Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 06, 1892, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY. JA5. 6. 1892.
Barron aid rmormiiTOK.
Catoda bad a green Christmas, the
first in fifty years.
A hktiohal poultry show will be
liefd in New York City in February.
Iir the oew assignment to commit
tees, Atkinson is placed on Merchant
Marine and War Claims.
"Betwem the years 1590 and 1CS0
no less than 8,400 women were burn
ed in Scotland for witchcraft."
SnciiL orders have been issued by
the War Department to hurry the
completion of warships on the stocks
in United States nary yards.
Mosrcf people are given to envy
ing what king3 have, but just now,
the King of Greece has an unoommon
thin;; that no one envies. He has
small pox.
Si-eakee Ckisp proposes to takere
f hi southorn friends in his ap
pointments. Of the fifty-seven chair
men -he appointed thirty-two from
the South. Pennsylvania gets two
chairmen of committees.
Monaouin, the West Chester lw
jer who disappeared mysteriously
last Septerabor, has turned up in
Artetralia. Ha has sent home for
rcccey which has been dispatched to
him, and his return is looked for with
the greatest of interest.
Iir. Hoirells' Jiew lerk-
The announcement that If r. How
T;i!l leavo Harper' Mu?nzine, to la!:
editorial charge of the Cosmopolitan,
on March let, calls attention to the
process of buiMiDg up the ptaff of a
reat magazine. Probably in no
monthly linn the evolution len so
distinctly under the eyes of he .pub
lic as iu ilia cttse of the Cosmopolitan.
The first step after its editorial con
trol was assumed by Mr. John Bris-i-en
Walker, wad to add to it Edward
Drerett Hide, who took charge of a
department called "Social Problems,"
subjects concerning which the great
t number people are thinking .-today.
Mr. Hale who is a student, a
fair minded man, a thorough Ameri
can and a man of broad sympathies,
has -filled this position in a way to
att.rf.ct the attention not only of this
country, but of leading European
journals. Some months Inter, a de
partment was established called
"The lieview of Current Events."
To title charge of this, a man needed
whoeLould be familiar not only with
the griat events of the past thirty
yeare,,Vut who knew personsliy the
leading men of both tho United
States and Europe who coul J inter
pret motives and policies. Murat
Halstoad accepted this position with
the distinct understanding that his I
montuiy review KDouia ue piino-o-pbical
and never partisan. The
next stop ia the history of the Cos
mopolitan, was the placing of the
review of the intellectual movement
of the month in the hands of Mr.
Brainier Matthewa, who for some
timo has been recoiruized as one of
the two or throe ablest critics in the
United States
Finally came the acceptance of tho
editorship conjointly with Mr. Wal
ker, by Mr. Win. Dean Uowblls.
Mr. Howells, who is recognized uni
versally as the foremost American of
letters, upon the expiration of his
contract witn Harper Brothers, on
the first of March will take in hand
.the destinies of a nmg.zine which
promises to exercise a bhare of in
fluence with tho reading classes of
the Unit'jd Ststts. His entire ser
vices will be given to the Cosmopo
litan, and everything he writea will
appear in thut magazine during the
continuance of his editorship.
. , . p
U. S. Gingrich, and sik'if '
were in Huntingdon Co., last
Alice I
wt ,
jr.win Miilcr is down
with the
The protracted meeting in Mexico
conducted by Rev. Maze is still in
Porter Stouffer of Huntingdon
has been among friends and relatives
the past week.
Josiah Gingrich and wife spent
their New Years day among relatives
at Higbnpire.
Among our visitors we noticed
Harry Bradley of Pittsburg.
Maud Frv of Harrisburg visited
her parents during the holidays in
The game season is over bo the
boys turn their attention to the
Cure Far CBstlsmtIa
Sick Headache.
Dr. Silas Lane while in the Bocky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It is in the form of
dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family medicine. It will
cure sick headache in one night.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the clearing up of the complex
ion it noes wonders. .Druggists sell
it at 50ets a package. tf
Ask Tour Friends lboat It.
Your distressing cough can be cm'
ed. We knew it because Kemp's
Balsam within the past few years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Its remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its
genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is n medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50c and $1 at all drug
gists, tt
L Berkihiser, who lived in a tenant
house on the Rothrock farm, not for
from town, was sickened by obstruct
ed bowels on Tuesday, December 22.
Medical aid was of no service to him.
He died on Christinas morning, aged
about 56 yesrs.
A great grandmother, ninety years
old will run an old time spinning
wneel in tbe Columbian exhibition
to be Leld in Chicago in 1893, to
show the women and girls of this
day and generation how spinning was
done in past times.
Tlid Kellogg Concert Company,
which appears here January 11th is
pronounced one of the best on the
road. To sum it up the company is
superb, and gave an entertainment
of which any concert company might
well be proud. Oil City Blizzard.
Oa the 12th of December, Miss
McCnhren, sister of James McCahren
of Jiilford township, died, aged 92
years. One week later, affliction again
laid its heavr hand on Mr. McCah-
ren's family, by tbe death of his wife.
Mrs. McCahren was aged about 62
Itch on human and horses and an
imals cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by L. Bank & Co.,
Druggist, Mifflintown. Nov. 13,
1890.-1 v.
Letters remaining in P. O., at Pat
terson, Ph., not called for Mrs. A. B.
