Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 27, 1892, Image 3

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ffKl)riAY. J AN.27. l892
anMcii'tion. $1-50 Per nnnm a Psil
d -icce; f not P1'"1 n advance.
VuiieEt advertisements inserted at 60
L rl-r inch lor each insertion.
'iv niitnt business notices In local col
lO ca-'ts per line for each inbortion.
Uimctioni wi'l be maJ,) to Ulc",e
to advertinti by the f oar, half or qawn
sale itegller.
fEimiABY 3, 102 Jamas Wood
6iJc ami J. O. B irns, executors of
John C Burns, deceased, will sell
clonal property of e.iid decedent,
one ami one-half mile Southwest of
Lack F. 0., in Lack township, horses,
cowb. cattie, bogs, corn, wheat, oats.,
farming implements and household
roods Sule to commence at 10 o'
clock A. XL
Ffubi abv 1 Jacob Meyers will
tall two milfs south east of McAlis
trril!e, tan acres of land having
thereon a gwd two story house,
rood stable, pigpen, wod house,
smoke house, dry hsuse, apple or
chard, peach orchard, ether fruit,
aad well of water, and at the same
time will tell cow and calf, fihotes.
-v;..-ftii. farm implements and house
bold furniture. Sale at 10 o clock a.m.
March 10. samuel JietricK will
sell at his residence in Walker twp.,
obo luilo west of Mexico, horses cows,
TounfC cittle, brood sows, sheafs,
fariuiiig impliments of every kind.
Sals to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
Maihh 10. Daniel Kilz will sail
on tli John Renn f.irm, a inilo and a
half Northeast of MitHiutown, horses,
cows, cattle, hogs, potatoes by the
bnl:cl, and farming implements.
S.ile to cciamence at 10 o'clock A. M.
Young Men Drowned.
McCIillan McKinley, of Harris
burg, son of Mrs. William Oles, cf
Wtdnut, this county, and George W.
Michael, of South Harrishurg, son
in law of Stewart Anderson, of Wal
nut, this county, were drowue 1 in
the Su3cUel:H:iiia river at llarrisbnrg
on Thar-iday f.ftc rno on J.in'.iary llib,
ISO-. They in company with Lewis
Slnnd'pf of Harrisburg were in a
flat 1 ttirmd bo-.L catching drift.
The riv.-r wjs high, the current
strowg and forced the boat against a
pier of a bridge. It an instant after
the boat struck it filled with water
anJ the three men fsll into the river,
Sui::dkr was a good swimmer and
swam till people went in a boat from
shore iii.d took him out. He was
almost overcome by the chill of the
Judge lijoni on Hie Heucli.
Jadga Lyons first regular court
was convened in Bloomlield bis
native county Jan. LSth 1S92. The
New Port .Yews in speaking of Judge
Lyons says: The reader is doubtless
anxious to know "did the new 'jndgo'
do.' Well, he did splendid, was the
unanimous verdict. The court room
was crowded with spectators and
people on business bent, and all eyes
werb focused upon the bench
- The machinery of the court was
set in motion without the slightest
friction jut about the Same as if
the old hands held the lever.
There was no attempt upon the
part of the President Judge to sim
ulate an attitude of severe dignity
nnd bis suave, almost mirthful mood
removed any tension of feeling that
might be expected under the circum
stances His good nature was fro
qnently manifested in an entirely
spontaneous, unconscious manner
daring his official intercourse with
the members of the bar, while the
bumblebt citizen having business
with him direct did not hesitate to
approach him with lespectful free
dom, and was given attentive audi
ence. Thare was no occasion for a dis
play of his legal qualifications for
the high position which he occupies,
but there is not the slightest doubt
that ho will discharge his duties well
and faithfully.
A Large "vVedilngr.
Miss Janet Gemniell Allison daugh
ter of Editor Wm. M, Allison and
Mr. A. Jackson Mc-rk-k, of Athens,
Georgia, wi ra maried at the home of
the bride's pa.-onti in this town at
7, o'clock T. M.. on tLe 28ih inst., by
lUv. J. R. Henderson. Mies Agnes
IgubclLi Al'.is n of Washington, D.
C, siBter cf the bride was brides
maid, Mr. G. Jaw's Merick, of New
York, brother of the groom was
groomsman, and Mits Emily Cornell,
cf Brooklyn, N. Y., was maid of honor.
