta'es Marine Corps was first established by the act of Congress of November 10, 1775, authoiixlng the enlistment of two battalions, to be styled "First and Second Battalions of Alarlnta." The Moat pleasant Way Of prrventlac the gilpiie. eolila, headaches, and fevers Is to u.'e the 1 quid laxative rem edy. Syrup of FIrs, whenever the system needs a gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be bene fited one must got the true remedy manufac turrd by the California Flu Syrup Co. only For sale by all drucgUts la 50c. and f 1 bottles. The ta'b st and shortest people of Eu rope, the Norwegians and the Lapa, live side by side. Mr. Unry J. JoncmPbillipsburg'.N'.J .writes: Enclosed nnd 25 rente In posiairo stamp, lor which l-a-e wnd me a box of St. Ilernard Veirdulilo l'llli. F r a long- time I endeavored to nnd a remedy for malaria. However, I found not hi nr. I wag Ind'icori to try a box of St B. rnanl Vejri tuhle Till, which benefited; mc more Ihun all the mediolno I had ever taken. I buve used all I had aud would, there fore request you to Bind mc Ute box as soon as possible. The human heart, is a lifot'me of eighty years, beats 800,000,000 time?. Kearneaa Can't Tie Cnrelt by local applications, at they can not rer.ch the ilieaied iHirlien of the ear. There it only one w.iy tn cure Heafncxs. and thai .a hy conxtllu tional rciiiilie.a. le:ifues is cauel by an lu ll lined condition of the niucmis lining of the Kiittirhlaii Tulie. When thlt lube nets In flamed you have a rumbling bound or Imper fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deafm-M l the result, and unlesa the liinam mallon can be taken out and this tule restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de strove 1 forever; nine cates out of ten are ranted by eatari h, which l nothing but an lu flained condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any easeof lealnss (rauned by catarrh) that we can not cure l.v taking UU's Catarrh Cure. Seud for circulars, free. , , , F. J. Cll KNEY & CO., Toledo, O. abold by LiruiiKists, lie. It is said that four-fifths of all the hailstorms occur in the daytime. This century has produced no woman who has done so iiiueh to educate her sex to a thor ough and proper knowledge of thenislves as Mrs. Lydla K l uikliain. The Craganza diamond, the largest In the world, weighs li-80 carats. Coughs and Cold. Those who are suffering from Coughs, Cohis, Sore Thro it, etc., should try Iihowk s Buo-NciiiAL Iuocues. twUi only in huxe. While making abolt in the steel works at liomeslead, I'eun., rectn-ly, a work man turned oil a shaving 200 feet in Jcngth. A shaving 1 1 1 1'eel m length is exhibited us a great curiosity lu the Woodwich Arsenal, England. "August Flower" Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is very well known to the citizens of Apple ton, Me., and neighborhood. He says: " Eight years ago I was taken " sick, and suffered as no one but a " dyspeptic can. I then began tak " ing August Flower. At that time " I was a great snlTerer. Every " thing I ate distressed me so that I " had to throw it up. Then in a " few moments that horrid distress " would come on and I would have " to eat and sufTet For that "again. I took a "little of 3'our med- norria "icine, and felt much Stomach "better, and after " taking a little more Feeling. " August Flower my " Dyspepsia disap "peared, and since that time I " have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anything without the " least fear of distress. I wish all "that are