tRT, FLOWER GARDEN. COSMOS. Tblt new flower lias been steadiTy Towing in favor tlnoe its introduction from Mexico few years ago It is of tapid growth, making a bush from four to six feet In height and has fiue needle-like foliage baring showy flow ers resembling eiogle dahlias ranging in color from white through shades of flesh color and rose to purple. The flowers remain fresh for a Ion it time making them valuable- as oat-flowers) and for dress garniture. ', They bloom very late in the season and are the fashionable flower at the National Capital this year. They re quire treatment similar to the dahlia. Plants potted and taken into the green house ti the fall will give a great num ber of flowers Tery late, their loose dusters presenting a charming appear ance, "A sincere friend" writes: We live in a city and have a piazza inclosed by glass and facing South. Its only heat comes from the sun and by a door communicating with a furnace heated room. What plants will be likely to produco the beat returns in flowers from such a place? lour piazza seems to be just the place for house plants if proper pre cautions are taken against frost. Here in any place north of Philadelphia, it would seem necessary to hare double flass, or that furnace firos should be ept in the the severest weather. Then, if proper moisture is eiving by keeping an open vessel of water in the room or frequent showering of the plants, you will have almost an ideal "window garden." In such a place, in the sunny win dow all the geraniums will thrive well. We give a list of some of the beat: Jules Ferry, beautiful single red; Charles Darwin, dwarf, dark red, donble; Happy Thonght, variegated leaves, magenta flower; Bridesmaid; free bloomer, white with tinted center, Cinderella, large trass of rosy-salmon flowers; Lady Plymouth, handsome variegated rose geranium; L'elegante; ivy-leaved geranium, flowers white, Bronze Prince, showy yollow and ' brown foliage salmon flowers; Bijou, 'silver leaved foliage, very desirable. All the fragrant geraniums are treasures, and almost iudispensable for buttonhole and table bonijuets. Tea roses are also very desirable and by getting several varieties and treat ing them properly a succession of bloom may be had all winter. We give below a list of those in in our own col lection: fcSappbo and Safrand, beautiful sal mon, yellow changing to fawn, both Tery fragrant and of fine form. Catherine Merrnet, handsome free blooming rcse, very fragrant, strong growth and fine buds. The Lride, almost identical with Catherine Mermet except in color, flowers lare, pure white. Papa Go&tier, much like the popu lar Jacqueminots, with large sized buds. Grand Mogul and Souvenir de Wov ton, two fine highly perfumed roses of a dark red color. Francisca Krueger, a fovorite va riety, copper-yellow, shaded with peach. La Princess Vera, Ivory white shaded with yellow and veined with pink, very fine. Aurora, silvery rose, sunset, beauti ful saffron, and Bougere, elegant bronze-pink completes a lint of roses which will be found very satisfactory. If it is desired to add one of the Polyantha variety, i'.ose, Clothilda Houpert will le found one of the best. Carnations are satisfactory plants for this sort of culture but must be given a cool place and not too much sunshine. A few good varieties are: .Nellie Lewis, pink, shaded with carmine; Gracie Wilder, tine-fringed. delicate pins; neawan, dark, rich car dinal; Mrs. Fisher, white flowers on long stems, very fragrant; Buttercup, yellow, streaked with red ; Juliet, dwarf, color, white streaked with maroon; Portia, bright red, free bloomer. Cinerarias are fine for house culture. They are easily cultivated of fine color and markings, delicate perfume and free blooming habit and should be in more general cultivation. Bouvardias are also easily raised, but require more heat than carnations or geraniums. They reward the careful grower with brilliant flowers produced in great profusion nearly all win ter. Begonias are of so many and strik ing varieties that the grower has wide choice in his selection. The flowering begonias have line foliage as well as delicate flowers, while the Rex Variety make fine plants for decorative nses. Heliotrope is, as it name indicates, a sun loving plant, and in good sun shine will make marvelous growth, its lovely little flowers and sweet perfume making it very attractive. A box of pansies is also most desira ble. Procure a long, shallow box, fill with rich earth, sow seed of some of . tliS Jarga flowered sorts and keep in a warm, shady place. There is nothing more satisfactory. Near it may be a box of Escboscholt uas ana tneir vrvifl colors will coi trast finely with the rich purple of the pansies. ' - Primroses should be kept in a cool, shady corner, and are very pleasant imie ca pisuts tore lor, also htntanas ana almtllons which require plenty of B if nine. For hanging baskets in the window, nse oxalis, planting pink, white and yellow together in one crock: : . 1 l , - ' wuiirage uu iinaria are good, riant some handsome ornamental plants, such as coleus, farfuRuim grande, ferns and euphorbias in large orocss wnu nannies, wnicn may then be moved to any part of the house xor room or table decoration. A stately palm or two and cannas are also especially fane for this purpose, the latter throwing np its brilliant pikes of bloom all through the winter, but of course, they need room and beat. II one likes a cactus or two, nothing " wo ueiier man ine nmiocactus. ihe leaves of this variety are flat and curving and not so grotesque as those of many of the cacti. They are ery freebloomers and the flowers are magnificent. P. Latifrons or Queen cactus has creamy wnite blossom, other varieties are scarlet, pink and white. There are also violrts. purples and yellows Huwug tue rarer sorts. If an orchid is desired for exueri Kent the amateur will probably be most successful with the bright little mtterny orelml which is of easy enl tare, or if a more pretentious plant is waned, L.ycaste bkinneri will keeD wki in a cwi room ana ior adaptability to house has