Miss Lizzie Ewirg of McVaytown,
officiated ut the organ, and" there
was a house full of guests all of
whom paitook cf tuppsr that was
served at a table lndened with the
choice things of the season. The
prisents wi ro numerous and costly.
Among the many guests who
graced the rccasion." those from a
distance wore- Mrs. E. M. Marick, cf
Palmyra, New York, the groom's
mother; Mit-s M. Belle Merick and
ih's-J. W. Cornell, of Erooklyn;
ew York, the groom's pisters, the lat
ter heme accompanied bv little daugh
ter, Emily, Mr. G. J arvis Merick, of
ew Yurk City, the groom's brother;
tbarles E. A'lison, of Chicago,-) Mat
thew L. Allison, and Misses A. Isa
bella and Irene E. Allison of Wash
ington City, brothers and sisters of
the bride; Misses Lizzie and Carrie
wiag of MeYeytown, Mr and Mrs.
L. Morrison, of Newton Hamil,
ton Major J. X. Spel, U. S. N., of
Harnisburg, Mr. E. K. Barto, of
tI x0' Sc,luyIkill county.
Abe bride and groom left on the
midnight train fr Athens, Georgia
wuere they will nt once commence
E. w. Evans, of Johnstown, Juni
a a . county IV, took in th. thriving
Mtuttion of our town on Monday last.
jl. .s at,nner bytrade,and his ob-atclru-
8tri,inS off bare was to
foreman Yit.-BellwoSd Bulleton.
in XREN?rA comfortable dwell
"tulara call at this office.
Sqnire C. B. Horning is quite ilL
Edward Ellis is suffering with the
Huntingdon reformatory has 500
Venus and Jupiter now are the
evening stars.
The Huntingdon Journal is 57
years old this month.
Blaine will be 62 years old next
Sunday January 31st.
Boys had a day or two of skating
on the pavements last week.
Lewistown has been made a fla
station for Keystone express.
Mount Pleasant, Walker township,
has a flourishing literary society.
Dr. Dowd Crawford spent a couple
of days last week in Philadelphia.
J. N. Thompson of Middleburg,
was in town on Saturday evenins.
Miss Harriett Talker of Lewis
town visited friends in town on Mon
day. Within the past 12 months 15
young ladies have been married in
the two towns.
Mrs. Nankiville of Licking Creek
Valley aged 71 years, died on the
l(th of present month.
Ilufm Elder and Horace Culber
son of Lewistewn wore on profess
onal business in town on Saturday.
Among those who were present at
the Merick Allison wedding was
Editor Morrison and wifa of Newton
hamilton. George B. Orlady and Thomas S.
Johnston aro talked about as prob
able candidates for Congress in Hun
tingdon Co.
Mrs. Joseph Butt, of Ptlterson,
fell on the ice, in ti e yard, in the rear
of Ler house, one day last week, and
broke an aim
As we go to press there is no re
port of the Lewistown conference at
hand. The forth coming report will
not spoil for want of immediate pub
lication. Last Friday afternoon Happy Hol
free school came to town anl engag
ed in a spelling match with pupiis of
the tow n free schools in the public
school housa
The Lewistown Academy has
again changed hands. It seems to
be as changable ns the seasons. The
truth is, the stato normal schools
have uprooted the academies.
Beaver Snyder County Htrnld:
Mr. Philip Hurley, of Eiht Salem,
Juniata Co., has been spending sev
eral days with the family of his son,
W. E. Hurley, at this place.
Farm lands in the Eastern counties
are advancing in price and the boom
will soon reach us. C dl at B. F.
Burchfield's Ileal Estate office and
buy now while you caa buy cheap.
Col. John J. Patterson was again
takn severely ill at Wilkesbarre last
week, and on Saturday despatched
for bis sons John and Silas, his
daughter Maiy has been with him
ever since his first illness.
At a recent meeting of the Juniata
county Horse Insurance Company,
located at Thompontown, Jonathan
Keiaer was elected president; Dr. I.
N. Grubb, secretary; 11. WT. Humph
rey, assistant secretary, and Uriah
Shuman, treasurer.
A Festival will be held by the Ep
worth League of the Methodist
Church, on the 4th, 5th and Cth of
February, in the Odd Fellows' build
ing. Oysters, ice cream, cake and
other delicacies will be served. All
are cordially invited.
Mrs. Jsremiah Keller slipped on
the floor in ber honse in Patterson
last wednasday evening, and in fall
ing, threw her hand upo a hot stove,
burning it quite severely. Dr.
