Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 03, 1892, Image 3

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WEIttESOAY. FEB. 8. 1892.
gcbicriptioD, $1.50 per annnm if paid
B advance; $-.00 if not paid in adTance.
Trsnsient advertisements inserted at 60
eents per incn fr eacn inortion.
TmuiieEt bnsicejs notices In local col
imn, 10 eenti per line for each lnsurtion.
Bed action! will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or qnortrr
The Lewistown Conference.
Twenty one dulagates from tlie
seraa counties of this tha 18th con
gressional district mat in confarence
in Lewistown on the 2(Jth of January
last to propose a change in tha man
ner of nominating Congressmen in
the district.
This Bull constituted conference
proposed a change.
It proposed to increase the number
of conferees to nominato a Congress
man. Under tha present system of nom
inating a Congressman, three con
ferees from each of the seven coun
ties in the district aro convenod in
conference to nominate a candidate
for Congress. Thru making a nomi
Dating conference of twenty one
members. Under the present system
there was no such a thing as a tie
Tot to be had, but nnder it, it 'was
poBsiblo to consume days and weeks
in higk'linjj over a nomination.
Tba system proposed by the Lew
istown is a great deal worso, than
the old one which wai objectionable
The Lewibtown conference pro
poses a leap from the frying p;n
straight into the fire.
It proposes to increase the number
of coufereas in tha nominating con
ferenco from 21, present number, to
30 conferees.
It proposes to give Franklin coun
ty C cunferecs, Huntingdon 5, Ful
ton 3, Union, Snyder, M;f:lin, Juniata
each 1, which ru:i'.;u a grand total of
thirty conferees, for candidates for
Congress to wrestla with. It is
scarcely within tha line of a proba
bility that the people of the district
and particularly man who aspiio to
congressional nomination will want
to change from a nominating con
ference of 21 members to a confer
ence of 30 members It is more
than probable, it ii nlmost a cer
tainty that Franklin county candi
dates will ba anxious to avoid a
wrestle with 30 boodlo ssekiug con
serees whoa tha number cf such
feekers can ba confined to 21. A
conference of 30 nioinbtira will prove
to be much ruoro expansive than a
conference of or.ir 21 momberg.
And the people y,'ujj are cot candi
dates and never tipect to be, look
with disdain, upon the proposal to
increase tha evil or objectionable
part of the conferee system of Domi
nating candidal a;. Under tha pro
posed change, 13 conferees can oc
casion a tie in tha proccdings of the
conference, something that cannot
take placa under the present system.
The little bosses ha 1 a good time in
the Lewistown conscience, and they
became so elated ovar their self con
stituted meeting that they enlarged
upon the boss system, and set up a
sort of a Russian Czar who is to
knock out the county committees
who gave whatever lease of life the
Lewistown conference possessed.
It is a dirty bird that befouls its
own cost, and that 13 what the Lftw
istown conference did. It was called
into life by the usurped authority of
the people of the Republican party
of the district, by a few county com
mittoemen ailling the Lewistown
conference, and then tbo very con
ference that was called into being by
a few committeemen turn around
ami set up a Union county man D.
Higgins who is to b placed
above all county committees in tho
district, and with uowera liko the
Czar of Itissu, is to fix tun tiice and
place for holding conventions for
nomirating candidates for Congress,
and fjr electing delegates to the Na
tional Republican convention, and
district ( kctors.
If th project of the Lawistown
coL'erence can be put into j ractico
it. will dts:rr.y the Republican party
in tho ISth Congressional district,
for the parry, here, as tUewhere, is
not in f.ivor of divesting itsulf of its
rights nn.l placing them at tho dis
ptsid of a few self constituted bosses.
Sale Ileglaler.
Furcary 3, 1802. James Wood
bkV and J. O. Barns, txecutors of
John C. Burns, deceased, will sell
pers;m;l pioperty of said decedent,
one and or.e-half mile Southwest cf
Lack P. O., in Lick township, horses,
cowe, eattl, hogs, corn, wheat, oats,
farming implements and household
poods. Sale to ccma.ence at 10 o'
clock A. M.