afflicted with that terrible "disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I "am srtisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." OOLD MED AT PATHS, 187a TV. 11 A K Lit & CO.'S H Breakfast Cocoa from whlrh the exreca of oil b ia been removed, I ahiwlutrti fire S it ia tnluhltl. Xo Chemicals are uned In Ita preparation. It haa more Man thrr timet tin ttrmglk of Cocoa ml led with Htarrh, Arrowroot or Bniw, 1 and la therefore far more eco- I Domical, coating at than on crntanp. Itladelleloua,nour ih!nr. atrenetlicntnK. KaaiLT DIOESTED, aud admirably ail.ipted for lnvaUda aa well aa for peraona Injicalth. Rold by Urocera efrywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mais. iin unT RF nFCFfvfn with rum, Ki;uiifK and intntn which SUlo Ui? hrtn'i. Infure thn Iron, and Imiiii off. j The RHtinr (nn Move l'"U-h la lirllllant, Odor- I lena, Durable, Mild tho columnar ! IuT ItoUu urKUsra. lat) ita every iurt-hive. STOPPED FREE T- D r a FIJI . KLINK'SORRAf NERVE RriSTORFH !r att nrraiit ft NritvB l'.tAr. ffnirM for Mrrvm AF tunt, V. EihUhm. rta. I .raraii inLR If tak.-n aa dirwtrd. ,V iia after ifllra a. TleatlM i,t trial txittl fr m Fll wUrutat, hjr (MKyaBIt I-r barfM oa bn wbn .Tf.l.ed. VinlLaui!.,' I. u.l it,rrw .1.trM ul in. KM Pit.. Kil Arch I'r HICHFIVEOR EUCHRE PARTIES HllOl.ll! m-u1 at oat to Jomm HrnTiw, O. T. A C. K I. P. K. R.. rhl urn. TEN CKNTS. In wtanil A nprMfk ffr th nll'kiit ciMi jfoovrhiiiTIHL frof ftl.ttl you will rrrvUe f ly exDrv-w tea packs. TcIbOTo'rPENSIOH Write to A 1 II A ' H II ' k Fit K II, H aalvt, n. r. U'B ul (. B. bth N. H. Inf. Hi .k and l.xroKMi IloiKi Jioiec LuU8uceeuL - INVENTIONS. Trad.-M.nka. ivsicn. pioteeted ia the Uuited Malei ami all foreign counfi ie. ALtXANDEK 4 UAV1S, W aliln(;ton, T. C, Bolititoi s of 1'aleuU. bend for Circular. 3 6T $50 iin'iii faorTorrd rrft IZ, a htehly fl luntrated family journal, to flrst Imtimiu aentlliur the vente In Gene ata conlalnluir most letten. 8end anawiT, won 25 nnta rnr ala .....im. lo 1 Z, l'lllal.urit, E. E., 1'a. i eruu i punmirrBiitmi AO I rllVI A-RIDCn a-i li. wf ll man iml WVllLUlviITI K fJ f t"" THE 01. TAfT JJ$. M. CS.,IOCN(iTER,K.l.r Kt im $225 lR IZI fT tt plitits rtad hy iiyH Tnm nr I'r ii ( hrravntbrRinM a4. Factta of nrt IMuitrkll ratalnftia. Ni 10 onl gA U, A-lckrre Mm kbrt Hill. k.J P IMI-1 ! Mil HOLDI KCUKI M tiiMhlra. f- i tor incrctaMo. j yaara x R.H.nr. Vrlt fnr I twft. A . W. Minuu i A Boms, WanaiKuTOH, 1. C fc Cimcimmati. O, IT ENSIONA" KSuocessfully Proseoutea Claim! Tralaaaaarai. Ua'UudMaUiic ata Naau iM Addraaa of Caery A8THUATIO CUWEtt TO STAT CURED. auaato,w.Y. KIDDER 8 PA8TiLII8.'d??fi: p tiarlaatowo. ataia. n H TITMTQ W K. ACOAINBAUGH atormaUoa traa. fflsa& ill mm " - - - FEARFtrTj. Dawklns looks very pale and anxious to-day. . . v.. . vrv painful operation performed to-Digrl 4.1Itl..t - 41. a. f i.tt.:, Qa a noroui plaster re moved from Lis back. Dyspepsia Canaed me almost untold "nl erable and nervous. My stomach would taurfUy dlKMt bread and milk. But socn taking Hood's BaraaparlUa I had l a better appe tite, and could not only eat welt but had Ao lMatrew. Anerward. . fnri feared I never l am so jail i - - .oms .hould get well. My nirrslng baby, , too, seems to b better Uian ever, and I tell folks UnnH'c Rrsnarlll3 makes him strong and that he gets more of It than I do. He Is lu moninn i.iu, Vwr and weiphsSO pounds." Mbs.F. B. Leosabd. Souiitnaue Street, Louisville. Ky. Xolliingr on Karth It . WILL V .Al LAV (3 fl IC. HP LIKE Iff Sheridan's Condition Towder! Jf you can't g't it rn i....i.mm HK-hlT concentrated. Tn qnan- til, tcoawin'.