Smith, Miss Aba Suloff. E. D. Palm,
Thomas NeUon, John A. Kennedy,
Herman Micacb, A. C. Holden, A. II.
Shinier, 2 postal cards for A. It.
W. H. McNitt, P. M.
January 1st, 1S92.
List of letters uncalled for remain
ing in the Post Office at Mifflintown,
Pa., f jr the week ending Jan., 2nd,
1S92. Persons calling for letters in
this list will please say they are ad
vertised. Ono cent will be charged
for each lslter advertised. Miss
Lizzie Stroup, B. Frank, Howard
James McCauley, P. M.
Have vou tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century ?
The great euro for Indigestion, Dy
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the tnobt wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure evur known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks it
Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly
A large eompany of neighbors
paid Mrs. Joseph C. Watte, on Third
street, a surprise donation visit some
evening- ago, ana msteai of pleas
ant compliments they left substantial
tokens of their regard in the form
of household necessities ucd a purse
or money. JJotli Mr. and Mrs.
Watts have been oat of health a long
S. Wert Henderson of Patterson
died on the evening of the 23rd of
December. Somo days before he
had a tumor removed from the
scrotum. High hopes for h'm com
plete restoration to health wero en
tertained, but a sudden relapse on
the evening mentioned carried hita
to the spirit land. He was a native
of Juniata county, and nged about
53 years.
Tho drilling for stone coal cn Mid
dle Bidgo on Shale Mountain, north
of McAliatervil'e, ha3Como to an end.
hat discovoriea they made is not
known, excepting to the prospectors.
They took the engine and "borings"
away, and wanbed the place clean of
all fioo sediment. There is nothing
on the mountain to indicate they
were there excepting the drill holes
and they are plugged.
An omnibus load of colored people
from this town drove to Lewistown,
on the night before Christmas to
attend a ball in Odd Follows Hall.
All went as morrily as a marriage bell
till at a point half way through the
narrows, on their way homo, Chriut
mas morning, there tho buss broke
down. For the woes of the trip from
that point home you must talk to the
eolorod people.
A correPDondent of the BloomfSeld
Democrat from Germantown, says :
We have had quite a sensation the
past week by the recovery of a stolen
horse in our neighborhood. Some,
tinje in October a party came through
here dealing in stock and svrappod
horses with Leji JJw&rtz. Then he
and Michael KsaW exchanged.
Whe the boree yrm proved to hav
k l .l. lf 1
ccu divivu aur. jo.ess.er was in poss-
eoiC ?f ,t; d law will decide
the matt-r.
Tilt) Messiah dance has again boen
onened among the Cheyenne and Ar
aphoe Indians. There is no abate
ment in the dance, day or night, and
they announce their purpose to keep
up the dance till the Saviour comes.
The Saviour is expected to relieve,
them of the infliction of the pale faca,
and all other ills. It will be a long
dance, and meanwhile the pale face
will have to feed the Indians.
The Columbia National Bank,
Washington, D. C. annual for 1S92,
containing a chapter of "Brave Days,"
lies on our table. It is an attractive
publication every way, and what
makes it particularly interesting to
Juniata people is tbe fact that the
financial institution that issued it is
presided over, as president, by E. S.
Parker, a Jsmiata man. Under Mr.
Parker's guidance the Columbia Na
tional Bank has become one of the
moot important financial institutions
in the city of the national capital.
John DiehL a worthy citizen of
this town was stricken by a compli
cation of diseases about ten days ago,
which terminated in death on Satur
day the 2nd inst Mr. Diehl was
born in Dauphin county about 62
years ago and came to Juniata coun
ty when a youth. He grew to be an
upright and industrious men, and
made Mifflintown his home where he
was highly respected for his sterling
qualities. He was a consistent mem
ber of the Presbyterian church. A
wife and four daughters moura his
Judge Mason Irwin is on a visit to
his native place, from his present
faraway home in Washington State.
The Land of affliction has been laid
heavily upon the Judge within the
past year and a half, for within that
period of time his family, two chil
dren and wife have passed to that
bourne from whence no oe has ever
returned. The J udge has the the
sympathy of his friends and a large
circle of acquaintances.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to tbe
great South American Nervine. I
bad been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up ail
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonie
proved me so much that I was
to walk aboBt and a few bottles
ed me entirely. I believe it is
best medicine in the world. I
the can-
not recommend it to hirhly." Trial
bottles, 154. Sold by L. Banks Si
Co. May H-ly.
Joe Killoran, who robbed the Lew
isburg. Union county First National
Bank, last May, has been sentenced
to two years, ten months, and twen
ty-one days in the penitentiary. He
called the cashier of the bank out to
talk with him about finances while
he sat in a bnggy. During the con
versation a confederate of Killoran
slipped into the bank and gathered
up several piles of money aggregat
ing about $13,003. When the con
versation was ever tho robbers drove
away and it was some time before
the cashier discovered the loss. De
tectives in cities were informed of
the robbery. Pictures ' of thieves
were sent to the cashier, and out of
several hundred he reoognized Kill
oran and after that the detectives
soon caught the thief.