FriiRL-ABv 4. Jacob Meyers will
Mil two miles south east of MeAlis
terville, tan acres of land having
thereon a good two storv honse,
good sUble, pigpen, wosd house,
smoke house, dry house, opplo or
chard, peach orchard, other fruit,
and well of water, and at the same
time i will sell cow and calf, shotes.
cliicktns, farm implements and house
Hold furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock a.m.
March 10. Samuel Hettick will
sea at Lis residence in Walker twp.,
one mile west of Mexico, horses cows,
ynng cattle, brood rows, ehoat",
iarmiup- impiernBr)t!j of very kin(L
oa to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
-,ABC? Dwipl Ritz will sell
Jo m Re farm, a milo and a
bad Northeast of Mimic town, horses,
cows cattle hogs, poUitors by tho
ouRhei, and farming implements,
aaia to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
Chili Don't shoot! I'll come down.
Ice eight inches thick was stored
last week.
Hon. Chas. Barnett is in atten
dance upon court this week.
Lea Lemon, of Baltimore is visit
ing his parents in Patterson.
One day last week there were
seven funerals in Hollidavsbur
An ica house is being erected upon
the rear of the Jacob's House lot.
The Selinsgrove T ribune mentions:
'"Too muh gambling in town."
John Foltz was sentenced to the
Huntingdon reformatory for larceny.
The spring elections will soon oc
cupy the attention of local politicians.
Ed Clouster of BloomGeld, Perry
county baa captured 15 foxes this
Martyn Crawford attended the
Opera in Lewistown, last Saturday
Charles Stone of "Washington, D.
C, visited friends in Patterson on
Henry Okeson, of Spruce Hill
township died on Sunday aged about
Go years.
John Beashor, of Altoona, will car
a lot of apples from Juniata, west,
this week.
The Democratic national conven
tion will ba held in Chicago on the
21st of next Jane.
The Republican State Convention
will be held in Harrisbarg, on the
20th of next April.
Sliss Blauch McKer, of Mifflin Co.,
visited Miss Hand Wilson, in Patter
son, the past weak.
Squire O, B. Iljrniug was stricken
wi;h pneumonia last week, but at
this writing is better.
Tha U. S. monitors of tho days of
rebellion ar. being put in a state of
repair, roady for war.
FOR RENT, A comfortable dwell
ing house, with good lot. For par
ticulars call at this office.
Miss Abby Underwood, after a
lung illness dial at her homo on
Water street hist Saturday.
Messrs Msic JIcKee and Irwin
Price, nf Mifflin county, visited
friends in Juniata last week.
Manbtn k and Nelson bought a
new doublit houst from W. H. Mc
Donald in Patterson for $2225.
Judge Mason Irwin started last
WfilrifcHilrtV rtn lha mttirn trir irt Viia
western home in the state of Wash
lr3. J. C. Doyle and daughteres
Maine and Mildred, of Patterson are
visitiiir at J. A. Cibulka'. Coaluort
Tha school house hoatar des
very well for so mi winter weather
but for waathcr like that of last
rreek.it is not suitable.
Tho Sana of Temperance gave an
entertainment in Arch Rock school
hctie thr;jo miles north of town, l ist
Thursday night. Tha house was
Itch on bsmin and Lorses and an
im i'R cured in 30 micutts by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by L. Banks &, Co.,
Druggisls, Mifllintown. Nov. 13,
Si ring election day February lGth,
the tax payers in Fermanagh town
ship should be smart enough to not
allow tha election of a set of road
supervisors w ho will tax them 9 to 10
m:l!s road tax.
Porter Thompson, of Mexico, this
county has made an assignment of
his property for tho benefit of credi
tors. His brother Charles Thomp
son is tho assignee.
People in upper Tuscarora Valley
who are interested in llowwr seeds
and bulbs, can rceivg valuable in
formation in regard thereto by ad
dressing to Belle Folmlee, Peru Mills
Juniata Co., Pa.