--.."-- - tto- ir n an-....." ,. - . , . d. strltuy a Sou ehlckV ' rth mor. than a-UI -bco hca mourj. "'filtlr I'll! I TIlV ril'KR Crlginatad by an 0!d Family Physician For INTERNAL at much kt EXTERNAL uta. gtop. Tatn. Pramra. Inaamr.iatlon tn hndT """b.l"k I .ijrlc run!" 'roup. A!.ma. .M. nOirrli I juimb Marie, joint, anil Blraliic. F.ill JrtUMilm free- rrtee. VHT7 a liro, -A AMERICAN ATARRH BURE Una Hottlernrea. Kgggg KI..H. llo rirminlnir In the throat III OIIA week; restores the liearint: and sense ul smell: re moves Kid lirealli and lie:nlaelies. I'rearejl tTlr. WM. B. JONKS, Speoiallst, 48 N. Uth .St.. l'luladelplila, Sold by drtieKisW or mailed to any address for 1. Tesllnionials, syniptoiii blanks aud advice free. Tt years expei lence, write. AMERICAN NEURALGIA CURE A quirk, positive CUKE, 25 Cents. eoeoeeooeo It la for the rare of dyspepsia and Its Oattendnnta. alck-lieadaehe, coiutlpa- Q tion and pile, that eTutt'sTinyPiils? Qharo lwrnnie mo fnmiiift. Tliey ct gently, without cripitiK or nausea. eoeooooeoo DONALD KENNEDY, Of Roxbury, Mass., Says: Ftranire eases cured by my Modlcal llscov. er come lo nie every day. HiTc lsoneof Par alysis Klindness and tlie (Jrlp. Now how dims my Metlli-al IHseovery cure all llie-e? I don't know, unless It takes hold uf the Hidden I' olson Hut makes all Humor. Vikoinia I'iti, Nevada, Sfpf. 9th, f9f. liynnld h'tmnediiltear & r: I will state my ta-etoyou: About nine years airo 1 was para lyied In my left side and the best doctors itave w:e no relief for two Tears, ami I was adv(sed to try your Dlaeover'y. w Inch did Its duty, and in a few mouths I was restored to health. About lour years ano I became blind in my left eye by a spotted eataraet l. tst Match I was taken with La 4iripe. and was counned to my bed for three ni ntlis. At the en I of that time, as in the start, then it struck me that your lls cov. Ti was the thini: tor me ; so I got a bottle, n b 'lore U was baif itoue I was able to k.i t-"nv - n,-k in the mines. Now in regard lo my t yes, as 1 1 .st my left eye, ami about six months a. o my ri it eye became, affected with black si-.. .. er ihe si lit as did the lelteve perhaps a.. me twriitv of tliem but since 1' have lieen iisIiir your friwovery iliey all left my rli:ht eye but one ; anil, thank (ind, Ihe briebt lilit of heaven Is once more making its apiiearat.ee In my hft eve. 1 am woiulerfully astonished at It, atid ll.ank tiod aud your Medlenl Iftlvekvery. Youratru.i- IIa.nk Wuite. Ely's Cream B?lml u- .na.XJ WIIX t VKK QATARRH HAYFEVtfV Apply Italm into each nostril K I V Ulcus, tn Warren St . N. Y 1K. K. ('. WKST'S NKKVK AMI ItltAlff Treatment, a Secllle for llvsterla, li7llless hits. Neuralnia. Ileadaelie, Nervous Trituration crt'ised by alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness Mental Depress on. Kofienlnuof Ttraln, calislnir insanity, mis. ry, decay.death, rrenntiire (lid Age, It.irreuness. Loss id Tower In either sex liupntcm-y, l.eiieorrluea and all Female Weak ness. Invo notary lenses, SperniHtorrluHA caused by over exertion of brain, Self abusn over initu'nence. A mont It's treatment. $1 for , by mall. We linaraiitee six boxes to cure Kaeh order for boxes, w Ittt will send wrltieri ciiarantee to reltiml if not cured. Cuaranlees Issued only by KisnirT. Mi-CM'kk & 'o ?se Ants.. lii Mai ket St., 1'blladelphia, Tenn i' Snro rnra for Rail P.poalVi Knn. Stomach, llcn.lache, ljsiiopsia,' Hoart