A despatch from Fort Ringgold,
Texas, uuder date of December 22nd.
gives a brief account of a fight be
tween Captain Burke's U. S. Cavalry
command and Mexican Garza's Ban
dits. The Bandit's troops were
routd. Corporal E.tatroin of the
United States third Cavalry was
killed, and second Lieutenant Charles
Ila Ten, eighteenth Infautrv wounded
slightly. What mtkes this battle
particularly inteivnting to Miifl:ii
town people i the wouu.liiitr of
L:eutvnant Haye. Tho Lieutenant
is a son of L. Y. Hays who not
many years ago preached here for
the Presbyterians. The bandits
were driven out of Mexico by the
Military. The thieves cannot keep
long together when hunted by both
United States and Mexican troops.
On Sunday afternoun, December
27th, lost, the large barn owned by
E. S. Parker, on tho farm that he
purchased from the Cuaninghams in
Mil ford township, was destroyed by
fire with hay, oats, some wheat and
two young cattle. Tbe farm is
tonanted by George Solos. The
family were at dinner when a son of
Mr. Soles, aged about 7 years came
in and said "there is a man at the
straw stack and it ia burniner." The
family rushed out of tho house and
to thu barn Rnd began t fifht
against tue are in the straw stack
Ineir efforts were of no avail, when
they failed to keep the fire out of
the barn they turned their attention
to saving the stock and machinery
in tlie buuainer. Hav and fodder
near the barn burned, and Mr. Park
ers corn in the crib was partly de
stroyed. The side of the crib
opened and the corn lft out,
with all that the fire got among
corn and between the fire and
water that was thrown on it, it
uainageu. ine oarn was a large
1 , m , .
building and had only $1000 insur
Itebeeca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., Eays: "I have been in a
51 1 I-. ..
aisiresaea condition lor tnree years
irom iServouKsesfi, eakness of the
Stomachs, Dtspepsia, and Indiges
tion until my liealth was crone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
me more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it tbe grand
est medicine in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomaah
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Backs
& Co., MiiUiatown, Pa.. 'May 14, ly.
Bloomjitld Advocate: Oil tho 14th of
December, the fconte of Harry Doch
terman, iu Whesifield township,
canght fire from a defective flue.
He lustily blew hid uiucer horn,
Cfllirg to his nasistarjoo neighbors
, -.J W A . . " V ' - T . .A U
after hard work. Last Tues
d-iy tvetiicg the house of Alex. Snor
ters, below town, occupied by Frank
Rhena, might have been burned to
the ground. Mr. Iihoni's little chil
dren iu their play hud dragged some
bed clothing about the pipe, which
set them on fire. Smoko was issuing
from the upper window when dis
covered. Speedy action, in throw
ing the burning material from the
house soon extinguished the flames.
Oa Monday night about 10 o'clock
Dollie Ellip, residing on West Market
street when about to retire blew in
at the top of the lamp chimney in
order to extinguish the light. The
lamp exploded, the burning oil flying
over her person. She was burned
to a blister in from her middle pvrts
upward, including her face. Per
sons in the neighborhood went to
the resoue, but only in time to put
out the fire that had communicated
to the combustible matorials in the
bed chamber, which was much
blackened by smoke. Her physician
pronounces her badly burned, but
her condition easy ss can be expect
ed under the circumstances. Lew
istown Free Pres.
Bloemfield Democrat: A remark
able incident occured on the farm of
Alex. Heed, Et-q , of Brown township
a short time ago. Fifty-four per
fectly white turkeys were Bitting on
a tree when lightning struck it,
splitting the tree fer quite a distance,
and yet strange as it may appear,
not a single turkey was killed. This
seems almost incredible but it is
nevertheless true.
Profs. D. F. Black, of Mechanics
burg, and George H. Imes, of Steel
ton, are organizing a State fair for
the colored people, to be held in
Harrisburg some time in October,
1892. Commissioners will be ap
pointed in all the towns and cities in
the State.
Men to work a new and paying
business. Nothing like it in existence.
Insurance solicitors preferred. We
pay salary or commission to right
parties. Address with reference,
World's Fair Transportation Co.,
Geneva, N. Y.
Kellog? Concert Company.
The Perry Bros, of Brooklyn, furn
ished a feature of the program that
was novel and pleasing. They play
ed familiar airs on sleigh bells, tnmb
leronicon and hand bells to the man
ifest pleasure of the audience, being
repeatedly encored. Prut Paterson,
N. J. The reserved seats are going
fast. Admission 50 cents.
Acknowledgement fer
dii Shown.
Ma. Schweieb Dear Sir: I wish
to thank my neighbors and friends
through your valuable paper, for
kindness shown at and after the fire
which destroyed my house at Johns
town, on December 14th, 1891. It
19 also due, A. S. Okeson, fire insur
ance agent at Academia, to state
that my loss was satisfactorily settled
and paid December 24th, 1891.
E. W. Evaics.
Hold It to tbo Light.
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cure your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
year. In the preporatiok of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense is spared to com
bine only the best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam to the light and look through it,
otice the bright, clear look ; then
coaipare with other remedies. Price
60u and f 1. tf.
List oT Jurors Tor February
Term isz.
BaTtbaugb, Georgo, Milford.
Keains, John. Lck.
Mendwuhall, Jitrnes, Monroe.
McMccn, H. L., Tusearora.
Brown, J. C, Beale.
Bastress, Robert, Delaware.
Harris, William, Beale.
Ileed, Harrisen, BceJe.
Roup, James, Turbott.
Heck man, George Eayette.
McBlair, James, Patterson.