A J. Patterson, Dr. L. Banks and
J. Howard Naely were to Wilkes
birro Hat waek to sea Colonel John
J. Pa?trson, and to look after their
electric railroad enterprise in the
Wyoming Valley.
The twenty-one man who met on
the 2Glh of January, in Lewistown
iochango tho basis of representation
fcr the nomination of a Coiigrasa
man in this the lSlh Congressional
district, must havo laughed in their
sleeve at the presumption of their
List of letter uncalled for remain-
in the Post Othce at Miiluntown,
Fa., for the weok ending Jan. 30th,
18i)2. Persons t ailing for letters in
thiB list will plc-aee ear they arc ad
vertised. Ono cent will bo charged
for each letter, advertised. Letters:
Floyd Baale.
James McCauley, P. II.
Two ofthe bloods of tha town had
a fall oat as to which of them should
have tha privilege of calling on a girl
that they both admired and like
wariors of middle age times they
procseded to settlo it in tbeir own
way. They camo to gethor on Bridge
street the oilier morning and engag
ed e&ch other in a most vigorous
rough and tumble fight, which was
brou"ht to an end without either of
the combatants calling enough by
tha timely interference of several
nitizcris milliner the bloods apart. It
is not known whether the bsttle da-
termined which of the bloods Las
has bean determined the winner by
tha girl.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valle v, Ind., says: "I Lave been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousaess, Weakness of tho
it.Tnw.li TWrrsia. and Inditres-
tir-l lin til rav health was eone. 1
i.o,i iAn Wtorins? constantly with
rn rf hVf I botiffht one bottle of
3(h A.ncripnn Nervine which done
kjwn .
rue moro good than any $50 worth cf
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
a r,.m iinitWnf it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand-
Aof mcinino in the world. ar-
derful stomach
and nerve core ever knowD. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Miffliktown, Pa.. May 14, lj.
The Delamater estate pays eight
cents on the dollar.
W. S. Switzar of Nekoda, Perry
county was in town on Monday.
Congressman L. E. Atkinson i3 in
attendance upon court this week.
Messrs McClellan and Manbeck of
Thompsontown gavo us a pleasmt
call on Monday.
Yesterday, Tuesday was ground
hog day and as his hogship failed to
sea his own shadow, according to
an old superstition the back bone of
the winter is broken.
The editors of the Beaver SUr who
were raceutlv convictad of libellinc
Senator Quay, were sentenced on
Monday to ix months in th cuintv
jail and to pay a fine of 000 each.
T J., - A V XI. - T i ' .
' mpHsu me xomocruc otate
Committte will pay the fine.
Letters remaining in P. O., at
Patterson, Pa., not called for. Let
ter: Charles Benfer, A. J. Strickler,
A. G. Strickler, James Conlev, Wm.
O'BrieD, Thomas McFaddon, W.
Barton. Persons asking for letters
in this list will please eay they aro
advertisad. W. H. McNitt, P. M.
Some time during last Friday
night, thieves entered the post office
by prying the doublo front doorj far
enough apart that the lock opened.
From mark on the door, a chisel
was the implement used as a pry.
When the thieves left tho premises
they managed to close the door just
as whan post master McCauley left it
in the evening whan he locked up,
which has caused some people to
conjecture the thiaveu hud a key and
that tho chisel impression on tho
door was made as a blind. When
the mail carriar put the mail into the
ofli'i on Saturday morniog be discov
ered that the place had b?en rummag
ed and he at once calhd MoCaub-y.
That was i.'oout 5 o'clock in tha
m irnicg. Drawers and b3xrs had
bsen examined, but nothing was
taken from tho cface excepting some
money five to sevsn dollars that
was left remain from tho previous
days business.
A child's sack was found on tha
floor of the post office, and that ia
conjunction with the fiict that k
heavy uk-dge and braes and bit and
other smith tools were that night
stolen from the shop of Wagner and
Rtibiion, has led to the fcxpresaion
thut tho thieves meant to blow open
the p. )t office safe, and that the
child's sack was part of the goods
they had with them to muffle the
safe to deaden the sound, though
none of the black smith tools were
found about the post office.