Ilurn, all ltilious ansl (iustrio Atleo tioDR of the StoniArih. Whifonn IVfb t perfection, l'rice 23 cents per box sunt try mull DITMAN'S rnAKMACY, Broailtray and llarclay Street, Hew York. a j H'Msgii . at- CnuinmpllTri aUid people I who hiv wb Innci nr Aatb I ma. hnaitiuM rmm avfrare for Connumpttna. It haa rei Cliaai. It has notlnjnr- e ime. ii ii no i bma ut takve. UUlM le?t muD kyrup. enia CTerrwDere. Sic, 4.j:nn'SJ,Jrrg if3 FOR FIFTY YEARS 1 MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP J "T hy ""bera fnr their chlldrea while Teething f,- over Fifty Teara. It fH.tliea the enfld, aoftena Urn mima. .11... ail pom. curea wtnrt colic, and la the boat J Tweaii-are C'enta a Tlattle. aiaia "yiiwfi(vsrui. DEX fllusfnled PubTTcatTont. with M AP8aiMerliitnir HinoAeota. I g t. jrtli ikaot. Muntana,ldak. m M Pa aS W..hlnti.n and lirefrna, la AND) CHKAP NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. I Beet AjrTicultnraJUraa- I In aaa 1 Timber Lavnda a. Liknoaa, 14 cm. a. r. a. a., a, rx ai-. o otMin to Mttlttrs. Mavllawl KhKK PILES! PILES! Harmless. Internal remedy. Guarantee euro. Many testimonials gladlv furnlsl.ed. Koeaaa Tablet Co., i'X Liberty street, N.T. a-atfllPsBtoTphln HtMl Cnrd la 1 LltllEHT 9m """1- ajB,n 0 LANDS ' HUMOBOUa Bich Men's Bru.iKa.-Ooiaba Law yer I nave Just heard of tbe oeatn or your uncle, whom jou know waa an old client of mine. . Cmr Nephew-Uncle'a dead, eh. Smart man that uncle of nine. Started on nothing and made million after million without half trjm. Yes, he waa a smart roan, there is no doubt of that." "Smartest man I ever knew, baw bim only a few months ago and hw brain was as quick as a steel trap, old as he was. Yon hava charge of Ma will. IbelleTd." t . Yes; be left all Us money to orphan wylums." . . J .... 111 w. & fllBIUl "lie aiar rnai wm wuui He's been a half idiot these twenty yean. - AN old gentleman recommended f 'Ben Ilur" to one of his young Mends. jidTising her to read the book by all means. Meeting him soon after, she t kin. f hot .ha hn1 tnnnired for it at bUll U1U. Ulf. wuw several bookstores, but none of them had the boos, wdhuki joum said the old gentleman. "Why. 'Ben She,' of course," replied the lady. A r ,.& tutor tha old irentleman re ceived an Invitation to the young lady's xai tho Virtdoerroom'S Dam chanced to be Benjamin. "Ah I" said be, as he read tne cara, eno jbihju T7 TT..e t bnt aha hafl had better UIUI UUl, ww success, It seems, in the search for Her Ben." "Jenkins, I've got something to tall f ou. It grieves me to say it, but as a friend. I don't think I ought to keep silent." What is it, man wrtat is nr" "I saw Brown throwing kisses to your wife." ' "Great Scott! I wouldn't have be lieved it." "I thought not." "But, come to think of it. Brown never did have much taste." A Biuoiit Future. "When I was twenty-one years of age," he said. I thought that if I wasn't rich at thirty I would be too old to enjoy wealth." "How old are you now?" "Seventy." And rich, of course?" "No. I'm a poor man yet; but I've trot a scheme In view that will make me as rich as mud before I'm eighty, and then I propose to take things easy and enjoy life." Editor (to young assistant) "Mr. Greathead, I want to map out a line of journalistic study for you!" Young assistant (dubiously) "I am pretty well up in newspaper stun, as it is, sir." Editor "I am aware of that, Mr. Oreathead; but yon know too much. I would suggest that you devote one honr each day to forgetting some Uiing." Henry (preparing for