Crawford rendered the necessary
surgical assistance.
J. M. Wright has been made chair
ma of the Democratic State Com
mittee. If Wright is ns snccessful
at sending false statements as his
predecflssor Kerr was, Democratic
Eowfpapors in the state may prepare
themeelvea for a plentiful erop of
libel suits.
At a meeting of the Jnniata Farm
er's Mutual Fire Insurance Company
hold at MeAlisterville. the following
directors were elected for the cur
rent year: Joseph Itothrock, Lnke
Davis, George Martin, Jonathan
Keiser, J. T. Smith, R. Wr. Humph
rey. J- Banks Wiilson, W. H. Kuouse
Joseph Seiber.
The holy ct mmnnion will be ad
ministered in the Methodist Church
nxt Sunday morning and evening.
Rav. S. Milton Frost D.D.. will preach
in the morning on The Certainties
f Heaven." Rev. J. M. Lantz, the
Presiding Elder of Juniata District,
will preaeh in the evening. All are
cordially invited.
Mr. Elihu Benner of Thompson
town, died on the 22nd inst., aged
about 7G years. He had that day en
joyed reasonably fair health, and at
tended to his business affairs satis
factorily. It was i o'clock in the af
ternoon, when he and his wife were
in their room that he suddenly sank
to the floor, and before Mrs. Benner
conld call in friends his spirit had
left its earthly tenement and passed
into the great unknown future. Mr.
Benner was a native of Chester coun
ty, and came to Juniata about thirty
five years ago. He was a valuable
accession, for, as a citizen his in
fluence was always in the direc
tion of right. He was dignified
courteous and kind and he poss
essed business qualifications of a
high ordor which enabled him to
succeed i n the pursuits in which he
engaged. The community at large
recognize his worth, and feel that
one of the best has been taken from
among them, and his immediate
friends and relatives keenly realize
the loss they have sustained in hiB
List of letters uncalled for remain
ing in the Post office at Mifflintown,
for the week ending Jan. 23rd, 1892.
Persons calhng for letters in this
list will please say they are adver
tised. One cent will be charged for
each letter advertised. Letters: Jo
anna Harris, Jack "Welch: Card Jos.
F. Bulk. James McCauley, P. M.
An Old Clock.
John P. Smith, of Fermanagh
township has a '-grand father clock"
that is two hundred and fifty years
old. His great grand father brought
the clock from Germany.
Corn Supper.
A corn supper will be held in the
United Presbyterian church in Mexi
co on Saturday evening, January 30,
1892.. All are cordially invited to
An Inventive Postmaster.
Post master McCauley has inven
ted a new clasp for closing United
States mail pouches. His invention
promises to be an improvement over
the present method of closing the
pouch in this, that the pouch may be
opened or shut in a great deal less
time than by the pouch fastenings
that are now in use.
Adjourned Institute.
An interesting adjourned institute
was held in McAlisterville last Fri
dry and Saturdny. J. A. Martin,
was President of the Institute, Rev.
Emil Lewy conducted the devotional
Those who took part in the pro
ceedings of the institute are, O. B.
Sulouff, J. M. Rupert, T. T. Davis.
H. C. Sausman, Prof. Bucke, P. WT.
Weber, Superintendent J. H. Carney,
W. H. Baughman, R. S. Watt, Annie
Davis, Maggie Weidman, Carrie
Kanffman, Rosy Leisher, Pearl Ben
ner, Majrgio Kinzer, F. N. Thomas,
Homer VanOrmer, Blanch Fry, W.
H. Knouse, E. O. Kinch, Maurice
Leonard, Maurice Wilt. Foster Shirk,
Abbie Davis, B. G. Shields, Sadie
Jamiscn, Bert Shirk, Josie Stong,
Annie Graybill, Samuel Sieber.
Mexieo was designated as the
next place in which to hold Institute.
Time February 5 and 0 President,
D. E. Robison, Vice President, J. R.
Burris, Secretaries, J. E Ferner,
Blanch Fry.
Fingers hawed Off.