Reigle, Howard, Greenwood.
Kelly, John P., Beale.
Groninger, Lemuel, Milford
Kilmer, Philip, M., Turbett.
Tbompsjn, Thoophilus, Fayette.'
Coldren, Michael, Walker.
Meloy, John B., Milford.
CargilL Lewis, Greenwood.
Aliduah, John, Tusearora.
Carbaugh, Jamcp, R . Port RoyaL
Pannebaker, Simon, Beale.
Crawford, S. B., Tusearora.
Sellers, James Monroe.
Burchfield, G. W., Mifflintown.
Nearhood, Michael, walker.
Stong, S. S. Fayette.
Meminger, T. B , Spruce Hill.
Rice, A. J., Tusearora.
McMeen. John, Walker.
Kenepp, J. W., Beale.
McMeea, John. A., Fayette.
Tyson, Samuel, A , Walker.
Colyer, Joshua, Port Royal.
NobP, H. M., Tusearora.
Trostle, Sylvester, Monroe.
Goodlicg, Adam, Susquehanna.
McCaban, J. W., Beale.
Rbiie, John, Monroe.
Borry.E. E., Miffl-ntown.
Amich, Simon, Favette
Salor, John, E , MitflinUwn.
Clark, W. A , Lick.
Kell, Honch, Beale.
Weaver, Samuel, Delaware.
Barnard, W G ; Tusearora.
Dimm, D. B , Delaware.
Philips, John, Suoquehanna
Spongier, A. H., Port Royal.
Roed, R. S., Tusearora.
McClare, Tusearora.
Brown, W. C, Patterson.
Long, Henry, Walker.
Heieus, Milford.
MeAfee, Turbett.
Aikene, W. H.. Mifflintown.
Carruthers, Lark.
Beecher, J. W., Delaware.
Varner, Fayetie.
Hornbargor, Delaware.
Foltz; Charles, Turbott.
Baaoni, Jacob, Moaroe.
Kelly, William, Lack.
Siebcr. W. G., Delaware.
Graybill, C. A . Mouii?
j KIosr, Henry, Walker.
Zcidors, S. E., Greenwood.
Dysinger, James, Walker.
Huey, George, Prtterson.
Grubb, Jesse, Fayette.
Bashore, John, Fayette.
Musical Cnentln.
A grand Musical Convention, three
sestiions daily, will bo Leld in New
port, Pa., for five days, commencing
Monday evening, January 4th, 1892,
with a lecture upon the subject of
music by Prof. Leslie, and closing
on Friday night with the grandest
concert ever held in this section of
the stnte. Tickets, one dollar, ad
rnittiug the holder to all the sessions
of the convention. It is expectod
that the eonventioa will be partiai
patod in by 150 talented singers from
different parts of the state. It is
thought that the convention will be
a source of mutual benefit, and a
cordial invitation is extended to
vocalists in Perry and adjoining
counties to participate and assist in
assuring the success of the under
taking. Boarding will be furnished
upon reasonable terms. , Music books
free. W. H. BobseRmax, President,
W. A. Smith, Secretary,
T. J. Clark, Treasurer,
J. S. Bdtz, Jr.,
F. A. Fry,
Standing en Her Head.
Lewistown Free Prut: A young
lady who had been engaged to work
in the family of Mr. Owens, at Gran
ville, and had only been on a rail
road train once before, came east on
Altoona Accomodation ene day last
week to take her place, and when
the train neared Granville station,
she conoeived the notion it was not
going to stop, and aoeordingly pre
pared to jump off. Advancing to j
the platform of the car she threw
her bundle to the other track and
made the leap, alighting between
the tracks, then rolling over the
track on which the Accommodation
was running, and down into the
ditch alongside. When found by
those who went bock (supposing it
an attempt at suicide) she was stand
ing on her head. She was released
and her injuries fortunately are not
Longbdorf Bcbn'3. On the 24th
day of December, 1891, by Rev. J.
Landis in East Salem, H. M. Longs
dorf, and Emma J. Burns, both of
this county.
Rhixe Vavqhxs. On the 22nd of
December, 1891, at the home of the
bride, near Blair's Mills, Hunting
don Co., by Rev. J. F. Dihner, Mr.
S. Ellis Rhine, and Miss Lizzie E.
Strickio-i Cbist. On the 24th
mlU in Bloomtiold by Bar. Charles
Fickinger, at the home of the bride,
William S. Striokland, of Johnstown,
Pa,, to Ella Crist.
Shcvakeb Henry. On the 3d ult.,
by A. H. Weidman, J. P., William
Shumaker, of Millorstown, this
county, to Jennie Henry, of Thoaip
sontown, Juniata county.
! -iJLl
vaveny. ua tne laa. met., m
4" . rf-X ia . . .
Harrisburg from membraneous croup
Lulu, infant daughter cf Mr. and
Mrs. S. B. Caveny, formerly of Pat
terson, in her fourth year.
Cavbtt. On the 20th inst., from
diphtheria, Carl son of Mr. aad Mrs.
S. B. Caveny, in bis 7th year.
Tinkib. On tbe 18th inst., Dela
ware township, Mrs. Catherine, wid
ow of tbe late John Tennis, aged 88
years, 5 months and 10 days-
HirntTow, Jak. 6, 18?2.