A Cure Tar rnstipatls)si and
Sick Ileadaclte.
Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rucky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It is iu the form of
dry roots mid loaves, and is known
as Lnne'.i Family medicine. It will
cure sick headache in one night.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the ch-aring up of the complex
ion it iIots wouder3. Druggists sell
it at COets t pucka8- tf
Spring Election.
At tho spring elections, Kebruary
16, constables and assessors, will ba
elected fr three years. Under the
new law each district elects but cna
aKsepsor, who does tho registering
and assesiisg. and in the third rear
of his term makes tha trieuuial as
sessment hence ths importance of
exercising judgment in the election
that competent hk:d may bo selected.
The now election of th state goes
into effect March 1, 1892. Under
the new law the judges and inspec
tors elected next raonth will be re
quired to hoi 1 the election nxt
November. Election boards there
fore should bj ch(!sa with a view to
thorough competency and responsi
bility Booked For Court,
Tho first regular term cf court
under tho jurisdiction of tho nww
bench, Judges Lyons. Barton and
Wickorsham convened on ilondav,
with the fullowsn;? list before it:
Com. vs. Jainea Kennedy and
George Hnckenberger, robbery. Pros
ecutor, J. B. Kickenbaujh.
Com. vs. Henry Hoffman, fornica
tion ftud bastardy. Prooculm',
Florence Ann Miller.
Com. vs. Margaret Vaughn, sell
ing liquor without lisonse. Prose
cutor I. B. Clark.
Com. vs. Cambridge Coder, forni
cation and bastardy. Prosecutrix,
Kate S. Bennett.
Com. vs. John Shineloff, receiving
stolen goods. Prosecutor, Elijah
Com. vs. John Foltz. Larceny.
Prosecutor, Georgo Wetzler.
Execntor. A J. Patterson vs An
gustns Wright end others. Mrs.
Jano Gallagher will suit.
Executer, Rev. M. L. Smith vs. Au
gustus Wright and others. Mrs.
Jano Gillagbor will suit.
Executor, John W. Speddy vs. Au
Wright and others. Mrs Jane Gall
agher will suit.
Executor, James North vs. Augus
tus Wright and others. Mrs. Jane
Gallagher will suit.
Grifi'dh Lichtenthaler and Geo.
McLean, now for the usa of Geo. Mc
Lean vs. Philena Ilegibter, with no
tice to Wilson Gross, terro tenant.
Si. Fa. Sur mortgage. This is a case
in which money was paid to an at
torney to satisfy a mortgage, the
mortgage was satisfied, but the own
or cf the mortgage denies having re
ceived tbe money, and denies that
he ever authorized the attorney who
got the money, to receive the money
and satisfy the mortgage.
Thomas H. Adams, C. P. Dull, L.
B. Doty, doing business in the name
of The Central Barking Company vs.
A. W Opple. This case grows out
of money borrowed out of tha bank
by L. D. Gifford, who waa endorsed
bv Opple.
Emil Sohott vs. Moses Koenig. Set
J. B. M. Todd vs. Cyrus Sieber.
This is a case growing out of a claim,
the original record of which is lost,
and tha effort is to revive tho judg
Ii. E. Parker vs. Mrs. 8. A. Loud
er. Suit about houee rest.
A Chicago engineer has figured
out that his city will bo destroyed ii
1893. He says Lake Michigan hat
washed out the soil of the ci;y so
that the strip of earth upon whicli
Chicago stands h.is a thiekneS3 of
only 16 feet, and i.i too weak to sus
tain the weight of the collosal exposi
tion buildings. Whon tho depress
ion occurs the city will sink 40 feet
to the next stratum. Chicago peo
ple are trying to find out who start
ed the abovo report.
M at cli m akl n ;.