been called the vehid," tta ready culture "drawing Over the door leading from the yiazEa to ths inner room, vines might be trained. Kmilax, cinnamon vine, maurandia or cobora scandens will be found very suitable for this pur pose. Hor Bhonld the bulbons plants be emitted from our list. A few hya cinths, oroouees, freesas and narcissus Will make perfume and fragrance all winter. Aa our correspondent's question is ana of Interest to many at this time of rear, we have tried to answer it ver folly and shall, in future numbers, give many Mnta n tha omltnre of the lowers mentioned above and other! whioh we hope will be found valuable. Will the plant lovers give their ex- ti a institutional and not a loeal disease, and perience with house plants, thns therefore It cannot be cured by loeal appllca helping eaoh other in this de''ghtfu) tlons. It requires a constitutional remedy like worfc I Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, working through the blood, effects a permanent cure of catarrh by radicating the Impurity which causes and pro COSMOS, BEAUTIFUL OLT WOMEN. Pretty as sweet yonng girls or bloom ing matrons may be, they cannot bear , away me paim ior Deauty irom oia la dies who have kept youthful affections in their hearts, and have not allowed their minds to stagnate for want of nse. No one will doubt onr assertion who will be at the pains of considering the matter, x. very one can remember in stances; some will be able to recall the brilliant eyes and animated expression of Mrs. Dr. Dor mus, and the dazzling complexion and superb carriage of Airs. David Cod wise, as the two ap peared at more than seventy years of age, when they championed "the wo man's friend," Dr. Marion Kims, in his noble efforts to establish the now so well known Woman s Hospital of .New York. These two grand women were not of the sort known as "well-preserved.' They had never be n at any pains to "preserve their beauty, l hey Jived out their lives heartily and warmly. sparing themselves not at all, and keeping their intellects ever in nse for their own pleasure and the good of otners. Mental activity and a lively, energetic benevolence spoke in every lineament. Beautiful both must have been even In youth, but each coming year nad brought to both an addeJ charm. It could not have been said of either that Bhe waa "beautiful for her age." Their beauty waa absolute and brilliant as they presided over stormy meetings with stately presence; or, with glowing cheeks, flashing eyes ana persuasive eloquenoe, addressed large gatherings of women, or smaller ones of influential men, in advocaoy of .1 - i . , - - . lueir oenevoieni uesign. . o one to day denies to Dr. Sims the credit of being a benefactor and a surgeon of magnificent skill and originality; yet no progressive physician was ever more violently opposed. "To these two old ladies, says Dr. Sims in his biogra- pny, -wno orougnt their beauty aa well as their eloquence to bear in my favor, 1 owed the possibility of suc cess." "By the power of their elo quence, enforced by their beauty, they carried all before them," said Dr. John Francis. We mention these tw women not Wcause they were singular instances, but because they were so well known in their day that even now, after their bright spirits have so many years been gone from among us, there are some who will remember them, and know that even their own young selves could not have rivalled the etherealized beauty of their aged selves. The love of beauty is a divine attri bute. With what loving touch does the Creator fashion flow. r and cloud, river and wood, mountain and lakel By this we are taught that the love of bennty is in itself a good and holy thing, aud that the desire to be beau tiful for benuty's sake, and not for any selfish nse, is divinely implanted, and should not be crushed, but cherished. Without doubt youth has its own beauty, a freshness, an unsullied sweetness, a purity of outline and of coior, that make us love to look upon it. But with the cares, bickerings, jealousies, sorrows, pains, and strug gles of life this loveliness of mere youth passeth away. The beauty of age is of aa ideal, a spiritual kind, and no imagination of the beauty of an angel can equal that which we have seen growing day by day in the strong and gentle face of a frail woman of eighty years, whose cheek still flushes and Dales to everv emotion, who laughs with the heartv ring of girlhood, whose sympathies are keen and active, and fronv whoaa dark and radiant eyes there look out the spirits of Courage, Love and Peace. iney who would not merely "snow the remains of beauty'' when thev are old, but be really beautiful in av. must begin early. They must love warmly and wisely; they must live purely and unselfishly; they must be inn oi mental and beneBcient activity. No petty disguises of color or skilful devices of dress can do aught but re reveal more pitiably the secret they seek to hide. Features and complex ion are but the "windows" through which "they" the spirits within "look out." Upon the nature of these spirits, not upon that of the windows, depends the lieauty of age. Harper't Bazar. Farmers in Montana are finding a new source or profit in marketing the wild flax indegenous to tbat part of the country. Chicago's public library, thouxb less than a score of years old, h is a larger circulation of books than any other lr the country. A gradual-decrease, for tlie last two years, in wheat, barley, oats and pota toes is made noticeable In British agri cultural returns. NOVEMBER. BT VILLA B. CHAPMAN 1 m'tblr-tBl morning wild, wayward, notea Down by the river banks, under the trees: Sere leaves were drifting and willow boughs lifting and drooping and swaying like reeds la the breeze; There robbing and sighing, ber long tresses flying. Shemarsharkd the winds over mountain and From hillside and hollow and bade the storm fol low ; Proud aueen of the tempest, tbe pride of ths gale. I met hei at mid day shy, sancy, November; i mi'iTu iu a souiDer cioaK. crossing tha plain. Laue! chin and calling. bird like, to the