F ,
I-tfl .
mrruNTowN drain markut
Cro in ar
Clovorued. ..... . .,
Timothy asl
Flux eeed
Ground Auci Snlt..
Au.rnc.in Salt......
8-5 to 92
.... 2it28
1 60
.$1.10 a knndrrd
.H.60 hundred
.(1.23 hundred .
1 20
Philadeuhia Mabkets: Jan. 4th.
1892. Wheat flao to $1; corn 48 to
51c; oafs 39 to 41; siuokrd hams 9 to
11c; sidei 8c; shoulder 6 to 7c; lrd
6c; tallow in barrels 4c; chickens
and turkeys 10 to 12c; butter 17 to
36c; eggs 23 to 2Cc; cattle culls 3c.
common 4c; good 5c; lamb 5 to 7c;
culls 3cj good, 5c; extra So; hog4 6J
to 6c; rnicb calves 5 to 7c; fat cows
2J to 3JC-, thin cows $7 to 20;
roilch cows S30 to $50; dressed beef
by quarter 5 to 8c lb.
r Is
Epileptic Fits, F&UIns; Sickness, Hyster
ics, St. TItns Dance, Kerronsness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia, In
ebrlty, Sleeplessness, DIz
ztnesg, Brain and Spi
nal Weakness.
This tnedlcino has direct action uoon
the nerve centers, allaying all irritabiliV
ties, and Increasing the flow and oower
or nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless
and leaves no unpleasant effects.
flf.? A Valnnbae lln
fij l NHr ittiept
i 1 mm -m silA tiicdini.fj ft
ltook m IVerxona
frets to any adilrai.
Pator kremx. of Frrt wv, Jna x:n-e lsX mtiyX
nozr.-.a :.-.zo.co.. cwc".
Sold by Drcjrrfst at !S1 per Dotllc. C !uv 55,
Irfirxe SUs, 6 ZTo'.Uo Tor S9.
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan'! Condition Powder!
Strang and Hsalthy ; Prevents all D'asaae.
Geeet fr JTeeiltieie; ITeaw.
Tt la abaolatolr pars. TtlraJr eaaeentrmtad. Ia aeaa.
Uxy . . teats nf a eat a daj. "o Uir oae-foarkS aa
trona- Sr1wy a matllrlna. MOae laraa eaa amTaS aaa
aae a)x K prvrt Rofip." mra eaeeartoaier.
If eaart a;e( It aeaid te Re.
W mal! eaa peak S. rrm SI A 1 l- ia am S1SS. Six
aaaa, S6 St. xprai paid. rUtry Itniing OtHds, prlaa
ana, frea with gi oa order, or aora a.a,ala wmpj
af Turn Ban PonrnT r raa ,t (raa.
L a. jOBjao5 a cu., eeoi.a. St.,
18 bnt skin icrp. Thr are thanwmls oflediea
who baTerrgalar fcaturce anil Would tie ac
corded tho palm of beauty were it not fur a ponr
eonvplcxion. To all anrh we n-coramend OB.
HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM aa rcaelns; these)
qualities thst quick :j chanca the mMt aai'.ow
and florid roiuplexinn to one uf natural bealtb
and unblemished reautj. It enrea Oily Skin.
Frecklea, iilock Heads, Blotebea, Sunburn,
Tan, Fimplra, and a'.l imperfections of the
akin. It tr notacoamrtlr butaenre, yet la bet
ter for tbo toilet tablo than powder. Sold by
Druggists, or sent po-t paid upon receipt of Snc.
O. C. BITS NER 4 CO., Teteoe, O.
r areas late eflaaaaaf yeoaVfml araaaa. aaate)
a. .ay. n sains; waakaaaa, leat oaankoe. ata, I 4B
eaad a Talaable arsaalaa sealed i emkalaiaa faaT,
fm-etenaws rr keeae eare. FREE of abarfe. A
aoaaaaid aaa sal werk I atsaaUllse raa4 br ererf.
snao wbo fa aarreaa aad aeeUlsaSad. I Hi lata)
Scientific ily treated by an annstof world-wide
reputauou. 1eafnesa eradicated and entirely
eared, of from 'Mi to SO years' standing, after aU
Otner treatraenta bare failed. How the diffi
enlty la readied aad tbe canne removed, tally
explained in circulars, with aindaTiis and testi
monials of cores from prominent people, mailed
fro. IMa at JrUMXAUIJa, Xaooato, Haala.
EilaU tJokn C. Burnt, itc'i.
Lattera TeaUmcBtary ea tb eatato or
John C. Bursa Seeeaaed laie of Lack town
hii. k.rtnr hoe a a-ranted to the nndar-
aif nad, all peraona indebted to aaid
are raqueatad to make payment, and
having claims to present toe aame
delay to
JOHN O. sraNs,
Lack F. O. Juniata eo-, Pa.
December 11th, lBl.
Jkbemiah Ltoss, Preeideot Jadge of
the Court ol Common fleaa of the 4 let J
dicial District, eviepoaed of Ibecountiaa of
Juniata and Ferry, and tbe Dons. Josias
L. Baetob and J. P. Wickssshaii, Judgee
of the aaid Court of Cowmen Pleaa ef Jo
aiata Ceuaty bare isaued their preeept to
ma directed, bearing date tbe 4th day of
January, 18'J'J, for balding a court of Oyer
and Terminer, aad Genaral Jail Delivery,
aad Oxoaral Quarter Setaiona of tbe Peace
at MittUotowa, oa the Qrat Monday of Feb
ruary, 1892, being the letdavofthe month.