the country) "There ought to be room in one of the trunks for my thiDgs. I got you bix." Considerate Wife "You forget, dear, that my six drosses take a trunk each. Bnt I did not forget you. Here Is a nice little satchel you can have all V yourself." "Ilow does it happen that there are so many old maids among the school teachers?" asked a reporter of a teach er the other day. "Because school teachers are, as a rnle, women of sense; and no woman will give up a $(30 posi tion for a $10 man," was tbe reply. A Correct Diagnosis. Youn(r physician (to patient) Your dyspepsia comes, I think, sir, from too high liv ing. You are a very high liver, are you not?" Patient Yes, sir; I live on the top Qoor of a New York flat." In an advertisement by a railroad company or some uncalled for goods, tbe letter "1" bad dropped from tha lawful, and It read; "People to whom these packages are directed, are request ed to come forward and pay he awful charges on the same. " Tapa "Why so pensive, my daugh ter?" Klolse: "Jack Iluflliigton has lust returned all my notes, aud every thing between us Is ended." Tapa: "tulte a coincidence, my dear. One of bis was returned to me this morning protested." "Sttoar," said the schoolmaster to bis claps, "is either made from the beet, as In France, or from the sugar cane, as In the West Indies. Now do you think you can remember that?" "Yes, sir," replied a sharp boy. "I think we can remember the connection between the cane and the beat." "Did you ever," said one preacher to another, "stand at the door after your sermon, and listen to what people Bald About It as they passed out?" The other replied, "I did once" a pause and a sigh "but I'll never do it again." lmong Russian geologists the belief appears to be settled that granitic rocks once thought to be of igneous and eruptive origin, are really of aqueous formation. The granites of tbe rapids of the Dnelper when closely examined, show stratification, and under the mi croscope they are seen to contain dropa of brown water. If all tbe dlsea-e germs which are abroad In the atmosphere were to find the conditions which are essential to llieir development, the human race would be exterminated before the mil pennium was due. The chief of the mlcrographical department of the Paris observatory has discovered that the number of disease germs of one kind or another contained In a cubio melte of the air of the French capital Is la winter 7000, In May 12.000, in June 85,000, In August 23.000, In October 14,000, and In November 8000, and it cannot be supposed that the atmos phere In other large cities is much less tainted than it la in Paris, or that the air even of country districts Is whollT uncoutaminated. For neuralgia in the face apply a uiuomtu iiiueier W) rue elbow, tut nonralgia in the head apply the plaster to the back of the neck. The reasou for this is that mustard touches the nerves the moment it I egins to draw or burn, and to be of most nse must be applied to ihe nerve centres, or di rectly over thn nlua u i. - - i it win touch the afTectod nerve most qnicklv- T 1 l,A r.i;..i i i 3 , . . i u" Plenty ol sun llcht Tha tr&ilitinn nf tha ...t ., - - " . ui a darkened room has long ago been dis carded by wise nurses. Kvcrt moment vnn . . . , IB so much character and advantage lost- a rn 41ia nlliov VinT . . j moment you now employ usefully, is so much time wisely bud out, at prodigious interest. W pass for what we are. Character teaches above our wills. Men imagine that they communicate their virtue, or