Eli Dunn, met with an accident
ou the morning of the 20th inst., at
bb mill two miles north of town,
air. Dunn and sons to aoaomodats
the peach box trade, had a saw-mill
attached to the machinery of Cuba
flouring mill, and it was while saw
ing peach box slats on the morning
f.bove mentioned thst the circular
saw caught the glove on his left hand
and before he realized it the hand
was drawn under the teeth. The
two outside fingers were cut off close
up to the knuckles of the hand, the
two fingers next tin thumb were
deeply cuf. nud about a half inch of
the thumb was sawn off. It is a pain
ful injury but n.-t near a vital part
Mr. Dunn and his sons were getting
along nicely with Cuba mill and the
community sympalhizs with thsm in
this misfurlnne that has overtaken
the father. Dr. Lucien nnd Dr.
William Binks havo the case in
charge, and Mr. Dunn is getting
along as well as can be expected.
A Hank Ducked-
Oa one of the cold mornings dur
ing the lste cold spoil a large hwk
ponnced upon one of Bemjamin Hal
ler's tame ducks that at the time
were in a pool of fres'u unfrczen
water in the canal bed a short dis
tance bevond the "third lock" at
Macedonia. The hawk fastened its
claws around the neck of the fowl
close to its body, but the duck was
in deep water and true to its nature
it ducked and drew the hawk with it
under the water, again and again the
duck dove which was too much for
his hawkship. Tbs hawk released
its hold on the duck aud with d 'fa
culty flopped its way to the shore.
The weather was cld and froze the
feathers of the hawk together so
that it could cot fly. William Hal
ler a grand son of Benjamin Ilallor,
was a witness of tho capturo and es
caped game between the hawk and
duck; and when it wr.s all over be
took a hand at the game, by captur
ing the hawk, the hawk's feathers
were so frozen tog-other that it could
not fly away. The oil d measured 3
feet 6 inches from the tip of one
wing to the tip of the ether wing.
A Terrible Accident.
A very serious and in all proba
bility fatal accident occured in the
day mornicg shortly after 9 o'clock.
A gang of laborers woro engaged m
repairing tho tracks near the bridge
and at the same time cars were be
ing dropped down the yard. All
the men were keeping a sharp look
out but J. W. Stong, one of the
workmen failed to notice au approach
ing cabin car in time to get off the
rnMr. TTa was etru'-k bv the for
ward part of tbe car and knocked up-
on tea tract in ironi oi i. nnu id
less time than it takes to write it he
was run over and terribly injured.
He wts picked up by some employes
and carried into the switch house
where he was made as comfortable
as possible until the ambulence
which had been summoned arrived,
wlif,n the iniured man was taken to
the hospital. An examination of his
injuries snowed tuns ine ieii log was
completely crushed above tbe knee
ond would have to be amputated.
The right leg was crushed below the
knee and it was thought it would
rint. rnuire amDutation. When
Ston was told that he would have
to lose his legs or his life, he stoutly
refused to have the operation per
formed and all that was said to him
could not induce him to submit to
the operation. The only thing that
mn fiano if he rjersists in not slow
ing he physicians to amputate his
Ie is that lie wiu aie oi wood pois
oning. He may decide to have the
member taken off this morning and
bis life may 3 et be saved.
Stong came to this city some time
since from McCoysville, Juniata Co.,
and was employed as a laborer by
the company. He is 20 years of age
and boards at 1005 Faurth avenue.
His parents and other near relatives
living in Juniata county were infor
med of the accident and some of
tkem are expected to arrive in tbe
city this morniag. Altoona Tribune
January 21sL The funeral of Stong
took place last Sunday, January 24.
Interment in Lutheran grave yard,
near McCoysville.
Musical College.
The Spring Session of the Free
burg Musical College opens Monday,
May 1, 1892, for Young Ladies in
Vocal and Instrumental Masic. Ad
dress, for circular,
H. B. Mover,
Freeburg, Pa.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Sott or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses. Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stifle, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Save $50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Care ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifilintown. Nov. 13,
Bloomfitld Times Jan. 19. The
population of this town is growing
rapidly. No less than four boys be
ing the additions within a short time.
On Monday last while Mr.
Joseph was butchering at William
Roberts in Center township, he took
a little exercise at wrestling which
resulted in his having two of his
ribs fractured. He Las a pretty
sore time of it but be hopes soon to
be able to try it again. Mr.