Coroner Juaticea of the Peace and Coneta
blaa of the county of Juniata, that they be
then and tbare in their proper peraene, at
one o'clock on tbe afternoon of aaid day,
with tbeir recerda, inquisition, examina
tioaa and oyer rcuiaubrancca, to do tbeae
tbiDga that tbeir otticea rrapeetivoly apper
tain, and tboae that are bound by recogniz
ance to proaecuto agaiast tba priaonera that
are or ttito may be ia tbe Jail of aaid coun
ty, be then and there to proarcute agaiaat
tham aa ahall bjut.
By aa act of Asaeinblr, paaaed tbe 9th
day of Any, A. D., 1854, it U made the du
ty of tbe Juaticea of tbe Peace, of the aov
eral countiea of thia Commonwealth, to re
turn to tbe Clerk ef thia Court ef Quarter
Staiioaa of the respective coautiea, all the
recognizancea entered into be!ore thraa by
any pereoa or prraona cbarged with the
commiaaien ol aoy crime, except aucb caaea
aa may be ended before a Juatice of the
Peace, tinder existing laws, at least tea days
before tbe commonoement of the session
el tbe Court to which they are made re
turnable rx-ctiToly,and in all case where
any jteccgnizancrs are cntarad into less
tban ten day a before tbe commencement
of the session to wbicb they are made re
turnable, the said Juaticea are to return
tbe aame in tbe aame manner aa it said eat
had net been passed.
Dated at Milllintowa, on the 4th day of
January, in the year of onr Lord, one thou
sand eight buadred and ninetr-two.
Suzairr a Orrici, MirruNTowa,
January 4, 1892.
tUck Headache and relloresJl the troubles ma
dent to a bilious atmto of tbe ajatam, auoh aa)
PUHneaa, Kauaea, Drowalneas, SUtraaa after
eating. Pain la tbe Bids, to. While thoir moat
remsrssMe anccesa baa beeaanowniacudsg 4
Headache, yot Carter's Little Urrr Ptrts are
equally Taluable in Ooratlpatlon. curing and pre
vontiiig tuisannoyirif;roinplaint.whilo thay alao
correct all disorders of tbea tomacb, ttmnlata tho
Uvor aad regulate the bowels. ran u Uxaj rrn'J
Acbstbey WOTldbealmcotprloslcaatathoaowhO
en'or from thiadlwf 1 waslng complaint; butforto
Catoly tbeir godnna does notend hereusd thoao
arhooncatry Uiem will And these llttlo pills Taltv
abl In vomanywaTa that they will not be miU
Jlsg toao wuhout Ujem. But after aUalck head
' Xattietwneof aomany llTea that here la where
we make onr great boast. Our pills cure It while
Others do not.
Cartere Little Lrrer Pills are very small and
very easy to take. Ono or two pills makes dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by tbeir gent la action please all was
use tham. InTialsotttacenta; five for $1. Bold
tI druggiata everywhere, ox sent by mail.
Walk in and ei&aiint
largo and raried stock for
Fall Trade of 1691 and
Winter f 1892. W are
Ever Ready
To ehow customerB our good.
It is our businefs to supply
your wants and we know that
we can accommodate you, ii
you drop in and dal with us.
We hare all kinds of dress
goods in all colors to suit the
raried tasteg of people. We
have a full line of
JVevclty Geods.
that people want these times.
Just ask for what you want
and it will be our pleasure to
wait on .you. We are stock
ed in
at drop prices and Queenswart
in full assortment. Glasswar
to please the eye and to do ser
vice SHOES-
Our shoe Department. large
and grades from tht Daintiest
to the Substantial Shot and
Bwot for the field and forest.
W have almost everything,
and what we hav'nt gt, wa'll
Order, so please favor ub with
To tht lovers of the weed,
w say we keep the best brands.
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember tht place,
Maw Street, Orrosm Covbt Hocsx,
Miffiintown, Pa.,
Fred'k KSPi:8CHAE
Get a good paper by subscribing for tba
Suiuu aso EiriiLKAa.
We have just armsd frm the City ana nave some of the
ever brought to this tewn, consisting of a
Large Sleek of Boots Sheet,
which wo Bell at Rock Bettom Prices. Every pair guaranteed.
All are invited to call and
ibmine our stock, and compare prices whether you want to buy or not.
Cohen & Brown,
3x12 FULL 15 0Z. PLUG-THE
0. FIfiZBH .5 EROS., LonisvlUo. Ky.
Oa and after Suadar, Vor. 16. 1191
traini tbat ate at MiBIa will raa as fellowe
lBJIa AccoaaaiedatioB leares Ui9in t
16 a. at., fort (oral 7.20 a. m.. Tboaum.
seatewa 7, IS a. as., ItUIentowa 7.44 e. an..
new ren i,ot a. re., Duocanoee, 1.18 a
, HsrjSTille, 8,12. arriree at IJarrlsburr.
(,6 a. u., Pbiladelpbia, 1 1,25, a.m.; Leares
tjinia at ,w . nj.. Port KaTal.
m,va p. hi., i Hsmnseatewn, . ., nil.
lerateva. 1,28 p. ns , arrirea at Harrisburg,
4,4 1 . .. Pbiladelpbia at 8 .( . aa.