vice, by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment, J Asia, Europe, are corners of the nni vers; all the sea is a drop in the uni Terse; Athos a little clod of the uni verse; all the present time is a point in HUMOBOUa I am the great corn eradlcator." re marked the crow. A tltrht money market often indaces loose financial operations. All that most rren have In the world is what they are going to get. The clergyman with a "long head" is apt to indulge in short sermons. aaa ania utiirlnir invention the basti nado la worthy of eminent mention. T,ir hnntiWl and ftlchteen kinds of mushrooms grow in Great Britain, not including the mushroom aristoc racy. DIPLOMATIC PHRASE. Tommy raw, what is a prevaricat or? Mr. Figg He is a liar who weigus more than you. lie 1) mlgnij meea iu " - patiently sou ruj puts in a couple of hours at the piano f . ! ..., 1lluhtr learning tuv iaw FATAL VALOR. - . i. n .t n f a nnlteamnn VOS- terday with a heavy calibre revol- And what did the policeman do? Did he arrest Ihe tough?" w - A a K.lln It NO. Jta arreatoui nm uuuv sctttka ottii thnra that it was tired." W UV OSaVaa-a waawa V ' . , asked the tarmer sternly, looking around. , , "I think, said the horse, meekly, "It was the wagon wheel spoke." "PKOMPT AND '4 Are Its i Jr -cri. Jan. 17, 1SS3. rEOr.GE C. OSGOOD A rv, RHEUMATISM. Druppit3, Lowell, Mass.. Tn.t: "MR. 1.KWI.4 Tnrvviq 130 Mootly St., desires to sav that OltKIN' KOIilNSoN, a Uy 0f GranltaUe, Mum., came to his house in 11, walking on cratchrs; his l,g VI lain" ..... . Mr I K.ntu oh v 1ii.ii S,r I.ici.I.j I i. tn ... bent at the Knee lor i .uu...... i w.. lu rub it In six "ays he had no use for his cruuhts and went nume cured without them." ... .,tu.!.j. at?t?tv Tjaptvcav j Lowell, Maw.. JUiv. o.. by Ht. Jacons ijii J n a, tha dill 111 lnnl. VUS l-inttm "i.J. Man i"rn uiiM ,DS 1 . . ii.i.ii Til? t:Vi,tn:v. r la now at wora every uay a l Q LAMEB ACK.vears with w.ma yrars v. 1 ' . ....... - ' r-' -i' Two bottles of Et, Jucoba 0U cured me. iwo Domes HERMAN1 SCHWA YGEL. by doctors. iiTr-5fvtr ye taite oia pianos bb pan pay -uainnu-j to suit reasonable convenience. Catalogue, etc., free. Write. Ivers & Pond Piano Co., Boston. "Sav. papa," said Willie, "will jou toll me something?" "Ottalnly, my boy.' " What would a ben say if she could talk?" . Tommy Paw, what are "wings of tbe wind?" The wind does not have real wings, does it? Mr. Figgs Xo. That Is merely a poetic expression for side-whiskers. A girl In Norway must be able to bake bread before she can have a beau. The one who takes the cake as a rook is considered the flower of the family. Tha dirTerflncia Tpto?Mn an awl i fnr and his wife is that bis wife sets things to rights while be writes things to set. A DAINTY DOO. Tramp "Say, guv'n'r, will yer dog bite nier" Owner "Not be. He's very parti cular what be eats." MBM AND MONET. "Money talks," remarked the rich "Mr. ssmartellique to a young woman late one evening. "It goes sometimes, too, she replied, and be didn't understand. A LEVEL-HEADED TARENT. A Villa rtla at.,.-onf ,.; i x i - -- w uuu ij u u v uc 1 1 1 1141U hup, wrote to bis father in New York: I "Send me a hundred dollaraliv rnmrn mail. lie who gives quickly gives double." The old gentleman replied by the nut mail. Inclosing $?0, with the re mark that as he had respouded prompt ly, the $53 Inelosdd were equivalent to Dora Protection Protect? Certainly. In one Instance. It doe I?Ana Sarsaparilla Is the great protection against the dancers of Imnnre hlorui and It will -.r or pieveut all diseases of this class. It has wen wod its name of the best blood purifier. There are fix schools ia Ireland where Irish is taught. . or."n,,yourdaui..terawaT for chan-e " ,ou V,"1ers,a"" h' r ailment. Send i?lr. ii U,,H ',,rri'do to U. alth.