falling, Tbe patter and dash, rain : oi me chill driving While nodding and smiling, fond fancies be- gulling. She sped throngs the forest where dark, shadows lay Now rising, now bending, like pious nuns wending Throuuh dim lighted cloisters, their prayer ful way. I met her atev'nlng fair, gnclous. November) Sounding a sllv'ry horn ; mellow and low Hunter's blasts. e;iling, through woodland! came stealing and echoing, ever the trackless, white snow: With starry eyes nhinlr.g, while moonbeams were twining A frot lew led diadem. tender vt aiil She wished me the morrow, a day free. tuy sorrow, A Thanksgiving, sunny and Joyous and glad. Catarrh in motes the disease. Thousands of people testify to the success of Hood's Sarsaparllla as a remedy lor catarrh when other preparations had failed. Hood's Sarsaparllla also builds up the whole ystera, and makes you feel renewed In health ind strength. All who suffer from catarrh or de Mllty should certainly try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I "1 have used Hood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh with satisfactory results, receiving permanent enent from It." J. F. Hubbard, streator. 111. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all dnicgt'ts. tl : six for (5. Prepared nly by C. I. HuOD Si CO., Lowell, Mass. lOO Uottea One Dollar Blood-Red Rains and a Deluge of Serpents. At Eome. in 1222, it rained dust, mixed with blood, for three days, and when the heavy clouds drifted away id looked as if the sun was swimming in a sea of fire, says the St. Louis Re public Four years later, In 1226, a snow fell in Syria, which presently melted and flowed in carmine rivers of blood, or some fluid much t9sembling it in every particular. Many of the old writers record a three day shower or blood-red rain iu the Island of Rhodes and throughout southern Italy in izao. a montc, writing in 101, tells of a loaf being cut out of which blood flowed as freely aa from a fresh wound. In 1348 there were many great tempests, beveral towns and thousands of people were swallowed up and the courses of rivers changed or stopped. Some chasms in the earth sent forth poisonous fluids as red as tannine ink, as at Villach, in Austria. Ponderous hailstones fell in many parts of Germany the same year, some of them weighing from twenty to evenly pounds. At Lamech it rained flesh, dust, com its and meteors; firebrands and corrug ations were in the air; mock suns, with lory tails, sailed through the skies. Soon after these terrible scenes at La nech it began at Cataya. near the sea. And went sweeping throughout south srn Europe. An ingenious vapor or lulphurous tire broke from the earth at aahery, Asia, and utterly consumed nen, beasts, houses and trees, so in 'ecling the air that a great plague foU owed. Young serpents and millions f venomous insects foil from the Jouds. In 1361 Burgundy experienced the jovelty of a shower of blood-red rain, vhicb ensanguined everything it touch id; and in 15G8 the Antiura reapers bund all wheat hanili to Via aa rrtrl aa lood. In lis8 bread nut in tha nvon I it Nuremberg was taken out covered vith a bloody sweat. Wurtemberg had i shower of brimstone and ashes 1634 n 1695 Limerick and Tipperary. Ire- and. h .d many showers of a soft, fatty lubstance resembling butter. It was f a dark yellow color and always fell it night The people gathered it and ised it ns an ointment, reporting many isionisning cures. CaMsr aid Bone. The Roman republic up to the time f Julius Caesar, or a little before, aa Jr. Froude has well pointed out in lis sketch of Cesar's life, failed to upply lands and homes for the neigh- toring Italian populations which had teoome truly Roman, and for the sol- lie ry, who disbanded and had to find vork or starve. The ancestors of Jaesar undertook to establish and en arge an agrarian law and to take into he merely urban rule of the Roman lty tbe general and intelligent popu- ation of Italy and make a peninsular tome. Caesar saw that the Roman inpire was getting too large to be governed by tbe 1 million who lived vithin the city of Rome and another 3 r 4 million who lived immediately djacent But the Roman senate, a atriotic body like the ruling and ro- pectable families of England, refused o admit these associated Italians into toman rights and powers. Csear hereupon, having spent ten years to Mnquer Gaul and Germany, returned Koine demanding someihm? of a ederation of all those who maintained he Roman arms. Being threatened vith destruction he marched upon tome, and his enemies leaving it, he vas obliged to follow them; and when le reconstructed the senate he put into not merely Italians, but Gauls and tarbarians, as they had been called, rom all the better provinces, la this vay an enlarged Rome with a broader asis of representation lasted several ienturieg longer ; and without thai en- argement Home might have expired interior to the birth of Jesus Christ, rom her civil contentions. Gath. Misrslla sad Female ApparcL It is a popular thing nowadays to riticise women's dress. We have. lowever, no sympathy with the lm llcation that women are worse than nen in this respect, alen wear ail hey pan without interfering with their ocomotion, but man is such an awk- vard creature he cannot find any place n his body to hang a groat many lneries. He could not get around in Vail street with eight or ten flounces. nd a big-handled parasol, and a moun- ain of black hair. Men wear less than vomen, not because they are moral, ut because they cannot stand it As is, maay of our vounsr men are added to a superlative degree, and ave corns and bunions on every se pa- ate toe from wearing shoes too tight vith collars so high tbat 1 wonder why o much good linen is wasted. Ladies dome Journal. "A Tard of Roses." One of the popular paintings at the New r ork Academy of Design was a yard-long pan- si of Kosps. A crowd was always before It Jne art critic exclaimed, "Such a bit or na mre should belong to all the people. It Is too eautlful f ir one man to hide away." The Toutti't Companion, of Boston, seized tbe Idea, and tpent