Wifllia Acceaiaicdatloa oa Ssadty leares
a .a . " a '
aiireie at o.ia A. all arrirea at lirrli.irr.
v,4iv aa.
Assisssae aooemauiTra i.aa. n
l ! ., Trreae 10 48 a
i.BBiaiii 11.13. a." tl.ll.
UOrward 1.87 r. aa.. Ulll.r..n
r- lanwpen i.as p. arrWlug at
uuumari .om p. DJ.
Baa Been Exrasaa leares alDona daili
at 7,14 s. ns., and auppinf a ail regain,
ststleis between Altoona and Harrlatjurr
reaches iiimin at 10,e5 a. m., Harrisbnrt
11.48 p, II., and arrlrje ia Philadelphia a
I. It t- at-
Vail Ttii Altoona at 2,et p. and
topplag at all regular atatione arrirea at
alias la at t Hi p. aa., Harrisbarg 7.69 p. ra.,
Fkilsadelpbla 18,65 p. at. '
Hall Express learea Tit tsbarg at 1 2 6U p m.
Alteeie 6 10 p as Tyrone 46 p n t Buat
ingdea 7,27 p Lewlatewn 8 33(ptn Uif.
Sia 8 66 p ; Harrisburg 10 10 p. sa. Pbila-
Bat Exraasi leares Plttsbarg at 8,11 A.
U.i Ahooaa 11.(8 A. al.; rear be Barred
iia a.vj r. m.; arrirea at afarria.
burg at 8,20 P. tt.; at Philadelphia, 8.60 P.
Pbiladelpbia Bxpreas will itep at Uifiia
t 11 86 p. at., heo Sagged
allB in Accommodation leares Pbiladel
pbia at 8,60 a. to., Harrieburg, 12,04 p. ra.,
Newport, 1,01, p. m., Wiilerstewa, 1,10 p.
., Tbecapssnt.wn, 1,11 p. m.. Pert Bora!,
1,86 MiOiia, 1,40 p m., Hamshnrg 7.85 p.
as; Utlleraiewa 8,30 p m; Tberassentewa
8,48 p ro; M.xice 0 00 p ra; Port Royal
0. 16 p as; arrirea at Siifflln 9,10 p m.
afifflla Acoufc mltion Icaraa Ilirns-
barg an Inaday at 12.29 p. ra., Duaea.
bob at lt,62 p. aa., Newprt 1,18 p. tu.,
Millaretown 1.25 p. w., Thompsentawn
I 84 p. m.. Port Royal 1.89 p. n... ilifTiia
1, 5 p. B
Fast Lib learea Pbladalphla dally at
II 40 a as ; Harrisburg 8 40 p as ; aliBia
6 OS p as ; Lewietewa 6 28 p n ; Altooaa
TA0 p as ; srr'raa at Pittsburg at 1 1 66 p aa
Wat Piesiieim learea Philadelphia
dally at 4 80 a. as.; Harrieburg, 16 a. am
DnneaaaoB, 8 61a. aa.; Newport, 9 li ,!
re ; Millaretown, 86 a. ni.;Thomp..ntown,
0 47 a. as.; Uexico, 10 02 a. .; P,r
Eoyal, 10 07 a. m.; MifTlin, 1014 a as,
Milford, 10 30 a. as.; Lowl.tewn, 104i."
HuatlagdoB, H 10 p. ra., Tyrono, 1 02 p. !
Altooaa, 1 46 p. ., and etopa at all r gnlar
stetieas between Uarrisburg and Altooaa.
Arrira at Pittsbnrg at S 60 '
tbtbb Bxraiss leaves Philadelphia dal
ly at 4 26 p.m., Harrisburg, 10 20 p. B
atoppiag at Eockrille, MaryariU,, Dunoan
noB, Newport, Milleretown, Tbompaontewn
Port Soya!, time at Mifflin, 11 66 p. m.5 aj.'
teeaa, 2 16 a. aa..and Pittaburr. lis.
Mail Tai learea Philadelphia dailr at
7.00 a. Harrlaborg 11.20 a. m.. Maw.
port, 12 14 p. m., Mifflin 12.62 . an!, ataaw
piag at all regular stationa between. Uiia:.
aad Altooaa reaches Altoona at 8 49 b m
Plttabuif 8.10 p. m. '
PaciBe Expreaslearaa Phlladelrhla 11 -a
p a Harriaburc 8 10 a an i Dn... .
ISa sa; Newport 4 00 a m ; Mifflin 4 89 a
as I Lowlatowa 6 01am; MeVoytown 6 22
12 45 p
m at
m jKjirm an an t w
. jo., as t ejrtewa ia,2 B. i
13,4 P. as.. Uilferrf 111. u:r
1.10. m.. fart So.ai in 1'
1.20 p. aa . Tinrir... i o i'
- - . " A.ap. U1-,
e 1,29 p. re., TbevpsenUvn 1,83
ALToeaa Aocohiiodatiom, Harrisburg at
4,10 p. as., Duneaanen 4,45 p. tu. New
port 6.12 p. ra., 61ilIerstown6,22 p. bT'
Tboaepsontow. 6,83 p. ., Vandyko 6 40
.Port Royal 6,61 p. m llimin 6,60 .
., Lewietewa SO p. ., McVoytowa S.