A lecture entitled "Matchmaking,"
will bo delivered in the new Evan
nelical Church at Mexico, Thursday
evening, Feb. 11th, 1892, by Bishop
Stanford of Harrisburg.- Bishop
Stanford is a born orator and comes
highly reccommonded. Those who
desire- to enjoy this treat should
secure their seats in advance. Proceeds
for benefit of new church. Admiss
ion, adults 25 els; children 10 cts.
Doors opes, at 7 o'clock. Train
accomodations will be good coming
and rsturniug.
Tbe World's floumblan
Send 50 cents to Bond & Co., 57G
Rookery, Chicago, and you will re
ceive, pott paid, a four hundred page
advance Guide to the Exposition,
with elogant Engravings of tho
Grounds and Buildings, Portraits of
its leading spirits, and a Map of tho
City of Chicago, all of the Rule3
governing rue reposition ami r.xniD-
- j i n r - t i -i I
ltors, and all information which can
be given out in a Ivance of its open
ing. A'so, other Engravings and
printed information wil be sent you
as published. It will bo a very
valuable Book and every person
should secure a copy.
For a Time.
I will now reduce tho price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to SI. 50
per dozen.
This reduction will continue as
long as there is sufficient trade to
warrant these prices and no long'.r.
This gallery is filled with rdl the
latest improvements usually kept in
a first class gnllery, such as Fiue
Cenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
peries and Fine Accessories, that
would do credit to tha large cities.
We prcpoue during this reduction
to let our work Epaak for itself and
have no hesitancy in saying that
taking into consideration the quality
of work, thes will be the cheapest
cabinet photographs ever made in
Juniata caunty. Respactfvllr,
MifiTutown, Pa., Jan. 22cd, 1S92.
Worn, of Thieves.
Oj Satnrdav January 23rd, 1S92,
Mrs. Jackson M:igrndur, of Walker
township, went on business ta Hsx-
ic?. When sua lft the house, sho !
locked sill tbe upstairs doors. Tiio i
door leadiug to tha yard was left i
open to air tho cellar, but the door
to the cellar stairs ins: J a was fasten
ed by a deal latch. Sho sccuraly
lockod tho door from which shu left
tha houae. Durictr bar absence
some thief entered by way f the
cellnr and iuauaged to unloose the
dead latch on tha door at the cellar
stairwuy, thereby gaining access to
tha upper part of the house. As it
was a daylight j'dj it was no trouble
to rummage tl.o house Bureau draw
ers were emptied and the clothing
in them shaken out. In n cartain
bureau drawer Mrs. Magrudar kept
a gold watch nnd chain that ccsi
ono hundred and twenty-five doliars
The tbitf found the watch, taok it,
but left t!e box or case in which it
bad bean placad by the owner. Five
dollars i' money whijh had been de
pesited in a cup in t':o drawer was
also appropiiatiS by the thief, with
that plunder tho hief left the prom
ises. The theft took place between
the hours of i) o'clock forenoon and
4 o clock afternoon, the time that
Mrs. f:i?ruder was from home.
AfcU Tour Friends 1 bo tat It.
Your distressing cough canbecui
cd. We know it because Kemp s
EiiLsam within Iho pasit few years
bus cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Its remarkable
bale Las been won entirely bv its
genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi-
cma so pure, none no ellective.
Liirge botiles 50c and $1 at all drug
gis is. tf.
IlALEnr. On the 11th of January,
of membraneous croup, Oycar Glen
liaubci t, aed 4 years 2G davs, son
of L. II. and A. E. lluubert, of Walk
er township.
KirrLiHreas, Fkb. 3, 1892.
Bnfter , , 20
E .' 18
tlnm, 12
Shoulder, jo
Sides, 10
Laid io
Wheat 8j to 88
Ceru in ear 49
O-ita, 25 ta30
Rye.. G5
CJoversced $1.08
Timothy aoii , $l.0f)
K1..X sevd 1 (jo
I'riiii $1.10 s hundred
Cnoi'...... ...... ..$l.uJ a hundred
Kiddlitiga $1.25 a hundred.