- to Lydia The man with an clastic step proba bly wears Congress gaiters. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.Tmac Thomp son a Kye-watcr.Uruirgiasaell at 25c per bottle. The small child ia likely to look a gift horse in the month, aud put It there too. "U T," 7, aai-jjr -.ure for ro,y. Gravel, Ulabcties, Briglif. Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv ouenehs, 4c Cure guaranteed. 831 '"'M a. i a bouie, 6 1ur.,.0, druKUt- l(m certificates' of People are always asking advice, and :never taking it. wi,T;rlIc.,.iPi"l. WHons or trotthled Tha initial ia . . . . ciuk wuicn rave :aCb Ldfl rrthenamesh'-h parent Fit caea. tn..iTitI,J trial txKUef re u Ma PcPdioiJt.it ime.aai Area at. fuua,fa. Kansw nes sunflower stalks as fuel. RUPTURE. kbji"tx7. Mayer also fia tUli " c him. Dr. r.eding. Pa kT? f HoM Pe" TliAl-w. fa . . . . ftw-LTyT -irr T ae or difference tweea what ought tatina t coPYaicHT iaai . ... on intuit to your intelligence, but some nn. scrupulous dealers try it. For in. stance : you're suffering from som, Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection or are feelinst "run-down" ani " used-up." There's a torpid liver impure blood, and all that may com from it. You've decided, wisely that Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery is tho medicine to heln you. You know that it's guaran teed to do so, as no other blood purifier ia. If it doesn't benefit or cure, yon got your money back. But what is best for you to tat isn't always best for the dealer to sell, lie offers something el that's " just as good." Is it likely ? If the makers of a medicine can't trust it, can you f Ono of two things hris to happtri. You're cured of Catarrh, or you're paid $500 cash. That's what is promised by tho proprietors of Dr. Sapc's Catarrh liemedy. By iu mild, soothing, cleansing, and heal, ing properties, it cures tho worst cases. PERMANENT!" THE PECULIAR EFFECTS OF ST. JACOBS OIL Prompt and Permanent Cures. r-' : , t .VJV. 'I '""J - -- - -- ' Dll. CEOIttJE C. Tint ortt 2H, 1??: "Puffi rivl several in fli l.nfl.': v.i r"vn nt chronic stitch in tbe lack We Bond pianos on approval, return able if unsatisfactory, railway freight both ways at our expense. Distance, even thousands cf miles, makes no dif ference. With our patent solt-etop the piano wears less and lasts longer : also ia rendered practically noiseless, 'when de sired, for practising-. HEADACHE. Baarlache Is the dlnoidxr moat cruvlalMi at aow-a-day. and against h!ch tlia irutai number of the o-0Rl.ed borne rem'diM are ap plied. In most eaM,hnwvir, they are sot tie proper remedies, because most people are If norant of the true eliaraotrr of th comcrou cauMixof the dUordnr. And yet It ! a mf linple matti-r lndre.l. In nine ctfi out ol fa h-a.lache la produced by a di-toidcrel stoaua aud censeqitent itllpfrtfCt clreuUtlon of Ml ImmmI wlilrh tausea a e-.iim'it ion In tha AaaX The physlcl.ina therefore call It slnc b ache, while It is more eoiiiiuonlv huown uilUI hnadailin. It appears In difterent f.rm. Hometluirs tt occur as a dull pain In tha ! head, aualn as aabarn acute ralu, thD iia as a f wlliic of ceneral otprefou. and Bn-.lj a vloleut lhr..l)b!ni of the artertra aeamat lit temple. In moat ut