46 p. as., New tea Hajsilton 7 05 p.
Ba.ti.gdo. 7.35 p. ., Altoona 8 00 p. "
T-i Huntingdon 0
12 la as ; Poteraburf 6 25 a m ; Spruce Crook
8 40a as; Tyrone 7 00 am; Bell's MU1.
7 45 a ns ; Altooaa 7 4S a m , w....k
p itwuiiri
Lome S. ATKiaaas. F. M. at. PaMlI.
C7" Collecting and Cosreyanclng nremul
ly attended to. ' r'
Orrios On Main street, In place ef nil
dance of Louis K. Atkinson, Ksq., soath at
Sridge street. IOet26,lSIS
Jena IfcLaBSBLia. Josiri W. Stimmu
Ds7Onl7 reliable Companies represented.
Jan. 1, l.9-ly
ca.n.M.csAwresa, be. SAtwia si.ciiwroia
bare Termed a partnership for tbe practice
of Medicine aad tbeir ceilattaral braachn.
Otice at old stand, earner ol Third and Qr'.
anfe streets, aiitnintewa. la. Oaser bath
ot tbem will be tvund at tbeir eSce at all
tinee, oaleaa etborwise rettisionallf aa.
April lit, 1890.
Worth Knowing,
Tbat I cam stop TeoTaacax in less tbta
Are minutes ; no paiu, ao extracting.
Tbat I can extract teetb it test yaia,
by the oae of a Cuial ap l:ed to tbe teeth
aad gams; no daugcr.
Tbat Diseased Gdbi (knowi
as Sccrry) treat ed aiiccassfulls
and a care wargsjjfrsutod in erer-
Te.tb Filled csd as.-riui!ei tut lira.
irtiiicial Teelb reared, exchsnjed er,
reuoddled, trout lo (12 per ist.
Beaatilu'i Gnu Kuiald Teat inserted at
pricra to a nit all.
All work varrantod to gire perfect satis.
factiea. Peop a bo bare artifcUl taeth
with wbicb tbej cannot eat, are especially
inritod to call.
Tee us Cash.
Practisrul Deutlat,
asTssLisako im mrrLixTewi, Pa., is 11169.
9ct. 14 '85.
W 3ST T1 E T
T ff . , tftr. i. ...... .
l.'ijsiu va i ha r.LLI.Mi. to ae anr
Nursery Stock. BaUrr. Kxnennaa and
Steady Emp'orment guaranteed.
t. Dec. 8, '91. Hoi heater. N. V.
ICttlce Apuliiat Treiapais.
All prranns are htreiir Ckiitiunl aot to
tresspxa o-i tlie l.-t.id a f Die nudarairned
IB n aikor, Ftrmansili and Krtta tawn-
ehtpa: A S Adm. Jnhn Mr tloen, Jins
McMeoi.'a fc-!ra, Uob-.rt M. Iteea, Williaaa
StonfTer, !. H. Sitbar, Charles Ainu; I.
E. Atkinaon.
Oorober 2S:!i, '91, Ir.
Scientific AmerlcaB
Agency fcr
ttr Information a-d free ITandboo write to
MLNM A cu, ;i Bkoauwat. New Vobk.
Oldeot bureau for securing patents In America.
Kvery ptnt tjiken out by 119 la brouaht before
toe pnblic br a notice given frco of chanie in Us
Lmrpcat cirtjlMInn of any sciAtitlftr pan-r
world. pnl-ti(iidT IHiwtrausl. No Jntel
niau should be without it. Weekly. S3.00 a
Tor; ai.JU MX rnontba. Addrena HITNN A; VUm
TOoiiiueua, aci broaJway, Maw lurk.
ACME BLACKING is cheaper
at 20 cents a bottle than any
other Dressing at 5 cents.
Iwirtsa shoes once blackened with it can
l kept clean by washing them with water,
l'coplo in moderate circumstances find it
profitable to buy it at 20c a bottle, because
what they spend for Blacking they save in
ehoe leather.
It is the cheapest blacking considerinft
its quality; and yet wo want V aell it
cheajicr if it can e done. AVe will pay
$10,000 Reward
fnr a recipe that will enable us to rnsko
sVoirrt Acme Blackikc; at such a price
that a rvtniicrean profitable- (eil it r.t 10c a
bottle. ThisofleriaopenuntilJan.lst, 1S1
T701.Fr & HAKBOLFH, PhUndelphla.
Old furniture painted with
(lh!3 fa tbe namo of the paint), looks like
etnined nnd varnished new xrniture. One
coat will do it. A child can apply it Yoo
can change a pine to a walnut, or a cberry
to mahogany; there ia no limit to your
UaClCS. All rofail.ra or.1I it
(Piver'a FrsacB
Nerve Remeaj.)"
Grarantae cecara
sit Neryoud:ea
ea, such s Weak
Memory, Lo "
Brain Poarar, !
... 11 . . a .
BEFORE AND r .... T . u " Sv.V.faW
"ess. Lost Manhood, Lassitude, aU drama and lots
-P?w, .1,her KI. eaued ly oreieiertiao ot
I? r Ui.'Dducrrim. h:1 "himately lead to Is
fjmjty, Canaamptien and Insanity. Price,
fJe- every f order we give a wrrHea
SHTT r' or refund mean. By mail ts
nya4dreaa. PIVE- REMEDY CO., Tele,