John Fennicle accompanied by his
wife and little child, had a narrow
escape from drowning, on Monday
evening. They were on their way
home from town where they had
been to market and occupied one
seat in a carriage drawn by one
horse. The road runs close to Sber
man's creek, which is now six feet
above low water mark. The horse
became unmanagable and backed the
carriage into the stream. The
strong current carried them down
until a snag along the bank caught
in the clothing of Mrs Fennicle,
and she with the child in her arms
was saved. Mr. Fennicle succeeded
in getting to bbore also, but the
horse was drowued and with the
carriago was carried away by the
mad turbulent water.
Men to work a new and paying
business. Nothing like it iu existence.
Insurance solicitors preferred. We
pay salary or commission to right
parties. Address with reference,
World's Fair Transportation Co.,
Geneva, N. Y.
For a Time.
I will now reduce the price of my
$3.00 cabinet photograph to !1.50
par dozen.
This reduction will continue as
long as there is sufficient trade to
warrant these prices and no longer.
This gallery is filled with all the
latest improvements usually kept in
a first class gallery, 6uch as Fine
Cenic Backgrounds, Beautiful Dra
peries and Fine Accessories, that
would do credit to the large cities.
Wo propose during this reduction
to let our work speak for itself and
have no hesitancy in 6aying that I
taking into consideration the quality
of work, these will bo the cheapest
cabinet photographs ever made in
Juniata ceunty. Respectftillv.
Mifflintown, Pa., Jan. 22nd, 1892.
A Golden Gusset.
A strange novelty is this golden
tab'e corn, with its beautiful rich
cream color. It is claimed by those
who know it that it is very eweet,
early and tender, and a superior
corn. We noLics Vick recomenda it
v?ry highly. The Floral Guide,
which comes to us bringing a bou
quet of Carnations on the front cover
with a splendid bunch ef Brilliant
Poppies on the back, gives full des
cription of this new corn, which is
only 15 cents a packet Vlck'a Floral
ia worthy a pines in the home of any
one who expects to maks a garden
tLe comiLg spriLg. By all means
send ten cpiHji to Jamf.3 Vick's Sons,
Rochester, N. Y., for the Quid, and
you can deduct tLis amount from
your first'order. It wdi ray you
Ask Your Friends about It.
Your distressing cough can be cur
ed. We know is because Kemp s
Bi-.lsam within the past few years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community, lis remarkablo
sale has been won eniirely by its
genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. Tlu-re is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Largo bottles 50c and $1 at all drug
gists, tf.
Bartos. On the 12th irst., in
Tuscarora township, Calvin Barton,
in the 65th year of his age.
Mirr.iRTOws, Jas. 27, 18P2.
Bntter 20
Kftft" 18
llm, ........ .... ..12
S boulder, in
Sides, 10
Lard . o
Wheat 85 to 88
Corn in ear... 40
Oala 25 to30
Kye 65
Cloveraoed $1.09
Timothy sued $1.00
Flax sued 1 go
Bran $1.1 a hundred
Cuop...... .... ....$1.60 a hundred
Middlings $1.25 a hundred.
Ground Alum tiaXl 1 20
A uericau S.i!t 80
Philadelphia Markets, Jan. 23rd,
1892. Pennsylvania red wheat 91c
to $1.01; corn 45 to 52c: oats 38 to
41c; butchers lard 6c; chickens 10 to
11c; ducks 13c; geese 10c; turkevs 11
to 12c; bntter 15 to 38c; eggs 24 to
25c; potatoes 35 to 50c a bus; hay
90c to $1.05 a hundred lbs; tangled
straw $10 to $10 50 a ton.
Chicago, Jan. 22 -Cattle Receipts
7000 head; steers $4 25a4.75; others,
$3.30a4.15; stockers $2a2 75; cows
$1.25a2.50. Hogs Receipts 32,000
bead; rougn and common $4a4.10;
packers $4.20a4.35; prime heavy and
butchers weights $4.35a4.45; light
$4.26a4.35. Sheep Receipts 5000
head; ewes $3.50a4.10; mixed f 4.50a
4.95; wethers $4.90a6.50; westerns
$5.10a5.50; lambs $5.12a6.40.
Uwld It to tbe Llgbt.
The man who tella you confiden
tially iust what will fiiro Tnnr -tLl
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
vtRr" the preporatio of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds nci expense is spared to com-
ume aiv me Dest and purest ingred
ients. Hold a Vmttl of TTonm'a Ttol
sam to the light and look through it,
notice the bright, clear look ; then
compare with other remedies. Price
sue ana ex. tf.