twenty thousand dollars to reproduce tbe painting. The result has been a triumph of artistic delicacy and color. The Companion makes an autumn gift of this xpy of the painting to each of its live hundred .housaod subscribers. Any others who may rubsuribe now for the first tlme.and request It, will receive "The Tard of Roses." without ex tra charge While the edition lasts. Besides the gift of this beautiful picture all lew subscribers will receive Tie Companion free from the time the subscription Is received Nil January First, Including the Thanksgiving ind Christmas Double Numberaand for a full rear from that date. Tbe price of The Com -pan Ion Is $1.76 a year. Every family, should take this brightest and est of illustrated literary papers In addition o its local paper. Efforts are lelnz made to make Santa Ana, in Los Angeles county a general Iruit depot for Southern California. The Buffalo Courier suggests tbat free passes be given to every theatre oing woman who will doff her bat. CanuM Hloiiey Cnr Tor Dropsy, Gravel, lHabetes, Bright's, deart,Urinary or Liver Diseases, S'erv nufnesR, Ac. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Thllad'a. l a bottle, 6 ior S5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of urea. Try It, The roof of ti e pension office at Washington leaks with every rain lloim and melting snow. ! the Head 1 have been taking Rood's Sarsaparllla fot ths past four years at intervals. I was troubled with catarrh, and the medicine affected a per feet cure. I take it now whenever I feel deblllta ted, and it always grres me Immediate strength regulates the bowels and gives an excellent ap petite." Levi Cakpbbll, rarkersburg, w. . "My daughter has had catarrh for years. She coughed and expectorated so mu'l mat everv one thought she had consumption. I tried every thing I beard of but gained no relief. I sent her to Florida In September for the wlnter,and the r her friends advised her to ue Hood's Saraapa- rilla. She wrote me that she had taken three bottles and never felt so good in her life." Mas, McKsioht, 137 Williamson St, Newport, Ky, Sold by all druggists. 1 ; six for $5. Prepare by C.I. HOOD & CO., Lowe 1, Mass. lOO Dooett One Dollar. Probably the most remarkable rail road in the world is that running from Ologgintz to Lonner ng, near Vienna. It is only twenty-five miles in length, but cost $9,000,000. It begins at an elevation of 1.400 feet and has its ter minus at 13,000 feet It has fifteen double viaducts, seventeen tunnels. and crosses iteolf nine times. A British regiment returning to England from China is to make the trip eastward by way of Canada. This will be tbe first praotioal test of Britain's new military highway to the tMBt aoroes her American possessions, and the result will be looked for with muoh interest. Efforts are being made to cultivate the wattle-tree in the Kansas and Uol orado plains. It is a shrub of Austral- Ian origin, containing more tannio acid In its bark than a big oak. In 1801 there were thirty-five trans lations of the Soriptures in existence. There are now nearly three hundred. Am aluminum steamboat is now run ninsr on the Lake of Zurich, Switzer land, it weio-ha onlv abont half a ton. or half the weight of an ordinary boat of the same size. The vessel carries eight persons, and with a two-horse petroleum engine easily makes six miles an hour. In the 6,000,000 letters tbat reach ed tbe Dead Letter Office last year there waa monav amnnntiDff to V2K.t42. and checks and notes of the value of 471,871. SI, A mocntain of coal in Wyoming been burning for thirty years. has Syrup of Figs, I'roduced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kid neys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. The newest kind of a thief la one It Bellevue, O., who steals thermometer f exclusively. Be Struck It Klch. What would you think If someone that you knew to be responsible would offer to give you a well stocked general store for one year s work? You would, no doubt, consider It big pay and jump at tbe chance. Well, such things bave been done and are being done right along. Messrs. B. t . Johnson at Co- of Rloh mond, Vi, number among their employe many men wbo earn the value of a first clars store every year. W. F.Davis worked for them awhile, then opened a snug general store an' Hick's Wharf, Matthews county, Va , sad wrote this firm a fol'ows: "I can only say that I give your business credit for wbut I am. If I were to meet with any bsd luck, or lose what I have made, lam proud to say that I could go tn you for employment and soon make another store." They can show you bow to double and treble your Income, If you are in any business em ploying a capital of less than t-KO; and if you are not In any business at ail, they will enable you to be In a short time. If you will take their advice. They want a good bnnrst man oi woman In every country In the Union to roan, age business that will yield handsome returns. W rite them at once for Information. In nolTister. Cal.. a Chinaman is or ganizing a Masonic Lodge for the lene- fit of his countrymen. Mr. Taos. Rockstrob, Wakefield, MU hliran writes: "A few days ago I received your letter Inquirlngas to the efficiency of the ft Bernard vegetable Fills sent me. I find your Pills un surpassed for indigestion and bead-ache. lam a miner, and, in my calling-, have to contend with gun powder smoke, tbe effect of w hich frequently causes heai-ache. Since taking your St. tsernara egetable nils, I am no longer troubled In this manner, and shall al ways keep the Pills on hand. I hereby tender you my since rest thanks for your wonderf u' medicine. The first invoice of feathers has been received at San Diego, Cal., from thr ostrich farm at Mouut Falrview. How's This t We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by ta.mB nan s lautrm .ure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O We, the nnderslgned, have known F. J 15 and believe MoT peifectlj honorable In all business traisao slness traisac. carry out any lions, ana nnaneiaiiy able to obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. Ohio. Walalng. Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale Drue gl!, leledo, Ohio. TJali's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Served its Missios.-"You've made your share of noise In the world," re marked the cigar stump. "Yes," mournfully replied the fire cracker. 'And I'm busteV "Don't feel well," and yet you are not sick enough to consult a doctor, we will tell you Just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsaparllla, which will lift you out of that nncertaln, un comfortable, dangerous condition. Into a state of good health, confidence and cheerfulness. There are ouly twenty hearses in Buf falo One day recently every one of them was in use, and at the same hour Prevents Pneumonia. Dr. Hnxsie's Certain Croup Cure positively Erevents pneuuionia. diphiueria and mein raneous croup. It has no rival. Sold by drug gists or will be mailed on receipt of aucts. A ui areas A. P. Hoxsle, Buffalo. N. Y. No cause for beorkt. An Irish man who was shingling a barn got toe near the edge and rolled off and fell tc the ground. Oi wuz coomlh' down anyway,' ht reflected. "OI wuz jist out o' nails." Will Fight to a Finish. As long as the fight lasts among ihe wall paper manufacturers, the Fidelity Wall Paper Co., of No. 12 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, will give the publio the advantage of the drop in prices. We get this from them direct. Send foot two cent stamps for samples of theu 8, 10 and 12 cent gilts. A great religious revival is eweep'ng over Northern New Brunswick. It la aid to be unequaled In the history of to provinces. FITS: A3 Flu stopped free ny Dr. Klraearirss bertt Hestorer. ftotitaafier Brat day's ase. Mar erfus cures. Treatise and n. w trial botue free to Fit caaea. bend u Dc haine.Kil Area St rauaPa An artesian well at Portland, Ore., it down 1,800 feet, and has cost, so far, tl8 000. with no prospects yet of secur ing a good flow of water. DIIDTIIDC Jacob Genchelmer,of Clay nUr I linCi ton, N.J, have been thorough ly cured of my rupture by Dr. J. B. Mayer, Wl Arch Ht., Pbila. 1 do the hardest kind of lilt ing and wear no truss. Go to se-5 him. Dr. Mayer also gives treatment at Hotel Penn, Heading, Pa., on the 2d Saturday and follow lug buuday of each month. It is Climated thst 2r0 lives were ' AMERICAN Energy. ot In Contended Fields of Leisure la Fama M -altxad. "Men and measures ooma and go, lse and fall so rapidly in America," iir, Stantley explained to Emln Fasba ind Captain Casati, says a New York rVorld correspondent, "that you never cuow whether the millionaire and the soot black may not have changed places with one another since we have een in Africa. The peculiarity of American life is that no one can affort to halt and say: 'I've done enough. f you stop you re done and done (or (n America no man can afford to rest Dn his laurels. If he attempts it he is trampled under by new men and for gotten in no lime. Now in England," he continued, addressing more directly to the young Englishmen, "in Kogland it is different A man may accomplish some great thine and the fame of it upholds him for years, if not till death, liut in America be has got to keep on doing: keep on working, moving, pushing, striving, hurrying ilong in the swim, or he einks despite lis little buoy of fame, and he is for gotten till his death brings him to pub ic notice again, when the newspapers take his remains in hand for an hour ar a day and pursue the spirit that has gone with a parting volley of obit, taries". nor reassuring. Hiss Coquette nye jou a matcnr" Mr. Flint "Nol ' Mies C "What shall we do?" Mr. J?'. "Let's make one?' Miss C. "And in tbat case hould be tbe stick, I suppose." you 41 tos AH back every cent jou've paid for it, if it doesn't benefit or cure you. A med icine that promises this is one that promises to help you. Eut there's only one medicine of its kind that can and does promise it. It's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It s the guaranteed remedy for all Blood, Skin and Scalp Dis- eases, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula. It cleanses, purifies, and enriches the blood, invigorates the system, and cures Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas and all manner of blood- taints from whatever cause. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. It's the best blood-purifier, and it's he cheapest, no matter how many loses are offered for a dollar for fou pay only for the good yon get. Nothing else is "just as good" as ihe " Discovery." It may be better for the dealer. But he wants Honey and you want help. JOHNSON'S Anodyne Liniment. T ORIGINATED IN I8IO. SIS I 0T III ALMOST A CISTTJI1. F.rrr lmelr. Ererr ffttnilr houll kfp It at hand, f..r the ronimoit 111. of lifo h.ble to occur to any on.. It I. S.a.thtnlt. Iteallntf and Petiwlnuinir. Oti,- DMd .1 i.v. Mnntt.,1. Sold everrwh-re. lTlce S8c . St. Full wUcuUj. Ire L S. Jull!ON a 1-u.fiojTuii, JU.O. NE HOTTLE OF TONTI WILL DEVELOP Ihe but live Inches in 30 day, or money re rulfil : irle . will hrautlfy the complexion Ifl cure Con.lllnnt ion ? send .tlmnfnrrlriil-ir i Its. Hit. MILLER, lOloCtiestnut St.,Phlla. Pa. WAIT' T1 TON If? ii i -u... i i nr. loronic I n.tlpail.n. mn,le fre. lia. SWAN, Bearer Dam, Wla. I I J77 im i f, ni.r. i jjflv FFVFR CURE0 10 sm cured. lit I IC I Lit We want the name and ad. dressof every sufferer in the RVJ I LIMA U.S. and Canada. Addn Mania aAJM,I.A. Koftla.LL 100 FZB CZHT m4 wts 7i8 CASE PriM "V-iaaflWl ftva Tntl Or. IrKHrrwn. u , u.t i CENTS WANTED ON SALARY. or r?mmifiton to hazill the New Patent Chmkral Ink Craniate PenMl. Aroits making so pr wMfc. nc-nrae crater Jtr g to., lm rtMa, na, box B31. A FORTUNE Ill IT tTpwaM- of 3.000 H f'n compute, wanted to maka nil h&niuntlM tn two years. n royalty tn State ot U. S.,alo Agent, wamea or ini ww,... - f -.a-ua. Pa. PATaUt iHl rfUflM - saw-va Pi hf IUI tollaaow. SO ota. a ; WVU. T .' a Mar. BaBDDlacoBf M Dr. J U. DTK. Editor, gale, a. I nnyp sTl'Ut, BooK-KgEPWO, lixetntte HU.HL forms, nmmanship.Arithmettc.Wiort hand, etc , Tborouohlt Tauour bt mail. rirctiUrs fre. Bryauifa CoUeg. AST Mala St., Buffalo, N. Y. The Mala Poiat The small boy hnd a dog that was -ough, as most small boys1 dogs al- vavs are, ana a young girl who lived text door had a kitten, sly as all cats ire. One day the boy came nonchal intly into the girl's presence, and af r some desultory conversation he aid: You know mv do? Barca and vour at Darling?" Yes." VY ell. my dog had a piece of meat ind he thought your cat was going to 4ke It away from him. 1 hous-ht! exclaimed the wise little ;irl. " hat makes you say that tbe os thought? You know dogs don't .hink tuey instinct" "Well, said the boy, "I don t caw hother he thought it or instinct it, but any how he killed vour cat." Three.f aartera af a Ceatarj aa tka Stare. It is very rare, that an actress cele- jratos her seventy-fifth year of con- ecutive service on the stage of the ame theater. This event, perhaps jnique in dramatic annals, has just occurred at Stuttgart, wnere rrau Louise Schmidt, of the Roval Court heater, has now completed her three- quarters of a century of uninterrupted engagements with that house. She made her debut in 1814, being thea 9 fears old. The head waiter reminds one of mat rimony He is a high menial, will be remembered. Miss Bracdon, in her forthcoming novel, "Gerald: or. the World, tha Flesh, and tbe Devil" has chosen for ber theme, the Agnoetio's sense of the shortness of Ufa and the futility of ricnes;tne same reeling whlah breathe through the lament of the preaoher. The story is a sad one, and the ma chinery, whioh in an essentially modern manner reproduces the Central idea of Balzao's "Pean de Chagrin." touches only the outermost fringe of the super natural. fnlneT ? g? ''uSaSS SLS WHICH IS THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR MOST POWERFUL AND SAFEST BLOOD MEDICINE. Swift's Specific S- S. S. BEST because It is the only permanent care for contagious Bloood Fetaoa) Ekin Cancer and inheritel Scrofula. POPULAR because it does all that Is claimed for Ik POWKRFUL because It purges the blood of all Imparl ties. SAFEST Bcf.ase It contains no mercury or poison of any kind. Is puraly vegetable and o n be taken by Uie amoet delicate child. inn $0 <t 4r iiitistt rntt. The Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ca. DR. TALMAGE'S ful ncrav.tiin. aviso m rr&nd picture ot' Jerusalem on r!vn R .n rwtk.u.k J feosTth. KxcTuairs territory. No capital nedL SKI lOOOAutNIS WANTED. Addnaa 17 -ELY'8 CREAM BALM-" tke PaiiiMfMi Allavs laln and Jnflamfnatfanv Heals the Mores. Hntom Taste and Mrarll, and Curea A Apvijt into the Sostrile. 140. Druggists or by mail. HUMOROUS. Many handkerchiefs are moistened by sorrows that never occur. Dentists are not all farmers, but they live t n the achers just tbe same. It would be hardly fair to call alack legged lawyer a limb of the law. It is odd enough that burglars take such risks In a safe opening. A stingy man can be relied upon to keep everything but his promise. An acceptable third party movement Leaving the young couple by them selves. Some weak-knefd husbands with very Luge wives are not able to hold their own. The debtor Is the fellow who isn't at all anxious to have his creditors hurry on his account. 'Mamma, why do they put the pic ture of an eagle on dollars?" "To show tbat money tlies, my dear." Marriage is a divine institution, but it is hard to divine some people's reason for ever having entered IU "Capital punishment, " as tbe boy said when the sohool-mlstreas seated him with tbe girls. A man unds tbe poorest companion, ship when be "entertains a suspicion." Your friends may not know much. bt t they know what they would do If uiey were in your place. Stranger (brightly) Fine day I Cbrouic Urumbler Ye-es locally probably raining somewhere. Now is the time when tbe small bov of the family is caught poaching cn his nioiuer's preserves. All animals have their eood points. but for abundance of the same none can compete with the porcupine. It Isn't so much that a man objects to pay the debt of nature; it is the nature of tbe debt that troubles him. The peacock may not be inclined to gossip, but be loves to spira l a high colored tale about the neighbor hood. A man can always keep himself in good credit so long as he doesn't ask for It. Paste this in your hat and dodge tbe fatal request. The ownership of tbe modern bouse Is usually shaded between the baby, tne nurse aud the hired girl. "I see that a tapir f scaped, from a traveling menagerie in Prance recent ly." "H'm Sort of a runaway match?" "If I were only in politics," mused the car horse, as be started up the hill, "what a lot I could do with the pull I have." Easy Traveling. "He travels on his shape. "Does he. Indeed ? WelL he's so fat. one revolution will take him a aood way. Catty Miss Joyce "Yes. Jack and I are to income partners for life.'' Miss aieauei "And you will be tbe senior I Artner. Bow nice." A man never fully realizes how much of a sponge he Is until he slips down la a puddle of water and mops it all up. You seldom see a man so honest tbat be says to his wife, "Where did I leave my hat?' He usually says, ' Where did you put it?" Fathomed ber artifice. "Odhdh. let me kiss you right on that little bald spot," "Whose bill is It, and how much?" Ghoulish glee. "Why did vou laugb so fiendishly at Wiggins when bis umbrella blew-inslde out?" "Hal It was one he borrowed from me a month ago.'' Ikccbablb Air. Auopod t through the telephone, 2 a. m.) "Doctor, come down right away and eee the baby." ur. raiesis "What setns to be the trouble)'' Mr. IS oo pop "I thlDk It's insoni- nla." A WHOEL8ALB dealer. Talkative Drummer (to Stronger, on train) "What's your line?" Stranger "Brains!" Drummer (sarcastically 1 "Indeed! how do yon sell 'em?" stranger "By the case: I'm a law yer!" A rttlek. Wealthy Partv -nam my aaugoxer, ear vyny. vou bare juit failed in bustn sal" Yonng UptosnnS "1 couldn't think of marryingjf I hadn't." Wealthy Party "Bhe is Toura. Yon are bound to succeed." A farmer of Murray County. Ga.. sixty -five years old, boasts tbat himself ana several members of bis family have never worn anything but home-made dotting, Tbe wool was raised, woven dyed and made np at home. Professor H. W. 8. Cleveland of UlniiMnnlli Minn ... l letter of Benjamin Franklin, in form big Uatt postmaster in Boston that he should not exempt governors from pay- N "LIFE OF CHRIST. 