Uru'ind Alum Salt.. 1 20
American-Salt 80
Piin-AnELWDA Markets, Jan. 30th,
1S02. Pennsylvania rod wheat 9Gc
to 51.01; corn 47 to 50c; oa's 3G to
39c; butchers lard Gc; chickn3 11 to
12c; ducks 13c; getse 10c; turkeys 12
to 13c; butter 24 to SSo; eggs 25 to
2(e; potatoes 37 to 43o a bus; hay
90c to $1.0o a hundred lbs; tangled
straw $10 to $10 50 a ton.
Chicago, Jan. 29.-Cattle Receipts
bUUU riead; steers 54 2oa4.75; others,
j.dua-i.zo; Blockers $2aS.3U; cows
U.40a2 35. Hogs Receipts 30,000
head; rough and common $4.25a4.35;
packers $4 45a4.55; prime hp&vy and
butchers weights $l.i;0a4.65; light
$4 204.33. Sheep Receipts 5000
head; ewes $3.50a4.10; mixed $4.50a
4 95; wethers $4.90a6.50; wostarns
S5.10a5.50; lambs $5.25aG.25.
Bold It to tho Llgnt.
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cura your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
year. In the preporatioa of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense is spared to com
bine only tha best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam to tha light and look through it,
metice tha bright, clear look ; then
compare with other remedies. Price
50i.ndl. tf.
13ocs this Catch
If f-o, get the whole of tho
as valuable to YOU as to US
ana intteaa oi niuing our candle
1" i it
instead of Lidinc our candle
the Trtote vorld rhoukl know
IIARRISBURG make ot'Hioe.s vliich the above
ficntg. The best $3.00 men's s-hoe ever put on the
Juniata (Jountv,
li :ni ii
a thoe is not complete without
free from tacks, nails or thread
the stocking
The ElmTisburg
It will pay you to try them
Also the largest ftock oi etral foot-wear. Ladies' and
M isles' shoes in latet-t styles and all sizes. Everybody can be
suited at Heck's, Bridge Street.
Hollobaueh & Son.
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St
Cases requiring attention at night will be promptly attended to by
calling on me at the National Hotel.
I would inform the public that I hive
new in rav new millinery afore at my place
of renidence on Water street, Mifflintown,
aecond door from earner of Bridge etreet,
a fnl atork of Fall and Winter T millinery
roodi, all new, and of tbo latest styles,
and having employed flrat class milliners
I am prepared ta aapply the public with
everything fonnd in a Brstclaas milliner
tore, come and examine my atack.
conaider it no trouble ta ahaw goods.
Mrrh 22-87.1 ..
fctory. It is short and may be
i a i a
under a
under a busliei. are willing
it. We are now ellinjr the
cut repre
rnarket in
Vc have them, btth Congress and Lace.
m 15 1: n
raiooth, flexible inner eoles,
that might hurt the ieet or eoil
Shoe is Complete.
For sale only at
Out They Go !
An extraordinary unloading sale of WINTER GOODS at
MEYER'S GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE. . a chance to save
more money in a minute than you can earn in a week.
The entire stock of Men's and Boy's overcoats, suits and
furnishing goods
The last three months we havo r.cnrly doubled our saloa but have not
accomplished all we desired. Our stock is larger than we want, as we aro
getting ready for onr
soon, and must have more room. We will not stop until tho entire stock ia
closed out. To form an idea of tiie greatness of these bargains, ono must
see them. The Greatest and mobt ttarlling bargaint ever offered by Meyert. In
naming these prices we close our eyes to
offering better bargains in
than you ever secured. "We simply ask
press them upon you, for there will
satisfy yourself of the snap we have
get tne hrst choice, lhey won t last
Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Panna.
V i A M
.t iTiT y
Special invitation
To attend the Attractive 'al cf
D. W.
it will be
Who Lava money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It ia truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
Kcrey ItHEil at Lowest Rates.
Fq:bky:t::3 Cera Fhtsr
Cora Droppsr uI mut
trfect Kurctfrtl ferti
lizer DiatribBtor. in tb
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Jonrpli Rothrock, Jane H. Irwin,
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