Does this Catch Your Eycl
If so, get the whole ortlie story. It is short and nny he
as valuable to you ns to us.
and instead of hiding our candle urdor a bushel, are willing
the whole world fhould know it. We are now selling the
IIARRISBURG make of Shoes, vhich the above cut repre
sents. The best $3.00 men's shoe ever put on the market in
Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace.
a shoe is not complete without smooth, flexible inner soles,
free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the feet or soil
the stockinz
The filnri'isbiirg SSioc is Complete.
It will pay you to try them. For sale only at
0. W. HECK,
Also the largest stock oi general foot-wear. Ladies' and
Misses' shoes in latest styles and all sizes. Everybody can be
suited at Heck's, Bridge Street.
Hollobaugh & Son.
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St
Cases requiring attention at night will be promptly attended to by
calling on me at the National Hotel.
I would inform tbe publio that I have
new in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a fan stock of Fall and Winter mllltnery
sooda, all new, and ef tbe latest styles,
and having employed first class milliners
lam prepared to anpply thepnblie with
everything found in a firstclasa milliner
store, coma and examine my stock:,
consider it no trouble to shew goods.
March 22-87.1.V.
.7 . V
Out They Go !
An extraordinary unloading sale of WINTER GOODS at
more money in a minute than you can earn in a week.
. The entire stock of Men's and Boy's overcoats, suits and
furnishing goods
The last three months we have nearly doubled our sales but have not
accomplished all we desired. Oar stock is larger than we want, as we are
getting ready for our
soon, and must have more room. We will not stop until the entire stock is
closed out. To form an idea of t'n preatnes of these bargains, one must
see them. The Grtnteit and inobt startling bargains ever offered by .Meyers. In
naming these prices we close our eyes to cost and actual value, and we are now
offering better bargains in
than you ever secured. We simply ask you to look at them. We don't
prees them upon you, for there will bo no need to do so, when once you
satisfy yourself of the snap we have prepared for you. Early lookers will
get the first choice. They won't last long.
Wholesale & Retail Clothier,
Special Invitation rTo The Ptiblie
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that gees oa daixj
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods fcr
It ia truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fil
to give him a call if in need of" Clothing
I'm hud Ltliv.fstEatfs.
Fsrphr Ssystoss Gsm Fhstsi
I'orn lr'tier and ;ri
fierfeot K. roi.-f.-ril 1 tri:
irrr Di-tritut.ir in i:.;;
.world. C-.-i :;: C-:U.-...
3 -r- jw-.d-
Ks5 Vn:::;, f.
6eno for Large Illustra-eo c.vf alc. - jf.
cored. of from -JO to SO yeara1 standing, after al
Other treatmenta have failed, iiowtnediffl
cnliT Is reaened and the cause removed, fully
exiMnmed in circulars, with cffldavita and Ut.u-
;..uf rnrcf rnm oroniinentpeopie.mnilea
tree. Ir. A. JiOIifAXSJiv Xacuuia, ttn
Subscribe for the Sixtuel and Repcbli
CJ, a good paper.
Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Penna.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN IKWIN, Cmtkttr.
W. C. Pomroy, Jos.ph Rothroek,
John Hi-rtzler, Philip If. Kepner,
Rahert E. Parker, Lonis E. Atkins.n,
T. V. Irwin.
Philip M. Kpner, Anoia M. Shelley,
Josrph Rathrock, Jane fl. Irwin,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holaies Irwin,
Mary Kartz, Jerome N. Tbompsfca Jr-
John Herlzler, T. V. Irwin,
Charlotte Snyder, JesiaB L. Bartoa,
John M. 'Blair, Robert H. Pattrrsea,
F. Si. M. Pennell, Lti Light,
Samuels. Rothiock, Wm. Swarta.
Three and Fonr per cent, interest will bs
paid on certificates oi deposite.
rjan 23, 1891 tf
FeamylTanla AgrletiltTiral Worts, York, Pa,
faraaaar'e Staadard tasiuetaadbaw flilla .
tieairj TnctMa .ad J.uin.tM r
Held far Ctukn.. r v. -.l. c
Address a. C t ABOJCBAB 603. 1 oik. Fa.
1 a. iae at once. No operation or business
I it 7J, - ..n.-umj.- vi urea. ur. Mayer 18 at
'Hotel Pcnn, leatin(r, 1'a., n pro ml Saturday of
aVll'tl niAlllli liLin.i...n I a m J.
a.ui ui vui.uiart AUTICQ irvQ .