tloe caafa cuol trlu4 feneiallaiii(Uiira added to the other lyroa ome. TboUat uiehrljTned aymptonu paruca larly are an Infallible guide to tha canx. )a alcunesa, no lndlposluoit can I thorouihiy cured u i, leas tho treatment be directed towaiai eradicating the root nf the evil. In tlilt cue the disordered or oTerlnadedstoTiavh ana lirtr, wlilch are the source ol the headache aunt be reuulited and put Into a aound condltian. Far this purpose there Is no more efleoma reoaay and mint that la better adapted to r mote the general health than tha M Brr Dard Vegetable Tills, aocalied attar tat noble order of flenedlctlnej, wtoe-e mambfrt have rendered such iml aeivice to the .clence ct medicine particularly In the unootherba. Thase pi He are insde of medlelual etb ef ipa Alps. They act as a mild Uxatlve, a nentra.lt Inn alterant and a blood purifier, prorooUo a healthy circulation. They cius the clugf"i ot blooil In the reins to disappear and lu la way remove the nrewsiue on the blood-ve-aala r.ftlie brain, which aio the direct cjuae at ta luduvoattioa knnwu as hend-iihe. A sl dose of St. lU-rnard Venetiible IMIls will thprelof alleviate It and ci a' It c plei. ly In a shert tune. To be had ot . veiy lirst c(a drugit It your drUL'Kists haven't tln'iu, send A' tu St. H.-rnard" Hox Jtlii, New Vol t ity. and you will receive same post paid by return mail. ANAKFSIS glTM 11 Etaiil lend anJ H u 1NFA1.UUI.E Ct"R ft.r I'll.KS. l'rlrl;t aiunisis", or by tiuL AnaKe-ii,'' Hui -l- ew VorkClty. 'yiTlC RIPAVfl TmTT.Kr?(ral-tteirtoTTiirfc, llTtr mad bowt-hi. nurtfr th bl.x-4. swe qt to tAvko, ruf sut.1 llilt.iujiiiewv. Iilut.-bM on U.e f-. lwajn'ff-imai. Ar.iiw I'hroou OiArrb.f--.. 4 Lttouie -ir frpulv. l"sv (MtM, llsKrUrrxl totutw b. Vitiut. l iary, Dtv-u'., lU-AVwtaa, FlavluU-nc. tcnsJ 0' Jfoluu. r wat Br-s-alii, H.wvJa- ho UtsiU.uni lUr-avaiTkiii-A. Katlru iiuiLalot. Ijvr lYrub, lsrl.satl Ittauaa ralarrh a .,li.- i ..nail taaUu. , Low of ADOOtltn. Mental liir-'-ariB, nrtil t, i luJi ft X llo l X thn 11 !. kit of Mhriiin a ola. Buk lit- svhe. Skin lltt l,to0rli. Ttrml IJ-'rr. L loarn, and cvrr oth ft JipJ f riuiu trem f r dll lUAt J Itntiur Wo.mI or m (allu-v m it.f ptT" Tntrwi i its' of tru-'ir ftin. Tuns hy tl. rr. irwE lntnTtlotwj. Psu-Mms eln t .tr-cn j -snij oy ukuw nn uuui snrr - ooUnu4itr-t of !. hiturnp Inhulr-a l iti afirtf f carm for olwtltita ronslijmtlon. Th-y f othinff that ran be tnj'irlru? to tlir m - AtlnvM TUB KlfAN-i (UEalLAL (.V is ifris. mm ' uau h-iai- J 1'. 1. UvB .72. Nw Voik. J GRATEFUL-COMFOFiTlNQa BREAKFAST. "Hy a tbomusb kiowtalo of the Bltursl U"J which iroreni tbe nperU .aa of die tlca ""T tl iu, and by a carflul appiiu lluu of tkc floa l"-"j tleai.f e,l.4 lactai locui. lir. K..a t Pro7i our beeanraat tabloa UU a dcllonielr a.oar uroioh in,, mv, u mu) ber Vr, It liar too Ju.lljlau, u ut Uii ruui "V Uiat eouUluUm mar o gr duallr "" tVl atruai, aauufh u rmi.t err taudanor 10 d"4 f", llundrl.af ,ubtu malndi.. urn Soatln aroaaJ r-aj, to attack nwnw there la a mar eaeap manr a fatal aAafa tr keeplHjr. "e'Tawell forUtlsl wlta pur blml and a vr" ' 'UrUbod frame.---"iStvU surxHoa Oaatfla. ' d d lmplr wit bjllloi waur or ait only In aalt-iKmna tlae. Orwr. lbelle JAMbrt EVP JkCO., Homtopttn t'a" lxsnoa. Esaxa-vu. a PEHSIOSS IW-VSjSs faUadelpbia and Chlcafo. years prt j SotSiara. Sailors, Wldovs and Minora fo"": -) Htnarnl. largest t.jtnr " fanaa, or ti. J. Adrlo. Fre. Call or ; aa. No fees la advance. Phlia'!'"1 . oorner SeTenth and Sansora Street . EPFS COCOA