9f 4 'b...a I aJ Tl 1 natt-Mtdktfv with saw UMI WO tb dj of Um emoifixioo. m Vi oolun and tn ft ill FA V. Aito Hand DUW and P. O. of S W"" LJT.f "J" t nf Mrt mtul Mt TUm.'. liluUfUM DIMnbQI V vr.. HISTORIC ALPUB. CO.. Phil. Pa. ELY BB0&, M Warren bl, H. T. Taking butter from milk was known in the earliest times. It was left for our time to make a milk of cod liver oil. Milk, the emulsion of but ter, 'is an easier food than butter. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is an easier food than cod-liver oil. It is rest for digestion. It stimulates, helps, restores, digestion; and, at the same time, sup plies the body a kind of nourishment it can get in no other way. Scott ft Bownb. Ckcouau, ja South 5th Arcaua, New York. Your drugf tit keens Scott's Eauluoo of cod-liver oilail druggists everywhere do. 1. 25 POULTRY YARD! i IM PaaM. 46tfaE41ftt. Writ-1 I t9B five year aftr 1 haul learned I f to niAVko Hofra avnd Pool try a aur miiia. a pi aviikai r aifewau. aslly loaraod: describe all of tbetr dloaaa and their romedloa. Hw tm aaaho Ueata lay Ecsa. Ckssiaar. iiaaaa and Raata von I iprtao. Toucan learn It 1b on day. Wtth ft Dothara. Price. 16c.: oca oant a rear for bit i KEK catalog; m unetw jiiniirtiaa a ft on or my tire, etc a. Lajra, w On ooooooooooo THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD I TTTTT'Q Otiny liver pills O OhaT. all thaTlrtoe of the. larastr onee-l 4. eqnallr ffectleai porelr Tefetabl. sjgf f-.XACl we mown iu 10a noraer. OOOOOOOOOOO FIFTY YEARS I MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP has been aied by mothara for their children while Teething fur over Ft Civ Tears. Is euothea the OMld, auftena the Vuma, allar 1 nil pain, cures wnd oolie. ana U tha faaat . rented r for diarrlHea. i Tweoo-Sve Ccsti a Battle, f ha. aaaaaaaaaaaaaayaagaarfWftftftJy With won derf oi Re sults for tbe Prevention of Hair fall lug out, 1m ofBald leu as. for wing; KTTOWlDa; Board used. PILOCRESCIN, rjAMSCUINSKY'S ! GREAT HAIR PRODUCER. Prieo ai.OO. Sold by all Drugglsta, Gray. Red or Faded Hair- is Dyed BI.UAUr. UtlUWS UK BLACK With'a celebrated liquid Hair Dye. which is guaranteed harmless (no silver nor i- l. One bottle, one an,.; cr.fn- hair In a few minutes. Price 75 Cta. All drug-a-IMs. or by C. DAMSCH1NSKY, 226-228 East ;th St., New York, sent free by mall after receipt of price. Sis Baaax Taoarsoa, tbe most noted physician of Bag land, says that more than half of all diseasea eome from errors la diet Send for Free Sample of Garfleld Tea to SIS Watt 4Mh Street, Xew Tori: City. GARFIELD TEA ir. W ('Ad atisWfftetmree Bleat Headacfcat rlorMVaipixiaaicsaxavaaiiiMlla a Pan's Bamedy sbr Catarrh Is tbe Best. Eartest to Tern, and Cheapest. Hold by druggist or aent by mall, floe . T. HaultUM. War ran. Fa, JAPANESE I CURE A cure for Piles. External, Internal. Blind, Bleeding, aud Itching. :Chronic, Recent, or Hereditary. This remedy has positively i.ever been known to fall, tl a box. tlx for 5, by mail . A written guarantee given with six boxes, when purchased at one tune, to refund the 5 if not cured. Guarantee issued by H.mmktt ;MJP9.LC?E Co- W holesale and Ketail Agents! 106 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (m& AMERICAN W (atarrh 0re - On Bottle Curea, jj Sold by DrueKlsts. or mailed to any address for tl. Stops the dropping In the throat In one week ; removes the bad breath and headaches t restores the hearing and sense of smell; Im proves the apnet te and Invigorates the system. Piepared bv 6r VM. B. JoXES Specialist In v.....a, .o . ma oireei, runs. ra. (JoDsul tatlon and advice .Free. 11 a. m. to 3 o. m oymptom nianks and testimonials mailed free gn sddre. AMERICAN NEUKAWJIA ....Hncuiaitn. uk. ov mall. prm an a npuvv . SIX DOLLA Rsifor material, trunmuus aad lo amcuuoa. TupuuwirntcnuM,udmul BieMura. Tils U the Mw "Silk 6'ndmnar Jhbrie." rih 7 "ljly Dare," Hi A rora Herald, - -- . mui)i hu , . catatonia, atoacaii a RamaOTOM, aalunji Afta., Fall Rlvar, Maaa. WANTKD-OBOANIZERS FOR A WELL established Seven Year EndowmentOrder, w. wo ui reonsTivania. Tbe only Fraternal and Beneficial Order roaklntjoans to Its members. BUILDING A3- Bf.SfA1L?fci tVJf IJ,SD WITH good canvassers. Address W. H. Nellon. BUDreme i Secretary, UU tbestnutSueet, Phila delphia, Fa. ITS TTgPEED FREE TaiaBa Parafiaa FDr. KLIN B; 8 QBKAl N1RVE REHTnQBl mm Bun m diii.iu r. r" emt ' Ia ud at trial awtl. tne tm WH pMas ta mtjmmexrnm AarrM me kat waa i sm !. r. o ui wxprem atarvai W aanaaa""nrsBWSi ssav-aar- lvcDmnvr I 1 r 1 2& nood 1 I FOR PATEWTSSSJSSES The Change of Life. The sole aim of women rearing this critical period should be to keep well, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is peculiarly adapted to this condition It curve the) wortt forma of Ffnl Conip'aints Rh..' down Fwituc. Back, Luoorrhow. f am,,, ".Tnt placement or the Womb, Inflammation, Oiarian Troubl and ail Organic DiM-aaf of th L'trrut or Womb k,a, n-1 aud it invaluable to tha Change of Life. ' DiMolves and pU Tiimora from thr (.'tenia at ma tae. and chechi anjp leiid.-rt.-f to Cancerous Hurrn,r ' Subduva Famines, Excitability, Kervjua Priritraiioa Ear VauatlOB. Kidney- loinplatiita. and tnuet the Stomach Ail lru(liU aeu u. nr tent njr LfUtetixtri, on rvcvipv. I.O. I.trerp ul. in to. 11, t,t prii, M Camspondtiec trrt-y answered. A -fJrM in ionfldenea I V NX. SI AAA. 0)ADWAlrS'i lfll PILLS The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy. For tbe cure of all disorders of the Stomach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Ois- eases. Loss of Appetite. Headache, ConMlua. tliu, Costtveness. Indlgestioa. BHlousuetH Fever, Inflammation of the BoweK Files and all derai cements of the Internal Viscera. Pure ly vesTetaule. containing, no uercurv. minaraia or deleterious drugs. PERFECT DIGESTIONS!' r: taking one of Railway's fills erery mornlnc about ten o'clock, aa a dlnnei pill. By so iMug SICK HEADACHE DviDepsla. Foul Stomach. Biliousness, will k. avouied and the food tnat Is eiilen contribute. lis nourisillMK wieruex ior ine support oi the natural waste of the body. atrf-Observe the fol owinc symptoms result ing from Dlwtse of the UUeshve Organs: Con stipation. Inward Piles, fullness of the Blood In the Head, Ac dity of the Stomach, Nausea Heartburn,! lag :st of Food, Fullness or Welaht in the Stomach, Sour Eru ta lons Sinking or Fluttering of the Heart, Choking or Suffoca ting Sensa' lous when In a lying iosture. Dim ness of Islon. Dots or Webs before the Slirht F'everand Dull Fain In the Head, Heflclenc-y of Ferspiratlon, Yellowness of the skin and tfyes, Fain In the Side, Ol est, I.lmbs. and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh. A few doses of RAUWAVS I'll.Ks will free the system of all the above named disorders. Price 5 eta. per boa. Sold hy all druzglsta. Send a letter stamp to IK. KADWA v & . No. 3 Warren street. New York. a-lnforma-tlon worth thousands wltl be sent to you. TOTHKPl BLI;. Be -ure and ask for K AI W AY'S and see that the name "RADW A Y" Is on what you buy. DYSPEPSIA. No other form ot Indisposition occurs so fre quently with adults, as well aa with children, as dyspepsia (weakness of digestion). No other manifests Itself by ao many different symp toms, and Is consequently mistaken for tome other disorder. No other has more serious results if neglected, and yet no other la more easily cured than ao-callel Indigestion. It occurs with babies and teeth ing children and with grown persons particu larly In consequence of a cold on the stomach, (catarrh) caused by wet feet. Improper diet or ntemperanca In eating orditnklng. Tbe us of Icy beverages Is particularly dangerous In this respect. It manifests Itself at first by loss ot appetite, aversion to certain kinds of food, a desire to vomit, coated tongue, parched lips and sharp pains Just above and between the yes. If tbe trouble continues for any length of time, the patients grow thin and weak, and and la consequence become peevish and mo rose. If the disease Is confined to the stomaoh It Is usually accompanied bv constipation. If It extends into the Intestines, aa Is often the ease with children, diarrhoea sets In, which is extremely weakening. If the disease Is neglect ed In tbe beginning the pain over the eyes in creases to -uch an extent with gron persons that the symptoms resemble those of Inflamma tion of the bowels or of the brain. More or less violent att cks of fcrer almost always accom pany a weak digestion, and frequently ths eause of the disease Is sought anywhere elae than In the stomach, which has become rebel lious In conseqence ofacoldoran Iniproperdiet. And yet all forms of dyspepsia can be easily readied with the aid of the St Bernard Vege table Pills, which are prepared from the herbs of the Swiss Alps. The pills contain an extract of ihese herbs which act as a t-nle and at the same time beal'ng aud streii;tHeiilug. It asrrees with the most delicate constitution, and re news the pow er of digestion In the stomach an! consequently iheappetite lit a womierlui oiau- ner. 1 be St. Bernard Vegetable Pills can be obtained of any flrsi-class druggist. If your (IruocFtstLS havpn t th.m. wnri -A4.- ti, 'Kt nard." Box 2116, New York City, and yea will i receive same nostnald bv return mail. la ' ' 117 Tl ANAKESIS gives In stant relief aud Is an INFALLIBLE CCaK for PILES. Prices $1; at arugglsis', or by mall. Samples free. Address; "Anakesls." Box 2416, New York City. r 11JJU PAPER CUTTERS! IF THIS MEETS TH EYE OF ANY Printer. Bookbinder, Lithographer, Paper Maker or Paper Box Maker, WHO MAY BE Cf WIST OF A FIRST-CLASS PAPER CUTTER. KB WOOD SAVE MONEY BY WRITING TO TM HOWARD IRON WORKS, BCTFALO, It. T., TOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Ladles can make BIG Profit by tacartiis rabacrlben for th lesvlitijr, oUlaM and beat Lftdlaa' Bom and Faafalua ftlaasl& la a-jnarlotx. proflta&la and pleaaant occuptaUwa, Uial any lady oan ngf in, and maintain her dlAmity. t full vartloulax aend oa your nam and addraaa on poatal card. If you wani a full outfit and aaniuka copy, trod 13 Cfblt, or w will fndforSaaania for ceala Uiat yon mar know ana apLrvuiaU tu axoaliaocica always addraas (vODEt'!i LAUY'H BOOK, BOX X, lfittS. PblUdeTphlta. Pa. WOODBTJUT'S FACIAL 80 A?. or the akin, aalaaodCa.laate. rU twttof avareanaxparlanoa For aaia at inurvlsu or by mall, Ms. Batnpla Cakf and IM p. boak oo lrmatoioiry txnd Baucy, Illu.; on bktn. i-aJp, Nroua and Blood dlsMuw and their trftmcnf. ivnt mated fur l i aiad DISFlfll HIBT likUKTB HlKKS W.s-tai laaatlai laik aarl aVwter arks, Scara, PtUlaffa. am af a- 3U Mrltne Hair, risapl, ., removaa )tt!f H. WOODBlM. PERHkTOLOeira IWrff 11 11 K. 1 Wt 4atr4, K. f. Oi j. CoBruJtatio Ctm. at ofcm or hv tooar. AjnmX wanud la aaca niauai 'fmWlDD LADIES'. XUDiS t0 BBTB ' 1 7KI i.r W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE oe NTLEMEN, Tie BEST SHOE la the World for ths Monty. tiKNTI.KMRH and l.ADIKH, aara your dol lan by waaiiat W. u Douglas aaoaa. Tber bm im vraata of all clantaa, aad art the most coaonloal Soot-waar aw offarad for lh noHf. Baoara ol elan who offer otiiar makaa, aa Mi juat at load, and be aura yoa have W. L. Ooaglaa umaee, tnta aaau and prtre atampwl on bottom. W. L. Pouslaa, Broaktoe, Maaa, ITT1KI MO aUBSTITPTK. ga looal adverUsad oealara aoppljrtas jaav FUkkY WAJtRANTED UTon Scales 60rngicfiT rr I CM 1. t()Art Wa want a wida-awaka honaK tal Dll TO 111111 sun orwomaa io kvr; oounty VIVV W VkVW to tha U. 8 .tolntroduoa aaari A aakatty srill a wHhoa. Adapt- UAMTU dt town oroountry- No pax "IWH I n jot rntKliolna or crxms H-ralrr ptoadld opaixlfia fur tb right partem. 4aW la VMarM aai flaaTt waM Ua far taker. Et W aa foara a fw ttoun a watk, writ vt one 100 r JolLSSOI CO, Richmond, Va . for taformattoa ako tba MffMt iala n aarta woMkiiic ma. wia ASLH1 TJkV a V aa opaaoTadip